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Haiti: Five Months After the Earthquake

Date post: 30-May-2018
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Haiti: Five Months aFter the earthquake tuesday, January 12tH  A devastating earthquake ravages Port-au-P rince and surroun- ding areas, leaving some 220,000 dead and over a million homeless. Te entire country is aected. An Action Against Hunger sta member is killed during the earthquake, the orga- nization’s oce in Port-au-Prince is turned to rubble, and all emergency stocks are destroyed.  Within hours, Action Against Hunger launches a massive emergency relie operation. It is one o the frst organizations to respond to the disaster. Within the frst month, ACF charters our planes loaded with emergency aid, sends 30 experts in disaster relie operations to the region, and hires an additional 250 local sta members. A team o nearly 700 people, 90% o  whom are Haitians, is ully mobilized to respond in the hardest- hit areas. tHe first tHree montHs Each day, Action Against Hunger provides clean water to more than 80,000 Haitians sheltering in make-shit camps throu- ghout the capital rom large bladder tanks and water points set up in stricken areas. ACF teams build 600 latrines and conduct broad public awareness campaigns to train amilies in emer- gency hygiene and sanitation practices. One thousand nursing mothers and their inants receive medical, nutritional, and psychological support in 15 “mot her-baby” tents established throughout the capital, 100 tons o high-protein biscuits are distributed to children under fve, and tarps are handed out so amilies displaced by the quake can build shelters. Action  Against Hunger employs 4,400 Haitians to clear the streets o dangerous debris. five montHs later oday, ACF assists more than 100,000 Haitians living in very precarious conditions in some 40 camps throughout Port-a u- Prince. Rebuilding lives will take months, even years, given the scale o the destruction and losses suered. Even as the cameras turn away rom Haiti, Action Against Hunger remains commit- ted to helping communities regain their livelihoods, secure  water and ood supplies or the uture, and begin the painsta- king process o rebuilding their lives. action against hunger’s eMergency relieF eFForts aCf’s initial response at a GlanCe Today , ACF assists more than 100,000 Haitians living in very precarious conditions in some 40 camps throughout Port-au-Prince.
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Haiti: Five MonthsaFter the earthquake

tuesday, January 12tH

 A devastating earthquake ravages Port-au-Prince and surroun-

ding areas, leaving some 220,000 dead and over a million

homeless. Te entire country is aected. An Action Against

Hunger sta member is killed during the earthquake, the orga-

nization’s oce in Port-au-Prince is turned to rubble, and all

emergency stocks are destroyed.

 Within hours, Action Against Hunger launches a massive

emergency relie operation. It is one o the frst organizations to

respond to the disaster. Within the frst month, ACF charters

our planes loaded with emergency aid, sends 30 experts in

disaster relie operations to the region, and hires an additional250 local sta members. A team o nearly 700 people, 90% o 

 whom are Haitians, is ully mobilized to respond in the hardest-

hit areas.

tHe first tHree montHs

Each day, Action Against Hunger provides clean water to more

than 80,000 Haitians sheltering in make-shit camps throu-

ghout the capital rom large bladder tanks and water points set

up in stricken areas. ACF teams build 600 latrines and conduct

broad public awareness campaigns to train amilies in emer-

gency hygiene and sanitation practices. One thousand nursing

mothers and their inants receive medical, nutritional, and

psychological support in 15 “mother-baby” tents established

throughout the capital, 100 tons o high-protein biscuits are

distributed to children under fve, and tarps are handed out

so amilies displaced by the quake can build shelters. Action

 Against Hunger employs 4,400 Haitians to clear the streets o 

dangerous debris.

five montHs later

oday, ACF assists more than 100,000 Haitians living in very precarious conditions in some 40 camps throughout Port-au-

Prince. Rebuilding lives will take months, even years, given the

scale o the destruction and losses suered. Even as the cameras

turn away rom Haiti, Action Against Hunger remains commit-

ted to helping communities regain their livelihoods, secure

 water and ood supplies or the uture, and begin the painsta-

king process o rebuilding their lives.

action against hunger’s eMergency relieF eFForts

aCf’s initial response at a GlanCe

Today, ACF assists more than 100,000 Haitians living in very precarious conditions in some 40 camps throughout Port-au-Prince.

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acF’s initial respo

Given the severity of the earthquake, aCf teams in Haiti

contact headquarters. On the morning o January 13th, an emer-

gency committee convenes to launch an immediate response or

earthquake survivors.

already mobilized, teams on the Ground rush to provide drinking

 water to earthquake victims. Large bladder tanks are reflled several

times a day with clean water trucked in rom outside. By the end o 

the frst three months, over 80,000 people have access to enough sae

 water to meet their daily needs.

the first CarGo plane lands in port-au-prinCe. On

board: fve ACF experts and 20 tons o water and sanitation

equipment, including bladder tanks and other hardware to

establish emergency water distribution stations. Te objective:

to supply drinking water to 75,000 people. A second airplane

loaded with high-protein biscuits lands in Santo Domingo the

ollowing uesday.

aCtion aGainst hunGer’s offiCe in haiti is not spared by the

earthquake. As the risk o new tremors makes entering buildings

dangerous, a makeshit oce and living quarters is set up next to

the house where international sta lived prior to the earthquake.

Haiti: five montHs after tHe eartHquake







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END OF JANUARY: as the rainy season approaChes and the

risk o disease outbreaks grow, Action Against Hunger rushes to

install latrines and train displaced amilies in proper hygiene and

sanitation practices in emergency settings.

BEgiNNiNg OF MARch: rubble and waste pile up in the streets,

threatening public health. Action Against Hunger launches “cash-or-

 work” programs to clear the streets o debris, providing an economic

boost to people with vulnerable amilies, including single parents and

those caring or children with disabilities. By the end o June, nearly 

10,000 people will have beneftted rom these programs.

four tents open in port-au-prinCe Camps to provide nursing

mothers and their inants a sae place or breasteeding, as well

as medical, nutritional, and psychological support. oday, 1,000

mothers and their babies use the centers, and they are spreading the

 word amongst their neighbors.

aCf distributes hyGiene kits containing essential items—inclu-

ding buckets, tarps, soap, and blankets—to earthquake survivors

displaced in camps throughout Port-au-Prince. Tese distribu-

tions are conducted calmly, in collaboration with local community 

groups, and without armed security. By the end o June, 80,000

Haitians will have beneftted rom these distributions.

A 5:00 p.m. on January 12, a 7.0 manude earquae re ha. Por-au

Prne, near e earquae’ epener, devaaed.Action Against Hunger’s

emergency teams mobilize to respond to the population’s immediate needs.

at aGlanCe

action against hunger’s eMergency relieF eFForts





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finanCial report

 As o March 31st, Action Against Hunger has collected some €18.3 million in

donations or its initial emergency phase, as well as long-term reconstruction

and recovery programs. Nearly €4.5 million have been spent on emergency 

clean water, sanitation & hygiene, ood security & livelihoods, and nutrition &

health services (as o late March).

 While the revenues received include dollars (both U.S. and Canadian),

euros, and pounds, the totals have been converted into a single currency or

purposes o comparison.

aCtion aGainst HunGer tHanks

all 70,000 individual donors—

too many to be named here—alongwith the many institutions and

corporations, including those listedbelow, for their vital support:

750 grammes AECID Agnès B AquassistanceCaja NavarraCartier InternationalCSCCETE- association des Tours opérateursCharalCIAA CitroënCrédit coopérati Bergey PatrimoineDHL ExpressDFID

Eat OnlineECHOEden park Eyes upFinish LineFondation de FranceFondation d’entreprise AirbusFondation Veolia environnement

 JCDecauxLes rats des villesLes inrockuptiblesMaltemMaximiles

MediaprismOFDA Orrick, Herrington & Sutclif Orrick Rambaud MartelSaint GobainSFR SIAAPSIDA SSPSystème UTyco InternationalUbicusUNICEF

UniaUniversal Music FranceViadeo

 Warner Music France Yuma ProductionZagat Survey 

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