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Hakol October

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TLSE Newsletter for October
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Shanah Tovah
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Shanah Tovah

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In my ‘Rabbi’s Word’ column a few months ago, I wrote

about the impossibility of genuine pluralism existing in our Jewish community. If one group of people believes in the divine origin and absolute infallibility of the scripture that underpins their religious belief and practice while another does not, then there is a major fault line between those two groups.

Precisely such a gap exists between the Orthodox and non-Orthodox branches of Judaism (this is probably no less true for other religious groups, but let’s stick with Judaism). I regard my role in our synagogue, its Religion

School and in particular its bar-/bat-mitzvah and Kabbalat Torah classes as being to point out those differences because they are the essence of Liberal Judaism.

I emphasise the teaching environments in which I am dealing with young people of secondary school age, because it is these students who are receiving the most confused and confusing mixed messages. This is particularly true of those who find themselves in Orthodox Jewish secondary schools, where they are routinely taught Jewish Studies from an exclusively traditionalist perspective.

It therefore becomes my role effectively to offer an alternative Jewish education to

young people who have been assured of the divine authorship of the Torah and the ‘fact’ that dinosaurs are some kind of divine illusion, practical joke by God, or simply don’t exist. When engaging in the process of analysing the origins of the Torah and investigating the intentions of its authors, I am taking my twelve year-old students on a journey through their traditional past that encourages them to make intelligent decisions based on modern scholarship, scientific reality and their own experience of the world, within a context of Jewish tradition (which has always encouraged such questioning). When explaining the difference between the Orthodox position and the Liberal perspective,

October 2011

Jewish schools, Jewish holidays, Jewish intolerance

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I always make sure to point out that everyone is entitled to form their own opinion, using that crucial Liberal principle of informed choice, and that I have every respect for those who hold opinions that are genuinely considered and sincerely practiced. I then make clear what is my own position, but without (I hope) implying that my listeners are under any obligation to reach the same conclusion.

The same, it would appear, is not true of other educational processes within our Jewish world. I recognise that what I am about to write is based purely on verbal reports from teenagers who take part in various educational activities at The Liberal Synagogue Elstree and also attend Orthodox Jewish secondary day schools. One student mentioned to one of his teachers that we had been discussing in class the various sources that made up

the Hebrew Bible, and the response of this teacher was - allegedly - to question the sanity of the boy’s rabbi. Another student, when mentioning to a rabbi in one such school that a relative of hers had converted through Liberal Judaism, that process was ridiculed in front of a whole class of children. Anyone who has attended a bar- or bat-mitzvah ceremony at which members of such schools have been present as guests will know that similar disrespect is demonstrated; though whether this is a consequence of what these children have been taught in their Jewish schools or just what passes for acceptable behaviour in their own synagogues is not for me to say.

What I can say is that I think those members whose children are exposed to such opinions in their day schools ought to give some thought as to how to provide their

offspring with a more balanced perspective. This is particularly important if the Jewish status of their children might be questioned by those same individuals and institutions who make such disparaging remarks about Liberal Judaism’s beliefs and practices.

Perhaps one way to demonstrate to their children the place of Judaism in their lives and the significance of its Liberal message would be to ensure that when their Jewish schools close for the holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, for example, the opportunity is taken for these children to attend their synagogue’s festival services. Otherwise one cannot help thinking that perhaps those criticisms of Liberal Judaism are rather closer to the truth than we might care to admit.

Chag same’ach (and hope to see you in shul!)Rabbi Pete Tobias

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Religion SchoolAnyone who was at the Religion School service on the first day of the term will know what a wonderful place the TLSE Religion School is! A great atmosphere was enjoyed by more than sixty people - children, parents and teachers - as we prayed and sang our way through our service to conclude a great Sunday morning’s activities.

Here’s to another great few weeks that will take us through Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah - come and be part of the excitement on these dates in October:Sunday 2nd 10.00am – 12.15pm Religion SchoolSunday 9th* 10.00am – 12.15pm Religion School Sunday 16th 10.00am – 12.15pm Religion School Sunday 23rd No Religion School - half termSunday 30th No Religion School - half term

And parents: please join us at 12.15pm for that brilliant Religion School service to end the morning!

* Sunday 9th October will include building our Sukkah!

Bar-/Bat-Mitzvah ClassSeptember was the first month that Rabbi Pete can remember ever having conducted three b’nei mitzvah ceremonies on consecutive Saturdays! And October is going to be another special month - having said goodbye to Lauren Bennett, Alex Gutwin and Sophie Posner last month, three more will have left the class by the end of this month: Jack Walton, Abigail Daniels and Jake Dousie, who all celebrate becoming bar-/bat-mitzvah in the next few weeks!

The bar-/bat-mitzvah class meets on the following dates in October:Saturday 1st 9.30 – 10.45amSaturday 15th 9.30 – 10.45am

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Kabbalat TorahMembers of the KT 2011 group will be making their first public appearance when they lead the Additional Service on Yom Kippur afternoon. This service is one of the most moving and uplifting of the entire day of Yom Kippur - and it happens when most people have gone home after the morning service (for lunch?!) This special service is well worth staying for - it starts around 1.30pm and is guaranteed to bring inspiration and depth to your observance of Yom Kippur.

The dates for the KT group to meet in October are:Sunday 2nd 3.30 - 5.00pmSaturday 8th (Yom Kippur) 1.30 - 3.15pm (Additional service)Sunday 23rd 3.30 - 5.00pm

Adult EducationBasic Judaism discussions continue to take place regularly with one class on a Friday evening and one on a Saturday lunchtime. The basic text for these classes is Rabbi Pete’s ‘Liberal Judaism: A Judaism for the Twenty-First Century’ which is available at shul, priced £9.99.

Although these classes are primarily intended for those converting to Judaism, other members are welcome to join the group, which meets after the service on the following dates:October 2011:Saturday 15th How the Rabbis made JudaismFriday 21st How the Enlightenment affected Judaism

On the Friday evening, the service commences at 8.00pm and will be followed by the study session which normally concludes no later than 9.30pm. On Saturdays, the class will also follow the 11.00am service, starting at around 12.45pm and ending at 1.45pm. Refreshments will be available.

Please note that those involved in the conversion programme are expected to attend the service as well as the class that follows it: attendance at services is an integral part of the conversion course.

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Thursday at TLSEOur Thursday night adult education programme for October 2011 will focus on Yom Kippur and Sukkot. The sessions in October will bring the festival season to a conclusion. The dates are as follows:Track A: Mini course (2 sessions)Dates: Oct 6th, 13th: 7.45 - 9.30 pmTrack C: Film Night: UshpizinDate: Oct 20th, 7.45pm

The Tishri festivals:This course will look at the connections between Yom Kippur and Sukkot - the first class will be two days before the Day of Atonement while the second will be at the conclusion of the first day of Sukkot itself. We shall consider the origins, purpose and relevance of these ancient festivals while their impact on us is still fresh. A copy of the High Holyday Machzor is essential; copies can be purchased at the synagogue if you do not already have one.

Film night Ushpizin:Ushpizin is the story of an impoverished Orthodox Jewish rabbi and his wife, who live in Jerusalem, in the days around the annual festival of Sukkot. Before his conversion to a fundamentalist view of his religion, the rabbi had been a tearaway and criminal, who had spent time in jail. His wife is unaware of his past. During the festival it is traditional to offer hospitality, so the couple open their home to two escaped prisoners on the run.

This film works on many levels and is a must see on our giant cinema screen!

The programme for the remainder of 2011 will be discussed at our meeting on October 13th; if you have any suggestions for topics, guest speakers or films, please contact Rabbi Pete: [email protected].

October 6th 7.45-9.30pm High Holyday preparation 4October 13th 7.45-9.30pm Sukkot in the 21st century - a discussionOctober 20th 7.45-9.30pm Film night: UshpizinOctober 27th No class

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Activities for Young People at TLSE!In addition to the monthly meeting of ‘Our Space’, where the numbers continue to grow, we are introducing another strand to our youth programmes this month.

Sunday 22nd November is Mitzvah Day across the whole Jewish community. And TLSE invites all its young people who have celebrated their bar- or bat-mitzvah ceremonies to be part of our new MITZVAH TEAM! This group will meet at least once a month on a Sunday morning (parallel with the Religion School) to plan fundraising or welfare activities - and then make them happen!

So Our Space will take place on Sunday 16th October between 6.00 and 8.00pm - a chance to meet our new LJY-Netzer man, Sam Grant. And the first meeting of the Mitzvah Team will be during the Sunday morning of October 9th, while we build the Sukkah.

And just to add to the fun, LJY-Netzer are holding their Nechalim (year 7-8) weekend at our shul on October 21-23.

So there’s a lot going on for young people at TLSE in October!

zyxwvtrqpnlkihgfedcba`How is your Hebrew reading?

Want to improve it?Why not come along to


Sunday 30th October10.30am - 3.00pm

Refreshments will be served - there will be a small charge.


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Security Rota Sat 1 Oct 10am D Bernard Sun 2 Oct 9.15am M Kaye

S Constantimescu J MacGechan

Sat 8 Oct Yom Kippur Sun 9 Oct 9.15am R Elman

@Clore Shalom S Bishop

D Steinberg

Sat 15 Oct 10am T Ruach Sun 16 Oct 9.15am W Sherwin

M Gray N Wingate

J Posner

Sat 22 Oct 10.15am C Roche Sun 23 Oct Half Term

D Jackson

W Levison

Sat 29 Oct 10am S Mizelas Sun 30 Oct Half Term

M Walton

L De La Cour

Happy Birthday!Jake Dousie

Gabriella BishopCarl Miller

Connor DaveyIsabella SinclairRaphael Haffner

Lola San

Mazel Tov!Jack Walton on his Bar-mitzvah on Saturday 1st OctoberAbigail Daniels for her Bat-mitzvah on Saturday 15th OctoberJake Dousie for his Bar-mitzvah on Saturday 29th October

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Join us onSUNDAY 9th OCTOBER

10am-12.15pmwhen we will be

building our

Please bring lots of greenery and

fruit so that we can completely cover the

sides and the roofRefreshments will be served

The Jewish Museum is currently running a fascinating programme of events, with the theme of famous people. We booked for a tour of Willesden Jewish Cemetery, entitled, ‘ Furniture to Finance, Politics to Prayer.’The tour, led by Rachel Kolsky, gave us a brief taster of a few of the more well known occupants of the cemetery, such as Michael Sobell, Arnold Weinstock and numerous Rothschilds. The cemetery was bought in 1873, in the leafy suburb of Willesden, when the earlier inner London burial grounds in the East End no longer had room for new occupants. The original cost was a mere £3000, rising to £9000 by the time the burial rooms had been built and the

trees planted. It is a surprisingly peaceful setting in this busy corner of North West London and there are still a small number of plots available should you feel so inclined.We learnt some of those interesting religious and historical details which make such tours fascinating. Did you know that Sephardis generally use flat grave stones whilst the Askenazi prefer upright versions, or that the Cohanim, who are not allowed to be near dead bodies in Orthodox tradition, can only walk along the paths near the entrance, because they are considered wide enough to keep them away from the bodies? In the cemetery, men and women are finally considered equal, having their graves

alongside each other, but of course only Jews can be buried here, so many of the Rothschilds who married ‘out’, have their partners buried far away in their country estates, such as Waddesden Manor.Rachel runs a whole programme of public walking tours which can be found on www.golondontours.comTina Shaw

An Afternoon Out

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Page 11: Hakol October


Welcome New Members!

The deadline for copy for the next issue is

Friday 14 October.


2:00 for 2:15pm

Date: Saturday 15 October

Leader: Sue Woolf

(mobile on the day 07749 726 650)

Meet at : In Shenley Park bythe Cafe for a 4

to 5 mile walk

Michael Baumring & Dr Julia Gledhill, Joshua & Ellen;

Ivan & Barbara Shapero; Stephanie Antoniou & Gavin Truslove;

Alan & Rita Gordenfelt; Elizabeth Shaine;

Danielle Sandler, Oliver, Maise & Mia; Emma Babb, Grace & Dani

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Unless you attend TLSE’s Annual General Meeting held in April each year, you don’t have a chance to read the report covering the previous year which includes the annual accounts.

Both documents contain considerable detail, including events and activities plus a list of charities which have benefited from donations from the Tzedek Fund. The latest report, for the

year to 31 December 2010 is now available on the Charities Commission website together with those for earlier years back to 2006.

Go to Charity-commission.gov.uk; our charity number is 262001 or you can search by name.

Trustees Report &Financial Statement

October Council - Open Meeting

The shul Council is concerned that we need to find ways to make more use of the building in order to generate more income to

maintain it and our own activities. Please come to an open meeting of the Council to share your suggestions and help your shul.


Can you help? Do you need help?Two enterprising young members of our community have just completed their GCSE exams and are looking for ways to make themselves useful in the coming weeks.

JOEL LEVENE is offering to babysit (he has been CRB checked!) or walk your dog. Contact Joel on 07718 286258

MAX DAVIDOFF-GREY, a music school student, is offering beginners’ piano lessons in Radlett or in your home at £10 per session. Contact Max on 07791 590716

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Diary for October 2011Sat 1 Oct 09:30 Bar/Bat-mitzvah class

11:00 Shabbat Va’y’chi morning service & Bar-mitzvah of Jack WaltonSun 2 Oct 10:00 Religion School

12:45 KT Group meetingTues 4 Oct 10:00 PilatesThurs 6 Oct 19:45 Adult EducationFri 7 Oct 20:00 Kol Nidrei service at Clore Shalom SchoolSat 8 Oct 11:00 Yom Kippur services at Clore Shalom SchoolSun 9 Oct 10:00 Religion School/Sukkah building

Mitzvah Team meeting12:45 Council Meeting

Tues 11 Oct 10:00 PilatesWed 12 Oct 17:00 Final Sukkah building

18:30 Erev Sukkot serviceThurs 13 Oct 11:00 Sukkot morning service

19:45 Adult EducationFri 14 Oct 18:30 Kabbalat Shabbat service & supperSat 15 Oct 09:45 Bar/Bat-mitzvah class

11:00 Shabbat Shivtei Yisra’el morning service & Bat-mitzvah of Abigail Daniels

12:45 Adult Education14:15 Shabbat afternoon walk

Sun 16 Oct 10:00 Religion School18:00 Our Space

Tues 18 Oct PilatesWed 19 Oct 18:30 Erev Simchat Torah serviceThurs 20 Oct 11:00 Simchat Torah morning service

19:45 Adult EducationFri 21 Oct 20:00 Erev Shabbat service followed by Adult EducationSat 22 Oct 11:00 Shabbat morning service & baby blessing of Nancy Belkin

15:00 KT meetingTues 25 Oct 13:00 Luncheon ClubThurs 27 Oct 19:45 Adult EducationFri 28 Oct 18:30 Erev Shabbat serviceSat 29 Oct 10:00 Tots Service & Activities. Birthday Blessings.

11:00 Shabbat morning service & Bar-mitzvah of Jake DousieSun 30 Oct 10:30 The Great TLSE Hebrew Experiment

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A-B Barbara Merton 020 8953 1369C-F Leone Samson 07702 349350G-I Carol Hurst 020 8950 1862J-M Estelle Leigh 020 8954 9569N-Q Peter Merton 020 8953 1369R-S Rita Golding 020 8953 4439T-Z Judy Westley 01582 468100

Emma Roche 020 8954 1891Nicky Leigh 0778 875 1275

We send our condolences to Gail Lazurus on the death of her father.

Having a party?Do you sometimes need more crockery for a special occasion, such as a simcha or a shiva? If so, we can be of assistance, as we have been fortunate to acquire 80 dinner, side plates, soup/dessert bowls, also cups & saucers, in white with a gold/back narrow edging design, as well as a large assortment of cutlery. If you would like to have a look and make use of some, or all of this equipment in exchange for a small donation to Care & Welfare funds, please contact Carol Hurst on 020 8950 1892, or e-mail: [email protected]

Yom Kippur Yizkor Service To inform the Rabbi of the name or names of loved ones you would like to be remembered on Yom Kippur during the Memorial Service, please write the names clearly in the space provided below and return it to the address below

NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY 5th OCTOBER 2011. It will not be possible to include names received after that date Please write the names of married couples following this example: “Jack & Jill Smith”.

Please return to: Rebecca Davey, TLSE, High Street, Elstree, WD6 3EYor e-mail [email protected]

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This is the part of the year when we rely on our volunteers. Throughout the High Holidays a huge number of people volunteer to help to which we are very grateful.

There are other areas you may want to help. Here are just a couple of ideas.The Synagogue Council are beginning to discuss upgrading the Back Hall and also the Bimah in the Sanctuary. They have asked d if there are any budding Interior designers within the community who would be able to help out. Can you design a room? Do you have the expertise to help other willing volunteers come up with a scheme that can be used in a number of scenarios? Contact Penny Beral at [email protected]

As part of ongoing tidy up of the Sanctuary some new cupboards are going to be built at the back of the Sanctuary to house the Musical instruments for Schul of Rock. Can you help Mike Beral with building, fixing and painting? Contact Mike at [email protected]

Once again thanks to everyone who volunteers throughout the year.L’shana tova

By the time you read this, we will already have celebrated Rosh ha-Shanah, the Jewish New Year. I hope that you found the services enjoyable and uplifting.You may well have noticed that a large team of volunteers was required to get our equipment to Clore Shalom, to ensure your safety, to occupy and cater for the needs of our youngest members, to provide refreshments for Kiddush, and to ensure that entry to and exit from the hall in which worship was taking place was managed as unobtrusively as possible.

The shul is an institution that depends on the work of numerous volunteers. In recent years, this number has steadily diminished, meaning that it is being carried out by ever fewer people. Curiously, this is happening at a time when our membership is growing faster than ever.

So if you would like to volunteer to help with the arrangements on Yom Kippur - not to mention the numerous other tasks that require volunteer input during the rest of the year - please contact me ([email protected]) Rebecca in the shul office ([email protected]) or Penny Beral, who is co-ordinating the shul volunteers ([email protected]).

Many thanks and I wish you well over the fast.

Rabbi Pete

TLSE Volunteer Data Base

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Services For October 2011Sat 1 Oct: 11.00am Shabbat morning service 2; Genesis 47, 28-48:2: Psalm 80, 2-8.Council Rep: Davina Bennett; Theme: B’nei Mitzvah

Fri 7 Oct: 8.00pm Kol Nidrei serviceSat 8 Oct: 11.00am Yom Kippur services

Wed 12 Oct: 6.30pm Erev Sukkot serviceThurs 13 Oct: 11.00am Sukkot morning serviceFri 14 Oct: 6.30pm Kabbalat Shabbat & supper. Please bring food as we welcome Shabbat & eat together. Music led by Shul of RockSat 15 Oct 11.00am Shabbat morning service 3; Genesis 49, 28-50:14; Ecclesiastes 3, 1-15.Council Rep: Michael Walton; Theme: Prayer

Wed 19 Oct: 6.30pm Erev Simchat Torah serviceThurs 20 Oct 11.00am Simchat Torah morning serviceFri 21 Oct 8.00pm Erev Shabbat serviceSat 22 Oct 11.00am Shabbat morning service; Exodus 1, 1-22; Extracts from the Midrash Exodus RabbahCouncil Rep: Michael Reibscheib; Theme: Jewish identity

Fri 28 Oct 6.30pm Erev Shabbat serviceSat 29 Oct 11.00am Shabbat morning service; Exodus 2, 1-22; Judges 4, 14-21Council Rep: Debbie Ram; Theme: Peace

Limmud Conference 2011 applications are now available online.

This December Limmud Conference will play host to 2,500 people of all ages, backgrounds and perspectives having a thousand conversations on every subject.

Conference is at the University of Warwick and runs from Sunday 25 to Thursday 29 December, with Shabbat Limmud on Friday 23 and Saturday 24.

For more information visit: http://www.limmud.org/conference/

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Enjoy a great lunch! Make new friends! Be entertained!Venue: The Synagogue Time: 1pm

TLSE members: £3 Non-members: £4

Tuesday October 25

Tuesday November 29

The Work of an Hon. Consul in the Republic of Benin

With Laurence Landau, its UK representative.

If you are coming to our luncheons, please telephone Carol Hurst 020 8950 1862, so that we can plan catering and lifts.

A Photographer’s Appreciation ofJohn Constable

Presented by Ruth Bourne

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Elstree High StreetElstree, Hertfordshire WD6 3EY

Phone: 020 8953 8889Email: [email protected]


The office staffed from 9.30am– 2.30pm; Mon, Wed, Fri; mobile if urgent 07925 558166

OfficersRabbi Rabbi Pete Tobias 01923 839345

Not Mondays Please [email protected]

Hon Life President Geoffrey Davis

Hon Life Vice President Rabbi Alan Mann

Hon Presidents Penny & Mike Beral 01923 855367 [email protected]

Hon Vice Presidents Val Dickson 0208 950 3268 [email protected]

Chairman Michael Walton 0208 950 0021 [email protected]

Vice Chairman Richard Elman 01923 231947 [email protected]

Hon Secretary Sarah Pollock 01923 445891 [email protected]

Hon Treasurer Sue Woolf 020 8953 3779 [email protected]

Council MembersJason Saunders 07513 014004 [email protected]

Davina Bennett 0777555 8005 [email protected]

Sarah Pollock 01923 445891 [email protected]

Debbie Ram 0771127 8625 [email protected]

Victor Amswych 01923 773648 [email protected]

Michael Reibscheid 01727 762846 [email protected]

Emma Roche 0208 954 1891 [email protected]

Nick Belkin 0208 420 6597 [email protected]

Pete Merton 0208 953 1369 [email protected]

Tina Shaw 01727 862788 [email protected]

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Committee Groups and HeadsBoard of Deputies [email protected] www.bod.org.uk

Stephen Leigh 020 7543 5400 020 8954 9569

[email protected]

Building Lettings Mike BeralNick Belkin

01923 855 367 020 8420 6597

[email protected]@delphpropertygroup.com

Burial and Funerals Peter Merton 020 8953 1369 [email protected]

Fundraising Debbie RamEmma Roche

07711 278 625020 8954 1891

[email protected]@yahoo.co.uk

Care & Welfare Carol Hurst 020 8950 1862 [email protected]

Media Debbie Ram 07711 278 625 [email protected]

Hakol - Advertising Tina Shaw 01727 862788 [email protected]

Hakol – Editor Tina Shaw 01727 862788 [email protected]

Synagogue Manager Social activities

Rebecca Davey Sarah Pollock

020 8953 8889 01923 445 891

[email protected] [email protected]

Judaica Shop Rebecca Davey 020 8953 8889 [email protected]

Kiddush Catering Rebecca Davey 020 8953 8889 [email protected]

Marriage Secretary Val Dickson 020 8950 3268 [email protected]

Membership Officer Abi & Mike Walton 020 8950 0021 [email protected]

PR Coordinator Jason Saunders 07513 014 004 [email protected]

Religion School Rabbi Pete Tobias 020 8953 8889 [email protected]

Rites and Practices Victor Amswych 01923 773 648 [email protected]

Social Sarah Pollock 01923 445 891 [email protected]

Youth Activities Davina Bennett 0777555 8005 [email protected]

Synagogue Office Rebecca Davey 020 8953 8889 [email protected]

Would all those involved in arranging functions, services or meetings please contact the Office on 020 8953 8889 or [email protected] so that they can be scheduled in the Synagogue diary. This ensures that any physical set-ups in the Synagogue are arranged and that meetings do not conflict.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that details printed in Hakol are correct no responsibility can be accepted for information misprinted or incorrectly given to the Editor. Please let the Editor know of any errors or corrections. The editor reserves the right to edit material submitted for publication.

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It’s That Time Of The Year Again!We’re building the sukkah….

On SUNDAY 9th OCTOBER we will be building our Sukkah! Please bring lots of greenery and fruit so that we can completely cover the sides and the roof of our Sukkah! We’ll be busy doing this from 10.00am until 12.15pm on the Sunday morning - so please come and help out! Refreshments will be served.

...welcoming Sukkot...

Then we’ll be celebrating with our Sukkot services! These are on

WEDNESDAY 12th OCTOBERat 6.30pm andTHURSDAY 13th OCTOBERat 11.00am

...and celebrating Simchat Torah!

And finally we wrap it all up with Simchat Torah, saving the best till last!

WEDNESDAY 19th OCTOBERat 6.30pm andTHURSDAY 20th OCTOBERat 11.00am
