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Halibut Herald January 21

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  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21


    ALIBUT HERALDJanuary 21, 2010

    They dont get visitors in these parts that often. Thats because these beluga whales live beneath three feet of ice inthe freezing waters of northern Russias White Sea. But when some underwater photographers arrived, they certainlywerent shy - as these stunning images show. The whales are not endangered but under threat from pollution and lossof habitat.READ ON: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1244149/What-doing-Amazing-underwater-


    Beluga Whales Meeting Divers at Arctic Rehabilitation Farm

    east-known Bird" Has Been Found

    AD ON: http://news.discovery.com/earth/least-known-bird-s-been-found.html

    Researchers at theWildlife ConservationSociety (WCS) havefound the breeding areaof the elusive large-billedreed warbler. That's abig deal, becauseaccording to BirdLifeInternational, the speciesis the world's "least-known bird."

    Dolphin Species Song

    WATCH & LEARN:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnCpEUCOljo

    CatchInformFun!This vworth minutehalf ofday.ThankJen Th

    for sha

  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21


    alifornia Adopts the Firstatewide Green Building Code

    ound of applause for California! In an effort tom statewide emissions by 1/3 by 2020, the stateCalifornia recently adopted CALGREEN, the firstndatory state-wide green building code in thentry. Taking effect on January 1st, 2011. Theding codes cover everything from constructionste recycling to indoor air quality standards.AD ON:p://www.inhabitat.com/2010/01/19/california-opts-the-first-statewide-green-building-code/

    Where Do You Draw the Line @ Being TOO GreenTherapists report a rise in domestic disputes over environmental issu

    They might live in eco-harmony except Fleming claims Cobb is in a

    priestess" phase, and Cobb counters that Flemings hot showers are long. According to an unrepentant Fleming, I like to see the water podown.The Timesrecently reported that they are not alone. Therapists say thare seeing a rise in bickering between couples and family members ahow much they should adjust their lives to accommodate environmenissues. Apparently, it is driving some couples eco-insane.READ ON: http://www.mnn.com/family/education-activities/stories/going-green-tearing-your-family-apart

    Gordon Fleming and SheCobb are your typical greCalifornia couple. Gordonrecycles reuses and bikework. Shelly raises chickein their backyard and worif her sushi is local, accorto the NY Times.

    te of Haiti's Zoo and Animalsemains Uncertain

    AD ON:p://news.discovery.com/animals/fate-of-haitis--and-animals-remains-uncertain.html


    A Rare Glimpse of the Cave of Crystals

    grown to more than 10m long. Professor Iain Stewart got a rare glimpse ofsubterranean spectacle while filming for the new BBC series How the EartMade Us.READ ON: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8466493.stm

    Mexico's Cof Crystalsstunned

    geologistsit was firstdiscovered2000. Theundergrouchambercontains sof the largenatural cryever foundsome of thselenitestructures

    We are taught that wjudged by what weachieve, but what domean to actually ach

    The word comes fromOld French achever, finish, and before thaa Latin phrase meanincome to a head. Surethough, as the clich glifes pleasure lies in tjourney, not in thedestination. And who forward to being finishthe words most final sBecause our days, hoand minutes are numbweve put together a gto help you slow your READ ON:http://www.good.is/p


    amond Oceans Possible onanus, Neptune

    melting and resolidifying diamond,entists explain how such liquid diamondans may be possible.

    AD ON:://news.discovery.com/space/diamond-oceans-ter-uranus.html

  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21



    too!Hilas &smahttpeyesnfixtorldm/


    asuring Carbon Dioxideer the Ocean

    able measurements of the air-flux of carbon dioxide - an

    ortant greenhouse gas - areded for a better understanding

    he impact of ocean-atmosphereractions on climate. A newhod developed by researchers

    mises to make this tasksiderably easier.AD ON:p://www.physorg.com/news184381.html

    NOAA Ocean Explorers Team Flickr

    VIEW ALL:http://www.flickr.com/photos/oceanexplorergov/

    Road Map for Greeneransport

    Oxford University study saysbest way to reduce emissions

    he short term is a 'drasticwnscaling of both size andght' of conventional petrol andsel cars.AD ON:p://www.physorg.com/news1887751.html

    One Solution to Invasive Species? Eat

    Mr. Sustainable Seafood you know, BartonSeaver, chef at Blue Ridge and your favoritepunching bag is serving up a multi-course don Friday to accompany a screening of RuperMurrays documentary, The End of the Line.Seavers maincourse? A preparation of red lioREAD ON:http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/blogs/youhungry/2010/01/13/one-solution-to-invasive-speceat-em/

    B puts 3D Experimentsline, Offers Free Glasses

    e NFB is putting a sampling of its 3Deriments online for free viewing, but'll need a funky pair of glasses tothe full effect.

    e film board says free 3D glassesade from sturdy cardboard" can be

    ered from its website, and they willshipped free of charge.AD ON: http://bit.ly/8yOJqB

  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21


    0% Plant Based Anti-Bacterial Disinfectant: Benefect

    Perhaps something VA could consider if it hasntalready?

    Kills Over 99.99% of Bacteria, Mould &Fungal Spores

    No Rinse or Wipe Required No Warning Labels or First Aid

    Statements No Mixing

    LEARN MORE:http://www.benefect.com/canada/index.html

    1000 Cold Stunned Sea Turtles Rescu

    Sea turtles are generally attracted to Florida's wawaters and rich food sources, but this winter Florexperiencing some of the lowest temperatures inyears. As temperatures drop, cold-blooded sea tubecome almost catatonic, which makes it difficultthem to swim and surface for air. In this cold-stunstate, turtles can catch pneumonia or even drownthey are not rescued in time.READ ON:http://www.cccturtle.org/pressreleases.php?p


    rfing the Dragon: The Quest for the Longest Wave in the World

    e tidal wave can capsize boats and upset shipping in the bustlingtropolis. Onlookers near the river's banks can suddenly find their lives innger. But for a peculiar breed of surfers, the chance to ride the world'sgest wave is the thrill of a lifetime.AD ON: http://news.discovery.com/earth/surfing-the-dragon-the-est-for-the-longest-wave-in-the-world.html

    When the tide comes inon the China'sQiantang River in thecity of Hangzhou,something unusualhappens: seawaterpiles up in the funnel-shaped Hangzhou Bay

    and roars up the riverin a massive wave thatcan be almost 30 feet Red Grouper to Be 'Frank Lloyd

    Wrights of the Sea'

    To the casual observer in the Gulf of Mexico, theseemingly sluggish red grouper is more of a couchpotato than a busy beaver. But a new study led byresearchers at The Florida State University reveafish to be both architect and ecosystem engineer.READ ON:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/9172843.htm

    is Satellite Could Help Save Humanity

    AD ON: http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2010/01/20/DSCOVRSatellite/

    But DSCOVR remains

    grounded. That fact iskey to interpreting theso-called 'climategate'emails.

    The media missed thereal story about theso-called"climategate"scandal.

    rting the Waters of the Red Sea

    AD ON:p://www.neaq.org/education_and_activities/blogs_webcams_videoand_more/blogs/explorer_blog/index.php

    For most of us, the Red Sea probablyconjures a biblical image, if any image atall comes to mind. After all, how many ofus have had the privilege of spending anytime on or in this relatively tiny stretch ofocean?

    Well, time to part the waters and revealthe mysteries that lie beneath. Diving theRed Sea as a scientist is a religiousexperience of sorts. It's pretty magicaldown here.

    When Built-In Antifreeze Beats aWinter Coat

    READ ON:http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/news/center/articles/2010/new-york-times-01-


  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21


    OH SNAP! With Matt!By Matt Yeoman

    Hello there, and welcome to the first column of Oh Snap!With Matt!I was talked into doing this by a few staffmembers (Emerald and Kellie Benz are the main culpritsfor you all to blame) due to my vast knowledge of manyvenomous animals and the huge reserve of untappedresources available to me. That and I love writingeverything that I can get under my fingers.

    What well be dealing with in Oh Snap!is the marineanimals, plants and diseases which will make you yellout when they sting you, bite you, cut you, or otherwisemake your day slightly less wonderful. Of course, we willalso learn about all the interesting things the rest ofhumanity gets up to with them, as you will discoverweve come up with some rather interesting activities.So where do I start here in my first column for the lovelyHalibut Herald? I had a few ideas, but I kept on wantingto take them back further. And I did, so far in fact wereall going to take one big step back about 3600 years orso.

    Doing your math now, well see we are in 1600 B.C.(thats Before Christ my fellow BC inhabitants), thelocation is Egypt and all its pyramids, the sphinx, andoften mocked dance moves, surround us.

    Amongst these Wonders of the World people were stillwalking amongst the animals in their everyday lives.Some of these animals were rather defensive of theirterritory and would fight for it on occasion.This lead to people, naturally, trying to cure these bitesand stings. They may be ancient to us now, butEgyptians were well ahead of their time in a few ways,and would use their insightful minds to come up with thebest medical advice they could muster and write it downfor all to share in the knowledge.This accumulation of knowledge culminated in what wenow call the Hearst Medical Papyrus. This text no doubteased the minds of many an Egyptian citizen, but now,3600 years later, it sits at the University of California inBerkley in poor condition as a kind of novelty and usefultool to gain insight into their mindset.What interests me, of course, is what did they do to tryand treat these nasty, nasty venomous stings and bites?

    What were the most common treatment optionsavailable to those who built the pyramids?What they came up with was a bizarre concoction thatwas applied directly to the wound and held with abandage, it consisted of; leek, garlic, onion juice, salt,bile (dont ask me where they got it!) and incense. Ill betthe incense was there to help mask the smell of all thesevile things, coupled with the awful infection that wouldlikely ensue causing all kinds of rotting smells.So now, 3600 years later, here I am at the VancouverAquarium treating these same problems as theEgyptians faced when humans still hadnt quitemastered using iron. Weve come a long way from there

    to here so Im going to ask that anyone out theresuffering from a bite of any kind to do this for me; ifyoure sitting in the doctors office/first aid room with apainful wound from a bite or sting and you smell garlic,or onion juicedo yourself a favour and come findme instead.

    Walk (very carefully) like an Egyptian,Matt Yeoman

    notechnology Turning Your Cotton T-Shirt andlyester Pants into Batteries

    Sea Slug Surprise: Its Half-Plant, Half-Animal

    turning sunlight into energy, scientists have found.READ ON:



    slug, is paanimpart pproduits owchlorand scarryphotoesis,

    READ ON:http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/01/nanotechnology-turning-your-cotton-t-shirt-and-polyester-pants-into-batteries.php

  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21


    Thinking about 2010?

    Thinkthe Gift Shop

    The Gift Shop has just received our new and exciting Olympic WinterGames apparel. Whether you are attending the games or just cheeringfor Team Canada from the Aquarium House make sure to do it instyle. There are jackets, fleeces, kids toques, shorts, and shirts --- nomatter what your sport weve got you covered.

    We have incredible sale prices right now on select Olympicmerchandise, up to 50% off! Dont miss this opportunity to get greatdeals on some amazing items for this once in a lifetime event!

    But it doesnt stop there!

    Come by the Gift Shop today and see our fantasticselections of Olympic Pins. Whether youre aVancouver enthusiast, a hockey fan, a bobsledaficionado, a proud Canuck, or a snowboardingdevotee we have got a pin for you!

    Get to the Gift Shop to browse our selection.

    Regular Price: $8.99Staff Price: $6.29

    Are you concerned about getting towork during the Games? Just be sureto get to the Aquarium extra early andget yourself a pack of our 2010Playing Cards to enjoy! Make eachdelay a fun one.

    Regular Price: $8.99

    Staff Price: $6.29

  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21



  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21


    FIT TIP! From Joe Cheng (Aquarium Volunteer)Improve your posture! During the day as you sit in front of the computer, your head inches forward like a turtle. Forevery inch, you create approx. 14lbs of pressure on your neck. Solution - sit up straight and retract your chin andbreathe in for 5 seconds. Slowly exhale and relax. Repeat 5 times every hour. Take the 30 seconds to relieve neckstress.More tips, follow us on twitter, www.twitter.com/stayfitanywhere

    Vancouver Aquarium people. My name is Joe Cheng, a volunteer and one of theowners of Stayfitanywhere Solutions Inc. We would like to introduce ourselves andhope to kick start your new year. We just opened the doors to our new personal

    training studio located at 1732 Alberni, between Denman and Bidwell. Thats ashort distance from the aquarium so no excuses, Lets Go! We are offering freeposturaland fitness assessments and an exclusive discount for any aquariumvolunteer and staff.

    Why a postural assessment? Do you ever experience low back pain, neck strainsor headaches during your work day, probably right now as your reading this? Have you ever wanted to increase yourtime for the sun run, or out manoeuvre your opponent on the court? Correcting your posture greatly alleviates backpain, neck strains, headaches and decrease inefficient movements in everyday life.

    Email myself at [email protected] or call 604.408.8810. Or just drop by between the hours of 8am-7pm onany weekday and let us know youre from the Vancouver Aquarium. Ask about your exclusive Vancouver Aquariumdiscount on any of our training packagesand book your Free postural and fitness assessment today. To find outmore about our services, check out our website at www.stayfitanywhere.comGet educated, get healthy, get fit...Lets Go!~joe stayfitanywhere


    Volunteer to Distribute FreeEndangered Species Condoms!

    a part of the Center for Biological Diversitys brand-w Endangered Species Condom Project, ampaign to nationally distribute free condoms in sixerent packages featuring endangered specieseatened by human overpopulation, with the goal ofsing awareness about overpopulations seriouspacts on our planet.

    GN UP NOW:://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/2167/t/5243/signUp.jsp?key=4774


  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21




  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21




  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21


  • 8/14/2019 Halibut Herald January 21


    The VAHC meetings begin at7:30 p.m. in the Aquatic Planet

    classroom on the first Wednesdof each month. Meet at theAquaquest reception entrance.Talks generally get going aroun8 p.m. after a hobby club Q & Asession. The talks/meetings arefree to attend, but if you findyourself coming to quite a few, amembership to the club is alwaya great idea (a mere $20/year!)

