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Hall Mead School Magazine - Summer 2011

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Magazine produced by mags4schools.com ltd in Godmanchester on behalf of the Hall Mead School in Upminster. Published 3 terms per year
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Hallmeadia SUMMER 2011 The class of 2011 said goodbye to Hall Mead in style on Tuesday 28th June at Stockbrook Manor. It was a great evening with everyone joining in the dancing and celebrations together. Mr Morgan and Mr Hughes took control of the dance floor with their silky moves and Mrs Parons was seen lurking at the chocolate fountain. All staff agree that this Year 11 were a lovely group of people and we look forward to a positive set of results in the summer. We wish them every success for the future and thank them for their valuable contribution to Hall Mead School. HALL MEAD PROM STOCKBROOK MANOR
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HallmeadiaSUMMER 2011

The class of 2011 said goodbye to Hall Mead in style on Tuesday 28th June at Stockbrook Manor. It was a great evening with everyone joining in the dancing and celebrations together. Mr Morgan and Mr Hughes took control of

the dance floor with their silky moves and Mrs Parons was seen lurking at the chocolate fountain.

All staff agree that this Year 11 were a lovely group of people and we look forward to a positive set of results in the summer.

We wish them every success for the future and thank them for their valuable contribution to Hall Mead School.


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Head Boy ~ Head GirlAfter a rigorous and intense application and interviewprocess, Cameron Gilmore and Esther Coppeard wereappointed Head Boy and Girl respectively. Inrecognition of the high calibre of this year’s candidateswe also nominated a Deputy Head Boy and Girl towhich Jack Panteli and Rebecca White were appointed.

Farewell to Mrs Lappin and Ms FordhamTwo stalwarts of Hall MeadSchool will be heading off intoretirement at the end of thisacademic year. Mrs Lappin hastaught English at Hall Mead for19 years, whilst Mrs Fordhamhas worked for 8 years teachingMaths in the school.

Both teachers have legendaryreputations and they have helpedcountless students achieve greatresults in their subjects. Theyhave also done their bit inkeeping Mr London on his toes!

We are immensely grateful for allthey have done for the schooland wish them both a long andhappy retirement.

This has been an exciting year for Hall Mead with our best ever GCSE results,excellence in the arts and sporting arenas and some fantastic community work but itwas also a year tinged with sadness at the passing of Mr Smith.

The world of education has seen some rapid and dramatic changes and we are allaware of the cuts in public sector funding. In order to meet these challenges in themost proactive and flexible way, Hall Mead will become an Academy from 1st August2011. We hope that the new freedoms and autonomy this change will bring will enableus to make some exciting developments in school and best preserve our strong ethos.We eagerly await the next academic year which will of course feature all theexcitement of London 2012 and the arrival of our new intake who were the successfulentrants from over 900 applications!

I wish you all an enjoyable summer and thank you for your continued support. Simon London - Headteacher

Carol Lappin Ann Fordham

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Saint Omer TripWell it’s been a busy few weeks in the Languages Department! In late June we teamed up with the HistoryDepartment and took 37 Year 7’s to St Omer in Northern France. We left early one Tuesday morning, travellingby ferry and then coach to Château d’Ebblinghem. We were lucky enough to be staying in the beautiful LeManoir, nestled in the French countryside. Although we were all a little fatigued from our journey, we stillmanaged to squeeze in a French lesson before dinner. The students were encouraged to use as much French aspossible and to our delight we heard them asking for more water and bread in the language!

Wednesday was our history day, so we travelled to Ypres in Belgium, to see an exhibition called In FlandersFields at the Cloth Hall Museum. The students learnt about WWI and watched a number of harrowing filmsabout the terrible injuries people received in battle. In order to bring some of the images to life, we then wentto Hill 62, where we walked through some of the trenches and saw for ourselves just how terrible conditionsreally were. After the museum we visited a famous cemetery and we were all struck by how many people haddied and how young they were. That night Mr Hales gave the students a history lesson and it was clear thateveryone was moved by what they had seen and heard that day.

To lighten the mood, Thursday was centred around food! We visited a chocolate factory and learnt about how itis transformed from cocoa beans to truffles. Naturally the students stocked up afterwards in the factory shop!We then travelled to Boulangerie Escoeuilles (a bakery), where we witnessed how bread is kneaded and thenbaked in the oven. The baker described a typical day and we were amazed by how little sleep he gets eachnight! He then gave each student a brioche to sample, which is a sweetened bread roll. Back at the château,everyone had the opportunity to try a snail in garlic butter with their dinner. Although some weren’t keen,Sophie Ingram managed to eat five! We were very impressed and she won a prize for being the mostadventurous eater!

All in all we had a fantastic trip and the students clearly enjoyed themselves. We are already organising a visitfor next year.

BERLIN EXCHANGEGrüsse aus Berlin!

We have just returned from an amazing week in Berlin:- Mrs. Warren, Mr. Clarkson andMrs. Boulahlib and 10 students from years 7-9. We all had a great time! We spent 3nights in a hotel with great facilities and 4 nights with our exchange partners from thePaulsen Gymnasium in Berlin. We really immersed ourselves in the history and culture ofthis fascinating city. We saw so many sights including the Brandenburg Gate and theAlexanderplatz. We did so much including visiting a chocolate shop, a science museumand the Checkpoint Charlie museum to explore the history of the wall and its impact onthe city and we still managed to fit in lots of shopping! I also have to admit to eating oneor two of the famous German sausages!! The experience of staying with German familieswas also very rewarding and many friendships were forged. Everyone made us feel verywelcome. We are looking forward to them coming to England in September and returningthe hospitality.

Some quotes from the group:-

Jamie “I had the time of my life”. Matt “The chocolate shop was great”Rhianna “It’s the opportunity of a lifetime”. Neave “So happy that I went”Kieron “I thought the food was great”. Charlotte “I made loads of new friends”Grace “My family were really nice and made me very welcome”Esther “I was nervous to start with but the family soon made me feel welcome”And a final comment from Mr. Clarkson “Where’s George??”

Mrs Warren

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On Wednesday 4th May,Year 7 had a visit fromthe Mayflower MorrisMen of Billericay, aMorris Group who havebeen going since 1973.At Hall Mead we domuch work to help pupils become aware of the range of culturesin our country, includingholding a Bollywood Dayfor Year 8 andcelebrating Black HistoryMonth and Chinese New Year. This time, we decided to introducepupils to an English

tradition that goes back for hundreds of years; Morris Dancing, including the Mummers Play.

The Mayflower Morris Men came in at the beginning of the day and pupils watched a comical performance of St George and the Dragon, followed by examples of the different dances performed all over the country. These included stick dances, sword dances and the one we are most familiar with, the handkerchief dances. As the performance went along, pupils were told how what theywere seeing related to English history, culture and tradition.

Following the main performance for the whole year group, asmall group of pupils took part in a workshop where they weretaught to do a stick dance and a sword dance (using woodenswords!). Sam Weir in 7CDK said, ‘It was a fun day learning thenew dances and using the sticks. I had heard of Morris Dancingbefore but didn’t know much about it. I learnt that differentvillages had different dances and that many of them had diedout.’ Clark Durrell, also of 7CDK, said, ‘I was surprised by theMummers Play as I thought it would be like other plays that Ihad seen. Instead, it was much shorter and less serious. I foundthe dances quite hard to learn because there are lots of differentsteps and you have to be aware of what to do with the sticksand swords as well.’

If you would like to know more about the Mayflower Morris Men,or perhaps even join them, their website iswww.mayflowermorris.com

Mr. J. HalesHead of Every Child Matters Faculty


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Year 7 Humanities Castle CompetitionThis year's entries for the Year 7 Castle Competition wereundoubtedly the best yet! Over half of Year 7 decided toenter the optional competition to build a castle over theEaster break, which shows the enthusiasm and effort thatour pupils at Hall Mead bring to their learning. Mr Londonwas invited to judge, along with the rest of the Humanitiesdepartment and there were 5 prizes awarded this year dueto the high level of entries. Special mention must go to thewinner, Neida Zelvyte (7Q) who spent two whole daysmaking her castle out of polystyrene! A work of art!!!!!!

On Thursday 16 th June, the generationscame together to take part in Hall Mead’sfirst ‘Skills Swap’. This event, designed to increase understanding of each otheramongst Upminster and Hornchurch’solder and younger residents, involved 12 service users from HOPWA House inHornchurch visiting the school. For a fewhours Hall Mead students shared theirknowledge of computing and the Internetwith our visitors. With the rise in what isknown as ‘silver surfing’, the HOPWAHouse service users learnt the ‘ins’ and‘outs’ of a variety of popular Internetsites. These included You Tube, Google,the BBC i Player and Facebook. Studentsand visitors worked well together,starting informally chatting over a cup oftea and biscuit, then moving on tobusiness. Once enough had been learnt

for one day, everyone settled in to someentertainment. Music was provided by Jessica Herring, Hannah Wilton, Katie Harper, Charlie Kemp and Adam Wheeler. The visitors were alsoshown a dance routine by Miss Bailey’sDance Group. The standard ofperformances was, as usual, high and thevisitors remarked several times on howimpressed they were. Jack Mullins in7WMC said of the sessions, ‘It was a funtime, we were helping people learn moreabout the Internet and we got to learnabout their lives. We challenged some ofthe visitors to a game of Wii Bowling andthey were very good – they actually beatus and got a record. We would love to doit again.’ Stuart Robinson, manager ofthe Day Centre, said ‘Everyone has hadsuch a great time.

We have been trying to encourage moreuse of the Internet with our service usersso this is an excellent introduction. Thepupils have been so friendly and verywelcoming. They have mixed in and beengreat ambassadors for the school. Wecan’t wait to do this again with the pupilscoming to the centre next time.’

Havering has an increasingly olderpopulation and, in fact, there are morepeople over the age of 60 living here thanpeople under the age of 16 and this is setto rise further. It is hoped that in the newschool year, students from Hall Mead willtravel to HOPWA House to share in theskills of the service users and build astrong bond between the generations.

Mr J HalesHead of Every Child Matters Faculty

Closing the Generation Gap: Hall Mead Skills Swap

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The Drama department wouldlike to tell everyone that we'vehad a really successful visitfrom Roughshod Theatrecompany who came to deliverworkshops at our school aspart of Drama lessons making

links with PSHE. Year 7 took part in workshops andwatched short sketches on the topic of pressure anddecision making.

They all had a great time and all took part 100%. Giftedand Talented Year 8 and those in Year 9 who are takingGCSE Drama next year also took part in a longer 2 hourworkshop on the topic of power and status. Theperformers were excellent and the pupils said that theyfound them entertaining and great fun to work with. Year 10 recently went to London to see the excellentproduction 'The 39 Steps' as part of their GCSE course.It was a great night out at a really funny show!

The Drama department also had lots more fun with aworkshop from a member of the cast of 'Wicked'coming to visit, a visit up to the bright lights of Londonto see the musical 'Billy Elliot' and a day trip for Year 9'swho start GCSE Drama in September to Shakespeare'sGlobe Theatre in London. They will be touring the theatreexhibition, having a performance workshop and acostume demonstration.

We also recently visited Corbet's Tey school and ran a'Circus Skills' workshop. We had a lovely day and hope togo back soon for some more workshops with the pupils.

Adding to this are the up and coming auditions for nextyears school production 'The Sound of Music'.

It's going to be an excellent show, so make sure thatyou audition to get your part!!

Miss Garred and Mrs Lucas (Hall Mead School Drama Department)

It’s the Law– written by Sarah Bradd

GCSE Law has proved not to be the end for four of usin Year 11. George Barry, Amanda Lock, Mary Reedand myself (Sarah Bradd) have been selected out of300 applicants, to enrol in the London School ofEconomics & UCL's ‘Pathways to Law’ programme.This amazing opportunity gives us a great chance tostart on our path to become the lawyers of the future!

This course will support us as we continue our studiesafter Hall Mead, to help us achieve a better chance ofpursuing a career in Law.The course provides uswith guaranteed workexperience in some of thetop London Law firms,helps to develop ourlistening and debatingskills and invites us toattend lectures at theuniversities during our A-Levels studies.

Thanks to Miss Banningwho has pushed us tosucceed. We are all reallyexcited for what thisopportunity will bring!

SCIENCE BOROUGHCHAMPIONS!!!Congratulations to Matthew Bone, Thomas Walkerand Tulsi Patel who won the Interschool ScienceCompetition in June.

The boys were selected to represent the school bythe Science Department based on the enthusiasmthey had shown for the subject. The competitionwas held at Sanders Draper School and the boyscompeted against seven other schools in theborough in a range of challenges. They workedincredibly well as a team and were a credit to Hall Mead. They were awarded prizes, certificatesand an impressive trophy. Thanks to Mr Shaheedfor his help in getting everyone to and from thecompetition.

Miss Ibrahim

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JACK PETCHEY AWARD WINNERSSeptember 2010 – June 2011

Sept 2010 ~ James Riley 11CWL ~ Creating a website for Clickstart

October ~ Daniel Parrott 11DS ~ Creating a website for Clickstart

November ~ Jack Brien 11TL ~ Creating a website for Clickstart

January 2011 ~ Jack Hurley 11DL ~ Contribution of IT support to others

February ~ Brooke Langton 11TL ~ Support to another pupil with challenging needs

March ~ Katie Nicholls 10TIB ~ Outstanding athlete and ambassador for Hall Mead at sporting events

April ~ Lewis Clarke 10CDC ~ Support to orchestra and entire music department

May ~ Katie Thornett 11DL ~ Ambassador for Hall Mead at numerous prestigious and musical events

June ~ Alexander Law 9CB ~ Outstanding athlete, great role model to school community

Jack Petchey ‘Speak Out’ Challenge – 9th June 2011Congratulations to Esther Coppeard who took part in the Havering final of the ‘Speak Out’ Challenge, pictured with theWorshipful Mayor of Havering, Cllr Melvin Wallace and his wife Lady Mayoress.

Esther was one of 18 students, from all secondary schools in Havering, who took part in the challenge run by theSpeakers Trust charity with sponsorship for the Jack Petchey Foundation. Although Esther was not fortunate to getthrough to the national final, she delivered a powerful and emotive three minute speech about beauty, forcing thelistener to consider their opinion of what beauty actually is.

This was delivered in front of eight judges including Cllr Paul Rochford,Head of Childrens Services and Peter Stremes, Managing Director ofTime FM.

The scheme is now in its fifth year, promoting public speaking in schoolsand encouraging pupils to build skills in promoting themselves throughthe power of speech. Over 600 pupils take part in the initial training inschool, with assemblies being used to narrow down to one schoolrepresentative and reserve for the borough final.

The ‘Speak Out’ challenge is currently the biggest public speaking eventof its kind in the world – well done to Esther to making it to the boroughfinal and performing to such a high standard.

Miss Heinze

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During the bank holiday weekend at the end of April this year over 80 pupils from years 7-10, clad in their very stylish pink t-shirts,accompanied Mr Lewis and staff to the Isle of Wight, for the 2011Reward Adventure Weekend. Pupils were only eligible to attend thetrip if they fulfilled at least 2 out of 3 of the following criteria: Above95% attendance, above average effort and/or representing the schoolor house in a sports or drama/music event. It was a brilliant weekendfor all involved! Pupils took part in a wide range of activities:Climbing, Abseiling, Quad-Biking, Archery, Zip-Wire, Trapeze Jump,Tunnel Trail, Canoeing, Beach Games and the infamous ‘Matrix’/Quad-biking cleaning). Particular highlights included the extremelycompetitive games of ‘Capture the Flag’, although CERTAIN members ofstaff had some interesting interpretations of the rules.

Reward Adventure Week

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A particular highlight for Mr Maher was Mr Lewis stylishly attemptingto jump through a moving hoop.... and failing! Our pupils were allexcellent and did the school proud! We were even informed by PGLstaff, that towards the end of the weekend, instructors were swappingshifts and fighting over who got to go with Hall Mead, because theyenjoyed working with us so much! They’d never seen that before! Welldone to all involved!

Next year’s trip is already being planned! It ’ll be during the firstweekend of June 2012. We’ve booked a PGL Site near Swindon calledLiddington which is a new PGL centre in 150 acres of land on the siteof a former 4* hotel! If you want to come, make sure you’re doingeverything you can to meet the criteria!

kend 2011 – Isle of Wight

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PRIMARY MATHS QUIZThe maths challenge took place on the1st July.

Upminster Junior School came first,James Oglethorpe came second andHacton Primary came third.

OLYMPIC FLAGCOMPETITIONBy Eleni Tsappis & Emily SextonAs the school’s “Adi-Stars”, we had to design a flag to representour school in the Emerson Park School Sports PartnershipOlympic competition.

The prize was £200 for sports equipment in school.

The aim of our design was to incorporate the Olympic logo butto unite different nations through the Olympic values. Althoughwe did not win, our design received much praise.

Work ExperienceDuring work experience fortnight the LearningSupport Department ran an interesting and varied programme of activities for a small group of pupils.

Ranging from organising, advertising and running acake sale for Comic Relief (and baking the cakes ofcourse!) to taking part in a training session withplayers and coaches from West Ham, the Year 10students had the opportunity to utilise a range oftalents and skills. They were also able toexperience working in an office environment for St Francis Hospice and a firm of CharteredSurveyors which involved planning journeys andtravelling by public transport.

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This year the week was designed to encourage pupils toachieve a personal best in an activity of their choice. Year 7 and 8 were given this opportunity and are workinghard to achieve these. We also tried to give pupils theopportunity to take part in an Olympic sport which wedon’t usually offer. We chose volleyball which was verypopular with the pupils On Tuesday 28th June we held a fencing workshop here at school The pupils who tookpart thoroughly enjoyed the experience. On Friday 1st July six members of the Sports Leadership team helda mini Olympic Games with pupils from Corbets TeySchool It was a fun and exciting day for all pupils

involved, and each achieved their Personal Best in one ofthe activities. Well done to all who took part in NationalSchool Sports Week 2011.

We also have an opportunity to carry the Olympic Torchas part of the official Olympic Torch Relay. If you canspare two minutes to pledge your support to Hall Mead,please go to the following web address(http://www.lloydstsblondon2012.co.uk/In-your-community/National-School-Sport-Week/) or go to theschool website and pledge using the link on the homepage. Thank you in advance for your support.

Olympic Athlete visits Hall MeadOn the 7th June, Olympic Athlete, Rikki Fifton visited Hall Mead. He is aBritish Sprinter and hopeful for 2012. Rikki spent the afternoon with a selectgroup of 20 Year 9 pupils, teaching them sprint starts, shot putt, long jumpand relay. Rikki then addressed the whole of Year 9 in an assembly, wherehe explained how he became involved in athletics and the trials he hasfaced along the way. The pupils asked lots of interesting questions and hadtime at the end to take photographs and get autographs. It was a fantasticday and a real inspiration for all those that took part. We hope to see Rikkicompeting in the London 2012 games an wish him every success!!

Miss Bailey

National School Sports Week ~ 27th June-1st July

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And so…we come to the end of our fantastic, successful badmintonseason, culminating in our girls’ teams gaining four 1st places, one2nd, two 3rd, one 5th and a place in the National Finals. The results areas follows:

Yr 7 ~ 3 rd place Borough LeagueYr 8 ~ 5 th place Borough LeagueYr 9 ~ 2nd place Borough Championships

1st place Borough LeagueYr 10 ~ 1st place Borough Championships

1st place Borough LeagueYr 11 ~ 3rd place Borough Championships

1st place Borough League

Congratulations to all the squads and we look forward to building on allthese successes. However, I must end the season relating news of theU16 squad who achieved a first for Hall Mead and in fact any school inthe borough and that was to win their way through to the nationalfinals, held at Center Parcs, Nottingham on 3rd April 2011.

The standard was extremely high naturally, including our girls, but theycertainly had mountains to climb that day. The squad included KATIE NICHOLLS (CAPT & NO 1), PAIGE BEAUMONT (NO 2),HANNAH SCAMMELL, (NO 3) HANNAH COLE (NO 4) and MOLI GENG – who was injured and unable to play – but, on the day,played a vital role, as well as getting the team to the finals. The firstmatch was unfortunately against last year’s champions, and althoughthe opposition, Robert Mays School, won, our girls gave nothing away.Captain Katie Nicholls played the English No 3 singles player and madeher fight for every point.

Our next match vs Talbot Heath School was equally difficult with our poor captain playing the English No 1!! However, in each of thesingles and doubles matches all our girls made their opponents win every point, nothing was given away. Our remaining two matcheswere much closer, with Hall Mead winning one singles and two doubles. All credit and praise must be allocated to Katie as captainand No 1 singles player, who had the most difficult job of all. She and all the girls gained respect from the opponents, and teams,including some nationally rated players. At the end of the day the girls achieved a fantastic 9th place in the whole of England.

The girls and I would like to thank all family and friends who supported them and I hope, expect and look forward to furthersuccess next season. Thank you all.

Miss Gidley

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KarateEngland Karate Federation ~ Four Nations ChampionshipsTianee Harvey who is on the Cadet England Squad has been given not one but two accoladesfrom the four nations championships held in Sheffield in June. This is the most important karatechampionship of the year within the professional karate calendar held over two days with thebest fighters representing Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England. Tianee left Upminster at 6amand travelled up to Sheffield to get weighed in, she is normally in the minus 47 kgs category butdue to growing several inches and putting on a few pounds, she had to go up to minus 54 kgs,a huge difference when it comes to fighting someone a lot heavier. However to the delight of herfamily and supporters she went on to win the category and claim a gold medal. By this timeTianee was on a roll, she then went into the open weight category meaning she had to fight anyweight no mater how much bigger the opponent was. She also won this category making her BRITISH CHAMPION inminus 54 Kgs and also OPEN WEIGHT BRITISH CHAMPION OF 2011.

Huge congratulations Tianee, Well done

For those interested in training, Tianees parents hold kumite and fitness classes at Hall Mead on Fridays, find out more [email protected]

NetballIn March 2011 I received a Jack Petchey Awardfor my achievement in sport, (nominated by

Mrs Morgan). I chose to buy a Netball kit for my team. We have been in the borough finals every year and wonthree out of the four times. I felt we deserved a reward forour hard work and effort over the years. Miss Bailey hasalso organised a tournament weekend away in Shropshirein September, where we can show off our smart new look.Once our team leave Hall Mead, the kit will pass down theages which means it will benefit many future teams who will feel confident when representing our school.

Katie Nicholls

Football West Ham United Community Coach Visit

In March four coaches from West Ham’s Community Coaching Scheme visited theschool to work with different groups of pupils. The coaches were treated to lunch in theLearning Support department, where pupils prepared and served the food to ourguests. During lunchtime the Year 7 football team, who were preparing for theirHavering Cup final, met with the coaches who shared some advice and support duringthe training session. The Year 11s were the next group to benefit from working with theteam of coaches. A group of boys and girls were taken through their paces working on

practices to improve their skills and technique. The group were very impressed and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thecoaches finished their visit by leading a talk with next year’s GCSE pupils about the different career opportunities available inthe sport. The PE department would like to thank everyone who was involved for their effort and enthusiasm during the day.We would especially like to thank our visitors and hope to work with them again soon.

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SPORTS NEWSFootballHavering SchoolsCup Final

On the 24th May our Year 7 team were inthe final against Marshalls Park atHornchurch Stadium. Marshalls Parkstarted the game very strongly and HallMead were under quite a bit of pressurefor the first ten minutes but the defencewere very well organised and Clark Durrellwas very comfortable in the Hall Meadgoal. As the game progressed our boysbegan to take control and were unluckynot to be leading at the half time interval.The second half saw Hall Mead turningthe screw but just as the breakthroughlooked inevitable Marshalls Park scored agoal on a breakaway totally against therun of play. The goal led to a period ofsustained pressure by Marshalls Park andHall Mead came close to conceding a second when a rasping shot cannoned off of the bar. As the game entered thefinal quarter Hall Mead once again took control and were close to an equaliser when a free kick on the edge of the boxwas headed off the line by the Marshalls Park left back. Hall Mead kept pushing forward and again went close whenthe Marshalls Park keeper was forced into a fine save pushing the ball around the post for a corner. This was almostthe last action of the game which ended with Marshalls Park winning by one goal to nil. In spite of the defeat our boysput up a valiant effort and were a credit to the school.

Hall Mead: Durrell, Barnes, Blakebrough, Davis, Quant, Ellis, Watters, Newson, Lakey, Weir, Ngo, Reilly,Johnson, Mullins Coach: J. Swan

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SPORTS NEWSHall Mead Sports DayCongratulations to all the pupils who competed in this year’s school sportsday. There were some very impressive performances throughout the twodays of competition and long standing school records were broken.

Y9 Boys 80m Hurdles - Alex Law, Chapman 10.81sY7 Boys 800m - Ben Ellis, Talbot 2:26.13 minsY7 Boys 200m - Ben Ellis, Talbot 25.65s

The winners of the relay cup were Chapman and the overall title this yearwent to Waltham.

A special thank you must be given to all the staff helped to make this fantastic event run so smoothly and to all thespectators who cheered on their classmates.

Alex Law reaches new heightOn Sunday 26th June Alex Law representedEssex Schools at the East Anglia Regionalcombined events championships.

As a team Essex came first and Alex won theindividual pentathlon event with a newpersonal best score of 3029 points. Beforethe event Alex was already ranked No. 1 in

the UK with his previous score of 2938 points which is the Essex CountyRecord. His new score now ranks him as 17th on the UK all time list!

He led the competition from start to finish in blustery conditions in Peterborough.Alex set 3 personal bests along the way. His results were very impressive:

80m Hurdles – 11.4 seconds ~ Shot Putt – 11.85 cm (PB)Long Jump – 6.32 cm ~ High Jump – 1.78 cm (PB)800m – 2.22.4 (PB)

We are very proud of Alex’s achievements and wish him every success at theEnglish Schools Championships in Gateshead and at Crystal Palace where hewill be representing Havering at the London Youth Games.


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