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Cloud Computing
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INSE 6620 (Cloud Computing Security and Privacy) Course Administration Prof. Lingyu Wang 1
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INSE 6620 (Cloud Computing Security and Privacy)

Course Administration

Prof. Lingyu Wang


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Course administrationCloud computing basics


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Important:This is a very challenging course. It requires strong problem solving skills, capabilities of understanding difficult research papers, and extensive backgrounddifficult research papers, and extensive background knowledge in computer science and security.INSE6110 (preferably also 6130 and 6160)You will have a hard time in the exams and receive a bad grade if you don’t have such prerequisites.


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Course Web Page and ContactCourse Web Page and Contact

Course URL: Google “Lingyu Wang” → TeachingImportant to visit the page regularlyDon’t depend on email notificationDon’t depend on email notification

Contact: [email protected] best way to reach meThe best way to reach meInclude “INSE 6620” in your subject lineOffice: EV007.637Office: EV007.637Office hours: See course web page


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Submission of Proposal and ReportSubmission of Proposal and Report

All through the EAS:No hard copy or email submission will be acceptedhttps://eas.encs.concordia.ca/eas/authentication.jsp


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To pass the exams, you need toFully understand all lecturesBe able to apply what you have learned

If youIf youhave no background in computer science or securityare scared of solving hard problems, g p ,hate reading difficult research papers,expect only ‘known’ problems in exams, or

f ‘ i ti ’ t f tiprefer ‘memorization’ type of exam questions, then this is not the right course for you. Better drop it now than regret later


drop it now than regret later.I will never change grades based on ‘needs’

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No textbook (as a good book is unavailable).Exams only cover lectures. But naturally the more you read, the more you learn (and a bette g de i mo e likel )better grade is more likely).What to read (in addition to given papers):



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Academic Integrity All students must follow the university's policies regarding academic integrity I take the Code of Conduct very seriously!I take the Code of Conduct very seriously! I will do my best to identify any plagiarism in your report, and will have zero tolerance regarding thisTake pride in your work (and self)

GradingTwo exams (closed-book, 35% and 35%, respectively)A project (a proposal a final report 15% and a


A project (a proposal, a final report 15%, and a presentation 15%)

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See project descriptionWhat’s new/special?

The presentation will count for 15% of overall gradeThe presentation will be given in-classSelected presentations will be covered in the exam


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Again, be very serious about the code of d tconduct

Cheating/Plagiarism is the easiest way to get a really bad gradereally bad grade

Late submission policyLate project reports will be accepted with 20%Late project reports will be accepted with 20% penalty for each day past due up to five daysLate submission of proposal or insufficient progress reported in the progress report will also result in penalty on the group


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Policies (Cont’d)Policies (Cont d)

Make-up examPossible ONLY under a university-approved condition, such as sickness with the university doctor's note. Other events such as a businessdoctor s note. Other events such as a business travel are not excused. No exceptionYou must write me BEFORE the normal exam date t kto arrange a make up examWhat I can guarantee is

The make up exam will be completely different from theThe make up exam will be completely different from the normal exam

What I can’t guarantee isTh ill b f tl th diffi lt


They will be of exactly the same difficulty

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Course DescriptionCourse Description

From the catalogCl d ti t SOA d l d i t li ti d l d l dCloud computing concepts, SOA and cloud, virtualization and cloud, cloud service delivery models, cloud storage models, cloud deployment scenarios, public/ private/ hybrid/ community cloud, cloud computing architectures, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, agility, scalability and elasticity of cloud, cloud security, l d i h hi ti hi t d l d d tcloud privacy, homomorphic encryption, searching encrypted cloud data,

secure data outsourcing, secure computation outsourcing, proof of data possession / retrievability, virtual machine security, trusted computing in clouds, cloud-centric regulatory compliance, business and security risk models, l d it id tit t i l d SAML li ti fcloud user security, identity management in cloud, SAML, applications of

secure cloud computing. Project/term paper.

What to expect from this courseState of the art (we’ll read many research papers)State of the practice (e.g., Google, Amazon, Yahoo, etc )etc.)


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(Likely) Topics to be Covered(Likely) Topics to be Covered

Cloud computing basicsCloud-enabling techniques

Mapreduce, Hadoop, GFS, Dynamo, BigTable, PNUTS etcPNUTS, etc.

Attacks on cloudClo d sec it and p i acCloud security and privacy

Data integrity, access control, trust, privacy

Cloud/Web applications securityCloud/Web applications securitySide channel attacks, privacy protection, data leaks

etcetc. You present what you would like to be covered!


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Course administrationCloud computing basics

Partially based on:


Partially based on: Ragib Hasan, A Walk in the Clouds: Overview of Cloud ComputingArmbrust et al., Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing

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What Is Cloud Computing?What Is Cloud Computing?

The infinite wisdom of the crowds (via Google Suggest)

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What Is Cloud Computing?What Is Cloud Computing?

Larry Ellison, f d f O l

We’ve redefined Cloud Computing to include everything that we already do. founder of Oracleinclude everything that we already do.. . . I don’t understand what we would do differently in the light of Cloud Computing other than change the p g gwording of some of our ads.

’ idi ’ hIt’s stupidity. It’s worse than stupidity: it’s a marketing hype campaign

Richard StallmanGNU

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The NIST DefinitionThe NIST Definition

“Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) thatapplications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service providerminimal management effort or service provider interaction.”


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The NIST Definition Cont’dThe NIST Definition Cont dEssential Characteristics:

On-demand self-service.On demand self service. Broad network access. Resource pooling. Rapid elasticity.Measured service.

Service Models:Software as a Service (SaaS)Platform as a Service (PaaS).Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Deployment Models:l dPrivate cloud.

Community cloud.Public cloud.Hybrid cloudHybrid cloud.


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3-Tier View3 Tier View

“X=[Hardware, Infrastrucuture, Platform] as a service”Conf singConfusing

Better: 3-layer viewCloud provider providing Utility computingp p g y p gCloud user/service providers providing web applicationsSaaS users

What’s new/good in cloud computingWhat s new/good in cloud computingIllusion of infinite computing resources (no planning)No up-front cost (start small and grow up)Fine-grained billing (maximizing utility/conservation)


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Why Now?Why Now?

“Computing Utility” – holy grail of computer i i th 1960 C d MULTICSscience in the 1960s. Code name: MULTICS

Mid to late ’90s, Grid computingwas proposed to link and share p pcomputing resources


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Why Now? Cont’dWhy Now? Cont d

Post-dot-com bust, big companies ended up with largecompanies ended up with large data centers, with low utilization

Solution: Let’s throw inSolution: Let s throw in virtualization, and sell the excess computing power to make some good money!make some good money!

And thus, Cloud Computing was born …

Other factorsPervasive broadband InternetFast x86 virtualizationPay-as-you-go billing modelStandard software stack


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Cloud Computing Is Growing RapidlyCloud Computing Is Growing Rapidly

IDC: public IT cloud market will grow from $16B to $55.5B in five years

What technologies are behind a cloud?

IMC 2010, Melbourne

22Li et al., CloudCmp: Comparing Public Cloud Providers, IMC '10 Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, Pages 1-14

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Cloud Computing ArchitectureCloud Computing Architecture

e.g., Web browser

SaaS , e.g., Google Docs


Google AppEngineProvides a programmable

Microsoft AzureClients can choose languages, but can’t change the operating

platform that can scale easily

IaaSchange the operating system or runtime

Amazon EC2Clients can rent virtualized hardwarevirtualized hardware, can control the software stack on the rented machines 23

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Cloud Killer AppsCloud Killer Apps

Mobile and web applicationsHighly available and large data set (mashups)

Extensions of desktop softwareMatlab, image rendering, calendar

Batch processing“C t i ti it ” 1k 1h 1 1k h“Cost associativity”: 1k servers 1hr=1server 1k hrs

Bigdata analyticsG l “W ld d bi d t ”Google: “Worldcup and bigdata”

Wh t d t k i l d t k t diWhat do not work in cloud: stock trading


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Economics of Cloud UsersEconomics of Cloud Users

• Pay by use instead of provisioning for peak

Capacitys s












Unused resources

Static data center Data center in the cloud


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Economics of Cloud UsersEconomics of Cloud Users

• Risk of over-Capacity

provisioning: underutilization





Time • Risk of under-



provisioning: underutilization









26Lost revenue Lost users

Time (days)1 2 3

Time (days)1 2 3

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Economics of Cloud ProvidersEconomics of Cloud Providers

5-7x economies of scale [Hamilton 2008]

Resource Cost inMedium DC (1k)

Cost inVery Large DC (50k) Ratio

$ $Network $95 / Mbps / month $13 / Mbps / month 7.1xStorage $2.20 / GB / month $0.40 / GB / month 5.7xAdministration ≈140 servers/admin >1000 servers/admin 7.1x

Extra benefits

Administration 140 servers/admin 1000 servers/admin 7.1x

Amazon: utilize off-peak capacityMicrosoft: sell .NET toolsGoogle: reuse existing infrastructure


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Adoption ChallengesAdoption ChallengesChallenge Opportunity

Availability Multiple providers & DCsAvailability Multiple providers & DCsData lock-in StandardizationData Confidentiality and Auditability Encryption, VLANs, Firewalls

Data transfer bottlenecks FedEx-ing disks, Data Backup/Archival

Performance unpredictability Improved VM support, flash memory, scheduling VMs

Scalable storage Invent scalable store

Bugs in large distributed systems Invent Debugger for Distributed VMs

Scaling quickly Invent Auto Scaler that employs machineScaling quickly Invent Auto-Scaler that employs machine learning and statistics

Reputation Fate Sharing Offer reputation-guarding services like those for email


those for emailSoftware Licensing Pay-for-use licenses; Bulk use sales

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The Fear FactorThe Fear Factor


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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

ConfidentialityWill the sensitive data stored on a cloud outside the organization remain confidential? Will cloud compromises leak confidential client dataWill cloud compromises leak confidential client data (i.e., fear of loss of control over data)?Will other tenants sharing the same physical machine be able to learn about my applications?

e.g., vulnerabilities have appeared in VMWare, Xen, and Microsoft’s Virtual PC and Virtual Server.

Will the cloud provider itself be honest and won’t peek into the data?

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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

IntegrityHow do I know that the cloud provider is doing the computations correctly?How do I ensure that the cloud provider reallyHow do I ensure that the cloud provider really stored my data without tampering with it?How do I know if my data is encrypted as promised?How do I know if my data is stored inside Canada?H t t d l l th ti ti / t l tHow to extend local authentication/access control to cloud?

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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

AvailabilityNow that all my data and applications are in cloudWhat if critical services become unavailable to customers because the cloud or network is down?customers because the cloud or network is down? Single-point-of-failure“Criminals threaten to cut off the incomes of SaaS providers by making their service unavailable, extorting $10,000 to $50,000 payments to prevent the launch of a DDoS attack.”the launch of a DDoS attack.What happens if cloud provider goes out of business? (and I didn’t have time to backup my d ?)data?)

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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

Privacy issues raised via massive data miningCloud now stores data from a lot of clients, and can run data mining algorithms to get large amounts of information on clientsinformation on clients“Facebook's participation in a mass experiment whereby it manipulated the news feeds of 700,000

t k th iti ti iusers to make them more positive or negative, in an attempt to alter their mood one way or the other”

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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

Increased attack surfaceEntity outside the organization now stores and computes data, and soAttackers can now target the communication linkAttackers can now target the communication link between cloud provider and clientCloud provider employees can be phished

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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

Auditability and forensicsDifficult to audit data held outside organization in a cloud

Requires transparency of cloud’s operationRequires transparency of cloud s operation

Forensics also made difficult since now clients don’t maintain data locally

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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

Legal quagmire and transitive trust issuesWho is responsible for complying with regulations (e.g., SOX, HIPAA, GLBA)?If cloud provider subcontracts to third party cloudsIf cloud provider subcontracts to third party clouds, will the data still be secure?

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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

Cloud Computing is aCloud Computing is a security nightmare and it can't be handled inand it can t be handled in traditional ways.

John ChambersCISCO CEO

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The Fear Factor Cont’dThe Fear Factor Cont d

Cloud Computing will become a focal point of our work in security. I’m optimistic …

Ron RivestThe R of RSA