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Hand and Gesture Analysis: Selling Strategies 1 © Human Behaviour Academy www.hbacademy.org.uk Hands and Gesture Analysis : Selling Strategies By Goh Zhe Cheng And Leow Chee Seng Published By Human Behaviour Academy
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Hand and Gesture Analysis: Selling Strategies

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Hands and Gesture Analysis :

Selling Strategies


Goh Zhe Cheng


Leow Chee Seng

Published By

Human Behaviour Academy

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Hand and Gesture Analysis: Selling Strategies

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Published by Human Behaviour Academy Ltd

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First Edition May, 2014

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publishing Data

Zhe Cheng, Goh; Chee Seng, Leow

Hand and Gestures Analysis: Selling Strategies

1. Body Language 2. Non Verbal 3. Communication 4. Gesture 5. Business

6. Consumer Behaviour

BF 637 N66

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Hand and Gesture Analysis: Selling Strategies

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Table of Content

Table of Content 3

Important Note 4

The Strategies 5

Slot 1 6

Slot 2 8

Slot 3 10

Slot 4 12

Slot 5 14

Slot 6 15

Slot 7 16

Slot 8 17

Slot 9 18

Slot 10 19

Slot 11 20

References 22

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Before Reading this article, you would watch the following videos

Internship Part I


Internship Part II


Internship Part III


Supermarket Scene - Don't Be a Menace


Bad Service in a Restaurant - Lesson 36 - English in Vancouver


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The Strategies

Hands are the important part of our body which demonstrate the inner thought and

amplified the action of a communication. Speeches with the usage of hand gesture

further strengthen the usage of the hand on the idea to be distributed.

In this analysis, the content will be focus on only the hand movement and the palm.

There are few principle categorized from the analysis which is the context, clusters,

consistency and culture. Context is referring to the situational factor to be considered

when making judgement. For instant, a person who had over cover his mouth with

palm when he start to sneeze did not indicate that the person not agrees with your

statement. As for cluster, it is an enhancement on the people idea conveying. When a

person is conveying the idea through voices, their inner feeling will enhance this

expression being having different posture. For example, people who are answering to

you with and the fingers pointing to the direction you are asking for are enhancing the

idea of conveying. The consistency of the nonverbal communication brings you a

clearer message. When a person tries to say that the food is nice but the hand is

covering the mouth indicates that there is deception from the statement given. Culture

is another element to be considered for the hands nonverbal analysis. Different

countries have different meaning for the same gesture. For example, V sign shows

peace or happiness in US but it had offensive meaning in country such as UK (Leow,

Vincent and Atiqah, 2013).

There are 10 plots from 3 video being analysed under the hand and gesture. The video

used are The Internship, bad customer service and Don’t Be a Menance. From the

plots, the types of hand gestures and analysed together with the interpretation and

situational analysis. Finally, the marketing strategy will be discussed pertaining to all

the hand gesture shows.

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Slot 1: The Internship

In this plot, the person shows both palm open to the others. This is the open hand

gesture. When palm inners are shows to the others this indicate that the person is

showing the honest and openness from his heart.

Base on this gesture, both hands had been lifted up and shows to the 2 others which

are sitting next to him. This action was done unconsciously and shows that this person

is trying to be openness and honesty upon giving out his comment. When the person

shows an open hand gesture, it can be interpreted as truth, allegiance, submissive

friendliness, honesty and trust (Leow, Vincent and Atiqah, 2013). The conversation is

in happiness. The black man is trying to explain with openness heart and friendliness

to the others. Agreeing on the chatting points which had caused him to act frankly and

he is going to give explanation on the question.

From situational factor analysis, the atmosphere of the restaurant provides a good

conversation environment for the men. It is not crowded and they are free from

disruption. Besides that, the buyer mood condition is good and the monetary status is

in good condition as the business for the customer is expanding. From social factor,

the black man is in a good relationship with the 2 seller. The selling technique and

conversation aid the selling atmosphere.

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As for the marketers, when the customers are showing this kind of gesture, it is

advisable to acknowledge the customer point of view. Marketers need to show their

interest on the topic being discussed and building excitement with supportive during

conversation. In the same time, take note on the customer needs by asking more

questions to confirm on the customer request. The marketers need to provide the

customer the suitable product and try to suit the actual needs.

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Slot 2: The Internship

For slot 2, we can see that the black man is showing a palm face down gesture. This is

an emotional hand which showing the expressively charged hand. The hand of the

back guys is moving from left to right with the palm face down (Leow, Vincent and

Atiqah, 2013).

From this gesture portrait by the black man, it is indicating that the authority and

dominance from the black man himself. It had been perceived as giving instruction to

the others. The movement of the hand keep until the black man finish his statement.

He is expressing his thought with more passionate on the statement he is giving out

and more enhancing power through the movement of the hand which shows the “cut

off” meaning. The black man is trying to tell the others that their company had fold

down. There will be no more transaction between him and the company itself. From

social perspective, he thought that their purpose to find him is for gathering and

chatting not sale. The mood of the conversation become serious due to action of

selling by the other 2 person who did not know their company had fold down.

In situational analysis, the black man feel pressured as both the seller start to sell the

watches to him without knowing their notice that their company had fold down. The

reason of purchase factor shows that the black man unable to purchase form the 2

seller as their company had fold down. Besides that, the buyer mood had changed due

to the sudden selling action by the sellers.

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As for the marketers, when the customer is showing such action, it is advisable to

listen carefully to the customer statements. Suggest to customer base on the customer

needs as there are passionate to get the item they want. Try to suit the customer with

the specific features item requested. If there is no suitable, product from the store,

please divert the customer to other places which is providing the product as customer

had strong acquisition of the particular product.

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Slot 3: The Internship

From this slot, we can notice that the man is touching his forehead head with his hand

and the palm is facing inner. This is a self-touch hand to face gesture. Self-touching

occurs when there is stress need to be deal. The touching provides comfort to our own

selves. This recreating the touch used by our parent s since we are baby. This creates a

physical barrier for the person against the stress source (Leow, Vincent and Atiqah,

2013). From the scene, we can interpret that the man is in stress and need an instant

comfort to him. This self-touch action creates a physical barrier for him to handle

stress, shame, doubt, anxiety and all others negative elements. The man just get to

know that his own company had folded out and he still don’t know on this fact. His

customer informed to him on this news which caused him feels shame and anxiety

because he ordered an expensive wine to pre celebrate the deal with customer


As for situational factor, the buyer and seller mood had changed from happy to

depressed and shock. Besides that, in the physical factor, the men had ordered the

expensive wine had caused the black man feel sympathy to the men. The men also

feel depressed and anxious on the news of his company had fold down.

As for the marketers, when customers show this gesture, you may ask the customer

for the problem faced. Marketers also need to provide solution for the customer to

resolve the problem he is facing. For example, in this scenario, the restaurant may

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offer a discount or provide flexi payment to solve the problem. Besides that,

alternative ways such as diverting the order to the other customer and allow the

customer to cancel the order will be second choice for the restaurant can offer to the


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Slot 4: The Internship

From this slot, the lady in dating is rubbing her hand. This shows a self-touch hand

gesture. Self-rubbing had the effect of reduce stress and self-massage on the fingertips

provide a physical barrier for the person against the outer stress (Leow, Vincent and

Atiqah, 2013).

From the screen, we can see that the lady in dating is feeling anxiety and doubt. She

holds her hands together to create the comfort through massage on the fingertips to

instant reduce the doubt and anxiety. The man is hitting with the waitress in front of

the lady in dating with him.

In situational analysis, the mood of the lady changed from good to anxious from the

behaviour of the men. For the physical surrounding, the restaurant is crowded as the

environment shows that the area is full of people. This caused the lady feel shame and

anxiety towards the man action under social factor. From social factor, the

relationship between the man and the lady become confused due to the men action of

hitting the waitress in front of her.

For marketers, it is important to relief the customer when you see this type of gesture.

The sales person needs to calm the customer first before start to ask for further details.

The sales person can provide a warm smile and friendly greeting as a method to

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reduce the anxiety of the customer. After customer calm down, the sales person can

start to ask the customer detail and provide the suitable product to the customer.

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Slot 5: The Internship

In this slot, the bold head men pointing his finger to the other men. The man palm is

face down to inner. Expressive charged hands had been shown by the bold head man

(Leow, Vincent and Atiqah, 2013).

The man is pointing his finger to the other have shown an authority and dominance

towards the other. He is expressing his opinion and enhanced with the hand gesture.

The pointing with a finger indicates the direction of the statement and it may be

perceived as a command or order to the men next to him.

Situational analysis shows that the shop is not crowded and the negotiation can take

longer time. As for the men action is he wants to direct and order to the men next to

him for action. With this action, he wanted to stop the conversation. He is not buying

the idea from the sales team. Sales team selling technique did not capture his attention.

As for marketers, when the customer shows this type of gesture, they need to provide

more detail explanation. They need to identify the customer needs and create the

needs to the customer for the customer to gain interest in the product. The marketers

need to provide solid explanation which suite the customer current needs. Explanation

on the benefits must be interactive and customer background related to create

inception to the customer mind sets.

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Slot 6: Bad service in restaurant

From the screen, we can see that the lady is holding her chin with her hand. This is a

hand to face gesture. As mention before, self-touching occurs is due to discomfort or

stress (Leow, Vincent and Atiqah, 2013).

From the picture we can see that the lady is in thinking for meal to be order. She is

asking opinion form the men opposite him for advice. She needs opinion from the

men for actual meal ordering. She is willing to accept any kind of opinion as reference.

Situational analysis shows that the physical of the restaurant is rather empty. There

are less people in the restaurant and they can take time to think for the meal to order.

From the purchase reason factor, the lady is feeling doubt and anxious towards the

menu as she never been there before. She unable decides for the meal as she is

anxious on the food taste and quality.

As for marketers, they need to assist the customer by giving suggestion. Daily

speciality can be suggested to the customers. Besides that, they need to consider the

time required until the product serve as they are the office worker. Marketers also

need to redesign the menu for better reading for customer. Indication of speciality for

example chef recommended item in the menu as a reference to the first time


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Slot 7: Bad service in restaurant

Form this slot, the lady is in the gesture of hand holding her arms. The lady is said to

be in a self-touching hand gesture. The hand holding the arm gives interpretation of

discomfort. The discomfort feeling such as anxious, doubt, shame and other negative

feeling will cause this gesture occurs unconsciously. By holding her arm with hands,

she able to comfort herself with the touch and a physical barrier form to protect her

from the discomfort feelings (Leow, Vincent and Atiqah, 2013).

From the situation analysis, time perspective had altered the purchase quantity for the

lady. The lady is feeling anxious and doubt on the service speed, as she needs to back

to office on time. This is the first time she visits to this restaurant and service speed

had become the stress source for the discomfort.

For marketers, it is important to ask the customer on the time manner. By focusing on

the customer request, this can help to increase the chances of repurchase from this

customer. Besides that, more set menu being prepared for the time constraint people.

This help to increase the sales and satisfaction from the customers. Moreover, if the

food required longer preparation time, pre inform to the customer must be done.

Furthermore, provide take away service to the customer if the food served is delayed.

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Slot 8: Bad service in restaurant

From the picture, we can see that the lady is holding her face with 2 hands on both

sides. This is an emotional hand of bored because the hand to face gesture found

where both elbow are resting on the table and the hand is supporting the jaws. The

lady is feeling bored of waiting the food to be served. This shows an impatient gesture

and dissatisfaction towards the service (Leow, Vincent and Atiqah, 2013).

From situational analysis, the physical factors show that the restaurant is rather empty

but the service still very slow. The buyer mood had been changed from good to bad

due to the slow service. This had reduced the purchase and sales.

For marketers, they need to for the service delivery. Besides that, informing the

customer becomes a crucial part for the service failure. Chatting with the customer to

reduce their dissatisfaction can protect the brand image. The marketers can provide

discount and promotional price to the customer for the service failure. As for this

situation, offering the customer and alternative solution such as delivery service or

take away service to prevent the situation getting worst.

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Slot 9: Bad service in restaurant

From this screen, the finger pointing and hand clenched to fist indicate that this is a

emotional hand and non open hand gestures. For palm facing down and with finger

pointing, this shows that the lady are in authority and dominance. With the finger

pointing, it shown that the lady is perceived to be giving instruction and commands.

For the right hand with fist, it is an emotional hand of anger. The lady is in angry but

she try to control by clencing her hand to fist (Leow, Vincent and Atiqah, 2013).

From the situational analysis, the social factor show that the lady is in dominance and

authority over the men. The lady dissatistaction prohibit the men future purchase in

the restaurant. Besides that, the physical factor shows that the bad service of the

restaurant caused the dissatisfaction and this will reduced the purhase.

For marketer, they need to calm the customer and appologize for the bad service.

Offering compensation such as discount and cash coucher can help to relieve the

dissatisfaction of the customer. Retrain the service crew and reorganise the production

work flow will be crucial to improve the service speed.

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Slot 10: Don’t Be a Menace

From this screen, we can see that the men is portraiting a hand to face gesture where

his hand held at his chin. This gesture shows that the men is in stress and discomfort.

By holding on his chin, this provide comfort to him and it also serve as a barrier to the

stress source (Leow, Vincent and Atiqah, 2013). He is anxious on the 2 black man

enter his shop. The appearance from the 2 black man customer make him feel they

will cause trouble to him.

In situational analysis, the physical factor shows that the shop is rather free as only 5

people in the shop. This provide a lot of free space for the customer to shop. Time of

purchase also will be longer as there are lots of items and space allow them to decide

for the purchase. As for social factor, due to the reaction of the shop owner being

defensive towards ths 2 black guys, it is discouraging of the purchase. Defensive

towards the inproper appearance men makes them feel not welcoming and this

discourage them to purchase more. The buyer mood of the 2 black men also reduced

due to the defensive action from the shopper.

As for marketers, they need to be openness to all kind of people as customer always

right. They need to be more attentive for the customer and not judge from the

appearance. They also need to ask the customer the items they are looking for.

Suggestive selling can be done by checking on the customer needs at the first place.

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Slot 11: Don’t Be a Menance

From the picture, we can see that the hand of the men had show his hand movement

goes up and the palm face inner. This hand gesture shows an emotional hand which

showing the expressively charged hand (Leow, Vincent and Atiqah, 2013). The

movement of the hand follow the idea expressed by himself to show that he is not

satisfy with the price and service.

From the situational analysis, the social factors shows that the owner did not welcome

to the customers. The mood of the buyer change from good to bad because of the

price. The owner refuse to give discount and he is feeling the price charge too high.

This had reduce the purchase intention from the customer.

As a marketers, we should welcome all the customers. Upon negotiation, discount can

be given if the customer shows a strong interest to purchase. Besides that, the sales

person need to clarify with the customer for the price charging. Customer may have

feel being cheated for the high price charged. The sales person need to be more

attentive to the customer and promote suggestive selling.

In conclusion, nonverbal communication did provide a good guideline for the

marketers to observe and react towards the customer needs. The hand gesture is form

unconsciously to strengthen and express the thought of the person. Besides that, by

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understanding the nonverbal gesture, marketers can identify the incongruent hand

gesture with the idea presented.

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