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Happiness 1. The Way to True Happiness Or The Way to Heaven 2.

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Page 1: Happiness 1. The Way to True Happiness Or The Way to Heaven 2.



Page 2: Happiness 1. The Way to True Happiness Or The Way to Heaven 2.

The Way to True Happiness


The Way to Heaven


Page 3: Happiness 1. The Way to True Happiness Or The Way to Heaven 2.

The Way to True Happiness

Matthew 5:3–12

Sermon on the Mount

A one man Revolution

Do you really want change? *


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The Way to True Happiness

Listen to this Revolutionary man

JesusOn how to becoming a Christian

andTo Be Faithful


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The Way to True Happiness

True Happiness Is being a Faithful Christian

Here is how to be a faithful Christian


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The Way to True HappinessStep 1

Matthew 5:3

Happy are the poor in spirit:


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The Way to True Happiness

Spiritually Poor

I’m a Sinner

I realize I am lost *


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my Reward?

Matthew 5:3 for theirs is the kingdom of



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The Way to True Happiness

I will be in the Kingdom

That which is going to be saved

That’s true happiness *


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The Way to True Happiness

Step 2

Matthew 5:4 Happy are they that mourn


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The Way to True Happiness

I’m Sorry for my Sins

True Repentance

I’m remorseful for my sins *


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my Reward?

Matthew 5:4 for they shall be comforted.


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The Way to True Happiness

We will be comforted

Our sins will be washed away

What more comfort than to know our sins were washed away



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The Way to True Happiness

Step 3

Matthew 5:5 Happy are the meek


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The Way to True Happiness

Not the weak – But the meek

I give my life to Jesus

Buried with Jesus in Baptism

Now part of the Kingdom *


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my Reward?

Matthew 5:5 for they shall inherit the earth.


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The Way to True Happiness

I will receive blessing now

Blessing on this earth in his Kingdom *


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The Way to True Happiness

Step 4 Matthew 5:6

Happy are they which do hunger and thirst after



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The Way to True Happiness

I’m hungry to learn your wordI will do what ever you tell me to do

I’ll study I’ll be faithful in attendance

I’ll teach the lost *


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my Reward?

Matthew 5:6 for they shall be filled.


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The Way to True Happiness

I will learnI will become faithful

I will be a light to the world *


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The Way to True Happiness

Now that’s you understand you are a sinnerNow that you are truly sorry for your sinsNow that you have given your life to Jesus

Now that you are eager to learnYou are now ready to work on your “self”



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The Way to True Happiness

Step 5

Matthew 5:7 Happy are the merciful


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The Way to True Happiness

I’m working on my “Outward” manSo I can show mercy for the lostSince mercy was shown to me

I’m adding to my faith *


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The Way to True Happiness

2 Peter 1:5-7 5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; 6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; 7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my reward?

Matthew 5:7 for they shall obtain mercy.


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The Way to True Happiness

Mercy will be shown to me

Only our God can show true Mercy

Without Mercy we are lost *


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The Way to True Happiness

Step 6

Matthew 5:8 Happy are the pure in heart


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The Way to True Happiness

I’m working on my “Inward” man

I’m continuing to add to my faith

Put emphasis on my “Inward” man *


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my Reward?

Matthew 5:8 for they shall see God.


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The Way to True Happiness

We will see God as he really is

Our Savior from our sins

Better understanding about God *


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The Way to True Happiness

Step 7

Matthew 5:9 Happy are the peacemakers


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The Way to True Happiness

I’m bring peace to others

I’m bringing happiness to the lost

I’m teach the truth to others *


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my Reward?

Matthew 5:9 for they shall be called the

children of God.


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The Way to True Happiness

I’ll be known as a child of God

I’ll be called a Christian

I’ll be a citizen of God’s Kingdom *


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The Way to True Happiness

Step 8

Matthew 5:10 Happy are they which are

persecuted for righteousness' sake


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The Way to True Happiness

I will be persecuted

That’s what happens when we share Jesus *


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The Way to True Happiness

2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly

in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my Reward?

Matthew 5:10 for theirs is the kingdom of



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The Way to True Happiness

The kingdom will be mine

This world is not my home

God’s Kingdom will be mine I’ll be in that which is going to be

saved *


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The Way to True Happiness

Matthew 5:11-12 11 Happy are ye, when men shall

revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against

you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad:


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The Way to True Happiness

Notice what the verse says

Be happy, rejoice and be glad

Why should I be happy, rejoice and be glad?

It’s the reward *


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The Way to True Happiness

What will be my Reward?

Matthew 5:12 for great is your reward in



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The Way to True Happiness

Heaven will be our home

That’s why we areHappy, Rejoicing and Glad

No one can take heaven away from you



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The Way to True Happiness

Now that is true happiness

Heaven is your reward

Lets summarize our lesson *


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The Way to True Happiness

Step 1 – Realize you are a sinnerStep 2 – Be willing to repentStep 3 – Be baptized into ChristStep 4 – Be hungry to learn God’s willStep 5 – Work on your “Outward” manStep 6 – Work on your “Inward” manStep 7 – Teach others to be ChristiansStep 8 – You will be persecutedStep 9 – Be happy, rejoice and be glad


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The Way to True Happiness

What a revolutionary TeachingFrom a revolutionary Teacher


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The Way to True Happiness

Do you have TRUE

Happiness? **

