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Happy Deepavali... On this auspicious festival of lights, may the glow of joy, peace, prosperity & happiness… illuminate your days in the year ahead.
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On this auspicious festival of lights, may the glow of joy, peace, prosperity & happiness… illuminate your days in the year ahead.

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November 09 , 2015 Issue# 17


Special EditionSpecial Edition

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Headings Hyperlinked Page #

Editorial 4

President’s Message 5

Berita Pudu - Club Proceedings / Attendance / Collection 6

Pudu Events - Events / Birthdays / Wedding Anniversaries 7

About The Speaker 8

Speaker’s Text 9

Picture Gallery 12

Announcements 17

District News 18

RI News 20

Get Inspired! 21

LOL... 22

Fit Brains 23

Motivational Quotes 24


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Colours of Rangoli! This is the scene that I have been seeing for the past one week at least wherever I went. It is such joy to see all races doing their shopping and in celebration of the upcoming festival of lights. Many organisations created the mood by various activities at their workplace, such as Rangoli colouring contest, Dress for Deepavali days, Charity events, and not forgetting the parties and the fireworks here and there. One thing I could see is, that the unity amongst us is so strong! I am definite that you will agree to this because people are so into the celebration and fun that sometimes I see that they even forget who they are, as in their races...and this is bliss, to me! So when they forget what race they are, then they become ONE human being. I think the phrase in Malay language, which goes - ‘Bersatu Kita Teguh, Bercerai Kita Roboh’ has had

great impact in our lives since childhood. So my dear friends, as we celebrate this wonderful day, let us all take a moment to remind ourselves of our friends and families. There could have been moments where things could have gone wrong, or words that is not supposed to be uttered came out before we could think, and sometimes even an action which was not supposed to have taken place happened. One thing for sure, that all these can me corrected. If you think that there is a need to strengthen these bonds and reconnect these relationships, there are couple of statements that I can recommend which will definitely be helpful, they are: A. Thank You - for those who have been there for you during your ups and downs… B. I Love You - for those whom you think should know that you care... C. Forgive Me - for those who have made a mistake, knowingly or unknowingly… D. I’m Sorry - for those who cherish relationship....

My pick would be, all of the above! Wishing all of you a Joyful Deepavali !

Puvaneswaran (Iswaran) Shanmugam Editor


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I am writing this message from my hotel room in Manila. I am here to attend the Rotary Institute for Zone 6B, 7A and 10B. If you don’t know what they are, please ask a senior Rotarian or google it. Some 1,200 Rotarians from 11 countries are here. Mostly they are PDGs and DGs with a sizeable number of DG Elects and AG Elects because there were special training seminars for them under the pre -Institute pro-gramme. For the Institute proper we had various forums and seminars today; tomorrow morning it will be wrapped up by an open forum. It was in the afternoon that was interesting where we had breakout sessions for discussions on Ethics, the Four Way Test, Object of Rotary, Role of PDGs and Conflict Resolution. I at-tended the first three which fortunately was rolled into one. Very interesting indeed because I never thought Rotary would allow questioning of their almost “set in stone” mantra. RI officers are in attend-ance so obviously it’s meant for them to take note and report back to the RI policy makers. Good for you, Institute organisers. As expected the lawyer types questioned the Four Way Test, saying that the first item is very difficult to

upkeep. Well, you know lawyers; they work in the grey areas. They have to tell half truths sometimes. They even suggested that the third item should be first; after all Rotary was built on goodwill and friend-ship. However, the test was defended by the engineer types, who said the Four Way Test is just fine. To engineers it’s the means for Quality Assurance (QA) and engineers also love tests. Hence, for everything there is a test protocol (and I immediately thought of the KPI system that I introduced.) This is because engineers are pragmatic people; to them things are either right or wrong, it works or it doesn't work, it’s black or white, you can do it or you can’t. No ifs’ and buts’. And no grey areas in between. Oh, how I love that engineer friend! Then the lawyer, not wanting to be silenced came up to question the Object of Rotary. Well, rightly so he pointed out it’s a singular object. And the four items listed are emphasis. They are not objects. However, Rotary has now emphasised Youth service as a separate service. So there should be five emphasis. Well, he is right. The forum silently agreed with that. I learnt something from this Institute. And that is you can question things and you can amend things;

and make changes for a better future of the organisation, in particular your own little organisation.

Dato’ Muslim Ayob President RY2015/16 Rotary Club of Pudu


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Visiting Rotarians Club

PDG KB Lim Club—Speaker

Guests Host

Mr Ivan Saw Club

Ms Shirley Tham PP Quah Sek Cheng

Dr Koay Chew Aik Rtn Tenny

Ms Lee Su Ling PP Alex Chang

Ms Vone Kwan PE Sandy Soh

Mr Mahmood Khan VP Jeffrey Yap

Attendance Pax

Club Members 27

Visiting Rotarians 1

Guests 12


Collections RM

Birthday/Anniversary/Fines 55.00

Paying Dinners 300.00

Raffles/Others -



Club Proceedings 1. Acting Sergeant-at-Arms(SAA) Rtn Robert Tan called the meeting to order at 1.15PM on behalf of President

Dato’ Muslim. He welcomed all Rotarians and guests. He then led in the singing of the National Anthem and the Loyal Toast.

2. FINEMASTER- The Finemaster was Rtn Veronique and the list of fines were:

RM1 - All for the clear blue sky without haze.

RM2 - All those who did not attend last week’s club meeting.

RM2 - All those who supported New Zealand for the Rugby Finals.

RM1 - All those who supported Australia for the Rugby Finals.

RM1 - All who will not attend the Community Service Committee meeting.

RM1 - All those not watching the movie “Spectre’ coming Saturday.

RM1 - All seated at the last table.

RM2 - All those just came back from Taiwan trip.

RM10 - Rtn Angela for all to sing the Birthday song in English.

RM10 - Rtn Robert Tan volunteered for not singing a Birthday song for him.


Thanked Rtn Veronique for being the Finemaster.

Thanked Rtn Robert Tan in being the Acting SAA.

Called upon the introducer.

Updates by PP Alex Chang on the upcoming committee meeting together with Rotary Open Family

Day committee meeting.

VP Jeffrey Yap updated on the upcoming charity premier show on Saturday and thanked all for the

contribution and support.

Reminder on the Board meeting to the Directors.


Rtn Angela did the introduction.


PP Alex Chang made the thanking to PDG KB Lim with a question on how our club will get some fund

from the Yayasan in future.

This was followed by a token of appreciation from the club.

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AG Teoh Kwan Swee


From 8 To 80: The MDR Story

Duty Table:

Rtn Heng CT


Rtn Ong Shiou Ting




PP Gary Lim


PP Richard Liew


PDG David Ho


CLP—The RC Petaling Jaya Experience

Duty Table:

Rtn Elaine


Rtn Wong Shuyi


PP Phang PS


PP Kumar


PP Sim Bee

Date/Day Time Event Venue

09 (Mon) 12:45PM Weekly Club Meeting Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

12 (Thu) 6:30PM RFOD Committee Meeting Royal Lake Club

16 (Mon) 12:45PM Weekly Club Meeting Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

19 (Thu) 6:30PM RFOD Committee Meeting Royal Lake Club

23 (Mon) ************************** No Meeting - deferred to Nov 24 ***************************

24 (Tue) 6:30PM Joint Meeting of GP 10 Clubs Holiday Villa, Jalan Ampang

26 (Thu) 6:30PM RFOD Committee Meeting Royal Lake Club

28 (Sat) 10:00AM RFOD Committee Meeting Autorr Foundation

30 (Mon) 12:45PM Weekly Club Meeting Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur



November Rotarians

5th - IPP Daisy Chiu 5th - Rtn Angela Cheong 13th - Rtn May Lim 20th - PP Dato’ NK Jasani 20th - Rtn Robert Tan 20th - Rtn Bobby Teoh 28th - Rtn Sarkunan November Spouses’

3rd - Spouse Edward (Rtn Choy Ying) 16th - Ann Chantra (Rtn Chinniah) 22th - Ann Pearl (Rtn CC Wong) 23rd - Ann Elaine (PP Alex Chang) 29th - Ann Lilian (PDG Dr. Paul Lee)


1st - Rtn Roy & Ann Siew Kien 15th - Rtn CT Heng & Ann Carven 23rd - Rtn CC Wong & Ann Pearl


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PDG Lim Kok Beng is definitely a well known figure in the Rotary community. He has been with Rotary since 1982. He is currently the Chairman for the Yayasan Kelab Kelab Rotary Malaysia. PDG KB Lim was once a District Governor, serving for the year 2010/2011. He is a Chartered Accountant, and still in practice. The Company Yayasan Kelab Kelab Rotary Malaysia is the foundation of Rotary clubs in Malaysia. It was incorporated on 24 Septem-ber 1985 as the District 330 Foundation. Following the split of Rotary International District 330 into District 3300 and District 3310 the name was changed to Rotary Foundation Malaysia on 14 November 1991. On the advice of Rotary International the name was changed to Yayasan Kelab Kelab Rotary Malaysia on 12 December 1997. There are currently 113 Rotary clubs in Malaysia with 74 in District 3300 and 39 in District 3310. Membership of Yayasan Kelab Kelab Rotary Malaysia is limited to 50. In the past only Past District Governors and the incumbent District Governors were admitted as members. Hence only Past District Governors and incumbent District Governors were elected to the Board of Trustees. At the 26th Annual General Meeting on 26 December 2011, three non Past District Governors were admitted as members and subsequently elected as Directors of Yayasan Kelab Kelab Rotary Malaysia for the first time. They were PP Dr Sen Gupta of RC Bangsar, PP Dato Rizal Sardon of RC Kuala Lum-pur DiRaja and PP Philip M K Chong of RC Likas Bay, Sabah. The Malaysian District Governor Nominee and District Governor Elect are invited to the meeting of the Board of Trus-tees. A sub-committee chaired by PP Philip Chong together with PP Dato Rizal Sardon, PP Dr Sen Gupta and the Honorary Legal Advisor PP Ong See Seng are currently reviewing the Memorandum and Article of Association of Yayasan Kelab Kelab Rotary Malaysia to improve and strengthen the foundation. Yayasan Kelab Kelab Rotary Malaysia is registered as a company incorporated in Malaysia limited by guarantee and is recognized as a charitable foundation and contributions are exempted from income tax. The tax exemption reference is: JHDN 01/35/42/51/179-6.3977 as per WK 11245 dated 8.12.19094. The company number is: 145251-H


Ponder this…

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Finemaster doing her job... Rtn Angela with her introduction of the speaker...

The speaker - PDG KB Lim.

A token of appreciation from the club. View from the President’s table...

Weekly Club Meeting - November 02, 2015

When you know better, you do better...

- Maya Angelou -

PP Alex with his thanking...

Quote of the Day

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Weekly Club Meeting - November 02, 2015


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Weekly Club Meeting - November 02, 2015


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Charity Premier Show - November 07, 2015

WE MADE IT !WE MADE IT !WE MADE IT ! You’re the man...VP Jeffrey YapYou’re the man...VP Jeffrey YapYou’re the man...VP Jeffrey Yap

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His trip to Tagalay some 65KM south of Manila - attending the RYLA event organized by RC Mandalyong, our sister club.

Some 140 RYLA participants received their certificates today - 07 November 2015.

The Rotary Zones Institute Manila 2016.

Full house! Standing room for some 1,200 participants...

President Dato’ Muslim in Manila

Cultural welcome and entertainment...

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November 24, 2015 (Tuesday) @ 6:30PM Venue:

Holiday Villa, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur Host:

RC Bukit Bintang



November 27, 2015 (Friday) @ 8:00PM Venue:


PP Alex Chang Event:


November 29, 2015 (Sunday) @ 9:30AM Venue:

Autorr Foundation, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur OC:

PP Mike Tung Event:


December 05 & 06, 2015 Venue:

Sunway Convention Centre, Petaling Jaya OC:

PP Karthi, RCCD

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It’s getting hotter..!

The highlight of the visit will be the RI President's Banquet where he will make his keynote address.

An MGR Seminar together with Luncheons and a Tea Reception for Major Donors will also be part of his two day programme not forgetting the Club Photo Session with President Ravi.

To know more on the details, please visit District 3300 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rotary3300 (click on the link above if you are viewing this page online)


R. I. President Visit


Register NOW...Register NOW...Register NOW...

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On behalf of RCA, President Sonny Yeoh expressed condolences to PP Christie on the sad demise of his beloved mother Mdm Jessie Theresa Thomas on 23rd October 2015.

PP Christie made a donation of RM 1000 towards the Education Fund, in memory of his late mother.

Rtn Katherine Ho, on behalf of Bright Stars Special Needs Association, present-ed a hamper to the club in appreciation for sponsoring the trip to Ray of Hope Center, Bercham, Ipoh.


Quite a packed Saturday. At 7.15 am , Sunshine lady Helen and I were with the residents of Sel. Cheshire Home for the 22nd SCAS & FT Annual Jog/ Walkaton/ Wheelathon with the Disabled at Padang Merbok. The residents were ex-cited and so were we. Everyone needs exercise and fun! Saw some Rotarians in action too. Caught up my classmate, IPP Violet Dorall and PDG Dr Mohinder and spouse, Helen. A Maybank staff, Mei Ling kindly helped me with the wheelchair as we took Agnes on the 2km walk.

A quick brush-up and Helen and I joined the talk, ' Cancer Prevention' by Dr Nor, Holistic Medical Physician at the Bukit Damansara Community Library or-ganised by the Bukit Damansara Houseowners Assoc. Mums Sew With Love ( a community project by the Rotary Club of Pantai Valley) set up stall to sew our hand towels with the kind permission of the library. A good response from the participants.

Last activity for the day was family time with lunch at Rakuzen and then to catch the movie, Spectre at Tropicana Mall.

District 3300 has its own Facebook page. Click on link below to see the happenings: https://www.facebook.com/rotary3300 (click on the link above if you are viewing this page online)


Happenings Around The District, Interact & Rotaract...

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Your district could earn an appearance on the Rotary International Convention stage in Seoul. The five districts that contribute the most district designated funds (DDFs) to support the Miles to End Polio fundraising goal will have a rep-resentative from their district recognized in front of thousands of fellow Rotary members. In addition to the top five districts earning recognition at the 2016 convention, President-elect John Germ will visit the district that donates the most DDFs to Miles to End Polio, the Rotary fundraiser linked to the annual El Tour de Tucson bicycle race in Arizona, USA. Rotary General Secretary John Hewko and a team of Rotary staff members will cycle in the race on 21 November to

raise funds for PolioPlus. Find out more about the team and how you can get involved in the fundraiser. The deadline for qualifying contributions is 30 November.

Show us how your Interact club is having fun while making a difference in your school or community and you could earn $500 for your club’s next project. For our seventh annual Interact Video Awards, we’re asking Interact clubs to create a short video (30 seconds to three minutes) showing one of the following:

The Magic of Interact: When your club works together, magic

happens. Show us the outstanding projects your members are involved in.

Leadership: What does leadership mean to you? Reveal how

your club takes leadership action in your school and community. Entries are due by 1 December. All videos must be in English or include English subtitles. And be sure that any music you use is either original or royalty-free. Download the submission guidelines and submit your entry before 1 Decem-ber. Learn more on the Interact Facebook page, or email [email protected]. Interact is Rotary’s program for youth ages 12 to 18. Source from Rotary International website at: http://www.rotary.org/ (click on the link above if you are viewing this page online)




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During the month of September, a dear friend of mine lost her husband suddenly in an accident. The tragedy was a

shock to everyone.

This accident was sudden and certainly unexpected. It drove home the realization that you just don't know when a

loved one is no longer going to be with you. We sometimes take our love ones for granted, and we expect that they

will be with us forever. However, as we all know, life does not work that way and sometimes we get a wake up call

that shocks us and makes us stand back and realize how short life is.

In consoling her, I tried to imagine if I was in her shoes how would I feel. It was impossible to imagine what she was

going through. What words do I say to help her?

Sometimes words just can not express our feelings. Sometimes our actions are much more meaningful than words. A

hug can sometimes express more than our words will ever express. Sometimes, just being there to listen is more

meaningful and helpful to people.


As I was leaving the funeral parlor, I ran into a Marilyn. Marilyn has been a true friend to me over the years. She is one

of those friends who is with you in the good times and is always by your side in the bad times. She has a sense of hu-

mor that makes everyone laugh and she makes everyone feel at ease. We chit chatted for a few moments, and then

she asked me how my job was. So I started talking and talking and talking (am sure she wished she had never asked,

ha) I was having a stressful week with my job and I was telling her all the issues and how I was feeling. She listened

to me as I was raving about my frustrations, then without saying a word, she took her hands and placed them on my

face, and said to me, "But at least you had a day."

The touch of her hands on my cheeks, the calmness in her voice, and the words she spoke, "BUT AT LEAST YOU HAD

A DAY", hit me like a ton of bricks. All the frustrations, all the stress that was building up inside of me - came to a com-

plete stop.

Since that day, when I start feeling stressed, I remind myself of Marilyn's words - but at least I had a day! Things

could be a lot worse, the stress of the situation always could be worse, but I am alive and I have a lot to be thankful

for - so I shall not waste my days with stress and frustrations - Life is too short!


A Wake Up Call…

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What can these words mean…?

Answers will be posted in our RC Pudu clubrunner portal by this coming Wednesday :) Visit our portal : http://portal.clubrunner.ca/3045/ (click on the link above if you are viewing this page online)


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