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Happy Easterpaulschlesinger.com/Burleson County Tribune April 13, 2017.pdf · Bank will resume with...

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THE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 2017, PAGE 9-A 10:00 AM at First Assembly of God 12 th & Temple Streets , Caldwell, TX x F r e e A d m i s s i o n ! x C h i l d C a r e ! x L u n c h P r o v i d e d ! x U p l i f t i n g P r a i s e & W o r s h i p ! CALDWELL FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH David Ryman, Pastor | Pam Wood, Conference Director (979) 567-3712 | www.FirstAssemblyOfCaldwell.org KEYNOTE SPEAKER: R h o n d a J o h n s o n Rhonda and her husband David have been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years, currently at New Tabor Brethren church. She is a writer, Minister and most recently, founder of Life of Love Ministries. She will speak on Ephesians 5:1-2. C o m e , b r i n g a f r i e n d a n d b e b l e s s e d ! W o m e n o f F a i t h j o i n u s a t t h e 2 0 1 7 W o m e n s C o n f e r e n c e EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Member FDIC Happy Easter Special Hours Lobby: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Drive-In: 7:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Bank will resume with normal banking hours Monday, April 17 Good Friday, April 14 Fiddler and vocalist 3DXO 6FKOHVLQJHU RI 7D\- lor is the winner of the :HVWHUQ 6ZLQJ 6RQJ RI WKH <HDU IRU WKH tune, “You Were Meant WR 5XLQ 0\ 'UHDPVµ 7KH VRQJ LV D WUDFN RQ KLV &' 3DXO 6FKOHVLQJHU DQG KLV .QLJKWV RI 7H[DV 6ZLQJ The presentation oc- FXUUHG GXULQJ WKH VW $QQXDO :LOO 5RJHUV Academy of Western Art- ists awards banquet on Thursday, March 16, at the Brown-Lupton Ball- room on the Texas Chris- tian University Campus in Fort Worth. “You Were Meant to 5XLQ 0\ 'UHDPVµ ZDV ZULWWHQ LQ E\ O\UL- FLVW &HFLO 5 ´%XWWHUEDOOµ Harris and composer Arlie A. Carter, who were band members of Jimmy Heap and the Melody Masters from Taylor. 7KH VRQJ ZDV RULJLQDOO\ recorded by the Melody Masters for Imperial Re- FRUGV DQG VXQJ E\ ÀGGOHU Perk Williams of Chries- man. Williams would later become a close friend and PHQWRU WR 6FKOHVLQJHU All involved with the RULJLQDO UHFRUGLQJ DUH now deceased. 6FKOHVLQJHU VD\V ´7KH RULJLQDO UHFRUGLQJ LV D WDG slower than my version, DQG E\ WRGD\·V UHFRUGLQJ standards sounds a bit SULPLWLYHµ ´,W VROG ZHOO HQRXJK UHJLRQDOO\ EXW ZDV QRW D KLW LQ ,Q &HFLO Harris told me he wrote WKH VRQJ WR ÀW DURXQG WKH KHDUWEUHDN WKHPH XVLQJ a ‘hook line’ that would hopefully catch the pub- lic’s fancy. I always liked WKH VRQJ DQG RFFDVLRQ- ally performed it live at VKRZV DQG GDQFHVµ ,Q -DQXDU\ 6FKOHVLQJHU was contacted by the Academy of Western Art- LVWV $:$ DQG LQIRUPHG WKDW KLV UHFRUGLQJ RI WKH VRQJ ZDV D WRS ÀYH ÀQDO- LVW IRU :HVWHUQ 6ZLQJ 6RQJ RI <HDU ´, GLGQ·W NQRZ DQ\WKLQJ about the AWA and re- ally had no idea the VRQJ ZRXOG XOWLPDWHO\ ZLQµ VD\V 6FKOHVLQJHU “My wife Tara and I at- tended the event think- LQJ LW ZRXOG MXVW EH DQ LQWHUHVWLQJ H[SHULHQFH and we’d never have the RSSRUWXQLW\ WR JR DJDLQ However, I think she secretly had more faith WKDQ PHµ Other award winners at this year’s ceremony include national celebri- ties Rex Allen Jr., for Western Music Male Vo- calist, and Roy Clark for /LYLQJ /HJHQG 6FKOHVLQJHU UHSRUWV WKDW 5HG 6WHDJDOO D JLDQW LQ WKH ZHVWHUQ PXVLF ÀHOG was in the audience, as was Kenny Sears, the featured fiddler on the Grand Ole Opry, and who is a member of the Time Jumpers, a popular ZHVWHUQ VZLQJ JURXS IHD- tured on RFD TV. In all, there were about LQ DWWHQGDQFH 6FKOHVLQJHU VD\V ´, JDYH P\ DFFHSWDQFH speech at the podium in front of all those lu- minaries. Since I didn’t think I would win, I had QRW SUHSDUHG DQ\WKLQJ So I thanked the Lord IRU VHWWLQJ PH RQ P\ OLIH path, all the musicians who helped with the CD, as well as those folks who VXSSRUWHG PHµ The AWA’s mission is to promote and preserve America’s western past and its contemporary western future. 7KH DOEXP KDV FDXJKW the attention of many country and west- HUQ VZLQJ HQWKXVLDVWV DURXQG WKH JOREH HVSH- cially those who favor traditional, indepen- dently produced country music. Country Music People, DQ LQWHUQDWLRQDO PDJD- zine published in the UK, JDYH WKH &' D ÀYHVWDU UDWLQJ LQ LWV -XO\ issue. 7KH PDJD]LQH DOVR VSRW - OLJKWHG 6FKOHVLQJHU·V FD- reer in its November 2016 issue. The CD is currently No. 1 on the interna- WLRQDO 6ZLQJLQ· :HVW UD- dio show, a position held since last September. Area station KRXT in Rockdale was one of the ÀUVW WR VSLQ WKH VRQJV Perk Williams, who GLHG LQ JUHZ XS DQG settled in Burleson Coun- ty, and is best known for VLQJLQJ RQ WKH RULJLQDO top five Billboard hit UHFRUGLQJ RI ´5HOHDVH 0Hµ LQ :LOOLDPV JDYH 6FKOHVLQJHU KLV ILUVW fiddle lessons in 1993. 6FKOHVLQJHU DQG KLV .QLJKWV RI 7H[DV 6ZLQJ band have played for the annual Perk Williams Tribute since 2002. In addition to his .QLJKWV RI 7H[DV 6ZLQJ EDQG 6FKOHVLQJHU LV WKH music team leader for the Lee County Cowboy Church, and a member of the church’s band Sec- ond Chance, which in- cludes his wife Tara on SLDQR DQG /H[LQJWRQ·V Bill Tucker on bass. +H DOVR SHUIRUPV UHJX- larly with Glen Collins and the Alibis, and the Milam County Cowboy Church band. He and his wife are members of the Comal Country Music Show house band in New Braunfels. %RWK 6FKOHVLQJHU DQG his wife were named En- tertainers of the Year in December 2016 by the Country Music Hall of Fame in Gatesville. Second Chance band ZLOO EH SHUIRUPLQJ DW WKH Burleson County Cowboy Church from 6-8 p.m. on 7XHVGD\ 0D\ GXULQJ WKH HYHQLQJ VHUYLFH DV part of the annual Cow- ER\ &DPS *DWKHULQJ 7KH 3DXO 6FKOHVLQJHU DQG KLV .QLJKWV RI 7H[DV 6ZLQJ &' LV DYDLODEOH at KRXT studios, the 'RZG\ +RXVH LQ /H[LQJ- ton, and online at www. SDXOVFKOHVLQJHUFRP Be sure to visit www. IDFHERRNFRPVFKOHVLQJ- er.paul, and www. DZDDZDUGVRUJ Schlesinger wins Western Swing Song of the Year His version of old Melody Masters’ song 3$8/ 6&+/(6,1*(5 &(17(5 DFFHSWV DZDUG IRU KLV VRQJ ´<RX :HUH 0HDQW WR 5XLQ 0\ 'UHDPVµ DW WKH VW $QQXDO :LOO 5RJHUV $FDGHP\ RI :HVWHUQ $UWLVWV DZDUGV EDQTXHW LQ )RUW :RUWK RQ 0DUFK 3UHVHQWLQJ WKH DZDUG ZDV %LOO\ %RZOHV OHIW DQG &DWK\ :KLWWHQ '-V RI UDGLR VWDWLRQ .66/ )0 LQ 6ODWRQ 7H[DV 2YHU ZHVWHUQ DUWLVWV DWWHQGHG WKH HYHQW 3$8/ 6&+/(6,1*(5 DQG 3HUN :LOOLDPV FD &KULHVPDQ TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION MEMBER Burleson County Tribune CALDWELL NEWS - SOMERVILLE TRIBUNE (979)567-3286 ~ Fax: (979)567-7898 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]m Web Site: www.bctribune.com 2IÀFH +RXUV Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. - Noon A Weekly Publication Of The %85/(621 &2817< 38%/,6+,1* &2 /3 :HVW +LJKZD\ &DOGZHOO 7; 3HULRGLFDOV 3RVWDJH 3DLG DW &DOGZHOO 7H[DV U.S.P.S. No. 945040 SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Burleson County......$45.00 Per Year In Texas.........................$50.00 Per Year Out of Texas..................$57.00 Per Year 32670$67(5 6HQG $GGUHVV &KDQJHV WR %XUOHVRQ &RXQW\ 7ULEXQH :HVW +LJKZD\ &DOGZHOO 7; 127,&($Q\ HUURQHRXV UHÁHFWLRQ XSRQ WKH FKDUDFWHU VWDQGLQJ RU UHSXWD WLRQ RI DQ\ SHUVRQ À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the SXEOLFDWLRQ RI WKH DGYHUWLVHUV DGYHUWLVHPHQW 2017 2017 The Somerville School Board is set to meet on Wednesday, April 12, to approved the stipend schedule for 2017-2018. The board will also consider a contract for canine detection ser- YLFHV DQ RYHUQLJKW VH- nior trip and tax resale deeds. The board will also discuss the new elemen- WDU\ VFKRRO·V JURXQG EUHDNLQJ FHUHPRQ\ scheduled for April 27 at 10 a.m. SISD set to meet April 12 PHONE FAX 79-567-8433 : 979-567-8433 NRHUWKFSDFRP GDQQ\#NRHUWKFSDFRP ZZZNRHUWKFSDFRP t., Ste. 106, t. S 6 10 0 te. 106 6 e e 6 ., Ste. 106, 201 W Fox St., Ste. 106, H[DV V [DV [ V D [ &DOGZHOO 7H[DV QUICK B OOKS C ERTIFIED P ROA DVISOR th, t h t h t , Danny Koerth, CPA, CPA, P.C. P.C. D TAX SERVICES ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICES
Page 1: Happy Easterpaulschlesinger.com/Burleson County Tribune April 13, 2017.pdf · Bank will resume with normal banking hours Monday, April 17 Good Friday, April 14 Fiddler and vocalist


10:00AM at First Assembly of God12th & Temple Streets, Caldwell, TX

Free Admission! Child Care! Lunch Provided! Uplifting Praise & Worship!

CALDWELL FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCHDavid Ryman, Pastor | Pam Wood, Conference Director(979) 567-3712 | www.FirstAssemblyOfCaldwell.org


Rhonda Johnson Rhonda and her husband David

have been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years, currently at New Tabor Brethren church. She is a

writer, Minister and most recently, founder of Life of Love Ministries.She will speak on Ephesians 5:1-2.

Come, bring a friend and be blessed!

Women of Faith join us at the 2017

Women’s Conference




Special HoursLobby: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Drive-In: 7:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Bank will resume with normal banking hours

Monday, April 17

Good Friday, April 14

Fiddler and vocalist -

lor is the winner of the

tune, “You Were Meant

The presentation oc-

Academy of Western Art-ists awards banquet on Thursday, March 16, at the Brown-Lupton Ball-room on the Texas Chris-tian University Campus in Fort Worth.

“You Were Meant to


Harris and composer Arlie A. Carter, who were band members of Jimmy Heap and the Melody Masters from Taylor.

recorded by the Melody Masters for Imperial Re-

Perk Williams of Chries-man.

Williams would later become a close friend and

All involved with the

now deceased.

slower than my version,

standards sounds a bit

Harris told me he wrote

a ‘hook line’ that would hopefully catch the pub-lic’s fancy. I always liked

-ally performed it live at

was contacted by the Academy of Western Art-


about the AWA and re-ally had no idea the

“My wife Tara and I at-tended the event think-

and we’d never have the

However, I think she secretly had more faith

Other award winners at this year’s ceremony include national celebri-ties Rex Allen Jr., for Western Music Male Vo-calist, and Roy Clark for

was in the audience, as was Kenny Sears, the featured fiddler on the Grand Ole Opry, and who is a member of the Time Jumpers, a popular

-tured on RFD TV.

In all, there were about

speech at the podium in front of all those lu-minaries. Since I didn’t think I would win, I had

So I thanked the Lord

path, all the musicians who helped with the CD, as well as those folks who

The AWA’s mission is to promote and preserve America’s western past and its contemporary western future.

the attention of many country and west-

-cially those who favor traditional, indepen-dently produced country music.

Country Music People, -

zine published in the UK,

issue. --

reer in its November 2016 issue.

The CD is currently No. 1 on the interna-

-dio show, a position held since last September.

Area station KRXT in Rockdale was one of the

Perk Williams, who

settled in Burleson Coun-ty, and is best known for

top five Billboard hit

fiddle lessons in 1993.

band have played for the annual Perk Williams Tribute since 2002.

In addition to his

music team leader for the Lee County Cowboy Church, and a member of the church’s band Sec-ond Chance, which in-cludes his wife Tara on

Bill Tucker on bass. -

larly with Glen Collins and the Alibis, and the Milam County Cowboy Church band.

He and his wife are members of the Comal Country Music Show house band in New Braunfels.

his wife were named En-tertainers of the Year in December 2016 by the Country Music Hall of Fame in Gatesville.

Second Chance band

Burleson County Cowboy Church from 6-8 p.m. on

part of the annual Cow-

at KRXT studios, the -

ton, and online at www.

Be sure to visit www.-

er.paul, and www.

Schlesinger wins Western Swing Song of the Year

His version of old Melody Masters’ song



Burleson County


(979)567-3286 ~ Fax: (979)567-7898E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Web Site: www.bctribune.com

Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m. - Noon

A Weekly Publication Of The


In Burleson County......$45.00 Per YearIn Texas.........................$50.00 Per YearOut of Texas..................$57.00 Per Year



The Somerville School Board is set to meet on Wednesday, April 12, to approved the stipend schedule for 2017-2018.

The board will also consider a contract for canine detection ser-

-nior trip and tax resale deeds.

The board will also discuss the new elemen-

scheduled for April 27 at 10 a.m.

SISD set to meet April 12

PHONE FAX 79-567-8433: 979-567-8433

t., Ste. 106,t. S 6100te. 1066eS e 6., Ste. 106,201 W Fox St., Ste. 106,



Page 2: Happy Easterpaulschlesinger.com/Burleson County Tribune April 13, 2017.pdf · Bank will resume with normal banking hours Monday, April 17 Good Friday, April 14 Fiddler and vocalist

Serving Burleson County for 132 yearsThursday, April 13, 2017Volume 132 No. 36

[email protected]

Burleson County Tribunewww.bctribune.com

See RALLY, page 10A

See GUNSHOT, page 5A See WRECK, page 4A

See BOARD, page 10B

See TRIAL, page 5A

See LEASE, page 2A

See COUNTY, page 10B

A 51-year-old Burle-son County man was acquitted in a jury trial on Monday, April 10, on an indecency with a child by contact charge.

Robert Lee Medley was charged with inap-propriately touching a child under the age of 14 on or about Sept. 5, 2012, according to the

Medley acquitted in indecency

A plan to relocate 11 of 33 permitted wells for the Vista Ridge water export project from Burleson County to San Antonio was again tabled last week by the Post Oak Sa-vannah Groundwater Conservation District (POGCD) board.

Board members, hear-ing additional com-ments and concerns from the public, voted unanimously on Tues-day, April 4, to table the variance request to gather further informa-tion.

Board president Sid-ney Youngblood said any additional com-ments or requests were to be submitted to gen-eral manager Gary Westbrook by no later

Water board tables well relocation

The Brenham City Council is opposing a plan by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to lease land under Lake Somerville for oil and gas explora-tion, saying it could be harmful to the city’s water supply.

Lake Somerville is Brenham’s sole water source.

The council on Thurs-day, April 6, approved a resolution opposing BLM’s plans for a June 6 auction.

Brenham opposes BLM’s lease plan

Somerville police are investigating a gunshot wound to a man found outside a home on Sat-urday night, April 8, at 725 Seventh Street in Somerville.

Francisco Vittonel, 63, was found leaning against a vehicle in the driveway of the home with a single gunshot wound to his right tem-ple, and a .22-caliber revolver was found ly-ing next to him, said Somerville Police Chief Nic Malmstrom.

Malmstrom said Vit-tonel was responsive and talking to the police

Malmstrom said the wound appeared to be

are still investigating.Police received a call

from a neighbor at about 9:45 p.m. about


Koch and Joe Brown responded about two minutes later, Malm-strom said.

Koch and Brown ar-rived first and found Vittonel, and the gun was laying next to him, Malmstrom said.

No one else was found at the scene, he said.

A CHI Burleson St.

Gunshot wound investigated

A Navasota man was injured on Thursday, April 6, when he lost control of a delivery truck on F.M. 3058, ran through two fences and collided with a tree about 500 yards from the road.

Jarad Williams, 31, was injured and trans-ported by a CHI Burle-son St. Joseph Health Center ambulance crew from Caldwell to CHI St. Joseph Health Cen-ter in Bryan, said Bur-leson County Sheriff’s

Man hurt in delivery truck accident

THIS DELIVERY TRUCK was damaged on Thursday, April 6, when driver Jarad Williams lost control and crashed into this tree off F.M.

The Carts, Bikers & Babes motorcycle rally at Welch Park at Lake Somerville drew about 2,500 bikers through last weekend, slightly up over last year.

Local merchants say the rally was helpful to them, again drawing brisk business as bikers visited restaurants and stores around Somer-ville.

Mark Kuhl of Road-house Rallies of Hous-ton, the event orga-nizer, said the rally was again a success.

“It (attendance) was up a little over last year. I think the weath-er helped, and we did some advertising to

Bike rally draws crowdBusinesses do well as 2,500 attend over 4 days

MOTORCYCLE RIDERS JOIN the parade through downtown Somer-ville on Saturday morning, April 8. Local residents greeted the bikers as they went through town. -- Tribune photo by Roy Sanders

SLEEK MOTORCYCLES like these were fea-tured at the bike show at Carts, Bikers & Babes at Welch Park at Lake Somerville.

bring some additional folks from out of town,” Kuhl said.

Kuhl said the feedback locally was good.

“It has been pretty positive. People enjoy the event,” he said. “I have talked to the shops around town, and

overall they did fairly well. It brought a bunch of people into town, and they spent a fair

Burleson County com-missioners on Monday, April 10, approved us-ing $5,000 from the county’s hotel-motel tax fund to support a his-toric sculpture monu-ment project for the new courthouse annex.

The money will be sent to the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley, a 501 (c)3, who is hosting funds for the project.

The bronze monu-ments being sculpted by artist Clover Cochran of Caldwell consist of three pieces -- a bas re-lief (relief sculpture to hang on the wall) that will be four foot by six foot, soon to be followed

by an eight-foot tall sculpture of Edward Burleson and an eight-foot tall sculpture of Matthew Caldwell.

It will be located in the new Burleson County Courthouse Annex.

Monday’s approval is the first of three an-nual $5,000 contribu-tions the county will make to support the project, county judge Mike Sutherland said after the meeting.

The overall project is estimated to cost about $300,000, and private fundraising is continu-ing, Cochran said after the meeting.

County OKs funds for sculpture$5,000 donated from county’s hotel, motel taxes

than 4 p.m. on Friday, April 7.

The plan to relocate the wells was original-ly requested by Vis-

DISPATCHER BONNIE HOOD works on Tuesday, April 11, at the

Week is celebrated this week from Sunday, April 9, through Sat-urday, April 15. See poem inside dedicated to dispatchers’ service.

CLOVER COCHRAN and Chris Dyer, CEO of the Arts Council, display this maquette. Fun-draising continues for the project.

Brenham attorney Josh Clover has been appointed to represent Gavin Snow in his ap-peal of a capital mur-der conviction in the 2015 shooting death of Steven Bryant, 47, of Caldwell.

Clover was appointed by the court on Tues-day, April 4.

Snow, 18, was con-victed by a Burleson County jury on March 9 after seven hours of deliberation, and he was sentenced to life in prison on March 24.

He said he expects the appeal to go to the 10th Court of Ap-

peals in Waco, and he is awaiting a copy of the trial transcript before proceeding.

Clover also said he will also take a hard

-cation to stand trial as an adult.

Clover said it is too early to know if there is a reversible error.

“It is an interesting case, and I look for-ward to seeing the re-cord,” Clover said.

Clover said he has met once with Snow and has talked to his parents.

After getting the

Appeal attorney named for Snow

See SNOW, page 4A
