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Hard work- The Hidden name for success

Date post: 23-Jan-2018
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Page 1: Hard work- The Hidden name for success


DIP [email protected]

Page 2: Hard work- The Hidden name for success

We all want to be successful in one way or the other. Either by Fame, Relationship, Wealth or Power. But when it comes to putting the effort of making it possible, it becomes a very hard JOB to do. Then we called it a name HARDWORK.

Also we all know success to be the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, it does not matter the kind of success we have the good or bad outcome.

Page 3: Hard work- The Hidden name for success

What's your definition of hard work?

Why is it that some people seem to feel that “hard work” is a dirty word


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I define “hard work” as work that is challenging. Both hard work and

“working hard” (i.e. putting in the time required to get the job done)

are required for success.

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A problem occurs when people think of challenging work as painful or uncomfortable. Does challenging work necessarily have to be painful? No, of course not. In fact, a major key to success is to learn to enjoy challenging work AND to enjoy working hard at it.

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Why challenging work? Because challenging work, when intelligently chosen, pays off. It’s the work that people of lesser character will avoid. And if you infer that I’m saying people who avoid challenging work have a character flaw, you’re right… and a serious one at that. If you avoid challenging work, you avoid doing what it takes to succeed. To keep your muscles strong or your mind sharp, you need to challenge them. To do only what’s easy will lead to physical and mental flabbiness and very mediocre results, followed by a great deal of time and effort spent justifying why such flabbiness is OK, instead of stepping up and taking on some real challenges

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Tackling challenges builds character, just as lifting weights

builds muscle. To avoid challenge is to abandon one’s

character development. It's all about knowing yourself.

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Now it’s natural that we’ll tend to avoid what’s painful, so if

we see challenge as purely painful, we’ll surely avoid it. But in

so doing, we’re avoiding some very important character

development, which by its very nature is often tremendously

challenging. So we must learn to fall in love with challenge

instead of fearing it, just as a bodybuilder can learn to love the

pain of doing “one more rep” that tears down muscle fibers,

allowing them to grow stronger. If you avoid the pain, you

miss out on the growth. This is true both for building muscles

and for building character.

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There’s the alternative way of looking at life with you as the

driving force behind it. You create and control the flow

yourself. This is a more challenging way to live but also a much

more rewarding one. You aren’t limited to those experiences

that can only be gotten passively or painlessly — now you can

have much more of what you want by being willing to accept

and take on bigger challenges.

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If I only went with the perceived easy flow of my life, I’d

never have learned to read, write, or type; those were all

challenges where I felt I was going against the flow of what

was easy and natural. I wouldn’t have gotten any college

degrees. I wouldn’t have started my own business. I most

certainly wouldn’t be doing any public speaking.

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When you step up and learn to see yourself as the driver of your life

instead of the passive victim of it, then it becomes a lot easier to take

on big challenges and to endure the hardships they sometimes

require. You learn to associate more pleasure to the character

development you gain than the minor discomforts you experience.

You become accustomed to spending more time outside your comfort

zone. Hard work is something you look forward to because you know

that it will lead to tremendous growth. And you eventually develop

the maturity and responsibility to understand that certain goals will

never just flow into your life; they’ll only happen if you act as the

driving force to bring them to fruition.

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If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals,

you have to learn to fall in love with hard work. Hard work

makes the difference. It’s what separates the children from

the mature adults. You can keep living as a child and

desperately hoping that life will always be easy, but then

you’ll be stuck in a child-like world, working on other

people’s goals instead of your own, waiting for opportunities

to come to you instead of creating your own, and doing

work that in the grand scheme of this world just isn’t


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When you learn to embrace hard

work instead of running from it,

you gain the ability to execute on

your big goals, no matter what it

takes to achieve them. You blast

through obstacles that stop others

who have less resolve. But what is

it that gets you to this point? What

gets you to embrace hard work?

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When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an

option. It’s a necessity. If your life has no real purpose, then

you can avoid hard work, and it won’t matter because

you’ve decided that your life itself doesn’t matter anyway.

So who cares if you work hard or take the easy road? But if

you’ve chosen a significant purpose for your life, it’s going to

require hard work to get there — any meaningful purpose

will require hard work.

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You have to admit to yourself then that the only way this purpose is going to be fulfilled is if you embrace hard work. And this is what takes you beyond fear and ego, beyond the sniveling little child who thinks that hard work is something to run away from. When you become driven by a purpose greater than yourself, you embrace hard work out of necessity. That child gets replaced by a mature adult who assumes responsibility for getting the job done, knowing that without total commitment and lots of hard work, it’s never going to happen.

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Show me a person who avoids hard work, and I’ll show you

someone who hasn’t found their purpose yet. Because anyone

who knows their purpose will embrace hard work. They’ll pay

the price willingly.

If you don’t know your purpose yet, then in the world of mature human beings, you don’t yet matter. You’re just a piece of flotsam on the flow created by those who do live on purpose. And deep down you already know this, don’t you? If you want to make a difference in the world, then hard work is the price. There are no shortcuts.

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Purpose and hard work are buddies. Purpose is the why. Hard

work is the how. Purpose is what turns labor into labor of

love. It transmutes the pain of hard work into the higher level

pleasure of dedication, commitment, resolve, and passion. It

turns pain into strength, eventually to the point where you

don’t notice the pain as much as you enjoy the strength.

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Once again it all comes down to purpose. Create a purpose for

your life, and live it each day. And many of the other success

habits like hard work and working hard will fall into place

automatically. Figure out the why. Why are you here? Why

does your life matter? That is the ultimate test of your free



[email protected]
