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Harlequin Army List

Date post: 06-Apr-2018
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  • 8/2/2019 Harlequin Army List


    PrepIlLl'e. YOUl'SeJf . 0 i'l'~ep.beyond the tmeljlroldof spa~ej :to d.etvelntol;!heiinnel'mo~t seceeeso.ftb"e ,mAar !l'aCC-.1 1 t i 1 E " lARlIE.QUI!NST he H a:d .e q'U in s~ r,e a Stl:ang'C , s !Jb -; .ec t o f the Eldarrace, oonsisti~g of wa r.r lo rs d ra 'Wn f rom tilt': other.ldlld:reds;.dleDark E~d:lr;Exodit~s and CrafrwortdEldilJ:; Tbey ar e O1!ajlers of the t.1'M!':11l of warpnmnels known as lih(l Webway and roam at " I I v : i l l(rom place to plate .."hcy are seen as t1te keepersohhe anctenr EMar'myths, and perform oo;mplexc;Janee.s ami plays to recreare dle s~ a[1e:gorlcalt a l e s , c o . .- e : F t i . Q s u c h events a s m e \Va. ln H e O J i l ! l e n ,the RlIWand the BiRlli.of tbe Great En,enzy:

    The Harleq:uins ~re heM ]11 a mixture uF rear, awell:ndrespect. by iln other Eldar. ']'heir .lmow1ooge oft he W 'C[w .- '; li y~ u~t1Il~tched, and they can appr:.-arand dis1!IppeaJ: ililm05~at \ \111.;at an ExoC!ite Mai.d'cn.Wokl, in rhe ~ cilY of' Comocraghor' on aCrnff:\odd. 'lJle Hatl.eqi;1lns have even bee4lJknownto appear unexpeo!wiy :alongside the forees Ofotherraces, pru:1:icu!ady if they are fightillg againstthe hosts of Chaos, the sworn roe$ of theHlIi!'I.eqttins ..Tile Har]equ:iins see ~hc:lnseh'e5a5 thesaviours of the Eldat,i!. unj(~gfO!fOe whidlWm onedar bring together t he i 'r ag .oo .en~.ed race ooil i: 3 :[ theye an r u-g ;ti R their p osition as the most pO'I"rem..lf or ,,- ~ i n. the galaxy. They have ,.. great plan,unknown to ali but rllef'!l!&elves

  • 8/2/2019 Harlequin Army List


    E lDA ,R : i li .AR IL IEQ Il.U N iB

    HARL,E,QUINS ,ARMIQURYEbdequJI!! chaf'a;C,kif'8, fQ~pld up, ~o tw'o sitlllgl&~!IIdledwmp lJmo~' ;IS l l' l. d ll iV i d ll ll !a l; >. ,.and .l'e~I~ ~ s u p~ i'I th e o oh ~ re .l'Iq o : f I lhc~ f ) J In i it ~o de fea t : the,e:MWlly. It I)'Ja:ril lel!mi~naode']IiIl l.' I.l ls~ ~tll1 'W1llhl~m4~ ofmlDlhe.r'lmoo~] i lUlithe unit, rn~r .2.~as Js i i liOifmJil!I~ythe case. Sec ,Pf.I~e 43 ,@ f Il:h:e: Vl'J;l)hJ:ll!11nlC'.r ,410;OMbOQk{@r' d~i~ Q f l ! i I n d , [ en:IruIl[te,I'i;~


  • 8/2/2019 Harlequin Army List


    Opt ions : : The G(eat HadequLil ma')"be give~ .any equ]pme'nt aJ]owed by dIeHarlequiM Armoury. ..SPECIAL :RULESInde1pe'lldent Character: Tile Great Harlequin is an IndependentCharacter and foUOWliihe independent character specia1~les ~(tlile\'Varhamme.r40,.000 r nLebook

    OpilQns: The Shadowseer may be givt:n any equipment alillOM;ldby theHar.lequin~ MmQury'"SPE.C~IAL RULESIndependent Chalracklir: lI'he Shadowseer is an Independem Cha;ac~erand follows the independem character special rules .in thc' Wi.tmattll:ner< i 0 l I O O rolebook .P s yc hic P OW 'e fS : The Shadowseer bas ~he foJ!lov;

  • 8/2/2019 Harlequin Army List


    I SOlitaire.A


    Opllions; A Solitalre may be given any equipment allowed by the Hadeql.dtlsarm.oury.

    Individual: A SoU ta ir e is an ~ndependcnt character and follow s all thespecial rules for iruJepedentcharncters given ~n the 'Warnamme[". ]o . .OOOrulebook, In addition,. a Solita~.recan never Join any ether unit.S:pi:r i i t leas: It i s p( )~ t1 il l;ued by Im,per ta l. 5i :n .olan:, tibat a Soil l i ta ire has, n o soulto sp~.ak of , and thiis f f i : z y be true, They show no (":Videnceof emotions andp:t.-ycnic pow ers w hich auack the: mind ha

  • 8/2/2019 Harlequin Army List


    AHarlequin' Il 'o u pe k Ia c Io r


    :33 (;

    Sq/uad: l'he troupe corn;ists uf between 5 and 10 Hatlequ.insWea po l:ls ; S b urlk en . pistol an d dose 'com:o.a:tWCapa ! LOptions: Up 10 2 modds in the squad ma.y exchange their Closeooillh,uweapon fa. a Harl.equ{n':' KiS5 at +5 point~ pm: mood, 0['" a power wtfltpO!ilfor +6 pO.i[U5per model, Up eo ewo models in the squad m_ayex.changetbe~(sl'u;!!;,iJ;enptstol {or either a p]

  • 8/2/2019 Harlequin Army List


    ~~. f,~. SkiiA1!f.l I i,(J,pci'lW.)p~d:.!Orl iw~U : : a i J I : q ! ! ! i ! l l ! < ! l .1'm~sp:Qat1~6 m ~3_dcq,u!ln!:: l .I~~ (liiI;in.iPCi!tdCi!l~ (iht~mct(::r,W(la~IiII:S~ 'Iiml ~~V '1;!llglliliS . a m 1 : f . l i d l w i d i l l ~.wi~Wi!l ' l ih>d: ;I il u r i k ~ m l C " J ! t; iJ p l L Il lJ ! K .Clpn'onl~1:n~r u :) i !l ~ , m i li } ' uw-we illl s1l i l IUfi ik~:nJ;);ml!l;lPuli~ lei ;'I. sii~e l i ' t!sj~!i!1

    . 91(111l11or, T 1O,p~~,(~iiII ::;i~!e slhl~rjll:;>c" (''i!l'!I!lO~ r o t " * .201 !illS,Th!l VCinom":l l l :1l tX:rp:rotc{lu:d by' :a holn4il:~dfor .f2{1' poi~lS..

    '1\hi: \ !\ lllllo m I .S s u !'Il"(!IliIndl;!d i b y .~ sill;lrnli:Il~ll ing l : iuIUoificLd.tha~ d i i s~o: ti ts~ t ii : ;i l1 l ll !p ti a ll 1 li i l. lIP llC~~l li i ts 1~ li Ie Icnelli lo/foo!ibl~i'ltll!iIli~g ills A 'limit V!.! l~~!l i f 'J !h~e ~ocaJtio!J~.'lMimlt;'W;!, yQ!!/ If ' QP\POfiC",lIIlmills Otl d'li:

    d3mllg~ I~b~ 1[tl\Vhe veltl~, ItI~}!miUll i l~:will ~i\1lMdi.m IUil :rl ~pplylh:e1 \ i , ) W l . l ! ' > t fi"l'J!.'Imt.

  • 8/2/2019 Harlequin Army List


    nnJ~ ~l!'Cllllm 1I,~~ibi!l'l 11:_ i l i 1 I ,1:IU'j~lil.ru!, ~pm~lU!!1:'dW~~ _ ..~ j1g 11m~. n.~~'ffi~;g i,!l'Q~ I!ii< ! i I o i : rn!l'kII'~!~JI\WI ~~jjl IIQ~' ,Lddud"cdi 10 1 h ' C ' Wlt' i,iU{ :rull!'~~. ;1111(1,m,~I : ' !C~ Ih~ln U ' the)l !Ln: ~likm:[I'.'~l' i~~m.:!l, ua ~ Iflll 'Cid!l_,r~~n ~_~~,M d~ 1111ih~ 'M~'~o'K~f:Ik-,(!k.l 'i Io -l e 1 : ' J i l i J i : tIRlcq,u~D l ' :I n , . : :I f ry oao=r:t'I ,tlr~n:I!i 'I)p!'l! orgr',mli.d'e~ ihlL~ ~,I'E': \l~1 'w&~i ! ~ ~h~' Inw , ;LIJ ~",I:C{1WlI_J~~I!I_ ~rom ~ni!1 pllL_ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ f u J I ~ U i l o r r h l q ld l n i:o l: l l lT jbfn~ ,~h i:,~f~nsgf~1';r;11d~f&nlni' 0 . T ~ 1 i : ! i (lib.e-M~ 'A r,~. ~ii(j M: lSkand ru.-w~,r i 'I ] !; ' lk) . iUi l I\ i il ' iS :mDfiL:' l~:m (HI~' r.r~lL~k~ m;;", . ~, 'lhiiJ] Ihe'dt~.I:!:I' I;c~'~ ~~' ! i i , "~_lr!1o:d " e ! ~"'J1: 'l~mlilg'l'I ~,l O \ 1 i d l ! f ' r.an;~yj! dnQlIl=-'"~I P'lI'l~~I~ Im::t~jpl!llriJ!k!o~. '~I'! < ! i l' . . . .hitil,ill t!ll::s!pr_ed:K. II~ l~~,,dl1l'l:I il: 'I lI I~~ C)'~ hD mm fM m iO O ~~n~!Noto, 3: !KIm!: H;u'k{I~1 dTimlc:ttm 1Tl:t,Ybe :um~ M!I! ' 1 \ > 5 1 ) -~ ;d "r~' CD r n l! l< l i \ \~ ~ , r~f~mj).ic: ,;!l 1tI';i1'1!:qp:im Km,iLoo ii, ~'!I:If \\~ 'b1 I ' T D Y -.I, U!C I~ ~ !i'U!r.~ fill" OIl!:~,,~t - ! "O I " (til! .ru-,,~ v'lifer' IIInd~ ~ 2:+ or'1HM~'fHlLoor~) d l i l l ! i ! 8 J ' ! 'il!!!!~IIJSiiii'!+'~ iii~llKtilOr1l,i5Dnd~ ~mM \\'NJiitI1I

    Djo.e.I)$i~e' .lmm!l!!I!'!~Of!i~ ~peddy rnudllft~ ~bliiliiiOcR.~cg:~ iJ.-- \~nom ""hk!h iFiftl

    ~NJ!T'C' ~~\T.Ibll.~ ~ to lurn gn!lill:' ~~ilnd ,-pl!ffi ~(ft'fi:'~:l'" Dr~~!e. ' ! I 1 I 1 h . ~n;ID~ t ' b M : ~"4r in< I r I U I J i < :~ [I h!JJ~ Ji'I O;l!.N I '!~ I~ - '. ~5 r i \ T J I T i~W :I'l11lllkllroQil'o"!' .,IiN'l~p;~r~.M ~ ~kI: !Loa, : iI iI l I h; :- ! 'l ib (Of'~b~ i:'~n In ''''1itImn_1' ' . I i . i ~ I I I I '~Illii-IHI. ~, I!K!!!!rl WI m ~ J~lhliirw .1 IMI ~ NlIi, r*'Jl~ ~l;: ~' ~ rno!h"G'rr I 1 '1 1M DWJh lP'ru~. Wliot'I'l\,~ ,iUC. . . 1 il i l l I 1 i ~ ii mrrll' or ;nI)I', 'IIIib'~ IfI'I(jJ~,~ be l ! U o ! I e n lfi. l.--l;r)n. l :i ~ ,norh~ W lbe !Ii I ~ luv.lIi'!iIl' IlIi~ ,mml)1'l!IDi'I .r m~ ml~ - .. 1I'Lihjn (F of g'D~1ngm~EiI~ M!hllO' ,Ll.uncMI'~ IdiIr !'!;!!\.'!:i! 8 1 ' 1 , ' P of fiUfi)1 ronm. 01udmol~~ ,,,,,hiM;h1 J , t MHf'- 11ig! fifol!l]ff ,Ili~. , ~ I ' I A . I , I ~I'ihbJknG \'oI l~ 11m~lgm; t h o t . -m ~[I 1i 'Wf,l, l\ \ :\ ldc \LW lit ~:Ii'i'I!~!:!!I:>."i1~. ~dl!l~ ~Il~ lR_~n~!~1'@~i;r-l' (j~1 j ; ; r ; ; J k'c;r p l ~ l ' I mI!MIk~, ' l I i ' i I m ' & m : IlfQ:Iiksglw,1'I ilxifflAt A ""I;!~d Ih~~ 16"~ ~1J::I!tir. '"(;rom ~ 1}1~~mA ml~~Ue'm!!~i I~~~f It,]'gjiIIfi!ihl!! (Pil.~ ~ a : of ehe '~~nl~JI'Icr4i1, ,00f1I 'Uh,~' ),

    J \ ' f f i : _ 1 . \ ,~,W' ~I It '1-').' Iii ' I~ "..!~ off ~l ,~ " .; IIvy I, bltW

    Fillion PlatolHIII:' fu,.fjOO p i !J .OO Ib . 11 i~ Plnm~re gf ,'lr;I;IrOi'i!,lilt;;1~"bnl1l!~M, I n s , ~~m,p.u'!)"elpo.~JI '~"tr\!sl!0' d - LiIUY a ~uIII:' !~ilLA (mloElI ltll!llli h,~ tlw ~; fk lwlJ ' !8 : j il i !' I Il~ l~.an d 1iJ,:~, ~ct Ulell~ 'M.' Il1r; l'ln> t ~I ll~- ~I~~!I !!.1i~~8 " " ,, - I i ~ 'b~-lR: gmn:Kte1ll:Ii. o m 'm~ ~ slng~ ~~f:l !t~ ~of IDeir M&tW c:-fuJr.memlle or ,~tlTqr ,du~d'- .fWe:;i!!Ii!.d,;; hilli. : r o I J i :J likei:O drlrrml~ lIi Ol!~!:

  • 8/2/2019 Harlequin Army List


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