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Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4

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  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4








    1115/2009 Hopkington, RI11/11/2009 Worcester County, MA11/11/2009 Middlesex County, MA11/13/2009 Worcester County, MA11/19/2009 Middlesex County, MA

    12f1/2009 Cranston, RI12/15/2009 Worcester County, MA12/22/2009 Worcester County, MA12/23/2009 Worcester County, MA

    1/19/2010 Worcester County, MA1/19/2010 Worcester County, MA

    2/1/2010 Middlesex County, MA3/5/2010 CoventlY,RI

    3/22/2010 Middlesex County, MA7/912010 Suffolk County, MA8/24/2010 Worcester County, MA8/30/2010 West Warwick, RI9/27/2010 Cumberland, RI

    10/14/2010 Providence, RI10/27/2010 Cranston, RI1/5/2011 Worcester County, MA

    1/5/2011 Worcester County, MA

    Assignment of MortgagePower of AttorneyPower of AttorneyPower of AttorneyAssignment of MortgageAssignment of MortgageAssignment of MortgagePower of Attorney.Assignment of MortgagePower of AttorneyForeclosure Deed by CorporationAssignment of MortgageAssignment of MortgageAssignment of MortgagePower of AttorneyAssignment of MortgageAssignment of MortgageAssignment of MortgageAssignment of MortgageAssignment of MortgagePower of AttorneyPower of Attorney

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    (Y)N 81- 1('\.1 ~CL .0Hl . . . < " ) .~CO ~0(CO_:T~CO

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    - - _ i)\ )IJI\II!1IIi rI II itIl i.n-, 'U >. , :>, Q l ID '0 ill .jJ I r& :! ' + - I I~.j..l ID('ijQ).jJ !lSE .r:!-.~'0 : .Q A~.e-l-. l~H r ' < I u 'r! I~ t!} o o ~ O O O r n ~ W i= : 'd . . ~.,.j m ~ riO),~ -r-! ..Q ~ C Q .w P. . . : : t : rl.-\ I.c ! O" im H 1 l l P - t n : !Q .\ --r! (-c r o ~EJ.J..c .w ~ rl'O aWH::l:.E.tJ1 ! - - lU (U Go ,Q) Im V 0 (j) - r u u ~ tn l'll a .t: . o ~:>11l O J ..-\0 >-' -O' l . w . c +1\.1) ()J~ I:t:Hro A :j -.;::1 ~0 .u'l-l>,Il-l-lJ .Q .w 0\ 0) i'-I 0 I- < - l .t:l O 'l s :: 'Of' 'M (j) IU -iJ 0 H Q . I r l H O ' I !II (]) n :5U ;W - E - - o ill '+-l u..QI::.: OO.pQ Q~ ( l ) r l 0,. !~~ IV :> 0 "tJ * ( J . g ~ '0 - s : : ' g itJl.:t: !II ~ X I(l}..Q M !Il .Jy > - < J . . l ~ . . . . - I 00. rn l (l.) l IH"(lO OlUlQ)j..j o s .w l - - i ~ (1) U ' . l ,r.d dl ' rl~rl..Q.w M(l) rowo ~,~ ~~ l s- c; 1 ! q)"-l PoEm ~Q}c~u m r-l 0 Izw o n, (J)-r-! til 0 J; ..) . .- 1 - .. Q) t::Gl ;g E,.-t 2 .....>01 m'O D .1.); l-i 010 H- t.... ('\) .ioO) m::S::S1i-l-...-tr< 1 0 4 .-1 Q) " r l lHNO !'i$~2P; : ; : 1 " ) m.-1U; It! 0)0 ~ : : r :

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    Power of Attorney 023901Be it known that I. Andrew S. Harmon. the uMsl8lgned. a t tomsy in fact forN orw est M ortgage, Inc . 0 1 1 behalf of said C O tp O ratiD n do hereb y c onstitute and ap polntSebastian Anderson Of Mark P. Harmon of HARMON lAW OFFICES, p.e., 150California Street, Newton, M A 0 24 56, Its al tomit)' in fact for the limited and spedfiedp urp oses of m aking entry up on th e p rem 18e8 located a t 1 9 E 9 s e l C St ree t, F it chbu rg ,Massachusetts 01420 on which NorwltSt Mortgage, Inc. holds a mortgage, for thepurposes of foreclosing said mortgage for breach of condition thereof, and further toe .x ec u te d oc umen ts n ec e ss ar y a nd d lm c tl y In c Id en ta l t o th e fo re C lo su re a uc tio n. I fu rth er

    ratify any and all previous actions takan by SebaBtian Anderson or Mark P. Harmonpursuant to said purposes ,WITNESS the execution and the corporate seal of said corporation this jj!2ndday of October, 1998.

    Mortgage, Inc. by Power ofrecorded atWofoesler County (N0T'd'I8fn OIatr1ct)RegIstry of Deeds . Book 3 1 9 4 P a g e - = .1 : : : . : ; : 6 5 ; _ __

    The Commonwea lth of Mauachusetl&Middle$eX, sa. October . z .. ~ ,1998

    Then personally appeared before me this date the ebove-named Andrew S.Hannon, a ttor ney In fact fo r N O JW e 6tM o rtg ag e,ln c. a s a fo le Sa ld a nd m ade o ath that theforegoll"1gstatements are trua end acknowledged Ih& foregoing to be the free act anddeed of NOMest Mortgage, Inc., before me, ,/J ~ . ~ /./ ,~ SI#IK.oJ/ / . . . . T()hlUW'" ,Notary Public

    M y commisaionexpires: 7Mtd .;J.~ ;)otJ3

    ATIEST, Il10. WORe MGlSI1IY OF DEEM ,.IOHH a. M c . l . A & J G H l . J N . REGtIm;R '

    JIABMON LAWOFFICES, p.c.P ,o . B O X 6 1 0 36 llNRW r O N H IG B LA !I D S . M . . ..I I2 tS l -0 0 S 9





    \ Ii'\


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    I\1Il _

    8110 32 B 5 PG00 qPDW.!'r Of A J I O I ' T ! e \ !Be it koown that l ,And rew S . Ha rmon , A t lomeyi n- f 6< ; tthe undersigned, of No rw es t M o rt ga ge , I nc . o n b eh al f of sa id corpora tion do herebyc ons til ut e and appoin t Sebast ia n A nd er so n o r M a rk . P. H an no n o f H AR M ON L AWO F FIC E S. P . C ., 1 50 C alifo rn ia S tre et, N ew to n, M A 0 24 58 , its a tt or ne y in f ac t f o r " thel im ite d a nd s p ec ifie d p u rp o se s o f ma kin g e nt ry upon t he p remil i8S located at 74 N orthC ommon Ro ad , W e s tm in ste r, M a aa ac h us et ts 0 1 4 7 3 o n wh ic h NoIWOfl1 Mo r tg a ge , I nc .h old s a mo rt ga ge , fo r t he ptAfp0868 of foreclosing Baid mortg~ f or b re aCh of cond i1 ionthereof, an d further to execute documents necessary and directly incidental to the

    fo re c lo su re a uc tio n. I f ur th er r at ify a ny a nd a ll previous ac t ions taken by SebastianA nde ~on or M al" k P . H arm on p ursua nt to said purposes.W I TN E S S th e e xe cu tio n o f s aid N o rw ea t M r ntg ag e, In c. h all c au se d its corporatese al to be hereto affIXed an d these presents to b e sign ed, in Its name and beh alf byA ndrew S . H arm on, A tto rn ey -in- fa ct for N orw est M o rtga ge Inc . th is 9'" day ofNovember, 1008.

    B Y : . ; '' '' '' '' . . ~ " : : : ; : ; ;' ; ( " "' "Andrew SSHl3 rmon, AtWmey- in- fac t for NoT 'We$ \ Mor tgage,tnc.

    Se e limited Power of A tt or ne y r ec o rd ed w it h t he Wo r oe s te rCoun ty (Northern) Registry ofDeeds InBook 3194, Page 165.

    The Commonweal th o f Massach l .l oot l$M i d dl ese x, s s , November9,1998

    T he n p &r& O nally ap peared b efore m e thbi, date th e a bov e- n8T Tled A ndrew S .Harmon Attorney-in-factfof NOlWeat Mo rtg ag e, I nc . a s a {Q r es al d a n d ma de o at h t ha t t hef orego i~ s ta tement s a re t rue and a cknow ledged t he forego ing t o be th e free a ct a nddeedof_""rtg ... .Inc., ...... rne, ~il~

    Lkla. ala, Notary PublicM y comm issi on exp ir es : 08105105

    HABMON LAW OFFICES, p.c.p,O . B O X 6 1 0 3 8 9NEW' l 'mI H I G H U o . N DS . M A 0 2 4 m . 0 0 8 9



    \ III



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    I, A nd rew S. H arm on , a ttome v I n f ac t f or No rwaf lt MD I1Qage , I nc ., make oatt1 and say !hat the!pril'lClplll and Intenm o bl 'l gS ti on m e nti on ed i n the I l ' IOItgQge a bow re fe rre d to wsre not paid orte~d or performed when due Of p O O r 10 the 83111,and thlat N oIw e3 t M ortga9 &, Inc . c au sed tobe publlt Ihedon APri l 1 0 , 1 9 9 8. April 1 7, 1 99 8 8 i1 d April 2 4, 1 90 0 In the Senl ln e la nd En te rp ri se ,iii ne 'HsP5 ll 1 ' r p \ .I bRBhed or by It$ ti\Ie p ag e p urp ortin g 1 0 be publlehed I n F i tChbu rg and havlng ac i rcu la tion t hem in, 8notice of which the following Is a true copy , (See a tta c he d E lt hi bl t A }

    I also complied withChapter 244, SectIon 14 of the MllsaaehueUs Generallawa, a. e m e r t C I O O ,by malling the requI red no liCe& cert ified ma l l, re tu rn reoaIpt reqUilsted,

    f 'ul'1Iuanl lo said notice al the t ime and place therein appolnlBd, the sala W ill> po$tpon8d by pt,bIicp roc lam ation to A ugust 5 , 1 9 98 a t 1 0:0 0 am" up on the mort ga ge d p remis es, a t Which t ime a ndp lac e up on tho mortgaged p reml8e6, tha sale w a l l postponed by p ub lic p roc la ma tion to 0c10b&fg, 1998 a t 11:00 am, u po n th e m ortg ag ed p re mis es , a t w 'n lc tl ti me a nd p la c e upon th o ITlCItgagadp re mlge8,N orw e81 M ortgage, lne . IIO ld tho mOft:Q8Q&d p r e mMS at public auellOR by 1111D, Tarl " ln,a duly Hcenaed audioneer, of C ommo nw ea l\ hA uc \lo nA ss od atil l$ , I nc ., to N O iWB B t M o rt ga ge ,l nc ,above named for SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY AND 551100($ 67 ,9 30 ,5 5) D O LL AR S b ld by N O lW 8 llt M o rtg ag e, I nc ., b eln g the h Ig h e s t b id m ad e th ere fo r a tsaid IIUction,

    :---~_ 4 1 &TItle: A\tO mayln Fac t for NDfWM,1 Mor t g a g e , Inc,by Power of Attomoy ral;Xlfd&Cl st WorcellterCountY (Nol'1hem D i s t I 1 c t l Reglatly of D*,~,Book )194 Page 65 .

    Th. Commonwulthof M .. uchutllmaMiddlesex, lIS. October l.l ,1996

    Slgnetl and &worn 1 0 by th e s ak ! A nd rew S, Harmon, attorney In fact fo r NMortgage,loc., befOl'fl me,

    BAWII.ON LAW Oll'ftCES. P,C.J > . o . B O X f l lO S B llmnrroN 9 I O H L A N J l 8 , MAIl2tGI1l38II


    ~:j!'O J, . . . . , .e n 0'fl . . . . . ,-e;P-Cr-t-zr0: : : : ! ,'?-j (f): : r - (1 )C O (1 )0 r0 3:J--' ; ; :+':3 (tI0 Q_::J \J~ 0(() ~Sl l r os: -,00 . . . . . . ,--n $: ; : : : I :1 :0 0"""I(f) ::)(fJ ([lW '

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4




    IIC>NV0::?~=>.0.J:o.t:lL'li= >cro>1:"-,OJ0. . . ,C'0;0)0"NUi.,CDii"a- .1::'"Q.2Q_

    Mortgage Electronic Registr;rtion Systems, Inc.a corporat ion duly estab li shed under the laws of the Sta le of 0elaw2re and having its usual placeof bus in9$G 31 P.O. Box 711, Del>Moines, IA S05Q3.{}711the curren! holder by ~signment of a mortgagefrom S~i'a Bishop10 Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee- for Principal ResidentialMortgage. Inc.dated May 21, 2002 and recorded with the Worcester County (Northern District) Registry ofD eed s a t Book 4204, Page 331.-.. - .

    , by the power conferred by said mortgage andevery other power for ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND AND 001100 ($130,000.00)D O LL AR S p aid , g ra nts to R ic ha ft: l P . L izotte o f 8 0 J e an et te S~. F itc hburg, M A 0 14 20 , th epremises conveyed by said morlgage.

    WITNESS "the execution and the corporate seal o. f said colrpora,tjiQ(IUj~of June. :W03. .56 day

    The Commonwealth of MusachusettB. ss. June 30 ,2003

    Then personaUy sppeared the above named Andrew S. Harmon. Assistant Secretary ofMortgage Electronic Registrat ion Systems. Inc. and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to bethe free act and deed of Mortgage Electronic istratjon~s~ems, Inc., before me.

    U{;[lIl1'i 0 1 1 \ - ..;stt .. . , Notary Publicl!uJ-k~ ~..r.tft.~ My Commission expires; al~Jlt"l9J < f ~ " ~1 i . . s r -j ~ C 1 1A l' TE R 1 8 :1 sac, 6 A S A ME NO EO B Y C H AP "]ffi ~ 97 O F 10 09:; ?/c / / U(/ E.. . . 'Y deed p~ ro , . .c .>nJ ... n ",,","in O r . . .. . . _ . ' " " < 1 upon I "'" ..., """ "' .... ... . " '" and pool " "" '" " ,,~,_ of

    ~ gKl f1l 16oahd a n!dlaIortha amount. cfth'lrMI oollr:t.idllHill~ tI1eroof ....dollars OftfN: ~1.IIl! or the other ~tI~ ~.lInOl.delNere:l f 'Q( is spedfio ~:sum. L ne f i.; 11 ( : ( ) I 1 I S i t t E t r a l J a o ' : a O I ' I I $~nQfIn 0111 kItal ptice- for th M ~withD'U'l G e c : . u c t i o n f,)r anyhe rB o r e .ncumbt ancas atll'I..I'ned by IhIJ gmdea or ftMIein ing U1eremt Al l such e~~emeJD and ~Is stud bQ rt lCtJn:Ied a s. ~ o- fthe .deed. raJu:J'e to compt; ' \Ith this :sediuh .h eq nat af1i rd tho validity at i i l l " I J I ' de,d. No- mgfs!1" QI' deeds 1 " "1 1 ~ -iii d e t i s d : fu r-" '0"""" '" ~"" ' """'PIlana!MIJ>Illa _,iremenls o r Ill" oection.

    >0 \ a s 0~n N C O(!) I- ~(i(!lQ:: .. .f f i L i l CQ : ; ZO C l ) l . )I-Otc:~tI.I~iL~

    --I\ Iir1II!



  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


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  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


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    I Il ~ , . . Iis.; i i;~.,:. i \ ~, Il~ I~ \ Ii& " Ii .I~f!~\i!::>,li:~\ ' > . : ~

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    rt~,--Ii' "I1I ~t~.,I a1 " 6I > - 1.& ;,, -I""j ~ 1. ~:~ . ~ 11 :J:l..c,I UI 'U,t ~ lI ",II "'I! ~ ~1 : : 1 1 1 " 1 1~ . ~ ! - : , - - !

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  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4



    < 0 o, ill 0 s::;l u!) "0 ::; 0 .:. . . . . . :::J:J ::r .-.. m 5' Q_ill C D 2} UJ 0 0 m::!. 0 ill m'-Z -0 W O. f) (l)-. ~ xk (l) o0 () :;J (J), ill I.J)~: 0.. :i E ".:l P..::r o, 5 J J~ (0 o m -c(I} 0 ::r ,~ 0C D . . . . , ~ -.. tll C D Y J. . . . . . . C D~

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  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    /\001( ~F,NT(}F MOlrrGA(;i!, ~~~b~~~~~~~~~:0r39~up~ 09310611 lil2007 iI '. ASG'I MTG

    ,V IOl lgi lgc L l e c tm n i c R e g i s tr a ti on S y s t e m s , I n c . , 1 5 0 5 pr;ng W ; l I lZoacl . ~\ ,~tc )00, V;"n"~, VA 22182 hol ocrora H\ortgage

    from E ri c P a lm e r[0M o rtg ag e E le ctro nic R e gistra tio n S yste m s, In c.d ate d Fe brua ry 2 8,2 00 6, a nd re corde d w ith th e R ecords of L and Ev id ence in th e City of Cra nston On Marc hG , 2 0 0 6 at 9:19 A M at B ook 32 99 , Pa ge 3 28assigns said mortgage a nd th e note a nd cla im se cu re d thereby to U.S. Ban k N a t io na l A s so ci a ti on , as Trusteefor th e S tructure d Asse t S ecuritie s Corpora tion M ortgage Loa n Trust 200 6~B C1, 4 25 W a lnut S tre et,Cincinnnti, OE 4 5 2 0 2

    Property Address: 2 7 P aine A ve nu e, C ra nston , R l 0 29 10IN W 1 1N ES S W H ER EO F, th e sa id M ortga ge E le ctronic R egistra tion S yste m s, Inc. h as ca use d its

    corpora te se a l to b e h ere to a ff ixe d a nd th ese pre se nts to b e signed , in its na me a nd b e h alf by Andrew S .H arm o n, V ic e P re sid en t a nd A ss is ta nt S e cr eta ry*tim day of M ay, 2007

    o n, V i ce P re si de nt a n d A ss is ta n t S e cr eta ry ''For sig na tory a uth ority se c C orpora te R e solutio n re cord ed w ith th e R ecord s of L and E vid ence in th e C ity o fCra nston a t B ook 2 364 , Pa ge 134 on 91lS 12 00 3

    T h e C om m o nw ea lth o f M a ssa ch us etts


    Middlesex, ss M ay ,2007On this __ day of May 2007, be fore me, the un de rsig ne d nota ry pub lic, pe rsona lly a ppe are d A nd re w S .

    proved to m e th rough satisfactory e v ide nce . of id e ntif ica tion , wh ich we rePe rsona l K now le dge , to b e th e pe rson wh ose nam e is signe d on th e pre ce d ing or a tta ch ed docum ent, a nda ck now le dg ed to m e ,h at (h e) sig ne d it v o lu n ta r il y f or i ts s ta t e d purpose.

    C apa city: (a s V ice P re sid en t a nd A ssista nt S ecre ta rC '_M ortga ge E le ctron ic R egistra tion S yste m s, Inc. )j ) 1 J ( ) { J I ; ~ / ~ - (AM~)

    . M y C omm i ss io n E xp ir es : ~0'6/ J 0 - 1 . . .. . . : c : . .. . .. .- . . .. . .- M l E . . , . ., . S. . . A . , . L , . T E . . . . . .M - R . .SfW.-l~1O O T A I 1 Y P U B U C

    GOMMON I ' I tA L IH O f W . SSA c ~u smsP Il I O O M I AI S S IO N E X P 1 ~E S ! lW . B f2 0 1 0

    ~"'~4b i8 ,;SA \ _1k~~M

    fo r

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4



    I, ~ / " t ' f . N 5 . f ! " . " " " A l t o m e y In Fact " of CitiMortgage, lnG, make oath and say that the principaland interest obliga1ion mantioned in the mortgage above referred to were no! paid or tendered orpmformed wnen due or prior to the sal . . , and that CitiMOf tgago, Inc. caused to be published onMarGh 22, 2007, March 27, 2007 and April 3, 2007 in the Sentinel and Enterprise, a newspaperpublished or by its t it le page purpor ting to be pub lished In Fitchburg, there being no newspaperpublished in Leominster and the Sentinel and enterprise having a general circulation inLeominster , a not ice of whicl1lhe foHowing is a true copy. (See at tached Exhibit A)

    I also complied with Chapter 244, Section 14 of th e Massachusetts General l8ws, as amended,by mai ling the requi red not ices cer ti fied mail , raturn r~ipt requested .

    Pursuant to sa id not ice at the t ime and place therein appointed th e sale was postponed by publ iGproclamation to May 14,2007 at 11:00 a .m .. upon the mortgaged premises, at which time andplace upon the mortgaged premises, the sale WII1I postponed by public proclamatlol1 to June 29,2007 at 10:00 a.rn. , upon the mortgaged premiSes, at Which U r n e and place upon the mortgagedpremises, the sale was postponed by public; proclarnatlon to J uly 30, 2007 at 9:00 a.rn., upon themortgaged premises, at which time and place upon !he mortgaged premises, CiliMortgage, Inc,sold the mortgaged premiSes al pubHc auction by Jeffrey Craig, a duly licensee auctioneer, ofCornmonweal lh Auction Associates. Inc. , to GMAC Mortgage, llC above named for ONEHUNDRED THIRTYSEVEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR AND 471100($137.334,47) DOLlARS bid by GMAC Mortgage, LLC, being the highest biO made therefor atsaki auction.

    CitiMortgage, Inc. by~ ~ ~ H u t 1 l t= -? i t P ~M~~ ~ ~ ,AttOm ey in Fact"

    For s ignatory avthori ty see Umi ted f>Qwar of Attorney recorded with Worcester County (NorthernDistrict) Registry of Deeds at Book 6480, Page 143,

    Commonwealth of M_chus8tt$ IeMiddlesex, 55, fo August , 2007On this _1_Oj ay of ~ 2007, before me, the undersigned notary public, personallya pp e ar ed ~ S.# t r ~ , proved to me through satisfactory evldooce of identification, whimwere personal knowledQ!l, to be the person w h o l > e name is signed on the praCEiding or attadleddocument, and acknowledged to me tha t he signed it voluntaril... . , ._ . . . . ..Capacity: (as Attorney in Fact"fOC~



    \ ii

    L_ ... ... -.-.~iXl.701111..7.- - - . - - - - F . C . ~ - - - - - . 1 . . . .f i . _. II~_ . M . i c h o o l . J

    Notary Signature

    M y cornmission ... res: -~ ~g

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4



    CltlMortgage. InG.a corporation duly e sta bl is he d u nd er th e la ws o f the s ta te o f D e lawa re and h a vin g i ts u su al p la c eof business at 5280 Corporate Drive, FredQrlck. MD 21701the current holder by assignment of a mortgagefrom Michael J.Moore and Sarah T. Mooreto First Eastern Mortgage Corporationdated February 27, 1998 and recorded with the Worcester County (Northern Distrlct)R eg i6 try of D ee ds a t B ook 3136, P age 60

    , by the PQW& f conferred by $aid mortgage andevsry other power for ONE HUNDRED Tl-IIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND THRE.E HUNDRE;OTHIRTY-FOUR AND 47/100 ($137,334.47) OOLLARS

    a t v-orI" ' 0 -Wol1 0 - IIt-l(.J ,0 i0"9 I' > . l i t !I. . . Io'" 'o I. . . .tNll'I'"'\)Ig ~( , I I

    iIII1\ I\


    REl lU\NTO:l~10D10 1-1641 FCL

    paid. grants to GMAC Mortgage, LLC of 500 Enterprise Road, Suite 150, Horsham. PA 19044,the premisesoonveyed by said mortgage.

    WITNESSof August, 2007,

    the execut ion and the corporate seal of said corporation this Ig dayC it iM o rtg ag e, I nc . t 1 i X , ~ s . J / t t , . , , " a t Harmon;:~Z;;


    For s igna tory author ity see Umlted Power of Attorney recorded with Worce5ter Counly (NorthernD Is tr ic t) R e gis tr y 0 1 De ed !; a t B o ok 6480. P~e 143.

    CommonweelUl o r M_chUIIllttsMlddlese)(, ss. August J ~ ,2007On this.it,. day of ~ 2007, before me. 1Ile undersigned notary public, personlaMy appeared~ nhtWs.~J proved to me through satiSfactory evidence of i den t ff icaHon, wh i ch wereperwnal knowle9ge , to be the person whose name Is signed on the preceding Of attaclleddocument, and a~oowledged to me that he sigflW it voluntanly for its stated pU!p05e.C a pa city : ( 85 A ttO r ne Y in Fact"iO f CItlMortgage, Inc., )

    My commission e)(piris: ~(~ ' ' 1 4 UI 09~B f V de&d prQ : t. (IOM !dkill' r~ :sha:I oont. tn or Mv e BildQr.Md upIi)Ill. 1 t I 1 i l f i.JIj n am e, ~ and 'c po&t ot'Iiea ~ at

    the Wantll.9M.'_ oIlI>e ,moon! althfl!lJ! C(IO&ideraIiOO_ln dalloni"'n.. nolu",ol1hQDlhar""' r,."'"delNel"od fur iii :wpedTh:: m~ 5Um_ ' Jl i. g fu H considerrdl

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    Bk 6563 P_38 +185=309-13-2007 a ~O.31aPower of Attorney

    Be it known that I. A n J I ' l W S / f I . , r I h f ) f ( . the undersigned, Attorney in Fact~ ofCitiMortgage, Inc. on behalf of said corporation do hereby constitute and appoint KevinMorris or Mark P. Harmon of HARMON LAW OFFICES, p.e., 150 Califomia Street,Newton, MA 02458, its attorney in fact for the limited and specified purposes of makingentry upon the premises located at 60 Howard Street, Leominster, Massachusetts 01453on which CitiMortgage, Inc. holds a mortgage, for the purposes of foreclosing saidmortgage for breach of condition thereof, and further to execute documents necessaryand directly incidental to the foreclosure auction. I further ratify any and all previousactions taken by Kevin Morris or Mark P. Harmon pursuant to said purposes.

    WITNESS the execution and the corporate seal of said corporation this r ; dayof August, 2007.Harmon Law

    * For signatory authority see Limited Power of Attorney recorded with Worcester County(Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6480, Page 143.

    C ommonw ealth o f Massachusetts I oMiddlesex 5S. August l > , 2007On this ~ day of August 2007, before me. the undersigned notary public, personallyappeared d a / M t ! I S-~ ~roved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification.which were personal knowledge to be the person whose name 'IS signed on thepreceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily forits stated purpose.Capacity: (as Attorney in Fact*for CmMortgage. Inc. )



    . m~~K , , _ _ m~ \:;;; 1K ATH I.E EN R EY NO LDS DAlG NE AU LT.1 U:6IS TE R '- _- = - . . . J 1FC L

    IPlJwl:':r o r Attomty/MOQrl::. Michael

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ek6623 Ps16S ~2426S12-11-2007 a 01=12p

    A SSIG NM EN T O F M OR TG AG EMortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., P.O.Box 2026, Flint, Ml4850i -2026, holder of a mortgagefrom Margaret Bennettto Mo r tg a ge E le c tr on ic R e g is tr atio n S y ste m s , m e .dated M ay 5, 2006, r eco rded with the Worcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds atB ook 61 10 , P ag e 2 B 9assigns said mortgage and the note and claim secured thereby to Countrywide Home Loans, 7105Corporate Drive, Mail Stop PTX-C35, Plano TX , 75024, without recourse

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgage Electronic Registration Sy s t ems , Inc. has causedits corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, in its name and behalf by AndrewS. Harmon, Attorney in Fact" this \o1\-..day of December, 2007.The effective date of this assignment is August 30,2007.

    .:oForSignatory authority see corporateD ee ds a t B ook 5 110 , Pa ge 2 21 .T h e C omm o nw e alth o f M a s sa ch us ettsMiddlesex, S5On thisn~ of D e c . e \f\ b e v D e c em b e r \0 ,20072 0 t J - = t - b efore m e , th e u nd ersig ne d n ota ry p ub lic,

    prov e d to m e th roug h satisfactory e vide nce ofersonally appeared Andrew S. l-Iannonidentification, which were Personal Knowledge , to be the person whose name is signed on thepreceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) signed it voluntarily for it sstated purpose.


    20070R2390 I ""'ignmcnt . MA lBCR !l (!U , Ma r g ll l' < l




  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4





    \ _ - ~ -

    E X H IB IT " 8"


    Newton, MA October J ,2007Middlesex,ss,

    'AI\~~'~for good and valuable consideration, I,.fi:w(" ~of Harmon Law OffICSS, PC, a's Attorney inFact '" for GMAC Mor tgage, LlC, Mereby assign GMAC Mor tgage, LLC's bid aml all o fl its r ighI , t it leand interest in and to and under a Memorandum of sale of Real Property by Auctioneer, datedAugust 31 , 2007 in connection with premises lIituated at 204 Sunny HiK Road, lunenburg, MA01462 Whim is the subject of a mortgage given by John W. OCallaghan and Karen F-O'Cai iaghan to Mor tgage Elec lrOOic Regist ra tion Systems, Inc . dated October 19, 2005 andrecorded wi th Worcester County (Nor thern Distr ic t) Regiwy of Deeds In Book 5904\ Page 144to:

    Federa l Home Loan Mortgage Corporation8250 Jones Branch Dr ive, MaUstop A62, McLean, VA 22102ThIS Assignment is made without recourse , and sub jec t to al l te rms and conditIons C4l)ntained inthe said Memorandum of Sale, and Addi tional Terms, and Notices of Mortgagee's sale of RealEstate.


    'For s ignatory al l1hor ity , please see l imited power of(Northern Oistrict) Reg istry af Deeds at Book 6553 and Pag e 31l ,Commonwealth of Massachusetts


    ~Middlesex, SS. October 52007' C . . , . . i v -On this -d- day of October 2007, be fore me,!he undersigned notary publ lc , person al ly ~ppearedAndrew S. Harmon , proved to me through satisfactory evideoce of identification, wtich weregersonal knowledge 10 be the penon whose name is signed on ttle prewding or lmadleddocument, and acknowledged to me that (he) ~ signed it voluntarily for i ll l stated pt.If?mse.

    A TT S1 ! N O . W O OlC . ~ O F D E ED ! lK A tH lE E N R E YH O LD Sf W fl NE A Ul .1 ; A eG r sT C " JAS5-iplJIC'I'I((lfBtdlO'C~l~hlQl'. W J Qh n


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    Bk6630P9247 ~2~93112-21-2007 a 09=590Pow er of Attorney .

    ~!; : ;J l JtAA1e it known that I..' the undersigned. of H a n n o n Law Offices, PC. asAttorney in Fact...for GMAC Mortgage, LLC on behalf of said corporation do herebyconstitute and appoint Brent McCarty or Mark P. Harmon of HARMON lAW OFFICES,P.C., 150 California Street. Newton, MA 02458, its attorney in fact for the lim-,ted andspecified purposes of making entry upon the premises located at 204 Sunny Hill Road,Lunenburg, Massachusetts 01462 on which GMAC Mortgage, LLC holds a mortgage, forth e purposes of forec losing said m ortgage for b reac h of c ondition thereof, and furth er toexecute documents n ec e ss ary a nd d ire c tly in c ld en ta l to th e foreclosure a uc tio n. I furtherratify any and aUprevious actions taken by Brent McCarty or Mark P. Harmon pursuant tosaid purposes.

    .s-:WITNESS the execution and the c o r p o r a t e seal of said corporation this ~of October, 2007. GMAC M o rtg ag e LCda y

    By: ~""----=,,,,=- __ ~ -+-_-_-_ _Andrew

    Attorney in Fact""For S i g n a t o r y au tho ri ty , p lease s e e l im ite d power of atlorney record ed with theCou nty (Northern District) R@g istry of Deeds at BooR 6583 and Pag e 311.

    Commonwealth of MassachusettsWorcester

    Middlesex, 55. /}I..Oc tobe r t; ,2 007On this ~ay of October 2007 I before me, the undersigned notary public, ',personallyappeared Andrew S. Harmon proved to me through satisfactory evidence ofi d e n t m c a t i o n , which were QEi!l'$onalknowledg_e to be the person whose namJ;llis Signedon the preceding or attached document; and acknowledged to me that (he)+ signed itvoluntarily for its stated purpose. .C ap a c it y : ( a s o " " f ~ H . . . ; .; a ~ r m = o ; . ; .; n , - , L " " , a w ~ O f f i= . ; . ; . , - ,, , c e = s = l ~ p . . . .. ; C = , . . . ., a = s ; . . ,o . A. t t : ; . : o ; ; . ;m e : = . l Y , - , i ; : . : . n . . : . F . . . : : a = c t o - " ' _for G M AC M ortgage, LLC )1 L ( J m beuLL -~A . JJ'cjY)L4t10f.)fix Seal)Notary Signature /Zm be v j \ : : : J A-memC.1rl0 ~My commission expires: 1O I 9--0 I ] '- / \~-~K'M~~~\:~. : t~~NUS\l

    b . . . W :rnOFw.ss~~~~~~. . . . . . - . . w . . . .

    A TI S 1 ': N O _ W O R e. A !C M s" f.F I'f O F DEWSKA 1K L EN R E 'i 'N O LD&D o 'd G NW l lT . R E G IS T ER ( l'o wc r o f A tt om e : iO 'C ~l ag h an . W . J ol in20 ( )70S-O&S4t 1 J}:; ' h"" ~.-


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4




    ci - g :E '0 .S til "" ~ ...: 't: 0 .: ;>0,f>(tI ~ C:lba~ t-~: Cl ' J< I )C ~ l " O ! ! U I ' : ' : B .:.:c 1 J \ ~u i!>- 0 c: __, "0 ~ 0! '>In ~ O E B < O .r;. "0cr ;Z - ~~ ~ < 1 " I ! ' I e n~~(Ilro 0t:.6 c~ ~..;:I i~E~ .~ a! ~~ (I) ~ n . : ' ~ . g -'0 ss :;'ro "-C;CI)c: .... c .c;~ 5 1 ! : ~ ~ g j 8 g ~ o j9) til ~ N c . . o ; : : al ..... ~;';d20 >. 0 (ij I:: 0 -eu ~ c $~.W s c';> e - m0 -o~-Ecrov~ 0 "E :$' -0 .n" ~ , R " ~ , g e = E u ~"01j Q,l E ._Il: J;l t:: >.. 3,l: c: .$.... :::l E . 1 = . . . . . _ ..c rn . l l i .e "a l :2 ::l"'- 0 .c" co> ,._,O 0 ~'O II> ~ Ulu 'f) m:I " " ~

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4



    I, Andrew S. H arm on , atto rn ey in fliIC! fo r Chase Home F In an c e LLC make oath an d say thai thep rin c ip a l a nd interest ob li ga ti on men ti on e d in the rrtOftgage above re fe rre d to w ere not p aid ortendered or per formed when Clue or prior to the sale, 8fld thai: Chase Home Ftnal 'lCElLLC causedto be published on O ctober 23 , 20 07, O ctober 30 , 20 07 and N ovem ber 6 . 20 07 in the GardnerNews, a newspaper published or by its title page purporting to be publ ished In Gardner . therebeing no newspaper published in Westminster and the Gardner News having a gljneralc irc ula tio n in W e stm in ste r, a n otic e d w hic h th e following is a true ..... (AffixSeal)NotarySig~

    My commission expires: _ 1 f _ _ _ J _ f - " - J / 1 - 1 + - 1 -



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    Sk6696 P_2S~ ~371604-07-2008 a 10~~6aMARG INAl . R E FEA~ c e

    BOOKlol t&PAGE_96f )BOOK_ _ PAGE__fXijIBIT"BH


    L .. .__

    March II ,2008,65.

    For good and valuabl~ consideration, I, Andrsw S. Hannon attorney in f a ct for Chase HomeFinance LlC, hereby assign Chase Home Finance LLC's bid and a n aI' ils right. title and interest inand to and unOOr a Memorandum of Sale of RBIII Property by Auctioneer, dalec! November 15,2007 in connection with prernlses situated at 178 North Common Road, Westmir t$ter . MA 01473wt1ich is the subject of a mor tgage given by Wiltiam G Cahill and Diane Cahil l f lkJa Diane Senterto Mor tgage Electron ic Regist rat ion Systems. Inc. dated AUgust 26. 2004 and recorded wtthW orc este r C ou nty (N orth em ) R eg is uy o f D ee ds in B O O k 54 0 6, P ag e 1 89 to :

    f ed er al N a tio na l M o rt ga ge Ass oc ia tio n1 90 0 M arket S treet S uite 80 0 Ph iladelp hia P A 1 90 44Th is As si gnment Is made without r ec ou rs e, a nd s ub je ct to a ll tBmlS and cond it iQ l ls contaif led Inthe said Memornndum of Sale, and Additional TEImlS. and Notices of Mortgagee'!I Sale of RealEstate.

    Chase Home. Finance LLC byHannon law Offices P.C. attorney In fsct-

    For !lignatory authority pIeaoo seeUmit Bd P I: lI II er o f Attorney recordedW ith th e W o rc e ete r C o un ty N o rth er n DistrictRegistry o f De ed s a t Bock 6665 page 212

    Middlesex. 55. March , 2 008On thi!l\ \ day of M a r c h 2 0 0 8 , b efore m e , the uncle rolgned notary p u bRc, p e rs on a ll ya pp ea re d A nd re w S _H an nQ rJ . p ro ve d to m e th rc l.lg h satisfactOry evidence of i den t if ica t ion . wh i chwere pen>onal kngw!edQ&. to be th e p e rs on whose name is $!gned QIl th e preceding or altBchedd oc um ool, a nd a ck no wled ge d to m e ih;.t (he) (she) signed it Voluntarily fo r Its staled Pl. IrpO$El.Capacity; (as attomey In fact

    My c ommi ss io n e xp ir es : _ _ J = I - I ! ! - , { ~ h J . . . 4 - l / _ _I ~i"l


    P E T E R D . M O N E AN O T A R Y P U B LIC~TIIOf~I MYIDMS 5 lO Ii E ll l' H5 D 1 II 1I 2OH 1

    ATf~ST: NO. WORe. FlE~oeEOSK A TH le E N R E Y NO L D S DAI G N E Au lT , R I: G IS TE R



  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ~k6696Ps2~8 ~S713O~-07-200S &10~~6~P ow er o f A tto me y

    Be it known that I, Andrew S. Hannon attorney in factthe undersigned, of Chase Home Finance LLC 01 1 behalf of said corporation do herebyconstitute and appoint Franc is X. Green or Mark P. Harmon of HARMON LAWOFFICES, P.C., 150 Ca lif orn ia S tre et , Newton, MA 02458, its attorney in fact fo r thelimited and specified p urp oses of m aking entry upon the p rem ises loc ated at 1 78 N orthC ommon Road, W estm inster, M assac husetts 0 1 473 on whic h C hase Home F inanc e LLCholds a m ortgage, for the p urp oses of forec losing said m ortgage for breac h of c onditionth ereof, and furth er to exec ute doc um ents nec essary and direc tly inc idental to th eforec losure auc tion. I further ratify any and all p revious ac tions taken by F ranc is X . G reenp rovides agent or M ark P . Harmon p ursuant to said p urp oses.

    W ITN ESS the execution and th e c orp orate seal of said c orp oration this 11' da yof March, 2008.S y .._ - ~, ,- .:Andrew" ;-0,,', l l111R11ml'as Attorney

    * For signatory authority please see Limited Power of Attomey recorded with th e Wn,rN",,,b>rCount y No rt he rn D is tr ic t Registry o f Deed s a 1 B ook 6 66 5 P age 2 12

    Commonwea l th of MassachusettsMiddlesex , 5S. March it ,2008On this 11th day of Marcil 2Q08, before me, the undersigned notary public, personallyappeared Andrew S. Harmon, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of 'Identification, whichwere personal knowledge, to b e th e person whose name is signed on the preceding or attacheddocument, and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) signed it VOluntarily for its stated purpose.Capacity: (as attorney in factfor Chase Home Finance LLC, by Harmon L a w OffICeS P.C. attorney in fact"

    . = : A b C - 1 . = _ : . l _ { _ L _ 1 .. .L - 1J : /& 1 + ' ; _ _ :; [_ . /{ _ _ .. -~ ( A f f i X Seal)~ry Signature

    Nntary PublicSHERR! L. HANNAN

    G o m m ' , " " . a J U ,. _ 1 N I I 6 I I SI , I y QIfmliSSIap E 'I II '" " F e br ue ry ZO ,2 0 15


    200707-1726 FC L !Pow;:rofAItOmg(Cohill. Diane ~




  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    < :

    ~~:19'S~ ,; ( '.'~(.'t'{

    ~ < . - . \

    ~ V w ' l . ' > . J U N. " .IS "1Nllo~mo001';)d &!I3M.tiO V'lN:OW1lVlI


    ) \ \II!;,IIIIIII!,IiI!II,IIIJ,IIi

    III!IiI!III1IIIi I i! I ! I iI "1 !I , :'1 \I l'I I ;1 :I!I ~ :10

    ! .II '\ 'Iir

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ~k 6713 P.148 0732705-01-2008 a 11=210


    Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 2026, Flint, M I 48501-2026, holder of amortgagefrom Rafael Aldrich aJkJa Rafael A. Aldrichto Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.dated September 20, 2005, recorded with the Worcester County (Northern District) Registry ofDeeds at Book 5864, Page 44assigns said mortgage and the note and claim secured thereby to U.S. Bank National Association asTrustee for BSABS 1Trust 2005-AC9, 425 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202, without recourse

    IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. has causedits corporate seal to be hereto affixed an d these presents to ~ ~gned. in its name and behalf byAndrew S. Hannon, Assistant Secretary J Vice President*this l-/day of April, 2008The effective date of this assignment is October 31, 2007.

    Mortgage Electronic Registration

    *For signatory authority see Limited Power o f Attorney recorded with the Worcester County(Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 5110, Page 221The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    Aprild-), 2008before me, the undersigned notary ~~

    /As&\gJIDImI. . MNAl d ri cb , R a I l. .: 1 ~v .00710-2533 I'el



    . . . . . . } . ,.f (r. ', .. ' .. . . . . .

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4



    COR R ECT ,l V E AF FI D AV I t-""This Aff idavi t is being placed t o r ec o rd to c o rr ec t p r op e r aU lh o ri ty of SIgnor.I, Andrew S, H arm on , o f H arm on Law~, P.C., duly a l. 4t lo ri l. ed A tt or ne y i n Fact of GMACM ortg ag e, L LC make oath and sa y that the principa l I lI 1 d In te res t Ob l i ga t ion mentioned in therllQ rtg 8! )e a bo w re fe rre cllo w ere n ot paid or t6f1dllrad o r peOOnned whet' l d ue or p rio r to th e tale,an d 1hat G M AC M onaage. llC ~ to be p ublish ed on J uly 6 , 2 0 07; J uly 1 3, 2 00 7 and July20 , 20 07 in the Sentinel a nd E n te rp ris e, a n eWS p ap e r p u bl i8 he d o r b y its titIa p a ge p u rp o rt in g tobe pub!ilI~ in Fltdlburg and h8'lling a c i rcu lat ion there in , III n otie e o f V o i h i t h the following is a t ru ecopy, (See attached Exhibit A)

    I also complied with Chapler 244. SectiorIH of the Ma~ Genera l Laws, as amended,by mailing the required noticelll:ertified mail , retum receipt req~ted.

    PU~\Jant to $aid ooIice at the time and place themln appointed G M AC M ortgage, U.C !!O ld themortgaged premises at pLbllc aucnon by Jeffrey Craig, a duly licensed audioooer, ofCom r no f1 1N e a lt h Auc ti on Asaocia t es , Inc., to GM AC M ortgage . LLC fo r 1V VO HU NO RE D E IGHT YTHO USAN D AN D 001100 ($280 ,0 00 ,0 0) D OL lAR S b id by G M AC M O J1 G age, uc, being th srngttest bid made t he re fo r at saKj a uc t\ on . S aid b id was then aIlliigned by G M AC M ortgage, L tCto F etre ra l N a tio na l M o rtg ag e A ss oc ia tio n, a s e llid en ce d b yherewith as Exhib i t 'B',

    " F or s ig na to ry a ut ho ri ty please lee Umited Powef of Attorney mOOIed W it h t he WO! 'CeSte rCounty(Northam D i s tr ic t) R e g i st ry of Deeds at Book 6 60 1, P ag e 297,Carnmonweallh of Mauachullelta

    Middle$ex,55. August \), 2008On this _ u _ _ day of August 2008, bet."., me, the unden!igned notary public, petBQnaUy

    appeared Andrew S. Harmon, p roWd to mi t thr!)ugh salisfadOfy evidence of identil icat ion. whichwe re p e rsoo il l knGwle dg e , to be the pertlQn whoM name is IJigned on the p re ce din g o r atIact\ed


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4




    C O RRE CTIV E M ASSAC HUSE lTS FO RE CLO SURE DeeD B Y C O RPO RATIO N --This deed is being placed to record to correct proper authority of signor.GMAC Mortgage, L lC, a L im ite d L ia bility C ompany , du ly es tab fl8hed under the law s of the Stateof Dela wa re a nd h av in g its u su al p la c e o f b us in es s a t 5 00 E nterp nse R oad, S uite 1 50 , P .O . Box9 69 , H ors ham, P A 1 9 04 4.Q 9 69 th e c urre nt h olde r by a ss ig nm en t o f a m ortg ag e fro m JeffreyM. Weigold, and Joyce A. Weigold to Wachusett Mortgage corporatlon dated July 28,2004 and recorded with theWorcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book5367, Page 32, by the power conferred by said mortgage and every other power for TWOHUN DRE D E IG HTY THO USAN D AN D 00/100 ( $2 80 , 0 00 . 00 ) DOL l ARS paid, g ra nts to FederalN a tio na l M o rtg ag e A ss oc ia tio n, 1 9 0 0 Ma rK et Street, Suite 8 00 , P hilad elp hia , P A 1 9 10 3- 00 1 2, th epremises conveyed by sa id mort gage.T he grantee is exem pt from p ay ing the M assac husetts state e xc is e s tamp ta x by virtue of 1 2U nited S ta te s C o de 1 45 2, 1 72 3a , o r 1 82 5.

    W IT NE SS th e exec ution and th e c orp orate seal of sa id corpora t ion thisof August , 2 0 0 6 .

    " Fo r s ig na to ry a uth ority please se e Umited P ow er o f A tto rn ey recorded with the WorcesterCOunty (Northem District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6601, Page 297.200701.0443 peL

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    Bk ~783 Ps188 ~14+2308-22-2008 &03=07p

    CoI1'efe POwer o f A t tO f n @ Y "-This Power of A tto rn ey is b ein g p la c ed to re c ord to c o rre c t p ro per a uth ority of Signor.Be it known that GMAC Mortgage, LLC a Limited Uability Company does herebyconstitute and appoint Brent McCarty or Mark P. Hannon of HARMON LAW OFFICES,P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, MA 02458, its attorney in fuct for the limited andspecified purposes of making entry upon the premises located at 84 Bilotta Way,F itc hb urg, M a ssac husetts 0 1 42 0 on w hic h GMAC Mortgage. UC holds a mortgage, for

    the purposes of foreclosing said mortgage for breach of condition thereof, and further toexecute documents necessary and directly incidental to the foreclosure auction. Theprincipal further ratifies any and all previous actions taken by Brent McCarty or Mark P.Harmon pursuant to said purposes.

    *For signatory authority please see Umited Power recorded with the WorcesterCounty (Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6601 Page 297.Commonwealth of MassachusettsMiddlesex. ss. August !:) , 2008O n th is J . 2 L d ay o f A ug ust 2 00 8, b efo re m e, th e un dersign ed no tary p ub lic , p en;ona llyappeared AndfeIN S. Harmon, proved to me through satisfactory evldence ofidentification, which were personal knowledge. to be the personwhose name is signed onthe preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that he signed itvoluntarily for its stated purpose. _,--""'''''h.,_ ' : - - ~ - ' y ~ ? ~ . ~ . ' Yt : > " "- ..p. ; . ? , S S l G ' " r-, ~..o "Capacity: (as duly authorized officer Q ! Ha!l!l9n law Office, I?'.C";_,~w : . H s.;-!:o~'./ 'I.

    o . .. . p . ~ O J ' ~ ~

    for G~MAC ag~LC ~* .: $'" i : . ~-I", ~:~ ~ ::::~- (Affix Seal)', ",:'.:\ j/ i'. ~O--~l' ~~'"~.- -NotarySignatu . 1 \ ) '4!G.f.~~.. ,\v/My commission expires: 2 !? ' 2 . J ? ! , S : ' t ~Y pu~ LAW OFFICE OF"'P~ER A.CAMPOBASSO, P.C.A TT ES T: N O . wo~. R EG IS TR Y O f D EE DS SCANLON BUILDINGKATt-iLEEN.REYNOUlS OIlJOOeAULT. ~E.G'STER 3 PARK STREET, 3RO FLOORLEOMINSTER. MA01453

    - ' ,

    II iI


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    B t 6 B 1 1 D c r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y l

    Law Offices, P.c.

    "For signatory authority, please see Limited Power of Attorney recorded withtheWorcester County (Northem District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6583, Page 311Commonw&alth of Massachusetts


    On lhiSL day of O(n - : ~personally appeared Andrew S. HarmonOctober 6 .2008

    2008, before me, the undersigned notary public,proved to me through satisfactory evidence of

    identification, which were personal kngN~ge , to be the person whose name is signed onthe preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that {he) (she) signed it voluntar ilyfor i ts stated purpose.

    Capacity: (as Attornev in Fact'"


    My commission expires:Cl1AP TE R 183 S EC. II AS A ME NO ED B Y O iA PT ER 4 S7 O F 19 69

    Evary deed presented lOr record s h < ! m oonlBin or have endorsed upon It 111"tJWname. residi!l"lCe and post office addres$ ofthe grantee and" rElci la lof ihe amount of Ihe full COIl$Idefalkll1tneroof in lbIars Of !h e nature of !he other OOflt;id6latiOl1t11erelor,if notdeti'oleredfor a specific monetary sum. Th$ fu n oonside.atlon shollilmoon lIle loIal price for me conveyanca wi1hout dedw;tlon for iITly1;""'5 or enCIJmbrancei; assumed by Ihe grantoo or remaining 1hereon. All $UGheooon;emoots and radials ~haDbe recorded as part 01Ih 009d. FaUure to COOlpi)'with 1hi$ secson sIla~ not affect I Il6 validi ty of any deed. N o regIsb:f of deedS shall a th., reQUiremenls of Ihis seceon.

    / 1

    \ II\



  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ~-. --~---~ =--c=c=-=-~

    Hannon of Harmon LawOffIces , P.C. as Attorney in Fact

    "For signatory authonty, please see limited Power of Attorney recorded with theWorcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds a t Book 6583, Page 311Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    Middlesex,5s. .onthisl~of

    Oc tober j ,20082008, before me, the undersigned notary public.

    personally appeared Andrew S. Harmon , proved to me through satisfactory evidence ofidentification, which were personal knowledge , t o be th e person whose name is signed onthe prececling or attached document. and who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of thedocument are truthful and accurate to the best of (his) (her)knowledge and belief.

    Capacity: (as Attorney in Fact"


    .~.... ., : "1". ~_'lliJ5 H O G A NH"",,,yPJt.lic

    l :~lIfltr: '" ;, , '" ;"r'/ f: . : : .r: - ' : ~"';:~tts.I ': 'Jty i:f';rnr~;'::'11 ExpiIes.- 1> -:.'; ; 2. ?010

    ' ) ( 1 1_'





    \ II1


    i\\\ ,





  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    INST=O!:lQl..&3:Z.l.... Bk-AS S IGNM ENT OF"MURTGAb~ - 6933 PIiI= 286W e lls Fa rgo B ank , N .A . 34 76 S ta te v ie w B oule va rd , Fort Mill. S C 29715 b olde r of a m ortga gefrom W illia tn S . Mil l e r mlChristine M ine r a ik la Cbm tine M . M ille rto W e lls Fa rg o Bank , N .A .d a t O O N ov em b e .T 1 0, 2 00 5, an d recorded with the ~ of Land Ev ide nce in tne C ity ofWl IXWkk on NQvem be r 14 ,2005 a t 9:4 0 am a t B ook 5 968 . Page 3t 4assigns said mong a g e an d th e note a nd cla im se cure d th ere by to U S Bank. Na t i ona l As so c ia t io n ,a s Truste e for CSFB lffiAT 20064. U.S. &ncorp Ce nte r, 80 0 N icolle t M a ll, M inne apoli& , M N55402

    ProQertY A,~~: 74 N olb eth D riv e, W a rw ick , R I Q288gIN W ITN ES S W HER EOF, th e said Wel l s Fargo B ank , N .A b a s caused its corporateA e 1 l 1 to b e h ere to a ffixe d and th ese pre se nts to b e signed, in ~ ts n am e a nd b eh alf by Andrew S .Ha rmon , of H artoon L aw O ffice s, P o C o a s A tto rn e y inFact'" th is 3b day of ~\L.....),,&"2008

    * For signa tory auth ority. se e lim ite d pow er of attOrneY recorded with th e R e co rd s of LamEvidence in th e C ity of W a rN ick at Book 6287 t Page 307 .

    M i dd le se x, ssOn th is '3,0 _day Qf ~k 20JtL b efore m e , th e undet '$ igned ootarY public,Andrew S. Hannon , proved to m e through satisf .lctoIy ev idence . of ~ion. which werenerrona l knowledge . to be th e persm. w O O 5 e l\IiIIle is signe d on the pre ce ding or a tta ch eddocument, and ocmowledged to m e that !le s igned U vo1unta r iJy fo r its s ta t e d pu rpo se .Capacity: ~ inFa.c\fo r W e lls F sm ; > J jM k ..N .A ., )

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    iL.~ S-4re I, . :l O C fi ~ ~ ~rood ~~ t l w ~ ofl.a;,d :a",ider.oe imfue Cit y ~ .fWvm uoc lr e t 00. hm t : 6 . , ~i m 12:01 p.m.:IIt Book 1664, P a e t 264 -~~ sa id ~ o i U l i r l therriJU; . m d c l _ ~ ~ wHSBC B < m k USA, Nati~A~llruOf\_, a s T rua ee for W f 'HM :2 00 7-M 0 9. 2 92 9 Wald eD Avenue , D e p ew , N Y 14043

    t . . - . . J WITNESS \VHEPJIDF. ilie said Wellg F~ ~ NA ~ C!!ll...~ its O O f P ' O n t t c i i C a l wb e ~~~:d mxl..~ ~ to be m g n e d , m w . mmew tdtMby Andrew S, ~ of.H~ir .run:u:w~, PC , e s Attorney inFac tlt

    Vieth F.vgo &ok. N.A.

    ~ P O l : ' sl~~i ~> ~ ~irnited P U " " V J l l i i r af ~ ::ttocie& ~'illi 'lhe ~ . . o o o r u : . of ~E...i~ m the 0.tycfW~et Book: !$4 '7 , P~145"

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    \\\I1 \

    ~ 1 \Asr i1lOlQJ. l - MAlS ewc l l, ' l' h oI II a s! : l. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . 1

    A SS IG NM E NT O F M O RT GA GEW e lls Fa rgo B ank , N .A ., 34 76 SUteview B oule va rd , Fort M ill, S C 2 971 .5 , h old er of a m o rtga ge fromTh om a s D . Sewe l l to W e lls F arg o Bank, N.A . da t ed S e pte m b e r 3 0,2 00 5, re cord ed with the W orces t e rC ou nt y ( N or th e rn . District) R eg i st ry o f Deeds a t B ook 5 fm , Page 22 a ssigns s a id m o rtg a g e and C b enote and cla im se ee re d thereby to U S Bank N a tion al A ssocia tion, a s Trustee fo r Bane of AmericaFunding Corporation 2.(X)6.G, U . S . Bancorp Ce nte r, 80 0 N icolle t M a ll, M inne apolis, M N 5 54 02 ,without recourseIN W ITN ES S W H ER EO F, th e sa id W e lls Fa rgo B ank , N .A . b as ca use d its corporate seal to behereto affixed and these presen1s to be signed, in its name am bebalfby Andrew S. Harmon , of HarmonLaw O f fic e s, P C , a s Attorney in Fact* this f O I t \ . day oflanuary, 2 0 09

    ,as inFact*J'W)UIlIII;:Y recorded with the Worcester CountyFOf signatory authority please see

    (Northern District) Registry of Deeds atT he C ODUIlO D wealth of Massat:husettsMidd l e s ex , 5S January I~,2 0 09On this ~ da y of January 2009, before me, th e undersigned notary public, personally appeared

    A nd mw S , H aIIO O n. prov ed to rne th rou gh sa tisfa ctory e vid ence of identification, which we r e p e rs on a lknowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding Or attached document, anda ck now le dg ed to m e th at (he) ( sh e ) s ig n e d it vo lun ta r il y fo r it s sta ted purpose.Capacity: (as oO:larmon Law Offices, PC. as Attorney inFact*for Wdls Fargo Bank. NA )N""'Si__~ ~

    My commission expires: r t t I O / J g l ( " (Affix Seal)AT TE ST : N O , W O Re. R EG IST RV OF DEEDS

    K Jl,T Iu.E E N R 6Y N OU lS D AI GN E AU LT , R EG IS TE R

    2 009 01 -Q206

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    CORREcrIVE ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE'"W e lls Fa rgo B ank , N .A., 34 76 S ta te v iew Boulev a rd , Fort Mill , S C 29715 , h olde r of a m ortga gefrom G loria D ra le a us a nd Paul L. D ra le aus a Ik Ia P aul L. D ra le au s, Jr.to W e lls Fa rgo B ank . NA

    dated September 23, 2005, recorded with the Worcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deedsa t Book 5870 , Page 1ass igns said mortgage and the note and claim secured thereby to US Bank National Association, asTrustee for CSFB Home Equity Asset Trust 2006-1, U.S. Bancorp Center, 800 Nicollet Mall,Minneapolis, MN 55402, without recourse

    IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, the said Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has caused its corporate seal to beh ere to a ffixe d a nd th ese pre se nts to be s igned , init s nam e and b eh alf b y Andrew S . Hannon, of HannonLaw Offices, PC, as Attorney in Fact"this 22nd day ofJanuary, 2009'"The effective date ofthis assignment isMam:h 19,2007.


    .. This Corrective Assignment shall replace that Assignment of Mortgage recorded with the WorcesterCounty (Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6665, Page 233. which inadvertently omitted theeffective date of the assignment."'''FQf signatory authority, please see Limited Power of Attorney recorded with the Worcester County(Northern District) Registry of'Deeds at Book 6204. Page 81.

    20(70)-1204 re L l~ignrnent - MA /D t 3k . .. .. Gloria

    \ :"

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    \- - .~,---- ---~ - ----- .-~- ----_._-- ------.--------- ---

    Bk 6878 Ps346 ~242002-18-2009 a 09:310

    A SS IG NM E NT O F M O RTG AG EW e lls Fa rgo B ank , N .A ., 34 76 S ta te vie w B oule va rd , Fort M ill, S C 2 9715 , h old er of a m o rtga gef ro m C h ris to ph e r J. N ik olo w to W e lls F arg o Bank, N.A . dated O cto be r 2 1, 2 0 05 , re co rd e d with th eW o rc e st er C ou nt y ( N or th e rn District) Registry of D e e ds at B ook 5907, P age I assigns s a id m ortg ag e

    and the note and claim secured thereby to HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as trustee forD e utsch e B ank : A I . . T 2 00 6-AB 2, 2 92 9 W a lde n Av enue , D epe w, N Y 14 04 3, with out re courseIN \V IT NE SS V lH ER EO F, the sa id W e lls Fa rgo B ank . N .A. has caused its corporate seal to beh e re to a ffixe d a nd th e se p re se nts to b e signed, in its n ame and beha l f by Andrew S . H a rm o n, of H a nnonL aw O ffice s, P C, a s A ttorn ey in Fa ct* th is \ f i t d ay of Ja nu ary, 2 00 9~* ~'. ~ t n { { f (

    By:A tto rn e y in F a ct "** For signatory authority please see limited power of attorney recorded with the Worcester County(Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6204, Page 81.

    Th e C omm onwe a lth of Massachuset tsM i dd le se x, ss January I~,009On this _ t_ day of January 20.QLbefore me, the undersigned notary public , personally appearedAndrew S. Harmon, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were personalknowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, andacknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose.Capacity: (as of Harrnon Law Offices, PC, as Attorney illFact for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.)

    ~ ~ (Affix Seal) ,$~~~~~~Notary SignatU!;\ ' { J ? : ? ~ ; ; , ) , . ' - t 9 . 1 ' < t

    I J u ' W " & " j : . sM y com m ission expire s: ~ 1 l / . 2 t 4 \ , f ATTEST ; NO . woRe. REGISTf I\ " OF os:EOS i:\~~~KAnll ..EENREYNOLDSOAlGNE/lULT,REGISTER =t.~o j1A.'signmwtMAlNikolow,bf"k1Jkr~44u~~008090969\

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    o~. . . . .o

    Bk 6906 P~57 ~486903-26-2009 a 10=1ba


    W e lls Fargo B ank , N A, 34 76 S ta te vie w B ouleva rd, Fort M ill, S C 2971 S , h old er of a m o rtg ag efrom So t M. R a m os a /k Ia Sol M a ria R a m osto W e lls Fa rgo B ank . N A.dated January 26, 2006, recorded with th e Worcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds atBook 6008, Page 220assigns said mortgage and th e note and claim secured t h e r eby to HSBC Bank USA, NationalAssociation, as Trustee for WFHET 2006-2, 1105 North Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801,wi thou t r e cou rs e

    INWITNESS WHEREOF, the said Wells Fargo Bank., N.A. has caused its corporate seal to behereto affixed and these p re s e nt s t o be signed, in its name and bcha l fby Andrew S. Harmon, of HannonL aw O ffice s, P C, a s A ttorne y in Faet"

    ~this \l da y of M a r ch , 2 0 09The effective date of this assignment is October 7.

    By:I"Jil[WUJa, of H ann on L aw O ffice s, PC,inFact

    llIFor signatory authority, please see Limited Power of Attorney recorded with theWorcester County(Northern District) Registry of Deeds inBook. 6886, Page 109.

    20081 ( ) .{ )429

    North e a s t Ab str a ct Compan150California S~ yNewton, MA 024stl.. lAssignmcm- MA/Rloooo$, Sol



  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    *Por signatory authority, please see Limited Power of Attorney recorded with theWorcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6651 , Page 1.

    M id dJe se x., ssC O M M O NW E AL TH O F M A SS AC HU SE TT S

    June 15,2009

    appeared Andrew S. HannonOn this 15th day of June 2009, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally

    proved to me through satisfactory evidence ofidentification, which were Personal Knowledge, to be the person whose name is signedon the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me (hat he signed itvoluntarily for its stated purpose.

    Capacity; (as Attorney in Fact*

    (Affix Seal)

    for~ Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. _)

    Notary SignatureMy commission expires: _ _ " y ~ ) " , - , - , r : l = > . . O u . i _ , _ \ _ _ . . _ _ . _


    \ )I\!\\I


    \ IiI\\III


    \\ it.~ ----

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    B ank of Am e rica , N A, P .O . B oll. 9 00 0, 4 75 Cros;-,-pointParkway,GetzviHe N Y 14 068 h olde r of am ortga ge from Ja m ee G. Bilodeau a nd T in a A . B ilo de a u to-Bank of America, N .A . d ate d M a rch 22.20M , and. ttt{')r\kd W Ith t ' t r e R ecords of L and Ev ide m :;e in th e T ow n. of R icb roond on. MarciL 24 ,20 0 4 at 1(l:3G atBook 194 , Page 2S G M Signs sa id m ortga ge a nd th e no-te a nd cla im se cure d lhen:byto Federa l . N a tio na l M o rtg ag e A ss oci ati on . P .O . B ox 6 50 0 4 3, Dalla . " DC 75265~0043

    P ro pe rty A d dr e< ; s:IN W I TN ES S W H ER EO F, the said Bank o f Am e r ic a, N .A . h a s c au se d its c or po ra te seal tobe h e re to a ff ix ed and th es e presents to be slgned, in its n em e and beh a l f by Andre w S . Harmon,

    Attorney in Fact'"!his tA day o f J uly , 2 0 09

    July g , 2 0 09On f u i : : ; 1_day of July 20~, before me.the undersigned rotary public, personallyappeared Andr;;:.w S. Hannon. pl"Ovrutome through BatisfactOlYevidence of identification. whichwere pe!'JQnal knowledge t- to b e the person whose name is signed on thep re ce ding or a tta ch ed d ocu m en t. and acknow le dged to m e that he signed it vo lunmrJy fo r , \ 8 statedpurpose .

    C~t~~~~~~:::~Notary Signature I} l ) ' l 'Loff

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    AS SIG NM EN T O F M O RTG AG EW e lls Fa rgo B ank . N A, 34 76 S ta te vicw B oule va rd , Fort Mill. S C 29715 , h olde r of a m o rtga ge fromJose E . C orte z. to W e lls Fa rg o B ank , N A dated Oc tober 2 5 ,2 0 0 4 , re c or de d with th e W o rc este r C ou nty(Nor the rn District) R e gistry of Deeds at Book 5 4 73 , Pa ge 1 assigns said m o rtg ag e a nd th e note and:claim sec u red 1hereb y to U S Bank Nat ional Association. a s Indenture Trustee fo r CMLTI 2 0 06-A R 1,U.S . B a ncor p Cente r, SOON icolle t Mal l , Minneapol is , MN 5 5 4 0 2 , without recourse

    IN W ITNES S W HEREOF, the sa id W e lls Fa rgo &nk.. NA has c a u s e d . its corporate s e a l to beh e re to a ff ixe d a nd th e se presen ts to be s igned , inits n am e a nd b eh a lfb y A nd re w S . H an non , of H annonL aw O ffic es, P C, a s A tto rn ey inFactthis I I . J i & y of August, 2009

    W c lJ gF .... ~By: ..

    . Andrew iiOfHarmon L aw Of f ic e s, PC , asAttorney inFac t ."'For signatory authority please see limited power of attorney recorded with the Worcester County( N or th e r n D i str ic t) R e g is tr y o f D e e d s a t B ook 68 86, P age 1 09 .

    T h e C omm o nw ea lth o fM a s sa cb us etts Augus t , r , 2009iddlesex, S8On this Jt d ay of ~ 20Q2, before me, the unders igned notary public, personally appearedA nd re w S . H anno! !. prov ed to m e t h ro ug h s at is fa cto ry e v id e a e e o f id e nti fic at io n, w h ic h w e re pernona1knowled,gs ; to be th e person wh ose nam e is signed on th e precedlng or at tached documen t , anda c knowl edg ed to m e th a t h e s ig ne d it vo lun t a ri ly fo r its stated purpose .Capacity: (a s QfHa rmon L aw O f fic es , PC, iAttorney inFact I !

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  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    8k 6811 P.22B .1717910-14-2008 Q 12:57p

    Power of Attom~

    Be it known that I, Andrew S. Hannonthe undersigned, of Harmon Law Offices, p.e. as Attorney in Fact" of GMAC Mortgage,LLC on behalf of said corporation do hereby constitute an d appoint Joe Castellano orMali< P. Hannon of HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, MA02458, its attorney in fact for the limited and specitled purposes of making entry upon thepremises located at 38 Wall Street, Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420 on which GMACMortgage, LLC holdsa mortgage, for the purposes ot foreclOsmg said mortgage forbreach of condition thereof, and further to execute documents necessary and directlyincidental to the foreclosure auction, I further ratlfy any and all previous actions taken byJoe Castellano or Mark P. Harmon pursuant to said purposes.

    WITNESS the execution and the corporate seal of said corporation this ffJ'd8Vof October, 2008. ". LlC

    "For signatory authority, please see Limited Power of Attorney recorded with theWorcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6583, Paqe 311

    20tJ80J-t50tJ FCL JP"",er of Attomey/E.c,u",. Palrick Reilly


    \ I\\\\


    \\ I!


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ASSIGNM:ENT OF MORTGAGEMortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 2026, Flint, IY1J48501 holder of a mortgagef ro m J ef fre y ThomJirnb a nd S h e lle y Thomlimbt o Mo rt ga g e E le ctr on ic Reg i:lt r~ tiQn Sy~ t~ms l Ioc.dated August 9, 2006, and recorded with the Records of Land Evidence in the To\VJ1of Hopkinton onAugust I5,2006 at 3:26 PM at Book 442, Page 4 68assigns said mortgage and the note and claim secured thereby to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company,as Trustee for Fremont home Loan Trust Series 2006-3, 300 Sou th Grand Avenu e , Los Angeles, CA 90071

    Property Address: 2 N ew s S tre et, Hopkinton, R I 02873IN W 1 TN ES S WHEREOF , th e s aid Mo r tg a g e Electronic Registration Systems, In c. h as ca use d itscorporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, in its name and behalf by Andrew S.H a rm o n, A ssista nt S e cre ta ry a nd V ice P re sid en t"

    l\\hJQ~t.his 8- dayof~r, 2009System s , I nc .

    , Assistant Secretary and Vice President"" For signatory authority see Corporate Resolution recorded with tile Records of L"U1dEvidence of the TownofHopk inwn a t B ook 44 5, P age 2 30 .

    f \ jDLUWLU_W J J l ~ s f ' : x . County, S~ ~ ~2009On this Q . _ _ day of = ~ Q 2 _ ,before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared AndrewT he C om m onw ea lth of Massachusetts: o . S " " , .~ a r r n '- " '. ! : o " " n ~ _ , p ro v e d t o m erllrough satisfactory evidence of identification, which were personallcnowledge (form of identification),to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and acknowledged to me that(he) (she) signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose.

    C a pa city : { as A ss ista nt S e cre ta ry a nd Vice President~Registration Systems, Inc.~:A:Af~

    for Mortgage Electronic

    (A ff ix S e a t)

    M y commission expires: _Received for Record, Hopkinton, ru / / -5- ';;;'OD 9.at tl:s~o'c1odc,.qm. Reco r d ed in Book 16( page..f2Q2, 0 \ U ~ ~ ~ = ~ T o w n C l a k

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    :~F'~~Andrew : : f . . . n of Harmon LawOff ices, pc, a s A tto rn ey in F ac t*

    "For signatory authority, please see Limited Power of Attorney recorded with the WorcesterCQunty ( N or th er n D is tr ic t) Registry of Deeds at B ook 6651 , Page 1Commonwealth o f MauachuHtts

    M.ddlesex, SS. November ( J , 2 0 09On this _, I_ day of N.QYember 2009, before me, the undemigned notaJy public, personallyappeared Andrew S o Haf!1lQn proved to me through satisfactory ev\dence of identification, whichwere Per.sonal KnowledgE!, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attacheddocument. who swom or affirmed to me that t he con ten ts of th e d oc ument a re tr uth fu l a nd a c c ur ateto the best of his knowledge and belief.

    Capacity: {as Attorney in Fadfor Wells farw Sank, NA____ 4~a.;~==_ (AflixSeaI}Notary Signature

    My commission expires', __ 3 . . J o < C . 1 . . K - " , - + , j : J ~ - C I L ; r - , - - - -

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4



    I\ "Fo r signatory authority, please see L im ited Power of Attorney rec ord ed w ith th e W o rc es ter"County (Nor thern District) Reg iS t ry o f Oeedsat Book. 6651 , Page 1ConlInonweIIth of Maauchu s Je t t s

    Midd\esex, 58. November II ,2009On this ..JL da y of November 2009 , b efore m e, the u nd er sig ne d n ot ar y p u bl ic , personallyappeared Andrew S. t_ iarmon , proved to me th ro ug h s atis fa cto ry e vid en ce of identification,wh ich W5fe Pe! :ona ' Knowledge, to b e th e p erso n who$e name is signed on the p rec eding orattached documen t , and acknowledged to me 1h!;It he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose.Capacity: (8$ A 1 t o ! m Y inFact"fo r Wetls F a r v o B a n k . NA.____ ___,:,,~-=-- {AfftxSeaI)Notary SignatureMy commission expires: _ . . c ; , 2 . f : - - 1 C ~ J . ) . . . . . . , O " , - , l , - " , ( _

    C HAPTE R 1 83 SE C. 6AS AM EN DeD B Y C HAPTE R 4 97 O F 1 969

    E_." deed ~ fa - record aMI C I J I ! t a I n or '- IIi'IdDrud J 4 X I O It th e fuMMme. I ' E II o I d m c e and post I :' II IC 8 ~ of1 1 1 8 granIM and a fed lBI of !he amount of lhO f u l l ~ lhan!of In d!JIam. or !h e nQj.,. of !he cOw 0D0SIderati0n then!Ifor. If not~ for a ~ ~ 8UIr\. The fU rl ~ ....., I1IBa1Ihot I I l O I I I I pIIoI! I for hit 00II 'Rf III '10e w II I 1 0 U t ~ for anyUQM or~ _1Md byltle ~or AMUining"_. A115UCh~ and ~ a h e I I be ~ 1 1 1 1 part of!he d t! Ie d . F li ll um II) o om p ly . ., 1hIs 5CdIon shldI not athet !he vaIIdIIy of any~. No ~ of d i e o G d & ahBl l &ali!p\ a dMI l lorre

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    Bk 7068Ps366 ~2020911-13-2009 &01=11D

    P o w e r of AttorneyBe It known that 1 , A ndrew S . H ann on , the un de rsign ed . o f H arm on L aw O ffic es,PC, as A.ttorney in Fact of Wals Fargo Bank, NA on behalf of said national associationdo h ereb y c onstitu te and ap point R ob ert S canlon or Mark P . Ha rmon of HARM O N LAWOFF I C ES , P.C,. 1 50 California S treet. N ew ton, M A 0 24 58. its a tto rn ey In fact fo r th elimited and speclfled purposes of making entry upon th e premises located at.1D .

    Pleasant S treet , l!ominster, Massachusetts 0 1453 on which We11 s Fargo B ank, N AQa m ortgage, for the purposes O f fo re c lo sin g s aid mortg ag e fo r breach of conditionth ere of, an d furth er to exe cu te do cume nts n ec essa ry a nd d ire ctly in c id en ta l to thefo re do su re auc tio n. Iu rt he r r at if y 8 f T t J a nd a ll p re vio us a c tio ns ta ke n by Robert Seamonor Mar\( P. Harmon pu rs uant to sa id pu rposes .W1TNESS the execution and the corporate seal ofday of November, 2009.

    Hannon Law Otfices, PC, asAttomeym*For signatory authority, please see limited Power of A110mey recorded with theWo rc este r C o un ty ( N orth ern D is tric t} R eg is t'Y o f D ee ds a t B oo k 6 65 1 , P ag e 1

    . .f!\I


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    ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGEM o rtg ag e E le ctron ic R e gis tra t.io n Sys tems , Inc., 15 95 S pring H ill R oa d , S uite 30 0 , V ie nna , V A 2 21 H 2 h olde r of ~mor tg~gc :r;.k~ 203? F~~iH~n! O O i m ~ l s ; sfrom S te ph e n P . T e n crc lla a nd J oa n M . T cn ere llato M o rtg ag e E le ctro nic : R e gis tra tio n S ys te m s , Inc,daled M arch 31 , 2 0 0 7 , a nd re corde d w ith th e R ecords of L a nd Ev ide nce in th e Town of Joh nston O n April 2 7 ,2 0 0 7a t J 2 :2 0 pm a t B ook 182 4 , P a ge 5 13 ss ig ll 5 s ai d m o r tg a ge a nd th e note a nd claim se cure d th ere by to W e lls Fa rgo B ank , N A, 1 01 N orth P hillip A ve nu e,S iou x l; 'a lls, S D 5 710 4

    _ ___ M idd le se x County, ssOn this ~ day of~~'UJ .2CP (l ,

    '-(N ovem be r I ,2 00 9

    Prope.ty Address : 4 D av id D riv e , Joh nston, R l 0 29 I 9fN W IT l'-lE SS W H ER EO F, th e sa id M ortga ge E le ctronic R eg istra tion S yste m s, Inc, h as cause d its corpora te


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    E l e c tr o n i c R e g i s t r a ti o n S y s t e m s , I n c . , 1 5 0 5 ~pr;ng n:ll Itoad, Suite JOO, Vienna, VA 22182 bolder of a

    rtgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.~ I I I ~~ I~ I ~ m l l l l l ~ l r u m l l l o o~ l l ! 1200912010000230 8k, 4136 ~g. 325RECORDED Cr '1 " I S1o~ . R! Pg!' of 1

    1210112009 11:53:~~ RSq MTG

    Chandararoth Pok and Leang Tang

    September 16, 2008, and recorded with the Records of Land Evidence in the City of Cranston on September008 at 09:02AM at Book 3933, Page 2L5

    ns said mortgage and the note and claim secured thereby to Wells Fargo B , L D k , NA, 101 North Phillips Avenue,x Falls, SD 57104

    Address: 3 I Cadill ac Avenue, Cranston, RJ 029] 0IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, has caused its corporate

    to b e hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, in its name and behalf by Andrew S. Harmon, Assistantand Vice President"-J'-.2. 5 day of November, 2009

    Mortgage ElectronicRegistration Systems, Inc.

    By'AndrewS. Secretary and Vice President"

    or Signatory Authority see corporate resolution recorded with Records of Land Evidence of the City of Cranston at00k 2364, Page 134.

    The Com m o nw ea lth of Massachusetts___ Middlesex County, ss November jS,"2009n this .2Sday of t t C t < X i ; . , . , b , l C 20 o c e before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Andrew S,

    proved to m ehrough satisfactory evidence of identification, whichwere personal knowledge (!ormotldenVfi

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    Bk 708~Pa307 .2223812-15-2009 a ~1=37Q


    Wells Fargo Bank, NA successor by merger toWells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., 3476 StateviewB ou le va rd , F ort M i ll, S C 2 97 15 , h old er o f a m o rtg ag efrom Francis L. QuiIm. and Sharon L. Quinnto W e lls Fa rg o H om e M o rtg ag e, In c.dated March 31, 2004, recorded with the Worcester County (Northern. District) Registry of Deeds atB ook 5 203, Pa ge 119assigns said mortgage and the note an d claim secured thereby to Acac ia Federal Savings Bank.7 60 0 -B L e e sb u rg Pike , S u ite 2 0 0 , F a ll s C h ur ch , VA ., 2 2 0 4 3, Without recourse.

    IN "W ITN ES S W H ER EO F, th e sa id W e lls Fa rgo B ank , N A successor by me rge r to W e lls F arg oHom e Mortgage, Inc. has caused its corporate seal to be he re to aff ixed and t he se presents to be signed.in its nam e a nd behalfby Andrew S . H ann on, of Harmon law O ffic es , P C, a s Attorney inFact"this IJ J \ a y of December, 2009

    "'For signatory authority please see Limited Power of Attorney recorded with the Worcest:er County(Northern District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6886, Page 109.


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    "For signatory authority, p\ease see Umited Power of Attorney recorded with th e WorcesterCounty (Northam Distr ict) RegistJy of Deeds at Book 6651, Page 1

    Commonwealth of MMSadluset tsMIddlesex, S$, December 2 L ,2Q09On this ~ day of PecembE!r 2009, before me, the undersigned notary public, pemanallyappeared Andrew S , H arm on , p rov ed to me th ro ug h satisfactory e vid en c e o f id en tif ic a tio n, wh ic hwere Personal Knowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on ihe precading or attacheddocument , who swore o r a ffirm ed to m e th at th e c on te nts o f th e document a re tr uth fu l a nd a c c ur ateto the best of his knowledge and betief,

    Capacity: {as Attornav in Fact"for WellsFargo~nk, NA

    -,-__:,-=:----:_J.aL.(,P.j~ { < : / J . A l \'

    \\ !\ I1\\ ,


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - , " " " " , , - - o r - = " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ' '' '' '' '; - - - _ ' '' '_ 1 ! t 1 ! t i '' '_ I I I II I I I. I I I !I ! l I! i . _ I IBk 7096 P916~ ~2300612-23-2009&02=06~


    Wells Fargo Bank, NA, 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715, holder of a mortgage fromD arle ne M . Heafey to W e lls Fa rg o Bank, NA dat ed Octobe r 1 5,2 0 04 , re cord ed with th e W o rc es te rCounty (Northern District) Registry of'Deeds at B ook 5 45 4, P age 2 23 assigns s a id m o rt ga g e and thenote a nd cla im se cure d th ere by to U S Bank Na t io na l A ss oc ia ti on , a s Indenture T ru ste e for CM L T I2 0 06-A R l, U .S . B a nc orp C en te r. 8 00 N ic olle t M a ll, M i nn ea polis, MN 5 54 0 2, without recourse.[NW lTN ES S W H ER EO F. th e sa id W e lls Fa rgo Bank, NA has caused its corpora te se al to b eh e re to a ff ix ed a nd th e se p re se nts to be s ig ne d , i n its na m e and beha l fby And re w S _Ha nnon, of H annonL aw O ffice s, P C, a s Attorney in Fa ct" th is 2jJt 1 a y o f D e ce m b er, 2 00 9

    PC, a s Attorney inFact"*For signatory authority please see limited power of attorney recorded with the Worcester County(N o rth e rn D i stric t) R e g is try o f D e e d s at B ook 68 86, P ag e 1 09 _

    T be C omm onwe a lth of M a s sa ch use tts

    Middlesex, ss D e c e m b e V 2 / ,2009On t h l ~ 1 da y of December 20Q2., before me, th e undersigned notary public, personally appearedAndrew S. Harmon, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were ~SODalknowledge, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, andacknowledged to me t ha t he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose.

    U~ ' i* -""~c=-~=-= :;"= ,= . .__"_-""C-, -, IiS~A-" t t=- ,,= ,- - ,in=- ,,F, -, ,ac :: ; tO- . fQte l ls Fargo Bank. NA)

    a ry SignatureMy commission eXPires:Lt/!it IVI;


    200912-HlOl _ieLArrfS't. NO W01lC_REGlS1RVOFDE=!

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    Bk 7109 Pg215 ~80401-19-2010 a 11=40n

    Power of Attomey

    * For signatory authority. please see Limited Power of Attomey recorded with theWorcester County (Northam District) Registry of Deeds at Book 6651, Page 1

    No rth e a st A b str ac t Company1 S O California Stn:etN ewton , MA 0245,820090'H:

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4



    Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.a national association duty established under the laws of the State of Delaware and having itsu su al p la ce o f business at 3 47 6 S tatev iew B oule vartl, F ort M ill, S C 2 971 5the current holder b y assignment of a mortgage

    c from Massimo Zappa and MolUeYoungs.0-5 to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems. Inc.G :dated July 31, 2003 and recorded with the Worcester County (Northern District) Registry ofDeeds at Book 4867, Page 177

    , by the powe r con fe rred b y s aid r no rtg ag e a ndevery other power for roo HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE TH O US AN D I\1 V O HUNDRED FIFfYAND 46/100 ($231,250.46) DOLLARSpaid, grants to Wells Fargo Bank. NA of 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715, thepremises conveyed by said mortgage.

    WITNESS the execution and the corporate seal of said national associanon this 22da y of December, 2009 .

    "For signatory authority, please see Limited Power of Attorney recorded with the WorcesterCounty (Northern District) Regis tr y o f Deeds at Book 6651. Page 12009U7 -1217



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    Mortgage E le ctro nic R e gis tra tion S y ste m s , In c., P.O. Box 2026, Flint, M I 4 85 01 holde r of amortgage from Timothy P. Conley to Mortgage Electronic Registration Sy s tems , I nc . dated June 29,20 0 5 , and recorded with the R e co rd s o f Land Evidence in th e Town of S o u1 h K in gs to wn o n J uly 5,20 0 5 a t 10:42 AM a t B ook 11 96, P age 2 11 a ssigns sa id m o rtg ag e to Fe de ra l N ationa l M ortga geAssociation, P.O. Box 650043, Dallas, TIC75265

    Property Address: 8 7 R iv e rs id e D r iv e , S o uth K in gs to wn , R 1 0 2 87 9IN W I TN ES S W H ER EO F, th e sa id M ortga ge E le ctronic R egistra tion S yste m s, Inc. h as

    caused its corporate seal to be hereto a f fi xe d a n d these p re se nts to b e sig ne d, in its n am e and b e ha l fby A nd re w S . Harmon, A ss is ta n t S e c re ta ry a n d V i ce P re s id e nt"this 2 1 1 a y o f J a nu a ry , 2 0 1 0

    Mo r tg a ge E le ctr on ic R e g is tr ati on S y ste m s , I nc .

    By:__ -++F.A nd re w S . Harmon ; '

    "For s ig n ato ry a u th o ri ty p le a se see C orpora te R e solu tion re cord ed w ith th e R e cord s of LandEvidence in th e C it y/ Town o f S o uth K in gs town r ec or de d a t Book I IT ll 9, P a ge # 71 6.

    The Comm o nw e a lth o fM a s sa ch u se ttsM i dd le se x, s s Januar{Z7,2010On thlsz::t1ay of ~ 20lQ , b e fore m e, th e unde rsigne d nota ry pub lic, pe rsona lly appe a r e dAndrew S . B arm o n , prov ed to m e th rough sa tisfa ctory e vid ence of id entifica tion, w hich w erepersonal k now le dg e, to b e th e pe rson w hose n am e is sig ne d on th e p re ce ding or a tta ch ed d ocu m en t,a nd a ck now le dg ed to m e th at (h e) (sh e) s ig ne d it vo lun t a ri ly fo r its stated purpose .

    C a pa ci ty : ( as A ss is ta n t S e c re ta ry a n d V t ce P re s id e nt'" fo r Mo r tg a g e E l e ct ro ni c R e g i st ra ti on~dnc.)

    ' - 1 s R A j _ i . . : : : > k ~ ! . : L . ~ I _ - f I . . _ t . , A L Q I < . A L 1 d 1 ~ o { . ! j , . J ,"'df..:===- (Affix S ea l)NotaryS~eM y commiss ion expires: c n / ! - : 1 Z C > l . r a _


    " ~~0 - . ' \ 1~, .~;;"i' ,~"

    .. . . ..'. :. ...

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE IMST= 00001102Ek= 1860 pg;;:Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, lnc., P.O. Box 2026 Flint M1 48501 holder of am o rtga g e from W a lte r J. ~ ru1 (, Jr. to M o rtg ag e E le c:ronic R e gistra tion S yste m .s, Inc. ~;..d1~wiJ, .18 ,2 006, and re corde d W Ith th e R ecords of L and EV Ide nce in th e TowrMttbve,~ ~~2'~2006 ,at 10:27 A.M. at Book 1720, Page 801 assigns said mortgage to Federal National MortgageA ssocia tion, P .O . B ox 65 00 43 D a lla s, T X 75 265 -0 04 3P ro pe rty A d dre ss : 4 4 Pine T re e R oa d, Coventry , R l 0 281 6

    IN W ITNES S W HEREOF, th e said Mor tgage Electronic R e gistra tion S yste m s, Inc. h asca use d its corporate s e a l to b e h e re to a ffixe d a nd th e se pre se nts to be s igned , in its name and b eh a l fby Andrew S . H a nn on , A ss is ta nt S e cre ta ry a nd Vice President"this>"''/ day of ; t 1 . ~rc4 ,2010

    .strati on Systems, Inc.

    S e cre ta ry a nd V i ce P re sid en t"* fo r sig na to ry a u th O lity , se e cO rP ora te r eso lu tio n recorded with th e R ecords of land Evidence in th eTow n of Cov e ntry a t Book 1 74 1, P ag e 9 77

    The Commonwealth of Massachuse t t sMiddlesex, ssO n this _ j _ day ofp ers on ally a pp ea re d

    L ! J . . . : . \ c . . v ( ~ _ : L - - . . _ _ _ : . . . : = ~ 2 010 , b efore m e , th e unde rsigne d nota ry public,Andrew S . Ha rm on , prov e d to m e th rough sa tis fa ctory e v id e nce of

    ide ntifica tion, wh ich we re pe rsona l know le dge ( ( o~n o f i d en ti fi c at ion ), to b e th e person whose n am eis signed on the preceding or a tta ch e d d ocum e n t, a nd acknowledged to me that (he) (she) signed itvoluntarily fo r it s stated purpose.Capacity: (as Assistant Secretary and Vice President*for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. )

    / t : : . . . { , . t ~ : ? ; : : _ - - - - ; r ~ ( } : : _ . . . . , t .&_:__: ;_~---" ' -"~(Affix Seal)Notary Signatur~My commission expires : : : ; + ' - ( _ ; _ I ! - ! r - - t - ( f - - - ' - - - -



  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    Bk71~3P925~ +438603-22-2010 _ 11a3Ba

    A SS IG NM E NT O F M O R TG AG EWd ls F a:r -g nBank . N.A.., ! m ~ r b y IDIlrgIIrto We J h i F lI l' go Hom e Mo l 1p ge , Ine., succenor bymer g e . - III CrossJand Mor tgage Corp., 3 4 76 S ta te v ie w B ou le v ar d, F or t M i ll , S C 2 9 71 S , holde r of amortgage from Noland Prince, a!kJa Nolan P. Prinee to Cros sl a nd Mo r tg a g e Corp.dated Novanber 30,2 0 0 0 , recorded with the W orce s t e r County (Northe rn District) R e gis tr y o f D e od s at Book 4766 ,Pa ge 211 assigns sa id m ortga ge a nd th e note 8 Ild claim s e em e d theuby to LehmUi Brother sHoldhlgll, IDe. , 74 5 ~entb A ve nu e, N e w Y ork , N Y 1 00 19 .withoirtteOOlll ' !le.

    IN WITNEss WfffiREOF, the said Wells Fargo Bank, NA, successor bymergt:r to WeDs FargoHom e M o r tg a ge , luc., successor by m ~ to CmssJiIDd Mo r tg a g e C o rp . bas caused its corporste sealto be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, in its 1I3lIle and bebaJ. fby Andrew S. Harmon, ofHannon La w Offices, PC , a s Attorney in Fad*t h l s / ' f A day o fM a r cb , 2 0 10

    Wells Fargo Blmk, N.A., successor by m e rg er to Wells Fargo HomeMortgage , Inc., successor by m e rg er to Crossland .

    Attorney inFact





    \ I)I!

    \ III

    For Signatory Authority please see Limi ted Power of Attomc:y recorded with the Wonxsta: County(Northern District) Registry of D e e d s at B ook 6l! 86, Pa so 10 9

    Th e Commonw e a ll h o fM a s s 8c h us e tt sMarch )1,2010iddlesex. ss

    On tb i3 \ G ) day ofMarch, 2010 before me, the Ulldeo:signed notary JlUblic, personally appcnodA ! l d r e w S . Hamwn , proved to me through sac.i5fut:tmy e v id e nc e o f i dcnt if iC ll li on , which WeJ ; ' I :l lt T @ n a ! . knowledge, to be the pawn whose name i:;signed on the preceding or B1Uclled documc:ot, an dacknowledged tome that he signed it volootarily for ita stated puIpO

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ---_-_-_- --_ --_ -~_-----~---------------..--.-----------------

    0'!~ o s:o a0II) ; - : r9. < D'? s n6'I D :;:)< : I I (t;0..> - ; : : ; :5 - a:3 c\) :; :; tAl:1-- . . < : ; -

    Q _ 5'. . . , i;ftn :(DQ"0~- a0:< B

    ~ ~- 0 : : :C;m III::J::l sl): 3 S.a. g :lJ}ffi g~j': : : > gII) ~a. g -o.::1

    ':} c,f _.5

    0-m0 -0 33.(1)g(l?c i~l0- ~1 l di2 .{,O _5 }:lro ~..~ J$? ~)aIII ~~ 0


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    --~----s . t Sl!l!. ~ _ - I ! I I ! ! ~ I ! ! I ! I ' ! ! ! !. !!!II.&--!O!!'."""".- --"""""'=~-.---.-~--~---


    Bk 7237Ps14 ~1~08-24--........a ~59'S.oiL.L W 10=220.


    W e ns Fa rgo B ank , N A, 10 1 N orth P hillips A ve nue ., S ioux F~s, S D 5 710 4, h old er of a m o rtga gefrom Je ssica M . B ore y and J ul io A . F ig ue r oato Mo rtg a ge E le c tr on ic R e g is tr atio n S y ste m s , In c.da ted Aprilll, 2006, recorded with th e Worcester County (Northern District) Registry of Deeds atBook 6082 , Page 279assigns said mortgage and th e note a nd cla im se cure d th ere by to U .S . B an k N a tion al Association. a sT ru ste e, 4 25 W a ln ut S tre et. C in cin na ti, O H 45202. wi thou t r e c ou r se .

    IN W ITN ES S W HER EOF, th e sa id W e lls Fa rgo B ank . NA h a s caused it s corporate sea l to behe re to a f f ix ed and these presents to be signed, inits n a m e and b eh alfb y A ndre w S . H arm o n, of Ha rm on .L aw O ff ic es , PC, a s Attorney inFactthiAy of Augu st. 2 0 1 0W e l ls F ar go Bank, N Aby Hannon Law Offices. PC underL im i1 :e d P ow er o f Attorney

    By:Andrew S. Harmon, ofHaonon Law Offices, PC, as Attorney in Fact*For signatory a uth ority se e L im i te d P ow er of Attorney r eco rded with th e W o rc es te r County (Nor t he rnD i s tr ic t) R e g is tr y o f Deeds atB ook 71 24 , P age 30 7.


  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    t':i:~~,;0~"if'.i;~':ll'::'~)(I~lli'g:*':'!i~'~.~l.:7"':",,;d\':-;:r.:b.'~-IJ.M.1"'_'_::I.::,~.",-:::;-~~.x~->M',~';-~"~~'~.';:~:'::"":;:':':''':::.l':l~;'-';"',;---,:. _ : , : ), '6er: .-j~42 P3lJ8 1 ot J

    < . 1 1 8 .-4'AS SIG NM EN T O F MORTGAGEMortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 2026, Flint, Ml 48501 holder of amortgage from Nicole S . ladimarco to National City Mortgage a division of National City Bankdated March 22, 2007, and recorded with the Records of Land Evidence in the Town of WestWarwick on March 22, 2007 at 12:52 PM at Book 1845, Page 311 assigns said mortgage toResidential Funding Company, LLC, ci a PNC Bank - OH 201 East Fifth Street Cincinnati OH45202-4117.

    Property Address: 76 Red Brook Lane, Unit 76, Red Brook Landing Condominiums, WestW a rw ick , R 1 0 289 3IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. has

    caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed, in its name and behalfby Andrew S. Harmon, Assistant Secretary and Vice President"i l i i s l S ' " day of It (J - < S f' ,2010

    President">I < for signatory authority, see corporate resolution recorded with the Records of Land Evidence in theTown ofWestWarwi.ck at Book 1772 Page 304 R ec eived in W e.!;\;W arwic k R .I., . Dl:\h, AU9 30 ~2010 T i bV' ! 09: 20: 52A

    D e . b o r a h A . T e l l i e r , T o w n C l e r kINST:: 0000354-2Bk = 2072 P:9: 1 .25The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    Middlesex County, ssOn this _ _ l _ ' i _ day of 4v) t..-~r20__{_, before me, the undersigned notary public, personallyappeared Andrew S. Harmon, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, whichwere personal knowledge to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attacheddocument, and acknowledged to me that (he) (she) signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose.

    Capacity: (as Assistant Secretary and Vice President'"Systems, Inc. ) I---__;"-It-/-"':~::"'__--. ::........::...._ _ : _ ! ? J s _ . . . > r : : . + _ (Affix Seal)Notary Signa::l. '---"- --;#1

    ~ / \ ~ " " " 'P 1 R D. M O N E A \M y commission expires: , t f ( L ! / Y ID N01AR"{P U B L \ C ' 1COt loM (l I'lWEAl I\ iO f W\ SS I\CHUSmS .WI'! CQW.\IIII~\()N. Y.I'\PS 07JntzQ~" . , " " d 4 41 ~

    for Mortgage Electronic Registration

  • 8/6/2019 Harmon Law Offices Andrew Harmon Foreclosure Signatures Part 4


    ~--- -_ --_--- -~.---- ------ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE~~~.. ;'.

    I l Ip~ i ,,_~ Iry ~cRegistration Systems, Inc., P.O Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501 ho lde r of ac '- U JI ? -r .}',... even L. Sanford and Marion B. Sanford to Mortgage Electronic Registration.' Sy~te~sf~c;:dated August 29,2003, and r e c ? r g e d with the Records of Land. Evide~ce in the Town

    of Cumberland on September 2,2003 at 9:58am at Book 1148, Page 635 assigns said mortgage toFederal N a tiona l M o rtg ag e A ssocia tion) 5 10 W a lnu t S tre et, P hila de lph ia , P A 19 10 3P ro p e rt y A d d re s s : 12 Eagle Drive, Cumberland, R1 02864

