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Harnessing Information Systems Audit towards Good Corporate Governance

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Delivered as a guest lecture session for Trisakti Accounting Master program attending by their postgraduate and undergraduate students.
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Page 1: Harnessing Information Systems Audit towards Good Corporate Governance
Page 2: Harnessing Information Systems Audit towards Good Corporate Governance

Today’s Agenda

Redefining IS Audit What’s trending in the sphere Why it’s getting important Calling for Good Corporate

Governance How IS plays its part Audit Committee should…

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Redefining IS Audit

Activities of collecting and evaluating evidence of Information Systems, practices, and operations within an organization

Purpose: Evaluating system's internal control design and effectiveness

Objective: safeguarding assets, maintaining data integrity, operating effectively to achieve organization goals and objectives

Performed in conjunction with financial statement audit, internal audit, or other form of audit

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Redefining IS Audit (cont’d)

What should IS Auditor really know about? 1. Management, Planning, and Organization of IS Commencing best IS management practices 2. Technical Infrastructure and Operational Practices Understanding hardware, software and networking

technologies 3. Protection of Information Assets Mastering information security management 4. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Valuing how IS availability is critical to business

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Redefining IS Audit (cont’d)

5. Business Application System Development, Acquisition, Implementation, and Maintenance

Valuing core area of IS development 6. Business Process Evaluation and Risk

Management Linking business expectations and risks to IS

development and deployment 7. IS Audit Process Mastering code of ethics, auditing standards,

guidelines, audit methodology, techniques and Control Self-Assessment

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Redefining IS Audit (cont’d)

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What’s trending in the sphere

Utilization level of CAAT (Computer-Assisted Auditing Techniques) getting higher Functionality Market leader IDEA analyze, manipulate and

interrogate huge quantities of data from business platform or systems

Capability Analyze 2,1 billion rows per an unlimited number

of sheets while for example Microsoft Excel 2007’s 1,048,576 rows

Integrity Core data cannot be modified once imported

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What’s trending in the sphere (cont’d)

Audit trail/documented proof

Record tests performed and log documented proof for audit trail


Has most of the commonly used audit tests available as ‘one button’ click options

Data assumption/data interpretation

Appropriate way in interpreting data imported

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What’s trending in the sphere (cont’d)

Accounting, IS and IT audit professionals still tops as one of fastest-growing professions

Marks 22 percent to 30 percent growth estimated for 2008-2018

Organizations are looking for IT audit professionals to assess and recommend ways to mitigate the impacts of today technology risks

All statements cite CNN Money 2012 report.

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Why it’s getting important

IT plays more strategic role Growing number of IT Budget IT Project and Investment Consumerization of IT Business competition is stiffening The world is getting riskier Driven by professional organization

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IT Plays (More) Strategic Role

Organization accommodate it for cost-saving initiative

Capitalize to reach out more prospects, users, customers, consumers, suppliers, vendors and partners

IT literacy level across the globe is increasing Number of internet adoption and penetration are

rising day in and day out Some companies leverage IT as new revenue

streams 3/11/2014 10

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Growing Number of IT Budget

IT budget is rising across all continents aggregatively except in Europe as IDC report indicates last year

Particularly found in Telco, Banking, Finance, Internet and IT sectors

Allocation priorities: Infrastructure, hardware, and software

Paradigm shifting: IS/IT is no longer cost but investment

From cost centre to profit centre turn out 3/11/2014 11

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IT Project and Investment

In relation to the rising budget and strategic role, more and more IT as well as IS project and investment take place

Value of project and investment are also climbing

Resources getting involved Complexity within the project is rising

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Consumerization of IT

Highly influenced by mobile devices and computer devices to grab more users

Slightly affected by telecommunication operator offering more affordable voice and plan at large

Popularity of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD)

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Business competition is stiffening

Literally and naturally business is becoming more competitive

Corporation is more confident in utilizing IT as business-enabler

Second wave of mushroomed internet companies driven by Silicon Valley start-ups

In the flip side, eventually user and customer demands are always evolving

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The World is Getting Riskier

In a day, most of the time, there is always new risk found, identified, or even more assessed

Natural disasters are haunting all the time New virus, worm, trojan, malware and

spyware launched every day Hacking, cracking, phreaking and sniffing

together with spamming activities never end 3/11/2014 15

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Driven by Professional Organizations

ISACA (c/q Information Systems Audit and Control Assurance) through COBIT (Control of Business and Information Technology)

ISACA also urge organization to accommodate IT Governance in implementing Corporate Governance

IIA (The Institute of Internal Auditors) by accommodating IT (Audit, Risk, Control, Security, Governance) within their domains (PG, GTAG, GAIT) besides Internal Audit Role, Internal Audit Engagement and Business Acumen in its framework (GIAC)

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Calling for Good Corporate Governance

Revisiting Good Corporate Governance (GCG)

Corporate vs Enterprise Governance

Regulatory Compliance

Understanding its Requirements

Possible Deployment Models

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Revisiting GCG

Consists of the governance structure defining distribution of rights and responsibilities among stakeholders

Stakeholders: BoD, shareholders, auditors, regulators, and others

Specifies rules and procedures for making decisions in corporate affairs

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Revisiting GCG (cont’d)

Purpose: mechanism for monitoring actions, policies and decisions within an organization

Ownership: BoD, Audit Committee, and other supervisory committee

Most direct benefit is to non-executive/management shareholders

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Revisiting GCG (cont’d)

Concrete implementation Two-tiered Board of Directors (BoD) Executive Board (‘EB’, company executives)

runs daily operations Supervisory Board (non-executive directors)

Represent shareholders and employees: hires and fires EB members, determines their compensation, and reviews major business decisions

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Revisiting GCG (cont’d)

Concrete implementation Single-tiered Board of Directors (BoD) Dominated by non-executive directors elected

by shareholders hold key posts, including audit and compensation committees

In UK, CEO doesn’t serve as Chairman of BoD while in the U.S, it’s quite commonly found

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Corporate vs Enterprise Governance

Enterprise governance applies to full scope of the organization regardless of the industry

For instances: Government encompassing all ministries; private sector encompassing all subsidiaries; military encompassing air, water, land forces

Constitutes the entire accountability framework of an organization

Conformance (corporate governance): governance structures and accountability assignment

Performance (business governance): strategy definition and value creation to help BoD make strategic decisions, take risks and key performance drivers

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Ever since Corporate Scandals…

High-profile collapses of Enron and MCI Inc in 2001–2002 while most of them involved accounting fraud

Drawn public and regulator interest in releasing new Act and Laws: Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sarbox or SOX) in 2002

By now most of implementation is based on The Cadbury Report (UK, 1992), OECD’s Principles of Corporate Governance (1998 and 2004) and US SOX

Cadbury and OECD features general principles businesses expected to operate to assure proper governance

SOX legislates several principles recommended by two frameworks above

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Regulatory Compliance

Sarbannes-Oaxley Auditor to review financial statement and issue an opinion CEO and CFO attest financial statement Board Audit Committee accommodate financial expert as

independent members External audit firms as audit partners to rotate every 5

years Not provide certain types of assurance consulting services UK Bribery Act in 2010 Illegal to bribe government/private citizens or making

facilitating payment Requires corporations to establish controls to prevent

bribery 3/11/2014 24

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Regulatory Compliance (cont’d)

Indonesia Pedoman Umum Good Corporate

Governance from Komite Nasional UU No. 40 of 2007 on Private Limited and

GCG practices Regulation form Ministry of state-owned

No. PER-09/MBU/2012 on GCG implementation for state-owned enterprises

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Driving Factors

Indonesia Case International Finance Corporation (IFC) highlighting

GCG in private sectors Tied-up with Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), they

develop “Corporate Governance Road Map” and “Indonesia Corporate Governance Manual” to identify and tackle problems and challenges on the implementation and its regulations

It covers but not limited to stockholder rights, safeguarding minority stockholders, company management best practice, openness and transparency

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Understanding The Requirements

Rights and equitable treatment of shareholders

Respect shareholders rights and help shareholders to exercise them

Interests of other stakeholders Legal, contractual, social, and market driven

obligations to non-shareholder stakeholders (employees, investors, creditors, suppliers, local communities, customers, and policy makers)

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Understanding its Requirements (cont’d)

Role and responsibilities of the board

Relevant skills and understanding to review and challenge

management performance

Integrity and ethical behavior

Fundamental requirement in choosing corporate officers and

board members

Code of conduct for their directors and executives that

promotes ethical and responsible decision making

Disclosure and transparency

Publicizes roles and responsibilities of board and


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Possible Deployment Models

OECD Principles oftenly referenced by countries developing

local codes or guidelines

UNISAR of Guidance on Good Practices in Corporate

Governance Disclosure

Consists of more than 50 disclosure items across 5 broad



Board and management structure and process

Corporate responsibility and compliance

Financial transparency and information disclosure

Ownership structure and exercise of control rights

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How IS Plays its Part

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How IS Plays its Part (cont’d)

GCG involves decision-making, accountability, and monitoring Decisions require relevant and reliable

information Accountability involves measuring, reporting,

and transparency Monitoring involves systems and feedback IS Auditor’s primary role is to check whether

information systems is reliable, accountable and credible to produce important information

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How IS Plays its Part (cont’d)

Deploying Risk-based IS Audit Leveraging CAAT & other software Capitalizing frameworks of or from: BSMR (Badan Sertifikasi Manajemen Resiko) ISO31000 on ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) ISACA’s Risk IT and COBIT PMI’s PMBOK SOX IIA Framework

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How IS Plays its Part (cont’d)

Always be mindful that auditing involves PUBLIC responsibility that is more important than relationship with CLIENT

Auditors must express their view on the appropriateness – not just acceptability – of IS principles used or proposed to be used

Reveal the transparency and completeness of the disclosures

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Audit Committee Should…

Accommodate mainly non-executive directors (all have finance & accounting backgrounds and expertise)

Approve appointment of auditors Establish the audit fees Approve all non-audit services provided by

auditors Meet with the auditor independently of the rest

of the board

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Q & A

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