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Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright...

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Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout Program July 16, 2020
Page 1: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this

Harris County

Public Town HallPost Disaster Relocation and

Buyout ProgramJuly 16, 2020

Presentation Notes
Good Afternoon. Welcome to our Town Hall meeting. I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. Thank you for attending this meeting. We want to give you information about our new Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout Program, to help you understand why it’s necessary to conduct this program, and how it will impact your neighborhoods. Before we get into the program, let’s go over a few things that will help us all get the best experience we can from this virtual meeting and the technology we are using to host and attend it.
Page 2: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Virtual Meeting “House Rules"Mute Yourself Upon Entering. If there is no mute button on your phone, press *6 to mute and unmute.Questions? Type in the chat window during the presentation or hold until the Q&A Session at the end. Pin the Speaker’s Video to View them full-screen.



Page 3: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this

AgendaWhy Have a Relocation and Buyout Program?

Why This Neighborhood, Home or Property?

What Will I Get for My Property and What Assistance Will the County Provide?

What Is the Process?

What Are Next Steps?


Guidelines can be found at www.HarrisRecovery.org

Presentation Notes
The things we’ll cover in this presentation are: Why is it necessary? How were the properties selected and what happens to them after they are bought out? What services and assistance can you expect to receive from the program? What is the process? How do you get started?
Page 4: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Flooding Costs• Hurricane Harvey flooded 154,000 homes and caused $125

billion in damages in Harris County.

• Repetitively flooded areas, such as those targeted formandatory buyout, create significant safety hazards for boththe residents and emergency workers trying to rescue them.During Harvey, there were 36 flood-related deaths.

• Over 40 years, each program buyout area has flooded anaverage of 12 times.


Page 5: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Harvey’s Cost to You

• FEMA estimated $2.8 million in damage but provided only $1.4 million in assistance• Average of $4,277 per buyout area owner• 144 of 336 applicants received $0 • Only 2 received maximum benefit of $32,000

• Flood insurance paid $1 million in claims • Average of $3,130 per buyout area owner

Page 6: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Harvey’s Cost to You

• Flood insurance costs rising substantially and becoming the owner’s largest housing cost

• FEMA and HUD now requiring owners who have received past assistance to maintain flood insurance or forfeit any future opportunity for assistance

Page 7: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Program Summary• Buyout programs help property owners, tenants, and

businesses whose lives are in danger because of severeand repetitive floods, and whose homes/property are indanger of future flooding.

• Harris County purchases property from owners, andhelps residents move to comparable housing andbusinesses re-establish in safer areas.

• Each property owner is given an eligibility specialist whowill work with them one-on-one.


Page 8: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Program Summary• After property is purchased, and buildings are

demolished, land is returned to a natural floodplain,changed into flood retention ponds, or turned into apublic green space.

• Buyout programs support flood preparedness andresiliency by moving people who are in danger of life-threatening flooding


Page 9: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Why This Home/Property?• Every buyout area is dangerously deep

within the flood plain.

• Many homes and businesses have been flooded multiple times in the past ten years.

• Every property is highly likely to suffer severe flooding in the future.

Page 10: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Why This Home/Property?• Homes and property selected for this

program have met at least two of these criteria:o In the floodway - areas where flood water is

likely to be deepest and fastest, and thus the most dangerous.

o In the 10-year flood plain - areas that have a 10% or greater chance of flooding every year.

o Over 2 feet deep in the 100-year flood plain -areas that have a 1% chance of being flooded by at least 2 feet of water every year.

Page 11: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Why This Home/Property?

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• After you have completely moved out of your home or the property, any building or structure will be demolished/removed.

• The property will be given in perpetuity to the Harris County Flood Control District, and cannot be used for development.

• The Harris County Flood Control District will convert the property into a natural floodplain, retention pond, or other flood control project.

• Some property may also be developed for multi-use greenspace like parks and trails.

• These projects reduce the risk and damage of future floods for everyone in Harris County.

What Will Happen to My Property?

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Properties Subject To The Buyout

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Page 15: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Eligibility Requirements

You must be a legal occupant, property owner, or tenant (residential or commercial).

To receive relocation benefits, you must be a U.S. Citizen or legal resident.

Property types to be acquired: All property in the identified areas, including homes, apartments, businesses and vacant land.

Presentation Notes
Page 16: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Program ServicesCase managers and relocation specialists assigned to each owner and tenant.

One-on-one meetings with each owner and renter to discuss the program and the assistance available.

A call center where owners and tenants can ask questions

Virtual relocation fairs to provide advice from professionals and experts.

Resource referrals to community services such as homebuyer counseling, real estate agents and lenders, legal services, and community aid.

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• Property will be appraised by Harris County Engineering Department’s Real Property Division’s third party firms.

• Owners will have the right to appeal this value.

Owners will be offered pre-flood fair market value for their property.

Owners who purchased their property post flood will be offered current fair market value for their property

Page 18: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Benefit ScenariosIn buying out and relocating impactedproperty owners, the Program willensure that each participant exits theprogram with their mortgage debt forthe relocation home no higher than thedebt from their previous mortgage andany liens on their buyout home. It canbe lower, but not higher.

In other words, we want to eithermaintain or improve your financialcircumstance relative to your homedebt.

Page 19: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Example 1:

• Homeowner Mortgage Balance 0

• Appraisal/Offer $140,000

• Relocation Home Cost $180,000

• Relocation Benefit $40,000

If you buy a home for $180,000, and you don’t have an existing mortgage balance, yourUniform Relocation Act (URA) assistance is $40,000.

Benefit Scenarios

Page 20: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Example 2 – Buyout Home:

• Homeowner Mortgage Balance $80,000

• Liens $10,000

• Total Debt on Buyout Home $90,000 Debt Limit(Replacement Home Debt Should Be No Higher Than What Homeowner Had on the Buyout Home)

• Appraisal/Offer $140,000

• Less Debt Paid Off on Buyout Home $90,000

• Homeowner Balance from Sale of Buyout Home $50,000

Benefit Scenarios

Page 21: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Example 2 – Relocation Home:

• Relocation Home Cost $180,000

• Less Proceeds from Sale of Buyout Home $50,000

• Amount Needed for Relocation Home $130,000

• Less Homeowner Debt Limited $90,000

• Gap (URA Housing Replacement Assistance) $40,000

• Homeowner Debt on Replacement Home $90,000

If the homeowner buys a home for $180,000 and they have a mortgage/lien balance of $90,000, they get $50,000 from the sale of the buyout home plus $40,000 from the Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout Program, to maintain a $90,000 debt limit.

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Relocation Assistance

• Help with locating new housing• Referral to advisory services (e.g. legal, real

estate)• Payment for moving and related expenses• Business re-establishment services• Rental assistance payments• Down payment assistance

Relocation assistance and payments including:

Page 23: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Relocation Assistance• Financial assistance is available for

replacement housing. • If comparable replacement housing is

more expensive than the original property, additional funding will be available.

Page 24: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


What is “comparable housing”?• Functionally equivalent to your current

home• Decent, safe, and sanitary• Structurally sound, weather tight, and in

good repair• Hot and cold running water• Connections for stove, refrigerator, and

sewage• Adequate space for you and your family

Program Assistance

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What is “comparable housing”?• Property is available to buy / rent• You have reasonable access to your job• Easy access to schools and shopping• Accessible for wheelchair, walker, etc. if

needed• In an area of reduced flood risk

Program Assistance

Page 26: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


Businesses• A relocation specialist will work with you

to move and re-establish your business at a replacement site.

• Re-establishment assistance:o Businesses are entitled to actual and

reasonable moving and related expenses, or a fixed payment not to exceed $40,000.

o Re-establishment costs not to exceed $25,000, and reasonable search costs.

Page 27: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this



• Examples include:

o Moving expenses for current inventory

o Marketing materials with a new address

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Renters• Eligible for relocation assistance and

payments including:

o Rental assistance payments

o Down payment assistance if choose to purchase instead of renting

o Moving and related expenses

o Advisory services

• Will be provided a relocation specialist

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Renters• Legal rights

o Community resource referrals will be available to assist with maintaining tenant rights and legal and additional unmet needs that are not provided under the program.

Page 30: Harris County Public Town Hall Post Disaster Relocation ...€¦ · \爀屲I’m Christy Lambright with Harris County Community Services Department. T\൨ank you for attending this


General Information Notice (GIN)

Town Hall Meeting

Appraisals Ordered and Offer Developed

Eminent Domain


Offer Madeto Owner

Signed Contract





Property Returned to Green Space

Disbursement of Funds

File Submitted to GLO for Preliminary


Accept Offer Counter Offer


The Program’s ProcessOne-on-One

Meetings with Owners to Gather


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What are the Next Steps?

You will receive a General Information Notice in the mail.

Your case manager will contact you directly to discuss the program.

Harris County will hold digital Relocation Fairs where you can get advice and help from professionals and experts.

Sign up online to receive regular email updates and communication at www.HarrisRecovery.org.

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Questions and Comments

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This is Harris County’s Project Recovery Mandatory Buyout Program. Our staff is ready to assist you. To schedule an appointment with a case manager, call or email us at:

[email protected]
