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Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

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HAVE YOU DISCOVERED Dr. Naji Ibrahim Arfaj the truth about him ?
Page 1: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him


Dr. Naji Ib rah im A rfaj

the truth about him ?

Page 2: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him


2 P a r t O n e

Just the Tip of the Iceberg

6 P a r t T w oThe Truth About Him

8 His Great Personality

10 What the World's Scriptures Said About Him

17 What They Said About Him

22 Beautiful Sayings

27 P a r t T h re eConclusions

28 A Final Thought

29 Major Definitions

30 References and Resources


t h e t r u t h a b o u t h im ?

Page 3: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

J u s t t h e T ip o f t h e I c e b e r g

This booklet presents just some facts about him.

j He inspires us to have good intentions, positive

attitudes and kind feelings towards others.

v He teaches us to forgive and love for others what we

love for ourselves.

J He urges us to smile sincerely and be kind to others.

J He instructs us to act courteously.

> He commands us to have good conduct and behave with respect.

j He teaches us to be gentle to humans, animals, birds

and our environment.

j He instructs us to respect and care for our parents and the elderly; and to be good to our families, spouses

and children.i He encourages us to help, feed and support the weak,

the poor, the needy and the disabled.

j He urges us to think, ponder, reason and base our

judgments on proof.


Page 4: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

Before I reveal the secret, let me point outthat additionally 'he'...

j teaches us that all humans are equal regardless of their

race, color, or nationality.

J instructs us not to hurt, hate, transgress against, put

down, or despise others.

9 clearly tells us why we are here, who brought us, where

we are heading, and what our final destination is.

9 instructs us to live in peace and good relations with

God, oneself, and others.

Indeed, he is se n t a s a

mercy to all mankind!

Can you believe that he is...


...M uham m ad?

I f our m inds are captive to prejudice, preconception,

or prejudgm ent, we w ill never see the beauty or

tru th o f anything.

Perhaps you have preconceived, negative notions about Islam and its Prophet. Perhaps you have read or heard about him from unauthentic or biased sources.

So, I invite you to objectively and open- mindedly read this booklet which demonstrates the truth about Muhammad (may Allah's bles­sings and peace be upon him).

Page 5: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

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The Truth About Him

Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be

upon him) the son of Abdullah, was born in Makkah

around the year 570 C.E. He was known by his people as

Al-Amin (the trustworthy one).

When Muhammad reached the age of 40, the angel

Gabriel came to him with revelation. Muhammad was

first ordered to instruct his immediate family to Islam,

including his wife Khadija, and eventually it was revealed

to him that he should begin delivering the message to all

mankind. In the next years of his life, he communicated

the message of Allah (God) to others, set an excellent

example and was a perfect role model for humanity. In

the year 632, Prophet Muhammad departed from this

world at the age of sixty-three.

The Prophet's mosque in M adinah

Page 6: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

Prophet Muhammad (may

God's blessings and peace be

upon him) is called "the Seal of

the Prophets". He was the final

prophet and was sent to confirm

all the truth that was revealed

before him, including the origi­

nal Gospel of Jesus.

The Glorious Qur’an does testify that “Muhammad is

the Messenger of Allah, and Seal of the prophets" (33:40).

Confirming the link between him and Jesus, Prophet

Muhammad mentioned, “If a man believes in Jesus and

then believes in me [Muhammad], he will get a double


Also, Prophet Muhammad stated, “I am the nearest of

all the people to Jesus, the son of Mary; for there was no

prophet between me and him [Jesus], ”

These prophetic sayings show us how Muhammad

honored Jesus (may Allah's blessings and peace be

upon them). This was a prophecy which Jesus made in

the Bible. I will present it after a while.


Muhammad, from his childhood, through his youth,

through his prophethood until his death, has been seen

by fair people, throughout history, as a special and great

personality in his unique character and morals. He was

merciful, honest, sincere, kind, and humble. Every detail

of his private life and public utterances has been

accurately and authentically documented and faithfully

preserved up to the present day.

He was a prophet, a messenger, a religious teacher,

a social reformer, a moral guide, a leader, a statesman,

a faithful friend, a wonderful companion, a devoted

husband, and a loving father.

In this regard, Ramakrishna Rao, an Indian Professor

of Philosophy, in his booklet, Muhammad: The Prophet

of Islam, calls him the "perfect model for human life”.

Prof. Rao clarifies:

The p e rs o n a lity o f M u h a m m a d , it is m o s t d if f ic u lt to

g e t in to th e w ho le tru th o f it. O nly a g lim p se o f i t I can

ca tch . W hat a d ra m a tic success ion o f p ic tu re sq u e

scenes ! There is M u h a m m a d , the P rophet. There is

M u h a m m a d , the W arrio r; M u h a m m a d , the B u s iness ­

m an ; M u h a m m a d , th e S ta te sm a n ; M u h a m m a d , the

O rator; M u h a m m a d , th e R e fo rm er; M u h a m m a d , the

R efuge o f O rphans; M u h a m m a d , th e P ro tec to r o f S laves;

Page 7: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

Have You Discovered the Truth About Him?

M u h a m m a d , the E m a n c ip a to r o f W om en; M uh a m m a d ,

th e Judge; M u h a m m a d , th e S a in t. A ll in a ll these m ag ­

n ific e n t ro les, in a ll these d e p a rtm e n ts o f hu m a n

ac tiv itie s , he is a like a he ro .1

Historically, during a short period of about twenty

three years of his prophethood, he changed the complete

Arabian peninsula...

<d From paganism and idolatry to submission to One God...

<d From tribal quarrels and wars to solidarity and cohesion...

o From drunkenness and debauchery to sobriety and piety...

<s From lawlessness and anarchy to disciplined living...

<d From utter moral bankruptcy to the highest standards

of moral excellence.

Human history has never known such a complete

transformation of a society or a place before or since -

and imagine... all these unbelievable wonders in just

over two decades.


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While it is not the main theme of this booklet to detail

all the prophecies in other religious scriptures foretelling

the coming of Prophet Muhammad, I should mention that

Muslim scholars have noted such in the Parsi, Hindu,

Buddhist, Jewish, and Christian scriptures.

Indeed, Muhammad in other scriptures is a very

interesting topic which has been thoroughly discussed

in many books and articles, as well as on the internet.

(To get more information about this topic, you may go

Page 8: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

to Dr. Zakir Naik's website, www.irf.net. or just search

the Internet typing these words: "Prophet Muhammad",

"Muhammad in the Hindu scriptures", "Muhammad in

the Bible", etc.).

Among the books, for example, A. H. Vidyarthi and U.

AN have written a book entitled Muhammad in Parsi,

Hindu, and Buddhist Scriptures.In his wonderful book, Muhammad in the Bible,

Professor Abdul-Ahad Dawud (formerly the Reverend

David Benjamin) comments on the Bible foretelling the

advent of the prophet who

is "like unto thee Moses",


We read the fo llow ing words in the

Book o f Deuteronom y, chap te r 18,

verse 18 : “I w ill raise them up a

Prophet from am ong the ir brethren,

like unto thee; and I w ill p u t m y

words in his m ou th .” I f these words

do no t app ly to M uham m ad, they

s till rem ain unfulfilled. Jesus h im se lf never c la im ed to be the

Prophet a lluded to... Jesus, as is believed by his Church, will

appear as a Judge and no t as a law-giver; bu t the prom ised

one has to com e w ith a “fiery la w "in “his righ t ha n d ”. Deut.33:2


Muslim scholars assert that this prophecy applies to

none other than Muhammad. Moses and Muhammad

are alike in many ways. They both have the same first

letter of their names. They are alike in their natural

births, marriages, missions, and natural deaths. Both

were prophets, rulers, leaders, and statesmen. Both

brought a "fiery law". On the other hand, Jesus is unlike

Moses in several matters. His birth, mission, and end

are unlike those of Moses. Jesus did not get married; nor

did he; rule his people or fight in wars like Moses.

It is worth mentioning that “a prophet from among

their brethren” refers to a prophet from the brothers of

the Israelites (i.e., the Ishmaelites).

In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus also

prophesied the coming of another Comforter. Jesus

declared, “and He shall give you another Comforter”

(John 14:16).

In addition, Jesus said:

Nevertheless I te ll you the tru th ; It is fo r yo u r good th a t I

go away: fo r i f I go n o t away, the C om forte r w ill n o t com e

unto you; b u t i f I depart, I w ill send h im un to you. A nd

when he is com e, he w ill reprove the w orld o f sin, and o f

righteousness, and o f judgm en t... I have ye t m any th ings

Page 9: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

Have You Discovered the Truth About Him?

to say unto you, b u t ye cann o t bea r them now. How be it

when he, the S p irit o f tru th , is come, he w ill gu ide you in to

a ll tru th : fo r he sha ll n o t speak o f h im se lf; bu t w hatsoever

he sha ll hear, [ th a t] sha ll he speak: and he w ill show you

th ings to come. He sha ll g lo rify me... (John 16 :7 -14 )

S o , w h o is t h i s “ o t h e r C o m f o r t e r ”

t o c o m e a f t e r J e s u s ?

Indeed, Muslim scholars state that it is only

Muhammad who completely fulfilled Jesus' prophecy for

many reasons. To mention some:

9 Jesus’ reference to “another Comforter” cannot

apply to the Holy Spirit since the Holy Spirit (part of the

Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, and God

the Holy Spirit, according to the Christians who believe

in it) was there before and during the mission of Jesus,

according to the Bible, while the Comforter was to

come after.

9 Moreover, Muhammad came to warn people of sin and

command them to do righteousness. He was a ruler

and a judge with a “law” in “his right hand”.

• Muhammad guided people to the ultimate truth

concerning the one true God, the truth about the

purpose of this life, the truth about the Hereafter and

eternal life, and many other things.

« He showed us things to come through many prophecies

and miracles given to him by the One who sent

him, Allah (God).

9 Muhammad was a prophet who did not "speak of

himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, [that]

shall he speak". He was the instrument through

whom God revealed His Word, the Glorious Qur’an.

And Muhammad recited God’s Word in the Name of

Allah. The Bible prophesied that “he shall speak in

My name...” (Deut. 18:19). In fact, the chapters of

the Glorious Qur'an are preceded by the phrase, “In

the Name of Allah”.

Page 10: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

<d Muhammad and the Glorious Qur'an indeed glorified

Jesus highly. In honor of him, Muslims like to name

their children Esa (Arabic for Jesus).

Furthermore, when the Jews asked John the Baptist who

he was, he denied being the Christ or Elijah or that Prophet.

“...W ho are you? A nd he (John) confessed, I am no t the

Christ. And then they asked him , W hat then? Are you

Elijah? A nd he said, I am not. Are you th a t P rophet? And

he answered, N o .” (John 1 :19 -21 )

Again, Muslim scholars argue that Muhammad is the

one referred to in this Biblical text:

“A re you th a t P roph e t? A n d he answ ered , No". So, who is

that Prophet? Clearly " th a t P roph e t" does not apply to

John the Baptist nor to Jesus the Christ, as John testified


Therefore, a wise, honest, and sincere seeker of the

truth should objectively ask:

$ Who is that Prophet?& Who is the true Prophet that came after John and

Jesus conveying their original message about the

one true God alone?

1 6

H e is M u h a m m a d !

0 0

Page 11: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him


A great deal has been written about the Prophet

Muhammad (may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon

him). Below are just some statements said by well-known


Lamartine (the famous historian) mentioned, “I f

grea tness o f purpose, sm allness o f m eans and ou ts tand ing

resu lts a re the three crite ria o f hum an genius, who could

dare to com pare any g re a t m an in m odern h is tory w ith

M u h a m m a d ? ”

He concluded, "As regards a ll the s tandards by which

H um an G reatness m ay be m easured, we m ay well ask, Is

there any m an g re a te r than he? ”

(Histoire De La Turqvie, Paris 1854 - Vol. II, pp. 276 - 277)

In his book, The 100: A Ranking Of The Most

Influential Persons In History, Michael H. Hart stated:

M y cho ice o f M u h a m m a d to le a d th e lis t o f th e w orld 's

m o s t in flu e n tia l p e rso n s m ay s u rp r ise som e reade rs a n d

m ay be q u e s tio n e d by o the rs , b u t he was the o n ly m an

in h is to ry w ho was su p re m e ly su cce ss fu l on bo th the

re lig io u s a n d s e c u la r levels.

1 8

Hart concluded that, “i t is

th is unpara lle led com b ina tion

o f s e c u la r a n d re lig iou s

in fluence which I fee l entitles

M u ham m a d to be cons idered

the m o s t in flu e n tia l s ing le

figu re in hum an h is to ry .” 2



% Q . 7 S L - T U N G • M A R K • M A R C O N I . m b

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U R i w H f t l A M • I a Q S T S j C j t

In his book, The Genuine

Islam, Sir George Bernard

Shaw said:

I believe th a t i f a m an like h im were to assum e the

leadersh ip o f the m odern w orld he w ould succeed in

so lv ing its p rob lem s in a way th a t w ould b ring to th is w orld

m uch needed peace and happiness.

Shaw added that, “He was

by fa r the m o s t rem a rkab le

m an th a t ever se t foo t on this

earth. He p reached a religion,

founded a state , bu ilt a nation,

la id dow n a m ora l code, in itia ted

num erous soc ia l and po litica l

reform s, estab lished a pow erfu l

a n d dynam ic soc ie ty to p rac tice

Page 12: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

and rep resen t his teachings a n d com p le te ly revo lu tion ized

the worlds o f hum an though t and behav io r fo r a ll tim es

to com e ."

(The Genuine Islam, Vol. 1,1936)

Mahatma Gandhi pointed out:

I becam e m ore than convinced th a t it was no t the sw ord

th a t won a p lace fo r Islam

in those days in the schem e

o f life . It was the rig id

s im p lic ity , the u tte r se lf-

e ffa cem e n t o f the Prophet,

the scrupu lous regard fo r

his p ledges, his in ten se

devotion to his friends and

fo llowers, h is in trep id ity, his

fearlessness, his abso lu te

trus t in God a n d in his own m ission. (Young India Newspaper)

Wolfgang Goethe (the famous European poet) be­

lieved that:

He is a p rophe t a n d no t a poe t and there fo re his Koran is

to be seen as a d iv ine law and no t as a book o f a hum an

being, m ade fo r educa tion o r en te rta inm ent.

(Noten und Abhandlungen zum W eststlichen Dvan, WA I, 7, 32)

The Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 12) cited:

...A m ass o f d e ta il in the ea rly sources show th a t he was

an hon es t a n d u p rig h t m an who had g a in e d the respect

a n d loya lty o f o the rs who were like-w ise hon es t and

u p rig h t m en. "...M oham m ad is the most successful

o f a ll Prophets and religious personalities. ”

Thomas Carlyle, in his book, Heroes and Hero-

worship, stated:

How one m an single-handedly, cou ld w eld w a rring tribes

and w andering Bedouins in to a m ost pow erfu l a n d civilized

nation in less than tw o decades.” ...“The lies (W estern

slander) which w ell-m eaning zeal has heaped round this

m an (M uham m ad) a re d isgrace fu l to ourselves only.

In a more recent work, John Esposito (a univer­

sity professor of religion and international affairs,

Director of the Center for International Studies at the

College of the Holy Cross, and Founding Director of PABT

Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown

University, USA) pointed out in his book, Islam: The

Straight Path, that: "M uh a m m a d was am o n g those

g re a t re lig ious figures, p rophe ts a n d founders o f religions,

whose rem arkab le cha rac te r a n d pe rsona lity insp ired

Page 13: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

u n co m m o n co n fid e n ce a n d co m m itm e n t. H is p h e n o ­

m e n a l success in a ttra c t in g fo llow e rs a n d c re a tin g a

co m m u n ity -s ta te th a t d o m in a te d A rab ia co u ld be

a ttr ib u te d n o t o n ly to th e fa c t th a t he was a sh re w d

m ilita ry s tra te g is t b u t a lso to th e fa c t th a t he was an

u n u su a l m an... M u h a m m a d 's fo llo w e rs fo u n d h im

r igh teous , trus tw o rthy , p ious, r h o n e s t a n d co m p a ss io ­

n a te ." (Esposito , 2 0 0 4 )

He clarified that “M uham m a d was no t the fou n d e r o f

Is lam ; he d id n o t s ta rt a new re lig ion .”

Professor Esposito stressed this fact:

Islam b rough t a re fo rm a tion ; it was the ca ll once aga in to

to ta l subm iss ion (Islam ) to A llah a n d the im p lem en ta tion

o f His w ill as revealed in its com p le te form one fina l tim e

to M uham m ad, the last, o r ‘se a l,’ o f the prophets. Thus, fo r

M uham m ad, Is lam was no t a new fa ith b u t the resto ra tion

o f the true fa ith ...3


Do you still remember what was mentioned in Part

One (Just the Tip of the Iceberg) of this book? The

concepts mentioned there are based on the guidance of

the Qur'an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad.

Below are just some examples of the Prophetic sayings,

to give you a taste of their beauty and sweetness:

9 A goo d word is charity.

9 A s incere sm ile is charity.

• The bes t o f you a re the b es t in character.

• Removing a harm fu l th ing from the path (road) is charity.

• The b es t [aspect] o f fa ith is pa tie nce and to lerance.

• A m an a ske d th e M e sse n g e r o f A lla h : "W hich a sp e c t

o f Is lam is bes t? " He rep lied , "Feed a n d g re e t bo th

those yo u kn o w a n d those you do n o t know ."

Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s

blessings and peace be upon him) said:

o The C om passiona te One [G od] has m ercy on those

who are m erc ifu l. I f you show m ercy to those who are

on the earth , He Who is in heaven w ill show m ercy

to you.

9 N one o f you tru ly believes un til he w ishes fo r his

b ro th e r w hat he w ishes fo r him self.

Page 14: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

Have You Discovered the Truth About Him?

9 He who eats his fill wh ile his ne ighbo r goes to bed

w ith ou t food is no t a believer.

9 The pow e rfu l is no t he who knocks the o th e r down,

indeed the po w e rfu l is he who con tro ls h im s e lf in a fit

o f a n g e r

9 God does n o t ju d g e you acco rd ing to yo u r bod ies and

appearances b u t he scans yo u r hea rts and looks in to

yo u r deeds.

9 The bes t o f you [is he] who is b es t to his fam ily, and I

am the bes t am ong you to m y fam ily.

9 The best o f you are those who are best to the ir women.

9 The b es t o f Is lam is to behave w ith g e n tle n e ss a n d

to le rance .

9 The bes t peop le a re those m ost bene fic ia l to [o the r]

people. 4

These are just some examples of the Prophetic

wise, wonderful, and golden sayings.

Practicing what he said and taught, Prophet

Muhammad's dealings and actions with others reflected

his special and unique personality in his morals, mercy,

honesty, sincerity, kindness, truthfulness, humbleness,

generosity, forgiveness, patience, and tolerance, as well

as many other great qualities. The stories, examples and

proofs of these magnificent personal attributes of the

final Prophet are too numerous to mention in detail here.

Let us take just one example.

9 After his Makkan opponents rejected him and

disbelieved in his message, Islam...

9 After persecuting and maltreating him, and trying to kill

him many times...

9 After torturing and killing many of his followers and

loved ones...

9 After fighting him and his companions and driving

them out of their homes, properties, and land...

What was the reaction of Muhammad towards his

Makkan enemies when he entered Makkah and liberated

it from idolatry and paganism?

Page 15: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

In the wake of the Muhammad's and the Muslims’

great victory and in the climax of their joy, rapture and

happiness at coming back home to the Sacred City of

Makkah - Prophet Muhammad gathered together the

Makkans, who were afraid that he would harm or kill

them in revenge for their past abuse and killing of


Muhammad asked them, 'What do you th in k I am

g o in g to do w ith yo u ? " They answered, "You are a

generous brother and the son of an honorable brother of

ours." Then, the kind, tolerant, generous and merciful

Prophet forgave them, announcing: "No h a rm w ill com e

to you. You m ay go. You a re fre e ."5

<9 Have you ever seen such a scene?Have you ever heard such a story?

d Can you sense the Prophet’s mercy?

Describing this unprecedented historical event, Professor

John Esposito stated:

Eschew ing vengeance a n d the p lu n d e r o f conquest, the

Prophet ins tead accep ted a se ttlem ent, g ra n tin g am nesty

ra th e r than w ie ld ing the sw ord tow ard his fo rm e r enem ies.

For th e ir part, the M eccans converted to Islam, accep ted

M u h a m m a d ’s leadership , and were inco rpora ted w ith in

the um m a (M uslim com m unity).

In contrast, are you aware of what atrocities various

"super-power" nations committed when they have

unjustly attacked, invaded, and tortured others, through­

out human history?

Actually, the more we discover about Muhammad's

life, the more we come to realize his excellent conduct

and character, and that he is, indeed, "sent as a mercy

to all peoples" (the Glorious Qur'an, 21:107).

Prophet Muhammad said, “I have been sen t to pe rfec t

the nob le tra its o f cha rac te r.”

Confirming this fact, the Glorious Qur’an reported,

“Indeed, you a re o f a g re a t m ora l cha rac te r." (68 :4 )

Page 16: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him




The one true God (Allah) sent many prophets and messengers including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon them).

The same one true God told us that Muhammad is His last and final Prophet sent to all mankind (Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnos­tics, etc.).

Islam teaches us to be just, wise, sincere, honest, objective, and open-minded in our search for the truth and when dealing with or judging others.

Searching for the truth should be based on reliable sources and authentic facts. And dealing with or judging others should be performed with justice, positive attitude, dialogue, mutual respect, and clear understanding.


Concerning those unfair political and religious leaders, writers, historians, and media people who unjustly accuse Islam and all Muslims of terrorism, and claim that Islam was spread by force and the sword, and those sick-minded and ill-hearted folk who depict Allah, the one true God and His last Prophet Muhammad in the worst and ugliest images and cartoons, I wonder:

▲ Is this what is meant by freedom, and freedom of speech - is there not a double-standard being used when dealing with Islam and Muslims? (For example, why are the terms "Christian terrorists" or "Jewish terrorists" never heard, although there is no shortage of atrocities being committed by people of those faiths?

▲ Is any one free to insult, curse, and despise others and their beliefs, or accuse them all of terrorism?

▲ Is this how civilization, democracy, and freedom are taught to the younger generation in schools, colleges, and in society in general?

▲ Is it really the sword of Islam that makes thousands of wise, objective, sincere and open-minded men and women around the world embrace Islam nowadays? (Many books, articles, and websites discuss why and how these brothers and sisters reverted to Islam. For example, I would recommend: Islam Our Choice: Portraits of Modern American Muslim Women - edited by Debra L. Dirks and Stepahanie Parlove. Available on the internet).

Page 17: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

Have You Discovered the Truth About Him?



In Arabic, Allah is the name of the one

true God, the Creator. Islam teaches

that Allah is the true God of all mankind.

Jewish and Christian Arabs also use

this name (Allah) to refer to God.


Is the last Prophet of the one true God

(Allah); sent to all mankind (May Allah’s

blessings and peace be upon him).


Means submission to the Will of the one M uhamm ad in Arabic

true God (Allah).


Is one who submits to the Will of the one true God (Allah).


Is the final Word of the one true God (Allah) revealed to

Prophet Muhammad.

The Nam e o f A llah in Arabic Calligraphy

The Name o f


R e f e r e n c e s a n d R e s o u r c e s

The Glorious Qur'an Hadiths (Prophetic Sayings) The Holy Bible

1 M oham m ed The Prophet. Prof. K. S. Ramakrishna Rao, Head of the Department of Philosophy, University of Mysore, India. Available on the internet.

2 The 100: A R anking o f the M ost In fluen tia l P ersons in

History. Michael H. Hart. Available on the internet.

3 Is lam : The S tra igh t Path. John L. Esposito. Oxford University Press. 2004.

4 Selected Hadiths from The B est in Islam. Dr. Bilal Philips. Dar Al Fatah. UAE, 1996.

5 Scenes From the L ife o f P rophet M uham m ad. Dr. Muhammad Badawi. Dar Ibn Hazm Publishing House, 1993.

Page 18: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

Useful websites:


Publications by the author:

a Who is The True God?

a God in Christianity: What is His Nature?

a Just One Message!

a Have You Discovered its Real Beauty?

For any information, suggestions, feedback; or if you like to share new ideas and images or photos for the second edition of this booklet, please feel free to contact:

Naji Ibrahim Arfaj

E-Mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Website: www.abctruth.net

Tel. +966505913113

P. O. Box 418 Hofuf, Ahsa 31982 KSA

Page 19: Have You Discovered the Truth About Him

H a v e y o u r e a d t h i s b o o k ?
