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HAWAIIAN APRIL PRICE - eVols at University of...

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i r i - .v ." XL-- NO. 99 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY. APRIL 26, 1890, PRICE 5 CENTS. Stortisrinenis. SJetD lliDcrtiscincnts. Sbittrtistrntttls. INTERESTING CULLINGS. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. GENERAL AGENTS, EXJPEliT J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I. WILLIAM C. ACHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m A.OCOXJISI TANT8 AND r COLLECTORS, INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE HOUSE, LOAN AND -- o Departments Books and Accomrrs accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished .legal documents and Fapers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fibe and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C 53-l- y Rogers). GARDNER K. WILDER, . A.ttornevat-Ijaw- , Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 1264-l- y PROF. Gr SAUVLET, - Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION Having had an extensive business piano, Violin .and Singing Lessons. New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Bell Telephone No. 274. CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, Shipping and Commission Merchants, PLANTATION AND DEALERS TO A CHINESE IDOL. - t Once you ruled, god divine. In sacred, steady shrine t Near a river dark as mine, t 'Hid the trees, And to you the mandarins. With their smooth, unshaven china, rrayed absolrence from their sins v On their knees, Tiny footed Chinese maids, With their raven hair in braids, Sought you in your quiet shades .xteata tne Doughs; Haply, for a thousand years, You beheld their smiles and tearf Listened to their hopes and faaca And their rows. Now above her escritoire In my lady's pink boudoir, Ever dumbly pining for Last rcposo, You sit stolid day by day, With your cheeks so gaui:t and gr&t Ctony eyes and retrousse Little, soso. Where the sunlight gllnteth o'er Persian rug and polished floor You will frown f orevermore, Q rim as hate; A divinity cast down, y" Having neither shrine or crvsra Once a god, but cow a brown; Paper weight! " CiintoaOcoSard. Surgeons on Emigrant Ships. . Emigrant ships are always ad mo- rtised as carrying a competent su f oi u We know something of tho surgeons they frequently carry, nor do wo dony that they are generally clever, young men, The pay, which is calculated on percentage or commission, if go ul, and candidates have to produce ex- cellent certificates. But when tho ship owners have fulfilled thek pait of the contract the responsibLlit shift s on the shoulders of the younr is-pira- nt to celebrity. If he is ana' . . r s and means to succeed in bislvi vi- sion there is little danger of hit b:in supine. Tho risk is rather on tho side of professional zeal. , He has a raro opportunity of experimenting "on his : own nook" such as neves could have come to him at home pitals. "Fiat experimentum In. cor-porib- us vilis" is' his motto. Each case of serious illness is an agreeable sen- sation; a superb compound f ; ;m is a godsend; each subtler malady is a Joy. and a treat for the rest of tho voy- age. He tries all manner of empirical remedies with the best intentions; ho revels in the uncontrolled use of bis instruments in tho interests of the pa- tient and science. It may be hit or miss, kill or cure, but somehow even a well principled young man can rec-- i oncile anything to an elastic profes- sional conscience. .We have shudder- ed at reminiscences from one of those emigrant floating hospitals, told in all good faith, in moments of confidence, by practitioners who honestly believed they had been experimenting in tho cause of humanity. Blackwood's Magazine. j ' - A National Flower. " . What a pleasing variation from the present national emblem would a dainty blossom afford in the profuse decorations and. commemorative de- signs. A national flower would be just as distinctive upon a badge as our snieia or naor or lawre winoea eaflrie. and would be susceptible of much more dainty handling artistically. There is no doubt I suppose, but that we all would be glad to nave a nation- al . flower, but now shall we decide v upon one? Cannot some method be v suggested by which the popular pref erence can be ascertained f would a popular vote upon the subject bo im- practicable t : How else can it be decided I vari- ous persons of note have offered sug- - gesuons upon me suDject, ouy. ot course, they are without authority to decide the matter, and it is not likely to .be settled until a very general in- terest is felt in it The press can do much to arouse .this interest, and let us hoDe it will work in the orood causa .Tutv in Naw Ynrk fltau . .. . ' f "' Paganlnl and Bulow. In Trevelvan'a "life of Macaulav." a passage from one of Macaulay's let- -' ten is quoted, in which the great his--K torian and essayist gives a specimen of the critical articles called iqrin oy At Kesidence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele. 599, or will visit pupils at their residence. ' 84-l-m CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IS GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents. 153 HONOLULU, H.I. ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents ! agents for: : New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. OF BOSTON. JEtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Commercial Advertiser: PUBLISHED lomingEePtSnnaayS' Merchant St. At So. ail per montn - .1. aa -- -" .hiv lu Adrnce- - ujie iu" Latent Advertisements must p. Id. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., 46 Merchant at., Honolulu, B. I. (Box 0. fILLIAM C. ACHI, find Counsellor at Law, and Seal Estate Broker. the courts of the Kingdom, Merchant St., Honolulu. iii LEXERS & COOKE, iiccMsora to Lowers & Dickson) Vn and Dealers lu Lumber LiIlKinds of Building Materials. JSt STREET, Honolulu. 1 m T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In SAL MERCHANDISE. b. Queen 8treet, Honolulu, ltf 1 HACKFELD & CO., 1 Commission Agents V. Fort k Queen Sta., Honolulu, ltf BEAVER SALOON, wt, Opposite Wilder Co.'a, I J. SOLTE, PROPRIETOR. touches Served with Tea, Ooffee, Wxter, Ginger Ale or Milk. font 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Beqoiglteg a Specialty. ltf M IRON WORKS CO., fcam Engines, Nrsr Mills, Coolers, Brass Lead Castings, pf& '"won executed on tne snortest i ltf P ROYAL SALOON, and ncMhant KtrMta CBto the Management of H. F. Wolter, glitoci a variety of thshest Wines. pglaS 1C Cold beer" on drn8nt at fJlHand See V.S ltf I E. GOMES, Ml of Gomea & Wichman.) 7 Block, No 79 Fort Street, factnvinor .:- - Jeweler, ?tM to 48-3-m I RS. L. C. PRAY, W al Roman Baths, rt Chinese ChurchJYard. Fe T,T Hiyer 7Tm txT toROM 9 to 12 m., and 6 to 9 p. m. M,UU16085 Bell 475. - FXiiV.NTA.TlON" SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, Australian Mail Service FOR SAN FRANCISCO, rhe new and fin Al steel steamship " ZE A. L, A.IST D I A. " ' ' :' Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe at Honslnlu from Sydney and Auckland on or about May 3, 1890, And will leave for the abeve port with mails and passengers on or abou t that date. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. For Sydney and Auckland. like new and fine Al steel steamship MAEIPOSA" Oi the Oceanic steamship Company j will be dne at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about May 10, 1890. And will have prompt dl3patcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. Gk Irwin & Co., AGENTS Claus Spreckels Wid. GU Irwin. CLA0S SFRECKELS &C0., HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Exchange on the principal parts o the world. : Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits bearing Interest received in their Sav lngs Department subject to published rules and regulations. ; I7bc3tf ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists. ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on gold, silver, allnm- - innm and rubber oases. Crown and bridge work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a oonstant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. . Hotel street, Tregloan premises. 55-l- y . . . H. B. HITCHCOCK. J. MC'QTJEEN. HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY. v Office next door to K. More, King St. Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565. DRAYMEN. All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing and Shipping of Goods in Transit to Other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti: ties to suit, at lowest prices. -- iy CALL GFOR DIAMOND CREAMERY HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS EXCHANGE BROKERS. : of Business: AT MODERATE CHARGES. experience for over twentv-fiv- e years in 29 1304-- 1 i INSURANCE AGENTS. 1 IN Remington Sewing Machines, Jane & Sons Family Medicines. .TN3" OTT, 97 KING STREET. I. y. ih crj 4 li nnn A r Housekeeping ioas. and Sheet I ron Wort G-re- at Bargains. ALL GOODS SOLD AT GREATLY Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and G-ener- al Merchandise. mm Mo) J 1 I f FSTABUSHED iST 'MIA lEMfflsMrn rnr . TONE DURABILITY New York, Sept. 25, 1889. Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand- wich Is. - Gentlemen: We take pleasure in your acceptance of the Sole Agency of the Fischer Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and . we hereby confirm the same. We farther direct you to notify the gen- eral public that you are the Sole Agent for the Fischer " Pianos and that any pianos bought from any other source will be attended by a great risk to the pur- chaser by not receiving the Genuine Fischer " Piano and all guarantees will c withdrawn from the same. We have no doubt but what you will meet with great success in the sale of these instruments, and wishing you all pros- perity, we remain, gentlemen. Yours very truly, J. & C. Fischer. XEPre-eminentl-y the best instrument made. Endorsed by all the leading musi- cians of the age. ? Will stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed bv the makers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues'free.) " Sold on Monthly Installments " AT THE MDSIC DEPARTMENT HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 35-- tf G. B. WELLS, Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer AND Commission Merchant. 42 Queen Street, Honolulu. TelephonesMutual 680; Bell 071 : ' 1305 10-3- m - BECHSTEIN PIANOS! HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE for the Bale, of C. Bechstein's celebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicit orders for either Horizontal or Upright Grand. : . TESTIMONIALS: A " For twenty-eig- ht years that I hare now used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main tained tneir superiority.- - Liszt." " A noble inexhaustible and svmnathetic fulness of tone, together with an exquisite action; which admits of the utmost variety of shade bears testimony to the fact that tne manuiacture nas attained the utmost degree of perfection in the act of instru- ment making. - Bubinstein." or further particulars apply to Prof. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to H. HACKFELD C CO., Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl. 19 1307-S- m ' NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET Locatedjat the Fish Market, M; E. LIVINGSTON, : Prop. (Formerly of Metropolitan Market.) Family & Shipping Batcher ' ; Out Sausages a Specialty. V V i. All orders wilt receive prompt attention and delivery to any part of Honolulu. ' " , GIVE ME A'TBIAL ! !: ',' Telephones Zlutuil 622, Bell 400. 22-3- m - - - : - JAMES NOTT, JR., ? . VlUCTICAI, , i: TINSMITH &PLUMBEE Corner of King and Alakea 8ts . Honolulu, H. I. TELEPHCfNE "Workshop, Mutual ; 261 ; . residence, Mutual, 236. Estimates furnished on alt classes of Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. First class . workmanship and material guaran teed in all the above branches of my busi- - ness at reasonapie rates. : - - - 44-l- y Walker , G; Bedward, Contractors &Bnildero . -- Crick, Boas aid T7osss tzKSlrj . BellTstooaara.!. u r. o. caxtr Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, Insurance Company Jb IKIS AMU MAKJJN.U, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 1304 l-- y The Liverpool and Lon don and Globe IN8TJBANOE CO f ESTABLISHED 18S. Assets............... 42,22,22J Net Inceme Claim. Paid 112.59.O00 Tikea Risks against Losa or Damage by Fire on Rnilrtlnrn. Machinery. Srnzar Mllls.Dwellingt and furniture, on the most rvoDiewrw. Wilcox & Gibbs. and Dr. J O I-- 1 1ST DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and , ; I f - n O 5P Q z 9 r- - r i n o o I Stores, Banges and Plumbing, Tin, Copper Grreat Bargains, XT AFTER TAKING STOCK, REDUCED PRICES. Bishop .& Co, SOMETHING NEW ! . ; To be able to get your : ; ; SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS Every Description of Furniture, Restiuffed and Covered, At Reasonable Rates and In the Best Manner. tne Dniiiant perxorxuaaces ua ugauu-n- i' "His ethereal notes." runs the passage, "fall like flakes from the in- strument and then, rising into the air, crystallize and form stars." The jirlinp; obscurity of the eulogium on, Paganini which amused and astonish ed llacaulay has been equaled, if not surpassed, bV a like pahegyrie on the playing of Dr. Hans von Bulow, to which attention has been ; callea by The llusical Times. 4In the hih white light of a matchless musically intellectual mind, cays : the writer, "all he touches becomes instict with a I v-ro- oi Airon. wifh thft workman. olRE OFFICE, D. M. CROWLEY.Working Upholsterer LONDON HO King St., near Alakea, directly I - PP Jcrui owwci lisQ I'VI O New "Bedding Lounges, etc., to order. a&oif,uo aiiu Mbiiuabco ouaa-us,vv- vivid life. ' The tone leaps up to meet his elsctrie touch: and lot a marvel ous tonal edifice is erected under our of Dr6ml8Crlptl01 of rs TTlTX71?t Jfc' PAUrP A "NTV. TTER 33. IT. EHLERB&:GO. 99 Fort Street, Honolulu; SffH,t (IJmlted). Ait aflnCrAffentii. . t& n tecnized. GENERAL MERCANTILE tica, the besch is never ctolr by li-htn- inj; and to general ksa fctea belief, thet a geatlemsn recently . tbcrt it worth whfle to yriU to an rn.i(--h Journal that he had beea fcsld . S52Slslata.- .i. II I, Hi n w ill. A. AKD - COMMISSION AGENTS. LIST OF OrfXOSBS: P. O. Joiim. Jr. " ... PMiMmit and Manaser , I O. Carter ; Treasnnr and Secretary I Bon. W. F. Allen Auditor . DIBJSGTOBS: ' JJRKSSMAKINa 'DEPAETMENT UNDER THE MANAGEMENT MISS CLARK. My of a urntoing enswsrea vsm - . u-- a nrvn-f- a cf this cert cr rcrtlr In lib., 21b.,31brand 71b. Tins. Finest .Article lor "Warm Climates. S. FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, ; . SOLE AGENTS. w St., Smn WfcUco. 26 l tS CallfornUi le lSb2i5-l- y . , witaout ecm eCTp. j -r- -r? in fact, and it would Do mercrunj jo : ' Know t Wiii w - - r - beech tea teen ceeeryca , any ntzj irT-.qr- .:y trcra cbetriri danra tha trees cf c'J? cestv : The Weekly Gazette , and Daily P. C. Advertiser AliE THE LIEADING IaeILRS OF THE KINGDOM H p O. i, Box !87. uon. o. B. Blanop. ' Boa.II.I7atraonM J' :'i.e
Page 1: HAWAIIAN APRIL PRICE - eVols at University of …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39351/1/...i r i-.v." XL--NO. 99 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY. APRIL 26, 1890,

i r

i -

.v ."


Stortisrinenis. SJetD lliDcrtiscincnts. Sbittrtistrntttls.INTERESTING CULLINGS.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.



Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.

WILLIAM C. ACHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Public and Real EstateBroker.

Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m




DepartmentsBooks and Accomrrs accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished.legal documents and Fapers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fibe and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,

(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C53-l- y Rogers).


. A.ttornevat-Ijaw- ,

Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 1264-l- y


Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan-d Orders will receive particular attention.


Having had an extensive businesspiano, Violin .and Singing Lessons.New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

Bell Telephone No. 274.


Shipping and Commission Merchants,




t Once you ruled, god divine.In sacred, steady shrine

t Near a river dark as mine,t 'Hid the trees,

And to you the mandarins.With their smooth, unshaven china,rrayed absolrence from their sins

v On their knees,

Tiny footed Chinese maids,With their raven hair in braids,Sought you in your quiet shades

.xteata tne Doughs;

Haply, for a thousand years,You beheld their smiles and tearfListened to their hopes and faaca

And their rows.

Now above her escritoireIn my lady's pink boudoir,Ever dumbly pining for

Last rcposo,

You sit stolid day by day,With your cheeks so gaui:t and gr&tCtony eyes and retrousse

Little, soso.

Where the sunlight gllnteth o'erPersian rug and polished floorYou will frown forevermore,

Qrimas hate;A divinity cast down, y"Having neither shrine or crvsraOnce a god, but cow a brown;

Paper weight! "


Surgeons on Emigrant Ships.. Emigrant ships are always ad mo-

rtised as carrying a competent su f oi uWe know something of tho surgeonsthey frequently carry, nor do wo donythat they are generally clever, youngmen, The pay, which is calculatedon percentage or commission, if go ul,and candidates have to produce ex-cellent certificates. But when thoship owners have fulfilled thek paitof the contract the responsibLlit shift s

on the shoulders of the younr is-pira- nt

to celebrity. If he is ana' . .r s

and means to succeed in bislvi vi-sion there is little danger of hit b:insupine. Tho risk is rather on tho sideof professional zeal. , He has a raroopportunity of experimenting "onhis : own nook" such as neves couldhave come to him at homepitals. "Fiat experimentum In. cor-porib- us

vilis" is' his motto. Each caseof serious illness is an agreeable sen-sation; a superb compound f ; ;mis a godsend; each subtler malady is aJoy. and a treat for the rest of tho voy-age. He tries all manner of empiricalremedies with the best intentions; horevels in the uncontrolled use of bisinstruments in tho interests of the pa-tient and science. It may be hit ormiss, kill or cure, but somehow evenawell principled young man can rec--ioncile anything to an elastic profes-sional conscience. .We have shudder-ed at reminiscences from one of thoseemigrant floating hospitals, told in allgood faith, in moments of confidence,by practitioners who honestly believedthey had been experimenting in thocause of humanity. Blackwood'sMagazine.

j' - A National Flower. "


What a pleasing variation from thepresent national emblem would adainty blossom afford in the profusedecorations and. commemorative de-signs. A national flower would bejust as distinctive upon a badge as oursnieia or naor or lawre winoea eaflrie.and would be susceptible of muchmore dainty handling artistically.There is no doubt I suppose, but thatwe all would be glad to nave a nation-al . flower, but now shall we decide v

upon one? Cannot some method be v

suggested by which the popular preference can be ascertained f would apopular vote upon the subject bo im-practicablet: How else can it be decided I vari-ous persons of note have offered sug--gesuons upon me suDject, ouy. otcourse, they are without authority todecide the matter, and it is not likelyto .be settled until a very general in-terest is felt in it The press can domuch to arouse .this interest, and letus hoDe it will work in the orood causa

.Tutv in Naw Ynrk fltau. .. .


f "' Paganlnl and Bulow.In Trevelvan'a "life of Macaulav."

a passage from one of Macaulay's let- -'

ten is quoted, in which the great his--K

torian and essayist gives a specimenof the critical articles called iqrin oy

At Kesidence 195 Nuuanu Ave.; Tele.599, or will visit pupils at their residence.

' 84-l-m



Shipping and Commission Merchants



Plantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents.

153 HONOLULU, H.I. ly


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents !

agents for: :

New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.


JEtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.



Commercial Advertiser:



Merchant St.At So.

ailper montn -

.1. aa -- -"

.hiv lu Adrnce- -ujie iu"Latent Advertisements must

p. Id.


46 Merchant at.,Honolulu, B. I.

(Box 0.


find Counsellor at Law, andSeal Estate Broker.

the courts of the Kingdom,

Merchant St., Honolulu.iii


iiccMsora to Lowers & Dickson)

Vn and Dealers lu LumberLiIlKinds of Building Materials.

JSt STREET, Honolulu. 1


Importer and Dealer In

SAL MERCHANDISE.b. Queen 8treet, Honolulu, ltf


1 Commission Agents

V. Fort k Queen Sta., Honolulu, ltf

BEAVER SALOON,wt, Opposite Wilder Co.'a,I J. SOLTE, PROPRIETOR.touches Served with Tea, Ooffee,Wxter, Ginger Ale or Milk.

font 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.Beqoiglteg a Specialty. ltf


fcam Engines,Nrsr Mills, Coolers, Brass

Lead Castings,pf&'"won executed on tne snortest iltf


and ncMhant KtrMtaCBto the Management of

H. F. Wolter,glitoci a variety of thshest Wines.

pglaS 1C Cold beer" on drn8nt at

fJlHand See V.S ltf

I E. GOMES,Ml of Gomea & Wichman.)

7 Block, No 79 Fort Street,factnvinor .:-- Jeweler,

?tM to48-3-m I

RS. L. C. PRAY,W al Roman Baths,

rt Chinese ChurchJYard.

Fe T,T

Hiyer 7TmtxTtoROM

9 to 12 m., and 6 to 9 p. m.

M,UU16085 Bell 475.


FXiiV.NTA.TlON" SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,

Australian Mail Service


rhe new and fin Al steel steamship

" Z E A. L, A.IST DIA. "'

' :'Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe

at Honslnlu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

May 3, 1890,And will leave for the abeve port with mails andpassengers on or abou t that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

like new and fine Al steel steamship

MAEIPOSA"Oi the Oceanic steamship Company j will be

dne at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

May 10, 1890.

And will have prompt dl3patcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC


Wm. Gk Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

Claus Spreckels Wid. GU Irwin.



Draw Exchange on the principal parts o theworld. :

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits bearing Interest received in their Savlngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. ; I7bc3tf



from one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, allnm--innm and rubber oases.

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aoonstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas. .

Hotel street, Tregloan premises.55-l- y . .



v Office next door to K. More, King St.

Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565.

DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attention paid to the

Storing and Shipping of Goods inTransit to Other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti:ties to suit, at lowest prices. --iy





of Business:


experience for over twentv-fiv- e years in

29 1304--1 i



Remington Sewing Machines,

Jane & Sons Family Medicines.


I. y. ih crj

4 li

nnn Ar

Housekeeping ioas.

and Sheet I ron Wort


Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

G-ener- al Merchandise.

mmMo)J 1 I f


lEMfflsMrn rnr .

TONE DURABILITYNew York, Sept. 25, 1889.

Hawaiian News Co., Honolulu, Sand-wich Is. -

Gentlemen: We take pleasure inyour acceptance of the SoleAgency of the Fischer Pianos in the

Sandwich Islands and.

we hereby confirmthe same.

We farther direct you to notify the gen-eral public that you are the Sole Agentfor the Fischer " Pianos and that anypianos bought from any other source willbe attended by a great risk to the pur-chaser by not receiving the Genuine

Fischer " Piano and all guarantees willc withdrawn from the same.

We have no doubt but what you willmeet with great success in the sale of theseinstruments, and wishing you all pros-perity, we remain, gentlemen.

Yours very truly,J. & C. Fischer.

XEPre-eminentl-y the best instrumentmade. Endorsed by all the leading musi-cians of the age. ? Will stand hard usagein any climate and guaranteed bv themakers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues'free.)

" Sold on Monthly Installments "




Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer


Commission Merchant.

42 Queen Street, Honolulu.

TelephonesMutual 680; Bell 071: ' 1305 10-3- m -


HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLEfor the Bale, of C. Bechstein's

celebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicitorders for either Horizontal or UprightGrand. : .


" For twenty-eig- ht years that I hare nowused Bechstein's Pianos, they have maintained tneir superiority.- - Liszt."

" A noble inexhaustible and svmnatheticfulness of tone, together with an exquisiteaction; which admits of the utmost varietyof shade bears testimony to the fact thattne manuiacture nas attained the utmostdegree of perfection in the act of instru-ment making. - Bubinstein."

or further particulars apply toProf. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to

H. HACKFELD C CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl.

19 1307-S- m '


Locatedjat the Fish Market,

M; E. LIVINGSTON, : Prop.(Formerly of Metropolitan Market.)

Family & Shipping Batcher' ; Out Sausages a Specialty.

V V i.All orders wilt receive prompt attention

and delivery to any part of Honolulu. ' " ,

GIVE ME A'TBIAL ! !: ','

Telephones Zlutuil 622, Bell 400.22-3- m

- - - : -


TINSMITH &PLUMBEECorner of King and Alakea 8ts .

Honolulu, H. I.TELEPHCfNE "Workshop, Mutual ; 261 ;

. residence, Mutual, 236.

Estimates furnished on alt classesof Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. Firstclass . workmanship and material guaranteed in all the above branches of my busi--ness at reasonapie rates. : - - - 44-l- y

Walker , G; Bedward,

Contractors &Bnildero. - - Crick, Boas aid T7osss tzKSlrj .

BellTstooaara.!. u r. o. caxtr

Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Insurance CompanyJb IKIS AMU MAKJJN.U,


The Liverpool and Lon

don and Globe


Assets............... 42,22,22JNet IncemeClaim. Paid 112.59.O00

Tikea Risks against Losa or Damage by Fireon Rnilrtlnrn. Machinery. Srnzar Mllls.Dwellingtand furniture, on the most rvoDiewrw.

Wilcox & Gibbs. and


J O I--1 1STDIMOND BLOCK, 95 and

,; I f -

n O 5P Q z 9


r i n o o


Stores, Banges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

Grreat Bargains,


Bishop .& Co,


. ; To be able to get your : ; ;


Every Description of Furniture,

Restiuffed and Covered,At Reasonable Rates and In the

Best Manner.

tne Dniiiant perxorxuaaces ua ugauu-n- i'

"His ethereal notes." runs thepassage, "fall like flakes from the in-strument and then, rising into theair, crystallize and form stars." Thejirlinp; obscurity of the eulogium on,Paganini which amused and astonished llacaulay has been equaled, if notsurpassed, bV a like pahegyrie on theplaying of Dr. Hans von Bulow, towhich attention has been ; callea byThe llusical Times. 4In the hihwhite light of a matchless musicallyintellectual mind, cays : the writer,"all he touches becomes instict with a

I v-ro- oi Airon. wifh thft workman.

olRE OFFICE, D. M. CROWLEY.Working UpholstererLONDON HO King St., near Alakea, directly

I - PP Jcrui owwcilisQ I'VI O New "Bedding Lounges, etc., to order.

a&oif,uo aiiu Mbiiuabco ouaa-us,vv- vivid life. ' The tone leaps up to meethis elsctrie touch: and lot a marvelous tonal edifice is erected under our

of Dr6ml8Crlptl01 of rs TTlTX71?t Jfc' PAUrP A "NTV. TTER 33. IT. EHLERB&:GO.99 Fort Street, Honolulu;

SffH,t (IJmlted).Ait aflnCrAffentii. .

t& n tecnized. GENERAL MERCANTILE tica, the besch is never ctolr byli-htn- inj; and to general ksa fctea

belief, thet a geatlemsn recently .

tbcrt it worth whfle to yriU to anrn.i(--h Journal that he had beea fcsld .S52Slslata.-

.i. II I, Hi n w ill. A.




P. O. Joiim. Jr. " ... PMiMmit and Manaser, I O. Carter ; Treasnnr and Secretary

I Bon. W. F. Allen Auditor



u--a nrvn-f-a cf this cert cr rcrtlr

In lib., 21b.,31brand 71b. Tins.

Finest .Article lor"Warm Climates.

S. FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,



St., Smn WfcUco.26 l tS CallfornUile lSb2i5-l-y . ,

witaout ecm eCTp. j -r--r?

in fact, and it would Do mercrunj jo :

' Know t Wiii w - - r -beech tea teen ceeeryca ,any ntzj irT-.qr- .:y trcra cbetriridanra tha trees cf c'J? cestv :

The Weekly Gazette , and Daily P. C. Advertiser

AliE THE LIEADING IaeILRS OF THE KINGDOMH p O.i, Box !87.uon. o. B. Blanop. ' Boa.II.I7atraonM J' :'i.e

Page 2: HAWAIIAN APRIL PRICE - eVols at University of …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39351/1/...i r i-.v." XL--NO. 99 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY. APRIL 26, 1890,


y pi


2Ccto Sttwrtisemcnte.PERSONAL NOTES- -and he accordingly declined to signJ3g SUitljoritj)

l3i Pacific Hardware (



Plantation Supplies,

General MereV


IDddy Refrigerators & ICe ry


Just Received.

Reliable Goods at Reasonable j



"WM. Ot. FISHEE'SWrought Steel Cooking I

With Broiler and Hot Water Attachments.

lJJ- -" ' rVVMM



IFort and MerchuJ



f!!ii!"T I



244 BAY VI

RESOKing St, opp. Oaha

Consuming one-thir- d LESS FUEL, either wood or coal, thanmcin existence. No brick work about it, just a clean cut

whose Jiakmg qualities are unsurpassed,."' o

Reversible Grates.This Grate is of a triangular form, having three surfaces ible, so that a separate top surface can be used on alternate dan: t

surface in course of use shows any wear then the other can betamdr

li -







. I.

- i


- - '

& i



...1 -

''if 3

? 5

f 'J ',


! f i

is--- :


5.-- ..

on tne other, making it equal in durability to three distinct Grata.

either country free of duty shall betreated in respect of bounties, exemptions or immunities and allother respects precisely the same

as if of the growth, .produce ormanufacture of the country intonriiAsa nnrfa fhtv urct -- 1 nt.rnduced. I

"uv" " J " -

mi i a i i u .a AO ine evmence tuat bucu --ware the growth, produce or manu- - .

facture of the exporting countryshall be the same as required bythe convention of commercial reci- -

procity between the HawaiianKingdom and the United States ofAmerica of July, 1875.

There shall be exempted from theoperation of this Article, opium: andpreparations thereof, and spirituousHonors, meanincr therebv. any liq- -

' " 1

uids of more than 18 per cent, alco- -

7k6imw;T Ti, ZZnare, orhibited from entry into the ports of

nf thatVIUAJV WUlitl T VJ VUV W I

J ' I


It is agreed that this convention0Uoii w thfl Tiahi ri Ant, of

the United States by and with thoadvice ana consent 01 tne senatethereof and by His Majesty theKiner of Hawaii, and the ratifica- -

otions exchanged as soon as possible,and upon such exchange of ratifi- -

cations and proclamation thereofby the President of the UnitedStates and the King of Hawaii, the


stipulations thereof shall go intoeffect with the exception of theThird article, which shall go intoeffect upon some date to be agreedunon after the Congress of thex

United States, and the Legislatureof the Hawaiian Islands shall havepassed the necessary laws to giveeffect to its provisions.

article v.The present convention shall re- -

main in force until modified or ter--

minated bv mutual consent. Aconference for the purpose of con- -

sidering the modification or termm- -

ation of this convention or any ofthe conventions or treaties betweenthe two high contracting partiesshall be held at the capital of oneor other of the two countries forsuch purpose at any time withinsix months after either of the highcontracting parties shall have givenformal written notice to the otherof its desire to hold such conference.


We do not hold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents. ,

Those Kesolutions.Mr. Editor: I am requested by

my party to explain that what our"elected representation " meant bythe resolutions in the Bulletin wasbriefly as follows:

Whereas, certain persons havemade demonstrations against thepeace of the community; and

Whereas, the compromising inti-macy of members of our delega-tion to the Legislature led the pub-lic to believe that we were to beassociated in the disturbance;

Therefore, it was our "intention"to make it apparent that while wecould not give expression to ourconfidence in those who so prompt-ly displayed their readiness andability to maintain the peace, atthe same time we had no intentionto participate in the projected at-tempt to seize the Government.

National Reformer.P. S. --Don't you think their in-

tentions were all right, especiallyas our party has" hitherto expectedto take possession of the Treasuryin its own way as soon after May21st as possible? N. R.

Stfro SUtort"isenunte.



.of a black

. .and white nnnnvr-- rrj

zo no. i6 iseretama street. 97-- 3t

Masquerade Ball.

px A GRAND MASQUERADE BALLf will take place on THURSDAY;May 15, 1890, at the Honolulu RiflesArmory, Beretania street, the pro-

ceeds to be Riven to the Portuguese LadiesCharitable Association. Tickets of ad-missi- on

$1.00, will be sold later. 96-t-d

Firewood For Sale,

CUT AND SPLIT FOR 8TOVE USE.per cord, at the

HAWN. COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS,40-t- f Cor. Queen and Nnuanu 8ts.


FROM THOROUG fi-bred .White FacedBlack' Spanish t and

Tt urown iegnorn aens.oj Orders taken for allb kinds of Thorough

bred Poultry from the yards of one of thelargest and best Breeders on the PacificCoast. Apply to

S. P. SIMONDS,1308 34-3- m . 182 King Street.

THE DAILY ADVERTISERREAD want the latest n&xn, v.--

the authorization.




Kalakaua, King of the HawaiianIslands. To ; all to whom thesepresents shall come, Greeting :

Know ye that I have authorizedHis Excellency the HonorableHenry A. P. Carter, our EnvoyExtraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United Statesof America, Knight Grand Cross of

the Crown of Hawaii, Grand Officerua nA

Commander of the Order of Jiame- -

hameha I., Actual Privy Councillorof State, to confer with any personor persons duly authorized by theGovernment of the United Statesfor that 'purpose, and with him orthem to negotiate, conclude andexecute a convention upon thebasis of the project hereto attachedand made a part hereof. All ofwhich acts shall be subject to ourfinal ratification.

In witness whereof I have causedthe Seal of the Hawaiian Islands tobe hereunto affixed. Given undermy hand at the City of Honolulu,the day of April, a. d., 1890, andthe seventeenth year of our reign.

L. s.



ILY negotiate, for submissionTO THE LEGISLATURE.

The United States of America andthe Kingdom of Hawaii recogniz- -

ing tho importance to both nationsof extending the peculiarly friendlyrelations now happily subsistingbetween them, and of protectingand giving permanence to the im--

portant commercial and vested in--

terests which have grown out ofthe treaty relations heretoforeestablished between the two nationshave solemnly resolved and agreedupon the following articles :

article i.It is agreed that the Treaties

and Conventions now in force be-

tween the high contracting partiesshall continue in force, (notwith-standing any articles therein con-

tained limiting their duration, orproviding for. their termination),until modified or terminated bymutual consent of the two Govern-ments. Provided, however, thatthe farther extension of Article IIof the Treaty between the UnitedStates of America and His Majestythe King of Hawaii, ratified byHawaii on tho 20th day of Nov-ember, 1887, relating to the grantto the United States of certain pri-vileges in Pearl River, shall besubject to the passage by theUnited States Congress and theHawaiian Legislature of the lawscontemplated by Article HI of thisTreaty and the continuance inoperation of such laws.

article h.It is agreed that all articles the

growth, produce or manufactureof the United States of Americawhich are entitled to be admittedfreo of duty into the ports of theHawaiian Kingdom, under x theconvention of commercial recipro-city of July, 1875, shall be treatedby the Hawaiian Government inrespect of any bounties paid or ofany exemptions or immunities, andin all other respects precisely as ifsuch articles were the growth, pro-duce or manufacture of the Ha-waiian Islands, and likewise, allarticles the growth and manufac-ture or produce of the HawaiianIslands which are admitted free ofduty into the ports of the UnitedStates of America under the con-vention of commercial reciprocityof July, 1875, shall be treated bythe ' Government of the UnitedStates of America in respect of anybounties paid or of any exemptionsor immunities of any kind and inall other respects prec'sely as ifsuch articles were the growth,, pro-duce or manufacture of the UnitedStates of America.

article hi.It is agreed that whenever the

Congress of the United States ofAmerica and the Legislature of theHawaiian Islands shall have passedthe necessary laws providing there-for, all articles the growth, produceand manufacture of the HawaiianIslands shall be admitted into theports of the United States free ofduty, and in consideration thereofand as an equivalent therefor, allarticles the growth, produce ormanufacture of the United Statesof America shall be admitted intothe ports of the Hawaiian Islandsfree of duty, and all articlesthus admitted into the ports of

His Majesty arrived at Jiauuaearly last isatnraay mormug uu uvsteamer W. G. Hall. Mr. Alfred

Mr. Allan Herbert also landed there.Thft GilHfiT tiartv. who were .

on theo r " .;,DAmn Biaamar. on meir wovaT.a invitd bv His Majes- -

. Gmain two days at Kailua. -

H. B. M. S. Champion arrived atKailua, Sunday morning, and carriedthe Gillig party to ranaiun aoa iuywent from there to tne voicanoHouse.

The Kinff embarked on tne Cham- -

nion at Kailua on Tuesday and wastaken around to Hilo, where he re-

mains until Monday next, when thechampion will brirIg him to Hono- -

nUj arriving Tuesday morning.riant. St. Clair, after mooring hisjt . . ; v.. . jvessel safely at 1110, was 10 proceeu

Mr. Alfred.Fowler accompanied

Gim t the Volcano, hehaving with Col. Macfarlane made J.an insnection of the districts Of

jauua ana ixona.ir. TT 1 i. r1 Hfnnfnvlana

j ho had private land matters to attend to for His Majestyremained over 10 mase a iurtui w

re- -

edyesterdiy on the W. G. Hall.jjon yy q Irwin and party were

at Naalehu, at latest accounts.



J., AND BICKERTON, J.Friday, April 25.

Rebecca Paneo Puuku vs. PuukuKaleleku. Petition for dissolutionof marriage. Question reserved byMcCully, J. Argued and submitted.J. M. r Davidson for plaintiff.

J. Kamai vs. Albert Trask. Appealfrom Commissioners of private waysof Honolulu. Argued and submitted. W. O. Smith for plaintiff; W.C. Achi for defendant, appellant.

Bankruptcy of Manuel de Gouveia.Appeal from order of Judd, C. J.Argued and submitted. Appeal isdismissed. F. M. Hatch for peti-tioners, creditors; A. Rosa for re-spondent.

Wm. Henry et al. vs. R. Makai etal. Appeal of defendants from Com-missioner of private ways for Koo- -laupoko, Oahu. Continued by agree-ment.

AT CHAMBERS BEFORE JUDD, C J.In probate Estate of Pelii 1 kl of

Honolulu, deceased. Letters of ad-ministration were granted to PeterBolabola under $100 bond. W. C.Achi for petitioner.

32cu 2UDrtisincnt3.

Co-Partners- hip Notice.

totice is hereby given thati on the 1st dav of AdtU. 1890. the undersigned sold to C. Alee all his interest inthe nrm of (Jhulan & Co.

WONG KWAI.Honolulu. April 15, 1890. 1319-l- m 9l-l- w


or to allow fowls or cattle onthe land of Kawelo. Waikiki. All partiesfound on the lands after 8 o'clock at nightwill be prosecuted to the full extent of thelaw. BOW SING WAI CO.,

rer Lam Chung wa.Honolulu, April 4, 1890. 80-l- m


J . N. S. Williams and R. More& Co., and imported the heavy machinerynecessary in order that we may be able todo all classes of work in our'line, we arenow prepared to carry on a business asEngineers and Iron Founders, manufac-turing Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Ma-chinery, Steam Engines, etc., etc. Wemake a specialty of manufacturing Diffu-sion Machinery in all its branches, andguarantee all work to be done on the short-est possible notice.

Special attention will be paid to cityorders for making or repairing Machinery,and the work done at reasonable rates.

We trust that by a close attention in ex-ecuting our orders we will soon gain ourshare in the foundry work of the Kingdom.

UNION IRON WORKS CO.,- J. N. S. Williams, Manager.

Office and Works, Esplanade, Honolulu.1319 92-2- w


Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine


Will be laid on the berth in Boston to loadfor this port during July next.

ZUl-- For further particulars apply to74i316-- y C. BREWER & CO.

Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,.

- Cor. Queen and Nuuanu Sts.

"Goods of all descriptions sold oncommission.

Mutual Telephone 631. 31-l- y

Pianos For fient.




Agent to take Acknowledgments.LOmc-N- o. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono--

Royal JiawauauOPERA HOUSE

L. J. Levey Lessee.Cliff Phillips Manager.

Continued Success of

the - bijoxjUydDramatick

Saturday Evening, April 26,

Under the Direction of Horace Ewing inthe Great Comedy ot

-r T --Tk r TUT - 1 1 E D O T T !

W fSow - DEDOTT!In Three Acts.

Soata oan he Kpcured in advance for ,anynight during the season at tne omce 01 u.

lievey .

Grand Opening of Summer Goods.

Latest Styles of

HATS BONNETSLatest Fashions in Ladies Broad Rim

Lace Hats, Bonnets and Toques.

Fine Assortment of Children's Hats.


Latest Novelties in


N. B By the 1st of May I willREMOVE my Millinery Parlors to thebrick store next door to Wenner & Co., onFort street.

MRS. B. C. GOOD, : Fort Street95-l-m



THE RESIDENCE OF It.J. LILLIE on Lnnalilo Street, con-taining Doable Parlor, Large DiningKoom. 4 Bedrooms. Dressing ana Batn- -

roonis, Kttcnen and 2 fantries. Detached ser-vants House, Stable, Coach House and ChickenYard.

The Grounds are 105 feet front and about 325feet deep, and are all laid oat with Palms, Rosesand Choige Plants. Will be vacant on the 9thMav.

The Fernery and Ferns to be removed unlessagreed on. 87 l3iv-i- m


Dealer in Choice Manila and Havana Cigars, Cigarettes,

AREATED WATERS, Etc.Cor. Bethel and King Streets.

98-3- m



F, HORN Practical Uomectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.1209 35-- tf

Just ."ReceivedPer S. S. Oceanic and Bark Velocity, from

China and Japan,

Chinese and Japanese Fancy Goods

SILKS,Silk Handkerchiefs, -

Dinner and Tea Sets,Rattan Chairs,

Flower Pots and Vases,Lanterns, Bamboo Baskets, Etc.

WING WO TAI & CO.25 Nuuanu Street .

'82-- 1 m


Book, News and Stationery Store


Full Supply of

Spalding's Baseball Goods,Including Bats, Masks, Gloves, League

Balls, etc. Fine new line ofCroquet, Lawn Tennis, Indian Clubs,

all weights; etc, :


' Etc., Etc.''Sole Agent for the . ."..

Merritt Type Writer,An Instrument which has no equal for


Advertise your wants in'the DulyPaouio Comuscui. AoTBatKsa.



Sealed Tenders.Office of the Board of Health,

Honolulu, April 24, 1890.1

Sealed tenders will be received at thisoffice until WEDNESDAY, May 14th, at12 o'clock noon, for the delivery on thebeach at Kalaupapa or Kalawao, or at theLeper Settlement, Molokai, in good orderand condition, an average of ninety (90)head of fat Beef Cattle per month for theuse of the Board of Health, for six (6)1months from the awarding cf the contract.

The tender should be for the price perpound dressed. The hides and tallow tobe the property of the Board.

The Board of Health does not bind itselfto accept the lowest or any bid.- -

GEO. C. POTTER,99-- 3t 1320-2- t Secretary.


April, 1890.

8n. Mo. Tn. W. Th. Ft. 8a. Mooq Phases

April 4Full Moon.

10 11 12 April 12Last Quarter.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19April 18

20 21 21 23 24 25 28 New Moon.April 26

28 29 30 First Quarter.


Buou Comfast Widow Bedott at theOpera House at 8 p. m.

Baseball Match Kaniehamehas ys. Starsat Makiki at 3 :30 p. m.

Baseball Meeting On enclosed groundsat Chamber of Commerce room at 12;30p. M.

Oddfellows' Picjtic At Ramon Grove.Ma-- !nana.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

Be just and fear not:Let all the ends thou aim'st at be

Thy Country'" 1 tby God's, and Truth's.




e have made enquiry at theForeign Office in relation to theproposed treaty which has attracted so much attention lately,

r It; appears that the Minister ofForeign Affairs has felt unwillingto permit the text of the proposedtreaty with the authorization tonegotiate it, to be given out forpublication because such a coursein relation to a simple negotiationwould be unusual in the conduct ofdiplomatic matters.

The misapprehension of the pro-posed terms of the treaty and ofthe desires of the Cabinet in rela-tio- n

to the negotiation, is so greatamong a portion of the community,that it has been decided to varyfrom the usual course, and we havethe pleasure of presenting to ourreaders this morning the full textof the commission with the pro-posed treaty attached, by whichit was intended to put ourrepresentative at Washington in aposition to negotiate with theUnited States and learn whetherwo should be able, if desired onour part, to make a treaty on theterms indicated.

The strong wish of the Ministryhas been to carry the negotiationso far as to enable them to say tothe Legislature that if, in its judg-ment, the best interests cf thecountry would be served by sodoing, a definite treaty upon theterms given could be made withthe United States.

In the present condition of thesubject there is absolutely nothingfor the Legislature to consider, andunless tho negotiation can.be madeduring tho present session of theUnited States Congress, the oppor-tunity for consideration by the 'Ha-waiian Legislature goes over untilthe session of 1892, when the pro.babilities of favorable action on thepart of the United States may notbe as great as they are now, whenthe American Administration hasindicated its friendly interest in ourmutual relati6ns and its willingnessto negotiate with us for their ex-

tension, and when both houses ofCongress are in accord with theAdministration. f

With a view to being able to pre-sent the matter to the Legislaturefor definite action at the -- comingsession the following form of auth-orization to Mr. Carter was pre-

sented to His Majesty by the Cabinet on the 10th inst.. and ho wasadvised by a majority of the Cabinetto sign it, but the Attorney-Gener- al

advised His . Majesty to refuse tofollow the advice of the majority,

93-t- f FORT STREET, (opposite Spreckels' Bant),

The Daily Advertiser and Weekly



Billiards, Bowl



Co 1IISFinest Bitf


Oysters and

California steamer.


E. M. SNIIlll-l- y







Gate City Stae Filter

These Filters are easily cleansed, andNEVER become Cracked or CRAZEDby change of Temperature of the Water.oThe Filtering Medium is a NATURALSTONE, mined from the earth. It isunlike any other stone



. IMPTJBITIES never PENETRATEit, but he on the surface, and internallythe stone remains as pure and whiteafter years of use as when taken fromthe mine. J .

The Gate City Stone FUter is a perfectsuccess. It is the only real filter I hveever seen. I would not be without one forany consideration. It converts our lakewater into the best drinking water in theworld. Hhey m l.Tvur f n.533 West Adams St., Chicago.

or Sale by the

Hawaiiao Hardware Co..v:- - -

Opposite Spreckeia & Co's Bank, :

'"--tf : FORT STREET. 1

'PHE ADVEETISER IB THEA lssdicscdiilypspsr cf t& Kissdca

dtpErerj Dcrlptt

Bread and &

Soda Crackershp--


"jX Www


Page 3: HAWAIIAN APRIL PRICE - eVols at University of …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39351/1/...i r i-.v." XL--NO. 99 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY. APRIL 26, 1890,

x jtavjific COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, APRIL 26, 1890.I Y. M, Xj. A. with more than 3.700 other o:,;in.! PPflPUTTOXT m i TTTrkMAT k TTTVT It I


dwasrmeriis.A small furnished house is adrAr-- EOllowing is the adrlrpsa nf Mr.tised for. rni t-- . .

I lain VVnH-- V, 1

Mr. and Mrs. Dillingham Entertain aLarge Number of. Guest, at TheirResidence. ,

Yesterday evening Mr. and Mrs.if All Government schools re-ope- n

elected President, delivered Thurs-day evening: New Goods, ex Bk. John D. BrewerM.0048


associations of young men, recruit-ing grounds all over the world forthe army of the cross. May sincerefaith, patient hope and pure andconstant clarity, charaderiz3 thework of all of us, and may it pleaseour great Lord and Master to directand bless their labors and ours forHis honor and glory, and for thespread of his kingdom.

on Monday.A. M.


reH0?" We stand, as the president savs. at4:00 Jo. Jb . Dillingham gave a reception fOdd Fellows' cicnic to-da- v at Ra4:48 12S Days from Boston.the meeting of past with comingmon Grove. years. There is a record hhiTBAISS.

L. M. Johnson is under Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Stationery, Wrapping Paper,as an association of many shortarrest for

at their residence " Woodlawn," inhonor of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Allardtand Miss Allardt. Mr. Allardt is theconsulting "engineer of the OahuRailway and Land Company and agentlemen of- - much ability and ex

A. M.

. 9:30 violating the gaming law. comings, and we know not what misp. M.3:003:484:054:53

r. m.12:301:181:432:31

Hon- oi- 10:18Baseball Meeting.

At 12:30 o'clock this afternoon atdeeds, but a record also of much HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES.ALSOearnest work in the fervico of nnr Chamber of Commerce roomue

Mr. Rupprecht is frescoing the in-eri- or

of the Legislative Hall.

If you want to lauerh and crrow ftperience. Mrs. and Miss Allardt arblessed Lord, from the apparent re J. & G. FISCHER PIANOSsults of which we may derive happiI.

there will be a meeting of everyoneinterested in baseball matters, forthe purpose of considering the feasi

rived on the last steamer from theCoast. The reception was a yerygfHONOLULU, H. go and see Widow Bedott to-nig- ht. ness and new courage. Before us iselegant affair, and characterized byagain a new year for. JM ItfAAfl. work, a future bility of procuring and fitting upThe band will plav at theSan DU A

Tides, ine artistic and elaborate arrange

Etc., Etc., Etc.43-- FOR SAIjE BY

ED. H0FFSCHLAE6ER & CO.,129M00-l-y King and Bethel Streets.

instead of Emma Square this ments.in wmcn we may pront by tne ex-perience and the lessons of timegone by.

The house has lately been enlarggrounds for baseball with everymodern convenience. It is under-stood that the property this side ofthe present grounds, between

Baseball Stars and Kamehame- -ed and improved, more rooms beingadded, and is in every way a verycommodious residence. The fur--

This meeting marks the complenas at Jttataki this afternoon at 3:30o'clock. Vmnau and ljunaiuo streets istion of twenty-on-e years since ten

project fishings throughout are very hand--available, and if themeets with favor they will be I B"LU' vwrauua room or large aiThe outside of Messrs. HaMrfAia

J p :p BS - 5 S--jSS S 1'VfiVo'VoS 5.36 6.21 8.57

. Jfl 6,30 5 5.35 6.21 9.52g a I:S8 i$ U 5.31 6.22:10.45

J 1.20 3.00 5.34 6.22 11.36-- M2'X!oo 2.00 3.30 6.33 6.23 a.m.

4.10 5.32 6.24 0.23!"JlS loo! 4.50 5.31 6.24 1.08

'"I i.

Iw Summer Dress Materialsobtained and work commence at meusions wim colored glass is as& Co.'s building is being

persons met in an upstairs room ofthe old Sailors' Home,to enroll them-selves as a Young Mens' ChristianAssociation in Honolulu. They be

once. The crrounds would be larger cosy a 8Pot as one could imagine.than the present ones and theie The front of the house and the

The Planters' Monthly for Anrilis would be more errand stand room, grounds were illuminated withalso a drive for carriages. The hundreds of colored lanterns, pre

longed to various denominationalbranches of the Christian church,but desired and were able to unite

out. The list of contents will bofound elsewhere.--TT7fthe HodoIuIu Steam Planing IMMENSE VARIETY! LATEST DESIGNS!


league would then be able to charge aenung a most cnarming appear-fo- r

admission to the srames. and ance. Lanterns were also hung inupon the ground of their commonPtob!recisely at Honolulu mean noon.S 28 min. 33 sec. past 1 o'clock Yesterday was the festival of St. there is no one who would begrudge a number of bushes in the groundsfaith for work together.At the first meetinsr it was decided twentv-fiv- e cents to see a erame of ging a unique effect, in fact thePu; Honolulu mean time, 10 corresyouu 104 Fort Street.N.- S. SACHS'Mark and was observed at St. An--'

drew's Cathedral by special services. if possible to help Sunday schools, baseball. Up to the present time 5.nol.e Place was one blaze of light.FSaKeanK This is especi- -- - I . - . . . v riiu. A ; r ii 1 ,

At the second, volunteers offeredI for the benem the nines themselves have had to xuw mtwiur ui me nouse was alsobear all their expenses, and thev brilliantly lit up and there was aThe Library and Reading Rooms themselves for the maintenance of a

Chinese Sunday school. An outMeteorological. amonnt in net nmnll rhiti riririnf a profusion of pretty floral decorations. LATEST COLORED AND. WHITE

WASH MATERIALS.had to be closed last evening as theelectric light was not in workingorder.

season. -- The Bostons, Stocktons and the atmosphere being heavy with thecome, I believe, of the Chinese even--rjoM. THEBMaing class which our friend Mr. Duns-- Oaklands wanted to come here but perfume of choice flowers,combe and others had conducted in the fact of no enclosed grounds kept Tne invited guests, numbering

Mrs. J. Eberhardt. mother of Mrs. over two hundred, were most agreeconnection with the Bethel Church, them away. Let there be a full at-- SATINES An "Sff - SATINESably entertained by Mr. and Mrs.Robt. Grieve, left for the States816' In this retrospect we must always tendance at the meeting.

is s s--


1.19 82 9 B w0.04 85 10 SE0.30 90 10 s0.43 85 9 .80.01 75 O.stON

0.00 78 9 s W0.03 75 9'8W

Dillingham. Refreshments were7774

ce70' recall the interest in the school whichyesterday on the barkentine S. N.

Castle. FANCY FIGURED PERSIAN MULLS; a fine assortment of Iserved during the evening. Thewas taken by our late honored friend widow Bedott To-nig- ht

. .WV "TV W A

73"it FANCY LINEN LAWNS and INDIA LINONS;ti:..15;).09 Hawaiian band was stationed on the


81the itev. iJr. uamon. At tne third The Bijou Company will present68rKft.ll!.3 lawn and played choice selectionsThe Board of Health in our "BrC

t,l!ta).0!'!-i0"-- '

each were provided for the Sunday f A C?Idy. d?nu& theL reception which lastedAuthority" column, calls for tendersabout two hours.Widow Bedott with the following


, in Stripes and Plaids.

"WHITE GOODS !SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. for the delivery of fat beef cattle at

the leper settlement. cast of characters: Widow Bedott,Mr. Horace Ewing ; Elder Sniffles, SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS.AKKIVAL.S.

Feiday, April 25. At 11 o'clock this morning Mr. J.

schools of Kawaiahao and Kauma-kapil- i.

The fourth meeting resultedin the establishment of a smalllibrary and reading room at the oldSailors' Home. At this time theassociation had increased in numbersto about twenty.

Mr. Walter Adrian; Henry Harri- -

;3r Janies JIakee, JMacaulav, troru Just opened a new lot of fancyF. Morgan will sell the late JusticePreston's law books, and at noon, the man, Mr. Frank Cleaves: Fred.tSL Victoria Lawns, Nansooks in plain and checks, Batistes, Confection, plain andfigured foulard Silks, in creamiroiu Iuui andjjrWUilaii. aiKtT, Harriman, Mr. Wm. L. Robertssail boat "Belle of the bay." and black, at Sachs' Store, 104Inn. Tom Follett, Mr. Fred J. Atwood;At the close of the hrst year, thelirLnKa irom Jvouaia. Fort street.

Hawaii, Cameron, irom liamaKua. retiring president, now the Hon. Jus- - Tim Crane, Mr. Francis Insley; MaTwo Japs are locked up at thek'Waiehu from Kauai.

dotted Swiss, Fancy Open Work Materials, etc., etc.

EMBROIDERED BOX SUITS, in Wash Materials, and Silk EmbroideredWool Materials.

Embroideries, Embroideries.immense assortment at very low prices.

Station house charged with desertingcontract service with the Honokaa

If you are in search of whiteEmbroidery Flounces, go to N. S.

tice Dole, urged the importance of lissa Bedott, Miss Lizzie Lingham;Christian labor in the direction of Dotty Sniffles,Miss Lillie Atwood;the Hawaiian race, with especial re-- Mary Harriman, Mrs.Horace Ewing; Sachs' Store, where you willand Paauhau plantations.

and Belinda Jenkins, Miss Imogene find an immense assortment, at low prices.ference to their social and domestic1 DEPA1ITUKES.I Friday, April 25.LteS X Castle, Hubbard, for SanCisco.

Eberle.A night school for Portuguese isFor Wash Materials and EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES, latest hemmedstitched designs, entire new patThe play thoughout is very amusin operation at the uueen immabrCR Bishop, Le Claire, for Waia- - terns at exceptional low prices, at theing, and Mr. Ewing will be s.een atHall, Mr. B. F. Dillingham gener wnite uoods, Sachs' store isWaialua and Koolau at Da. m.

his best as the Widow J5edott. be-- the place, 104 Fort street.ar Pele, Smythe, for Kauai. ously furnishing the necessaryhr Layinia for Kauai. POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSElirKulamanu for Kohala and Hawaii. funds.

The Fort Street School re-ope- nsir Millie Morris for Kauai.

cure seats at once at Mr. L. J.Levey's office.

Funeral of David Manaku.3iU) Stitocrtisemcnt a.ax i a cummins, rseuson, ior 14fyon Monday morning at 9 o'clock andlaa.

condition.In April, 1870, the association re-

ceived a kind of recognition by thebrotherhood of similar institutions,in the form of a letter from the edi-tor of the " Association Monthly."

In the same year a partially suc-cessful effort was made to assist inspreading Christian literatureamong the Chinese in this country.

In July, 1870, the Rev. Dr. Damoninvited our charge of the last pageof " The Friend," which has nowbeen edited, first by a committee ofthe association, and then by the

The funeral of the late David.Principal bcott requests that allpupils be in their places at that hourwithout fail.

VESSELS LEAVING TO-DA- Y. Manaku,Deputy Postmaster-Genera-l,

;anr Iwalani. Weir, for Lahaina, Ku- -The Planters' Italy.

For April, 1890.

took place yesterday afternoon and TAHITI LEMONADE WORKSpe!e. Honokaa and Paauhau , at 9 a m . Mr. Justice Bickerton will heardivorce cases in the Supreme Court

was largely attended. The floralofferings at the house were numerousVESSELS IN POET.

rvv-AldenBesse, Howard. San Francisco. and very beautiful. The pall bearersthis morning at 10 o'clock. Theforeign jury will be required at 10velocity, ilartin, Hongkong. General Secretary, for nearly twenty were Messrs. O. C. Swain, O. K. Still-- 1 :o:--

Uylon, Calhoun, ban Francisco. o'clock Monday morning. TABLE OF CONTENTS:ea lastle, Hubbard. San Francisco years. man, J. H. Nui, G. L. Desha, S. C

In 1870, was first considered the Dwight, D. L. Kalawaia, C. K. Still Editorial Amenities.ne V H Dimond, Drew, San Francisco. y tne VY. li. iall news was reLetter of Inquiry about Cane Soils and The Only Steam Soda Works in the

Hawaiian Islands.feasibility of raising a separate man, and J. D. Holt, Jr. The servicebuilding for the association. Twelve wag jn charge of Bishop Willis andi i C Allen. Thompson. San Francisco.

LadyLanipson.Sodergren, S Francisco. Cane Planting.Removing Scale on Boilers.jruaia inioi vio wcio poimituou . dod jjjq remains were imerrea in xvawaia--rAiienA.btoee. Humboldt.

ceived of the death of Mrs. A. A.Todd at Kona, Hawaii, on April 23d.The deceased lady was a sister, ofMrs. J. A. Rodanet of Hotel street,and leaves a husband and five chil

Forest Queen. Windine. San Francisco. the foundation-ston- e laid of the har seminars. Dnriner the dav the Dr. Stubbs on Diffusion.J.D. Brewer, Josselyn, Boston. V"Postoffice was closed out of respect- u oryant, jacoosen, Kan J? rancisco. Report of Mr. W. J. Forsyth on the suito the deceased.dren to mourn her loss. tability of Land for Coffee and Cin-

chona Culture.To-day- 's Picnic.VESSELS EXPECTED.Tesaela. Whmfmm T)n In his address at the Y. M. C. A.

hall, Thursday evening, Dr. C. M.


Ginger Ale, Plain, Sweet and CreamCoffee Cultivation A Proposition fromTo-da-y Harmony and ExcelsiorRwrrowdale . . . Liverpool Apr 15 Sodaa Coffee Planter.Hyde said "that Mr.Berger, the peer Lodges of Odd Fellows of HonoA Visit to the Botanic Gardens Caneless bandmaster, had arranged for a

wue Jonn....rsewcastie, is a wBremen

Plsenberg... New YorklUSt Xoiw Yrrlr

lulu, will celebrate the seventy-firs- tseries of open-ai- r concerts in the Seed and Seed Canes .

house in which we now meet.One of the most serious duties

which have presented themselveswas undertaken in 1873, when theimportance of Chinese missionarywork was eloquently urged by Mr.F.W. Damon, and support for suchan enterprise warmly promised onbehalf of his church by the Rev.Frank Thompson of Hilo. Aftermany efforts and some disappoint-ments, this work was assisted in1876 by the arrival of Mr. Sit Moon,a colporteur. Chinese Christianityis now evidently amongst us, and notits least notable outcome is a ChineseY. M. C. A.

anniversary of the founding of the Florida Sugar Industry.'E Sanders. Puget SoundPaget Sound

Queen Emma Hall grounds, and thatbenches would be provided for those CHAMPAGNE CIDER, SARSAPARILLA,order in America, with a picnic at The Sugar Industry.T'n vent HrnnA Ramon Grove, Manana. Trainswho attended."Ln "fe" ....

resta Pnpet Snnnd More about Ramie Fibre.Cuban Sugar News.leave Honolulu at 9 a. m., 2 p. m. and

5:15 p. m. returning from the groveKVrter Port Blakelev".'. Mr. Sam. Center, head overseer at MINERAL WATERS, ETC.''""' .


.. .i""Tester Delaware at 11 a. m., 4 p. m. and 10 p. m. TickNaalehu plantation, and Dr. G.

ets for the round trip are fixed atFoote, Government physician for the TERMS ;fifty cents, and the committee will SOLE PROPRIETORS OF BAILEY S SARSAPARILLA AND IRON WATER.district of Kau, were brought downon the V. G. Hall yesterday, both


ARRIVALS.furnish refreshments on the grounds. Yearly subscription ..$ 2This brief review of the early days 60

00rPl, TTonranan Ttartrl TCI 11 rtA ill ttir PWaicm 3quite sick men. They were taken toof the association is made in order to tendance during the day.i ,a5L1 ad Hawaii, per stmr W G Bound Volumes 4 00

r v l . a" venter ana wue, Back Volumes bound to order.the Jiiagle house, and at once received the best of medical attendance.

lUUlCcUU tuab kuo iubbuu ul uui paon AO

" work and hope." The years weleave behind us are rich, not only in Factory: No. 23! USTianami St,FHWH Mclnernev. fra V. H Wrt Address:

will be executed by electric shock thei i -- i tti i: - ibJH rk'. "v""."u visible results, but also insome MUTUAL TELEPHONE 360; BELL 872.wuuu A nerDeri, vv leuW child, and 84 deck. promue for.thefutare. They have, - MtSZSifcraSper,stmr Jas Makee, Apri too, been brightened by friendships i w D. T. BAILEY, Manager.

GiZETTE PUBLISHING CO.,46 Merchant St., Honolulu.

- .. dfew2w

Reward of $500.fate he may die before that time ofhorror and dread of the new form of

- - m Arnoiu, ana 'sz aeck.DEPARTCRES.

VVU1CU Lilt? UUUU Ul U111UU 1U UUUOservice has created amongst many of

Six Japanese were yesterday com-mitted for trial in the SupremeCourt on a charge of riot. They belong to the Heeia Plantation, andbecause another Jap would not helpthem in a contemplated strike, theyserenaded him with tin-ca- n music,threw stones and broke the windowsin his room.

punishment.;wJan Francisco, per bktne S N Castle us who might otherwise have never

. ii i i ioernarat, Mrs JamesJ.i9S?' MisAry Lyle, Mrs BENSON, SMITH & CO.;known tnat our nignest ana mostearnestly sought objects are identi WHEREAS, AT OR ABOUT TWOana c v aturderant. " o'clock on the morning of the 28th ofcal. February. 1890. Mr. Ncr Neone of the firmIn the address, to which I have alSUITING NOTES. 54of Kwong Lee Ynen Co., was seriously AGENTS,ready alluded, of our first President;

" '. a .schooner Lukabrou ht from Kohala

wounded with a knife or other sharp in-strument by a certain person who felon-iously broke and entered into the dwellinghouse of the said Ng Ngong in the rear of

House Wanted.L 3 0 sugar Fridav mnmimrK2SP? James Makee hrnnfht. frnm HOLLISTER & CO.,rui --Ml hfloa . V""" the premises oi me saiu tvwong jee xuen

Co. on Maunakea street, Honolulu, H.J.rdar "J V1 "Kar, zu pKgs. sunariesi Notice is hereby given that a reward ofhe A FURNISHED HOUSE FORa small family; must be within amile of town. Address terms toli: CP'- - talker, ive nunarea uouars vouuj wiu De paia

bv the United Chinese Society to any per WHOLE8ALV A KBTAIL DEALERS INson or persons who will give information

Lunch at Kawaiahao Seminary.

There was a lunch that was a lunchat Kawaiahao Seminary yesterdaynoon. It was in charge of MissHoppin, the matron,vand the cookingof this elegant and bountiful lunchwas all done by the pupils. It wasreally a credit to them. . The objectof the lunch was to raise funds tore-furni- sh the dining room, one ofthe lady teachers stating that "thecrockery needed repairs." Friendsof the institution to the number of

11 Z.,uJ "lieroon irom Alauiof ?0ffee" n3010 of ngar. 133

itl 1 of awn. 97 hoA rfH. R. H.," Advertiser Office.

99-- tf to the Police which will lead to the appre

he spoxe oi organizations iiko ours asbeing the complement of the churchsystem, their aim being to exertearnest influence towards pure re-

ligion without prescribing any spe-cial denominational means. In sup-port of this I may mention that inFebruary last the annual meetingwas held of a Young Mens' ChristianAssociation in an English city, anassociation so large that the secre-tary reported the admission duringthe year of more than a thousandnew memjbers and associates. Themeeting was attended by the Bishop

hension and conviction of the guilty party.adnVV hldes' 2 horses and 93 pkgs. Dirigs and MedicinesPer Order. YlM yuow,

Secretary United Chinese Society.Honolulu, March 5, 1890. 54-l- m

NOTICE.S Francisco?fSSMS1 bs of sugar. Ship!



- Aivir-- i v. Bill v r . m

f" Schaefer & Co.. 30fiS hnw!peo,

Fine Chemicals, Toilet --Ajrticliabout one hundred and twenty were:01 bags. AlioLSSia? oke, and TTAVING BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.endance and no doubt the obTJKIX II Paere in the Honolulu Carriage Mann- -Gentlemen's Underclothingthan realized.ect sought was more factory, at 128 Fort Street, I am prepared

to continue the above business under theloud in their.A-ix-

tl Furnishing Goods.VVesleyan Metnocust poay m EngThose present werepraise of the lunch. old name of Honolulu Carriage Manufac PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES of all kinds.

Woolen and Pongee Coats, Wool, Calico,ICate' Hwaii.t.u' "j;" r" German and Linen Shirts.tory, and being an old experienced carriagebuilder I solicit the patronage of my oldfriends and the public in general, and withmy thorough knowledge of the business

Todd, sged3?v:" uuu' wne ot A. A. Baseball.The game this afternoon at- - a o months 17 dav

Finest Brands of Havana and Manila Cigars.thethe anu Willi upeneuvvu.wuiuueu nuu usuig

onlv the best material 1 guarantee general89 Ring Street. I MySunday Services. Makiki grounds will be betweenKamehamehas and Stars, and satisfaction. Please call and see me before

going elsewhere.willFol--KeacW . , , hcRch Services

be called at 3:30 oclock sharp.m. and 7 :30 p.m.a. m. The M. A Seed and thej Carbut t "Dry Plates.JOHN ASHD0WN,

(signed)- - Kiiuxtvn w just.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1889. 103-t-f

Notice to Shippers.lowing are the teams:

Kamehamehas. Stars.

Of San Francisco.. . Chan. Wilder.1. G. Chandler

A. Perry....c. .... .1st b..


R. Pahau..P. Davis ....S. Mahuka.....A. Lawelawe...

Second day School atlevAlexanfl . Congregatio- n- .J. O. Carter, J r.:.2db. n i 1 Tl' --V J DaaJ n-- T?OR THE MORE SATISFACTORY..E. WodehouseJ . Wahinemakai . . .3d b . . f raCUCai liailUr 11 UC ailU rimi UrgM l? accommodation of our patrons we beg.....Chas. Wilder

land and many other clergyjnen andministers of different Christian de-

nominations. The President, a mangreatly honored in the north ofEngland, and wherever he is known,pointed out that without such organ-izations as these many young menwould be either lost altogether asfar as religious influences were con-cerned, or would be kept apart, andthat one of the great benefits of theassociation was the bringing togetherof men of varying religious opinionsinto Christian fellowship. .

The lines of our work during thecoming year will be mainly suggestedby the committees which have beenappointed this evening. Let the les;sons of the past afford us encourage-ment We may; see that what hasbeen so far accomplished is not somuch as might have followed morefaithful effort, but we must all thankGod for many results with which hehas been pleased, sometimes sooner,sometimes later, to reward, our en-

deavors.' '

It is pleasant to be reminded bythe address of our retiring President

to sueeest to them that in cases whereJ. Makaimoku .....ss..O. Crowell ... . . . . . r f .Mayer w,tT " ...J. W. Winter oTKAIlON & STORM SFiA RSsermon

It . John Wise.... ..Theo. Richards .

.C I. ......... Vonrau.If J. Perrywi at w a t.

drays are required for shipping goods toout going steamers aud coasters, or in anycase where required, at 1 o'clock sharp ofthe day. they will find that by ringing up


Mutual Telephone 565 or Bell TelephonePolice Court. And; Kimball's Vanity Fair160 between the hoars of 7 a. m. and 5 p.m.- rvice at Fbiday, April 25. their wants will be promptly attended to,Kaaihue charged with assault and Having worked in some of the largest

and organ, factories in the UnitedSiano of America, I am fully able and pre- -

which win uiereDy greatly iaciiitaie dusi-nes-s

to the better satisfaction of all con--battery on a native woman was fined Gifio... - pared to oo aii Kinas oi repair wont in tne$10 with $1 20costs. most sausiaciory maimer.


T7A1TTED.Three drunks forfeited bail of $6each.

TEAMSTEll, WHO IS CA- -paDie OI anvme m six none ur mate kcsm.

Six Japanese charged with riot atHeeia, waived examination and werecommitted for trial to the Supreme 109 FortXOrders can be. left at H. F. Wich-man- 's

Jewelry store. Fort street, attbeAdvertiser office, or through Mutual Tele

uihe ch'wl- - and doin? rone garden work.- IIITIIUITLA SHEEP STATION CO..ou tuese m less1316-- tf Kal&ieha, P. O. Waimea, HawaiiJ that we are working m common cause phone ro. 57. - w-i- muourt. ' '- - ,

Page 4: HAWAIIAN APRIL PRICE - eVols at University of …evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39351/1/...i r i-.v." XL--NO. 99 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY. APRIL 26, 1890,

t Ac, F


''bajIiY Pacific commercial advertiser, april 26, isso.

- ' ..A

(General 5ttiotrtisciiuiits.-

FILTER PRESSES.E. E. Hekdby, President and Manager.Godfrey Brown, Secretary & Treasurer.

John Ena, Vice-Preside- nt.


V ; : - Hawaii. March 9. 188aftiadbn Iroa and Locomotive Works, San Fran--

Pedigrees of all Horses Kept.m

' CISCO. '

.." '

Gentlemen We have used two of your red

Filter Presses thisseason. Theyare convenient, easily bandied and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. 1 can recommendno improvement on them.

J Very respectfully yours.- (signed) A. Moons,

Manager Paacliu Plantation.


Opp. Spreckels' Bank,.- - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers and. Dealers in. GeneralHARDWARE, GLASS WARE, CROCKERY

Genuine Haviland China, plain and decorated; Wedgewoodware; Piano, Library and Stand Lamps,

Chandeliers and EleetoliersLamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ;

BREEDING DEPARTMENT SALE DEPARTMENT., Heeia, Sept. 28, 1889.Mb. Johx Dyeb, Agent Bisdon Iron Works,

Honolulu. s

Deab Sib: Please ship us one of your 30Compartment Filter I'resseg, 240 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

GEO. R. EWART,Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

-- FOR SALE:Stallions of Various Breeds. .

Mares with or without 3ToalHorses for any Purpose.

nr ixirrimim lT nrmnrIS OWErLiumiiUiYdurri ttl WfiUfliniUfl

The following Fine Animals will standfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae :

Well-bre- d Stallion "Norman Stallion

"CAPTAIN GROWL."Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIGHT."

Two Native Stallions"PILIAOAO" and " FRANK."A Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.


ft - t

0 r '2 0 J1'o :rf&ft fC.H ; vY "

These Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of llx4 ft., and presents a filtering surface of 240square feet A limited number in stock IdHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Bisdon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.

For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYEB Honolnl

Boom No. S Spreckels Block:234 W. O. IRWIN Sc Co., Agents

A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINERis employed on the Ranch.

Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breakingand Training Horses.

The "Gazelle" Riding Plow and Equalizer, Bluebeard Rice Plow,Planters' Steel and Goosenecked Hoes.

OILS : Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,

HANDLES OF ALL KINDS;HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

Agate Iron Ware Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot and Caps, The Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges

AGENTS FOR:" New Process " Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,

Gate City Stone Filters, Nears Carriage Paints,Hartman's Steel-wir- e Fence and Steel wire Mats,

Wm. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,

A CHARMED CHIPMUNK. -It Paid No Attention to Pistol Shots UntlJ

One Killed a Snake.Those knowing folks who ridicule

the idea that a rattlesnake can charmthe bird or animal it covets for itldinner don't want to talk to me, afteran experience I had a few days ago,said Ed ard Blaisdell, of Hawley, Pa.

I was always a little skeptical myselfon the power of the snake to charm,and consequently when I was taking- - awalk through the woods near Hawleyone day last week and saw a chip-munk sitting on a rock and giving nosign that my near approach to it dis-turbed it in the least, the thought thatthe influence of a snake had any thingto do with the indifference of the littlesquirrel was the furthest thing frommy mind, although it . struck me asbeing singular, the agility with whichthe chipmunk makes itself scarce as aperson approaches it being well knownto me.

"The squirrel's side was toward me,and it was as motionless as if it hadbeen a part of the rock itself. It wasgazing intently in the direction of alog that lay a few feet from the rock.I stopped within less than a rod of therock and watched the chipmunk amoment. I had my revolver with me,and made up my mind I would seewhat the effect of a shot at the squir-rel would be. I fired, not aiming tohit the chipmunk, and the bullet fur-rowed the rock close by. The squirreldid not move a hair. I fired again,but the chipmunk paid not the slight-est attention to the noise or the whizaof the bullet that struck the rockdirectly in front of it. I began tothink that the little animal was dead.I stepped a little closer and got direct-ly behind the squirrel and fired a bul-let close over its head, and into thelog. The result was startlingSomething fell frpm the log andbegan to thrash around among theferns and low bushes. The chipmunkstarted up, ran to and fro on the rockin a dazed manner, and then dodged

' with its peculiar chirp into its hole oflto one side of the rock. I stepped for-ward to the log to see what was thecause of the disturbance -- .there, andfound an enormous rattlesnake. Ithad been shot through the neck, andwas still writhing under the effects ofthe wound. I had been so taken upwith the strange conduct of the chip-munk that I had not seen the snake,which must have been lying on thelog among the moss that covered it in

Ml ire!!win

PAUL E. ISENBEEG.1314-ly62-6- m

MESSES. KING BROS.Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTURES

comprising: ;




Arrival of T

tiart's ratent "Duplex" Die Stocks100-l- y . for Pipe and Bolt Threading.


and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of workappertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the bnilding trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at verv low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

The undersigned having been ap-pointed Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

Buraham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style. .

--Picture Mlouldiiigs 131 s fra

Thanking the public for past favors,I remain respectfully yours,



Lately imported, of the latest designs in great variety, personally selected for thismarket, from which they are prepared to make Framesat the very Lowest Prices.

01dPictures Renovated and Made Look Like New at Very Small Cost

oniTe?fare prf,?aired.to fur.nis WINDOW POLE CORNICES in Ash, Ebony

of i.wahanfeetyWaU Brackets, Book Shelves, Easels, Hat Backs, Boquet Stands, Mirrors, Etc.

L & SON, LYLNewd

The Balden Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Tofiomntivpa

IN FANCY GOODS they can show the best lines of Autoirranh and Photo--


A Complete Stock of Artists' MaterialshJSf2?Si'nff ntt,! pr-ice-

s& Newton's Oil Colors, ordinary tubescolors in proportion. Canvas . from 75 cents per yard up.

Hawaiian Scenes in Water and Oil Colors in Great Variety

over all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States. Anchors, Chains,

Cocoa Mats, KeUIa,

Sauce Pans, Fij


Fence FWM. G. IKWIN & CU,

Agents for Hawaiian Islands.- 21 1307

range of my bullet That the snakeheld the squirrel under the spell of itsfasttnating powers, which accountedfor the chipmunk's indifference to mypresence, there can be no doubt. Themoment my bullet struck the rattle-snake and knocked it from the log thefatal spell was broken, and thesquirrel, recovering in a few secondsfrom its effects, was able to escapeinto its hole.

"In the same vicinity, some yearsago, Soloman Purdy, who lived nearHawley, discovered a red squirrel ona log in a condition similar to theone in which I discovered the chip-munk. He knew the habits of rattle-snakes, and understood at once whatthe situation meant. He got his eyeon the snake, which was coiled on theend of the log, its head uplifted andit eyes fairly glittering. He shot thesnake's head off. The squirrel droppedfrom the log, also. Purdy went tothe spot where the sauirrel had disnn--



THE RISDQ2ST KING BROS. ART STORE, Hotel St. near Fort.1 - tt

White Lead, Red 14

,, .; :



' V:




7 3


: .5




' I--'

i; a rjSi',;

: &

. ' 'i

:! Sim'Hi


If 1 '

4 : -

Boiled Linseed Oil,

Castor Oil, Belting,

Coal Tar, Water Tank


Hardware Merchanis i Shiper Chandlers

Have on hand, a Large Stock of MANILA ROPE 6 Threadto 9 inch; IRON WIRE, and Flexible STEEL ROPE, all sizes; BoltRope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn, Marlin,Hambroline,IIousline,Seizing Stuff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Oakum, Felt, Pitch, Coal and

Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.

BLOCKS Common and Patent, all sizes and styles;SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bushed;

A Large Assortment ot- -

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,Hubbucks White Lead, Zinc, Black Paint, Boiledand Raw Oil, Woolsey's & Tarr & Wonson's Copper Paint, Galvanized --and Black Chain, all sizes, Anchors, Oars, Boat Boards, Yellow METALSHEATHING and Nails, Copper and Galvanized Boat Nails, PatentLogs and Lines. COTTON and FLAX CANVAS, Nos. 0 to 10, Boat'Sail Drill and Raven's Duck, and in fact everything that should befound in a well stocked Ship Chandlery Store. We sell FIRST-CLAS- S

Goods at LOWEST Market Rates. Call and see for yourselves at

Iron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets',!

San Francisco. California""MorS?3 .PresidentB. 8. Superintendent

Builders of Steam Machinery

In all Its branches.

Ked Ochre, Fire Mj,Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

JOHN GRACE, Proprietor. NO o4 KING STREET.peared. He found it lying on theground dead, although there was nota mark of injury upon it" N. Y.Sun. Soap, Groceries,

Boots and Shoes,

Perfumery, Fligi,

Rope Breda,




Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & BoilersHigh Pressure or Compound. '

BMJESSELS of al1 kinds "built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.OBpiNABX ENGINES compounded when M

LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con--

Croquet i

IE. O. HALL & S03STS, wBuce 10 me trade In which6 ea,Ployd- - Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.57-2- m Corner of Port and King Streets. GIN9UGAB MULLS and Sugar Making Machinery

Boiler Iron Work connected thernvithBridles, Felts,WATER PIPE, of Boiler 01 dheet Iron, of anyBlankets, Sheeting

SarsaDarilla. Lpmnn7-

-- "ugiai ior con nec tineet.MrIh66t8 5olle.d Puched and packed

L.2?pment ready to be veted f6n the Dry Goods, Merinoi.


(Groceries, Provisions and Feed..... , auu imui oo(ia, STSicba

fir r Til ' I ViAtnMA Tavm.unampagHYDBACLIO RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted hyhydraulic rijeting machinery, that quality ofwork superior to hand work8 wfT0BltI4Sh,pnd Steam Capstans, Steam. Laces, Eibbou, HA I

Velvets, EmkroideniKBAST CORNER PORT AND KING STREETS.'..''. - , ...... ,

v .uviiiauuiuTsu mans.

?t!u" the Pacific

SOME DELICATE COLORS.Shades That Will Be Used In the Construc-

tion of Fall Bonnets.The colors introduced into assort-

ments of silk goods and ribbons for thecoming fall, and also used in the dyesof other materials, are especiallyhandsome, and either alone or in com-bination with black will prove very ef-fective. The following are selectedfrom a list emanating from a leadingmanufacturer at Lyons and can be re-lied upon as accurate:

Centaur Two shades, light anddark serpent green.

Artichati Five shades of green, fromligh'test to dark moss.

Ientille Four shades of green, onorder oiho lentille pea, varying fromlight to dark.

Sarcelle Several shades, on orderof teal duck green, commencing witha bright light emerald.

Terveine A verbena green.Fougero A deep grass green.Vichy A class of tlues ranging

from light electric to gobelin, and end-ing with a very deep, indefinite grayblue.

.' Marino A sea blue, same as lastseason.i Admiral Navy blue.

Tison A group of orange mahog-any, embracing such shades as areknown as coleus, infernal and acajou.

Moka Several shade9 Of brnwn

uciu oaieiy xoiier.P??ffS:1ilrc4 Actln jnmpafor.nv uIrrigation. 01.

bw uwww rwceiveu every pacsei irom tne jsastern states and .Europe Fresh Calif oralproduce by every steamer. AU orders faithfully attended to. and Goods delivered to of thiejty free of charge. Jilan order, solicited. 8atlsfacon guaranteed. PostofficeTbo5 Vo. 416 Flannel,





OM17 p5mp. oUon "Perior to any otherBasket Trunks,

JOHN DYER........".. ...Honolulu13m Boom No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels' BlockGrrand Clearance Sale! Clotbin&J

ill 1296-- 1 yISTEW GOODSGents New Silk Umbretla cost Si 75 S2 50. A Fine Assortment.SOMETHING NEW. jLjauies-- . uniDrena cost $d z.oU.Ladies Colored Parasols $1 25 each.Children's Colored Parasnls i We have just received per S. S. Mariposa,a Tina X vt 1

72 Ladies' asstd. Embroidered Suits, inboxes, fine and verv chean. Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embrv. - owcvuuu 01 new uooas,comprisinej, one

, elegant01U5 im a yaii .

Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.each side 25c. a pair. .

Ladies' Balbriggan fine Lisle Stockincs Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.


! ;

Printing ; EstalMulftiitv.uuij. cavu siuc um. n jiair.All Colored of .Worsted Irttw nr-i- n

Ladies' Balbriggan Dnder Vests, 50c. ea.Lambrequins, formerly $3, now 75c.White Flannel, all wool, 50c. yer yard.White Flannel, all wool, 35c. per yard.Ladies' Silk Gloves, asstd colors, long

and short, 50 and 75c.Dress Goods, Cotton Flannel, 8 yds. Si.Pink Marsalles, 10 UK. 12.Honeycomb, 10, 11, 12, asstd.cheap.Black all wool Merinos, 50 to 60c. yard.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed

Underwear, Bractf,

Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Floancing,

. Embroidery, Cwt

Table Napkin,- Table Cloths,

Water-proo- f CoM

Artificial Flowers.

Dost Cloaks,

.Pajama Suits,

Window Curtain bv vard and riifi Kalnnr..wwwnr SIXj:K and SATIN SCREENS,Gents' & Boys' Colored Shirts 35c.to 50c.EBONY FRAMES,Ladies Fine Woolen Shawls 75c. each.All kinds of Wnnlpn Sh

K-- ft" : Va"es of CrepeuiacK opanisn juace, 91 yard.90 in. Mosq. Netting 10 yds. at $1 50 a Large Size Col. Double Blankets $4 to $5. uuohh. leKani 1 eie-- a te unps

and Saucers. A fine lot of,trge ass0"- - SUkHdfs. 1 topiece. , "

Best White Cotton 16 yds. $1.90 in. of White Sheeting at 33c. a yard.Brown Cotton 16 yds. SI.Fast Colored of New Prints 16 up to 18

Large asst. Plain Hem st Silk Hdfs. andDinner Sets,

Tea Sets,wwieuuoruerouc. 10 voc.

C'hin.Silk Crepe (black & white) low priceLariiAa' Kid 111

from a light golden to a deep coffeebrown. ..


Californie A group embracing tenshades, from a light yellow brown to adeep red brown.

Marquise A series of shades lead-ing from alight rosewood to deep pur-plish wood shade.

Centenaire Five shades of red, froma vivid poppy to ox-blo- od and darkbordeaux.Parchemin A group of drabs rang-

ing from a light parchment to a darkcastor shade.Nickel Five shades of gray,

ing from a light silver to deep oxidizedsilver. v: . -Aluminium Five shades, rann-i-


A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan. Chairs and TablesA n cmoll 1 LZ . t T 1 V r

Ladies' Colored Mitts all kinds. chpnLadies' Col. & White Lin. Handkerchiefs

Allium vairicu r eauiers YOC. to XI.( All kinds Oatrifih Tins KAn tn TKr.

COSTUMES? Ui J aitajs. jjjsAll kinds Embry. Laces sale below cost.V

Call earlv

yus.Brown Linen 6 yds. SI.

- White Heavy Moleskin at 50c. a yard.26 in. Grey and White Flannel 25c.a yard.Chinese Pongee Silk (yellow and blue)

S5 a piece.60 in; wide White Figure Linen Table

Cloth 50c. a yard.2x1 White Figure Linen Table Cloth

S2 a piece.IJixl White Figure Linen Table Cloth

75c. a piece.Garnet Figure Linen Table Cloth

SI 50 apiece.Fine Colored Satin at son a vard.

uiuese jrajamas jsaits $3 50 a suit.Chinese Cotton Pajamas Suits $1 50.Gents' Suits. Coats fr Pnnto tulnn, assortment of Hew Goods.

sL .


el ft

Gents' White Suits, Coats & Pants S2 50Gents' T,itht f!vit Ar Vm 1 ... ,;v;1WING W0 CHAN & CO., - w t mil f1Also laree assort. llincrrnl Rina c. No. 22 Nuuanu Street.Black Cloth suitable for suits, etc.Umbrella StnarDecante18'Salad Bowls,

155-l- y.uuorea Mosquito Netting at 50c. pc.

Ladies' & Children Straw Hats all kinds- Kuching in Black and white below cost,

Mush Sets,

Flower Pots, jFilters, ;

Etc ,Etc.. Etc

Big G baa given aniver-sa- lsatisfaction in the

enre of Gonorrhoea andGleet. I prescribe it and


. Fine Colored Satin at 75c. a yard.Fine Garnet Velveteen aft 50c. a yard.Gents Unlaundried Shirts at 50c. a piece.

TSUnlaundried Shirts at 35c. a piece., Gents' Socks embry. each side 20c. a pair.

Grey and Merino Socks 25c a pair.-- Gents India Gauze Undershirt 50c. piece.Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 25c. piece.Gents' Balbriggan Undershirt 75c. piece.Gents' Cotton Flannel Rhirt-- anH Ti.

. Ladies' Bags (all size) and assort. Fishex?s

from light pearl to deep steel.Argus Five shades of argus gray,

graduating from a " light castor tomedium dark carstor.

' Glycine A pale raspberry novelty.Aubergine A darker shade of above.

-- Dahlia A still darker shade.Anemone A very deep purplish

shade. ;:, -y--:, --- ;

In addition to the above severalshades in heliotrope, lavender andlilac are shown. Millinery Trade Be

feel safe in recommendin it to all sufferers.

lmkck anu cream. .

Large assort. Satin Bibbons (all colors)e Gents' Plain & Embry. Woolen Shirts. 1J.ST0NEB,BJ

Oecafar. I1LIrenes' uneraise JNignt Gown & Draw.; Large assort. Crockery, Etc., Etc., Etc.- .. ,

Tl a SUH. PRICE, 81.00, "

SqBI by Drnftgists.

HolurtkiT Ar r? rruGOO KIM, NUUANU STREET:62-t-f - jPlain ana Primtomm

V' ro
