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Hawkey Alumni Newsletter - Vol 2, Iss 2

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Hawkey Alumni Newsletter - Vol 2, Iss 2
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Message from Dr. Bob Rosehart “It was a great Fall 2004 for the hockey Golden Hawks and Winter 2005 holds promise for the playoffs. Your ongoing interest, participation and support has and continues to be very important to the success of our student athletes”. Wilfrid Laurier University Alumni Newsletter From the Home of Golden Hawk Hockey Hawks Look Adversity in the Face For more information please visit our website at www.laurierathletics.com Volume 2, Issue 2 Mid Season 2004-05 Aſter a disappointing end to the 2004 season, a summer that saw former coach Mark French leave the program for an assis- tant coaching job in the East Coast Hockey League, and with key departures from players from the 2004 squad, the Wilfrid Lau- rier Golden Hawks Men’s hockey team were primed for failure during the first half of the season. From the onset of the hockey season, however, the Hawks were determined to not let the bale of adver- sity take over their hockey club. “We simply believe in the people that we have in our room” said fourth year Captain Nick Vukovic, who assumed the Captain- ship aſter third year center Bryan Kazarian leſt the pro- gram early in November. “Even though we have lost some key people and good team-mates, we believe that if we work hard every night that we can compete with anyone in our league. We have focused on what we do everyday to prepare and to not worry about things we can’t control. We’re having fun at the rink and believing in each other.” Believe they do, the Hawks opened the regular season with a tough victory over the nationally ranked University of Toronto Blues and then went on to win the next three games against Ryerson, RMC, and Queens. Next, the Hawks took a 4-0 record and 10th spot in the national rank- ings to Thunder Bay to play the number four ranked Lakehead University Thunder- wolves where they suffered two hard fought losses to the Thunderwolves. The Hawks, then traveled to London, Ontario to play the number five ranked University of Western Ontario Mus- tangs but once again came up short in a tight checking game. Despite suffering three losses in a row on the road to the number four and five ranked teams respectively, the Hawks however, regrouped and remained unfazed earn- ing a victory the follow- ing weekend against the ninth ranked and Far East Division leading Con- cordia Stingers. The next night, the Hawks baled the UQTR Patriotes and despite giving up two early goals, the Hawks baled back and outplayed their opposition for the remain- ing part of the game but failed to get the win as the Patriots hung on to get a 2-1 win. The next week- end, the Hawks traveled to Montreal to face off against the McGill Redmen and the University of Oawa Gee Gees. At McGill, the Hawks were simply outplayed by a determined McGill Redmen team that went on to defeat the Hawks by a score of 7-1. Rather than continue to dig a deeper hole, the Hawks remained unfazed and baled back the next night against University of Oawa, yet another nationally ranked squad. The Hawks turned in an impressive performance as they outplayed the defend- ing Far-East champions and a 3-2 victory with a late goal by Richard Colwill. With the win, the Hawks remained in second place in the Mid West division, three points behind York at the Christmas break with two games in hand. First year coach Steve Martell has suggested that this group of Hawks con- tinue to show everyone they have that special qual- ity that differentiates teams. “I have been truly blessed to have inherited such veteran leadership. These guys make it easy for me to coach this hockey club. Every time I think they get down and out someone on our team comes up with a strong performance that allows us to continue to believe. Fourth Year Captain Nick Vukovic continued on page 2
Page 1: Hawkey Alumni Newsletter - Vol 2, Iss 2

Message from

Dr. Bob Rosehart“It was a great Fall 2004 for the hockey Golden Hawks and Winter 2005 holds promise for the playoffs. Your ongoing interest, participation and

support has and continues to be very important to the success of our student athletes”.

Wilfrid Laurier UniversityAlumni Newsletter

From the Home of Golden Hawk Hockey

Hawks Look Adversity in the Face

For more information please visit our website atwww.laurierathletics.com

Volume 2, Issue 2 Mid Season 2004-05

After a disappointingend to the 2004 season, a summer that saw former coach Mark French leave the program for an assis-tant coaching job in theEastCoastHockeyLeague,and with key departures from players from the 2004 squad, the Wilfrid Lau-rier Golden Hawks Men’s hockey team were primed for failure during the firsthalf of the season. From the onset of the hockey season, however, the Hawks were determined to not let the battle of adver-sity take over their hockey club. “We simply believe in the people that we have in our room” said fourth year Captain Nick Vukovic, who assumed the Captain-shipafter thirdyearcenterBryanKazarianleftthepro-gram early in November.“Eventhoughwehavelostsomekeypeopleandgoodteam-mates, we believe that ifweworkhardeverynightthat we can compete with anyone in our league. Wehave focused on what we do everyday to prepare and to not worry about thingswe can’t control. We’re having funat the rink andbelievingineachother.” Believe they do, the Hawks opened the regularseasonwithatoughvictoryover the nationally ranked University of Toronto Blues and then went on to win the next three gamesagainstRyerson,RMC,andQueens. Next, the Hawks took a 4-0 record and 10th spot in the national rank-

ings to Thunder Bayto play the number four ranked Lakehead University Thunder-wolves where they suffered two hardfought losses to theThunderwolves. The Hawks, then traveled to London, Ontario to play the number fiveranked University of Western Ontario Mus-tangs but once againcame up short in a tightcheckinggame. Despite sufferingthree losses in a row on the road to the number fourandfiverankedteamsrespectively, the Hawks however, regrouped andremained unfazed earn-ing a victory the follow-ing weekend against theninth ranked and Far East Division leading Con-cordia Stingers. The nextnight, the Hawks battledthe UQTR Patriotes anddespitegivinguptwoearlygoals, the Hawks battledback and outplayed their opposition for the remain-ing part of the game butfailedtogetthewinasthePatriots hung on to get a2-1 win. The next week-end, the Hawks traveled to MontrealtofaceoffagainsttheMcGillRedmenandtheUniversity of Ottawa GeeGees. At McGill, the Hawks were simply outplayed by a determinedMcGillRedmenteam that went on to defeat the Hawks by a score of 7-1. Rather than continueto dig a deeper hole, theHawks remained unfazed

and battled back the nextnight against Universityof Ottawa, yet anothernationally ranked squad. The Hawks turned in an impressive performance as they outplayed the defend-ing Far-East championsand a 3-2 victory with a late goal by Richard Colwill.With the win, the Hawks remained in second place in the Mid West division, three points behind York at the Christmas break with twogamesinhand. First year coach Steve Martell has suggested thatthis group of Hawks con-tinue to show everyone they have that special qual-itythatdifferentiatesteams.“I have been truly blessed to have inherited such veteran leadership. These guys make it easy for meto coach this hockey club. EverytimeIthinktheygetdown and out someone on our team comes up with a strong performance thatallows us to continue to believe.

Fourth Year Captain Nick Vukovic

continued on page 2

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Adopt A Golden Hawk Program

The Golden Hawk hockey program invites Alumni toplay a significant role in thestudent-athlete experience. By “adopting” a Laurier hockeyplayer athlete, you can ensure the successofprogram initia-tives. The Adopt-A-Golden Hawkprogramismorethanafundraiser; it is an opportunity for the community, alumni and corporate sector to support a specific team, while at thesametimebecominginvolvedwithaspecificstudent-athlete. Each year support from the Adopt-A-Golden Hawk program gives teams theresources they need to expand and improve. This year our goal is to obtain 40Adopt-A-Hawk, and if this lofty goalis obtained would allow us to compete nationally with other Adopt-A-Hawk pro-grams. Currently, we arewell on ourway to achievingthis goal but we need yourhelp if we are to achieve our goal.Wecannotdothisalone. During the upcom-ing Alumni Weekend, theAlumni Challenge will takeplaceduringthemanyfestivi-ties. The Alumni Challengehas been initiated to chal-lenge alumni to raise amini-mum of 20 Adopt-a-Hawks for the 2004-2005 season. The Alumni Challenge consists ofthis: Can you convince one, two, or three alumni to spon-sor an Adopt-a-Hawk for the upcoming season? If eachalumnus actively takes a con-certed effort to recruit justone individual for the Adopt-a-Hawk program, then muchneeded revenue will gener-ated to allow the Wilfrid Lau-rierGoldenHawkprogramtoreturn National contention. If you are interested in our programandwouldliketogetinvolved with a minimum con-tribution please contact either Head Coach Steve Martell at [email protected] or RolandWebster at [email protected] for more information about participating in the Adopt-A-Golden Hawk program.

Introducing the New Men's Hockey Head Coach, Steve Martell

Afteranation-widesearch,WilfridLau-rier University has appointed Steve Martell as Head Coach of the Golden Hawk men’s hockey program. Martell replaces MarkFrench who had left Laurier this summertopursueaprofessional coachingopportu-nity in theEastCoastHockeyLeague.“I’mextremely excited about the opportunity to lead the Wilfrid Laurier Men’s hockey pro-gram,”saidSteveMartell.“Ilookforwardtobuildingrelationshipsandworkingwiththeacademic, athletic, and alumni communities in reaching our goal of a national champi-onship.” Martell comes to Laurier from the UniversityofCalgarywherehehasbeenanassistant coach with the men’s hockey pro-gramforthepastfouryearswhilealsopurs-inghisPh.D.studying thedecision-makingcharacteristicsofhighperformanceathletes.InCalgary,heworkedwithelitecoachesandathletes at the National Sport Center, won a National Championship, worked with both the Men’s and Womens’ National Hockey team, served as an assistant coach with the Olympic Oval Extreme team, was an appren-tice coach for the Canadian Men’s National team, and acted as Assistant Coach for the UniversityofCalgaryDinosforthepastfouryears. A graduate of St. Francis Xavier Uni-versity, the former right-winger played fortheX-Menbetween1994and1997whereheearnedleagueall-starstatusineachofthethreeyears,divisionalMVPin1996,firstTeamAll-Canadian, the Dr. Bill Godfrey Award for the leadership in sport all at the same time achiev-ingthestatusasAcademicAll-Canadian.Inaddition,tohissignificantCISachievementshealsowonagoldmedalatthe1996Spen-

gler CupC h a m p i -o n s h i p with Team C a n a d a . Before uni-v e r s i t y , he had played in the Wash-i n g t o nC a p i t a l s organiza -tion with the Baltimore Skipjacksof the A m e r i -c a n Hockey League and the Hampton RoadsAdmiralsoftheEastCoastHockeyLeague.InHamptonRoads,hewasamemberofthe1993RileyCupChampionshipteam.Priortohis professional career, he spent four years with the London Knights of the OntarioHockey League, and attained league All-Star recognition, and won awards such as3rd team OHLAll star, Overage Player ofthe Year, Most Underrated player, Hardest Worker,BestPenaltyKiller,andtheLondonKnightsPlayer’splayeraward.“WithSteve’sextensive coaching and academic back-ground,andasaformerCISAcademicandAthletic All-Canadian, he was the ideal can-didate to leadourmen’shockeyprogram,”stated Peter Baxter, Laurier’s Director ofAthleticsandRecreation.“Weareextremelyexcited to have him join theGoldenHawkteam.”

Fourth year captain Nick Vukovic and second year assistant captain Matt Grennier were both named on December 23, 2004 to Canada’s entry at the 2005 World FISU gamesteam.TheHawks,whowillbeleav-ingonFriday,January4,2005andtravelingto Innsbruck, Austria, will compete in the tournament against university based all-star teams from around the world. Vukovic, who has been an outstandingleader on the Hawks’ blue line withanaverageof23minutesper game, is having a strongseason as noted by yet another all-star selection. Grennier, who is at the top of team scor-ingandhasbeeninstrumental

in the Hawks attempts to attain first place in the Mid-West division, has demonstrated a work ethic that is unparallel in the OUA. HeadcoachSteveMartellwasdelightedtohere that both athletes had made the team and that they will only have positive mem-ories of the experience for years to come. “Very few many university players are ever blessed with the opportunity to represent

Canada and travel to Europe during the season. It will bean experience that both have earned due to their strongwork ethic over the course of the season.”

Matt Grennier and Nick Vukovic Named to FISU Games Team

Head Coach Steve Martell

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Creation of Hockey Alumni

Golf Scholarship

Golden Hawks Men’s hockey team is proud to announce the creation of the Men’s Hockey Alumni Golf Tournament Scholarship. This award will be handed out annually starting during the2004-2005 season. The funds for this endowed scholarship were generated from the pro-ceeds generated from hockeyalumni golf tournament. Thisscholarship will be a $1000.00 award given to the GoldenHawk hockey player who dis-plays excellence both on the ice as well as meets the educa-tional requirements set up by the CIS. Thanks to all hockey alumni and friends who par-ticipated in this event of the past number of years.

Coach’s Message Let me please use this opportunity to say how fortunate I am to be associated with a hockeyprogramanduniversitythatissteepedinsucharichtradition. Pleaseensurethat Iwilldoeverythinginmypowertoupholdthevalues, beliefs, and traditions that you have establishedinmakingthisprogramwhatitistoday and what it will become tomorrow. The spirited Laurier community, high academicstandards, and significant alumni commu-nitywereintegralfactorsinconvincingmeofthequalityofeducationandathleticprogramthat couldbedevelopedandofferedhereatLaurier.IhavechosenthisprogrambecauseI believe that our Laurier has the potential for national success and that in recent years progress has been made that would ensurethe long-termsuccessof theprogram.How-ever, while I believe short-term steps such as the establishment of an Alumni Executive, Alumni Golf Tournament, Alumni weekend, andothershavehelpedtopushtheprograminapositivedirection,thereneedstobeasig-nificantre-investmentandinvolvementfromthe “Laurier Hockey Community” in order for ourprogramtobeanationalcontender. In order to build a national champion-shipteam,Itrulybelievethataprogramneeds

to create an atmosphere centered around a winning formula that draws on its history,values, philosophy, customs, and last but least its people. A central aspect in this win-ningformulaistheideaoftheLaurierfamilyof alumni who fundamentally care about the direction the program. In the “New LaurierHockey” community, we care and value what youhavebroughttoyourprogramandofferan invitation to you to get re-involvedwithourprogramagain.Simplyput,wewantyoubackinourprogramsothatourcurrentandfuture players can draw upon your wealth of experience of what it means to be a member of Wilfrid Laurier University. If you are a formerhockeyalumniwhohasgottenoutoftouchwithyourprogramandteammembersfromyouryears,thenIaminvitingyoutogetback involved with us so that you can rekindle old relationships with key friends form your hockeyprogram.Insodoing,Ihopethatourprogramwill continue to value the sense ofcommunity that has been emblematic of Lau-rierUniversityformanyyears.Please,feelfreeto contactmeat [email protected] tofindouthowyoucanget re-involvedwithyourpro-gramonceagain.

2005 Hockey Alumni Weekend The second annual Hockey Alumni WeekendpresentedbyPurolatorwilltakeplace on Saturday February 5th, 2005 at the WaterlooMemorialRecreationalComplex. From2:00PMto4:00PMtherewillbeopenswimmingattheRec.Centerpoolfor families. A family skate will also take placeat2:30until3:15PM. The Alumni festivities will com-mencewiththeover-50gamefrom12:00PMto1:15PM.Thatgamewillbefollowedbya35-50gamewhichwilltakeplacefrom1:15PMto2:30PM.Theunder-35gamestartsat3:15 and runs an hour and a half as well. A reception followed by dinner will takeplacefrom5:00PMto6:30PMintheHauserHouseattheRecComplex.Thereceptionanddinner will host a silent auction which will continue until the second intermission of the hockey gameastheGoldenHawkswilltaketotheiceagainsttheWindsorLancersat7:00PM.ThefullpackageincludesAlumnigamejersey,andvarsitygameticketfor$75.Anoff-icepack-ageisavailablefor$50andincludesthedinnerandthevarsitygameticket.Tickets are available online at www.laurierathletics.com/HAC or contact the event chair, Martin Kearns,[email protected] first 60 people who sign up for an Alumni game will receive a FREE black Sherwood hockey bag with a Golden Hawk logo.

Hawks Look Adversity in the


These kids justwon’t allowanyone to give up or notbelieve in the group. It issimplyamazing.”Martell believes that a work ethic and desire to compete is beginningtoemergeandthecreditgoestohowourguyshave handled the adversity that has been placed upon them during the early partof the season. “We have boughtintotheideathatwecan respond to challengesin a way that we choose. We can choose to look at adver-sity in a negative light butwe have not allowed that to happen. We have chosen to look at our simple bumps in the road as speed bumps and not as a season endingroadblock. As a result, our adversity has been a symbol of our strength thatwill besymbol of our program inyears to come”.

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2004-2005 Golden Hawk Schedule

23/10/2004 @ Toronto W 4-324/10/2004 @ Ryerson W 6-130/10/2004 vs. RMC W 3-2

31/10/2004 vs. Queen’s W 7-205/11/2004 @ Lakehead L 9-406/11/2004 @ Lakehead L 4-112/11/2004 @ Western L 6-2

19/11/2004 vs. Concordia W 4-320/11/2004 vs. UQTR L 2-127/11/2004 @ McGill L 6-128/11/2004 @ Ottawa W 4-3

07/01/2005 @ Brock L 5-409/01/2005 @ Guelph W 7-313/01/2005 @ York 7:30 PM

15/01/2005 vs. Waterloo 7:30 PM21/01/2005 vs. Guelph 7:30 PM28/01/2005 vs. Brock 7:30 PM29/01/2005 vs. York 7:00 PM

04/02/2005 vs. Windsor 7:30 PM05/02/2005 vs. Windsor 7:00 PM11/02/2005 vs. Western 7:30 PM12/02/2005 @ Waterloo 7:30 PM17/02/2005 vs. Brock 7:30 PM

19/02/2005 @ York 2:00 PM

OUA Mid-West Division Semi-Finals

OUA Mid-West Division Finals

OUA Finals Queen's Cup @

Highest Ranked Team

CIS ChampionshipUniversity Cup @

University of Alberta

Adopt-a-Hawk Features....

The Laurier Golden Hawks are pleased to announce the addition of two defenseman to the hockey club for the remainder of the 2000-05 season.AdamWood,whoforthelasttwoyearsattendedUnionCollegeinNewYork,hasdecidedtoleavetheprestigiousNCAAschoolandjointheHawks for the second half of the 2005 season. Wood comes to the Golden HawksafteranimpressivejuniorcareerwiththeVaughanViperswhereheanAll-Starselection.Inaddition,RickHwodeky,whohasspentthelasttwoseasonswithHawksbeforedecidingnottoplayinthefirsthalfofthe2004season due to academic concerns, has decided to return and is excited about thesecondhalfoftheseason.BothHwodeky(6’3”,220lbs)andWood(6’2,215lbs)willaddexperience,skill,andamuch-neededphysicaldimensionto the Hawks blue line, which has seen the defense corps depleted over the course of the season.

Wood, Hwodeky Bolster Hawks Defense in Second Half

David Brown, a second year communications student from East York,Ontario,isenjoyinghissecondseasonwiththeHawksandisanintegralcomponenttotheHawkswith12pointsin12games.“Brownie”,whogotofftoaquickstartandwasatthetopofleaguescoringearlyonintheseason,scoredtwogamewinninggoalstohelptheHawksintheirsuccessfulfirsthalf.CoachMartellislookingforwardtoastrongsecondhalffromtheformerBramptonBattalionascompetitionforfirstplaceintheMidWestdivisionheatsupduringthesecondhalfoftheseason.His hard work and dedication to the process of success are criti-cal aspects of the Laurier Golden Hawk philosophy and will help theprogramreachnewheightsinyearstocome. Brownie,however,isurgentlyseekinganAdopt-a-Hawksponsor for the current season. He needs your help. If you would like to sponsor David Brown, or any other member of the 2005

Golden Hawks pleas contact Steve Martell at [email protected].

MattGrennierisasecondyeareconomicsstudentfromThunderBay,Ontario.Matt,aformerKitchenerRangerthatwaspartoftheMemorialCupchampion-shipteamin2002,islookingtocontinuehisstrongplay in the second half of the season once he returns fromtheWorldFISUgamesinInnsbruck,Austria.ThesecondyearAssistantCaptainisenjoyingastel-laryearwithHawksandwilllooktobringthemuchneeded championship experience to the Hawks as theycontinuetofightforfirstplaceintheMidWestdivision in the second half. “Grenner”, who is near the top of team scor-ingfortheHawksinthefirsthalf,isalsolookingforanAdopt-aHawksponsorduringthesecondhalfof the season. If you think you would like to Adopt MattoranyothermemberoftheGoldenHawks,thenplease contact Steve Martell at [email protected] for moreinformationonMattoranyothermemberoftheGolden Hawk family.

David Brown

Matt Grennier
