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Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry June 2017

Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry

June 2017


Introduction 1

Eliminating or reducing the risk 2

Common hazardous manual handling issues 3

Fact Sheets 5

Unloading from containers 5

Packing objects 6

Lifting bumps or biscuits from floor level 7

Loading boxes onto a pallet 8

Loading and unloading machines above shoulder height 9

Bending whilst loading and unloading machines 10

Threading above shoulder height 11

Lifting product on and off scales 12

Handling long rolls of fabric 13

Handling heavy rolls of fabric 14

Storing rolls of cloth at lower levels 15

Storing rolls of cloth at high levels 16

Handling large drums 17

Handling liquid containers 18

Removing bale bags 19

Handling full beams 20

Handling trolleys 21

Moving heavy trolleys 22

Inspecting 23

Acknowledgments 24

WorkSafe Victoria is a division of the Victorian WorkCover Authority.

The information presented in this handbook is intended for general use only. It should not be viewed as a definitive guide to the law, and should be read in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic)/OHS Regulations 2017. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this handbook, the advice contained herein may not apply in every circumstance. Accordingly, WorkSafe Victoria cannot be held responsible, and extends no warranties as to the suitability of the information for your specific circumstances; or actions taken by third parties as a result of information contained in this handbook.

This guidance has been reviewed and updated for the sole purpose of amending year and regulation references relating to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, in line with amendments which came into effect on 18 June 2017.

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 1


The Victorian textiles manufacturing industry covers many diverse and disparate industries, including yarns and broadwoven fabrics, wool scouring and top making, textile finishing and household textiles.

The textiles industry is labour intensive and many workers suffer unnecessary injuries, such as sprains and strains, associated with hazardous manual handling. These injuries increase the costs significantly for employers, but the human costs – for injured workers, their families and others involved – are far greater.

This publication details common manual handling carried out within the industry and provides practical solutions to enable workers to complete their work safely. I urge you to implement the changes required within your workplace to ensure you eliminate or minimise the risks and reduce injuries.

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 2

Eliminating or reducing the risk

What should you do to control the number of injuries arising from manual handling in your workplace?

This booklet has been prepared as a guide to making your workplace safer by eliminating or controlling some of the most common hazardous manual handling in the textiles industry.

1. Involve employees

Involving employees is critical because they understand the workplace and are exposed to the risks. Their knowledge and experience will assist in identifying problem areas and in providing practical solutions.

The best way to involve employees is by having trained health and safety representatives established in your workplace. Health and safety representatives must be consulted when identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks.

2. Identifying the hazards

This is the first step in the process of managing occupational health and safety risk within the workplace. This publication outlines 19 common examples of hazardous manual handling within the textiles industry.

3. Assessing and controlling the risks

The management of occupational health and safety risk is successful only if appropriate risk control measures are implemented. The second step is to assess exactly which manual handling risks require control.

A risk assessment involves examining work that has been identified as hazardous manual handling in more detail to assess whether it is arranged in a way that gives rise to a risk of musculoskeletal disorder.

A formal risk assessment is unnecessary if knowledge and understanding about the risk, and how to control it already exist. However, if you are unsure, a risk assessment can help.

This publication has industry examples which demonstrate how hazardous manual handling risk factors have been assessed and controlled. It provides multiple short and long term control options.

If the risks cannot be eliminated immediately, interim measures to reduce the risk of an injury occurring are recommended while determining how and when long term controls will be implemented. A combination of risk control measures are often required to provide the best solutions. The risk controls should be reviewed after a short period to assess their effectiveness and whether any further changes or improvements are required.

By using this guide to assist in the review of your workplace, you may also identify inefficiencies in your operations that can contribute to the risk of an injury. For example, unnecessary double handling is a common inefficient way of working which can increase the risk of injury. By reducing these risks, you may also reduce the impact of spillage and product damage.

Further risks to consider

Other significant occupational health and safety risks to consider in the textiles industry include:

NoiseNoise is a common hazard in the textiles industry. Refer to the Noise Compliance Code.

Plant hazardsHazards associated with plant may include electrical, cutting, slicing, entanglement and crushing. For further information on risks and controls, refer to the Plant Compliance Code.

Hazardous substancesHazardous substances are widely used within the textiles industry. Refer to the Hazardous Substances Compliance Code.

For more information go to worksafe.vic.gov.au.

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 3


If trolleys are overloaded, not maintained, or used for material and tasks for which they are not designed, a risk of hazardous manual handling exists.


• Large wheels or castors with low-friction bearings reduce force

• Check wheels and castors are regularly cleaned and maintained to reduce forces involved in trolley handling

• Add skirts to the base of trolleys to prevent fibre entangling in wheels and castors

• Check that trolleys have suitable handle height, width and placement to reduce bent postures and force while pushing and manoeuvring

• Use vertical handles to cater for employees of different height, reducing the force required to move the trolley

Preventative maintenance of all equipment, including mechanical aids recommended in this publication is essential to minimise risk. Implement an effective ‘tag out’ system to identify, remove and repair damaged or faulty equipment.

Floor surfaces

Floor surfaces in the textile industry may become slippery as a result of lubricant spills, wool grease, dust, fibre or other substances settling on surfaces. In addition, cracked and uneven floor surfaces may increase the force when an employee is moving a trolley or tubs.


• Control measures need to be put in place to prevent, reduce and contain oil and lubricant spills and airborne dust or fibre

• Regular degreasing of floor surfaces exposed to spills

• Regular housekeeping eg: cleaning and vacuum removal of dust and fibre

• Regular repair and maintenance of floor surfaces

Common hazardous manual handing issues

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 4


In some processes, raw materials (eg. nylon) are heated to produce a fibre. Manual handling undertaken in a hot environment may expose employees to increased risk due to fatigue. Heat resistant gloves may reduce dexterity and result in awkward hand, wrist and arm postures. When wearing gloves, higher forces may need to be applied to ensure a firm grip.


• Where practicable, a mechanical device should be used to reduce the risk associated with handling hot objects

• Reduce direct contact with hot objects by wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as heat resistant gloves or gauntlets

• If gloves are required, consider reducing the weights of objects handled

• Where practicable, exposure to hot environments should be reduced by regular breaks in a cooler environment

• Cool fluids should be available at all times in the work area

• When a process is delayed or stops for a period of time, where practicable, employees should move to a cooler environment, rather than remain inactive in the hot environment

• Where practicable, it is recommended that a working environment is maintained at a temperature suitable for employees to undertake manual handling tasks

Job rotation

Job rotation doesn’t eliminate risk associated with hazardous manual handling. It can reduce exposure time to risk but it doesn’t address the source of the risk and it is often used ineffectively. Ineffective job rotation may increase worker exposure to hazardous manual handling risk. This can happen when other jobs in the rotation have the same risk factors, for example, if repetitive reaching above shoulder height is an aspect of all the jobs in a rotation, then the worker is still exposed to the same risk factor, despite ‘different jobs’ being undertaken in the rotation.

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 controls relying on information, instruction and training (such as job rotation) can only be used if you’ve first considered and implemented higher level control measures so far as reasonably practicable, and risk associated with hazardous manual handling remains. Higher level controls that may eliminate or reduce the risk of hazardous manual handling include altering your workplace layout or environment, altering the systems of work, changing the things used in the hazardous manual handling and using mechanical aids.

An employer may not be meeting legal obligations if job rotation is used as the only risk control measure for hazardous manual handling. If it is to be used to assist in reducing risk, it must be appropriately designed. Go to worksafe.vic.gov.au to obtain a copy of ‘Job rotation does not eliminate hazardous manual handling risk’ which offers further guidance.

Common hazardous manual handing issues

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 5

Unloading from containersDeep sided stillages, trolleys or tubs are often used to move bobbins, tubes, cones or skeins.

Risk factors Risk controlsSustained or repetitive

• Bending the back forwards more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Lifting or lowering

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

• Twisting, turning and grabbing actions with the fingers, hands or arms

Long duration

Forward bending and reaching into a stillage

Alter the workplace

• Place the stillage on a stand to raise and tilt the load

A stand that raises and tilts the load reduces the need to bend and reach

Use mechanical aids

• Position a spring lift base in the stillage or tub to deliver the bobbins or tubes to the operator at a suitable working height

The spring lift insert (shown outside the bin for clarity) raises the tubes up to the operator. This reduces the forward bending, reaching and the exertion of force in an awkward posture

• Use a stillage tilter to bring items closer to the operator and reduce forward bending, reaching and exertion of force in an awkward posture

Alter systems of work

• Introduce appropriately designed job rotation in combination with other risk controls to reduce exposure to repetitive wrist and forearm postures

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheetsCommon hazardous manual handling and solutions in the textile industry

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 6

Packing objectsMany workplaces pack bobbins, tubes, cones, cheeses or other objects into boxes or cartons on the floor.

Risk factors Risk controlsSustained or repetitive

• Bending the back forwards more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Twisting, turning and grabbing actions with the fingers, hands or arms

• Excessive bending of the wrist

• Lifting or lowering

• Gripping with the fingers held wide apart

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

• Standing with most of the body’s weight on one leg

Long duration

High force

• Using a pinch-grip or an open-handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Moving product into a carton pallet often requires bending, twisting and reaching

Alter the workplace

• Place the box or carton on a stand to raise the working height to between mid thigh and shoulder height and allow access to all sides of the box to reduce forward bending and reaching

• Place the box on a table to reduce forward bending and reaching. A tilted work surface or table can reduce excessive wrist bending

Use mechanical aids

• Use a raised fixed-height or height adjustable trolley. Consider using rollers on the trolley surface if the product is not on a pallet and needs to be moved again

This fixed-height trolley keeps the load between mid thigh and shoulder height and allows access to three sides of the load to reduce forward bending and reaching

• Use a turntable on a pallet lifter to bring items closer to the operator and reduce forward bending, reaching and exertion of force in an awkward posture

A turntable on a pallet lifter enables this pallet of sacks to be raised and turned. This improves posture and reduces forces

Alter systems of work

• Introduce appropriately designed job rotation in combination with other risk controls to reduce exposure to hazardous repetitive wrist and forearm postures

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 7

Fact sheets

Lifting bumps or biscuits from floor levelRepetitive lifting of bumps or biscuits from the floor or bale bag to a container or conveyor involves hazardous manual handling. This is sometimes performed in the dyehouse or whilst loading wool for blending or scouring.

Risk factors Risk controlsSustained or repetitive

• Bending the back forwards more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Lifting or lowering

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

High force

• Applying sudden or unexpected forces

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Repetitive lifting of bumps from the floor in the dyehouse

Alter the workplace

• Open the bale bag onto a table to reduce forward bending of the back to pick up bumps or biscuits

Use mechanical aids

• Put the bale bag inside a caged trolley with a spring loaded system to keep the load at a constant height

• Have bumps delivered in feed cylinders with spring loaded bases

The bumps are now delivered in feed cylinders with spring loaded bases. This reduces forward bending of the back, lifting and the exertion of force in awkward postures

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 8

Fact sheets

Loading boxes onto a palletMany workplaces hand stack boxes onto pallets on the floor. Sometimes the boxes are large, heavy and awkward in size.

Risk factors Risk controlsSustained or repetitive

• Bending the back forwards and twisting more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Lifting or lowering

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

High force

• Using a finger-grip or an open-handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Two or more people need to be assigned to handle a heavy or bulky load

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Team handling of heavy boxes

Alter the workplace

• Extend a conveyor or use an extension roller surface to reduce carrying distances

This conveyor reduces carrying of heavy loads

• Place the pallet on a stand to raise the working height to between mid thigh and shoulder height and allow access to all sides of the pallet to reduce forward reaching and forward back bending

Use mechanical aids

• Use a rotating self height adjusting palletiser to reduce the need to bend and reach forward to position boxes or sacks on the pallet

A turntable on a pallet lifter enables this pallet of sacks to be raised and turned. This improves postures and reduces forces

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 9

Fact sheets

Loading and unloading machines above shoulder heightCreel machines usually have several long rows, some of which can be above shoulder height.

Risk factors Risk controlsRepetitive or sustained

• Backward bending of the back more than 5 degrees

• Bending the head backwards more than 5 degrees

• Working with one or both hands above shoulder height

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Gripping with the fingers pinched together or held wide apart

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

High force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Pushing or pulling objects that are hard to move or stop

• Using a finger-grip or an open-handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Lifting bobbins above shoulder height to place onto creels

Alter the workplace

• Reduce the height of the machine or creels so that the work doesn’t need to be performed above shoulder height

Lowering the height of the top row of the creel

A purpose built scissor lift allows high placed objects to be reached with less risk

Use mechanical aids

• Use a height adjustable scissor lift to enable all lifting at a better height

• Design a single or multi bobbin lifter

A height adjustable, moveable bobbin lifter

• Use fixed height platforms to allow better access to the creel

Fixed height, moveable platform

Alter the systems of work

• Introduce appropriately designed job rotation in combination with other risk control measures to reduce Exposure to repetitive wrist and hand movements

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 10

Bending whilst loading and unloading machinesMany workplaces require machines to be loaded or unloaded. Frequently this involves bending to put on or take off bobbins, tubes, cones or other objects and awkward wrist or hand postures.

Risk factors Risk controlsRepetitive or sustained

• Bending the back forwards or sideways more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Gripping with the fingers pinched together or held wide apart

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

High force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Using a finger-grip or an open-handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Designs which place objects low down can result in hazardous manual handling

Use mechanical aids

• Increase the height of the machine or use individual pneumatic lifters to increase heights while loading or unloading

A pneumatic system raises the height when loading the creel

A close up view of the pneumatic system

• Design a single or multi bobbin lifter

This mechanical lifter uses an overhead gantry system

An automated system to lift the bobbins out from under the machine

Alter the systems of work

• Introduce appropriately designed job rotation in combination with other risk controls to reduce exposure to repetitive wrist and hand movements

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 11

Threading above shoulder heightThreading machines often requires sustained work above shoulder height.

Risk factors Risk controlsRepetitive or sustained

• Backward bending of the back by more than 5 degrees

• Bending the head backwards by more than 5 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Working with one or both hands above shoulder height

• Lifting or lowering

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

Above shoulder height threading involves awkward postures

Alter the workplace

• Providing a work platform to raise the operator reduces work with hands above shoulder height and reduces sustained backward bending of the neck

A raised work platform raises the operator and reduces manual handling risks

Provide mechanical aids

• Provide an adjustable height platform to raise the operator and reduce sustained backward bending of the neck and work with hands above shoulder height

• Provide a fixed height moveable platform with a braking system and a handle that incorporates a handrail to prevent falls

Alter the systems of work

• Introduce appropriately designed job rotation in combination with other risk controls

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 12

Lifting product on and off scalesLifting product on and off scales involves repetitive lifting and often involves unnecessary double handling.

Risk factors Risk controlsSustained or repetitive

• Bending the back forwards and twisting more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Lifting or lowering

• Gripping with the fingers held wide apart

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

High force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

Lifting product from the floor to the weighing scales involves unnecessary double handling

Alter the workplace

• Ensure that scales are at the same height as the pick up and delivery points. This may mean using self height adjusting palletisers. This should enable employees to move product without forward bending of the back

Use mechanical aids

• Incorporate a trolley and scales to eliminate double handling the product on and off the scales

This large weigh station takes into account the weight of the trolley

• Use a pallet-jack or hand pallet truck with built-in weighing scales

• Incorporate a conveyor with a built-in weigh station

A conveyor with a built-in weigh station means the product doesn’t have to be lifted on and off. Double handling is eliminated

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 13

Handling long rolls of fabricRolls of fabric or carpet are often awkward shapes to handle in the workplace. Frequently, handling involves team lifting.

Risk factors Risk controlsSustained or repetitive

• Bending the back forwards more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Lifting or lowering

• Gripping with the fingers held wide apart

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

High force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Two or more people need to be assigned to handle a heavy or bulky load

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Team lifting long rolls

Alter the workplace

• Ensure that workstations are at a suitable height so that employees do not have to bend to reach rolls

Use mechanical aids

• Use roller conveyors to connect workstations and move rolls on boards. This will eliminate the need to lift rolls and enable employees to push/pull them easily between workstations

• Use an overhead crane to eliminate lifting

An overhead crane can eliminate manual lifting

• Install hydraulic lifting arms on machines to handle rolls

Hydraulic lifting arms can eliminate manual lifting

A probe lifter attachment on a forklift can eliminate manual lifting

• Use a tilting roll trolley or a long handle lever trolley which slides under a roll, to move rolls between workstations

• Use a forklift with drum grabber appropriate for the load

• Use a probe lifter to move the roll supporting it through the core. This reduces the application of force in an awkward posture and enables the task to be performed by one employee

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 14

Handling heavy rolls of fabricHandling heavy rolls of fabric or carpet involves high force, often with awkward postures.

Risk factors Risk controlsHigh force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Two or more people need to be assigned to handle a heavy or large load

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Team pushing large, heavy rolls of fabric

Changing the things used in the hazardous manual handling

• Install a roll barrier onto a pallet to allow the forklift to transport rolls on the pallet

This pallet has been modified with a roll barrier to prevent contact with grease from the forklift mast. Previously rolls were handled manually to keep them clean.

Use mechanical aids

• Use automated push off systems to move the rolls

This automated push-off system eliminates hazardous manual handling

• Use an overhead crane to move rolls

• Use a tilting roll trolley or a long handle lever trolley which slides under a roll, to move rolls between workstations

• Use a forklift with drum grabber appropriate for the load

• Use a probe lifter to move the roll supporting it through the core

Use a probe lifter attachment to move rolls. This reduces the application of force in an awkward posture and enables the task to be performed by one employee

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 15

Storing rolls of cloth at lower levelsSome storage racks require the operator to repeatedly obtain rolls of cloth from either floor level or above shoulder height.

Risk factors Risk controlsRepetitive or sustained

• Bending the back more than 20 degrees

• Working with one or both hands above shoulder height

• Reaching forward or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

High force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Applying uneven, fast or jerky forces during lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling

• Two or more people need to be assigned to handle a heavy or large load

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Pulling rolls of cloth above shoulder height involves high force while in an awkward posture

Change the things used in the hazardous manual handling

• Reduce the forces required to store and retrieve the rolls by storing materials inside larger tubes

• Store rolls in containers that can be moved from under racking and lifted with mechanical aids to an appropriate height for storing and retrieving

By storing rolls inside larger tubes, the forces required to store and retrieve the rolls is reduced as they are not stored directly on top of each other

Change the systems of work

• Use a fixed height moveable platform with braking system to allow better access to the rolls

Fixed height moveable platform

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 16

Storing rolls of cloth at high levelsHigh level storage racks require the operator to climb or descend a ladder while holding onto a roll of cloth. This involves potential fall hazards and hazardous manual handling.

Risk factors Risk controlsRepetitive or sustained

• Bending the back more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forward or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

• Working above shoulder height

Long duration

High force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Applying uneven, fast or jerky forces during lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling

• Two or more people need to be assigned to handle a heavy or bulky load

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

This work practice is unsafe due to the risk of falling, as well as involving hazardous manual handling

Use mechanical aids

• Use a forklift to bring the stillage to ground level

• Use an elevated work platform to take the person to the rolls of cloth

The elevated work platform enables the employee to retrieve or store the rolls from a good working height. For long rolls of cloth, appropriate storage facilities on the elevating work platform are highly recommended

• Use a height adjustable platform with stillage area to take the person to the rolls of cloth

This type of scissor lift could be utilised for storing and retrieving rolls of cloth

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 17

Handling large drumsManually rolling and tipping 200 litre drums still occurs in some workplaces.

Risk factors Risk controlsHigh force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Applying uneven, fast or jerky forces during lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling

• Pushing or pulling objects that are hard to move or to stop

• Using finger grip, pinch grip or open handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Holding, supporting or restraining a heavy object

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

• Two or more people need to be assigned to handle a heavy or bulky load

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

Handling 200 litre drums involves hazardous manual handling due to the postures adopted and the high forces required

Change the things used in the hazardous manual handling

• Obtain liquid supplies in bulk containers. Supply can be piped direct to the process or small quantities can be decanted as needed. This eliminates the handling of drums and reduces the force involved by handling the liquid in smaller containers

Use mechanical aids

• Provide drum handling equipment

Provide drum handling equipment to reduce the exertion of force in awkward back, wrist or hand postures when moving drums

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 18

Handling liquid containersLifting and handling 20 litre or other large containers may involve high force risk factors.

Risk factors Risk controlsHigh force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Applying uneven, fast or jerky forces during lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling

• Using finger grip, pinch grip or open handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Holding, supporting or restraining a heavy object

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

Lifting and pouring from 20 litre containers above shoulder height

Change the things used in the hazardous manual handling

• Reduce the size of the containers to reduce the force required

Reducing the container size and the weight involved reduces the force required

Alter the workplace

• Install an automated dispensing system throughout the plant

Installing an automated dispensing system eliminates the need to manually pour liquid

Use mechanical aids

• Place the container on a trolley that can be rolled into position or tilted to reduce bending and twisting and the application of high force in awkward postures

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 19

Fact sheets

Removing bale bagsUsing a bale attachment for inverting four bales at a time has reduced risk associated with hazardous manual handling, however, sometimes the bale bags can fall from the forklift attachment and lifting and pulling is required to get the bale bag out.

Risk factors Risk controlsHigh force

• Applying uneven, fast or jerky forces during lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling

• Applying sudden or unexpected forces

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Reaching in and retrieving dropped bale bags can involve high force. Ensure that the conveyor is effectively isolated

Change the things used in the hazardous manual handling

• Use a hook attached to the forklift bale handler so that the forklift can be used to remove the bale bags. Refer to the manufacturer for guidance if alterations to plant are to be made

Using the correct hook and chain attachment, the forklift can retrieve bale bags, eliminating hazardous manual handling

Close up of hook attachment

Alter the systems of work

• Ensure proper maintenance of the spikes on the inside of the forklift bale handler

Information, instruction and training

• Ensure all operators are trained in the set-up procedure to minimise the number of falling bale bags

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 20

Handling full beamsHandling full beams involves standing them on end and manually lifting them onto a standard pallet so they can be moved with a forklift or pallet jack.

Risk factors Risk controlsHigh force

• Lifting, lowering or carrying heavy loads

• Pushing or pulling objects that are hard to move or stop

• Using a finger-grip or an open-handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

Re-orienting a heavy beam to place it on a pallet involves high force risk factors

Use mechanical aids

• Use a sling on a powered floor crane to remove the full beam from the machine. This will eliminate the high force required and reduce the need for team handling

• Use a roll carrier on a forklift to eliminate the high force required to team lift beams

The correct probe attachment on a forklift will eliminate the high force risk associated with handling very heavy objects

• Use a ‘cradle’ pallet to transport the beams. This eliminates the need to turn the beams from horizontal to vertical orientation. It also enables the use of a sling and a crane or a forklift to lift and move the beams to the cradle pallet. The exertion of high force in awkward postures while lifting, turning, pushing and pulling the beams is eliminated

Stackable pallets designed to handle beams

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 21

Fact sheets

Handling trolleysHigh force or sustained forces can be required to move trolleys, especially if regular maintenance of wheels, castors and bearings is not undertaken. Poor handle orientation and design can contribute to hazardous manual handling.

Risk factors Risk controlsRepetitive or sustained

• Bending the back forwards or sideways more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Twisting and turning actions with the hands or arms

• Excessive bending of the wrist

• Exerting force with one hand or one side of the body

• Exerting force while in an awkward posture

Long duration

High force

• Applying uneven, fast or jerky forces during pushing or pulling

• Pushing or pulling objects that are hard to move or to stop

• Using a finger-grip or an open-handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

Pushing trolleys can result in risk associated with hazardous manual handling if there is poor handle placement, an inadequate maintenance regime or poor floor surfaces

Change the things used in the hazardous manual handling

• Ensure trolleys are designed with suitable handle design and position, including height, width, diameter and configuration to allow for a more neutral wrist and forearm posture and to reduce awkward back postures. Vertical handles can cater for employees of different height

Better handle design fits a wider range of users

• Ensure trolleys have suitable wheels for the terrain and that they are regularly cleaned and maintained. Large wheels or castors with low-friction bearings are used to reduce force. The configuration of the wheels and the placement of fixed versus swivel wheels on the trolley can also help to reduce force

• Ensure trolleys are equipped with suitable hand brakes where ramps are used

Alter the workplace environment

• Ensure floor surfaces are even and free of obstacles to reduce the incidence of uneven, fast or jerky forces during pushing and pulling

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 22

Moving heavy trolleysHigh forces are required when trolleys are fully loaded. The further the trolley needs to be moved the longer the high forces are sustained.

Risk factors Risk controlsHigh force

• Applying uneven, fast or jerky forces during pushing or pulling

• Pushing or pulling objects that are hard to move or to stop

• Using a finger-grip or an open-handed grip to handle a heavy or large load

• Holding, supporting or restraining a heavy object

• Exerting high force while in an awkward posture

• Stronger employees are assigned to do the task

The use of high force to push a heavy trolley can be hazardous

Use mechanical aids

• Use a tug to mechanically power the attached trolley

Eliminating the high force in this hazardous manual handling

• Use a forklift or powered pallet truck to move the load

Some loads can only be moved by forklifts

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 23

InspectingInspection tasks involve long periods of time looking down at fabric and sometimes involve throwing pieces of material onto a table.

Risk factors Risk controlsRepetitive or sustained

• Bending the back forwards or sideways more than 20 degrees

• Bending the neck forwards more than 20 degrees

• Reaching forwards or sideways more than 30cm from the body

• Working with one or both hands above shoulder height

Long duration

High force

• Applying fast or jerky forces during lifting

• Throwing or catching

Sustained forward bending and reaching is hazardous manual handling

Alter the workplace

• Provide options for sitting or standing or adjustable sit/stand seating to reduce forward reaching and forward bending of the neck and back. Anti-fatigue matting or foot rests for prolonged standing work can improve working postures

An angled work surface reduces forward bending of the back and neck

A seat provides options for both sitting and standing

Provide mechanical aids

• Provide an adjustable angle table like a drafting board, to support items being inspected to reduce bending of the back and neck and reduce work at or above shoulder height. Providing a clamp so that the item remains stable when the table is tilted will also reduce the need for throwing the item on the table and the application of fast or jerky forces

Alter the workplace environment

• Provide an alternative lighting colour or lamp design to highlight faults in the thread or material and to reduce glare from the light source, or investigate whether lighting from underneath would make fault detection easier. This will assist in reducing sustained forward neck bending

Alter systems of work

• Introduce job rotation in combination with other risk controls to provide postural variety and reduce exposure to sustained awkward postures, especially forward bending of the neck and back

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and the Hazardous Manual Handling Compliance Code 2017

Fact sheets

WorkSafe Victoria Hazardous manual handling solutions in the textile industry 24

WorkSafe Victoria would like to acknowledge the following contributors to this publication:

Textiles Industry Stakeholder ForumAustralian Industry Group

Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Textiles, Clothing & Footwear Union of Australia

Council of Textile and Fashion

Industries of Australia Ltd

Victorian Trades Hall Council

OrganisationsBradmill Undare Group

Caprice Australia Pty Ltd

Australian Country Spinners Pty Ltd

Electronik Fabric Makers

Feltex Australia Pty Ltd

Fibremakers Australia Pty Ltd

Geelong Wool Combing Ltd

Melbourne Scouring Company

Riverside Textiles Pty Ltd

Techni-Fleece Industries

Visypak Industrial Textiles

Special thanks to all who participated in the publication development workshops.

WorkSafe Victoria also acknowledges Materials Handling Pty Ltd, Workplace Safety Services and Instant Access for permission to use their images in this guide.

WorkSafe Victoria

WorkSafe Victoria offers a complete range of health and safety services.

• Emergency response

• Advice, information and education

• Inspections and audits

• Licensing and certification

• Publications


WorkSafe Victoria

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Agent contact details are all available at worksafe.vic.gov.au/agents

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