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Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif RAHNUMAYE SALIK Guideline for the Spiritual Seeker Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif (db) Khanqah Shamsia, Khayaban-e-Hafiz, Karachi Web address: www.islahenafs.org Mobile/Whatsapp: +92 345 2123881 Youtube: Islahenafs - Shaykh Humayun Hanif
  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif



    Guideline for the

    Spiritual Seeker

    Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif (db)

    Khanqah Shamsia, Khayaban-e-Hafiz, Karachi

    Web address: www.islahenafs.org

    Mobile/Whatsapp: +92 345 2123881

    Youtube: Islahenafs - Shaykh Humayun Hanif

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    List of Contents

    Rahnumaye Salik 4

    Guideline for the Spiritual Seeker 4

    1. Wuqoof e Qalbi 4

    (Cognizance of the Heart) 4

    a. True Cognizance 5

    b. Importance of Wuqoof e Qalbi? 6

    2. Muraqabah (Meditation) 7

    a. How to Perform Muraqabah in the Naqshbandi Order? 8

    b. Importance of Muraqabah 10

    c. Upholding Shariah and Sunnah 11

    3. Tasbeehaat (Remembrance) 12

    4. Shajrah (Hierarchy of the Spiritual Order) 13

    5. Raabita(Communication with the Shaykh) 23

    6. Aadaab (Etiquettes with the Shaykh) 24

    a. Seeking Advice 25

    b. Conduct 27

    c. Respect 31

    d. Integrity 42

    e. Etiquettes regarding Communication 45

    7. Sahib e Nisbat (Attaining Constant Love and Connection with Allah) 51

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Diagram for Muraqabah 52

    8. Lessons of the Naqshbandi Order 53

    i. Lesson One: Latifa e Qalb 54

    ii. Lesson Two: Latifa e Rooh 56

    iii. Lesson Three: Latifa e Sirr 57

    iv. Lesson Four: Latifa e Khafi’ 57

    v. Lesson Five: Latifa e Ikhfaa 58

    vi. Lesson Six: Latifa e Nafs 59

    vii. Lesson Seven: Latifa e Qaalbiya 59

    YouTube Guidance from Shaykh Humayun

    Hanif (db) (urdu) 61

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Rahnumaye Salik Guideline for the Spiritual Seeker

    In order to follow the spiritual

    path of the Auliya e karam, the

    following prerequisites must be


    1. Wuqoof e Qalbi

    (Cognizance of the Heart)

    Wuqoof e Qalbi is an Arabic term

    which means ‘halting your heart’.

    In tassawuf, however, it means to

    hold the heart with the

    remembrance of Allah Subhan O

    Taala, so it does not diverge and

    deviate. Wuqoof e Qalbi entails

    the seeker to devoid the heart

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    from any other thought, except

    for Allah Subhan O Taala.

    a. True Cognizance

    True cognizance is achieved by

    recognizing that Allah Subhan

    O Taala is the ‘Ever Watchful

    One’, ‘the Creator’. He is aware

    of all our deeds and actions;

    therefore, one must be

    conscious of his conduct. It

    involves the constant awareness

    of the spiritual heart, being the

    focus of perception, thoughts

    and feelings, towards Allah

    Subhan O Taala, at all times.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    b. Importance of Wuqoof e Qalbi?

    The course of everyday living

    can muster vain ideas and

    inane thoughts, therefore, due

    practice of the cognizance of

    heart is vital to obliterate such

    meaningless thoughts. Once,

    the seeker is able to

    concentrate his heart towards

    his Creator, the true cognizance

    of Allah Subhan O Taala is

    achieved. Initially, it may seem

    difficult, but becomes a second

    nature, over time.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    2. Muraqabah (Meditation)

    Meditation is called Muraqabah in

    Arabic, derived from the word

    Raqibun, meaning, the watchful

    one or the vigilant. ‘Ar Raqib’ is

    one of Allah Subhan O Taala’s

    attributes meaning, ‘the One Who

    is Ever Watchful’. Therefore,

    Muraqabah means an act of

    guarding the heart and mind.

    Muraqabah in Naqshbandi Order

    means to watch over or to keep

    an eye. It implies that the seeker

    takes care of his spiritual heart

    and truly believes that he is

    under the constant watch of the

    ‘Ever watchful One’, being Allah.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    a. How to Perform Muraqabah in the Naqshbandi Order?

    The seeker must choose a

    specific time, free from any

    distractions, on a daily basis.

    Mobile phones and any other

    form of interaction should be

    restricted. It is recommended to

    meditate with an empty

    stomach or few hours after a

    meal. The seeker is advised to

    perform Wudu and sit as per

    Sunnah or cross legged, facing

    towards Qiblah, for at least 45

    minutes. The seeker must close

    his eyes and mouth and try

    breathing through the nose. All

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    thoughts must emphasize

    towards the heart, which in

    turn should concentrate

    towards Allah.

    The seeker should reflect on

    Allah Subhan O Taala, The

    Almighty, with all His

    attributes, free from any flaws.

    With these thoughts in mind,

    the seeker should imagine that

    the light is emanating from

    Allah Subhan O Taala to the

    blessed heart of Allah’s Last

    Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص and through the

    hearts of the Naqshbandi

    Mashaikh towards his heart.

    This is to be visualized for a

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    few seconds only. Then, the

    seeker should envision that his

    heart is being enlightened and

    purified from any impurities

    and humming Ism- e- Zaat

    Allah, Allah, Allah, while the

    seeker is listening to it.

    b. Importance of Muraqabah

    Meditation is considered an

    integral part of the spiritual

    path, especially the Naqshbandi

    Order. It leads the seeker to

    watch over his spiritual heart

    and attain the true love of Allah

    Subhan O Taala.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    c. Upholding Shariah and Sunnah

    It is imperative to maintain

    Shariah and uphold Sunnah.

    The seeker must perform the

    five obligatory prayers and daily

    recital of the Quran. Conscious

    effort should be established to

    abide by the Shariah and

    embrace the Sunnah. This

    includes keeping the beard,

    wearing Hijab etc. and

    abstaining from any evil as

    smoking, music and


  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    3. Tasbeehaat (Remembrance)

    The following tasbeehat must

    be performed 100 times each,

    twice daily. The set of four

    must be performed once after

    Fajr, to be repeated after


    هِ ُب اِل یْ ُکلِِّ ذ ْنٍب وَّ ا تُوْ ْست ْغِفُرہللا ت ع الٰی ربِِّْی ِمْن ا .i

    لِِّ ع ل مَّ ا لٰلھُ ع ل یٰ ص ٍد وَّ مَّ ٍد وَّ یٰ س یِِِّدن ا ُمح مَّ یِِِّدن ا ُمح لِِّمْ ب ارِ آِل س س ْك و .ii

    َل اِٰله اَِّلَّ ہللاُ و ہللاُ ا ك ِ و ْمُد ّلِِلہ اْلح ان ہللِا و ب رُ ُسْبح .iii

    آخر میں صرف ایک مرتبہ

    َّل ۃ اَِّلَّ بِ و َّل قُوَّ ْول و اْلع ِظْیمِ ہلِل اْلع ِلِیِّ اح

    ُد رَّ ُسْوُل ہللاِ مَّ َل اِٰله اَِّلَّ ہللاُ ُمح .iv

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    4. Shajrah (Hierarchy of the

    Spiritual Order)

    The following is the noble

    hierarchy of the spiritual order;

    Bismillah hirRahman nirRaheem

    Allahumma sallee a’la

    Sayyedina Muhammadinv

    wa’laa aali sayyidina

    Muhammadinv wabaarik

    wasalim, bi adadi kulli

    shayinm ma’loomin lak.

    01. Elahi behurmate Shafi ul

    Muznebeena Rahmatul lil

    Aalameena Sayyedena

    Muhammad ir Rasulilah Sallal

    lahu Alaihi Wassalam (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    02. Elahi behurmate Khaleefat e

    Rasul Allah, Sayyedena Ameer

    ul Momineen Abi Bakr nis Siddiq

    ہللاا عنه) ضير )

    03. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Sahib e Rasul Allah Hazrat

    Salman Farsi (ضير ہللا عنه )

    04. Elahi behurmate

    Sayyedena Al Imam al

    Qasim (رحمۃ ہللا علیہ)

    05. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Imam Ajjafar Sadiq مۃ رح

    علیہ ہللا

    06. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Bayazeed nil Bustami ۃ ہللا علیہرحم

    07. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Abi Al Hasan al Kharqani ہللا رحمۃ


    08. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Abi Al Qasim Gorgani حمۃہللا علیہر

    10. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena Ali

    nil Farmadi حمۃہللا علیہر

    11. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena abi

    Yusuf al Hamdani حمۃہللا علیہر

    12. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Abdul Khaliq

    Ghajdwani حمۃہللا علیہر

    13. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad

    Arif nir Riogri حمۃہللا علیہر

    14. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Mehmood nil

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Faghnavi حمۃہللا علیہر

    15. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Azizane Ali nir

    Raamitni حمۃہللا علیہر

    16. Hazrat Khawaja Sayyedena

    Baba As Samasi حمۃہللا علیہر

    17. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Ameer nil Kulaal حمۃہللا علیہر

    18. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Shaykh al Mashaikh

    Muhammad Bahauddin

    Naqshband al Bukhari حمۃہللا علیہر

    19. Elahi behurmate Hazrat

    Ala’uddin al Attar حمۃہللا علیہر

    20. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Yaqoob as

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Sarkhi حمۃہللا علیہر

    21. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Ubaidullah Al

    Ahrar حمۃہللا علیہر

    22. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Muhammad niz Zahid حمۃہللا علیہر

    23. Elahi behurmate Sayyedena

    Darvaish Muhammad حمۃہللا علیہر

    24. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad nil

    Amkangi حمۃہللا علیہر

    25. Elahi Behurmate Syyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad nil

    Baqibillah حمۃہللا علیہر

    26. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena o

    Maulana Ahmad AlFaruqi as

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Sirhindi حمۃہللا علیہر

    27. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Muhammad nil Masoom حمۃہللا ر


    28. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Khawaja Saifuddin

    حمۃہللا علیہر

    29. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Muhammad Mohsin Ad Dahalvi

    حمۃہللا علیہر

    30. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Nur Muhammad Al Badayoni

    حمۃہللا علیہر

    31. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Mirza Mazhar Janejana حمۃہللا ر


  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    32. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Ghulam Ali Ad Dahalvi حمۃہللا علیہر

    33. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Abu Sa’eed nil Ahmad حمۃہللا علیہر

    34. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Ahmad Saeed nil Madani

    حمةر ہللا علیه

    35. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Dost Muhammad nil Qandhari

    حمۃہللا علیہر

    36. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Muhammad Usman ad Daamani

    حمۃہللا علیہر

    37. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Muhammad Sirajuddin حمۃہللا علیہر

    38. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Muhammad Fazal Ali Qureshi

    حمۃہللا علیہر

    39. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor al

    Abbassi al Madani حمۃہللا علیہر

    Wa Noor Ul Allahu Marqadahu

    wa A’alallahu darajatihi wa

    nafa’n Allahu bi uloomihi wa Afaz

    a’laina min barakatihi wa

    fauzatihi fid duniya wal akhira

    ameen ya Rabul Alameen

    40. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Abdul Haq al Madni al Abbassi

    حمۃہللا علیہر

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    41. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Maulana Shamsur

    Rehman Al Abbasi (دامت برکاتھم)

    42. Elahi Behurmate Sayyedena

    Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif

    (دامت برکاتھم)

    Irham al haqeer al faqeer (your

    own name) al Naqshbandi al

    Mujjadadi al ghafoori war zuqni

    kamala fi martabatil Ehsaan

    behurmate Sayyedena Adnan wa

    Behurmate Saadaat hadehis

    Silsilatish shareefati min

    Sayyedena Abi Bakr nis Siddique

    Razi Allah Taala Anhu I’lash

    Shaykh Humayun Hanif

    Naqshbandi Mudazillahu aali wa

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    sallal lahu Taala Ala’ khair e

    khalqihi Muhammadin wa Alihi wa

    Ashabihi ajmaeen bi Rahmatihi wa

    howa Arham Ar Raheemeen.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    5. Raabita (Communication with

    the Shaykh)

    In Naqshbandi order, it is

    imperative to seek guidance for

    spiritual and worldly matters

    from the Shaykh. The seeker

    must contact the Shaykh once a

    month, to report his spiritual

    matters and routines. This also

    includes matters pertaining to

    following Shariah and Sunnah.

    One must report all matters

    truthfully, without any

    exaggeration and follow the

    Shaykh’s advice regarding those

    matters. The etiquettes regarding

    calling or visiting, as explained

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    below, have to be strictly followed

    for contacting or visiting the


    6. Aadaab (Etiquettes with the


    The seeker cannot reach his

    destination by following the path

    of spirituality on his own accord.

    It is the duty of the Shaykh to

    connect the seeker with Allah,

    therefore, the seeker must accept

    the Shaykh as his teacher and

    guide and follow him with true

    integrity. Respect and honor for

    the Shaykh and his family is

    detrimental to achieve success on

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    the path of spirituality. The

    following are some of the basics

    that the seeker should abide by in

    regards to etiquettes with his


    a. Seeking Advice

    Hazrat Syed Ali Ma’rz’i رحمۃ ہللا

    said, “The seeker must not علیہ

    involve in any activity or a

    Wazeefa without the prior

    permission of his Shaykh.

    Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi مۃ حر

    said, “The one who ہللا علیہ

    treads this path without a

    true teacher will only mislead

    himself and others.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Whosoever، disrespects the

    spiritual Shaykh, Allah will

    make him detestable amongst


    The seeker should follow the

    Shaykh’s guidance in worldly

    and spiritual matters.

    If the Shaykh’s advice is

    against the seeker’s wish, the

    seeker should still follow and

    trust the wisdom of his


    The seeker must not expect

    miracles from his Shaykh.

    The seeker must not

    question the Shaykh about

    the positive or the negative

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    aspects of the advice.

    The seeker must not present

    his opinion to the Shaykh.

    The seeker should never

    accuse or curse the Shaykh

    for his advice or his words.

    The blessings of the true

    Shaykh would emanate for

    the seeker. Allah Subhan O

    Taala would still bless the

    seeker for his intentions, even

    if there was a misjudgment.

    b. Conduct

    Hazrat Abu Ali Daqaq رحمۃ ہللا

    said, “If the seeker is علیہ

    dissident, the oath is broken,

    therefore, he must renew his

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    oath with the Shaykh.”

    The seeker must conduct at

    his best in front of the


    The seeker must be attentive

    towards his Shaykh and avoid

    indulging in conversation with


    The seeker must obey the

    Shaykh and shall not involve

    in any other matter except for

    the obligatory prayers.

    The seeker must neither

    walk in front of the Shaykh

    nor show his back to the


    The seeker should not talk

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    absurd or ask the Shaykh

    pointless questions.

    The Shaykh is the teacher

    and the guide; therefore, one

    must respect the Shaykh

    even in his absence.

    The seeker must refrain from

    talking in front of his Shaykh.

    Even if the Shaykh is quiet,

    the seeker’s heart still benefits

    from the Shaykh.

    The seeker must not

    perform Dikr or optional

    prayers around his Shaykh

    without his prior permission.

    The seeker shall not use the

    personal utensils of the

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif



    The seeker must not rest at

    the designated place of his

    Shaykh’s rest

    The seeker must observe

    and follow the Shaykh in all

    matters e.g. dressing, ibadah.

    The seeker must not hide his

    spiritual matters from his


    The seeker must be

    extremely respectful and

    never call out to his Shaykh.

    The seekers who are blessed

    to be in the close company of

    their Shaykh must not

    consider themselves superior.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Hazrat Suhaib Roomi رضی ہللا

    and Hazrat Salman Farsi عنہ

    ضی ہللا عنہ ر came from far off

    lands and were blessed

    whereas, Abu Jahal and Abu

    Lahab, even being close, were


    c. Respect

    Shaykh Abdur Rahman ہللا اعلیه

    حمةر said, “The one who finds

    himself resentful towards his

    Shaykh or his brothers in

    oath, must know that Allah

    resents him.”

    The seeker must honor the

    teachers and the family of the


  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    No one has ever reached his

    spiritual destination without

    the love and respect towards


    If anyone claims to

    accentuate without the

    guidance of a true Shaykh, he

    would be considered the

    disciple of Shaytan. In such

    circumstances, any strange

    deeds would be associated

    towards Shaytan only.

    Even though the seeker

    deems a wazeefa beneficial, if

    the Shaykh substitutes it

    with another, the seeker must

    accept it.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Even if the Shaykh looks

    pleased, the seeker must not

    cross his limits and be

    obedient. One must know

    that he is being assessed.

    The seeker must not judge

    the words of the Shaykh with

    his own wisdom.

    The seeker shall never

    consider his obligation

    fulfilled, even if he is utterly

    devoted and spends

    thousands; otherwise he will

    lose his path.

    The love and respect of the

    Shaykh is worth more than

    the optional or Nafli visit to

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Makkah. The seeker reaches

    the Lord of the Ka’ba through

    ones Shaykh which is far

    better than visiting Ka’ba.

    The seeker should visit his

    Shaykh with true integrity,

    even if he is blessed to visit

    him infinitely.

    The person who attained

    spirituality without a true

    Shaykh would be wasted as

    the fruit without a seed

    If the Shaykh accentuates

    his brother in oath more than

    the seeker, the seeker shall

    never be jealous or

    apprehensive of his brother in

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    oath otherwise, the seeker

    would lose his way.

    Just as it is inappropriate to

    associate other than one’s

    own father, it is inappropriate

    to associate with anyone

    other than one’s own Shaykh.

    The seeker must believe that

    the Shaykh is the source of

    blessing from Allah Subhan O

    Taala. The approval of the

    Shaykh constitutes Allah’s

    approval and vice versa.

    The seeker must appreciate

    the spirituality of the Shaykh

    and not be concerned about

    the physical aspects.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    The seeker must not

    begrudge his Shaykh. Even if

    the Shaykh seems indignant,

    the seeker must know that

    the Mashaikh do not avert a

    Muslim for a moment. The

    Shaykh is a guide to the

    seeker and does everything in

    his best interest.

    The seeker shall not

    consider his apparent Ibadah

    better than his Shaykh’s

    Ibadah. He must know that

    one day of the Shaykh’s

    Ibadah is better than a

    thousand days of his own


  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    If the Shaykh is angry, the

    seeker should apologize, even

    if the seeker is unaware of his


    The seeker should consider

    Shaykh’s sleep superior to his

    own Ibadah.

    Hazrat Ali bin Wa’fa, once

    said that the Shaykh is like a

    mirror to the seeker. Once, a

    seeker said to Hazrat

    Bayazeed Bustami رحمۃ ہللا علیہ,

    “My teacher! Last night, I

    saw your face as a pig.”

    Hazrat replied, “Son! I am

    your mirror. Once you purify

    your inner self from all the

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    characteristics of a pig and

    look at me, you will see your

    own true face.”

    Hazrat Shaykh Yousuf

    Aja’mi رحمۃ ہللا علیہ said, “The

    seeker who missed his

    Shaykh’s gathering without a

    valid excuse shall condemn

    himself in front of his

    brothers in oath.”

    The seeker shall not depend

    on the spirituality of his

    forefathers. Remember,

    spirituality is not inherited; it

    has to be earned through

    constant desire and effort.

    A sinful heart cannot follow

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    the truth; therefore, it has to

    be devoid of any evil,

    therefore, the Mashaikh said

    to the seekers, “Bring your

    heart as a clean slate to us”.

    The seeker should honor

    and respect Shaykh’s wife as

    his mother, as per Qur’an,

    “His wives are their mothers”

    If the Shaykh awards

    something for example, cap,

    gown, shoes, Siwaak etc. the

    seeker must not use that for

    commercial purposes. At

    times they have the blessings

    from the Shaykh.

    If by the will of Allah Subhan

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    O Taala, a seeker reaches the

    same status as of his Shaykh,

    he must still honor his

    Shaykh as it was due to his

    Shaykh’s blessings that the

    seeker reached the subject


    The seeker must

    acknowledge every word of

    his Shaykh as true. If the

    seeker is unable to

    comprehend the meanings

    then, he must consider it as

    his own flaw.

    Hazrat Syed Ali bin Wa’fa

    said, “Beware, if the رحمۃ ہللا علیہ

    Shaykh is gracious and be

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    glad if the Shaykh is harsh”.

    When the Shaykh is gracious

    it can still be a trial and when

    Shaykh is harsh it is for the

    best interest of the seeker.

    The seeker shall not expect

    his Shaykh to come to him.

    Once a disciple of Hazrat

    Syed Ali, رحمۃ ہللا علیہ assumed

    that his Shaykh should visit

    him to acknowledge his

    arrival from Hajj. As his wish

    was not granted, he

    begrudged his Shaykh,

    therefore, lost his spirituality.

    The seeker must give

    preference to the

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    requirements of his Shaykh

    and his family. Even, if one

    spends all his money, he is

    still indebted to his Shaykh.

    The Seeker must not stare at

    his Shaykh. One must keep

    his gaze low except for an

    occasional glance.

    d. Integrity

    Hazrat Sahykh Abdul Qadir

    Jilani حمةرہللا اعلیه said, “The one

    who does not believe in his

    Sahykh will never succeed”.

    Hazrat Syed Ali Khawas رحمۃ

    said, “One must ہللا علیہ

    consider his Shaykh’s friends

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    as his friends and his

    Shaykh’s enemies as his own

    enemies, otherwise Shaytan

    would overcome him.”

    The seeker must connect his

    heart towards his Shaykh

    and associate any spirituality

    towards him, even if he

    observes otherwise.

    The seeker shall not try to

    analyse the spiritual status of

    his Shaykh and mind his own


    If the Shaykh ordains the

    seeker to withhold from the

    company of a particular

    scholar, the seeker must

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    cease, otherwise, he will be at


    The seeker must always

    associate all spiritual

    blessings towards his Shaykh.

    Even, if the blessings were

    received from another Shaykh,

    he should still associate those

    towards his own Shaykh;

    otherwise it will be a grave


    As there is one Lord to

    worship and one husband for

    a woman, so is one Shaykh for

    a seeker. If a seeker follows

    more than one Shaykh, he will

    be lost.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    The seeker must not visit

    any other scholar even if he is

    Shaykh’s friend, without the

    prior permission of his

    Shaykh, as it can cause


    If the Shaykh does not

    respond to a visiting Shaykh,

    then the seeker must not

    respond either, as it would be

    detrimental for the seeker.

    e. Etiquettes regarding


    Remember, the seeker has

    one Shaykh, but the Shaykh

    has many seekers.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Once a month, the seeker

    must communicate his

    spiritual matters to the


    If the seeker wishes to

    visit the Shaykh, he must

    make a prior appointment.

    If for any reason, the

    seeker is unable to make it

    to his appointed time; he

    must inform the Shaykh and

    not keep him waiting.

    The seeker must leave as

    and when the Shaykh

    indicates so. At times, the

    Shaykh may not say it

    verbally, but the seeker must

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    understand that the Shaykh

    has other commitments,

    therefore, beg leave once his

    intended discussion is


    During a visit to the

    Shaykh, the seeker must

    ensure that he does not

    extend his visit to an

    unreasonable time. The

    seeker must remember that

    his Shaykh also has other


    If the seeker wishes to

    contact the Shaykh through

    mobile phone applications

    e.g. whatsapp etc. the basic

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    etiquettes of respect and

    honour must still be


    The seeker must not call

    the Shaykh without making

    a prior appointment.

    The seeker shall never

    interrupt the Shaykh during

    his conversation, over the


    The seeker must be

    concise and brief in his

    discussion with the Shaykh.

    While reporting the

    spiritual matters, the seeker

    must be concise. Do

    remember that the Shaykh

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    has traversed the path of

    spirituality and fully

    understands your spiritual


    The seeker must be

    assured that the Shaykh

    would always read or listen

    to the message and would

    only reply or advice, if

    needed. Therefore, if the

    Shaykh had seen the

    seeker’s message and did not

    reply, it means that the

    Shaykh had still performed

    dua and Tawajjuh, but the

    matter is such that it did not

    require a reply.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    The seeker must be

    patient and not send

    reminding messages after

    the first message. If the

    problem requires Shaykh’s

    attention, be assured that

    the Shaykh will reply at his


    For ladies, the same

    etiquettes and the code of

    conduct apply to calling or

    visiting the Shaykh’s family.

    Ladies must never call or

    visit the Shaykh’s family

    without a prior appointment.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    7. Sahib e Nisbat (Attaining

    Constant Love and Connection

    with Allah)

    The true objective of Bait or oath

    is to attain the cognizance of

    Allah. It is achieved when one is

    constantly connected to Allah

    Subhan O Taala.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    Diagram for Muraqabah

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    8. Lessons of the Naqshbandi


    There are thirty five lessons in

    Naqshbandi order. These lessons

    are assigned by the Shaykh

    according to the status of the

    seeker. These are to be practiced

    under the guidance of a Shaykh

    who has traversed through the

    path of spirituality with a Shaykh.

    One must not attempt to practice

    these lessons without the

    guidance and prior permission of

    the Shaykh.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    i. Lesson One: Latifa e Qalb

    The spiritual heart is placed two

    fingers under the left nipple

    towards the arm (see diagram).

    Under the due guidance of the

    Shaykh, the seeker starts the

    Dikr of Allah from Latifa e Qalb.

    The meditation is through the

    heart; therefore, the tongue is to

    touch the palate, so it does not

    move. The seeker must

    concentrate towards Allah

    Subhan O Taala and eliminate

    any other thoughts. In the

    beginning, one may not be able

    to focus, but with due practice

    and the blessings of the Shaykh,

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    it becomes easy to concentrate.

    The purpose of the Muraqabah

    is to kindle the heart with love

    and desire for Allah Subhan O

    Taala, rather than listening to

    the heartbeat. The seeker must

    concentrate that his heart is

    calling out to Allah.

    At the completion of this lesson,

    one overcomes gluttony; hence

    the heart of the seeker can attain

    the true love of Allah and


  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    ii. Lesson Two: Latifa e Rooh

    Latifa e Rooh is placed on the

    right side of the chest, two

    fingers below the right nipple

    (see diagram). The seeker

    focuses on the Latifa e Rooh

    and repeatedly performs Dikr

    of the name Allah, Allah in


    At the completion of this

    lesson, the seeker can control

    his anger and develops


  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    iii. Lesson Three: Latifa e Sirr

    Latifa e Sirr is located two

    fingers from the left nipple,

    towards the chest (see diagram).

    The seeker focuses on this point

    and repeatedly performs Dikr of

    Allah in meditation.

    At the completion of this lesson,

    the seeker is prepared to spend

    money in the name of Allah and

    overcomes greed and


    iv. Lesson Four: Latifa e Khafi’

    Latifa e Khafi’ is located two

    fingers from the right nipple,

    towards the chest (see diagram).

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    The seeker focuses on this point

    and repeatedly performs Dikr of

    Allah in meditation.

    At the completion of this lesson,

    the seeker can overcome


    v. Lesson Five: Latifa e Ikhfaa

    Latifa e Ikhfaa is located in the

    center of the chest (see

    diagram). The seeker focuses on

    this point and repeatedly

    performs Dikr of Allah in


    At the completion of this lesson,

    the seeker can overcome

    egotism and arrogance.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    vi. Lesson Six: Latifa e Nafs

    Latifa e Nafs is at the center of

    the forehead (see diagram). The

    seeker focuses on this point and

    repeatedly performs Dikr of

    Allah in meditation.

    At the completion of this lesson,

    the seeker can overcome conceit

    and egotism.

    vii. Lesson Seven: Latifa e


    Latifa e Qaalbiya is located in

    the center of the head and also

    known as Sultan- ul- Adkar,

    meaning the Foremost

    Remembrance. It represents the

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    four elements i.e. earth, fire,

    water and air. The seeker

    focuses and imagines that his

    whole body is performing Dikr of

    Allah in meditation.

    At the completion of this

    lesson, the whole body along

    with blood and bones

    performs the Dikr of Allah.

  • Rahnumaye Salik Hazrat Shaykh Humayun Hanif


    YouTube Guidance from Shaykh

    Humayun Hanif (db) (urdu) How to perform Muraqabah(English):


    Ma’loomaat for Silsila (Information re. the Path):


    Wuqoof e Qalbi:


    Wuqoof Qalbi explained in more details:


    Wuqoof Qalbi:


    Zikr ki Alamaat or Muraqabah ki haqeeqat:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU lr6WF-nas

    Naqshbandi sabaq #1 Muraqabah:


    On Muraqbah Kia aur Kyun:


    Hum Muraqba Kyun Nahi Kar Patay?


    Muraqba Ki Kefiyaat:


    Rabita e Shaykh:


