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«HB BÜTTE INTER MOUNTAIN, 20, 1901 15 “Wants” In ihi9 ......LADIES" TAILOR-MADE SUITS TO...

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«HB BÜTTE INTER MOUNTAIN, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1901 15 “Wants” In ihi9 IJVTEH M MOVffTAIJ* arm *Rmad by Everybody and Thty Bring 'RES'VLTS, and That* TO hat the ^/TDVETITISER TOanUResults PERSONALS. IF YOU ADVKRTI8K WHAT YOU require you will get what you desire. Everybody read3 the Inter Mountain. EMPLOYMENT. W A N T E D —CO IT A L IA N S, FOR ROCK work; $1.75 and board themselves. Free transportation. St. Paul Employment office, 17 W. Granite street. ’Phone 355. W A N T E D —Y O U N G MAN WANTS board ar.d room In private family. 8, care of Inter Mountain. WANTED—POSITION IN STORE IN or out of town; address G. G., care of this office. POSITION WANTED, BY PRACTICAL up-to-date male nurse; 15 years’ -ex - perience. Address Nurse, this office- YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER wants position. Address B. J. this of- fice. MISCELLANEOUS. WHY DON’T YOU PUT A WANT AD in the Inter Mountain, and see how man answers you get? 8PECIALS 1*0 CLOSE OUT— Ready- mixed paints, all voters: Quarts, 35c. Pints, 25c. Central 2d Hand Store. 33 West Park. GIRL 12 YEARS OLD WISHES TO t;-ke care of children of respectable family. Address Si Inter Mountain. ADVERTISING IN THE INTER Mountain is an Investment not an ex- pense. Results tell the whole story. WANTED CHILDREN TO CAKE FOR 541 Nevada avenue. BUSINESS CHAMSES. FOR SALE—HALF INTEREST IN A Butcher Shop, Grocery, Vegetable and Fruit Stand, doing a good business. P r i c e $f.0li. Chas. L. Smith & Co., 33 West Granite street. FOR SALE—A STORE DOING A Busi- ness of $2,500 to $3,000 a month in good location with lease. Address C. J., Inter Mountain. LADIES" TAILOR-MADE SUITS TO order, oi cheviot, skirt and jacket, latest style, best workmanship, perfect fit guaranteed, $15. Crown Tailoring company, 229 East Park; ’Phone 771B. Steam cleaning (men's suits $2.50 and repairing. Work called for and deliv- ered. A. C. Lyles, manager; F. Man- uell, city salesman. (1) M'RAE & SOLVESON HAVING RE- tlred from business, at 53 W. Park, may be found at room 5, upstairs over their former rtore, where all persons Indebted t othem, will kindly call. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT—THREE-ROOM BRICK, furnished for housekeeping. 909 Dela- ware avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS—FIRST CLASS, newly furnished, Dora block, 129 West Park street. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms tor housekeeping. 118 East Granite. CLAIRVOYANT. OLSON BLOCK, NICELY FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, corner Iron and Wyoming streets. One block from B., A. A P. . FOR S A L E —A GOOD BUGGY AND saddle horse. Enquire at Aetna Sav- ings and Trust Co-, corner Broadway and Main streets. FOR SALE — RESTAURANT AND lodging, 9 rooms. South Arizona. Oechat, 124 W est Park. FIRST-CLASS, MODERN FURNISHED rooms; day, week or month; rent reasonable; on car line. 602 W . P a r k . WANTED—A PARTY WISHES TO pjreha.se a modern house of four to seven rooms. Address H, Inter Moun- tain office, stating price and location. CONSULT THE GREAT ENEGLISH Clairvoyant, palmist, card-reader. He M?ls you how to be successful in all •your undertakings. See him and be ^«Anvinced that he Is the one that wdi till you the truth, and settles all your troubles and love affairs. 58 W- Park. "\Balms correctly read by Claire Clare, gtraduate teacher of the East Indian system of adeptshlp, clairvoyance, heal- 1 hypnotism, mind reading. Pupi:* .»ran teed satisfaction in any of the lit sciences. No. S, South Montana. MEDIUM. HAZEL EAP.LE, SPIRITUAL sdlum. Readings daily. A call on is gifted la.iy convinces the most teaTical. Circles Sunday and Wednes- day evenings. Room 36. over New p. o. Going away—Mme. Guy, the most not- ed medium. Circles Sunday. Tuesday HAUL BROS. New Bee Hive Building. .................................. Ground Floor East Broadway, ! FOR SALE—OR LEASE, 400 ACRES ] good hay land, seeded this year to ; ,,— »V- .iifalfx and clover; 100 acres j good pasture, two good water rights (run never failing supply; ditches in first-class condition; unlimited range, i This is the best cattle or- sheep ranch in the slate. Must be disposed of wdthin the next two weeks; for further par- ticulars apply to W. D. Clark, Butte, City, Montana. THERE IS NO MEDIUM THAT WILL bring buyer and seller together so quickly as a litt leu want ad in the Inter- Mountain. Wc Guarantee The Title* BALT LAKE CITY OFFERS UNUSUAL ! epportunitles at present for real estate, J hotel business, or rooming houses. We have the largest list, and invite corre- spondence. The Realty Co., 227 Main street, Salt Lake C!ty. Utah. JUUST RE SOLD. 2D PIANOS "FISH- er,” “Franklin,” “Ludwig,” "Gilmore,” “Harrington,” ail new. See W. H. Klein, Montana Book Co. MONEY TO L0?>N. MONEY TO LOAN, BY MUTUAL Loan and Savings association. Apply at No. 15 West Broadway. W e Offer Good Values In All Parts Of the City. $1,500—4 room hard finished house sewer, sidewalk and grade taxes paid, on Iowa Av. $1,S50—4 room solid brick on Colo- rado street. $ C00—Fine lot on South Montana street, half cash. $ 700—3 room double ffame. Rent $28. Half cash. 4,700—4 three room modern flats. lo t 42x114. Rents f o r $8S.OO. $3,200—4 room modern house West Broadway, close in; a very- good bargain. $ 400—lot 42xiu0. Placer street a rare bargain. Half cash. $1,050—4 room hard finished house wired for electricity near car line south side. $0,000—7 room modern brick, hot water plant. Look this up at once. $ 650—A n excellent lot for resi- dence on West. Silver. If you contemplate buying cither for home or investment call on us before going- elsewhere, we feel we con satisfy you and will be pleased to show you around. ’£2 and Friday evenings. Park. Room 1, 132 W est MINING APPLICATION NO. 4380. United States Land Office, Helena, Mon- tana, July 11, 1901. Notice is hereby given that William D. Thornton, whose postoffice address Is Butte, Montana, has this day filed hls application for a patent for 844 linear feet, being 457 feet easterly and 387 feet westerly from discovery shaft of the Stuart Lode Mining claim, upon which a notice of intention to apply for a pat- ent was posted on the 26th day of June. 1901, situated in Summit Valley (unor- ganized) mining district, Silver Bow county, state of Montana, designated as Survey No. 6211, ;n Township 3 north, of Range 7 west, being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner, which is aiso Corner No. 1 of Survey No. 5044. in the south side lino of Survey No. 1205, a granite stone set in the ground, with a mound of earth and stone along- side .and marked 1-6211, for Corner No. 1, from which the Vi section corner on the east boundary of Section 17, T. 3 N , MISSOULA, THE BEAUTIFUL. Go Sunday, July 21st Modern Woodmen Excursion, $2.00 round trip; children, $1.00. Tickets fo rsale Saturday at N. P. City Ticket Office until 10:00 p. m Trains leave 7:00 and 8:00 a. m. Return- ing leave Missoula 7:00 and 8:00 p. m. Tickets not good on North Coast Lim- ited. Free Dancing. To whom it i -.ay concern; You are hereby notified that In compli- ance with section 3780 chapter 5, article 1, of the political code of U -4 state of Montana, the board of equalization will be in session, and convene in the office of the county assessor at the court house of Silver Bow county, Montana, from July 15, 1901, to August 12. 1901 in- clusive, upon Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Frida, of each week from the hours of 10 a m, to 12m. and 2 p. m. to 4 p. ra. W. D. CLARK, Chairman. LADIES APPRECIATE FO’JND. F O U N D—A BUNCH OF KEYS. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this ad. COLLECTIONS. BUTTE ADJUSTMENT COMPANY collects bad bills. Try it. 115 N Main. SCAVENGER. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, work promptly attended to. J. Paul, 401 East Mercury. Office, 343 East Park. Telephone 771 A. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. Excursion to Milwaukee .....................$51.70 frichtis sold July 19th and 20th. good rctïirning until August 20 by depositing tic|cet at joint office and payment of 50 Ofcjjjts a d d i tio n a l. -Office 41 North Main St. I J. E. DAWSON, G. A. G:40 SPECIAL 6:40. Qon-.meneing Saturday, June S, special Irajin will leave Butte at 6:40 p. m. daily via I;., a . & P. railway for Mountain 5?i5w Park, returning at 10:30 p. m. -ftdjhnd trip $1.00 High class vaudeville, boating on the lake, dancing and other enfcerti'.inments every evening-. R. 7 W„ bears S. 71 degrees. 35 minutes j f sood remedy, and there Is not any. vir ««-re o f . o t o ,1 *ning LOANS—MONEY TO LOAN AT ti PER cent; no delays. Hall Bros, 46 East Broadway Butt*. ________ ASSAYcR. A. B. ROM BAUER. ASSAYER AND chemist. Successor ta Carney A Hand. 108 North Wyoming .»irett. DYEING AND CLEANING. HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT 10 North Wyoming. HAIRDRESSING. MRS. A. BIRTHRIGHT, HAIR- dressing, manieurs and chiropody par- lors. Scalp treatment a specialty. 110 North Wyoming. LADIES TAILOR. SPIEGEL, THE LADIES’ TAILOR, formally of 42 W. Park, moved to 207. BUFFALO, OH. OK, DON’T SLEEP ON the floor. A good bed. spring and m at- tress only $3.50. Bargain, bargain. Latest kitchen cabinets, new cost $13 00; only $6.00, just fifteen left, going like the fire sale couches which we have been selling at the rate of ten a day. Only thirty of the best ones left. You never wli! have another such a chance. Butte Exchange Furniture Co., 42 W. Broadway, buy, sell, pack, storage, ship and exchange. J. Chauvin Mgr. FOR RENT—ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms. Casey blick, 104 W-:»Granite. FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED front room for gentleman, in private, family. 324 Colorado st. STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRIT- tag. 8. W. Shier, coroner's office. Butte. ANYONE WISHING DRIVING OR saddle horses, call on John Boyle, op- posite Tivoli Brewery. U. S. COMMISSIONER. L. J. PRICE, U. S. COMMISSIONER and Real Estate Agent, Dillon, Mont. Ranch for sale; easy terms. W rite to me. DRESSMAKERS. WEINBERG BROS. & EPSTEIN, manufacturers and dealers in fashion- able ready-to-wear ladies' garments. 45 to 48 Owsley block. FOR RENT—ON WEST SIDE, NICELY furnished front room. Very reason- able. References required. 1007 W. Granite. FOR RENT—ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms. 104 W. Granite. FOR RENT—NEATLY FURNISHED rooms, $8 and $10, 524 E. Galena. __________ FOR RENT. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOMS, MODERN. 869 and 871 South Main street. Apply to H. S. Mellies on premises. DAY AND NIGHT. WHILE YOU ARE either playing or sleeping. If your ad is In the Inter Mountain, it is working for your best Interests. FOR RENT—FGUR-R-OM FLAT, qvire at this office. 1N- PHYSICIANS. DR. G. D. BRYANT. OFFICE 16 W. Broadway, parlors 9 and 1L NOTICE TO CO-OWNERS. H. Ingraham and Ills heirs, exe- , administrators and assigns: You ; ,,(1U|. are hereby notified that I, John F. Rob- j xj... inson. your co-owner, lias in accordance with the provisions of section 2324 of the Revi.-vl Statutes of the United States, ,-expi r,d"d in labor and improvements on die Robinson Quartz Lode mining claim, tbit- sum of $100.00 for the year 1900, as tjujj necessary annual labor thereon, as rSMuUed by law. The said claim is sit- uated in C»mp Creek mining district, Sinter Bow county. Montana, being lhe Claim in which you are the reputed joint owner of an undivided one-sixth interest. And now that you, L. H. Ingraham are hereby notifi.d that if within 90 days after the expiration of this notice by publication, you fail to pay to the under- signed your portion, for the said repre- sentation of the said claim, being $16.66 2-4. according to your real in- terest in said claim, the same will vest In and become the sole property of the undersigned, as provided by law. JOHN F. ROBINSON. Butte. Mont., July 17. 1901. First insertion July 17, 1901 PROPOSALS WANTED. 'Bids will be received by George W. ÎVvin. custodian, up to 6 o'clock p. m. of the-20th day of July, 1901, at the office of the! postmaster for the sinking of seven ti-Wt pits to rock firm enough for founda - tion on the site of the proposed U. S. postoflice building at Butte, Montana. All bidders must submit proposals at a rale per lineal foot of penetration. Drawings and specifications tnay be s^en iat the office of the postmaster. '^iphé right to reject any and all bids i$t reserved. GEORGE W. IRVIN, Custodian. * ' f: I and 31 seconds AV. 8670.2 feet, and run- ning thence N. 73 degrees and 30 minutes E. 844 feet; thence S. 4 degrees and 20 minutes E- 607 feet; thence S. 73 degrees and 30 minutes W. 844 feet; thence N. 4 degrees and 30 minutes AV. 607 feet to the place of beginning, containing an area of 11.50 acres, of which .30 acres are inconflict with Survey No. 3948, in- clusive of Survey No. 5044, not claimed, leaving 11.20 acres claimed by the above- named applicant, ail of which is in con- flict with Survey No. 5044. The location of this claim is of record in the Recorder’s office of Silver Bow county, state of Montana, in Book “R” of Lode Locations, at Page 347. The adjoining claims to these premises are Survey No- 1205, Honolulu Lode, Lot 160, P e t e r Conway applicant, on the north; Survey No. 1154, Zero Lode and Mill Site, Lots 145 A and B, Francis Reece et al. applicants, on the east; Sur- vey No. 3948, Memorial Lode. Andrew J. White et al. applicants, on the west. GEORGE D. GREENE. Register. Samuel Barker, Jr. attorney for ap- plicants. (F'irst publication July 12, 1901.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office, at Helena, Mont.. July 17, 1901: Notice is hereby given that the follow- ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prooff in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the district ourt, at Butte, Mont., on August 24, 1901, vanni Casagranda, for li. E. No. 8290, for tile E. la of the N. AV '. a n d E. 16 of the S. AA '. of Section S, T. 4 N., I-:. S W . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Nat Simon, James Furno, Joseph Luchesi and Pas- quel Simon of Walkerville, Mont. (First publication July 18.) NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- ING. Notice is hereby given that the ninth annual meeting of the stockholders of the Granite Mountain Stock Farm will bo held at the office of the company, at No. 235 AA'est Copper street, in the City of Butte, Montana, on the 3rd day of July, 1901, at Î0 o’clock a. m„ for the purpose of electing a board of trustees to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of any other business that may properly be brought before tha meeting. JOSEPH H. HARPER. Secretary. July 1st, 1901. The stockholders’ meeting called for tha above-named date Is hereby post - poned to meet at the same hour and place on Wednesday, the 24th day of July, 1901. By order of the board of trustees. JOSEPH II. HARPER, Secretary. on the market that equals French Tansy Tablets for the relief and cure of painful and Irregular mense. These tablets remove all obstructions, no mat- ter what the cause. Manufactured by A'. Augendre, Paris, Fiance, and for sals only by the Newbro Drug Co., Butte, Mont., sole agents. Price $2 per box;, sent by mail, securely sealed. p STATE SAYINGS BANK £ John A. Creighton ........ President f. IT W. Stapleton .... Vlca-President j € T. II. Hodgens .................. Cashier $ J. O. Hodgens .......... Asst. Czahlst r B. B. Nuckolls ...... A sst. Cashier Under state supervision nnd Jur- isdiction. Interest paid on de- posits. m Sells exchange available la all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Collection* promptly attended to. Transact general ban king business Directors—J. A. Creighton. Oma- ha, G. W. Stapleton, A. H. Barret, E. D. Levitt, 8. V. Kemper. T. M. Hodgens. J. O. Hodgens. Cor. Main and Park Streets, Butte % \ SSS%SSXKS(X%%SSXSSSSSSXXaé 2 Unes 2 Times One Cent l-tr Word. \2 Unes \2 Times One Cent Per Word. 2 Lines 2 Times One Cen Per Word. 2 Lines 2 Times One Cent Per Word. MINING APPLICATION NO. 4373. U. S- Land Office;, Helena. Montana. May 17. 190L Notice is hereby given that the Parrot Silver & Copper Company, a Corporation existing, under the laws of the State of Montana, by Harry A- Gallwey, its at- torney In fact, wnc-e postofflee address la Butte, Montana, has this day filed its ap- plication for n patent for 44.6 linear feet, being 42 feet easterly nnd 2.6 feet wester- ly from discovery in drift, of the Dart Lode Mining Claim, upon which a notice of intention to apply for a patent was posted on the 14th day of May, 1901, sit- uated in Summit Valley, unorganized. Mining District, Silver Bow County, 8tate of Montana, designated as Sur. No. 6326, in Township 3 North of Range S W., be- ing rnfre particularly described as fol- lows. to-wlt: Beginning at the southeast corner, n point In the north side line of Bur. No* 874, a granite stone set in the ground, with n mound of earth nnd stone along- side, and marked 1-5124 for Cor. No. l, from which the 14 Ses. Cor. ou the east boundary of Sec- 13, T. 3 N., R. 8 AV., bears S. 24 degrees E-. 1914 feet, and run- ning thence N 1 degree 15 minutes W„ 8 feet; thence N 37 degrees 45 minutes W., 44.3 feet; thence S 1 degree 15 minutes B., t feet; thence S. 87 degrees 45 minutes E., 44.3 feet to the place of beginning, con- taining an area of .001 acres, of which .004 neres are In conflict with Sur. No- 2595, not claimed, leaving .004 acres claimed by the above named applicant, all of which Is in conflict with Sur. No. 1244. The location of this claim Is of record la the recorder's office of Silver Bow County, State of Montana, in Book 8 of lode records, at page 292. The adjoining claims to these premiss* are Sur. No. 3595, Grey Eagle No. 3 East lode, lot 571, Parrot Silver & Copper Com- pany applicant, on the north; Sur. No 674. Gold Hill Lod« lot, 65, Heinrich C- Weibbold, applicant <*»: the aouth; Sur No. 644. Washoe Lode, lot 100. Charles S Warren et al applicants on the west. GEORGE D. GREENE, Register, Samuel Barker, Jr., Attorney for Applicants. First publication May 20th, 1901. MINING APPLICATION NO. 4371. U. 8- Land Office.; fic le u . Montana, Ma/ 17, INI. Notice H hereby given that Bernai d Noon and Gertrude Gèhsberger. whot-e postoffice address is Butte City. Montana, have this day filed their application fora patent for 1235.5 linear feet, being 1 foot easterly nnd 1224.5 feet, westerly from the point of discovery over discovery drift of the Little McQueen Lode Mining Claim, upon which a notice of in- tention to apply for n patent was posted on the 7th day of May, 1901, situated in Summit Valley unorganised. Mining Dis- trict, Silver Bow County, State of Mon- tana, designated as Sur. No. 8172. la Township 3 north of Range 7 west, being more particularly described ns follow., to-wit: Beginning at the southeast corner, a quarts stone set In the ground, with a mound of earth alongside, nnd merked 1-6173 for Cor. No- 1, from which tne southeast corner of Sec. I, T. 3 N., R. 7 W., bears S 19 degrees 52 minutes east, 507.5 ft and running thence N 0 degrees 06 minutes W., 662 feet: thence S 82 de- grees 34 minutes W., 1235.5 feet; thence S. 0 degrees 06 minutes E., 602 feet; thence N. 32 degrees 24 minutes 1., 1235.5 feet to the plr.ee of beginning, containing an area of’ 16.935 acres of which 11.630 acres are in conflict with Surveys No. 1,580, 1183, 1579 inolusive of Sura No. 6413 nnd 3436. a ad 4916 inclusive of Bar. No. 3938, lot <?. not claimed, leaving 6.255 acres claimed by the above named applicants, nil of which is in conflict with Sur. No. IMS, lot C, and Sur No. 6656- The location of this claim is of record in the recorder’s office of Silver Bow County, State of Montana, In Book “U” of lode locations on page *82. The adjoining claims to these premises are Sur. Ne. 1580, Golden Hematite Lode on the north; Sur. No- 1182. Iron SiJe Lode on the northeast; Sur. No. 4929, Sin- bad Lode on the east; Sur. No. 1579, Great Republick Lode. Bur. No. 5412. Undine Lode and Sur. No. 3436, Bavaria Placer on the south and Re-Sur. No. 1486, McQueen Placer on the west. GEORGE D. GREENE, Register. Samuel Banter, Jr., Attorney for Applicants. First publication May 20th. 1901. MINING APPLICATION NO. 4377 U. S. Land Office, Helena, Montana, June 27, 1901. Notice is hereby given that Henry Smith and John Hoyland, whose postof- flee address is Butte, Montana, have this day filed their application for a patent for 229-3 linear feet, being 209 feet west- erly and 20.3 feet easterly from discovery shaft of the Kingstella Lode Mining claim, upon which a notice of intention to apply for a patent was posted on the 10th day of June, 1901, situated in Sum- mit Valley, unorganised, Mining District, Silver Bow county, State of Montana, de- signed as Sur. No. 6210, in Township 3 North of range 7 West, being more par- ticularly described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the northwest corner, a quarts stone set in the ground, with a mound of earth and stone alongside, and marked 1-6210 for Cor. No. 1, from which the east cor. of Secs. 8 and 17, T. 3 N., R. 7 AV., bears S. 86 degrees 10 minutes W., 535.3 feet and running thence N 75 de- grees E., 192.5 feet; thence S. 13 degrees 45 minutes E., 321.5 feet; thence 3. 65 degrees 15 minutes W„ 196 feet; thence N. 13 degrees 45 minutes W., 355 feet to the place of beginning, containing an area of 1.49 acres, of which ,TS acres are in conflict with Sur. No. 4854 not claimed. leaving .71 acres claimed by the above named applicants. The location of this claim is of record In the recorder’s office of Silver Boiv , County, State of Montana, in Book T of 1 cu'livation of said land, viz: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Helena, Mont., July 9, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the follow- ing named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before clerk district court Silver Bow county, Mont., at Coifrt House, Butte, Mont., on August 19, 1901. Viz. Edwin L. Hardisty for H. E. No. 12036 for the se se sec 10, e % ne U lot 1, sec. 15, tp 2 s, r 9 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and Lode Locations, at page 98. The adjoining claims to these premises are’Sur. No. 1593, Lillie Lode, lot 220 Ed- ward Hickey, applicant, on the east; Sur. >?•■ 4S54, Rory O'More Lode. Lewis Kauff- man, et al applicants, on the southwest. GEORGE D. GREENE, Register. Samuel Barker, Jr., Attorney for appli- cants. First publication 6-28-1901. Last publication 9-9-1901. Me-- i 8 £ ! VIA CHEAP EXCURSIONS ■JORTHERN PACIFIC RY. 'Tickets to Buffalo for pan-American exposition on sale first and third Tues- days’ each month: rates $64.50 and $66.00 tf>r the round trip. Call at the N. P. riy' city office for rates via the lakes. For Epwworth League meeting at San Francisco, July 18th to 21st, tickets will be sqld at N. P. city office July 7th to 14th inclusive at rate of $50.00 for the round trip; tickets limited to Aug. 31st, aud #111 allow stop-overs. n iffor further Information call on or Write. W. H. MERRIMAN, Geh t Agt., N. P. Ry.. Cor. Park and »Main Sts., Butte. Ifont. Jefferson McCauley, Carl Chrlstinson, Joseph Pair, William Iluut, of Melrose Mont. GEORGE D. GREENE, Register. First publication 7-tO-OV Pan-American Exposition. Northern Pacific Railway excursion tickets sold: August 6th nnd 20th. September 3rd and 17th. October 1st and 15th. Tickets limited to thirty days from date of sale. Rates: $64.50 and 866.00 foi round trip. For further Information -and sleeper reeervatlon call on o write W. H. MERRIMAN. G. A.. Cor. Park nnd Main St.. Butte, Mont r w 9 MA MOOD RESTORED Preav rlptlon 195Q Under State Supervision. & g » Pay3 6 per cent, on savings de- ÿ posits. Interest compounded quar- 3 terly. 5j Pays 6 per cent, on time certlfi- 5 cates ot deposit, not subject to 3 check. si Issues savings certificates on 8 building and loan plan with definite 3 time of maturity and definite pay *5 monts. JS Loans on real estate to be repaid In monthly installments running *5 from on; to ten years, to suit bor- 3 rower. Trustees—Lee Mantle, president; Chas. Schatslein, vice-president; Frank W. Haskins, treasurer; Charles R. Leonard, attorney; A. B. Clements, secretary; F. Aug. Helnze, Henry Mueller, James H. Montelth. Daly Bank and Trust Company Of Butte Established 1883—Incorporated 190L General Banking Business W. W. Dixon .. John D. Ryan C. C. Swlnborne R. A. Kunkel ... ............... President ... Vice-President .................. Cashier Assistant Cashier > W. A. Clark J. Ross Clark f f f . A. CLARK & B R O j I BANKERS Transact General Banking Business £ Before and Aft«.. W ill qut.'kly curu you of nil nertous diseases, sue* as lost manhood, pains In the back, seminal emiwlona, nerv- ous debility, unfitness to marry, ex- hausting drains, Impotency and all us horrora A written guarantee and money refunded if six boxes does not effect a permanent cure. $1 per box. six for 86, by mall, aocurely pa< ketL Manufactured by A. Augendre. Parla Addreee itad mall to Newbro Drug Co.. Sol» A feu ta. Butta, Mrakma. « DR. CHUNG'S Celebrated Herb Sanitar- ium. Guarantees to cure all diseases by means of hls famous Chinese mndl- lü eines, never before intro- duced Into this country. He has cured thousands and can curn you. Advice free. 6 West Galena etreit, Butte, Montana. Buy gold dust, gold bars, silver sjj bullion and local securities. ji Boxes for rent In safe deposit sjj vault. jP Sell exchrngc available In all ot # the principal cities of the United P States and Europe. Special attention given to ccilee- tlons. ALEX J. JOHNSTON. Cashier. £ t. W U r'U rttrW tli X V * * * * \ ‘A WWWWYViWXWMt I FIRSTNATIONAL BANK * n LUTTE, MONTANA. I Capital Stock, $200,000.03 n Andrew J. Bails, President / James A. Talbot. Vice Pres, fi L If. Weirick, Cashier $ Ceo. btevensou, Ass’t Cashier Buys and sells Foreign Exchange nnd issues Travelers’ Letters of . Credit, available in nil parte of j the world. i
Page 1: «HB BÜTTE INTER MOUNTAIN, 20, 1901 15 “Wants” In ihi9 ......LADIES" TAILOR-MADE SUITS TO order, oi cheviot, skirt and jacket, latest style, best workmanship, perfect fit guaranteed,


“W a n ts” In ihi9 IJVTEH M M OVffTAIJ* arm *Rmad by Everybody and Thty Bring 'RES'VLTS, and That* TO hat


IF YOU A D V K R T I8K WHAT YOU re q u ire you will g e t what you d esire . E v e ry b o d y read3 the Inter Mountain.


W A N T E D —CO IT A L IA N S , F O R RO C K w o rk ; $1.75 an d b o a rd th em se lv es. F ree tr a n s p o r ta tio n . S t. P a u l E m p lo y m e n t office, 17 W . G ra n ite s tr e e t . ’P h o n e 355.

W A N T E D —Y OU N G M AN W A N T S b o ard ar.d room In p r iv a te fam ily . 8, c a re of I n te r M oun ta in .

W A N T E D —P O S IT IO N IN S T O R E IN o r o u t o f to w n ; a d d re ss G. G., c a re of th is office.

P O S IT IO N W A N T E D , BY P R A C T IC A L u p - to -d a te m ale n u rs e ; 15 y e a rs ’ -ex­perience . A ddress N urse , th is office-

YOUNG LA D Y S T E N O G R A P H E R w a n ts position . A ddress B. J . th is o f ­fice.


WHY DON’T YOU PUT A WANT AD in the Inter Mountain, and see how man answers you get?

8PECIALS 1*0 CLOSE OUT—R e a d y -mixed paints, all voters: Q u arts , 35c.Pints, 25c.

Central 2d Hand Store. 33 West Park.

G IR L 12 Y EA R S O LD W IS H E S TO t;-ke c a re of ch ild ren of resp ec tab le fam ily . A ddress Si In te r M ounta in .

A D V E R T IS IN G IN T H E IN T E R M o u n ta in is a n In v es tm en t n o t a n ex ­pense. R esu lts te ll th e w hole s to ry .

W A N TED C H IL D R E N TO CA K E FO R 541 N evada avenue.


F O R S A L E —H A L F IN T E R E S T IN A B u tc h e r Shop, G rocery , V ege tab le an d F r u i t S tan d , d o ing a good business . P r ic e $f.0li. C has. L. S m ith & Co., 33 W e st G ra n ite s tre e t.

F O R S A L E —A S T O R E D O IN G A B u s i ­ness of $2,500 to $3,000 a m o n th in good lo ca tio n w ith lease. A d d ress C. J ., I n te r M ounta in .

LA D IES" T A IL O R -M A D E S U IT S TO o rder, o i chev io t, s k i r t a n d ja c k e t, la te s t s ty le , b e s t w o rk m an sh ip , p e rfec t f it g u a ra n te e d , $15. C row n T a ilo r in g com pany , 229 E a s t P a rk ; ’P h o n e 771B. S te a m c lean in g (m e n 's s u its $2.50 an d rep a ir in g . W ork ca lled fo r a n d deliv ­ered . A. C. Lyles, m a n ag e r; F . M an ­uell, c ity sa le sm an . (1)

M 'R A E & SO L V E SO N H A V IN G R E - tlred from bu sin ess , a t 53 W . P a rk , m ay be found a t room 5, u p s ta ir s o v e r th e ir fo rm e r r to re , w here a ll p ersons Indeb ted t o them , w ill k in d ly call.


FOR RENT—THREE-ROOM BRICK, furnished for housekeeping. 909 Dela­ware avenue.

F U R N IS H E D ROOM S—F IR S T CLA SS, n ew ly fu rn ish ed , D o ra b lock , 129 W e s t P a r k s tre e t.

F U R N IS H E D A N D U N F U R N IS H E D room s to r housekeep ing . 118 E a s t G ran ite .


OLSON BLOCK, NICELY FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, corner Iron and Wyoming streets. One block from B., A. A P. .

FO R S A L E —A GOOD BUGGY AND saddle horse. Enquire at Aetna Sav­ings and Trust Co-, corner Broadway and Main streets.

F O R S A L E — R E S T A U R A N T A N D lodging, 9 room s. S o u th A rizona . O echat, 124 W e st P a rk .

F IR S T -C L A S S , M O D E R N F U R N IS H E D room s; day , w eek o r m o n th ; re n t re a so n ab le ; on c a r line. 602 W . P a rk .

W A N T E D —A P A R T Y W IS H E S TO p jre h a .se a m ode rn house of fo u r to seven room s. A d d ress H , I n te r M oun­ta in office, s ta t in g p rice a n d location .

CO N SU LT T H E G R E A T E N E G L IS H C la irv o y an t, p a lm is t, c a rd -re a d e r . H e M?ls you how to b e su cce ss fu l in all

•you r u n d e rta k in g s . See h im a n d be ^«Anvinced t h a t h e Is th e one th a t w di t i l l you th e t r u th , a n d se tt le s a ll yo u r t r o u bles a n d love a ffa irs . 58 W- P a rk .

"\Balms correctly read by Claire Clare, g traduate teacher of the E a s t In d ia n system of adeptshlp, c la irv o y a n ce , hea l- 1 h ypno tism , m ind rea d in g . P upi:*

.»ran teed satisfaction in a n y of th e lit sciences. No. S, S o u th M ontana .


sdlum. R ea d in g s daily . A call on is g ifted la .iy conv inces th e m ost

teaTical. C irc les S u n d ay an d W ednes­d ay even ings. R oom 36. o ver New p . o .

G oing aw a y —M me. G uy, th e m ost n o t­ed m edium . C irc les S u n d ay . T uesday

HAUL BROS.N e w B e e H iv e B u i l d i n g . ..................................G r o u n d F lo o r

E a s t B r o a d w a y ,


F O R S A L E —O R L E A S E , 400 A C R E S ] good h ay land , seeded th is y e a r to ; , , — »V- .iifa lfx a n d c lover; 100 ac re s j good p a s tu re , tw o good w a te r r ig h ts

( r u n n eve r fa iling su p p ly ; d itch es in f irs t-c la s s cond itio n ; u n lim ited ran g e , i T h is is th e b e s t c a tt le or- sheep ran c h in th e s la te . M ust be d isposed of w dthin th e n e x t tw o w eeks; fo r fu r th e r p a r ­t ic u la rs ap p ly to W . D. C la rk , B u tte , C ity , M on tana .

T H E R E IS NO M E D IU M T H A T W IL L b r in g b u y e r a n d se lle r to g e th e r so qu ick ly a s a l i t t leu w a n t a d in th e Inter- M oun ta in .

W c


T h e Title*

BA LT L A K E C ITY O F F E R S U N U S U A L ! e p p o r tu n itle s a t p re s e n t fo r re a l e s ta te , J ho te l business , or room ing houses. W e h a v e th e la rg e s t lis t , a n d in v ite c o rre ­spondence . T he R e a lty Co., 227 M ain s tre e t, S a lt L a k e C!ty . U tah .

JUUST R E SOLD. 2D P IA N O S "F IS H - e r ,” “F ra n k lin ,” “L ud w ig ,” "G ilm ore ,” “ H a r r in g to n ,” ail new . See W . H . K le in , M o n tan a Book Co.


M O N EY TO LO A N, BY M U T U A L L o a n a n d S av in g s a s so c ia tio n . A pply a t No. 15 W e st B roadw ay .

W e Offer

Good Values

In All Parts

Of the City.

$1,500—4 ro o m h a rd fin ished house sew er, s id ew a lk a n d g ra d e ta x e s pa id , on Io w a Av.

$1,S50—4 room solid b r ic k on Colo­rad o s tre e t.

$ C00—F in e lo t on S o u th M o n ta n a s tr e e t, h a lf ca sh .

$ 700—3 room doub le ffam e. R e n t $28. H a lf cash .

4,700—4 th re e room m o d e rn flats.lo t 42x114. R e n ts fo r $8S.OO.

$3,200—4 room m odern ho u se W e st B ro ad w ay , close in ; a very- good b a rg a in .

$ 400—lo t 42xiu0. P la c e r s tr e e t a r a r e b a rg a in . H a lf cash .

$1,050—4 room h a rd fin ished house w ired fo r e le c tr ic ity n e a r c a r line so u th side.

$0,000—7 room m odern b rick , h o t w a te r p la n t. L ook th is up a t once.

$ 650—A n ex cellen t lo t fo r r e s i ­dence on W est. S ilver.

I f you c o n te m p la te b u y in g c i th e r fo r hom e o r in v e s tm e n t ca ll on u s befo re going- e lsew here , we fee l w e con s a tis fy you a n d w ill be p leased to show you a ro u n d .


a n d F rid ay even ings . P a rk .

Room 1, 132 W e st

M IN IN G A P P L IC A T IO N NO. 4380.

U n ited S ta te s L an d Office, H e lena , M on­ta n a , J u ly 11, 1901.N otice is h e reb y g iven th a t W illiam

D. T ho rn to n , w hose postoffice ad d re ss Is B u tte , M on tana , h a s th is day filed h ls a p p lica tio n fo r a p a te n t fo r 844 lin e a r fee t, b e ing 457 fee t e a s te r ly a n d 387 fee t w es te rly from d iscovery s h a f t of th e S tu a r t L ode M in ing claim , upon w hich a no tice of in ten tio n to app ly fo r a p a t ­e n t w as posted on th e 26th d ay of Ju n e . 1901, s itu a te d in S um m it V alley (u n o r ­g an ized ) m in in g d is tr ic t, S ilve r Bow coun ty , s ta te o f M on tana , d es ig n a ted as S u rvey No. 6211, ;n T ow nsh ip 3 n o rth , of R an g e 7 w est, b e ing m ore p a r t ic u la r ly described a s follow s, to -w it:

B eg in n in g a t th e n o rth w e s t corner, w h ich is a iso C o rn er No. 1 of S u rv ey No. 5044. in the so u th s ide lino of S u rv ey No. 1205, a g ra n i te stone se t in th e g round , w ith a m ound of e a r th and s tone a lo n g ­side .and m a rk ed 1-6211, for C o rner No. 1, from w hich th e Vi sec tion co rn e r on th e ea s t b o u n d ary of S ection 17, T. 3 N ,

M ISSO U LA , T H E B E A U T IF U L .Go S unday , J u ly 21st M odern W oodm en

E x cu rsio n , $2.00 ro u n d tr ip ; ch ild ren , $1.00. T ick e ts fo r s a le S a tu rd a y a t N. P . C ity T ick e t Office u n ti l 10:00 p. m T ra in s leave 7:00 a n d 8:00 a. m. R e tu rn ­ing leave M issou la 7:00 a n d 8:00 p. m. T ick e ts no t good on N o rth C oast L im ­ited . F re e D ancing .

T o w hom i t i -.ay concern ;Y ou a re h e re b y no tified th a t In com pli­

ance w ith section 3780 c h a p te r 5, a rt ic le 1, of th e po litica l code o f U -4 s ta te of M on tan a , th e b oard of eq u a liz a tio n w ill be in session , a n d convene in the office o f th e c o u n ty a s se s so r a t th e co u rt house o f S ilve r B ow coun ty , M on tan a , from J u ly 15, 1901, to A u g u st 12. 1901 in ­clusive, upon M onday, T u e sd a y , T h u rs ­d ay a n d F r id a , o f each w eek fro m th e h ou rs of 10 a m , to 12m. a n d 2 p. m . to 4 p. ra. W . D. C L A R K ,

C h a irm a n .



F O U N D—A B U N C H O F K EY S. O w ner can h av e s a m e by p rov ing p ro p e rty and p ay in g fo r th is ad.


B U T T E A D JU S T M E N T CO M PA NY collects bad bills. T ry it. 115 N M ain.


S A T I S F A C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D , w ork p ro m p tly a t te n d e d to. J . P au l, 401 E a s t M ercury . Office, 343 E a s t P a rk . T e lephone 771 A.

G R E A T N O R T H E R N R A IL W A Y .

E xcu rsion to M ilw au k e e .....................$51.70fr ic h tis sold J u ly 19th a n d 20th. good

rc tïirn in g u n til A u g u st 20 by depositing t i c | cet a t jo in t office an d p ay m en t of 50 Ofcjjjts ad d itiona l.-Office 41 N o rth M ain St.

I J . E . D A W SO N , G. A.

G:40 SPECIAL 6:40.Qon-.meneing S a tu rd a y , J u n e S, special

Irajin will leave B u tte a t 6:40 p. m. daily v ia I;., a . & P. ra ilw a y fo r M ountain 5?i5w P a rk , r e tu rn in g a t 10:30 p. m. -ftdjhnd trip $1.00 H ig h c lass vaudeville , b o a tin g on th e lake, d an c in g an d o ther enfcerti'.inments ev e ry evening-.

R . 7 W „ b ea rs S. 71 degrees. 35 m in u tes j f sood rem edy, a n d th e re Is n o t any. vir ««-re o f .o t o ,1 *ning

L O A N S—M O N EY TO LO A N A T ti P E R cent; no delays. Hall Bros, 46 East Broadway Butt*.

________ ASSAYcR.

A. B. ROM B A U E R . A SSA Y E R AND chemist. S uccessor ta Carney A Hand. 108 N o rth W yom ing .»irett.


H A T S C L E A N E D A N D B L O C K E D A T 10 N o rth W yom ing.


MRS. A. BIRTHRIGHT, HAIR- dressing, manieurs and chiropody par­lors. Scalp treatment a specialty. 110 North Wyoming.


S P IE G E L , T H E L A D IE S ’ TA ILO R , fo rm a lly o f 42 W . P a rk , m oved to 207.

B U FF A L O , OH. OK, D O N ’T S L E E P ON th e floor. A good bed. sp rin g and m a t ­tre ss only $3.50. B a rg a in , ba rg a in . L a te s t k itch en ca b in e ts , new cost $13 00; only $6.00, ju s t fifteen le ft, going like the fire sa le couches w hich we have been selling a t th e ra te o f ten a day. O nly th i r ty of the b es t ones left. You never wli! have a n o th e r such a chance. B u tte E x c h an g e F u rn itu re Co., 42 W. B roadw ay , buy, sell, pack, s to rag e , sh ip a n d exchange. J . C hauv in M gr.

F O R R E N T —E L E G A N T F U R N IS H E D room s. C asey b lic k , 104 W -:»Granite.

F O R R E N T —N IC E L Y F U R N IS H E Dfro n t room fo r g en tlem an , in p riva te , fam ily . 324 C olorado st.

STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRIT- tag. 8. W. Shier, coroner's office. Butte.

A N Y O N E W IS H IN G D R IV IN G OR sad d le ho rses , ca ll on Jo h n Boyle, op ­p o s ite T ivoli B rew ery .


L. J. P R IC E , U. S. C O M M IS SIO N E R a n d R ea l E s ta te A gen t, D illon, M ont. R a n c h fo r sa le ; e a sy te rm s . W rite to me.


W E IN B E R G BRO S. & E P S T E IN , m a n u fa c tu re r s a n d d ea le rs in fa sh io n ­ab le re a d y -to -w e a r la d ie s ' g a rm e n ts . 45 to 48 O w sley block.

F O R R E N T —ON W E S T S ID E , N IC E L Y fu rn is h e d f ro n t room . V ery rea so n ­ab le. R efe ren ces requ ired . 1007 W . G ran ite .

F O R R E N T —E L E G A N T F U R N IS H E D room s. 104 W . G ran ite .

F O R R E N T —N E A T L Y F U R N IS H E D room s, $8 a n d $10, 524 E . G alena .

__________FOR RENT.F O R R E N T —F IV E ROOM S, M O D ER N .

869 a n d 871 S o u th M ain s tre e t. A pp ly to H . S. M ellies on p rem ises.

DAY A N D N IG H T . W H IL E YOU A R E e i th e r p la y in g o r sleep ing . If y o u r a d is In th e In te r M oun ta in , i t is w ork in g fo r y o u r b es t In te re s ts .

F O R R E N T —F G U R -R -O M F L A T , q v ire a t th is office.



DR. G. D. BRYANT. OFFICE 16 W. Broadway, parlors 9 and 1L

N O T IC E TO C O -O W N E R S.H. In g ra h a m an d Ills h e irs, exe-

, a d m in is tra to rs a n d as s ig n s : You ; ,,(1U|. a re hereby notified th a t I, Jo h n F. R ob- j x j... inson. your co -ow ner, lias in acco rdance w ith the p rov is ions of sec tion 2324 of the Revi.-vl S ta tu te s of the U nited S ta tes,

,-expi r,d"d in la b o r an d im p ro v em en ts on d ie Robinson Q u a rtz Lode m in in g claim , tbit- sum of $100.00 for th e y e a r 1900, as tjujj n ecessa ry a n n u a l la b o r th e reo n , as rSMuUed by law . T he sa id claim is s i t ­u a te d in C »m p C reek m in in g d is tr ic t,S in ter Bow coun ty . M on tana , b e in g lhe C laim in w hich you a re th e rep u ted jo in t ow ner of a n und iv id ed o n e -s ix th in te res t.

A nd now th a t you, L. H. In g ra h a m a re hereby n o tif i.d th a t if w ith in 90 days a f te r th e e x p ira tio n of th is n o tice by publication , you fa il to pay to the u n d e r ­signed your p o rtion , fo r th e said re p re ­sen ta tio n of th e sa id c laim , being $16.66 2-4. ac co rd in g to y o u r rea l in ­te re s t in sa id claim , the sam e will vest In and becom e th e sole p ro p e rty of the unders igned , as p rov ided by law .

JO H N F . R O B IN SO N .B u tte . M ont., J u ly 17. 1901.F irs t in se rtio n J u ly 17, 1901

P R O P O SA L S W A N T E D .

'B id s will be received by G eorge W.ÎVvin. cu stod ian , up to 6 o 'c lock p. m. of the-20th day of Ju ly , 1901, a t th e office of the! p o s tm a ste r fo r th e s in k in g o f seven ti-Wt p its to rock firm enough fo r fo u n d a ­tio n on the s ite of th e p roposed U. S. postoflice b u ild ing a t B u tte , M ontana .A ll b idders m u s t su b m it p roposals a t a r a l e p e r lineal foo t of p en e tra tio n .

D raw ings a n d specifica tions tnay be s^en iat th e office of the p o s tm a ste r .'^iphé r ig h t to re je c t an y a n d all bids i$t reserved .

G EO R G E W . IR V IN , C ustod ian .* ' f: I

an d 31 seconds AV. 8670.2 fee t, an d ru n ­n ing thence N. 73 deg rees a n d 30 m in u te s E. 844 fee t; th en ce S. 4 deg rees an d 20 m in u te s E- 607 fee t; thence S. 73 degrees an d 30 m in u te s W . 844 fee t; thence N. 4 degrees an d 30 m in u te s AV. 607 fee t to th e p lace of beg inn ing , co n ta in in g an a re a of 11.50 ac res, o f w hich .30 ac re s a re inconflic t w ith S u rv ey No. 3948, in ­c lusive of S u rvey No. 5044, n o t claim ed, le av in g 11.20 a c re s claim ed by th e above- nam ed a p p lica n t, a il of w h ich is in con ­flict w ith S u rv ey No. 5044.

T he location o f th is claim is o f record in th e R eco rd er’s office of S ilve r Bow coun ty , s ta te of M on tan a , in B ook “ R ” of Lode L ocations, a t P ag e 347.

T he a d jo in in g c la im s to th e se p rem ises a re S u rv ey No- 1205, H onolu lu Lode, L o t 160, P e te r C onw ay a p p lica n t, on the n o rth ; S u rv ey No. 1154, Z ero L ode an d Mill S ite, L o ts 145 A an d B, F ra n c is R eece e t al. ap p lica n ts , on th e e a s t ; S u r ­vey No. 3948, M em orial Lode. A ndrew J. W h ite e t al. ap p lica n ts , on th e w est.

G E O R G E D. G R E E N E .R eg is te r .

S am uel B a rk e r , J r . a t to rn e y fo r a p ­p lican ts.

(F 'irst pub lica tio n J u ly 12, 1901.)


D ep a rtm e n t of th e In te r io r , L an d Office, a t H elena , M ont.. J u ly 17, 1901:N otice is hereby g iven th a t th e fo llow ­

in g -n am ed s e tt le r h a s filed n o tice of h is in ten tio n to m ak e final prooff in su p p o rt of his claim , a n d th a t sa id p roo f w ill be m ade b efo re th e c le rk o f th e d is tr ic t

o u rt, a t B u tte , M ont., on A u g u st 24, 1901, v an n i C a sa g ra n d a , fo r l i . E.

No. 8290, fo r tile E. la o f the N. AV'. a n d E. 16 o f the S. AA'. of Section S, T. 4 N., I-:. S W.

H e n am es th e fo llow ing w itn esses to p rove h is co n tin u o u s res idence upon an d cu ltiv a tio n of sa id lan d , viz: N at Sim on, Ja m e s F u rn o , Jo se p h L u c h es i an d P a s - quel S im on of W a lk erv ille , M ont.

( F i r s t p u b lica tio n J u ly 18.)

N O T IC E O F S T O C K H O L D E R S ' M E E T ­IN G.

N otice is h ereby g iven th a t th e n in th a n n u a l m ee tin g of the s to ck h o ld ers of th e G ra n ite M o u n ta in S tock F a rm w ill bo held a t th e office o f th e com pany , a t No. 235 AA'est C opper s tre e t, in th e C ity of B u tte , M on tana , on th e 3rd d ay of Ju ly , 1901, a t Î0 o’clock a. m „ fo r the purpose of e lec tin g a b o ard of tru s te e s to se rv e fo r th e e n su in g y ea r, a n d for th e tra n sa c tio n o f a n y o th e r business th a t m ay p roperly be b ro u g h t befo re tha m eeting .

J O S E P H H . H A R P E R .S ec re ta ry .

J u ly 1st, 1901.T he s to ck h o ld e rs ’ m e e tin g ca lled for

tha ab o v e -n am ed d a te Is hereby p o s t­poned to m e e t a t the sam e h o u r and p lace on W ednesday , the 24th d ay of Ju ly , 1901.

By o rd e r of th e b o ard of tru s te e s .JO S E P H II. H A R P E R ,

S ecre ta ry .

on th e m a rk e t th a t equa ls F re n c h T an sy T a b le ts fo r th e re lie f a n d cu re of p a in fu l a n d I rre g u la r m ense . T hese ta b le ts rem ove all o b s tru c tio n s , no m a t ­te r w h a t th e cause . M an u fac tu red by A'. A ugendre, P a r is , F ia n c e , an d fo r s a ls only by th e N ew bro D ru g Co., B u tte , M ont., sole ag e n ts . P rice $2 p e r box;, sen t by m ail, secu re ly sealed .

p STATE SAYINGS BANK£ John A. Creighton ........ Presidentf . IT W. Stapleton . . . .Vlca-President j€ T. II. Hodgens ..................Cashier$ J. O. Hodgens ..........Asst. Czahlstr B. B. Nuckolls ......A sst. Cashier

Under state supervision nnd Jur­isdiction. Interest paid on de­posits. m

Sells exchange available la all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Collection* promptly attended to.

Transact general ban king business Directors—J. A. Creighton. Oma­

ha, G. W. Stapleton, A. H. Barret, E. D. Levitt, 8. V. Kemper. T. M. Hodgens. J. O. Hodgens.

C or. M a in a n d P a r k S tre e ts , B u t t e


2 U n e s 2 T im e s

O n e C e n t l - t r W o r d .

\2 U n e s \2 T im e s

O n e C e n t P e r W o r d .

2 L in e s 2 T im e s

O n e C e n P e r W o r d .

2 L ines 2 T im e s

’ O n e C e n t P e r W o r d .


U. S- Land Office;, Helena. Montana. May17. 190LNotice is hereby given that the Parrot

Silver & Copper Company, a Corporation existing, under the laws of the State of Montana, by Harry A- Gallwey, its at­torney In fact, wnc-e postofflee address la Butte, Montana, has this day filed its ap­plication for n patent for 44.6 linear feet, being 42 feet easterly nnd 2.6 feet wester­ly from discovery in drift, of the Dart Lode Mining Claim, upon which a notice of intention to apply for a patent was posted on the 14th day of May, 1901, sit­uated in Summit Valley, unorganized. Mining District, Silver Bow County, 8tate of Montana, designated as Sur. No. 6326, in Township 3 North of Range S W., be­ing rnfre particularly described as fol­lows. to-wlt:

Beginning at the southeast corner, n point In the north side line of Bur. No* 874, a granite stone set in the ground, with n mound of earth nnd stone along­side, and marked 1-5124 for Cor. No. l, from which the 14 Ses. Cor. ou the east boundary of Sec- 13, T. 3 N., R. 8 AV., bears S. 24 degrees E-. 1914 feet, and run­ning thence N 1 degree 15 minutes W„ 8 feet; thence N 37 degrees 45 minutes W.,44.3 feet; thence S 1 degree 15 minutes B., t feet; thence S. 87 degrees 45 minutes E.,44.3 feet to the place of beginning, con­taining an area of .001 acres, of which .004 neres are In conflict with Sur. No- 2595, not claimed, leaving .004 acres claimed by the above named applicant, all of which Is in conflict with Sur. No. 1244.

The location of this claim Is of record la the recorder's office of Silver Bow County, State of Montana, in Book 8 of lode records, at page 292.

The adjoining claims to these premiss* are Sur. No. 3595, Grey Eagle No. 3 East lode, lot 571, Parrot Silver & Copper Com­pany applicant, on the north; Sur. No 674. Gold Hill Lod« lot, 65, Heinrich C- Weibbold, applicant <*»: the aouth; Sur

No. 644. Washoe Lode, lot 100. Charles S Warren et al applicants on the west.

G E O R G E D. G R E E N E , Register,

Samuel Barker, Jr.,Attorney for Applicants.

First publication May 20th, 1901.

MINING APPLICATION NO. 4371.U. 8- Land Office.; f ic le u . Montana, Ma/

17, INI.Notice H hereby given that Bernai d

Noon and Gertrude Gèhsberger. whot-e postoffice address is Butte City. Montana, have this day filed their application fora patent for 1235.5 linear feet, being 1 foot easterly nnd 1224.5 feet, westerly from the point of discovery over discovery drift of the Little McQueen Lode Mining Claim, upon which a notice of in­tention to apply for n patent was posted on the 7th day of May, 1901, situated in Summit Valley unorganised. Mining Dis­trict, Silver Bow County, State of Mon­tana, designated as Sur. No. 8172. la Township 3 north of Range 7 west, being more particularly described ns follow., to-wit:

Beginning at the southeast corner, a quarts stone set In the ground, with a mound of earth alongside, nnd merked 1-6173 for Cor. No- 1, from which tne southeast corner of Sec. I, T. 3 N., R. 7 W., bears S 19 degrees 52 minutes east, 507.5 ft and running thence N 0 degrees 06 minutes W., 662 feet: thence S 82 de­grees 34 minutes W., 1235.5 feet; thence S. 0 degrees 06 minutes E., 602 feet; thence N. 32 degrees 24 minutes 1 ., 1235.5 feet to the plr.ee of beginning, containing an area of’ 16.935 acres of which 11.630 acres are in conflict with Surveys No. 1,580, 1183, 1579 inolusive of Sura No. 6413 nnd 3436. a ad 4916 inclusive of Bar. No. 3938, lot <?. not claimed, leaving 6.255 acres claimed by the above named applicants, nil of which is in conflict with Sur. No. IMS, lot C, and Sur No. 6656-

The location of this claim is of record in the recorder’s office of Silver Bow

County, State of Montana, In Book “U” of lode locations on page *82.

The adjoining claims to these premises are Sur. Ne. 1580, Golden Hematite Lode on the north; Sur. No- 1182. Iron SiJe Lode on the northeast; Sur. No. 4929, Sin- bad Lode on the east; Sur. No. 1579, G rea t Republick Lode. Bur. No. 5412. Undine Lode and Sur. No. 3436, Bavaria Placer on the south and Re-Sur. No. 1486, McQueen Placer on the west.

G E O R G E D. G R E E N E , R eg iste r .

Samuel Banter, Jr.,Attorney for Applicants.

First publication May 20th. 1901.

MINING APPLICATION NO. 4377U. S. Land Office, Helena, Montana,

June 27, 1901.Notice is hereby given that Henry

Smith and John Hoyland, whose postof­flee address is Butte, Montana, have this day filed their application for a patent for 229-3 linear feet, being 209 feet west­erly and 20.3 feet easterly from discovery shaft of the Kingstella Lode Mining claim, upon which a notice of intention to apply for a patent was posted on the 10th day of June, 1901, situated in Sum­mit Valley, unorganised, Mining District, Silver Bow county, State of Montana, de­signed as Sur. No. 6210, in Township 3 North of range 7 West, being more par­ticularly described as follows, to-wlt:

Beginning at the northwest corner, a quarts stone set in the ground, with a mound of earth and stone alongside, and marked 1-6210 for Cor. No. 1, from which the east cor. of Secs. 8 and 17, T. 3 N., R. 7 AV., bears S. 86 degrees 10 minutes W., 535.3 feet and running thence N 75 de­grees E., 192.5 feet; thence S. 13 degrees 45 minutes E., 321.5 feet; thence 3. 65 degrees 15 minutes W„ 196 feet; thence N. 13 degrees 45 minutes W., 355 feet to the place of beginning, containing an area of 1.49 acres, of which ,TS acres are in conflict with Sur. No. 4854 not claimed.

leav ing .71 a c re s claim ed by the above nam ed app lican ts .

The location of th is claim is of record In the reco rd e r’s office of S ilver Boiv ,County, S ta te of M on tana , in Book T of 1 cu ' liv a tio n of said land , viz:

N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . D e p a rtm en t of th e In te rio r, L an d Office

a t H elena , M ont., Ju ly 9, 1901.N otice is hereby g iven th a t th e follow ­

ing nam ed se tt le r lias filed no tice of his in ten tio n to m ake final proof in sup p o rt of his c la im an d th a t said proof w ill be m ade before clerk d is tr ic t co u rt S ilver Bow coun ty , M ont., a t Coifrt H ouse, B u tte , M ont., on A u g u st 19, 1901. Viz. E dw in L. H a rd is ty fo r H . E. No. 12036 for the se se sec 10, e % ne U lo t 1, sec. 15, tp 2 s, r 9 w.

H e nam es the fo llow ing w itnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and

Lode Locations, a t page 98.The ad jo in ing c la im s to these prem ises

a r e ’Sur. No. 1593, L illie Lode, lot 220 E d ­w ard H ickey, a p p lica n t, on th e e a s t ; Sur. >?•■ 4S54, R ory O 'M ore Lode. L ew is K au ff­m an , et a l ap p lica n ts , on th e sou thw est.

G E O R G E D. G R E E N E , R eg ister.

Sam uel B ark e r, J r . , A tto rn e y fo r ap p li­can ts .F irs t publication 6-28-1901.L a s t pub lication 9-9-1901.

Me-- i8 £ !


'T ic k e ts to B uffalo fo r p an -A m e rican exposition on sa le f irs t an d th ird T u e s ­d a y s ’ each m o n th : r a te s $64.50 a n d $66.00 tf>r the ro u n d tr ip . C all a t th e N . P. r iy ' c ity office fo r r a te s v ia th e lakes. F o r E p w w o rth L e a g u e m e e tin g a t S an F rancisco , J u ly 18th to 21st, t ic k e ts w ill be sqld a t N . P . c i ty office J u ly 7th to 14th inc lusive a t r a te of $50.00 fo r th e ro u n d tr ip ; tick e ts lim ited to A ug. 31st, au d #111 allow s to p -o v ers . ni f f o r fu r th e r In fo rm a tio n ca ll on or

W rite. W . H . M E R R IM A N ,G eh t A gt., N . P . R y .. C or. P a r k and

»Main S ts., B u tte . I fo n t.

Jefferson M cCauley, C arl C h rls tin son , Jo seph P a ir , W illiam I lu u t , of M elrose M ont.

G E O R G E D. G R E E N E , R eg ister.

First p u b lica tion 7-tO-OV

Pan-American Exposition.Northern Pacific Railway excursion

tickets sold:A ug u st 6 th nnd 20th.September 3rd and 17th.O ctober 1st and 15th.T ick e ts limited to thirty days from

date of sale .Rates: $64.50 and 866.00 foi round trip.For f u r th e r Information -and sleeper

re e e rv a tlo n call on o writeW. H. MERRIMAN.

G. A.. Cor. Park nnd Main St..Butte, Mont

rw 9


Preav rlptlon

1 9 5 Q

Under State Supervision. &g» Pay3 6 per cent, on savings de- ÿ

posits. Interest compounded quar- 3 terly. 5j

Pays 6 per cent, on time certlfi- 5 cates ot deposit, not subject to 3 check. si

Issues savings certificates on 8 building and loan plan with definite 3 time of maturity and definite pay *5 monts. JS

Loans on real estate to be repaid In monthly installments running *5 from on; to ten years, to suit bor- 3 rower.

Trustees—Lee Mantle, president; Chas. Schatslein, vice-president; Frank W. Haskins, treasurer; Charles R. Leonard, attorney; A.B. Clements, secretary; F. Aug. Helnze, Henry Mueller, James H. Montelth.

DalyBank and Trust

CompanyOf Butte

Established 1883—Incorporated 190L

G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s

W. W. Dixon .. John D. Ryan C. C. Swlnborne R. A. Kunkel ...

............... President. . . Vice-President

.................. CashierAssistant Cashier

> W. A. Clark J. Ross Clark

f f f . A. CLARK & B R O jI BANKERS j»

Transact General Banking Business £

Before and Aft«..W ill qut.'kly curu you of nil nertous diseases, sue* as lost manhood, pains In the back, seminal emiwlona, nerv­ous debility, unfitness to marry, ex­hausting drains, Impotency and all us horrora A written guarantee and money refunded if six boxes does not effect a p e rm a n e n t cure. $1 per box. six for 86, by mall, aocurely pa< ketL Manufactured by A. Augendre. Parla Addreee itad mall to Newbro Drug Co.. Sol» A feu ta. Butta, Mrakma.


D R . C H U N G 'SCelebrated Herb Sanitar­ium. Guarantees to cure all diseases by means of hls famous Chinese mndl-

lü eines, never before intro­duced Into this country. He has cured thousands and can curn you.

Advice free. 6 West Galena etreit, Butte, Montana.

Buy gold dust, gold bars, silver sjj bullion and local securities. ji

Boxes for rent In safe deposit sjj vault. jP

Sell exchrngc available In all ot # the principal cities of the United P States and Europe. jß

Special attention given to ccilee- tlons. jß

A L E X J. JOHNSTON. Cashier. £

t. W U r ' U r t t r W t l i

X V * * * * \ ‘A W W W W Y V i W X W M t


I Capital Stock, $200,000.03

n A n d re w J . Bails, President / Jam es A. Talbot. Vice Pres,fi L If. Weirick, Cashier $ Ceo. btevensou, Ass’t Cashier

Buys and sells Foreign Exchange nnd issues Travelers’ Letters of . Credit, available in nil parte of j the world. i
