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HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com

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  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! Entire Co%rse FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


    HCA 305 Week 1 DQ 1 Cost, Quality, and AccessHCA 305 Week 1 DQ 2 StakeholdersHCA 305 Week 2 DQ 1 Hospital System Qualitympro!ement HCA 305 Week 2 DQ 2 Choosin" a Health Care#ro!ider HCA 305 Week 2 $he #atient #rotection and

     A%orda&le Care Act o' 2010HCA 305 Week 3 DQ 1 Di!ersity in the Health CareWork'orceHCA 305 Week 3 DQ 2 Supply and Demand o'

    Health Care #ro'essionalHCA 305 Week ( DQ 1 Health Care Systems Around


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' 1 () 1 Cost* )%ality* an# Access



    Cost, Quality, and Access) Sult* and +oun" 2011-note that there is currently a stron" mo!ement

    .ithin the /)S) health care system to address theseemin"ly unresol!a&le need to correct pro&lems o'access and cost .ithout compromisin" the ualityo' care p") 1-) A'ter !ie.in" the reuired !ideo

    ein!entin" Healthcare4A red riendly Seminar,discuss ho. one o' the cases presented durin" theseminar is an e6ample o' the tension &et.een cost,access, and uality) Hi"hli"ht .hat you consider to&e the &i""est pro&lem inherent in the system)


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' 1 () + Sta'ehol#ers FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


    Stakeholders) Sult* and +oun" 2011- descri&e the!arious stakeholders in the /)S) health care system)Choose one o' these stakeholders and descri&etheir role, concerns, interests, as .ell as thestren"ths and .eaknesses o' their in7uence in thesystem) n .hat .ays has this "roup contri&uted torenderin" the current health care system as too

    comple6 and unmana"ea&le8 Discuss .hat youthink this "roup could do to impro!e the currenthealth care system)


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' + () 1 Hos"ital System )%ality Im"rovement


    $$$.hca0!cart.comHospital System Quality mpro!ement) ma"ine that

     you ha!e recently &een appointed as the head o' alar"e hospital system) +ou9!e &een hired into this

    role &y the :oard o' $rustees 'or your !astkno.led"e on ho. to impro!e the uality o'ser!ices) ;!er the last 'e. years, the hospitalsystem has had a num&er o' issues arise related to

    the uality o' care it pro!ides, includin" numerousmedical malpractice cases, lo. patient satis'actionratin"s, and a .arnin" 'rom the nationalor"ani*ation that accredits the hospital, to impro!ethe uality or risk losin" its accreditation):ased on this .eek9s readin"

  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' + () + Choosing a Health Care,rovi#er


    $$$.hca0!cart.comChoosin" a Health Care #ro!ider) =umerousresources no. e6ist that allo. indi!iduals to makean in'ormed choice o' .ho .ill pro!ide their medicalcare) /n'ortunately, the a!era"e health care

    consumer is una.are o' .here to >nd in'ormationa&out hospitals, medical pro!iders, and insuranceco!era"e) ma"ine that you are assistin" someonein your community a real or >ctitious person o'

     your choice- in >ndin" a medical pro!ider) n your post, pro!ide a &rie' description o' this person andaddress the 'ollo.in" uestions<What 'actors .ould you need to keep in mind .hileconductin" this search8Ho. .ould you e!aluate .ho the &est medical


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' + The ,atient ,rotection an# A- -or#ale Care Act o- +010



    $he #atient #rotection and A%orda&le Care Act o'

    2010) With the passin" o' the #)#)A)C)A), the"o!ernment has taken a step to.ards reshapin" thehealth care system) or this assi"nment, you .illuse the li&rary to research some o' the key

    characteristics o' the act and take a position on.hat you think some o' the &i""est pros and conso' the act are) +ou should re!ie. some o' the ma?orhistorical de!elopments that resulted in the

     passa"e o' the la., and e6plain the ma?or in7uenc


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' () 1 (iversity in the HealthCare &or'-orce


    $$$.hca0!cart.comDi!ersity in the Health Care Work'orce) e!ie. the@6ecuti!e Summary article) $he report pro!idessi6 sets o' recommendations 'or increasin" thenum&er o' under4represented minorities .orkin" in

    the health care >eld) Choose one o' therecommendations that you &elie!e could ha!e the&i""est impact i' implemented) n your o.n .ords,

     pro!ide a &rie' description o' the recommendation,

    includin" the rationale 'or it) @6plain .hy you&elie!e this recommendation is important) $hen,conduct a search to identi'y an e6ample o' ho. thisrecommendation has &een implemented) #ro!ide adescription o' the e6ample, includin" an o!er!ie. o'any research that has &een done to sho. its


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' () + S%""ly an# (eman# o- Health Care ,ro-essional



    Supply and Demand o' Health Care #ro'essionals)ountin" research su""ests that the demand 'orhealth care pro'essionals is "ro.in" .hile supply is

    startin" to decrease) Ho.e!er, the rates o' supplyand demand !ary "reatly dependin" on re"ion o'the country) :ased on the readin" 'or the .eek and

     your independent research<

    What is the state o' the supply and demand 'orhealth care pro'essionals in your area8Descri&e the concerns, interests, and in7uences o'the health care .ork 'orce in your area) Speci>cally,consider ho. .orkin" conditions, access toad!anced technolo"ies, andBor the health


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' () 1 Health Care Systems Aro%n# the &orl#


    $$$.hca0!cart.comHealth Care Systems around the World) Health caresystems around the .orld pro!ide di%erent le!elsand types o' care, and are paid 'or in dramaticallydi%erent .ays) Choose a country other than the

    /)S) and research its health care system) Compareand contrast the /)S) system to the one you chose,and pro!ide an o!er!ie. o' the health care systemand ho. it is paid 'or) ake sure your post

    addresses the 'ollo.in"<Ho. do the people in the country access healthcare8Ho. do the citi*ens o' the country pay 'or thehealth care8What is the uality o' the health care they recei!e8


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' () + Me#icare (eate FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


    edicare De&ate) $he edicare system is currentlyunder"oin" a dramatic shi't, as the num&er o'

     people participatin" is increasin", .hich in turn hasenormous conseuences 'or ho. it is 'unded) Somear"ue that edicare spendin" is out o' control and.ill result in a collapse o' the system i' nothin"chan"es, .hile others claim the system is doin".ell and is meetin" the needs o' the millions o'

     Americans .ho ha!e no other health care) or this

    discussion, you .ill participate in a de&ate .ith your classmates a&out edicare)Students .hose last names start .ith the letters A4 .ill &e on the aintain edicare As4s side)

    Students .hose last names start .ith =4 .ill &e onthe e'orm edicare side)


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' ! () 1 Health an# Me#ical Technologies



    Health and edical $echnolo"ies) Health andmedical technolo"ies a!aila&le to &oth health care

     pro!iders and administrators continue to ad!ancerapidly) Choose a recent medical technolo"y and

     pro!ide a description o' it) Discuss some o' the prosand cons o' this technolo"y and assess ho. it

    dri!es consumer demand, health system chan"es,and health care deli!ery) Consider ho. thistechnolo"y could &e used in your current or 'uturecareer)


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' ! () + The %t%re o- the .S.Health Care System



    $he uture o' the Health Care System) We ha!espent the last >!e .eeks re!ie.in" the ma?orde!elopments in the e!olution o' health care

    deli!ery in the /nited States and analy*in" thesystem in terms o' cost, uality, access, and the

     pro!ision o' ser!ices) Address the 'ollo.in" in your post<

    What do you consider to &e the most important'actor in >6in" the numerous issues inherent in the/)S) health care system8What role .ould selected ma?or stakeholders play inits implementation8What types o' research studies could &e conducted


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com


    HCA 0! &ee' ! inal ,a"er FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT 


     ocus o' the inal #aper $he /)S) health care system has numerous kno.nissues that a%ect the o!erall uality, access, andcost o' ser!ices a!aila&le) or your inal #aper, you.ill create an ei"ht4 to ten4pa"e proposal e6cludin"the title and re'erence pa"es- on your solution toone o' these issues) n the proposal, you .illdescri&e the nature o' the issue, trace the history o'

    its de!elopment, descri&e .hat has and has not&een done to address it thus 'ar, pro!ide a set o'recommendations on .hat should &e done toaddress it in the 'uture, and discuss ho. ma?or

    stakeholders should &e in!ol!ed to make your proposed chan"es)


  • 8/16/2019 HCA 305 CART Inspiring Minds/hca305cart.com

