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VOL. XI. , MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1881. N T O6 THE IRON ERA PIIBLIRBED ETUI 9ATRBUAVUT The Dovor Printing Company, PUDLISHER-Uib I'hORIETOHH. Offloe on Hcrrii ilmt uti Bl»ok»«ll. O u » Vwii, - . _ - - - - J2.0I B i j M U U I I I B , - - - - - - - I O C X b t e e moutliK, - - - - - - - - ci 1 PASSAGE TICKETS ORAM, HANCE &Co. 1 6 STORE, PORT ORAM, N. J. TjlOU all tbe prinoiptl Ucei of •toanwhfi. £ from New Ycrk to Ltrurpool at LOWEB 1 fUTE8. Also DUAFTHOKaBEATBlUTAI; KXV IHELANJ). 1 Ineh 2 " S " S 751$ 1 m\i i zr.i 'i <w I 2 7ft 3 fil)| 2 TO 3 51) 5 fil 10 ()(>! C, l\\ ti 1)11 1 50| 2 50| 3 5(< ( 51) I 5 5(1 ID i.'i 1'J OU C HUB. 10 Ol IK fil !JT 5(1 (ifi 01 i;r, oo urn on » on I U ()• 10 Od 18 () 1'J GOj IR 2 15 001 lit IMI TIUEFi IfiOKNIh i'lSR LINK. ESTABLISHED IN 1851. P OBB DHUU3 tint MEDICI NEK, I'AINTh, OiH. fl1*n», UniHliL-K. L\;rf,inu>ry, 4c *dlJ br JAKKS A. OJDDAI.K, Hie Piumsei DniKKwt, i»rnuv(!r. Htiire mmiMin HHNDli'li fortlieiftlonf H«ilif[iw!ionlj fron 9 to 10 A. SI, and fr.im 4 to lit 1 . M, 14-lj joilff I?, STICKLK, Counsellor at Law AND A1ASTJ2K IN CHANCERY, _ KOCKAWAY, N. J. TUTAHSIOS UnVHK. Corner of UU^kvrell mil Smaox 81B, DOVER, N. J. I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor. Jlornei and C&rringei to Let. L. C. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL OHIHISI, DOVEH, N. 1. AKALY8E& qf all DESCRIPTIONS OF ORES AND MINERALS. Counsellor at Law, AND MASTEU INCHANOEHI, (jmc. in til. National Uulon lisnk BuiltliiiK 3u<n"».ivi,BT., B0VEE, N. J. JOHN DUUMIHEil'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (between its MAKBIOfi HOUSE »nd Depot,) DOVEB, N. J. Thapl&cahfti been entire)* tc(ltte3fn a nenl BUnnnar. LADIKS'ind OftlLDKEN'B HAIIt tCrTINO A BPEOIALTI. :EUO3ENE oir,, LANTKUNS AND B1UTTANU WAKE, A ful lUBortDU'Dt Uf TIN & JAPAN WARE, 'BUIT CANS, Ac., TIN ROOFING, EAVES, TROUGHS, KKS, amUl! kind* of Jolting ID my line, n the bL'HtiiuiiHt-r ami at the uliorteil , lligbfitprinin iisiil fur old Iruu. Cjp|)er Itial »ml pnwtor tulion In cicbangt rUt "" ALEXANDEI1 WIQHTON. b ttUQHBOCB & SUITE, ATTORNEYS * COTJN8EIJ.OBS AT LAW, Cor. Blacknrcll and Sinsel St«. DOVER. N- J. I. B. MBJOHBOHlt. A. 0. BKITH. L. W. THURBER, BDPEBINTENDENT OF PDBLIO 60HO0LS OF IIDBIIIS COBNnr. OBca orer ORO. BIOnABDS t Co.'i BT0I1E. DOVEB, N. J. TlfOBES BLAN0HABD, ATTOBNEJATLJW, kXD VASTER IKOQANOEBY, DOVEH, N. J. Oflot tnr A. Wighton'i it«T< Hd tin itore, 11-If Blickwel] ilrf el. •»_ B. HOAGLAND, H. D., P«Y8ICIAN ASD BOTOKON, OFFICE AT MK. TIIO3, -WILLIAM'S, <3m UJSE HILL, N. I. PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED AND REPAIRED, POR KENT AND FOB SAKE ON INSTALLMENTS. m . s.wi!iaOT. Do™-, S.J. Lttl Boi »B. S-tf Agents for Fiirlmia' Scales and T«r- vrltliger't Safes. YCORHEES BROTHERS. MOABIST0WM', w&m m \m wmn, BULCERB', CiRMAOl! MAIEB8', BLACK- SMITHS', COKTRAtrrOItS AMD UIH- IKO BUPPLIES, Acrlcnltsri lnpiamcnti, Sltdi, FerttllierB, &«. Ptli.ll, Olli, aii». ele. WALTEE i. WOOD'S Ctlebiatid H0W1BS ind EStPEES. •HUl B. T0D1S11I. k«il>U»a, D.e. lll B. T0QUU>. McKinnon Bros. unnnriorvaui or Axes and Edge Tools, ROCKAWAY, N. J. ll ••YIDI bwn rtportii<l tbU this tlJ-citib llibr) an<wtll-knowu fir- bat cone out ol kitintM. WBlake >bii taskni uf informing th t nblletbkl iac.iiit.at tb« ttse. Vtcurniti! . kuiiac-fi, 1I»Y« Mnnectli.u witb MTDIIK I m *b»Uver, md llull cuntiuu* lo i—." i>u ••ll-knowt (tocdf wltb i m t t r cue lli»n «»er. ill nor *owl» »re t.»utl-tn*.U ttmiuehoaUnd vsart tutonlf firm to IU>tk.v"iVin»«l[»R mob foodt .ntlwlj by bind. W.t.r TB;J« f<" W. F. DAY, CATERER and CONFECTIONER Morri8town, N. J. Tmln F»*lUtli and Pi.vatt Ftrlki mpp 1« fall &r ia put, wttii IOK c O IU, «E»T9. . UOSCD Tunlll, MHI. JEtUM. FAUCI CA««. CUllUnTfi bBCBSl rXBA viih K r*a 11Mof strrUt, ciMkffT, tllf«r. fey. Uses. SMf ektfe*, h f m , M M ) *4. R. A. BENNETT, M. D , HOM(EOVATH1C PHYSK31AN & SURGEON, Cor. Blackwcll & Warren Sts. (OniNWtn »*»«r Bonk,) DOVER, N.J., Diaeseea of Women andChildren, : Eju and Enr sin-oialtica. DBlne Ilmim: 7 U 3 A. H-. 1 Iu 3 Mill 1 to 8 P. M IH-SOihl nd of the E UBEN HOWE, liiirnic ILBBVII tlio wlu.lo of .tie pruporty when 1I*J.«. liiitt rittnrjjod (tiL-ilitii'K for th« r«j)»tr ol H. (•!(-, All kimln Nickel I'lnlinjr <l<m«. , - I Sf-COllll-llLUll 8<;' of G'liil, Nilvci a] Tur^w SdHortmcnt II K Matili in fit, from »(l\«T. HllHHL'X Nt.N. J. H. P. SANDERSON, Imlor Iti WAGON *ui! CABIUAUE WOOD W0EK OITOHIIE nOVElt DEI'Or. WHEELH, M low na .17.1)11 p e r H t . All kindi tf PINE COLOHH Tor carriuKB and wagon iftinting. AJKOOILH aud VA11NI8H, botl? Foreign and Doinwtic. TUIIPLNTIXB, WBIT? >t etc. Paint, Coloring nud Vamiftli Bruulics and Htriping Pencils, n full stock. All of the above (JOCKIK from tlie bitHt mat « known by [mint™. FIHHT-0LAH8 3AUHIAGK uud HUOKHI OHNAMKNT8. Hiivitig had H lurtfo anjiorioiie*! formerly K a i r i n g binMor, Innii n tlmniu^li kuowl (J^H ol tbf biitiinubS I Imve nJvuuUiseu (ivt] uy oilier duller. THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, Uinulnvoll Street, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces, if tin) lali'Hl ami nuiiil improved ulylcH, fi.i arming iKillic an.! jirivnti- Lnil.litiKB.'A Isr(,-> OOOK, FA1IL0U, HEATING STOVES, RANGES, MARBLE YARD T nDbeorllwr liki op«ni'<) &n«w rtrA nror ttin corner of ULACKWEXI. AND IE11UBN eta., 1D(] js prepared to riirniili IN MOUULS COUNTV CALL AT STIVER'S NEW YORK ANDCHINA TEA CO, BLACKWBLL St., DOVER. OUR 50 CT * TE ^ S re better tlinn Hold plsi-wlicip at 70 C!H. Oue trial will prove the lact. Our lngti grnJe nuw emp Wna, seun(in 880, retnilej at 70 cts, per lb. COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE! loMing Hicl) Old Mocba, Qorcrmucnt, Java, Haraoftibo, Baotofl, Rio are all steam roseted. Alws;s frosli. S U G A R S SOLD AT COST. Tbe lnbalntnoU of Dover and Morris County will do well by purchasing their winter supply from as. 40-1 T til utlivrwork io bit Jin.-. Cerooturj lota ueilwUliRrauiloawlmtrblapoiiti. With ei|>encuoB »uJ remiioUilu jirinsi I feel <lem tlintlcmiatiili tho public. i'UOS. JOHNSON. For Sale! A flue property ue*T Duier. A f>txA Owe]- HnelJiiuiC with eifflit roomi, wltb rell nd cUten. mH-r ooi.Tiiiiiunti two ttnt-ment ouiei of four roomi each ; i t;oDii b i r o * i t b ablinp for twohorHta ; lot of one tore wltb Dtiitikllv choice tHflortmnut of lruit. Termi itmnable. Apply to 18-tr 0. B. QAGE, BoTer, N. ?. MEWBLAGKSffllTHSHOP! Chas. T, Clark & Son ,ie opt net! a net iliop in Doicr in Soaring's builJinf,-, COHSKit JiLACKWELL AND BEItO£N BTB,, »n4 invite the pitrociRe of tlio public. Horse Shoeing miJc R specialty of the buiincsi, &nU a trial m owucm vt liorK> is rcuritctrnllr loliold r iTATEOFNEWJEKSEY. Moms Oounty Orphans' Court OCTOBER TERM, 18B0. A T aa Orphani' Cnttr!. bcM »l ibf Court Urojp At Morrmtowj, in ind tor I eld eceraW, in ihoyeir cf our Lord, one Ibuu- iDd aii>lit hundred md eie.it*. FrcuDt-IIuR. FRAHCIP. Onn.n, rniidiuR JuJpe. " FRIKIJIN WIMIK. •' DiTiu \V. I)tt.LicKsn, Enquires Judj;i i the matter of thocarcit »i;».iiit idmlliin^ in pruluU i ccfliin K pi>i wrilitif;, (minor line t« l»« e ltd Will mil TctUiaent or WillUm H. Turn, lite nr Ihe Conntjor Morm, daemed. It tntwarltiR to tlie C'jurt that Ihe el Ut loci errtornre tutu-il m the »tmT<- ulatt-J nutter, iiebfrn rrluriiril dulj K-rrcJ B* i» Ci ' ncr«. Juliu K'IIIRIII, Hirj Kn^lit, Willi Kniiflit, Anuif Kuiclit, Lriitti Knicht, LotU Koi Elit,M»Rni r |jt,HiiiiQ Kniprbt, ind Locr iMrl.t. in.l lh.1 Ann K. Huilil, «ir. or K.!- »ril Hmilli, Iliclitn! Turn, Clitrlii Tncri. lr«mrTa*T» *ttd I.iisls Tmri. reii.ls oat of h™ M i l e <>F New Jrr*it or catiDui Ira faaiid II IN Ihrrrrnrc on UiU illtb tilT ut Docrc.' btr, iu tb*- ff»r " ' mir L»»r.l, rnc ihnaiknd light komlrVa »n.l tlBUt;, or.lrrcd by tbe CV.urt lli»l the wld Ann &. Hmith, RichirJ i, CliBilit Tucrt, Arlliur Tiier« »n>l Lti- EisTntn, ilo KIIIWM (P the *IWT( lUtrdnkt- er»» ilieRiurlHuaic «t Slniriilium, in »!d ;.,nntr or Uunll, on Mondaj.ll* >e«t.tb tlij f Februir;. A, D. eielitrfit liunilrpd antl •lelitt-oiif.at Ibe bnnr pf t*t) o'clwk In tbi orrm-m .ifoM.U.T. And l U t in Jof*al» "f ich BniM-irtuce ruVb pn.cMi.injf fill be tin! o l»id ijiinit lUtmft«tr th procmllnf. Ami ll u r a pablubed in eri mil pnblia •It trnlki la Mk. A in* wp CB1IIUB3 4-OILLBN, RarroBtU ud OUtk olwld Otpbftu' Ooart. rocmllnf. Ami ll urarttKronlrrttl thit thli nrdtr IM pablubed in ih«IM> E»,» M*iMMr print- ri mil pnbliabrd In nld Oo*nty of MorHl, fm I l i d , kl kut MM io mr WE TAKE PLEASURE IN DfFOBMING OUK PATRONS THAT NOTWITHSTANDING THEIR GREAT SCARCITY, WE HAVE SUCCEEDED IN PROCURING A FULL LINE OP RUBBER AND PURE GUM BOOTS, ARCTICS, ALA8- KAS, AND RUBBERS IN LADIES' MISSES' GENTLE- MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SIZES OP THE CELEBRATED " WOONSOCKET" BRAND THAT WE ARE DISPOSING OF AT LESS FIGURES THAN ANY HOUSE IN MORRIS COUNTY SELL COMMON AND INFERIOR BRANDS FOR A LARGE LINE OF LADIES WOOLEN LIN1SD LACJS JtUpBpT- TON BOOTS AND SL1PPEHS THAT WILL KEEP THE FKET'WAHM AND Dili', ALWAYS ON HAND. ALHO A FULL SUPPLY OF COM MONHENHH BOOTS IN ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS, SOMETHING NEW FOU THE LAPIHtt. THJ5 POPULARITY OF THE COMMON SENSE U001KIHHOOUEAT THAT yApTOKIEB TIIBOUGUOUT THE COUNTRY AHE TAXIS!) TO THJJ II I'MOST TO FILL THE OltDEKH THAT AKK UEINO SENT FUOM ALL X'ABTS OP TIIF, OOUNTUY I-OU THEM. '111Y T11KM. T HE LUMBEE CO. •flora tobuildere the bust opportanitleB in the porohftse of LUMBER if evory grailo and description including LOW PBICES and the great advantage of having Lumber Worked to Order ,• imichinery at thoplace whore it is purchased, greatly lessoning the cost of building by tho great Baving in manual labor. Oar stock alwajB includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings id LUMBER of every description, find especial pains are taken to give satisfaction in every particular. GBOBCIX ItiofiiBDB, President. Wit II LIUDKBT, Beo'j and Treaa. I. W. Biunta, Gen'l Manager. THE CELEBRATED ROCKAWAY AXE! rilliia noted hand-made ale hailonp cnjoji' 1 therqiutatiun of Leincone ol tlit ve - fofiM MATERIA nuintry f JIUNdK. i ntnrinptjao n enabled to Jl »ici made by me «ru strictly liand-mailo. :ie hi; aim (tided tu Lii buttiuexi HORSE SHOEING lie ban atcnreJ a who wilt (diomnle who till ftforliim rxperlcnceil Lorscil KOUITM •alkftciicn I _.. ith a oil, Fur farther Roctawar, Uorri* Co., N, J. THE HOLIDAY SEASON Oa 'be bcaateom Weitern prtintu, with tlioir wrpeilogo/grMB, Bftfco iweoping Ul|ifaifpp!, IOER onroono- tfJ'I (Wide tQd boiit. On ti>» tm»H fart.j SdPplftlni, ^ til? wlarilKcifloookit, th« IIBIISM, funay Soathltad, witb It- bloi- acjmi tod lti Tlnei, Ootliubncing Votttiorn blll-iapi, and amid tliaf r mnrtrnwlnif aineit Over ill onr happy aiaoity-^inr all our Nation •pretd. a band ot noble beroei-ia our Kxmj of tbo Dead. Not wltb ma*kel, and wilh gabcr, and vitli KUdbeatt boating ftnl | Nat with oaPDon ttat had tlmndored tfll ihe blfw^TWfWM past; Hot will n t t a i)]i|t ftfe ihotillng wllb Ibo fits of flctorj'iDote; Not wi Ih armor mjly t'lUtonlng, indwltii fligi tliatproudlf floit; Not with air (if m u r M Tlgor, nor with steady, j June tbojr grandly inarabtng to us -for Ibe bovaaro illiaetmp, fllb lorneirulB(>Bj upon It—each witbln hii carlLy Ucd, 'aitlug for liin nurcliiug trtttrB—ll our Army of tho DcnJ, 'ast oali'fi) Uiu Ijoya are lying, In tlioirlow and , tbt «.,,,1»5 ind.. ..ai»i-1 SINGER Sewing Machine is acknowledged by all to be the most reliable and best ma- chine inthe world. Its sales exceed by far all others. They have an office in every import- ant town in the United States, and are not responsible for second-hand dealers represen- tations. Buy direct through their own office and you have a responsible warrantee. II chines sold at S3 &month. P. H. BURRELL. SOLE AOENT. rJer.Dj- H0LIDA7 GOODH, nouDATal ™.. M..0.. .111 i CENTRAL EXPRESS the boil and eh(*pfit roaU by which to lend. D. A. SEARING, Agent. OF! ICE AT BKUDEN T.OWE'8, HD8UEX 8TOEET, DOVEI1. E. SIISBEH, House and Decorative Painter, respectful)} «IUalltDLloa to til. HBW STORE, COH. LLAC.vWEI.I- MD KS8EX 8 » . , DOVKfi, wbrra hJ h u a AwdUpliy of WALLPAPERS, a i r •etiillac .KTDAP TUT* d in. ' NbAB THE mm) ttudrad il;ln or tht IB«, far ill t»ta i i l l M r n l l , D«nl«n lw 1 etat toll eta. p* jatd. TIM UIMI i»l VtMaadbrMiila. llif IM u-lj BEEMER & PALMER COAL, W00D 9 MASONS' SATESIALB. BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS UtltDAKDrALIDItlCK, UHE, CEMENT, CALCINED PLASTER, FRONT BIUOS, riHE CLAY, FIRE DB10K, FI.AO STONES CURBING CILL1B 8TEFV, COP1KQ, BILLS, LIN71L* Ai-U CEtfTIBN KZCE8, WHAN1TS PHOSPHATE, Boat Oait, Gnaae, Pcvirttto, LAND PLASTER, Ae. WOOD tawed In itOTB lenythi. OOAIi. STOTE, EGG, CHESTMJT, (Mm mj u Obm* c , OflU* Loak B o i M, W M l *l A. Bom«'fl«a« ia Bla«kvtU It., mi lum, sr tIhii •untmrnri oou«HUaUrM POETIC. OUR ARHroFTHE DEAD. B/ lite edge of the Atlantic, where tbe mtret of Ffdedom wit, And the brceaai ot (he ocean oliint a rsqulem to t'jo shore, Oo tha KAIIOB'I uflern hilMopi, whore iti coroet-fltooe was laid, OD tlio moniitaliu at New England, where our fiihtsn tolled and prajod, Uld old Kev-atooj'i roHged riotui, wbieh thi •Diwr'H h«n4 await, Hid tlie Dever-oenJug commerce of the baij Empire BUte, rVlth tlio eoootrj'i. IOT« and honor on eaoh brare, deTotod boid, Ia a baud of ncbli herot»- Ii onr Arm; of the Pearl. ; OD tbo laVe-androled liomeitead of tlie tbrir- nail ihimi heiii!u ; id tliu >tionii:![;s of tlio an^ninh of H.tt wire, ulho an iuif nitii tliuir IHHKIQ presence till the b<iMii<r hack to lift; ud tliu lirot liur'u raunly ICTTOW. aud tha fit Hi er 1 1 inuiiriifnl pri^c, mi nut gifii >,i!U'V tit his oDttiiiry him who ^r !itn ^timlrjilied. litiy wlm fur llietroiiitjliug Nation iu lie Inur uf trial bk'J, if, iu tlii-Bn its yours ot triumph, ftftli our Ami) onituDead. 'ben tbo yuors or Earth »n ovtr, and tbe taroa or Earth %j§ Jpup, 'IHID tho rvlfti uf'l'iBio ii eadod,atid Eternity beiDti, 'lien tLu tliundcn cf OmniBoicna« an onr wakeueJ 6f tuet roll, ii.l the ukr tboie ib.ll Hither, and lw gath- ered liku fticroll; 'hen, among tho loft; mounUlni, aud aeroiB themigbtjie*. ))fl sublime cduitfal baglor ihall ring out tbe reveille, hen thajl marob with brighten lasrels, aoil with proud, viptongui tread, 'o their •Utloa op to beiTMi.oar Ontni Arm; EHA-DIATIOMS, Ia love, great fleaaures come yery near great sorrotri. ; Tbe Boov is one of tbe few tlifoga that driren without li rain. AneioLange BQJB tbe most preoloiB cauine k a " (]binot)d setter." We have teea a, flight ol pipeons, Did ou ever seo a flight of stairs f A ledy neeJ uut necessarily be nervous it otlilelie to jump nt an offer. 'I'm J raw jug a conclnsion," remarked mmitlub, is be ptjlleii the ont'e tail. It is beauty tlmt beglcB to plunis, and ' iDdotncRS Ibnt coiopletro tbe cburm. | All or nothiDg is the motto of love. Ii und nothing is tbo molto of Hjmeu. Muoil as be loves ronat beef, Jolin Bull : constantly getting iuto an Irish stew. A Marathon woman bos a husband ao iborp that the usos blm to out beef wltb. Hose mote despised by little children ilion tbe nan who takes DOBlookin' mU Gam. Borne folks will bang ap their stock- legs Obristmas ovo, and some trill hang ip the bartender. The man who takes onto himself a rifs on ObriKlmaB eve will bo saro to bare well-filled stoekings. I'm lilttos on Ibe 'at;!e,' Mary," 01 ;te fellow taid when be cool? sat down bis iweetheart's new bonnet. It is said that * c'.illd torn oa Obiist- man will nlwuji hate turkey and gooie, ind 1(?IIQ towards ooilflsb Hud bauon, Maiduu ludy'B qnotatlou iligbtly al- jretl from aa old aphorism i " Where iuglentaa is bllsa-'tis folly to be vires." Tbe Peruvian dollar,a nawworth 2 1-3 cests, sad the Peruvian who can bead s •haritable aub.cription with 860 is & •arity. An Ohio giil was deserted b j her lover at the vorj tmt ot thealtar. Lack; girl I Tiittt ia tbe iiarrovest esoapd on record. The fellow vho draw the blind nian iway from tbe edge af tbe dilob said be md furai.lcd a fusion for tbe Indiet- 1 pull back. Why should we celebrate W g birthday any more titan rainef" Baked a ;encbei. "Because he never told B lie/' shouted a HI lie boy. 'Hang up tbe baby'a stocking,!" about the Uackensack ItRpnblican. Via wmt it distioctlj nuilemtood tlmt we harent any aucli appciidacea. A Toaog man who gave fafs giil a $75 gold wntob lant Cbrlslmas, married ber daring the autntner, and now be thinkf a present wu "time" well •pent. Do parent* hnow vhf re tbelt bnyi in nigbta t—Exchange. Notpositirely, per- bapa, although they can iwew (bey are not in swimming.—Dantrary Nawa. AD Mebangewyi: "When milk sonn Maiding will reader it awset again." It ia different with as old malt!. Wnea tbe it war, Kvlding will only ugmsot sciditj. Sir, thtre ii only oae way to ban good ternoU; tbatU, lolw worthj of i well ternd. All n»tore and »1l humanity will twrn ft good aular aw] TBMtftffiutDiiRiMbleoiw, Aodttert U borarertat of tb* qmlftj ot i i than tha quality of (hMnruta for they Itrtttitlr tMettr 1 ! •iajow^aud dtatort thtlr UnlU In 1 Ailtnaa tnb»icry. A wW oilioo will b»« pbiloinphftn In lla ••mate' ball: a sjavUh naUra will bam kiMVM tbart, and a kindl; natloi wlUhi« Hindi than, Only let It ba t n n l r n d that "kiodiwt. 11 BJIMI, u iJi yoor oblld, ao with joor aerrant, oot lnJalfM«, bat •»».—irrwi o/Uf CUiWW YOUNU PEOPLES' COLUK^J -That we'll Bee ebout. Jastataud on ' one side, Wutty." Iba hunter cocked bie gun, took aim for a moment, and was going to fire, when be taraed suddenly pale, and [From Harptr'M Young People.] THE BRAVE SWISS BOY. " Now, Wntij," said he, "we masl look out for the winter. Wefaavogal il; tlirough tlie fine wentier, and Lave made a little mouej ; bul tJiere'a not enough yet for what we re qaite, abr] we mast work awuy for Bonn time Ktitl before we get BB much »a will repieoiah oar emptjr byre," " I will do al] I can to help von, father," replied the boy. "I euw i track on tbo WellLorn ymtordflj (hu promises a finer buck (bun we bare taken yet" "On the Wellliora ! On wbioh AleT "Oa the slaaier aide, fatber. It is not very difficult to got ap there ; hut I Doticed that nbeueverhe was difltarbw., tbe olismoia west aorosa tbe glecier toward iha Engleliori., sad I aan afraid it irouid be rattier dnogeiom to follow bim. There are ornokein tbe ice liuu of feat deep, uni bow well we know tbat whoever faliB into'one nf them would never nee tie light o{ Jny ogniu," TbQt Is very true," said bis fitber, thoughtfully. "But we must have tbe buck ut auy risk. Do you knowthe ipot on the glnciet wbere he makes for :he Eugelhoro V" " Ton; it is quite at the top, where he ice eprend out like a sea." 'Well, tben,"&Bid the igountaiueer, "we muflt Ir; uucl avoii] following tbe olmiaois over the ioe, and tiliar wait for him on tbe Epgolliwii, iud get a ibot at him aa ho posses, T«m must go to the Wellborn, my boy, and [rive himtoward me." "YGB; that will be tbe beat, father," -eplied Walter, "I tboughtof that my- Blf." "Well, then, let it be BO. We ir.nst 0 oif before <i)ayl)t^ak tq-worrtiw muro; !** Toui made tbe necessary prepnrotiuua [)o same evooiag, and long before the irst boams of Boi were visible on Ibe 01 lowing morning, bo left tbe oqtlnge ith liis BOD, Aftcp a toi)aome aecent of bulf an boar, they Bepareted, Tbe Futher turned to UID left toward tbe atoep 1 oroggj Bngflllioru, after ba had de- icribed tbe exict point toward wliiob Wallet was to drive the animal, wliils Ihe boy Bcroniblei up tbe dangarouB idges of tlie Wnllbfiri), ta ftud the ohamoia, and drive It to tbo pluoe wbere liis fattier was to lie io wait. "Be very caroJul, Watty," said[ bia .thertobim erethey parted; "dim't be rcckleu or foolbardy." The boy promised to be watchful, and tbey BOparuted, each to hia own share of iieUijIsoae gnd pppjktpa: Undpitpiiiug. 'lliiog advantage of thD rooks and atones 'hich marked the pata of a former gla- lier, Walter reaohad, the summit of the WQllborn without rough difficulty, ofior ,n bour and a half'i olimb. Taking a small tetencope from hia pocket, be peeted anxioasly aoross tbe field of ice >liob oopuratad Mm from the En gel- ioro, and descried bia Uther working his way cautiously along tbe edge ot the glecier till be guinea a port of tbe rooks Ibat Beemed to afford a possibility of limbiog. Be then hail tbe satisfaction if seeiug Htn lit down to rest. Hebaajast got to the right spot," said he to himself. " He must have seen tbe took. It in Just fifty feot from Ibere tbbt tbe chamois springs aorosa a irack in tbe ioe to get to tbo pai- iare higher up; and wbon he once got* igbt of him, futher won't lot blm escape. iut, first nud foremost, I mast find the [ame, aodGtart itacroia," No euoner said than done. Clamber- ing from rook to rook, ulwaya observant watchful, the resolute joath pursued is way. Suddenly, liowover, " I foel a presentiment, that will Imppeii, Come borne Walter. sometliiu DOW, aud we can try for the bnck to- lorrow. 1 ' " Bat tne old tnountniiieer had in tbe meantime become sulf-posseased again, ]J again raised bis gnn to fire. Jut i he pulled thetrigger, however, his foot slipped, and with auexclamation ol iorrort Ifalter »RW bim carried rapidly oward tlie rift io the ioe, aod suddenly "iauppear. With therecoil of the gap lie Luoter had lost bis balance oa tbe HppBiy fee, and at tbe same mnmeut hut tiis sLot struck tbe ohamoiB, ha wi inrledinto the "rift." Ptttber 1 father 1 father 1" screamed Walter, throwing himself ou the ice, lurror-striokflu, and peering wildly down "ic crevasse. "Father, speakl" All was Bilent. puly a Blight triokling, as if from, some subterranean itrentu, laohed bis euf, Fureeveral minutea the youth layot :ho edge of tbe ohaam, paralyzed witb urror, When he recovered bis con- iloasnosa, a ffloIiDR of alarm and dis- esB overwhelmed him. He ^rapt and 'rung his hands bitterly, -'•• "Fulberl" '.fi dried again into the tbyss tbat yawned beneath bim-"f«,tbgi'i ipouk to ^fl, fopqad's futke j" A mdden thrill passed through his sme us a low murmur enma up from o ioy grave. He strained his cars lo listen to tbe broken words. "I am alive, ™'alty," was tbe reply qt the uoforlu- late n^an i "^ut my ankle is out of lint, aqd one of my arms broken. \ hall never see the light of day again," A cry of mingled joy and agony burst om Wulter'B lips. "Don't be afraid, father," he ei- aimed. "Too shall be rescued,witb ud's help. Have yon go* your bng itill, and tbraw himself flat on the ground. I thought so—thera Le is I" said be lo himself. "I must work my way are- [ally roand to the right, and then 'xigbten him off with a shout." Taking stealthy advantage of every rook tbat could screen him from obser- vation, Writer raised bis head nowand ;heo to make sure tbnt thechamois haa lot taken fright mid. removed from the ipot. Wlien be hod thus reached the [ght pouition, ho started to his feet and ittored a load hnllool With a hound he obaraois aprong down to tbefieldof ice, wbiob it crossed with ligbt and rapid Irltles, " Tlie game ia our's I" exclaimed Wai* it, with deliglit, But bis joy was pro* mutnro. Now bogan a chase, which lasletl nearly an hour, until the animal approached ttie spot where Walter's father lay, when it suddenly stopped, ivo a tremendous spring to the right, ud across tbe gluoier with tho speed of, in arrow, and w u oat of sight ia an in itant. " He taunt have seen fatber, or else •canted him," said Walter to himself. Oar trouble is all in vain for to day, BO I must go acquaint father with the result." A faw minutes brought the lad to wbtre hia fatber was awaiting tbo ap- peaKDoe of tba buck ; bat Walter saw at once that Ibe older sporUman was aware of wlikt bad happened. His father beckoned (o him to be silent, and pointed 'a a small grean 8|tot above the steep •Itlei of (be Eugelboro. Taroing his eyes in that direction, Walter recog- nised tbe obamola staodiug on the scrap of meadow. Mow we've got him," whispered his father. •'Heoan't take the rfcap i i d * of tbe mouattto, and we've cat off his retreat; so coma along, my boy, ai fast u yoa ma." Uoviag hurriedly over tbe lee, tbey soon reached a point from which they could get a good view of tbe ehamois, TJofortanately. howeier, a Urge ebasm in tho ioe lay riglit befon them, ud slopped their progress, hadclflsnd it,bQtili Tba ebamoia qaita bojond baman aireogtb and igiUly. For a moment father anil sou stood silent on tbe brink of theorevasH, look- ing after tbe 11 We can't get across here, father/' said Walter, ID a whisper; "let ua try nod find none other way." We can't find a better spot, tian this," replied hia falber, examining hli gnu. ' Bat what's tlia OM ot abootlos; hlml What'a the good of a dead etiamois If w. hlr "WbiD ho*i DDM deail, boy, well •iwn nod lomomeauiafgelliDgst lira, 1 wu tU aoirei. " A board laid om U» «rtnsM winU so tssy way of rt- eomiBs tbi *«B1MS, H " Sal «• UTCUI jvl» buard, faUrtr. 1 dropped hie arm. "Wtmt'a tho matter, father? Doyon feol ill V inquired Walter with eaxiulj. "No,"replied (be huntsman ; but it seemed on it tbe ioe was giving way just as I van going to flro. "But it can't be," le continued, Btmnpiog his foot; Tlie Etiquette or Vinfllng f^rdis. The social nse of vwiting carflB vnrii not only witb periods and with peopli bat varies sometimes in tlie same cit; md in tbe soma Bet, aa in Now Yuik, U example. Wbea ordinary eallsare mad< it is outitomary, of course, ae it has alirsys been, lo send in a card by tbi servant to utiuounce your name am presence, and to leave jour card, if tbe person visited be abseut. This ia com- le, and all trae etiquette '• tbe ioe is solid an.1 firm enoagh." Jfounded on common sonae. But whew 11 Let us go borne, f&tbcr." implored " ^es, hut mybottle is broken." " Well, tben, take mine. I'll lower it >wn with a oord. Have yoa gat it ?" "Yes," was feebly answered.. "lean lold ont now for a while, nclesB the cob.] tiikea me," )upig9, fitther, til] I ran down to lie vill^go, and get theneighbors and ihepherdg to oome with ropes auc| poles, 'ry to hold oat for a couple of hoars, nl witb the help of God yon shall he LWll," "Ay, ay, dear boy," was the faint iply; " I will try to be patient till you tome baok." And with a godspeed, 'alter hurried off to ron,B9 tbe neighbors the rescue. It was a dangerous journey that tbe ave boy undertook for his father's escne; bat courage, and the agility fbich is acquired by those who are no- astomed to themountains from child- lood, enabled him to reach the valley in wouderlully short time. Fale as death, itb bis bauda bleeding, and clothes to shreds, he luehed to the ion, hich wns tbonetireet spot) where help mid be found. His appearance natu- rally created consternation, and ia answer to the numerous questions ad- dressed to him bo related in a few jrenthtess words the dreadful accident ich hid befallen his father. A Boore stalwuit hands were instantly ready rescue tbe unfortunate man frombia dreadful position; the landlord of tbe in ordered ropes, poles, and ladders to } Rot in readiness, and meanwhile pressed refreshment oa the well-nigh exhausted youth, Moments were pre* rtoas, but ere long tbe party reached .ho soene of tbe disaster, when Walter, leaning over tbe edge of the cleft, oried ;o bis ffttbep and was answered, Yes. I'matill alive," replied tbe mountaineer, ia feeble tones; " hut I am almost frozen (0 death, and In dread- fnl pain. Blake baste and help me, if foa can, for I'mlosing my seusea." " Down with the rope!" shouted the mdior >, who bad himself coma np with the part; !—" &ook out, Hirzol I Flaca the loop over your aboaiders and under fonr armB, and try to draw it tight. There are plenty of strong arms here many visitors ore anticipated, as 00 New Year's Day, or at general receptions, i 1a expeoted thai cards shall be left, om they are left in a very irregular mauuer. It is nutursl to hand tbe oard to theser- vant who opens the door, aud most per- sons would do so at ooce, especially when tbey see tbo servant armed witb card tray. Bat wben tbe company it large, and baa been formally invited, ii seems superfluous, if not absurd, to pro cede yourself with a card; nor Is it sup posed that yoa will. Nevertheless, it it presumed th&t you will drop a curd on leaving, or before leaving, aud you coat ply with tbefashion whether you np prove it or not. On New Year's Da;, 1 , for instance, nomo servants are provided with trays, and on admitting you, n-- seive your (lord.. Home of them carryii into the drawing-room, and yoa in itEnotively trait in the hall until it bii> jeea delivered, for to accompany your curd renders Ihe card redundant. Again. Le servant informs you th&t the ludk* are receiving, nod asks you to step hi, retaining your card, so as to make you feel, if you are not familiar witb, or iu- lependent of, etiquette, as ii you had made a mistake, At olbsr nlupi's the servant has I)Q troyt aud y.^ are privil- eged io leovo the card in the buskct, malty Blending In tliu Imll, eii ber going in or coming out. There ia (iq poujtivc rule OD the mibji'ct, but ^ ia generally more ca,Qv.epiet|t or loss awltwurd tu lye thecard oomiug out. At Veltle- Iruma, wbiob everybody pretends to lUlike, UQ4 which coutinoe in vogue, fite uauberltwB muuifeat ubjeotioas them, the same custom of leiving tards prevails, and of leaving them in snmo uncertain Hay, &t eveciug od or private teeeptions cards are t Idt, aUhouglt there is just IIB waflh reason for leaving them there as [ at ksttledrums. The excuse offered for leafing Cards on New Year's, at kettle drums aod general receptions, Is tlwt he hostess raayltao,^ wliQ h&a called, or pracUQully accepted lier invitation. But eue hits the some c&nse, and doubtless desire, for knowing on imy >tber social occasion, fjtiqyiette is often rery funtagtig and flnloal, but sound etiqiieLta is, we repeat, BObased oncom- mon seDBe that it may guaerally be di- vined by a dulioate instinct. In regard 0 oai'ds, no man 01 woman of fine ap- prehension, or good breeding would hick of leaving a oard at a general as- sembly of anykind, unless before enter* log a drawing-room, and this is unques. tionably tbo best role of the best so- ciety. 4 iat will soon get yoa up,' The rope Imriug been ido fast to an Iron stanchion driven into tbe ice, the looped end was lowered sway into tbe ilioam; bnt no sign was made by Etrael th&t be bad obeyed tbedirections, and fastened It round his body. "Pather, why don't yoa make baste?" exclaimed Walter in agony. But there wim uo answer. "He most have fainted at the last moment," said the landlord; "and if so, tben may God liave mercy uponhim for not a living creature could veDtute suoh a depth," 1 /will venture ill" ex old toed Walter, Riug tbe rape. Bat twenty hands held him bock. " Letroego I" be oried " I mnst savn my father I" and breaking loose witb a sodden effort from tbe moo rlio surrounded him, the ooarngeoni roatb seised tbe rope and disappeared In sight of Ills horror-strioken compan* A fsir terrible momrnta pasted, when shout from below was soddenly heard, and the cry, "All right! pull away, trlenda I" aeut a thrill uf joy through every heart. "Pull itcadily, ay IDPD," cri&l the good landlord : "kut pull as if JOOI own lives depended ou it, I can see ;ben aowI" eieUiaetl h*, gsting [&t< lbs gloomy abyss, " Hirael peems U bare fainted, juit u I thought, bill Watty bu fastened tho ropo round him Feouroly. Full away 1 tfaoy will be tbo top in a few seeonda." EnoonragAd by attocrsa, tbe men ie< doablod their cffortu, and bad KWQ the aatiifactioa of landing father and son safety on Ibo lew. [TO BI ooimirnD, ] J4yg ii great iny varieties, the latest being beveled and gilt edged cards in various shapes, To meet the general demand for these cards a mil assortment of all the new de- sign* has just been received at the THE IBOH EBX offloe, where with tbe aid of the latests scripts card? are printed as neatly as engraving at a much less cost. Uncle Aaron's RattTrop. Uncle Aaron livod near Hartford, and was a matter of-faotman, His bamand int-houses fairly swarmed with rats, and Uncle Aaron was telling a friend from mother town, who was visiting at Ills ionse( bo * he was troubled by mts, and iow he had seen a hundred, at I e astat . time. The friend laughingly told him huqdmd was a good tunny rats, nud begged him to taks off a few, Uncle Aaron repHnd that be was fixing a trap, and if his friend would wait &few days be wrnltl show him a haul of rats which wonld convince him he was Dot lvlng. 'All right," answered bin friend ; "if you will oatoh anywhere near a hundred juBtlet me know." Uncle Aaron too, said, "All right," idding, "I'll let you know. 1 Wben bis friend started for home, tbe lost thing he said \ M Be sure aud let me know how many rats yoncatch. A hundred is a good many." Ibe trap Uncle Aaron was at work ot was a sort of platform almost as large ai a big lmrn door, and the plan was to weight it withfaonvvrooks, raise one end about turee feet from the floor, and have it so rigged tbut the pull ot a string would spring it and let it fall to the floor making it decidedly uncomfortable lor any liviug thing that might happen to be under it, After arranging it to bia mind be began to bait it He threw meal all around and under the trap, sad went to a place conveniently 'nenr and watched things. He did not have to wait leng before be counted at least twenty rats busily investigating thai meal. Bat they did not go under Ihe platform. Tula was kept np far several days, an. after a while tbe patient watcher who spent an tour or two every day iaseeit'g them tnanamvre, bad tbe satisfaction ot w i n g several of the rats venture under tha trap. Then ht knew his plan would be a He coal. When a IBID went b«ma tbe other day anil loMhis wife that be had just bought a new spring wagno, she nclaimnl: "Wt)j, George 1 what made you get a spring wagon in tbe fall of tbs year T Paildj's description of a fiddle «amoot, be best: "It waa Iba shape of a lurks? | sad tb< visa ot a gooM; fas lanwd it over on i u bsek and robbed its belly wltb afcUek J and oen I St, Patrick ! how It dU squib I N pull tbe string almost at any time of d«y and catch s doien or twenty, bat be was 1 'lying low" for a bigger haul. Tbe up- raised platform wu nolonger a terror t tbe anlmuta. They took the bait from under tt as readily as could be deaired. Finally Uncle Aaron thought the time was rijw to pull tbe sliiag. He had not baited it tbe night before, ao tbe rodents would We a keen appeiile wben heaurinkta! tbeobe«Morambsand meal thit morning. After doing this be took np bis position and waited. First om rat—a sort ot pioneer—came gliding ou aud began to partake ot tba fraat. Hex) a pair earns cat 1 then th?f« or four, then a down. They came from all dirt*, lions. Ucolo Aaron was sotoallj trrm Ming witb neitemont. Hecould hardlj kesp hts hand from pulling the atriua. But be walied until tliBipan otuhrthi pUllorm wemed f.lrly alive with 1 creatures, and then—ho pulled. Do went tbe platform witb a onudi. number of tbe rati were teen atampcrlng off, bat Uaclo Aaron felt confident tha! ba bul nailed torn* of 'em. As ba apfassaw tbe beads and laiU protndwg aod ha Utoaiht be would civa lb*a all a food < q u n clianoe to dia befon hi rawed. U H trap. Ht wftilad tiU nigh awl tbm ba lifted a Ht mated bw4n4 aid (wntjr-tws d«adma. I Blood at the beginning of a narrow and daugerous passage up tn almost perpendicular mountain. On eacb»\&e of the way, were dark, gulfy precipices and deep ragged ravines. Tbe pathwas narrow aod steep, that it seemod tu me impossible to climb i t ; and I was turning away, when I saw ut tlie top ot tbe mouutain au immense edifice; to me it looked quite email but I knew, from tbe ditttauae, it must be of grout Bize. Its gothia utruuturu, its pinnacled towors aud its 1 jfty spires, gave me tba impression that it was & paluce. I bad it my wuy aud worn out witb iny rout- B wauderiugB I bad oome to tba base if this mountain, I bad no plrou of ihelter so I must reach yonder pnluoe before night, or rest ou the ground wit.li iotbiog but the vacant heavens for a Dvoricg. I began to ascend but found iat at every step I was ia imminent langer of fulling over tlie edge of tha mtb find being ewnlluwed up by tha ige jnwa of same durH and horrible ecipice. All hopij of roacliinR the wlsh- for destination bad left me, wbon a lend came to my relief. Ha was ua Id man, whoseemed buried ia the'pro- indity of lib thoughts, At flrstlte hardly at me, btit, wben be saw the anx- >UB look ou my luce aodheard my story, face lit ap with a kind and pitiful \o, and lie said: "Soyou wonlit imb this rugged steep and reach yon- ler palace before night. Tliat rnggoJ itlb leads to the Palace of Pamejbut my iend the dangers of that path are fear- tbore is the danger of at any mo- tent tnakinn &misstep, of leaving go of Iiidum's hand and yoa would be dash* on the rooks below. Volves of jeal- uj sod lmtrod will beset your putl', Lb jawB greedy to devour you ; and ould you pass them safely, at tbe ft&tes tliB pnlaoo there is an immen'ii lion, illed pulilio Opinion, and if you cannot sattily him, witU something tint will liate his appetite, yoa are Irdt. Da . still tliiuk you liavfl oourpge to face se dangefa io order to reoiih tlie pal- of fame Y' Well, tbe journey is not mpting ooe, it is Indeed an awful ; but when I think of tbe reword of laccessful journey up yonder horrid rvhea 1 think of the joy that would Lie poBBQsaion of me, were I totreach ie palace in safety, my spirit does hat- with my bodily weakness, and ovcr- niag it prompts me to go on. "Well, will be yoorjguide; I have otten trov- illed thla road aoil ouu aid yoa greatly." inks, my friend, a Ihousand thanks; ly X ask the name of my benefactor ? 'My name is Wisdom." Tbe name Sruck ma with such profound respoct id ewe, that I walked along in silence, >ur after hour thinking of my bappi- ess in making such a friend. It was ree o'oiook in the afternoon bad barely finished holt oar jour- jy; and oh I suoh toil and fatigue as endured. 1 At every step I could see Iuto awf al caverns that seamed to ium mo; and often my head grew tizzy witb the alluring sight and bat for i&dom's staying hand I would have fallen iuto their dark unknown depths, 'or four more long tedious hours we up that narrow way and at lost .roe in sight of tbe Palace of Fame. r e were half a mile away bat, we could as plainly &s if we were standing be- 3e it, ItBwindows were ol tbe parest •flttil and tbe golden light that at ream- from them Ht up tbe Eden-like gar- 10 enoiroling the Fulaoe. Tbe tops of »spires and pinnacles seemed veiled tbe snow-white clouds. Ihe moon a marching np tbe dome of beareu id the soft mallow ligbt from the stars imed to me, as it Home tt&gel band IOVB were gazing in delight uponthe How my eyeB feasted oa the grandeur and magnificence of the sight I id, forgetting everything in tbe ez- remity ot my happiness, I let go of 'isdom's hand and be immediately >an- ihed from my sight, I waa iu despair ind in endeavoring to continue tbe as- iat, I made a false itep and oh 1 horroi 1 tell over a projecting orog into an im- aenio precipioe. Down, down and still 3WD 1 will I never stop 1 can nothing ive me 1 oh 1 ao, nothing I nothing 1 id uttering a breathless prayer ir tlie good of my soul—I awoke, 'es, &dream, bnt ah so true I How many try to reaou the palaoe of Fame ,nd In their endeavors succeed beyond, expectation; hat, wben on tba thrcs- ild of having their fondent hopes real- ized they make a false step and undo they have done. How many lines have we read of like examples in Ancient and Modern times and of what ittle avail have they been to m. Let irudenoe, wisdom and justice guide aa all onr actions, let all oar energy be oentrallsed in oar work and success will certainly orown onr efforts. Let as lever torget If than woaldst olimb FUBM ragged iteep Tin time to watch whlla others rioep. IOBXCLC, » » » Fnilof^&pea." Tbe real, old-fashioned Yankee ii still fixtureamong us, tlough some wriUrs wonld make us believe that he oat bees dead for yean. There wu a genuine specimen in the Erie depot yesterday, and lie via explaining to wveial inter- ested parties: 11 Father in-law Irres here in Jersey City, and I'm ob a viiit like. Thooght I'd brinff alone; a fiw trips and thiugt and frit op a dioker or two. Any ot ye likfl to Invert in that 1" Ho put out the model of a rat-trap, and said : "This trap not only enlchet tbe var* ilnU, but it ehokes 'em to death, throws tbe body out of that back window, and then resets iUclf. ID tbe lop fa an alarm to go off al any hour yoa want and wake ip the family. Hen's an apparatu on nil side for grntin' hone radish, and on .he other is a mill for grindia* spice*. Any of you like to buy ooantj rigbtu ?" no one did, sod be then placed befon them a wenel, about which he wplaioed; "This is now a wutcr-pail. By platt- ing this iron cover on the bottom u be- comes akettle. By inverting tba cover yon bnve a spider, Tbe pail Is a half- SuibolmMtnrotoacrain. Once Btnand t la cuetly a vshl. Its weight Is ei- actly two poanila, and I sell conntj rights for 160 each." Thr n « l wai a bocl-jnck, whicb »u!J lie transfonanl IDto Bre-toogs, pret*> board, store-budlav nail-bumoer, and sewral other Uttogs. Be bad an lartr which bnrcd four holn at osoa, a ginuti wbiob bond a aqaam bole • a warning* naebino which cooU also ba cud* 10 MI T« as a taa table, and ona or two otktv tblDgs, »nJ as be reached the UH ho "OenUmou, I an fall of SMOOUUOO*, [II iavnt taythiBi yoa wuTniil anything IVe got. fil UU ptj in .«,. thlntyooh-vt.aod IllgintmyoM otrovaebaaee lo Mks> a BiUiondoU
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DOVEH, N. 1.



(jmc. in til. National Uulon lisnk BuiltliiiK

3u<n"».ivi,BT., B0VEE, N. J.




SUSSEX STREET,(between i t s MAKBIOfi HOUSE »nd Depot,)

DOVEB, N. J.Thapl&cahfti been entire)* tc(ltte3fn a nenl




A ful lUBortDU'Dt Uf



KKS, amUl! kind* of Jo l t ing ID my line,n the bL'HtiiuiiHt-r ami at the uliorteil, lligbfitprinin iisiil fur old Iruu.

Cjp|)er Itial »ml pnwtor tulion In cicbangt




Cor. Blacknrcll and S inse l St«.DOVER. N- J.




OBca orer ORO. BIOnABDS t Co.'i BT0I1E.




DOVEH, N. J.Oflot t n r A. Wighton'i it«T< Hd tin itore,11-If Blickwel] ilrf el.

• » _ B . HOAGLAND, H . D.,



<3m UJSE HILL, N. I.




m . s.wi!iaOT. Do™-, S.J.Lttl Boi »B. S-tf

Agents for Fi i r lmia ' Scales and T«r-

vrltliger't Safes.


w&m m \m wmn,BULCERB', CiRMAOl! MAIEB8', BLACK-


Acrlcnltsri lnpiamcnti, Sltdi, FerttllierB,&«. Ptli.ll, Olli, a i i» . ele.

WALTEE i . WOOD'S Ctlebiatid

H0W1BS ind EStPEES.• H U l B. T0D1S11I.

k«il>U»a, D.e. lllB. T0QUU>.

McKinnon Bros.unnnriorvaui or

Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY, N. J.

l l • • Y I D I bwn rtportii<l tbU this t l J -c i t ibl l ibr) an< wtll-knowu fir- bat cone out olki t in tM. WB lake >bii taskni uf informing th

tnblletbkl i ac . i i i t . a t tb« t t se . Vtcurniti!. kuiiac-fi, 1I»Y« n« Mnnectli.u witb M T D I I K

I m *b»Uver, m d llull cuntiuu* lo i—." i>u••ll-knowt (tocdf wltb i m t t r cue lli»n «»er.i l l nor *owl» »re t.»utl-tn*.U ttmiuehoaUndv s a r t t u ton l f firm to IU>tk.v"iVin»«l[»R mobfoodt . n t l w l j by bind. W. t . r T B ; J « f<"


Morri8town, N. J.Tmln F»*lUtli and Pi.vatt F t r l k i mpp

1« fall &r ia put, wttii

IOK cO IU, «E»T9.

. UOSCD Tunl l l ,MHI. JEtUM. FAUCI CA««.

CUllUnTfi bBCBSl rXBAviih K r*a 11M of strrUt, ciMkffT, tllf«r.fey. Uses. SMf ektfe*, h f m , M M ) *4.



Cor. Blackwcll & Warren Sts.(OniNWtn »*»«r Bonk,)

DOVER, N.J . ,

Diaeseea of Women and Children, :Eju and Enr sin-oialtica.

DBlne Ilmim: 7 U 3 A. H-. 1 Iu 3 Mill 1 to 8 P. MIH-SOihl

nd of the

E UBEN HOWE,liiirnic ILBBVII tlio wlu.lo of .tie pruporty when1I*J.«. liiitt rittnrjjod (tiL-ilitii'K for th« r«j)»tr ol

H. (•!(-, All kimlnNickel I'lnlinjr <l<m«. ,- I Sf-COllll-llLUll 8<;'

of G'liil, Nilvci a]Tur w SdHortmcntII K Matili in fit, from

»(l\«T. HllHHL'X Nt.N. J.



WHEELH, M low na .17.1)11 p e r H t . All kinditf PINE COLOHH Tor carriuKB and wagoniftinting. A J K O O I L H aud VA11NI8H, botl?

Foreign and Doinwtic. TUIIPLNTIXB, W B I T ?>t etc. Paint, Coloring nud Vamiftli

Bruulics and Htriping Pencils, n full stock.

All of the above (JOCKIK from tlie bitHt mat« known by [mint™. FIHHT-0LAH83AUHIAGK uud HUOKHI OHNAMKNT8.

Hiivitig had H lurtfo anjiorioiie*! formerly Ka i r i n g binMor, Innii n tlmniu^li kuowl

(J^H ol tbf biitiinubS I Imve nJvuuUiseu (ivt]uy oilier duller.


UNION HALL BUILDING,Uinulnvoll Street, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,if tin) lali'Hl ami nuiiil improved ulylcH, fi.iarming iKillic an.! jirivnti- Lnil.litiKB.'A Isr(,->



MARBLE YARDT nDbeorllwr liki op«ni'<) & n«w rtrA nror

ttin corner of ULACKWEXI. ANDIE11UBN eta., 1D(] js prepared to riirniili



OUR 5 0 CT* T E ^ S

re better tlinn Hold plsi-wlicip at 70 C!H. Oue trial will prove the lact. Our lngtigrnJe nuw emp Wna, seun(in 880, retnilej at 70 cts, per lb.

COFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE!loMing Hicl) Old Mocba, Qorcrmucnt, Java, Haraoftibo, Baotofl, Rio are all

steam rose ted. Alws;s frosli.

S U G A R S SOLD AT COST.Tbe lnbalntnoU of Dover and Morris County will do well by purchasing their

winter supply from as. 40-1 T

til utlivrwork io bit Jin.-. Cerooturj lotaueilwUliRrauiloawlmtrblapoii t i . Withei|>encuoB »uJ remiioUilu jirinsi I feel

<lem t l i n t l c m i a t i i l i tho public.i'UOS. JOHNSON.

For Sale!A flue property ue*T Duier. A f>txA Owe]-

HnelJiiuiC with eifflit roomi, wltb rellnd cUten. mH-r ooi.Tiiiiiunti two ttnt-mentouiei of four roomi each ; i t;oDii b i ro *itbablinp for twohorHta ; lot of one tore wltbDtiitikllv choice tHflortmnut of lruit. Termiitmnable. Apply to18-tr 0 . B. QAGE, BoTer, N. ?.


Chas. T, Clark & Son,ie opt net! a net iliop in Doicr in Soaring's


BEItO£N BTB,, »n4 invite the

pitrociRe of tlio public.

Horse ShoeingmiJc R specialty of the buiincsi, &nU a trialm owucm vt liorK> is rcuritctrnllr l o l i o l d



Moms Oounty Orphans' CourtOCTOBER TERM, 18B0.

AT aa Orphani' Cnttr!. bcM »l ibf CourtUrojp At Morrmtowj, in ind tor I eld

eceraW, in ihoyeir cf our Lord, one Ibuu-iDd aii>lit hundred m d eie.it*.FrcuDt-IIuR. FRAHCIP. Onn.n,

rniidiuR JuJpe." FRIKIJIN WIMIK.• ' DiTiu \V. I)tt.LicKsn,

Enquires Judj;i

i the matter of tho carcit »i;».iiitidmlliin^ in pruluU i ccfliin

K pi>i wrilitif;, (minor line t« l»«e l t d Will mil TctUiaent or

WillUm H. Turn , lite nr IheConntjor Morm, daemed .It tntwarltiR to tlie C'jurt that Ihe el Ut loci

errtornre tutu-il m the »tmT<- ulatt-J nut ter ,i i eb f rn rrluriiril dulj K-rrcJ B* i» Ci '

ncr«. Juliu K'IIIRIII, H i r j Kn^li t , WilliKniiflit, Anuif Kuiclit, Lriitti Knicht, LotUKoiE l i t ,M»Rni r | j t ,Hii i iQ Kniprbt, ind LocriMrl. t . in.l lh.1 Ann K. Huilil, «ir . or K.!-• »ril Hmilli, Iliclitn! T u r n , Clitrlii Tncri.lr«mrTa*T» *ttd I.iisls T m r i . reii.ls oat ofh™ Mi le <>F New Jrr*i t or catiDui Ira faaiid

II IN Ihrrrrnrc on UiU i l l tb tilT ut Docrc.'btr, iu tb*- ff»r " ' mir L»»r.l, rnc ihnaikndlight komlrVa »n.l tlBUt;, or.lrrcd by tbeCV.urt lli»l the wld Ann &. Hmith, RichirJ

i, CliBilit Tucrt, Arlliur Tiier« »n>l Lti-E i sTn tn , ilo KIIIWM (P the *IWT ( l U t r d n k t -

er»» i l ieRiur lHuaic «t Slniriilium, in » !d;.,nntr or Uunl l , on Mondaj. l l* >e«t.tb t l i jf Februir ; . A, D. eielitrfit liunilrpd antl•lelitt-oiif.at Ibe bnnr pf t*t) o'clwk In tbiorrm-m .ifoM.U.T. And l U t in Jof*al» "fich BniM-irtuce ruVb pn.cMi.injf fi l l be tin!

o l»idijiinit lUtm ft« tr thprocmllnf.

Ami ll u r apablubed ineri mi l pnblia• I t trnlki la


A in* wpCB1IIUB3 4-OILLBN,

RarroBtU u d OUtk olwld Otpbftu' Ooart.

rocmllnf.Ami ll urarttKronlrrttl thit thli nrdtr IM

pablubed in ih« IM> E»,» M*iMMr print-ri mil pnbliabrd In nld Oo*nty of MorHl, fmI l i d , kl k u t M M io m r



T HE LUMBEE CO.•flora to buildere the bust opportanitleB in the porohftse of LUMBER

if evory grailo and description including LOW PBICES and the great

advantage of having

Lumber Worked to Order,• imichinery at tho place whore it is purchased, greatly lessoning the

cost of building by tho great Baving in manual labor. Oar

stock alwajB includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsid LUMBER of every description, find especial pains are taken

to give satisfaction in every particular.

GBOBCIX ItiofiiBDB, President.Wit I I LIUDKBT, Beo'j and Treaa.

I. W. Biunta, Gen'l Manager.


ROCKAWAY AXE!r i l l i i a noted hand-made a le hailonp cnjoji'1 therqiutat iun of Leincone ol tlit ve

- fofiM MATERIAnuintry fJIUNdK. i ntnrinptjao

n enabled to

Jl » ic i made by me «ru strictly liand-mailo.:ie h i ; aim (tided tu Lii buttiuexi

HORSE SHOEINGlie ban atcnreJ awho wilt (diomnlewho t i l l ftforliim

rxperlcnceil LorscilKOUITM •alkftciicn I _..

ith a o i l , Fur farther

Roctawar, Uorri* Co., N, J .


Oa 'be bcaateom Weitern prtintu, with tlioirwrpeilogo/grMB,

Bftfco iweoping Ul|ifaifpp!, IOER onroono-tfJ'I (Wide tQd boiit.

On ti>» tm»H fart.j SdPplftlni, ^ til?wlarilKcifloookit,

th« IIBIISM, funay Soathltad, witb It- bloi-

acjmi tod lti Tlnei,

Oot l iubnc ing Votttiorn blll-iapi, and amid

tliaf r mnrtrnwlnif aineit

Over i l l onr happy aiaoity-^inr all our Nation


a band ot noble beroe i - ia our Kxmj of tbo


Not wltb ma*kel, and wilh gabcr, and vitli

KUdbeatt boating ftnl |

Nat with oaPDon t t a t had tlmndored tfll ihe

blfw^TWfWM past;

Hot will n t t a i)]i|t ftfe ihotillng wllb Ibo fits

of f lc tor j ' iDote;

Not wi Ih armor mjly t'lUtonlng, ind wltii fligi

tliatproudlf floit;

Not with air (if m u r M Tlgor, nor with steady,j

June tbojr grandly inarabtng to us -for Ibebovaaro illiaetmp,

fllb lorneirulB(>Bj upon It—each witbln hiicarlLy Ucd,

'aitlug for liin nurcliiug trtttrB— ll our Army

of tho DcnJ,

'ast oali'fi) Uiu Ijoya are lying, In tlioirlow and

, tbt «.,,,1»5 ind.. . . a i»i-1

SINGERSewing Machine

is acknowledged by all to bethe most reliable and best ma-chine in the world. Its salesexceed by far all others. Theyhave an office in every import-ant town in the United States,and are not responsible forsecond-hand dealers represen-tations. Buy direct throughtheir own office and you havea responsible warrantee. IIchines sold at S3 & month.


rJer.Dj- H0LIDA7 GOODH,nouDAT a l ™ . . M..0.. .111 i

CENTRAL EXPRESSthe boil and eh(*pfit roaU by which to lend.



E. SIISBEH,House and Decorative Painter,

respectful)} « IU alltDLloa to til.


wbrra hJ h u a Aw dUpliy of


a ir •etiillac .KTDAP TUT*d in. ' N b A B T H E

m m ) ttudrad il;ln or thtIB«, far ill t»ta i i l l M r n l l , D«nl«n

lw 1 etat toll eta. p* jatd. TIM UIMI i»l

VtMaadbrMiila. llif • I M














Boat Oait, Gnaae, Pcvirttto,LAND PLASTER, Ae.

WOOD tawed In itOTB lenythi .


STOTE, EGG, CHESTMJT,(Mm mj u Obm* c

, OflU* Loak Boi M, W M l *l A. B o m « ' f l « a «ia Bla«kvtU I t . , m i l u m , sr t I h i i

•untmrnri oou«HUaUrM

P O E T I C .


B / lite edge of the Atlantic, where tbe mtret

of Ffdedom wit,

And the brceaai ot (he ocean oliint a rsqulem

to t'jo shore,

Oo tha KAIIOB'I u f l e rn hilMopi, whore i t i

coroet-fltooe was laid,

OD tlio moniitaliu at New England, where our

fiihtsn tolled and prajod,

Uld old Kev-atooj'i roHged riotui , wbieh thi

•Diwr'H h«n4 await,

Hid tlie Dever-oenJug commerce of the b a i j

Empire BUte,

rVlth tlio eoootrj ' i . IOT« and honor on eaoh

brare, deTotod boid,

Ia a baud of ncbli he ro t» - Ii onr Arm; of the

Pearl. ;

OD tbo laVe-androled liomeitead of tlie tbrir-

nail ihimi heiii!u ;id tliu >tionii:![;s of tlio

an^ninh of H.tt wire,ulho

an iuif nitii tliuir IHHKIQ presence t i l l the

b<iMii<r hack to lift;ud tliu lirot liur'u raunly ICTTOW. aud tha

fit Hi er11 inuiiriifnl pri^c,mi nut gifii >,i!U'V tit his oDttiiiry him who r

!itn ^timlrjilied.litiy wlm fur llietroiiitjliug Nation iu lie Inur

uf trial bk'J,if, iu tlii-Bn its yours ot triumph, ftftli our

Ami) onituDead.

'ben tbo yuors or Earth »n ovtr, and tbetaroa or Earth %j§ Jpup,

'IHID tho rvlfti uf'l'iBio ii eadod,atid EternitybeiDti,

'lien tLu tliundcn cf OmniBoicna« an onrwakeueJ 6f tuet roll,

ii.l the ukr tboie ib.ll Hither, and lw gath-ered liku fticroll;

'hen, among tho loft; mounUlni, aud aeroiBthemigbtjie*.

))fl sublime cduitfal baglor ihall ring outtbe reveille,

hen thajl marob with brighten lasrels, aoilwith proud, viptongui tread,

'o their •Utloa op to beiTMi.oar Ontni Arm;


Ia love, great fleaaures come yerynear great sorrotri. ;

Tbe Boov is one of tbe few tlifoga thatdriren without li rain.

AneioLange BQJB tbe most preoloiBcauine k a " (]binot)d setter."

We have teea a, flight ol pipeons, Didou ever seo a flight of stairs f

A ledy neeJ uut necessarily be nervousit otlilelie to jump nt an offer.

'I'm J raw jug a conclnsion," remarkedmmitlub, is be ptjlleii the ont'e tail.

It is beauty tlmt beglcB to plunis, and 'iDdotncRS Ibnt coiopletro tbe cburm. |

All or nothiDg is the motto of love.Ii und nothing is tbo molto of Hjmeu.

Muoil as be loves ronat beef, Jolin Bull: constantly getting iuto an Irish stew.

A Marathon woman bos a husband aoiborp that the usos blm to out beef wltb.

Hose mote despised by little childrenilion tbe nan who takes DO Blookin'

mU Gam.Borne folks will bang ap their stock-

legs Obristmas ovo, and some trill hangip the bartender.

The man who takes onto himself arifs on ObriKlmaB eve will bo saro to

bare well-filled stoekings.

I'm lilttos on Ibe 'at;!e,' Mary," 01;te fellow taid when be cool? sat down

bis iweetheart's new bonnet.

I t is said that * c'.illd torn oa Obiist-man will nlwuji hate turkey and gooie,ind 1(?IIQ towards ooilflsb Hud bauon,

Maiduu ludy'B qnotatlou iligbtly al-jretl from aa old aphorism i " Whereiuglentaa is bllsa-'tis folly to be vires."Tbe Peruvian dollar,a naw worth 2 1-3

cests, sad the Peruvian who can bead s•haritable aub.cription with 860 is &•arity.

An Ohio giil was deserted b j her loverat the vorj tmt ot the altar. Lack;girl I Tiittt ia tbe iiarrovest esoapd onrecord.

The fellow vho draw the blind nianiway from tbe edge af tbe dilob said bemd furai.lcd a fusion for tbe Indiet-1 pull back.

Why should we celebrate W gbirthday any more titan rainef" Baked a;encbei. "Because he never told B lie/'shouted a HI lie boy.

'Hang up tbe baby'a stocking,!" aboutthe Uackensack ItRpnblican. Via wmtit distioctlj nuilemtood tlmt we harentany aucli appciidacea.

A Toaog man who gave fafs giil a $75gold wntob lant Cbrlslmas, married berdaring the autntner, and now be thinkf

a present wu "time" well •pent.

Do parent* hnow vhf re tbelt bnyi i nnigbta t—Exchange. Notpositirely, per-bapa, although they can iwew (bey arenot in swimming.—Dantrary Nawa.

AD Mebangewyi: "When milk sonnMaiding will reader it awset again." Itia different with as old malt!. Wneatbe it war, Kvlding will only ugmsotsciditj.

Sir, thtre ii only oae way to bangood ternoU; tbatU, lolw worth j of

i well ternd. All n»tore and »1lhumanity will twrn ft good aular aw]TBMtftffiutDiiRiMbleoiw, AodttertU bo rarer tat of tb* qmlftj ot i ithan tha quality of (h Mnruta for theyItrtttitlr tMettr1! •iajow^aud dtatortthtlr UnlU In 1 Ailtnaa tnb»icry. AwW oilioo will b»« pbiloinphftn In lla••mate' ball: a sjavUh naUra willbam kiMVM tbart, and a kindl; natloiwlUhi« Hindi than, Only let It bat n n l r n d that "kiodiwt.11 BJIMI, u

iJi yoor oblld, ao with joor aerrant,oot lnJalfM«, bat •»».—irrwi o/UfC U i W W

Y O U N U P E O P L E S ' C O L U K ^ J -That we'll Bee ebout. Jastataud on' one side, Wutty."

Iba hunter cocked bie gun, took aimfor a moment, and was going to fire,when be taraed suddenly pale, and

[From Harptr'M Young People.]

THE BRAVE SWISS BOY." Now, Wntij," said he, " we masl

look out for the winter. We faavo galil; tlirough tlie fine wentier,

and Lave made a little mouej ; bultJiere'a not enough yet for what we reqaite, abr] we mast work awuy for Bonntime Ktitl before we get BB much »a willrepieoiah oar emptjr byre,"

" I will do al] I can to help von,father," replied the boy. " I euw itrack on tbo WellLorn ymtordflj (hupromises a finer buck (bun we bare takenyet"

"On the Wellliora ! On wbioh AleT"Oa the slaaier aide, fatber. It is

not very difficult to got ap there ; hut IDoticed that nbeueverhe was difltarbw.,tbe olismoia west aorosa tbe gleciertoward iha Engleliori., sad I aan afraidit irouid be rattier dnogeiom to followbim. There are ornokein tbe ice liuu

of feat deep, uni bow well weknow tbat whoever faliB into 'one nf themwould never nee t ie light o{ Jny ogniu,"

TbQt Is very true," said bis fitber,thoughtfully. " But we must have tbebuck ut auy risk. Do you know theipot on the glnciet wbere he makes for:he Eugelhoro V"

" Ton; it is quite at the top, wherehe ice eprend out like a sea."

'Well, tben,"&Bid theigountaiueer, " we muflt Ir; uucl avoii]following tbe olmiaois over the ioe, and

tiliar wait for him on tbe Epgolliwii,iud get a ibot at him aa ho posses, T«mmust go to the Wellborn, my boy, and[rive him toward me."

"YGB; that will be tbe beat, father,"-eplied Walter, " I tboughtof that my-Blf."

"Well , then, let it be BO. We ir.nst0 oif before <i)ayl)t^ak tq-worrtiw muro;! * *Toui made tbe necessary prepnrotiuua

[)o same evooiag, and long before theirst boams of Boi were visible on Ibe01 lowing morning, bo left tbe oqtlngeith liis BOD, Aftcp a toi)aome aecent of

bulf an boar, they Bepareted, TbeFuther turned to UID left toward tbe atoep

1 oroggj Bngflllioru, after ba had de-icribed tbe exict point toward wliiobWallet was to drive the animal, wliilsIhe boy Bcroniblei up tbe dangarouBidges of tlie Wnllbfiri), ta ftud the

ohamoia, and drive It to tbo pluoe wbereliis fattier was to lie io wait.

"Be very caroJul, Watty," said[ bia.thertobim ere they parted; "dim't

be rcckleu or foolbardy."The boy promised to be watchful, and

tbey BOparuted, each to hia own share ofiieUijIsoae gnd pppjktpa: Undpitpiiiug.'lliiog advantage of thD rooks and atones'hich marked the pata of a former gla-lier, Walter reaohad, the summit of the

WQllborn without rough difficulty, ofior,n bour and a half'i olimb. Taking asmall tetencope from hia pocket, bepeeted anxioasly aoross tbe field of ice>liob oopuratad Mm from the En gel-ioro, and descried bia U ther working his

way cautiously along tbe edge ot theglecier till be guinea a port of tbe rooksIbat Beemed to afford a possibility oflimbiog. Be then hail tbe satisfactionif seeiug Htn lit down to rest.

Hebaajast got to the right spot,"said he to himself. " He must haveseen tbe took. It in Just fifty feot fromIbere tbbt tbe chamois springs aorosa airack in tbe ioe to get to tbo pai-iare higher up; and wbon he once got*igbt of him, futher won't lot blm escape.iut, first nud foremost, I mast find the

[ame, aodGtart itacroia,"No euoner said than done. Clamber-

ing from rook to rook, ulwaya observantwatchful, the resolute joath pursued

is way. Suddenly, liowover,

" I foel a presentiment, thatwill Imppeii, Come borne

Walter.sometliiuDOW, aud we can try for the bnck to-

lorrow.1' "Bat tne old tnountniiieer had in tbe

meantime become sulf-posseased again,]J again raised bis gnn to fire. Juti he pulled the trigger, however, his

foot slipped, and with au exclamation oliorrort Ifalter »RW bim carried rapidlyoward tlie rift io the ioe, aod suddenly"iauppear. With the recoil of the gaplie Luoter had lost bis balance oa tbeHppBiy fee, and at tbe same mnmeuthut tiis sLot struck tbe ohamoiB, ha wiinrledinto the "rift."

Ptttber 1 father 1 father 1" screamedWalter, throwing himself ou the ice,lurror-striokflu, and peering wildly down"ic crevasse. " Father, speakl"

All was Bilent. puly a Blight triokling,as if from, some subterranean itrentu,

laohed bis euf,Fureeveral minutea the youth layot

:ho edge of tbe ohaam, paralyzed witburror, When he recovered bis con-iloasnosa, a ffloIiDR of alarm and dis-esB overwhelmed him. He ^rapt and'rung his hands bitterly, -'••

"Fulberl" '.fi dried again into thetbyss tbat yawned beneath bim-"f«,tbgi'i

ipouk to fl, fop qad's futke j"A mdden thrill passed through hissme us a low murmur enma up fromo ioy grave. He strained his cars lo

listen to tbe broken words. "I am alive,™'alty," was tbe reply qt the uoforlu-late n an i "^ut my ankle is out oflint, aqd one of my arms broken. \hall never see the light of day again,"A cry of mingled joy and agony burstom Wulter'B lips."Don't be afraid, father," he ei-

aimed. "Too shall be rescued,witbud's help. Have yon go* your bng

itill, and tbraw himself flat on theground.

I thought so—thera Le is I" said belo himself. " I must work my way are-[ally roand to the right, and then'xigbten him off with a shout."

Taking stealthy advantage of everyrook tbat could screen him from obser-vation, Writer raised bis head now and;heo to make sure tbnt the chamois haalot taken fright mid. removed from theipot. Wlien be hod thus reached the[ght pouition, ho started to his feet andittored a load hnllool With a houndhe obaraois aprong down to tbe field of

ice, wbiob it crossed with ligbt and rapidIrltles,

" Tlie game ia our's I" exclaimed Wai*it, with deliglit, But bis joy was pro*

mutnro. Now bogan a chase, whichlasletl nearly an hour, until the animalapproached ttie spot where Walter'sfather lay, when it suddenly stopped,

ivo a tremendous spring to the right,ud across tbe gluoier with tho speed of,

in arrow, and w u oat of sight ia an initant.

" He taunt have seen fatber, or else•canted him," said Walter to himself.

Oar trouble is all in vain for to day,BO I must go acquaint father with theresult."

A faw minutes brought the lad towbtre hia fatber was awaiting tbo ap-peaKDoe of tba buck ; bat Walter saw atonce that Ibe older sporUman was awareof wlikt bad happened. His fatherbeckoned (o him to be silent, andpointed 'a a small grean 8|tot above thesteep •Itlei of (be Eugelboro. Taroinghis eyes in that direction, Walter recog-nised tbe obamola staodiug on the scrapof meadow.

Mow we've got him," whispered hisfather. •'Heoan't take the rfcap i i d *of tbe mouattto, and we've cat off hisretreat; so coma along, my boy, ai fastu yoa ma."

Uoviag hurriedly over tbe lee, tbeysoon reached a point from which theycould get a good view of tbe ehamois,TJofortanately. howeier, a Urge ebasmin tho ioe lay riglit befon them, u dslopped their progress,hadclflsnd i t ,bQti l i

Tba ebamoiaqaita bojond

baman aireogtb and igiUly.For a moment father anil sou stood

silent on tbe brink of theorevasH, look-ing after tbe

11 We can't get across here, father/'said Walter, ID a whisper; "let ua trynod find none other way."

We can't find a better spot, tianthis," replied hia falber, examining hlignu.

' Bat what's tlia OM ot abootlos; hlmlWhat'a the good of a dead etiamois If w.

h l r"WbiD ho*i DDM deail, boy, well

•iwn nod lomomeauiafgelliDgst lira,1

wu t U aoirei. " A board laid o mU» «rtnsM win U so tssy way of rt-eomiBs tbi *«B1MS,H

" Sal «• UTCUI jvl» buard, faUrtr.1

dropped hie arm."Wtmt'a tho matter, father? Doyon

feol ill V inquired Walter with eaxiulj."No,"replied (be huntsman ; but it

seemed on it tbe ioe was giving way justas I van going to flro. " But it can'tbe," l e continued, Btmnpiog his foot;

Tlie Etiquette or Vinfllng f^rdis.The social nse of vwiting carflB vnrii

not only witb periods and with peoplibat varies sometimes in tlie same cit;md in tbe soma Bet, aa in Now Yuik, U

example. Wbea ordinary eallsare mad<it is outitomary, of course, ae it hasalirsys been, lo send in a card by tbiservant to utiuounce your name ampresence, and to leave jour card, if tbeperson visited be abseut. This ia com-

le, and all trae etiquette'• tbe ioe is solid an.1 firm enoagh." Jfounded on common sonae. But whew

11 Let us go borne, f&tbcr." implored

" ^es, hut my bottle is broken."" Well, tben, take mine. I'll lower it>wn with a oord. Have yoa gat it ?""Yes," was feebly answered.. " lean

lold ont now for a while, nclesB the cob.]tiikea me,"

)upig9, fitther, til] I ran down tolie vill^go, and get the neighbors andihepherdg to oome with ropes auc| poles,'ry to hold oat for a couple of hoars,nl witb the help of God yon shall he

L W l l , "

"Ay, ay, dear boy," was the faintiply; " I will try to be patient till you

tome baok." And with a godspeed,'alter hurried off to ron,B9 tbe neighborsthe rescue.It was a dangerous journey that tbeave boy undertook for his father's

escne; bat courage, and the agilityfbich is acquired by those who are no-astomed to the mountains from child-lood, enabled him to reach the valley inwouderlully short time. Fale as death,itb bis bauda bleeding, and clothes

to shreds, he luehed to the ion,hich wns tbonetireet spot) where helpmid be found. His appearance natu-

rally created consternation, and iaanswer to the numerous questions ad-dressed to him bo related in a fewjrenthtess words the dreadful accident

ich h id befallen his father. A Boorestalwuit hands were instantly readyrescue tbe unfortunate man from bia

dreadful position; the landlord of tbein ordered ropes, poles, and ladders to} Rot in readiness, and meanwhile

pressed refreshment oa the well-nighexhausted youth, Moments were pre*rtoas, but ere long tbe party reached.ho soene of tbe disaster, when Walter,leaning over tbe edge of the cleft, oried;o bis ffttbep and was answered,

Yes. I'm atill alive," replied tbemountaineer, ia feeble tones; " hut Iam almost frozen (0 death, and In dread-fnl pain. Blake baste and help me, iffoa can, for I'm losing my seusea."

" Down with the rope!" shouted themdior >, who bad himself coma np with

the part; !—" &ook out, Hirzol I Flacathe loop over your aboaiders and underfonr armB, and try to draw it tight.

There are plenty of strong arms here

many visitors ore anticipated, as 00 NewYear's Day, or at general receptions, i1a expeoted thai cards shall be left, omthey are left in a very irregular mauuer.It is nutursl to hand tbe oard to the ser-vant who opens the door, aud most per-sons would do so at ooce, especiallywhen tbey see tbo servant armed witbcard tray. Bat wben tbe company itlarge, and baa been formally invited, iiseems superfluous, if not absurd, to procede yourself with a card; nor Is it supposed that yoa will. Nevertheless, it itpresumed th&t you will drop a curd onleaving, or before leaving, aud you coatply with tbe fashion whether you npprove it or not. On New Year's Da;,1,for instance, nomo servants are providedwith trays, and on admitting you, n--seive your (lord.. Home of them carry iiinto the drawing-room, and yoa initEnotively trait in the hall until it bii>jeea delivered, for to accompany yourcurd renders Ihe card redundant. Again.Le servant informs you th&t the ludk*

are receiving, nod asks you to step hi,retaining your card, so as to make youfeel, if you are not familiar witb, or iu-lependent of, etiquette, as ii you had

made a mistake, At olbsr nlupi's theservant has I)Q troyt aud y.^ are privil-eged io leovo the card in the buskct,

malty Blending In tliu Imll, eii ber goingin or coming out. There ia (iq poujtivcrule OD the mibji'ct, but ia generallymore ca,Qv.epiet|t or loss awltwurd tu

lye the card oomiug out. At Veltle-Iruma, wbiob everybody pretends tolUlike, UQ4 which coutinoe in vogue,

fite uauberltwB muuifeat ubjeotioasthem, the same custom of leiving

tards prevails, and of leaving them insnmo uncertain Hay, &t eveciugod or private teeeptions cards aret Idt, aUhouglt there is just IIB

waflh reason for leaving them there as [at ksttledrums. The excuse offered forleafing Cards on New Year's, at kettledrums aod general receptions, Is tlwthe hostess raayltao,^ wliQ h&a called, or

pracUQully accepted lier invitation. Buteue hits the some c&nse, and doubtless

desire, for knowing on imy>tber social occasion, fjtiqyiette is oftenrery funtagtig and flnloal, but sound

etiqiieLta is, we repeat, BO based on com-mon seDBe that it may guaerally be di-vined by a dulioate instinct. In regard0 oai'ds, no man 01 woman of fine ap-

prehension, or good breeding wouldhick of leaving a oard at a general as-

sembly of any kind, unless before enter*log a drawing-room, and this is unques.tionably tbo best role of the best so-ciety.


iat will soon get yoa up,'The rope Imriug been ido fast to an

Iron stanchion driven into tbe ice, thelooped end was lowered sway into tbeilioam; bnt no sign was made by Etraelth&t be bad obeyed tbe directions, andfastened It round his body.

"Pather, why don't yoa make baste?"exclaimed Walter in agony.

But there wim uo answer."He most have fainted at the last

moment," said the landlord; "and if so,tben may God liave mercy upon himfor not a living creature could veDtutesuoh a depth,"

1 /will venture ill" ex old toed Walter,Riug tbe rape. Bat twenty hands

held him bock. " Let roe go I" be oried" I mnst savn my father I" and breakingloose witb a sodden effort from tbe moorlio surrounded him, the ooarngeoniroatb seised tbe rope and disappearedIn sight of Ills horror-strioken compan*

A fsir terrible momrnta pasted, whenshout from below was soddenly heard,

and the cry, "All right! pull away,trlenda I" aeut a thrill uf joy throughevery heart.

"Pull itcadily, a y IDPD," cri&l thegood landlord : "kut pull as if JOOIown lives depended ou it, I can see;ben aow I" eieUiaetl h*, gsting [&t<lbs gloomy abyss, " Hirael peems Ubare fainted, juit u I thought, billWatty bu fastened tho ropo round himFeouroly. Full away 1 tfaoy will betbo top in a few seeonda."

EnoonragAd by attocrsa, tbe men ie<doablod their cffortu, and bad KWQ theaatiifactioa of landing father and sonsafety on Ibo lew.

[TO B I ooimirnD, ]

J 4 y g ii greatiny varieties, the latest being beveled

and gilt edged cards in various shapes,To meet the general demand for thesecards a mil assortment of all the new de-sign* has just been received at the THEIBOH EBX offloe, where with tbe aid ofthe latests scripts card? are printed asneatly as engraving at a much less cost.

Uncle Aaron's RattTrop.Uncle Aaron livod near Hartford, and

was a matter of-faotman, His bam andint-houses fairly swarmed with rats, and

Uncle Aaron was telling a friend frommother town, who was visiting at Illsionse( bo * he was troubled by mts, andiow he had seen a hundred, at Ieastat. time. The friend laughingly told himhuqdmd was a good tunny rats, nud

begged him to taks off a few, UncleAaron repHnd that be was fixing a trap,and if his friend would wait & few daysbe wrnltl show him a haul of rats whichwonld convince him he was Dot lvlng.

'All right," answered bin friend ; "ifyou will oatoh anywhere near a hundredjuBtlet me know."

Uncle Aaron too, said, "All right,"idding, "I'll let you know.1

Wben bis friend started for home, tbelost thing he said \ M Be sure audlet me know how many rats yon catch.A hundred is a good many."

Ibe trap Uncle Aaron was at work otwas a sort of platform almost as large aia big lmrn door, and the plan was toweight it with faonvv rooks, raise one endabout turee feet from the floor, and haveit so rigged tbut the pull ot a stringwould spring it and let it fall to the floormaking it decidedly uncomfortable lorany liviug thing that might happen tobe under it, After arranging it to biamind be began to bait i t He threwmeal all around and under the trap, sadwent to a place conveniently 'nenr andwatched things. He did not have towait leng before be counted at leasttwenty rats busily investigating thaimeal. Bat they did not go under Iheplatform. Tula was kept np far severaldays, an. after a while tbe patientwatcher who spent an tour or two everyday ia seeit'g them tnanamvre, bad tbesatisfaction ot w i n g several of the ratsventure under tha trap. Then ht knew

his plan would be a He coal.

When a IBID went b«ma tbe other dayanil loM his wife that be had just boughta new spring wagno, she nclaimnl:"Wt)j, George 1 what made you get aspring wagon in tbe fall of tbs year T

Paildj's description of a fiddle «amoot,be best: "It waa Iba shape of a lurks? |sad tb< visa ot a gooM; fas lanwd itover on i u bsek and robbed its bellywltb afcUek J and oen I St, Patrick ! howIt dU squib IN

pull tbe string almost at any time of d«yand catch s doien or twenty, bat be was1 'lying low" for a bigger haul. Tbe up-raised platform wu no longer a terror ttbe anlmuta. They took the bait fromunder tt as readily as could be deaired.Finally Uncle Aaron thought the timewas rijw to pull tbe sliiag. He hadnot baited it tbe night before, ao tberodents would W e a keen appeiile wbenheaurinkta! tbeobe«Morambsand mealthit morning. After doing this be tooknp bis position and waited. First omrat—a sort ot pioneer—came gliding ouaud began to partake ot tba fraat. Hex)a pair earns cat 1 then th?f« or four,then a down. They came from all dirt*,lions. Ucolo Aaron was sotoallj trrmMing witb neitemont. He could hardljkesp hts hand from pulling the atriua.But be walied until tliBipan otuhrthipUllorm wemed f.lrly alive with 1creatures, and then—ho pulled. Dowent tbe platform witb a onudi.

number of tbe rati were teen atampcrlngoff, bat Uaclo Aaron felt confident tha!ba bul nailed torn* of 'em. As baap fas saw tbe beads and laiU protndwgaod ha Utoaiht be would civa lb*a alla food < q u n clianoe to dia befon hirawed. U H trap. Ht wftilad tiU nighawl tbm ba lifted a Ht m a t e db w 4 n 4 aid (wntjr-tws d«ad m a .

I Blood at the beginning of a narrowand daugerous passage up tn almostperpendicular mountain. On eacb »\&eof the way, were dark, gulfy precipicesand deep ragged ravines. Tbe path was

narrow aod steep, that it seemod tume impossible to climb i t ; and I wasturning away, when I saw ut tlie top ottbe mouutain au immense edifice; tome it looked quite email but I knew,from tbe ditttauae, it must be of grout

Bize. Its gothia utruuturu, its pinnacledtowors aud its 1 jfty spires, gave me tbaimpression that it was & paluce. I bad

it my wuy aud worn out witb iny rout-B wauderiugB I bad oome to tba base

if this mountain, I bad no plrou ofihelter so I must reach yonder pnluoebefore night, or rest ou the ground wit.liiotbiog but the vacant heavens for aDvoricg. I began to ascend but foundiat at every step I was ia imminent

langer of fulling over tlie edge of thamtb find being ewnlluwed up by tha

ige jnwa of same durH and horribleecipice. All hopij of roacliinR the wlsh-for destination bad left me, wbon a

lend came to my relief. Ha was uaId man, who seemed buried ia the'pro-indity of lib thoughts, At flrstlte hardly

at me, btit, wben be saw the anx->UB look ou my luce aod heard my story,

face lit ap with a kind and pitiful\o, and lie said: "Soyou wonlit

imb this rugged steep and reach yon-ler palace before night. Tliat rnggoJitlb leads to the Palace of Pamejbut myiend the dangers of that path are fear-

tbore is the danger of at any mo-tent tnakinn & misstep, of leaving go ofIiidum's hand and yoa would be dash*on the rooks below. Volves of jeal-uj sod lmtrod will beset your putl',Lb jawB greedy to devour you ; andould you pass them safely, at tbe ft&testliB pnlaoo there is an immen'ii lion,

illed pulilio Opinion, and if you cannotsattily him, witU something tint will

liate his appetite, yoa are Irdt. Da .still tliiuk you liavfl oourpge to face

se dangefa io order to reoiih tlie pal-of fame Y' Well, tbe journey is notmpting ooe, it is Indeed an awful; but when I think of tbe reword of

laccessful journey up yonder horridrvhea 1 think of the joy that would

Lie poBBQsaion of me, were I totreachie palace in safety, my spirit does hat-

with my bodily weakness, and ovcr-niag it prompts me to go on. "Well,

will be yoorjguide; I have otten trov-illed thla road aoil ouu aid yoa greatly."

inks, my friend, a Ihousand thanks;ly X ask the name of my benefactor ?

'My name is Wisdom." Tbe nameSruck ma with such profound respoctid ewe, that I walked along in silence,>ur after hour thinking of my bappi-

ess in making such a friend. It wasree o'oiook in the afternoon

bad barely finished holt oar jour-jy; and oh I suoh toil and fatigue asendured. 1 At every step I could see

Iuto awf al caverns that seamed toium mo; and often my head grew

tizzy witb the alluring sight and bat fori&dom's staying hand I would have

fallen iuto their dark unknown depths,'or four more long tedious hours we

up that narrow way and at lost.roe in sight of tbe Palace of Fame.re were half a mile away bat, we could

as plainly &s if we were standing be-3e it, ItB windows were ol tbe parest•flttil and tbe golden light that at ream-from them Ht up tbe Eden-like gar-

10 enoiroling the Fulaoe. Tbe tops of»spires and pinnacles seemed veiledtbe snow-white clouds. Ihe moona marching np tbe dome of beareu

id the soft mallow ligbt from the starsimed to me, as it Home tt&gel band

IOVB were gazing in delight upon theHow my eyeB feasted oa the

grandeur and magnificence of the sight Iid, forgetting everything in tbe ez-

remity ot my happiness, I let go of'isdom's hand and be immediately >an-

ihed from my sight, I waa iu despairind in endeavoring to continue tbe as-

iat, I made a false itep and oh 1 horroi 1tell over a projecting orog into an im-

aenio precipioe. Down, down and still3WD 1 will I never stop 1 can nothingive me 1 oh 1 ao, nothing I nothing 1id uttering a breathless prayer

ir tlie good of my soul—I awoke,'es, & dream, bnt ah so true I How

many try to reaou the palaoe of Fame,nd In their endeavors succeed beyond,

expectation; hat, wben on tba thrcs-ild of having their fondent hopes real-

ized they make a false step and undothey have done. How many

lines have we read of like examples inAncient and Modern times and of whatittle avail have they been to m. Letirudenoe, wisdom and justice guide aa

all onr actions, let all oar energy beoentrallsed in oar work and success willcertainly orown onr efforts. Let aslever torget

If than woaldst olimb FUBM raggediteep

Tin time to watch whlla others rioep.IOBXCLC,

» » » •

Fnilof^&pea."Tbe real, old-fashioned Yankee ii stillfixture among us, tlough some wriUrs

wonld make us believe that he oat beesdead for yean. There wu a genuinespecimen in the Erie depot yesterday,and lie via explaining to wveial inter-ested parties:

11 Father in-law Irres here in JerseyCity, and I'm ob a viiit like. ThooghtI'd brinff alone; a fiw trips and thiugtand frit op a dioker or two. Any ot yelikfl to Invert in that 1"

Ho put out the model of a rat-trap,and said :

"This trap not only enlchet tbe var*ilnU, but it ehokes 'em to death, throws

tbe body out of that back window, andthen resets iUclf. ID tbe lop fa an alarmto go off al any hour yoa want and wakeip the family. Hen's an apparatu onnil side for grntin' hone radish, and on.he other is a mill for grindia* spice*.Any of you like to buy ooantj rigbtu ?"

no one did, sod be then placed befonthem a wenel, about which he wplaioed;

"This is now a wutcr-pail. By platt-ing this iron cover on the bottom u be-comes a kettle. By inverting tba coveryon bnve a spider, Tbe pail Is a half-SuibolmMtnrotoacrain. Once Btnandt la cuetly a vshl. Its weight Is ei-

actly two poanila, and I sell conntjrights for 160 each."

Thr n « l wai a bocl-jnck, whicb »u!Jlie transfonanl ID to Bre-toogs, pret*>board, store-budlav nail-bumoer, andsewral other Uttogs. Be bad an lartrwhich bnrcd four holn at osoa, a ginutiwbiob bond a aqaam bole • a warning*naebino which cooU also ba cud* 10MI T« as a taa table, and ona or two otktvtblDgs, »nJ as be reached the UH ho

"OenUmou, I an fall of SMOOUUOO*,[II iavnt taythiBi yoa w u T n i i l

anything IVe got. f i l U U ptj in . « , .thlntyooh-vt.aod I l l g i n t m y o Motrovaebaaee lo Mks> a BiUiondoU

Page 2: HE LUMBEE CO.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · IE11UBN eta., 1D(] js prepared to riirniili IN MOUULS COUNTV CALL AT STIVER'S NEW YORK ANDCHINA TEA CO, BLACKWBLL

THE IRON EEAi Dover Printing Company,

rCEilr.EtnS i*)D P BOP HIE tOEI.

Tho New Jersey Legislature,Tbu 105lh Legislature oonvtmed atTienlou

on Tuesday and WIB oiganintd by tbe elec-tiuu of tba (ollowiDtf nflcm, all Kcpubli-

C—GorrtU A. Hobwt, Fawalc,8-MitlMlitV, J a i l . 15 t l l , ( S S l J president, Gcorgo Wurta, Brain, were-

tary; William T. H<>nt, Eswx. asfiititautnuret i rv, Lambert L. MuhTord,sffgeanl-fct arras; IMttnrd JI.Wurrau, tugruwihig clerk, with the usualnumber of doorkeepers.

- Uurrieon V.m Duyne,

liEC£NT STUDIES IN MESMERISM,ii t^nus nugiiiitr t int ml.j ets which for

a It-u i tiinw bnvu ckdU.il KU mticlt tulle astiLtvr Mihuu-riBiu und Bj'iriliiulidiLi, KIIPIhave i^miii >:d without nuy tlmronj>h ultm ytat t-i-'wittiSti Ireatttwut, »nd, ll j i o w U c ei-pla..niiuii- Jj<jcnd a doubt HJWIU maturetav • liftu ofifii, if mil in urly always, Ofi>o-ciii'-d with trickery and U<e<it; mfmiMedth.it tW eundilioiiK imji SMIIIJJOU woulil'litiillVi.l,tig»tUltf LllJO liftII Mltill UB IHU Wdlcu£. ukltil tu prevent dawovtries • elill it isBtnoifju tlirti such roiuarkaUie jiliuiiocan liiliu place without BUIUS mil L'IItli< ir must). The Drospwt now in. h<;wtill! tliu luvrlcty utU'UlUiit ou lut-aiuwill IHI draped iuio tlio light, wlu-rmi-diuil p rof i t ! n, if not tlio n-st of tbewm lit, c«ut;..tt (liu rcrtl faults Oli<' lWMi

tin1 vaiisff. Witl'iti tbe pn.it ii'iv wonI)r. llddeubniu, 1'roft^fior of l'bynitiUAc, ut lirrlmi, 1'rust.in, bus publhUejinuiiihh'l UL'Luutit of ex|jtriiiii*iilti j ' trionou uuJiciil MudcufH under life earn,moiuluti>ly the ut<wi<p»i»cru haro containedaccounts ol similar and iiiore striUiiR ex-ptrtuieuts by Dr. C^cryo M. Beard, of NewYork.

Dr. Huidenliaiii's attention was Jrthe mutter l>y tbo performances ol a " p r ofassor of iiitiuittl mngnrtit.ro," *ho setto txcrewu mi txtraonlimiry innrer ov.«hu WITU willing to becxpfriniuitoil unoo,eod nttbosol.'cttHtioti ot friendsr houndtook Io give n plijKiolngunl <>|i!iin<iUiii]tbttsfitfniiigu cfftclft. l>r. Rfiird hue fo

A HANDSOME BRIDGE.Tiiruiigit tbu c-durtvsy of Er. Jotfi W.

us nf tbiirapid K"i"g

r of lbs Biiar.l ot Vsuuty, uiid the efll

i of rom)stats,

;uold-jf hit-

iji. aker ; Cummins O. Coopor, Morris, elerl&»a W. Uieluusou, Hiidbun, Hwibtant >Toliu A. Prawn, Gloucester, acrgeaut-atirmn, aud GuatQn C Wytiitiap, Camdeo,Rn>*.iug clerk, with tliu ro^ulir uuuibur

long fimof tlic ii'


t.j>fi 1 it \UI LIB who ilr*l

(lie »J-tlio ja t b

IID oolWUd sogroup o[ people lu Maim1, hi own iu tin"jiimiHTH." His cxpi-rimi'iilh lu UICBUIlnut have not yt/t hew pil l ixlt /] JII tbituiiiitifio pi-rlodicilB. Mtd tin. lift lj p i |(jive uit/rily the fm-tfl, ami nolhtug * fooLduBinin, tlmt Pr. Jltarddmuii from tin

Mc-Hiurihin, named rrum Anton Memhatithobemi Unmru as .<jiiu>n! ilngmtdud likclro-biolr'By, ulid uownjipcum unnuuwuumo, lljiniotihin. H lma been liknown that n fowl or sinall wilil fvnimfll,finuly Li<Ul cin'itH batk for a niiuule ortwiihik'ileiljnMit JNgf-ully Klrolicil, will nttfiwards lie perfectly btill for some time, iimli)ti[ no L'ffart to «h«ipo, tuough free tu d» BC

A few yean Biiieu tbo writi r auglil in hiluit.d a swallow, which liariiinpr'soutd ilaclIfttwwu Iha window J^bpn- Tlicl inl lay

. ouilabockin liis linnd freft-etly flill, tb.cy.H cltHcd aud breo't hcnvlug rupiilly, mi&ifidu uo ctb^r motion cv<m WULII hclu ouiu tho open olr ; but whf n iot-utd off in1i(hfiiiir, it&ewamy uftiurally and at onco.

to idmtictil with the mesmeric trunoa.Koine peopla nre most susceptible to ger.

ilf cicitulioii of tin (.km liKt t PBO animaliolhirs tollml of tbo b aringor Ifcl t , bulIn nny ense, Ihi, t i n t m c tnn t tuiht bn of ikiiallo requiro it mom tinmisntt iition—iunironn Bttdung, gnE"1- »t Hoiiiesumll olijeet or lihttmiiK to fl dull r ^uh r 8Q m 1Tlie iHiswu RenemlU nad ar i not nt-cc-^arjto product, the rthult tluu U ln> rftnhiulcn it. 'llm himilist md isimt r suittu jiroiluco are ificiBt, <'f I s S llf cansi.ionnew. iimlofliuitAtioD If tho lois ofujuSfiuusntKS bo incoinjiletf, BOIIIO OHL' ot morof BCUPU1! rcmaiti active, bul pruiluoc no imp r i s o n ou tbo mind; n-i jnniaiuncrowdefitnet BCTH tlic peoplo whom liu fiusnesammakes tlie »eoen*ary iiioieiijeuts to avoiElritiing ugitintt tlipm, but dom not reuiPtiiher either tbo inBetiug or lUe luovemoul1*.

Vhon tbe excitation in fioldy Uy nu<nuof pap-cs over ana jiart of Iho body, thefirst IDKB of comtciouimiRs i» generally iithat part; if tbis be the bond, the vnuAv

tbis Ktiffness pusses up tbe aim, tben to ttiot(»r arm and finally to the lower l\iab».I t in dangerous to proceed further tbnn tbia,leBlthebroitbiniE niiwalH beaome dffcotod.Tho patient may bo mada to rigid in tliiiway tliat lie will lio mipported by heart 'teet on two chn[«. A fillet *'»ocb or touchwiih a cold body will awakm the sleeper.but Bouietiraen pnrt of tho utiffaewi rtmaifora short tiino; anil tho condition onceprudaeed, can always bo produced moreciElly tlio eccoud tf [tier.

Itaitntionof Komo nctbns. weing, crying or jawnhiit, i» common in thenatural tlute, but in tbo liypiiolio comh'tiouA nmn will imitato auytbitig ibat lunktsnnimpression oa liis SBIJSW. If Ihe fippji'mcuttr wall arouud tba floor, milking noisot-noiigh to ba *asily litarit, tho alecptr willftilluw him, Btip for stOji. A iircsKiir« on(be napi. of the UMIIC or on tue bo.ly Just

to repent spsktu w«ird->. cvtii if they nro iuan unknown liiiiguaue, or i iwo iiicolicrenBoucdD. Or if the voice Is direct*d throagla fuuiiel ngaifht thoso purls, he will repeiii t ; liuUtmugi-ly vnttnxk if dirccttd intotbocnri tprorinMsno t f . c i . 1\w auLJift ioutolbo will cf Iho eipcrimniUrwbiclitho buljt'ct can often ho junta to shuw, invery eimilur to tbin iicimtion j iu tbo oneciwu tho ulceper pcwclrrs w^tbout tjeiii^coitfcioua of it cfcrtiiiu eifilita or eotiniUutBodnttd with & a-rlftin action, whicb ac-tion be ptrfora a i in tbe other cnne holiennicertain words awncUtod with wmctiou audagain pirformif the ictiou,

Dr. Heard uaa succeeded, by what eiactpiocesa we are not told, ia suspending comliletel; tho action uf c«1aiu of the BVUBCH,one at & time, to that ihu biiclitest fluxhciof ifiiht will uot c u s e tha eye Yul* to vinkor Iho pupil of the eyo to dilate, BO th-iiBubitonces nt most bititiK to&K us rtd pi p.per, produce no «fl\ct in the mnuth, nudcvvn fco tttwt the prick of n pin or a violentblow produce* no acmatha of pa\o h bantlio been found poHiiblo to produce manyof tbeae efftoti ou one lida of tbe bodyonly; for instance to rirodaue rigidity ontbek f l i i du of the body, by stroking the

The e*aw of this 1B not well known, l<ut• lupjwied to depend ou tlie otrvmti •;*•Um, likfl tho msi-jr fortu» of l j»uria ; in-deed, perwui of • hy-tericallj nccvomtUnp«nuncnt yMd wort! readily to t i elufljeuM* of eidUtion. Tbe whole subjectU Oui of ooimidcrabU iotarf it th it UM btre-to(.,re beeu M t largely in tbe ban<!it oftrickftUn, but now that men nf admitled•bili'y art ttMking it * KfproUlity ftrri'9 i t ft kDOvlf*cU of th« ni»lter. If uot to

Thu Cuivuruor'ri nu'ssisgo was receivedEoouaatbe organization was (terfeotfiil.np us ft, fo(l'jw«:—"Por tlio kat tint»Ucnini- my duty to lay before you a BUin r.v of tin? condition of tbo Utat»," andihiHi $om im to give n n&iUHE "f tbe Btal

uriitgtttp j'fiir just andi-ti no tpnjponti-, in II ti limitation <if rt'(!t-iptn, luive bnlii-fd liy Un' Htiitn fund to metit aecrui

!i)iijj)itim, mid nt (ts clsinn th<ro w«-> no ii:idtiiK>i oilier than tlio ruiiKtundhia w

bojiilB, which then uniDuiitttl to Jil,i)'jG,!J()iU'l ut thu ibttn nf I tliu inewMBO hnve buMlunod to l.B'Jfi Hi«). AH itidiuntid by tl

0n]ii]>tm!l(;r hi ten yearn at moht thin delxv II jiroUhly c«ns« Id ht> a cliargit upcSialu fund, mid can he unrud for entirely b,tbc sinkitit! Fund.

TherccrijitMoiincrmintof Stala fuudwert'J2a,4(tZ,mtrnm (he proceed* of (lie 8(n(I * , aud 4ft-JC.nlT a-l fmm the iBonr^K of rHvcnui-. mukii'K tofii-thi'r S 1,0*54W.Ui, wliit'li, Kithllm bthiieeon handtli«> Iw'iiitiniim nf tbc jviir. nviil« up tbe minf *l,W,t(«)7«RViiilablc for tbe purpoiof Oiifl fiitx) diiriaf^ thi1 yfttr,

Tlic ili-hiirKciiiftitn ou tliiMnccount wt.*.l,(!li7,!l"J>.:H a [lecn'iwfl of ftriii.lWO.WO

' 0Tun"lMiRora1 n ^ l m i i r t V t l ^ o w l i t of thRt«t-> fund mi October 31. 1HWI, wim san7:to-l5. nit iiuTciiHi* of ^G8,-li)l.TI> in cmpnmon tutl Ib. yeor h^fnro.

'1 lu < [i< rii m ti uf tint jmst yimr btiR prnvtho pr 111c l\ nf thu r<>tiiornl of tii'i Btiitux foi tin diercnsc in eximiKes aud tincr iiw from the regular HOKIWB of reveuutn,dl i r mlh Ihe bnluurc on hnnd, wBnfitj urr un throiiuli ide comitiff yew.

Mr H ibart iu hi- inaiignnil addreHd* It iijiDn thi ui'C'KHity of mvising tli

of tli« jttiut resolution in favor of bleuiiiftl

Tu tbo mnke up of the S nato CommitlMr. Yottn«lilood is Chainnan of tbe CAmiltee on LniuitlcAiiyliiinM, ttni of tbe Con-niltti>« on Comiui-rcc and Nuvigntiou. I

Ua a iiiPttiber at thti Committees i

ltovfsior of tlio law and thi

In tbi) Hou-o Mr. .Tounnnu Inn iuei»li.rtbc ('owmilti'cM on Uiparinn Uiglitx, Fin

t nu$ hmitttlo Asylum*- Mr. J'ont Ja itho Cutiimiltuus on KiifiroHtwd Bills w

[\v-uU\ Eijsuiihtf. Mr. Liudsliy^a oitbc C'omniitk'o on Btatu l'riaou,

Boyond ttis introduction in tbe Senatethtt hill providing Tor likmilol seBsionsthu t«^it>ta1ur« there bus been but liltl

lutimi of importance this wi'uk. Tint and nbniifUing luterest center1* in thi

olvctioii of a U, H. HcuQtnr wltk-h occurx r2r.tli itai, for wbbb the leading i;ni:(]

I'H am Oim. B'Weil, Him. Qco. A. lMwitud Hon. (1(0. M. Itobcnon, with Stunt

art nnd Mr. Pitney at oorupromina ca

fiOARO OF FREEHOLDERS-At the monthly meeting of thu Morri

Conuty Frt'c<b(ild«ri on Weiluosday all wer[•rPKuuttfjccpt Mr. Van Duyne.

The iiiimiteH i f the last meetingrvnd nwi ujijiroTixI.

A cnmuuiniuatinn from J. D.Secretary of the Merchants' Insumnce Co\muy, wns rend. It was a very effusinll-ir, il'rmaiiding pny for a policy thatoue wfin» (o know- anv thing about. Keferrt1

tn tliA ciiiuiiiuniaiktian from John B. Vreelaw

Clerk of Morri* towufihip, notified tbe Boaithat one of the. ballot boies of tbut towiHlifp was nut of repair. It was ordered thlit be iiifitruutcd to repair the box and pre-sent thfl bill to the county.

Mr. J. 8, Salmon, Counsel of tbe Bonn)rendered UU opinion in the mntter of tdill pnwufcrf by Mm. P. A. D^tot\ hfflOf).7n, ns balance of salary due her lalhusband, there having arisen a (tuflstionto whdhur the late Prosecutor was entitlto feen or Ratary Tbe counsel was of tbi

ttiut he wan entitled to tew. Thwas accepted and ordered placed


Mr. Salmon altto gate his opinion In rel,nce to (he bill of Fi eeboldor Harden fpcases Incurred by him wliflo doing tbi

urtimna oF tho critiuty, it biwiug beea Inby a vote of the Itomd that tho Freoholdt!ou!d not receire any otherb-fid(H bix per dium. Mr. SuH-DN in flub^niifid At follow*:

Tlint the t«n dollurs per day montionedin the Inw in cc,t»iiemn{\on for his time, andIhnt nny ncttinl expeusa incurred in dotnfIbu busincsH nf tbo enmity in not compen*lion or emolument. Therefore in bis opin-ion the Rinril Ifi at liberty to psy the actimd ncccfctuiry cxpcnxeB of tho Freeholder.

Mr. Smith moved tliat Mr. Hardinbo p>f<thu iti'ins for eipennei utiiokeu from hiNovember bill. Lost by s vole of 1 to

tinrl.v tho whole Hoard preferring not to

Otfi.Mr. UtV olTered the followingKwni.vFD, This Boira pay no bills for the

im-bl of truniFS or for prison board, exccpt wbere ttnch tmnps *n dinturblDg th

t Raid tbe jtll U nnw Ofer-rvn,Mr. Lcid thnt

jr t r two-thiids of tlie prUoaetB

o( Ihf

German Carp.Enr jyu r thp FioU Comaiiiwlon h*t " •

nt* wrinkle." Tbla lime it 1* Ibe Ommnearn, * flftti mbkh ban • st'iignUr tetiwity otlife and il Malty it\A in pnuila. K nnn.Vrof Itwu fi«li hate woenlly been inUodnenito Uorri* Coanty watrn and it IKCOUIM I.BIo get acqttftiiittd with tbeir Ltlit». Thecommon gold fl*b *od th« tllnr Aab tieetrtw, bat tb« QnniHQ variety uro»* Inmuch Ufg*r •!«. «jd nay bi t*\t*4 In any 'foihl by »ny fararr «bo «iU di« i twull |pond, with • ttwdd/ tottota. DnriRK tlicVfnfrUt* (•rpbibcr»-*t'#, l"Jri» Jjijawlff o tlw mod and ia aa qniat M an « l . 1UIb4«a oot In tin aftrisg and at *»»« btcoair*• ht«rty fwdtr, firawlns « « l j ia i*rltvjiOOftdi wdj'.t lad ottn tn lrl«t Ib4t, Tit-f m U t f> l^tl I t f' * *iag~itb *niisal, too:ak>* t« l*k» a l^ch, but h# I* * f*


committed u vagrnnta. BeatdeaA«frn;in|{ thn cnHt at tltrir commiti

In Hupply them with clothing, budding,He thought thpy Bhould be provide

For "I tin- I'oor Hoii«\ wlipre th«T omtiil hi•lit-in r. If tlwv were not disturb!

l!ir publio iii-nen hi tlioitRdt (hfty were im-rnptrly to in ilt.d, Tbcir Bominltmcntleinn tn provide a HOtiron of wt , nue for theiw v\xn ur? en^'iSfd In ft,Mr. 8-. ilti *M tlmt If wtcb are commilUIP Sheriff cannot help but feod them.Tin' Director tlinnfjltt the fault was !u thi-

llouid pa} ing tliu Blii rill n witn itifflsifiive (littit Rood RC|ii\ra ueMa every*bicli in Ju-.t what trtuipd lih«.

Mr. fiaiflh ihnnglitffw fault taj with t i eitstlcro who Cftnuuitied ibrtn.Sir. SKIUIPII raid Ihe Uw allnwn the conv

litmcut, untl hnvlug tuc choiteifn rr>f< r tbn ji.il to the poor bouw. \V<rj suiniurliiiK Ktroni/, henftbj ntffl, wb<i

uughl t" U»nmiiig Ibfir Ihinu. I IP tlioofihtit UNN a mntter for tiie Orntrd tn considertthctlivr tbry would provide tbrm withcloth** mid thirty crul* « day board, «r

ttlii tin r !ha.t (he I'cii

Mr. WiJCitnr»ll^lk ptiu* «hand water.

The m o

y *b(iujd kHp[Kirt ttiem od«p#rly Poftr lloom.'.

» Ibongbt tbat If tba county iaa >U|>|>ort tlirm it ahoultl hivflre th. y could U t<4 on brrt4

ill n DMIOIJ .

Tho N.J.C«ntnl Stock.Tli' -"«k of (li.'« milroU WM aoM JafttlurcUy at MT). DnrioR tba panto, when

thin •tock waa qnotrd at 9, a g«alJ«nrn of) K w York. i t rou tUy with

was * br-kcr, tbe Utter <U««*J«1 bin from<»l hU in'ccUon Mid 1M did notA c«>.piri*TO <4 the pri<* of Uti

ttocl *t Ib .1 tiaif kud lu vtla« to-d»y tbom

T b o n t n ^ llS.OOnttiUt

eren XiH't-lp'j to bo present nt ihe "U

it Biidd'it Line, btlnw Obathnniibo onuntitd of M-itrin and E

or E 0 . f><irt!uiiiH, of thu EfUf:x liirt-uent with tbe cimiiiiitUe from

B ill lory diHuui

»• brtJ^e iind

outr-itlor* wf ITlitt K

urilered to htt paid.li'iiEtiire in* hfcU tnby iliu Jimsa lmu

V 'iui^nti>»u, Oiii", mid WIM putthe airecii'iu ot G. M. Killing. EijL-rsey City. It is u tinglt hpnii~iilifur| flu- liiiuut uf (dtt uuu lii'f«sN tin. V.itwHic lietweeii the two wnmlinim height tnt-r all in KM fed, mid in tlH<>ar. bd'wcon tbc ubntuientK, it i* 101) feet.IIm width in tw nly re.-t, rl«ar r"ii Iwny, Add

a t*rit((je, fui.iujuuy, ofUp i i d

igiuti-ul i«

hitlf fwt tlikli,KI-II hi t i e tttrucl

xainui'u ihu iriJill frmii He ui^

iili-B, lin^uittf iirchittL'turii btingruiniint'il. 'VimrucJL'ful aruL tbatiiiw. In ill thi) Yi

ovur wltft Oeor^:n \nue tv midhich U tho oiily wood

itn g<--m-Hlly jiiu'tii

til np-

fll an thvery firvtty viuw—Hi

vury neat and tusk fullyi.vill jjr.>Httu e aIds wmh tu HI

mous inirtu uf Hie irou-'vk bitim n r>u)js»tnr)liu) jflbutmeiitu anil wiujt w illH, Of

tun*1, n-rd'teit by Mr. L}ut:h, ulkO bhotry unit j >b uf nifiH-iiry.

In th» bnihiinu of tho bridge tl^ruuitmi d'hy, wjiiib occnn')oi)ci\ ijuitu H

iiciiiiVi'iiii neu lu tlr> ])i'Oplo of that 1 'i-nI'biH wiw eniiH' d by tLu faut of the iuahililyf liriiU-;« luiildcm iiml otln-r iiiciuufaclitrt-rs

of iron to 1111jwi

rders a, Tie

iiHiml duringvbrinfo[ulti ni, theyIrtu'ttire, nad'IllJI'llJilf (J *L

md 'Ii/ briiiau uf u in-to civet a huiiijiluI^IK wtr- maik- it'll

roro they g"1 oue to suit their ttiMos. TU''|H o]ik. will (loulith'Ks feel tlmt Ibe lemporrtry

iiiiiretlun mitde up to ttiaji in the buauty%\)d Kiibhtiiufinl tiinnmfer of tiieir utw briil^e.

'1'IIB corf of the irnn work of the bridgew.'H *2.4"t», nml of Ibo IUPJ" »ry tO8.»—<loiul of ti).4/ii), iimUing the aj-eute to each

Aiifiifur now iron britigu fn iicoiiMru lion between tbo tvo (cinulks, atSwiDtlMil, aud when it h coiu^kltd tbI'dBsalo river alun« (bat eectiou of Morriscounty will be fpumied by eight fine Ljrid(jtn, ninicly i Kew Providi'iiou, G'liitthnliudd'ti Liino, Columbia, Hanover, Swinc-fl.ld, 1'ine Hr. oU nod Three Urldgu. Theso

[<M lire all BO BubstiinUulIy constructedwith proper caru a lmmbtr of genern-

.latin will ptaa nwny iteforo they became

.loeleMi. That tl ey are much cheaper thenvoodeu plrncturcH has been conolusivolyleniotiatrated, and the county h to lie cou-iraUilnted that it ha» uo wooden bridged toieep iu ri'prtir nt (IiRse important points,

The fluu appcanmce nnd Kiibulitntiftl cbar-nctt-r ot Ibo bridges In that aud soiut' otherpnrlionsof MorrU county leads to a tv\vtflcctionw. The townsiiip of Randnlph is•no of tlio inrgi-Ht enntributors Io the.cmtif iTt'ctinRbridjieB in tho conutr, and yett lias v. r? few^oo BtruutureB ttf tho kindvilhlti its limits. Whilo otber towrshlpsmve been erecting these benatiful aud nub-htnntiftl iron bridges, for wlilch we En Iiao-dolplt have paid our share, we lavo been

ily enenged in erecting clumsy woodenrn in their stead. Tlia bridgefl acrora

tbe Uockawoy in our town lu particulniihontd have been of iron, with broad unol'-itnicted rcadwnyn and Bidewnlka on eithis'ulo. Our neighboring twusbip of Bock-

ay has been much moro fortunate thithis particular nud can boast of aevcnl

very fino iron biidgea.

Although we rmiy haye beea Romewlntslow to trtVe advnQtage of nil our privilege!in this re jec t in tuo prut we can look outfor the future. The bridge over tbe river

street, near tbe point ot themiiunlftin, will in all probability have In be

built soon. It ia in a couuamiing posi-tion, ju»t nt tbo entrance of tho town, andthere abould b > plnoed there aa iron bridgof a substantial character and Hua nrobi-

api)cara"oa. Buch a structure 1juntly due us and we do not beliere that theFreeholders of other lomiBhirrt where finebridges baro been constructed will healUte(a concede it to UB,

STANHOPE.Thx annual pnrinli uieetlii|r nf the PfO-iby-

i-tinu Oh'iroh wws held in tbc basement oniVcdnp»diiy eveahg, tar the pnrpo«a ol•luoting twj truBtoM in place of C. J. Cot.Irdl ami Elmer Kiug, ythme teriiis expired.0. J. Collrill eiilliiii the meelii.g (o order,nd willed on Rev. J. J. Crane to open thea -otiug witb nniyer, which he diil. A. R

Cnpo WHS elected moderator aud Mron B.i Hocretury, Uinuleu of lust mceliug

were KFIII and after Fomod delegate, which Ur. Dwidson and

Ur. 1.1*. Miller iusisted should faave beenoomtniBHioner and Her. J. J. Omue and Mr.Cullrell sniJ fihould bs delegate, were ap-proved after ctwnglug tii« word ddp««ta io

iniouer. TronRuror J . D. Lnwrouoed tha recDipta of the year 9832 80.lilurOM $802 60 leaving tha church

indebted to tbo troumrer J19.80, with nomother miletiudiug hllln nmvaiittng in a]] I

5100. On raolion of Mr. Cottrell, BBP-ouded by Rev, J, J. Crane, a subscriptionpnjwr was paused around for ti;o pnrpona ofraining this nmouut, 'they auoeeeded inntUing $10-85.

Then the uecrctnrr announced that heIwit a coraiuaniciitloii to ivftd. It urored toDB a pnper rigiieil by nil tba (rnttces teuder->g tbeir lexlgtmtiorw ami declaring Ihut

tliey refnied to be re-elected.These were C. J . Coitrell, D. L Beet, J. S.Wills, A. S. WilU, Elmer King, J. D. law-ruureitnd Qilburt Oluirdtivuyus. Oti motionof Hov. J. J. Or me. seooadtd by J. D. Kav-ntic», the r*slj(niiiiouK were accepted. Ttiefollowing new tnnteea were elected W. B.S:tckh;>UH". J. S. D.vKl^fiu, 1 P. Miller, M.VAUUOTU nitd C(utrles Herrick.

AB this teemed to eihnant nil tbe maleinistw limber prewnt, Rev. h J»y Crane

to iufcrio the uiPBti-ig that tha law didlot onuBne inem to any u i , race, odor, cr

previiiM eouaition of •enitmle, bat afterMr. B.iviJuo hud wknl Mr. Coltrtll to re.

r hi* dilurmiiMtion not to be electedd ha very emphnllcally refused, they


US? U? THK EBGiOEMESTh IN W'lUcli TUU ihTK. t. C1T1UX PAHTICll'*Tlili.

One of tbe greatest fi|jutiug regiiaetats wa Army of the I'otuutftc WM Urn Firxt

Jfyw JprMfy Cavalry in which St-rv^d mauyoliintoerH fiom tbe conutU-ii of Morrihandin*it-i. They were orgnuiitod in tho m"ntb

ot Aunust, 1601, and met tbu on.'iuy for tlietit tit time tbe following Dceumbur. Fromtb.m until the

won upo

of the rebellion theyid their losses

were frightful, tlio iiuiuber ofthe rc'giuu'uUl roll having beea

An Answer-Mn. EUIIVH : Oa jjluw

iuiii.: utymir pupor, ami rR over »

n'Uug theut'ii of

»f,jui!il "U. J-," I van (i(iti«it leisfl no h-<<n ftmusfld mi }>t-r<tt'in which lUdfcuid 'D . J.'' iif nmoa nf oca of hit oliiMrt,u lie time Cill-. lor an »iih»i;i»;.v ouv otyoat "wvxroiui

eitqirmd anil«inB ttie q'jeB-

u, and a t theIo tuch fn>u

a,l)un. 'tha unnib r of engageiti which they purtit:ii«U(l wan uenrly onehundred, aa will be s^n by the followinglist, which we bnv« acmired for publicn'ian i

1BG1.I, Dec 20. Foliitk Cliurcb.

1808.9. Jan. 2. Pobick Cw»k.II. May C. BedduD'a Vann, bi-lo* Fal-

toiitb.4. May U. Below FreaerioknWrg.r>. " 2u. Nt'&r Btnuburg, Sbvnai

il. juiUs

t 2. Woodstock, SuenaudoaU V*

(J. Harrinouburg, Sbenaudoflli

H. jiiuo 15. Croaa Keys, BhenundoalVpilluy.V. July 21 MaAtmm Court House,loali Valley.

10. Julv 29. Bairett'd Ford, KapidmJliver.

11. August i- Barrttfn Ford, R»]Uiver.

12. August 7. Unrre.tt'a Ford, Bajlliv.r.

la Aug. $ Jtnppnba'inoclt Station.U. K»x !>. C«Ur Moiititni».IS. " -20 Httpimhuunock Nation.

16. Au17. "

I "3. Warronton.M4. Waterloo Ford,

Gap.IB. Aug. 28 Biiirkerlit. '• m Hull's i'ma.

•2\. S»rt. I. Chnutilly.22. " J?>». WarrcutoJ).S3 Oct. 81. AWie.24. Nov. 1». Port Onnway.a;>, Pee. l l , Frtderictsburg.aii. " lft. "

1PS3.27. April 2(1, Hftrrpnhmi*s. " 30. Sionctnai

til nnth to May 1st,

Ford.. May!>.

?k Station.n'tf Raid from Afith s great mui;

iwk Station, Kelly'

3unei>. ilrniidy Stntlo-,81. " 18. Alrtie ami SlicWItbun?.fly. " 31. VWiitiutUkU'r Maryland.83. July 'J. Gettysburg, Ta.HI "3. " "3fi. " 4. llmrutttsliurg. Maryland.an. •• it. •' "

Sta " 8. Oavetowu. 'Mnrylnnd.Alt. " 14, Harpt-rV Ferry.'V«.4a " 115. KbcpriarrtV tcnvu, Maryland.41. " ai. Pcrry-vilie, Va.VI Aug. 15. Siilem.4». " 1«. Whit.' 1'initis.44. Out. 12. Sulphur Hjirlngi.in, " 14. UriKtow Stution.4(1. Kov 27. Mine Kim.47. " 27. Pflrlirr»fitoro.

IHlll.4B, Feb. IB. t'piiervilU.4«. " 21. Ouster H HaM to Match Kf-0. MOTS. Fot'it Ford, Unpidiiu Uiver.fil, " n. Todd's Tavern.C?i " 7. Two inikH to led nod rear 0wld'fl Tavern.6li. May 8. Ht arted cu nichmoud taid.R4, " 14. UeftrtT E.ira Stnliou.nTi, u 10. Auhloud Station on Virgini

Central It. It.BU. May vi. North Anna HWer.fif, " 24. Amniou'H Church,

Cfl, l l 2U. Manapnul. k Church.(if), Juuel . Gold Uiirbor.uear South Anna

Uiver.Ct. June 1 R'ntb AnnaBiver,C.2. " 'L Obicknboniiny River.(13. " 8. Bottom's Bridge.withiuafe

miles of Richmond.61. June 4. Tinea tnitea from tiliiokti-

hominy.R,r>. June r>. Boitnm'B Bridge.R(?. " G Piiniunty Rirer.(17- " 11. Front of Iticlimond.(IS. " IS. HnvngeRtntim.flfl. " IS. NeirHtFcn pines.70. " 20. White HOUBC Landii „.71. " 21. Two tuiloa from WliH

House Lauding.72. June 23. Ten rollea aouth of Whi<

House.71( June 24. Hear of Potmliurg.74. '• 2». Ksar MnWern (till,7fl. July 12. Went of Petersburg.70. " 28. WalTern Hill.

'77. " 8>. Hnrlb or Mnlvern HfU.78. Aug. 14. Near Mnlvern Hill..79. " IU. Nt-ar Chailes City Cout

Honae.80. Anc 19. ChnrleR City CroBB Road).81. 8ept fi. Mnlvern Hill.82. *| 11. Clifirl.* City.

railffi In rear of Potorsburg.84. Sf(»t. 2S. lleam'H Station.8A. " SO. To right nf Itenni's Stalion.80. Oct. t. Vnngheu Plauk Road, near

Coming's House,B7. Oct. (1. Bnyntou Plank Road.8B. Nov. 27. Rtony Ctcck.80. Doa. 1). Uellflcld.

1K05.90. Feb S. Dinwiddlo Court Hnn91. " 6. Hii'ch'sHnn, on VaugUeiiroatflS. Mar. Al. Dinwiddia Court Himsa.03. April 6. FauiQ'o Crow Hoad< am

Amelira Bpringstl4. April 0. O-dir Creek.Ofi. " 7. Pnrmcrsville,0(1. " tl. Bnilor Cre«k.V7. " 0. Olorer Hill, Appcmstiox,

TO THE PUBLIC.The Attention of the publlo ia railed to tb<

following attempted UgUUloa, and theiudividual did of every on« is nIo defeat an act, whicb if punitd by tb<Legislature of Mew Jcney, should receivithe condemnation of every one wbo bus thleast regard for the fimtnen of New Jersey.Tlie act AB it now exists U iw near parfeolai enn be. Firt'men admlnUter and distrib-ute Ihe fund aa they in their Judgment deembest The money I* paid into our trwumrjfor this purpoBu and we know beat ho.w

iuld be appropriated. In out Iowawould have no fear of injustice being d«o«

1 for our Couticll baa nev< r yet refused ourdepartment any aid 1 eccn ury Tot its care or

But thero nre oitlei where(lie leltm ot goterutuetit are ia tbo hnuia oipolitical manipulator*, la theso platnet will be disastrous to the widows andorphan* of fireuieu. Will you help \We will try by earneftt effort to save yourproperty from destruction when the devour-ing flame approaches all yon faav«. We asknothing in return but ont rights. Will youdo this much by your influence to etamp

itb the aeaJ of oondennftUoD an attempt Ut*)u trom w that wlilch we o n Ibe betl

tabled to DM and appropriate r"Read carefully Ihe fotlawlDgmilutUt 1

To THK FlBSMEK OT MlW .KM you i n probably aware, the new

Charter for tbe Oovemmunt of Citlei, whichwill be introducedduringthepreaoDtaenloB

decided to get »l<>nH with fln tru^teei for at oor LegUUtore, wUlcoaUla the followingtbe coming Jcnr. J. S. I* >vfil-M>n wai eteoted -irenanrcr aud IL V*uhorn oletk. The tuln.iitea of tbo l<ut meeting wtre rend anil ar>proved, and on moliouof Be*. J. J i j Gnuethe rat-eting ftdjimroed, Ur. Crme weiiedtn •njuy (he anulng'4 *ork Imtnmwly.' That In jtMt wbitl I wnated," beaaid, "nowittlteut

A New Rtiiroad ProJKtK t»w tailnnd •aUrpriM b Wing coder-

t»iot) WMt Of Kewburg. being tbt buildinC

twmly-tbrt* mile* ot raid betwMD Ando-r, M. J.. u d felvidr«( on the D*U»u«icr, which would affo <1 % lon[.t*lked-iif

irongh no!* between Kewbnrg, en tb*Indian, w d Ib* Ddswui rivar, by way of

lb» Jfov Tors, Uka Ett* u d Wariuti'aMtttbarg bmneh to Qrvyomitt, by tba Wax-wick Ttik« Udliwd from that pU» to

lfM, tbcwa to AaJav«r dtUr by IhaN I fitOftad or by UM conatmaUoo of u i

(Dd*proi«l )lMrMd Una by th. tw«.tj-m BIIM of mad ableti Unov tob* bnUtcompany bw \tm Un famed for UM

wrpot* wwltr UM f taml nlbotd Uw ofjerwy. T U tr tkto of

cUuae:" Any foud or property belonging to tbe

Fin Departmeutiif any city, town or bor*oQjjh, or person or body oorptmto In tnmtfor the Fire Department of fcoyclty. tiwnnrboronRh, abal) hereattcr be vealed In andbt-ld hy tbe city hereby emted M mug *aorto uld eitv, town or borotujh, tai abjill heheld, matuigi-d, dealt with and di*powd offn aeeordance witb the U», d«d or gnuit,will, bequtet or deviae wider which mobfund or property v u originally Mqnired.1"

Tbia moat not b» nennlUed to beoone »lav mdtr any dronmatanet. Tbe very ln-jiwiioe ot tueb 11 wmnt iboald be BotidealIo deltr tay attttnut in thEa diraetion; bat•looa mm btve bven diacoverrd preparedto even fegfaliU Ute noarya of Ihe widowsand orpbam into tbe band* ot politiela&a, It

•DOOM l i t duly ot tfrry boost* 11Ibe earnd right of every fintntn to oppoa*witb mlgWt and main etery avoti ootnge.

Ttmn fiaternalty,T » T i m r t n or n t Fuunua'a H t u n Ai>

Bank Election*The atorUtoUtn of toe Nalioaal Union

Baak, ef thia p W . h-ld ibelr u ia i ) eUo-Uop oa Twtday and «nttitu<Maly tkctod

Hiieh u <]iiesliuu to your"rtjver«ud rouih-rf," for mtvYj the properuiritvoring of wuob would iiotdera&ud of nnyMitlil i l» kuOHrludS» «f lbBol.»«i0 l l -m. DlK-uidinij till L/uli*/ in 1 In Hibk>. doe»r.Nuwii, be it titlier in tbu guy, iuuoceut andjuytmii pmtile of tliu child, ur ibv dvep 1liiiii^LUiil ulterducfi of lite ta.tu, tmeb:UAI thiru is. " lieyuud." IL to uething whic!ilw gi««d henrt cua yi'itrn f-r, oti.l thenwU-M? Why demmul <tetitil demou«tr»-

tiouforovt'rytliing? If iu iinr couccit wedf nitiitil >iitch fur nil thtef}* *liicl» euwpe 0incuiiiry, or wbicli httpinMitid lu un age difemut finDJ utiw, life would iiuk-ed be mi><-nible, ami tho vinitnr *>t tfl-day. wuul'i UB

Uitjeil u>8urri!bdtrhit> pUct iu thu purlnr> Ibo K'Jitst of yattelduy, that wtj miglit Iuli^liifiiid upon the doingi of p«st agDP-Sun ly jinn corn-Hp* HI'lent I* wimeiiiuti 1

ii, own esihtutice, fciH f-. lie equally c«>ions al thu JXIBI uxisttneo ut bin OUKAT,

KBIT, (inn.iT gmiuliuothiIVrhipsHbu cmie bui-k tu l«t him k'uow

that Mile ur.tM uuce 11 pun thin niuuhilmt iu ui-e blw diii not, hdn- «iin i<Mebithhilive in leiuwof pmi^tt ortiuhuldter u« u model uf true vuitiniibouil ? Wea <y pr<i]Niuud miGh <)i^ithtrut tiuiiibcr, and Wiivr Ibfm, !'Ot 'joli'sw thcf* i s i« '!"> beart ofbu one propiisUigiiiirh, the germ o! Fttilh,,11 our iiusvrtriug, all our pbilnHopliy, nilheol^J will bo of no iivnil. Fniiu in .0(ml, the reason, tbu b tUT jn>rt uf mnu,

vUt Ibe Kim }a lu vogetntiuu ; for AH thegnutle rays of the MID. pouctraliitg the face»f naiure, oiuw to syring tlierefrom hhrubfmd II mrrx which tliu gi.mm ftiid etiflne** olifbt would reikl, MI tbt* myn of l-'nith illuiiiiiing [he i-onl uf inau with their IIuuvoiil)ight, twirdiiwn Ihe thick veil whicb BC']>-iicism and nnbt-lief hav« woven betwion it

•If und i(s G^HI, unit eiiiiblt' i( <d KO thitigt1 tluy ttiiiuM bu twuiL Wlitit a pity tbajililu'U wlio in their brigbluesi aud iulelli•uetj do projiose such qiustioiw, cauuoiro KUIUI! uiiB u utiswer them immediately.

Them (deist lis u lack at Crtitli SiJiuewJicit-With tin: o|iportiiuilicH which rellgiuu aud

Un nff.inl In this neelum of lbs conn-the pi-t-Bdtit tiny, It wnuld indeed bt

Hail tliiujf to cbninlctu thirty ur'forty yu

;»i« ajonjig 114 of uuoibrrHid yiiur

bet!) itreaeul 11L the vospur stir vices held, hmt)• iv^niif-i" the Uutbollo Churob ofluti1, bu u 1 mill IJHVQ hetinl Innu lli<•jl* iwdfir, 'i-*-. VV.U. U. OJ»ID,W

•1 lyiieuulu him


Honi.oa, nod ODO whicb mmld unit-ryUttletbiuklug.toai

to Ibo untiring zunl aud iiuiittnU'lura;,'!' fif Iheir »'urt]jy just r, win

iixil.v Hided in hi* lmMti u-nik by Ibeiwlly i>f Home of bi4 PrtileHtHUt, au wellCittbolia itloii'In, h»ve now their

.'liurcb cninpletod. It la a vary nioe frameiJlOiiiR, Hnffiukntl; commodious, nnd willit fail to Buit the huto of the moat fuatid-

OUB. AH OuacBviBStanhope, Jan. 12to, 1391.

Advice to Pension Claimant*.EDITOB or THI I&oH E u :—

e Honorable, the Commissioner of Pen-sloaa being asked, waa it ce&js*»ry thatsoldier or other person entltlod to a pen slonshould biro aa attorney ia Washington, D.0., to prsfleut fata case, replies 1

It in not naoeaaary at all. He can ga}] the odriue nod counsel at borne from anycommissioner drawing a deed, or any mag-istrate using a seal, wh 1 will prepare hlajiapen and tbe evidence bettsr than theyare prepan-d in Washington, D. C.

WLnt st-rvioffoan a lawyer or claim awalbern ia Washington, D. C. do io thotben t Legitimately he can do nothing ntall, except to act as a olerkor go between,to do whnt Ihe pensioner Und the pensionoffice coo do juflt as wi°ll directly. Whecclaim is sent by a claimant direotly to thepension office and not by 0 claim agentWashington (loan it-get the Rame attentioiit would h'td the claim agent prnsented It

Certainly, fl»{) jiist as promptlj*.tba ansirer directly to the claimant, and hegcla the full explatiAtlna of what evidencemtiy be lacking In bis papers.

My advise to persona claiming a pensionIs, Ilifrtfcre, Io eogago 00 pensionagents In Washington, D. 0., but to applydirectly themselves to the pension offioe andget tbeir pnpers, &c, drawn up At home ft*before directed and they nbaU reoeiiprompt altcDtjon,"

WEEKLY IHON REPORTS.The Engineering and JItcfug Journal of

last Saturday says sThere haa been bnt very little biuineas I

tbe iron unrlset this wtpk. The nannl stock-taking, closing of works, etc., IMH probnlilyhail soinetliing to do witb lUi*.

AUKWGAN Pto.—There has been a IlKliKinesM In T>i>nnt iron, »t $25-for N». 1,

$21 for No. '2 Pouuilry, and $20 for Forge.We heard of A nnle nf smother brand of No. 1Foundry nt $U\. There In mid to be name

eiy good inqnirics for iron, aud maker*ike a very hopeful View of tlie nlinatiob

We qunte N". 1 FonnnTy nt « 2 5 ; Uo 9. S3@ J 2 3 l P t20@iai@

Baorca Via.— Prices iu Qhviffnw bnffl HI?.tanoed wiilmqt impiotipg mutlera here.There h«* benn quite an Insifrntflennt bunl-

H none (luring th« weak nt'iur qnolmionn.We q'inte Eylioton at I21J; CuUneaa, »33J@ J 2 4 n i k d Oartsbenlr, $23.

U«Mtv. John E. Swan A On., of OLmgov,tinder duto nf December 2llh, report 133furnnces ngiiiimt 100 nt th« eame time hwtypnr. The nnivntity cf iron in Oonm] A G»'H

H wni 405,4'JO Ions, an heroine of 9.8VBtouB for tbn week. The shipments RQOW anincrease of 88.747 ton*, niece Chrfntraiw, wcompared with the Rhiproents to Iha snaidata last y#«r. The importa of Middleu-broagh pip-iron for Ihe same period show 1

icrensa of 10,103 torn..

. .. Conteiting a Will.Jnat over tha line from thia county u

Buttyntown, in Warren, there died 'aometime alnce Sir. Tboi. Shlekla, a wcaltnygenthmaa, who left real «Dd pemflaal prop-erty to the amount of probably $100,000.His m l i*tatfl connl-U of fonr large farms,on which there are valuable mineral work*ing*, yielding from »I,noo to tS,000 % year.Juct btfen bis dentil he mads a win andappointed Hon. Holloway W. Rant, ofBvhooley'a Monntaii., IU Eiecnlflr. By ttaprovUana Ur. Hnnt la to faold U tmit tbeproperty and divide equity Uw raventwbelwera the children of Mr. Shield.,the event of hli demtae bU nMoeaaoria tofulfill tbe provialona. TbU did not pltatethe bcin, howsver. and they a n •adeaior*Ing to break the will, a«aiut which th.ybar«tttd»ea*eaL TatUt4ay wtmtttiomTor UM opening of a hewiag of the eaa* ,Btlvidm. atr. Bant will IM mh ad in tbtdtfenoi of tbe wiU by U, a Pttaiy, Eaq.

y /The Tnoton oormpoodwt of UM Bauer

wrltta aa follows of UM « gntUnan fromri»fcic towathlp," who lepNMato U0a Dit-trietlntht Ammblyi

W-n, If b Mt Up* froai ft*.

SUCCASU<1NA.Unit dig* Uvs Marled nlid a n tbe princi-

uatojiic at pwseut. AU t&« oWwomuu.uid ynuMg one^. too lor tb'it uiitt«r, whenthev «li/i across to thair miigbbnw to get 11•int <tf ailk. auoault) (ifeK8". o ra drairiugnf ten nr »«y oihitr lwn«ib'Jld ceodHHary,pitch rfclit into th» wtij-Mturn! tell al! llwylino* and ft littlu mom tun souifliiuKH,They tell of the wonderful ailvautureB audhair tn-ndtb esaipsa of thflirsis'ew, broth-urs, acuts, unch's aril euuniiw, ami gel BI>iibsnibJiitit tfltfirsnlijcwt (bit t!»e puljilnp*burn, tun cuflee bifiUover, ami tho l i b ;wjnulla i maUiag urnre of a iacli< t tbtu a muddog wonlJ. The III«L ma no better duringthe-liiy—they atop tlwirwnrk to Itilk overIt, «a*l at night thuy g.itherui ihe hotel andatorea aud disum it, HIUI Miiuoliiues otiw ittoo. Wo k W all we wuut too ahout mad

It iflu'l much, bul we are not greed,an thu subject.

A wcuk iigolant 8jliir-la/ a ito a man in Mi-dims villa ih ynf ttMiiawi, and his ,mnWr, insteadofkillinghim IUS ha ought fit dun* liimo, sbut liiui tip;In tbe uigbt be tucsped and hna not l«t-licaril <if Hitico. A dug b-lmyitig to Mi

ThoUMu »vnt mad uml bit sevendoi{n. Tbe dag viu> killul IM nuro tbe Ang*

tDimu ta lii to. A ifruugc <)<Jg »wto blto two tioHH Frlj.iy niuW ot Ui-Cue nl the ilojjs utthe time I write ii

ooiiHued. tbe othur is rnuulnff 1 M B .pi'; who keep their Oovs lu HH'OUPQ yurd,arc nnd nhouid nUbln then), or In utsioa olbe:

my KUurd them nguinat tbe uttnek^ of anjdog that rainy oama ivlnog. Tltera should he

law paowd ooninblling people whose io;liiva been bitten hy a ntninge JfR. whollnbe is koova to ba mm] OT uot, to kill UiiuiiisUnily. Some penplo have BUob nu innffection ior a trcrthltiHK cur, thiit they wouldDither run the rfafc of Ibe dog going mad tithe peril of the whole neighborhood, than t»

ill it tvillMiutacurtiiii) and positive proofthat the dog wblch' bit it WIIH mad.

Siitceu Ji>uug men and ladleB of our vil-gennii vioiinfy went on* on a fmir hor»oi«h rido im Tuosiiny itieht. They wen

tn lionUnvrn mid hud a spIoutllJ time-ilicy uniilii u ni^lii n | it .>nd came bark iiIhu moruiiiK. Mr. Win. Omwin hcM the

blwim. Air, C. is n pnp i ir mau naiangBIKII rider-;.Tbn MitbodislH hitve been holding pm-

imcted moelinns tliU week. %a\. Mr. MayI'D (insist! il IIIPIII Tniwlny uvening nutKir Of ilia tiiilramiatH oa Titimdny. F .

Cure for Colds-A. Rold En the haml can nuiiHimlly be ourerl

ii n taw hour*, AH if, nonn nn it ia ili«eoT-ered. the permiti will suiff flit! rrniips of aninoniiiori-plriUof dimphur every TBW mil

nil tttrorg at thty citn bn borne. Whsfere coll nHacks the thront nnd iti'iR

ttierp i< no H.ifyly in neglecting it fur unhour, for there Is more or leiw inflnrum.ttiriuoftho InugE, which iulurfnt-GH witU thi'ir 1ilon. rendering tiiviu liable nt any nioiiit0 tufae nn Bt rhitin nnd, pivwiMy. nnamtniiable difetute. Go home, nnd reitiniu thu

lu theeroniugtiikoa tnirru footlwih,audit'bed! i me (like tlnee or four liver pills. These

ilUtihinlnto the liver to healthy action,and promptly relieve tliu lung Irroublo ; bmit reudna tbe ayatem Bennitive to rmewelittBckn, and, therefore, tba greafett wrrHhcttld be ubaeivod fur BevenJ dnya not tituke ftcuh cold*. Ordiusrily, DO other tteat-

mt la ueeeinary ; bat, ahnald tha cmigbcontinue, have yoar druggist mi\o the fol-lowing mixture, and take one or two ten-teftspooufuk every hour till cored; Qlyce-

ii- ounwH 1 whtiksy, four10, one gniin. Bore throat cue bi

promptly nllavt'd by applying a miutard; or "awttnri leaves," on the from

uf the nook, over ilie sore spot In adili*tlou Ibe throat sail taouth tsivy bo frcquely gargleil with thu followiug mixtnre:tenKpoaufulotsalt, a pinuh of red pep

id »(iiljenpffliufn) of vinegar. If foundtuo atronii, add & little water. A poriiou oltho gnrgle uiny bu nwalloH-ul, or nipped, lit-tle ut a timu. 8we*tiag biw tx>ea qnite gen-erally rtoonniended In the aura of eulda.ItMuk, hnwevor, that the r!-k of tukiiouM alterwiird will ia^n Ibnit aounterbal<onoe the giiod that n»ty ba eipeoteii,' and,except fu ouaa of 1would uut recommend i t Thu "TntkinlibatV'baB been highly recommonded ascure fur colds. * Witb proper 0 lie afterwardthere \» uo belter or mnro effaclunl pinyoattlng ehott n severe culit. It (1 not. how-ever, oea«mary to go to 11 tegular t'Htitment Io hike auah a bsth. A.uy f-mill,fortable room, where a gaud fire can biquickly made, will amwt* tl)^ pa t \mc . Intbe early evening mates a gaud $te in thestove nnd clo*e the doors andlcnvinfc only small opeuioga for ventilation,Then let tbe pntl&nt pat anhia night clnitnaud lie dowuoo abBdorRofiv.orBillnanss

fornuhaurorntare, with the tempen-ture of the room from 03 to W degieen. Aterwitnl the romu" should be gradwdly ooued to nbuitt 70 ilfgrtes, nnd tho. patientshould go to bed and rcinnln there 1111 uwrn-log,,—HMII'O Juurtinl ot HMth.

Teacher's Association.The Iiforria County Teaoher'a AatocialioQ

nill meet at the Public Bolool Building, inBoonton, on «atnrdaj, January 2M. Tbefollowing is the programme 1

9:«tolO:W). OpeningIO1O0 to 10:30. rrlmary Arithmetie, by Mr.

King.10:20 to 10:40. Frogreu b Education, b j

J. D. Kaughfignt1O-.40 to 11:00. How to fttmedy Turdlness

DiwoMlon.11:00 to ll-.U Ceniga la Xtttwipg u «p

piled to Pnutioal Purp4ie», by MIM Sliaw11:90 to 11:40. Text Books ia the fiohool

Boom, by P. Gambrootil:40 to liOO. Reoeeft.

1:00 to 1:20 Bright Bids of Teaoaing, byProf. W. Speeding.

-.20 to 1:40. Success in Teaching, by W. 8Wright

A ajHteta of monthly reporUf two mfoui*tpeeobes.

:0St»S:26. Keeda of ocr Public School*by Frof. Harrin.

EianUuieous auRgestioni, by Prof, llareo.It IM mggeited hy Pro. Com. that U»ehenr

pro.lde thtnuwWN with inuab, tb«n, ifthoaght beat by tba AaaHlatloa, taey oatUke a short reoeu and hold btlt oua aesi

Tbe -UKwIatioc will weteoma all friend 1of Vacation who mny wish to attend tbe

Teaeben cf lonree have iohvwt ana cghIn the meatinga to tttesa witbonta ipeotdtnvlutlon. P«O.OOM,

Till Whippany Bjrylnj Creund-The 10th of Ueotmbct last wu th« 183dl tbo deeding of Ihiburyi

to the people of Whlpptny. Th(dd i % 17I7ip p f W

tU paper wai dated i ea. % i d« Uobn Blchatda of *bippanong,

in tha Conutr of Bnntndon, school na«Urfor tad ia eonri4eiatbn of Ihe lova andaffection that I U r . for my ehrfatiaa frinda

d ibb ; 0 yfUpputaag, tod tor apronoto u d idvaooalb* pofcllo

inUmt, and cwpeeUlI; t»<r tbM* who >l*]|CttvuaBt u d tgrM to ttftt a nlUblii m*A-lof botM for tha pnUl< worship of God,tbfM and oubalf mm of kod altawU

4 bring <a UM TowDablp of Wfatppumi.00 tbal part « 1 M Pmlptmoni. m tb•onbwtlt afte ef tta WUppwKm* BJwtr,o o l | f o r i * U k l p

bo«M, l A n l ham,,Udc UA, u d m b

BaHoiy mj*M t O

H-pe.tW.pUta mi, aUlkUU,

porUoa ef UN Urrihwj

PORT 0RAM.A gnwd conowt wma given by Ibe PbU-

bstmonlo Society, ct Uils f*Hc*, on Batur-day eveniug, Jan. M , In the Miuew' andUecbBuicH' Hall, in behalf of tlie widowaanil orphaDH of Ihe miners and mecbaufoa,

id 1 tliink I can t*y without fear ol beiugcontradicted it was without Mrepti™greatest eiliibition of vocal nnd iustrumimusic ever displayed In this vicinity, Tbepieoea sung wsro of tlie most critical el a*-•liter, aud were l>y a» srmtf cooiponershist try fiJfe v» account of—such wen miFau3dtl, Uoubatid JitTtuan, whoseBUkioLtnot of the uiiiwr sort, 8i«h us ia preparedfor Hftbbith suhool childrim. The pieceiwkvttitL aud eung by this choir were Dotonly Hi-lighttui to listen to, hut were aninstructive to tbe mind, oaUiog.ustodtty.Tlie pieces eimg weru as follows: IBL

U. Arisa, Shinfli ' " "" " "Itli. Ua rk ' ag t adv i co ; Jith. Infauoyj 6th.

'Ib. Strike. B?raph, Strikedtti. Hon of lklgbteouHU'fla; Dth.llllb. Nov, Ior I, we purt iu thy G:

1 and (litre weru twopteoi'S tb&ttervtnfd, (ma Bung by Mi« Mary Bill, thoother hy ilJw* Uarv Wit^eredjjo.

Such ure tbe ununmplisbiuuulu uf Mr.Ill , the hudarof tlnashnlr, tbut ho hiKtlcoily U'ltriec] encd Bingur nud pi

not dfweru the lender iu t..e Uiid.t of tbaConcert ; for fw snou iw tbe uan.R nf theploce wna tjlveii Mrv. CUrintiuui.a Williaaip,liju organiHf, itfrfoniied m el«r[»ntly in (tieorgan, acootujnuied by Miw alary Gill amSilas Mtry Wltlireilge who very beautifully"US Boprmo; Mr. Rabrit OurtiH led theilto by hit cornet, while U iu Kntie Pojiomd Mr. Frank Williams miag; Sir. Jobs

Howe pluvcd liia flute ufoely; Hiss KatieFHtrnuri Uiesl l^ t ie Willianih, aung treble;Mr. Jofienh R. AVilllauas mug tenor; Mr.J.uneH Gill nml Mr. J>d)oz Allen Hang busaMe. OJirisfopfier Spinet played imtmmeolalhma on bis largo bass Instrument. Darinj!the last sevenleeii yenrs I have heurd A greatiimny oholra siiiR, and X thiak tlio Ptilhnr-manic society is second to none.

Maunt Hope,On Bairn-day last the souohn of the Bf eih-

odiat Sunday Sabool were treated to a ileighride. There wore aeven crowded alondi wid numbered IB ell about one hun-dred and twenty-five, nud quite a party(eft behind for want of toom. These haveIhe promise of a ride some future time.Tboy, pajBed through Dover, Rookaway,UewUIe and reached tome before dark,without accident nod a very happy com-pany. Thou wbo made the arrangementsucceeded Io giving great pleasure to theyoungsters.

Tbe Sunday School ia Increasing in num-bers and Interest,

There WAB a fine congregation presentnuday evening notwithstanding th«


Mr- P helps' Generosity.HOD. Win, Witlter Phelpfl, foimerljr Oon-

gressmnn frnni this distrlat, b u performeddeedofgenGroiiity thnt ahouM keep him iignfefut' van • ubranoe. By fas reoentfailorenf tha Bergen County Swings Sankmany poor and deserving men Buffered tnsmnll amounts. To relieve (hern Mr. Phelps,wbo is now In Florence, Italy, has telegiuph-ed fo bin ag«ut In Naw York, to nuke goodthe dencienoy of all claims agnimt the biinkto tbe amoQut of »10G or less. By thia

• aol over five hnn<1red poor deposUton In the batik will have tbeit lostea madegood*. Tola ttQoateatatfotu act will mainhim more popular to/in ever among' th<workicgmeii of thh district, who will g^dl;

him honor snoulil they ever ogatn havian opportunity,

Street ProfanltjMrtjor Hopkins of Boonlon, writM an fol

Iowa to the f Jitnr of tbe Boflolin :H B . GABFISON : - I wonld call Ihe alten

thnc in l l per*oan wbo nuke DW of pro-fane nnd obnoene lanfivnge on tbe stnetsthat it U a'-vinlatlon nf the Ordlnatthn town, Fini) the U a n M ban Ii ._(ionn to nrrert alt mieh offonrters. Whilconntinp; la n plenmire to nil, Wdiet nhortMnnt be detmrrert the e&juyinfliit by the menf improper hrngmge to their presence.

Yuora IicRpeotfully,0. F. HopsiNB, Mayor.

It will now .be in order for Borne vulgmnews monger to riw tip nnd fling mui)Muror Hopkiu*. Tbnt is what lie voiRet of be lived In Djvur. They would probaHytaant him with balng n vlnlotor of tbiaacred privileges of tbe dear people.

Burning a Child to Death.A. horrible case, supposed by BOIUO to

nothing less than mnrder. occurred In thiGreen Village neighborhood on Mondaylout weak. A UTR. Qanp.on, UVIUR at Hi.ory Tree comer, l(.ft hbr three children

hoDso with one Benjamin Hand, a StnlPflson Kruduate, and a man cf hard charter. Two of tie children wiy that in thmother's slmonce Hind held tie other childon the slova until it wna tfrrribly burned.Piom the effecta of tlieae burns the childdied on Tlmreday night following and wnnlidded at Omen Village lent Sabbath. Hand

Howorth'i Double Show.The grand Hiberuia. and McOill's Mirror

otlrehad wi)l give one of (b«ir pleasing en-tertftioraenlB at Hnller'n Opow 1Prldny evening. Jan. 21»t, This compnn'iududoa finoh artbda nn Tim. Cohen, BilljMcGinn, aidleMeOill, Miui" RollivAn, WmAslilon, Ian, Beadsman, Mr. Wut. McOilland otbsn, rrenecting a. programme rewith novelty, and ov«iQowiu^ with 01itlity. AUo nlxty bcnutiful viuwti of IiibliHcenery end fonr living nllfgoricul t»bltW the piil, preaeut nud fotnre i>f Inh

rhioh alone is worth tbe prim nt mhimsiReserved ECAIR, CO oenU ut Vooght A Kill,gore'x i aduiuion, 35 nnd 85 oml*.

Prooosed New Tax Laws.Jjwt winter a special oaminiitee wtw np

pointed bytbe Legialnlnra to revise ttie tinInwnof this Stale. Et-A'uemUymnn limitof ibU dinlrict, wlii i« aniDmber • f tlio com

1. informs na tlmt they resolved to report to the proReut legWutnre a bill trchange ths time for tho esjiimtinn of tinpayment <vf txxm ta Outaber 2<]th frmc Docember 2nih ; A\M to fli tha timo for lif^iii

.. the wnrk of ttSKCssment at tlio tniddltnf April, iiiHlend of Ihemiddloof June. MrHnnt believed the chnnne f'-r tbo pnvmoiiof taiaa wenM greatly dincotonioda the farmng popnlition of tbi. aeotion, as tiny d<lot begin to renlize frnm their Riininin

firopsan4proaa.eeiwearlyaiiOct.20il], amso he voted agaimt i t

Mora Salmon for the Delaware.Majot E. J. Anderson, one of tbe New

JewcrFirii Conraiflsinneni, has receded aletter from Professor Balrd, of ttio UuiledBtatei H»h CodnniRsion, proposing to sent1

Io tha farmBr 100,000 Eaalera ealaion eB(p,to be hatched and depoeited in tbe Delsw«frlrer. 0/ ooa«e, tbe offer w u accrpttd,•nd tbe a|[ga will be batoned under tba di!NeUon of tha FUb Commiuion'ra of ihWBtele. Tbia liberal donation will ra*lf,withtbcM beretofore M u t , 400,000 m)iIt^eiepoaited in U14 water* at thtioh«B nady for dkhribatlon thia j a r .

tbat Fn&klin I). Oaw«n l

p l t 0 tbeZ ieluwBonk end Wewttrn Bail-

Ooaopaaj, at a mUry uf |lfi.0QO a yov.oowbaHavwlthatirbt U .lefmu.l In

UaifttrtitorttalnhUpnaentl l l U t N Y

ef kw, and at Ib* mma tiau Mtt

Wattm Oowpaay.

Oflta* «»sa«« »•) Hop.MkUrf


A farm on the boundary r>l Siibstx and

Ottuge Counties, *Mdi out iuWui ownur

ffiS.OOO, waa told at public aule the oth«r


( Irku, Vnukoe. Diti-b a .1

rhw^oJtlieKii'-raUl Mo, painu-d in Dub-in a' a nrjHt of $2<).{i(Wi

Tbe autboritiea of Ibo town of l'hi)lipB.burg, btTeaooepUd the offer nude by theBoard of Chosen Freeu tdm, tud iatstwe k T»« urer Shialdii ptiU ID tbo ConoiyOolleotur $0,560.11, nod ner ind n reoe'ptin full ror back Us.

Three women have \>ew bunted io thiaState for murJir wi liiu the past eiiiy ytan.TbB Ant van I' ry f 'olc, via van bung atXewtoa, tut iht mtn\M ul hwuioilwri tUa l f t T A L E N T E D A H T I S T 8

md Bridget Uiirguti, ut Kc* llrmuwiolt,for tbe niurdttf •>( tu*r mlatrtiw.apljjwife, aud this thii & htKt week al Ntwark,w»jMrs. MetBrhoff^r,—5u«sei lleglater,

»tr». Fredirtuk iSdgortaa, of Wwtbiugtaa,wai filling a keronane lamp bo Fridty uightwbBU it explodcid, fatally burolug both her-stlf aad her son Fred rick. The boy livedabout an boor, and tha mother suffered BO(Ut ehn pmyod hi he put f»ut of her misery.Her aged mother w n in the room at thetime) of Uia aiuiidnut, but too badly fright-emd tu uid them.

(ftxMui meutinj of tbe Nufftou l'resbytery will be Vlri'af «'nsti£ngtoo, on 5fondiy, to do tba following buaiuciut: To dis-

tba paaU/ml rotation of iho llav. A. F.Shaw and tbe obtir';h of Andovtr, and todlsruiin Mr. SIIAW t • the Presbj'tery of KewBramwiokj to recite Kev. Jos. H. Dulhsfrom the Fnibvtery of Philadelphia, and tmake arrangements for bis ioatalla'iou overtbe Second Cburob of BnWidore; SJBO toreoeive BIT. Dr. Nott from tie Frebbyter;of Iowa City, and fo fattali him over thiFirat Churoh of Washington,

The first asm tried in the Warren C uatjCoarto at tba present term wim that of thtBoard of Chose" Freeholdem vi, Edmund'feel, et al Tbis WAS a milt OD Teel'« bondu County Collector. 'Ihe ea^e had beethtard before Afirtin Wjchoff, at refereeind uovr came up ou rxccpti"ns to binreport. Tbe only question involved wiwhether T«el wail cutitkd to a. u.nnmi^i.of one-half or two per centum on bin dibunetoeute. The jury, uuJrr dii-tdioo oftbe Court, rendered a vnrdiot tor pluintiforfoll amouut, Hulisttpicut to the ab^ijaeetlon, which is to be ten nftt r dcci<li dby tbe Court. The rcfrroo rcporti-d in fuvoof a judgment of $ii 'J7H.28 for tlio county.

Be». 8. D. Tamblyn, of Ituwklyn, tiThree doem of j . ur XX Caiifrh tiyru\<

relieved me of n cold." "Why MiflYr witlicolds when auob a lure remedy cun liu bailSold a t Yougkt A KilJgon/a,

Why Are You Bilious 7Btc«uie yon diire afifiirf-ti <our bw-h

lecotnecostive, and liver torpid. U»B KidnWort to prwlucun ftro itftto of the bowHa,iml It will atlmalito Ihe llvur to piopuraileinse the skin of iti vellowiuua, curu bilinadaclie, and ciime new life in tlio bloudOmgfriBtBbavall.bQthdrTADd liquid.-!HEOILII ,


Ml BOX, ISyesra of age, liis bwm truubluith Cttarrlj for S or 6 yean; bai tried tari

oui rcmediOB. None have proved of bfnofibut Ely's Cream Balm. 1 fool It will effectcomplete auto, PBRH'M 8 . WILLIAUU, PUiifield, N.J . -SfciAnVr.

For lale by Vonglit & l i l l l^re.

Iho fora tf ELV'M O11EA1I DlLlI, Tor tb<cure of OMurrh and tit* Fever, andmethod ot Ita tetehiog th« iliietauH 33amembrane (Tit, liy ibiorplmn) renders It farsuperior to «nyolber article. I have ynt lobear tne first complaint of it* hltvn to dowhat ii oltlmad fur U. I nnbeillMia^reoommesd It to tbe trade is a very sileibaitlele,and totboie who are suSi-rlng rroitbe above muuljuned complaints, HI the greadralderAtum. R. 1, SH*W, DrugRiit, 1fkld.N J.—SKIADV'T.


If you tiko our advice yon will Ion no Ikin calling ou tonr drngRitt fur SELLERS'O0GGH SVItUP-wiihuat an e^ml, fnttwfnty-flve cents.

Totnon, Errsipclai, Mrrcorlsl di»cmeftcroful* m^ Riiiftrul (]il«Hly coruil hy '• DLindsey'ti Blmtil ^csrLhiT," Hold by druggist

Btttifilirsoricn iirovu uuwekomc Utin nnnon« more tu than tlial tviu'-y \mt cent. 1the ))t>O)>li' [if thix BUti ili^ from I'DIIMHIIJIHOand kiadttd aiNiasfS, Thu nn-^t (ju,•*((,)how tii rwluro [hit ttrriUlo iiiorUlih hjR ocK»gcd tbttmioiln oIotirmatleiDltmul nchulaiaud phyaiciuun. Prom tlio ICHliiuiiiiintH <tliimsandH who have ustil AltrilUU'tj EUXtOFSULPEVti, no(hinB in liir w a , of mi;1(i:lno lincTCr dune »o mticb tnward tbucniIn »1I afflictions &( tlic tliruat »nd 1'JORn it

roincdlal effect i* siutply wau'.lcrfol. OneintroJuced into emj ln>U:tuhi>M it won Id lianlab the terror of this Oiiemo fn.m tlio land.

F».< tale \>) Vuught & KillgorB.

Living Wjlnejics.Tha hnndi'wlii ofsirmiK, licarly, runROtl

healthy looking mm, wtinii n *nd [-hililit have bean nucnod fmtu IICIIH of pnin,

md well UIRII dnalli, l>> I^rkrr'c Oiu-

a rterllng n. .. _ ,.ichln ftlnoit cw-ty rpiuidumiv.

For wile bj Vou;:bl 4 KiLl^rc



A. JUDSON COK,Bergaa Ht, Dovi

W. S. 00I.t,A.HI),Carriage Trimmer anti Purni*

tare Upholsterer,HOniUH 8TIIKET, EOVEIt, N. J .

Hijr Mut in i e s made to order anil old mat•OBSI'I ciBilc (iviT. Wlntto* uliailes tniuie »mlnnp. Ordrrn lor nil kiiidi of nnbolBiitiiicpatlyantliirnBinNy-!ii!.-ti(frl. Ciirrm"t> trim-IIBR ia all iu hcatu-hvi. Prleta irw((pni(i..

Sleighs! Sleighs!A 0.ne lot of well finished

SLEIGHS, both swell fioily

and Portlmi'J cufterw, for

salo at Gco. McOackcn's

Carriage Factory.

Gutters reti i i t inms uuclniiiieit11 thePoBl OfPff at Duvcr .N.J .

inn. 12lh. 1381.E. L Clintn, Hnirv Latidcker,W. \V. Wflwn, Via. O-Wn*Addict WMI , AnR. WilsonUusur Pliilbld, II. P . NiKfiouIMdga M>,rriN.v, r . t r i .k Fljnn,


FUNERALS!\ X Qmlity niiil«nrkittKiiKlj]ii un i^VtutMy tb.Dk. Vur libcr.il pairotii),^ m tbc ;>n.t

JOHN JUSEij L'od. rUktrl l w l i . . . , , N.J .

MAI!ltll:i>l lOSE-LAWlEhCK-J. . . |»i, IHI .,

A. II. fnltle, t)»»lil J. 1I..M' and Clan* j 'Lft«TCDc«, buih ot Birtlrf ville.

ASBEN-BIUTT-Dre. Uib, IR80 I" - - 1IU«r. A«cln.« J ia , , ' i , M jj


REAL ESTATE!Tin; itubsurlbtr aclin^ KwuUir nt HID ]«gt

•ill and tiHtiinirui cf M«rri» Triyinitr ofthe enuntyof Wnvrou, deCi-niie«l, will ,,li atPublic Sub, on

Saturday, Febriiury VM\\>

IHH, at th<i

CHESTER HOTEL,>! I <xn-u tlu h 'nm nf 12 nucl S oclocl |.. M.

F o n t I K l l S F S A M ) LVTH

•m Mni.le mid lWry ^lr.,is. i,i U,c town oT•Iu-.:.T. Uorr '. N J. l't:rni:Uii du-

-Iriug t(> look Kl I... .„•.,;,,IV II..L1 PalluilOEAbrnin Vim lii.i - ,. ..i c|i.Kt.-r. tloiidituim

byA A TIUMMKIl Eieeiitor

h \m\

In Chancery of New Jersey,TO ALlliatT C. I'ICHTEll:

BVvirliK' (iron nrilurorthfl Cnuit of Chan-eery of Nuvr J,T»CV, made on thi: (\AV ut

U dt h f i hJ

-uf. i(lmiiiisl

ouiiliiiimorA|iiliiaml 30ar < i d

. demu. . . . . t d tlie cci)t|tlai[inriibill, on or hoiorc (lit- thinl dnv ufMux'li 1111

r Um said bill will be taken so i-imI-^<^aiiiHt you.Til- fiaU liill is lllcd for ilio colluctinn of

legacy nf DIIU liuudn-d .lullitiM witli int.rcfroia Nuvemiu-r In . 1H77, pivtD tUHaid \pj)hTaiwbv tho last n.ll t/IQsbri?] J'idiliT )titr :

ihutowMMhi|ioi Ji'fli-'rmn. 111 Mnrrin O-iiiilNi'w Jursi-v. dccfiim-d andbynfiid will ilired*tobopfli-t out or the iwrsimal estate nr miiIi-Htatnr, mid in canu uf nn liur-onftl cHtntitlint ill ct) t lie sntnc filinnNl he jiuiil nut nl' octain rt'il fslutc ol ea<i] Icsistnr, in aw\ fun»!)i,"., di'vitvii to bis rwo ywincfist unns, tia11-Jnbn Fiflhtur and »t'iii)'iM W, PichtcT, n ^ i -lieysl|Qiilil m>l nay tlm Kamu; nud Mill bill



nol nay tlm Kamu; null Mill bit >uid Wac.v ban lu'conio duo, tlmpcrciinal i'«tai«, tt.nl mid two nou

ib t tl bIMII to pay ibe funio, suit tlmt you humm chnn ti) ImvEi an lutorcnt in Raid lands:an1 that find bill )ir«^n & »B1» of Bald landsfur the p&ynu-nt nf rniid I^ACV.

KEIOHROUlt A HMITU,liolicitorB uf Oumplftiuant,

Doivt, S. J .D«t«d Dcwmbt^ Slut, I860. 7Gw

NOTICE.The anuunl meeting uf the Htockholders

>1 iho Horrln County Mucliiuo »nd lrobCompany for theplection of Directors, willbe ht-ld iu tho office of th» uuderKifiiied,Dofiii-.N. J , Tuttwlay, Jauuary 18th, 1881.at If) o'clwk A. M.r.-2w GEOItUE ItI0IIA.Itl)8, Frosidimt





STOVES OF All . K1NDH.onKEny, OLiya-WAUK A N D C I I I N A .

Joseph York*nlUllHISTIIWN. N. J,



OFFI0K BrtJiniiinR Ih . Dover Lumlier Com-u»«v'.mill. C o n ' - •

it'(] Jyr L>iiilf]jn iiv Jf>bJjjiig B j>t

SLATE ROOFING.ale f.iiniitbisil from tbe bust quarrtci byHUUII quantity or rar loot], gml Initl, tf di»

14 STOP ORGANSitonl, hook anil mnuio, Imid nail HhipprJ,inly 185. N™ I1..nij». (HIS t,, ll,C»0. Miilummtr of&r Ill'ut'd frov. Alilrtw

DASIEI, F HEATTI.H w Wni.liinsl.ii. N »•


iMvid J.'Suyen \n. Harrv W ll". F . . ^Fi. fn. •]•' - .n. i t Ur. tod^U. KuUirnablo(u ^ahemrs Ti-rns A. D. IHSl.

RnnititT £. CRKTW'W, Atl'y.Uy virtue of Hn.- 11 hove ctttcd writ ot fieri

1 tin«in IUY ha<u)H, I tbtll clfiotc hit unit «:ubln-Veiidut', ui tlic OiiartllmiMi- iu MorriH-iwn.N. J.,onMONDAY, tin- 17th ihv of Jannai* next,. 1»..l»tl,b<.-ittiK<nthttbaur* of i2M und S'clucl, P.!( . , Unit U Hi miy al 2 .,'dotk in tburiiTinnmof sal.l diy, nil tlm cptaie, riclit.tli- mi.I iul.n-Bl of tlm naiil Harrv «'. If.i;z;;<iViiM,m a till V< nil tint troU oMand anj

bliif. (JUjiiituinli, in iSuCnunty of Murj-j.tainl•StattMif Nt'ff Juri-Ef, liouuded and tlcBtnUMl

i-ilvKiwoclcm die rurlli-w(!*( «id«'I/f thek litli-w tlie ir.i'l ••n tlm Biid puniiH'B, IIR 11.uiD«T ol 1 muls Ittcor Edwanl h.\f\*,*»*«••**; ibrtirp running, Ac,, 011 a euurm

II) woiiili fmt>-i:i{,'tit dt'trct'B taut MiventeeuI'luii.ii u!:d ciKlity-su link- to limits of tbe lateMorrln Urarit r, tlui-M ; llionce (2) north thirty

Ls iiiui g said Urjint r'H tluu tu a cht'stuui

rU'tn i-limufl IUIU the ro.i<l li;ailiu<n' fromil mill ID UH1H(H ; ihcnce down tho niiJJIe uf' riMit 10 tho Hunt)', cnrnir nf limli foi•uerlyauyuK tn Daniil Kchenck, (Tec'd: theme

,>] n-iitti ihirU-foar ii«£ifir> m-»t ill ulii<ni

nul H H line 5 niirlh ttllv ilccri'H

TBOWB»inOE-SMlTn-J«n. Ijih.nbeww of U.» biid.'i ntrtatii, by Ib. n«*T. a HiybftD. Leii J. Trawbrids* ofOuter Qratti, Bod O«tri[i»uM Bmllb, of

lURlBOK -On U» )mh oTU Ih. U. E. f..notiW. )lmnl

Hor*. kf B.-JD I A p r i T r i , ^™ « < « l I » h Huiuori, »ll cf Ml

iv ilt-crr<'iJV» liiiil:

- fl(tv itoRroui p»«t (u * itccfl• ••lie.'; thenco 7 "north flit? Argtith »'•*'.WUIIIVHIIH. dining and flftj link. 1, a cun«i' " lad-Willinni Hltcllenenr'a Uiu\ in Danii)

Munl'n linn; Hieu^eBBt.ntb Biitj-f.'tirI'H wi'it three clulni und twenij fi'e

linliH ; thi-DM 9»imtli tbirtjdofireetinu ihir-\j wiaaU'* won tout ehtia* and forty linin I"ibii-hnry trff on tin o a t tidu oMlie broofc,

rorn^r .if KJIIJ 8iflloD|,er'» land;iDiitli [.irti-flin ilfgroig e.iit tnn^a

. )4 tUtr link* to * hasp of Blouei;lii-n-i- 11 Ki>ai|, [vehly ilfffHct emt nin»

rtiainn hi^« bi«^<»rv trt-e 'srar - Lewis' firm I

i-hcici tiinl mly-iour links; tlicncr 13 «uolli

ty t-VE'D linka In thiiplnco of b«ffionine, «»"*ttiaitiR futt.f*i-*cD »nil a t»Jf acrrn. t* il'»Mine moire or li>««. Eiceplins and r*«'i««n*tlmritnim a Un T»rd, turkmlU. Urk bun"']&t. inclti<h-a iu ilto Abnv* bnunduiri . i"awhich trie hfMfifore snkl ami eonven'd l»tbf MIII D»nlol HcbeiK-k. I)I>O'>1, ind nfaicb *nniiw VHnid «nd poiN-mnl bT Jncub D. ll"n 'w * W1U.IAX H, UcDAHT, BUenS.

Dated MOT. 10th. 1880, , I » *



A Prop«rtT soBpriaUuc thtris-tf* str^i

l*o n i l n from Dnvar M UM tot4 lasdlofl



Page 3: HE LUMBEE CO.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · IE11UBN eta., 1D(] js prepared to riirniili IN MOUULS COUNTV CALL AT STIVER'S NEW YORK ANDCHINA TEA CO, BLACKWBLL


THE IRON ERA.*ATURJ>AY. JAN. lfith, 1881.


Monii Court* open next Monday.

ProteeUoM m « t next Monday evening.

GOT. Lullow will be liuwgumted nextMonday.

The M. E. fair and festival at tlockawajnttvi neeriy |100. •

T&e Catholic holiday fair at Whlj.pi.oyrealized nearljr «C0fl.

D. 0 . Cole, of Flnndtni. dialocatcd hiship by ft fall last woet.

1 he extreme cold weather ]IB* ulmost ontoff the supply of OJHUTH.

Alfred Taylor, Enc|, hM gone to Kakma-zno, Mich., to viiiit hii Bonn.

Jobti W. Hnkiond hits been liccniMti toknpp the Gily Hotel, Hornet own.

Tlu- u>ath ii flnnnqnupd »t Honntira of lhi>w'dow of 'IIB I.HP Ilav. I>. E. Hftgio.

Hurl LH

I in lite First M I. riiiiirlib ('. L,"fk. Jr., of Mi-mlbum, him in.i;Miion a Bilver dolhr eoinrd in i7fWw<ro Ii 18 fair days, 118 miny tlavri,dftyu on whieb snow foil tlnrin

it liidicntEoi

-Town raertitgiooflor on the 8th of Mireb,Ice druJHi* nrc r.joiciug over a wild


Extra Hillings nru being lield iu t i eBoontou M- E lliurcb.

Mr. Lewrenoe of SUSSST, aged fit, !» lhaeldest of our Rtale Senator*.

Mcrriwlown eitt*ru!,iea one bumircil a n itpn l u t montii.'

p e who wiiut to QIOT«» to Dover com-plain that they cannot get houses.

Her. 8 B . I toouej ' . little n o , Tommy, Isdangerously lil with typ&oidrptioumotiia.

.T. Seward WilU, of Sttnhopfl, wai electeda Director of U» SOSUK Bank, o u Tuesday.

Tba Randolph TowaBblp C o m m i t s h)nimeneed suit agaliuit ex Collector Dick-

erson.Tba Madison JOCBKIL deliberately o

tlio falsehood that ILis year bus fiftj-tbroeSundays.

Mr, Robert Rioknrds hiw been very ilthin week, but we ore glad to leant ia no

Owing to tUe chilling ofthn Ohtzter fnr-tea work bus been m pcotJed at tho An


A 1'ill will bn tntrodaoed in tbe

flnnt i


It is probable froitlmt Cnngie.Hn will IKSUO ft now :i per cenbond.

I,ci:t begins this yr-er on Ihr 2<1 of Maraar.rf Buster Sunday fullu ou ll.c 17th <April.

The pjpcni5(« on each luimtie in tbe Mnrrriiiiiiu AfivluiH ban been reduced fifty ecu I

T i e paper train last funrlay inori i i^ n.off the trnolt nt Convent nnd wiw delayeseveral Inura.

Tiie n*w Rpr-nfcfr of (lin Hou*' i>f Awmbly, Mr. Van Duv«<--, of E B 3 « , '» » u n t i v

of Moiriit ("uwnly.,TOH W. Tliompnoii linn jinn-li fined th

elor., in MontHtoi™, o ^ p i n l by ]I. G.Emmcli, for Jfi WW.

A bill IIBH been iiilroduci-d in tbe Hoimttproviding for the npetiiug nf polls nt 7 A. H,and clcming nt SUBHUI.

Hint placo for TPIIW, to take cbarge of a farmof twonly thousand iicren.

Richard Gnrrftbrfttit, tbo 1'cfipnck mar-cbnnt, will remove to Clinton in the Spring,

.mid enpuje in biifiiucss there.

Mr. CliaH, II. MunBOB will reinoyfl bin mi-'taurant in tlio Spring to bin own building,now occupied by S. n . Kreohe.

After nil Ibo fun of our excimntjm in rn-Ri.nl to tbn ninttorit may tio well to nay tlmtDDonehMbeuu nrrrBkd iu Bofer lor pnfanily.

Tho Madison M. E. Sunday Scbool \m•week prPKcntci. the punier, IU'v. 0. I

wilb flftc TOIU of historic

The Delaware, Ln«'kawnintrt nliniirnail Corapnny bn»o (irdercilfreight earn, to bo built nt its

A ilelfgntiiiforriRtown, t

progreiwWe town in Norlbnru New JtTHi-y.Ami }<•! HODU paople don't a^ni to like tolive in it.

One pnwu'Fi^r ia ktUcd by tlio railroad*icr every 41,77tJ,77r- uiilen t r ave l s , Mid onein ritlier hilled or wounded for every .1,874,-«.13 miles.

from Independent Hoio. ofsited Newton yesttrdny and

presented Kittatinny Hose with a handsomemarble clock.

Rnmiiel 0. rmter, living near Sofcustuinn.rccenlly ennght with it fctecl Imp an owlraeo^riiiR (onr feet and ten .lichen from ti[ito tip of itswingd.

It ix plated flint a now regulation will noonbe promulgated requiring evfry employee intho post offices to wear a uniform similar tothat of letter curriers.

Tbfl Gny Fnuiily liardly pnid (uppwimiwbilo Baird'a Minstrels bad nil overcrowdedhouse. Tho latter ndvcrtWd in tbe En* butthe former went elKOwhere.

A very entertaining psrly was given ntthe resiiltince of Conductor J. H. GenrgMlast Monday evening, at whieb Homo veryflue rrnisic waa a prominent feature.

Nine persona were killed outright by anfiplOKion in the woll known AllentowuRolling Mill on Thursday of lnst week, audsix others have died from their Injuries.

It ia Riven out Ibat tbe D., L &. W. It. II.Company bun pnrelwed tbo Tioga It. It. amiBloBfiomhorg coal lnndfl wblch can produce6(iO,OOn tons of bituminouH conl annufilly.

Robert L- Lawrence, Esq., formerly a law•Indent in Dover, .Wended Mrs. O'Connor,wbo was tried in Hudson county for ihemurder of her three children. She wna ac-quitted.

Michael O'Donnell, an enpWer, formerlyveil known here *a fireman on tins Dorerdrill engine wan killed by a collision onFriday of last week, at Laiington, NorthCarolina.

A number of Rontb Jursey hpr.rUn»"ii aroadvertising to pay fl'ty ceutH pur pair forlive quiil. their object hv'mg to Jttep anilfeed them through the Viivtrr nnd loosethem in the Spriug.

We are [irforraed that ltu>-. B. T>. Hishop,>ntly called lo the Rectorship of St.

e to anlborizo I 'ouptcn to Usue bonds toi debtKrfoniH'd church of Boonton

cftllod tf> its pfiatoratj Rev. Mr. PookoiBu,lutu of i^uiru^ildv

The Nowiirk M. E. (Wcrenoe vill tu«n Murcl ISO, at Jernoy City, with UifibopUnrru pmldiug.

l t tv. It. N, Herritt, rector Qf Bt. Peter'iClmrch, Morri town, has been quite ill foi

nt.A Hfcliou nf Iho

liinlry Mt mill bluwup (•itbont burtiiig oiiybody.It in h.iliuvrd tlmt tbo c\v

liul&r boiler nt thed.»y last wee

M. Kully la

ptptf nmong the'sin thin dintriot will be u

-jTU tbo

mt llic F.i!*hnly fjrund Jury recnminoud

IH lmi([ li'!iin»rl¥W(iliug—the

-t JliS


Norrta Imt iHirclmud nIT tlu• iiifim! (l"j)nrtni'jnt of theM. K. fiudtlny Sulionl

Ja-i. II. Ni-iiihLor, !:-()., lutH beon elD i n d o r f r thn'i; years of the IluuiltoldiiHHr.inco Coiujwiny, of Newark.It is ninirirfd ilmt Rev. Itobind McDonald

iMHiimt of S(, JnHqili'H imrisli, N«nt(in, itto bf truimftiru'd to Morri.itowu.

H>!ii>tor VomiKb!ond and As-wmblyraeiiToliuhon, PohtRiu) Liudnl'-ynrc nil quarts-rodiu Ibo American IIouw, Trenton.

The I'l-ospctt street liill iBcrowJed uiglittywilb peoiiln-ndult') and chililrflii—who ani'ii|oyinK liuRely tho n|>li'U[llil courting.

The ftiiiinul ilniistion vir.it to the Hov. D,W. Fox, of FIMUI'TH, will lnk.i pl.HM ftt tl.t>

,rs(»raf;eon ff.dinwlny evi'iiiu", l'Jlli lutt.Win «nst)imoiiR rc-nommillion for th«.irltship of tliti IloiiN-j of ABieHilily in a do-rvetlrecot"i't>«u«F Hi" m«iH of lion. C.

0 . PonpiT, of Hooutcm,

<> MiiiliH'Mi Jotms*i. will pli-nic aec-ptimicro iLnnUti for giving tho Eft* erndilni'itcm Li fuft, tho iinltflrlBHotm•t«l tliftt wn are almost overwhelmed.c urticlfi in lust week's EIIA. on "Ther King," wnn it.ttrrHtiDR reading aulie cLr..in niNo We iikf Buob ntriieles^ure nut t i e milk and wuUx bind—Boon

:on Itull'Min.Conductor Charlie Flo]met 1M doserrerlly on1

nf the morit popular mnn in hU profession.We leurn ilmt tbo ooniinutern on hU trnln

ia<b' liim A KuhMiintinl holiday ^ift. Bonn»> tliut it amounted tn o v « *200.Of oonrw tlm Rtinnul rumor prevails re-

specting tliy fuilurfl of Ihc ii. xt peach crop.Tbiw time it mto happen htvtwm it In RaidLhut when tho tber mo meter r gmtors 8 deg.

zero tho «ood in frozen »ud tbo ludskilled.

A committee of llic Pr- abjltrj ' of Nawtonccntly visitrtl Iho Staulinpo rresbyteriaiitiprrRation to n«--certiiln whether thnchurobired to chmigo (rom Nawtan Prcii'iytery

that of MorriH iind Omng". Tbe result ofthe meritiiiR in not inid1' pnHic.

A Qreenba;-k Htnte Convention wan h<-H Rdnj or Iwo rfi:o« nt Trenton, wbioh w.-w |>re-iid<'il ovr-r liy VU\i\rs J. llollid, of Cum den..nd coinmiitef * from c«ch OunfiriHsioiml dis-

trict were appoint«1 to rrfinniee OrcenbnckLengues in evi-ry eou'ity in Iho Htnto.

Unit«il Hliit.n ni.^mi(t Collector, It ' .hrrtB. Hiillmrii, of ih« Fifth Dihirict. which in-chidi'.s lhf> wni'itii-M nf R-wi. Hudson, llt-r-

The OODBU »bowi that ID New Jewey U M »t n ovei l1,(MH)m^rrftimjaaithaninal««.

Futbtr MeGftb&n, of l i t , Hope, g»»e thechildren of tbe p ri,h scbovl» «lei«b rido toMormtowB on Thursday.

Mr. P. 0 . HtagtD, tbs iboe icaler, bwrented frotn April 1st tbe fins reridenoe cm

kw^li Birbii, n o * loeiipied by Ur . 1.Amdt.

Uav. a . N. Morritt, rector of Bt. Petw*!!Uliunih, olorrlutawti, eoalemplutet spendinga year in Europo fox tba beneAi olhealth.

in Sacred U'mrt Union, an ofpLnlntidevoted to tbo aid of lbs Denvltle Ptoteo-tory, gftTe Lwt yeir |10,iHM) toward aoBUui-ing tfaa Prutactory aad paying off IU deb t

We andBntead that a branoh of the IrishUad Uague, will soon be orgaafeecl in Og-d --nnburgh. Eminont speakaw will b« p ro*eut lo addreiw tlte first meeting for tba pur-p no ot orgaalaatiou.

Xowusbip Golteo'flni mould not forgfthat they are required b ; law to file a Hit ufunpaid t««« oa m l (wist* In tbe Ccuut*GUtk't offiafl by the l int of February, vnuked ike Ux a flrdt lien upon the property,

On WvdnoBdny tnoruiug Mr. EdwarJ A,Muir, II / r ung aud esteemed membor of theMorriM County Bar, died nt kin borne iu Hor-rlHtownftfUraprotraL-trdillnena. Mr. UnlWHS bora ia ChalbntD, and was SB years of

L'hrary aud Lyoeuu isMR^ M ID ttitution. Tbe

Tbe MorriutoVnavldcnUy a very Binluoual report jurt iof tbe year to be *G 4 1 " til, and the dlnbt.se'nentH $4,162. IT. Dover needs a limilar

Bolitbo, tbe ojBlermnn, will remove in thiSpring to tha pUoe on Blaokwell istreut now

piud by Geo. Mann, where he will hia firnt elaaa rentauraut and ice creura wiloon,Hr. Mann will remove to his Clinton streelproperty, where he contemplates nakinf

[tensive Jmproverafnts,

Wiu. A. Oondiot, a life long resident ofireippanv, died ot bin residence on tint'

day limt nii'i WHB buried in tbe Faifiipjmictury Tuosdny afternnuii. Mr. Caudict

wan an elder In the Proubyteriau Oburcli,nnd wan burn, lived and ditid iu tbomu.fB. l i t wua Of years 'if BQt.

Otir r>? d«.rg nro coustantly Irlliug UR Ibat:hey ore grently annoyed by iieighhorx wbo)urrnw thfl Iiu\. They my tbuy don't want

•A miueigbborly an l rtfiise Ibeni, bul:hoir papers iro often taken befora they nret rough with tbciu very much to ttidriliH-

•\VB hope ;hc borrow, rii wj)l tnke the

From Jnunary 1st to April Iht in gnuemliy•ry biiay Htuus in IIUS.IK.HH oiru'l-i, I '-T oim

svho huve money to ioun on inti-irst tiro iwith the aKnistnuco cf a eoiiveyijir'

hiugtliu rec uds to Unil n fjnoti tillwhile on thn Olb<r hand tbu buruwt-r wh

ml a lien en iiin prn|nriy fur a numb r>f yiHiK, but iiiiH by full bu*uJ miDicit'i:

my to pay off iho tlubl, atuiouKly n^aiiday of tji'tllpincnt wleu be can htf n u

,ntl demand natitifactiou.One of tho results of tbu recent cold mn\its tha fr<.eziui> of itmtiy htmiliful Lous

owed. Scores of boumvA-ivcp in ninny Newtr-ey Tillage* ire mourning over the IOHB.icb a ]>]eiiflnnt pnatlaio h$& tho cultivnt:

if tlieno lft'iu(j pioturus become. Hint aimr_y haujc Iu these rillnges l>ad uco or[(> windows filled, alt through the drearyittr moiilha, wi U tbu Jigbt of coloredhot)))), 'i'lieso nro uow tJtHTftiyej),

An-.,h*r Pastor En Trouble.Tlie Eipton Eipreiii Jtn)ii t'l*1 H«v, It. B.

Lock wood, a former wi.itt.ir of the (»hIll|fB.burg il. £ . cburoh, now cf Grunge couuty,

. 1 ' . , against wliom MrK. Mary Myor«. ofiiillipJtliiirt,r. lias made charges uf improper

ioaductOD a recant vi-.lt, \IM mude appllea-,icn for bis trial to take pl.ice nt Dover,

'ing to tbe prtj^dioe that eiUts sgainfitin at Pbillipsbuifj, nnd tbe eipanuu of bisuostl, Ik>v. Mr. Gill, goiug to the Julterice. Tlie pro^ciitioH oljtcts to hnviug3 trinl lake plica lit Dover. Tbe trial lm«on [lOrilpoi! il M>'Ventl Union, and it in untown uhrn tbe Pn-Hidlng Eliltr v«. ill ux tbe

PORTI am Borry to bare to »•«««] the dentil

•nothtr of John tUKiiouV. cbildreu—!olden. g;H tltiH tioii—from meinbrao-ion-up. Hbe died ua huc<3ny.

MrR. VL ». Mnffat went on a vWtEftKtcn, t>( furf K(-w Tt t r 'a . Oaeot her ohUdreu caiittbt diphtheria tbunt, and vanlutr «)>< n iaxt beard ftoio.

'ilie bousw in Ueatoner'n Bow atethe color of the school boooe.

There Is uotswiloh room enongb »t Stanhope. Mid tbe commandment which

1 ThnB Kh.Jt not lake tbu noua of the Lordtoy Ood, in vaiti/ ' ia very much strained Unot frequently broltm ID oonsK[tieaos.

Tbe Gny Family had their show in ClarkHall Mouduj evfioing. Ihose whothere say It w u flood and Borne of themcomplain thai the hall is not large anoogh.ibeM verti they who ooulJ not get ID.

Little Max Moflat ditd of dlptbtrUEa-ton on TuewUj. He was In the b«ithealth vhnu he Mt home with bin motheruhout two B tgo. Suuh is the onntrUinty of JiumftU llfu. I t doen ntfta to ucthat the doctors ought to bu able to fidsome remedy for tbia terrible diwaH. Boiontifio people Ulk a good den! of bunoombiahont the cauna of it—improper draimge,U d veutililion, eta. Our fathers' ueveiknew wbat thU dlma«e wan, and thfrfr dral

and ventilation wore no better thanour'i. I dtmbt If tbe / were M good. Ia Ithi* membraneous oroap a &n% ooosindiptheriaF

A New i o r k Ii rtrongl

i for it.> tlso TUii

niml Mri of hi< !

rj; he

Jlor Yn mlt h a t tb.» t n t itlio yf-nrlvjji ininB .Jslii

om .01 srj- 1st, I860,


rMBHiRfr' on tho Mmitrlnir and Ori>rn-tooA IiiiVt Kanromi »ro cominllfd to crvn

the Pt-qnnimeo rivic nenr 1'otnptnnon theowiiiR to t!i« fiiut tbnt tho owl frti«1it

tho bridge. Tbrcu boi cms went tbroiifjbthe briilBO but no one WUB injurtd.

pt,d. TliePre-iainn to try tho camFor the f.rr^iun ueloctcil, t'"t

ipvlnirfi DBMOHRATLtwkwixxl i« thnlKt visit to Plijllips-imigliter, Cunillen crimiiml tumuli!EldljrW:Ull 'dtil

, with WniRulf, aud

wlieu the trial willufT h not l(iio*n. The trialcted with el nod Junrn, nnd itn

ill lie

r tribuiiul etho rtjtirjji'

liirujnien,si1 with nil, corrobo

w lo fully

Irom the decision nf HID lotiiken loConf.rfncc whebe retiirtl by tliirtecnprosecution will )iunb ilii eaiiil fluiini to have diranil circunihtniitial ovldi'IJHII all thfi diitrKea. TJ.^i'1 wtoiu<Res num-ber Boino twenty in oil. The dc-feiiHQ nill

,kc ft Ri'iicrnl IJCDIKI and attempt to impugn

The conl tmilfi is now in a Sourir-hing con-dition again and the demand m fully equal tothe KU|iply. The recent cold wrnllier nndsaow lava inrrenned Ihe fQiifimiplion andit tho mini) time tiiniiniUifd the (nci lilies

for tmnspurtHtion no Hint priccn aro higbfrat many poluti end & c u l ffimine IN ftarod.

The hoy. likn b u t to nee tho old fiirmerfitb bin t>ic rmpty sled driro in from tbelounfry. The old sled IOOWH much more nt-mctive than the gaudily pointeil, much be.•obed cutler, bccntiKc they enn lung on,umpin, roakefaKt ihfir ekda or donlranstlf

Mrs. Mcyer«' ohavaotcr, In pertaineie

mtiu-s graro nnturo

than those brtuiglit SRftinRt Mr.by Mm. M-'vcw, will be pushed nnd otiupportcd by tlio affidavit of a poreatnvf tho reverend gnntiemftn in laiO


^obu'n Epiacopul Chiireb. of thiB cit-accepted the cai. and will fntor npou bindutien here to-mdrrow.

The Rev. S. F. Upturn, rmstor at GrnpeChurch, Boston, bun accepted tbe Profesnor.ship of Practical Theology in Drew Thetilo-fpcnl Sominnry at Malison, and will toKUine H>

the duties of tho po-kicu noit April. !

Ijist December was the only Dpcembcr in .the Itiut forty yenrs in '*uicb for two cun-gecutive dnys t\\c ;ii;r(iiiry went lit-lcw zero.DPC. 30'h was d!=n tbft fir«t dny iu fl7 ytntnthat luid nn Hferng1: temperature below ziro.

IIov. John W. Tonklin nml wife, of Itonnton, Faib'd for thpir niissionnry work ntAroot, Indin, lust Suturdiy m^^lillg. Alarjje pnrty of friends aaw them off Mrn.Conhlin will take charge of tho girl's schoolat Cbittnr.

Predurick 0 . Bumham baa removed Liftlaw bnsiccKa fiom Morrinlovrn to Huwnrk,andoci.-r.i'iis nx-rai ni No. P28 Uroad Gtr?<£.Mr. Btimbnut Inn olwr,;u of (he Inwbutinesflof the Untoid Life Ina-jmnco Company ofHew York.

A lamp exploded ia tho house cf Mr.Stewart Farr, m fue I'iospcct street neiph-borhond, a few evenings einoe, When difi-covered the room was in flames. I t waswith diCRuully Hint they were nut cat. HIUHt*ving » lual l Dttbj that w « eleepiDg in tbe

Rnjtbing they liko without fpnr of the ugly- jlooking whip tli

Tho Iron World snys Blt.flUO tiln have recently been pl

of strol

ign vrnrlin,QiuLi

nnd o lic

brr-u pim-edw of the ord'T

th domtstic andy ileumnd con-

are f.SS jiorton at mill,orders for bar iron Ijavet 2.4D cents per priund,

amounting to lid much at

Commsfi Council Proceedings.'Ibo Jniinnry meeting of tho Common

Conncil washdil on Monday evening. Pres-pul-^-Mnyor ]lit(iardK, Hecorder Critten'len,

I Aldirmnn buaoh. anj( Cotmcilmen Gollard,HiiirhouHF, UwiHand Hniith,

Tho iniDiit'fl of the liu>i dee Huff were read

A pptiticn from .Tutu. D. SichUs lo ktep ailliaid wilonn to June 1st neit WAS gmntod.A ptilitiiiii wns recoivi-d from Chitif Engi-

n-r llcnr.fft nTomiiioiidiiig Job a Egan audFrank Kt-nslUr immeuibcrH nf Vigilunt HosoCompany, nnd Junes Rikrr. A. H. Smith

nH Hinn Opcm

A Hiohon in t lo w«l) kr.cwn Beit* Hroth•m' botUiuR d^abliMliinert fn EssUtn, explMtd rtn Wednesday fom.rx-.ii, and a piecof fly'rig RlasB #>irack M»md Wnz, a son Done of member* of tLe flrru, in t ie nei-k,•OTering one of tbs mnin arte^ifS. Ho diedBve hourw kficrwaid.

1I*T. J. II. WhiMiMd, cf Pompton.afftnito b« a mark for thicTes, Lrm ttinn twtyean ago hti htd n urt nt hameitt stolen, am•low thin hid Iwnw hns tu-«n entered bythieve* whi Mole »!! hit lilverwuro, be hi.Hbad a trouble rv.i-.?ci»l ,t»\ux, *tid recentlyhU hoTHi ruid wftRon, uoo« of which hava

Tb« i> ndw wtlieltndt tbil name r^ople inthli aommanlty f SIWMQ tot th i workinRU ttnnrt ly at rariatM* vitb their actioaa.They efprm Ihrlr feeling in column* ofgotb, wbtcb U «iwjr nbeip wt j , for U toatith«mooblDB, fcotwlwtftr bMtdoftb«ts

li,,iriV« fmiiotm N.-w Oi-ls>.Tnftporfdrmancc nt Molb'inu Thursday evciiin^ to the 1«igc«le tlint hit hi?en Ri>t>n in Hint hull fur

Mr. B ird b:w ft trnnpo which into nnno atuj nhould Iw pn'roniz^j by

Mr. H. w

In the

oynin KUOJ

hlo.\ market laxt Haturdny Vela-

Jersey Central *7]. We luar from vtry ex.

collent aulhori I j ' Ibntth'- t'liruin^ nf Delu-nd liiickiiwunna arn p^pi-cinlly good.^id I but tha n*>t rec'iptu for Nuvom-

ber wem fquftl to 1 fJ-HHI per oont. upon

•Hibih MartinUiutcnibersof theHtoamerimi|)miy, nil of whom vr-ta confirmed.

iu amount of 517. Acn-plcd.J i i rs 'nl K'lley reported four nrrc-MU foric |m*t month anri liir> miilo tramps et.iur.d in tlin dUtinn IIOUSP. Acurptrd.

Tun followin{{ bilLi b«inH reunited uponfavorably by tlio Finance Committee wereirdfred paid; A. Wighton, oil, «to.. $UC

CO; Jacies P. Knlley, fur Juror'i torn iuTolman case, $5.20 ; Jaraen P Ktlley, Jlar-ihal, Hsiary, %M; Corporation pa? roll forDecember, $^8.81; Y. J. Cure ore u, Janitor,£10, Council adjourned.

snpiUlearnings he

and tlmt tho DLCL-IUB fully readied 2 per cent

K large aumln r nf tho teaishorn nnd rnem-,TK of tbe First M. E. Kun.lny School coin-li-ti-Iy 'Surprim'd" lira. L. 0. White on

TLursiliiy ov-ntng. ftad prosuut'd her withileijiintcitHf chair and tba mate rial for aBomo drcs*. M M . While for years hns

rlinrR' nf the in font tlcpnrtinent oft!)

»u of her faithful nerrice*.

of cold it *ou)d not b*

Ihe poor that two or tbn

1, ».,d thedeserve . reuon»it

In thrM nigh'imiaAto rumind

nawi-papcra |ia«Ud togetttr will ifford atmuch warmth at an additional blanket Thipiper should be placed between two thick-Dt.^«i of otter to7>r!og. P»per eov»Ietna n now manufactured in England, ureafeet by flvr, ind uold at SO crcU each.They have bwn in n u ia ObltiK u d Jupanfor thonMndi of yean.

The Cbrislian Adfoeab girei thi ne-•rologr of the Uetbodi* mlntiiry (or 1830.wbioh footi up ntnety-Mfan IthunanU, nntInoladlngtho wivwof itinerant* who batedied abo daring the year, u d whoa* number

Among thi nt&U-i inalodcd Blifcop OUtmt

Mina Kill-iv current of life, on Mini Hill, U BO

mldora disturbed tbat it in a bard anddiffl.cult matter to pierce the unruffled surfaceand gaze oa Ike tteaaurcs of inter*uting faoUthat inav, ppruhauce.be lyfcgoo theboltom.If oua RttemptH to obtain a little USWB, inregnrd to the mines, you are quietly broughtto a oonfnfied itsnd.it111 wilb Ihe tungent*likoromaik: " Poculiar wcalb^r, inu't i l?"

1 Yes; as I wat s<;ing la regnrd to thelines—" "Well did you ever »e» nuch

weather u during that cold snap ?" " Yes ItWON very cold, but—""Why look hire,wan going down towanli Dover—"and he

oner strikes off on thit path than It'stime for you to go and ace a iljk relatire IDANU; and if be don't Im-int upon gglngwith jou and ftnlnhlag ' - theyam" on thn•way, you are indeed s tbrioe happy man.

TLB Elijah Mice sttrUd on Ibo ISib lustKotieiug at tbs dinner table, daring the

holiday*, how Tartans p«noni eDdeavaredto ^trargte (bemulm carving a turkey, Xbrg leavi to mggmt Hark Twain's way of

endorsed by tho editor of tha Lodger, vriteato tbnt paper saying: " In the abeeoM of apliyeioian tho best ouurce to follow In a ilopixiaedto be dipbthrria ia to l ioh te the

putiant In w wall Tentilated a room as olrounmtanoes will adul t , Uaks a tolulion <by dioaoUing. sixty gralm of nitrate of liWer

four fluid ounoei of water. This Ii to bewed as a gargle i Its objuot is to destroy thothe membrane. Mike a solution by dliving one tewpaonful of strong carbolicia one pint of wutor, to be used as a gargle;its object in to destroy the contagion. Thenetarffha nre to bo UHtid aUuiaatlvely ever;icur or two hctr", according to the effecnoJuDed. Bwabbing tbe throat ehoulclot bn attempkil by one who is not familialnib thfl opimtion mid its duugfrs, for ifiu uut done wilb tact and skill, it will ooort a uurablf onwe into a falnl one b j cnu

ing tbo pntitmt to draw portions of tbe dis-eased mcruliniiio into tbe Inryus. I tm

-y to uiy thnt (IUH pbjdoiaL think!tKsnry to add: "Some physichnH arano'lera that noistiigion foil own them u> sure

•M *Lt!tg |)jg firi'uujHtiriets lead *.o th.iuion that lutitiiglon won inlenlionn'lyxi^iik'd." II id lu bo hoped that kindHiriuuti arc (ill dend and fjone to the pis(jffi! tlie BinoSie of Ibnir tormeutt fibtidfort'.vc-rftiid I'Ve,,1'HUW a priviilo ltttur to Any from it yen-IUTI who Uriid to l)o fotiitectcd with tliiH1, bul who iu now in Tuxtw. Ue used tou r y strong Democrat imd Ibi-i is what

,'rileu nmi'. ' 'K^i-y IJIHIJ (jcro ifl eitheriiL'nil or n colo»ol. I don't know where

fmt their jirivulos from. I ueo Unain i'leu ltd HIIIIXI ta 'I'ildtni W^P, but Gar-

floli will ho I'rcMidont of course. I

!!• publican mysolf now. I heardtheir «peedm during the campaign and I

^UBtnl, I tlii-.k they onght notget iu'o power until t lcy stop glao 'yicg

emsi-WpB for tboli-couduot during ttwlatair and show some mgaH of repentance,"By the way Joe Kiutiiostt, brother to

Abraham aud Isumc, the genial warbler of•'aas, rtt^FUPd ffoiR T e i u * fen

ago. Jon has boett gooe from heretwuuty-.six years an'l has had ad*, n-DOliKb lo S'l a book and make Inter-

eatlng ii

Mrn, Bnnbitu DrovQ Wl on tbe l«i» titother day itnd bmko itor t n u just above tbewrlnt.

iremaa TTerberi Hyatt wosliftd his b\g toeit) the round hou"«.

Fejcr y\nmn bns n new baby to his homeiKsSickleNdtld).Miss ftittia Oliver had a hirlhday pqrt.v

Mondny evening wbloh van largely attended>y her sohonliimtuB. Tbe UtUo lad/ was ten-.-are old.

Tho angina Anclnnclaus Rparts a set cf»apiT la'.k wticnls iiov.

'lin'y will be building locomotives out cfpripxr licit. Thi're might bn some diflbuHywith the flrt-box, bnt nonin genlna will arise

ho will £v\ over that eaoy euoagb.Thry have been stocking Bndd'H Lakeilh some finh from tho retwrvoir.Itev. J Jay Crane peached at Branchvills

at Samhy. ^ndover will want a pantorso, nowtlinl 2(r Bhnviugqin^toTreaton.

Otic or tbe other of tbcm mlghl aall Mr.Craae. D. 3.


Sleds at Berrv'ti Hardware Store.

0.11 and see the bells at A. TeylorA Son's.

Exductorntlve Syrup cures coughs and)Wn.Ovcrcoftts marked down nt Plenon's; go

;bere for bargains.

A. Taylor $ Son hftje a few aeU of thosenice BHfih clilmei left.

If you wnnt an overcoat go to Pierson'i,Dover, It will pay you.

Iodine Liniment cqre» iheumaUsm, net-ralyla and Frist biten.

and cbildren'n overcoat* greatlyreduced in prioe at Piemon's.

riiaiw canfd nnd reseated with perforatedatn at Coll ird's, Morrix strent.

A. Tuylor A. Ron are adllug blanket! andibcn a' A Bocri&co. Call aad oe«.A, Ti>yjor k Son have the lorgeit asiort-

muut of h'lrne&a lo Hojri* Cq^nty. 'Ink, muoilags, paper and envelnpefl at J.

A Goodalo'e VLnA Front Drug Store.

indn, blnnleta and underwear of allkinds, nt \\. S. Babbitt's,

Lampn, ebimnejs and the best keroseneil a' J. A. Goodalo'a Red Front Drug Store,All tnediclnoH alvertlBed in this paper are

.1,1 at J. A. Goodale'tt Red Front DragStore.

A large araortmea1 of liameiB oil*, K»pi,osslugi, vblpt nn4 hraHhts at A. Taylor

A flon'n.

Hbidquartcrs for ngnte ware, cutlery,butcher knives, eta, U at Allen k Uon-ingtou'a.

If you would bay teas, coffee* and ipicejto advantage go the K. 7 . u d China T «Company.

We wilt dose cat the bklanoe of onr itockof Parlor Stovti at a dUoooat. AUi<& tMonington.

All the latest and handsomestcards nnJ woJdlng and lar[t»tioti pnpen i tthe Eai office.

Tbs largMtandbegtastortmentof oarpBti,oil olntha, dragnets, eta., la »t W. 8. Bab-bitt's, Uorrbtown.

TruDkR 1 trunks 1 trnnki t ill kindi u dHites Belling oh»sp at Pieraon'i, oppoalle th«

u k , Dover, N. J.

The kitentloB of onr Udy readen la sailedto the arlicleon " TLo Etlqnett* of VWtbgCards"

Ua»)U»nlutalal<4lrud>Rdt^>*aB B. U Da&MI, D.D.. W. II.^1.. ^ M • Im il A. I . L . _«*L. *» • • -


ThBKlntkrfartinSohoot.Urn. X. D. Wii.ler, dt HickatUtown, b*i

sweontd Ibe old Fniiiylerka Ohnroh hv\M-Ing -bleb ia veil afept«d to tha purptM,and wHlnpaa bir KlatVifaitmT nix ol then

on ear first page,

vai inn pKtfs m>y be found Ingnat variety and at moderate prlow at W,Bt Dabbitt's, Morristown.

Wire Ulr brtuhos, toilet soap., Ul r oil,tnotb brushei and prafqinerj a| <T,all's Bed Front Drug Store.

Toln Roak and Bye. Uotk n d Bye OonghDtapa »Ld Itye n d Rook, are 14 V hilk Rillgore's tn r drag stars.

u s thty wbo«t tsblis * n sup.piled with ettdM and a t o p Itu and eoVsesfrom th* N. V. u d O&lu T M CO.

D. 0 . VUit, of Photos » J I I " My IIUUgirl was evod of ft nuking OOORO tad midby tbs ass of ths X X Ooanh Bjnp aftc

d i Wea tbcSls t iu t . For twtan luqalr* of H, [ *& andP,lkud*aon,caL,CBi4rwirUu I

y jpMU«r natdlM u d faiW to give »py relief."wtto fsr bottla « | Vorght 4

Iltey **f I I - M I . WltUonl I t I

A faro e r Mid r m dny *" I d<>n t think :Dinob of ijoack medidni'ft, l-ot th<ra ininedioiDa Ibat wceau't keep honfw wiibouland tlutt i- Vongbl A Ki Igore's XX CimiihuOretot. I t not only cares all the hunts KUL,out-dnor critters, bat It ourrs aU the Indoorvarmluw too. It any gtt hurt in uaj irityor hftvn iiny pftlu oouiiig on lbt>m t1 ev ranfor the XX Cr&uu bottln which utakts them* " " ijbklr troubl*."

Why Should Thoy. 'm a or woBjjn cm do ulintactory work

when tbe br»lts Is dull, ta<t ncrvos nmteadv,Ibc ly tura t-plased ami ibny ful RtneriHjwn-trliei]. Wiiy BbuuJit lawyer, tniiL-lRnkityniiiu, dorhird, uiccbauL-s or moilm

often miii-rably draa tlironsb Ibeir worktliiaraadltion.'vbea a smill smonut of Pw-kor'iQlugvr Tonic will aiw*vi, »t moderate

t k lb b i dtout, ekM lbs brain and tliem theitrengthsnd ihe will to perform their duties

i.lfifactorlly. We have felt its itr«ugtbeDingand brauton eTectg and ma roouuimeod i tcioit hijtlily* Bee other oolntnu.

Vat aale by Tnnght A Klllgoi

Eight)f-FI*e Doil&ri Lost'You tin net Mil me (hat your Imabtna Imp

>nd K|i(iiit sgtlu, and eDtirelj-onrtil by io ilai-lit i mcdicliifl as Parker's Ginger Tonic?"i'«n, lndHv4,1 do." ni(< lira. Ben Jam In to lioiuqniring cuighbor, ami thai too nrtieu ire lindwliihly paid eiu;hly-llro riollars fit doctoi'e'Hs»ndprBiMriptl<ius,HDd after be had boonivun np tiy liii phyiiklan* to die. Now myi i ibwj bets ei will a> cvar, entirely cured

fay tbla cioollt nt Tonic. And many a ilck ni\umight bs well to a ireck It they v.>u Id only tr.v

Por sale by Vouglit k Killfture.

KE0BAL01A OUEED.BUY Ur, Burr's Nonnlfli and Biok [I-i't.1

acbB 1'iHrt. Theto pills are a epceialptepiratiun fiolrlv [or tlie cDreof opcoitlHia.eitsciR, and fur these di»Di9ci (hoy are noror t. trial bv all litblligent undone . The?prepared eiprntsly for tbe cure of Nenraliiofc HeaiWhe, Nervous Hoadaclm, Dyap.sift, V. mitine ot Food, morning Blckiithr'

iralruia, Pahilation of tbo II t t l t ri, and Huml •jhe arising mm. ovur Blininlatiiig, either b*

npiura nr tlcohollc utlmnhnlH, mL-nnan'be (tbor disauhe in tbe month), barnnfi'l eSectntllj cure all dlneaee* amlns fromderanged NcrroiiK Hvntnm, Liusi of Kirvoi

Energy nud Prumohire Deoiy. Tlioy coulunu opium nrultier u;ireotics, Freptrnt by .E. HOUR, M. D., Serauluu, I'a. Suul bv mailon it'fliiiul nr niice-M eta. McKuwiiuk Bbiua oHifO. N.Oriitcu()(.», Kuw York, Ateu

Dit.R»iFPaaTHi I la«e Kold Oil UUltl.Hournlgla nnd Ui«k Htsmldche Pill* for ycai

and Icunroconiniecd l lcm. They nave madsame mtmlLr ful cineg in Ibli apalUn.

A.KMAPP.M. D. Fittston, Pa.Da, Lii-E inys: I nave told DR. BCDR'

iralgia and Hick Headache PHU ovei si K<f were nrnl introduced, They gl « tliiu DS it. BO ^ ^ ^ KaationUp.P*.

F o n S i u e i VoDfltfT & %u

A DKl'tHRIt'a OBIBP,The priile of a mother, (lie Ijfe and Joy of

ion.;, are her chi'dr^u, bonce her grief wucnn inter* ind tnket tlietn away. Tihilng then, t U t you are running a terriuli

ilk, ir they have a congii, croup or wliooplnURII, wlilob Icid (o oo|}saiapuon, if yon At Dltend to II at ones. fh.IL'iH'H 00N-MfllUNCUUEiignnraatwdtoaarAthrm.

.Vic-10 ot-. 50 CIP. aud SI. For latno l.ft.k: cbott, pee 8h.lluV» Porotiji Planter

;ico 99 cti. Bqld b ; Yo^fbt 4 Elllgore,

THE BEST I EVER KNEW OF.0. STAHKEr, a pijininput anil lufl

:itUemif Iiiwi City, siyn; " I b. vo lii'lb'lpcinit, aud ILyur oninpUintfur irvcru' , nod lutvo utiid every retuctlr I cooli

ipirol, wltlinul any rallef wlntever, nnlM Iyour HliiU'* Vililizir uJvcrtiHil In

ir, and wai pcirHUsded to try it. 1it>py In *Uile Lint it liaientirely cured me,iH curtaiiily ijjp bpst jwpfo l o w r trnoi

riueifioU 8oldbyVmightAUIIIgoro.

HILOH'H CATAHRH itEMEDY. Aloaa eiirn for cittnrrh, iliplilUerl*, ea

math, and bend nobe. \\'M\ esioh bolt It then1 ID infn<tilouK nnaal Inji-ttor f»r tlin mur.icoenful ireiitmeut of lliu edtiipl.iiut, 1

Ecerjbody remdi T s * Sps. In U e editlonB' this Devnpn|mr thvunghout the year touav everybody wUIBni:

All sli'JWoHd'fl uewa, t o pmietited thairp.ukr will got tba firtntwt nuioant olrma linn wilh the IBMI uuproBtablo ex-

.liiui-u of tuna and cya-nlght. Taa 8DK!f II co diiconrcti the Roldfn mitan bclweenluudint [nlhicwanil oniiatiitactnry brevitj,t. Macliofthamortolnewiwbioli depend*i upon til reoKftniied itnportaDce than npnn

i intarrat to mankind. From morning tooruingTBiBCN prints a eoi tieneil itnry ofinliTeiofrealnieit and women, a rdo l their?ad>. plant, lofta, tiatM. antl tropblim. Tbi»

y iimore rnrUUpd more Intertilling thiiiirotuanoe tbnt wai ever duviied.

ilL Oood wrltlnR in every column, andnhneifi, orlginilUT, aeenmty, tnd ootorumlha tr.atmDiH of emry sobjuct~ Honutoommuvt. Tna Sos's habit is lo

cat feirlewlv nbont men nnd ibinjtRSqaaloandnr' In duatms with racb palll-

- i r tv . ind eqnal readlceu* to onnimeTidnt ii piaUewurihy or t» rebnko what in

laiDibtMn Dctncsral or Itcpuhlicau.VI. Absolute Indcnenrt'-nnc of parliBtn «r-

1 rat ion, bnt nnrnvcnnR icynlly t« Imp.ocratkpnndpliK. TH* Hndieilcves thul

i» good one lo kicp. Itn natinnof duty Ig,'itiB1. tullanrinnat lmwt-r tlioi-fl .rtK«r mniihe Hcimblicitii part ' toaH np aiLisla-rfDim

I fimmron'it in plnce* <>t tint whlcb n'v-u.lie y n r 1881 mid ihr> vears Inmi-.Uiottlv U-wing will probably dmlilt* ibis ia i»mcl.i

'lanlttmlcul, THaBuHhelicvtH ili.it l':r,f will lio nlth tlie jH'iiploaiiaii'iiiii'i tin

iDgi fur'Btoaoiinly, the Itlngx Tor plutulir,tba Ring* for ImptrW power,

nr lerutt arc us follnwB;Fnr Ibo Dittt Him, a ionr-pnge "metrcnty^lgbl mlntnm, tba price bv unil, pi

u.tiSSecBts a mnntb,orlfl.60i jmr;«dndiag 'be Smular pap.?r. »n ei«hl-ptmicet arftftv-uli cnlnmnn. Ihepnof in05 uout-monlh. or 17.70» yrar, pmlaui) puiil, •TbaSundaj edlll»n of T H I Box I" alunfn-'

ilitiedsKparate1va.ll.90n ,v»r,)>oiliit;o|'>i'lhe price of tho WE*H<T 8D», eight pni^K,'••h flolnmni, Is II a vear, postage paid,clnbiafteniondlnff 110 we will mitJ an

n a q v t a a . Ada«» E N a L

Pnbllsber of TxiBnv, Hew York Oity.

ieetoTax-wers!All |UM not paid Is tbs I imuhlp tl

Budolph bj

January 39th, 1881,111 b. record.d la Iba 0onnlr a « V i oBoa

alUorrUmni, u llraa agalDtt Itepifti,1

ties upon vblob Ouj m Mrnwa.0HAS. E, KUNSON,

Merit Must Reap its .Just Reward."

Of tbo taany OtUrrb and Hi,v Tetnutm*.in we keep in itoak taon la none or vulolinr onstonora fp«ik wort hlcfalv (ban sfly't OreainBaim. A rbmpam t»Hy crw '

lovery, but one wbtah, n UK ilia nwny rrpinil eildiocM of anrn prndnrad, Udnt l . .lo Iw a inOinf article. We b i n ontcr baoi,*f3arrmn)r wUfoh h u Increasrdu rapidlyn BAVI or tait bas irlTta auoa Dniverul iat-














COVER, N. J.an. 13th, 1881.

of llu uunti, doling out UIH eulire muck of CLOAKS and Duraui




$4.50 CLOAKS reduced to $3.00$6.00 CLOAKS reduced to $4.50$7.50 CLOAKS reduced Ii) $5.00$8.00 CLOAKS reduced to $(i.00

Sll.flO CLOAKS reduced to $8.00814.00 CliOAKS reduced to $10 00$7.00 DOLMANS reduced to $5.00$9.00 DOLMANS reduced to 91.00

§115.00 DOLMANS reduced to $10.00



etina! f> engnving. ftt one-fourth tho price, ftt the IRON ESL ofiloe.


FROM $1.25 UP.VTe haw a few Pnrla and Bpplin 1)C>1IIIIIIM wbich auld this Mnson

from $'ia to 93d will he bold

REGARDLESS OF COST.If jon mint a CLOAK or DOLMAN now is your lime

as the ftbqyp will be sold without reserve.



SEWING MACHINESl'll.l. T,1KKS THE I.KAU1• ml .-n- tl.i>ii'3i..1 of f.e

init,].,ifore w h | .nJ IrringTur a flrealsr. foil SAL

„ , noicbM.irtis Clid .i.v r,i

be n«>tb*V

nlj. Bimi .IUIIIR. Kior;

WM, S. OOItLARD,THo Upholsterer,


I agiiln appear in tlic cmiipaign flclil-iiot a can-didate for tho White House- but for the purpose olshowing who will sell yon n snit of clothes the bes(and cheapest. 1 have taken great pnins in selectingmy stock, adapted for this tall and winter, in the lineof BEADY-MADE CLOTHING for Men, Youths', Boys'and Children's wear. A \ery dexli iblc line of PIECEGOODS of all grades and ninicrlals, nnd I nm alwaysready to serve my patrons to my utmost ability Inmaking a good Utting garni jut for a very moderateprice. A full line of HATS CAPS and GENTS' FUR-NISHING GOODS of all descriptions always on hand.I slnccroly request tho people of Morris Comity to payparticular attention to this, that companion cannottonch mo this fall. All I ask of you is to call on

O-ElOHG-EJ PBDER,Tho Reliable Clothier and Merchant Tailor,

NextDoor to tbe Post OffloB, Dover, N, X


i r a • 0«d U) • book, «t tti« 1E0N RIU OFFICt







SLEIGH BELLS, nnd a grout vuiioty of uoiv and useful articlai forpresents. Go aud seo the diuplny nt

SIGN OF THE PADLOCK,Dover, Oot. 12th, 1880, DOVER, N. J.

Ootolier 26tli, 188Q. (

Tha LATEST im-

lii'ovud, most dur-

iiblu, jiutl comvn-

iuiit S B W I K Q

1 I A C H I N E for

fmiily usi! and man

trail will cainince


Agent,DOYER, N. J .


kit vbolcs&Ie tendp onfy. 1 »m ilwurs prepared

to EUrPLV BTODEIi with «,< BESTGOOCB > l Hie

LOWEST MARKET PRICES.This part of Warren County fi noted for Its


f FAUMER8 PR0DLCE. Oi^er by mail andROodB fresh md food l i e urns day.




'. 0. BOX.Jt. s-ir




1IACKETT8T0WN, S. J.anuhcluror «f Kipand DD toj) buHElff, twr

cinl i-au-iaRca. U'o <eal PL»t<ia», flrr.-VriloiU'R. tln«lc

) d



inllv oit mateit tl>e II

,ul.-ior tinh l nm



» i titid. HH) mado tl nn.1 bv tue k ' l in^chnuliirorl-.Dien etupluTtd. Evi'i

ruiik'd ni rc|iruw»tiit. TlEI'Ai nH UI brtnobot nl Urn cnn t.

iliki tnlex, eniira wtmrm-iion givaii, OIrKt-olflRB vnrk will bq Inrm-ti unt. All ur.lrirmupllv atlpDilul to, < idier ID person <ir 1inil. I euplnv nu oRenti to m?Il tur HIO, iay no per crot. Io »ny nna tn sell *ny n^

wnrk. Any on* n'sliInK io powhasi; will ialiy enmlng lo mj fait.irr bel'oro yw

jmlnfielBBtilion. and iee in* atock BIIJ merlnl. WM. B . 0RASIEBHnoliCtlntown, Uat ITth, 1880.

Notioe i« konby Riven that nil nwoumi,for nnbsetiption to nnd ndvertippmtnts inthe IEOS ERL due Dcnjtniin H. Vout wtmauigu«d Hentomber tffith. 1S6O, to lwac B.Jolley, and by him lo The Dover PrintlnsHonipanr, to whom ifafl mm nir.t.11» paid.No on« txwpt an empiojceeof thut eorujwi;hataaihori^ to mei te »aj ttonBjrorrB-oeipt any bills for ft^»trtiaepient« or mb-wilptiptw formerly belonging to B. H Yugt.






TO addUlDnal charia


L HUtefnrMeii. perTlio h.H BL1CE CiSHUBBE for Brm»o.,



s ot Wit. VOBTMAN,

urr. fbuo18-IJ


.. ., perltd __nlj.revcr ixlibitei).with *>arh puno. Elfriolj nail |MWBrlaturfcei. OHUhwnei

File )t.r, ' t•ol n dmljrn, dinlilr.

._ lo««. Flnl-olm, lowiS«S"lM'i*0-.»!»b«,«>

Now Ye11-taw




II. D.T.,lr<e.i.(l1 will olor II p»h!« , i l . S

ittitom. W.rrVt Oontlj, Nnr Jer'S, "»TUCnsDAY, J.unirj inb, 1881

klodi inpplled ehMipor l l t n tVey can be'elgo-w>er« JltU jtood gmtlM Alia Iho "CANDt

PK»«D^lOT>lOMIN0Kb? Z o t l or


W.. S. 148BITTS,for LailiH, Qtnti im] Obfldicn U


Page 4: HE LUMBEE CO.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · IE11UBN eta., 1D(] js prepared to riirniili IN MOUULS COUNTV CALL AT STIVER'S NEW YORK ANDCHINA TEA CO, BLACKWBLL

Oltl-lhiio Tiixsols iii Cmigre.**.The iH'-gniivEnl seem- between ffeawr

am] HpnrU iu tli? Uuu-a of Beprmabetivt's rucilU hvo evi-i.t* which occurredin tlie louy; simoapi lielwtMMi (wuObiotn.u. In 1842 JohlniiiU.OuWinga, afteriwviiiR Jwi;n rxjiolj^d rrnm the HOIIBB foran t'ipi'i^'ioi! of his views tat tlo nub-ject tif hluvurj-, was promptly returned tohis •it>at by bis eous'iluciitn. Iu A sub-

" I will uoi

i of L«u-mv usaus-liiug witb

h["!OCU llCejuMt ut' tin' time when Damniai,in;i drew u Ixttti^ kutfo foreili.ilioii. I MnHiiftcrwurJ speiiffj-Mtl to a eerttiin trunwiction in whiel

Dl*;;l'tifli WL'l'i! CIJliClM'Ulil] 11 Ut'Orgill,r,ii,iug his Llmlgeou ami fitniitiiiig initi,ni of my tea*, niiiil to n i c : ' I f j o nr«(.'*';i( thiti langungt! agniu I \wll hnoiyou Oon-iu' II WHS n holyiim iiMBieut Vnu\ I had uewr IMH*U kacL'kt'.l tiown.mid having sum*) curiosity ou tin

ni iu l iml iiruvu Iliu buviti kyiFe. plueeJliiri bin,! ou l.)»))- ckL't aiul 8ml, nilli HIoiitli wliiuli I trill not n i w i l , Unit In.v.niiii wlitKif mr, ut tho smite tiuia cock-ing i!*(i |>i'-ln| no Hull all cnuld lii'iir i!)c' lck." In ttji! Hiiuitt j f a r 11 sci'ue tucunvcl tn MM H«H«f Ircdvctu iXr. Hhc.HMD, of Oliin, (nuw Si-ci't'titry yiiermau)uii.l Mr. WHylit, «>f Ti'Dbtwcc, B I I L *nr.m h'Wl la tlu-iiwa hiiiiOful of wafershi \V; 1,4Iti's diei1, nlicu Wfight rumleut.uMuu|i | In Rirlki* In'tu. ConfuiexciU'Ujt'iil [nvvaiUit] fur u numi'i i l , liul

TUF. TD-ftEL ULTWEUX KiaiT /Sl l GH-W.]n K^uifiiM1 to inquiries .'lieiluil li

iveeul rt'Tu'iT'Ci.' to iinttf-tu'tfiin. Miriir

j);!|uTtJ jt l tin: I tun1, of oui' which iici;j JM«u:ir,r, 1657, iu tlio iijseiitwiou ILIhe HtJiistt UD tho ntlompt Iu .iriiiiilKim urn as a p'nvo Hinle, under (lie Lo

A. (J . iw, ui lViinHjlviiniii mid LnwrcntKil. K-i.f, of Smitlf Ciiraliim, Tlie con-vurs.tiioti wliieli led to tins nit'lee anilnwnliflu'd HKI s W r t n g mcinbt'l'8 IVHH inthis ni.-i* : flruw was uti tbi1 siilo nf tlifiHullM.1 iK'fJimjP,, h\ llll' Mlllflimi llH'Ill-

IHM'S null dlijcclcil to Qitiliuun's iniiliiiifiinv 1'fitinrkn. K.ii;|s tutid ; " It you nritruing lo ol'jcnl, ivlurn lo ymie ownanlts of lhe Hoiist'." Grow rpplie" T l i i a is a fion bull, cvci-y mini Innriylii tn bo u-hprt ho P I M W S . " Keittthi'ii Ciimo iifiina' to Grow,mil en id ; " 1Wuiit (n hiKiw-w!iii( ,vrni lut'itn t»j? sin-it uiuufiHvr us (lint ?" llhtw replied, n-|if>;.ti u - irlwt Iu> Luil Kiiil b ' f i t rc Kvlt8u;K"d Grow Iiy Hid (Iinmt, wiyinK : " Ivjll let you Imow Unit y»n urt' u tlitniiicdbliicit R,>pnblio.iii p«li(',T." UiowktiocUciloff tiia hum), esoliiimiiif,'; " I ehall no-eu|ty Htreli pfneo id t l i i^hu l l n a l [tlen-jcnnii no ue^ro driver flnitl oraok liis wlitpover m<\" Kcittagningriisppil Qrotr bytho tlmmt and ngiiiu hia liaud wuskiiiclfeil i ff and Grow knocked liimeqmirolj IIDWD, The rusjiOBtiiroof tlin imitic^ mull id to tlie fray. Blowntc)l tliKfk flinl fwt. Wisliburue of UJi

Tiie lluj Liitculu.

tiicoluV tarly juutli wus Bpcnt iniPiT County, lml. , abovr Iiorkputt,atitiful l i t th ,«ilj chmniugtbuiili-

ct'iffs wln'cli fntwu orer tiiu Ohior. He wus Dsitlifiil and jiiJiiatnoiH,

but tbcre was in him & latent ioiloluiiceli'cli muile tiiui foml of tukiug liis roil

dsh, or, witb bis gnti upon liiv slionl-T, lie tvoiilil rontii iu H<'arcb of gam

over Ilia long, law bursting witli

if.I ciuy. Tiiom tint Jiving a tvisral olii ciCzBim wlm kinw Lincolni l u t l h u t tiain. H o Tfus tlioiiplttful,i, bis Bulitiiry expftlitioiiB proli:ililyvo him pk'iity of opportunity t" io-f^ hm inptlitmivtt fueuUim. The'^ription of liis nppitni'uiii'it tlici5I, lank h>u» u»il<r anLonmly fac» upon vhii'li the put i — Ht'iod liko n hi'uaie ; lii»r iliti.s'itia upfni bis sltonlilDi'B. bring

iiifituntly tlio |>icUiiu ufC r u o in 'lio f«r'<K"it- n(i-a!(wtf nrtir (lielilUof Bli'fii.v HiH.'w to pay MR courtnJfaioBlriu Ktitnun Vim T ^ s d .

The cuibryH tttiiH-iiiiin wus full ofpint ami fmul «>f oi:i<1 pruiikw. One

;1I| ficiiMcinui iu H»clip'.rt tivus lo (elft l l » lust Htoo hi; wmr Lii iooii . l i eii« \i i in,? Hi/? L(»ff«!'J lt«»)(*9'tM(1. nn-l



atill OODUUUCB t o k e e y a full aud frt-fib {junn-t i ty of

roceries and Provisions,


mil -iom.-s.ie, iho bmtK»1

-iomi-sfic, ihol i-1 all , of Lti<.

(,'artt wi(J gU'uyB be t'iktm to Kf-curc poflof Ilio l*"tit quality utid eqmil patna to o>!ii-iuitt HiiJ uowt FKIIKIH•nblo tuargluH on

h l i i Ktf piierof itJuctwell, lJuvu

'Hie cow luiil jriiniKjyuiifi! b.v

-ii t tie Liu^-lns uiucb;«-iMiittl oil1 Kunlen mid

V Ah


last I Stli)in:ili

tvcii'o ii bniiid l.niiiiiicd wli[.int. of wliiirli wns cruet

», r i n d i n g tlu- cow slniidiullv ui- el; »t Hie p " « ( ,


i? isin.I.t <»f l i t r iMi'k. «H lures tiif!d iu 'o her rid>fae.l niiiimll.r.Iii 'BWiiy.loiu InmlKTiiig ynllop. " ' J l n - jur AlisLiin-iilo," HiciililU.'H l>w\h. " Uc w.ia (-V


j ly combinad in P * » M » ' » QIKQUI Tomo(ojoskal t tbexreatMl Bland Punfitr i t


ASii li-StiJA DIVISION.)B Iu Nu - 1M!' • ' ttjrelaj Ut. «

luutiil Clil'lMlupliui HI.bUAlilEU AHllA.SUKMI.KTa.

CuUDivQciug MUNiJAl', JChK itii, ifeflU.UilAV'K NtiW lUlii i .

AUKiUA. AI. n'iirtiujjli Mui> 'i'ruiiO.tiisutiiifj tvilU iuu Uuuuiuu Ui'Buib ai Hiu.iJI- Ji»»,uiuu; tliu (Jliumtir iiruuuli ui l>u^i'i IUvcUhlluUII aliii I/Uutk't' i lilt duubut li J i i 11

U.IIH; "llielJ., L. A W. ll. tt. at Wtt«U.ugl,n iLiiiuubaUumib-Waiui liu|j, HtrouiiMUiu,,,.iT.iuhm, tirual i^ml, iiin-iiiiUJiuit, Ulica,

; l t

. i t <*>vt> A. it. O-tn

i n i i i i U J i tUuiliund, aL Ijuckawiniuiiil i i"(Id


uuust!,a mill

I ¥ 1

U " •'-'A l ° r ^ V'J* 'l|L, i-tiu* Uirmigli 1» WfttoWitr/iiiun, Un-at Ufii

l l i k

rhio nmi till aUii K>\, u

i t'iltn, iiiUi (ilomiisbury iljvi^i^i. ;ur t i l tbsasmii, mifccaljiirn-. JiaiiVillt, SurLU-ml, ,fcv,, «{ iltuefiiKbwu wiib Uiioj;

lur ( inun^, Kui'Miuli. Utmu, siul

•iilmi-^iiii. twiiit'ii on i Iiu Ltil :'J Villi-yl

HwSluri wiiiiS'i.iiTu'lji 'ft' • * ' ^ < *

iii-iuA. 11. Uonur Aiomiii

tilm.-li'ml runs Uirui^n Ui W»....v,4.!Mittou, Btn|(liiiuniu,8yni

II. iTfur'rUlhWii, tV)'»iiiiU((,Ivi»i! ami Witkut

il I1. .If [Kfldtoti IiX-


P A R K E R ' S HAIR BALSAMThe B«K and Hut Economical HUI OnuUr

r A t t t o t e 41TUll lwaj t l«U»«iwoif»W W r

to in erfrinal youthful color and appeuuee, ud bW-mnKdVo (to? ft* fcUut, • » " >» •"*& " ^

jwhinj ud K

iUtf Ills hut, sjoiltiHtf "I till' l<<[> uf liis

that HmuJi-rslnnIn tlio nl.l U'.iin'ry [dnircb nonr tlio

Iiiiiculii p'lic- H ii i-'H|Mi wliiehnii i lnby Abo L !M'"l.i mul litTlmreis ii b.>i»kM*(.' i i HiOusUiui I lnt iw roti.lt! by tlIH'iitpva mv) Ui\u-}Xi'iir wlii'i'f tlin .

MHI J r . n r l iiuli Vufk-v jllUil It, It. l

am] U,,ri'iHli

iidii, mat Putter cf U'iKCunHin, tower pi]amoiiR the combatants, At this criticalj'liiciiiri'Cuvoile, olp^nnsjlvnnin, seizedii aj'iito[)u. He liainncptl it fur a mement in (he iu'r, f iiu olgccfivc pai t beinjt i e lu'itd of iiurksdtilo of Mi^Bissippitvlui WHS ajiprmcliing him iu a jDL'unciijjattiltulo. But Utirksdule wig fell offand Oorndo lowered Lis anspendedmissile. Meauv>lii!e Ibe seargcant atnrm-j was running licre sod there, " liketliM poowif." exhibiting his mnce—witli-outeffiot. It was near two o'clock iutbemoruiug wlieu theatook iiluop.

OUiy<i*h:onvil Courting in Michigan.

Tltitty years ngo Michigan pooplwent a trunk itud truthful set. Stnuiguicould oomo l.ero nml trade bor^ea withtheir eyes shut, and breach ot proiui-a1

cosea were unknown. PolkB nimiDtwhat tbey aiiil, and wboii they g:iv^tlicfr word utitck to it.

Eiiiclly thirly jcars ngo tliia moiitli fiwidower from New Turk state uppcnralin Liiimiiig ou businesfl. That Burnt?busiunsa mrried him over to DoWit',eight miles owny. While ou the way hestopped ut a lot; fnira-linuse to wmmh.BCold f\ugr>n>. H e was xtarm)y iveJconici)b j tho pioneer nml his wife, both ofwhom were wall itlong In years, andafler some general talk the womanqueried :

'Am I right iu (Mnftitig you tiro an Mower ? '

'YlMt''Did you como out here to find n

wife 1''Yes.1

' Did anybody tell you of our Suste ?' N o /1 Well, we've got us bouncing n girl of

twenty-two m you ever get OVCB on.Slifl's good-looVing, leulth.y mid good-tempered, and I tbiuk she'll like yourlooktV

' Where is she ? '1 Ores* ia tlio wonHs, Iiero, cJ

doTn a coon tree. Sliail I blow tbeliorii fur hor.'

•No. If you'll keep nu pye on myhnreol'll Dnd her.'

'Wo'I, there's nothing stuck np or nf-feoir-d nbant Susie. Slio'll say jos or m>us sonn tt.4 sbu looks yon over. If youwant her, don't be afraid to Bay so.'

The stringer hmrd th« snun'l i>f liuraso and followed it. H« found horjust oa tbe trma was ready to full. Sin*was ft stout, good-Ionhtng girl, twingingtlieoia lite u msin, mid iu two minuteshe bill deckled lo say :

•S'Hio, I'm a widower horn Niw"Xork ntiitc; I'm Uiirty-uine ypars o'd,have one child, own a good farm, and Iwant a wife. Will you go buck vitbmv.f

Sbe loanod on tho nxe aud looked :ilbim [or half a minuU, and then rcjdied:

' Can't say for cerlnin. Jnat wait tillI get these oitous off my mind,'

S'IO aeut ttiQ tree craaliing to thenrlh, and with Lia help killed fivrcotms, wljioh were stowed away ia nliolloir.

1 Well, what do you say J ' heas the last cent) stopped kicking.

' I'm your'u 1' wan tho reply ; ' and bythe (iraeyoa get bncV /rtJia lMViti I'Dbnve these pelts off and tacked up uixlbe. ready for the preacher 1'

Ho returned to lb.B bouse, told theoil folks Unit he shontd bring a preacherback with him, and nt dusk that even-ing the twiiiu were inurrioJ. Hudly miIionr Ind been waslod io couriiug, iini!jot he took home tme of tho best giilsin tbpstah; of Ifichignn.

TurU iff O.'H. V«'.ni>:iiiii*lii.. v;il

Tbfl CtilUbvu's W'wrW.Theailit(itiii'i'iii nf tlio tcupliei'to

IIHILII'H wiirltl IH ii ivtjitsito in a n c p e ^ 'ful SiHidiiy-sclioa! tDstrtiatioii, Acqiuiiii;-Biice with that world isitnothei ' [»rirairy

witv. The limir of inslr . iei im (ulay-hob(iul is only one out uf tlio 168f o/ tlio week ot a outfit's )ifr>; findfur ttiist brief hutir tlin ohild \u uul

bin tnio sdf, fur ooiti|)itiiy manners an-i

the conventional religious sHaudny prevail. Does the teacher knowthe K'tiulur's worlJ, or toe summndiugsfrom which he O-JOIPB to the school, midto whiaii he return J as to hU natjye cus-tomary s-il ? What are the patents tothe child ? Wliat are the infiuences ofliis Lome lift); who arc tlie cuild'H asir>-BiaU'8 ? Who are his pUymates ? Howare ttiete cliildri'ii iaogiit to look a[<onlife ? What busiuess principles do iley

Jit homo ? Wbat bi.oks and news-papers uome to tho bouse ? I remembera motlicr tclliu^ me, when 1 went to seetie liomo of ouo of my ftthoUrs, that RUOras glad to BOO me, f<>r sho wanted to

kaav wlik'Ii of two lav actressct 1thoDght Titts tho handaomosl ] Fromthat dny on I knew wbat sort of a homemy (lair littlo hoy bud.—% the Bee. W.W. Kewton in Tlu Sunday Echool Times.

Tliepruprintor of a building alto, l aWisconsin, advertises his Ituid for infoiu this wise: "The tonn of Pogginami turroRuiling counlry \B the mostbeautiful which iiuluro everuiade. TJic

is oe'os;[il ; also two wagonsami yike ofBtwrn."

A dog in the iiiuth nr.nl mistook nskunk fur it cut, un>l pnv« eliase. Ttioskunk slou.l atb.iy nml guvit the dug apractical Ivmaa iijinu innu.iors. The dogwas ao mortified at tho miuluko he hadmudo, that lie crawled uuder a barndour and died.

" a.iitl tlin littlo due, " J oyou know what you arc going to give m?for Oliristians Y' "Why, yes," said themotlicr, "of course I know." "Well, formercy's sake, don't ttiU me,"Lhe puss with grtuit vtsli mflnc

In the renewal of McKIRG-AN & Co.* sad-

veitisement in this paper we feel that this

old reliable fixm deserve more than a mere

mention. This firm has essentially ' 'Struck

Oil." Commencing business "with the first

introduction of Petroleum, by steady Indus cry

and strict attention to business and the wants

of their customers, they are to-day the great

oil kings of the .State. McKIHGAN & Co.'

OILS are noted for their PURITY, SAFETY,


various brands of Oils handled by this firm

are perfectly pure and are up to the marked

standard as rated. They handle no impure-

oils. This being the case dealers in Morris

County and vicinity, if there axe any who do

not deal with this firm, we advise them to

open business relations with them, as we

know whereof we speakwhen we advise them

to tha t effect. Their Machinery Oil is used

all over this busy region. There is no opposi-

t ion to it inthe market. Their BRILLIANT


brands tor illuminators are superior to gas

and ran i next to the elcctaic J}£lt kr illu-

minating purposes,

MIRGAN & Co.t Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,

THE BEST PUCEof Jin kind for enjotmstit fu ififi KCtloa l i

D. MOLLER'S80SSEI St., (»«xl rotsBiiunoii.)

DOVK1I, A. J .JUBI teoeivod &ud pl tctd in i^billoii ' J 'BDEr



Pool Tableshorn the ctJelimtrrt nmuuficiory uf J . U.


OECHESTKIONjn«( Leou suppled irfth a«w matinUlig.tt tlie julrouu of Ibe honieraoror, liirniibiug music equal tu a b r u t





(if HID many Catarrli a n j liny Fnvcr rni(t:illni wn krop In iliicfe itn ' * ' '

led a roiiifiJT ivljiiib fjss irn'reanMi aIn ink-hnr tiiatlia* L'lvcn xnnh imii-crsatirtfactiuii. C. S.CilllTENl'ON,

DrugRlsti gencrall / . ifMltn

ONE DOLLAR A YEARThe circulation ht this ffOpnltrnoBipnntr ii

mmiantl* mcrmpine. I l contains %n HILleiii inp n t*» of tli« Dmlj ULTBldindiiar-ras^ iu in bamlvi)fii»rtniciitB, Thi

FOltEION SEW9:mb.ftce« "pi-olkl aisi iatchn from all quartersil tJif glt>!jt-. Under the be&<l ur


are j - mvrctsk fr

no Itic Ttlfgmphic Dtsjintehtu of theall purls til the Union. ~ ' '

mivkirron all purls ft the UIUUD. This fea-

T H E WEEKLT HERALD* mo*t ulpabje ebroolole in tlie world, ^» ittim clieapeti. Bivvy *etk !« r e o a fiitti-

embracing complete and •omepntcheii from WimlitQEtQa, i i

t f tb p d or t i n e uDCIOD, iirladiuf! f n h rurtiuinei . tpoll t i«iauMpnrts or tbe spopcliu

be qnettiatii o[ tbe boar ,TUB FAitU DEPARTMEST

.if tlio Weekly Herald KIVOI the lutest i s we]as tlio mout firaelioiil B«(tneBlli.i»i ard fliwot

ntfi rotatinc to thoiIntiDiof ttiafanopr.fiiator nlBtiiKCattlf), Poultry,QralHg.Trueii.VtJBitabioH, i r . . witli Rugeeiliotie lor kevpinimllilitmt* iutl mrining nienaltH In repair. Tillu fliuinR'niGitttd by i volLeditod dou*r1inuntfidulj' oujik'd. undur tlio he*d of

THE HOME,tivins recipes for prm-tital diehei, lift I« foimkitiR «liitliitig nnd fur kecplnp; no with t hftinst fiBliionunt tlic luweil price. ITCI-J itoi

p.irlmnit i« DmUoally tuvlud byI'oro iiublloalion. I c t l i ' t i Iroii OL.IjundDU (mrespaiidvnti on tlie very lamblORtiioiiH. Tbu Home Dipar tmcal of tinWeeklj Herald mi l M T C tlic lifiun vrifc m a n

bui'drod times t in prlte of tbo

•ipertn lir l'ativ an


arc I«oko4 after, and ererything relating tomoabaiilCR anrt IQIKIT r ' "-"- -aordoit. There U t, pfl

Mt plKBes of tlin bni:lmualBc, Ao. A v n l u b t a fcaturo i s round

vine it Mreftlly r i -e doraied to til tlie

For tho


Cores Consumption, -,InQnenza. BroncnfUs, Bronchial . _flonltlea, iloorBoncss, Asthma, Croup.Whwpin(f CoDrii, and a l l f e s e s ottboBrea&lnffOrgans. ItsooUioaaBdheals tha Membrane of tho Langs, In.Oamtf and poisoned by ttifl dbeoso,And prereats tbe nlrfit-sifcais andtightnes* ooross tho chest whloh BO*company I t CONSUMPTION is notAD Incurable malady. It Is onlrseoesuirT to have tho rlrtit r dand HALLS BALSAM h (lifttnns»r n p i p i u 0 P BEL

wen tbtKigfa pi

pAiu 0 P BELIET, forBpeclflo wUl cure von.professional aid fulls.

iDcrclmudlsc, Ao. A vnUabla foaturo i s roundin tbe ejiociaUy reported priosi and •ondltloniD f t U ' PBODUOE MABHET.

Hportlng news t t t o m e >nd tbroail, tocctherwi(b a MDiy every ffeefj, R iermoP by Bomseminent divine, literary, mar i ta l , dramatic,personal ami BCI notes. Tbcre ia uo p»|ter Inbe world which loiitaitw eo mncli newmnnt-

tec cTcry ireck ai thn Weakly Herald, winch i*unit , poslape free, for one dollar. Yuu tansubscribe i t any time.

THE NEW YORK HERALDIn a wofiklj form,




Oswcco EiiireanNeff Yurk Arcni

• V » . Booutou Jlrai idi ,

A.M. * \M.10.57 7.0010.47 ii.&a0.87 6.4710.27 B4310.17O.Ofl0.60



B,43il bM




Uia i l lilt [DOE BRANCH.OF THAWS.A.M. P.H.7.80 4.S0 New York,8,30 3.(0 PlillBdoltili

" " - HicliBridj9.40 CSS10,10 6.53 usi.ii'n,10.24 7.02 Mi'MlcVallry,lO.fla 7.19 Qmmiui Vallej,1B.« 7,17 «—'---'-io.ca 7.2a11.00 7.3d _11.04 7.32 Oar) ' - ,11,18 7.40 Krtivfl,11,80 7.50 TVnlOn


I)0WH TKAIHB,1. U. P. II.U.52 0.80lU 1(1 7 . 2 I7.B8 4.4D7.35 4.0BT.I 8 3.617.12 3.S37,03 3.110.5B 8.036,53 2.£7o.5i a&a0,15 3.49II. 9r, 2.35





"A b<«KP 1 a liorso 1 my kiugtlom f-ra lior-e 1" shoiited n tngcOian in n Eh elHilla tlieitre. "Dcrn je r ahigilrm,"V0|tIierl o gtizzly betrded oM minor."Pnt np 813, auti I'll hnug joii a critterqnrcUer'n n Clnnnman can Bteal a pliirl."Tha act' i e'wpcd by a back wiuilow ni.J111 oat for Boafon.

New Jt'raejwciil Dt'CDL>orutic, and L.isbail two big hnnk failares already ; tl:^c^Bbiorin ID juil, bnt nil tlio ffi^tjev i-gone, nod tlie depositors ore wailinq nmlgnaabing their tiwtb UDII feeling iu UiuloDeHomQileiilhsuf tbtlr cinjily pocliclJfow, «'tch thiogs aerw happen ia Inn


the Most Powerful Healing OinUment and Disinfectant

ever JHscovered.Carb*li« Salve JualM ttumi,

vm -• wroo > a l^'ijemrEf'Z CBFtolto aalt* A«Henry U Carbolic Salt* htaAW3L tor nenrr*i, mnd Take Ho oth«r.




Edey's Carbolic Troches,

Brsaa's CsygBBitad l i r a


njMIEundcrHiRiicd will fornltli Pf»ch Ti-te1 by tbe tlirmtund a t cer.T low ri les , t b t

iioek being t i e bci t grown. Buy ef me andRave nionoj. IVnch slock frcwu in MorrisOonnty. Aluo dcalar in

Standard Apple, Pear,

Cherry and Quince Trees.Grape Vines and RmaU Fruit*, A*r>ir«rn«,HhrubH, Bonus and EverRrcerii For [lodging.Hlo«k fprni^ied from Geneva. K. Y. l ova r -HUB ihc dlgpina and jtaaktnp ' - -can var ran t tbe Kama l int 'unnie and cheaper Ibnti the

Sometbing J^ew in Strawberrifts,I hare R DBW rai-Iely of Btr.iwbotry tolled

Presidanl Lincoln, OHO of t h e T I T J beat 81 raw••erfjoi know for *)ss and (]DalitT. I t fi*r>;cr ibsn Sbarpleii aud far iu[>error in qanl-tv. I k a r o a l f o i h s Shtrnlem and Mouarcbif tbi iWeit . I will famisb plant* whuluialeir fi lall i t Terr Jow rntrf.

Ordorment by wall will rersiTe prompt at-tpt.llun. O. W, OOWilRST,

P. 0 . Box fit!). Boon km, Uorrii C » , N . J.

ISAA3 N. DOTY & Go,,will offer special bargains

this month. Our scnii-an-

linnl invontory occurs Fob.

1st. Previous to that (Into

wo shall close out Winter

Dress Goods, Dress Silks,

Rlimkcts, Shawls, Hosiery,

Underwear, MUSLIN aufi

Winter Stock of every de-

scription nt reduced prices.

Wo have a larger variety

and loner prices thnn any

other house in Nownrlf.


159 & 161 MarketSt.,

Newark, N. J.


liatniniBnt baiedwid fclliwd onJ«rMj,wllliBMa!,a*thw<



LAGER BEERl l i r i vi DO irnaskt »ml IL. be«t of


profiled Tor tue patroni nt

UOLUili'B OPEUi BOL'SE urnUll.llAUD llOOMa.


New Billiard Parlor

j d 8A.LOOK, Bliiokwell St., Dorer, justfitted up with now mi elegmit appoiatmenU,

ll t Il i d u r t ) seeker one of tbe qui-iint piacev of eujoytaont

fitt up wi nollern to Ilia idetest and uoKt ult

. ,wo fine ouroiu t-iblen aud fs fitted upeverything ncouasitry for the enjoyment

_ __ie (j«i«. HDPFEL'fi LAOEU, th» fin.ust bevenige drank, Always kept in fresLsupplies, nad a full Block of (ieruian oheesea,Mineral wutorn, Fine Apple Older, Frotzelg,S d i l G ill b ftla/tMinral wSardiuos.. . L






o f P o r t Q n m . would rotpoctlnlly call tbe ai-tUQlion ot tbu ladic* or tliatjiKce nsd vlclnlUto tier tit-* Btvk'K iu FALL MILLINEltV.Kke aleu kc- I-HSII. Ilio lalowt Loiollifs in

Ladies' Fancv Goods.Bbe is ilio POLE AOENT in FOBT OR AW

ttrcul Unas, T i i :

ind D.veinn and Cieaaiue T!atal>, . . Newark ; tlieB00V Or^Btal Optical

Company, New Ynrk, ami for Mme. DennrBBt'ittEIiIADLE PATTERNS. Gifu her % call.






A. TAYLOR & SON,pine*) of linnncax

m-iuufiictnre of all kiudi uf

HARNESSand liorjr rqulpnieiits, *ml dexire tu mil i t -teution to llnir i>l»ck ot Hurneis, c.initiKliiig of



RprttUI nt^nlion RiveD to tlin maliint? of;NE HAUNER8In order, H.nilqnartori fur

HOltKE IllANKKTU nf kl! Mud?, (tiri,i.t[ncArray lilm totn, Bquare Blatikttn.oto., tie,

BUPFAT.O I1OBES, W0T.P ROBES,WHiprf. ctjHitv c a i r n s ,


ml si! el M to bo found in a Qnt-c'iBB har-at% (istablUli Jicnt. H-ls



Contncti taken and materials Turaiiho) t^r


and all Vindi of woik, whether of BHICK aiBTONE,

Office tinder T I I E IRON ETIA building, Mori-fi

Bt.eet,DoFfr,M, J , ii-tl






4 ) 3

Not ce of Settlement.KoWcs in herebv piTen that tbe i c c o u n t i o t

the uubucrther, ale AHBIRBMI of FnucinH.QnvoDDinanlvcnt debtor, will bo undfled inrt

att'd by tlie Rurrocate, and reported for gut-mmt lo tlio Orpbam' Court ot the Conntj

offtloirM nu Tuesday, tho EffibtoentJuJay ofJanuary next.

COBUELIUS L . LEPOHT.DatedNor . 10th, 1880. , <B-9v




for att kiwis of buildingi, and the eonntraoticn

inperlDtemlcd, M m

M A R T I N & B U C K ,

Bouts, % and Omamenl&l Ptinlw,

UIEAINERR, CirU)EJI8 m d I'AX'ER Ii'AN'U-hl tB. Ci.nlr-otiiakinandmfttsriftlirurplnhei]RIHIIHI dreoratrd in freinic l ly le i . H i U n g *;ti(irouth knnwli'(tc« of Imnmt ami t lpu paint-

I n e . v e lerl competent to meet the dMttamiiof all. Paint thnn ID tho OLD p nHUN oHDitca. r. o. a-.i isa.J. KiXfflt. 'lf-U


The Tailor,1B rtill la biiiinow, oppoiitA the depot, andwill pay strict attention to tha nuking of

nnaTCLAsa CUSTOM WOUE•t lotr rfc*. Olothlog olsued and nwtly

- 0OM T.Mr VtimntU. half i n 0 lull b i tches) .J Bmnt-ilT Tabltt Liuea , Sonblo Samask11I DimlilD Satin n u n a t k , Tilila Lin n, Nap-m, 'me i, e c , > ^ ^ BABBITTS.


A SISCOITNT OF 6 PEE CENT.w]ll be aUoired Dn all good* pqivbased t t


6D3SEX STREET, Iran uov until iflcrNew Yenrf, on fmb alook, eipeclftllf

•ileotot tor

Holiday Presents,ualathg ttt Dry and Fancy Qootit, China,

IMR, Crockery. Dolls, and * large ntotk olother fancy article*. A complete aaaorttDentof Hair Switch..., Puff., to., on bsndjuidtnnde to order at reduced prlo*i. 3*3m

Blwbi Sbls!


ORGANS-•tuna. IlAHOn 1125 an . Paper free.

AAlrcii DAHIBL P . HEATTV,* Wailiinston, In. I,

HOP BITTERSenre all Oi i run i of tho Hnnuel i , boveh , blood,lirvr, k idne j and vtintej cirEina, oprvonNneia,l p k » i u e i i i i t ( J M p P t f l i j ' r l U i ^k»iueii,ii»(Mptf»lijreiaalocotnpUin^,

Aik yonr draftg'' ' tot Hop Qittera tnd Intbcm bofois JOB iieep. Ti ie no other. BCDQforctronUr.

HOP BITTRIB U T Q CO..ockaitar, H. Y. and Toronto, Out.

FOR SALE!The old. established

Blacksmith and Wagon

Shop now occupied by

John Morgan, oppo-

site Union Foundry

Machine Shops, Rocfc

away, N.J. If not sold

before MARCH 1st,

will be for rent.






BLACKWELL 8r . , DOTCll, N. J ,

EMsniaiidBpcclBcattamrurbnllilingi.Ouiitrftciitaken and nii toi ial i furni«Ue<l.

Slate Xtoofiug-

Will? bflttitr faelUtien 1 am enabled b> pitfoil HLATE ROOFU clieaptr than ever neliipnoae but the best qnility of elate and em'ployitig first clnsH oieoJiauica I cuo gujir.ante© mattrial and work in every particuUr. Tur ShoAthing Felt alvitya on hand.

Dated October 13th, IB8Q.



OOTEtt « . 1.

I piaciM M )


Alio, a LnrRe Aisortmeat of Dlher Btilrrol CookiLB Biore . , UBDUSI. 1'Bilor

StoveB, A c ,


A b o . a etiotos itnok of

UardwirD, Ciitlcrj,

iaji , Wuodcu, Copper, Plain aud i*.\mn\H V W A B E .

Oil Clothi , C»ri.ut«, L i n i p i , Pt intu au<l <ri lCau*!, F e a U u n , l ' m t ' s Ai t ra l <>il(itploikn.) Also.


Uooting, Plumbing andJol

Work promptly utttjiidtid to .BOHSELL'B PA'I'BNT STEAM COOKING

API'AltATUH.valrbRUb'B Scales at MuuHfa

turer's prices;Ud Iron, Copper, ltrain, Lead, HiRi nireenbaoks tweniu oiolj»nKt;ror fim. la,

BIIUEN A- DONNKI.t...Jso, mnuufaolurcn. ol JJUNNKLL'S BKL


Ituckawav, Man-fa 1,1873.

Goorge wilt be tilwftjrit onto pleftao lila friei'dn, a n d will mftlics t ranger feol At h o m e . BS-fln.

Freeman Wood,FIRE



BtCBAKDI & GO.'* irCEB.)


Lef{iUy AUtlioclztd aqsol af tbe follewlUK Qrat

clage compinlog-tbb btslID ttie world:


GLOBE, CapiloJ S20,O00,OWI.


Cupitnl (10,000,000.


Capital JW.OOO.IK.O.


Capital (5,000,000.


Capital $800,1100.

PEOPLE'S. Newark. " 800,000.


of PhiliMpliu, imt s (CW,a» .Tbe LondoB Assannea Coipontlon of

Loaitm, ospltal »5, MW.OOO.Bpringflcia Fire tuunnaa Oo., Minmoln-

Mtto, capital 91,1100,000.St Niohotas Fire Immni)«« Oompaov of

Neff York, capital $800,006.Weslohetter Fin Xnraranoe Oompany of

Ne» York, capital tSOO.OOO.

Mev York Oitj Fin Inmranoeol Her York, capital »800,Ma

Pipe AssDcialioB of Pliira.$3,BO0,0W




Choice Lots in Dover,forealoclmap, tai


Freeman Wood,Jnfltic* of the Fcaco ir<1 Police Mr atcale

T IIKbtBt BLEACHED H t l S U H for 1 0 . . .p t r v a r d I B a t W, S, B A B I H r r s . Stand-

ard Bltttciml Jltislin*, V. T. Hiltfi. Ut i i i .P r rdon[ t he West, Wimiiuttn. Fmi t of t U Loum 100,Fruit of lhe Loom, Hill, Holmnvi l l t , B a r k " ,with tnsay oiher mki-n n rnnBlm.

Also Holm iav Ilio liglit-rowr. eoi ton, extrafloe Drill, ote., at


Carpet Weaving, inflrst-cUu style at Io'

;, in all widths, done inwest rates. Tie best

kind of want only nsod. New carpeta onhfod for sale The h i h t ri id f

y d. New arpeta onr sale. The highest price paid for

rags, or taken in exobange for carpet.

C L O T H E S D Y E D mnd C l e a n e di n Eood i tyle*E

Oorcr. U a j SStti. IB90. 23-17



i eartfr a lomplei* itotkof

Dry floods



The New Empire

JIot-Afr, OBR 4 Base-biui

Ing Cooking Stove.

The New-York Tribunefor188


il 5eiDnrlofT the pahlHONE roaulicd t he a R»tt»iurrf, iciiL Ibe eiuglperiod fit IIIB first Linco

l l J

w Y.>u« nHi .1, it <,*IOD u f s KIHiiijii. j t i i

.__ . _ y iliatribmrur tliu wholo tonn t iy Hmn auy uv.ir ei.juvr s o ; uttier uOWipapor in tlio Onitcti Htalihii ruol may be taken B» the vordict c>( t

- " ' 1 T I I K T U I B V B L ' B pultti.sound priiiDl. tin, ami

Aiusriun ['on|>lo uu Tuforce, ite fidelity lt> sou

Pur imbruel l ; TV,II ur tbii confln'onUfl t i l

Pur imbrue TwiiUHit will I rytotkscrnqnall; TV,II ur tbu public. It AIII I land ii c f l ' n U t (l j

pblic. Ispuatu (lie ji

i f nd lairfrftgc, Hotilh ami Hurlli, Bound ni ...leoliriD to Home Iiulntlry, Jticlicunii li1iQltiliYBal ImiirufBtnsBta. EiidaOivil . .LOnJnctcd on unuitcus prlntiplon, on ihi? tbiOFvoteluvatiiiffi not of Igngnng or JELTMIpolities.

Tlie well-knowu epccinl fcaturei of T I I E TUKB will be KO'IUIUUBIJ main tamed. h a J

npultuml UupBrtmeiit will retnaiu Iba fnllci• • K ii H, "

npultuml Oupartmeiand brat, Ttie He lio

Hie iciuutii

rruorta,lilt; offai

litcraiy.„ features, the BUndi.nl nwill *>l be kspt np, and, as oppurti

Terms of tlie Tribune.POSTAGE FREE IN THE UNITED STATES.D U M T R I J I U H * (13Otar TBWVKB, irit tiaut Sacdaj- edtliw 10


j , one jeae #3 OffHtecoplee, one year , SBOciiTen coptee, one Ju»r 3 00 ea

THB WEEKW TIUBUNE.Single copy, one year S3 00tt?« wplei, ODO year 160 c»Ten •opies,one jear 100c*<

Any nnmU'r of copica ot eitbar edition abWn at the lame rate. Additions tu clnba uiJB made at any time at alub roien, ItemitDraft aa Hew Tort, Poi{-Oflic* Ordar, orBogiilered Utler .

THE TRIBUNE PREMIUMS.T n i TUIBUNEhas tercr been eqnalled i i . .ibilintin! an'i perminpnt **1ue or its nrrmini tu agenti ind anbicribcn, and It addsli liil i b i i j t o r two or tli* wnil deelrabl*

U i « e r offund. Note tbe tolk'niuj;:

The Great Bible Concordance.

entirely new plan, containing trealpliabeliflal artier arranged undeuw ur Qroek original, wilL tlio litercofoacliai idll t p m n i t ip n ; eilil

, m,tlOO htymd Orruma readings in the Ntiithe lateat infutmatlcn oi

y »nd AiniqaiLic*. n<, L. I, D.( a i t b n or . „. of Ihc Htlren ind Grceo

[ i c f o a c l i a i i d l«l,0(O refficiit

arking 3u,[Kiflve i t a m n l ili

G o m«y I(u(,« r l fuuiLiteral Translati

:nplnre», *to ,I U one hindno

1,100 Uirl d i1,00 U i r e c u l n m n p

y lionnd in t lo tb . I'Lpafc-eii, w r ? tab i t i

L d lTba {.BgeiandUpe ai>e uMVeb«tet'B Uuahrfdi

l D M i « n i r y . h . . .Oretk, Hebrew »nd I

nlB, kud k KLTipluril Gi»otleer. ETCmo tint bai • Uil.lu in it «upht MIBO to bi

t fcl to UiU l l dt a U l u it fcolp to UiUe.n . t w,.tk wi. orijin Oclobtr. I87'J,uv OJIIT it in ci>jjnftMj}D

ing rewHkablvuw awl e '

ht MIBO to b«ml . lad. .

pobli,l,iil», 10M , | li

ituims ai tho followingFOH «C tlio CoucArdauw

W « U ( . V T « B U W Are ;i-a

FOR t i l Llio ConeanlaH W T

ewHkawl e

Trill no year.FOll *ao tbo CunTHE WsikLY 'I'HI

Th U tb

or kt» ol ilns

irditn!.i»n,Vtwcntv ,BirjunKonu vmir.

, ....„ theOoncoraxuco it i)<Inch t in nubicnber will riroi. if WIHIJ1-nt.jy mnil. Uxctpt fur uhort di«tatic<tail will bo , lieaper than tb« cipreif.Our«ecoit(] uew premium forihiB ye*ris tbi

THKUDBABT OF UNIVERSAL KNOVVLEDGE, embracing Cbnmbpri's EiicjeltinKid

mipleto, oniillingonly some of tlic eaU, wit:tcnmv, tddillous by au »Uft enrnu or Anittin editjri, treat ing about ifi.OOO addition

opwH, thoroughly Amencenlttaf; th« cn(iifork, adding lo it orcr 25 per cent, ot tbe U

tut, trcHhtBt and mint valuable matter tlwhole making IS handRtimo onUva Tninmt-n <<t by Si-2lnei.es in lire, printed ID larKe tviin cood, (itroKR, calendered paper, am] noat>Dd HUbs;|titu|lT bonutl in elotiiJJjBcaiiolTi-r tbiu n i m b l e work in eonne.

F O I t t t l - T l i e Library of Unitenal Knowlet complete in IS octavo TOJQIDLI Subhtatoi'T lioiin,! iii clot ft an aboTB duichbcd, m.

FOR »»._Tlie Librnry<irUnl«r«l Knowiiige a* above deici-jlK-i), s&d Hie SfcruHVceky Tnbnnp 5 y w a In one giibHcnluT

FOll 910.-Tha Llbrair of UuivrrBil Kniwl-

• .wiuuiKi BJJ iuu nufaB. fl(u ndw rcQiiv inIB w a r t y throuch the pn>M, nml the realipidlyMfow It will In M-uttiv mail 01us »t the tubacrihite't a induie 'flit

lumo. Iid inucb

he tabacrlhoot by mail,pickneei, by

.1 be 21 0 _.W i i , (Ley 0.




oprosrrs THE PBPOT,

III tlvnja on bind a fall and freili ilock offUcdard goodttt


Tt doBin't pay to ezpenmeiitwlth flour. Aikyour grooor for the famom


dUksnoothsr. ltU tlinr« gttod^aitt htlod won aret; llmt. BuaeiKn bi. II,l on l(ii, «„• b,,i,d bu inmuia hli imidiSOOiKrcnt inf



17M78 MtpiUomt Olft Boob; OotjaouJOT.HU«B«O«II Bup.rb BlblM and B.jerBooks almott Riwn i n j . Qnui HlIdajj og mas. B I / *

IE00AT BE0THEES,«pp.Po.t.oii« n.»io


Mining Materials,

Sas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,lb« bail la IktHutaf.

Drafts and Passage Tlik»tt,

to l t d from ZoropVi.

JP11OMPT WOUK.T« Induce quick work for this t r e a t Dr«.

Hum we make iiie fiil.owiDo muMt ci lraardiu

T Tlic t i b r . r r of Uni re^a l K, , 0 W | e d l

'Jb<>actM»l,*,t;lc Ihc o(lier*,will be nent atmbBcribct'n t-iiicnie by mail or u n r e i n TfI'uitage on thf thres Tnlumei nil] be 21 c t i .



T H E NEW-IOltK T l t lBUl 'E will * n i 4 1

»bttp , ctlitiiii

of"11 . '1 .1!!,^

WIEELT, or,115 for a uncle i

T t e , or flvti o

e-jtar ml

a jew*11


nariptibi !• i «

r a BineletbrBCTeari' mbse-iption In ad-c* !• Til l DULY'TkiBtiKt.

rDjjedoHirMlr» lh« Die(Jon«rr cm be••tot D7 mail to any part or the United Ri»tei '"bile tor ihott duUnoei tbe eipreit ia mncl

rornulfniKkBirBdTHE TBIBDNE, '

[THEONLY MEDIC IN EjThat lets at tbe Sanio Time «


and the KIDNEYS, jI Ttieae freut organa tru tbo calunl cltui*.j wlVee pert*ct?"l* tliry Iiecuiae clojgcVI dreidto) dlacuM wo IUI» 10 IUHQW WIUI

TERRIBLE SUFFERINQ.HIlloutBtti, Iieadactt*, Uiipep«i», Jana-

iliee, CautifaefOM *B4 I ' I I M . e r l iM-3* / CemplalBls, Ur.Tfl, X>Ub»U«,

Bjdiwei,; U tfefll'rtttB, Ki l ty

a u i U VtXtM >ad A.etw,

"KIDNEY-WORTwlllrutaia thebe»lthr »Etlon nndotltticirdeitrojlnu etlli will Im tcnlilicd; OB|[(CCL

ITI und F^o ' " ' I I ! | T I I|U[ t o • ' '"".tbrm »nTbou

I Why auffir lon/;?» from ir1 of en aortin» nwok 7

I BtlpBtlon and P l l a s ? _I Why Ix. BO fearful be<»u»« o fd l a - I

a from Oon- E

titoDCcanilIt Unary ttOtl<>blf compound ant

I OB»Pafaaarsiaak«««l*ii«(.rt«or»lioldBYeur DrtiwOt hm <•, <»' is<« P'l « /o

*WK. AttU* *po* harln.j U. Prt.-Ml.eo,

niunbortofpeopl* who prefer H punjb*** t_ _. s r W o r t »iiwdr pr«p»«a. !*• pro-1I prttton of Uil» caUlmted r»mtJj M>'

: 1* liquid r«m •* n i l M 1)17. I t l» BoaocntriWd.Uput up In lsr|BbaKlei, [WIIULUT *ffl»l«nt u Uu\t put up dr r 1* Iit. I t t i v i i (I»eiies6»illjr«fproi)ariiit, f

The World for i8Sr.mil bu llm bPit i,

clniniifB i m ^ i . u r i n i l i h c i l ill l.u Eufl, ,] ,toueWDUCtlljri -1 is- uf Hiu Atluntir.

Willi now piri-«i!ii itm-iiamiiiiB any uvur he-!OZ9 n u ) n r a < - i l tfiili bv JJ A ' C J iih

osa riirrj;aiiiz'-d

mt tin- wn&n Jminii


ra<-iNn.uullril y p ( , m v, uw•;{ nil nurlH, tr ,J witb t b.-tttrrupliic uurrnsiMindoiicotliritiiijli,(Imti tha t <>] m y titiir:r Aiiifii-HE WOKLH for 1MHI will afl.trdiy a tHiniplulr, cuiulciiHtil i m tniini "f nil c i in t i i t I:TI-UIH,

iuutos Will tbu Nown at tliou> uiiuila am] ki'«i» pucs willidoiuiiuds made by rupiil trunsii

lliu im'ftUsKV taU«n or tliiroHtGusdn and il» Iteun toKL-lbur wnb l i t ncchuhiU'fv [inpurtUl Fimiuu-i

di 'J r s i »n dulj uf Hie

crjirniili tiu

bl>k-lithcof irw

.. jH'O|)iu of Uia cuuntr j i iIhi-fr HavniKd, Uu( nbo <jf all tlie fluediitlmjr;influencei eicrU'tl ujicn than* enterpriscii hyibe ())fi('iilalii)iiu m d ibo ipcouli tora ot tho

No man who owns or oxpocta to own nu jn.-tcreut iu any corporate propurt j c m ftfTurd li>minB for a airicle da j tke ii.fynna.iion datlv amiuxcliiiirely £!?«• iu 1'ICE WmtLC, uoi on\; uiu the imlurtvi and legitimate cour t s of affiirnuffecllnff i tock ra luei , bttt also a t lo lbslilana, icliBniei and citnibiuitiom wbith »r»

Tun WOBLD eontfiiiii alao «»ery day tbae i i e s t , fulleit and rnuit iottcaehro notices

at OTtrjtliiag new «nd lourc i t l nE hi tbfralms or a r t , of literatnre and of locial lire,I t ii ihc aocrcJited orpiii oF tbe (ollegeB of

the Dniuu, and tlie teenracy and m a c i t j ofita Biiorting cola m m , coverinc all tbu t a n o o *formi of atblutic aingioment vbich l avamnltiptied amoug fit -t Into fftti, temmeuiIt Ut tlie " risine Bfntratiou" Uraugbont tU»

—J thb »nlj metrojiolilan luorniup jintnatptlbfillicd in lhe Suglisli laucuagu wlik-iimaiutomi au amwervtng fidelity to tbe greatenduring princinlsi of tbe DfrnturaU* faithin politic*, TSJE Vt'oiLii for leal will be fonml,wliori far the lait fl*e yrara TEK WOULD haibeen fonnd, abioloLulj loynl lo Democrat'sprincipal i abaolDtely indb^mitl'Mit of all por-«trmf, eiiqnoi i a u Uetiaai milhim the U«5iu-cntic pirty.

"iBt WORLD will Maintain the etnte tit thaUnion tft-ictt fltctlonaliarn Iti all iti formu,the aanBc of good government a^ainat «w-roptbu in all it* forma, end tbe etnBo of th«people lEntittt monopoly in all ita fonna.

TERMS- FOGTAQE PAID.Billy ma Enndiyt, ont t**i$ $13 : i l i meiiUii,

liiilj, without Bundtjt, on* jtit. $ » : ailnonttii.tE; tbr*e moothi, H W ; leu ttku tlinanmitlis, |1 per month.

Tbo flundftj Woi-ld, U I J I H , »».The H'inlit; We?ll, eonUlnlDg tbe Book Beiiewa

Tti« H.ml-Wwtlj World. Tntidayi and PrliUja,Iwo dnllira B fear. 1 • dab agents—«n « i t » copv'or dill) or ten , tbe D.tlj far club of twantj-flf•Tlio Weekly World, Wodntidur, ont dollar a year.['a dub u«nU-*n extra cop* fur club of Inn, Uiai«ml-W»Eklj tor club of I M B . J , tb« D»tlj for dabif fifty.Wi 1I*T» n» t(*i«lHrj( *|Bnli.Sptrlnun nnrnbrr niil fret on appIlcMttea,Tirmi-Cuh iDvarlab,]' In adrmuti.hind poit-oUce tnoo** cnlnr, batik d»ft n ngfi.

tend lutltr. Btlli it M«k *r th« itudtr.

Tiiu w o n t c ,85 Pinx How.

sa\y XOUK.

SHERIFF'S SALE!:e»Je«ey Bnprwne

II. fc. de Ion.t P b

«»t-Korrii OoBnly-«>rj W. H. FIlK'nM.

In d»bl. lKnruli l i. A.»

KOlffiBT £. CBJTW00O. AM'/,y e of the ftbnr. kUted «rit «f fieri

ruwiati in Kiy IIBUCIB I ili&ll «ipoi» ror ule »\Public Yfnclue, i i )!)• Cotrt Houia, in MOTHB.

11ONDAT, U» Slat Itj ol j4B0t)7 *•>!,A. D. 1SU, btl.nm IU- topr. «f II M.u< »- - ' - - ' " " • • - • - • • K T l l f d t k l hick I'. H., thai i t ta n»y•fltrouon »t aaid day, all tim aatate, risbl,titlu and iutereat t-f tbe «aid Harry V. k. >it»-g«reld, to and to all that t n a | « f faaA in4pr«n i ia i , nl l i iata , lyineand being in t^e town,uhip »f Rainduiuh, In tfat G u n t y «r Morrii niState ef Na« J e n n y , kovaded aaA 4*iaribe(lm follows, to-wit:

I k s i n r i i . t a t a point vbtir* t> hicVnij \tMurmorlj n l o u d o o t h t ooi lh-wii l »ia. ef Ik*irook hvlow t)je mjil u c \bt B^iil i>rtiuiact t tijt-lBg n n.ruer of kudu late of Eilward Lewi*.k c t a n f d ; t l i tme runnm., , i o . , on a •u»r«*1) sontk r«ny-eiglit deereei emt iuT*nteou

alitina an.? HBhSv-«n Unit 1« landi uf : i , I . i .Morrii Orainor, ducM; thence ( I ) aurlli thirty"- iloRrefi. oust four-tern i h n i m and forty

uloiiRiaieiCrainer'B lint tu a • h m t n u tllicuio (3) north f,irky-nine it-vrtot w t l t

ml t a C l a l . ; fl>««, dawn lUe mtddle "fme] In rbp unotl* corner «f]avilf former!ytine K>])*iiiul Rchentk, deoencd • tktnta

i]I DOflU tbirty-four tltSr0H wcit nx obalmiiDt tvuDtv linki tu ft nlote f-ur.; lh-maifeiie nal,( flsdenck'. lice (3) snrtk flftr Oo-' " " ' <;a»l to tlie tornor of iai« Sefctink'i

; tl.fiiw ,6) norrt, Btty ieeren., , ,! t . ailoie ieneu, tbenan | | ) ni>rtb iiiw rlsfre,.ifit tiffutj-wio rtsina and firt-r Jiuk* i , konwii ef tin. Ut« William Iwllfuec!'. kn« i .hnislP. Merchanra line; thcuae (Bj eoalh

r-a'fuHiiki: th«n« (S) toiitti xklttf^tlnDdlLirtyninBluv«itfau .hii,:. int tortjnt» t« a liiflinrj Uco oi tha ent aide «f tkt>

irnok, anoltior oorqer of uid Skpll»nfer*Iluni; thucc* (101 aantk rorty-fl»8 det'reeg tait

w l « * » ! i i aid ttlj links to » b»p orin* chain a lo e^r«n« «••ien«e (12J ai9 *h»in« in( alxtv'foar l*nk»- Imilt (blrtr-IJietJflEretamt Ihrip

i«nty-ioT»a liaki U tb* nlace nfumliinlnic forlT-icr»n i a da katf ai

y treu near Le»i«' farm;ttyaigUl d l

Lbercfron A E.o.plinj ..d , „ „ JJ

f> . t o n k c m U . n . B . >».(

>"Dl.l Biiitack, flfcy, anilVhlch «Mia ana pnnMiti. by Jae '

WM, H, MenuT. lOth. IBRD.

1881. Carpets! 1881.



Busaex St DOVER, N. J,,«B tboniDtJ)]/

idi&d tBeleettxirrff

t / mtiBd i&d tBeleettx•qoipped wiik ihn» ot ampir r f fs CEtE-


Slret'i, Pilmt, Mllw.«l««. Tckdo, diielU, St. Lnl4 r .Hr Do.),.,', n d ] j O

L Kul0l|in>t that*.

, n d ]jOI,Ki b.il VHtla, ilorout* "

I JHS P" " •'•• cAnpara it, x an.,»i'Bra r.i,«,„. CAKPETS f., u ii,.

AJJ, WOOL OAHPET for »xl ch .AIL WOOL CARPET tor To ttal

HDS81L8 OABIETn, Bluiae p iHirm, for Nhy Wjt nnatiilcB or Urn.-B Hitting, of all klrnla:

.pUidBnd raner llBpir Hatting; Culrl « E ; Hull la llBtti.B-i H n t a * M a H !eeti: Stair Cirpet i ; OilCletht; Lino*: Tabla »il Olalh; ShadB Hollands, la

all cobra. Carpak nads and laid; Sbaloifltud and bang; euad Job KnaraQtaed at


8 OAB'^ pn jir.l.1 Cirpeti;ainpUid


SIBTPBI1 Flannal, in|ol» rianne), Douot FUn-atl, Qtas* «urt fwllloi Dinool, Cmtoa Flin-ncl, from 10 to 38 eta., blviclii>d and ubloaci-•d; nolured canloa lannela at

IT, 8. BABBTTT'fl,

Have You Evor Knownaiiy perron to ba aanoaaly ill vllliaal a w«kstomach or inaatite UTIT or kldnavB* Andwheo taeaeoriaaa art iu ijcufl auadlllandoron not fled ibtii (louatior •ojnyinr roedlealtbt Farktr-i QUger Tuulo t l n y i i t f a .

latci thcte Important orfani. ana n m rto »«ke tht blood rlih and p i r i

t i hcte Important orfani»«ke tht blood rlih an

n t l h t f tkke


ni. anand p i

oflreThmidnd* of datJwu iui(bbor *b0Ki It.

p i . aad torj part of tke lyiltn. It has* of datpUriu iQTalldi. Aik*b0Ki It M V
