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HEAD MASTER'S BULLETIN | FRIDAY 9 MARCH 2018 the course of this week, the School celebrated...

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HEAD MASTER'S BULLETIN | FRIDAY 9 MARCH 2018 NEWS & NOTIFICATIONS From the Head Master During the course of this week, the School celebrated International Women’s Day. I addressed the Middle and Senior students on the topic at a Quad assembly; the text of my speech is below. You will have noticed this large banner for International Women’s Day, which has been hanging over the Quad for a week. I know that a number of you have been wondering ‘Why?’ Why are we focussing on International Women’s Day? After all, aren’t we a boys’ school? Let me give you three reasons. First, we are a boys’ school, but we live in a co-ed world. More than half the people on the planet are female. You may not realise it yet, but your life story is inextricably intertwined with women. Standing behind and supporting you are generations of women in your family, whose commitment to your education comes at significant cost to them. Women are and will be your family and your friends. You will have women as your bosses, your colleagues, and your team. You will engage with women professionally and personally. You will live, work, worship, play, and socialise with women. You will learn from women and learn with women. The ability to co-exist, collaborate and connect with women is and will be a crucial life-skill for you. International Women’s Day is a reminder to us of that reality. Second, we are a boys’ school, but our School community lives and breathes because of the women who contribute to it. Every day at school you will interact with women who will teach you, lead you, support you and care for you. Some of them will do it publicly as they stand up the front. Others will be quietly labouring unnoticed behind the scenes. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow you will benefit from the expertise, the skill, and the wisdom of women. International Women’s Day is a prompt to us to acknowledge the contributions of the women around us. Third, in many ways around the world, women are subject to injustice. I read an account of the Boxing Day Tsunami, which attempted to account for the fact that so many more little girls died than little boys. They found that one of the reasons is that, in the areas affected by the tsunami, little girls are not taught or encouraged to climb trees. As a result, as the torrent of water poured through their villages, escape by climbing was not an option for them. A small, simple poignant example of the way that gender bias can play out in injustice. That particular example isn’t relevant everywhere, but injustices abound. Domestic violence is overwhelmingly committed by men against women. Sexual harassment is overwhelmingly committed by men against women. Promotional opportunities in the workforce, and in public life, favour men. I am not suggesting that we who stand here today are personally responsible for these things, although I am not suggesting that we have never contributed to gender bias in our contexts. However, I think that all of us can step up to challenge injustice. A couple of years ago the hashtag for International Women’s Day was #HeForShe. The slogan was calling one half of humanity to stand with the other half of humanity for the ultimate good of all. As a Christian, I think that #HeForShe – one half of humanity standing with the other half of humanity – perfectly summarises a Christian response by men and boys against the injustices that we see, even if the injustice benefits us. So why do we highlight and celebrate International Women’s Day? It reminds us that we live in a co-ed world. It prompts us to acknowledge the women whose contribution to us is so profound. It calls us to be men who will stand with women in the battle against gender bias, discrimination and harassment. International Women’s Day is on Thursday. The Year 9 Monitors will be selling International Women’s Day ribbons for $3. I encourage you to consider whether this statement is one that you want to make. The School Captain will address us on quad. And I urge you to take the time, on International Women’s Day, to acknowledge those women whose gifts, expertise and efforts have supported you. Detur Gloria Soli Deo Tim Bowden Head Master Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 1 of 66



From the Head MasterDuring the course of this week, the School celebrated International Women’s Day. I addressed theMiddle and Senior students on the topic at a Quad assembly; the text of my speech is below.

You will have noticed this large banner for International Women’s Day, which has been hanging over the Quad for a week. I knowthat a number of you have been wondering ‘Why?’ Why are we focussing on International Women’s Day? After all, aren’t we aboys’ school? Let me give you three reasons.

First, we are a boys’ school, but we live in a co-ed world. More than half the people on the planet are female. You may not realise ityet, but your life story is inextricably intertwined with women. Standing behind and supporting you are generations of women inyour family, whose commitment to your education comes at significant cost to them. Women are and will be your family and yourfriends. You will have women as your bosses, your colleagues, and your team. You will engage with women professionally andpersonally. You will live, work, worship, play, and socialise with women. You will learn from women and learn with women. Theability to co-exist, collaborate and connect with women is and will be a crucial life-skill for you. International Women’s Day is areminder to us of that reality.

Second, we are a boys’ school, but our School community lives and breathes because of the women who contribute to it. Every dayat school you will interact with women who will teach you, lead you, support you and care for you. Some of them will do it publiclyas they stand up the front. Others will be quietly labouring unnoticed behind the scenes. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow you willbenefit from the expertise, the skill, and the wisdom of women. International Women’s Day is a prompt to us to acknowledge thecontributions of the women around us.

Third, in many ways around the world, women are subject to injustice. I read an account of the Boxing Day Tsunami, whichattempted to account for the fact that so many more little girls died than little boys. They found that one of the reasons is that, inthe areas affected by the tsunami, little girls are not taught or encouraged to climb trees. As a result, as the torrent of water pouredthrough their villages, escape by climbing was not an option for them. A small, simple poignant example of the way that genderbias can play out in injustice. That particular example isn’t relevant everywhere, but injustices abound. Domestic violence isoverwhelmingly committed by men against women. Sexual harassment is overwhelmingly committed by men against women.Promotional opportunities in the workforce, and in public life, favour men.

I am not suggesting that we who stand here today are personally responsible for these things, although I am not suggesting thatwe have never contributed to gender bias in our contexts. However, I think that all of us can step up to challenge injustice. Acouple of years ago the hashtag for International Women’s Day was #HeForShe. The slogan was calling one half of humanity tostand with the other half of humanity for the ultimate good of all. As a Christian, I think that #HeForShe – one half of humanitystanding with the other half of humanity – perfectly summarises a Christian response by men and boys against the injustices thatwe see, even if the injustice benefits us.

So why do we highlight and celebrate International Women’s Day? It reminds us that we live in a co-ed world. It prompts us toacknowledge the women whose contribution to us is so profound. It calls us to be men who will stand with women in the battleagainst gender bias, discrimination and harassment.

International Women’s Day is on Thursday. The Year 9 Monitors will be selling International Women’s Day ribbons for $3. Iencourage you to consider whether this statement is one that you want to make. The School Captain will address us on quad. And Iurge you to take the time, on International Women’s Day, to acknowledge those women whose gifts, expertise and efforts havesupported you.

Detur Gloria Soli Deo

Tim BowdenHead Master

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Academic Focus | Opportunities for GrowthOne of the questions Year 7 has been exploring this week is whether they are learners who prefer work to be easily completed, orwhether they are prepared to embrace the tricky, messy kind of learning that involves making errors and trying again. They haveconsidered the role of mistakes in learning – whether they think successful learning is about minimal mistakes – or lots of mistakes!Inspired by a pithy reflection from the world’s most successful athlete, Michael Jordan, who insists his success is built upon the facthe has failed numerous times, the boys were encouraged to see the errors they make and the feedback for improvement theyreceive as critical opportunities for growth. We came to see that learning success is about making mistakes and putting in theeffort to understand and learn from those mistakes.

When I was challenged by one insightful boy as to whether I was saying that if I made enough mistakes and worked hard enough Icould beat anyone in anything – even Usain Bolt in a running race – I asked him what he thought about that. He replied that beatingothers really wasn’t the point, was it … the point was that by learning from mistakes and putting in effort I would beat myself – Iwould grow my own ability in remarkable ways.

At Trinity we seek to normalise a culture of learning from mistakes, as an opportunity for personal growth. This means weencourage boys to embrace challenging opportunities, to choose the more difficult options, to seek feedback for improvement, toidentify what they can do today that they could not do yesterday. This approach to learning is grounded in the seminal work onGrowth Mindset by Carol Dweck (Stanford University). Dweck’s work proved that students with an orientation towards learningthrough mistakes could achieve superior results on a range of cognitive tests, including Mathematics. She summarises herresearch like this: a mindset for challenge and effort plus a willingness to embrace feedback equals ongoing academicimprovement.

Another opportunity for growth is emerging for our Years 11 and 12 students who will soon engage in a period of examinations.The challenge leading up to these exams is for boys to mobilise their capacity for discipline, to reflect upon their current strengthsand weaknesses, to commit early to a program of structured study and effort, and to work with their teachers to ensure they havea comprehensive plan of preparation. These exams at this point in the learning journey do not represent a final point ofachievement, in fact, they rarely elicit boys’ best performances – but they do provide a chance to consolidate knowledge andevaluate the strength with which boys are able to apply this learning in examination contexts. The attached approach to studyprepared by Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning offers a clear way forward for senior students seeking guidance onstudy.

Finally, in Term 2 we will enter our season of Parent-Teacher Interviews. Here is a third opportunity for student growth in whichparents are critically involved. A time for focussed feedback and setting of new strategies for challenge and improvement, theseconversations are pivotal in developing learners who accept responsibility and agency in their own academic pathways. While a fullschedule of interviews will be published next week, Year 12 parents are reminded that their interviews will take place on 28thMarch and online bookings are available from next Wednesday, 14th March.

Deborah Williams | Academic Dean

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News from the Arthur Holt LibraryA CALL-OUT FOR STUDENT REVIEWERS

The State Library of Victoria has released the longlist for the 2018 Inky Awards. We’re looking for eager student critics to review thetitles for inclusion on our blog. Peer to peer recommendations form the heartbeat of library circulation, and for every student whoenjoys a book many others may be persuaded to give it a try. It is only a matter of getting the message out there.

The Inky Awards differ from many other YA literature awards in being voted for directly by young readers. All the longlisted titleshave been added to the Trinity collection with the hope that our students will participate in the voting.

Particularly voracious readers may wish to apply to be a Judge or Shadow Judge in the Inky Awards. Any Australian between theages of 12 and 18 is eligible, Judges are given a copy of all the books on the longlist to read and comment on. It’s an excellentopportunity to represent the school and participate in the cultural conversation. More information here or speak with Miss Mileto.


Books written by or about women were featured prominently on the library in celebration of International Women’s Day as aprovocation to our students to borrow with a regard to gender balance. On the think | play | discuss whiteboard studentsnominated their favourite female characters. We were overwhelmed by both the diversity of nominations and the artistic flair ofsome contributors.

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Amy Luchetti | Library Services Specialist

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Study +Study+ is an extended hours study program designed to complement the Trinity experience. It offers students the opportunity toshare a meal and access academic mentoring from Old Boys under the supervision of Library and teaching staff.

Students meet for dinner in the Dining Hall at 5.15pm before being escorted to the Arthur Holt Library for a two hour study sessionfrom 6pm - 8pm.

The academic mentoring provided by Old Boys (TGS Academic Scholars) includes subject specific support and general homeworktutoring, as well as guidance in developing effective time management and study skills. Library and teaching staff are alsoavailable to assist with research or revision needs.

When: see www.flexischools.com.au for available dates

Booking: Term and casual session options. All bookings are non-date-changeable and non-attendance is non-refundable.

Limited places available. Advanced and termly bookings are encouraged to support students to develop positive study habits.

Contact Mr David Magro [email protected] for all Study+ enquiries.

Click here to view the above image in a printable format

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Year 10 Careers Information Evening | ReflectionsIn Week 2 this term, Year 10 completed a series of tests related to developing a career profile. Part of the process included testingfor aptitude in general reasoning, a range of abilities and some other relevant workplace skills. Boys also completed aquestionnaire that identified the kind of working environment that they are most interested in. Information gathered through thistesting was presented to boys and their parents in the form of a comprehensive report called the Morrisby Profile.

Last Tuesday evening, Year 10 boys and their parents attended a Careers Information session where parents and students learnedmore about the Morrisby Careers Testing process and how to understand the Morrisby Profile reports.

Choosing a career should be an exciting and empowering process, but for many young people, it can be difficult to take a step backand look at the options objectively. Making the best choice for a career depends on:

knowledge of your personal strengths and preferences, andan understanding of what different occupations involve.

No careers test can give 'the answer' (as there is no single answer) but the Morrisby Report helps many understand their potentialand provides much of the information needed to make course and career decisions.

The feedback from parents on the night was overwhelmingly positive. Parents reported that this process helped them to know theirboys better and provided valuable insight into what subjects their son should select for Year 11.

Dr Frederick Osman | Director of Vocational Education and RTO Manager (Careers Education)

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87th CAS Swimming and Diving ChampionshipsThursday, 15th March 2018 At Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre

Attendance is compulsory for boys in Years 10 and 11, School Officers and Boarding House students. Voluntary forall other boys. Boys in Year 12 are particularly encouraged to attend. Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 12 wishing toattend the Championships must collect and return a permission note to the Students’ Service Secretary.

The Swimming team will be given lunch at School at 11.15a.m. and at 2:45 pm the Team will leave the School by coach to go toThe Aquatic Centre. The other boys who are going to the Championships will be taken by bus to the Aquatic Centre leaving theSchool from the Prospect Rd/Victoria St bus stops from 3.25p.m. These students will be given a light meal before leaving and willhave access to the canteen inside the Aquatic Centre. It is compulsory for boys to travel to the carnival by bus.

Boys must supply a note to Student Services if they are being picked up by a parent/guardian after theChampionships have concluded (approximately 8:00pm).

Parents must collect their boys from either the Summer Hill Campus, or the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre(see map). Buses will transport the boys back to Trinity unless prior arrangements have been made. Please do notmake arrangements for boys to leave the Aquatic Centre before the end of the Championships as boys will not beallowed to leave before our School is dismissed.

Parents please note, that due to an Ed Sheeran Concert at ANZ Stadium on the same night as CAS Swimming andDiving Championships, access to parking in the area will be limited. Olympic Boulevard and the SOPA precinct(marked Yellow on the map - click here to view the map) will be lockdown from 3:30pm onwards with significantroad closures. Parents may need to pre-book parking (at a cost of $25) or alternatively encourage your son toreturn to school by bus.

Buses will return to the Summer Hill Campus by approximately 8:45pm. Parents are encouraged to park in the car park (entry viaVictoria St) and arrange to meet your son/s there.

Dress: Grey uniform without blazer (NO Khaki uniforms)

No boys will be given permission to drive a car either to or from the Championships.

Bradley Wirth | Director of Campus Administration

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CSx Concussion Management System at TrinityTrinity Grammar School aims to provide the best possible management of students who sustain head injuries and concussion.Because student welfare is the primary concern the School has implemented a concussion management system by CSxHeadguard. The aim of this system is to enable the collection of baseline data for informed decision making by Medical Professionalwhile providing parents and guardians with clear and accurate guidance.

Designed in New Zealand, the CSx Concussion Management System is currently being used by professional sporting organisationssuch as the AFL, NRL, and World Rugby. This is the first time the CSx System has been implemented in this capacity by a school inAustralia, making Trinity a leader in use of this CSx head injury management system.

Click here for a short presentation containing more information about the system >

We will be implementing the program late in Term 1, 2018. Baseline data obtained by responses to the SCAT 5 Concussion Test willbe collected for all players of AFL, Football and Rugby to assist and manage students in the event of a head injury. Data will becollected by the School's Senior Nurse, Mrs Katie Brooks, all data will be stored in line with the School's Privacy Policy.

CSx Concussion Management System is a tool to assist Medical Professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of potentially serioushead injuries and NOT a substitute for treatment by a Doctor.

It is worth noting that if a player sustains a suspected concussion, he WILL NOT be allowed to participate in physical activity untilcleared by his Doctor.

Mr Lachlan White | Director of Sport and Co-Curricular Activities

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2018 Encouragement Swimming and Diving Squad SongThis piece can be sung, if one so desires, to the tune of Hearts of Oak, a traditional song of the British Royal Navy. Look it up onGoogle!

Come swim for the School lads, to victory steer,

To add to our tally another great year:

Your talents call forth now the victory to gain,

And give of yourself with your might and your main.

Great of skill in the pool, great of heart are our men:

They always are ready, trained up and steady

To swim and to conquer again and again!


Another KIM, NG and XIA who’ll do it for us:

While PARADZIK, the ROBERTSONS and swiftly swimming TWINE

Ahead of their opponents will powerfully shine!


Will bring to us surely their victories soon,

GERMANOS and BAITA are waiting there too,

Enthusiastically eager to show what they can do.


LEE, HATOUM and SEARANT all swim without fear:

They indeed are our champions so much do they do

With YEOU, and BROUW, YOUNG and XU.


Are more from whom some great swims will be seen:


Like lightning will swim really just as quick as!

The CHENS and BARRETT along there with POTTER,

Will each in their swimming outdo any otter,

While CHUNG, and NEWTON with WANG

And WATSON, NAM and HOHNE are part of our great gang!

KWAN and WESTON will speed down their lanes with great force,

While KAYE will be okay with his efforts of course!

McPARKLAND and BROWN, and strong swimming JIN

Will see our supporters keep cheering with great din!

Our Divers are lined up to make a neat splash,Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 9 of 66

With NYUGEN, WHITE and GINDY all showing great dash:

While MURPHY and ON, with SARA, YORK and FRICKER

And FOSTER and WARD’s work will never show a flicker!

Our cheers from the stands then our men do inspire

To do all those things that vict’ry may require:

Your strength is our mateship, our support your mainstay,

The School is right with you along all the way!

Ron Ogier

Because of publication deadlines for the BULLETIN, this poem was written before the final team selection, and may not beabsolutely accurate in the final analysis. However, we wish the final team every success next Thursday night, and offer ourappreciation to those contenders who may not have been chosen. To have reached the point you have is a tremendous tribute toyour keenness and talent and devotion to the School.

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Basketball | CAS Round 9 vs Waverley1st V

“A depleted Trinity can’t stop a Waverley onslaught.”

Trinity’s tough season continued as they were crushed by a determined Waverley group who poured in one hundred plus points(69-102) on a fragile Greens team. From the outset Trinity were on the back foot as their Eastern Suburbs rival easily found holesin Trinity’s defence. Luke Gabriel (12Hi) and Tom Corias (12Hi) were able to connect on a couple of shots from late in theopening period, but the damaged had been inflicted on this young group as they trailed at the first break by thirteen points (16-29). Trinity regrouped a little in the second quarter and were able to stick with Waverley on the offensive end as Tyrese Proctor(9Fo) and Jack Nichol (10He) combined for thirteen points.

Defensively is where Trinity have struggled most of the season and if the Greens were to get cut into the fourteen-point half-timedeficit, they would have to get back to their standards that have served them so well in previous seasons. Alec Mackenzie(11WJ) continues to improve with his presence around the basket and Richard Ziade (11Mu) tried to inspire with a couple ofquick baskets, but Waverley proved to strong physically and athletically to outscore Trinity in the second half by nineteen points(33-52). It’s been a tough couple of weeks for Trinity with a number of players constantly missing through injury, illness and camps,all these factors having impacted greatly on the team’s preparation and confidence. Hopefully, the boys can regroup and send theYear 12 off in their final game with a Trinity-like performance.

Leading Scorers

Jack Nichol – 13 pts.

Tom Corias – 12 pts.

Luke Gabriel – 12 pts.

Tyrese Proctor – 10 pts.

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Tom Corias (12Hi) floats a shot down the middle

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Luck Nichol (10He) zeros in on the basket from deep

2nd V

The Seconds’ great form continued, making it three wins in a row with a comfortable nine-point victory (51-42). Eddy Alcock(11WJ) and William Bonaccorso (12St) combined well both defensively and offensively to see Trinity jump out to an earlydouble-digit lead. Playing his best game of the season, livewire point guard Justin Jasa (12Ho) dazzled with ball in hand andconnecting on shots on the drive, or from beyond the arc. Marcus Buvac’s (12WJ) dominance around the basket continued, scoring three straight hoops and then a big ‘3’ from Jonathon Roseworn (12WJ) at the end of the half gave the Greens all themomentum and seven-point lead at the half (28-21).

David Carreon’s (12St) relentless play at both ends countered any Waverley revival and the Greens physical play at thedefensive end continued through Justin McNamara (11Sc) and Anthony Mai (11WJ) in the paint and Harrison Barden (12Yo)on the perimeter in what was another dominant performance.

Leading Scorers

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Justin Jasa – 12 pts.

Dave Carreon – 11 pts.

Marcus Buvac – 10 pts

Harrsion Barden (12Yo) slips through for an easy two

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Justin McNamara (11Sc) powers over the Waverley defence

3rd V

Trinity put in a complete performance, leading from the start to the finish. It was a fine display of teamwork and confidence in eachother to execute on the fast break and commit defensively. Darcy Edwards (12WJ) and Jonathan Zheng (12WH) wereoutstanding with their relentless pressure which caused numerous turnovers to allow Andrew Jin (12WJ) to score a game high inpoints and break through the 200-point mark for the season. Nabeel Hatoum (11WJ) also proved hard to handle in and aroundthe basket.

4th V

The pressure that the team placed on the opposition from the start was relentless throughout the game. Hugh Casimir (11WH)and Miller Tauilili-Palesasa (11He) worked well together to be able to both feed Jacob Taylor-Tighe (12Ta) the ball in good

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position for easy baskets. A big effort is required this week if Trinity is to secure the Premiership.

5th V

The Fifths kept their slight hopes of capturing a Premiership with a third straight victory. Good use of a full court pressure fromTrinity created constant turnover ball. Philip Choi (12Fo) was impressive on his return from injury and Mahdi Makki(12La) played superbly as team leader.

6th V

The Sixths’ machine bounced back in a big way with a resounding thirty-seven-point victory. Jorge Paraskevopoulos (11Fo) wascreative and powerful within the Trinity structure, while Joshua Roberts (12We) displayed again the tenacity for which he waspromoted. The Greens and Coach Bamford need a victory in the final game if they are to cap of a great season with a Premiership.

7th V

The 7ths secured a solid victory over Waverley by 31 points. Joe Basta (12Ar) scored a whopping 16 points, at one point nearlysetting the net on fire. With his characteristic thunderous dribbling and a lightning lay-up, Calvin Nguyen (11St) finally scored inthe final minutes of the game, ensuring that every team member put points on the board.

8th V

The 8ths had their best game of the season, completely dominating Waverley. Every Trinity boy scored at least four points; and themighty Paresh Moodley (11WH) could not be stopped by the significantly taller and heavier Waverley boys. In the dying minutesthe opposition was heard wishing that the game could be changed to Rugby, but alas, such wishes fell on deaf ears.

9th V

In a game that began with great intensity and did not let up for the entire match, Trinity were able to hold on to defeat St. Joseph’sfrom the GPS. Will Raptis (12Ta) distinguished himself both on offence, as lead point-scorer, and on defence, securing reboundsand as an imposing presence in the key.

10th V

The Tenths secured a confident 10-point victory over St. Joseph's College. Both teams fought hard but, in the end, it was thesuperior shooting and lay-up accuracy of Christopher Jeffree (11Ho) and Ashwin Aggarwal (12We) that proved the difference.Austin Bonner-Smith (11Ar) is also worthy of mention for his tireless effort defensively to intercept St. Joseph’s passes and tocreate opportunities for his teammates in transition.

Year 9A

The emphasis for The Greens this weekend was heavily on defence, and they were extremely successful in that regard. Led byThomas Buvac (WJ) and strong defensive efforts from Bertie Alcock (WJ) and Hayden Johnson (WH) helped set the tone forthe game, as Waverley were held to 10 in the first half, and only four points in the second half. If Trinity are to tie for thePremiership, then they must defeat an undefeated Knox team in the final game of the season.

Year 9C

While it was another impressive win for the Greens, this great effort was based on their full court defensive commitment. As aresult, this caused Waverley to make a magnitude of turnovers being visibly uneasy with Trinity’s pressure. The beneficiary of mostof these turnovers happened to be Adam Pascale (Ke) and Lewis Kanellos (He). Their pressure and intensity on the defensiveend resulted in each of them leading the game in points; with Adam having 10 and Lewis scoring 8. Another honourable mentiongoes to Alistair Roseworn (WJ) who also had a significant impact in the game.

Year 9D

It was a slow start for Trinity, as they fell behind early. The Greens stepped up their defensive effort as a group led by AndrewCavallaro (He) who was instrumental in the comeback. With the scores level, both Schools exchanged baskets for most of thesecond half, before Waverley took a two-point lead with only seconds remaining. With this being said, Trinity did not give up and inthe final play of the game off a perfectly executed play by the Trinity players, Vangeli Tsintominas (Sc) sank the game winning‘3-pointer’ from the corner, every basketballers dream.

Year 9ECopyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 16 of 66

A frenetic start gave Waverley some early confidence, but then Trinity found their groove and never looked back. All played well,but it was the attacking efforts of Lucas Pezzano (Fo) and James Pau (Ta) that gave Trinity the lead, and the win.

Year 9F

In a much closer contest than previous weeks, Trinity prevailed over Waverley with some key defensive adjustments and acommitment to better ball movement in the second half. Instrumental in this was the endless energy of Liam Filby (Yo) thesmooth ball handling of Owen Peck (Fo).

Year 9G

Trinity were able to hold on to win by just single basket in an exciting finish to a great game. Highlights included Sam Wade (Ke)scoring back to back baskets in under ten seconds late in second half and Deen Rasool (WH) fine shooting over the course ofthe game made a big impact to the result.

Year 9H

The 9Hs had a strong win, controlling the tempo throughout the contest. William Martin (WH) inspired his teammates with hisrelentless defensive pressure which constantly frustrated the Waverley offense.

Year 8A

Trinity have really improved as a unit in recent weeks and this outstanding result reflected this. Bailey Chambers (Ta) had hisbest game to date, running the team and at the same time being aggressive on offence. James Arthur (WH) continues to improveoffensively, but it’s on defence where he is at his best.

Year 8B

The 8Bs reversed the disappointment of round one with a great victory, thus keeping their Premiership aspiration intact. It was ondefence where Trinity won the game, holding Waverley to only 7 points in the first half. Alexander Saba (WJ) was tremendousinside the paint, setting great screens for his teammates and making his layups. Justin Wang (WJ) continues to improve andbrings contagious energy every time he steps on the court.

Year 8C

Trinity reversed the round one defeat with a very tough one-point victory. Coming from a five-point deficit in the opening half tofight back is a testament of this group’s resilience. Aiden Daher (Ke) and Daniel Lu (We) both had tremendous games, whilePaulo Tauiliili-Pelesasa (He) had a strong game in the paint.

Year 8D

The 8Ds’ winning ways continued. Standout performances included William Moir (Hi) with 10 points and Sam Waddington (Mu)with his ability to get free around the basket picked up 9 points. Keelan Stephandellis (Hi) leadership at the point position wasalso vital to Trinity’s success.

Year 8E

After losing harshly in round one, the 8Es were eager to put in a strong performance. Solid defence from Jesse Ring (He) andJoshua Van Der Goot (We) were able to mitigate Waverley’s offensive chances. After the break Trinity picked up the pace andwent on an 8-0 run with Jack Greaves (We) powering his way to the basket and Sam Darling (Hi) making some mid-range jumpshots. In the end Trinity extracted revenge with a seven-point victory.

Year 8G

The 8Gs put in a dominant performance yet again, controlling the game for much of the time. Although the Greens played most ofthe game in the opposition court, wayward shooting saw the score line tighten just before half time. However, a stellarperformance from Blake Hui (Ta) ensured that our comfortable lead was restored. A special mention also goes to AriNikolakopoulos (Yo) who used his height advantage to win rebounds.

Year 8H

A strong start reaped rewards, as Trinity fought to win rebounds and play the game in the opposition court. In the end it was acomfortable victory, despite allowing the opposition to make a small revival late in the contest. Standout performances were given

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by Andrew Tanous (Du), who shot the ball well and Jackson Steele (Ta) for his relentless tenacity.

Year 7B

The 7Bs made it back-to-back wins in a tightly contested game. Joel Maher (Ta) put on a scoring clinic coming off the benchmaking valuable layups to keep the scoreboard ticking over. Noah De Barros (Ke) was yet again perfect on the glass providingTrinity with every rebound and contesting Waverley’s shots. Jamie Kim (Ke) led the team exceptionally well in crucial times latein the game to ensure a Greens’ victory.

Year 7F

Trinity started the game off strongly with John Mitrothanasis (WH) and Max Lusty (Sc) providing the team with good defenceand rebounding. New addition Hugo Reed (Ho) also contributed through his playmaking which allowed Trinity to end the half witha sizeable lead. A few early baskets made by Pavle Ceprnja (St) at the start of the second half added to this lead. Good ballcontrol by John Hrsto (St) and hustle by Finley Ross (WH) at the end of the game helped secure the match for Trinity.

Year 7G

With Trinity looking for a fourth straight victory, the undefeated 7Gs started strong with Beier Chen (Yo) leading the scoring in thefirst half. A Waverley revival was soon put to rest by the tough defence from Nicholas Dasios (We) and Peter Argyrou (Fo).

Year 7H

With a loss last week, Trinity looked for redemption. Strong starts from Jamie Alison (Ke) and Zane Nazha (Mu) gave the team abig lead early. From then on, the Greens never looked back as Jye Lawerence (Ke) and Giuseppe Barca (Ar) hustled on thedefensive end to maintain a big winning margin.

Ben Morrissey | MIC Basketball

Results Vs Waverley (CAS Round 9)

Team Scores1st V 69-102 L2nd V 51-42 W3rd V 75-15 W4th V 84-20 W5th V 43-22 W6th V 57-20 W7th V 54-23 W8th V 58-10 W9th V 21-11 W10th V 30-20 W10A 29-63 L10B 35-48 L10C 21-41 L10D 34-22 W10E 27-28 L10F 27-31 L9A 34-14 W9B 24-48 L9C 49-22 W9D 35-34 W*9E 27-21 W9F 93-14 W9G 28-26 W9H 23-15 W8A 67-32 W8B 35-20 W

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8C 28-27 W8D 37-17 W8E 37-30 W8F 29-31 L8G 48-21 W8H 24-18 W8I 14-30 L8J 18-40 L7A 30-48 L7B 26-23 W7C 28-43 L7D 28-43 L7E 29-34 L7F 32-20 W7G 40-16 W7H 34-4 W7I 12-93 L7J 9-50 L

* Buzzer beater "3-pointer" by Vangeli Tsintominas (Sc) in the 9D game when down 2 with 3 seconds left.

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Cricket vs WaverleyThe penultimate round of the CAS season saw Trinity take on Waverley. Overall it was a positive day for the men in Green andWhite with a number of emphatic victories recorded across the board.

1st XI

Although Trinity already have already claimed the CAS premiership, it was important that we finish the season undefeated.Unfortunately, Matthew Turner (12Ho) failed to continue his winning of the toss, so Waverley put themselves in to bat. With theball, Trinity started emphatically, claiming 6 wickets in the first 10 overs, Sebastian Buchanan (10Sc) was steaming in,intimidating the batsmen with his expressive pace and hitting the deck hard to utilise the bounce in the wicket, Sebastian claimed 4wickets tearing through the Waverly top order. Vasi Macmillan (12Ho) claimed 2 wickets with the new ball, bowling tight andconsistent line and length, troubling the batsmen. After countless plays and misses, Vasi claimed his two wickets through theWaverley’s top orders defence. Kenneth Chu (11Mu) steamed in and bowled ‘stump to stump’, a perfect example on what fullpitch bowling can produce, he claimed 3 wickets to have Waverley in an immense amount of trouble with the score at 8/38, after alate surge from the tail enders for Waverley, they ended up with 74, Luca Dimeglio (10La) picking up the final wicket. After asuperb bowling performance, it left our batsmen with little to do. Josh Yeoh (10Sc) and Ritvik Dinesh (11Ke) started the chasewell, punishing the loose deliveries and respecting the good balls, as we had more than enough time to secure the victory forTrinity. Josh was dismissed which brought Kenneth Chu (11Mu) who quickly piled up the required runs with minimal risk endingup on 25no, while Ritvik controlled the innings, playing conventional strokes all around the ground. Trinity secured the victoryinside 25 overs, highlighting the dominance that Trinity has had in this year’s competition. Trinity travels to Knox this weekend forthe last CAS round, hoping to seal back to back undefeated titles.

Harry Goldsmith (10La)

2nd XI

On Saturday afternoon, the Trinity 2nd XI played Waverley College at Queen’s Park 1 with Trinity winning the toss and sendingWaverley into bat.

Once again, the devastating combination of opening quicks Jack Bermingham (11Mu) (3-16) and Dillon Srikumar (11WJ) (2-0)was on display, taking quick wickets to constrict the opening overs to 2-13 off 8. Dillon was impossible to get away as he bowled aperfect spell of 6 maiden overs. Finn Ritchie (12Ke) also took advantage grabbing 2 wickets. Christian Morfuni (11Ar)demonstrated the epitome of reactive slips fielding, taking two spectacular catches and in his first over of the CAS season was ableto uproot off stump with an unplayable second delivery. With a dominant bowling performance, no Waverley batsmen were toreach double figures; all out for 60 off 30 overs.

With the season coming to an end TGS decided to trial a new batting order, however swift wickets left the modest chase at 3-23.But who else to entertain the crowd with aggressive stroke play than Finn Ritchie (12Ke) and George Panopoulos (11He). Theyscored 24 n.o. and 15 n.o. respectively, overpowering the Waverley bowling attack and reaching the target in the 14th over withoutfurther loss of wickets.

Now just one Saturday away from the undefeated CAS premiership the boys are ready for a final showdown at TGS 1 on Saturdaythe 10th against Knox. Thank you to parent’s Evan and Jude who once again scored and the vocal support from the mums anddads in the grandstand.

Alec Silins (11Sc)

George Panopoulos (11Du) hitting out on his way to the 2nd XI victory

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3rd XI

It is with great pleasure that I get to report on a magnificent victory for the 3rd XI. The Trinity boys batted first and did remarkablywell to score 3/182. The lions share of the scoring was done by Sam York (11Hi). Backing up his score of 50 last week, Samdestroyed the Waverley bowlers from the outset and was intent on scoring his first hundred. He was dismissed on the last ball ofthe Trinity innings with his score on 110. Not a bad effort for his second competitive game since Year 6! Trinity’s bowlers still had ajob to do and the spin twins of Daniel White (11La) and Aathavan Srinivasan (12St) both claimed 2 wickets as Trinity bowledWaverley out for a total of 93 runs.


On Saturday the 10As were looking to secure a win against an unpredictable Waverley Team at Queens Park. After Waverley wonthe toss, they chose to bat. We had a great bowling performance from Thomas Thorpe (10Sc) who picked up an early wicket.This opened the floodgates for Ritvik Sharma (10Mu) who had a brilliant spell of 2 for 5 off 2 overs. Also, special mention mustgo to Angus Mooney (10La) who had a tidy spell, Sanjay Anandarajah (10Du), and Matt Uglow (10He) who picked up keywickets. After bowling Waverley all out for 96, we were determined to get the win, so that we can still be contenders for thePremiership. Again, Thomas Thorpe (10Sc) batted well by getting quick singles and putting all the bad balls away. Anton Demark(10Sc) and Patrick Fouracre (10WH) both had good knocks and put us into a secure position. With a short cameo from SamuelDennis (10St) who hit the winning runs, we had defeated Waverley with 3 overs to spare.

Pierce Foley (10Fo)


Facing the challenge of back to back wins, captain Liam Clayton (8Fo) won his first toss of the year and elected to bat infavourable batting conditions. However, after losing three wickets in the first five overs Trinity were on the back foot. Informbatsman Jack Trinder (8Hi) was joined by his skipper at the crease as the pair looked for a long stay. Jack played aggressor as hebrought up a well-earned 50 tearing the Waverley bowlers too all parts of the ground. A brilliant partnership was brought to an endas Liam was dismissed ending a 60 run partnership. After being unluckily run out Jack finished an innings saving and potentialmatch winnings innings on 77, which saw him play a perfect balance between defence and attack. Another scintillating cameoinnings from Tom Jenkins (8Fo) saw him make a quick fire 28 and bring the Trinity total to 160. With their tails up Trinity wentinto the field hungry for wickets, with Oscar Martin (8Sc) leading the way, providing multiple unplayable deliveries to earn a pairof top order wickets. Eesa El-Hassan (8We) bowled economically as he and leg spinner Oliver Walker (8Fo) ran through theWaverley middle order earning two wickets each. With the wickets tumbling it was Nick Keogh (8Ta) who finished off the tailearning himself three wickets at the cost of only two runs, earning the 8Bs back to back wins for the first time this season.

Nick Chan | 8Bs Coach


Trinity bowled first against Waverley and were keen to bowl a tight line and length. They boys performed exceptionally well torestrict Waverley to 8-60. Some outstanding work form Euan Kenny (8Ke) in the field taking 3 catches and also being involved ina runout, as well as Henry Ward (8Du) who did an exceptional job as Captain to restrict Waverley to such a score. The bowlingwas very evenly shared with everyone chipping in. Trinity then chased the target inside 8 overs only losing one wicket. Thestandout was Will Gray (8WJ) who hit 33 not out including a big 6. Wilson Russell (8Ar) also batted well, and showed he hasdeveloped good confidence as an opener scoring 14. All in all, an outstanding performance from the boys and a deserving win.

Nick Bishop | 8Cs Coach


The 7As started the day down to just ten players as two team members had to pull out due to illness. We knew this would be achallenge but were keen to win our first home game at TGS.

We bowled and fielded with great discipline with all the bowlers keeping it tight. Eventually Waverley decided they needed to hitout to post a reasonable total but their decision to try to take down Ryan Gupta's (7WJ) leggies proved disastrous! Ryan bowledwith great control and courage to claim 4-14, bowling Waverley out for just 110 runs in 31 overs.

With only 10 batsmen we knew we could not afford any cheap dismissals, but a couple of poor shots and silly run outs put us underreal PRESSURE. It was left to Harry Hindle (7WJ) and Jai Sharma (7Mu) to produce a match-winning partnership. Harry'saggressive 50 was particularly impressive.

When Harry was dismissed within sight of victory it was left to Marcus Lorenzato (7Fo) to hit the winning runs as we passedWaverley's total 6 wickets down.

A great effort overall by a side gaining in confidence and awareness.

John Hurley | 7As Coach

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The 7Bs second win of the season came at the expense of Waverley, as the boys cruised to a reasonably easy win. Waverley wonthe toss electing to bat first. After 25 overs they were all out for 59. Our stand out bowlers were Marcus Jutrisa (7WJ), ThomasPowell (7Ho), Aidan Carmichael (7Hi) and Bede Dunn (7St). In just under 15 overs, the Trinity boys proved to be handyenough with the bat to score the 60 runs required for the well-deserved win. The final score was Trinity 5/66 defeated Waverley10/59. Well done boys!

Bill Pratt | 7Bs Coach


The 7Cs returned to TGS No. 2 to play Waverley. After 2 tough games away at Barker and St. Aloysius, Trinity was keen to showtheir supporters what they’ve been working on during the week. Trinity won the toss and elected to field. This proved to be a greatcaptain’s call by Mark Charas (7Ho) with the likes of bowling figures of 1/1 by Chris Kong (7La) and 2/2 by Jack Waide (7Ke).The bowling was closely supported with tight fielding and exceptional catches namely by Christian Pulley (7Fo) and Aman Shaw(7Ar). With a total of 8/70 after 20 overs, Trinity set themselves a realistic task to take their second win of the season. Solidcontributions by all top order batsmen, namely Joshua Munter (7Hi) with 30 runs, meant the total was reached by the 16th over.The team is growing stronger week by week and it is pleasing to see the players develop friendships and their skills over the pastfew weeks. Well done 7Cs!

Kai Ikeuchi | 7Cs Coach

1st XI Vs OTU

On Tuesday the 1st XI played their annual fixture against the OTU and a more exciting game you could not ask for. Batting first theOTU scored 190 from their allotted 25 overs. After the early wickets of Danul Dassanayake (Class of 2013) and Matthew Dedes(Class of 2013), Tom Doyle (Class of 2014) set about dispatching the 1st XI bowlers to all parts (and in a lot of cases beyond) TGS 1.He scored a brilliant 94 before being dismissed by Finn Ritchie (12 Ke). Alex Kouventaris (Class of 2013) combined with DanielTartak (class of 2003) and Jason Burgess (class of 2004) to post a final total of 190.

In reply, the 1st XI began solidly with Tim Ledden (12Yo) showing why he has been so dominant for the 2nd XI this season. Hetreated Phillip Mugridge (class of 2011) and Aaron Scott (Class of 1999) with disdain as he continually slapped boundaries throughthe covers. At the other end Kenneth Chu (11Mu) was easing into his work initially, before opening the shoulders against AndrewPararajasingham (Class of 2003) and Richard Bishop (Class of 1986). With one over remaining the 1st XI required 8 runs for victoryoff the Aaron Scott over. With 1 ball remaining Kenneth Chu required 3 runs for his maiden century and the team also needed 3 towin. Kenneth managed to hit a 2, leaving him stranded on 99 not out and scores level. A super over was called. The 1st XI hit 13 offtheir over and in reply the OTU also hit 13. The match ended in a very fair result for both teams – a tie.

It was great to see so many of the old boys again and the boys in the 1st XI greatly appreciated them giving up their time to play inthe fixture.

This weekend sees Trinity side’s take on Knox in the final round of what has been a memorable season. Good luck to all teams.

Ian Moran | MIC Cricket


1st XI vsWaverley College (WC)

Result: Won -WC 75; TGS 1/78

Outstanding individual highlights

Vasi MacMillan (12Ho) 2/15;

Sebastian Buchanan (10Sc) 4/10;

Ritvik Dinesh (11Ke) 31 no;

Kenneth Chu (11Mu) 26 no

2nd XI vs Waverley

Result: Won - WC 60; TGS 3/61

Outstanding individual highlights

Jack Bermingham (11Mu) 3/16;

Finn Ritchie (12Ke) 24 no

3rd XI vs WaverleyCopyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 22 of 66

Result: Won - TGS 3/182; WC 93

Outstanding individual highlights

Sam York (11Hi) 110;

Ritvik Sharma (10Mu) 28

10A vs Waverley

Result: Won - WC 96; TGS 5/98

Outstanding individual highlights

Patrick Fouracre (10WH) 22

10C - Bye

9A vs Waverley

Result: Lost - WC 6/187; TGS 113

Outstanding individual highlights

Tim Hosken (9Sc) 3/15;

Nikhil Kapoor (9Yo) 22 no

9B vs Waverley

Result: Lost - TGS 22; WC 1/103

8A vs Waverley

Result: Lost - WC 5/237; TGS 8/102

8B vs Waverley

Result: Won - TGS 8/160; WC 77

Outstanding individual highlights

Jack Trinder (8Hi) 77;

Thomas Jenkins (8Fo) 28;

Nicholas Keogh (8Fo) 3/2

8C vs Waverley

Result: Won - WC 8/60; TGS 1/61

Outstanding individual highlights

Will Gray (8WJ) 33 no

7A vs Waverley

Result: Won - WC 110; TGS 6/111

Outstanding individual highlights

Ryan Gupta (7WJ) 4/14;

Harry Hindle (7WJ) 52

7B vs Waverley

Result: Won - WC 59; TGS 5/65Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 23 of 66

7C vs Waverley

Result: Won - WC 8/70; TGS 3/72

7D vs St. Patrick’s C

Result: Lost - SPC 114; TGS 45

Winning rate: 9 Wins: 4 losses = 69%

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Tennis vs WaverleyIt was back to the winning circle for the majority of TGS Tennis teams last weekend in a lopsided fixture against Waverley College.Congratulations must be extended to our students who were able to achieve an 82% winning rate across the 17 matchescontested. Our very successful Year7 A/B teams played a grand final of sorts against their undefeated opposition but unfortunatelycouldn’t convert a win. I am positive that the result would have been much closer if they had been at full strength. I hope theyclose out a great season with a win against Knox tomorrow.

The 1st IV played well against their less able opponents and won 3 of the 4 doubles sets which enabled them to take more chancesin the singles. Once again James McCabe (10St) secured an impressive singles victory over his temperamental opponent to thetune of 6-1. Another excellent singles victory was recorded by Max Nguyen (8Yo) who won to a similar score line as James .Stanley Chen (12We) played well and led for the majority of his set before conceding in the dying stages against a persistentopponent.

The 2nd IV were untouchable ,disposing of their shell-shocked opponents in record time. All our players were too strong in both thedoubles and singles components of the match with the team running out easy winners 8 sets to love.

In other news James McCabe was an invaluable asset to the CAS Representative team who were victorious over ISA earlier in theweek. James playing in the number 2 position won all his sets displaying a comprehensive array of weaponry in what was a fineoverall performance.

Jeremy Dykgraaff | MIC Tennis

Max Nguyen (8Yo)

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Anthony Tsougranis (12Ke)

James McCabe (10St)

3rds And 4ths

Both teams enjoyed emphatic victories last week against Waverley College, notching up another 6 – 0 result. However, some of thematches were more closely contested than the score line suggests. Solid groundstrokes, heavy, accurate serving and fancy net-play generally characterised Trinity’s efforts to outplay their opposition. This week especial mention goes to Henry Meyer(11Sc) on his impressive 6-0 win in the Singles, and to Lachlan Sleiman (11Ta) and Quentin Dai (11Du) on their 6-0 Doublesvictory. All players are to be congratulated on their composure and determination. The final fixture tomorrow at Knox promises tobe a tight tussle and the boys will need to bring their best game, physical and mental, to the court.

Jessica Spratt | 3rds and 4ths Coach

10As And 10Bs

Last Saturday marked the second fixture of the season against Waverley for the 10As and Bs. With an early start away from home,the As were not fazed at all coming out of the doubles without dropping a set. A long singles match in the heat proved tough forour A1 Tom Jin (10Yo), but he was able to overcome this and win his singles 6-4. This would set the tone for the fixture for our Aswith Alex Mallis (10Sc) able to close out the fixture and complete the sweep 6 sets to 0, dropping only 6 games overall.

With the As completing a dominant performance, the Bs were keen on proving that they too were a force to be reckoned with. Theboys started off a bit shakily in both doubles, but once they settled into the match, they were able to get the job done, winning 6-2 and 6-3 respectively. Some strong showings from Selwyn Chang (10Ar) and Aryan Rawal (10Mu) got the singles rollingwinning both sets 6-0. The Bs were keen to do one better than their As teammates and ultimately did by winning all singles sets 6-0, conceding only 5 games overall. Overall it was a very strong showing and a dominant display from both Trinity teams.

Brendan Bechara | 10As and 10Bs Coach

9As And 9Bs

The penultimate fixture this season was 9As and 9Bs most successful round the year so far. Both teams recorded wins in what wasa very one-sided affair. The 9As dominated with 6 sets to love, and 37 games to 15. Trinity boys maintained a high level of fiercecompetitive tennis in both the doubles and single sets. In only one set did the Waverley opposition push our boys. Luka Saxena(9He) was the Trinity half of one of the most competitive and interesting sets all season. The lead consistently changed from oneside to the other, and as a result a great deal of tension built throughout the entire length of the set. A triumphant (but exhausted)Luka claimed the set in the 7-5 in tie-break! It was clear that this win for Trinity had meant a great deal to Luka – his satisfactionwas palpable.

The 9Bs win was a much less satisfying one. Waverly only manage to field two of the four players required for the fixture. Thismeant Trinity were immediately handed a 3 sets lead.

This total was added to by Liam Ling (9La) and Tony Georges (9We) who both comprehensively outplayed their opponents.

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This sealed the win, but unfortunately two Trinity boys were deprived of playing for their school in a competitive set of singles anddoubles. It is hoped that this disappointment highlights the fact that good communication regarding sport involvement is neededthroughout the season. Players not turning up impacts not only their team’s chances of winning, but also diminishes other boys’opportunities to play for their school. Ryan Snowsill (9Ho) and Christopher Chin (9Hi) should be commended on the maturityand good nature when confronted with the weekend’s frustrations. Although they didn’t represent the School on the court, theirattitude when facing this disappointment was admirable.

William Henry | 9As and 9Bs Coach

8As And 8Bs

Waverley was the opponent this week as they hosted Trinity at Mutch Park early on Saturday morning.

The As started with a bang, proving early that they were the superior team. Dylan Guler (8WH) teamed up with Josh Alha(8Ho) and they wasted no time in getting to work on their opposition, walking away with a huge 6-3 win. Teammates SpyrodonKonidaris (8Sc) and Joshua Marcos (8Fo) followed suit, playing some outrageous points to nab a 6-4 victory. The boys werereally out to impress on Saturday as they turned it up even more in the singles. The results included a dominant 6-1 win for Dylan,a scintillating 6-0 for Spyrodon, a comfortable 6-3 for Joshua and a hard-fought 6-4 for Josh. This left us with an astounding 6-0victory, one of the best performances the boys have given this season.

Meanwhile, the Bs had a slower start to their fixture. Waverley proved too strong in the doubles as they came away with two wins,as Noah Glynn (8WJ) and Jonathan Gremos (8Fo) were defeated 4-6 and Lachlan Wolfe (8St) and Sebastian Ghisso(8He) went down in a tough 1-6 match. The boys really needed to dig deep in the singles to get back on track, and Sebastianstarted nicely with a 6-4 win while Noah fought off a persistent opponent to clinch a 7-5 victory. However, their teammates wereunable to secure their respective sets, as Jonathan lost 2-6 and Lachlan was defeated 1-6. Waverley was therefore able to claim a4-2 win on sets, another close loss for our Trinitarians.

Harrison Gai | 8As and 8Bs Coach

7As And 7Bs

It was a very tough round for the 7As and Bs over the weekend against a very strong Waverley team, with both Trinity teams goingdown 1 set to 5.

Due to illness, our A1 player Max Knauer (7Ho) was absent, which meant everyone had to step up a position and step up theirgame against an even stronger opponent. Unfortunately, it was not the best start to the day with both doubles pairings going down1-6. Gabrielle Simones Peixeiro (7Sc) played in the A1 position and played extremely well. He was ahead for most of the game, but failed to convert some vital points and eventually lost 4-6. Liam Wingrave (7Ar) and George Nicholas (7Wj) both had atough day out and lost to strong opponents. Big congratulations to Alex Runciman (7Yo) for stepping up into the As to win theonly match of the day for the As 7-6.

The year 7Bs found it very difficult to get some games on the board. With new doubles combinations, Aneesh Nagaratnam(7Yo) and Joseph Cantlon (7Du) went down 1-6. Adam Bahmad (7Ho) and Adrian Ong (7St) were overpowered by somereally good tennis players and lost their doubles 0-6. There was no difference in the singles with all the boys finding it difficult toget into their games against very consistent players. Player of the day for the Bs goes to Adrian who stepped up from C2 into theBs and won his singles match quite convincingly 6-2.

Danielle Calvi | 7As and 7Bs Coach

CAS Tennis Summer 2018Round 9 | Saturday 3rd March | Home Fixture

Team Opposition Result Sets Games

1st IV Waverley Won 5-3 41-27

2nd IV Waverley Won 8-0 48-9

3rd IV Waverley Won 6-0 36-13

4th IV Waverley Won 6-0 37-10

5th IV Waverley Won 6-0 36-9

6th IV Waverley Won 6-0 36-0

10A Waverley Won 6-0 36-6

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10B Waverley Won 6-0 36-5

9A Waverley Won 6-0 37-15

9B Waverley Won 6-0 36-2

8A Waverley Won 6-0 36-15

8B Waverley Lost 2-4 21-33

8C Waverley Won 4-2 24-13

7A Waverley Lost 1-5 11-36

7B Waverley Lost 1-5 11-32

7C Waverley Won 4-2 26-17

7D Waverley Won 6-0 36-10

Overall winning rate: 82% 14 wins: 3 losses

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 28 of 66

Volleyball vs Scots'Trinity Defeated Scots’ College 3-0 (25-11, 25-19, 25-6)

In the penultimate match of this summer season, the roaring Scots’ College proved no match for the unstoppable might of Trinity’sFirst VI. The first set got off to a good start, with Trinity controlling the front court through strong utilisation of trusty middle-blockerAlec Mackenzie (11WJ), putting ball after ball deep into Scots’ defence, and allowing Trinity to take the set for their own. Due tosome lapses in concentration in the second set, Scots’ managed to get ahead in points for a tense period, but they did not getahead in morale, and as such, Trinity clawed back the score in a mighty comeback to claim the set 25-19. Special mention shouldgo to the ‘quarterbacks of the team’, Piers Connolly (12Ar) and Calvin Li (12Ar), whose precise setting helped propel Trinityback into a primary position for them to reclaim the set. Finally, after Trinity’s fine comeback in the second set, Scots’ moraleseemed to collapse, and excellent serving streaks from Nicholas Tsiakos (11We) and good all-round play enabled Trinity to winthe set 25-6 and close out the game 3-0. Overall, a mighty effort from Trinity’s First VI against a good team, with only one lastgame standing between them and the undefeated premiership.

Ollie Arkell (12WJ) | 1st VI Captain

Trinity Defeated Scots’ College 2-0 (25-8, 25-3)

Trinity’s Seconds had sought to continue their streak of wins against Scots’ College. The first set saw Trinity off to a slow start,losing many points due to complacency and missed serves. This was a game that required continual focus and consistency, whichwas epitomized by the consecutive service aces that had brought the Seconds to a first set lead. Ethan Gunaratnam (12Ar) gaveScots’ an even harder time with his strong hitting through the middle and Theodore Vomvellis (11Fo) likewise won the team theset with his clever spiking down the line at outside. The second set witnessed the breaking of an unofficial Seconds’ record. A run of19 consecutive serves broke the previous record of 18 to earn the team a 23-1 lead against Scots’ and shortly after win the set.With only one more game to go for the summer season, Trinity’s Seconds seek to continue this level of consistent performance tofirstly, win the premiership undefeated but more importantly become a premiership challenger in the more difficult CAS/GPS winterseason.

William Xie (12Fo) | 2nds VI Captain

Trinity Defeated Scots’ 2-0 (25-11, 25-23)

The third game of the second half of the season started in the best way possible for the thirds. Communication was great, thepasses were great, and the sets were on point. It was a great game to watch and showed off how much the Thirds have improvedover the last few months. The combination of David Gabriel (9Hi) and Ben Powell (9Ho) was fantastic especially when theywere setting to each other to spike. Adding to this combination was Jack Braga (9Du) with a several great spikes. This created amassive lead which led to the thirds winning the first set. The second set didn’t start the same as the first with both teams winninga point each going back and forth. This really put the thirds spirits down. The Thirds came back and took control of the last fewpoints of the set.

Taylor Miller (11Yo) | 3rd VI captain

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Nicholas Tsiakos (11We) showing how to serve effectively

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Oliver Arkell (12WJ) showing how to dig the volleyball

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Piers Connolly (12Ar) displaying excellent setting technique

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Andrew Gabriel (11Hi) setting up Ethan Gunaratnam successfully

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Water Polo Results | Saturday 3 MarchWater Polo Vs Barker College, St Joseph’s College And Sydney Boys’ High School

1st VII Vs Barker

Won 16-4

A good win with all members of the team contributing to a clinical and disciplined performance. Goal scorers: Jacob Gadiel(12Mu) five, Kai Young (10We) four, Tristan Glanznig (10Ta) three, George Fournaris (12Hi) three and Sam Yip (12La)one goal.

2nd VII Vs Barker

Won 15-2

This was a good win against an understrength Barker College team. Alex Leckie (11Ho) scored four goals, Fergus McCrory(11Du), Matt Robertson (9Du) and Thomas Linfield-Kent (12Du) each scored three goals with Oliver Buchanan (11Sc)and Nathan Rohr (12Ho) scoring one each.

3rd VII Vs Sydney Boys’ High School

Won 19-4

A good game against Sydney Boys’ High School defeating them 19-4. Zac Harrison (12Hi) played a great game and showed agood level of stamina and resilience in the pool.

16A Vs Barker

Won 19-4

A good win. Flynn Meagher (10Hi) showed true leadership qualities with an overall reliable performance, as well as scoringseven goals. Lewis Dobbin (10Du) and Ben Blades (10We) also contributed, each scoring five goals. The other goal scorer wasPantelis Tsoutsas (10St) with two goals.

16B Vs Barker

Lost 5-3

Another close game for the U16Bs, who went down by two goals against Barker in a match where they dominated the first quarterand led by two at half time. Barker equalized in the third quarter and took the lead in the final minutes of the game. James Coal(10Du) and Thomas Bozionelos (10Ta) both played well, along with Cormac Gossling (10Ar).

15A Vs Newington

Won 15-2

A good win with all players contributing well. Matthew Robertson (9Du) scored three goals and achieved the best statisticalbalance of eight points. Next to him were Euan Germanos (9He) who scored two goals, two goal-scoring passes and overall,seven positive statistical points, and Alan Weston (9Ta), two, Sam Hohne (9Ke), six and William Lenard (9St) two goals.

14A Vs Barker

Won 27-3

In the absence of Thomas Rathbone (8Ke) and Lucas Young (7We), new leaders, Riley Martin (8We) with seven goals and sevengoal-scoring passes, and Jake Varone (8He) with 11 goals, lead the team to an impressive win. Luke de Lisle (8Ke) scored twogoals and assisted with five goal-scoring passes. Hunter Myliotis (8Yo) three, Lewis Potter (8Fo) three and Eric Mihas (8La)one, were our other goal scorers.



13A Vs St Joseph’sCopyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 34 of 66

Lost 6-7

A very closely-fought game resulting in a narrow loss. Trinity squandered many goal-scoring opportunities by shooting directly attheir goal keeper and then allowing St Joseph’s too many easy shots at our goal by not pressing in defence. Best for Trinity wasCooper Twine (7Mu) who defended well and scored two goals. Mitchell Chen (7Ar), Samuel Foung (7Sc), Max Wende-Dunstan (7Du) and Harrison Ryan (7Ta) also scored.

13B Vs St Joseph’s

Won 9-2

A comprehensive 9-2 win. The game started slowly with a nil all score line at quarter time. We then settled down and played goodteam Water Polo to score a number of goals and limit St Joseph’s scoring for most of the remainder of the game. Miles Brigham(7WH), Evan Tong (7Fo) and Alex Delgado (7St) each scored two goals with Lucas Blythe (7La), Johnathon Manikis (7La)and James Boulougouris (7Sc) scoring one each.

Erkin Shagaev | Director of Coaching

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Golf | Round 9, North Ryde Golf Club2017/2018 Independent Schools Golf Series

Round 9, North Ryde Golf Club, 3/3/2018

We headed back to North Ryde Golf Club for some St Patricks’ hospitality as they hosted the penultimate round of the Golf Series.The course had a tinge of green to the fairways after some recent and much needed rain! Ejun Choi (12Ho) was unfortunatelyunable to play again, sadly as we need him badly, though we remain much more concerned about his health, we trust he can getwell and join us again soon.

Jack Barter (8St) stepped up to his match with much enthusiasm and seems to be getting into the Match Play concept more eachweek. I have no doubt he will be a force to be reckoned with in coming years. He immediately went 2up in his match after twoholes. However, some inconsistency again cost him as he allowed his opponent back into the match. Though, that being said, thematch was firmly in Jack’s hands for the duration, he went down fighting to the bitter end, pleasingly, on the 16th green, 4 and 2.

Sebastian Sara (8Du) was up against a fast improving young golfer from the Riverview team who is just on the cusp of droppinga heap of shots. Many readers may remember a time when they began to play golf when suddenly their handicap went from 23 to17 in a couple of weeks. This is certainly the case for this fine and promising young golfer to whom Sebastian gave a whopping 16shots! Needless to say, his opponent was hitting it well! It was ‘dormy’ in the match with two to play. Sebastian lost the 17th with abogey after trouble off the tee and on the 18th his opponent calmly, for a 23 handicapper!!! I know, right? Flushed a sweet iron tothe middle of the 18th green and two putted for par to halve the match! To Sebastian’s credit, he didn’t give up, despite hisfrustration!

If anyone was wondering what the large glow to the north was on Saturday afternoon and were thinking some strange weatherevent was occurring in some in part of the biggest suburb in the world, Ryde! They would be incorrect, it was actually the ‘smile onthe dial’ of Sebastian Ilett (11Sc) who rattled off a stretch 7 straight successive wins to crush his opponent 5 and 4. Sebastianhas pretty much bagged the moniker of our ‘most improved golfer’ this past season and deserves hearty congratulations for hisapplication to the game and our team!

We are super privileged to be able to enjoy a round on the fabulous Monash Golf Club layout tomorrow! What fabulous way to enda sweet season of golf in the ‘Green and White’!

Good golfing,

Michael Spratt | MIC

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NSW CIS /All Schools TriathlonLast Wednesday 28 February and Thursday 1 March, eight Trinity Grammar students travelled out to Penrith for the NSW CIS andAll Schools Triathlon Championships. Four boys competed admirably in the individual event, while the School also fielded oneIntermediate and one Senior team.

Coming up against the best school age triathletes in the state, competition was tough. However, the boys in green performedremarkably well to come away with some fantastic results.

The individual results were as follows:

William Copper (9Hi) - Junior category - 1st place in CIS and 1st overall. State Champion!

Lewis Potter (8Fo) – Junior category – 42nd place in CIS and 97th overall.

Dylan Offord (10WH) – Intermediate category – 8th place in CIS and 15th overall.

Haydon Johnson (12Ke) – Senior category – 7th place in CIS and 13th overall.

The teams results were as follows:

Intermediate Team: Patrick Cantlon (9Du), Dylan Offord (10WH), Zac Brown (10Ho) – 2nd place in CIS and 3rd overall.

Senior Team: Haydon Johnson (12Ke), Luke Cunningham (12He), Lucas Baita (12Sc) – 2nd place in CIS and 5th overall.

Well done to all boys who participated and represented the School with distinction, in particular William Cooper, who was crownedState Champion - a wonderful achievement!

Mitchell Kearsley | Sportsmaster

top image: Lucas Baita (12Sc)above left: Senior Team: Haydon Johnson (12Ke), Luke Cunningham (12He), Lucas Baita (12Sc)main image: William Copper (9Hi) - State Champion

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Intermediate Team: Patrick Cantlon (9Du), Dylan Offord (10WH) and Zac Brown (10Ho)

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Rugby | From the MICThe Friends of Rugby (FOR) AGM traditionally foreshadows the commencement of the Rugby season. As usual, the AGM began withthe dissolution of the 2017 Executive Committee, preparing the path for nominations to key roles on the 2018 Committee.

It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of the 2018 FOR Committee. Mr Drue Prentice accepted the role ofSecretary, with Mr Jason Tighe being nominated and appointed to the position of Vice President. The members’ nomination of JohnCorias, the 2017 President, for the position of Committee President, was unanimously accepted by all present.

My thanks and gratitude are also extended to those parents who offered to volunteer their time to support the School inmaintaining and developing the Rugby Program. To this end, the FOR-Facebook page has been reactivated, hopefully encouragingfurther involvement from across the spectrum of the School community.

With one week to go before the Winter Trials, I would like to encourage all boys who registered to play Rugby this year to attend alltraining sessions and to take full advantage of the opportunities presented on the internal trial days.

Andrea Folli | MIC

From The Director Of Rugby

As the season approaches we will look to bring to life the new TGS rugby player pathway, which aims to provide whole of schoolcoordinated, systematic, progressive and coaching to all players in the program. The coaching and education will be in line withlong term player development models that will support the players to reach their potential and perform at many levels of rugby.Players will be developed both on and off the field to provide ‘Whole of Player’ development; and to compliment and activelysupport holistic student development, programs and activities.

Premier Rugby

A Squad of over 40 students was selected in Term 4 2017. since than the boys have committed to three mornings a week physicaldevelopment, 2 on field skill development sessions, Wednesday lunchtime learning and development workshops as well as eachcompleting an individualized Development program with allocated mentors.

NZ Rugby Tour Update

In the April school holidays, a group of 28 players and staff will depart on our New Zealand Tour. The camp will integrate with theHurricanes Super Rugby coaches and players for a week, while also attending the hurricanes v chiefs game. From here we travelacross to Christchurch to spend a day with the Crusaders Academy before finally attending the Crusaders v Sunwolves game. Thetour will be a great lead into the 2018 season. The players are also reading the book ‘Legacy’, a book based on the All Blacksculture, by James Kerr, and have been reporting some chapter reflections each week as we gather for our learning anddevelopment workshops.

Junior Rugby Development

Junior Development Program (JDP) has been launched with a key focus on mobility, technique and functional movementcompetencies available for all students age 13yr to 16yrs. These sessions are held every Friday morning meeting at the gym at6:45am.

Australian Youth Sevens

Congratulations to Tane Edmed (12Fo) and Lachlan Illias (12Sc) who have both been selected in the National Youth Sevenssquads. The squad will assemble in April and we wish both players the best of luck with final selections.

Junior Skills Academy

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The boys attending the Junior Skills Academy introduced by the Director of Rugby, Mr Jayson Brewer, have derived significant valuefrom their participation, and, as more boys have joined the important skills-building sessions, the platform of confidence has beenfirmly established for the season ahead.

Jayson Brewer | Director of Rugby – Coaching

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Cadets | The Green BugleOn the 2nd of March, the TGSACU continued training for the fast approaching AFT (Annual Field Training) which is taking place in onthe 18th of March and will end with all Cadets returning on the night of the 22nd. All members of HQ, Executive and Staff are hardat work finalising activities for AFT. The Unit was given a Safety briefing on the 7th and every cadet should now know that schoolrules and attitude apply on camp. The Unit has been performing excellently this term and the attitude towards lessons and drill hasbeen outstanding.

All cadets should take note of their rank in regard to packing and preparing for camp. Please remember that whatever you bringyou will have to carry with you when you move from locations. From the RSM a message - Please pack cleverly and do not bring toomuch unnecessary gear.

Mathew Hooper (12Mu)

photo by Nathan Bull (12Du)

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It was pleasing to see there were many submissions to and much interest in the problems in Bulletin V from both Middle School andSenior School boys interested in experiencing Mathematics. Every correct solution will go into the draw for the chance to win amajor prize at the end of each term. Congratulations to last week’s winners, Samuel Rofail (7Yo) and Justin Yang (10Ker) forhaving the first correct solutions drawn from the Middle School and Senior School boxes. Would they please see Dr Osman for theirweekly winning prize.

The answer for the Middle School Problem was Phil could give Harry $20 and could give Sam $10. The answer for the SeniorSchool Problem was . Complete worked solutions for the Middle School and Senior School problem have been posted outside theMathematics Department office.


The intention of this Co-curricular, the Mathematics Club, is to provide enjoyment and training in advanced thinking for recreation.The Mathematics Club will foster and encourage boys to gain greater understanding of Mathematics, with encouraging activities,discussion opportunities in Mathematics research and related mathematical experiences, and providing a social and intellectualforum to all boys interested in experiencing Mathematics. The Mathematics Club will provide various opportunities for students(with a range of mathematical abilities) to take part in mathematical activities and events and to interact on a more informal basiswith other teachers.

The Mathematics Club can help to cater for boys to further develop:

an increased knowledge through transmission information by building self-confidence and self-esteem in Mathematics;acquisition of concepts of the discipline;student conceptions, (introducing various learning resources and hence broadening student knowledge and understanding)i.e. an atmosphere of intellectual excitement, a vibrant and embracing social context, an adaptive curriculum to producedeep learning;a co-curricular learning environment to which boys relate in a positive way;mathematical materials giving boys opportunities to achieve a level of mastery;curiosity and to stimulate independent learning and the development of critical thought in Mathematics and participation inthe Australian Mathematics Challenge program and in other external Mathematics contests held throughout the year.

Mathematics Club co-curricular offerings in Term I (2018) are included below:

Years 7-9 Additional Co-curricular:Wednesday 3.40pm-5.00pm commitment in N1.18.Please contact Mr. Habkouk (Dean of Mathematics) for further information.

Years 10-12 Full Co-curricular:Wednesday 3.40pm-5.00pm commitment in N1.21.Please contact Dr Osman (MIC Mathematics Club) for further information regarding this requirement.


On Wednesday, Trinity Grammar School Mathematics Club hosted yet another Mathematics Discovery Evening special event forstudents interested in expanding their minds about careers in Mathematics and its Applications to the real world.

Mathematics is a universal part of human culture. It helps us to recognise patterns and understand the world around us.Mathematics plays a vital and often unseen role in many aspects of modern life. Business and industry need workers who can solvereal-world problems, explain their thinking to others, identify and analyse trends in data, and use modern technology. TheUniversity of Technology Sydney prides itself on producing Mathematicians who are capable of achieving this goal for business andindustry.

The event was a wonderful opportunity for the boys to experience what it is like to be a university student and gain an insight intothe field that they may one day not only pursue as a career and illustrating the importance of Mathematics, but also in theireveryday life. The event was staged as a workshop Q&A format and we had the privilege of having an extremely knowledgeableand experienced university member to answer our questions. Our panel of experts included our hosts of Dr Stephen Woodcock(Academic from the Faculty of Science); Kimberly Cullen (Outreach and Promotions Officer) and experienced postgraduate studentsfrom UTS to assist of with the evening workshops.

The first half of the night proved both engaging and enlightening with many interesting questions and discussions on theimportance of Maths, its place in the world and the growing need for mathematicians to analyse numbers and solve world issues.Today, there’s more data than ever being gathered on all aspects of everyday life. The challenge for applied mathematicians andstatisticians is to make sense of this information and to use it for our benefit. Although given the power and speed of moderncomputers, why does this work need humans at all? In many cases, the trends in a dataset might be “obvious” and easily detectedand interpreted by an automated package. For example, looking at the connection between a nation’s income and its inhabitants’life expectancy, we can see that people in richer nations tend to live longer.

The evening also consisted of the following workshop session on Mobius Maths: There is more to maths than you might realise – thegraphics in animations and video games have improved thanks to Maths; Maths can make or break a building design, and can evenbe used to tell a love story! In this workshop, students and parents covered the following examples below in an engaging look atsome of the unexpected applications of Maths:

Logic and algebra in computer scienceCopyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 42 of 66

Statistics and modelling in business/finance/economicsAlgorithms for solving Rubik cubesCryptography and encryptionPolygon smoothing in animationSkyscraper death raysLove StoriesSuperheroes.

The workshop on Creativity Counts investigated on how Mathematics can apply to rules and formulae’s and how creativity inmathematics are very much linked. The students were provided hands-on activities, to see and make use of creativity in problemsolving with great effect.

At the end of the session, the students and parents were able to engage with the University presenters; asking many questions andshowing great enthusiasm and passion for Mathematics. The Club is looking forward in having future collaborative opportunitieswith the UNSW in providing the opportunities for students with a range of mathematical abilities to access new ideas in promotingbest practices in Mathematics for our boys. Finally, The Mathematics Club would like to thank all of our presenters for theiroutstanding and stimulating presentations!


The Mathematics Club at the School is pleased to continue this term with Mathematics Club Matters for all boys interested inexperiencing Mathematics. This has been a popular competition for all boys in the School.

The boys will have an opportunity to enter either a Middle School Maths Problem or Senior School Maths Problem each week. Theboys will attempt on their own paper one problem each week within their year group of either Middle School or Senior School andwill have until Monday lunch-time (1.15pm) to enter their submission at the Mathematics Department office. All boys will need toplace their name and House group with their submission.

There is a permanent box placed outside in the Mathematics Department for each problem. The first correct solution drawn fromeach box on Monday at 1.30pm will be the winner, with the names published weekly in the Mathematics Club Matters section of theHead Master’s Bulletin.

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Every correct solution will go into the draw to win a major prize at the end of each term. Solutions for each problem will appear inthe Head Master’s Bulletin. So get your entries in this week for a chance to win.


1. Years 7-9: Middle School Problem due on Monday 12 March 2018

In a stationery store, pencils have one price and pens have another price. Two pencils and three pens cost 78c. Bout three pencilsand two pens cost 72c. How much does one pencil cost?

Please show working to justify your answer!

2. Years 10-12: Senior School Problem due on Monday 12 March 2018

A work crew of 3 people requires 3 weeks and 2 days to do a certain job. How long would it take a work crew of 4 people to do thesame job if each person of both crews work at the same rate as each of the others? [Note: each week contains six work days.]

Please place your name and House group with your submission by Monday lunch-time (1.10PM) at the Mathematics DepartmentOffice.

Dr Frederick Osman | MIC Mathematics Club

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 44 of 66

Reflections from the Mathematics Discovery EveningOn Wednesday last, Trinity Grammar School Mathematics Club hosted yet another Mathematics Discovery Evening special eventfor students interested in expanding their minds about careers in Mathematics and its Applications to the real world.

Mathematics is a universal part of human culture. It helps us to recognise patterns and understand the world around us.Mathematics plays a vital and often unseen role in many aspects of modern life. Business and industry need workers who can solvereal-world problems, explain their thinking to others, identify and analyse trends in data, and use modern technology. TheUniversity of Technology Sydney prides itself on producing Mathematicians who are capable of achieving this goal for business andindustry.

The event was a wonderful opportunity for the boys to experience what it is like to be a university student and gain an insight intothe field that they may one day not only pursue as a career and illustrating the importance of Mathematics, but also in theireveryday life. The event was staged as a workshop Q&A format and we had the privilege of having an extremely knowledgeableand experienced university member to answer our questions. Our invited guests included our hosts of Dr Stephen Woodcock(Academic from the Faculty of Science); Kimberly Cullen (Marketing Officer Outreach) and experienced postgraduate students fromUTS to assist of with the evening workshops.

The first half of the night proved both engaging and enlightening with many interesting questions and discussions on theimportance of Maths, its place in the world and the growing need for mathematicians to analyse numbers and solve world issues.Today, there’s more data than ever being gathered on all aspects of everyday life. The challenge for applied mathematicians andstatisticians is to make sense of this information and to use it for our benefit. Although given the power and speed of moderncomputers, why does this work need humans at all? In many cases, the trends in a dataset might be “obvious” and easily detectedand interpreted by an automated package. For example, looking at the connection between a nation’s income and its inhabitants’life expectancy, we can see that people in richer nations tend to live longer.

The evening also consisted of the following workshop session on Mobius Maths: There is more to maths than you might realise – thegraphics in animations and video games have improved thanks to Maths; Maths can make or break a building design, and can evenbe used to tell a love story! In this workshop, students and parents covered the following examples below in an engaging look atsome of the unexpected applications of Maths:

Logic and algebra in computer scienceStatistics and modelling in business/finance/economicsAlgorithms for solving Rubik cubesCryptography and encryptionPolygon smoothing in animationSkyscraper death raysLove StoriesSuperheroes.

The workshop on Creativity Counts investigated on how Mathematics can apply to rules and formulae’s and how creativity inmathematics are very much linked. The students were provided hands-on activities, to see and make use of creativity in problemsolving with great effect.

Our thanks to Flynn Innes (12Mu), Nicholas Testa (12Mu), Anthony Tsougranis (12Ke), Ben Liu (12Sc) and AlexanderScott (12St) who all helped to host and organise the event for the Mathematics Club.

At the end of the session, the students and parents were able to engage with the University presenters; asking many questions andshowing great enthusiasm and passion for Mathematics. The Club is looking forward in having future collaborative opportunitieswith the UTS in providing the opportunities for students with a range of mathematical abilities to access new ideas in promotingbest practices in Mathematics for our boys. Finally, The Mathematics Club would like to thank all of our presenters for theiroutstanding and stimulating presentations!

Event Supported by:

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 45 of 66

images 1 to 6: various scenes from the Discovery Evening!

Dr Frederick Osman | MIC Mathematics Club

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Dr Rosenberg’s Wunderkammer | Free performances at DelmarGallery this weekend

Dr Rosenberg’s Wunderkammer

Opening Saturday 10 March, 3pm with guest speaker Tony Bond OAM, formerly Curatorial Director at the Art Galleryof NSW

Opening weekend free performances by Ross Manning (Revolving Violin) and Jon Rose (Monochord and Violins)

Our next exhibition is an experience not to be missed. Previously exhibited in Violin (Slovakia) and Berlin before being repatriatedto Australia and exhibited at Carriageworks in 2016, The Rosenberg Museum is a violin museum like no other.

Brand new instruments such as the Diaphonium and the One-String Horn Fiddle are slated to join this unique collection of over1,000 artefacts featuring everything on, with, or about violins. The brainchild of violinist, composer, improviser, and inventor JonRose, these are not just your regular violins. This museum features violins of fantasy and the fantastic.

There are violins with extra necks, violins with way too many strings, robot violins, wheeling violins, violins joined together likeSiamese twins, and violins to be played on and by a bicycle.

Tracing the upheavals, aspirations and oddities of the 20th century, this is a cabinet of curiosities that will fascinate, disturb anddelight!

Exhibition continues to 29 April

Free performances, demonstrations and talks on Sundays at 2pm (excluding Easter weekend)

Delmar Gallery, Summer Hill Campus, Victoria St gate.

Gallery hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 12-5pm

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House Chapel ServiceHilliard, Holwood And Murphy Houses

Sunday 11 March 2018 | 6.30pm

in the James Wilson Hogg Assembly Hall

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World’s Greatest ShaveHair style is probably the most important aspect of uniform in an elite private boys' school such as Trinity.

However, for many Australians facing cancer, treatment often brings about hair loss, one of the most emotionally difficult aspectsof the cancer process, especially for young people.

That’s why this year’s Prefects have chosen to follow tradition and take part in the World’s Greatest Shave, to raise funds for theLeukemia foundation, which supports Australian families battling blood cancer.

The shave is scheduled to take place on the Friday of Week 7, with several students and teachers taking part.

Our current goal as a Prefect group is to raise $10,000 for the Leukemia foundation, almost double the amount that any otherPrefect group has ever raised, an extremely ambitious target.

For added motivation, the Head Master has also agreed that he will shave off his beard if we as a School cansurpass our goal and reach $12,000. As a School community this should be achievable, considering that in last year’s greatestshave, the Head Master’s old school of Inaburra raised close to $120 thousand dollars for the Leukemia foundation.

How can Trinity students contribute to the fundraising?

During the Head Master’s Assemblies next week, Prefects will be collecting any donations that students are willing to give.Furthermore, starting from Monday next week, Prefects will also be collecting coin donations at the Cafeteria and Canteen duringrecess and lunch.

How can the wider Trinity community contribute to the fundraising?

Due to the wonders of technology, donating online has become easier than ever. Trinity families wanting to support the Leukemiafoundation and the many students and teachers taking part, can do so by clicking the link below and pressing the Sponsor Button


All donations over $2 are tax deductible and any donation, great or small, will be greatly appreciated.

As every small sacrifice you make will be a big help to many Australian families battling against blood cancer.

Lelland Hui (12Fo)

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 50 of 66

The Pirates of PenzanceTrinity Grammar School presents a night of light entertainment with

The Pirates Of Penzance

2 shows only | Friday March 16, 7pm and Saturday March 17, 7pm

in the James Wilson Hogg Assembly Hall, Trinity Grammar School – Summer Hill

Tickets available online

call 02 9581 6000 or visit www.trinity.nsw.edu.au for more details

In association with Bethlehem College, Meriden and PLC

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 51 of 66


Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th, Thursday 26th and Friday 27th April

Boys from Kindergarten to Year 9 have a magnificent opportunity to attend the Trinity Grammar School Football Clinic in the AprilHolidays. Benefits of participating at this camp include:

24 hours of football tuition over four days. Participants train as per the Football Federation Australia National Curriculum.5-8 year old participants focus on natural development (in Striking the Ball, Running with the Ball and 1v1) through funfootball exercises and games. 9-13 year old participants focus exclusively on improving their technical skills in the areas of first touch, striking the ball,running with the ball and 1v1. 14-15 year old participants focus on improving the above technical skills and learning how to apply these core skills in afunctional way.Middle School participants have opportunity to partake in video analysis using Hudl Software. The video analysis viewingfacility includes the newly refurbished 110 seat Latham Theatre.Training facilities include a synthetic all weather football field and three indoor basketball courts. Participants play in mini tournaments that replicate the ‘A-League/Champions League/World Cup’. Participants are tiered according to their playing level.All participants receive BBQ on Monday and Thursday.Drinks and fruit provided each day.

Coaching Staff are fully qualified coaches who were former distinguished Football players. Leading coaches will be DavidBarrett and Luke Gray, both current school teachers at Westfield’s Sports High and Trinity Grammar School respectively. Davidplayed well over 300 National Soccer League games and Luke is MIC and Director of Football Coaching at Trinity and is the current1st XI coach. The Details

Where Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill

When Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th, Thursday 26th and Friday 27th April

Time 9am to 3pm (check in at 8:45am Monday only)

Bring Football boots, indoor shoes, sunscreen, hat, and water bottle. Bring your own Football.

Cost $280. BOOKING and PAYMENT made by clicking here.

IF BAD WEATHER No Cancellations

CANCELLATION FEE 20% cancellation fee occurs after Wednesday 14th April, 2018

Enquiries To: Mr Luke Gray email [email protected]

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Gary Catalano 2018Gary Catalano Creative Writing Competition

Submissions close next Friday, 16 March 2018!

The divisions are:

Senior Division (Yrs 10-12)

> Prose (max 1200 words)

> Poetry

Junior Division (Yrs 7-9)

> Prose (max 800 words)

> Poetry

Winning entries will be published in the Trinity Pressings and there are prizes to be won.

For more details and an entry form check your Canvas course page or email: [email protected]

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Trinity Prayer Group | Summer Hill CampusParents and friends are most welcome to come and pray for our boys and the School on Tuesdays | 8.30am - 9.30am

The Prayer Mornings are run on a rotational basis, on alternate weeks, at the Preparatory School campus and the Summer HillSchool campus.

Junior, Middle and Senior Schools Summer Hill – held in the Bosch Room located in the Administration building, in the even weeksof term (Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8...)

Term 1: March 20, April 3

Come and join us so we can encourage each other, help form a sense of community within the School, and genuinely bring theneeds of the School community before our great God.


Greg Webster | Senior Chaplain, Summer Hillemail [email protected]

Margaret Chu (Summer Hill) mobile 0433 124 523

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Careers | Term 1 | Week 6Years 10 – 12 Upcoming Trinity Lunch Career Education Sessions:

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Time: 1:10PM Venue: Latham Theatre

Professional Cadetships Australia Opportunities which will include Business and Engineering and Technology Cadetship

Business Cadetships open Monday 5 March 2018

Applications close on Wednesday 16 May 2018

Engineering Cadetships open Monday 30 April 2018

Applications close on Friday 22 June 2018

Thursday 5 April 2018

Time: 1:10PM Venue: Latham Theatre

Working in Medicine, MedEntry UMAT Preparation

Friday 6 April 2018

Time: 1:10PM Venue: Latham Theatre

Defence Force Careers – Experience the Extraordinary Defence Force Recruiting Process

All Career Education details, timelines and events for students will be advertised on the Library Career NoticeBoards and in this online Careers Section or alternatively come and see me in the Centenary Centre.

Get yourself familiar with following CAREERS website:

JobJump Website:

To access this information go to the website www.jobjump.com. au and then type the first couple of letters of Trinity in the firstwhite box on the right hand side and when the name of your school appears in blue on the screen, simply click on it and it willenter into the first box. Then enter your email address (preferably your home email address for students, as your school email islost at the end of Year 12) and click Login. Enter the Password: trinity and then answer a couple of brief questions to register.

5 point summary to know about JobJump:

1. Register successfully on JobJump. To access this information, go to the website www.jobjump.com.au and then type the firstcouple of letters of Trinity in the first white box on the right hand side and when the name of your school appears in blue onthe screen, simply click on it and it will enter into the first box. Then enter your email address (preferably your home emailaddress for students, as your school email is lost at the end of Year 12) and click Login. Enter the Password: trinity and thenanswer a couple of brief questions to register.

2. Have a support person such as a parent also register.3. Demonstrate ability to use My ATAR on the JobJump site.4. Have investigated the Scholarships and Interstate/Overseas menu items.5. Investigate possible career options as demonstrated at the meeting by applying the career search found on the Career

Explorer - Find My Career menu item (see the 3 coloured bubbles then Click Here on this page).


University of Melbourne Interstate Student and Family Information Day – In Melbourne

Monday 16 April

Rather than focussing on course information readily available on our website, this event looks specifically at the Melbourneexperience for interstate students.

The program includes information about the application process, scholarship opportunities, student services, accommodationoptions and financial assistance. You’ll also have the chance to ask current interstate students about their experiences and hear

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 55 of 66

how they managed the transition to Melbourne. Experience what it’s like to live in one of our Residential Colleges with lunch in acollege dining hall as well as a college tour.

Find out more -https://futurestudents.unimelb.edu.au/explore/events/victoria_and_interstate/victoria/interstate_student_and_family_information_day

US College Sport Scholarship Seminars

Do you love your sport and want a world-class education at the same time? Don't miss out on the chance to hear from formerstudent-athletes about how to get a US College Sport Scholarship.

Find out how to navigate the recruiting process, the benefits of being a student-athlete and the how to make your application standout from the crowd. Open to students in years 9-12. Use the code 'MHS' to get free tickets to any of our events around Australia.

March 10 - Canberra US Sport Scholarship Seminar

March 12 - Inner West US Sport Scholarship Seminar

March 14 - North Sydney US Sport Scholarship Seminar

Defence Info Sessions

Parramatta Australian Defence Force Academy (Adfa) Information Session

Date: 12 March | Time: 6:30 Pm, Parramatta Defence Force Recruiting Centre

View Event Details

Canberra Defence Careers Information Session

Date: 13 March | Time: 6:00 Pm, Canberra Defence Force Recruiting Centre

View Event Details

Parramatta Engineering Careers Information Session

Date: 13 March | Time: 6:30 Pm, Parramatta Defence Force Recruiting Centre

View Event Details

Parramatta Pilot & Aviation Careers Information Session

Date: 14 March | Time: 6:30 Pm, Parramatta Defence Force Recruiting Centre

View Event Details

Wollongong Defence Careers Information Session

Date: 15 March | Time: 6:00 Pm, Wollongong Defence Force Recruiting Centre

View Event Details

Notre Dame Medicine Info Session

Sunday 25 March, 10am

Tuesday 8 May, 6pm

160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Those considering studying Medicine commencing in 2019 are invited to attend an information session at our purpose-builtDarlinghurst campus.

The session is designed to help you find out more about the admissions process, an overview of course content, meet currentstudents and tour our facilities.

Register here or contact us on 02 8204 4404 or [email protected] for further information.

Find out more - http://www.nd.edu.au/events/2018/medicine-info-session-sydney-march18 orhttp://www.nd.edu.au/events/2018/medicine-info-session-may-18

HSC and Careers Expo – Moore Park

Thursday 31 May, 9am-3pm

Friday 1 June, 9am-3pmSaturday 2 June, 10am-3pm

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 56 of 66

Sunday 3 June, 10am-3pm

Information & resources relating to the HSC, including career and study advice, employment opportunities and apprenticeships andtraineeship advice

Find out more - http://www.hscandcareers.com.au/

SAE Info Nights & Open Days

Find your true calling at Australia’s leading creative media institute.

Info Nights -

Info Night | Sydney Campus | April 19 2018

Info Night | Byron Bay Campus | April 26 2018

Open Days -

Sydney Campus Open Day | August 5 2018

Byron Bay Campus Open Day | August 5 2018

Find all these events, and learn more about SAE here - https://sae.edu.au/news-and-events/events/

Discover Engineering Day – Engineers Australia

Discover Engineering Day will include activities aimed at giving high school students a taste of skills required for the engineeringprofession as well as guest speakers from university students and engineers.

Chatswood High School - Thu 12 Apr 2018 - 9:00 am to 2:30 pm

Registration closes 9 April

Find out more - https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/portal/event/discover-engineering-day-chatswood-high-school

ANSTO - Tue 15 May 2018 - 9:00 am to 2:30 pm

Registration closes 11 May

Find out more - https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/portal/event/discover-engineering-day-ansto

Parramatta Marist - Fri 15 Jun 2018 - 9:00 am to 2:30 pm

Registration closes 8 Jun

Find out more - https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/portal/event/discover-engineering-day-parramatta-marist

University of Newcastle Events – Save the Date

Schools Visit Day - 5 July 2018

Open Day Central Coast – 4 August 2018

Open Day Port Macquarie – 16 August 2018

Open Day Newcastle – 25 August 2018

Details to follow - https://www.newcastle.edu.au/study/dates

UTS Events

Discovery Days @ UTS

Learn about midwifery and nursing and take part in hands-on workshops.

Midwifery – 24 April

Nursing – 14 June and 18 July

UTS Law Undergrad Info Evening

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Discover why studying at UTS will give you an edge! This event is open to Year 11 and 12 students, and their parents. Careersadvisers and teachers are also welcome to attend. Registrations will open here in February.

Find out more - https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/undergraduate/essential-information/events-and-info-sessions

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 57 of 66

ANU Admissions, Scholarships & Accommodation Roadshow

Canberra – 14 March, 5.30pm

ANU is making it easier for students to choose Australia's national university by creating a single application that covers admission,accommodation and scholarships. This way, applicants tell us more about who they are and what they need when they come toANU. It makes it possible for us to offer admission, guaranteed accommodation, and scholarships all at once and six months earlier.

ANU Midyear Advisory Session

You will have access to representatives from our academic Colleges who will answer your questions, no matter how general ordetailed, so we encourage you to come along to learn more about why ANU is the right choice for you.

Sydney – Tuesday 24 July 4pm-7pm

Find out more - http://www.anu.edu.au/study/events

AIT Info Night

This fun and interactive seminar is a great way to get further information on our curriculum, course requirements, study pathways.Our friendly staff & students will also be there to talk to and get advice from.


Wednesday, 14th March, 5:30-7:30pm

Register to attend - http://www.ait.edu.au/information-night

Academy of Film, Theatre & Television Open Day

You’ll be able to soak up the culture, learn about the best way to finance your studies, meet our tutors and speak to currentstudents about their experiences. Find out why AFTT is now Australia’s most contemporary fully immersive arts academy.

Saturday 12th May 2018, 9.30am to 2.30pm

41 Holt Street, Surry Hills

Register now - http://www.aftt.edu.au/events/open-days/register-for-our-next-open-day

Projects Abroad Webinar – High School Projects

Projects Abroad invites you to join us on for an Online Information Session on Monday March 19th to learn about our diversevolunteer and work experience projects around the developing world.

Monday 19 March 6pm

Register for the webinar - https://www.projects-abroad.com.au/more-info/information-events/webinars/high-school-projects/

University of Sydney Parents & Community Info Evenings

These evenings provides parents and caregivers of Year 10, 11 and 12 students with the tools to support their children in makinginformed choices and decisions as they progress through school and transition to university.

Hear from and speak to University staff, faculty representatives and current university students about subject selection, pathways,degrees, and careers. These evenings are held at local community centres and libraries, and students and school staff are alsoencouraged to attend.

Cabramatta – 8 May, 6pm @ Whitlam Library

Blacktown – 15 May, 6pm @ Max Webber Library

Campbelltown – 5 June, 6pm @ HJ Daley Library

Liverpool – 19 June, 6pm @ Liverpool City Library

Find out more - http://sydney.edu.au/wpo/events/index.php

Sydney Design School Info Session

If you’re passionate about becoming an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator then we invite you to join us for a free informationsession to learn more. While you’re here, have a look around and view our graduate’s exciting work.

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 58 of 66

Wednesday 21 March 2018, 6pm

Thursday 26 April 2018, 1pm

Register here - https://sydneydesignschool.com.au/information-sessions/

University of Newcastle Science & Engineering Challenge

The Science and Engineering Challenge is a nationwide STEM outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle inpartnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors. Through the Challenge, students experience aspects ofScience and Engineering which they would not usually see in their school environment. The Challenge runs a range of programs butfocuses on inspiring students in year 10 to consider a future career in science and engineering by choosing to study the enablingsciences and mathematics in years 11 and 12.

For locations nearest to you:


Main site at:


Summer in Oxford Program

The CBL International Summer In Oxford offers high school students between the ages of 14 to 19 an exclusive opportunity tocatch a glimpse of studying at prestigious universities in the United Kingdom. Participants spend part of their summer in anacademically renowned city, studying a subject of their choice, and attending workshops focusing on the university preparation andapplication process.

1 July – 14 July

15 July – 28 July

29 July – 11 August

12 August – 25 August

Scholarships for: http://summerinoxford.com/scholarships/

To apply: http://summerinoxford.com/

QILT released the 2017 Employer Satisfaction Survey

Reports the views of 4,000+ employers about the attributes of recent graduates from Australian higher education institutions.Employer views of the technical skills, generic skills and work readiness of recent graduates provide assurance about the quality ofAustralia’s higher education sector.


US Study Presentations for students and Parents 2018 Series

Cranbrook School Mansfield Room 5 Victoria Road Bellevue Hill

11 March. 2:30-3:30 pm. US Colleges & Student Athlete

11 March. 3:45-4:45pm. US College Application Process

11 March. 5.00- 5:45pm. Applying to Elite Colleges

13 March. 6.00-7.00pm. US College Application Process

13 March. 7:15-7:45pm. Applying to Elite Colleges

14 March. 6.00-7:30 pm. US Colleges & Student Athletes

RSVP to [email protected] (0414765889)

Study in the US - 2018 Standardised Test Dates

Internationally Educated - students looking to study in the US are encouraged to sit the SAT or ACT standardised test for admissionpurposes. Both are offered on specified testing dates throughout the year. Students should plan ahead and to assist with this wehave written an article describing the process, including the 2018 standardised test dates


Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 59 of 66

UMAT 2018

Registrations close 1st June 2018.

The test takes place nationally on the 25th July 2018.

UMAT is a test that is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health sciencedegree programs at undergraduate level at the universities listed on the website. https://umat.acer.edu.au/

University of Notre Dame Early Offer Program for 2019

Applications open in March and close in July.

Register to be the first to find out about applications and secure your spot before you sit exams.

Find out more – http://notredame.edu.au/sydney/early-offer.php

ANU Tuckwell Scholarship

Every year, ANU offers twenty-five students from across the country a Tuckwell Scholarship - Australia’s most transformationalundergraduate scholarship. The Tuckwell Scholarship Program allows students to take full advantage of their time at university,including the many academic, social, cultural, sporting and leadership opportunities that come with life on campus at ANU.

The application process for the 2019 intake opens for Year 12 students in March 2018, so we would encourage all Year 11students to look into this opportunity now by heading to the Tuckwell Scholarship webpage and beginning to prepare.Students can stay up to date with the latest Tuckwell news by:

Signing up to the mailing listLiking the Tuckwell Scholarship Facebook page

If you would like more information about the Scholarship, explore the following pages:

General information about the Tuckwell Scholarship (webpage for students, parents and teachers)The Tuckwell Scholarship: A Guide for Australian Schools (PDF file)

For further details, please contact Dr Osman with any queries on (02) 9581 6040 or email at [email protected]


Secrets of the HSC Seminar

Saturday 24 March 3.30pm - Chatswood

Learn what schools don't tell you in this ONE HOUR seminar presentation that demystifies scaling and the HSC. Learn what it takesto achieve your desired ATAR score as early as possible.

Find out more - https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/secrets-of-the-hsc-seminar-chatswood-saturday-24th-march-2018-tickets-43635931245?aff=erelexpmlt

MedView - Your Path to Medical School Info Session

Saturday 24 March 11am, Sydney

We'll provide you with the insights, tips and hints into everything there is to know about applying for and attending Medical Schoolin Australia.

Register - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/your-path-to-medical-school-sydney-march-2018-tickets-43146399041?aff=erelexpmlt

NIE UMAT Info Sessions

Friday 9 March – Hornsby Library 6pm

Friday 13 March – Max Webber Blacktown Library 6pm

Find out more - http://www.nie.edu.au/free-umat-talk

NIE Simulated UMAT Day Workshop

Our workshops are designed to cover every section, the various types of UMAT-style questions to be encountered and how totackle them, and then to check where you are at with respect to UMAT-specific study, throwing a full-blown UMAT NIE practice testat you.

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 60 of 66

Dates for 2018 -

Sydney, 15-Apr-18, Sunday, UNSW - Kensington Campus, Enrol Now

Sydney, 20-May-18, Sunday, UNSW - Kensington Campus, Enrol Now

Sydney, 8-Jul-18, Sunday, UNSW - Kensington Campus, Enrol Now

Sydney, 22-Jul-18, Sunday, UNSW - Kensington Campus, Enrol Now

Find out more - https://www.nie.edu.au/umat-courses/simulated-umat-day-workshop/

Simulated NIE UMAT Workshop – Tuesday 17 April 2018 (Trinity Grammar School)

The School has organised a simulated NIE Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) workshop for Yrs.10-12 students interested in preparing for the UMAT examination. The structure and program for the day will include:

Introduction to UMAT and the undergraduate medicine pathway.UMAT construct 1 - tutorial covering important techniques and strategies to perform better and faster.UMAT construct 2 - tutorial covering important techniques and strategies for success.UMAT construct 3 - tutorial covering important techniques and strategies to enable students to analyse section 3 questionsmore systematically, thereby answering them in a shorter amount of time with greater level of accuracy. UMAT Test trial paper - The paper is written to the real UMAT difficulty level and the will be sat by students under real UMATconditions. Hence, 10 minute reading time and 3-hour test time to complete 134 questions. After the test we will quickly mark the paper by sections and we have a marking strategy in place so that students can seewhere they are ranking amongst other attendees. I will also provide them with information about expected marks so thateach student is able to rank themselves. Full answers and explanations will be emailed to students within 24 hours of theworkshop. Introduction to the interview process. This is only a quick session to make students aware of what is waiting for them after the UMAT and year 12. This is not aninterview training session, but I will cover some of the most important points, which all applicants need to consider.

The workshop will be held in the Centenary Centre Room C0.2 on Tuesday 17 April 2018 from 8:30AM – 4:00PM.

Cost: The cost of the workshop and materials will be $150. Please see Dr Osman for further details regarding the workshop.

7 paths to computer science careers

This article from Careers with STEM tells the stories of a number of different computer scientists and shows how they got to wherethey are.

Check it out – https://careerswithstem.com/7-paths-computer-science-career/

Health professionals talk about why they love their jobs

My Health Career has a few great interviews with health professionals about the reasons they love their jobs.

Check them out – there are psychologists, pharmacists, exercise physiologists, doctors, dentists and nurses.

Why You Should Reconsider The Traditional Uni Path

Nowadays, there are plenty of other study options around that are much better suited to many of us. They’re great for those of uswhose learning styles don’t particularly agree with the conventional approach of university.

Read the article - https://www.jmcacademy.edu.au/news/why-you-should-reconsider-the-traditional-uni-path

Taronga Meet A Keeper Days

The first two dates for 2018 are already booked out, so get in quick if you want to make it to the last two sessions –

Friday 26th October

Thursday 8th November

Find out more - https://taronga.org.au/education/sydney/school-programs/excursions/events-for-schools/meet-a-keeper

Youth at the Zoo Applications Open Soon

Boral Youth At the Zoo (YATZ) is a fun, educational program for 13-19 year olds where members can participate in activities bothinside and outside of the Zoo throughout all school holidays and occasionally during the school term.

The next intake of volunteers for the YATZ program in Sydney will be in MAY 2018.

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 61 of 66

If you would like to add your name to the Waitlist for Sydney, please submit the Sydney Waitlist application.

ONLY applicants whose details are entered into this link will be notified when the application process begins. Enter your details byMonday 30th April 2018.

Find out more - https://taronga.org.au/education/sydney/school-programs/student-career-development/yatz

AIT After School 2D Animation Workshops

This after-school workshop gives students the opportunity to experience all of the steps involved in creating a polished full-colour2D animation. In the final workshop, outlining and colouring will be the main focus and the final exported animation will be sent toeach participant.

These workshops will run every Tuesday for five weeks beginning on May 1st 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now - http://www.ait.edu.au/events/after-school-holiday-workshops-2d-animation

AIT After-School Special Effects in Film Workshops

This workshop provides students with an introduction to desktop Special Effects compositing and motion graphics using AdobeAfter Effects.

These workshops will run every Thursday for five weeks beginning on May 3rd 2018 in Ultimo.

Find out more and book now - http://www.ait.edu.au/events/after-school-holiday-workshops-special-effects-in-film

JMC Academy VR Workshop

You can learn all about the future of VR as a technology and creative industry, how VR brings together multiple creative disciplines,and how to prepare film and animations for VR - an overview, tips, industry standards and pitfalls to look out for with VR creation.

Tuesday 27 March, 4.30pm

561 Harris St, Ultimo

Get tickets - https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/virtual-reality-workshop-sydney-tickets-42653131665

AFTRS Upcoming Courses

Our courses are the perfect way to learn new skills, have fun and make new friends and are taught by industry professionals atAFTRS' state-of-the-art film, TV and radio studios in Sydney.

Apr 16 Music for Film & TV: 13-17


Apr 23 Video Editing with Premiere Pro: 13-17

Apr 26 HSC Video Intensive: 15-17

Apr 26 Blood & Guts Movie Makeup: 9 - 14

Jul 02 The Real Filmmaking Workshop: 13-17

Jul 09 AFTRS Trop Jr Filmmaking: 10-15

Find out more - http://www.aftrs.edu.au/short-courses/kids-and-teens

UOW Year 12 Legal Studies HSC Study Day

Thursday 8 June, 8.30am @ Building 67, McKinnon Building foyer | View map

Register opens soon, and closes 25 May 2018

Do you want to enhance your preparation for HSC Legal Studies?

Attend this free series of tailored sessions specifically designed for HSC Legal Studies students and delivered by law academics.

Find out more – https://lha.uow.edu.au/studydays/UOW213761.html


Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 62 of 66

Aim for the Stars Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded annually in many areas including sport, science, art, music and entertainment, environment andsustainability plus business, leadership and community.

The scholarships are for young women (over 12 years old) who have initiative and passion and are committed to achieving a dreamin their field of choice.

Applications close 31 March. Apply online. Winners announced on 1 July 2018.

Apply now - https://www.laynebeachleyfoundation.org.au/apply-now

UAC Favourite Uni Courses for 2018

THE majority of Year 12 students have received their offers to uni and the stats are in—Health, Law and Business were the mostfavoured fields of study. Data released today by the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) indicates a strong preference amongapplicants for health degrees, with the Bachelor of Medicine at UNSW topping the list at 1,322 unique first preferences. Two othermedicine degrees and a nursing degree also made the top 10 list.

Find the list here - http://www.uac.edu.au/documents/media-releases/undergraduate/2017-18/Favourite-courses-31-Jan-2018.pdf

A career in sports psychology

Read this profile to find out what sports psychology is and how you could pursue a career in it.

Check it out – https://careerswithstem.com/profiles/sport-psychology/

A-STAR Subject Finder App

Working out what subjects you should do is hard, and it’s a problem that deserves serious consideration.

Our new Subject Finder app can help you do just that. Take the quiz now to help figure out what Area of Study is best suited toyou, and what subjects you need to choose now to make sure you get a spot in the right course after school.

Here it is - https://astar.tv/subjectfinder/

Job Jumpstart

A government initiative that’s been around for a little while - Find new ways to explore careers and prepare for work by readingarticles and using the tools provided. All the information on Job Jumpstart fits into three themes: Looking for a job; Building acareer; and At work.

Visit the website - https://www.jobjumpstart.gov.au/

How to choose a degree when you’re unsure

This article from Careers with STEM has some great tips for choosing a university degree if you don’t quite know what you want yet.

Read it here – https://careerswithstem.com/undergraduate-degree-advice/

What is being a forensic scientist like?

It sounds like the coolest job in the world – find out what it actually involves from a forensic scientist over at Careers with STEM.

Read the article – https://careerswithstem.com/mythbusting-jobs-forensic-scientist/

Rediscovering your love of learning

This article argues that you shouldn’t obsess about marks and instead should focus on the process. Read more to think aboutwhether this will work for you – http://learningfundamentals.com.au/blog/stop-obsessing-about-getting-good-grades/

Breaking bad study habits

Start the new school year right with these great tips for staying focused while studying.

Check them out – http://learningfundamentals.com.au/blog/breaking-bad-study-habits-16-effective-habits-for-success/

How to become a youth workerCopyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 63 of 66

The people over at YACVic have some advice for people thinking about becoming youth workers in the future. Read the tips –https://www.yacvic.org.au/blog/how-do-i-become-a-youth-worker/

Job Outlook Website

Job Outlook can help you make decisions about study and training, your first job, or the next step in your career. Visit the website -http://joboutlook.gov.au/


The 2018 NSW Training Awards Applications Are Now Open

If you have a passion for your industry or know someone who does, head over to the NSW Training Awards website and find outhow to get the recognition you, or they deserve. The NSW Training Awards celebrate and honour outstanding achievements invocational education and training by final year apprentices, trainees and students as well as teachers, training providers andemployers.

Before applying, please check the following:

1. The rules and eligibility for the 2018 NSW Training Awards2. Read our 'terms and conditions' carefully3. Read our submission tips to help you prepare4. Review How to Nominate or Self Nominate 5. Check the region the application should be allocated to

All the best and good luck!

Stanthorpe Art Prize 2018

Entries close 4 April

With $40 000 in prizes, including a top prize of $25 000, it is one of the most prestigious art prizes in Australia. Find out how toenter, about the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery and past Art Prizes. Please note: there is no theme, works on any topic areencouraged.

Find out more – http://www.stanthorpeartprize.org.au/

USQ Get Writing Prize

If you are a high school student in Years 7-12 with a passion for writing poetry or short stories this competition is for you! Enter towin some great prizes including membership to Express Media - the peak organisation for young Australian writers, mentoring byUSQ staff or students, writer's toolboxes, QBD vouchers and more.

Entries open 19 February

Find out more - https://www.usq.edu.au/bela/school-of-arts-and-communication/get-writing-prize

Professional Cadetships Australia Opportunities

The Professional Cadetships Australia will again be running two cadetship programs: the Business Cadetships Program and theEngineering and Technology Cadetships (ETCAD) Program. Under the 2018 Business Cadetships Program, UBS intends to continueto provide cadetship opportunities across the firm in Sydney. Business Cadets study at the University of their choice in Sydney andmay select from degree programs in business, commerce, economics and the humanities. Applications are made online. They openon Monday 5 March and close on Wednesday 16 May. Please visit the website: www.businesscadetships.com.au

Applications for the ETCAD Program open on Monday 30 April and I will be writing to you about the details of this Program in lateMarch. To be considered for a Cadetship under the ETCAD Program, you will need to expect an ATAR of at least 86.25 (or an IBDiploma score of at least 31). If you are interested in finding out more about these programs, please let me know?

Dr Frederick Osman | Director of Vocational Education and RTO Manager (Careers Education)

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 64 of 66

Potential Passion & Purpose PodcastIn collaboration with Trinity’s Education Matters Blog, Trinity has launched its ‘Potential Passion & Purpose Podcast’ hosted by Year10 student Spiro Christopoulos (10Ar).

Our first three episodes cover:

Art (Ray Hughes Interview),

Music (Gala Concert highlights),

and Sport (Swimming Interview with James Leckie).

Click here to listen

Copyright Trinity Grammar School 2018. All Rights Reserved. 65 of 66

International Women’s DayThere’s a riddle about a father and son that some of you may have heard.

It goes like this:

A father was driving his son to a sports game and they had a terrible accident. The father died, immediately but the ambulance gotto the hospital just in time for the boy. When they wheeled the boy into the Emergency Room the surgeon turned around and saidwith great surprise:

“I can’t operate on this boy, he’s my son!”

How is this possible?

The teachers I spoke to about this said they wracked their brains over this question and argued and debated about how this waspossible.

The answer, of course, is that the surgeon is the boy’s MOTHER.

If you had to think about that for more than a second or two, we still have a problem of perception and progress.

Today, we gather to celebrate International Women’s Day - The word celebrate is used because today should be about more thanhighlighting past injustices, but it should primarily be about “Pressing for Progress”, the motto of this year’s campaign. In the pastweek, since there’s been the sign up on Founders and a bit of talk around the school about today – it sounds as if a lot of people areconfused and don’t understand what Trinity, as an all boys school, has to do with something that sounds like its about women. Theheadmaster highlighted the other day, that in fact of all people, us as men should be paying attention to this day, as we have notbeen subject to the injustices, and we are instrumental in progressing towards solutions for gender inequality. I’m not saying thatwe are necessarily the problem, but we are definitely part of the solution.

Upon being given the opportunity to speak here today, I realised that my perspective and knowledge on such an issue is limited –limited due to the fact that I have had the privilege of being a male in a male-dominated world all my life, as have most of usaround this Quadrangle. Having asked the opinion of a number of female teachers, my own sisters, my mother, the common wordthat I kept hearing is one so simple but so often forgotten: that word is respect.

Unfortunately, the nature of an all boys school means that women are often forgotten in our everyday lives, and it is times liketoday that we need to respect the achievements of women, both in the Trinity community and right across the world.

I’d like to mention the example of Bo Remenyi, one of the nominees for the 2018 Australian of the Year Awards. Mrs Remenyi fledher birth home of Hungary at the age of just 13, and came to Australia with zero English as a political refugee. She later becameAustralia’s first female paediatric cardiologist, and has now contributed to the lowering the rate of Rheumatic Heart Disease in theNorthern Territory and has completed a ground-breaking PhD which has been published in medical journals all around the world.

Gents, Mrs Remenyi is merely one example of the women we see in everyday life who contribute to the world in which we live. It’swomen like this who we stand here and celebrate today. Because today is not about a political agenda, not about good publicity,not about just saying the right thing, today is about decent human respect. I challenge you to show this respect in your actionsand your words.

Saachin Simpson (12WH) | School Captain

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