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HEAiJ~!UARTi~ l.S AHrOn.l1

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l.S 33i.J AHrOn.l1.J f iEGH' illT Office of the Regimental Comrn.::mder . . HDDS/chh APO 253, U. S. Army 7 October 1944. SUBJECT: After Action Report for the Month of September 1944. TO l Commanding General, 3rd Armored Division !• Original unit: 33d Armored Regiment (CC"B"), 3rd Armd Div. b. Changes in organization: No changes in 33d Armd Regt. (See Appen- dix No 1 for organization of the 33d Armd Regt into Task Forces under CC"B" control.) c. Strength: 1 September 1944 30 September 1944 Net Increase or Decrease Officers 113 .106 -7 '1iarrant Off:i,cers 11 10 -:r- E.H. 2268 2083 -185 d. Stations: (See narrative report Appendix No 1 for CP locations of units) !!+ :t.:arches: (See Appendix Mo 1) Campaigns: Official informaLion lacking at present. ,g. Battles: (See Appendix No. 1) Commanding Officers in important Lt. Col. John C. On 1 September 1944, Lt. Col. John C. Welborn assumed com- mand. Losses in action: (See Appendix No 2) J. Former and present members who have distinguished themselves in action: (See Appendix No 3) .!£. Photographs: None available. 1. Documents and journals: A combined journal is kept between CC"B" · and 33d Armored Regiment to prevent duplication of effort. For refer- ence see CC"B" and 33d Armd Regt journal, with CC"B" report. For the Commanding Officers: A. J. Major, 33d Armd. ReP,t. Adjutant, / /.J 1' I '' ( . '
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HEAiJ~!UART i~ l.S 33i.J AHrOn.l1.J fiEGH' il lT Office of the Regimental Comrn.::mder

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APO 253, U. S. Army 7 October 1944.

SUBJECT: After Action Report for the Month of September 1944.

TO l Commanding General, 3rd Armored Division

!• Original unit: 33d Armored Regiment (CC"B"), 3rd Armd Div.

b. Changes in organization: No changes in 33d Armd Regt. (See Appen­dix No 1 for organization of the 33d Armd Regt into Task Forces under CC"B" control.)

c. Strength: 1 September 1944

30 September 1944 Net Increase or Decrease

Officers 113 .106


'1iarrant Off:i,cers 11 10


E.H. 2268 2083 -185

d. Stations: (See narrative report Appendix No 1 for CP locations of units)

!!+ :t.:arches: (See Appendix Mo 1)

!· Campaigns: Official informaLion lacking at present.

,g. Battles: (See Appendix No. 1)

h· Commanding Officers in important enga ~ements: Lt. Col. John C. ~··elbom. On 1 September 1944, Lt. Col. John C. Welborn assumed com­mand.

!· Losses in action: (See Appendix No 2)

J. Former and present members who have distinguished themselves in action: (See Appendix No 3)

.!£. Photographs: None available.

1. Documents and journals: A combined journal is kept between CC"B" · and 33d Armored Regiment to prevent duplication of effort. For refer­ence see CC"B" and 33d Armd Regt journal, with CC"B" report.

For the Commanding Officers:

A. J. STEV:rl~S

Major, 33d Armd. ReP,t. Adjutant,

/ /.J

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APP:cl,liJIX NO 1 '1'0 AFTL.'{ ACTION RJ:;f'OitT FOH TIL:. T"<.JnrH OF SEFTdi-:-:.E:t 1944 /"

(a) Organization of 33d Armored Regiment into Task Forces under Combat Command "B" Control.

TF 1 Lt Col .~ILLIAJ;; B. LOV;;LADY Hen Go 33d Armd 1\egt 3rd Plat Hq 33d Armd ne~t (Rear ech with Hq CC11 B11 )

,r.nu Bn 33ci A:rmd Hegt .1d Bn 36th AIR 0-Co 11 F11


1st Pl<tt Co 11 B11 23rd Engr 1st Plat Co "B" 703rd TD Bn Med Detachment l~aint Detachment Co. "B" 45th Med Bn.

TF HOGAN (Lt Col SAJ.' UEL },~ . HOGAN) 3rd Bn 33d Armd Hegt Co 11G11 36th AIR attached 22 Sept 44.

. .

For attachments of units other than those of 3rd Armp iJiv see narrative report

(b) Narrative report.

TF 2 I-1X?.r1~ET 1.f . li iiLS for Lt Col H. Y Ii jG

3rd f·lat .l.cn Co 33d Armd. Regt 1st Bn 33d Armd Regt Co "F" 36th Ail1 2nd Plat Co "B" 23rd Engr 2nd Plat Co "B" 703rd TD EN Med Detachment Maint Detachment

TRAINS (Maj INGRAJl) Mai~t Co 33d Armd Regt (-Detachments to each TF) Sv Co 33d Armd Regt ·

Plus attachments from 3rd Armd Div

l.September Lt Col JOHN G ·:;LLBOi1.N assumed command of the 33d Armd Regt Lt Col JOHN C. O'LLBOHN thus became ~ecutive Officer of CC"B", operating sometimes at ·CC"B" Hq and other times in direct control of Task Forces at the front lines.

After placing mortar fire on enemy positions across bridse at HA1Y, TF 1 (Lt Col IVILLIAM B. LOVUADY), with Rcn Co 33d Armd Regt leadin~, corssed the brid~e at 0635. At 0952, objective V~RVINS was occupied. By 1600, leadin~ elements had destroyed 2 small AT guns and 1 Truck at 171527. Our air was active, strafing and bombing enemy truck solumns and enemy tanks. Team 1 report£d they kr1ocked out 1 1n< V tank vicinity 266.606 at 1738. Spotted another and some f,T guns. LA CAPELLE Ytas passed. Air reported 3 heavy tanks at 252588. "B" Go, 33d Armd Regt reported these tanks were firing on rear of column. Enemy tanks and infantry then cut off most of "B" Co, 33d Arnrl Regt and the trains. lnfantry and tank escort wa.s sent back to :>ring them forwardo 2e2 6o 33d and 11E11 Go 36th AIH set up road blocks vicinity 232767 and in the .course of the night destroyed seven trucks, lscout car, 2 volks­wa0ons and other vehicles. Remainder of force bivouaced a~proximately 3/4 ~les South of 232767. No enemy activity in this bivouac ar ·_a. .

TF 2 (J,:aj !IEIW.c:.RT L MILL.:;; for Lt. Col ilUSE~•?:LL H. !\lim with lees in~Jury) left position lSast of MARlli at 0700. From V:C:iVINS the TF swung ·,iest to LE .SOURD, then North, encounterine no enmey resistance till H.l!;l1PENNES was reached where "F" Co, in lead, destroyed an enemy half-tract and then 1 kilometer North of HERPEffilES a com­pl~ train was captured along with 200 prisoners. TF 2 then leaguered near 1~~0LLES (1587768).

TF 3 (Lt Col SAUUEL M. HOGAN) remained under Division control as Division troopes. Moved from 1 mile Southwest MAI.NBRESSY (0-455275) to night bivouac at 3/4 mile Southeast HIRSON (0-391515) and sent dismounted patrols into town. These partols consisted of 3rd Bn 47th Infantry Regiment, 9th Inf Div, which had been ~ttached to Jrd Bn 33d Armd Regt (TF HOGAN) since 28 August. Burning enemy munition nd fuel dumps lighted up the sky.

2 September Enemy was continuing his withdrawal with his usual blowing of bridges and rear guard action. Prisoners from some 12 different units were taken by the Division during operations of 1st September. Division reported first A~ VI Tiger encountered was destroyed. Nwoorous GHQ units were represented. Main units

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r~present"'d by prisonE-1 . . v:~r·~ ~len~tmt s of the 1st 3S P;,_ iv and th Inf Div. At, OROO, Lt Col .JOIITT C . . .. J;I.BOEN arri.ved at TF l Hq. Tha big push for ::O!TS he-

1-',cn. CC "B" Npcrted 10 eni'!P\' t. '.J.nks ~.t 255f!94. 1\t r.rrroximn.t~ly 141,5, l~:,di ne: "!leirents of TF 1 h?.d r.ross~ri thcB":L r,tJIDJ~ bordf'!r. Hrmy horse-dr~wn vehides were ~ncoUT'tered and destroyed. 1000 yards l!orth of 28597?, 1~ enerf\Y trucks <md 2 sectam were knor,ked out. So.ne enewy col•unns were bynasred in order to move more r,uickly to tre objedive. Snall arms nre was encotmtPr-ed hb FJL\li:~ ·~ tL·;S. By ?.130, 2ll ~l~monts ahd reacher!. ob.if!ctive and wstabli c;hed all-around defense of bivouac Northwe;,tJ of ).;ON3 . The 300 prisooers c c.rtur~d h?.d to be p,un.rdcd during thP. ni~ht sin r.e all truck:J which might be used for !var.uation to rH colle cting Point md h~en s~nt to tm rear for supplies. Co "B" CRptured a r.~rwm full Colonel fro.'ll the lh9th Artillery HP.gi.l'rlent (h9th Inf;!Jltry Di·vi­sion), Lvron Von Hollidt. Hy order of CO GC ''B'', Colonel Von Hollirit was render~d the court>:!Jies due his r:mk nnd slept in n rup tent pit~h~d for him '-l.t the S-2 half-tr.:,ck ( J3d 1i rmd He rot).

TF 2 entered rn Lr.ItJL at 1930, and encountered sorne Pne .'T(! resistance. TF 2 bi­couaccd a t 270038 for the nicht ;

TF LiOr.:,TI (Lt Col S l"ll !·~L Jl . HOfW'.!) cont5.nu<Jd att:u~k at 0700, encolmterine AT c..nd mortar fdlr~ ?.':>out 5 miles :...;ast of HJit ' 01 . • This was pjjlpaes~d, the unit arrivinr; 1 mile Northwest of GIVTI.Y (,J-356047) at 0300, 3rd ~.Jep tellt.'3r, :md making here its first bivouac on B~LGitn,: soil.

1· .'3cpte~b~r TF 1 remained in same pf')sition. A t.remendcr.1s nwnb er of ener;-:$ ve­hicles ·n;~. s destroyed o.t roc:.d blocks. Thr ~ Pnemy s•-!Pim'1 complett'!ly bc,;ildercd <J. t runn­ing into Arme rican J.rmor as far North as J.iUNS . There were complaints th-: t hich rc.;rudn.::; officers had ;;.handoned the less i ;'lp ort<;nt units with instruction"l for them to ge t brtck to Germany the best 'my they coiJld. Hundreds of pri son·~rs from a great variety of unit.s kept ouri'lc in.

TF 2 which had not yet reach'3 d the obj~ctiv~ mov ed out <'..t 0730 mr~etine resistcnce i.n the f0rm of small arms fire from a larce numbAr of foot troors near the town of J EHilPfES 3.l!d G!IJJPr. 1\ortC!.r, w~ chir.fl P,un anri tmk fire clean~d the enemy out. The ob­jective! w;~o3 renched at 13~0. 'IT 2 hivouaced at 265165, spendin~ the remainder of the day on a:~:i.ntena..,ce of veldcles ;mri radios.

H'F HO"Al'l ~Lt Col SAJ:nr:;r. 11 HOGiJJ) sent back "H" CO tf') dd his rear guard, whi:c h had lost 3 half-track arrununi..tion cnrrier;, and one E-8 Assault c;un. The situation wa s relieved and the TF renained in same l0c ;1tion for the night (J-356047)

4 September Execution of ordn:rs to mov~ at O'? CO vd.th mission of securing IJA' 1TW had to be delayed due to failure of the lst Inf Div to arrive a'1d eondolictc:.te positions held by us vicinity of J!ONS. However at 1300, TF 1 Moved out with this mission along •v:i th remainder of CC ''B". Due to tllown bridges at '>~2997, TF 1 w.q '3 ordered to mow~ t-tY from LOBBB~S to the rout.-. foJlowed by TF 2, travel] ir..e over thP. sCJJl'te rout~ e.ft~r TF 2 had cleared.

TF 2 (l~t Bn, 33d plus attachr•v=mts--CO Haj 1-P ·:JF!;;nT H. PILLS in lieu of Lt Col li.C'S'S'.':l'LL H YD:G - Infection in leg) left arP-a North of GijLIN at 1500 hr~ adine South through JEHJ\PP1~3, Eaat at FlU,Mm UES and or: to NAHUR. :~nerrtr had blown all bridges across the HZUSE Rive:r. CP locRted at J-9610. Sniper fire was encountered through­out too area •

TF HOGAN(Lt Col ~AJJJ'~L M. HOGAN) had small mission of cler>ring out r~"wistan ce in the are3. Southwest of J,K'JNS . Returneri to bivowc at 1 mile Northwest r.rmY, J-356-047 after co,!'lP.ting mission without loss anci after cnpturinc a few prisoner~'!. Jrd

f' Bn 47th Inf Hegt relieved from attachment to TF HOGAN. (Lt Col SAJ,nJEL lh. HOGAN)

I . i :· l l I

I j j


5 Septemb~r At 0001, rF 1 was enroute from C/l fdiTE,i10I t0 N/J:UH. The TF arrived the re at 0530, destroying 2 small command cars and tal :ine sevr~re.l prisooers. :...nerzy small arf11s fire 'Vias r~ceived from across the J,nmsE . Two pl~toons of ''E" Co 36th AIR -, f.~ were sent eotoss river via blown ~ridge on reconnaissance micsion. They destroyed ~

tw~ armored cars and forced to enemy to w:i thdraw. En~rrty artillery fire fell near 1'·

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bri<lr::IJ l>•:1nr built at . ,;;104 . 1\t, l~IOf ' , '' D" Co L'.n'! '' .~ " l , J(Jth Inf (TF 1) ~ors::;·~rJ f( ,-- ;n~r; u.nrl sevured tile hj ?h crotUld on t!J~ · ·::1 ~ > t ~; irl" O'''~ rJ ooJ·irl£, fJi.l:lJI( .

'IT 2 us--:d or_e Flatbon of "l''' Co in 1 :mtry to H•H~ur e brid1:,e!Jead a t ')G4l0) arl'i nnoUH~ r Platt>on to Jr'1k ·~ rPcor tnaL-;3nnc~ .'lr .... o ,;r; hrid r•P- at 9(,5107 . U0fens:i vc J·e> s iti0n::> ·.v~rl'! orcmi:r. ~d Jnd J l[ti!lf. ·:n:mC-3 W:..3 pe rfcn · ,~d t.:J rOU[:li'Jltt the •lRy •

'I:·' 110S/JJ (Lt Col ~;J,nnL 1'i . nnr;1UJ) tlj r;_pat · ~lt ,~rl ":l'' Go to r.l·~nn •:!no;rn:· out of "'oorls 3.bout on·~ J•1ile :>outhw' .'t nf b:ivowlc an•a . JJo c ·· -3L11ltir:; . l st Dn 26 tl1 lnf Jteet (l,;a j or AlJM ''3 , Co,~ ·Ylanding ) ~' ttac: 1 r: d to l s t lln, ?6th In f l1e1~ t.

(J :.J•· J1t emb•~r },t a m~P.tinr, of ,,! 1 •!OH~ ·i iDJ aprl separht~:rJ (attached) Platoon Com­manders, the mission of s~curinp, th~ ~ity of LH~r.g from th~ South while CC 11 A" advcmced on the city from the tiorth side of tl!r.: river w~, s given to the 'lSSembl~d officc;,1 s. At 1.300, Hen Go crossed the pontoon bridv~ at 96210/t. l'P.rsonnel and vehicles man-ning road blocks in N/J ·:UH and infimt:rJ across river fell into their pooper pla ce as the column moved by. "D" Go 3.3d Armd Hefjt turn~d over 50 prisoners captured vicinity 999111 to Platoon of infantry. Proe:reas of mov~m~nt w::1s slow an•1 terrain treacherous. A round of smok~ landed near "D'' Go 33d Alllllld !l.~gt. Thi:1 W:'ls report~d. It wa s fin.::tlly det~rrnined to be from friendly artillery(not CG"B") firing on a b nrge in the river. Column then moved on. P-47's strafed half-track of 2nd Hn .33d Armd Hegt. He avy smll u~ms fire was recieved at ?15165. Three ene~ trucks were de~troyed. At 1715, the coJIIJ'1!1 coiled. Le,,:ding tanks fanned out searching for AT guns. Brid,se at 229163 was secured intact even though mined. Outposts were placed vicinity 235167. CO CC'1B11

ordered outposts be placed tbocut off anything the TF rnieht b~ pushing in front of it, also one at RR bridge in HUY. Vehicles had gus for anproximately 25 miles. TF 1 bi­vonaced on high ground 1 mile ~outh of HtJY. Hain,- weather <ll"i no enefl\Y activity. CP 245154.

1}' 2 was attached to 9th Inf Div/ Leading elements crossed pontoon bridge at 960095, at 09h0 travelling eenerally .Soutb"!''St throur, h T~nPEI-IT HMlHmE, and oART B~i1~" M/\RD. At LEZ FONTAINE, the TF turned right an'd follow~d the road through 3POHTIN and PUI1NOJJL, cleaning out a large number of :.JS inf;m try troops. Defensive positions were taken up on hill at approximately 9959.35. At 30.30, the TF moved on South through DIN ANT to high ground at 964901. An ener.1y mine field W<lS encountered at 981891. One offic(~r was killed.

TF HOGl1N left bivout>.c at 1 mile Northwest GIVii.Y (J-.356047) at 0800, pa~:;sinp, through CHAPL:<:RIO and CHATELET and coiled at 3/4 wile Northeast FLO.-tE !~FFE (J-900088) • Instructions were rec('!iv~d via LN officer that the TF' was reliev~d from Division Reserve and attached to CC 11B11 • l,loved to ~ mile South~ast N:OZET (X-054079). Le rJ.ding elements held up here hy enemy rorJ.d blocks, enenw doup,hs ?.nd vehicles, and lack of gasoline. i~uel was receivflld at 2200.

7 Septerrber After a meeting at CC "B'' Hq where orders were recieved for the advance, leading elements TF 1 crossed line of departure at 1.300. CO 33d Armd Regt (Lt Col .JOI-n~ C ·:;El.BORN) directed that no civilian vehicles be allowed to procede our column. Road blocks were set up to North\~st and Southeast at .397179. Also at .360164 and .367172, TD's being used. "D" Co W<>.B ordered to l~ave block at 434207 covering road tb North. At 1532, four escaped 3 S Aviators were picked up • .3.3rd Rcn Bn contacted at 4.34207. TF HOGAN was at 284145. Civilians were reporting enew,y artillery and troops at 435222. Two medium tanks, Platoon of light tanks and a squad of infantry were left in Til.FF to guard the bridge there. Artillery fire fell on TF 1 at 50?.214. The TF punhed onto objective at 1919. CP established at 544268. By 2030, all of the TF was in leaguer prepared for all-around aefense • Hoad clocks and defense' were located as fbllows;

(a) 4 TD 1 s and one platoon infantry at 55?.259. (b) 4 57H1J AT guns and one platoon infantry 552277. (c) .One platoon 11~11 Co 3.3d Armd Regt t31lks plus two platooos "E Co 36th infantry at 534266. (d) 2 M~dium tanks plus 3 light tanks, plus one platoon infantry at bridge

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at 477214. (e) 2 1 ;ediu'tl tanks And 3 light tanks md one plRtoon inf:mtry at bridge at 513245. TF 2 still attached to 9th Inf Div. One Platoon "I" Co, 1st Bn 33d Annd Regt

w:1s sent to DIIJAtJT to aid 9th Inf in taking the town. At 6900, TF 2, reverted back to CC "B'' control. Leading elements swept through SPONTIN and cleaned up enefi\Y infantry there, but found the hridge destroyed. The town was then bypassed. TF 2 refueled at 098938, at about 1545. At 1630, the TF headf'!d 'Ec:lst through CHlEY meeting only slight resista"lce from enemy infantry. Unit .leagllered at 325135.

TF HOG1JJ rnoved to 1 mile Southwest of HiiC~.JJ<:E (Y-560252 after meet.mg slight scattered res:istance. No casual ties.

t3 Sept!"nber During early morning the road blocks at 4772U and 552259 were very active, the former road block knockin~ out 10 sed;ms, 1 truck, B-20 l.'J:.: guns, 13 wagons, 1 SP 75MM gun, latter road block destroyinr, 1 truck and 2 sedans. In one of the sedans rode General llliiNll.ICH Commander of German 89th Inf Div. The @en.:: ral was shot dead when his vehicle failed to halt upon being challanP,ed • .t\t 2130, Ln officer arrived from CC "B" with ov~rlay and orders for attack on VETIVI0R3 &t 1100 on 9th September. Officer of t~ BZLGIUH underground reported the following:

(a) Enerr.y breaking down sides of fond in defile to form roa.d block at 666253. (b) Hoad blocks covered with AT guns at 656233. (c) 2 guns at 617284. (d) 4 guns at 623279. (e) 25 tanks in or near nine between 1-t'dlVES and B/~TTrr-:L (638295) at 1600,

At 2230, a Platoon of "B 11 Co 33d Armd Hegt light aanks wazr sent to 535253, and re­turned with 10 prisoners.

TF 2 moved Bast to 485205. At 1400, orders Ylere received to move to North­e~st to 545245. This was accomplished after ov~rcoming some cnemw small arms fire. Sometime was spent in gas sing up an~. J"l8intenance. 5 enemy pll:l.nes were over rear

· elements. · TF HO~MI cleaned out the section of LE;;GE, Enst of the },.P,IJ~3E W.ver, bivouacing

100 yards East of LI:ilr'G at F-1,75298. No a<tsualties to 3rd Bn 33d. A few suffered by att.:~.cked infHntry. "G" Co and attached infantry captur~d some boO prisoners tn­cluding on~ Gen~ral Offider.

9 :3 ~ptr.mb~r Rcn eleJ.lebss of TF crossed LD (54'5259) at 1100. Civili?ns re­ported enemy tanks. At 1549, "D'' Co ran into direct AT or tank fire jast East of LOUVEI G!m. AIH W:J.s contacted and d~stroy"'d three enemy tanks. AIR then reported s r~eing more tanks but could not destroy th~m becaus~ they were out of amrnuni tion. Rcn spotted mine field and engineer half-track with ITiinf'! detectors moved forward and found a four lnne t\ll!a.d. ]~neineers m.:'1 de reconnuisance to find more favorable cros sings since they lacked bridging rnc;terial to complete crossing at LEY:J. CP, TF 1 at 575164.

TF 2 left hivouac area at 1100, traveled 3outh through FRAYOIJ where they en­countered two enemy Tigers, then moved to CH at 552180 and turned East of BiJlil.::AUX. Her" hea vy resistance W<JS met. Aif destroy r~d some en~ rl\)' tMks. The TF 1st a tanks and a half-track. At 1800, units were on the n01 e a~a in. At I E PHI.S T:::1 AT guns, t :mks, infantry and mine fields w!!!re encountered. ThP. tovm was outposted, hridp,es at 633199 and 648208 were secured, and the unit bivon"l ced on the edr, e of tom.

TF H()r,J\N was releaaed from CC "B" and reverted t o Div Hes under comnand of 36th AIR. Bivouaced for the night at 1/8 mile of ANDUUJ ,,QtJT (K-556184) while enroute to Division liesverve as s e.rrbly area. No ro::sistance.

10 .Jeptmeber By 1027, leading tanks of TF 1 had crossed bridge at L'ITS whith hdd finally been completed by Engineers. Felled trees ~re encountered. TF 1 ran into anobher road block about a mile beyond THEUX. By 1214, the objective wa s

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6 -"'~ re nch~d. CP locn.t~d 8.)~_..,6~ A ub T.1s k For~ of inf ;:~ nt ry, .anks and "m ;:rin~~rs wa s .., · fji ven the mis~ ion of securing the dam at 754:'27. This force w :1 s held up by small anns fire at RJ (724233) at 2030. In addition, unc~rtainty of route and darkness hampered advance. Force leaguered vicinity 724233.

At fY730, TF' 2 proc~ded to obje ctive V:SHVIERS Arriving at 0915. CC "A" w-c. s op~rating on th., left :1nd TF 1 on the rir,ht. (,1' TF at 683216. A sp~ci<>.l snb-TaP;k Force cons is tip ~ of ''F" Co Tar.:V.s, 3rd Platoon 33d Rcn Co, one Platoon "F" Co iP.fantry, one squad enf- ineers, one Platoon mortr.::-s, nnd one medical section wa s sent East and North~8 st via 898355-8!183Q9,...7532J~l-693221 to reconnoiter route and .mtpost pos:i.t.ioos. Southwest of C'rOE enemy t anks nnd infantry were met. Our air a s­si.sted. Heavy direct fire was received. After dark,enP.fl1'{ firi:ne subsided.

TF HOGAN arrived at Division assembly ar~..a (K-676217). "G" Co set up ro R.d blocks and "H" Co \'• :r s sent out to clean out wooderl ar"!a, SoutheAst of here. No enem;;r wa s encountered.

11 Septemb er Division final objectiv~ was still E0 CI-f.IEILLH. 'IT 1 crossed lD (715207) at 0800, with mission of seizing ar~a Northe:,st of ;~UF:c;IJ (8330). 3ub Task · Force at dam had been recalled at 0600. A ro ad bloGkk in J ALHAY and a bomb crater near 005163 m.1de movement difficult for Tl" 1. Bri.dr,e at 812178 was blown but was repair~ d by 1106. Another road block wr.s ~ncount""red 800 yards past the blov;n . bridge. Trees h ad be en felled to block road for about 200 yards. r~n~my inf;tntry was encountered. in th~ a.d of relling trees. At 1308, TI' 1 ~ntered .i :.UP !;~n having cross~ i into C !~it.l.\ ANY ac cording to the Nazi maps. Actually El'Pdi wns in H-.l r;i mn, accordin g to our map s, how­.,-wer the atmospher~ vms definitely German, nll signs beinr in ~rman, Th~re w:1.s a marked difference in the r~ception given our troop s a s coMpared wibh that in the pre­vious towns. The people waved only ha.lf-heazrt!"!dly, almost as if they feared Nazi ~­.prisals for shmdng any friePdliness. i ~nerey t nnks and AT guns wero encounter~d. One Panther ,'falJ destroyed. An AT run knocked out one of TI' 1 's tanks but w?.. s then d~­s troyed. 3rd Bn 32nd Armd Jl.t'!gt(part of CC "A") took ov~r road bloc.Ks r.nd outposted in and around EUPTJJ and TF 1 then mow~ci t.o secure ohjective to Northeast of town. CP at 823293.

TF 2 mov~d Northeast of LIJ TIJ OUHG receiving artil ' '!'!ry fire vicinity 726244. "F" Co infantry received machine gun and grenade fire in the town. lAin es also slowed down the advance. The Ti"Fmoveci on the EUT'EN parnlleled hy two Gennan columns moving in the same direction, one on each sid~ of thl"m. liith the h!"!lp of air these columns were destroy~d. 'I'F 2 coUed for the night at 813297.

TF HOGAN moved to nel'T assembly .'J.l'~ a 1. mile Northwest ~UP~N (K-789279). No rt'!sistance.

12 ~ eJt ,>mb"'!r TF 1 sent a Rcn in force to prohe eneey line to vicinity of ROTT (923326 :ilia 828292(LD), town of HOETrm~, the!1 Cf~ North to Objective. The route was found impassible due bo mud. Another llf:n Force 'Nas then sent out via another route to HOETGEN anJ North to RO'l.'T. This force, ''E" Co tan k3, ''F." Co infantry, 2nd Platoon Rcn Co 33d, 1 s c; uad, 1st Plutoon "D" Co 23rd Engirle.tn's dewtroyed 2 enefl\Y vehicles and took som~ prisoners vicinity 9042P.9. At 1451, el ·~rrent~ of this Hen in force crossed th~ German borcier, apparently the first Am.; rica n troops to enter Germany proper. At 1530, the remainder to TF 1 moved out enrorJte to HOTT via route covered By "E" Co force. At 1602, ''E" Co ran into dragon. teeth obf;trudtions and .small arms fire. TF 1 wa s ordered to place a security deta ctw~nt at dam at 922301. At 1815, l~adine P-lerr.en ts ~1ere shelling enell'\Y bunkers with ass:tul t gw1s, tanks guns and "'lrtil­lery, A large crater blown in the road by the enemy prevented advance. TF 1 bi­couaced vininity PL G (921296).

TF 2 in position at 813297 Rent sub Task Force of tanks and infantry to R8 at 892295. A mine field was encountered at GR 862279, covered by small arms fire. Engineers cleared it in an hour. TF 1 was mP,t at 893294. SUb Task Force 2 con­tinuP,d to GR at 903289 turnjng North here. A ror.d block cov~red by hT guns, m~nes, cahles, machine ~uns cross fire, and dug-in infantry, was discovered at

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90'3321. TF bivouc>c('d r 307. Platoo11 of"!\" Go knb- - ~.! S first unjt of TF 2 to Pnt er r.erma11y. (Time 1, ../0). f.-r

T~ HOGAN ratroll·~d J:.;{JJ'EN cmd vicinity during tltP day.

1~ s~ptemb~r At 0700, Lt Col \:ILLI.AJ. t D LOffiLI· rW called TF 1 st <J tine th.:1t the in"'!v:perienc~d offic~rs ;.mct replacoa.wmt in too inf~-~.nt:,:rJ were not functioP.ing. Lt Col ,v'ILLIAJl B. LOVELADY relieved GO "D" Go 36th Ail( and requested additional infantry assistance oth ~r than arP'Iored infantry. The encineers finally T!'v-"'.d~ the road pas sable where the crater w::s ard th~ units moved forward. At 1219, " L<.; '' Co 33ri Arnrl h~gt re­ported antb~r croter in the ro: ~ d. At. 923326, a i·U<: V tanks, 2-75MM AT guns, l-75J.m ~jp gun, 1-831/1.~ dual purpose gun A.nct several 201a.1 /lA p:uns were encountered. The Mk V was destroyed. TF 1 lost 4 M-4 tanks and 1 half-tr , ch:. The bridge H~OO yards North of rL I (923326) was blown. TI' 1 then colbled in i~OTT. CP located 928342.

TF 2 encountered tank traps and three ~pemy CP' s. They bi vouaced at 905295. TF HOGAN -- 1st Dn 26th Inf Hef't rclittved from attn.chment to 'fFriOGAN. TF

HOG/,N moved to assembly area Rt ~ rn11~ Southeast LANGHUS {l~-834322) and set up road blocks.

lL1 Sept~rfuer TF 1 rec.,iveci orders to prodede from 002438 (LD) 993451, to objective at 985467. Upon orc:l~rs from Cornb-'lt Comnand "B'', TF 1 coiled vicinity 925366 and ~f"nt a force to help TF 2 which was held up at PL I ( 902327). This sub fore~ consist~d of two Platoons infantry, 1 platoon rn~dium tanks, 2 platoons light tank~. It WRS to strike the enerey in tht" rear at SCH!fJDTHROP. This force ran into blovm bridge but reached 904355. Destroyed a AT gun rund then at 1540 contact~d TF 2 whe!1 it received orders to rejoir TF 1 at 925366. TF 1 leaguered at 947392. Re­ported having destroyed since 11 Septerroer 4 --88HM guns, 2 Mk V tanks, 3 AT guns, 1 SP gun, 7-20:MM Guns, 3 pill boxes and large amount of ammunition.

TF 2 received heavy artill~ry and mort~r fire on hill 897334. Column moved to ~ bridge at 907374. It and bridge over river were blown. High ground was secured. CP loc~ted 906363.

TF HOGAN crossed German Border at 1630 at J./,~J GFELD (K-968346). 1st Bn 26th Inf R~gt w<ts again attached to the TF. Ro::vi blocks ''l,. ... t" set up. TF' HOGAN bivouaced 300 yards West of MUTJEilA (K-886364).

15 September At lll5, bride;e at 955406 was cor.1pleted. Interdictory fi ~ was received at CH. 957399. "D" Co 33d Armd R~et received fire from both flanks. Lost one vehicl~. Snipers were firing from factory at 957 402 cmd pillboxes. 75J,IM HE wa. s used on both. Tanks and AT guns were encountered. One ene.IJzy' Hk IV tank des­troyed. 40P'Ii 1 s taken. At 1540, TF 1 was movinG ttu·ough M;'.USB.:~CH. "D" Co destroyed a Mk V near the town. Air reported 15 enerrw tanks at GR 967418. TF 1 reported losses for the day as 7 medium tanks, 1 light tank, 1 M-10 TD, 1 ambulance and 30 casualties. CP TF 1 at 958409. Col GJ\!I!S from GC "13" Hq r~ported into CP with orders to reorga!1ize all infantry of TF 2 and TF 1 and attack with it at 160800 Septerrber 1944.

TF 2 moved to vicinity of I.IUSHACH, encountering heavy artill ·,: ry fire. Just bt!fore dark CP moved back from 947391 to 9413713 wher~ •mit leaguered for t.~ night.

TF HOr1AN moved to town of DOHRF (1\~'916390) setting up bivouac security and road blocks.

i6 s~ptember 2nd Bn 36th AIH from 'IT 1 and 3rd Bn 36th AIR sur ported by Go "D" and Co "B'' tcmks from TF 1 larmched an inf;mt'ry attack. 2nd Bn was held up by

pinned dol'm by direct tank .fm:o:m fire and machine gun f:i.re. During this action Col GANS 1

while on a tour of inspection, "as apparently aaptu~r! d or kill..,d; inasmuch as no trace of hi"'l oo uld be found. . '

i •

l i \ . l l l

88n~ SP guns at 969422. 3rd Bn reached 967417 with no resistance. Both Dn's were ~· ·

TF 2 remained in positioo all day. CP at 947391. One Platoon of "I" Co tanks · r;\ ,. "·"~S s..,nt h11ck to guard CP of ~C "B'' •

TF' HOr.AN sent "G" Co and all infantry on misslon to seiae and hold eround on a ·I

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J lin~ between coordinate~ }241>07 and 929403.

17 September Infantry continued to receive he .wy artillery fire. They suf fe:red heavy casualtieR. TF 2 redeved rris3icn to move !Jorthwest through S'i'OLI3EFHS, then East to clean out enell\Y along thls route. H~avy autom:~tic small a:r!l's fire pinned down the infantry of TF 2. cP moved to 955414 and all units ~ug in for the night. fuemy counter­attacks were held.

TF HOGAH accomplished mission of s~izing and holding c;round on line between co­ordinates 924407 and 929403. CP TF -HOGAN rellViined in l>OHFF.

TF 1 received a heavy coonte~atta~k from '.Jl ~HTII <illd GIW~SENICH to the Southwest toward DIEF'ENLINCHEN.

The rip,ht flank of TF 1 was pushed back epProx:iJn:, tely 1000 yards and the ~neJl\Y pl'!netr;1ted as far as DDPE!ILI!ICllliN. The si tm-'.tion beca me serious. An infantry com­pany from the 26th Inf lLegt, let Inf Div was sent into the line to regain positions lost by our infantry which had been badly shot up and Eiis-organiaed.

This ent'".my couter-attack was madt'" by the German 4Pth Inf Regt of the 12th Inf Div surp~rted by approxim~tely 15 Panther tanks, heavy artillery and mortar fire. Thert mission w.:ts to ·retake JMUSBf.CH at all costs.

On the evening of 17 September, tbe front lines were as follows: 'fl' 2 953422-946418. CP at 955415. TF 1 964420-960424-957421. C~ TF 1 at 959409. TF 1 al~o in contact with enem.v at CR 966417. Elements of TF 1 from 966426 in semi-circle to 963427. Two platoons of "I" Co tanks from 'IT 2 were in contact with 2nd Bn 47th Inf Regt, 9th Inf Div at 974412. Co of inf :mtry from 1st Inf Div reached 966417.

18 September TF 1 and TF 2 received orders to hold tmir posi ti oos. TF HOGAN now under CG "13" comrnar.d moved off on mission of securing the high eround Norbheast of DIEPFNLINCI-frN. The TF was unable to accom;Jlish missioo. It lost 5 Tanks, four of which were destroyed to prevent their falling into eremlf hands. TF pulled back into wood~ Northeast of DIEPT:"NLllJCHEI~ for the night·.

19 September Corps Commander directed that Hill 283 at 971426 be secured on this day. This objective was not reAched. Strong enemlf resist-u- ce, extremely heavy artillery fire, and difficult terrain were some the factors wny Hill 283 was not taken.

TF 2 attacked toward STOLBL!;RG at 0800, meeti!le. continous resistance from bazooka, machine gun, arttllery and mortar fire. (!.!;nemlf used 120l..U~1 mortars) Terrain was extremely difficult. ''A" Co reached W>USB.ACH but was forced out of town by ba­zooka fire. TF 2 remained in outskirts of town and directed artillery fire on enemy. Ueanwhile, TF HOGAN attacked acain to secure Hill 283 but failed to tak~ its obj~ctive as explained in preceding paragrarh.

TF 1 was ordered to take ov~r ground h~ld by TF 2 and to seize Hill :1t 948433. However, TF 1 was pinned down by heavy en~ attaCks. TF 2 was, th~rfore, ordered to seize this objective.

TI' 2 moved to vicinity to objective and ciug in, covering objective by fire.

20 :)epte~;:b~r At 0900, TF HOGAN jw~ed off again to seize the high ground NorbhP.ast of DISPENLINCKT.N (K-9701.22). Thitt mj ~sion W<'.S accomplished at 1100. After dark TF HOGAN 'JetS relieved by 2nd Bn 47th Inf and a separate Tank Bn. At 2230 TF HOGAN withdrew to 500 yards Southwest. of DIEPJJI!LiflCHEl·T (K-962412) to reorgnni7..e for an attack toward STOLBF:RG the n!'!xt day.

TF 2 held line from 94~l33-960430-973420. 9th Inf Div a:~sumed resronsiQility of hol dir.r, line Yiest to arproximately

.)3430. TF 2 had a difficult time holdmng its posi tioo. Hill 287 WCJS impossible to

occupy for any len(;th of time because the Germans hc>ll alltheir artillery !eroee in on that area. However, TF 2 did holr1 th., hill by fire.


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21 :..ieptenber At u800, TF HOOAN Jumped off and a dvo.nced to edge of STOlll.L~H.G where they were held up by J..T and machine gun fire. 11 H'1 Co lost three mediu..rn tanks. TF HOGAfJ was pinl".ed down for th~ night in the 0onth .. rn edge of town.

TF 2 launched :m attack towards BIRK!~NGANG (r~ast~rn outskirts of STOLBERG). thence to STOLBF:HG via the Southwest highway to nssist TF HOG/IN in taking STOLB~RG. Tr' 2 reached 939437, where they coiled for the nieht.

TF 1 continued to hold its positions a~d s~nd a small infantry force to lin­prove the position of TF 2.

{' . . 22 Septemb~r TF HOGAN advanced to the Norbhern edge of STOLBERG which it

secured at 1800 nnd outposted. At 1900, the 1st Bn 26th Inf was relieved from TF HC•GAN and was replaced with Co "G" r.f the 36th AIR. CF 1.'F HOGAN at K-938424 in STOLFmRG.

At 1630, TF 2 mad~ contact with TF' HOr..ru-J at 936432.

23 Septerrber All TF's continued to hold their positions. In TF HOGAN, "H" Co was organized to cootainJUi: 7 medium tanks, plus 5 light tanks fr_an '1C'' Co. One Platoon of 5 medium tanks and "C" Co, minus 1 platooo was 1Jent to guard Biv CP.

24 SiPtember TF 1 was ordered to secure hill 287(948433). The objective w~s reached but it was impo~sible to stay on the hill because of heavy mortar and artill~y fire. At 1830, TF 1 withdrew to ri~fensivc position from which it could cover the hill by fire.

In accordance with ratation plan of t!te Division to allow units a period of rest TF 1 was relieved from the front at 2/~2300 by TF "OHR" (2nd Bn 32nd Armd Regt­lst Bn 36th AIR).

TF HOGAN received a cowter-attack in ;jTr_1LliJ:RG which they repulsed. Col TRUEMAN B. BOUDHIOT, CO CC"B" was promot~d to Brigadier ~eneral.

TF HOGAN waR relieved by part of CC"A'1 end moved to BU.3BACH period and reorganization~ DR."SIJHn.

TF 2 moved to 929)80. 2'6 September Pr.., ~; entation of awarri& by Major rrmeral MAUTiiGE HOSE. 2nd Bn

(TF 1) 1330-lst Bn (TF 2) 1500- 3rd Bn (Tr' HOGAN) 1530.

27-30 September Thiw p~riod WdS spent in rest, reorganization, and reequip­ing of the 33d Annd Hegt. Since its first engagement on 7 July 191~4 the liee;im~nt had lost a to&al of 133 medium tanks destroyed by en~fl'\Y action. The "Men of Hc..r" ?I;> S first to make th~ break throuGh at MARIGNY, first to hold the 2nd Fz Div at MORTAIN, first to join the British ~.nd close theFALAISr~ GAP, reported first to enter BELGIUM and reported first to enter GFlmAHY PiiOFER •

On 28 Septerrber, at 1745, TF 1 relieved TF 110RR". For the period 29 September 'to 30 Septerrber, TF 1 continued to hold defenDive positions on the right half of the 3rd Armored Division sector.

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Abie, Roy A. Albro, flobert D.

r /.lexc>.nder, Lawrence Alford, Glen M Allen, Chester G. AndersonJ;: \vallace F • Ashmore, James M Bacon, Richard W Bo.rker, Lionzel Betty, Harry R Bezeylko, Anthony Bigelow, Harry J. Blake, Leonard E. Bebe, F'eti'Or L. Bowman, Robert L. Braud, J,ia.urice A., Jr Breen, Grant W. Brown, Thomas E. Burt.on, i'jiJ.liam B., Carmen, Johnie E. Carrion, Octaviano Chesto, Robert A. thrisMan, Joseph B.

) Clement, Joseph M. 1 Clements, Vincent A.

Col~ella, Vince~t B Conine, Arnold L. Costello, Lawrence H. Coupland, H~rbert J. Cowan, Dlin L., Jr Crar.ter, C~l H. Crawford, Theodore E. CulbrP-ath, Dovea.rd Currick, Fishel B. Curtis, Bland Davis, Josep~ P. De'1 li t t, Wilfr~d E.

, DICkisson, Martin T. Dicbon, Paul E Dorris, ','iillian Du1herger, Hm"~rd D'llm, v;nliam T. Duratnte, Pasquale F Durden, '.'/alter IJ. Ekdahl, Donald L. ~llis, Lawr~nce D. Erwin, Harold \'1. Ferman, Julius w. Fancey, John L. Farrinfton, William Felake, Arnold c.

01016897 0349988 37015921~ . 01018936 38512273. 37577368 360L~2o67 01018707 35275136 37010499 3326411?.3 01012681 36036681 34240190 33148734 38497174 36337010 32195822 35273213 35475589 32197040 36036595 37086818 )8157409 . 3132781.5 01012Rll 12034512 32196361 36119947 34767540 0450428 32962151 31~197280 01016899 35379230 34579668 151040h0 1701~4497 3~ >fl4909 1400A951 01013436 32195630 32196250 14040381 37110713 366965f:'4 39184204 37032884 3106h370 01012514 3703291?

?nd Lt Hajor Tee 5 2nd Lt Tee 5 Pvt 1st SP,t 2nd Lt Cpl N 3gt T~c 4 1st Lt Pvt Pf~ Pfc Tee 5 Pfc 3t Sgt Sr,t Pvt Cpl Pvt 3t Sgt· Sgt Pfc 1st Lt Tee 5 Tee 5 T.uc 5 Pfc Capt Pvt Pfc 2nd Lt Pfc Tee 5 Cp1 Pfc Ti~C 5 ST Set 1st Sgt Cp1 Pvt Sgt St Sgt Pvt Pfc Tee 4 Cpl 1st Lt. St Set

11 Sep 44 10 s~p 44

· 20 Gep L4 18 Sep 44 23 Sep 44 lB Sep 44 l() Sep 44 21 Sep 44 24 ::.>ep 44 18 Sep 44 25 s,p 44 ] 8 ~3ep 44

2 Sep 4l! 19 J p 44 . 1e ser 44 21 Sep 44

3 Sep 44 18 Sep 44

9 3ep 44 25 Sep 44 18 Sep 44 11 3ep 44 18 :Jep 44 · 20 S~"'p !J.+ 21 S~p 44 17 Gep 44 ;; 2 S!:,P 44 18 s p M 13 sep 44 18 S1:p 44 ~0 3ep 44 18 .sep '-"

3 Sep 44 17 Sep 44 17 Sep 44 13 Gep L~

9 s~p h4 ?l S.ap h4 18 S~p h4 19 s~p 1,4 18 s~p 44

9 Sep 44 1 Sep 44

23 Sep 44 18 Sr, t 44 11 Sep 44 15 s~p 44 12 S~p 44 17 Sep 44 7 S~p 44

u ·sep 44

_, I '. (

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I' y.)

LoRses in Action, 33d Armd.Regt., Cont'd (Page 2)

Flores, Elisea E. 38043750 Tee 5 2 Sep 44 Frishmon, Eugene 13174427 Pvt. 2 Sep 44 Furr, Rodney C. 33044P77 Sgt. 19 Sep 44 Gahrys, Ale:x J. 36036962 Tee 4 19 s~p 44 Gates, Robert A. 37032950 Pf'o 18 Sep 44

( George, Roy B. 15336053 Cpl. 18 Sep 44 Golonka, Peter 36569785 Pvt. 9 Sep 44 Gonnick, Carl D. 31285704 Pvt. 20 Sep 44 Graham, Dale E. 36078107 Teo 4 9 Sep 44 Green, John B • 14019196 S~t. 21 Sep 44 Green, N.alcolm A. 12057319 Sgt. 18 Sep 44 Griggs, William H. 32485914 Pvt. 18 Sep 44 Haldeman, John H. 01010807 1st Lt. 13 Sep 44 Halstead, Arthur L. 35262030 Teo 4 17 Sep 44 Ham, Julious H. 12054897 Tee 6 6 Sep 44 Har, Alexander 6994864 Pvt. 23 Sep 44 Heifner, Russell E. 38081839 Se;t 23 Sep 44 Helzer, William 39075347 S Sgt 21 Sep 44 Henderson, Allen, Jr. 17165506 Pfc 1 Sep 44 Herman, Alfred A. 37016170 Sgt 19 Sep 44

· ~ ,.·.· Hicks, Darrell D. 38521016 Pfc 23 Sep 44 Hill, Emery s. 3446673~ Pvt 21 Sep 44 Hode;e, Evan Jr. 35870681 Pvt 19 Sep 44 Holloway, Thurmon W. 34824448 Pvt 22 Sep 44 ·Hutcheson, Ralph L. 37010776 Tee 4 8 t3ep 44 Irby, William E. 38175083 Tee • 21 Sep 44 Johnson, Bud D. 37487602 Pvt 9 Sep 44 Kellogg,· Harold L. 1903 9858 Pfc 8 Sep 44 Kelly, Joseph ~. 37015698 Pfc 17 Sep 44 Koris, Benedict 13174511 Pvt 18 Sep 44 Kessinger, Robort I. 35499096 Pvt 19 Sep 44 Klocek, John A. 35255052 Cpl 1 Sep 44 Kno:x, Frank J. 32992334 Pvt 22 Sep 44 Kl'tinek, Joseph J. 37120408 Sgt 19 Sep 44 J(rook, John A. 37032394 Teo 5 23 Sep 44 Kuborn, Harold V. 37119899 Sgt 21 Sep 44 LaChapelle, Joseph E. 36042952 Cpl 9 Sep 44 Lane, Cecil M. 14043736 Pvt 19 8-ep 44 Larson, Lloyd 0. 6937!?93 S Sr;t 5 Sep 44 Leibhart, Lloyd L. 37120339 Cpl 20 Sep 44 Lemke, Alvin A. 37071738 Sgt 17 Sep 44 Letson, Robert w. 34196791 Cpl · 26 Sep 44 Levine , Harry 31064172 Teo 5 7 Sep 44 Lieberman, Leo L. 01014766 2nd Lt 2 Sep 44 Locke, James E. 15046327 Pfo 1 Sep 44 Long, Paul R. 01011709 1st Lt 23 Sep 44 Lukewaski, Joseph M. 01011834 2nd Lt 2 Sep 44

( Maney, Robert F. 01010508 lst Lt 11 Sep 44 Martin, Kenneth J. 37032947 Sgt 17 Sep 44 Mascaro, Joseph 37247383 Pvt 11 Sep 44 Matthews, Troy 36206610 Teo 6 15 Sep 44 ... :Mattson, Martin A. 37032914 Teo 4 7 Sep 44

:. ! ~


McCardle, James B • 34871485 Prl 24 Sep 44 . lloWamee, Lee P. 37120031 Teo 6 20 Sep 44 .,.,

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; .\ ' vG

Losses in Action, 33d Armd. Regt., ~ont'd (Page 3)

Miller, Erwin L. 37110740 Pfo 10 Sep 44 Mills, John B. Jr. 34890886 Pvt 12 Sep 44 Y.oliner, Gilberta 38060244 Sgt 29 Sep 44 Monbrandi, Rudolph J. 01014608 2nd Lt 18 Sep 44 Montijo, Joe M. 39862827 Pvt 15 Sep 44 Moorhead, Donald w. 01011529 1st Lt 13 Sep 44 Mor{;an, A.J., Jr 34166512 Tee 6 18 Sep 44 Muller, Julius E. 12193221 Teo 6 21 Sep 44 N~ll ~ George A. 37417322 Cpl 20 Sep 44 Novitski, Thomas L. 36327157 Pfo 24 Sep 44 O'Connell, Gerald D. 36212660 Sr;t 18 Sep 44 Offutt, Clifton R. 35264606 Cpl 3 Sep 44 Olivares, Victor E. 38360218 Pvt 3 Sep 44 Ortley, Robert w. 32958751 Pvt 24 Sep 't4 O'Sullivan, Edmond J. ' 01011329 1st Lt 15 Sep 44 Pace, Mack 6271835 Sgt 19 Sep 44 Palu~zi, Louis J. 33610065 Pvt 26 Sep 44 Papp, Joseph M. 35233346 Pfc 13 Sep 44 Partyka, Robert M. 36042856 Pfc 9 Sep 44 Pe 1 ton, 1lin ton 17086389 Pvt 3 Sep 44 Penrod, Will s. 38043552 Sgt 8 Sep 44 Pfister, Raymond D. 37016594 Pvt 12 Sep 44 Pigg, Linde1 R. 37076037 S S~t 21 Sep 'i4 PC'11rney, Leslie F. 37132059 t'fo 23 Sep 44 Poynter, Thurmond 35206593 Teo 6 8 Sep 44 Prados, Ferdinand A. 34078725 Teo 6 22 .sep 44 Prahl, Louis c. 01011394 1st Lt 19 Sep 44 Puleo, Joseph E. 12219560 Pvt 21 Sep 44 Riddle, Aubrey T. 33040:J41 Sgt 20 Sap 44 Roberts, Henry A. 01012140 1st Lt 5 Sep 44 Roemer, Charles R. 17153528 Pfc 26 Sep 44 Rogers, Hoyt D. 38043622 1st Sgt 2 Sep 44 Roller, Joe D. 37140026 Cpl 15 Sep 44 Romack, Gordon D. 36036006 Sgt 25 Sep 44 Butkowski, Harold 36149818 Pvt 23 Sep 44 Saia, ~ilburn H. F. 01011507 1st Lt 3 Sep 44 Satterwhite, Walter L. 33634196 Pfc 21 Sep 44 Schmidt, Louis C., Jr 12108219 Pvt 24 Sep 44 Soribner, Lynn R. 3U13934 Cpl 23 Sep 44 Selby, Holden 36885464 Pvt 21 Sep 44 Shields, James F. 31064539 Teo ' 23 Sep 44 Shipus, George 35916452 Pvt 9 Sep 44 Shirley, Henry L. 35229121 Pvt 21 Sep 44 Silva, Manuel 31421110 Pvt 18 Sep 44 Smith, Addison B. 17044424 Pfo 11 Sep 44 Smith, ThoMas J., Jr 34284341 Cpl 18 Sep 44 Soque, Eli Jr 19065658 Tee 6 18 Sep 44 Steedly, Hampton B. 34842394 Pvt 3 Sep 44 Stefanowsld, Frank 32894785 Cpl 24 Sep 44 Steffes, Lawrance M. 37032643 Teo 6 3 Sep 44 Stevens, Ben H. 38534137 Pvt 21 Sep 44 Taylor, Ernest Lee 37607027 Pf'o 18 Sep 44 . ,, Testa, Salvatore J. 35235451 Pvt 24 Sep 44

.. ~. ! '•

~ i Thompson, Dale D. 36699494 PYt 17 Sep 44 '. l

i . Thompson, Wende 11 R. 35281994 Sgt 23 Sep 44 I

Trask, Philip E. 31429600 Cpl 25 Sep 44 1 ·

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bivouac area South of LI :rAJ1T vicinity 185161. ~ Casual ties: MIA 0 KIA 0 WIA " NBC 0

26 Au~st f!Jovement was resumed toward the Division assembly area in the FOR ET DE SEHAHT. Rcn Co captured 9 .Pw's at l3Gl57 and destroyed two 40mm Flak e;uns between 136157 and 114184. Dy 1110, all units of TF 1 (Lt Col WILLIA1.' B LOV SLADY) closed in assembly area at 14G218 and prepare~ to move North and ~ast to seize HEADX. The enthusiastic welcome of the French people during the advance was ovenrhelmine;. Crowds of people lined the streets with outstretched arms, some wa.vinro; nnd somo offerin e; flowers. At ti!Tles, it become Oifficult to move forward.

he F'FI {French Forces of the Inte rio-r) were very active in this sector and render-valuable assistance and infor:mntion to our troops. At 1400, Ron Co moved out

~d report~d a dismounted enemy patrol at 182244. At 1823, Ron ran into snall arms fire from the front and left flank. Team 2 reported that ci vilie.ns were staying in tho stroets evon when firinr; was p;oinG on thus ha.mpering the Team's movement. Also that the Team ene;aged in tho fire fie;ht at M.AiJDRE:S and were being held up by AT fire at 1539 (time). "D" Company was sent forward to outflank this resistance. By 2000, "D" Company reported more than 2 AT guns near 323236 and puttinp; artillery on the same. Team 2 ran into tank fi ro from the East at 2004 and "D" Company then knocked out an enemy tank. Civilian reports, some of them accurate, most of them how~ver inaccurate, poured into all Hq's. C 0 CC"B'' informed that too nruch activity going on to coil at 2026. However at 2200, all units had closed in bivouac and CP TF 1 was at 235328.

Cnsualties: VIA 5 KIA 0 VliA 24 llBC Q 27 August By 0010, leading elements of TF 1 ware at 268330. "D" Company

33rd Armd Regt reported at noon tha t a 1~ V and 4 other tanks turned around ~t their immediate front and withdrew. One Platoon "B" Company, Rcn Co and Platoon of "E" Co 36th Infantry were sent to guard crossroad at Nontry. Rcn Co axi reported from PW source that 300 man with rifles and ma chine guns were located on kilometer Northwest along canal nea •r 406437. Also that 40 Germans of the 1st Technical Bn were at 372465, 4 heavy tanks a ,,t 390465, as of o930 today. Also AT guns '&ua rding bridge at canal a t Esbly. C 0 TF 1 (Lt. Col WILLIMI: B. LOV ;;;LADY) reported to C 0 CC"B" that TD's should be sent forward to corer avenues of enemy approach since many of them had been passed. AA protection was requested for the bridge at ESBLY since an enemy plane had strafed there three times. fW' s wero taken from the 9th Panzer Division. At 1730, Company COJ!lr!landers wore e;i van order for accomplishing mission of taking MEAUX. Rcn plus 4 tanks were to lead out at 1800. Team 1 was to follow with 1st and 3rd inf-tank Platoon on each side of the road followed by Remainder of Team in deployed position. By 1912, mits had reachod center of MDAUX with no resistance encountered. Orders were received from CC''B" to withdraw major force from town to bivouac and leave outposts in town. This was done.

Casualties: MIA 0 KIA 0 WIA 1 NBC 0 28 August Af'ter a meeting of Company CoTTl'Tlanders at 0630, units moved out

on the big push for SOISSOUS. At 0800, "D" Co, 33d Armd Regt Reported seeing enemy tanks on ridge to their far left and began firin& on them, but soon ceased fire since the range was excessive and air had by now picked them up. At 0952, leading elements were being held up at 533594 by 3 enemy tanks. Air and artillery worked on them. Air then reported AA at ETREPILLY and AT guns at CR (533594). Also that 4 large tanks and other vehicles were traveling North from this point. Appeared to be enemy column withdrawing. Air then reported 6 tanks burning and 1 AT gun (88MM) knocked out along with much transport. At 1118, unit was ordered to take an alternate route, turning off assigned route at 606703 and proceeding Northwest to THURY and CUVERGHOll, thence generally Northeast to BOtmSON and back on main

r- ute (000790). One armored oar lost. An annunition request was sent to CC" R". ~ 1335, one Mk V, one large half-track and one small tracked vehicle were des­

troyed and 20 Pw's takon. Another Mk V was destroyed a little later at ? bridge. C 0 CC"D" ordered units to push forward with speed rather than caution. Units harl been moving at 16 mph for at least a period of 40 minutes. TF 1 was halted at 710826 where bridge was blown. Team 2 destroyed 2 scout oars. Byl900, leading elements were in the oenter of SOISSrnlS Having destroyed one AT gun in town. Divi­sion Commander oongradulated all units on the day's great achievenent.

Casualtieet VIA 0 KIA 0 WIA 5 NlJc 0

~) .-

1 -

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29 Au .r•ust CF TF 2 J.t Col :(),) ·•:. i•;Ll . H. I' ItJ'";) was At 751.")50 but TF 2 held 0\ . .'] JJUii..> . At 1015, it attacked bridr~e across Jt i . ,;t : ~; ·1 \'. J; at 805967 which was v1ell tlefended. J"ines were rewtoved. Enemy artillery fire fell. At 1030, elements of infantry and enr-ineers of TF 2 crossed the hridr;e. J•l81nwhile the Division issued orders for a<!vance toVIard the Northeast to take JJ.Of-JTC( 1 ' ~1~l~T. Divisrbon Headjuarters was at this time enr;ar;ed in fir-htin~ enemy units b ·.r r1 ssed by our forward units in their fast movin~ drive, so orders were chann:ed :mri at 1310 H, 1 located just Southwest of .:.>OI~.kiONJ and TF 2 were· (Tiv nn mission of seizino: the his:h ~round 3000 / ards Northeast of SCISJOi'TS with one half of their force. B~r 2155, CP of TF 2 was located at 823012 ant TF 1 was moving ahead. The li~ht tank ComPany from each Tf was left in SOISSONS to euard the town pending arrival of the 1st Infantry Divi-sion.

Casualties: I.'IA 2 KI ., 3 '. 11 A 9 NBC 0 30 Au r;ust At 0900, orders were received to outpost line 966153 to Lt\'31 hoth

inclusive. 'i'F 2 was to out .,ost from 780030 to 966153. TF 1 encountered ~;Un em­placements but they were ahandone~. A 2 1 ton and 6., ]. ton truck loads of P11N were taken. An 88 f1J,: gun, J staff cars, one armored car and some transport veh­icles were destroyed. Team 2 was held up by AT fire in LAON. By 1900, assighed position had been occupied and a Bn of the 1st Infantry Division had been con­tacted. Col lJOR.tlANCE .3. itOYJDON was relieved of comm:md ol the 33d Armored Regi­ment and Lt Col Littleton A. Hoberts assumed command.

Casualties: MIA 0 KIA 0 ,;JA 4 NBB: 0 31 Au~ust At 0115, enemy bombed positions in s~ite of rainy weather.

Liaison officer from CC"B" reported at 0605 with overlay of new route and orde ' S

to move out a t. 1000 heading Nor the · st toward CJIAR.LEVJ Ll .E to hridge the I'Ur;3E :tiVER vicinity that town. Leadin~ elements of TF 1 moved out at 1015, LD was at 047174. CC"B" reported that 60th Infantry and tanks would cross routes to protect our right flank but t ·,at 33d Armd had priority on roads. ,\t 1234, Team 2.contacted 33rd itcn Bn at 160250. Gasoline arrived. Team 2 reported enemy artillery fire falling. at 1435, all units coiled upon orders from CC"B". CF ·t~as located at 178281/ CC"B" then ordered a new mission - "move at once via 320285 to new ohjective vrn­VI.t;H3 seize and secure." - at 1600, li~ht tank l ' :·atoon reported bridge across canal at 288319 had heen blown. Team 2 reported engineers would require 1~ hourw to repair bridee, so all possible effort was made to locate a new crossin~. CC"B" then ordered a new objective - J:I :tOC:l - via ;-tOL.OY. At 1732, Rcn units were moving across a new bridge. Leading elements at 1840 were at 312315. At 2035 head of column ran into road block. Artillery was fired on it and the advance continued. Town 2 then ran into another tlown bridf,e covered by AT and small arms fire. At2210, infantry was sent across to estarlish a hridp,ehead so the engineers could begin work on bridge. l!Jnemy resistance -.vas heavy and plan to l' ivouac and 11Bit until toorning to work on bridge was ap!"'roved by CO CC"B". Artillery prepared defensive firing for the night. During all operations the Jrd Bn, 33d Armd Reet commanded by Lt Col SAMU.l!.;L M. HOGAN operated directly under Division control.

Casualtiel!l: MIA 2 KIA 6 iHA 8 NBC 0

\\ .


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API'UJDIX NO 2 ffi it AFT..:..it ACTION REPO ~T FOil. !IUI!TH UF AU -:uST 1944

A lamia, Luis 1'!1-il 1-wderson, Brook C. 1•'1clerson, .l·.!alcolm C. rtnderson, Hussell C • Andreason, Carl G. Arndt, John ~~. Arnhoelter, Hugo J. hutullo, Joseph D. Balderson, Dean M. Baucom, James M. Bedford, Van .i. Belanger, Adelore E. Ber ger, Sidney s. Derha, Rene 1•!. Be rtram, George R; Bird, Marvin M. Blackman, Harry C. Blay, ,Jilliam L. Boskat, Charles A. Bradshaw, llobert E. Drown, Lawrence P; Buck, Ha/,old c. Buck, r .. , . · •

Burdine, Johnnie H. Byers, Lee D. Campbell, Tho~as E. Carlson, Herbert c. Carpenter, Hichard R. Carr, James T. Carter, Haymond D. Cash, \lilburn D. Gavaleri, Manuel G. Churchhill, Francis E. !Bhuchhill, Clarence NMI Clar , Max NUl Cole, Ersin ·,J. Coleman, Oliver W. Cook, Delmar A. Cooper, Theodore R. Cooper, Thomas A. Cordell, Robert A. Craft, Jessie E.


38032768 38057276 36002528 37095399 36326954 01011420 36212767 35227071 36023261 6923497 38049018 36313559 36036432 36023772 16169362 38158722 33108973 36118464 42021107 38042447 12056733 36327127

' ' ~ l '' ' l( \

. '. 34635838 13157490 13113LJ17 42052298 31267899 36685083 37016826 38o6Bl73 34240421 37120580 37071605 36650388 39305495 3701 1·510 36078049 31064603 01012471 38044303 34657545

Tee 4 TEe 5 Sgt Tee 4 Cpl 1st Lt. :.:>gt Pfc Jp,t :.:>gt Pfc Pfc Tee 5 Cpl Pfc Pvt Tee 5 Cpl Pvt .St Jgt Pfc Pfc .

'' [,

Pvt Pfc

2 /m~ust 44 3 August 44

19 Au~ust 44 4 Auc;ust 44 3 August 44 7 August 44 7 August 44

29 Aur:,ust 44 3 August 44 3 1\ugust· 44

19 Au~ust 44 6 August 44

10 August.44 17 Aueust 44

8 August 44 1 10 August 44

3 Au eust 44 3 AUf,USt 44

n ;\ur,:ust 44 26 im ~ust 44 17 August 44 17 /m~ust 44

J~St 1,4

10 August Pvt

19 AURUSt 44 17 Au.,:;ust 44 44 Pvt. 17 August 44

Pvt Pvt Cp1 Pfc Cpl Tee 5 1st Sgt. Pvt Tee 4 Tee 5 Sgt Pvt let Lt set Pvt

31 Aur;ust 44 30 Aueust 44 10 AU'!,USt 44

2 Au rsust 44 11 Aut;nst 44 3 i..u~ust 4h

11 AuP,Ust 44 10 Aur,ust 44

6 August 44 10 Au~ust 44 26 August 45 4 August 44

11 August 44 12 August 44 19 August 44

,;\ 1

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1 . os ~,es in Action, 33d Armd. Re~:t. , Cont 'd (Pa~e 2)

Crane, Charles C., Jr. 11071720 Pvt 13 A1117,llSt 44 Crow, ,James 13. 35265373 Tee 5 8 Au r:ust 44 Dai ,~le, C'reorr;e L., Jr. 3h230907 Tee 5 3 flU"!USt 44 Dailey, Raymond J. 331~05908 Pvt 17 Aur;ust 44 Devall, Chester Mll 36077938 S~t 31 /m~ust 44 DiPalma, ~erka J. 3219564'? ix:XPfc 8 Au~ust 4h ~ obrydnia, Joseph P. 36327154 Cpl 31 1\u~st 44

vorsey, Charles E. 351041~44 Cpl 13 Aucust 44 t;arl, Henry J. 01012245 1st Lt. 3 AuP,ust 44 Eilder s, Ben I ~ -!I 37110913 Tee 5 19 fmp,:ust 41~ r;rpolite, iLttilio NMI 33833395 Pvt 17 August 44 Farasher, John H. 01018426 2nd Lt. 28 August 44 Fasula, John J. 68l~6404 Sgt 19 Aw:-ust 44 Filyaw, Ernest c. 7008308 1st Sgt 13 Au ·;ust 44 Fadel, .c;lias L. 33609013 Pvt 3 /\U r<:USt 44 Forcell, Clifford F. 36760243 Cpl 26 AU81St 44 frame, Kert C. 35870371 Pvt 19 August · 44 Franken, Dries NUl 37466766 Pfc 2 Aur;ust 44 Freed~an, Joseph M. 3209207h Tee 5 29 August 44 Furubotten, Bernard R; 3707J.568 Pvt 10 August 44 Galb~eath, John D. 6262179 Pvt 12 AUf?;USt 44 Garton, David J. 6932129 Sgt 29 Au~st 44 Gibson, Arlo M. 37046499 .St Sgt 6 Auf,ust 44 Giordano, Carmine F. 42009021 Pvt 11 August 44 Godfrey, James A. 36397222 Pfc 3 Au~ust 44 Golaz, 11illiam C. 1 Jr. 38043851 Tec ·5 2 A.up,ust 44 Graf, Fred A. 36054h95 Pfe 10 August 44 Gragen, George ''· 31046049 St Sgt 11 )\llf,USt 44 Green, John J. 42030750 Pvt 10 Aur,ust 44 Greenwaldt, ~mil P 37032424 Tee 5 4 Au~st 44 Gren~e, Gordon J. 37096303 Sgt 2 Aue:ust 44 Gunter, John L. 37417381 Pfc 11 Aur,ust 44 Hackett, Luke R. 14024207 Sgt 4 August 44 Halley, Georr,e L. 38672577 Pfc 26August 44 Hall, ,t;lzie J;: . 33049173 Pre 17 Aup,ust 44 Halsey, Harry G. 36329237 Tee 5 3 Autwst 44 H.!mson, Harvey K. 37095293 Tee 5 11 Au~ust 44 liar, Alexander mn 6994864 Pvt 3 August 44 Harvey, Hugh 0. 37010910 Tee 5 26August 44 Hel~erson, Kermit o. 37120525 Sgt 10 Au~;ust 44 Henkel, •dlson J. 36240384 Pfe 10 Anr:;ust 44 Henningsp,aard, Lelander NMI 37046401~ Tee 5 ;~ 6 August 44 Hergenroeder, James NMI 370411~50 Pfc 10 Au ~ust 44 Hilburn, ;,illaim s. 01012378 2nd Lt. 7 Aup;ust 4h Hill, Calvin D. 42022239 Pvt 14 .'1ueust 44 Hinkle, Iolyn J. 39086264 Cp1 19 AUgust 44 !lodges, Jimmie H. 34871069 Pvt 10 August 44

· Hornyak, r'rank mu: 35235493 Pvt 19 Au~ust 44 ( ·ruey, .ialter H. 37010555 St Sg5 3 August 44

.. ufnagc1, Anthony J. . 36036364 St 3gt 13 Aut;ust 44 Johnson, Robert E. 37119859. set 10 Au,:r,ust 44

·~ Johnston, Paul 1·i. 35091237 Cp1 11 August 44 !

Jones, Edward R. 35283345 Cp1 3 August 44 ~ i

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21 Losses in Action, 33d Armd. Her:;t., Gont 1 d (Pa~e 3)

Jordan, John .i. 03736,)1 Capt. 16 fmr:;ust 44 Kaufman, Frank L. 35261850 Gpl 17 Auq;ust 44 Keck, };ack H. 380791599 ::J Pfc 11 Au gust 44 Keris, l!enedict NMI l3l745ll Pvt 10 August 44 Ketchum, Jesse A. 36314641 crl 19 AufPlSt 44 King, Cloyd L. 3602365!7 Tee 4 23 An~ust 44 ·ing, Herman G. 14121399 Pvt 10 ~~ August 44 ~ lario, Adolph P. 35379234 rvt 10 August 44 1'-:labon, Ossie R. 36036795 .Sfit 14 August 44 Kline, ulan D. 37474996 Tee 5 19 AUF;;USt 44 Knilans, Ueredlth o. 36201232 • .I. .:>gt 14 August 44 oJ

Kohnhass, George R. 33244933 Pfe 16 August 44 Krasucki, Chester V. 36336366 Pvt 3 August 44 LeisinGer, Albert G. 37046280 Tee 5 3 August 44 Leiting, ~lmer A. 37120429 Tee 5 3 August 44 LeJ,1ay, Joseph H. 11064841 Gp1 15 August 44 Losch, Frank J. 37159259 Tee 4 10 August ·64 Luloff, Leo C. 37046100 Pfe 19 Au~st 44 Mace, Ha11old HMI . 36037076 TP.c 5 26 August 44 J,;alone, ~rnest V. 36043001 Pfc 12 Aucust 44 ?,~ann, James B. 37010854 Tee 5 10 August 44 I.'.arsh, Garland 1 •• 33536690 Pvt 4 August 44 Marsh, ,vf] liam J. 42018606 Pvt 29 Augw t 44 ~cCann, r~orge c., Jr. 0401618 Capt 10 Aup;ust 44 M·; Elfresh, Pete E. 32564438 • Jgt 10 AU F;;USt 44 Mc·v1hertor, Frederick ••. 33141234 Pfc · 11 August 44 Medley, Pinkey M. 34240192 Pvt 10 August 44 Metcalf, Kenneth G. 36213368 Tee 4 6 August 44 .t.~eyer, Donald ~. 352641~12 .:>gt 4 August 44 Miller, Albert 1'\ 35403288 Pvt ~ 10 August 44 ~'iller, ·,Jilliam NMI 32649682 Pvt 18 August 44 Miihls, Ralph E. 36255002 Gpl 14 August 44 Minichello, frank NMI 32211731 Gpl 19 August 44 Molinar, Gilberte mJ: 38068244 Sgt )August 44 Moore, Neal K. 38043828 Sgt ' 13 August 44 J.:orrissey, Kenneth J. 32211925 Pfc 3 August 44 Mosekian, Bart NMI 39075295 St Sgt 10 August 44 1:0ses, Raby C. 33045205 1st Set 4 August 64 l.:uniz, Hector NMI 32196806 Pvt 28 AUGUSt 44 .Myers, Vince I. 14010557 Tee 5 2 Au c_;ust 44 Hyrand, Harry HMI 32802012 Pvt 17 Au~ust 44 Nussberger, I~ro1d D. 32196717 Pvt 8 U Au~us , 44 Uberle, f'hilip J. 37010603 Cpl 26 August 44 Oliva, iliward a. 37120399 Tee 5 ll~ Aup;11St 44 U1sen, Hichard M. 37120469 Cp1 8 August 44 ursa, John N . .l 32201433 Pfc 10 August 44 Paree, Joe NMI 38158315 Pfc 2 August 44 Parker, Bdgar J. 36037131 Tee 5 10 August 44 r 'erry' ~ugene J. 32196443, Cp1 10 August 44 _ersinger, Bannard NMI 36077951 Pvt 10 Au.o:ust 44 Petry, Oscar L. 38484602 Pfc 6 August 44 "'\ . 1

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Losses in .,ction, 3Jd Armu. llen:t., ,~ont 1 d (Fa:;e 4)

Fhillins, John E. l'iel-:arc7yk, .. 'llter L. Pierc9, ~ ecrce T. l'lezia, f r-'lnkS. r·ool, Lawrence C. ...:ueen, Carl .1.

, \ h:anek, Joseph .t:;.

(cinhart, Herbert F. .cinerth, 11artin :c;. Jr.

t\ci s :' , ?red G., Jr. Reu ther, iloger K. ldeme rnma, Henry NIH., Jr. ;~berts, Alfred E. jlpberts, John L. Hone, Marcus ~. Rother, Fred H., Jr. Houx:, Donald .t:. Huzas, John P. .Jal ter, Herbert ji. uchimelpfenis, Lester R. 0chinl~e, ;1illiam H. Schmidt, Au[;ust H., Jr. Schroeder, Carl ~. :Jchumadher, Marcus R. 3ilverman, r;athan NMI ~i~onsQn, Clinton G. vlOa'l , John u. .J~ead, Jobert M. JMith, Howard G. Jmith, James A. Jnell, JaJ!'eS 1l. 3protise, .dlliam D. ;_; tevens, James F. Jtrazer, Tony N~~ Toto, Thom'ls J. Trueheart, John H. VorUJlt, Jtephen H. ~aG8ner, Charles E. ·.iat osama, i1ndrew K. n::J.tson, Glen 11. 1iebb, Neal J. \;est phal, Howard P. ;,illiams, Edward B. iiilliams, H.o;r L. ;1ilson, llilliam N. i.itt, lJetlef J. 'o;olfe, i1oy P ~ \10lpe, Leonard NMI .. oods, Charles .tt. 38068120

( ~ Yoemans, Prentice E. lost, William J.

320h0226 St 3gt 37576742 Pvt 36036624 Pvt 36118776 Cpl 38042904 :Jr,t


708608 Fvt 322076r-t9 Pfc 330845 ~8 s~t 36118105 Tee 4 0450476 Capt 3279t1901 Pfe 37466804 Pfc Ol182091 Capt 384 5 64 96 Pvt 3851235: J i

33581642 Tee 5 37378~ . 09 Pfe 36031606 St Sgt 11045736 Tee 4 36212787 Tee 4 37140103 Tee 5 32200850 J Gt• 6938013 St S~t 01011665 1st Lt. 321 96 78 Pfc 36311980 Tee 5 31~ 813549 Pvt 20844345 rvt 33733087 Pvt 3605h016 Pvt 14078455 0r,t 15073935 Cpl 32746034 Pfc 36037682 Jt Sgt 32819911 Pvt 01011153 1st Lt 33705924 Pvt 38090268 set 38004276 Fvt 36077913 Sgt 34114650 Sr;t 36212884 Pvt .01012182 2nd Lt. 34142871 Tee 5 35282736 Ffc 01014134 2nd Lt 35379hh3 Pfc 01012559 1st l .t. ~J?;t ktxUbd 016454 Lt Col 32483338 Pfc

4 Au~:,ust 44 26 Aurust 44. 15 J\up;ust 44

2 /mt:Y,USt 44 13 Au~nst 44 14. Au r;ust 41. 10 1\ursust 44

3 itU'!USt 44 J f>U~:SUSt 4./.

10 Au'WSt 44 3 Au .~st 44.

12 fm~ust 4.4. J AUP,USt 44.

26 Au ~ust 44

10 August 44 6 Au_r:ust 44

23 AUBUSt 44 2 August 44 7 /m r:u s t 44

1 <) HU r;u st 44 3 August 44

17 Au r-:ust 44 12 Au.r.:u st 44

3 tmc:ust 44 13 August 44 17 Au .r::ust 44

7 1lU JS US t 44 30 AUf'USt 4l~ 13 August 44 10 Ausust 44 11 Au ,.,.ust 44

3 Aurrust 4.4 11 Au ~u st 44 11 1\u~ust 44

3 Aur,ust 44 26 Au r;ust 44 26 Au~ust lt.h

3 Au r;ust 44 7 AUg1ISt 44

26 Aurust 44. 10 Aur:ust 44 11 Aurrust 44

6 /m~ust 44 3 Ausust 44

19 August 44 10 Autust 44 11 AuP,Ust 44 1~ AuP,Ust 44

2 August 44 12 August 44

Page 19: HEAiJ~!UARTi~ l.S AHrOn.l1

Losses in Acti0n, 33d Armrl. il.et:;t., Gont'd. (J'ar"P 5)

Anderson, Carl H. 37159395 An ;:rell, James L. 31245577 nvcry, Grei~hton J. 12057438 Ba ldridre, Charles ~. 37537233 B::1rr, iiohert tl.. 1701 ')C~20

Desse, Cletus · J. J i:0'/)1~9

Birchfield, Allen ...,. 3404hJ 131 Brown, i l.onald A. 31387052 UeGastro, Samuel T. 32233 ci20 Dunaj, ;;alter J. Jl06M>9l ~dwards, Tommie B. 14015086 Elirolus, Gus L. 390Kf:>287 fields, Hut,o ~; 6972Jn3 Fox, t.Jnmett II. 36327?.81 fredericks, Earl E. 31440152 Fultz, ilobert J. 330'06277 Gurber, Arthur J. 32196189 Jlanephin, nrant U. 37050'Jlh Harrison, Trmy M.. 37076(1/,.-:2 1-!ornel, \,alter J. 360/.,272'1 Hutchins, ll enry ,; • 31037661 Lamberton, bdward E. 32286427 Lcwois, tl.onald l~. 110641)6 Platter, Joseph L. 37247349 riand;Jll, John iJJ. :I 351,54687 H,van, Franklin il. Ll01079f~ ~hulsky, Paul V. 33153484 Siedhoff, Robert A. .37076583 Talkington, James N.,Jr.37603387 ~erehime, Jterlin~ E. 33169991

Arch~mheault, Altert E. Arnold, Alexander J. l3aya .~ , Jirnon T. . edn~rz, ~dward 1 .~ 1

Dickford, Leonard E. Boudreaux, Johnnie J. Calvillo, Jose :~Ll Chernek, i ~udolph D. Daren, Paul F. Mkleberry, Vir':';il Vo Evans, Charles R. Feaman, ~ttGene L. Fisher, Harry E., Jr. franzese, J,;assimino V. Guy, RobP.rt J.

310591146 35283'1;.~4

36326951 326025311 322 33958 14C05IS31 J F)l57190 330825)0 31066966 38000159 01012116 01011856 35559604 32209178 38383409

Gpl Pfc l'fc Tee 5 Tee 4 Tee 5 crl Col Fvt Tee 4 I'fc Tee 5 ::igt ffc Pvt Tee 5 Pfc Pfc Cpl Tee 5 Tee 4 Cnl Tee 4 Pvt ;pl 1st Lt Pvt Tee 5 l'vt ,'Jr:t

Pfs Tee 4 Cpl l fc He lst Jr;t J'vt Sr,t Tee 5 .Jt i:J~t lst Lt lst Lt Pvt Pfc Cpl

26 Aur,ust 1%4 13 Ar1 ~rJ st 19/44

3 Anr'llSt 1944 31 Au gust 1 %h

5 Au ~ust 1%4 3 Au nlJst 194h

13 J .111 :~u st 1941. 16 1\u c:;u st 1944 11 im mJ st 1944

3 Aurust 19/~4 12 flur;ust 1944

3 /\IJ~ust 19/.,/."' 13 i\1) PUSt l9/r4

3 J,U'~ust 19hlr 31 /{rJr:nst 1944 11 Jl\l ~ust 19M

3 liUP.USt' 1944 3 A.ur:us :, 1944 3 liu ;mst 194'-'

30 A1J~ust 19M 13 Aur;ust l9L.h 31 i\1lrmst l%/-1-~6 1\ur;nst 19lrlL

4 Alll!ll st 1944 29 Aup:ust 1944

3 AUf\USt l%l! 13 Aupust 19M

7 Au~ust 1944 23 Anr-ust 194lr 12 All I!URt l9hh

1 ,~ u r;u s t 19M. 9 Au P'll st l').'d ...

10 11U n:u s t 1 '?h '• 1 i\IJ'!IJSt ]'f !dt

30 , \l1 17TJSt 1944 10 1\ll~USt 11]1,4

3 llll · ~ust 1944 11 1mgust 1944 17 Au~ust 191~4 17 ilur-ust 1944 10 Au ~ust 1944 10 Au 'Y,USt 1944 10 Aurru.st 1944

3 Au~ust 1944 17 AuP.u st 1944

·~ '

Page 20: HEAiJ~!UARTi~ l.S AHrOn.l1

rlr >( I


Losses in Action, 33d Armd. He gt., Cont'd, (Pag~ 4) 3J Turner, Willard C. 14040424 Teo 4 15 Sep 44 Vasquez, Padro 38032856 Tee 4 19 Sep 44 Vanr;hn, Tommie D. 37130129 Tee 6 2 Sep 44 Verno, Frank M. 32211866 Cpl 23 Sep 44 Vieall, Wilson A. 36167455 Sgt 22 Sep 44 Vieira, Hermano P. 314213-12 Pvt 3 Sep 44 Wageener, Delbert J. 38043608 Tee 5 1 Sep 44 Wheeler, Raymond L. 36834110 Pvt 17 Sep 44 Wilson, Charles F. 35275074 Cpl 17 Sep 44 Wood, Jack D. · 3523548~ Pvt 13 Sep 44 Woodruff, Dempsey v. 38042797 Sgt 17 Sep 44


Albino, Dante P. 42028718 Pvt 10 Sep 44 Allen, Chester G. 38512273 Pvt 15 Sep 44 Bellino, James 42007950 Pvt 18 Sep 44 Bezalla, John 32195885 Pvt 20 Sep 44 Carter, Harrison B. 34497835 Teo 5 13 Sep 44 Charles, Vernon D. 35094513 Teo 5 18 Sep 44 Coelho, John 31161117 Pvt 28 Sep 44 Crabtree, Earl w. 34674048 Pvt 20 Sep 44 Daniel, Charles s. 18079388 Too 5 23 Sep 44 Dechand, Albert J. 37722563 Pvt 18 Sep 44 Elliott, Clifford L. 01014992 2nd Lt 13 Sep 44 Favella, Frank A. 38254409 Pfc 18 S_ep 44 First, Herbert F. 35893650 Pvt 21 Sep 44 Formalag, August G. 39000459 Sgt 28 Sep 44 Gardner, William A. 32202284 Teo 6 15 Sep 44 German, Virgil 32233940 Teo 5 25 Sep 44 Godwin, Willard L. 32958357 Pvt 18 Sep 44 Gray, Ronald M. 37529008 Pvt 20 Sep 44 Jacoby, George J. 36373847 Pfc 13 Sep 44 Jones, Charles R. 6572803 S Sgt 15 Sep 4 4 Klotz, Edward J 36212757 Pfo 7 Sep 44 Kubicek, Alouis R. 37120224 Teo 4 15 Sep 44 Lawson, Harold L. 35772028 Pvt 21 Sep 44 Mashlonik, Nicholas 12054875 Cpl 15 Sep 44 Mazur, Thaddeus G. 36116326 Cpl 16 Sep 44 MacNeil, John E. 35255638 Teo 6 20 Sep 44 Millspaugh, D. L. 32939499 Pvt 23 Sep ~4 Morris, Charles A. 33897333 Pvt 1 Sep 44 Nelson, Carl R. 6864992 Teo ' 4 Sep 44 Peters, Ben A., Jr 34240191 Pfo 4 Sep 44 Seheidleman, Ralph J. 32233972 Teo 6 15 Sep 44 Silvia, John M., Jr. 31303530 Pvt 19 Sep 44 Sims, Teddie N. 38514629 Pvt 18 Sep 44 Stansell, Marshal L. 34203050 Cpl 11 Sep 44 Tripp, Enmett W. 38081837 Sgt 24 Sep 44 White, Wesley G. 36763283 Pfo 13 Sep 44 Yotmg, Walter 36023368 Cpl 23 Sep 44 · ~

·: !



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Losses in Action, ~3d Armored He~iment, Cont'd. (Page 6)

SERIOUSLY ViOtmDlm IN ACTION Bntes, Francis P. Belcher, Orville E. Bilderback, Donald s. Boesch, Lester E. Burcin, Steve Butler, Ellis o. Coppola, Frank J. Dou~harty, Thomas Fonner, 'Henry T. Holley, Joseph R. Moore, Orville W. Olson, Gerald D. Peterson, John J. Schreiner, William A. Shumate, Leland Y. Siergiej, Stanley V. Skipper, Thomas 0. Sova, Francis J. Stark, Ralph B. Thompson, Arthur L. West , Don L. Zissler, Norman E.

3840'1903 37016659 35124283 36212944 010128"43 31039757 01017073 33143798 33153689 38079772 35264423 36037268 36042769 36212961 38022703 12054895 34165542 31343051 37120416 W2123093 01010866 36118044


Almand, Usher T.,Jr Pajak, Anthony s. Paugh, Fred W.

34762213 32233473 321~6114


Alexander, Robert B.,Jr Baer, Paul E., Jr Black, William A. Bobinski, Henry A. Bogle, Ja'lles c. Boyce, ~verett R. Bright, James E. Burroughs, Howard G. Caster, Chester Ciooolini, James Coolen, Wilfred D. Corbin, Richard G. Degroat, Card G Dempsey, Claude D. Evans, Chester M. Falletta, Salvatore t. Fichter, William P. Fox, William D. Glover, Irving J. Grown, F'ranois D. Hannan, Johnie T. Hendrix, Elmer L.

34886880 ·01017962 36314598 10601267 34140625 37195890 35917013 36118457 37036082 32192272 34129517 33645128 37095306 37010558 39213917 32196037 36037505 33311440 32276971 37112056 38632392 37130116

Pvt Teo 4 Tee 5 S Sgt 1st Lt S Sr,t 2nd Lt Pfo Teo 6 Teo 5 Cpl Sgt Cpl Pfo S Sgt Sgt Cpl Pvt Teo 6 WOJG 1st Lt Cpl

Pfc Teo 6 Pvt

Pvt 2nd Lt Tee 4 Pvt Teo 6 Pvt Pvt Cpl Sgt Teo 6 Pvt Pvt Teo 5 Pfo Pvt Cpl Pvt Pvt Pfc Teo 5 Pvt Teo &

18 Sep 44 13 Sap 44 18 Sap 44 16 Sep 44 18 Sep 44 20 Sep 44 22 Sep 44 12 Sep 44 18 Sep 44 19 Sep 44 24 Sep 44 22 Sep 44 21 Sop 44 3 Sep44

19 Sep 44 18 Sep 44 18 Sep 44

9 Sep 44 22 Sep 44 25 Sep 44 11 Sep 44 16 Sep 44

3 Sep 44 3 Sep 44

20 Sep 44

23 Sep 44 19 8ep 44 22 Sep 44 15 Sep 44 15 Sep 44 21 Sep 44 22 Sep 44

8 Sep 44 3 Sep 44 3 Sep 44

22 Sep 44 22 Sep 44 15 Sep 44

8 Sep 44 13 Sep 44 21 Sep 44 18 Sap 44 15 Sep 44 16 Sep 44 22 Sep 44

9 Sep 44 13 Sep 44

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l .osses in Action, jJd ArfTld. !-l.e c-: t., :~ ont 1 d. (t'll~~ b i 1j.,c.f

flard:1cre, L::nvrence r., 36873886 rvt 17 A11 m1 st 19/,4 llictJ, Uwid I' . .. 2ll9g67 C\·,o ]_ r) Au :~•Jst 1944 lludson, v1ctor i~ JU 343302 57 Pvt 3 Au rTIJ st 19th 1\ i rw.er, .;ayne J. 36552794 l'vt 3 /m ~u st 1944 Linthicum, Vilas .~. 35160473 Pvt Jh i\ur.-ust 1%4 1 a lick, h enneth li. 0101203r, 1st Lt. 28 /\tJ r,JSt 1944 Ji cr;owan, Anthony J.,.Jr. 1205M3l10 Cpl 28 An ~TU st 191~4

J;'eyer, .i.•;arl F. 3621VU5 Tee 5 ;-?y i-~.u r·u s t 19hh U1Conner, Cecil P. 352618)7 Gpl 2" "- ;m:·ust 1944 Uuellette, La•vrenee I'. 3135111,9 Fvt 3 Au .n:u s t 1%4 l'atterson, Ray G. l40h3158 Tee 5 27 J\Un'USt 1944 Perotti, lingo A. 32197?h0 Tee 4 11 Auo;ust 1941~

.::l chfll idt, Lester ·,~· . 36312170 f'vt 11 Au F~ust 1944 Shcrm,qn, llobert I. n o6no?7 l'vt 13 Au .~ust 191~4

Jrrith, J.H. Aver) T. 38.043857 Tee 5 10 J\1JI\USt 1944 ~rnith, Leroy A. 3l0lJ28P Cpl 15 Au,:;ust 1944 st.G-eorge, Noel u. 11011565 Pfc 9 imgu st 1944 :Jtoeekle, Louis P. 37071784 Tee 4 19 Au ~ust · 1 ' 1~4

Stroud, Loren V. 36078232 Tee 4 3 Au ::;ust 1944 Thiem, John ·;·I . 33030323 S~t 15 /nwu st 19h4 Van fossen, Charles F. 3361%1,7 Tee 5 1 ilueust 1944 Vowels, Oliver NNJ. 36h61153 l'vt 26 Au~ust 1944


Dammann, ilene I' . 38032903 •'ec 4 3 Aur:ust l9ld~

Drake, Dennis L. 35270[;';'.6 l'vt 2G Auqust 1944 ' . .St::unper, 6dward E. 33659663 Pvt 26 Aur:ust 191 .. 4


Adams, Hovmrd E. 33h61304 Pvt. 2 AumJst 1%4 Allen, James L. 35329310 Pvt ll Au~1st 1941~ Anderson, Charles a. 35759ti.O rvt 10 Au n;ust 1944 Beavers, Paul J. 33044'7~2 Tee 5 5 Aun;ust 1944 Bell, nohert P. 35;253'777 Fvt1.J 6 August 1944 Bin[;ham, Clarence H. 38064659 Pfe 3 ~·m rrust l9hl. Birk, Bruce J. 01011498 2nd Lt 11 Aur:ust 1%4 Broderick, I.~ichael J. 36078104 Cpl 8 Au '!Ust 1%4 Brown, 1tay J·H'I 35262052 Gpl 3 Aur:ust 1944 G::1rper, l:.verly s. 33049032 S[;t 11 Au?:ust 1%4 Conley, Raymond H. 33147517 Pfc 9 August 1944 Cox, ,,illiam R. 36037287 Sgt 7 Au~ust 1944 Croshy, John J. 0351583 Hajor 17 Au[;ust 1944 lJeYoune, Gordon .s. 35213421 .st set 18 Aur;ust 1944 Domzalski, Stanley NMI 33148985 l'fc 10 August 1944 fell, John A. 31389762 Tee 5 29 August 1944 . Flavell, John H. 31369740 Pvt 10 Au~ust 1944 Frantz, Robert NMI 3221)412 Pvt 16 Au~ust 1944

r Gardner, Richard L. 36698258 Pvt 18 August 1944


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Losses in Action, 33d Annd. Reet., Contt"d (Page 6) '31

Hurd, Jolm w. 39900606 Cpl 18 Sep 44 Jarna~in, Glendon D. 35807412 Pvt 22 Sep 44 Jensen, Vernon D. 37120060 Pfc 8 Sep 44 Johnson, Swayne C 34497654 Teo 6 22 Sep 44 Kin~er, Wayne J. 36552794 Pvt 19 Sep 44 Kirlin, Jrunl3s A. 333712.01 Pfo 15 Sep 44 Kratz, James P. 36037920 S Sgt 4 Sap 44 Kryski, Casmir J. 01018335 2nd Lt 22 Sep 44 Kukuk, Adolph 36118318 Teo 5 17 Sep 44 Larson, Edward E. 01018402 2nd Lt 7 Sep 44 J.azore, Earl R. 31037718 Teo 4 8 Sep 44 Light, Robert C. 35224513 'Pvt 24 Sep 44 McGrew, Forrest E. 36033692 Teo 6 8 Sep 44 McKibbin, Francis J. 33170231 \ Pfo 27 Sep 44 McMullin, William w. 37132090 Pvt 21 Sep 44 }.~:xer, Leawood P. 31351690 Pfc 21 Sep 44 Or shan, Seymour 42006412 Tee 6 18 Sep 44 Palmer, Robert F. 33698207 Cpl 13 Sap 44 Pet~rs, Laven1 E. 37058586 Sgt 21 Sep 44 Heavy, Ellgworth E. 36327272 Cpl 19 Sep 44 Rehmrum, John H. 01010748 1st Lt 19 Sep 44 Retone, Anthony Jr 33434875 Pvt 18 Sap 44 Senhouse, Stanley 32107282 Pvt 15 Sep 44 Sitzes, Jake M. 01011345 lst Lt 18 Sep 44 Stokke, Ingolf P. 37032599 Sgt 15 Sep 44 Thrower, Cecil F. 34812536 Pvt 24 .sep 44 Welch, Robert E. 6834696 Cpl 2 $ep 44 Wesolowski, Daniel 36229484 Pvt 5 Sep 44

KILLED IN ACTION Abeyta, Juan J. 38672284 Pfc 12 Sep 44 Baldauf, Herbert H. 36166479 Tee 6 17 Sep 44 Bonnett, Vir~il D. 36077953 Sgt 20 Sap 44 Blakely, Sherman B. 38151633 Pvt 11 Sap 44 Bre~~enstuhl, Russell J 33108818 Pfc 20 Sep 44 BriGgs, Charles w. 32196166 Cpl 23 Sep 44 Burrows, Richard s. 01557422 1st Lt 12 Sep 44 Buz alsky, ;::,dward F. 37018373 S Sgt 7 Sep 44 Cerny, Frank J. 01017138 2nd Lt 18 Sep 44 Dauchy, Alva c. Jr 38033075 Tee 5 3 Sep 44 Des Grandchamp, Marvin J 36118115 Tee 6 8 Sep 44 Dunajski, Harry J. 36674709 Pvt 20 Sep 44 Esposito, Albert J. 42043641 Pfo 10 Sep 44 Furr, Harold c. 33044973 Sgt 11 Sep 44 Garcia, Amador s. 38157128 Pfc 19 Sep 44 Grosclose, Eu~ene 34491938 Pvt 13 Sep 44

3 Sep 44 4 Sep 44

Hanson, Tommie M. 39086262 Pfo Heidt, Robert L. 12209407 Teo 6 ,Joselowi tr., Sydney s. 32209398 Pfo 18 Sep 44 LaRue, Manard W. 36720600 Pvt 21 Sep ol4

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L~ssos in Action, 33d Armd. ReGt., Gont'd (Par,e 7)

Le~:'o.y, Howard W, Lip~cn, Robert A, ll.ahalko, Sam A r:athes, E1 bert L. 1.~azursky, Sol McGhie, James Jr Michael, Joseph R. )/;orris, Dwaine R. Padr,ett, JaMes A. Fekny, John J. Frostko, Fred rt. Przyblla, Leonard Raby, Clarence T. Ranta, Jalmer J, Rothmayer, Kenneth M, Rumberger, Fater F. Saylor, Clarence A, Sechler, Clarence C, Stansell, James E. Starrett, Harold M. Van Bockel, John H. Wals, Ernest Washburn, Stanley L. Yates, Robert F.

Brittinbham, Zverett Farrell, Bernard B. Fowler, Clifford J. Hall, Charles B. Mooneyham, Joseph F. Novitch, Edward w. Scaduto, Charles Shim, Howard c. Watson, John w.


36118172 ~6?J 3Hi9 ~714110!1

42035R00 0101028B 360365 08 370£36813 34240162 371?.0}4.4 36312107 32A36065 36037751 370327~5

01012107 33149313 01012802 331367~2

14043765 38008547 37078119 36036007 32211880 38556891


T, Jr. 33134278 35379463 37016224 3565~764

34842992 33795500 32206469 17044401 36643411

Pvt Tee 5 Se;t Pfc Pvt Capt Tee 4 set Cpl Pfo Pvt Pvt Tee 5 Tee 4 1st Lt Cr1 2nd Lt Teo 5 S Sgt Teo 5 S Sgt Tee 4 Pre Pvt

Sr,t Tee 4 Teo 6 Pvt Pvt Pvt Sgt Sgt S Sgt

13 Sep 44 8 Sep 44

13 SAp 44 1A Sep 44 23 Sep 44

8 Sep 44 8 Sep 44

18 Sep 44 8 Sep 44 2 s.,r 44

19 Sap 44 25 Sep 44

7 Sap 44 15 Sep 44 10 Sap 44 13 Sep 44 15 Sep 44 15 Sep 44 15 Sep 44 8 Sep 44

18 Sep 44 13 Sep 44 23 Sep 44 11 Sep 44

2 Sap 44 25 Sep 44 22 Sap 44 10 Sep 44

1 Sep 44 26 Sep 44 26 Sep 44 21 Sep 44 21 Sep 44

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T/6 Erline. A. Pederson Silver Star Posthunously 3 Sept 44 G. o. # 46 Hq 3d AD Fvt Clyde T. McLaughlin Bronze Star " 3 Sept 44 " " " 46 " " " r Lt Howard I. Guthrie " . ·" " 3 Sept 44 . " " " 46 " " "

Lt James N. Cleveland,Jr II ,, " 3 Sept 44 " " " 46 " " "

Pfo Stanley Domzalski Silver Star " 24 Sept 44 " " " 60 " " " Pvt Clyde T. McLaughlin " "' " 24 Sept 44 " " " 60 " " " Pvt John J. Kr1eger " " " 3 Sept 44 . " " " 46 " " " 1Ht Lt Edmund L. Wray " " " 3 Sept 44 " " " 46 " " " lst Lt Edmund L. Wray Oak Leaf Cluster to

Silver Star Posthumously 24 Sept 44 " " " 60 " " " Capt Heleman P. Gardon Silver Star 13 Sept 44 " " " 52 " " " Capt Louis Spigelman Bronze Star 17 Sept 44 " " " 56 " " " WOJG Benjamin s. Liff Bronze star 17 Sept 44 " " " 56 " " " 1st Lt Robert F. Maney Silver Star 18 Sept ·44 " " " 57 " " " Cpl Lester H. Anderspn " " 18 Sept 44 " " " 57 " " " Cpl Alex B. Paul (MIA) Bronze Star 3 Sept 44 " " " 46 " II " Pfo Clarence H. Bingham Silver Star Posthumously 3 Sept 44 " " " 46 " " " Capt John W. Jordan " " 4 Sept 44 " " " 47 " " " 1st Lt John M. Trueheart " " 4 ::;ept 44 " " " 47 " " " Sgt Kenneth J. Martin " " '4 Sept 44 " " " 47 " " " Sgt Gilberto Molinar " " 4 Sept 44 " " " 47 " " " T/5 Jerne s W. McMi lla.n " II 4 Sept 44 " " it 47 " " " Maj Herbert M. Mills Bronze Star 4 Sept 44 " " " 47 " " " S/Sgt Leonard Prall " " 4 Sept 44 " " " 47 " " " Pfc Mark D. Hargrove " " 4 Sept 44 " " " 47 " " " Pfc Noel 0. St George " " 4 Sept 44 " " " 47 " " " Sgt Arnold w. Sohlaioh " " 28 Sept 44 " " " 61 " " " liit Sgt Merle G. Ang " " 28 Sept 44 " " " 61 " " " ~~~ Robert D. Albro Silver star 9 Sept 44 " " " 62 " " " T 4 Jack B. Spencer Silver Star Posthumously 24 Sitpt 44 " " " 60 " " "
