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Health and Safety in Employee Welfare 62

Date post: 08-Apr-2018
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  • 8/7/2019 Health and Safety in Employee Welfare 62


    Presented By

    Priyanuj Borgohain

  • 8/7/2019 Health and Safety in Employee Welfare 62


    Organizations provide welfare

    facilities to their employees to keeptheir motivation levels high. Theemployee welfare schemes can be

    classified into two categories.

    1. Statutory welfare schemes and ;

    2.Non-statutory welfare schemes..

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    Principles of Employee Welfare

    Servicey The service should satisfy real needs of the workers.

    y The service should such as can be handled by cafeteriaapproach.

    y There should be periodical assessment or evaluation of

    the service and necessary timely on the basis offeedback.

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    Types of Employee Welfare


    y Safety Services

    y Health Services

    y Counseling Services

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    Safety Services

    y Appointment of safety officer

    y Support by management

    y Elimination of hazards

    y Job safety analysis

    y Placement

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    y Hand tools

    y Safety training, education and publicity

    y Safety inspection

    y Personal protective equipment

    y Materials handling

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    Health Services

    The prevention of accident constitutes only on segment

    of the function of employee maintenance. Another equallyimportant segment is the employees general health, bothphysical and mental.

    There are two aspects of industrial health services

    1. Preventive

    2. Curative

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    Counseling Services

    An employee very often comes across problemswhich have emotional content

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    Employee Welfare Officer

    Section 49 of the factories act provides that in

    every factory wherein 500 or more workers areordinarily employed the employer shall appoint atleast one welfare officer.

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    Health of Employees

    y Cleanliness.

    y Disposal of wastes and effluents.


    Ventilation and temperature.y Dust and fume.

    y Artificial humidification.

    y Overcrowding.

    y Lighting.y Drinking Water.

    y Latrines and urinals.

    y Spittoons.

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    Safety of Employees

    y Fencing of machinery.

    y Work on or near machinery in motion.

    y Employment of young persons on dangerousmachines.

    y Device for cutting off power.

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    Welfare of EmployeesChapter V of the factories Act contains provisions about

    the welfare of employees.

    y There shall be separate and adequately screened washingfacilities for the use of male and female employees.

    y There shall be suitable places provided for clothing notworn during working hours and for the dying of wet

    clothing.y There shall be suitable arrangement for all workers to sit for

    taking rest if they are obliged to work in a standingposition.

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    y There shall be provided the required number of first-aid boxes or cupboard (at the rate of one for every 150workers) equipped with the prescribed contentsreadily available during the working hours of thefactory.

    y The State Government may make rules requiring thatin any specified factory employing more than 250employees a canteen shall be provided and maintainedby the occupier for the use of the employee.

    y There shall be provided sufficiently lighted andventilated lunch room if the number of employeesordinarily employed is more than 150.

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    The factories act come into force on the 1st day of April

    1949 and extends to the whole of India.

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    Health the act provides detailed instructions on

    y cleanliness.


    disposal of wastage

    y ventilation

    y control of temperature

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    Some of the crucial SectionsSEC 6 -

    Registration and renewal ofFactories

    To be granted by Chief inspector of factories on

    submission of prescribed form, fees and plan.

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    SAFETY MEASURESy Fencing of machinery-21

    y Work on near machinery in motion-22

    y Employment prohibition of young persons on-23

    dangerous machine

    y Hoists and lifts-28

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    WELFARE MEASURESy Washing facilities-sec 42

    y Facilities for storing and drying clothing-sec 43

    y Facilities for sitting- sec 44y First aid appliances- sec 45

    y Canteens where there are 250 or more workers- sec 46

    y Shelters, rest rooms, launch room when there are 150 or

    more workers- sec 47

    y Welfare office when there are 500 or more workers.- sec


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    Working hours, Spread over and

    over time of adultsy Weekly hours not more than 48 hours Sec 51

    y Daily hours not more than 9 hours- Sec 52

    y Intervals for rest for at least hours on working for 5hours- Sec 53

    y Extra wages for overtime double than normal rate of

    wages. Sec 54

    y Restriction on employment of women before 6 A.M andbeyond 7 P.M . Sec -60

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