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Health Screening Article Charter Medical

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9 January 2011 SundayTribune 9 Make a major investment in yourself Even during the best of times, our health has always been our greatest asset. But, like most things of value, it needs to be nurtured and protected - and Irish people are all too familiar with a seemingly healthy asset suddenly turning against them. Nobody, ev en in the full ush of youth, can take their health for granted, but the older we get, the more important it becomes to take a greater interest in our overall wellbeing. This is why health screening needs to become an important element in our lives, so that we can iden- tify minor issues now that could become major issues in the future. Charter Medical was estab- lished in 2006 to provide hos- pital-standard care in the community. Its state-of-the-art facility at Smitheld in the heart of Dublin, which is staffed by experienced doctors and other medicalprofessionals, has been designed to offer a best-in-class medical and well- being service which includes a fully-functioningdiagnostic unit complete with MRI and CT scanning. Charter also offers a com- prehensive health and wellness screening programme, sup- ported by some health insur- ance companies, which is aimed at practically every sec- tion of society . This screening service is offered over a variety of levels, from the most basic “Health MOT” to an “Executive Health Screening”, as well as specic screening for such issues as cervical cancer in women. “Health screening is a tool which allows people to main- tain and enjoy their normally healthy lifestyles,” explained Dr Richard Aboud, Medical Direc- tor of Charter Medical. “The whole purpose is to identify any risk factors now that could cause problems going forward, such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, glaucoma or respira- tory problems. It can identify the warning signs at an early stage, and we can recommend some minor lifestyle changes; this is always preferable to waiting until something more serious arrives.” For example, the “Health MOT” is a 40 minute service which covers everything from Body Mass Index (BMI) and diabetes screening to checks on blood pressure, liver and kidney functions, as well as a hearing and sight analysis. But even these basic tests can have a far reaching e ffect on a per- son’s overall wellbeing. A BMI of above 25 or 30 could high- light some major lifestyle issues that need to be addressed – and if people con- tinue their lifestyle in the same manner, they could be very much at risk of diabetes. Other tests such as blood pressure monitoring could point to issues with cardiovascular dis- ease and stroke, while glauco- ma screening could help eliminate the danger of blind- ness in later life. Other levels of screening include the Standard Health Screen, the MediScreen and the Full Executive Screen (including extra thyroid func- tion and cardiac tests), each offering different levels of screening and aimed at differ- ent age and risk groups. But every screen offered by Char- ter Medical offers a snapshot in time of a person’s overall health, which not only has a major predictive value, but which also comes with real rec- ommendations on what a per- son should do to maintain and improve on their current health and wellbeing. Even with the most in-depth screening services, results will be returned within a week (some will be available immedi- ately, others within a 24 to 48 hour window). In addition to generalrecommendationson lifestyle or diet, there may also be a medical element to the recommenda tions which can mitigate or eliminate any of the risks that the screening has brought to light. “Some of what we recom- mend will be common sense, but some will require medical intervention,” explained Dr Aboud. “For example, cardio- vascular disease is particularly prevalent in Ireland, and there is often a genetic link that no amount of exercise can allevi- ate. But if we identify the issues during a screening, then we can add a medical element to our recommendations, and the risks go away.” In addition to its general screeningservices,Charter Medical also offers a discreet screening service for cervical cancer and sexually transmit- ted illnesses (STIs). Cervical cancer screening can save hundreds of lives every year, but it can be an expensive process – which is why Charter Medical offers its cervical can- cer screening on a not-for-prof- it basis. Cervical cancer is caused largely by the HPV virus, which is present in the majority of the sexually active population (HPV also more commonly leads to genital warts). Howev- er, the Gardasil vaccination, which is offered by Charter Medical for just €390, protects against four strains of the HPV virus – two which cause cancer and two which cause genital warts. “The evidence is quite clear that all young girls should be vaccinated, but the main issue is the price, and this will remain an issue as long as there are limitations under national vac- cination program,” explained Dr Sarah Ibrahim, a GP with a special interest in STI’s who practices at Charter Medical. “This is why we offer the vacci- nation on a non-prot basis, and this service caters for girls not covered by the state’s own vaccine program.” Of course, cervical cancer is not the only sexually-relate d issue that Charter Medical deals with as part of its special- ist STI service. Because of their ease of transfer and their fre- quent lack of symptoms, STI screening is important for any- one who has ever been sexually active with more than one sex- ual partner, even those now in a stable relationship . “Issues around STIs are often overlooked and under- resourced,” explained Dr Ibrahim. “It can be an embar- rassing and sensitive topic which people are still not com- fortable discussing, but the reality is that STIs are now more prevalent than ever. This is why screening is highly rec- ommended for anyone who has unprotected sex, anyone thinking of moving into rela- tionship with someone who has been sexually active, or people who are considering changing from barrier forms of contraception.” STI screening involves a sim- ple blood and urine test. This process accurately detects the prevale nt infections that is of concern to most patients. There are certain at-risk groups, but everyone is sus- ceptible – and like any form of screening, it is better to act now than have to correct a more signi cant infection later. “People may be dealing with reduced incomes and uncer- tainty with their jobs, but even a Lottery would not alter the need the keep body and mind working at peak performance,” advised Dr Aboud. “And espe- cially during these times of stress, your health can be your greatest asset, which is why it is so important to maintain it, looking after your baseline health will contribute positively helping you deal with the chal- lenges ahead – invest in your- self, it’s a very smart move” For more details on Charter Medical screening packages, you can contact them on the details below: Charter Medical phone: 01-657 9000 Charter Medical email: [email protected] Charter Medical fax: 01-657 9035 The evidence is quite clear that all young girls should be vacci- nated, but the main issue is the price, and this will remain an issue as long as there are limitations under national vaccination program Health screening is a tool which allows people to maintain and enjoy their normally healthy  lifestyles Health Focus Dr Richard Aboud, Medical Director of Charter Medical Dr Sarah Ibrahim, a specialist in STIs who practices at Charter Medical
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8/7/2019 Health Screening Article Charter Medical

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January 2011 SundayTribune

Make a major investment in yourself

ven during the best of times,ur health has always been ourreatest asset. But, like mosthings of value, it needs to beurtured and protected - andish people are all too familiar

with a seemingly healthy assetuddenly turning against them.

Nobody, even in the full flush ofouth, can take their health forranted, but the older we get,he more important it becomeso take a greater interest in ourverall wellbeing. This is whyealth screening needs toecome an important element

n our lives, so that we can iden-fy minor issues now thatould become major issues inhe future.

Charter Medical was estab-shed in 2006 to provide hos-ital-standard care in theommunity. Its state-of-the-artacility at Smithfield in theeart of Dublin, which is staffedy experienced doctors andther medical professionals,as been designed to offer aest-in-class medical and well-eing service which includes a

ully-functioning diagnosticnit complete with MRI and CTcanning.

Charter also offers a com-rehensive health and wellnesscreening programme, sup-orted by some health insur-nce companies, which isimed at practically every sec-on of society. This screening

ervice is offered over a varietyf levels, from the most basicHealth MOT” to an “Executive

Health Screening”, as well aspecific screening for such

ssues as cervical cancer inwomen.

“Health screening is a toolwhich allows people to main-ain and enjoy their normallyealthy lifestyles,” explained Drichard Aboud, Medical Direc-

or of Charter Medical. “Thewhole purpose is to identify

ny risk factors now that couldause problems going forward,uch as heart disease, obesity,iabetes, glaucoma or respira-

tory problems. It can identifythe warning signs at an earlystage, and we can recommendsome minor lifestyle changes;this is always preferable towaiting until something moreserious arrives.”

For example, the “HealthMOT” is a 40 minute servicewhich covers everything fromBody Mass Index (BMI) anddiabetes screening to checkson blood pressure, liver andkidney functions, as well as ahearing and sight analysis. Buteven these basic tests can havea far reaching effect on a per-son’s overall wellbeing. A BMIof above 25 or 30 could high-light some major lifestyleissues that need to beaddressed – and if people con-tinue their lifestyle in the samemanner, they could be verymuch at risk of diabetes. Othertests such as blood pressuremonitoring could point toissues with cardiovascular dis-ease and stroke, while glauco-ma screening could helpeliminate the danger of blind-ness in later life.

Other levels of screeninginclude the Standard HealthScreen, the MediScreen andthe Full Executive Screen(including extra thyroid func-tion and cardiac tests), eachoffering different levels ofscreening and aimed at differ-ent age and risk groups. Butevery screen offered by Char-ter Medical offers a snapshot intime of a person’s overall

health, which not only has amajor predictive value, butwhich also comes with real rec-ommendations on what a per-son should do to maintain andimprove on their current healthand wellbeing.

Even with the most in-depthscreening services, results willbe returned within a week(some will be available immedi-ately, others within a 24 to 48hour window). In addition togeneral recommendations onlifestyle or diet, there may alsobe a medical element to therecommendations which canmitigate or eliminate any of therisks that the screening hasbrought to light.

“Some of what we recom-mend will be common sense,but some will require medicalintervention,” explained DrAboud. “For example, cardio-vascular disease is particularlyprevalent in Ireland, and thereis often a genetic link that noamount of exercise can allevi-ate. But if we identify the issuesduring a screening, then wecan add a medical element toour recommendations, and therisks go away.”

In addition to its generalscreening services, CharterMedical also offers a discreetscreening service for cervicalcancer and sexually transmit-ted illnesses (STIs). Cervicalcancer screening can savehundreds of lives every year,but it can be an expensiveprocess – which is why CharterMedical offers its cervical can-cer screening on a not-for-prof-it basis.

Cervical cancer is causedlargely by the HPV virus, whichis present in the majority of thesexually active population(HPV also more commonlyleads to genital warts). Howev-er, the Gardasil vaccination,which is offered by CharterMedical for just €390, protectsagainst four strains of the HPVvirus – two which cause cancerand two which cause genitalwarts.

“The evidence is quite clearthat all young girls should be

vaccinated, but the main issueis the price, and this will remainan issue as long as there arelimitations under national vac-cination program,” explainedDr Sarah Ibrahim, a GP with aspecial interest in STI’s whopractices at Charter Medical.“This is why we offer the vacci-nation on a non-profit basis,and this service caters for girlsnot covered by the state’s ownvaccine program.”

Of course, cervical cancer isnot the only sexually-relatedissue that Charter Medicaldeals with as part of its special-ist STI service. Because of their

ease of transfer and their fre-quent lack of symptoms, STIscreening is important for any-one who has ever been sexuallyactive with more than one sex-ual partner, even those now in astable relationship.

“Issues around STIs areoften overlooked and under-

resourced,” explained DrIbrahim. “It can be an embar-rassing and sensitive topicwhich people are still not com-fortable discussing, but thereality is that STIs are nowmore prevalent than ever. Thisis why screening is highly rec-ommended for anyone whohas unprotected sex, anyonethinking of moving into rela-tionship with someone whohas been sexually active, orpeople who are consideringchanging from barrier forms ofcontraception.”

STI screening involves a sim-ple blood and urine test. This

process accurately detects theprevalent infections that is ofconcern to most patients.There are certain at-riskgroups, but everyone is sus-ceptible – and like any form ofscreening, it is better to actnow than have to correct a

more significant infection “People may be dealing

reduced incomes and unctainty with their jobs, but ea Lottery would not alter thneed the keep body and mworking at peak performanadvised Dr Aboud. “And escially during these times o

stress, your health can be greatest asset, which is whis so important to maintainlooking after your baselinehealth will contribute posihelping you deal with the clenges ahead – invest in yoself, it’s a very smart moveFor more details on CharMedical screening packayou can contact them ondetails below:Charter Medical phone:01-657 9000Charter Medical email:medical@chartermedicaCharter Medical fax:01-657 9035

The evidence is quite

clear that all young

girls should be vacci-

nated, but the main

issue is the price, and

this will remain anissue as long as there

are limitations under

national vaccination


Health screening is a

tool which allows

people to maintain

and enjoy their

normally healthy 


Health Focus

Dr Richard Aboud, MedicalDirector of Charter Medical

Dr Sarah Ibrahim, a specialistin STIs who practices atCharter Medical
