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Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones,...

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Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click Here for Voice Thread Presentation
Page 1: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Healthcare RationingPH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011

Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt

Click Here for Voice Thread Presentation

Page 2: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Topics To Address Definition

Nurse and Doctor’s Role

Current Strategies for Rationing Examples

How HC Rationing is Managed

Is it Ethical

Pros Importance


What happens when there is no rationing


Page 3: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Healthcare rationing is defined as the limitation of access to or the equitable distribution of medical services, through various gatekeeper controls.

HC Rationing takes place when a treatment is denied by health care provider or insurance company.

Decision-making by healthcare workers is based on: who needs the resource most which treatment has the maximum benefit or outcome to

society/population which is cost effective

Rationing is the limitation and allocation of certain products or


Page 4: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Nurse and Doctor’s RoleANACode of Ethics- Provision 1 “The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion

andrespect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual,unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal

attributes,or the nature of health problems.”

AMACode of Medical EthicsOpinion 2.03 -Allocation of Limited Medical Resources“A physician has a duty to do all that he or she can for the benefit of the individual patient. Policies for allocating limited resources have the potential to limit the ability of physicians to fulfill this obligation to patients. Physicians have a responsibility to participate and to contribute their professional expertise in order to safeguard the interests of patients in decisions made at the societal level regarding the allocation or rationing of health resources. Decisions regarding the allocation of limited medical resources among patients should consider only ethically appropriate criteria relating to medical need.”

Page 5: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Current Strategies to Ration Resources

Public Policy

Organizational Level

Clinical Level

Page 6: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Going to a doctor for treatment and paying for prescriptions

Going to the drug store and getting over the counter remedies.

Limiting the doctors you may visit because fees are negotiated with specific doctors.

Charging co-pays and deductibles.

Examples of Rationing

Page 7: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

How is Healthcare Rationing Managed?

Private Insurance Companies



Page 8: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Private Insurance Companies For-profit industry



Page 9: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.


2011- 60 million Americans

2014- 76 million Americans

State income is averaged

The federal government matches based on an estimated national average.

This means lower income states that need more subsidizing for Medicaid & Medicaid actually receive less money than states with a higher median income

Page 10: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Is It Ethical?

Three Basic Ethical Precepts:

Individual Autonomy


Distributive Justice

Page 11: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Is It Ethical ?

Limit to the available health care resources

Health care will have to be allocated to those who need or want it.

Everyone cannot get all they need or want.

Page 12: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

The Pros to Healthcare Rationing

“You can treat some of the people all

of the time or all of the people some

of the time, but you cannot treat all of

the people all of the time.”

Healthcare resources are limited.

Page 13: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Importance of Rationing

About 43 million Americans are uninsured. This leads to low quality care and negative health in the uninsured.

The U.S. is the only industrialized country that cannot guarantee access to healthcare for all its citizens.

The U.S. healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, however limits more people to its access than any other industrialized country in the world.

HC costs will continue to rise Technology advances Aging Population Conception that HC is a market good

Page 14: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.
Page 15: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

The Cons to Healthcare Rationing

No predetermined plan that addresses how resources should be allocated. Without such a plan providers are becoming “gatekeepers.” It is an act of balancing the limited resources depended on morbidity and finances.

Without a predetermined plan the providers find themselves in a position having to make decisions to award or deny services.

Page 16: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

If Healthcare Rationing Did Not Exist . . .


Government-mandated procedures will likely reduce doctor flexibility and lead poor quality patient care. 

Less incentive to pursue medical-related research, development, and investment.

Loss of private practice options and possible reduced pay may dissuade many would-be doctors from pursuing the profession.

Healthy people who take care of themselves will have to pay for the burden of those who smoke, are obese, and have more complicated health care problems 

Page 17: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Patients may be subjected to extremely long waits for treatment.

Health care services may end up being rationed by the government.

Increased government taxing and restrictions will lead to loss of personal freedoms. 

If Healthcare Rationing Did Not Exist . . .

Page 18: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

Conclusion Due to the combination of increase

healthcare costs and the number of uninsured it is evident that healthcare rationing must be implemented.

It is seemingly impossible to rid healthcare allocation for the reason that the number of uninsured and the cost of healthcare will only continue to grow.

In today’s goal for healthcare is to provide affordable healthcare for all, however no objectives are in place to meet this goal.

Everyone deserves to be treated equally, however resources are not unlimited.

The U.S. cannot afford healthcare unless limitations are placed on it. HC rationing must continue.

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Page 19: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

References1) American Medical Association. (2011). AMA Code of Medical Ethics: Opinion 2.03- Allocation

of Limited Medical Resources. Retrieved December 11, 2011. http://www.amaassn.org/ama/pub/physician-resources/medical-ethics/code-medicalethics/opinion203.page (This website addresses the medical profession’s ethical stance on the allocation of limited medical resource).

2) The American Nurses Association. (2001). Code of Ethics With Interpretive Statements:Provision One. Retrieved December 11. 2011. http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsforNures/Code-of-Ethics.pdf (In the ANA Code of Ethics the reader understands the ethical stance of the professional nurse).

3) Andre, Claire. (2010). Aged-based healthcare rationing. Santa Clara University. http://www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/iie/v3n3/age.html ( This article discusses America's aging society and how healthcare rationing effects the elderly and also the rest of the population).

4) Barr,D.A. 2002. “Where Do We Go From Here?” In Introduction to U.S. Health Policy: TheOrganization, Financing, and Delivery of Healthcare in America, 223-37. San Farncisco:Benjamin Cummings. (Interesting quote related to healthcare rationing).

5) Brook, D. W., Rationing: Health Care Cost Monitor: Why It Is Ethical. The Hasting Center (2009)Retrieved November 20, 2011 from http://healthcarecostmonitor.thehastingscenter.org/danbrock/why-it-is-ethical/#ixzz1gvJCYOdA (This article discusses why healthcare rationing is important and inevitable).

Page 20: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

References6) Cookson, R., & Dolan, P.: Principles of justice in health care rationing, J. Med. Ethics. 2000;26;323-329

doi:10.1136/jme.26.5.323 (This reference discusses in the principle of justice and it applied by healthcare professionals or clinicians everyday rationing decisions).

7) Callahan, D., “Rationing: Theory, Politics, and Passions,” Hastings Center Report 41, no. 2(2011): 23-27. Campbell, D. (2011, 8 9). Column: Ration health care with Medicarecredits . Retrieved 12 9, 2011, from USA TODAY: http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/2011-0809-medicare-healthcarereform-ration_n.htm (This article discusses how our society would function with and without Medicare).

8) Canadian Medical Association: Can rationing possibly be rational? Canadian Medical Association Journal, August 9,2011, 183(11) (This article discusses a parent who was not happy about the rationing decisions by healthcare professionals when treating her child, questioning the rationality of “healthcare rationing).

9) Crowe, Mary Lind. Allocation of Healthcare Resources at the Point of Care: An Ethical Dilemmafor Healthcare Providers. (2010). The Journal of Legal Medicine. 31, p455–465. (This journal article introduces the ethical dilemma for healthcare providers in regards to allocating healthcare resources. It discusses the current strategies used for rationing resources.)

10) Eboch, J. (2010, 1 4). Health Care Rationing in Virginia: A “Success” Story . Retrieved 12 9, 2011, from TenthAmendment Center: http://virginia.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2010/01/health-care-rationing-in-virginia-asuccess-story/ (An example of the failed healthcare rationing in a specific case in Virginia).

11) Floyd, Elizabeth J. (2003). Healthcare Reform Through Rationing. Journal of HealthcareManagement. 48:4, p.234. (This journal discusses the need and importance of healthcare rationing in the U.S.)

Page 21: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

References12) Gaudine, A., LeFort, S. M., Lamb, M., Thorne, L.: Clinical ethical conflicts of nurses and physicians. Nursing Ethics

(2011): 18(1) (This article elaborates on the ethical conflicts and dilemmas in healthcare professionals when faced with making healthcare rationing decisions. It also addresses the code of ethics of

autonomy, beneficence, and justice).

13) Healthcare Rationing is Good. (2009). The Baseline Scenerio: Word Press. RetrievedDecember 11, 2011. http://baselinescenario.com/2009/09/02/healthcare-rationing-isgood/ (This article provides the reader with the current healthcare debate over cost inflation, healthcare infrastructure, and proposals for providing quality care).

14) Medicaid and Chip Provide Health Coverage to Nearly Sixty Million Americans. (2011). Retrieved on December 02, 2011. http://www.medicaid.gov/index.html (This source has figures along with various other information about Medicaid how it works, and various information about the program, benefits, and information to determine qualification about its programs).

15) Messerli, J. (2011, 11 16). Should the Government Provide Free Universal Health Care for All Americans? Retrieved on December 9, 2011, from BalancedPolitics.org: http://www.balancedpolitics.org/universal_health_care.htm (Information on the pros and the cons of providing free health care for Americans).

16) Povar, G., Blumen, H., Daniel, J., Daub, S., Evans, L., Holm, R., & ... Campbell, A. 2004). Ethics in practice: managedCare and the changing health care environment: medicine as a profession managed care ethics working group statement. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 141(2), 131-136. (Discusses ethical rational used to ration health care services by medical professionals, patients, and health care organizations).

Page 22: Healthcare Rationing PH350 Medical Ethics Fall 2011 Presented by: Jennifer Johnson, Vivian Jones, Elizabeth Lewis, Victoria Howe, & Jennifer Hutt Click.

References17) Romeo, J. (2010). Contemporary topics in health care. Rationing. What is the future of health care rationing? PT In

Motion, 2(1), 26-31. (This article is about current healthcare rationing issues and possible future solutions that are being looked into).

18) Russell, B. (2002). Health-care rationing: critical features, ordinary language, and meaning. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 30(1), 82-87. Singer, P. (2009, July 15). Why We Must Ration Health Care. Retrieved on December 9, 2011, from NYTimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/19/magazine/19healthcare-t.html?_r=2&pagewanted=1 (This article explores healthcare rationing and important characteristics of the system in America.)

19) Singer, Peter. (2009). Why we must ration healthcare. The New York Times. MM38. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/19/magazine/19healthcare-t.html?pagewanted=all.

(This is an opinion article written in a newspaper about healthcare rationing and how services are distributed within this system. It also discusses how healthcare is financed and people's perceptions of healthcare rationing).

20) Tennant , M. (2011). The New American. Retrieved on November 28, 2011.

http://thenewamerican.com/usnews/health-care/9509-states-rationing-healthcare-under-medicaid (The New American discusses Medicaid rationing techniques used among different states).

21) Torrey, T. (2008). About.com. Retrieved on December 01, 2011. http://patients.about.com/od/patientempowermentissues/a/rationing.htm (Defines and gives examples of different types of rationing. The article goes on to describe and give examples of rationing by self, government, and private insurance companies).

22) Villarreal, P. (2006, July 31). Federal Medicaid Funding Reform. Retrieved on December 02, 2011. http://www.ncpa.org/pdfs/ba566.pdf (Describes how the budget is determined for Medicaid and Medicare funding in the United States).
