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Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

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Healthcare system in Vietnam Reprinted from Wikimedia Commons, 2008 3
Page 1: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

Healthcare system

in Vietnam

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Page 2: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module


• Vietnam

• History of Healthcare system

• Healthcare Infrastructure

• Health Financing in Vietnam

• Medical Education

• Common Diseases

• Prevention

• Traditional Medicine

• Challenges

• Opportunities

• Collaboration

Page 3: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

Pre-module Questions

1. What are the most hospital admissions during Vietnam War?

2. What percentage of health insurance coverage?

3. Who is responsible for setting hospital services fee and drug prices?

4. How long is the undergraduate medical program?

5. What is the physician-to-population ratio in Vietnam?

6. What is the current leading cause of death in Vietnam?

7. How many percent of people using traditional medicine for treatment?

8. What are barriers that prevent traditional medicine from developing in the right direction?

9. What the Ministry of Health have done to address the shortage of health workers in rural areas?

10. Which health topic that younger generations are concerning?

Page 4: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module


• Total population: 93,448,000 (54 ethnic


• Language: Vietnamese

• GDP per capita: $2,111.1

• Life expectancy: 72.8 (WHO 2015)

• Health expenditure, total (% of GDP) :

7.1 (2014)

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Page 5: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

History of the Healthcare


1945 to Vietnam War (1955-1975):

+ Medical University in Viet Bac war zone (1949)+ Hospital Admissions: Battle Injuries and Malaria

Post-war (1976-1980): + Lack of funds and qualified physicians

+ Black markets in medicine

+ Health impacts in Vietnamese veterans (Agent Orange)

Đổi Mới – Renovation (1980s): + Increase GDP in Healthcare spending (1.1%)

+ Provide free basic health care

+ Introduce new healthcare reforms

+ Three Cleans movement and Three Exterminations movement

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Page 6: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

Healthcare Infrastructure

National level

Province People’s Committee



• Ministry of Health (MOH)• National general and

specialist hospital • Research institutes• Medical universities

• Provincial Health Departments• Provincial hospitals• Preventive health center + reproductive health centers.• Medical colleges

• Health Offices• District hospitals/ centers

• Commune Health Centers• Village Health Workers• Skilled Birth Attendants

Page 7: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

Healthcare Infrastructure

• Public-private mix of providers model

• Outpatient care: 40% public (60% private)

• Inpatient care: 96% public (4% private)

• Hospital capacity: ≈ 2.45 beds/1,000

populations (2014)

• Physician-to-population ratio: 1.2 physicians/

1,000 populations (2013)

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Health Financing in Vietnam

• Social Health Insurance

• Health care funds for the poor policy (2003)

• High rate of out-of-pocket payments

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Medical Education

• 12 medical schools (no

private medical schools)

• 4-6 years for

undergraduate medical


• Graduate education: three

specialized tracks (Clinical

training, academic training,

and residency training)

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Page 10: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

Common Diseases

• Malaria

• Dengue

• Tuberculosis (TB)

• Hepatitis B


• Stroke

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Page 11: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

A Shift Toward NCD






Proportional Mortality in 2010 (WHO)


Communicable, Maternal, Perinatal and Nutritional Conditions

Other noncommunicable diseases


Respiratory Diseases


Cardiovascular Diseases

Page 12: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module


• 99% of children are vaccinated.

• Self-diagnostic equipment (e.g. blood pressure

monitor and blood glucose monitors)

• 30% of total health care expenditure on

preventive medicine

• Food borne diseases and street food culture

Page 13: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

Traditional Medicines

• 30% of patients receive treatment with traditional medicine (WHO 2001)

• Health insurance cover costs

• Encourage people to plant medicinal vegetables.

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Barriers: • High self-evaluated knowledge and

skills• Friends, family, or neighbor advices• Unqualified practitioners and

unlicensed healthcare facilities.

Page 14: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module


• Shortage of health workers in remote areas

• Inadequate capacity (Access to health care)

• Limited resources

• Health disparity

• Health education among ethnic minority

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• High profit rate in the medical instruments


• The development of the private healthcare

• The interest for the personal healthcare

equipment and services among younger


• Promote access to online health resources

Page 16: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module


• Strengthening Medical skills training

• Training on designing healthcare infrastructure

• Introducing new medicines and diagnostic technology

• Funding for public health campaigns

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Page 17: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

Pre-module Questions

1. What are the most hospital admissions during Vietnam War?

2. What percentage of health insurance coverage in 2015?

3. Who is responsible for setting hospital services fee and drug prices?

4. How long is the undergraduate medical program?

5. What is the physician-to-population ratio in Vietnam?

6. What is the leading cause of death in Vietnam?

7. How many percent of people using traditional medicine for treatment?

8. What are barriers that prevent traditional medicine from developing in the right direction?

9. What the Ministry of Health have done to address the shortage of health workers in rural areas?

10. Which health topic that younger generations are concerning?

Page 18: Healthcare System in Vietnam Module

Answers1. Malaria & battle injuries.

2. 70%

3. The minister of Health, the minister of Finance, and the social health insurance agency

4. 4 to 6 years

5. 7.5 physicians per 10,000 population

6. Non-communicable diseases (75%)

7. 30%

8. Self-evaluated knowledge, acquaintances' advices, and unqualified practitioners

9. Training rotations between central hospitals and lower-level hospitals.

10. Personal health devices.
