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HEALTH/HEALTHY LIFESTYLE/HUMAN BODY/BODY · PDF filetopic 24 health page 1 health/healthy...

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TOPIC 24 HEALTH page 1 HEALTH/HEALTHY LIFESTYLE/HUMAN BODY/BODY IDIOMS/AT THE DOCTOR´S/SPAS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC/SLEEPING PROBLEMS/MEMORY/RELAXING c.c. HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 1. What to do in order to stay healthy? 2. What do you think about vegetarians and vegans? 3. What to do in order to be and keep fit? 1. Being healthy is the most valuable thing we have. An old saying goes: “It´s better to be poor and healthy than rich and sick”. In order to stay healthy , it is advisable to have a healthy life style. The concept of a healthy lifestyle is a freaquently discussed issue. But what does it actually mean? Never getting angry, doing something active in the fresh air on a regular basis, doing sports at least once a week and walking. It also involves a healthy diet, which is choosing what to eat and what to avoid, drinking little alcohol, not smoking, consuming lean meat – poultry and fish, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, giving preference to margarine and whole-wheat foods, cutting down on sweets, fatty meat and foods rich in calories, drinking sufficient amount of mineral water and hearbal tea. When enough sleep and constant good mood is ensured, you are certainly on the right track /Lady G, You were born this way/ 2. Vegetarians don´t eat meat, some of them do eat poultry and fish though, and vegans don´t eat any animal products at all, no eggs, no buttter, no milk and no yoghurt. In my opinion it´s not healthy at all, it´s not natural, although they are convinced of it. I am a typical meat-eater, without meat I would feel very hungry. I think that people should eat a bit of everything and then it´s healthy. 3. There are numerous ways to keep fit. Everyone will find that they need something special. Those who work in an office are advised to spend their free time doing sports. By contrast, those who move a lot when in work prefer yoga as a physical exercise. Other possibilities how to keep fit include ball games, aerobics or fitness centres. All of these activities have their pros and contrast, but they have one thing in common: your stretch your body and this makes you feel relaxed. II. HUMAN BODY 1. What are the parts of the human head? Can you describe them? 2. What are the parts of the human body? Describe some of the organs. 3. What limbs are part of the human body and what is the role of the skeleton? The human body consists of head, body and limbs. 1. The head consists of skull, which protects the brain, and the face, which is the front part of the head. The skull is covered with hair. Its colour varies from black, brown, blond, dark, fair or red. Older people mostly have grey or white hair. Some have thick, others thin. Hair can be wavy, curly or straight. Some people are even bald-headed, especially older men. People have round, square or thin face. The parts of the face include forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth and chin. On both sides of the head there are ears. Eyes are under the forehead nd they are protected by eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes. Noses are straight, crooked or hooked, narrow, pointed, unpointed, wide or broad. Under the nose there are lips which close the mouth and can be either full or thin. In the mouth there are tongue and teeth. 2. The neck links the head with the body. The body consists of chest bones, abdomen, back and pelvis. The chest contains two vital organs – the heart and lungs. The abdominal cavity contains the stomach, liver, spleen and intestines. Another major organ are kidneys which make sure that harmful substances produced in the body are led out. 3. Limbs are arms and legs. Arms consists of upper arm, elbow, forearm and ahd with five fingers /thumb, forefinger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger/. On fingers there are nails. Legs consist of thigh, knee, shin, calf and foot. The foot consists of ankle, heel, instep, sole and fingers. The skeleton is the main pillar of the body, it consists of a number of bones. These are covered with muscles. The blood circulates in arteries and veins. Skin is our body film, and it covers all ou bones and muscles. What are most frequent diseases? Most Frequent Diseases Infectious Diseases: small-pox, jaundice, typhoid, plague, rabies Children´ Diseases: measels, chicken pox, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria, polio Heart Diseases: heart failure, heart attack Nervous Disease: bad headache, neurosis, depression, brain stroke Inflammations and fevers: pneumonia, neuritis, appendicitis, caphalomeningitis, middle ear infecions, gallbladder infacion, urinary bladder infection Incurablle Diseases: cancer, diabetes, AIDS Other Diseases: sun and heat stroke, concussion, high blood pressure, cramp, asthma, broken bones, scratches,gastric ulcer, swelling, stomach stones, tonsilitis, cough, cold, flu, allergy Symptoms and diseases: sickness, bleeding, cough, tiredness, lack of appetite, swelling, purulency, feeling unwell, unconsciousness, pain in the.... Treatment: taking medicine regularly, staying calm, sleep, dressing, wet or hot pack, gargling, operation, going on a diet, getting an injection, measuring th ebody temperature, sweating, vaccination against... Example of Maturita Worksheet:

TOPIC 24 HEALTH page 1



HEALTHY LIFESTYLE1. What to do in order to stay healthy?2. What do you think about vegetarians and vegans?3. What to do in order to be and keep fit?

1. Being healthy is the most valuable thing we have. An old saying goes: “It´s better to be poor and healthy than rich and sick”. In order tostay healthy , it is advisable to have a healthy life style.The concept of a healthy lifestyle is a freaquently discussed issue. But what does it actually mean? Never getting angry, doing somethingactive in the fresh air on a regular basis, doing sports at least once a week and walking. It also involves a healthy diet, which is choosingwhat to eat and what to avoid, drinking little alcohol, not smoking, consuming lean meat – poultry and fish, eating lots of fruits andvegetables, giving preference to margarine and whole-wheat foods, cutting down on sweets, fatty meat and foods rich in calories, drinkingsufficient amount of mineral water and hearbal tea. When enough sleep and constant good mood is ensured, you are certainly on the righttrack /Lady G, You were born this way/

2. Vegetarians don´t eat meat, some of them do eat poultry and fish though, and vegans don´t eat any animal products at all, no eggs, nobuttter, no milk and no yoghurt. In my opinion it´s not healthy at all, it´s not natural, although they are convinced of it. I am a typicalmeat-eater, without meat I would feel very hungry. I think that people should eat a bit of everything and then it´s healthy.

3. There are numerous ways to keep fit. Everyone will find that they need something special. Those who work in an office are advised tospend their free time doing sports. By contrast, those who move a lot when in work prefer yoga as a physical exercise. Other possibilitieshow to keep fit include ball games, aerobics or fitness centres. All of these activities have their pros and contrast, but they have one thingin common: your stretch your body and this makes you feel relaxed.


1. What are the parts of the human head? Can you describe them?2. What are the parts of the human body? Describe some of the organs.3. What limbs are part of the human body and what is the role of the skeleton?The human body consists of head, body and limbs.1. The head consists of skull, which protects the brain, and the face, which is the front part of the head. The skull is covered with hair. Its

colour varies from black, brown, blond, dark, fair or red. Older people mostly have grey or white hair. Some have thick, others thin. Haircan be wavy, curly or straight. Some people are even bald-headed, especially older men. People have round, square or thin face. Theparts of the face include forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth and chin. On both sides of the head there are ears. Eyes are under theforehead nd they are protected by eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes. Noses are straight, crooked or hooked, narrow, pointed, unpointed,wide or broad. Under the nose there are lips which close the mouth and can be either full or thin. In the mouth there are tongue andteeth.

2. The neck links the head with the body. The body consists of chest bones, abdomen, back and pelvis. The chest contains two vital organs –the heart and lungs. The abdominal cavity contains the stomach, liver, spleen and intestines. Another major organ are kidneys which makesure that harmful substances produced in the body are led out.

3. Limbs are arms and legs. Arms consists of upper arm, elbow, forearm and ahd with five fingers /thumb, forefinger, middle finger, ringfinger, and little finger/. On fingers there are nails. Legs consist of thigh, knee, shin, calf and foot. The foot consists of ankle, heel, instep,sole and fingers. The skeleton is the main pillar of the body, it consists of a number of bones. These are covered with muscles. The bloodcirculates in arteries and veins. Skin is our body film, and it covers all ou bones and muscles.

What are most frequent diseases?Most Frequent DiseasesInfectious Diseases: small-pox, jaundice, typhoid, plague, rabiesChildren´ Diseases: measels, chicken pox, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria, polioHeart Diseases: heart failure, heart attackNervous Disease: bad headache, neurosis, depression, brain strokeInflammations and fevers: pneumonia, neuritis, appendicitis, caphalomeningitis, middle ear infecions, gallbladder infacion, urinary bladderinfectionIncurablle Diseases: cancer, diabetes, AIDSOther Diseases: sun and heat stroke, concussion, high blood pressure, cramp, asthma, broken bones, scratches,gastric ulcer, swelling, stomachstones, tonsilitis, cough, cold, flu, allergySymptoms and diseases: sickness, bleeding, cough, tiredness, lack of appetite, swelling, purulency, feeling unwell, unconsciousness, pain inthe....Treatment: taking medicine regularly, staying calm, sleep, dressing, wet or hot pack, gargling, operation, going on a diet, getting an injection,measuring th ebody temperature, sweating, vaccination against...

Example of Maturita Worksheet:

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3A: hay fever: to be allergic, runny nose, sneezing3B: twisted ankle: it hurts when you step on it, ankle isswollen3C: concussion: to bang sb´s head, to feel dizzy andconfused3D: food poisoning: stomachache, to feel sick3E: sore throat: glands are swollen, it hurts when youswallow3F: clown doctors, they make life in hospital more pleasant,especially for children

• Cold• Flue• Sore throat• Food poisoning• Allergy• High blood pressure• Sunburn• Cut finger• Sprained ankle• Backache• Tick bite, bee/wasp sting• Broken bone

HUMAN BODY – pictures /Solution Intermediate/

III.Do you know any body idioms?Listeing:Body idioms, mp3

3A 3B

3C 3D

3E 3F

TOPIC 24 HEALTH page 3



• /neskutečně se rozčílit – být po uši zamilován – říci něco nevhodného, něco prokecnout – být malicherná/hádat se o nepodstatnýchvěcech/ - tahat někoho za nos – nutit někoho něco dělat/přesvědčovat ho/ - mluvit o něčem, co již dlouho trápí někoho – ulevit si, řícito…/

Body idioms: /notes/1. ___

2. ___

3. ___

4. ___

5. ___

6. ___

7. ____

IV.AT THE DOCTOR´S1. Do healthy people see their doctor as well?2. When do we see our general practitioner?3. What happens in the waiting room and in the surgery,4. Are doctors always able to make the diagnosis withoug any doubts?5. Where is medicine available from?6. When do we see our doctor for a check-up?7. What problems can be brought about by accicent?8. Do we see our dentists on a regular basis?

1. Appointment at the doctor´s are either regular – check-ups – or when there is something wrong. Vaccination is extremely important, too.Parents are bound by law to have their children vaccinated as some disease may be dangerous for them. Children tend to be scared of theinjection, they are sometimes given oral vaccination /by swallowing liquid vaccination/

2. When going to see our doctor we have found certain symptoms of a disease. These are, for instance, feeling unwell, elevated or hightemperature, headaches, sickness, cough, cold, sore throat, swollen modules, or just constantly feeling tired or feeling pain in the joints.In this case, people go and see their general practitioner – or GP – whom we can choose.

3. There are often a lot of people in the waiting room so it is necessary ot wait for some time. When the patient is called in, the nurse needsto have his or her personal details /name, address, insurance company/. Then the patient is invited into the surgery to see the doctor. Thefirst question the doctor will normally ask is. “What´s wrong with you? ...and then comes a thorough examination of the body. It is usuallynecessary to strip to the waist so that the doctor will listen to how the heart and lungs work, measure the blood pressure, find the pulse,tap on the abdomen, examine the tonsils. Having found what the cause of the trouble is, the doctor will give the diagnosis. A medicineprescription is made, a certificate is made about the disability to work and instrucions are given as to how long to stay in bed and when tocome for a check-up.

4. When the diagnosis cannot be given directly, laboratory examination is made, and this may include a blood or urine test or both. Based onthe results the GP will decide whether it is possible to treat the medical problem or whether to refer the patient to a specialist.

5. The medicine prescribed is available from the pharmacy. All medicine prescribed by doctors used to be free of charge but gone are thosedays. There is also medicine available without prescription but these are normally much more expensive than they would cost whenprescribed. Medicine comes in different forms such as tablets, pills, coated pills, capsules, suppositories or liquid medicine. Pills are takentwice or three times per day one or two at a time, liquid medicine is taken orally, supposistories are placed inside the body before sleep.

6. After some time, a check-up is arranged. The doctor may find there is nothing wrong with the patient any longer, decides the patient isable to work. It may be the case, however, that the patient still feels a little bit unwell, tired or dizzy. Therefore, he or she msut stay calmfor some days and avoid any hard work.

7. You can have scratches, bruises and cuts which sometimes need stitches so that the scar isn´t so visible. When doing sports you cansprain your ankle or dislocate your knee. Then you have to be put on a stretcher and taken to hospital by ambulance. If oyu don´t needan operation, they will put your leg either in splint or in plaster and wou will walk on crutches for a few weeks. After a knee dislocation it isrecommended to wear braces for sports. If you break your arm, you may wear it in a sling. In an accident you may also pull or tear amuscle, stretch or tear a ligament or tedom.

8. Unless I have to, I don´t go to the doctor´s. The onlyregular check-up I go for is at the dentist´s where I go twice a year. It´s worth itbecause the sound of the drill and the pain when the dentist drills into tooth decays is horrible. I have many fillings in my teeth but mygums are healthy and I have never had to wear braces. Pulling out a tooth doesn´t hurt that much as the dentists give you a pain-killinginjection nowadays, especially to extract the wisdom teeth that have curved roots.

Listening, mp3, At the doctor´s - procvičuj dialogy


1. Are there any healing springs in this country?2. What do you know about Karlovy Vary?3. What is Mariánské lázně famous for?4. What do you know about Františkovy Lázně?5. Are there any other spa towns in this country and what diseases are treated there?

1. The Czech Republic abounds with healing springs, and as early as the Middle Ages, spa towns were established on such places. The mostattractive and popular are the three located in the west of the country – Karlovy Vary, Františkovy Lázně a Mariánské Lázně.

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2. Karlovy Vary – the most famous ot them – was set up in the 14th century by the Emperor Charles IV and patiens from all over the worldhave been coming there, especially those with stomach, gallbladder and liver disorders. There are about 80 springs there, but only twelveare in use. The town is also famous for glassware of the brand Moser, porcelain, and the herbal liqueur called Becherovka.

3. Mariánské lázně, with its numerous parks and flower beds which make it one of the most attractive Czech spa towns, is a popular venuefor patients suffering from kidney disorders, asthma, or nervous diseases. In addition, disorders of the joints, urinary system, and skindiseases are treated there. The mineral springs dte back to the 16th centruy. There are up to 40 cold springs, and the water is used forboth drinking and bathing. The town boasts a number of monuments and sculptures of some of the famous parsonalities of the past whocame to have their disorders treated /Goethe, Chopin, Gogol/.

4. Located in the middle of woods and parks, Františkovy Lázně is a famous spa for patients with women and heart diseases. The springsthere date back to as early as the 12th century. Their number amounts to 24, František Spring being the strongest. There is a famousstatue of a little boy called František nearby, and this is the symbol of the spa town. The poet Goethe said this was “paradise on Earth”.

5. Furthemore, there are smaller or less famous spa towns all across the country, though all of them have a good reputation. For example,Jeseník where the healer Vincent Priessnitz established successful helaing methods for kidney and airway disorders. Teplice and Jáchymov,popular with rheumatism and arteriosclerosis patients, Luhačovice, which is the biggest spa in Moravia and one of the best for asthma anbronchitis patients, or Poděbrady, where heart diseases are treated.

Spas in briefThere are some of the disorders treated in spa:gallbladder, stomach and liver disordersKidney and nervous disordersWomen´s diseasesRheumatismDisorders of the locomotive organsAsthmaBronchitisDisorders of the airwaysLung diseasesHeat and blood-vessel disorders

There are some of the methods to heal disorders like that:Drinking water from healing springsBathing in water, bathtubs and mudMasagesElectrotherapyCold packsCoveringsInhalationHealing gymnasticsSpecial dietsWalking

Vocabulary:teaching hospital – surgery – operation theatre – faint/pass out – bring round/come round – get well/get better – survive – die of an overdose– be as fit as a fiddle/be in the picture of health – feel under the weather – medicine cabinet – sweat – spread germs – have black eyes –outpatient´s department – make/have an appointment – complain of/complain about – swell – blister – diarrhoea – constipation – rabies –dandruff – indigestion – nosebleed – lump – throw up – plaster – thermometer – scissors – disinfectant – bandage, gauze – ointment/powder –spots

Questions to the topicWhat diseases may be contracted when travelling?Have you ever given first aid? Can you talk about it?What are the most frequent causes of death?What are civilization diseases?Have you ever been in hospital? Was it serious?What do you think of acupuncture and of alternative medicine?What do you do to stay healthy?


Listening, mp3 Forgetful generation, The loss of memoryWhat is the reason of forgetfulness?I can´t remember what I´m talking about!! Has it ever happened to you?What is the solution?Hand-held computers ..Do they help? Or just a piece of paper?1. What do you do to relax?

How do people in the recording relax?List the ways of relaxing.

2. LifestyleAsk me questions about my lifestyle

3. Slow downCover to Cover, Carl Honoré´s book, In praise of slow.Introduce the book. What do you think of the book?

4. Plants instead of pillsWhat is the story about?Do you prefer natural remedies to antibiotics or antibiotics to natural remedies?

5. Vending machines at schools /Solutions Intermediate, 9C, page 86/Listen to the recording. Five people are talking about advertising in schools. Match the opinions with the speakers /1-5/a, Some advertising in schools is OK, bu not too much:b, Advertising in schools wouldn´t be necessary if schools got more money from the government.c, Vending machines don´t have any effect on what students buyd, For companies, advertising is more important than educatione, Sponsorship is a good idea because everybod benefits from it.

What do you think about vending machines?
