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Healthwise Digest - April 2015

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What’s inside

07 Pharmacy Overview

28 Vitamin of the New Age

38 Vitamins during Pregnancy

44 Fight the Bite

24 Foodborne DiseasesPeak in Summer

31 Events Calendar

21 Heat Rash vs. Baby Acne

50 April Listing

16 Cheat the Heat

36 Quick SummerAsian Fusion Recipe

11 At Risk:The Science of Skin Cancer

32 Carcinogen in Grilling


04 Editorial Note


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Ernie Suzanna EIC, Healthwise DigestHead, DKSH VAS AgencyMarketing Manager, DKSH HEC and OTCand Consumer Health

From the editor

What is it about summer that makes us all feel positive and relaxed?

All throughout the year, most of us are focused on our family, specifically our children’s activities and school plans, whether they are attending parent-teachers conferences, volunteering for a charitable project and/or working hard to earn money and sustain their family’s needs.

When summer comes, we find ourselves having that extra time to breathe, relax, in the company of our loved ones. My favorite memories of summer come from our family escapades to the nearest camping site or to the beach. Even now that I’m married and with two kids, the fondest ones are all during beach and nature trips with them.

As we celebrate summer, we are so much focused on our plans and the finances needed to support our summer activities that we totally ignore our body’s ultimate necessity—our health. How many of you have really thought of preparing for your travels, specifically on having proper medications on-hand in case of emergencies or have already read about the different health conditions you might acquire once you’re food poisoned or have long exposed your skin under the sun?

So while celebrating and enjoying the warmth of this season, carefully to take into consideration what will happen during your scheduled activities so as not

to spoil your family’s glee. Thereof, take a deep breath, feel the day’s calmness, read this issue and find yourself enthralled with the different topics about summer health.

This month, we wrote for you a guide on Page 16 to cheat the heat so you’d know what to do to fight the year's hottest phase. For moms, check out our article on baby’s skin health, which aims to differentiate baby acne and heat rash. Hopefully, moms would not be so anxious whenever their babies are affected with rashes. We have also on-board a Malaysian nutritionist, Jillian Lai, who have presented Vitamin D as this generation’s outstanding body nutrient and supplement. Most people are really not aware of how important this nutrient is (maybe there are even a few who doesn’t know they’d get it from the sunlight) and how wide its roles are in promoting better health.

Also, as the temperature rises this season, it’s a given fact that more insects thrive, making us more prone to insect-bites. Look through our article on mosquito bites, which will allow you to enjoy this summer’s warmth without being irritated by these pesky insects. The story begins on Page 44. We’ve also got a guide to healthier grilling and positively avoid complications on our bodies and an interview with Dr. Laurent Ferradini discussing Skin Cancer and the medications available once you’ve acquired it. On our food section, you’ll find amazing recipes and learn ultimate

Asian-west fusion techniques in cooking for your family, may it be at home or outdoors.

Now I am listening to a bunch of summer tracks and I just got nostalgic with the last tune, ‘Trees swayin' in the summer breeze, showin' off their silver leaves, as we walked by… Soft kisses on a summer's day, laughing all our cares away…’ Suddenly, I hope you would be excited as I am in spending quality time with your peers and families this season, of course, and in good health.

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Ernie SuzannaHead, VAS AgencyMarketing Manager, OTC & Consumer Health

Buth ChankakadaExecutive Asstistant to Marketing Manager

Allan Mitz AratoLead Copywriter and Creative Designer

Nhell VicenteSr. Events and Account Executive

Timothee Kindbeiter Sr. Graphic Designer

Tep ChansamborGraphics and Event Coordinator

Deb Soden, M.D.Medical Advisor

Peang Lyna, M.D.Medical Advisor

DKSH Cambodia Ltd.Publisher

Ernie SuzannaEditor-in-chief

Allan Mitz AratoManaging Editor

Buth ChankakadaNhell VicenteAccount Executive

Ernie SuzannaAllan Mitz AratoDeb Soden, M.D.Peang Lyna, M.D.Editorial Contributors

Tep ChansamborTimothee KindbeiterLayout Designers

Anna Roslyakova, M.D.Contributoring Writers

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យើងផតៅតារយកចតតទកដាកយៅងខលៅងលើផៅនាររបសយើង នង សថៅនភាពហរញញវតថដៅលចាបាចដើមៅបគទៅដលសកមមភាពនៅរដវកតៅនៅះ ដៅលយើងអាចមនអើពើទាងសៅងពសៅចកតចាបាចរបសសខភាពរាងាយរបសយើង។តើមានមនសៅសបនាមៅនអនកដៅលពតជាបានគតពាររៀបចសមៅៅបារធវើដណើររបសខលន ជាពសៅសលើារបៅើថានៅោយបានតៅមតៅវ នៅកនងករណសងគៅៅះបនាទៅន ឬ បានអានអពបញហៅសខភាពផៅសៅងៗ ដៅលអាចកើតមាននៅពៅលដៅលមានជងពលអាហារ ឬ បញហៅដៅលកើតមានលើសៅបៅករបសអនកនៅពៅលអនកសថតនៅកៅៅមកដៅពៅះអាទតៅយអសរយៈពៅលយរនោះហើយឬនៅ?

ដចនៅះខណៈពៅលដៅលអនកអបអរ នង រករាយជាមយភាពកកកតៅនៅរដវាលនៅះ សមមានារបៅងបៅយតនដើមៅបពចារណាអពអវ ដៅលនងកើតឡើងកនងអឡងពៅលនៅសកមមភាពកសនតរបសអនក ដចនៅះភាពរករាយរបសអនកជាមយកៅមគៅសរនងមនតៅវបានរងារយយឡើយ។ ហៅតនៅះសមដកដងហើមវៅងៗ ធវើចតតោយសងបរចអានអតថបទទាងនៅះ ហើយអនកនងទទលបានបៅានបទដគរោយចាបអារមមណផៅសៅងៗគនៅអពសខភាពនៅរដវកតៅ។


ខលនពកដៅថងៅ ទពរ 16 ដចនៅះអនកនងដងនវអវដៅតៅវធវើដើមៅបបៅយទធបៅឆងនងដណាកាលកតៅបផតនៅឆនៅនៅះ។ចពោះអនកមាតៅយ សមមើលអតថបទនៅសខភាពសៅបៅករបសទារកទាកនងសៅៅងថងៅ នង ារកើតមនលើទារក។ សងៅឃមថា អនកមាតៅយគៅបរបនងលៅងខវលខវៅយនៅពៅលណាដៅលកនរបសពកគៅតៅវបានរងផលបះពាលដោយមានកនទលរមាសទាងនោះ។ យើងកមានអនកជនាញផនៅកអាហារប-តថមភគ កញញៅ Jillian Lai មកពបៅទៅសមាៅឡៅស ហើយគតបានធវើបទបងហៅញអពវតាមន D ដៅលជាតមៅវាររាងាយដឆនើម នងជាអាហារបបនសរាបមនសៅសកនងជនាននៅះ។ មនសៅសភាគចៅើនគពតជាមនបានដងថា សរាតចញចកមនៅះគ មានសរៈសខនយៅងណាទៅ ( បៅហៅលជា មានមនសៅសមយចននដៅលមនបានដងថា ពកគៅទទលបានវតាមន D នោះពពនលពៅះអាទតៅយ ) រមទាងតនាទដចៅើនរបសខលនកនងារលើកកមពសសខភាពលអរបសមនសៅសគៅបគនៅ។

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Pharmacy Overview

It is summertime and it’s one of the busiest months for pharmacies. Pharmacies now are adopting the latest culture of not only supplying medication but also answering a wide range of questions and concerns. And for these months, most pharmacy visits are related to the same warm-weather issues. Here are the most common health issues pharmacies today are currently addressing to.

Sunburn happens all the time. People want to be outside despite the warm weather. However, most people are not fully equipped in fighting summer’s UV rays, which are more intense than most days of the year. Because there’s an immediate need of that extra time outside with family and friends, people are a bit reckless in safeguarding their skin. Wind, heat, dust and excessive sun exposure can easily damage its delicate sells and pores. Pharmacies may recommend on applying sunscreen protection 20-30 minutes before going out. Sunscreen Protection Factor (SPF) is a measure of how much solar energy or UV radiation is required to produce sunburn on protected skin relative to the amount of solar energy required to produce sunburn on unprotected skin. As the SPF value increases, sunburn protection increases. However, many people believe that SPF protection increases proportionately with a designated SPF number. Some say that SPF 30 has double protection than SPF15. However, the difference in UV ray protection in SPF numbers becomes minimal as the number increases (SPF15 = 92%, SPF30 = 97%, SPF40 = 97.5%). So the recommended SPF is normally 30.

In addition to solar intensity, there are a number of other factors that

influence the amount of solar energy that a consumer is exposed to: skin type, amount of sunscreen applied and reapplication frequency. Fair-skinned consumers are likely to absorb more solar energy than dark-skinned ones under the same solar conditions. The amount of sunscreen applied also impacts the amount of solar radiation absorbed, because as rule of thumb, more sunscreen results in less solar energy absorption. The reapplication frequency is also affected by the activities that people are involved in. People who swim while wearing one should reapply sunscreen more frequently.

Another frequent summer visitors to pharmacies are for Cold Sores. In spite of its common name, it has nothing to do with fever and cold. This condition is also known to be caused by the herpes simplex virus activated by the sun’s UV rays. The virus causes breakouts of itchy blisters. Of course, sunscreen protection is the regular preventive method for this but when it comes to your lips, apply a lip balm that is formulated with SPF. Pharmacies in Cambodia have also medications, in creams and/or oral tablets. Having herpes simplex may trigger pain and/or fever. However, mild and uncomplicated eruptions of herpes simplex require no treatment. Severe infection may require treatment of oral antiviral drugs such as acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir. Topical acyclovir or penciclovir creams, which are readily available in pharmacies too, and may shorten frequency of HSV-1 if it is applied early or before lesions develop.

Insect bites and food poisoning are also common health culprits this summer. As the hot weather of summer arrives,

mosquito season reaches its peak. The warm temperatures make them pass through their life cycle faster, so more are laying eggs and more eggs are hatching. Insect-bite contact can be easily treated and prevented. Mosquito coils and insect repellants are also available not only in pharmacies but also in mini-marts in the country. Remember the insects are also most active at dawn so try to cover up during this time and use the stated insect repellant products. Carry with you calamine lotion at all time to easily ease any insect-bite related irritations.

Foodborne diseases peak in summer as well since bacteria are present throughout the environment in soil, air, water, and in the bodies of people and animals. These microorganisms grow faster as they need moisture to flourish and the warm weather is often hot and humid. When they multiply, people who consume the infected foods get sick. Food poisoning can take many forms and range from mild to serious. Usually, food poisoning lasts a day or two and may make you vomit and/or have diarrhea. Pharmacies offer a number of products/medications that may help soothe symptoms of mild food poisoning but physicians should be notified as soon as you or one of your family members experience severe diarrhea that last for more than two days, vomiting for more than a day, fever that doesn’t go away for days and signs of dehydration from the patient such as dry mouth and dark urine. Remember that food poisoning may be treated with symptomatic management. If the affected person is vomiting, s/he can take domperidone or metoclopramide. If s/he is having diarrhea, a basic loperamide or diosmectite can be taken.

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We are too pre-occupied by the jollies of the summer season that many of us throw our healthy habits to the side, and disregard our nutrition. Preventive measures are not that complicated and as basic as it gets, these actions will keep our immune system working so we can always have a fantastic and memorable summer.

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ready to serve and supply you what you need for summer’s health conditions. However, to reduce the risk of any of these conditions, follow the following:

• Always wash your hands before eating and after using the washroom.

• Never drink tap water or have ice cubes in your drinks, and only drink from sealed bottles of water.

• Avoid salads that may have been washed in tap water, and eat only fruits and vegetables that you peel yourself.

• Never buy foods from street vendors.

• Always use bottled water when brushing your teeth.

• Resort to travel vaccinations before travelling.

Getting sick in the summer is no fun at all, when it’s that time of the year for a celebration. However, it’s also that time when our immune system is most vulnerable if we are not careful when we do activities and on what we eat. We are too pre-occupied by the jollies that many of us throw our healthy habits to the side, and disregard our nutrition. Preventive measures are not that complicated and as basic as it gets, these actions will keep our immune system working so we can always have a fantastic and memorable summer.


វាជារដវកតៅ ហើយវាជាខៅមយដៅលមមាញកបផតនៅ

តាមឱសថសថៅននានា។ ឱសថសថៅននាពៅលបចចកបៅបនននៅះ


ារផគតផគងឱសថបណណៅះទៅ បនតៅកមានដាកលកផលត-


ដសបរបៅបរបសអតថជនផងដៅរ។ ចពោះខៅនៅះអតថជន



នៅះ។ ខងកៅៅមនៅះគជាបញហៅសខភាពទទៅដៅលឧសៅសាហ


ទៅានឱសថសថៅននានា ាររលាកសៅបៅកដោយសរកដៅ

( Sun Burn ) កើតឡើងគៅបពៅលវៅលា។ មនសៅសមានៅ


កតៅកដោយ។ ោះជាយៅងណាមនសៅសភាគចៅើនមនបាន

ារពារខលនពៅញលៅញ កនងារបៅយទធបៅឆងនងារសម

UV នៅរដវដកតៅជាងគៅនៅះឡើយ។ ដោយសរតៅមាន

តមៅវារភាលៅមៗបនថៅមទៀត កនងារចណាយពៅលវៅលា

នៅខងកៅៅជាមយកៅមគៅសរ នង មតតភកតធវើោយអនក

មានារធវៅសបៅហៅសខលះៗកនងារារពារសៅបៅក។ ខៅយល

កដៅ ធល នងារសថតនៅកៅៅមកដៅពៅះអាទតៅយចៅើន


ងយសៅល។ ឱសថារអាចណៅនាោយអនកបៅើឡៅារ

ពារកដៅថងៅ 20-30 នាទមនពៅលចៅញទៅខងកៅៅ។

ភានៅកងរារពារសៅបៅកពរសមព ( SPF ) មានតនាទកនងារ

កណតករតនៅារសម UV ពពៅះអាទតៅយដៅលធវើោយ


នង ករតនៅារសមដៅលធវើោយរលាកសៅបៅកចពោះសៅបៅក

ដៅលមនមានារារពារ។ ករត SPF ានខពសធវើោយ

បៅសទធភាពនៅករតារពារានតៅលអ។ ោះជាយៅងណា

មនសៅសជាចៅើនជឿថាករត SPF ខពសបងកើនារារពារ

ដៅលសមាមាតៅនងចនន SPF ដៅលបានកណត ( ឧទា-

ហរណ: SPF 15 អាចារពារសៅបៅកបាន 15 ដង )។ អនក

ខលះនយយថា SPF ចាបព 30 មានារារពារទវៅរដង

ជាង SPF 15។ ោះជាយៅងណាារពតនៅភាពខសគនៅ

កនងារារពារារសម UV នៅកនង SPF នមយៗគ SPFានតៅខពសជយារពារារសមពៅះអាទតៅយបានានតៅលអ

( SPF 15 = 92%, 97% SPF 30=,=97.5% SPF

40 )។ ដចនៅះជាធមមតាអនកគរបៅើ SPF 30។

លើសពនៅះទៀត អាងតងសតៅពនលពៅះអាទតៅយជះលើសៅបៅក

មានឥទធពលខសគនៅ អាសៅយទៅលើបៅភៅទសៅបៅកចនន

នៅឡៅារពារកដៅថងៅដៅលបានលាប នង ភាពញកញាប

កនងារលាប។ អនកដៅលមានសៅបៅកពណសមធៅយមទនង

ជាអាចសៅបយកថាមពលពៅះអាទតៅយបានចៅើន ជាងអនក

ដៅលមានសៅបៅកខមៅ នៅកៅៅមលកខខណឌពនលពៅះអាទតៅយ

ដចគនៅ។ អតៅៅនៅារបៅើឡៅារពារកដៅថងៅកមានផល

បះពាលផងដៅរ ចពោះារសៅបយការសមពៅះអាទតៅយ

ដោយសរ Rule of Thumb គ ារបៅើឡៅារពារ

កដៅថងៅានតៅចៅើន ធវើោយារសៅបយកថាមពលពនល

ពៅះអាទតៅយានតៅតច។ ភាពញកញាបនៅារលាបកៅៅម


ដៅលមនសៅសបានចលរមផងដៅរ។ បៅសនអនកហៅលទក




ញាប គ អនកមានពងបៅកកនងមាត ( កតៅកនង )។ ជារឿង

ធមមតាដៅលអាចកើតមានជាមយគៅនកតៅ នង ជងផតៅសយ។

ជងនៅះតៅវបានបងកឡើងដោយ Herpes SimplexVirus ( HSV ) ដៅលតៅវបានធវើោយមានភាពស-

កមមដោយារសម UV នៅពៅះអាទតៅយ។ មៅរោគនៅះកបាន

បណាតៅលោយមានអាារៈពងបៅករមាសផងដៅរ។ ជាារ

ពតណាសារបៅើឡៅារពារកដៅថងៅជាវធសសៅត ារពារ

ជាបៅចាតតាងនងារសមពៅះអាទតៅយ បនតៅនៅពៅលដៅល


មាតដៅលមានករត SPF នៅខងកនង។ ឱសថសថៅននៅ

កនងបៅទៅសកមពជាកមានដាកលកកៅៅមបៅភៅទនៅះ ឬ ថានៅ

គៅៅបសរាបលៅបពៅយាបាលផលដៅរ។ HSV អាចបងការ

ឈចាប ឬ អាចធវើោយអនកកតៅខលន។ ោះជាយៅងណា

ារមាននៅកនងករតសៅៅល នងមនមានផលវបាក គ មន

ទាមទារោយមានារពៅយាបាលអវឡើយ។ ារឆលងមៅរោគ

ធងនធងរ អាចតមៅវោយមានារពៅយាបាលដោយលៅបថានៅ

បៅឆងនងវរសដចជា Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovia។ Acyclovir ឬ Penciclovir ជា

បៅភៅទថានៅលៅបដៅលមានភាពងយសៅល នង អាចរកបាន


ជង HSV-1 នៅះបៅសនបើវាតៅវបានលៅបោយទាន

ពៅល ឬ មនពៅលដបៅកើតមាន។

សតវលអតទច ឬខ នងារពលអាហារកជាបញហៅសខភាព

ដៅលកើតមានទទៅនៅរដវកតៅនៅះផងដៅរ។ ខណៈពៅល

ដៅលអាាសាតកតៅនៅរដវនៅះបានដល នោះសតវមស


សតណហភាពកតៅ ធវើោយពកវាឆលងាតវដតជវតរបសវា

បានានតៅលឿនដចនៅះ កនចៅមសចៅើនទៀតនងតៅវ

បានញាស។ សតវលអតខអាចតៅវបានពៅយាបាលនងារពារ

បានយៅងងយសៅល។ ខៅសៅពាកបណតៅញមស នង ថានៅបាញ


ទៅ បនតៅកមាននៅកនងផៅសារទនើបតចៗនៅកនងបៅទៅស

ដៅរ។ សមចាថា សតវលអតមានភាពសកមមបផតនៅពៅល

ពៅក ដចនៅះពៅយាយមសលៀកពាកោយបានជតនៅកនងអឡង

ពៅលនៅះ រមទាងបៅើផលតផលបណតៅញសតវលអត ដច

ដៅលបានរៀបរាបខងលើនៅះ។ យកកៅៅមលាបសៅបៅក

ដៅលមានសរាត Calamine ដាកតាមខលនគៅបពៅល

វៅលាដើមៅបងយសៅលបនធរបនថយអាារៈណាមយ ដៅល


ជងពលអាហារមានារកើនឡើងខពស នៅកនងរដវកតៅ

នៅះផងដៅរ ដោយសរវតតមាននៅបាកតៅរ ដៅលមាន

ពៅញកនងបរសថៅនទាងនៅកនងដ ខៅយល ទក រមទាងនៅ

កនងរាងាយរបសមនសៅស នង សតវ។ អតសខមបៅៅណទាង


ដើមៅបធវើាររកធាត ហើយអាាសាតកតៅជារឿយៗ

តៅងមានភាពកតៅ នងសើមដៅលអណយផលដលលកខ-

ខណឌនៅាររសនៅរបសពកវា។ នៅពៅលដៅលពកវាធវើ

ារបបៅកខលន នោះអនកដៅលទទលអាហារដៅលមានមៅ-

រោគនងបងកោយមានជង។ ារពលអាហារអាចកើតឡើង

កនងទរងជាចៅើន នងពករតសៅៅលទៅធងន។ ជាធមមតាារ

ពលអាហារមានរយៈពៅលមយ ឬ ពរថងៅ ហើយអាចធវើ

ោយអនកកអត នងមានជងរាគរស។ ឱសថារអាចផតល

ផលតផល ឬថានៅដៅលអាចជយបនធររោគសញញៅនៅារពល

អាហារនៅះ បនតៅអនកគរតៅទៅជបគៅពៅទៅយោយបានឆប

តាមដៅលអាចធវើទៅបាន បៅសនបើអនក ឬ សមាជកគៅ-

សររបសអនកាលៅបមានជងរាគរសធងនធងរ ដៅលមានរយៈ

ពៅលយរជាងពរថងៅ កអតលើសពមយថងៅ គៅនកតៅមនបាត

ទៅវញពៅញមយថងៅ នងមានសញញៅខៅសាះជាតទកដចជា

សងតមាត នងទកនោមពណតៅចាស។ ចរចងចាថា ារពល


សញញៅ។ បៅសនបើមនសៅសមានៅកមានអាារៈកអតគតអាចបៅើ

ថានៅ Domperidone ឬ Metoclopramide។ បៅ

សនបើគតមានជងរាគរសនោះថានៅ Loperamide ឬ

diosmitite អាចតៅវបានយកមកបៅើបៅៅស។

មៅនហើយ ឱសថសថៅននៅកនងបៅទៅសកមពជាបានតៅៀម

ខលនរចជាសៅៅចដើមៅបបរ នងផគតផគងអតថជននវអវដៅល

ពកគៅតៅវារចពោះបញហៅសខភាពនៅរដវកតៅនៅះ។ ោះ



• លាងសអាតដៅរបសអនកជានចចកមនពៅលបរភោគអាហារ

នង បនាទៅបពបនោទៅរបងរច។

• កទទលទានទកឆៅ ឬ ភៅសជជៈដៅលមានទកកក ហើយ

ផកតៅទកសទធដៅលមានគរបបទជត ឬ ទកដាពះ។

• ជៀសវាងារទទលទានបនលៅ ដៅលអាចតៅវបានលាង

ដោយទកមាៅសន ហើយបរភោគតៅផលៅឈើ នង បនលៅ

ដៅលចត ឬបកសបកដោយខលនឯង

• មនទញអាហារនៅតាមចញចកើមផលវដៅលគមៅនអនាមយ

• ចាកវាកសងសរាបអនក ធវើដណើរមនពៅលធវើដណើរ


បៅសនបើកើតមានជងនៅរដវកតៅនៅះ វានងមនធវើោយ

អនកមានភាពសបៅបាយរករាយទាលតៅសោះ។ វាជាពៅល

វៅលាកនងឆនៅនៅះសរាបារបៅៅរពធពធជបជគនៅ។ ោះជាយៅង

ណា វាកជាពៅលវៅលាដៅលបៅពនធសារបសយើងងយរង

គៅៅះបផតផងដៅរ បើយើងមនមានារបៅងបៅយតននៅ

ពៅលធវើអវមយ នងពៅលបរភោគអាហារ។ មនសៅសជាចៅើន

បានបោះបងទលាបដៅល ធវើោយមានសខភាពលអទក

មយឡៅក ហើយមនអើពើនងអាហារបតថមភដៅលពកគៅ

គរទទលបាន។ វានារណារពារគមនមានភាពសមគ-

សមៅញឡើយ ហើយវាជាមលដាឋៅនដៅលនងរកៅសាបៅពនធភាព

សារបសយើងោយដណើរារបានលអ ដចនៅះយើងតៅង



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Dr. Laurent Ferradini, a dermatologist and HIV specialist with more than 10 year experience in developing countries, working at Pan Clinic (P Cosmetic Plus CO., LTD.) since 2008, answered our questions about skin cancer in Cambodia and how having an increasing awareness may facilitate prevention, early diagnosis and treatment.

Healthwise Digest (HD): What are the primary risk factors that could lead to skin cancer?Dr. Laurent Ferradini: As everywhere in the world the main risk factors of skin cancer are genetic background and sun exposure. Asian people are globally less prone to skin cancer than Caucasian population probably because of genetic reasons as they have a darker skin. However among them, one study in Singapore have shown that fair skin Chinese people have more skin cancers than dark skin Asian people like Malays and Indians. Beside genetic background, sun exposure is an important risk factor and lack of sun protection education plays an important role. Expatriates with fair skin are particularly exposed to sun-induced skin cancers under those latitudes in South-East Asia.

In some places in Cambodia and South-

East Asia, chronical exposure to arsenic is a risk factor for skin cancer. Populations are exposed to arsenic by drinking water obtain in the area sometimes for many years leading to chronic arsenic disease whose hallmark is the slow development of pre-cancerous lesions and then skin cancers.On the other hand, skin whitening procedures are not known to be risk factors for skin cancer. Such procedures have other side effects like inflammatory skin lesions, severe induced acne or pigmentation troubles.

HD: What are the different symptoms?

Dr. Laurent: The usual symptom is a chronical lesion, pigmented or not, with changing size, symmetry, borders, colors or which presents ulcerations or bleeding. What is important is that people recognize these changes and are aware of the need to consult a doctor for further investigation and diagnosis. Skin cancers are among the most curable cancers especially when they are diagnosed early. The most frequent skin cancers are issued from epithelial cells and are usually not pigmented (like basal cell carcinoma and spino cell carcinoma) while others are derived from

melanocytes and are usually pigmented (brown, black). Melanoma in Asians is usually found in the extremities like fingers and palms on the hands or toes and soles on the feet. So Asian people should be careful of any pigmented lesions in their extremities and seek a doctor for diagnosis and surveillance. There are also some rare type of skin cancers like skin lymphomas or sarcomas which are usually diagnosed following a skin biopsy with analysis under the microscope.

HD: What are the best treatments for these type of cancers?

Dr. Laurent: It is first important to mention prevention as a key component of the treatment of skin cancers. Indeed, sun protection and treatment of some precancerous lesions like actinic keratosis or some high-risk pigmented lesions (some junctional or dysplastic nevi, some congenital nevi) play a key role in preventing the occurrence of skin cancers. The doctors and especially the dermatologists have an important responsibility in detecting and treating such precancerous lesions (using 5FU, Imiquimod or Ingenol Mebutate for actinic keratosis for example) and/or providing good education to the people

AT RISKThe science of Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer has a relatively low prevalence among Asian population compared to fair-skinned Caucasian populations. However, cases of skin tumors among Asian people are rising

because of lack of sun protection and poor awareness for their prevention and treatment.

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for their proper surveillance.

Globally, the main treatment procedure for skin cancer is appropriate surgery with the control that all the tumor was excised. In some cases located in specific areas (around the eyes for instance) or already at an advanced stage, surgery become risky or impossible and other approaches like radiotherapy or Co2 laser treatment could be considered. Recently, a new approach using drugs targeting specific metabolic pathways in cancer cells, and so called ‘targeted therapy’, has been approved by the US FDA for basal cell carcinoma (targeting the Hedgehog pathway) and for Melanoma (targeting the BRAF/MEK pathway). Such targeting approaches are being used in advanced tumors.

In advanced melanoma, classical chemotherapy using Cis-platinum and Interferon have shown to be poorly effective and the new targeted approach offers new perspectives and hope. In addition very recently for the treatment of melanoma, some immunotherapeutic strategies using monoclonal antibodies against specific molecules of the immune system have been used with very promising results.

Finally, I would like to insist that most of skin cancers could be cured if diagnosed early enough. So, it is important to consult a doctor or dermatologist in case of any chronical skin lesion without delay.HD: We have heard about a treatment called immunotherapy. Is it an effective treatment for skin cancer?

Dr. Laurent: Immunotherapy involves a series of strategies aiming to manipulate the immune system to improve the treatment of some diseases. It is now being used to treat some inflammatory diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis or Psoriasis but also in the case of cancers like melanoma. Indeed, immunotherapy is being explored for many years in melanoma as we know that immune responses against melanoma cells do

exist and could be very effective as best illustrated by the rare occurrence of spontaneous regressions mediated by melanoma specific T-lymphocytes. In the past two decades, researchers have tried to use Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes - the famous ‘TIL’ which are white-blood cells found within the tumor - activated dendritic cells or anti-tumor vaccination to stimulate the immune system against melanoma cells with globally quite disappointing results.

The truth is that we don’t know yet how to manipulate the human immune system in vivo even if our knowledge of its functioning has greatly improved. Very recently, for the first time in melanoma treatment an immunotherapeutic approach using a combination of monoclonal antibodies have shown very promising results clearly extending the survival of patients with severe melanoma. These monoclonal antibodies target PD-1 and CTLA-4 molecules which function as a break to control the immune response. These results seem to show that by relieving the immune response against melanoma, immune cells could become active actors in the fight against melanoma cells and play an important role in the treatment of this cancer. Researchers are currently exploring the use of combination of the targeted therapies mentioned above with such immunotherapy as a way to further achieve better results.

HD: Cancers such as breast and cervical cancer have vaccines that people can avail of. Do we have an existing vaccine for skin cancer at the moment?

Dr. Laurent: For skin cancer we don’t have any vaccines yet. A lot of efforts have been made in the recent past to develop such an anti-melanoma vaccine as many melanoma specific antigens have been identified. People also tried to use dentritic cell boosted with melanoma antigen to stimulate anti-melanoma immune response but the results while sometimes encouraging were globally

disappointing. It doesn’t mean that there will not be anti-melanoma vaccine in the future but at the moment it is not ready. Anti-HPV vaccine is indeed effective in preventing cancers induced by HPV like cervical cancers in women but also some anal or mouth/pharyngeal cancers that could sometimes be seen by dermatologists.

HD: Do we also use Chemo Therapy for skin cancer?

Dr. Laurent: For long time, people have used chemotherapy with cis-platinum to treat advance cases of melanoma with very poor results. In the case of some rare other skin cancers like cutaneous sarcomas or lymphomas, chemo-therapy often combined with radiotherapy is much more effective and widely used.

HD: We read the Laser Technology can also be applied for skin cancer treatment. How effective is it?

Dr. Laurent: Usually Laser is not recommended to treat skin cancer as we have no control on the diagnosis and on the margins of the tumor to be sure that all was removed. So the risks of misdiagnosis and relapse remain important. It is indeed important to have a precise diagnosis by analyzing the totality of the tumor, especially the thickness of the tumor in case of melanoma, and be sure that all the tumor was removed. For that, you need a good pathologic laboratory with ideally pathologists skillful in skin pathology. I am not aware that we have such skills already fully operational in Cambodia.

HD: What is the difference of skin cancer with other cancer in terms of treatment cost and mortality rate?

Dr. Laurent: First, the global mortality rate of skin cancers is very low compared to other cancers as most of these cancers are diagnosed in time and can be successfully treated. Spino- and basal-cell carcinoma have an extremely low rate of mortality as they are local cancer with no metastases. The more deadly skin cancer is in fact melanoma, and more precisely severe melanoma thick, in special locations or already at an advance stage. However, melanoma

when diagnosed early can be treated efficiently and cured.

It is difficult to talk about the costs of skin cancer treatment in Cambodia but I would say that it will mostly depend about the stage of the disease and the cost of surgery and pathological examination. The new targeted therapy and immunotherapy are very expensive and not yet available in most of the countries.

HD: What advice can you give to our readers?

Dr. Laurent: I would advise our readers to be aware and take action for the prevention of skin cancers by using sun protection. In addition to induce skin cancers, sun exposure also induce skin ageing with wrinkles or pigmentation problems. We know that Asian people like to have a white skin but any attempt to use whitening products without an efficient sun protection will be useless.

When using sun protection, it is important to repeat sunscreen application during the day especially at lunch time between 12h to 3pm when the sun is at its maximum, one application in the morning is not enough as sunscreen lasts for a limited numbers of hours. For whitening, I would advise to avoid using home-made whitening creams from the market or other places because of the poor control of the concentrations of products like corticoids, hydroquinone or even mercury which might be toxic, induce acne or pigmentation problems. Asian people are getting more and more aware of that the importance of sun protection and it is a good thing. Doctors and dermatologists should continue to educate people and especially the young generation about sun protection.

The other advice to the readers is not to wait too long to see a doctor if you have anything on your skin for a long time. Remember that the earlier we diagnose skin cancer or precancerous lesions, the better and easier is the treatment! I would advise not to lose too much time if traditional medicine did not work.

I would like to insist that most of skin cancers could be

cured if diagnosed early enough. So, it is important to

consult a doctor or dermatologist in case of any chronical skin lesion without delay.

- Dr. Laurent Ferradini

In conclusion, sun protection and early diagnosis of suspicious lesions is the best way to preserve a clear, young and healthy skin!

ជងមហារកសៅបៅកមានអតៅៅទាបកនងចននបៅជាជនអាសបើបៅៀបធៀបទៅនងចននបៅជាជន ដៅលមានសៅបៅកស។ោះយៅងណា ករណនៅដពកលើសៅបៅកកនងចណមបៅ-ជាជនអាសកពងកើនឡើងដោយសរារារពារពារសមពៅះអាទតៅយមនបានគៅបគៅៅន កងវះពតមាន នង ចនៅះដង អពវា។ មនសៅសមានៅបានគតថាជងមហារកសៅបៅកអាចកើតលើតៅបៅជាជនសៅបៅកសតៅបណណៅះ បនតៅារយលឃើញបៅបនៅះគខស។ ជងមហារកសៅបៅកជតបានាលៅយជាារគរាមកហៅងដធងនធងរកនងចណមបៅជាជនអាសផងដៅរ។លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent Ferradini ជាអនកឯកទៅស មៅរោគអៅដស នង សៅបៅកអនតរជាតដៅលមានបទពសោធន រយៈពៅល 10 ឆនៅនៅកនងបៅទៅសកពងអភវឌៅឍ នង បចចកបៅបននជានាយករងនៅអងគារថៅទា នង ពៅយាបាល FHI 360នៅកនងបៅទៅសកមពជាចាបតាងពឆនៅ 2008 បានឆលើយសណររបសយើងអពជងមហារកសៅបៅក នៅកនងបៅទៅសកមពជា នង របៀបនៅារបងកើនារយលដងកនងារជយសមៅលដលារធវើរោគវនចឆយ នង ពៅយាបាលោយទាន ពៅលវៅលា ហើយនងអាចសងគៅៅះជវតបាន។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: អវទៅជាកតាតៅហាន-ភយចមៅបងដៅលនាោយកើតជងមហារកសៅបៅក? លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent Ferradini: នៅគៅបទកនលៅងកនងពភពលោកនៅះកតាតៅហានភយចបងនៅជងមហារកសៅបៅកគជាកតាតៅដណរពជ នងាររងផលបះពាលពារសមពៅះអា-ទតៅយ។ បៅជាជនអាសនៅទទាងពភពលោកបៅហៅលជាមានហានភយនៅារកើតជងមហារកសៅបៅកតចជាងបៅជាជនសៅបៅកស ដោយសរតៅហៅតផលហៅសៅនដចជាពកគៅមានសៅបៅកខមៅ។ ោះជាយៅងណានៅកនងចណមពកគៅ ារសកៅសាមយនៅកនងបៅទៅសសងហបរបានបងហៅញថា មនសៅសដៅលមានសៅបៅកសរបសបៅទៅសចន កើតមហារកសៅបៅកចៅើនជាងបៅជាជនអាសសៅបៅកខមៅដចជា មាៅឡៅ នង ឥណឌាជាដើម។ កៅៅពកតាតៅដណរពជ ាររងផលបះពាលដោយសរារសមពៅះអាទតៅយ កជាកតាតៅហានភយដសខនមយ នងបញហៅកងវះារអបរអពារារពារពារសមពៅះអាទតៅយកបានដើរតនាទយៅងសខនផងដៅរ។ ជនបរទៅសដៅលមានសៅបៅកស តៅវបានបះពាលទៅនងារសមពៅះអាទតៅយបណាតៅលោយកើតមានជងមហារកសៅបៅកនៅកនងតបនដៅលមានរយៈទទង

Different stages of Melanoma

នៅតបនអាសអាគនៅយ។នៅកនលៅងមយចនននៅកនងបៅទៅសកមពជា នង អាសអាគនៅយាររងផលបះពាលទៅនងសរាតអាសៅនចរាៅរៅ គជាកតាតៅហានភយមយសមៅៅបជងមហារកសៅបៅក។ បៅជាជនដៅលបះពាលទៅនងសរាតអាសៅនចបានដោយារផកទកនៅកនងតបននៅះអសរយៈពៅលជាចៅើនឆនៅដៅលនាឱៅយមានជងបងកឡើយដោយសរាតនៅះរាៅរៅ ហើយវាជាាតបងកបណាតៅលោយមានារអភវឌៅឍយតនៅដបៅតៅៀមម-ហារក ហើយបនាទៅបមកាលៅយជាជងមហារកសៅបៅក។ មៅយាៅងវញទៀត ារលាបឡៅធវើោយសៅបៅក ស មនទានមានហៅតផលចៅបាសលាសដៅលវាជាកតាតៅហានភយចពោះជងមហារកសៅបៅកទៅ។ ចពោះារធវើបៅបនៅះអាចមានផលបះពាលផៅសៅងទៀតដចជា ាររលាកសៅបៅក បញហៅមន ឬជាមខធងនធងរ។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: តើវាមានរោគសញញៅខសគនៅអវខលះ?លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent: រោគសញញៅធមមតា គជាដ-បៅរាៅរៅ ឡើងជា ឬអត ជាមយនងារផលៅសបតរទហភាពស-មៅទៅ ដៅលកណត ពណ ឬ បងហញជាលកខណៈដបៅ ឬ ហរឈាម។ តើអវជាារផលៅសបតរសខនដៅលបៅជាជនគរតៅកតសគល នង ដងថាពៅលណាដៅលតៅវទៅពគៅៅះជាមយវៅជជបណឌតសមៅៅបារសើបអងកៅត នង ធវើរោគវន-ចឆយ។ ជងមហារកសៅបៅក គសថតកនងចណមជងមហារកដៅលអាចពៅយាបាលបានចៅើនបផត ជាពសៅសនៅពៅលដៅលពកគៅតៅវបានធវើរោគវនចឆយោយបានទានពៅលវៅលានៅដណាកាលដបង។ ជងមហារកសៅបៅកភាគចៅើនកើតលើកោសា Epithelial នងជាធមមតាមនមានឡើងជា ( Pigmented ) ( ដចជាជង Basal Cell Carci-noma ជាជងមហារកដៅលកើតលើកោសាសៅបៅកផនៅកខងលើដៅលកោសាថមបងកើត កៅៅយពកោសាចាសសលៅប ) នង Spino Cell Carcinoma ជាជងមហារកសៅបៅកកើតលើសៅទាបលើនៅសៅបៅកដៅលជាកនលៅងបងកើត

កោសា Keratine ថម ) ខណៈពៅលកោសារមហារកផៅសៅងទៀត បលៅងចៅញពកោសាកណតពណសមៅបរ melanocytes នង ជាធមមតាឡើងពណជាលើសៅបៅក ( ពណតនៅត ឬខមៅ )។ ជងមហារកសៅបៅកនៅអាសជាធមមតាតៅវបានរកឃើញនៅអវៈយវៈផនៅកខងចងដចជា មៅៅមដៅនង បាត នៅលើបៅអបដៅ ឬ មៅៅមជើង នង បាតជើង។ ដចនៅះ បៅជាជនអាសគរតៅមានារបៅងបៅយតនចពោះសនៅមដៅពណណាមយនៅលើតបននៅចងអវៈយវៈ នង សវៅង

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�ើមន����ទមយ���ល�ើត�ន��ើ���មខ នងដងខ��នរបស�កអ�ក?

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រកគៅពៅទៅយដើមៅបធវើរោគវនចឆយនងធវើារតាមដាន។ មានបៅភៅទដកមៅមយចនននៅជងមហារកសៅបៅកដចជា មហារកកៅពៅញកនកណតរ ឬ កោសាមហារដៅលកើតលើជា-សាភាជៅប ( Connective tissue ) ដៅលតៅវបានគៅធវើរោគវនចឆយឃើញជាធមមតាដោយារធវើារចៅបយកសចទៅពនតៅយមកៅទសៅសន ។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: តើអវទៅជាារពៅយាបាលដលអបផត សមៅៅបបៅភៅទនៅជងមហារកទាងនៅះ?លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent: ារពៅយាបាលសខនដបងគៅបងអសនោះគារផតៅតារយកចតតទកចពោះវធសសតៅកនងារារពារសៅបៅក។ ជាារពតណាស ារារពារពា-រសមពៅះអាទតៅយ នង ារពៅយាបាលកោសាតៅៀមមហារកមយចននដចជា keratosis actinic ឬ សនៅមដៅពណដៅលមានហានភយខពសមយចនន អាចដើរតនាទយៅងសខនកនងារារពារារកើតឡើងនៅជងមហារកសៅបៅក។វៅជជបណឌត នង ជាពសៅសគៅពៅទៅយជនាញខងសៅបៅកដៅលមានារទទលខសតៅវដសខនកនងាររកឃើញ នង ពៅយា-បាលកោសាតៅៀមមហារក ( ឧទាហរណៈ ដោយបៅើ 5FU, Imiquimod ឬ Ingenol Mebutate សមៅៅបពៅយាបាល keratosis actinic) នង ផតលារអបរដលបៅជាជនសមៅៅបារតៅតពនតៅយតាមដានខលនឯងោយបានមតចត។នៅទទាងពភពលោក វធសសតៅដសខនសមៅៅបារពៅយា-បាលជងមហារកសៅបៅក គារវះាតជាមយនងារតៅតពនតៅយោយបានមតចតដើមៅបោយបៅៅកដថាដសចតៅវបានាតយកចៅញទាងសៅង។ កនងករណមយចននដៅលសថតនៅកនងតបនជាកលាក ( ឧទាហរណ: នៅជវញភនៅក )ឬ សថតនៅកនងករតចងកៅៅយនៅជងមហារក ារវះាតអាចមានគៅៅះថានៅក ឬមនអាចធវើទៅបាន នង វធសសៅតផៅសៅងទៀត ដចជាារពៅយាបាលដោយារបាញារសម ឬពៅយាបាលដោយារសមវទៅយសកមម CO2 អាចតៅវបានពចារ-ណា។ បចចកបៅបនននៅះ មានវធសសៅតថមដោយបៅើថានៅោល-ដៅជាកលាកទៅលើចៅកនៅារធវើមៅតាបលក របសកោ-សាមហារកដៅលគៅោយឈមៅះថា “ ារពៅយាបាលដោយារកណតោលដៅ " តៅវបានអនមតដោយ FDA សហរដឋអាមៅរច សមៅៅបជងមហារកកោសាសៅបៅកផនៅកខងលើ ( Basal Cell Carcinoma ) ( ពសោធន ទៅសតវាបៅមា ) នងសមៅៅបមហារកសៅបៅក ( Melan-oma ) ( ោលដៅទបទៅលើចៅក BRAF/MEK )។វធសសៅតកណតោលដៅបៅបនៅះកពងតៅវបានគៅបៅើនៅកនងដសចកមៅតខពស។ កនងារជងមហារកសៅបៅកកមៅតខពស ារពៅយាបាលដោយសរាតគម នង ថានៅ Cispla-tinum នង interferon បានបងហៅញថា មនសវមាន បៅសទធភាពនោះទៅ នងវធសសៅតកណតោលដៅថមនៅះ បានផតលទសៅសនៈវសយ នងកតសងៅឃម។

លើសពនៅះទៅទៀត សមៅៅបារពៅយាបាលនៅជងមហារកសៅបៅកយៅងថមសៅឡាង គារពៅយាបាល ដោយទបទៅលើបៅពនធារពាររាងាយ ដៅលជាយទធ សសៅត បៅឆងមយដោយបៅើអងទករបៅឆងនងមលៅគល Monoclonal បៅឆងនងមលៅគលជាកលាកនៅបៅពនធភាពសៅតៅវបាន

គៅបៅើដោយទទលបានលទធផលជៅាគជយជាខលៅង។ជាចងកៅៅយខញចងទទចថាភាគចៅើននៅជងមហារកសៅបៅកអាចតៅវបានពៅយាបាលបាន បៅសនបើបានធវើរោគវនចឆយនៅដណាកាលដបងបានគៅបគៅៅន។ ដចនៅះវាជាារស-ខនដើមៅបពគៅៅះជាមយគៅពៅទៅយ ឬ អនកឯកទៅសខងសៅបៅកនៅកនងករណនៅដបៅសៅបៅករាៅរៅណាមយ ដោយគមៅនារ ពនៅយាពៅលឡើយ។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: យើងបានឮអពារពៅយាបាលដោយ immunotherapy ។តើវាគជាារពៅយាបាលដៅលមានបៅសទធភាព សមៅៅបជងមហារកសៅបៅកឬ ?លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent: Immunotherapy ( ារពៅយាបាល ដោយធវើារទបទៅលើបៅពនធារពាររាងាយ )ជាយទធសសៅតមយកនងោលបណងគៅបគៅងបៅពនធារពាររាងាយដើមៅបឱៅយមានភាពបៅសើរឡើងនវារពៅយាបាលនៅជងមយចនន។ ឥឡវនៅះ វាតៅវបានបៅើដើមៅបពៅយាបាលជង រលាកមយចននដចជា ជងរលាកសនាលៅករាៅរៅ ឬ ជងសៅបៅករបកកៅហម ( Psoriasis ) បនតៅកតៅវបានបៅើនៅកនងករ-ណនៅជងមហារកដចជាជងមហារកសៅបៅកផងដៅរ ( Me-lanoma )។ ជាារពតណាស immunotherapy តៅវបានកពងរករកអសរយៈពៅលជាចៅើនឆនៅកនងារពៅយា-បាលជងមហារកសៅបៅក ដចដៅលយើងបានដងហើយថាារឆលើយតបនៅបៅពនធភាពសៅរបសរាងាយបៅឆងនងកោសាមហារកសៅបៅកនៅតៅមាន នង អាចមានបៅសទធ-ភាពយៅងខលៅងដចជាារបងហៅញវតតមាននៅកោសា T -lyphocyte របសកោសាមហារក។ នៅកនងរយៈពៅល ពរទសវតៅសរមកនៅះ កៅមអនកសៅៅវជៅៅវបានពៅយាយមបៅើ Tumor-Infiltrating lymphocytes " TIL " ជាកនលៅងដៅលកោសាឈាមសតៅវបានរកឃើញនៅកនងដសច ធវើសកមមភាពភោញៅចកោសាបៅសទ dendriticឬ ថានៅបងកៅរបៅឆងនងារដះដសចដើមៅបជរញបៅពនធារពាររាងាយបៅឆងនងកោសាមហារកសៅបៅកជាមយនងភាពបរាជយដធរបសពភពលោក។ ារពតនោះគថាយើងមនទានបានដងពរបៀបដើមៅបគៅបគៅងបៅពនធារពាររាងាយរបសមនសៅស បើោះបជាចនៅះដងរបសយើងមានារបៅសើរយៅងខលៅងចពោះារសកៅសាពមខងររបសពកវាកដោយ។ ថមៗនៅះ ជាលើកដបងនៅកនងារពៅយាបាលជងមហារកសៅបៅកដៅលជាវធសសៅត បៅឆងារបៅើបៅៅសរមមបញចកលគនៅនៅអងគបដបៅៅណ Monoclonal មយបានបងហៅញលទធផលដជៅាគជយយៅងខលៅងដៅលបានពនៅយាភាពរសរានមានជវតរបសអនកជងដៅលមានជងមហារកសៅបៅកធងនធងរ។ អងគបដបកខ Monoclonal ទាងនៅះបានធវើសកមមភាពោលដៅទៅលើមលៅគល PD-1 នង CT-LA-4 ដៅលមានមខងរតៅតពនតៅយារឆលើយតបារពាររបសរាងាយ។ លទធផលទាងនៅះហាកដចជាបងហៅញថាមានារាតបនថយារឆលើយតបពបៅពនធភាពសៅរបសរាង

ាយបៅឆងនងកោសាមហារកសៅបៅក កោសាភាពសៅអាចាលៅយជាភានៅកងរយៅងសកមម នៅកនងារបៅយទធបៅ ឆងនងកោសាមហារកសៅបៅក នង បានដើរតនាទយៅងស-ខននៅកនងារពៅយាបាលនៅជងមហារកនៅះផងដៅរ។ កៅមអនកសៅៅវជៅៅវកពងសវៅងរការបៅើបៅៅសរមបញចកលគនៅនៅារពៅយាបាលកណតោលដៅដៅលបានរៀបរាបខងលើ

ដោយមាន immunotherapy ដៅលជាវធសសតៅបនថៅមទៀតដើមៅបសមៅៅចបាននវលទធផលលអបៅសើរជាងមន។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: ដចជាមហារកសដន នងមហារកមាតសៅបនមានវាៅកសងដៅលមនសៅសអាចទទលបៅោជនពវា។ តើបចចកបៅបនននៅះ យើងមានវាៅកសាងសរាបារពារជងមហារកសៅបៅកហើយឬនៅ?លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent: ចពោះជងមហារកសៅបៅកយើងមនទានមានថានៅបងកៅណាមយនៅឡើយទៅ។ កចចកខតបៅងបៅៅងជាចៅើនតៅវបានធវើឡើងនៅកនងពៅលថមកនលងមកនៅះដើមៅបបងកើតវាៅកសាងមយបៅឆងនងជងមហារកសៅបៅកបៅប Antigens ជងមហារកសៅបៅកជាកលាកជាចៅើនតៅវបានរកឃើញ។ ពកគៅតៅវបានពៅយាយមបៅើសរ-ាតដៅលភោញៅចទៅលើកោសា Dendritic ោយបងកើតបៅពនធភាពសាដោយមាន Melanoma Antigen ជរញារបៅឆងនងជងមហារកសៅបៅក បនតៅយើងមនទទលបានលទធផលគរជាទគបចតតឡើយ។ វាមនមៅនមាននយថាយើងនងមនអាចមានវាៅកសាងបៅឆងនងជងមហារកសៅបៅកនាពៅលអនាគតទៅ គៅៅនតៅពៅលនៅះយើងមនទានមានវានៅឡើយ។ វាៅកសាងបៅឆងមៅរោក HPV គ ពតជាមានបៅសទធភាព មនតៅមតៅកនងារារពារជងមហារកដៅលបងកឡើងដោយវរស HPV ដចជាជងមហារកសៅបនចពោះសៅតបណណៅះទៅ តៅកអាចារពារលើមហារករនធគថឬ មាត មហារកបពងកដៅលពៅលខលះអាចតៅវបានមើលឃើញដោយគៅពៅទៅយជនាញខងសៅបៅក។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: តើយើងតៅវបៅើារពៅយាបាលដោយថានៅសរាបជងមហារកសៅបៅកមៅនដៅរឬទៅ?លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent: ជាយរណាសមកហើយ យើងបានបៅើារពៅយាបាលដោយសរសរាតគម ដោយមានសរាត Cis-plastinum ដើមៅបពៅយាបាលមហារកសៅបៅកដោយមនទទលបានលទធផលលអឡើយ។ នៅកនងករណនៅមហារកសៅបៅកដកមៅមយចននផៅសៅងទៀតដចជាCu-taneous Sarcoma ឬ Lymphoma ារពៅយាបាលដោយថានៅជាញកញាបផៅសជាមយារពៅយាបាលដោយវទៅយ-សកមមនៅះគមានបៅសទធភាពជាចៅើនទៀត នង តៅវបានគៅបៅើយៅងទលទលាយ។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: យើងបានអានពបចចកៅកវទៅយាឡាសៅរអាចតៅវបានអនវតតសមៅៅបារពៅយា-បាលជងមហារកសៅបៅក។ តើវាមានបៅសទធភាពយៅងមៅចដៅរ?លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent: ជាធមមតា គយើងមនតៅវផតលអនសសនោយបៅើឡៅសៅរដើមៅបពៅយាបាលជងម-ហារកសៅបៅកដោយមនមានារតៅតពនតៅយទៅលើារធវើរោគវនចឆយ នងទៅលើគៅមនៅដសចនោះដើមៅបធវើោយ

បៅៅកដថាដសចទាងអសតៅវបានាតយកចៅញ។ ដចនៅះហានភយនៅារខកខន មនបានធវើរោគវនចឆយោយបានតៅមតៅវ នងាររឡើងវញនៅតៅមានសរៈសខន។ វាជាារពតណាស ដៅលយើងតៅវធវើរោគវនចឆយោយបានចៅបាសលាស ដោយធវើារវភាគោយបានសពវជៅងជៅៅយចពោះដសចជាពសៅសកមៅៅសនៅដសចដះនៅ

កនងករណនៅជងមហារកសៅបៅក ហើយតៅវបៅៅកដថា ដសចទាងអសតៅវបានាតយកចៅញ។ ចពោះបញហៅនៅះ អនកតៅវារមនទរពសោធនាយសសតៅដៅលមានសតងដារតៅមតៅវជាមយអនកឯកទៅស ដៅលមានជនាញកនងារពនតៅយរោគនៅលើសៅបៅក។ ខញមនដងថាយើងមានជនាញបៅបនៅះហើយនៅទៅសរាបបពៅញបៅតបតតារនៅកនងបៅទៅស-កមពជា។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: តើអវទៅជាភាពខសគនៅនៅារកើតជងមហារកសៅបៅក នង ជងមហារកដទៅទៀតនៅកនងលកខខណឌនៅារចណាយលើារពៅយាបាល នង អតៅៅសលៅប?លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent: ជាដបងអតៅៅសលៅបជាស-កលនៅជងមហារកសៅបៅក គមានកមៅតទាបខលៅងបើធៀបទៅនងជងមហារកផៅសៅងទៀត ដចជាភាគចៅើននៅជងមហារកទាងនៅះតៅវបានធវើរោគវនចឆយឃើញទានពៅលវៅលា នង អាចតៅវបានពៅយាបាលដោយជៅាគជយ។ ចពោះSpino- នង Basal cell Carcinoma មានអតៅៅសលៅបទាបបផត ដោយសរតៅពកវាជាជងមហាររកដៅលកើតលើទតាងណាមយចៅបាសលាសដោយមនមានាររាលដាល ( Matastasis )។ ជងមហារកសៅបៅក ដៅលបានសមាលៅបមនសៅសចៅើនជាងគៅគ Melenoma។ ោះជាយៅងណា Melanoma នៅពៅលដៅលបានធវើរោគវន-ចឆយនៅដណាកាលដបង អាចពៅយាបាលបានយៅងមានបៅសទធភាព នងជាសះសៅបើយ។វាគជាារលបាកណាសកនងារនយយអពារចណាយ

នៅារពៅយាបាលជងមហារកសៅបៅក នៅកនងបៅទៅសកមពជាបនតៅខញអាចនយយបានថាភាគចៅើនវាអាសៅយទៅលើដណាកាលនៅជង ារចណាយលើារវះាត នង តលៅនៅារពនតៅយកោសា។ ារពៅយាបាលថមដោយារកណត ោលដៅ នង ារបៅើបៅៅស immunotherapy គមានតលៅថលៅខលៅងណាស ហើយវាកទានចរាចរណនៅឡើយទៅសងតៅគៅបបៅទៅស។

ទសៅសនាវដត Healthwise Digest: តើអវជាដបនាមៅនរបសអនកសរាបអនកអានរបសយើង?លោកវៅជជបណឌត Laurent: ខញសមដបនាមៅនខលះៗដលអនកអានរបសយើងោយបានដង នង ចាតវានារារពារចពោះជងមហារកសៅបៅកដោយារបៅើបៅៅសឡៅារពារារសមពៅះអាទតៅយ។ លើសពនៅះទៀត កៅៅពកើតជង មហារកសៅបៅក ារបះពាលដោយារសមពៅះអាទតៅយកនាឱៅយកើតមានជងចាសជាងវយ នង សនៅមជៅញ ឬ បញហៅជាខមៅលើផទៅមខ។ យើងដងថាបៅជាជនអាសចលចតតមានសៅបៅក ស បនតៅារពៅយាយមបៅើផលតផលដើមៅបោយសៅបៅក ស ដោយគមៅនារារពារោយបានតៅមតៅវពា-រសមពៅះអាទតៅយទៅនោះ វានងមនបានផលនោះទៅ។ នៅពៅលបៅើឡៅារពារារសមពៅះអាទតៅយ វាជាារសខនកនងារលាបឡៅារពារកមតៅថងៅឡើងវញ កនងអឡងពៅលដៅលមានកដៅខលៅងជាពសៅស នៅកនងពៅលទទលទានអាហារថងៅតៅងរវាងមៅង 12 ទៅមៅង 3 រសៀលដៅលមៅងនៅះជាពៅលដៅលពៅះអាទតៅយមានកដៅខពសបផត ារលាបឡៅតៅមតៅមតងនៅពៅលពៅកគមនគៅបគៅៅនទៅ

ដោយសរឡៅារពារកមតៅថងៅមានរយៈពៅលកណតតៅបនាមៅនមៅងបណណៅះចពោះបៅសទធភាពរបសវា។ សរាបឡៅលាបោយសៅបៅក ស ខញសមណៅនាោយជៀសវាងារបៅើឡៅលាយដោយខលនឯង ឬកនលៅងផៅសៅងទៀតដោយសរតៅមនមានារគៅបគៅងោយបានតៅមតៅវចពោះរបមនតផៅសនៅផលតផលដចជា corticoids hydroquinoneឬ សមៅបតៅបារតដៅលអាចនងមានជាតពលនាឱៅយមានបញហៅមន ឬ ជាកើតឡើង។ បៅជាជនអាសកពងតៅទទលបានារយលដងានតៅចៅើនអពសរៈសខននៅារារពារពកដៅពៅះអាទតៅយ ហើយវាគជារឿងដលអមយ។ វៅជជបណឌតនង គៅពៅទៅយជនាញខងសៅបៅកគរបនតដើមៅបអបរមនសៅស នងជាពសៅសយវជនជនានកៅៅយអពារារពារពារសមពៅះអាទតៅយ។

ដបនាមៅនផៅសៅងទៀតសរាបអនកអានគមនតៅវពនៅយារយរពៅកចពោះារទៅជបគៅពៅទៅយបៅសនបើអនកមានបញហៅនៅលើសៅបៅករយៈពៅលដយរពៅកនោះទៅ។ តៅវចាថា នៅពៅលដៅលយើងធវើរោគវនចឆយជងមហារកសៅបៅក ឬ មានកោ-សាតៀមមហារកោយបានទានពៅលពៅលវៅលានោះបៅសទធភាពនៅារពៅយាបាលកមានភាពបៅសើរឡើងទៅតាមនោះដៅរ! ខញកសមណៅនាផងដៅរ សមកពៅយាយមបៅើ-បៅៅសឱសថបរាណយរពៅកបើវាមនបានផតលបៅសទធភាព។សរបសៅចកតមក ារពារពារសមពៅះអាទតៅយ នង ារធវើរោគវនចឆយករណសងៅសយោយបានទានពៅលវៅលា គជាវធដលអបផត ដើមៅបសវតថភាព ភាពកមៅងជាងវយ នង សៅបៅកមានសខភាពលអ!

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Wow! What a hot month it has been for April this year. For those of you who are here, passing through for a business trip or on vacation at this time of the year, we cannot overlook this heat that we are facing right now. Perspiration and sweaty armpits marks have been the hallmarks of my office wear for some time now and I cannot help but to wonder whether people would look past it – desperately. But am I glad I am sweating off in this heat. And there are reasons why we should.

I am simultaneously amazed that most people, especially those who came from the cooler weathered countries, do not seem to care about how dangerous heat can be – it is easy to say why because although it is also a weather hazard, heat is still less “violent” as tornadoes and floods might bring with them. So that is why it is easy to brush off the dangers of heat on us. How they manage to sleep in the night without fan or air conditioning – well, the key idea is surely to sweat!

How does Heat Affect the Human Body? Put simply, human bodies react to heat and cool itself down by circulating more blood through the skin. It dissipate heat by varying the rate and depth of blood circulation, by losing water through the skin and sweat glands, and as a last resort, by panting when blood is heated above 37 degree Celsius or 98.6 degree Fahrenheit. The heart begins to pump more blood, blood vessels dilate to accommodate the increased flow, and the bundles of tiny capillaries threading through the upper layers of skin are put into operation. The body’s blood is circulated closer to the skin’s surface and excess heat drains off into the cooler atmosphere. At the same time, water diffuses through the skin as perspiration. The skin handles about 90% of the body’s heat dissipating function. If humidity also is high, the body faces additional stress because sweat does not readily evaporate from your skin. That

pushes your body temperature even higher.

Sweating by itself does nothing to cool the body unless the water is removed by evaporation. The evaporation process itself works this way: the heat energy required to evaporate the sweat is extracted from the body, thereby cooling it. Under conditions of high temperature and high humidity, the body is doing everything it can to maintain 37 degree Celsius inside. The heart is pumping a lot of blood through dilated circulatory vessels; the sweat glands are pouring liquid including essential dissolved chemicals like sodium and chloride into the surface of the skin.

There are specific kinds of effects that heat may cause to us: heat related illnesses AND heat stress. Which should you be worried about? While heat-related illnesses (and even death) can occur with exposure to heat in just one afternoon, heat stress on the body does have a cumulative effect. The most severe ramification is Heat Stroke – the body’s natural mechanism when sweating is done to cool the body – stops functioning and the body temperature gets so high that even death may result (40 degrees or more). Look for signs that include red hot skin, heart rhythm problems such as rapid and shallow breathing, dilated pupils, vomiting and increasing weakness or dizziness and mental confusion. Heat Exhaustion, on the other hand, show symptoms like cool, moist pale flushed or red skin, heavy sweating, headache, nausea or vomiting, dizziness and exhaustion. Body temperatures will be about 40 degree Celsius. Lastly there is also heat cramps – heat cramps affect the muscles of the abdominal and legs and can be very painful (touch and you can feel the affected muscles may be firm to the touch). If you have this, sit yourself down, stop activities, sip water and gently begin to stretch the cramp muscle and hold the stretch for about 20

Perspiration and sweaty armpits marks have been the hallmarks of my office wear for some

time now and I cannot help but to wonder whether people would look past it – desperately. But am I glad I am sweating off in this heat.

And there are reasons why we should.


by Ernie Suzanna

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seconds, followed by a gentle massage on the muscle. Try to avoid overworking the muscle and refrain from physical activity for a day.

Now that you have gotten a glimpse of what happens in our body when we are under heat, how then do we “Cheat Heat”? Simply Dress Right for Summer! Make Whites and Beiges a part of your wardrobe essential during the whole summer months where possible – yes it sounds very cliché but lightweight light-colored clothes reflect heat and sunlight and helps body maintain normal temperatures. Of course we can’t forget the essential sunscreen to be applied during daytime with an SPF of at least 30 and where possible, add on accessories like hats and caps while going out and about in the sun. If you don’t and you suffer from sunburn, this will reduce your body’s ability to cool itself and possibly increase the risk of skin cancer.

Carry a water tumbler or flask where you go to replenish the water that is being lost as you sweat and perspire. When you can, avoid coffee and tea as they contain caffeine which increases water loss during urination. Dehydration is a key factor in heat illness. Help your body sweat and cool down by staying well- hydrated with water – so do not wait until you are thirsty before you drink.

Slow Down – that’s the next way to cheat heat. Practicing sports every day is good but during the strong summer heat, exercising in the heat can put stress onto your body. Time your workout / activity correctly - Avoid running in daytime between 11 to 1 pm, or play basketball or tennis in the courts, where the sun is at its strongest – choose cooler activities instead – why not take this time to jump into the pool and start to do laps instead? Do consistent swim for at least 30 minutes or so in order to burn off as much calories as you can – this is advised for the sportive few. But for those of you who are less resilient to physical activities or have not made sports an everyday event, do stay to work out in a cooled air-conditioned gym and have that workout you need. Or, push the workouts to be in the early morning or in the evenings.

Think of the fruits we get to eat in this sweltering heat. For in the colder months of winter in Cambodia, the juicy Svay Keo Chen will have disappeared and so will the exotic mangosteens. What better way to cheat the heat by drowning ourselves in the best fruit haven while we still have it? With this abundance of juicy mouth-watering fruits we are privileged to enjoy, we also need to bear and pick the quick easy to follow guidelines on how to sustain ourselves in the sweltering heat.

មៅនហើយ! ខៅមៅសឆនៅនៅះមានអាាសាតកតៅខលៅងណាស។ សមៅៅបអនកដៅលរសនៅទនៅះ អនកជនញ ឬ ារធវើដណើរវសៅសមាលនៅពៅលវៅលានៅឆនៅនៅះកដោយគយើងមនអាចមើលរលងសតណហភាពកតៅដៅលយើងកពង

បៅឈមមខពៅលឥឡវនៅះឡើយ។ ារបៅកញើសតាមដងខលន នង កលៀកជាចនចសខនដៅលមានលើខោអាវដៅលខញសលៀកពាកទៅធវើារ ហើយខញមនអាចបញៅឈបវាបានទៅ គៅៅនតៅឆងលថាតើអនកនៅជវញខលនខញអាចចាបអារមមណនងារបៅកញើសនៅះរអត។ កបនតៅខញរករាយដៅលខញបៅកញើសកនងពៅលកតៅនៅះ។ ហើយមានមលហៅតមយចននដៅលហៅតអវបានជាយើងគរមានារបៅកញើស។

ខញមានារភាញៅកផអើលដៅលមនសៅសភាគចៅើនជាពសៅសអនកមកពបៅទៅសដៅលមានអាាសាតតៅជាកដោយពកគៅហាកដចជាមនខវលពគៅៅះថានៅកដៅលអាចកើតមានដោយសរអាាសាតនៅះឡើយ។ បើគៅៅនតៅនយយនោះវាជាារងយសៅលទៅពៅៅះោះបជាអាាសាតកតៅមានផលអាកៅកកដោយកវាមនសវ “ សហាវ ” ដចជាខៅយល កចនងទកជននឡើយ។ ដចនៅះនោះគជាមលហៅតដៅលវាគជាារងយសៅលកនងារចៅញពផលវបាកនៅរដវកតៅ។

ពកគៅទាងនោះសានងអាាសាតកតៅបៅបនៅះ ហើយគៅកអាចគៅងដោយគមៅនកងហៅរ ឬ មាៅសនតៅជាកបាន ហើយារធវើបៅបនៅះគដើមៅបោយរាងាយរបសពកគៅបញចកៅញញើស។

តើកដៅផតលផលបះពាលដលរាងាយមនសៅសដោយរបៀបណា? ជាធមមតារាងាយមនសៅសធវើារឆលើយតបទៅនងកដៅ នង ធវើោយរាងាយមានភាពតៅជាកដោយខលនឯងផទៅលតាមរយៈារជរញលហរឈាមនៅសៅបៅកោយបានចៅើន។ វាបនថយកដៅដោយធវើោយបរមាណ នងជមៅៅនៅរបតឈាមរតបៅៅបៅលតាមរយៈារបាតបងទកតាមសៅបៅក នងញើស ហើយចងកៅៅយបងអសបៅសនបើកដៅកនងចរនតឈាមនៅតៅមានករតខពសជាង 37 oC ឬ98.6 F នោះអនកនងចាបផតើមដកដងហើមញាបជាមនខន។ បៅះដងចាបផតើមចៅបាចបមឈាមានតៅចៅើនសរសៅឈាមបានរកធដើមៅបសមៅលដលារកើនឡើងលហរឈាមនង ារភាជៅបនៅសសៅឈាមតចៗដៅលមាននៅសើរសៅបៅកដៅលតៅវបានបងកើតឡើងកនងបៅតបតតារនៅះ។ លហរឈាមនៅកនងរាងាយតៅវបានធវើដណើរទៅផទៅខងលើនៅសៅបៅក ហើយកដៅដៅលកតៅខលៅងតៅវបានបបាតដើមៅបធវើោយរាងាយមានភាពតៅជាកឡើងវញ។ នៅពៅលជាមយគនៅនៅះទកតៅវបានបភាយតាមសៅបៅកតាមទរងជាញើស។ សៅបៅកគៅបគៅងបៅហៅល 90% នៅមខងរបនថយកដៅរាងាយ។ បៅសនបើកនងខៅយលមានសណើមខពសនោះរាងាយមនសៅសបៅឈមមខនងភាពតានតងបនថៅមទៀតដោយសរតៅញើសមនងយហតពសៅបៅករបសអនកឡើយ។ នោះហើយជាមលហៅតដៅលជរញោយសតណហភាពរាងាយរបសអនកានតៅខពសជាងមន។

ារបៅកញើសតៅមយមខនងមនមានអវដើមៅបធវើោយរាងាយមានភាពតៅជាកទៅ លះតៅៅតៅញើសបាតទៅវញ ដោយារហត។ នៅកៅៅមលកខខណឌអាាសាតដៅលមានសតណហភាព នងសណើមខពសរាងាយតៅវធវើអវគៅបយៅងដៅលខលនអាចធវើបានដើមៅបរកៅសាកដៅកនងខលនោយនៅតៅម 37 oC។ បៅះដងចៅបាចបញជនឈាមយៅងចៅើនតាមរយៈរបតឈាមរត សសៅឈាមធ កៅពៅញញើសបនៅសទសរាតរមទាងសរាតគមសខនៗដៅលអាចរលាយបានដចជា ជាតសដៅយម នង ជាតកលរទៅកនងផទៅនៅសៅបៅក។មានបៅភៅទជាកលាកនៅឥទធពលរបសកដៅមកលើរាងាយមនសៅសដចជា ជងដៅលបណាតៅលមកពអាាសាតកតៅ នង ភាពតានតងដោយសរកដៅ ( Heat Stress ) តើបញហៅមយណាដៅលអនកគរមានារពៅយបារមភខណៈពៅលជងដៅលបណាតៅលមកពអាាសាតកតៅ ( ឈានដលារសលៅប ) អាចកើតមានឡើងជាមយនងារបះពាលទៅនងកដៅថងៅតៅមតងគត តៅភាពតានតង ដោយសរកដៅធវើោយមានផលបះពាលបនតចមតងៗ។ នៅះជាផលបះពាលធងនធងរបផតគជងដាចសសៅឈាមខរកៅបាលដោយ

សរកដៅកតៅ ( Heat Stroke ) ជាជងមយដៅលធវើោយយនតារពធមមជាតរបសរាងាយដៅលតៅវបៅកញើសដើមៅបធវើោយរាងាយមានភាពតៅជាកបានបញៅឈបដណើរារធវើោយសតណហភាពរាងាយឡើងខពសខលៅង នង អាចបណាតៅលោយសលៅប ( ធជាង ឬសមើ 400C )។ រកមើលសញញៅនៅជងនោះដៅលមានដចជា សៅបៅកកតៅកៅហម ចងវៅកបៅះដងលោតញាប ដកដងហើមខលៗដងហក បៅសៅរកធ កអត អសកមាលៅង ឬ វលមខខលៅង នង ភានភាង។ មៅយាងទៀត អាារៈអសកមាលៅងដោយសរកដៅ ( Heat Exhaus-tion ) មានរោគសញញៅបងហៅញដចជា តៅជាកខលន សៅបៅកសលៅកសលៅង ឬ ឡើងកៅហម បៅកញើសខលៅង ឈកៅបាល ចងអៅរ ឬ កអត វលមខ នង អសកមាលៅង។ សតណហភាពរាងាយមានករតបៅហៅល 400C។ ជាចងកៅៅយកមានាររមលសចដដោយសរកដៅ ( Heat cramp ) ជាារឈចាបដៅលបះពាលដលសចដពោះ នង ជើង ហើយអាចមានារឈចាបយៅងខលៅង ( ារបះនងអាចោយមានអារមមណថាសចដដៅលរងផលបះពាលមានភាពរង )។បៅសនបើអនកមានបញហៅនៅះសមអងគយចះ បញៅឈបារធវើ ចលនា ផកទកបនតចចាបផតើមធវើារលាតសនធងសចដថមមៗ ហើយទកចោលបៅហៅល 20 វនាទ រមជាមយារមាៅសៅសាបៅបសៅៅលនៅលើសចដ។ សមពៅយាយមជៀស-វាងារធវើារខលៅងជៅល នង មនតៅវធវើលហាតបៅៅណរយៈពៅលមយថងៅ។


យើងតៅវ “ បៅឆង ” នងវាដោយរបៀបណា ( ជារឿងសមញញទៅគ អនកគៅៅនតៅអនកសលៀកសលាកបពាកដៅលសកសមនងរដវកតៅនៅះបានហើយ ! ជៅើសរសយក សមលៀកបពាកពណស ឬ ពណតនៅតសៅៅលដើមៅបសលៀក-ពាកពៅញមយរដវកតៅនៅះតាមដៅលអាចធវើទៅបាន។ មៅនហើយសតៅបហាកដចជាគមៅនអវអសចៅរៅយសោះ តៅសមលៀក-បពាកដៅលមានទងន នង ពណសៅៅលអាចធវើោយកដៅ នង ពនលពៅះអាទតៅយផតៅចចៅញ នង ជយោយរាងាយរកៅសាសតណហភាពបានធមមតា។ ជាារពតណាសដៅលយើងមនអាចបផលៅចឡៅារពារកដៅថងៅដៅលមានករត SPF យៅងហោចណាស 30 ដៅលតៅវលាបនៅពៅលថងៅ ហើយពាកមកោយជាបតាមដៅលអាចធវើទៅបាននៅពៅលអនកសថតនៅកៅៅមកដៅថងៅ។ បៅសនបើអនកមនធវើ ហើយអនកទទលរងពាររលាកដោយកដៅពៅះអាទតៅយ ( Sun Burn ) សមតថភាពរបសរាងាយរបសអនកកនងារធវើោយតៅជាកនង ថយចះ ហើយអាចបងកើនហានភយនៅជងមហារកសៅបៅកទៀតផង។ យកដបទកដាកតាមខលន នងបពៅញទកដៅលតៅវបានបាតបងតាមរយៈារបៅកញើសនៅះ។ នៅពៅលដៅលអនកអាចធវើបានសមជៀសវាងាហវៅ នង តៅដោយសរវាមានផទកជាតាហវៅអនដៅលបងកើនារបាតបងទកកនងអឡងបតជើងតច ារខៅសាះជាតទកគជាកតាតៅសខនកនងារបងកជង។ ដចនៅះមនតៅវរងចារហតដលបាតបងជាតទក រចទើបទទលទានទកឡើយ។

ហើយនៅះជាវធមយទៀតដើមៅបបៅឆងនងកដៅ។ ហាតកឡាជារៀងរាលថងៅគជាារលអ បនតៅកនងអឡងពៅលរដវ

Heat cramps affect the muscles of the abdominal and legs and can be very

painful (touch and you can feel the affected muscles

may be firm to the touch).If you have this, sit yourself

down, stop activities, sip water and gently begin to stretch the cramp muscle and hold the stretch for

about 20 seconds, followed by a gentle massage on the


កតៅដៅលមានកដៅកតៅខលៅង នោះារហាតបៅៅណផតលបញហៅលើរាងាយរបសអនក។ កណតពៅលវៅលារបសអនក ឬ ធវើារហាតបៅៅណោយបានតៅមតៅវ - ជៀសរវាងាររតនៅពៅលថងៅចនោលៅះពមៅង 11 ទៅមៅង 1 រសៀល ឬ លៅងកឡាបាលបោះ ឬ កឡាវាយកនបាលនៅកនងទលានមានកដៅពៅះអាទតៅយកតៅខលៅង។ ជៅើសយការហាតបៅៅណដៅលធវើោយរាងាយមានភាពតៅជាក។ ហៅតអវបានជាមនយកពៅលវៅលានោះ ដើមៅបលោតចលទៅកនងអាងទក នង ហៅលទកជនសោយារហាតបៅៅណនៅកណាតៅលថងៅកតៅនោះវញ? ហៅលទកោយបានយៅងហោចណាស 30នាទ ដើមៅបដតបផលៅញាឡរបានចៅើនតាមដៅលអាចធវើបាន។ បនតៅសរាបអនកដៅលមនសវសាទៅនងារធវើលហាតបៅៅណ ឬ មនសវបានលៅងកឡាជារៀងរាលថងៅនោះអនកអាចហាតបៅៅណកនងកលបកឡាដៅលមានមាៅសនតៅជាក នង សកលៅបងារហាតបៅៅណដៅលអនកតៅវារនៅទនោះ។ ហាតបៅៅណនៅពៅលពៅកពៅលម ឬ លាងៅចកបាន។ សមគតទៅដលផលៅឈើដៅលយើងទទលទាននវរដវកតៅនៅះ។ ចណៅកនៅកនងខៅតៅជាកនៅរដវរងរ នៅបៅទៅសកមពជា ទកផលៅឈើចរាញចៅញពសវៅយកៅវចន រមទាងទកមងៅឃតដករនងលៅងមានទៀតហើយ។ តើអវជារឿងលអបៅសើរជាងារទទលទានទកផលៅឈើដលអទាងនោះខណៈពៅលដៅលយើងអាចងយសៅលរកបាននោះ? ជា មយនងទកផលៅឈើដសបរបៅប នង មានរសជាតឈងយ ឆងៅញទាងនោះ យើងកតៅវដងពារជៅើសយកវធងយសៅលកនងារអនវតតតាមារណៅនាអពរបៀបទៅទៅងរាងាយនៅកនងអាាសាតដកតៅនៅះផងដៅរ។

Page 11: Healthwise Digest - April 2015

20 21


WHAT IS ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION?Erectile dysfunction refers to a man’s inability to sustain an erection which is sufficient for sexual intercourse.

WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OFERECTILE DYSFUNCTION?Only being able to achieve erection during masturbation but not during sexual intercourseReduced libidoInability in sustaining an erectionA difficulty in achieving an erection

WHY YOU SHOULD STOP USING FAKE ERECTILE DYS-FUNCTION PRODUCTS?A counterfeit erectile dysfunction medicine is one which is deliberatly mislabeled to deceptively identify original ED drugs, manufactured with the wrong ingredietns and processed incorrectly, thus, affecting a person’s health.


No active ingredientsInsufficient active ingredientsBlue printer inkWrong ingredientsCorrect ingredients but fake packaging


ក��ង�រ�ើងរ�ង�����ប��ទបរស ��ល����កមយប��ល �យបរសមន�នសមត��ព��ប��នក��ង�រ រម��ទ។

�ើ�គស����ប��អសមត��ពផ��វ��ទ�នអ�ខ�ះ?• �ច�ើងរ�ង�ន����ល��លស��ច�ម�យខ��នឯង ប���មន�ច

�រច���លរម��ទ។• ចណងផ��វ��ទ�ន�រ��កចះ

• អសមត��ពក��ង�រ�ើងរ�ង�����ប��ទ• មន�យនង�ើងរ�ង

��តអ��ន�អ�កគរ��ប��ប�រ��ើ��ស�� ស�បព��លប��អសមត��ពផ��វ��ទ ��ល���ង��យ?��ស�បព��លប��អសមត��ពផ��វ��ទ��ល���ង��យ

គ�����ល��ើ�រ���ងបន���ើ��កស�� របសផលតផលពត��ល��ើ�យអ�ក��ើ��ស�ន

�រព�កក��ង�រកណតច� �មយនងផលតផល ��ល��ម���វ �រផលត�មយនងស�ស�តផ���លមនសម��ប នង

ដ�ើរ�រ���រផលតមន�ន��ម���វ ��ល�ចផ�លផលបះ�លដលសខ�ពអ�ក��ល�ន��ើ��ស។

Counterfeiter’s manufacturing facilities



Genuine Fake

�����ង��យ�ច���ងបន��ង����ល���សរបមន��ើម ( Brand name ) នង ����លចម�ងរបមន��មច�ប (Generic name ) �ើយនង ����ល���ង��យ



�មយ �រ�តផ���ល�នស�ស�តសកម���ប��ន

�មយ នង�រ�ះពម��យទក��ពណ�ៀវ

�មយ នង�រ�តផ���លមន��ម���វ

�មយ �រ�តផ���ម���វ �����ងបន��រ��ចខ�ប


��ជាជនចនន 124 ����ស��ក��ងឆ�ា 2011

60% គ�ានសមាសធាតផ�សកម�16% ��ថ�ា���ងក�ាយ

ផ��ក��យសារធាតផ� ��លមន��ម���វ

Ask only for the Real Blue from your pharmacy.

It might be a common condition for adults but when it comes to our babies’ skin, the anxiety and stress seeing them cry and uncomfortable makes it even worse.

While heat rash appears as red, itchy, pimply-like little bumps or even blisters, newborn acne (or baby acne)

can happen soon after birth, as early as two to three weeks. Heat rash is something that can happen to anyone, big or small, but babies tend to be especially susceptible to both heat rash and baby acne. As a parent, it’s a must to know the facts of these two skin conditions, what are they really and what you can do about them.

Baby acne, even if it’s not hot season, is almost inevitable. During the final stages of pregnancy, the mother’s hormones cross the placenta into the baby, stimulating oil glands. These red (or sometimes white) bumps usually appear on your baby’s forehead, temples or cheeks. Moms, do not be afraid. These are harmless rash and

Heat Rash vs.Baby AcneNow that the season pushes high humidity and hot temperatures, we find ourselves holding back and trying not to spend more time outside. While you are resisting to temptations of going to the nearest beach or poolside, you may have already been

experiencing summer’s not-so-fun side effect – heat rash.

Page 12: Healthwise Digest - April 2015

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don’t occur on the arms and legs and babies appear well and not irritated. Sometimes there will be little pus-filled spots or fluid-filled small blisters and could vary in size. The spots blanch with light pressure, becoming pale and fade when pressed.

However harmless it is, there are also certain rules you have to obey to ensure you won’t hurt or irritate your baby’s skin. Sometimes, you may want to let your baby stay in the tub for a longer time and cleanse the affected area with mild soap and water but then again, you are not allowed to over-wash your baby. Remember that babies have delicate skin and sometimes may dry out easily. Also, do not try picking or squeezing those spots/rash. It is enough to continuously moisturize your baby’s skin.

That’s for the baby acne. So what about the heat rash? By itself, heat rash isn’t usually serious. However, unlike baby acne, it can be uncomfortable. And without proper management, it might lead to serious skin conditions or infection. You wouldn’t want that to happen to your baby, right?

When your baby feel warm, which is pretty normal during summer season, his/her body sweats automatically just like adults’. Heat rash happens with sweat ducts clogged and the sweat can’t surface to the top of the skin. The sweat is then trapped underneath the skin and causes inflammation, or a rash. Heat rash is also common for newborn babies so there is really a need to differentiate it with baby acne. Going back, prevent this unwanted skin condition by choosing the best

light, loose and breathable clothing for your baby. When outside, keep your baby dehydrated and always under sun shades. Babies, until they reach three months, are usually used to swaddling. Swaddling helps babies relax and sleep easier. However, carefully watch your baby’s temperature and the temperature of his/her room when you swaddle him/her. Of course, don’t be frustrated when despite your preventive measures, your baby acquire heat rash. First thing: expose his/her skin to an area with cooler air. Wrap him/her in a nice, soft cotton towel to let him/her absorb the sweat. DO NOT RUB the affected skin. Also, trim your baby’s nails so scratching won’t happen, thus, infection is avoided. Inflamed heat rash can also be treated so DO NOT cry your heart out. Over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream can



Forehead, Temple, Cheeks

Neck, Back, Armpit, Groin, Front Elbow, Back of Knee (Popiteal)

SIZE Varied Small and connected to each other


New born / 2-3 weeks Varied

Here’s a table summarizing what was previously discussed to better identify the difference between Baby Acne and Heat Rash

ខងកៅៅមនៅះជាតារាងសងខៅបនវអវដៅលតៅវបានរៀបរាបពខងលើដើមៅបផតលភាពងយសៅលជាងមន កនងារកណតអតតសញញៅណនៅភាពខសគនៅរវាងារកើតមន នង សៅៅងថងៅ លើទារក។

be used twice a day for a few days. Isn’t that amazing?

You may also check with your doctor to make sure that your baby's skin condition is what you suspect it to be. Definitely check with your doctor the baby’s rash doesn't go away after a few days, appears to be getting worse, or your baby is running a fever. Take note: a little extra caution and knowledge, your baby’s precious skin will always be in good hands.

ឥឡវនៅះជារដវាលដៅលកតៅហើយសើម យើងមនចង

ចណាយពៅលវៅលាចៅើននៅខងកៅៅឡើយ។ អារមមណ

ដៅលអសទាញអនកឲៅយទៅលហៅាយនៅឆនៅរសមទៅ ឬ


ជាធវើឲៅយអនកាលៅបមានារឡើងកនទលកៅហម (សៅៅងថងៅ)

បនាទៅបពដណើរកសនត នៅរដវកតៅហើយសើមនៅះពមន



ដៅលវាកើតមានលើសៅបៅកទារករបសអនកនោះ ារថប

អារមមណ នង ារតានតងនៅពៅលឃើញពកគៅយ នង



ខណៈពៅលដៅលសៅៅងថងៅលៅចឡើងជា កនទលកៅហម

រមាស រលាក ពកដចមន ឬ ារឡើងមន ចពោះទារកទើប

នងកើត ដៅលអាចកើតមានបនាទៅបពទារកកើតបានពរទៅ

បសបាតៅហ។ សៅៅងថងៅ គជាអវដៅលអាចកើតឡើងចពោះ

អនកគៅបគនៅ មនថាចាសរកមៅងទៅ បនតៅទារកមានទនោរទៅ

ជាពសៅសកនងារងយកើតមានបញហៅអសទាងនៅះ (ចៅញ

មន នង សៅៅងថងៅ)។ កនងនាមជាឪពកមាតៅយវាជាកតាតៅចា-

បាចដើមៅបដងពអងគហៅតនៅបញហៅសៅបៅកទាង២នៅះ ថាតើ

វាជាអវ ហើយតើអនកតៅវធវើដចមតៅចនៅពៅលកនអនកមាន



កដោយកវាសងតៅមនអាចជៀសមនរចពបញហៅនៅះ។ កនង

អឡងដណាកាលចងកៅៅយនៅារមានផទៅពោះ អរមន

របសមាតៅយបានឆលងចលទៅកនងសកទារក នងភោញៅចទៅលើ

កៅពៅញខលៅញ។ ចនចពណកៅហម ( ឬពៅលខលះពណស )

ទាងនៅះ ជាធមមតាលៅចឡើងនៅលើថាងៅស សៀតថាកៅ ឬ

ថាពៅល កនតចរបសអនក។ អនកមាតៅយគៅបរបមនតៅវភយខលៅច

ទៅ។ ទាងនៅះ គជាកនទលកៅហមដៅលគមៅនារបងកគៅៅះ

ថានៅក ហើយមនសវកើតឡើងនៅលើដៅនងជើងឡើយ។

ពៅលខលះវានងមានខទះតចតច ឬ ពងបៅកតចៗ ដៅលមាន

សរាតរាវនងអាចមានទហខសៗគនៅ។ ចនចពកទាងនៅះ

នងបៅៅជាពណ ស នៅពៅលអនកសងកតលើវាថនមៗ ហើយ

វាបៅៅបៅពណសសលៅកនងសវតពៅលចចពលើវា។ នោះហើយ



បើោះបជាវាមនបងកគៅៅះថានៅកកដោយ យើងកមានកៅបន

ខនៅតមយចននដៅលអនកតៅវបញចកបបញហៅនៅះ នងដើមៅបា-

នាថាវា នងមនធវើឲៅយមានារបះពាលដលឬរលាកសៅបៅក

របសទារកឡើយ។ ពៅលខលះអនកបៅហៅលជាចងឲៅយកនរបស

អនកតៅៅ នៅកនងអាងងតទកឲៅយបានយររចអនកនងធវើារ

សមាអៅតតបនដៅលរលាករោលនោះជាមយនងសប នង

ទកបនតៅ អនកមនតៅវធវើដចនៅះជៅលពៅកទៅ។ សមចាថា


យៅងងយសៅល។ ដចគនៅនៅះផងដៅរមនតៅវពៅយាយមញច

បបៅកកនទលលើសៅបៅកកនអនកឡើយ។ បនតផតលសណើម

ដលសៅបៅកទារករបសអនកគជារឿងគៅបគៅៅនហើយ។ ខង

លើនៅះ គជាារគៅបគៅងចពោះារចៅញមនលើទារក។

ចះចណៅកសៅៅងថងៅវញ។ វាមនមានភាពធងនធងរឡើយ។


ឡើយវាអាចធវើឲៅយទារកនៅមនសខ។ ដោយគមៅនារគៅប

គៅងបានតៅមតៅវវាអាចនាឲៅយកើតមានជងសៅបៅកធងនធងរ ឬ

ារឆលងរោគ។ អនកពតជាមនចងឲៅយវាកើតឡើងទៅលើកន


នៅពៅលដៅលកនរបសអនក នៅហាលខៅយលហាលថងៅយរ

ដៅលជាធមមតាគកនងអឡងពៅលរដវកតៅ រ ពៅលបៅកញើស។

សៅៅងថងៅកើតឡើងជាមយនងារសទះបពងញើស ដោយ

ធវើឲៅយញើសមនអាចផលតចៅញពកៅពៅញបាន។ បនាទៅប


រលាក ឬ កនទលរមាស។ វាកអាចជារឿងធមមតាសមៅៅបទា-

រកទើបនងកើតដចនៅះវា គពតជាមានតមៅវារកនងារបៅង

ចៅកថាតើវាជាមន រ សៅៅងថងៅ។

ារទបសកៅតញហៅសៅបៅកដៅលអនកមនចងបាននៅះ គតៅវជៅើស


នង សលៀកសលៀកបពាករលងៗឲៅយកនអនក។ នៅពៅល

អនកនាកនចៅញទៅខងកៅៅ សមឲៅយកនញាទកឲៅយបាន

គៅបគៅៅន នង ដាកកននៅកៅៅមមលប។ ជាធមមតាទារកដៅល

មានអាយចាបព៣ខៅឡើងទៅ មានភាពសានងារបៅើ

សពតរកៅណាតរខលន។ វាជយឲៅយទារកគៅងលកសៅល នង

មានភាពងយសៅល។ ោះជាយៅងណាអនកតៅវបៅងបៅយតន

កនងារពនតៅយមើលសតណហភាពរបសទារក នង សតណហ-

ភាពបនទបរបសពកគៅ នៅពៅលដៅលអនករកៅណាត រ

សលៀកពាកឲៅយគៅ។ សមកសទៅកសទើរ កនងារអនវតតនវាន

ារ ារពារសៅៅងថងៅនៅះឲៅយសោះ។ រឿងដៅលអនកតៅវធវើ

ដបងគៅ គ ដាកទារកកនងកនលៅងដៅលមានខៅយលតៅជាក។

រខលនពកគៅឲៅយបានសអៅត ដោយបៅើកនៅសៅងកបៅបាសទនៗ

ដើមៅបអាចសៅបញើសបាន។ សមកធវើារដសញលើសៅបៅក

ដៅលមានបញហៅ។ ជាមយគនៅនៅះផងដៅរសមាតកៅចកកន


ជាហៅតបងកឲៅយមានារចលងរោគ។ សៅៅងថងៅអាចពៅយាបាល

បានដចនៅះមនចាបាចបារមមណពៅកទៅ។ បៅភៅទកៅៅមលាប

សៅបៅក Hydrocortisone អាចតៅវបានបៅើពរដងកនង



អនកកអាចជបបៅកៅសាជាមយវៅជជបណឌតដើមៅបធវើឲៅយបៅៅកដថា សថៅនភាពសៅបៅករបសកនអនកគជាអវដៅលអនកសងៅសយពតមៅនរអត។ ធវើារពនតៅយតាមដានកនទលកៅហមទាងនោះ បៅសនបើវាមនបាតទៅវញកនងរយៈ ពៅល២ទៅ៣ថងៅ ហើយានតៅធងនធងរ រទារកមានអាារៈកតៅខលន។ សមចងចាថា: ារបៅងបៅយតននងចណៅះដង បនថៅមតៅបនតចបនតចអាចធវើឲៅយសៅបៅកដមានតមលៅ របសកនអនកមានសខភាពលអជានចចក។

មន ែ�សងៃថ�

ទតាង ថាងៅស សៀតថាកៅ ថាពៅល ក ខនង កលៀក កៅលៀន កនាលៅកដៅ កនាលៅកជើង

ទហ មានតច មានធ តចៗ នង មានចៅើនជាបៗគនៅពមយទៅមយ

រយៈពៅលកើតមាន ទារកទើបនងកើត រ ទារកមានអាយ ២-៣សបាតៅហ កើតមានគៅបវយ នង គៅបពៅល

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With the growing number of fast food chains, cooked-meat street vendors, small delicacy shops, penny-pinching canteens and mobile kitchens in Cambodia, are we even aware if the food we are eating are safe. It's important to be cautious with what we eat, the produce we buy in the market, and the way we store or cook them to ensure that foods stay as fresh as possible in order to keep harmful bacteria at bay. However, the increase in activities during this season can make that even more challenging.

Bacteria multiply quicker in the summer months when higher temperatures create an ideal breeding ground for bacteria (Gwen Hyland, Food Safety and Inspection Service, FDA). It is scientifically proven that during summer, foodborne disease cases have taken up a higher notch because people often cook outside. Normally, the kitchen controls are not done when cooking outdoors and food safety is easily compromised.

Statistics show that there were an estimated 582 million cases of 22 different foodborne enteric (relating to or occurring in the intestines) diseases and 351,000 associated deaths globally. The Global Hygiene Council observational study, “The Cross-Contamination Study”, reported that almost 90 percent of surfaces touched during food preparation can become contaminated with bacteria from food, which can cause food-borne diseases and illnesses.

Bacteria that cause diseases are called “pathogens.” When certain pathogens enter the food supply, they can cause food-borne illness. Only a few types cause millions of cases of food-borne illness each year. Here is a breakdown of common bacteria groups that triggers food-borne diseases:

A. SalmonellaSalmonella infection is a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal

tract. Salmonella bacteria typically live in animal and human intestines and are shed through feces. Food sources include contaminated eggs, poultry, meat, unpasteurized milk or juice, cheese, contaminated raw fruits and vegetables, spices and nuts. As for animals, eating reptiles, amphibians and birds are the common sources of the bacteria. Symptoms of acquiring salmonella are diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps and vomiting.

B. Escherichia Coli (E. Coli)Similar with Salmonella, E. coli bacteria also live in the intestines of healthy people and animals. Most varieties of E. coli are harmless or cause relatively brief diarrhea. But a few particularly nasty strains, such as E. coli O157:H7, can cause severe abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. E. Coli is acquired from contaminated foods, especially from undercooked meat and unpasteurized juice or milk, contaminated water and contaminated animal. At times, a simple touch on an infected animal or its environment without washing our hands may lead to getting infected with it. Symptom’s a bit severe than acquiring salmonella bacteria (severe diarrhea, severe abdominal pain and vomiting.

C. Listeria Listeria bacteria is acquired from raw sprouts, soft cheese, raw milk that is unpasteurized, smoked seafood and deli meats. Sometimes preceded by diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms, a person with listeriosis usually has fever and muscle aches. People diagnosed with listeriosis have ‘invasive infection’ where the bacteria spread beyond the gastrointestinal tract and th symtoms also vary depending on the infected person. Pregnant women usually experience fever, fatigue and ache and may also lead to miscarriage or premature delivery if infected during pregnancy. For those who are not pregnant, common symptoms like

Understanding which foods are most commonly responsible for certain foodborne illnesses helps in developing effective preventive measures.

FOODBORNE DISEASEs peak in summer

headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions are experienced with fever and muscle aches.

So from this day forward, always see to it that you are safe from the foods that you are consuming. It is always good to know that unsafe foods can lead to a range of health problems, from diarrheal disease and infectious diseases to reproductive and developmental problems and cancers. Food safety is, therefore, a prerequisite for public health.


សៅៅប ( Fast Food ) អនកលកតាមចញចកើមផលវ ហាងលកមហបតចៗ កនលៅងលកមហប នង អនកលកមហបតាមរទៅះនៅកនងបៅទៅសកមពជា តើយើងអាចបៅៅកដចតតបានទៅថា មហបអាហារដៅលយើងបរភោគគមានសវតថភាព។ វាជាារសខនកនងារបៅងបៅយតនជាមយនងអវដៅលយើងបានបរភោគ មហបអាហារដៅលយើងទញនៅកនងទផៅសារ ហើយវធដៅលយើងរកៅសាទក ឬ ចអនដើមៅបានាោយបានថាអាហារនវរកៅសាគណភាពតាមដៅលអាចធវើបានដើមៅបារ-ពារពារបងករោគដោយពពកបាកតៅរ។ ោះជាយៅងណាកនងអឡងពៅលរដវកតៅនៅះតៅងតៅមានសកមមភាពចៅើនតៅវធវើដចនៅះារបៅងបៅយតនចពោះអវដៅលយើងបរភោគគជារឿងដៅលតៅវយកចតតទកដាក។បាកតៅរធវើារបបៅកខលនបានយៅងលឿននៅកនងរដវកតៅ

នៅះពៅៅះថាសតណហភាពកតៅមានភាពអណយផលយៅងខលៅង ដលារបងកៅតពជរបសពពកបាកតៅរ ( GwenHyland សវតថភាពសៅបៀងអាហារ នង សៅវាអធារកចចក រដឋបាល, FDA )។ វាតៅវបានបងហៅញឱៅយឃើញតាមលកខណៈ វទៅយាសសៅត ថា អឡងពៅលរដវកតៅករណជង food-borne ( ជងដៅលបងកឡើងដោយមហបអាហារ ) បានកើនឡើងខពស ដោយសរតៅមនសៅសចៅើនតៅចអនអាហារនៅខងកៅៅផទះ។ ជាធមមតាារគៅបគៅងផទះបាយមនសវបានមតចតបនាមៅនទៅ នៅពៅលដៅលចមអននៅខងកៅៅ នង សវតថភាពមហបអាហារកមនសវរកៅសាទកបានលអដៅរ។សថតបងហៅញថាមានបៅមាណ 582 លានករណនៅជងដៅលបងកឡើងដោយមហបអាហារ 22 បៅភៅទផៅសៅងៗគនៅ ( ទាកទង ឬ កើតឡើងនៅកនងពោះវៀន ) នង 351.000 នាក

បានសលៅបទាកទងនងបញហៅនៅះនៅទទាងពភពលោក។ ារសកៅសាអងកៅតរបសកៅមបៅកៅសាអនាមយសកល " ារសកៅសាពារចមលងរោគ " បានរាយារណថាសទើរតៅ 90ភាគរយនៅទហដៅលបះកនងអឡងពៅលរៀបចមហបអាហារអាចមានារចមលងរោគជាមយនងបាកតៅរពអាហារដៅលអាចបណាតៅលឱៅយកើតជងពលអាហារ។

បាកតៅរដៅលបណាតៅលឱៅយមានជង តៅវបានគៅហៅថា " បៅភពបងកជង " ( Pathogen ) នៅពៅលដៅលបៅភពបងកជងមយចននចលទៅកនងមហបអាហារ ដៅលយើងបានរៀបច ពកវាអាចបងកឱៅយមានជងពលអាហារ។ តៅមតៅាត បងកជងបនាមៅនបៅភៅទតៅបណណៅះអាចបណាតៅលោយកើតមានជងដៅលបងកឡើងដោយមហបអាហាររាបលានករណ

by Dr. Peang Lyna

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កនងមយឆនៅៗ។ ខងកៅៅមនៅះ គជាារវភាគមយនៅកៅម

បាកតៅរ ទទៅដៅលបងកជងបណាតៅលមកពារបរភោគអាហារគ:

A. Salmonellaារឆលងមៅរោគ salmonella គជាបាកតៅរបងកជងទទៅមយដៅលបះពាលដលពោះវៀន។ បាកតៅរ salmonellaជាធមមតារសនៅកនងពោះវៀនរបសមនសៅស នង សតវ ហើយតៅវបានបញចកៅញមកកៅៅតាមរយៈលាមក។ បៅភពសៅបៀង អាហារដៅលមានវារមបញចកលដចជា សត មាន សច ដៅលមានមៅរោគ ទកដោះោ ដៅលមនបានសលាបមៅរោគ ទកផលៅឈើ ឈស ារបរភោគសតវលមន សតវដៅលរសនៅលើោក នង កនងទក ថៅមទាងបកៅសសទធតៅជាបៅភពនៅបាកតៅរ។ រោគសញញៅនៅារឆលងមៅរោគ Salmonella មានដចជា ជងរាគ កតៅខលន ឈពោះ នង កអត។

B. Escherichia coli ( មៅរោគ E. Coli )មៅរោគនៅះសៅដៀងគនៅនងមៅរោគ Salmonella ដៅរ។បាកតៅរ E. Coli ករសនៅកនងពោះវៀនរបសមនសៅស នង សតវដៅលមានសខភាពលអផងដៅរ។ ភាគចៅើននៅ បាកតៅរ E. coli មនសវបងកគៅៅះថានៅក ឬ តៅមតៅបងក ឱៅយមានជងរាគរស។ បនតៅមានបៅភៅទដៅលអាកៅក ដចជា បាកតៅរ E. coli O157: H7 ដៅលអាចបងកឱៅយមានារឈចាបកនងពោះធងនធងរ ជងរាគមានឈាម នងកអត។មៅរោគ E. Coli ឆលងពអាហារដៅលកខវកពសៅសពសចដៅលចមអនមនបានឆអនលអ ទកដោះោ នង ទកផលៅឈើដៅលមនបានសមាលៅបមៅរោគតៅមតៅវ ទកកខវក នង សតវ ដៅលមានមៅរោគ។ នៅពៅលមយដៅលយើងទៅបះសតវដៅលឆលងមៅរោគ ឬបរសថៅនដៅលនៅជវញដោយគមៅនារលាងដៅរបសយើងោយបានសអៅត នោះអាចនាឱៅយមានារឆលងមៅរោគពពកវា។ រោគសញញៅរបសវាមានភាពធងន

ធងរជាងារឆលងបាកតៅរ Salmonella ( ជងរាគរសធងន

ធងរ ឈពោះធងនធងរ នងកអត )។

C. Listeriaបាកតៅរ Listeria មាននៅកនង មើមរកខជាត ឈសទនទកដោះោសៅសដៅលមនបានសមាលៅបមៅរោគ អាហារសមទៅគៅៀម នង មហបឆអនសៅៅប។ ពៅលខលះវាបងកឲៅយមានជងរាគរស ឬ រោគសញញៅកៅពះពោះវៀនផៅសៅងទៀត ជាដើមអនកដៅលមានផទក listeriosis ជាធមមតាមានគៅនកតៅ នង ឈសចដ។ មនសៅសដៅលធវើរោគវនចឆយឃើញថាមាន " ារឆលងរាតតៅបាត ព listeriosis " ដៅលបាកតៅរ ធវើ ារឆលងតាមរយៈពោះវៀន គ មានរោគសញញៅខសៗគនៅ អា-សៅយលើមនសៅសដៅលឆលងមៅរោគ។ សតៅមានផទៅពោះជាធមមតាអាចមានជងគៅនកតៅ អសកមាលៅង នង ឈចាប ហើយអាចនាឱៅយមានាររលតកន ឬ កនកើត

មនគៅបខៅបើសន ជាឆលងអឡងពៅលមានផទៅពោះ។ សមៅៅបអនកដៅលមនមានផទៅពោះ មានរោគសញញៅទទៅដចជា ឈ កៅបាល រងក វងវៅង ារបាតបងតលៅយភាព នង បៅាច ថៅមទាងមានរោគសញញៅកតៅខលន នង ឈចាប តាមសចដ។ ខងកៅៅមនៅះ គជាបៅភពមលដាឋៅន នង វានារារពារចពោះ បាកតៅរដៅលបានរៀបរាប ដចនៅះចាបពថងៅនៅះទៅតៅងតៅយកចតតទកដាកចពោះវាដើមៅបបៅៅដកថាអនកពតជាមានសវតថភាពចពោះអវដៅលបានបរភោគ។ វាជារឿងមយដលអដើមៅបដងថាអាហារដៅលគមៅនសវតថភាពអាចនាោយអនកជបបៅទះនងបញហៅសខភាពផៅសៅងៗ។ សវតថភាពអាហារគអវដៅលយើងតៅវារជាមនសមៅៅបសខភាពសារណៈ។

េមេរោគ �បភព ការបង � ារ


ារបរភោគសតឆៅ នងសចមាន ឬសចផៅសៅងៗដៅលចមអន មនបានលអ ញាបនលៅដៅលឆៅ នងមនសអៅត ( ដចជា មើមរកខជាត នងតៅសកសៅវ ), កដចជាារបៅើបៅៅសទកដោះោ នង គៅឿង បរភោគផៅសៅងៗដៅលមន


ចមអនមហបដចជា សត សចមាន នងសចោោយបានឆអនលអតៅមតៅវទៅតាមសតណហភាព។ លាងបនលៅ នង ផលៅឈើដៅលឆៅោយបានសអៅតលអមខពៅល

ចត ាត ឬ បរភោគ

មៅរោគអាចឆលងតាមរយៈារបះផទៅលទៅលើសតវដៅលមានមៅរោគ ឬ មៅរោគដៅលនៅជាបនងដៅយកទៅចាបានមហបអាហារញា នង

កៅៅយពបនោទៅរបងរចដោយមនបានលាងសមាអៅត ដៅោយបានតៅមតៅវ

កបរភោគអាហារដៅលធវើពទកដោះោដោយមនបានសលាបមៅរោគតៅមតៅវ នងអាហារឆៅ ឬមនបានចមអនបានលអ។ តៅងតៅធវើារលាងសមាអៅតដៅោយបាន សអៅតជាពសៅសបនាទៅបពានសចមាន ឬសចឆៅ។ លាងសមាអៅតផទៅនៅផទះបាយ

ោយបានសអៅត នងជៀសវាងារឆលងមៅរោគដោយកបៅើបៅៅសរបសរមគនៅដចជាចាន ឬាបតដៅលបៅើជាមយសចឆៅ នង មហបឆអន។


ទទលទានសចោឆៅ ឬចមអនមនបានលអ ញាភៅសជជៈ ឬ ផលតផល


លាងសមាអៅតដៅ ចមអនសច ( ដចជាសចនៅលើដ ) នង សចមាន ោយ បានឆអនលអ ជៀសវាងទទលទានផលតផលដៅលធវើពទកដោះោ ទកផលៅឈើ

កបង នង ទកផលៅឈើកៅឡកដោយមនបានសមាលៅបមៅរោគតៅមតៅវ

ជាមយគនៅនៅះផងដៅរ សមកផកទកបង ឬ ទកអាង អឡងពៅលហៅលទក.


Listeria អាចរកឃើញនៅកនងទរទកកក មហបដៅលចមអនរច ដចជា សចកៅក មហបសៅៅប ទកដោះោ នង ផលតផល


ចមអនមហបអាហារទាងអសនៅកនងសតណហភាពមយតៅមតៅវ នងកដៅមហបឡើងវញដោយបៅើសតណហភាពោយបានព 165 ០F លាងសមាអៅតបនលៅ នងផលៅឈើដៅលឆៅោយបានសអៅតលអមននងចតាត ឬទទល ទាន បៅងចៅកសចមាន ឬសច


លាងសមាអៅតដៅោយបានសអៅត រកៅសាមហបអាហារោយនៅកនង សតណហភាព មយតៅមតៅវ រកៅសាទរទកកក នងផទះបាយោយបាន សអៅតជានចចក លាងសមាអៅត

សមាភៅរៈផទះបាយ នងឧបករណដៅលអាចបៅើបៅៅសឡើងវញោយបានទៀងទាត



Consumption of raw and undercooked eggs, undercooked

poultry and meat, contaminated raw fruits and vegetables (such as sprouts and melons), as well as unpasteurized

milk and other dairy products.

Cook foods such as eggs, poultry and ground beef thoroughly to their appropriate temperatures. Wash raw fruit and

vegetables before peeling, cutting or eating.

Transmission through contact with infected animals or an infected food handler who has not washed his or her hands after using the bathroom.

Avoid unpasteurized dairy products and raw/uncooked foods. Wash handsoften, especially after handling raw meat or

poultry. Clean kitchen surfaces and avoidcross-contamination by not using the same containers or utensils for raw and cooked



Consumption of raw or undercooked ground beef or drinking

unpasteurized beverages or dairy products.

Wash your hands, cook meat (especially ground meat) and poultrythoroughly; avoid unpasteurized dairy products, juices or

ciders; keep cooking surfaces clean and prevent cross-contamination.

Also, don’t swallow water when playing or swimming in lakes, ponds, streams or pools.


Listeria is found in refrigerated, ready-to-eat foods, such as hot dogs and deli meats, unpasteurized milk and

dairy products, and raw and undercooked meat, poultry and


Cook all foods to proper temperatures and reheat pre-cooked foods to 165°F; wash raw fruit and vegetables before peeling,

cutting or eating; separate uncooked meats and poultry from foods that are already cooked or ready-to-eat;

Here are the basic sources and preventive measures for the mentioned bacteriaBACTERIA SOURCES PREVENTION

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How much time have you exposed yourself to sunlight in a day?

Five minutes? Ten minutes?

I bet you’d know that sunshine is the main source of vitamin D but would you believe that not getting enough exposure from it means falling into a category of people who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency?

Nearly half of the world’s population suffer from vitamin D deficiency and in the medical world, insufficiency of this essential nutrient has been related to severe health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even tuberculosis. (Michael F. Holick - Vitamin D: importance in the prevention of cancers, type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis)

In October 2014, researchers revealed that among patients who suffered from sudden cardiac arrest, 65 percent of those with low vitamin D levels suffered poor neurological outcomes six months after hospital discharge, compared with 23 percent of patients with healthy vitamin D levels. In addition, 29 percent of patients with low levels of Vitamin D died six months after their cardiac attack, whereas all the patients with healthy vitamin D levels survived. (European Society of Cardiology. "Vitamin D deficiency increases poor brain function after cardiac arrest by sevenfold." ScienceDaily)

Vitamin D “Vitamin D has active form and inactive form. Active form is vitamin D from sunshine. Inactive form is from food such as salmon and liver. These kinds of foods can provide you with vitamin D. However, if you are not exposed to sunlight, your body’s vitamin D is not "activated" even if you are eating a lot of inactive forms. It activates only the inactive form,” said Jilian Lai, a Malaysian

Nutritionist and medical advisor.

The major source of vitamin D is always exposure to the sun. It’s created in the skin, although the amount of sunlight needed to synthesize adequate amounts of vitamin D varies, depending upon the person's age, skin color, sun exposure and underlying medical problems.

Vitamin D OpportunityThroughout the day, there is a particular period people can go out and expose their bodies under the sun—early morning or late afternoon. It is not recommended to go out during the 12:00-3:00pm period as rays of the sun are very near to our atmosphere and long exposure to it increases the risk to skin cancer.

For tropical countries like Cambodia, Vietnam and/or Malaysia, vitamin D deficiency may not be deemed high by people since everyone has the biggest opportunity to sun exposure. However, recent studies have shown a widespread of low blood status and dietary intake of vitamin D, especially in young children, women and older persons in countries within the tropics (Prof. Geok Lin Khor, International Medical University, Malaysia).

In Southeast Asia, there has been a low dietary intake of vitamin D in all age groups, principally due to low consumption of animal food products, fish and dairy products in general.

There are multiple factors associated with this deficiency among Southeast Asian countries. Examples are cultural preference for white and fair skin that results in direct avoidance of the sun and also religious practices that oblige men and/or women to cover their bodies with different types of clothing.

There are also certain groups of people

who are at risk of vitamin D deficiency—people with long hours of office work, those who prefer long sleeved shirts, those who are always using sunscreen protection and people who are dark-skinned. In Cambodia alone, most people meet two or more out of the four criteria mentioned.

“Ask yourself. Do you have any sunlight exposure? If you can calculate and say that you are indeed exposed at about 15 – 20 minutes daily, then you are not in the high risk group,” Ms. Lai added.

Vitamin D and the BodyVitamin D also plays a wider role in maintaining our health. Even muscle control is affected with vitamin D deficiency. If you are consuming enough vitamin D, your fall incidence would be reduced for an instance. When you fall down it is not by accident, it is muscle control. So if you have enough, your muscle control is better and your "falling incidents" are not so frequent.

Unless you have a very severe deficiency of Vitamin D, most people will not identify if you are indeed deficient. Most Asian women do not know that they are Vit. D deficient as well. Severe defiency leads to Rickets. Rickets is the softening and weakening of bones, usually because of an extreme and prolonged vitamin D deficiency. Signs and symptoms of rickets include delayed growth, pain in the spine, pelvis and legs, muscle weakness and skeletal deformities like bowed legs and thickened wrists and ankles.

Doctors measure if you are deficient in vitamin D through your 25(OH)D level. Getting this type of blood test is the only accurate way to know if you’re deficient or not. You can have your vitamin D level tested in Phnom Penh at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge and

Nearly half of the world’s population suffers from vitamin D deficiency and in the medical world, insufficiency of this essential nutrient has been related to severe health

conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even tuberculosis.

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THIS MONTH we bring you



The Femfresh Leisure – High Tea Experience is a series of afternoon events that aims to inspire working girls, including mothers, to have the best distressing environment, catching up with people in their line of industry or career after work, study and/or home. It includes a decadent high-tea sitting, a complimentary tea, and pastry station along with an exclusive all-invite workshop and boutique stalls.

Catch the next event at the Hotel Intercontinental Phnom Penh on May 2015

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Biomed Lab Phnom Penh at around $20.00 USD.

Therefore..…humans need sunshine and there is a dire need to take appropriate actions to make sure we are getting enough vitamin D: get a daily dose of sun, get an uninterrupted exposure at appropriate hours, dive into foods with high vitamin D content, and have your Vitamin D levels tested regularly.

តើកនងមយថងៅ អនកបានចណាយពៅលបនាមៅននៅកៅៅមពនលពៅះអាទតៅយ?

បៅៅនាទ ឬ ដបនាទ?

ខញទាយថា អនកបានដងថាពនលថងៅគជាបៅភពដសខននៅវតា-មន D បនតៅអនកនងជឿទៅថា បៅសនបើអនកមនបានសថតនៅកៅៅមកដៅថងៅោយបានគៅបគៅៅនទៅ នោះវានងធវើោយអនកាលៅយជាមនសៅសដៅលមានហានភយនៅបញហៅកងវះវតាមន D ជាមនខន។

បៅជាជនជតពាកកណាតៅលនៅលើពភពលោកបានទទល រងបញហៅកងវះវតាមន D នង កនងនយវៅជជសសតៅភាពខវះខតនៅសរាតចញចកមដសខននៅះតៅវបានទាកទងទៅនងបញហៅសខភាពធងនធងរ ដចជា ជងមហារក ជងបៅះដង ជងទកនោមផអៅម នង សមៅបតៅជងរបៅង។ នៅកនងខៅតលា ឆនៅ 2014 កៅមអនកសៅៅវជៅៅវបានបងហៅញថា កនងចណម អនកជងដៅលទទលរងពជងគងបៅះដងមាន 65% ដៅលមានបញហៅកងវះវតាមន D ដៅលធវើោយបះពាលដលបៅពនធបៅៅសទ បនាទៅបពចៅញពមនទរពៅទៅយបានរយៈពៅល6 ខៅ ចណៅកអនកជងដៅលមានករតវតាមន D ធមមតាទាង-អសបានរចរសជវតបនាទៅបពជងគងបៅះដងនៅះ។

វតាមន Dកញញៅ Jillian Lai ដៅលជាអនកឯកទៅសផនៅកអាហាររប-តថមភ នង ជាអនកផតលដបនាមៅនផអៅកវៅជជ សសតៅបានមានបៅ--សសនថា “ វតាមន D មានពរទរងគ ទរងសកមម នងអសកមម។ ទរងសកមមនៅវតាមន D គទទលបានពពនលថងៅរឯទរងអសកមមគ បានមកពអាហារដចជា តៅសលមង នង ថលើមសតវជាដើម។ អាហារបៅភៅទនៅះអាចផតលវតាមន Dដលអនក បនតៅោះជាយៅងណាបៅសនបើអនកមនបានឋតនៅកៅៅមពនលពៅះអាទតៅយោយបានគៅបគៅៅននោះ វតា-មន D កនងខលនរបសអនកនងមនអាចបលៅងទៅជាទរងសកមមបានទៅ បើោះបជាអនកបានបរភោគវតាមន D កនងទរងអសកមមពអាហារកដោយ។

បៅភពដសខននៅវតាមន D គតៅងតៅជាារបះពាលជាមយនងពនលពៅះអាទតៅយ។ វាតៅវបានបងកើតឡើងនៅកនង សៅបៅក យៅងណាមញ “ បរមាណនៅពនលពៅះអាទតៅយដៅលតៅវារដើមៅបបលៅងទៅជាវតាមន D ោយបានគៅបគៅៅន

គអាចបៅៅបៅលអាសៅយលើអាយរបសមនសៅស ពណសៅបៅការឋតនៅកៅៅមពនលពៅះអាទតៅយ នង លកខខណឌសខភាព របសមនសៅសមានៅកៗ។ កនងមយថងៅៗ គមានរយៈពៅលជាក-លាកមយដៅលអនកអាចចៅញទៅកៅៅដើមៅបសៅបយកពនលពៅះអាទតៅយគ នៅពៅលពៅកពៅលម នង ពៅលសរយរៀបអសតងគត។ អនកមនគរចៅញទៅហាលថងៅនៅកនងអឡងមៅង12 ទៅ មៅង 3 រសៀលឡើយ ដោយសរវាជាពៅលដៅលពៅះអាទតៅយមានកដៅកតៅខលៅង ហើយារឋតនៅកៅៅមកដៅថងៅកតៅខលៅងបៅបនៅះកនងរយៈពៅលយរនងបងកើនហានភយកនងារកើតមហារកសៅបៅក។

សរាបបណាតៅបៅទៅសកនងតបនតៅពកដចជា បៅទៅសកមពជាវៀតណាម ឬ បៅទៅសមាៅឡៅស បញហៅកងវះវតាមន D អាចមនតៅវបានចាតទកថា មានករតខពសឡើយ ដោយសរបៅជាជននៅទនៅះរសនៅកនងអាាសាតដៅលមានពនលពៅះអាទតៅយគៅបគៅៅន។ ោះជាយៅងណាារសកៅសាថមបានបងហៅញថា អនកមានវតាមន D ទាបកនងឈាម នង អនកដៅល

មនសវទទលទានអាហារដៅលសបរ វតាមន D ជាពសៅ-សចពោះកមារ សៅត នង មនសៅសវយចណាសដៅលរសនៅកនងតបនតៅពក ( លោក Geok linkhor ជាសសតៅៅ- ចារៅយ នៅសកលវទៅយាលយពៅទៅយអនតរជាតមាៅឡៅសបានប-ញចៅក )។ នៅកនងតបនអាសអាគនៅយារទទលទានអាហារដៅលមានវតាមន D កនងករតទាបចពោះមនសៅសគៅបវយហើយមលហៅតចមៅបង ដោយសរតៅពកគៅទទលទានសច សតវ តៅ នងផលតផលដៅលចមៅៅញចៅញពទកដោះោកនងករតទាប។

មានកតាតៅជាចៅើនដៅលបានផៅសារភាជៅបជាមយនងកងវះវតា-មន D កនងចណមបណាតៅបៅទៅសនៅអាសអាគនៅយនៅះ។ឧទាហរណ: ទាកទងទៅនងវបៅបធមកនងារចងបានសៅបៅកស នោះពកគៅនងជៀសវាងារសថតនៅកៅៅមកដៅពៅះ-អាទតៅយ នង បៅពៅណទនៀមទលាបសសនាដៅលបរស ឬសៅតមានាតពវកចចក កនងារគៅបដណតបរាងាយពកគៅជាមយនងបៅភៅទសមលៀកបពាកផៅសៅងៗជាដើម។ កមានកៅមមនសៅសដៅលមានហានភយនៅកងវះវតាមន D គ អនកដៅលធវើារចៅើនមៅងនៅកនងារយលយដៅលចលចតតសលៀក

Severe defiency leadsto Rickets.

Rickets is the softening and weakening of bones,

usually because of an extreme and prolonged

vitamin D deficiency. Signs and symptoms of rickets include delayed

growth, pain in the spine, pelvis and legs, muscle weakness and skeletal deformities like bowed

legs and thickened wrists and ankles.

សមលៀកបពាកវៅងៗ អនកដៅលតៅងតៅបៅើឡៅារពារកដៅថងៅ នង អនកដៅលមានសៅបៅកខមៅ។ នៅកនងបៅទៅសកមពជាមនសៅសភាគចៅើនមានបញហៅពរ ឬ ចៅើនជាងនៅះកនងចណមលកខខណឌទាងបនដៅលបានលើកឡើង។

“ សរខលនឯងថា តើអនកបានសថតនៅកៅៅមពនលពៅះអាទតៅយដៅរឬទៅ?” បៅសនបើអនកដង ហើយនយយថា អនកពតជាបានបះពាលនងពនលពៅះអាទតៅយបៅហៅល 15 ទៅ 20នាទនោះអនកនងមនឋតនៅកនងកៅមមនសៅសដៅលមានហានភយចពោះបញហៅកងវះវតាមន D ឡើយ ” កញញៅ Jillian Lai បានបនថៅម។

វតាមន D នងរាងាយវតាមន D កបានដើរតនាទយៅងចមៅបងកនងាររកៅសាសខ-ភាពរបសយើង។ សមៅបតៅចលនាសចដកតៅវបានរងផលបះពាលដោយកងវះវតាមន D ដៅរ។ បៅសនបើអនកទទលបានវតាមនបៅភៅទនៅះបានគៅបគៅៅននោះបញហៅកងវះវតា-មន D នងតៅវបានាតបនថយចពោះអនក។ នៅពៅលដៅលអនកឈរសខៗសៅៅបតៅដលនោះ វាចៅបាសជាមនមៅនជាឧបៅបតតហៅតទៅ តៅវាជាារចះអនខៅសាយនៅារគៅបគៅងសចដ។ ដចនៅះបៅសនបើអនកមានវានៅកនងបរមាណគៅបគៅៅននោះារធវើចលនាសចដរបសអនកនងមានភាពលអបៅសើរជាងមន។

លះតៅៅតៅអនកមានារថយចះនវបរមាណវតាមន D ធងនធងរដោយមនបានដងខលន។ សតៅកនងតបនអាសភាគចៅើនមនបានដងថាពកគៅមានកងវះវតាមន D នៅះឡើយ។ ារថយចះធងនធងរនងនាោយកើតមានជង Ricket ( ឆអងទន )។ Ricket ជាជងដៅលធវើោយឆអងមានភាពទន-ខៅសាយ ដោយសរកងវះវតាមន D ធងនធងរ នង យរមកហើយ។ រោគសញញៅនៅជងនៅះរមមានពនៅយាពៅលាររកលតលាសនៅឆអង មានារឈចាបនៅកនងឆអងកងខនង ឆអង

អាងតៅគក នងជើង សចដខៅសាយ នង ារខចទៅងទៅៅយ ឆអងដចជា ជើងមានរាងកោងខសធមមតា កដៅ នង កជើង មានសភាពធកៅៅស។

គៅពៅទៅយអាចដងថា អនកមានកងវះវតាមន D តាមរយៈារពនតៅយ 25 ( 0H ) D របសអនក។ ារទទលយកបៅភៅទនៅារធវើតៅសតឈាមនៅះ គជាវធតៅមយគតដៅលតៅម-តៅវដើមៅបដងថា ករតនៅវតាមន D កនងខលនរបសអនកមានភាពថយចះ ឬអត។

ហៅតនៅះហើយទើប.......... មនសៅសតៅវារពនលថងៅ ហើយនង មានតមៅវារបនាទៅនកនងារចាតវានារណសមសៅបដើមៅបធវើោយបៅៅកដថា យើងកពងទទលបានវតាមន Dគៅបគៅៅន: សថតនៅកៅៅមថងៅោយបានទៀងទាតរៀងរាលថងៅ ទទលយកពនលពៅះអាទតៅយ ដោយមនមានាររខនជៀសវាងារលាបឡៅារពារកដៅថងៅលើកលៅងតៅ កនងករណចាបាច ទទលទានរបបអាហារដៅលមានវតាមន Dខពស ធវើតៅសតពនតៅយលើករតវតាមន D របសអនកោយ បានទៀងទាត។

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Truly, has anything changed when it comes to summer and eating either at home or outdoors? Oh the best of times—relaxing in a sun-shaded area at the back of your house and drinking a cold beverage while listening to your favorite laid-back melodies with endeared folks. It reminds me of memories when I was a kid, growing up in Phnom Penh. My father’s job was to stoke up pieces of charcoal in our make-shift griller. We grilled catfish my mom freshly brought from the market and beef steaks from a newly marinated mix in the fridge. I can still taste the delicious char on my steak and feel the cool breeze in the shade of our old mango tree. When the weather gets hot, people would often be seen cooking outside with live fire. But as much as I envy them, I realized that as a doctor, I have to remind them that grilling could turn healthy foods into toxic, cancer-causing poisons and that they might be at risk of cancer.

High temperature, which is anything from 150ºC to 370ºC, can quickly turn everything into a burnt offering. And yes, I’m one of those who consider that the burnt parts of the meat are the tastiest. But too bad, they are not exactly the healthiest. Think first before eating. Remind yourself that the longer meat is cooked, the more dangerous it becomes and thus, you are eating cancer-causing food straight form the grill. Laboratory tests showed that numerous heterocyclic

amines (HCAs) have shown themselves to be mutagenic, consequently, altering the DNA in body cells in a way that increases the risk of cancer. The blackened areas of charred foods (meats) are a top source of carcinogenic chemicals. Imagine that when you heat food and it becomes darker (brown to black color), HCAs are formed through a chemical reaction between the amino acids especially in protein-filled foods like steaks or chickens. I am not saying that it’s totally inadmissible to eat grilled food or even grill them. Who could ever resist that smoky taste? It is just that regular consumption of foods with high exposure to HCAs is closely related to cancers of the colon, digestive tract and pancreas. Similarly, a recent case-control study at an international university in America included 952 subjects with rectal cancer and 1205 controls found that men and women with the highest consumption of well-cooked meat had an increased risk of rectal cancer (Meat Consumption patterns and preparation, genetic variants of metabolic enzymes, and their association with rectal cancer in men and women. J Nutr. 2004).

Foods that are found with the highest levels of HCAs are grilled steaks, fish, burger patties, spare ribs and poultries. Yes they are the most succulent dishes ever created. Not only that, while you are grilling and the fat of the food drips onto the coals and there is a flare, another carcinogenic chemical is formed—polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

(PAHs). Exposure to this chemical is correlated to increased rates of stomach cancer.

So let’s compromise and resort to low and slow grilling. It certainly adds to the flavor and may even make the food safer all round to eat. Aside from that, there are basic guide that doesn’t even need mentorship. First and unquestionably is hygiene. Keep your grill clean at all times. Scrape-off all charred residue before using it so as not to transfer the remaining carcinogenic chemicals to your food. Afterwards, oil your grill to keep the foods from sticking to it and most

rudimentary of all: avoid blackening your meats and cooking them well done. With that laid out in the open, you may also choose to grill vegetables and fruits since they do not form these cancer-causing chemicals. There are hundreds of plant-based foods to choose from: carrots, zucchini, eggplants, onion, bell pepper and asparagus to name a few. Vegetarian diets and diets rich in high-fiber plant foods such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits offer a measure of protection, too. Fiber greatly speeds the passage of food through the colon, effectively removing carcinogens. Plant foods are also naturally low in fat

and rich in antioxidants and other anti-cancer compounds. Not surprisingly, vegetarians are the ones who are at the lowest risk for cancer compared to meat-eaters (Role of lifestyle and dietary habits in risk of cancer among Seventh-day Adventists. Cancer Res. 1975).

Thankfully we can still enjoy hanging out with friends while not giving up on grilling. However, it's certainly worthwhile to be aware and cautious of how we eat our favorite grilled meats.


មកដលហើយអនករៀបចពធជបលៀងនៅកនង រ នៅខង

កៅៅផទះ? វាជាពៅលលអបផតដើមៅប សរាកលហៅនៅខង

កៅៅយផទះរបសអនករមទាងារទទលទានភៅសជជៈ តៅជាកៗ


សៅឡាញរបសអនក។ វារឮកខញពារចងចាមយាលពខញ

នៅកមៅងធាតឡើងនៅកនងរាជានភនពៅញ។ ឪពកខញ

បងកៅតភលើង នង ចាបបណៅកធៅយងចលកនងចងកៅៅនមាតៅយ

របសខញអាងតៅសៅសៗដៅលទញមកពផៅសារ នង សចោ

ដៅលបានបៅឡាកគៅឿងរច។ ខញនៅតៅមនអាចបភលៅចរស-





ខញមានអារមមណចៅណៅនពកគៅណាស បនតៅកនងនាមជា


When the weather gets hot, people would often be seen cooking outside with live fire. But as much as I envy them, I realized that as a doctor, I have to remind them that

grilling could turn healthy foods into toxic, cancer-causing poisons and that they might be at risk of cancer.

by Dr. Deb Soden

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សតណហភាពសរាបចអនអាហារ ដៅលសថតនៅចនោលៅះព

១៥០ អងៅសារទៅ ៣៧០ អងៅសារអាចដតកឡោចអាហារ

បានយៅងលឿន។ មៅនហើយខញជាមនសៅសមានៅកកនងចណម


កៅៀមខោលៅចតចៗនៅគជា សចដៅលមានរសជាតឆងៅញ

ជាងគៅ។ បនតៅវាមនលអសរាបទទលទានទៅ ដោយសរ

វាមនមៅនជារបសដៅលផតលសខភាពលអឡើយ។ សមធវើ

ារគតមនពៅលទទលទានអាហារបៅបនៅះ។ ចរធវើារ

ដាសតឿនខលនឯងថាអាហារដៅលកៅៀម (រខោលៅចតចៗ)

បនាទៅបពឆលងាតារចអនានតៅយរនោះគ ានតៅមាន

គៅៅះថានៅកហើយបៅសនបើអនកញាវានោះមាននយថា អនក


ារធវើតៅសតមនទរពសោធនបានបងហៅញថា Heterocy-clic Amines (HCAs) ជាចៅើនបានបងហៅញពារ


DNA នៅកនងកោសារាងាយកនងវធដៅលបងកើនហា-

នភយនៅជងមហារក។ ផនៅកខមៅៗនៅអាហារ (សច) គ



ខោលៅច (ពណតនៅតទៅជាពណខមៅ) HCAs តៅវបានបងកើត


ជាពសៅសនៅកនងអាហារសបរបៅតៅអនដចជា សចោ

ឬ សចមាន។ ខញមននយយថាវាជារឿងហាមឃាតដាច

ខតកនងារបរភោគអាហារអាង ឬ ចៀនឡើយ។ តើនរណា

អាចទៅៅនងកលនឈងយរបសវាបាននោះ? តៅមាននយថា

ារទទលទានអាហារដៅលមាន HCAs ខពសតៅវបាន



ជាតកនងបៅទៅសអាមៅរកបានរមបញចកលអនកជង ៩៥២នាក

ដៅលមានជងមហារកផនៅកខងចងនៅពោះវៀន នង អនក

សមគៅចតត ១២០៥ នាកហើយារតៅតពនតៅយនោះបងហៅញ

ថាបរស នងសៅតដៅលបានទទលទានសចចអនឆអនខលៅង

(កៅៀម) មានារកើនឡើងហានភយនៅជង មហារកចង

ពោះវៀន (រនធគថ)។ អាហារដៅលមានកមៅត HCAs ខពស

បផតតៅវបានរកឃើញនៅកនងសចោអាង រ ចៀនរម

ទាងសច បហគើ ឆអងជន នងសតវសលៅប។ ពតមៅនហើយវា

ជាបៅភៅទអាហារដៅលមានរសជាតឈងយឆងៅញបផត។ មន

តៅមតៅបណណងទៅខណៈពៅលដៅលអនកកពង ចៀន រ អាង

សចនោះខលៅញនៅសច នងជៅៅបចៅញសៅក ហរលើរងើក

ភលើង ហើយបងកើតជាផៅសៅងដៅលជាបៅភពនៅមហារកមយ

បៅភៅទទៀតគ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydroc-arbons (PAHs) ារបះពាលទៅនងសរាតគមនៅះ




អាហារឆអនលមម នងយតៗកបងខ។ វាពតជាបនថៅមរសជាត

នង អាចធវើឲៅយអនកទទលទានអាហារដៅលមានសវតថភាព។

លើសពនៅះទៅទៀត យើងមានារណៅនាជាមលដាឋៅនមន

ដៅលចាបាចទាមទារឲៅយមានារបងហៅតបងហៅញឡើយ។ អវ

ដៅលសខនបផតនោះគអនាមយ។ រកៅសាខទះឧបករណ ច-

អនសចឲៅយបានបានសអៅតគៅបពៅលវៅលា។ កោសសអាត


សរជាថម ារធវើដចនៅះគ ដើមៅបមនឲៅយមានារបលៅង


បងកឲៅយមានជងមហាររក។ បនាទៅបមកដាកបៅៅងឆចលផទះ


នង ខោលៅច ហើយវាជយឲៅយអាហាររបសអនកឆអនបានលអ។

អនកកអាចជៅើសរសយការចអនបនលៅ ដោយសរពក


ារត ននោង តៅប ខទមបារាង មទៅសបោលៅក នង ទពាង

បារាង សទធសងជាបនលៅសថតកនងចណមបៅភៅទ បនលៅរាប

រយមខដៅលអនកអាចជៅើសយក រមទាងអាហារបស ហើយ


ជាត បនលៅ នងផលៅឈើ គជាអាហារដៅលអាចផតល ារារ

ពារផងដៅរ។ អាហារសបរជាតាកសសៅជយបងកើនលៅបឿន



អនកដៅលទទលទានសចជាអាហារ ( ដកសៅងចៅញព

Role of Lifestyle and dietary habits in risk of Cancer among Seventh-day Adv entists. Cancer Res. 1975) ។

ជារឿងលអណាសដៅលអនកនៅតៅអាចរករាយ នងកមមវធ

ផៅសៅងៗ ជាមយមតតភកករមជាមយនងអាហារបៅបអាង រ

ចៀន។ ោះជាយៅងណាវាជាារពតដៅលអនកគរោរព

កនងារបៅងបៅយតន នងយលដងថាអនកគរបរភោគអវ នង


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36 37

Grilled Pork/Chicken and Shrimp Siomai Burger

Ingredients• 1/4 kilo ground shrimp• 2 medium peeled cloves garlic • 3/4 kilo ground pork or chicken

meat with fat• 2 teaspoons soy sauce• 1/4 cup chopped green onion• 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro• 1 small seeded and minced fresh chili

(optional)• 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger• Salt and pepper to taste

Direction:• Start preparing your griller• Heat should be medium-high and

rack about 4 inches from fire.• Put shrimp and garlic in a food

processor and pulse until chopped.• Set aside in a large bowl and add the

ground pork in.• Mix inside the bowl soy sauce, green

onion, cilantro, chili and ginger; sprinkle with salt and pepper.

• Shape into 8 burger patties.• Grill for about 4 minutes, then

turn and cook for a total of 8 to 10 minutes

After a delicious meal, delight your family with this simple cold dessert:

Gingery Mango SorbetIngredients• 1/3 cup sugar• 1/3 cup warm water• 3 large mangoes, peeled and cut into

large pieces• 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Oh summer is here and we can feel the earth alive. Savour the season through the smell of newly blooming flowers and the perfect morning dew along with the caress of the sun’s and the breeze’s warmth. Be it at the nearest park or beach, walking barefooted and toes between piles of sand, there’s no better way to enjoy a scrumptious and delightful summer food. So let’s kick-off summer with these quick and

easy Asian fusions and let your family taste the season.

• 1 teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger

Direction:• In a small saucepan, combine the

sugar with the water and stirring until sugar is dissolved.

• Transfer the syrup to a blender and let cool.

• Add the mangoes, lemon juice and ginger and puree until smooth.

• Freeze the mixture in an ice cream maker (if you don’t have an ice cream maker, build your own buy putting the ice cream mixture inside a small ziplock bag. Afterwards place

it inside a bigger ziplock bag filled with ice).

• Freeze for at least 1 hour, until firm• Scoop into bowls and serve.

អ! រដវកតៅបានមកដល ហើយគៅបជវតនៅលើផៅនដហាកមានភាពរសរវកសរាបរដវាលនៅះ។ ទទលអារមមណសៅសសៅៅយជាមយរដវាលនៅះតាមរយៈកលននៅផកៅថមរក នង ទកសនៅសើមនាពៅលពៅកដលអឥតខោចៅះ រមជាមយារប- បោសអងអៅលនៅពៅះអាទតៅយ នង ភាពកកកដៅដៅលបានព ខៅយល។ រករាយជាមយនងទៅសភាពនៅកនងសន ឬ ឆនៅរ ដើរដោយជើងទទៅរ នង លើឆនៅរខៅសាចមនមានវធណាលអបៅសើរជាងនៅះ ដើមៅបទទលបានអារមមណរករាយជាមយ


អាហារឆងៅញ នងអាាសាតដសៅនមនោរមៅយនារដវាលនៅះទៀតឡើយ។ ដចនៅះសមោយរដវកតៅនៅះ រកលទៅមខជាមយនងមហបអាហារបៅបអាសដៅលងយៗ នង ឆបរហសដោយឈងយឆងៅញជាមយនងកៅមគៅសររបសអនក។

សចជៅក/សចមាន អាង នង Siomai Burger សចបងគៅគៅឿងផៅស• បងគៅ 1/4 គឡ

• ខទមស 2 កពសធលមម• សចជៅក ឬសចមានជាបខលៅញ 3/4 គឡកៅៅម• ទកសអវ 2 សលៅបពៅៅាហវៅ

• សលកខទមហាតតចៗ 1/4 ពៅង• ជវានសយហានតច 1/4 ពៅង• មទៅសសៅសចញៅចកាោយលអត តាមចណលចតត • ខញសៅសចញៅចកាោយលអត 1 សលៅបពៅៅបាយ• អបល នង មៅៅច តាមចណលចតតរបៀបធវើ• ចាបផតើមរៀបចឧបករណសរាបអាង• កដៅគរដាកោយកតៅមធៅយម នង ដាកចងអើរោយ

ឃាលៅតបៅហៅល 4 អញពភលើង។• ដាកបងគៅ នងខទមកនងមាៅសន នងធវើារកៅឡករហត ដលមត• ទកដោយឡៅកនៅកនងចានធមយ នង បនថៅមសច ជៅកចល។• ចាកទកសអវ សលកខទម ជវាៅនសយ មទៅស នង ខញចល កនងចានដៅលដាកសចពមនចៅបលចលគនៅោយសពវ រចរោយមៅៅច នងអបល

• ចាបវាជា 8 ចណៅក ធវើវាបនទះៗសរាបបៅើជាសច របស Burger• អាងបៅហៅល 4 នាទ បនាទៅបធវើារចអនបនថៅម 8 ទៅ 10 នាទ

បនាទៅបពទទលបានរសជាតអាហារឆងៅញជាមយកៅមគៅ-សររបសអនក សកលៅបងរករាយជាមយនងបងអៅមតៅជាកដៅលសមញញបនថៅមទៀត:

ារៅមរសជាតសវៅយ នង ខញគៅឿងផៅស

• សករ 1/3 ពៅង• ទកកតៅ 1/3 ពៅង• ផលៅសវៅយធាតជាដៗ 3 ផលៅ• ទកកៅចឆមៅសៅស 2 សលៅបពៅៅបាយ• ខញសៅសឈសជាបនៅកតចៗ 1 សលៅបពៅៅាហវៅ

របៀបធវើ• យកឆនៅងតចលមម ដាកសករ នង ទក រចកររហតដលជាត

សករតៅវបានរលាយសពវលអ• ចាកទកសរចលចៅបកោយសពវ រចទកឱៅយតៅជាក• បនថៅមផលៅសវៅយ ទកកៅចឆមៅ នង ខញ លាយចលគនៅរហត ាលៅយជាសចមយ

• បងកកលៅបាយនៅកនងឧបករណផលតារៅម ( បៅសន បើអនកមនមានឧបករណផលតារមទៅ បងកើតវាដោយ ខលនអនកផទៅលដោយដាកលៅបាយារៅមនៅកនងថងកប មាត។ បនាទៅបមកដាកវាកនងថងកបមាតធដោយបពៅញ វាជាមយទកកក ) ។• បងកកវាយៅងហោចណាស 1 មៅងរហតដលកក។ រៀប ដាកកនងចានរចញាជាារសៅៅច។

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by Dr. Anna Roslyakova



Summer season is here. The outdoorsiscalling us, listen to this call all and you’ll reap physical and mental health benefits. According to an articlepublished by Harvard Medical School, one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world, rise in Vitamin-D level has been included as one of the major reasons to get out doors. Sunlight when falls on skin begins a process that leads to the creation and activation of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is the main nutrient crucial for keeping our bones healthy, becauseit is essential for calcium (the building block of our bones and teeth), to be absorbed from our gut to make it a part of our bones and skeleton. Inaddition to its role in bone health,scientific research in the last few years has revealed that majority organs of human body require vitamin-D for their optimal function .Especially for women studies have shown that a lack of the vitamin may be the primary underlying

root cause in depression, heart disease, pregnancy problems, birth defects, skin and other cancers, and multiple sclerosis.Vitamin D and women healthVitamin is equally important for the health of young women and for post -menopausal women.

In younger women,other than general health benefits like better immune system to fight against infections, better insulin production for control of blood sugar and stronger bones, there are specific reproductive health related benefits.

• PregnancyVitamin D status during pregnancy is important for the health of the mother and the child across a range of possible health outcomes. It protects women from Preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy), Gestational diabetes (diabetes in pregnancy) Increased rate of Caesarian –Section and conditions like Bacterial

vaginosis. Moreover, it also protects the baby from low birth weight,problems of bone and skeletal system and type-1 diabetes(the kind of diabetesthat typically occurs in young children).

• InfertilityAdequate levels of Vitamin-D, support fertility of women, by tackling increased level of estradiol; a female hormone mainly responsible for infertility. Vitamin D also benefits in-Polycystic ovarian syndrome - a condition causing infertility, by decreasing weight gain, insulin resistance and other metabolic risk factors.

• Breast CancerVitamin-Dinhibits the cancer cells in the breast from multiplying and the cancer gene from expressing itself to cause disease.

• Depression

A recent study from Oregon State University,USA, suggested that there is a relationship between low levels of vitamin D and depression in young women who were otherwisehealthy.

In this study researchers found young women with lower levels of vitamin D were more likely to have clinically significant depressive symptoms during the course of five-week study duration.Vitamin –D levels were seen to independently increase the risk of depression because the results were consistent even when researchers took into account other possible causes of depression, such as time of year, exercise and time spent outside.

Health effects of vitamin D in Post-menopausal women

The beginning of menopause brings with it a number of health issues for women. These include increased risks for osteoporosis(thinning of bones ),all types of cancers mainly breast cancer and colorectal cancer(cancer of large intestinal tract )and cardiovascular disease including hypertension ,angina and myocardial infection( heart attack).Fortunately, if women has adequate amounts of vitamin -D in her blood, it can help with many of these health conditions.In addition to providing a protectionagainst osteoporosis,heart diseases and cancers, it may lower the risk of falls in the elderly women.

Vitamin- also helps in controlling the cholesterol levels in pot-menopausal women. This was tested in a research in which after supplementation with Calcium and vitamin D supplements, was shown to improve lipid profile after menopause.Much of the effect was found to be due to raising vitamin D levels, because the study examined how calcium and vitamin D supplement changed cholesterol levels separately and how it affected blood levels of vitamin D in postmenopausal women.

Getting enough sunshine for good

Vitamin-D levels is not the only benefit of outdoor activities in summers; there are undeniable health benefits of daily exercise.Medical doctors and sports physicians usually recommend that we all require at least 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity every day. Summer comes with the good news that you don't have to work out in a gym for regular exercise and to get in shape... Outdoor exercises are just as effective, can be more fun, and have some added advantages.

Why to take your workout outdoors?Outdoor exercise activities have a lot of range; you can simply take a brisk walk around the block or it can be anorganized fitness program that takes advantage of the natural environment of the outdoors. Outdoor fitness can take many unconventional forms for example, don’t ‘dismiss raking leaves in your garden as a simple chore; it is considered as moderate physical activity. If your weight is around 140 pounds, you can burn about 250 calories by raking leaves for an hour. Whichever method you choose to exercise outside, there are numerous benefits:

• For starters thereis financialsaving; no member ship fees required.

• More healthier environment because the air is cleaner. The Environmental Protection Agency declares that indoor air is more than twice as polluted as outdoor air.

• Health benefits;foremost being Vitamin-D, then there are mental health benefits such as, in outside environment your mind focuses on the landscape, thetrees, flowers,sand on a beach, etc., it shifts the focus from the ongoing stress and anxiety in life .Further walk in soothing environment releases serotonin in human brains that is known to be “Relaxation hormone”and it especially helps in people suffering from depression.

•Weight management: one of the most

growing health challenges in the modern day life is excess weight and obesity. Unhealthy diet habits and sedentary life style is at the root of this rising rates of obesity. Weight gain affects women of all ages having physical ,mental and social consequences. Outdoor physical activities along with sensible heathy choices in eating can help to keep your numbers on weighing scales in control. The vitamin-D obtained through sunshine also has a role in weight reduction as,in research it was found that women who were vitamin-D deficient also had poor weight control and responded well when given vitamin-D as a supplement

Few tips before starting With Outdoor Exercise • If you have any health issues, first talk to your doctor before starting an outdoor exercise program. Try to set a goal in mind, don’t rush, start slowly, and work up according to your stamina and strength. Outdoor exercise can be adapted to anyone's level of fitness and need.

• If feasible for your routine-try and Exercise earlier in the day. At the end of the day,people are usually tired and always find an excuse for not exercising. In the morning energy levels are higher, the air is usually cleaner, the temperature is lower, and you will feel energetic all day long.

• Avoid extremetemperature. Although your body can adapt to warmer weather, you should avoid exercising outside in times of extreme heat.

• Don't get sun-burned: Although sun is good for you especially in relation to Vitamin-D,but avoid sunexposure for too long .Always protect yourself with a good sunscreen, and wear sunglasses and a hat with a brim.

• Protect yourself from getting dehydrated; if you drink a standard glass of about 250 ml of water, 30 minutes before doing outdoor exercises, it should be enough

If you make getting outside a goal, it has additional benefits like that it means less time

in front of the television and computer and more time walking and doing other things that

keep you moving and healthy.

Page 21: Healthwise Digest - April 2015

40 41

to keep you hydrated adequately for a 30-minute workout. Don’t replace water with juice or carbonated soft drinks as they work as diuretics (increase urine output) and may cause dehydration.

• use comfortable clothes and shoes for your exercise

If you make getting outside a goal, it has additional benefits like that it means less time in front of the television and computer and more time walking and doing other things that keep you moving and healthy.

នៅកនងខៅនៅះគជារដវកតៅ។ ទដឋភាពខងកៅៅកពងរង-


ផលវាយ នងផលវចតតសរាបគណបៅោជននៅសខភាព។


វទៅយាលយវៅជជសសតៅ Harvard ដៅលជាសថៅនបនវៅជជ-

សសៅតដលៅបលៅបាញមយ នៅកនងពភពលោកនយយអព

ារកើនឡើងនៅកមៅតវតាមន D តៅវបានរមបញចកលជា


នៅកៅៅមពនលពៅះអាទតៅយ។ ពនលពៅះអាទតៅយពៅលដៅលមក

បះលើសៅបៅក វាចាបផតើមដណើរារបលៅងោយមានារ

បងកើត នងជរញសកមមភាពនៅវតាមន D។

វតាមន D គជាសរាតចញចកមដសខនសមៅៅបាររកៅសា

ឆអងរបសយើងោយមានសខភាពលអ ពៅៅះវាមានតនាទ

យៅងសខនកនងារធវើារជាមយនងាលសៅយម ( ស-

ោគាលសៅយមសរាបឆអង នងធមៅញរបសយើង ) ដៅល




អនកសៅៅវជៅៅវផនៅកវទៅយាសសៅត នៅបនាមៅនឆនៅចងកៅៅយនៅះ


ទារឱៅយមានវតាមន D សមៅៅបបពៅញមខងរផៅសៅងៗ នៅ

កនងរាងាយ។ ជាពសៅសសមៅៅបារសកៅសាលើសតៅបាន


ពោះបញហៅាលៅកទកចតត ជងបៅះដង បញហៅនៅារមានផទៅ-

ពោះ ពារភាពពកណើត ជងមហារកសៅបៅក នង ជងម-


វតាមន D នងសខភាពសតៅ


យវនារ នងសតៅកៅៅយពអសរដវ។

សតៅវយកមៅងកៅៅពសខភាពទទៅដចជា បៅពនធារពាររាង

ាយលអបៅសើរជាងមន ដើមៅបបៅយទធបៅឆងនងារឆលង

មៅរោគ ារផលតអាងសយលនោយបានគៅបគៅៅន

ដើមៅបគៅបគៅងករតជាតសករកនងឈាម នង ឆអងោយបាន

រងមា នៅមានផលបៅោជនផៅសៅងទៀតទាកទងនងស



សថៅនភាពវតាមន D អឡងពៅលមានផទៅពោះ គមានសរៈ

សខនសមៅៅបសខភាពរបសមាតា នង ទារកសរាបលទធ-

ផលសខភាពដៅលអាចធវើទៅបាន។ វាជយារពារសតៅ

ពជងពៅៅយកៅឡាភលើង ( Preeclampsia ) ( សមាពៅធ

ឈាមឡើងខពសអឡងពៅលមានផទៅពោះ ) ជងទកនោមផអៅម

អឡងពៅលមានផទៅពោះ ារកើនឡើងនវអតៅៅនៅារ

វះាតយកកន នងលកខខណឌនៅារកើតមានជងលើបៅដាប

ភៅទបងកឡើងដោយពពកបាកតៅរ។ លើសពនៅះទៅទៀត

វាកជយារពារទារកពបញហៅកើតមនគៅបទងន បញហៅឆអង

នង បៅពនធគៅៅងឆអង នង ជងទកនោមផអៅមបៅភៅទទ 1

( ជងទកនោមផអៅមបៅភៅទទ 1 នៅះចៅើនកើតលើកមារ

តចៗ )


នៅពៅលមានករតវតាមន D គៅបគៅៅនអាចជយោយ


អរមន estradiol ជាអរមនរបសសតៅមានតនាទ យៅង

សខនកនងារទទលខសតៅវចពោះភាពគមៅនកន។ វតា-

មន D កផដលផលបៅោជនផងដៅរដលារារពារបញហៅ

សតៅពារកើតជងគសកៅពៅញអវៅ ដៅលជាចងកៅមរោគ


ទមងន អាងសយលនបាតបងមខងរ នង កតាតៅហានភយ



វតាមន D ជយរារាងកោសាមហារក កនងសដនពារ

បបៅក នង ររាងហៅសៅនរបសកោសាមហារកកនងារបងហៅញ



ារសកៅសាពសកលវទៅយាលយរដឋ Oregon របសសហ-

+855 (0)98 800 921+(0)98 800 055 (Khmer) [email protected]

www.wbcanna.comBusiness Center KTT (KT Tower),

Phaar Depo 3, Khan Tuol Kok, Phnom Penh.

OBSTETRICAL-GYNECOLOGICAL CARE:counselling, examination and treatment






book an appointment on-line


នងរវាងារចះទាបនៅវតាមន D នង ជងាលៅកទកចតត


កនងារសកៅសានៅះអនកសៅៅវជៅៅវបានរកឃើញថា សតៅវយ

កមៅងដៅលមានកមៅតវតាមន D ទាបអាចោយមានរោគ


សបាតៅហ។ កមៅតវតាមន D តៅវបានគៅរកឃើញថាមាន





ផលបះពាលសខភាពនៅវតាមន D ចពោះសតៅអសរដវ


សខភាពមយចននដលសតៅ។ ទាងនៅះរមមានារកើនឡើង

ហានភយនៅជងពកឆអង ( កហាបឆអងាលៅកចះ) ជងមហា-

រកគៅបបៅភៅទជាពសៅស ជងមហារកសដន នង ពោះ-

វៀនធ ( ជងមហារកពោះវៀនធ ) នង ជងសរសៅឈាម

បៅះដង រមទាងជងលើសសមាពៅធឈាម ជងតៅបៀតសរសៅ

ឈាមបៅះដង នង ាររលាកសចដបៅះដងបងកឡើងដោយ

មៅរោគ ( គងបៅះដង )។ ជាភពវសណាង បៅសនបើសតៅមាន

ករតបរមាណវតាមន D គៅបគៅៅននៅកនងឈាម វាអាច

ជយសមៅបសមៅលបញហៅសខភាពបានជាចៅើន។ កៅៅព

ារផតលនវារារពារបៅឆងនងជងពកឆអង ជងបៅះដង

នង ជងមហារក វាអាចជយាតបនថយហានភយនៅារ



រលចពោះសតៅកៅៅយពអសរដវ។ ទាងនៅះតៅវបានសក-


ជាតាលសៅយម នង វតាមន D ។ វាតៅវបានបងហៅញថា


ជាងមនកៅៅយពអសរដវ។ បៅសទធភាពរបសតៅវបានគៅ


មន D ដៅលារសកៅសាបានពនតៅយមើលពរបៀបដៅលជាត

ាលសៅយមនងវតាមន D ធវើារផលៅសបតរកមៅតកឡៅសតៅរល

ចៅកដោយឡៅកពគនៅ នង របៀបដៅលវាផតលផលបះពាល

ដលកមៅតវតាមន D កនងឈាមរបសសតៅកៅៅយអសរដវ។

ដើមៅបទទលវតាមន D ោយបានគៅបគៅៅន គមនមៅន

តៅមតៅជាារចៅញកៅៅហៅកៅៅមពនលពៅះអាទតៅយ បណណៅះ

ទៅ ារធវើលហាតបៅៅណជាបៅចាថងៅ នង បរភោគអាហារ

ដៅលផតលជវជាតគៅបគៅៅន ទើបយើងអាចទទលវាបាន

ពៅញលៅញ។ ជាធមមតា វៅជជបណឌត នង គៅពៅទៅយ នង ផដល

អនសសនឲៅយហាតបៅៅណយៅងហោចណាស 30 នាទ

កនងកមៅតមធៅយមទៅខលៅងជារៀងរាលថងៅ។ រដវកតៅនៅះបាន

ភាជៅបមកជាមយនវដណងលអ ដៅលអនកមនចាបាចចៅញ

ទៅធវើារហវកហាតនៅកនលៅងហាតបៅៅណ សមៅៅបារ

ធវើលហាតបៅៅណជាទៀងទាត នង ដើមៅបទទលបានរាង

សអៅតនោះទៅ ារហាតបៅៅណនៅខងកៅៅ គអាចទទល

បានបៅសទធភាពអាចមានភាពសបៅបាយរករាយ នង ទទល





អនកអាចដើរសៅបខៅយលអាាសជវញផទះរបសអនក ឬ អាច


យាសខងកៅៅ។ ារហាតបៅៅណ នៅខងកៅៅអាច

មានជាចៅើនទរងសៅដៀងគនៅនងារធវើកចចការផទះ ឧទា-

ហរណដចជា ារដើរបៅមលសលកឈើដៅលជៅះនៅជវញ

ផទះ ឬ សនដៅលអនកបានធវើជាបៅចា ារធវើដចនៅះតៅវ

បានគៅកណតថា ជាារហាតបៅៅណករតបងគរ។ បៅសន

បើអនកមានទងនបៅហៅល 140 ផន អនកអាចដតបផលៅញ

ាឡរបៅហៅល 250 ាឡរ នៅពៅលដៅលអនកធវើបៅប




• ចពោះអនកដៅលទើបនងចាបផតើមហាតគ អាចសនៅសស-



• បរសថៅនមានសខភាពលអជាង ដោយសរតៅមានខៅយល

ដងហើមបរសទធ។ ទភានៅកងរារពារបរសថៅនបានបៅាសថា


នង ខៅយលអាាសខងកៅៅ។

• ផលបៅោជនផនៅកសខភបាល: អាចជយោយរាង-

ាយទទលបានពនលគៅបគៅៅនកនងារសោគវតាមន Dបនាទៅបមកមានផលបៅោជនសខភាពផលវចតត ដចជានៅ


ដើមឈើ ផកៅ ឆនៅរសមទៅជាដើម វាអាចផលៅសបតរារផតៅត

អារមមណពភាពតានតង នង ារថបបារមភកនងជវត។ ារ

ដើរហាតបៅៅណ នៅកនងបរសថៅនខងកៅៅអាចោយខរ-

កៅបាលរបសអនកបញចកៅញ serotonin ដៅលតៅវបានគៅ

សគៅលថាជា " អរមនដៅលមានតនាទកនងារសមៅលោយ

រាងាយមានារសរាក " ហើយវាកអាចជយផងដៅរដល


វធសសតរកនងារគៅបគៅងទងន: មយកនងចណមបញហៅ


ទនើបនោះគ បញហៅឡើងទងន នងជងាត។ ទលាបនៅ

ារបរភោគអាហារដៅលមនផតលសខភាព នង ាររសនៅ

របៀបទានសមយគជាឬសគលនៅជងាត។ បញហៅឡើង

ទងនបានធវើោយបះពាលដលសតៅគៅបវយដចជា បះពាល

ដលកតាតៅរាងាយ ផលវចតត នង សងគម។ ារហាតបៅៅណខង



ទងននៅពៅលថលង។ វតាមន D ដៅលទទលបានពពនល

ពៅះអាទតៅយកជយកនងារាតបនថយទងនដៅរ។ ចពោះារ

សៅៅវជៅៅវមយបានរកឃើញថា សតៅដៅលខវះវតាមន D គ

មានារលបាកកនងារគៅបគៅងទងន ហើយវាឆលើយតប


បនវតាមន D។


• បៅសនបើអនកមានបញហៅសខភាព សមពគៅៅះោបល


ពៅយាយមកណតោលដៅ មនចាបាចបៅញាបពៅក ធវើដោយ

សនៅសមៗ នង ធវើារហវកហាតទៅតាមកលាង នង ថាម-

ពលដៅលអនកមាន។ ារហាតហវកហាតនៅខងកៅៅអាច

ជយដលអនក កនងារសមៅបសមៅលករតនៅារហវកហាត

ទៅតាមារហវកហាតរបសអនកផៅសៅង នង តាមដៅលអនក


• បៅសនបើលទធភាពនៅារហវកហាតនៅពៅលលាងៅច មនសៅស

ទទៅតៅងតៅមានអារមមណថា ហតនឿយ នង ពៅយាយម

រកលៅសដើមៅបគៅចវៅសពារធវើលហាតបៅៅណ នៅពៅល

ពៅកថាមពលរបសយើងគមានករតខពស ខៅយលអាាសក

បរសទធជាង អាាសាតកមនសវកតៅ ហើយអនកមាន


• ជៀសវាងារហាតបៅៅណនៅកៅៅមអាាសាតកតៅ

ខលៅង។ បើោះបជារៀងាយរបសអនកអាចធវើារសមៅប

សមៅលបាន តៅអនកគរជៀសវាងារហាតបៅៅណនៅកៅៅម


• ារពារាររលាកសៅបៅកដោយសរកដៅថងៅ: បើោះជា


វតាមន D បនតៅជៀសវាងារនៅកនងកៅៅមកដៅថងៅយរ

ពៅកជារឿងលអ។ ពៅយាយមបៅើឡៅារពារកដៅថងៅដៅល

លអសកតសម ពាកវៅនតា នង មកដើមៅបារពារនៅពៅលដៅល


• ារពារខលនអនកកោយបាតបងជាតទក: បៅសនបើអនក

ញាទកមយកៅវបៅហៅល 250 ml រយៈពៅល 30 នាទ មន

ហាតបៅៅណនៅខងកៅៅ វាបៅហៅលជាអាចជបបងគៅបជាត

ទករបសអនកបានតៅមតៅរយៈពៅល 30 នាទបណណៅះ។ តៅ

សមកបពៅញជាតទកជាមយនងទកផលៅឈើ ឬ ភៅសជជៈ

ដៅលមានជាត Carbonate ដៅលពកវាមានតនាទជយ

សមៅលដលារបញចកះទកនោម ( បងកើនារបញចកៅញចោល )


• សមបៅើបៅៅសសលៀកបពាក នងសៅបៅកជើងដៅលសកត


• មយវញទៀតបៅសនបើអនករៀបគរោងហាតបៅៅណនៅ

ខងកៅៅ អនកអាចទទលបានអតថបៅ ោជនលើសពនៅះ

ទៅទៀត ពៅៅះថាអនកអាចាតបនថយពៅលវៅលានៅមន

ទរទសៅស ឬកពៅយទរ ហើយបនថៅមពៅលវៅលាកនងារធវើស-

កមមភាពផៅសៅងដើមៅបរកៅសាសខភាព នង បងកើនភាពរហស


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Anyone can make baby products. But at Curash, your baby’s wellness is our top priority. Curash, one of Australia’s leading baby care brands, utilizes thorough research and testing to create products that are 100% natural and made with ingredients like oatmeal that does not dry out skin or lead to skin irritation. So, give your baby’s skin the care that can only come from Curash Oatmeal. We’re sure you and your baby will love it.

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���កក�ល នង




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ទទល�ន�រអបរ� នង �រយលដងអពរ�ៀបរស� នង �រទទល�នរបប��រ ��លសបរ�រ�តច��ម

Take charge of your health by participating in ourDKSH Consumer Health Roadshows. Be educated and

conscious about your lifestyle and dietary nutrients intake.

22 April 2015 09:00 - 12:00 PMPharmacy Phsar Tapang

22 April 2015 02:00 - 05:00 PMPharmacy Phnom Kulen

23 April 2015 09:00 - 12:00 PMPharmacy Theara Ly Ly

23 April 2015 02:00 - 05:00 PMPharmacy Prasat Prak

24 April 2015 09:00 - 12:00 PMPharmacy Kirirom

24 April 2015 03:00 - 06:00 PMRMA Group Cambodia

27 April 2015 09:00 - 12:00 PMPharmacy Antaminh

27 April 2015 03:00 - 06:00 PMPharmacy Pet Chen

28 April 2015 09:00 - 12:00 PMPharmacy Bellin

28 April 2015 03:00 - 06:00 PMCentral Hospital

29 April 2015 09:00 - 12:00 PMChesda Clinic

29 April 2015 03:00 - 06:00 PMClinic Sokleap Metrey





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FIGHT THE BITEIf you enjoy sitting outside on these warm summer afternoons and evenings, you may find yourself chasing unwelcome visitors. The summer season translates into a perfect time for biting insects to thrive, most especially the notorious mosquitoes. No they’re not like the vampires who suck your body’s blood in your favorite fiction movies. Mosquitoes seek us out looking for a meal to nourish and hatch eggs. How do mosquitoes find us? They sense elevations of carbon dioxide we breathe out. Landing on the skin, they anchor and sink their proboscis into the tissue. They then release their saliva, which produces the infuriating itchy, mounded mosquito bite.

Mosquitoes are also attracted to a number of chemical compounds that they can sense even from 50 yards away. Female mosquitoes, the one that transmits diseases are thirsting after our bodies’ protein and iron to produce their eggs. Mosquitoes are attracted to Bacteria. There are at least a trillion microbes living on our skin. These micorbes are the main cause of our body odor. They are also engrossed with chemical compounds and carbon dioxide. Larger people naturally emit more carbon dioxide than smaller people, which is why some people are seemed to be bitten more often than others are.

Mosquito bites’ “itch eruption” intensifies when the mosquito saliva causes a reaction under our body’s skin. In return, our bodies’ self-protection is seen through the release of histamines. Histamines defend our mast cells or what we commonly call, white blood cells. I’m sure most of you will ask how is it that other people’s insect bites are not as itchy as other’s—there are varying degrees of itchiness among people and the effects are also different based on sensitivities and intensities.

Mosquitoes hatched around water, and so they need water and, with people filling up buckets and tanks of water in their backyards as reserve or a pool of cool wash down for feet or face that’s necessary in the summer heat, there’s plenty of it during the summer season. These provide the perfect habitats for mosquitoes and believe it or not, the warm humid weather

helps keep mosquitoes alive longer.

Well it’s not the itching that might be only disturbing. Mosquitoes are one of most flagrant insects that transmit diseases. And worse is that, most transmitted diseases are life-threatening and deadly. Malaria, a disease of the blood caused by the Plasmodium parasite, is an infamous disease transmitted from person to person by a certain type of mosquito. Characterized by cycles of chills, fever and sweating, Malaria is caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium in red blood cells, which is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female anopheles mosquito. Upon injecting the malaria parasite known as sporozoites, the sporozoites travel through the bloodstream to the liver. It will mature in the liver and eventually infect the human red blood cells. Globally, there are 247 million of malaria cases and about 655,000 deaths each year. Asia, if not next to Africa, has been tagged as one of the continents that are deemed high in malaria risk. In Cambodia, the number of malaria treated cases in public sector were 69,515 three years ago. However, there was a significant decrease of 30-60% comparing to 2010 and 2011 statistics. Malaria symptoms include headache, fever, muscular fatigue and pain, chilling and sweating, dry cough and nausea or vomiting.

Treatment to Mosquito BiteCalamine Lotion: Dab calamine lotion over a mosquito bite. Calamine has anti-itch and antiseptic properties that may help prevent infection from scratching.

Benadryl Cream: Benadryl cream is known widely also to treat itchy mosquito bites and considered as anti-histamine.

Oral Antihistamines: This medicine blocks the body's histamine response to mosquito saliva.

Hydrocortisone: Inflammation on the bite can also be treated with topical steroid cream. This in turn can give some relief in the itch. Topical steroids do benefit mosquito bite itch, taking the edge off without shortening the course of the bite.

Globally, there are 247 million of malaria cases and about 655,000 deaths each year. Asia, if not next to Africa, has been tagged as one of the continents that are deemed high in

malaria risk.

Photograph supplied.

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PreventionOne of the best preventive measures for mosquito bites is an insect repellent. Insect repellents in the market may be used for clothing and/or exposed skin. The Diethyltoluamide (DEET) is the safest and most effective insect repellent, which may last up to three hours. You may also use mosquito nets. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) main preventive tool for malaria among high prevalent countries are mosquito nets. Over the years, the significant drop of malaria case is attributed to the nets donated to families worldwide. Sleeping in an air-conditioned room will also reduce the probability of mosquito bites since room temperature is low. You may choose citronella, too. The distinctive citronella aroma is a strong smell which masks other attractants to mosquitoes, making it harder for them to find you. Although citronella is used in many forms, such as scented candles, torches and citronella ‘scented’ plants, the living plant is more effective because it has a stronger smell. Citronella oil's mosquito repellency has also been verified by research (Evaluation of Repellency Effect of Two Natural Aroma Mosquito Repellent Compounds, Citronella and Citronellal, Entomological Research 35, 2005)

Remember that with a little planning and preparation, you should be able to enjoy the summer season without getting bugged by mosquitoes. Additionally, aside from draining all standing water around your house or garden, wear light colored, loose fitting clothing and defend by using insect repellents. Note that eliminating the breeding grounds for mosquitoes is the first step to limiting their numbers and if ever these preventive measures fail, there are well over a dozen different home remedies that can help, from herbs to baking soda to ice packs, whether in the form of a heated or cold spoon or compress.

បៅសនបើលោកអនករករាយកនងារអងគយលៅងនៅខងកៅៅនាពៅលរសៀល នង លាងៅចនារដវកតៅនៅះ អនកអាចនងទទលបានារសវៅគមនពភញៀវដៅលមនបានអញជើញ។សរាបរដវកតៅគជា ពៅលវៅលាមយដលអសមៅៅបសតវលអតដៅលទច ឬ ខកនងារលតលាស នង បងកកណើតជាពសៅសបផតនោះគពពកសតវមសដៅលបងកគៅៅះថានៅក។ ពកវាមនដចបសចជញជកឈាមមនសៅសដច នៅកនងខៅសៅភាពយនតដៅលយើងចលចតតទសៅសនានោះទៅ។ សតវមសសវៅងរកមនសៅសដើមៅបបតឈាមធវើជាអាហារ នង ភាញៅសកនរបស ពកវា។ តើសតវមសសវៅងរកយើងឃើញដោយរបៀបណា?ពកវាអាចរកយើងឃើញតាមរយៈាបនឌអកសតដៅលយើងបានដកដងហើមចៅញ។ ពកវាហើរមកទលើសៅបៅករចចាកទៅនចរបសវាចលទៅកនងជាលារបសយើង បនាទៅបមកពកវាបញចកៅញទកមាតរបសវាដៅលជាភានៅកងរធវើោយមានាររមាស នង ឡើងកនទល។

សតវមសតៅវបានទាកទាញផងដៅរទៅនងចនននៅសមា-សាតគមដៅលពកវាអាចដងសមៅបតៅនៅឆងៅយបៅហៅល50 មៅតៅកដោយ។ សតវមសញដៅលជាសតវចមលងជងតៅវ

ារបៅតៅអន នង ជាតដៅកពខលនរបសយើងដើមៅបបងកើតពងរបសពកវា។ មសតៅវបានទាកទាញដោយបាកតៅរ។ មានពពកអតសខមបៅៅណ យៅងហោចណាស 3 លានអតសខមបៅៅណនៅលើសៅបៅករបសយើង។ អតសខម- បៅៅណនៅះគជាបពវហៅតចមៅបងនៅកលនខលនរបសយើង។ ពកវាតៅវបានសោគផងដៅរជាមយនងសមាសាតគម នងាបនឌអកសត។ ជាធមមតាមនសៅសាតបញចកៅញាបនឌអកសតចៅើនជាងមនសៅសសគមដៅលជាហៅតអវោយមនសៅសមយចននតៅវមសខញកញាបជាងអនកផៅសៅងទៀត។

មសខ " បងកភាពរមាស " នៅពៅលដៅលទកមាតមសបងកឱៅយមានបៅតកមមនៅកៅៅមសៅបៅកនៅរាងាយរបសយើង។ផទយមកវញ សរាបារារពារពខលនរបសយើងគ តៅវបានគៅមើលឃើញតាមរយៈារបញចកៅញសរាតហសតៅមន។ហសតៅមនារពារកោសា Mast Cell ឬ តៅវបានគៅហៅជាទទៅថាកោសាឈាមស។ ខញបៅៅកដថា ភាគចៅើននៅអនកនងសរថាហៅតអបានជាអនកខលះតៅវមសខមនរមាសដចមនសៅសផៅសៅងទៀត ដចនៅះមនសៅសជាចៅើនមានករតនៅភាពរមាសផៅសៅងៗគនៅ។

សតវមសញាសនៅកនងទក ដចនៅះពកគៅតៅវារទក នងមនសៅសបានបពៅញទកកនងពាង នង ធងទកបរងសរាប បៅើបៅៅស ឬ អាងទកទកសរាបលាងជើង ឬ មខសរាប រដវកតៅនៅះ។ ទាងនៅះបានផតលនវជមៅកដលអឥតខោចៅះស-មៅៅបសតវមស ាតអាាសកតៅហើយសើមអាចជយរកៅសាសតវមសោយនៅរសបានយរ។

វាមនមៅនតៅមតៅជាាររមាសតៅមៅយាងនោះទៅចពោះាររខន។ មសកជាភានៅកងរមយកនងារចមលងជងផងដៅរ។ភាពាចសហាវរបសវាគសទើរតៅគៅបជងដៅលចមលងមកមនសៅសសទធតៅជាជងដៅលគរាមកហៅងដលអាយជវត នង បណាតៅលោយសលៅប។ ជងគៅនចាញជាជងមយដៅលបណាតៅលមកពពពកបាៅរាៅសត Plasmodium ( បាលៅសម-ដៅយម ) វាជាបៅភៅទជងដៅលាចសហាវចមលងពមនសៅសមានៅកទៅមនសៅសមានៅកផៅសៅងទៀតតាមរយៈមសដៅកោលញ។ កណតលកខណៈដោយវដតនៅារញាក កតៅខលន នងបៅកញើស។ ជងគៅនចាញតៅវបានបងកឡើងដោយ pro-tozoan នៅ ពពក Plasmodium ដៅលតៅវបានបញជនទៅោយមនសៅស ដោយារខរបសមសដៅកោលញ( Anopheles Mosquito )។ បនាទៅបពារចមលងមៅ-រោគបាៅរាៅសតនៅជមងគៅនចាញដៅលគៅបានសគៅលថា ជាsporozoites, sporozoites បានធវើដណើរតាមរយៈចរនតឈាមចលទៅានថលើម។ វារសនៅកនងថលើមរហតដលពៅញវយហើយដលពៅលពៅញវយវាចាបផតើមបញចកៅញឥទធពលទៅលើគៅៅបឈាមកៅហម។ នៅទទាងពភពលោកមានចននអនកកើតជងគៅនចាញ 247 លានករណ នងបៅហៅល 655.000 នាកបានសលៅបជារៀងរាលឆនៅ។ ស-រាប តបនអាស បៅសនបើមននៅជាបទវបអាហៅវកទៅតៅវជាបជាទវបដៅលគៅចាតទកថាមានហានភយខពសចពោះារកើតជងគៅនចាញ។ នៅកនងបៅទៅសកមពជាចនននៅករណជងគៅនចាញដៅលបានទទលារពៅយាបាលនៅកនងវសយសខភាពសារណៈមានចនន 69.515 រយៈពៅលបឆនៅមកហើយ។ ោះយៅងណាមានារថយចះយៅងខលៅងរហត 30-60% បើយើងមើលទៅតាមទនននយសថតនៅកនងឆនៅ 2010 នងឆនៅ 2011។ រោគសញញៅនៅជងគៅនចាញរមមាន ឈកៅបាល កតៅខលន អសកមាលៅង នង ារឈចាបតាមសចដ ញាក បៅកញើស កអក-សងត នង ចងអៅរ ឬកអត។

ារពៅយាបាលមសខCalamine Lotion : លាបឡៅ calamine ទៅលើ កនលៅងដៅលមសខ។ ឡៅ Calamine មានសរាតបៅឆងនងាររមាស នង ថានៅសលាបមៅរោគដៅលអាចជយារពារារឆលងមៅរោគពារអះ។

Bena dryl cream: គៅម Benadryl (Diphen-hydramine) តៅវបានគៅសគៅលយៅងទលទលាយថាជាគៅមបៅើដើមៅបពៅយាបាលាររមាស ដោយសរមសខ ហើយតៅវបានចាតទកថា ជាសរាតទបសកៅតារបញចកៅញហសតៅមន។

ថានៅលៅបទបសកៅតារបញចកៅញហសតៅមន: ថានៅគៅៅបទបសកៅតារបញចកៅញហសតៅមនមានតនាទទៅទបសកៅតសមាសភាគហសតៅមន នៅកនងខលនកោយឆលើយតបនងបៅតកមមដៅលបងកដោយទកមាតមស។

hydrocortisone: ាររលាកនៅលើកនលៅងដៅលមសខកអាចតៅវបានពៅយាបាលដោយកៅៅមលាបពពកសតៅរអត

ផងដៅរ។ អតថបៅោជននៅកៅៅមលាបសតៅរអតគបបាតាររមាស នងបៅឆងាររលាក។

ារបងកៅរវានារារពារដលអបផតសមៅៅបមសខគបៅើ ថានៅលាប ារពារកោយមសខ។ ថានៅលាបារពារកោយមសខនៅលើទផៅសារអាចនងតៅវបានបៅើសមៅៅបសមលៀកបពាកនង / ឬសៅបៅក។ ថានៅ Diethyltoluamide ( DEET )គជាថានៅដៅលមានបៅសទធភាព នង សវតថភាពបផតដៅលរកៅសាបៅសទធភាពដលទៅបមៅង។ អនកកអាចបៅើមងារពារមសផងដៅរ។ អងគារសខភាពពភពលោក(WHO) បានបងកើតឧបករណារពារដសខនសមៅៅបបៅទៅសដៅលមានហានភយខពសចពោះជងគៅនចាញគមង។ បនាមៅនឆនៅមកនៅះារាលៅកចះដសខននៅករណជងគៅនចាញតៅវបានគតសគលឃើញតាមរយៈារផតលជនយឧបតតមថមងដលគៅសរទាងអសលើពភពលោក។ ារគៅងនៅកនងបនទបមាៅសនតៅជាកកនងអាចាតបនថយករតនៅមសខបាននៅពៅលដៅលសតណហភាពាលៅកចះទាប។ អនកអាចបៅើកលនសលក គៅៅផងដៅរ។ កលនសលកគៅៅ គជាកលនដខលៅងមយដៅលអាច

ធវើជារបាងពកលនផៅសៅងទៀតដៅលទាកទាញមសជាហៅតធវើឱៅយពកវាពបាកកនងារសវៅងរកអនក។ ោះបជាសលកគៅៅតៅវបានបៅើកនងទមៅងជាចៅើនដចជាទៀនកលន ចនលះ នងដើមសលកគៅៅនៅរសគមានបៅសទធភាពជាងដោយសរតៅវាមានកលនខលៅងជាង។ បៅៅងសរាបលាបារពារមសកលនសលកគៅៅកតៅវបានផទៀងផទៅតដោយារសៅៅវជៅៅវ (វាយតលៅចពោះបៅសទធភាពនៅថានៅលាបារពារកោយមសខកលនសលកគៅៅពធមមជាត 2 បៅភៅទ, ារសៅៅវជៅៅវផនៅក បាណកសសតៅ 35, 2005 )

សមចាថា ជាមយនងារធវើផៅនារ នង ាររៀបចតច តច អនកអាចទទលបានភាពរករាយជាមយរដវាលរដវកតៅដោយគមៅនារយយពសតវមស។ លើសពនៅះទៀតកៅៅពកចាតឧបករណដៅលអាចដកទកបាននៅជវញផទះឬ សនចៅបាររបសអនកហើយ អនកតៅវសលៀកសមលៀកបពាកដៅលមានពណសៅៅលៗ នងរលងៗ នង ារពារតាមរយៈារបៅើបៅៅសថានៅលាបារពារកោយមសខ។ ចណាថាារលបបបាតកនលៅងបងកៅតពជសមៅៅបមសគជា ជហានដបងដើមៅបកណតចននតលៅខរបសពកវា។

ផលតផលតមលៅទផៅសារដើម បៅទៅស តលៅទផៅសារ

បនទះបទបៅឆងនងមស មាៅឡៅស $ 3

សពៅៅយបាញបៅឆងនងមស ចន $ 3

ទកថានៅបាញមស Rekito សងហបរ $ 7.8

Jungo Kid ថៅ $ 6

Off! Kids ថៅ $ 2

ថានៅលាបារពារ កោយមសខទទលបានារណៅនាសមៅៅបកមារ នងមនសៅសពៅញវយដៅលមានសៅបៅកងយរងបៅតកមម

PRODUCT ORIGIN MARKET PRICE Anti-mosquito Patch Malaysia USD 3.00

Anti-mosquito Spray China USD 2.00

Rekito Mosquito Repellant Liquid Singapore USD 7.80

Jungo Kid Thailand USD 6.00

Off! Kids Thailand USD 2.00

Mosquito Repellent recommended for Kids and Adults with sensitive skin:



Globally, there are 247 million of malaria cases

and about 655,000 deaths each year. Asia, if not next to Africa, has been tagged

as one of the continents that are deemed high in malaria

risk. In Cambodia, the number of malaria treated cases in public sector were

69,515 three years ago. However, there was a significant decrease of 30-60% comparing to

2010 and 2011 statistics. Malaria symptoms include headache, fever, muscular fatigue and pain, chilling and sweating, dry cough and nausea or vomiting.

Page 25: Healthwise Digest - April 2015

48 49

Betex មានសារធាតព��ស3យាង : Thiamine វ�តាមនB1 , Pyridoxal Phosphate វ�តាមនB6នង Cya-nocobalamine វ�តាមនB12 ��លជយដលការលតលាសយាងល����ើរ។��ពការលតលាសយាងល�របសរាងកាយ Thiamineជយដលសខភាពភ�ាស�សកា។ វ�តាមន B6ជយដលការប��ើត��បឈាម��ហមរ�ឯវ�តាមន B12មានមខងារដចនង Thiamineនងជយព�ា�ល ការ���កស�ាង។

Betex គ���វ�ន��នាសរាប�����ល��ើ��សថ�ាពន�ាក�ើត��មទាងបរស�����ល�ើបនងវះ កាតរច នង�����លប��ះកន។

��បថ�ា Betex មន��ម��កាតបន�យភាព�ឿយហតនងអសកលាង�ើយវា�នជយដលភាពសា�� រាងកាយពការឆ�ង�����គ។

Betex Tablet is an EXTRAORDINARY 3-in-1 supplement that contains three essentials: Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Pyridoxal Phosphate (Vitamin B6) and Cyanocobalamine (Vitamin B12), that wholly promote stable growth and development. Thiamine keeps mucous membranes healthy. Vitamin B6 promotes red blood cell formation. Vitamin B12 treats pernicious anemia. Betex is also recommended to women taking oral contraception or estrogens, men and women who have currently undergone surgery and also women who breastfeed. Betex Tablet not only reduces fatigue and depression but also improves your resistance and reinforces your immunity from infection and diseases.

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េបចងបានឱសថមានគណភាពល� សមទញឱសថមានបទលតបរតប�� កេលខប�� ក CAM R1 4359IP-07 េនតមឱសថស� ន ឱសថស� នរង ែដលមានចបោប នងស� កស�� Logo ពរកសងសខភបាល។ ករផសព�ផសោយ រត�វបានអន�� តតមេសចក�សេរមច ៨៧១/១៤ អបស/ឱអបស ចះៃថ�ទ 27 ែខ វច�ក ឆា� 2014 របសរកសងសខភបាល នង អសសពលភាពេនៃថ�ទ 24 ែខ ឧសភា ឆា� 2015។េបមានរបតកម�រខនរបសឱសថ សមរយករណមកនាយកដ� នឱសថ តមរយ:េលខទរសព� 023 990 499 / 012 948 552 ឬ អែមល [email protected] ឬ វបសយ www.ddfcambodia.com នង រក�មហន DKSH ទរសព�េលខ 067 555 752 ឬ 067 555 256

Page 26: Healthwise Digest - April 2015

50 51

THIS MONTH listingPan Clinic Medical Beauty CenterParagon Shopping CenterStreet 214, 1st FloorPhnom Penh, Cambodia+855 92 98 78 10

Indochine HotelNo. 28-30, Street 130,Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 23 211 525

Himawari HotelNo. 313, Preah Sisowath Quay, Phnom Penh+855 23 214 555

Wings CoffeeNo. 28BEo, St. 310, Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 98 840 231

Chanails#46, street 352 (entrance on street 57) Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 23 987 789

Tips and Toes#17 Beo, Street 278Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 23 987 442

Cabaret Restaurant#159, Street 154 | Corner Street 81Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 92 650 980

Kaviar Restaurant No. 22, Street 55 corner Street 242 Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 17 390 066

KWest RestaurantNo. 1, Preah Sisowath Quaycorner St. 154Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 23 214 747

Le MoonNo. 1, Preah Sisowath Quaycorner St. 154Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 23 214 747

Joma CafeNo. 294, Norodom Blvd, Phnom Penh +855 23 993 722

LotteriaNo. 132, Samdech Sothearos Blvd, Aeon Mall, Phnom Penh +855 93 591 111

The Face ShopNo. 110Eo, Preah Sihanouk Blvd (274), Phnom Penh+855 23 997 107

Tous Les JourNo. 298 Preah Monivong Boulevard, Phnom Penh+855 93 372 222

No. 307-309, Yothapol Khemarak Phoumin Blvd (271), Borey Golden City, Phnom Penh+855 93 582 222

The Blue PumpkinNo. 563, Mondul 1 Village,Sangkat Svay Dangkum,Siem Reap City, Siem Reap+855 63 963 574

No. 7, St. 380,Phnom Penh+855 23 987 153

No. 245, Preah Sisowath QuayPhnom Penh+855 23 998 153

St. 57, corner of St.288Phnom Penh+855 23 991 818 No. 2Eo, St. 106, Phnom Penh+855 93 996 070

No. 69, St. 566, Phnom Penh+855 23 991 883

No. 12A, St. 57,Phnom Penh+855 23 991 816

ABA BankNo.148, Preah Sihanouk blvd., Sangkat BKK I, Khan Chamkarmorn,Phnom Penh Cambodia+855 23 225 333www.ababbank.com

European Dental ClinicNo. 160A, Norodom Blvd,Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 23 211 363

Central HospitalNo. 82A, St. 154)Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 11 322 224

Aman Clinic Plastic Surgery Center#89B, Street 63,Sangkat Beung Reang,Phnom Penh,+855 23 226 767

Women-Baby’s CenterRoom 403, #23, St. 112Business Center KTT (KT Tower)[email protected]+855 98 800 921

International Chiropractic ClinicNo. 67 Bis, St. 240Phnom Penh, [email protected] www.cambodiachiropractic.com +855 23 223 101

Sonja Kill Memorial HospitalP.O. Box 0705Kampot, Cambodia+855 77 666 752

HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee (HACC)SL International Limited (2nd floor): #10, St. Oknha Pich(242), Phnom Penh, Cambodia+855 23 217 964

BeelineNo. 15E2, Preah Norodom Blvd (41), 12208 Phnom Penh+855 90 220 220

MaybankNo. 144, 217 Veng Sreng Boulevard, Phnom Penh+855 23 424 482

The Grey Khmer GrillAcha Sva (St.), King’s Road Angkor, Wat Bo Village, Siem Reap+855 63 966 940

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52 53

AVAILABLEat pharmacies with

Hiruscar Product Representative

AVAILABLEat pharmacies with

Hiruscar Product Representative

AVAILABLEat pharmacies with

Hiruscar Product Representative

AVAILABLEat pharmacies with

Hiruscar Product Representative


BABY MARTS With Curash PRs in

Phnom Penh

មាននៅបៅប មាៅត

ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Curash នៅទនោះ


Pharmacies With IPSEN PRs in

Phnom Penh


ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Ipsen នៅទនោះ

AVAILABLEat Central Hospital,

Chesda ClinicClinic SokLeap Metrey Clinic

មាននៅមនទរពៅទៅយ សងតៅៅ

ជៅសតៅ គលនកសខលាភ មៅតៅ គលនក


BABY MARTS With Curash PRs in

Phnom Penh

មាននៅបៅប មាៅត

ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Curash នៅទនោះ


Pharmacies With IPSEN PRs in

Phnom Penh


ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Ipsen នៅទនោះ

AVAILABLEat Central Hospital,

Chesda ClinicClinic SokLeap Metrey Clinic

មាននៅមនទរពៅទៅយ សងតៅៅ

ជៅសតៅ គលនកសខលាភ មៅតៅ គលនក


BABY MARTS With Curash PRs in

Phnom Penh

មាននៅបៅប មាៅត

ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Curash នៅទនោះ


Pharmacies With IPSEN PRs in

Phnom Penh


ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Ipsen នៅទនោះ

AVAILABLEat Central Hospital,

Chesda ClinicClinic SokLeap Metrey Clinic

មាននៅមនទរពៅទៅយ សងតៅៅ

ជៅសតៅ គលនកសខលាភ មៅតៅ គលនក


BABY MARTS With Curash PRs in

Phnom Penh

មាននៅបៅប មាៅត

ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Curash នៅទនោះ


Pharmacies With IPSEN PRs in

Phnom Penh


ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Ipsen នៅទនោះ

AVAILABLEat Central Hospital,

Chesda ClinicSokLeap Metrey Clinic

មាននៅមនទរពៅទៅយ សងតៅៅ

ជៅសតៅ គលនកសខលាភ មៅតៅ គលនក

Page 28: Healthwise Digest - April 2015

54 55

េបចងបានឱសថមានគណភាពល� សមទញឱសថមានបទលតបរតប�� កេលខប�� ក

CAM R3 0284 IP-96 េនតមឱសថស� ន ឱសថស� នរង ែដលមានចបោប នង ស� កស��

Logo ពរកសងសខភបាល។ ករផសព�ផសោយរត�វបានអន�� តតមេសចក�សេរមចេលខ

៣១១/១៥ ចះៃថ�ទ 01 ែខេមស ឆា� 2015 របសរកសងសខភបាល នង សពលភាព

េនៃថ�ទ 3០ ែខក�� ឆា� 2015។ េបមានរបតកម�រខនរបសឱសថ សមរយករណមក

នាយកដ� នឱសថ តមរយ:េលខ ទរសព� 023 990 499 / 012 948 552 ឬ អែមល

[email protected] ឬ វបសយ www.ddfcambodia.com នង

រក�មហន DKSH ទរសព�េលខ 067 555 752 ឬ 067 555 256

AVAILABLEat pharmacies with

Hiruscar Product Representative

AVAILABLEat pharmacies with

Hiruscar Product Representative

AVAILABLEat pharmacies with

Hiruscar Product Representative

AVAILABLEat pharmacies with

Hiruscar Product Representative


BABY MARTS With Curash PRs in

Phnom Penh

មាននៅបៅប មាៅត

ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Curash នៅទនោះ


Pharmacies With IPSEN PRs in

Phnom Penh


ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Ipsen នៅទនោះ

AVAILABLEat Central Hospital,

Chesda ClinicClinic SokLeap Metrey Clinic

មាននៅមនទរពៅទៅយ សងតៅៅ

ជៅសតៅ គលនកសខលាភ មៅតៅ គលនក


BABY MARTS With Curash PRs in

Phnom Penh

មាននៅបៅប មាៅត

ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Curash នៅទនោះ


Pharmacies With IPSEN PRs in

Phnom Penh


ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Ipsen នៅទនោះ

AVAILABLEat Central Hospital,

Chesda ClinicClinic SokLeap Metrey Clinic

មាននៅមនទរពៅទៅយ សងតៅៅ

ជៅសតៅ គលនកសខលាភ មៅតៅ គលនក


BABY MARTS With Curash PRs in

Phnom Penh

មាននៅបៅប មាៅត

ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Curash នៅទនោះ


Pharmacies With IPSEN PRs in

Phnom Penh


ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Ipsen នៅទនោះ

AVAILABLEat Central Hospital,

Chesda ClinicClinic SokLeap Metrey Clinic

មាននៅមនទរពៅទៅយ សងតៅៅ

ជៅសតៅ គលនកសខលាភ មៅតៅ គលនក


BABY MARTS With Curash PRs in

Phnom Penh

មាននៅបៅប មាៅត

ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Curash នៅទនោះ


Pharmacies With IPSEN PRs in

Phnom Penh


ដៅលមានអនកតណាងផលតផល Ipsen នៅទនោះ

AVAILABLEat Central Hospital,

Chesda ClinicSokLeap Metrey Clinic

មាននៅមនទរពៅទៅយ សងតៅៅ

ជៅសតៅ គលនកសខលាភ មៅតៅ គលនក

Page 29: Healthwise Digest - April 2015

