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Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

Date post: 21-Feb-2020
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Today, there are a number of ready-to-eat breakfast food available in the market. These breakfast foods take less than 5 minutes to be ready and on your plate. Here in this podcast we are presenting 10 best ready-to-eat breakfasts
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Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Minutes Author Desimealz
Page 1: Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

Healthy Indian BreakfastRecipes Under 5 Minutes

Author Desimealz

Page 2: Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

Chapter 1

Top 10 Best Ready To

Eat Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day. Your �rst

meal of the day gives you the energy to get through the day. So, this one

meal you should never skip. But, unfortunately, not many of us have the

time to put together a good breakfast every morning. You’ve probably left

the house on many occasions after having just a cup of co�ee. But, did

you know that there is a quick way to make yourself a healthy breakfast?

Today, there are a number of ready-to-eat breakfast food available. These

breakfast foods take less than 5 minutes to be ready and on your plate.

Here are the 10 best ready-to-eat breakfasts.


Page 3: Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

Desimealz Ready To Eat UpmaFrom poha and upma to idli sambhar, Desimealzo�ers a variety of ready-

to-eat breakfast meals based on traditional Indian recipes. There’s enough

for you to have a di�erent meal for breakfast each day of the week. All

you need is about 3- minutes to ‘cook’ these meals. The easiest way is to

simply add hot water to the bowl, cover and leave aside for a few minutes.

Alternatively, you can add water to the DesiMealzbowl and run it in the

microwave for 3 minutes. Since the meals are packed in a sealed bowl,

they are travel-friendly too. So, the next time you’re on a trip, don’t forget

to pack a few of these in your suitcase.


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MTRMTR was one of the �rst brands to market ready-to-eat foods. They o�er

a range of dishes from simple breakfasts to paneer butter masala and

chana masala. Their breakfast ready to eat meals are based on traditional

Indian favourites. Their range includes two types of poha and upma and a

Kesari halwa.These meals are packed in pouches as well as cups. The latter

can be more convenient if you’re travelling and need food on the go.

These meals can be complemented by badam milk or a delicious

chocolate drink.


Page 5: Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

Kellogg'sNot on the mood for Indian food- how about a bowl of corn�akes.

Breakfast doesn’t get simpler than this. Kellogg’s is one of the leading

brands for breakfast cereal. They o�er many di�erent types of cereals-

some are based on corn, some on wheat, and some even on rice. For

children, Kellogg’s o�er delicious chocolate coated corn�akes. They also

have a range of muesli and oats. For corn�akes and muesli, all you need

to do is pour the required quantity into a bowl and add milk. If you want,

you may also add chopped fruits and dry fruits for added nutrition. Oats

need a little bit of cooking. This can be done on the gas or in a



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BritanniaWant breakfast you can eat without having to sit at a table- how about a

sandwich? Britannia is one of the most well-recognized names for bread

and spreads. A simple cheese sandwich is packed with proteins and can

power you through the day. Alternatively, you could start the day by

munching on cookies or fruit cake along with your morning tea.


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ITC India (Kitchen of India)

Kitchens of India by ITC o�ers a range of ready to eat dishes for all your

meals. From pav bhaji to a vegetable biryani, these dishes are perfectly

suited to a Sunday brunch. Though they taste as if you’ve slaved for hours

over the gas stove to make them, it takes less than 5 minutes to go from

cupboard to plate. Like other ready to eat meals, these dishes too can be

made in the microwave and the gas stove. There’s a third way you can

make these dishes. Simply boil some water and drop the aluminium

pouch into it. After 3-5 minutes, you’ll have a tasty meal to dig into.


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MonginisMonginis is a well-known bakery with branches across the country. Apart

from cakes and desserts, this bakery also caters to hunger pangs in the

morning. You can enjoy may savoury delicacies like chicken and paneer

pu�s,sandwiches,burgers, and pizzas. If you keep a loaf of Monginis bread

at home, you can make a sandwich any time you like.


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Modern DairiesSometimes, when you really don’t have time to eat a full breakfast,

drinking a glass of milk can be a good-enough substitute. Choose between

Modern Dairy’s cow and bu�alo milk to start your day. To make it

healthier, make your milk into a milkshake by blending it with chopped

fruits. You could even add a spoonful of your favourite protein mix.


Page 10: Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

NestleWhen it comes to ready to eat foods, Nestle is almost synonymous with

Maggi. Though this may not be the healthiest option for your daily

breakfast, it’s a treat you can indulge in every once in a while. Available in

many di�erent �avors, Maggi takes 2-5 minutes to cook on an open

�ame. To give it a healthy twist, you can add chopped carrots, onions,

capsicum and peas to your Maggi.


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McCainMcCain o�ers a range of frozen ready to eat delicacies to spice up your

mornings. From smiles that children adore to vegetable nuggets and

cheese bombs, there’s plenty to choose from. These tasty morsels are

precooked and frozen so that when you want to bite into one, all you

need to do is heat some oil and fry on a high �ame for a few minutes. No

more trouble to chopping, washing mixing-only happy eating.


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SaffolaSa�ola understands the importance of a power breakfast. Best known for

its oils, this brand also o�ers ready to eat upma and poha made with

millet grains and quinoa. They also have a range of quick-cooking oats. For

all their ready to eat meals, all you need to do is mix the contents of the

sachets with water and cook on a gas or in the microwave for a few


There’s no excuse left for you to skip your daily breakfast now. Whether

you like to eat on the go on while sitting at the table, there’s a ready to eat

meal perfect for you.


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Chapter 2

Best Instant Breakfast

Recipes That Can Be Done

Under 5 MinutesLet’s start with this “breakfast like a king, lunch like a common man and

dinner like a batman” this is a very common quote that we listen to since


But, are we doing it right like that? I would actually say a big no. As we

grow older our responsibilities grow so we compromise on food to ful�l

the other need. Especially having a healthy �lling breakfast seems to be a

luxury and needs a lot of time and e�ort that’s what many of the working

personnel think.


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Why Breakfast Seems That Important ?Breakfast is the most vital part of our everyday eating. Breakfast is

breaking the long night’s fast and to kick start the day with a healthy and

energetic touch. On a busy schedule of accomplishing day chores, we

mostly skip breakfast or grab some nuts or fruits to tame the hunger

dragon inside us.

Is that healthy? Eating fruits and nuts are healthy, but they should be

added as a combo with some stomach-�lling breakfasts. Skipping

breakfast is like your continuing your fast and my body will think that

you’re going to sustain with the same energy throughout the day and

start splitting them, meaning your energy to do a brisk work will not

be provided to you by your body.


Page 15: Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

Breakfast satiate you to its best, so even if you’re short on time, with no

further delay, �x a meal and do the next work. Want to feel beautiful from

inside out? Then planning and managing to have a healthy breakfast is a

mandate without a no. 

Running out of time and running behind errands are as common as

having tra�c and take diversion in the roads. Agree? So if you get to know

some simple recipes to make without compromising your health would

be a good plan to have a check? I made a list of foods that are easy to

make and healthy and yummy to eat.


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How much do you think protein is important for your diet? It is as

important as the internet pack of your smartphone! Let’s look for some

protein-rich sandwiches for breakfast.

Sandwiches do not require much cooking expertise and it is yummy too!

The delicious saviour doesn’t hole your pocket and never takes most of

the time.


Page 17: Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

Corn Sandwiches

Corns are one of the delicious food to eat at any time in the day, making

breakfast with it will be a taste loaded breakfast. The making of it is simple

with few slices of bread(of your choice), corn kernels, tomatoes, cheese

and black pepper. To the cooked corn add the tomatoes, cheese and

pepper. Stu� it in the toasted bread. 


Page 18: Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes Under 5 Mins

Veg Cheese SandwichVegetables are juicy and give that �lling e�ect when consumed for

breakfast, the veggie-rich sandwich is easy to make and yummy to taste.

Make a simple and tasty with ingredients like capsicum, carrots, onion,

butter, bread(of your choice) and salt and pepper. 


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Avocado ToastOne of the simplest pleasures of life is having creamy, yummy and

protein-rich avocados in breakfasts. Sandwiches itself is delicious and

adding avocados make them delicious loaded. The recipe is the

simplest recipes for making a tasty sandwich ever.

The ingredients are the bread of any kind like wheat, milk bread or

multi-grain bread which is grilled or toasted. Ripen avocados but not

over-ripen one. Mash them, add-in some salt spread them on the

toasted bread slices, top it with garlic and eat the yum-�lled avocado



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Paneer SandwichPaneer is a protein-loaded ingredient and making a protein-loaded paneer

sandwich is as simple as making a masala chai. With ingredients like

coriander chutney, paneer, groundnuts(to have that crunchy touch)

onions, tomatoes, salt and panner with bread(of your choices like soft

milk bread, wheat bread and multigrain bread). 


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Scrambled EggsScrambled eggs! Sounds English? But they sound fun for me. Since

scrambled eggs making is always fun. The process is traditional and

simple, make the right scrambled eggs and kickstart the day with a

champion feel in you. 

The ingredients are eggs, milk, salt, pepper and butter. Initially blend into

a mixture of eggs, milk, salt, pepper and keep it aside. On a frying pan

add butter and on medium heat pour the mixture. Stir it with a spatula

and form soft curds out of it. 


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Desimealz Breakfast Recipes 

Having no time to cook? Desimealz covers your breakfast goals!.

Desimealz helps you with their di�erent ready to eat desi food items

which are travel-friendly and inexpensive

“ We planned, prepared and packed it” for you

Our ready to eat products take less than 5 mins from you but gives you a

healthy breakfast.  There is no limit that you should have them as

breakfast, have them whenever you feel like having them. 


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Lemon VermicelliVermicelli when plain or in combo with anything is always a good

breakfast to taste. Here the combination of vermicelli is with lemon. It has

ingredients like vermicelli, lemon, edible oil and green chillies to spice it




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Masala Poha

Poha is one of the staple foods of India, which is used mostly for

breakfast. Poha is �attened rice, recipes with poha are easy to make,

delicious and healthy to eat. The item Masala Poha contains ingredients

like Pounded rice (Poha), edible oil, green chillies, and groundnuts to make

it crunchier. 



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Sabudana KhichdiKhichdi is another common food in India which is made with di�erent

vegetables and ingredients. Sabudana khichdi sounds delicious because

of its ingredients like sago, edible oil, salt, crunchy and taste booster

groundnuts and cashews in it. Including nuts in your breakfast is healthy

and it also helps to gear up the day with a crunchy bite.



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Tamarind PohaPoha is made in di�erent varieties, tamarind poha sounds interesting. It

includes tamarind essence, poha (pounded rice), edible oil groundnuts

and spices. Tangy feel would brisk our brain and make us sharp to think.

Desi poha with all these ingredients would de�nitely make a good




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Tomato VermicelliVermicelli can be combined with anything and it will be an add-on taste

for the dish. Tomato vermicelli contains tomato-based vermicelli, edible

oil, dry coconuts, spices and nuts in it. The nuts and coconuts are the

taste spikers for the dish. 



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UpmaAnyone from inside India and outsiders who visited India would know this

term called Upma. Upma is common in India, it is easy to cook and

delicious to eat when served hot. Upma is made with di�erent ingredients

in di�erent parts of India. It has ingredients like semolina, edible oil, salt

and green chillies in it. It is as tasty as any other semolina or upma you

had tasted before. If you haven’t tasted it. It’s time to treat yourself 



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Masala UpmaDi�erent versions of Upma to try, masala Upma is something with added

masala and spices in it. It has ingredients like semolina, edible oil, spice

mix, salt and green chillies in it. Have a try 



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Mini Idli SambarIdli is the staple food of south India but widespread and consumed

throughout the world. Steamed food causes no irritation to your gut. Idli

is steamed and its best combination is with sambhar. The package is with

ingredients like idlis and sambhar in it



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How To Eat It ? 

All these products look delicious and wondering how to eat them from

the package. It just takes 5 mins or less than 5 mins for you to make it

ready for you to eat. Just pour boiling water in it or microwave it.  The food

is ready for you to eat. 

Every product is ISO certi�ed with no preservatives in it. Purchase them

online and consume healthily diet in your busy schedule without any



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Break The Skipping Breakfast Mode 

Skipping the breakfast may seem like a thing to omit but making

breakfast and having them on the right time would bring you a fortune

which you won’t regret later. Try the simple recipes and experience the

yum taste of di�erent foods instead of only eating fruits and nuts for



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