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Heart Healthy Eating - University of Michigan

Date post: 08-Apr-2022
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Heart Healthy





Mediterranean Diet

T h e m e d i t e r r a n e a n d i e t i s ah e a r t h e a l t h y a n d p l a n t

b a s e d d i e t t h a t f o c u s e s o n :

High Fruits and Vegetable intakeMake your plate colorful and add a variety of fruitsand veggies daily. Try cooking them in different wayssuch as roasting, sauteing, and steaming!

High Whole Grain intakeInclude whole grain breads, pasta, rice,couscous, bulgur, and other grains daily!

High Healthy Fat intakeInclude daily unsaturated fats such asolive oil, avocados, salmon, tuna,mackrel, etc.

Moderate Eggs and Poultry intakeIncorporate lean, skinless poultry and eggs afew times a week!

Moderate Dairy intakeAdd low fat cheeses and yogurts a few times a week!

Daily Physical ActivityAdd moderate activity daily such aswalking, jogging, swimming, and biking.

Low Sweets and red

meat intake

Incorporate these less

frequently in smaller





1 zucchini squash, sliced2 tbsp olive oil 2-3 cups cooked farro2 cups cooked brown lentils2 cups canned chickpeas2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved2 avocados, pitted and sliced1 cup fresh parsley1 cup pitted kalamata olives1/2 cup feta cheese

1/3 cup olive oil2 tbsp lemon juice1 minced garlic clove1 tsp dijon mustard1 tsp salt



Heat 2 tbsp olive oil overmedium high heat. Add zucchiniand cook until tender.Prepare the dressing by mixingolive oil, lemon juice, mincedgarlic, dijon mustard, and saltuntil combined.Divide farro, lentils, andchickpeas evenly among fourdinner bowls. Add zucchini,tomatoes, avocado, parsley, andkalamata olives, and 2 tbspdressing to each bowl. Sprinkle feta cheese on top. Enjoy!





i n c r e a s e H D L sF o o d s : o l i v e a n d c a n o l a o i l ,n u t s , n u t b u t t e r s , a v o c a d o

i n c l u d e o m e g a 3 ' si n c r e a s e H D L sF o o d s : f a t t y f i s h( s a l m o n , h e r r i n g ,s a r d i n e s ) , f l a x s e e d , c h i as e e d

M o n o u n s a t u r a t e d f a t :

P o l y u n s a t u r a t e d f a t :


T h e s e f a t s a r e s o l i d a t r o o mt e m p e r a t u r eR a i s e L D L c h o l e s t e r o l F o o d s : a n i m a l p r o d u c t s( b u t t e r , m i l k , b e e f , p o u l t r y ,c h e e s e ,

O f t e n l i s t e d a s " p a r t i a l l yh y d r o g e n a t e d "R a i s e L D L s a n d l o w e r H D L sF o o d s : F r i e d f o o d s , c a k e s ,p i e s , c o o k i e s

S a t u r a t e d f a t :

T r a n s f a t :

2 0 - 3 5 % o f d a i l y c a l o r i e i n t a k es h o u l d b e f r o m f a t s w i t h f e w e r

t h a n 1 0 % c o m i n g f r o ms a t u r a t e d / t r a n s f a t s

All About Fats!LDL vs HDL Cholesterol

LDL: takes cholesterol to arteries where itmay build up and cause a heart attackHDL: helps the body get rid of excesscholesterol so it doesn't end up in thearteries. It decreases the risk of heartattacksEat foods that increase HDLcholesterol!

https://www.allinahealth.org/health-conditions-and-treatments/health-library/patient-education/heart-failure/diet-and-nutrition/how-to-read-food-labels 4

Include 5 or more servings ofveggies/day and 3 servings offruit/day

Make 1/2 the plate Fruits andVeggies

One serving fruit= 1 small apple1 cup berries1/2 medium grapefruitOne serving veggies=1 cup leafy greens1 cup raw veggies1/2 cup cooked veggies

Include 6 oz/day proteinMake 1/4 the plate protein

1 oz protein=1/4 cup cooked beans1 oz cooked or canned lean meat,poultry, seafood1 egg

include 6 oz grains/day

Make 1/4 the plate wholegrains

1 oz grain=1 slice bread1/2 hamburger or hotdog bun1/2 cup cooked cereal3 cups popped popcorn

Heart Healthy Plate

Aim for 3 servingsdairy/day


One serving dairy=1 cup milk1 cup yogurt1-2 oz cheese

Drink mostly water orother calorie free drinkssuch as carbonatedwater, coffee, tea, dietdrinks




Whole Grains



Make half your plate fruitsand veggiesUse veggies as the base ofyour meal rather than themeat/proteinAdd veggies to soups, pizza,sandwiches, etc. Blend greens into smoothies

Tips to IncreaseVeggies:

Heart HealthyHabits

It 's important to form habits that supportheart health. Here are some helpful tips:

Try different herbs andspices to enhance flavorand limit the need for saltUse olive oil instead ofbutter when cookingTry baking, roasting, stir-frying rather than fryingfoods

Cooking Tips:

Buy whole grain bread,pasta, and cerealsBuy low fat dairy productssuch as 0% greek yogurt andskim milk Choose meats that are 90%lean or moreBuy heart healthy snacks likenuts, veggies, popcorn, andfruit

Grocery Store Tips:


Increase physical activity Aerobic

Aerobic exercise includesactivities such as walking,swimming, and cyclingIt improves circulationwhich lowers heart rate,blood pressure, and heartdisease risks

Resistance TrainingResistance trainingincludes free weights,resistance bands, weightlifting, push-ups, squats,etc.It helps raise HDLcholesterol and decreaseLDL cholesterol

Try to incorporate 30 minutes aday of aerobic and/or resistancetraining to improve heart health!

Reduce stressStress increasesthe hormonecortisol, which canlead to anincreased risk ofheart diseaseExercise and yoga/meditation are acouple ways to helpdecrease stress.

Stop smokingSmoking damages theheart and bloodvessels and increasesthe risk for high bloodpressure, heart attack,coronary heartdisease, and more.



Makenna BogaardPatient Food and Nutrition Services

300 N. Ingalls StreetNIB NI8E20

Ann Arbor, Mi 48109-5407(734) 936-5197



