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Heart of America Council May 2005 Plan to ...€¦ · cil’s Annual Report, Profiles of Scouting...

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District News Also Inside Hear Hear t of America Council t of America Council www www.hoac-bsa.or .hoac-bsa.org May 2005 May 2005 Pages 10-23 Your district’s information. Adventures in Scouting brought to you by: Friends of Scouting United Way Trail’s End Popcorn Kansas City Excels with Emblem Award The Heart of America Council of the Boy Scouts of America have awarded the sec- ond most religious awards in the nation second only to the Sam Houston Council in Houston TX. In 2004, the Heart of America Council awarded 688 religious emblems and on April 3a cere- mony was held at North Cross United Methodist Church to award 168 religious emblems to Scouts and Scouters. This event was used to rec- ognize the works completed by both Scouters and adults who helped them achieve their reli- gious goal. It was a multi denominational event that rec- ognizes the efforts of all those who attended. The Religious emblem award represents just one of the 12 parts of the Scouting law; A Scout is rever- ent. The Religious emblem awards are also unique to the scouting program because they are the only awards that are given by an external organiza- tion and are allowed to be worn on the Scouting uniform. “The religious emblem award gives youth more tools to make their life decisions.” Homer Radford, representa- tive of “Religious Emblems Display” group, RED. The program at North Crosse United Methodist church was a concentrated effort brought together by sev- eral individuals who felt it was essential to concentrate on the religious aspect of Scouting. “I was concerned about the perceived lack of attention the God and Country program was receiving, as there were many youth who wanted to earn their Religious Award, but were turned away due to lack of knowledge about the pro- gram.” Jeff Cook said. The efforts of Jeff Cook, Homer Radford and many oth- ers have helped greatly in the effort to further the goals and aims of Scouting. Kansas City’s faith is evident by their numbers and the numbers would not be possible without the phenomenal volunteers of the Boy Scouts of America. Plan to Attend Your Program Fair On Thursday, June 16, Terry Dunn will be honored as the 2005 Distinguished Cit- izen by the Heart of America Council. Terry, a past Coun- cil President and past Regional President for the BSA, is very deserving of this award. The Distinguished Citizen Award was first given in 1991 and recognizes an outstand- ing community leader who has made a positive impact in Kansas City. Past recipients include Congressman Ike Skelton, Neal Patterson and Cliff Illig, Phil Kirk, and Henry Bloch. This year’s event will be Co-Chaired by David Lock- son, CEO of Lockton Compa- nies and Tom McDonnell President and CEO of DST Systems. Tom was recog- nized as the 1996 Distin- guished Citizen and Chaired the 2000 Distinguished Citi- zen Award Dinner committee honoring Jack Lockton. The event will be held at the Kansas City Marriott Muehlebach with a reception beginning at 6:00 p.m. Din- ner will follow at 7:00 p.m. (Continued on page 4) Terry Dunn will be honored as Distinguished Citizen The program planning fair is a great opportunity to learn more about events, trainings, the council popcorn sale, camping programming and more. A little time spent at your district’s June Round Table will help you plan a fun and successful scouting program for 2005-2006! Every unit leader is invited to attend. In each district it is designed to give unit leaders an overview of the district and council activities for the coming year. All units who attend their district’s Program Fair will receive the council’s 2005- 2006 Program Packet. It con- tains valuable information on program, training, finance, camping and facilities. A 2005-2006 Heart of America Program Planning Calendar is also distributed to each unit. The Program Fair is a great opportunity for both new and experienced leaders to pick up some new ideas for the com- ing year. This is one meeting that unit leaders can’t miss. Make sure your unit is well represented. For more information please visit your district’s news section for dates, times and locations for all districts. Stay tuned to your district’s web page now and throughout the year for updates to infor- mation about the council’s and the district’s annual pro- gram. Terry and Peggy Dunn Scouting for Cartridges, Risk Ready, Council Calendar . . . . . pg. 5 Why be a Scout Leader or Trained Leader . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 6 Race to Cub Scouting . . . . . . . . pg. 7 Program/Camping . . . . . . . pgs. 8-9 Good Turn for America, Exploring Opportunities . . . . pg. 3 Eagles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 3 Tributes, Friends of Scouting, Vietnam Wall Experience . . . . pg. 4 Scouting for Cartridges, Risk Ready, Council Calendar . . . . pg. 5
Page 1: Heart of America Council May 2005 Plan to ...€¦ · cil’s Annual Report, Profiles of Scouting and other publications. Please extend a warm welcome to Meg as she assumes her new

District News Also Inside

HearHeart of America Councilt of America Council wwwwww.hoac-bsa.or.hoac-bsa.orggMay 2005May 2005

Pages 10-23

Your district’s information.

Adventures in Scoutingbrought to you by:

Friends of Scouting

United Way

Trail’s End Popcorn

Kansas City Excels with Emblem Award

The Heart of AmericaCouncil of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica have awarded the sec-ond most religious awards inthe nation second only to theSam Houston Council inHouston TX. In 2004, theHeart of America Councilawarded 688 religiousemblems and on April 3a cere-mony was held at North CrossUnited Methodist Church toaward 168 religious emblemsto Scouts and Scouters.

This event was used to rec-ognize the works completed byboth Scouters and adults whohelped them achieve their reli-gious goal. It was a multidenominational event that rec-ognizes the efforts of all thosewho attended. The Religiousemblem award represents justone of the 12 parts of theScouting law; A Scout is rever-ent. The Religious emblemawards are also unique to thescouting program because theyare the only awards that aregiven by an external organiza-tion and are allowed to beworn on the Scouting uniform.

“The religious emblemaward gives youth more toolsto make their life decisions.”Homer Radford, representa-tive of “Religious EmblemsDisplay” group, RED.

The program at NorthCrosse United Methodistchurch was a concentratedeffort brought together by sev-eral individuals who felt it wasessential to concentrate on thereligious aspect of Scouting.

“I was concerned about theperceived lack of attention theGod and Country program wasreceiving, as there were manyyouth who wanted to earntheir Religious Award, butwere turned away due to lackof knowledge about the pro-gram.” Jeff Cook said.

The efforts of Jeff Cook,Homer Radford and many oth-ers have helped greatly in theeffort to further the goals andaims of Scouting. KansasCity’s faith is evident by theirnumbers and the numberswould not be possible withoutthe phenomenal volunteers ofthe Boy Scouts of America.

Plan to Attend Your Program Fair

On Thursday, June 16,Terry Dunn will be honoredas the 2005 Distinguished Cit-izen by the Heart of AmericaCouncil. Terry, a past Coun-cil President and pastRegional President for theBSA, is very deserving of thisaward.

The Distinguished CitizenAward was first given in 1991and recognizes an outstand-ing community leader whohas made a positive impact inKansas City. Past recipientsinclude Congressman IkeSkelton, Neal Patterson andCliff Illig, Phil Kirk, and

Henry Bloch.This year’s event will be

Co-Chaired by David Lock-son, CEO of Lockton Compa-nies and Tom McDonnellPresident and CEO of DSTSystems. Tom was recog-nized as the 1996 Distin-guished Citizen and Chairedthe 2000 Distinguished Citi-zen Award Dinner committeehonoring Jack Lockton.

The event will be held atthe Kansas City MarriottMuehlebach with a receptionbeginning at 6:00 p.m. Din-ner will follow at 7:00 p.m.(Continued on page 4)

Terry Dunn will be honored as Distinguished Citizen

The program planning fairis a great opportunity to learnmore about events, trainings,the council popcorn sale,camping programming andmore. A little time spent atyour district’s June Round

Table will help you plana fun and successfulscouting program for2005-2006!

Every unit leader isinvited to attend. Ineach district it isdesigned to give unitleaders an overview ofthe district and councilactivities for the comingyear. All units whoattend their district’sProgram Fair will

receive the council’s 2005-2006 Program Packet. It con-tains valuable information onprogram, training, finance,camping and facilities. A2005-2006 Heart of America

Program Planning Calendar isalso distributed to each unit.

The Program Fair is a greatopportunity for both new andexperienced leaders to pick upsome new ideas for the com-ing year. This is one meetingthat unit leaders can’t miss.Make sure your unit is wellrepresented.

For more informationplease visit your district’snews section for dates, timesand locations for all districts.Stay tuned to your district’sweb page now and throughoutthe year for updates to infor-mation about the council’sand the district’s annual pro-gram.

Terry and Peggy Dunn

Scouting for Cartridges, Risk Ready, Council Calendar . . . . . pg. 5

Why be a Scout Leaderor Trained Leader . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 6Race to Cub Scouting . . . . . . . . pg. 7

Program/Camping . . . . . . . pgs. 8-9

Good Turn for America,Exploring Opportunities . . . . pg. 3Eagles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg. 3Tributes, Friends of Scouting,Vietnam Wall Experience . . . . pg. 4

Scouting for Cartridges, Risk Ready, Council Calendar . . . . pg. 5

Page 2: Heart of America Council May 2005 Plan to ...€¦ · cil’s Annual Report, Profiles of Scouting and other publications. Please extend a warm welcome to Meg as she assumes her new

22 • May 2005• May 2005 AdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting

Heart of America Council HiresNew Marketing Specialist

Meg Morris joined the Heart of Amer-ica Council as the Marketing Specialist inthe Finance and Marketing Departmenton March 1, 2005. She is a graduate ofCentral Methodist College in Fayette,Missouri where she received a Bachelorof Science degree in Marketing andAdvertising.

She has a strong background in mar-keting having served as an intern at RiverCity Studio and the American Royal

Association. Most recently she was employed as an Advertising SalesRepresentative for Missouri Life Magazine.

She is a native of Independence, Missouri and a graduate of WilliamChrisman High School.

In her role as Marketing Specialist Meg will promote District andCouncil events and activities through press releases and securingmedia coverage when possible and promotion of Council wide pro-grams such as School Night to Join Scouting, the popcorn sale andGood Turn for America. Additionally Meg will be responsible for theCouncil newsletter (AIS) and will support the creation of the Coun-cil’s Annual Report, Profiles of Scouting and other publications.

Please extend a warm welcome to Meg as she assumes her newresponsibilities. Contact Meg Morris at [email protected] or(816) 569-4954.

Opportunities for Engineering ExplorersThe Society of American Mil-

itary Engineers (SAME) co-sponsors each year a Con-struction Camp at the AirForce Academy at Col-orado Springs, CO andthe US Navy Seabeesat Ventura County inPort Hueneme, CA.Both events are open tohigh school students andespecially to EngineeringExplorers. Application deadlinefor each is May 1, 2005. Eachcamp studies design, engineer-ing and construction experi-ences as well as provides oppor-tunities to meet and talk toprofessionals in the field. TheAir Force Academy accepts 60students and the Seabees 40.

The application processbegins with contacting your

local SAME Chapter for applica-tion materials. Cost for this year

is $450 of which the Chapterpays 50%.

In 2004, Engineer-ing Exploring was rep-resented by EricaBowles to the Air

Force Academy and byGina Denjen to the

Navy Seabees. Both weresponsored by the Marshall Uni-versity Academy. Opportunitiesexist once again for Explorers toattend this outstanding event.For details visit www.same.orgonline. One space is being heldat each site for an Explorer, andother opportunities to beselected locally exist. ContactCliff Takawana at the nationaloffice for more details (972) 580-2437.Pow Wow 2005

Character Under ConstructionPull out those calendars and put Pow Wow on November 5, 2005. Itis one fantastic training that you wouldn’t want to miss. Details willbe available as they are constructed.

Good Turn for America


1. Visit www.goodturnforamerica.org2. Click TELL US ABOUT YOUR SERVICE PROJECT3. Click CREATE USER NAME AND PASSWORD4. Agreed to Confidentiality Statement5. Type Unit ID # provided by Council________________6. Type Local Unit # ____________________7. Complete the remainder of the form8. Please CHOOSE your unit password9. Click Register


Good Turn for AmericaGood Turn for America is a

nationwide effort to highlightthe positive impact Scouting hason the community throughnumerous service projects con-ducted each year.

This program provides a datacollection site as part of theNational BSA ScoutNet databasewhere units can document theirservice projects, the number ofhours provided and how theybenefited others. You can learnmore at w.

Note that your unit will needa unit Good Turn for AmericaID# (available at the Council Ser-vice Center).

It is important to note thatthis is a year round opportunityfor service and recognition. YourPack, Troop, or Crew can longon and report your service proj-ect(s) at anytime and print a cer-tificate to recognize your efforts.

Examples of projects include:Park clean-up

Canned food collectionHelp at your church, school, or

chartered organizationEagle Scout projects

Stream clean-up

Page 3: Heart of America Council May 2005 Plan to ...€¦ · cil’s Annual Report, Profiles of Scouting and other publications. Please extend a warm welcome to Meg as she assumes her new

COUNCILCOUNCILAdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting May 2005May 2005 • • 33

DISTRICT UNIT NAME DISTRICT UNIT NAMENorth Star 1260 Mitchall Edward Ludwig-Lane North Star 1261 Alexander James McCurn North Star 1374 Orville Warren Newberry North Star 1460 Nicholas Lee Nible North Star 1247 Kyle Ray Norwood North Star 1397 Spencer Winston Pearson North Star 1370 Andrew Emerson Potter North Star 1337 Michael Christopher Russell North Star 1214 Brandon Michael Scholes North Star 1374 Daniel Albert Shanaberger North Star 1261 Timothy John Sirridge North Star 1314 Kyle Austin Spangler North Star 1354 Justin Raylee Trial North Star 1261 Andrew William Tritico North Star 1376 Joseph James Whittenberg North Star 1433 Anderson Willms North Star 1395 Jeremy Christopher Wood North Star 1370 Matthew Scottm Woodruff Norhtern Tier 93 Andrew Ryan Bodensteiner Norhtern Tier 302 Tyler Scott Campain Norhtern Tier 123 Kerry Allen Cobb Norhtern Tier 6648 Ryan David Felshaw Norhtern Tier 91 Stephen Koch Fowler Norhtern Tier 6648 Alexander Todd Fuller Norhtern Tier 199 Rion Henry Glynn Norhtern Tier 2162 Michael Jay Goss Norhtern Tier 750 David Michael Hazlewood Norhtern Tier 393 Daniel Patrick Jones Norhtern Tier 185 Lucas Charles Kinser Norhtern Tier 185 Zachary Charles Kinser Norhtern Tier 199 Corey Joseph Martz Norhtern Tier 93 Jeffrey Preston Parsons Norhtern Tier 2162 Nathanael Albert Rathjen Norhtern Tier 93 Nehemiah Tarris Lofgren Rosell Norhtern Tier 98 David John Thomas Norhtern Tier 98 Daniel Christopher Young Pelathe 55 Matthew Wayne Avila Pelathe 62 Matthew Lee Beeves Pelathe 53 Daniel Patrick Delatorre Pelathe 65 Daren Dexter Gratts Pelathe 55 Scott Kempke Hird Pelathe 64 John Bryce Landon Pelathe 55 Logan Taylor Marienau Pelathe 53 Julian James Spangler Pelathe 62 Joel Christopher VanDerVelde Pelathe 53 Brett Mitchell Yulich Pelathe 1034 Stanley Keith Aikens II Pelathe 1050 David Paul Fenley Pelathe 1080 Peter John Henggeler Pelathe 1046 Cameron Michael Korte Pelathe 1165 David Lew Lobaugh Pelathe 1046 Taylor Robert Mallon Pelathe 1050 Christopher Michael RichardsRed-Tailed Hawk 222 Andrew Gregory BaldwinRed-Tailed Hawk 182 Mark Andrew Bliss Red-Tailed Hawk 182 Michael Ross Boyce II Red-Tailed Hawk 222 Aaron Brett Brockmeyer Red-Tailed Hawk 222 Christopher Paul Cheek Red-Tailed Hawk 225 Lee Michael Clemon Red-Tailed Hawk 122 Nathan Edward FlurerRed-Tailed Hawk 2784 Andrew Jacob Joy Red-Tailed Hawk 315 Caleb Jordan Kothmann

Red-Tailed Hawk 785 Stuart Roy Merrill Red-Tailed Hawk 222 JP Espil ProutyRed-Tailed Hawk 218 Nathaniel Patrick Searle Red-Tailed Hawk 222 Christopher Lee Uhlig Red-Tailed Hawk 122 Andrew William Weston Red-Tailed Hawk 412 Curtis David Wohlford Red-Tailed Hawk 785 Jeffrey Andrew Divis Thunderbird 1426 Michael Gregory Blancett Thunderbird 1364 David William Bolin Thunderbird 1195 Colin Scott Glasgow Thunderbird 1003 Chandler Fulton Hight Thunderbird 1601 James Francis Ismert Thunderbird 1427 Jason Loy Kingsolver Thunderbird 1124 Colton Daniel Olinde Thunderbird 1220 Matt Allen Scheffler Thunderbird 1032 Derek Lee Slinger Thunderbird 1003 Jacob Paul Sperber Thunderbird 1111 Stephen Martin Stinger Thunderbird 1100 Nathaniel Ryan Sudheimer Thunderbird 1003 Craig Nolan Wood Thunderbird 1323 David Sherman Wyrick Thunderbird 1282 Michael Lee Zinser Trailhead 282 Adam Joseph Brown Trailhead 284 David James Burchfield Trailhead 282 James Andrew Butin Trailhead 10 Michael Patrick Ellis Trailhead 256 Frank Anthony Ferro Trailhead 10 Scott William Haner Trailhead 282 James Alexander Hilton Trailhead 257 Donald Lee Keeney III Trailhead 396 John Paul LeCluyse Trailhead 37 Christopher William Meier Trailhead 257 David Vaughn Porter Jr.Trailhead 282 John Adam Reimer Trailhead 10 Mathew Lee Schutzel Trailhead 381 Brian Mitchell Strickland Trailhead 256 James Spencer Swartz Trailhead 10 Chase Alexander Williams Trailhead 257 Matthew David Wilson Twin Rivers 181 Jeffrey Meagner Calovich Twin Rivers 181 Jeremy Michael Fiatte Twin Rivers 106 Craig Matthew KilbournTwin Rivers 181 Charles David LoughmanTwin Rivers 118 Jarrod Randolph Scott Twin Rivers 126 Jason Tyler Setter Twin Rivers 101 William Edward Thompson Trails West 186 Matthew Scott Beemer Trails West 88 Robert Thomas Cullison Trails West 83 Jeffrey Scott Davidson Trails West 186 Kevin Michael Glisson Trails West 494 James Paul Grannell Trails West 88 Matthew Louis Guth Trails West 136 Brian Christopher Haney Trails West 186 Berkley John Jones Trails West 86 Jacob Michael McRoberts Trails West 186 Ryan Lee Miller Trails West 108 Benjamin Elias Noe Trails West 494 Benjamin Greogory Toplikar Trails West 494 William Francis Toplikar Trails West 83 Walter William Wehr IV

Blue Elk 1138 William Raymond AdamsBlue Elk 1228 Jacob Craig Bledsoe Blue Elk 1221 Christopher David Gray Blue Elk 1206 Richard Gabriel Hendren Blue Elk 1266 Brandon Wayne Johnson Blue Elk 1206 Burket Robert Jones Blue Elk 1347 Garrett Andrew Jones Blue Elk 1228 Derek Christopher Martin Blue Elk 1221 Jeffrey Grant Martin Blue Elk 1206 Jered Michael Maxon Blue Elk 1133 Jeremy William Olmsted Blue Elk 1204 Randy Micheal Pyles Blue Elk 1209 Philip William Ross-Zuniga Blue Elk 1228 Cole Younger Smith Blue Elk 1206 Seth Michael Snyder Blue Elk 1228 Floyd Leroy Snyder IV Blue Elk 1221 Ryan S. White Big Muddy 1415 Cory Lee Harp Big Muddy 1713 Aaron Lee Makings Big Muddy 1415 Scott Ramsey Myers Big Muddy 1120 Bradley Dale Newton Big Muddy 1120 William Michael Rambo III Kaw 66 Nathan Scott Averna Kaw 60 Sean Anthony Bighems Kaw 357 Kennith Gene Frevele Kaw 304 Andrew Tyler Herndon Kaw 9 Christopher Paul Kuzila Jr.Kaw 357 Steven Ira Lundberg Kaw 366 James Benjamin Michaels Kaw 366 Tommy James Tracy II Kaw 66 Logan Tyler Vick Lone Bear 1430 Drew Dustin Anstine Lone Bear 1404 George Bret Bilbruck Lone Bear 1398 Joshua Matthew Carr Lone Bear 1430 John Matthew LeCoque Lone Bear 1400 Dustin William Moore Lone Bear 1400 Kristopher Adam Moore Lone Bear 1430 Luke Michael Mosley Lone Bear 1513 Ricardo Emil Rampone Lone Bear 1430 Christopher Thomas Smith Lone Bear 1430 Marshall Loren Ware North Star 1271 Marcus Tyler Ashpaugh North Star 1009 Aaron Thomas Bennett North Star 1247 Matthew Wyatt Bond North Star 1214 Garrett Michael Andrew BorroshNorth Star 1376 Dustin Albert Buell North Star 1370 Joshua Thomas Campbell North Star 1261 Patrick John Cashmore North Star 1408 Kameron Lee Dingus North Star 1271 Shaun Michael Evans North Star 1271 Dakota James Fowler North Star 1260 Jesse Michael Funk North Star 1333 Adam Julian Grossman North Star 1395 Ian Lewis Henderson North Star 1008 Nathan Alexander Hendry North Star 1249 Jared Russel Hill North Star 1261 Stephen Alex Hinkle North Star 1351 Sean David Huntley North Star 1374 Andrew David Longres



Page 4: Heart of America Council May 2005 Plan to ...€¦ · cil’s Annual Report, Profiles of Scouting and other publications. Please extend a warm welcome to Meg as she assumes her new

FINANCEFINANCE44 • May 2005• May 2005 AdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting


Harris JosephMichael ErdmanFrank Denes

William McDonald BrownWilliam Ralph BrownRobert McDonald BrownJames Clark Brown

Chris DinkmeyerMarlene Dinkmeyer

Bill DinkmeyerMarlene Dinkmeyer

Claude SherwinJimmy Bartle Taylor

Charles D. WilliamsForest and Janet Hanna

Constance GordonJamie Kahl

O. W. Thomas, Jr.James and Virginia Bennett

Would you Settle for Zero - Tax Result?Someone who once successfully navigated

through the Depression years of 1929-1941said. “Take care of your real estate and yourreal estate will take care of you”

Many have prospered with their real estateinvestments. One such entrepreneur whorepeatedly succeeded with her real estate proj-ects lived in her beautiful oceanfront estate onwhat is referred to as the “Gold Coast.”

The fascinating thing about Sophie was thatshe was brought up in hard times. She wasborn with a hammer in her hand capable andeager to climb on the rood and solve a prob-lem, tackle a project or paint anything. Shesponsored many a youngster at summer camp,served on her share of boards and set up a fewtrust funds at banks to care for less fortunatepeople who were victims of local fire and flooddisasters.

Then the unexpected happened. Medical

problems she had never faced before began tohappen- irregular heartbeat and light-headed-ness that caused her to visit her cardiologistmore often. Her mortality loomed before herin a clearer way than ever before. Sophie madean appointment with a specialist to thinkthrough just how her estate might be settled ina way that would minimize taxes and maxi-mize the benefits for the charities she loved somuch. First Sophie was encouraged to thinkabout the people and organizations shewanted to benefit, followed by an analysis ofthe property she owned.

The combined value of her appreciatedproperties astounded her. Not uncommon topeople like Sophie, she had no debt, but herestate had accumulated value to such a degreethat at her death there would be very signifi-cant federal estate tax issues. Her gift planneroutlined a series of steps that Sophie could

consider with her attorney that might lessenor even eliminate the federal estate tax conse-quences.

The plan focused on a series of provisionsthrough the use of a living trust and charitablelead trusts established in her will for some 5years, another for 10 and another 15. Shemade provisions for her favorite charities,worthy family members and friends whowould receive benefits at a later time. The endresult to Sophie’s surprise was an estate set-tlement process that would greatly minimizeor even eliminate her federal estate tax.

If you feel your estate values might sufferfrom adverse taxes, feel free to contact our giftplanning specialist. For more informationplease contact, Mike Johnson, Director ofFinance Services at (816) 569-4979 [email protected].

2005 Friends of ScoutingCampaign Update

Friends of Scouting, the annual giving campaign of the Heart ofAmerica Council is off to a great start. More than 450 volunteers areasking families, businesses, and foundations, to support the programsof the Heart of America Council that positively impact more than55,000 young men and women.

At the Council’s second report meeting on March 30th, the volun-teer leadership of the 2005 Friends of Scouting campaign reportedthat $1,055,555 or 66% of the goal has been raised so far. The Coun-cil’s goal is to raise $1,595,250 by May 11th.

The three districts leading the way in percentage of overall dollarsraised are Blue Elk; 74.2%, Thunderbird; 74%, and Red Tailed Hawk;72.1%. Congratulations to those three districts and their volunteerteams.

All Friends of Scouting volunteers are invited to share in the funand excitement of the Friends of Scouting Victory Celebration on May11, 2005 at the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel.

and a highlight of the evening willinclude an Eagle Scout from the UrbanCore who will receive a College Schol-arship in honor of Terry. This year’sevent will be emceed by Phil Witt,anchor for Fox 4 news at 6:00 and10:00 p.m.

Terry is President and Chief Execu-tive Officer of JE Dunn ConstructionCompany. He began his career at JEDunnn in 1974 and was made VicePresident and Treasurer in 1978. Hewas promoted to President in 1986 andChief Executive Officer in 1989.

Despite a vigorous work schedule,Terry is very active in not only Scout-ing but many other community organi-zations. He was Chieftain Fast Wig-wam Builder of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say,a recipient of the Council’s SilverBeaver Award and the National SilverBuffalo, the highest recognition a vol-

unteer can receive. Terry and his wife,Peggy, are Co-Chairs of the “KeepingOur Promise” Capital Campaign toexpand the facilities at the TheodoreNaish Scout Reservation and the H.Roe Bartle Scout Reservation.

Terry is a Board member and PastChairman of the Greater Kansas CityChamber of Commerce, Board memberand Past Chairman of the Heart ofAmerica United Way and a member ofnumerous boards including UMBFinancial Corporation, UMKC BlockSchool, Midwest Research Instituteand the Civic Council of GreaterKansas City.

Congratulations to Terry on his well deserved recognition! For moreinformation on the Distinguished Citi-zen Award Dinner please contact Mike Johnson, Director of FinanceServices at (816) 569-4979 [email protected].

(Continued on page 7)

Distinguished Citizen

The Heart of America Council ofthe Boy Scouts will be participating inthe Dignity Memorial Vietnam WallExperience at Chapel Hill MemorialGardens, 701 N. 94th Street, KansasCity, Kansas in June 2005. The wallwill arrive and start construction onJune 21st. The opening ceremony willbe held on June 24th and the closingceremony/final day will be June 26th.

The Scouts will be assisting with theconstruction of the Dignity MemorialVietnam Wall, landscaping, passing outprograms, aiding guests in findingnames on the wall, the hospitality tent,

flag ceremonies, collecting and cata-loging mementos left at the wall thatwill be placed in a vault for burial atChapel Hill Memorial Gardens.

Each Scout will earn hours for theGood Turn for America Program andcomplete requirement #2D for Citizen-ship in the Nation Merit badge.

The Dignity Memorial Providers ofKansas City are honored to have theparticipation of the Heart of AmericaCouncil of the Boy Scouts for theirVietnam Experience.

For more information please call(816) 778-0025 ext. 101.

Dignity Memorial VietnamWall Experience

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COUNCILCOUNCILAdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting May 2005May 2005 • • 55

Council CalendarMay

4 Webelos Camp Payment Due4 CS Day Camp Staff Meeting,

7:00 p.m.5 Webelos Camp Leader Orienta-

tion, 7:00 p.m.7 Bartle Work Day7 COPE/Climbing Weekend

5/7/2005 8:30 a.m.11 Bear Camp Fee Due11 Day Camp Fee Due.11 Pow Wow Staff, 7:00 p.m.13 OA Induct Wkd 2 Payment Due14 COPE/Climbing Weekend, 8:30

a.m.18 CnclActivityMeeting, 7:00 p.m.18 COPE/Climbing Meeting, 7:00

p.m.19 OA LEC Mtg, 7:00 p.m.20 OA Induct Wkd 2, 4:00 p.m.21 Bartle Work Day, 8:00 a.m.24 Rotary Cmp Staff Meeting, 6:30

p.m.24 CommissionerMtg, 7:00 p.m.27 Bartle & Naish Closed30 Memorial Day – Service Center

Closed, Scout Shop Closed31 Venture Camp, 6:00 p.m.

June1 CS Day Camp Staff Meeting

6/1/2005 7:00 p.m.4 HRB Staff Week, 8:00 a.m.5 TN Staff Week, 2:00 p.m.8 Pow Wow Staff, 7:00 p.m.

11 MOS Tribal Celebration12 TN BS Camp 1, 12:00 p.m.13 BrownSea NYLT, 8:00 a.m.13 HRB Session 1, 1:00 p.m.15 OA TapOut Ceremony, 7:00 p.m.16 MOS Warrior16 MOS Tribal Council, 1:00 p.m.16 School Night Training, 7:00 p.m.16 MOS Call Night, 8:00 p.m.18 MOS Call, 7:00 a.m.18 MOS Warrior, 8:00 p.m.19 TN BS Camp 2, 12:00 p.m.19 MOS Brave Res Night, 6:30

p.m.20 MOS Brave 6/20/2005 8:00

p.m.22 Rotary Camp Staff Meeting,

6:30 p.m.22 OA TapOut Ceremony, 7:00 p.m.23 HRB Session 225 MOS Warrior Orientation26 MOS Tribal Cncl, 9:00 a.m.26 TN BS Camp 3, 12:00 p.m.26 MOS Call Night, 8:00 p.m.28 Rotary Cmp Staff Meeting, 6:30

p.m.28 MOS Warrior, 8:00 p.m.29 MOS Call, 7:00 a.m.29 MOS Brave Res Night, 6:30

p.m.29 OA TapOut Ceremony, 7:00 p.m.30 MOS Tribal Cncl, 8:30 a.m.29 MOS Brave, 8:00 p.m.

July1 OA Fdrs & Vgl Nominations Due1 Silver Beaver Nominations Due,

8:30 a.m.3 TN Wbls Camp 1, 12:00 p.m.3 HRB Session 34 Independence Day – Service

Center Closed, Scout ShopClosed

6 MOS Sachem Orientation, 8:30a.m.

6 MOS Tribal Council, 1:00 p.m.6 MOS Call Night, 8:00 p.m.7 TN Webelos Camp 2, 12:00

p.m.8 MOS Call/Orientation, a.m.8 MOS Warrior, 8:00 p.m.9 Bear Camp 1, 8:30 a.m.9 MOS Warrior Reorientation -

Adult, 8:30 a.m.9 MOS Brave Res Night, 6:30

p.m.10 MOS Tribal Council, 9:00 a.m.10 TN Webelos Camp 3, 12:00

p.m.10 MOS Brave, 8:00 p.m.11 Bear Camp 2, 8:30 a.m.13 HRB Session 414 TN Webelos Camp 4, 12:00

p.m.15 MOS Warrior Orientation -

Adult, 8:30 a.m.16 Bear Camp 3, 8:30 a.m.16 MOS Tribal Council, 8:30 a.m.16 MOS Call Night, 8:00 p.m.17 TN Webelos Camp 5, 12:00

p.m.18 Bear Camp 4, 8:30 a.m.18 MOS Warrior, 8:00 p.m.19 MOS Call, 7:00 a.m.19 MOS Brave Res Nght, 8:30 a.m.20 MOS Tribal Council, 8:00 a.m.20 MOS Brave, 8:00 p.m.21 TN Webelos Camp 6, 12:00

p.m.23 Bear Camp 5, 8:30 a.m.23 HRB Session 5, 1:00 p.m.24 TN Webelos Camp 7, 12:00

p.m.25 Bear Camp 6, 8:30 a.m.26 MOS Sachem Orientation, 8:30

a.m.26 MOS Tribal Council, 1:00 p.m.26 Rotary Cmp Stf Meeting, 6:30

p.m.26 MOS Call Night, 8:00 p.m.28 TN Wbls Camp 8, 12:00 p.m.28 MOS Warrior, 8:00 p.m.29 MOS Call/Orientation, 7:00 a.m.29 MOS Brave Res Night, 6:30

p.m.29 MOS Warrior Orientation -

Adult, 6:30 p.m.30 Bear Camp 7, 8:30 a.m.30 MOS Tribal Council, 8:30 a.m.30 MOS Brave, 8:00 p.m.31 TN Webelos Camp 9, 12:00


Scouting for Cartridges andCell Phones

Scouting for Cartridges has recently begun recycling retired cellphones in addition to used inkjet cartridges. This project was initi-ated due to the high number of cell phones that are being thrown awayas garbage. Cell phones and their batteries contain many hazardousmaterials that can harm the environment if not properly disposed of,such as:

• Arsenic• Mercury• Lead• Copper• Zinc• Brominated flame retardants

The materials are released into the air and groundwater supply ifdisposed of in landfills. As you can see, proper disposal of cell phonesis a very serious matter.

In addition to the environmental concerns, people don’t realizeretired phones have a value. The Scouting for Cartridges programfocuses on reusing and refining the retired phones to benefit people inneed. For example, cell phones can be reformatted with an automatic911 feature and used in emergency situations at battered home shel-ters.

Our cell phone recycling program is just as easy as our inkjet pro-gram. All you have to do is place retired cell phones inside your inkjetcollection box (with the inkjets). When the box is full, seal it closedand put it in the mail as usual. Scouting for Cartridges will pay yourunit $1.75 for each cell phone submitted. If you have any questionson this program feel free to contact Scouting for Cartridges at (800)494-9100 and ask for Tim or Alicia or visit the Scouting for Cartridgesweb page on the Council website.

Don’t forget – the new Scouting for Cartridges newsletter comesout May 2 with a new trivia question. Here is your chance to winAMC movie tickets. The newsletter is free; just call Scouting for Car-tridges on May 2 to request that one be sent to your unit.

Be Risk Ready withSafe Swim Defenseand Safety Afloat

It’s true that the number of serious injuries and fatalities in water-related activities is small, relative to the number of Scouting activitiesevery year, but Scouting loses lives and dollars from aquatics injuriesand fatalities – second only to those lost in vehicle accidents. Toreduce aquatics accidents, we must know and follow Safe SwimDefense and Safety Afloat.

Chapter 2 of the Guide to Safe Scouting is dedicated to aquaticssafety. Give yourself a refresher course before going on your nextwater activity. Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat training arenow available on the Council website. The link for this training canbe found at www.hoac-bsa.org/TRN_Health_Safety.cfm. The lifeyou save or the injury you prevent may be your Scout’s. SafeSwim Defense and Safety Afloat save lives!

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SPECIAL FEASPECIAL FEATURETURE66 • May 2005• May 2005 AdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting

You won’t believe your eyes—the history, the creativity and the manufacturing

of greeting cards. Be sure to get your Passport, our hands-on stamping activity.

And make a star ribbon bow to take home as a souvenir!


The Hallmark Visitors Center is located in the Crown Center complex.

Admission is free, and parking is free with validation. For information,

call 816-274-3613 or visit www.hallmarkvisitorscenter.com.

It’s fun! It’s free! It’s educational!

Why be a Scout Leader or Trained Volunteer? Jeff Cochran

Scouting has been a vehicle to bringour children, families and communitiestogether for the common purpose ofadvancing timeless values and a lifetimeof learning for us all. Scouting values dolast a lifetime and its foundation isbased on building Character, PhysicalFitness, Duty to God and Country, andHelping Other People at All Times.

As a parent, you want your children togrow in the values that will help them tobecome happy, healthy adults. Scoutingprovides young people the values andcharacter they need to find their way inthe world. From Tiger Cubs to BoyScouts…there is something for everyoneto participate in and enjoy.

I know an Adult Scouter who has beeninvolved in scouts as a youth and servedfor the past ten years as an adult leader.His work schedule is hectic but healways found time for Scouting. Hebegan by making the commitment to

become a Scout Leader for a group ofTiger Cubs.

At first he wasn’t sure he could handleit but with the quality training providedby Scouting he decided to become moreinvolved. He served at every level in CubScouting more than once and is nowinvolved with a Troop and his involve-ment and enthusiasm with Scouting iswhat kept his boys interested in the pro-gram.

When his oldest son received his EagleScout award he said he finally realizedhow much it meant to be involved inScouting with his boys when his sonthanked him for what he had done alongthe Eagle Trail with him. He hopes allparents will one day enjoy that feeling ashis son received the highest honor inScouting. As he walked away, he turnedand smiled, “and just think, I get to expe-rience this two more times.”

This leader said he is still learning but

said the things that helped him be suc-cessful were attending the training pro-vided and actively participating with hisScouts. With time, his experience andtenure began to show, for the glow in hiseyes shined as he continued to tell me ofthe great times he has experienced. Hesaid it is about having fun with theScouts and adults while helping todeliver a quality program with energyand enthusiasm.

When asked if there is a good time tobegin training he said that the best timeis the first year you and/or your sonenters Scouting. Anyone can sign upand attend training at anytime, morethan once if they want, regardless of howlong they have been involved. He saidthat Scouting would always welcomevolunteers and leaders and encouragesall to become “well Trained” for the ben-efit of the youth AND themselves.

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“Race to Cub Scouting – It’s Fun atEvery Turn!” is the Cub Scout Round-Up theme for the nationally supported2005 Cub Scout Round-Up campaign.This will be a nationally supportedeffort focused on recruiting new CubScouts and their families to Scouting.

District & Council SupportVolunteers from across the Heart of

America Council are workingtogether on the 2005 School Night toJoin Scouting program, “Race to CubScouting.”

Units throughout the council willwelcome thousands of new youth andadult members this fall. School Nightwill be held on different nights in each districtthroughout the council. This will allow dis-trict volunteers to assist units that need extrahelp.

Each school district should have all elemen-tary schools—public and private—open onselected nights. Every elementary school inthe council should be open and staffed by packand troop leaders to welcome new boys andadults into Scouting.

School Night will be promoted throughoutour council. Posters and fliers will be deliv-ered to schools. “Race to Cub Scouting – It’sFun at Every Turn!” t-shirts will be providedfor each new Scout at their first Pack Meeting.

Successful School Nights depend on thor-ough planning by unit leaders. Time spentmaking a few phone calls and putting togethera short program can pay great dividends.

Parent to ParentParents are looking for effective ways to

include their sons in social settings that willhelp them learn and grow. When our adultmembers and parents of our youth membersattend functions such as school open house,School Nights, parent-teacher meetings, andyouth sporting events they can invite otherfamilies to become part of Scouting throughan informal invitation.

Another effective way to recruit is organiz-ing phone-a-thons a few nights before yourSchool Night. Secure phone lists or buzzbooks from your school. A personal phonecall inviting the family to School Night pro-vides a warm welcome. Adult-to-adult invita-tions may also include personal letters. Thebasis of these conversations should be the ben-efits of Cub Scouting in achieving the parents’goals.

Older Youth to Cub Scout–Age Boys

Boys are less likely to be interested in long-term benefits and are more interested in hear-ing what specific activities will be available tothem. Social status is also a major concern.

Younger boys will often try to emulate theactions of older peers. When older youthdescribe the fun and exciting activities theyparticipated in as Cub Scouts, the youngerboys will want to be like them. This contactcan occur within the pack meeting through aden chief or by involving troops with CubScouting recruitment.

Cub Scout to Cub Scout–Age BoysSocial status also plays a vital role between

boys of similar ages. Cub Scout–age boys wantto be included in the activities of their friends.Current Cub Scouts can invite their friends toattend meetings with them either by writteninvitation or verbally.

Each of these methods also insures promo-tion in case the School Night flier didn’t makeit into the hands of the parents or guardian.

Open HousesEvery unit should plan to participate in its

elementary school open house. Try to securea table, staffed by pack volunteers, in an areaof high visibility. You can even have applica-tions available at the table. If possible, securea few minutes on the agenda. Packs shoulddistribute a pack calendar and a list of leaderswith their phone numbers. Why not show offsome of your pack’s events? Bring along pho-tos of activities and projects on display or bul-letin boards, or better yet, check about utiliz-ing the display cases of your school.

Each unit should have a uniformed adultleader join the district executive in makingclassroom visits or rallies at your school. Thiswill take place anywhere from one to threedays before your School Night. This is a greattime to tell boys about pack activities and pro-grams.

Bring a pinewood derby car, patches, proj-ects, or other small program-related articlesinto the classroom to show how enjoyableScouting is.

These visits are critical for generating thenecessary excitement to insure a good SchoolNight turnout. Another feature of School

Night rallies is the touch-on. Duringeach school visit, the uniformed adultleader and district executive will giveeach boy a touch-on, which is a smallCub Scout-oriented sticker. The stickerwill remind the boy and his parents orguardian to attend School Night.

School NightAs mentioned earlier, each unit

should distribute a calendar of theyear’s events and activities to prospec-tive members and adult leaders as theyenter the meeting on School Night. Awell-organized and active program cal-endar makes a strong first impression.Prospective Scouts and leaders will be

more receptive if they observe quality leader-ship and dedication from the outset.

Each unit should have a master of cere-monies on School Night. This person shouldbe in full uniform and be a good publicspeaker. The master of ceremonies should usethe agenda and script provided to all units attheir district’s “Race to Cub Scouting” train-ing meeting. Each unit should have a registrarteam. The registrar team is responsible forcollecting fees and applications in an orderlyand efficient manner. Each Cub Scout packshould have someone coordinating every pro-gram level, especially Tiger Cubs. Theyshould be prepared to conduct a short orienta-tion, answer questions about the program, andif necessary aid in the recruitment of leaders.

Additional leaders should be available toanswer questions and help with applications.After boys and their parents join a Scoutingunit, they want to experience the Scoutingprogram. Leaders and School Night organiz-ers are the key people in guaranteeing thatdens or patrols are formed and exciting andfun-filled meetings occur soon.

Unit leaders must be willing to accept newboys and to make sure that each boy receivesthe program he has been promised. Unitleaders must realize that School Night is theideal time to recruit additional help and haveparents accept specific responsibilities.

The Race is onScouting is an exciting program. Our lead-

ers teach values and develop leadership skillsin young people while everyone involved hasfun. Scouting is important—importantenough that every parent should consider itand every boy encouraged to try Scouting.

If you have any questions or problemsregarding School Night, contact your unitcommissioner or district executive. He or shewill assist your unit and help with prepara-tions.

For more information contact: JasonNoland, [email protected] or (816) 569-4948.

Race to Cub Scouting — The Invitation to Join Scouting!

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Philmont Council Contingent Draw for 2006

The mission of the Council’s Philmont Contingent is to give individ-uals the opportunity to attend Philmont in a trained crew with quali-fied and trained leadership. In order to preserve this mission there willbe a council-wide registration and draw for the 2006 contingent onMay 18, 2005 at the Council Service Centerat 7:00 PM.

Each participant entered in the draw mustbe represented by a completed applicationand be ready to present a non-refundabledeposit of $75.00 the night of the draw.

Applications for the Philmont CouncilContingent are available in the ResourceCenter and on the council website(www.hoac-bsa.org).

Brownsea National Youth LeaderTraining (NYLT)

Brownsea NYLT is an intensive, seven-day outdoor training experi-ence for young men in support of the Scoutmaster’s responsibility forthe training of troop junior leaders. It is conducted by the Heart ofAmerica Council Training Committee, using the National Youth LeaderTraining outline approved by the Boy Scout Division of the BSA.

Brownsea starts on June 12, 2005 and ends on June 17, 2005 andwill be held at the Theodore Naish Scout Reservation. It’s purpose is togive participants the confidence and knowledge to run the troop pro-gram; to give participants a basic knowledge of the eleven skills of lead-ership and help them relate these skills to their troop responsibilities;to create an atmosphere where Scouts will experience Scouting at it’sbest; to enhance the relationship between the participant and his Scout-master and of course, to have fun!!

Registration forms can be found on the Heart of America Councilwebsite at www.hoac-bsa.org or visit the Council’s Resource Center.

Truman Merit Badge Program

At the Truman Library Saturday, March 19, 2005, 97 boys were onhand from across the Heart of America Council to earn one of twomerit badges, American Heritage or Citizenship in the Nation. Thirty-three (33) boys earned American Heritage and sixty-four (64) earnedCitizenship in the Nation. In addition, 13 merit badge counselors (fivefor American Heritage and eight for Citizenship in the Nation) were onhand to assist the boys in earning these merit badges. Also the boys, andthe parents accompanying them, viewed a movie depicting Truman'sPresidency and then were taken on a guided tour of the Library andMuseum. The event this past Saturday begins the fifth year for this pro-gram with over 550 boys having taken part. The next activity is sched-uled for September 24, 2005.

Final Camp Fee Payment Dates

Bear Resident Camp – was Wednesday, April 20, 2005(fee is now $60.00 per participant)

Spots are sill available! Register online at www.hoac-bsa.org

Boy Scout Camp – was Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Add $20 for Scouts and full time leaders and

$5 per day for part time leaders paying after April 27, 2005)

Webelos Resident Camp – Wednesday, May 4, 2005Venturing Camp – Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Cub Scout Day Camp – Wednesday, May 11, 2005Rotary Scout Camp – Wednesday, May 18, 2005

For your convenience, you can mail camp payments to:HOAC, BSA

P O BOX 414177Kansas City, MO 64141-4177

2005 National Scout Jamboree

Applications to attend are available at the Council Service Center ordownload the forms at the National website (http://www.scouting.org/jamboree).

Questions regarding the 2005 HOAC Council Contingent can bedirected to the Program and Camping Service Office at the Council Ser-vice Center (816-569-4963).

There are 12 positions available.

Order of the Arrow

All Order of the Arrow members that have renewed their member-ship should have by now received their 2005 OA Membership Card. Ifyou do not have your card yet, see your Order of the Arrow Troop Rep-resentative (OATR) or your Scoutmaster. The 2005 Lodge ExecutiveCommittee has been working hard to bring new and exciting elementsto the induction weekends. Remember, there is no campsite cooking onOA weekends at camp. Contact your OATR for more information.

Wood Badge Training

Participants take part in several days of classroom training followedby several days of training and fun in the outdoors with their patrol.Participants learn about and practice developing a team, then leadingthat team to it’s maximum potential. This training experience is opento all adult Scouters registered in the Boy Scouts of America. Thecourse will be held on two weekends (September 16 – 18, 2005 andOctober 7 – 9, 2005). Both weekend courses will be held at the RotaryYouth Camp in Lees Summit, Missouri. Registration forms and addi-tional information are available at your district roundtable and theCouncil Service Center. The course is almost half full.

You are not required to have camping or Scout Craft skills in order toenjoy this ultimate training experience, however you need to be trainedin your current registered position. The objective of the course is tohelp you learn to be a more effective leader. You will experience a pro-fessional environment with knowledgeable and skilled trainers usingthe most modern and effective training techniques and materials. Thefee for the course is $200.00 (including non-refundable deposit of$50.00) and includes all meals and training material.

Theodore Naish Scout ReservationRe-Opening

On June 4, 2005 please join us from 2:00 to 4:30 PM for a tour of thenew facilities as we celebrate the completion of major capital projects.Come see the new water park, lost mine and dining shelter in CubWorld, along with the new pool, office, health lodge and dining hall.

Please RSVP to Josi Sansomat (816) 564-4916 or [email protected]

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Bartle and Naish Calendars

Bartle Scout ReservationApril 29 to May 1, 2005 – OA Spring Induction #1

Saturday, May 7, 2005 – WORK DAYSaturday, May 7, 2005 – Camp Staff Orientation

Saturday, May 21, 2005 – WORK DAYSaturday, June 11, 2005 - Tribal Gathering

Theodore Naish Scout Reservation


Bear Resident Camp

The staff is almost ready to welcome you to this year’s camp. Don’tforget to take your camera to camp with you. Take some pictures ande-mail them to [email protected]. We MIGHT be able to usesome of your pictures in future issues of Adventures in Scouting. Thefinal fee payment for Bear Camp was April 20, 2005. If you missed theonline signup contact [email protected] to find out if space is stillavailable.

Webelos Resident Camp

Soon Webelos and their leaders will descend upon Camp Naish toembark upon an adventure designed just for them. The theme this yearis “Out of the Past, Into the Future”. Don’t miss what the staff haveplanned for you. The final fee payment and changes to the list ofcampers is due by May 4, 2005. Call the Camping and Program ServiceDepartment at the Council Service Center (816-569-4928 or 800-776-1110) or e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Cub Scout Day Camp

Each year volunteers in the 13 council districts coordinate and planactivities just for your Scout for Cub Scout Day Camp. As you proba-bly already know, the theme is “Diamonds In The Rough”. Call yourCubmaster or District Executive to get your Scout signed up for camp.

Rotary Scout Camp

Rotary Scout Camp is the HOAC long term resident camp for Scoutswith special needs. This camp is held at the Rotary Youth Camp facil-ity which is located in Lee's Summit, Missouri. Rotary Scout Campallows Scouts to enjoy the outdoor experience, earn merit badges andhave as much fun as can be squeezed into five days and nights. RotaryCamp starts on June 27, 2005 and continues through July 1, 2005. Itis not too late too late to sign up for camp, as we still have room formore campers! With a brand new dining hall, we are able to increasethe number of Scouts attending camp. If you or anyone you know isinterested in attending camp, please fill out an application to participateas soon as possible.

Applications for participation are available on the websitewww.hoac-bsa.orgor at the Council Service Center, under Resources and Forms.If you have questions regarding the Rotary Camp contact Brian [email protected] J. Britt Davis [email protected].

Jerry Usry, Trevor Williams

All Scout Troops are invited to participate in the


This Good Turn Project will be held on

Date: Monday, May 30, 2005

Place: Liberty Memorial (Across from Union Station) Pershing and Main St., Kansas City, Missouri

Time: 9:00 am - Gathering at main gate9:30 am - Parade begins10:00 am - Ceremony begins

All Boy Scout Troop Marching Units and Color Guards areinvited to participate in the parade. Troop Color Guard units willbe invited to participate in the Official Ceremony.

To sign your Troop and Color Guard up for the Memorial Dayevents, e-mail the following information to Julio Bambini [email protected].

– Troop Number –– Will you have a Color Guard? –

– Number of youth and adults participating –– Contact Name –– Contact e-mail –

For additional information, contact Julio C. Bambini at 816-356 0296 or

[email protected]

Make sure to log your Troop’s Service Hours for this project atgoodturnforamerica.org

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DISTRICT NEWSDISTRICT NEWS1010 • May 2005• May 2005 AdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting


Thunderbird Events

May3 District Roundtable: 7:30 pm Hickman Mills High

School 9010 Old Santa Fe Rd. Kansas City, MO

7 Venturing Leader Training: 8:00am – 4:00pm, Loca-tion - TBA

10 District Commissioner Meeting: Council Service Cen-ter – 7pm

12 District Committee Meeting: Council Service Center –7pm

13 Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills: Session 1: RedBridge United Methodist Church, 636 East 117thStreet, Kansas City, MO

22 Walking Leader Training for Day Camp: 1pm

James A. Reed Wildlife Conservation Area – ArcheryRange

June7 District Program Planning Fair: 5:30 – 6:15 Dinner,

Wallace Park Pavilion 16400 N. Mullen Rd, Belton MO64012

14 District Commissioner Meeting. Council Service Cen-ter – 7pm

20-24 Day Camp: James A. Reed Wildlife ConservationArea – Archery Range

2005 Thunderbird District Committee Chairs

Chairman David Frantze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-691-3181

Commissioner Ray Seidelman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-350-7438

Vice-Chairman Program Joe Mackey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-309-7474

Vice-Chairman Support Lester Ham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-777-5006

Activities Brent Worley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-441-0073

Advancement Mark Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-358-0612

Camping Larry Overfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-358-1022

Membership Cindy Cone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-318-8060

Special Needs Barbara Shaffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-763-3226

Training Kelsie Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-430-5654

Relationships Cindy Cone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-318-0325

District Director Roger Hoyt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]


Sr. District Executive David Riker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]


District Executive Jacob Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]


Spring RecruitingAll Packs and Troops

should be preparing for theirSpring Recruitment. Every-one will need to make suredates are set and facilities arereserved for their event.

Please contact your DistrictExecutives if you need toorder Fliers for recruitment.The sooner these things arecompleted and organized, thebetter chance we will have atgetting larger numbers of

youth to the Recruitmentnights.

ThunderbirdPinewood Derby

Thank you to everyonethat participated in Thunder-bird’s District PinewoodDerby. Everyone seemedexcited to see their carsapproach the finish line. Wewant to send a special thanksto Mark Walters, Brent Wor-ley, Myrna Frost and all othervolunteers that took the time

to help with this year’sPinewood Derby.

TrainingTraining dates are set and

most of the locations havebeen secured. Training is anessential part of a unit’s suc-cess. The more leaders thatbecome trained in their cur-rent position the better thequality of the program can be.Be sure to look for registra-tion forms at roundtable aswell as on the council websitefor the upcoming trainings atwww.hoac-bsa.org.

If you have questions, con-tact David Riker at thecouncil service center at 816-569-4974.

Friends of Scouting

The Friends of ScoutingCampaign is coming to aclose. The Thunderbird Dis-trict has been workingextremely hard to reach100% of their goal by May12th. The Thunderbird Dis-trict would like to thank all ofthe Volunteers for their hardwork and dedication. Wewould like to send out a spe-cial thanks to Leo Berroteran,who has put in 5 great years

of volunteer work as theChairman of the Family Cam-paign. Thanks again toeveryone that helped makethis year’s Friends of Scout-ing Campaign a success!

Day CampDay camp is right around

the corner! The dates areJune 20-24. We are planninghosting day camp out atJames A Reed Wildlife Areaagain this year. The cost is$45 until May 15th, and thenbecomes $60. The theme forthis year is “Diamonds in theRough.” Fun and adventurewill be had by everyone thatattends. Don’t miss out! Ifyou have questions regardingday camp you may contactDavid Riker, at the councilservice center, at 816-569-4974.

Thunderbird Program PlanningFair

We will use the same for-mat as last year for the Thun-derbird June Program Plan-ning Fair. The district willhost a picnic and donationswill be accepted to cover theexpenses of food and sup-plies. Please save June 7th onyour calendar and stay tunedfor more details at the MayRoundtable.

Heart of America Council

District Map

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Lone BearDistrict

Cub Scout DayCampDiamonds in the Rough!

The 2005 Day Camp willbe held with the theme ofDiamonds in the Rough. AllCub Scouts from new Tigersto 2nd Year Webeloes areencouraged to attend. Wewill be having a blast withArchery, BB guns, swim-ming, field sports, crafts andspecial guests.

Cub Scout Day Camp willbe held from June 27-30 atArtesian Park in ClintonMO. Registration for thisevent is now being acceptedat the Council Service Cen-ter. May 11th is the deadlinefor the early bird registrationfee of $45.00. Registrationfor camp after the deadlinewill cost $60.00. Packsshould note that two walkingleaders are required each dayof camp. The walking leadertraining will take place at theJune Roundtable at the Clin-ton Scout Center.

If you are interested inlending a hand with staffingthis event please contactPhillip Brockland @ 800-776-1110. We can always usemore help and new talents.

Be Sure to Sign Up, It’sGoing to Be Great!!!

Take the Boys toCamp!

Summer is right aroundthe corner and now is thetime to make sure that allyour boys have the opportu-nity to go to summer camp.The Heart of America Coun-cil runs a wide range of campprograms for the boys of theLone Bear District. The Dis-trict Day Camp will be agreat experience for all of thedistricts Cub Scouts. Boyswill also be able to attendCamp and the Bartle ScoutReservation and at theTheodore Naish ScoutReservation. For informa-tion about the campingopportunities availableplease contact - Judy Molt@ 660- 747-0841 or PhillipBrockland @800-776-1110

Program FairDuring the June Round-

table (June 7, 7:00PM-8:30PM, Clinton Scout Cen-ter) we will have our annualprogram planning fair. Thisis a chance for you to get allof the information you needto help put together yourunits program for the comingyear. You will receive a pro-gram planning packet and acalendar for your use to getready for the coming year.Please don’t miss this meet-ing, as it is a great chance foryou to get the resources youneed to have a great2205/2006 Scouting year.

RoundtableRoundtable meetings are

held at the Clinton ScoutCenter, on the first Tuesdayof every month. Roundtablemeetings are a gathering ofScouters from the Lone BearDistrict held once a month.These Meetings are animportant way for leaders togather and learn from eachother. This is also an oppor-tunity for you to get infor-mation on variety of subjectsfrom the Heart of AmericaCouncil and the Lone BearDistrict. Each month therewill be a new program forboth Boy Scout Leaders andCub Scout Leaders. Wealways have a good time andit would benefit your unit tohave at least one adult leaderpresent. All leaders areencouraged to join us tolearn more about servingtoday’s youth. We are surethat you will take away somevaluable information. Formore information please callPhillip Brockland @ 800-776-1110.

What Have YourScouts Done?

The District Committeeand all of the Lone Bear Dis-trict wants to know whatyour unit has been up to. Weknow you all are involved inexciting activities and arehaving lots of fun. Please sendyour monthly highlights andphotos to Phillip Brocklandat [email protected]. Wewill be sure to get your unitsstory in this publication!

Spring Camporee!The 2005 Spring Cam-

poree was a huge success!!!.The Lone Bear Districtworked very closely withWhiteman Air Force Base to

make sure this event was ahighlight of this year’s dis-trict activities. Over 600Young men and 400 adultvolunteers were present.Troops from 4 states, and 8districts attended. Plannedprograms included a livedemonstration of Birds ofPrey, realistic first aid exer-cises, a static display of thebases equipment and muchmore. This event requiredquite a lot of work and wehave great volunteers tothank for all of their efforts.Special thanks go to JerryPost, Randy White and theWhiteman Air force Base.

2005 Friends ofScouting

Our overall goal this yearis $34,500; the family goal is$5,500. At the last MarchFOS report meeting our dis-trict reported a strong 60%completion of our goal. Weare going to be very busy this

Lone Bear 2005 District Committee

Chairman Gary Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-660-885-6914

Commissioner Steve Higgins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-429-6911

District Executive Phillip Brockland . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-238-2325

Training Mike Wiltfong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-885-2406

Advancement Mike Morales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-885-3412

Camping Judy Molt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-747-0841

Special Needs Bob Straw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-885-6336

Activities Jerry Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-747-0600

Membership Erica Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-747-8420

CS Roundtable Commissioner Tammy Kjos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-563-5372

BS Roundtable Commissioner Kathy Cooper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-660-647-5868

month working to achievethe Districts goals. This year,we are striving to reach ourgoals earlier than ever andwe need your help. Manyunits have already have hadtheir presentations con-ducted with a great deal ofsuccess. If your unit has notsigned up to have a FOSpresentation for your Pack,Troop or Crew, please con-tact Phillip Brockland orRichard Miller. Onceagain, your unit will receivefree Rank Advancement forthe 2005 calendar year whenyour unit’s goal has beenmet.

Please remember, theFriends of Scouting Cam-paign is a key element in thefinancing of the Heart ofAmerica Council and its pro-grams. Lets make sure thatthe Lone Bear District com-pletes its campaign on timeand goes above and beyondthe call of duty.

If you are interested inParticipating with either theFamily or Community FOSCampaign please contactPhillip Brockland @ 800-776-1110 or JC Smith @660-885-4684.

Lone Bear Events

May3 Roundtable Meeting, Clinton Scout Center, 7:00 PM.

7 District Pinewood Derby, Clinton Scout Center Reg-istration begins 8:00 AM

10 Commissioners Meeting, Golden Corral, Clinton,6:30 PM

17 District Committee Meeting, Cover Law Office, 6:30PM

June7 Roundtable / Program Planning Fair (7:00PM-

8:30PM), Youth Protection (5:30PM-7:00PM) andDay Camp Walking Leader Training (7:00PM-8:30PM) Clinton Scout Center

11 Mic-O-Say “Tribal Gathering”

27-30 Cub Scout Day Camp, Artesian Park, Clinton MO,9:00AM-3:00PM

ADVENTURES IN SCOUTINGPublished January/February, March, April, May, June/July, August, September, October,November/December by the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America. Mailedwithout charge to all Cubmasters, assistant Cubmasters, den leaders, den leader coaches,Tiger Cub den leaders, Webelos leaders, Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, TeamCoaches, Explorer Advisors, assistant Explorer Advisors, Venturing crew leaders, unit chair-men, chartered organization representatives, district committee, all commissioners, allboard members, and can be found on our website, www.hoac-bsa.org.

TREASURERStephen M. Clifford




EditorMeg Morris

PRESIDENTClifford W. Illig

VICE PRESIDENTSThomas J. McCulloughDavid J. ZimmerE. Frank EllisCharlie TetrickTerry Miller

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Northern TierDistrict

Northern Tier Events

Northern Tier 2005 District CommitteeDistrict Chairman Bill Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-383-1950

District Commissioner Judy Tuckness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-268-9996

Activities Chairman Steve Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-631-4215

Advancement Chairman J Jack Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-441-1608

Camping Chairman Gene Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-362-4509

Order of the Arrow Advisor Gary Akers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 262-2047

Membership Chairman Cathi Maynard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-648-7166

Website Liaison Cathi Maynard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-648-7166

Program Chairman Steve Brady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 362-8441

Training Chairman Judy Yeager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 362-2029

Cub Scout Training Dave Sultz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-381-7824

Boy Scout Training John Forsyth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913)-341-5061

Cub Scout Roundtable Lori Kearns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 583-1011

Cub Scout Roundtable Dave Sultz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 381-7824

Boy Scout Roundtable Jamey Hilleary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 384-0262

Venturing Roundtable Bob Kalkofen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 362-5576

District Executive Cortland Bolles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (816) 569-4918

[email protected] WEBSITE hoac-bsa.org

May5 District Roundtable – 7:00 PM; Village Presbyterian

Church, 67th & Mission6-7 Northern Tier Scouting Challenge – 6:00 PM Friday

thru Saturday afternoon; Shawnee Riverfront Park,5800 Frisbie Rd, Shawnee, KS. A new event forBears and first-year Webelos and their parents tolearn about continuing in the Scouting program.

7 BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) –9:00 AM; Shawnee Riverfront Park, 5800 Frisbie Rd,Shawnee, KS

12 District Committee Meeting - 6:30 PM; DistrictCommissioner Meeting - 7:30 PM; CommunityCovenant Church, 7230 Quivira Rd

14 Super Saturday – 8:00 AM; Shawnee UnitedMethodist Church, 10700 Johnson Dr

19 District Eagle Boards of Review - 6:30 PM; LDSChurch, 7845 Allman Rd

June2 District Roundtable – 7:00 PM; Village Presbyterian

Church, 67th & Mission9 District Committee Meeting - 6:30 PM; District

Commissioner Meeting - 7:30 PM; CommunityCovenant Church, 7230 Quivira Rd

13-17 Cub Scout Day Camp – 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM eachday; Shawnee Riverfront Park, 5800 Frisbie Rd,Shawnee, KS

16 District Eagle Boards of Review - 6:30 PM; LDSChurch, 7845 Allman Rd

GO TO THE HOAC WEBSITE hoac-bsa.org and visit theNorthern Tier Page to download registration forms, eventpackets, and learn of important dates and informationaffecting your unit. It’s a great place to receive informationfast.

This Month in the Eagle ScoutSpotlight

Due to Spring Break, wewere unable to conduct anyEagle Boards of Review inMarch. However, we’ll beback with a flourish of newEagle Scouts next month!

Recharter PeriodPast

Thanks to all of you whosuccessfully wrapped up therecharter process on time!You will find it a lot easierto go into the summer andknow all your boys are reg-istered as you head off tosummer camp. Thanks toall of you who made thisprocess easier in 2005.

Friends of Scouting2005 Campaign

We are wrapping upanother successful Friendsof Scouting Campaign forNorthern Tier District in2005! Your commitment tothe Scouting program is agreat key to why we aresuch a successful district insuch a successful council.Congratulations to thoseunits that have earned Free

Rank Advancement for2005:

Pack 3252 Troop 439Pack 3253 Troop 648Pack 3439 Team 6439Pack 3751 Team 6648Troop 189 Crew 2439Troop 299 Crew 2648

For more information orquestions, please contactSteve Brady, 2005 FamilyFriends of Scouting Chair-man, at (913) 362-8441 orCortland Bolles, DistrictExecutive at 816.569.4918or [email protected].

Diamonds in theRough

In honor of the 75THANNIVESARY OF CUBSCOUTING, Day Camp’stheme this year is Dia-monds in the Rough! Weare in the home stretchnow preparing for the bestDay Camp experience yourboys can have. Remember,the discounted registrationfee of only $45 needs to bein before May 11, 2005!And the sooner the betterso we can make sure everyboy has the best camp expe-rience he can have. Formore information you cancontact our District Day

Camp Director, Dave Sultzat 913-381-7824 [email protected]. Daveand his team are visitingpacks to promote camp thisyear and tell you all aboutthe fun things we are goingto have. Schedule yourvisit soon to get your packexcited about Day Campthis year, June 13-17, 2004.Can’t wait to see you there!

New “Challenge”for Cub Scouts

Many of you may havenoticed a new event of theNorthern Tier Calendar!We are proud to introducethe Northern Tier ScoutingChallenge. This is an eventdesigned for current Bearsand first year Webelos toparticipate with their par-ents in some of the excitingthings you do as you movealong in the Webelos pro-gram, preparing for BoyScouts! You don’t want tomiss this! We’ll see youthere!

2005 Merit BadgeForum a Great Success

On February 5th andMarch 5th at Shawnee Mis-sion Northwest HS, morethan 500 Scouts took part inour annual Merit BadgeForum. More than 35 unitsfrom in and out of district,even from as far away asColumbia, MO, partici-pated! A big thank you

Badge Counselors, staff andunit leaders for dedicatingtheir time and talents toteaching so many youthsome new skills!

goes to J Jack Clark, JudyTuckness, Myrl Wear, andChuck Davis for organizingthis huge event. Thank youalso goes to all of our Merit

On Saturday, February19, 2005, Pack 3493 cele-brated the birthday ofScouting and Cub Scout-ing’s 75th Anniversary.After many hours of plan-ning and preparation, thehall was decorated, thefood was delivered andfamilies and guests arrived.

Our guest speaker, 1stLieutenant Steve Hayes,whom the Webelos hadkept in touch with whilehe was in Iraq, was there tohelp the second year Webe-los graduate into BoyScouting. Six boys movedonto Troop 393, a greatend to a great evening!

Do you want to feature your unit in an upcoming issueof Adventures in Scouting?! Send your article and a cou-ple pictures in to Cortland Bolles, Senior District Execu-tive, 10210 Holmes Rd, Kansas City MO 64131!

A Blue & Gold to Remember

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Red-Tailed Hawk District

“Diamonds in theRough,” 2005 CubDay Camp

Day Camp will be the weekof June 20th thru the 24th atthe old Lake Olathe golfcourse. Jeff Turner (campdirector) and Traci Symon(program director) are prepar-ing diligently to ensure a qual-ity summer program for theCub Scouts. If you are inter-ested in serving on staffwhere the “real fun” takesplace please contact JeffTurner at 913 851-0747 [email protected] for furtherinformation.

There will be two oppurtu-nities for Walking LeaderTraining on May 19th, 6:30PM and June 4th at 10:00AM. Both will be at the oldLake Olathe golf course wherecamp will take place. At thesetimes all walking leaders willreceive all the final info andtake a tour of the camp. Welook forward to seeing yourCub Pack at camp and havingmuch fun! Registrations dueby May 11th.

Summer Camp isAround the Corner

I was a brand new BoyScout who was highly antici-pating my first summer campexperience. My newly stainedcamp box adorned with myname and troop 494 had beenpacked for over a week and Icould not wait to embark onmy summer adventure.

Our troop arrived at the H.Roe Bartle Scout Reservation,Camp Frontier (now PiercingArrow) in the summer of1985. I can vividly rememberworking on merit badges likenature, leatherwork, mam-

mals, and swimming. I recallplaying in the 5 foot andunder water polo tournament,singing in the dinning hall,taking pride in my KP duties,and watching in amazement acall night campfire. I wasexposed to some new activi-ties, learned skills and becamea little more responsible.Camp was great that summerand I went back the followingeight years cherishing eachone.

Summer Camp is theannual highlight for mosttroops and an opportunity tospend an extended timeembracing the Scouting pro-gram. “Magic” truly does takeplace at camp and scouts andscouters alike are the benefac-tors. Merit badges are earned,time is spent outdoors, fellow-ship is forged, and honorcamping programs providecuriosity and then hopefullyself-reflection and improve-ment. Boys spend a fairly sig-nificant time away from homelearning to be more responsi-ble, self-sufficient, positiveabout themselves, and likelyto lead. As adult leaders youbare witness and aid in thepersonal development of thescouts and the “magic” thattakes place. It may be thatfirst year scout who has beenhomesick and deadest on leav-ening then learns that there isfun to be had and realizesmaybe he is going to surviveafter all.

I encourage all of you tocontinue your promotion of asummer camp opportunityand be cognitive of possiblebarriers keeping scouts fromattending. One example maybe financial and there is assis-tance available throughcamperships.

Red-Tailed Hawk Events

May5 Roundtable, 7:00 PM at College Church of the

Nazarene, Family Life Center

6-7 Boy Scout Outdoor Leader Skills Training at CedarLake

12 Commissioners Meeting,7:30 PM at MNU Library

17 District Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM at AdventLutheran Church

19 Eagle Boards of Review, 6:30 PM at St ThomasApostolic Church

June2 Program Planning Fair, 7:00 PM at College Church

of the Nazarene, Family Life Center

9 Commissioners Meeting, 7:30 PM at MNU Library

14 District Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM at AdventLutheran Church

16 Eagle Boards of Review, 6:30 PM at St ThomasApostalic Church

20-24 District Cub Scout Day Camp at Lake Olathe

2005 Red-Tailed Hawk District Committee ChairsDistrict Chairman Mike Smid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 685-8838

District Commissioner Ray Morrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 764-4107

District Vice-Chair Keith Sickendick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 685-1870

District Training Chair Jeff Wandtke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 764-8413

District Camping Chair Mark Enke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 764-3264

District Activities Chair Gene Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 780-3431

District Advancement Ernie Lunsford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 780-5162

District Membership Chair Nancy Chapman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 829-0366

Boy Scout Roundtable Dave Weerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 829-1321

Cub Scout Roundtable Susan Lux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 764-8529

Venturing Roundtable Stan Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 541-9404

Senior District Executive Jason Ballew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816 569-4982

[email protected]

The Heart of America hasone of best track records inthe country of scouts takingpart in a summer camp expe-rience. This is a testament togreat camps, and the qualityleadership you as volunteerleaders provide to the Scout-ing program. I thank eachand every one of you and lookforward to seeing you at campthis summer.

Proper PlanningEnsures a QualityProgram

Mark your calendar forJune 2nd, as the programplanning fair will be held atCollege Church of theNazarene, Family Life Center.This is an excellent opportu-nity to receive informationyour unit needs to plan anoutstanding year of program.In addition to a planningpacket and calendar there willbe displays with current infoon advancement, camping,training, membership, activi-ties, high adventure Boys Life,and more. Lastly we will cele-brate the 4th anniversary ofthe Red-Tailed Hawk Districtwith cake and door prizes soplease plan on attending.

Stay in the Loop ofCommunicationRTH District Website :www.eagle-scout.org/RTHHOAC Website: www.hoac-bsa.orgRTH Roundtable:Generally occurs the 1stThursday of every month atCollege Church of TheNazarene, Family Life Cen-ter.

2005 District Pinewood DerbyOn March 5th 78 boys representing 27 Packs participated in

the 4th annual Pinewood Derby. Each Cub Pack in Red-TailedHawk could send the top three winners from their unit derby sothis was truly “the best of the best”. It was an exciting fun day ofracing and when the checkered flag flew the finalists were as fol-lows.

1st Griffin Berrigan, Pack 3138 4th Trey Patterson, Pack 31322nd Andrew Person, Pack 3250 5th Josh Lewis, Pack 32403rd TJ Joness, Pack 3456 6th Ben Connor, Pack 3425

A huge thanks to Pack 3425 and 3123 for chairing the eventthis year. They provided the track, manpower, set-up, and ran therace. Also thank you to Bill Cheek and the Blue Valley BaptistChurch for providing us with a place to have the derby. Lastlythank you to the adults who gave up another Saturday for “theboys” Gene Lamb, Paul Alters, John Dye, Allen Baiamonte, JoeHatley, Mike McGovern, Roger McReynolds, Shane Rolf, andRoger Erwin.

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DISTRICT NEWSDISTRICT NEWS1414 • May 2005• May 2005 AdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting

Blue ElkDistrict

Blue Elk 2005 District CommitteeDistrict Chair: Bill Esry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-833-1416

District Commissioner: Jim Todd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-228-4081

Vice Chair of Program: John Thornton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-252-2104

Vice Chair of Operations: Marv Sands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-373-1212

Vice Chair of HR: Aaron Guest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B816-201-1038

FOS Chair: Paul Broome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B816-941-0555

Membership: Keith Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-478-6209

Advancement: Scott Howell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-796-3747

Training: Bob Overly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-795-7665

Camping: Ron Karst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-229-6381

Activities: Steve Cox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-625-8150

Communications: Russ Nickell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-564-5192

Scouts with Special Needs: Louise Rissler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-229-1254

Relationships: Carl Grabiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H816-347-8709


District Director Steve Roberts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B816-569-4951

[email protected]

Senior District Executive: Ross Pfannenstiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . B816-569-4964

[email protected]

District Executive: Joe Myers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (816) 569-4983

[email protected]

are registered in Scoutswill receive an FOSbrochure by mail, if youhave not already given. Iencourage everyone togive to the Friends ofScouting Campaign. Everycent stays in the counciland is used to deliver aquality program to theyouth in our area. If youwould like to donate or setup a presentation pleasecontact Joe Myers @(816) 569-4983 or email@ [email protected]*And remember thatevery dollar counts!*

May TrainingWebelos Outdoor

Training will take place at6:30 PM Friday, May 13thand will continue through3:30 PM Saturday, May14th. Registration beginsat 6:00 PM Friday at AllSaints Lutheran Church,Located at 421 SW 19thStreet in Blue Springs.This training will helpWebelos Leaders under-stand the outdoor skills ofthe Webelos program. Itfocuses on how to take theboys camping. Campoutsare a requirement for theWebelos badge. There ishelp on how to utilize theactivity pins on campouts.

Day Camp 2005Diamonds in the Rough

Day Camp is almosthere! Walking LeaderTraining is taking placeon Saturday, June 4th atGeorge Owens NaturePark. We will begin at 9:00a.m.. Even if you havebeen through this trainingbefore, it is still importantthat the Day Camp packcoordinator and ALLother walking leadersattend. As you prepare forDay Camp, please remem-ber that health forms anda complete roster of boysthat are attending campare due by May 5thRoundtable to MarieBenz, Day Camp Regis-trar. Please contact Mariewith registration ques-tions at 373-4392. Denhome set-up day will be onSunday, July 10th atGeorge Owens from 1-4pm. On the last day ofcamp, closing will take

place at noon. Parents andfamily are allowed to jointheir scouts at 11:30am forthe closing ceremony andpack cookouts on Fridaythe 15th. To volunteer tohelp or if you have ques-tions please contact: DanJackson at 690-5906,Mary Morris at 796-6657 or Joe Myers at 569-4983.

Family Friends ofScouting

We are currently in themiddle of the FamilyFriends of Scouting cam-paign. Friends of Scoutingis very important, withoutyour help a lot of the pro-grams we offer could notbe possible. We are cur-rently setting up presenta-tions for units. The pre-sentations take between 5to 8 minutes and can bedone at Blue and GoldBanquets and Court ofHonors. All members who

Blue Elk EventsMay

5 Roundtable, 7:30 p.m. — Eagle Board of Review / Merit BadgeCounselor Training / Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting / YouthProtection Training — Bingham 7th Grade Center, 1716 S. SpeckRd, Independence, MO

7 Cub Olympics, 9:00 a.m., Bridger 8th Grade Center Athletic Field

18200 E. M-78 Highway, Independence, MO

12 Commissioner’s Meeting , 7:30 p.m., Beacon Heights Commu-nity of Christ Church, 19402 E. Holke Rd., Independence, MO

13-14 Webelos Outdoor Training, 6:30 PM Friday – 3:30 PM Saturday,Registration begins at 6:00 PM Friday, All Saints LutheranChurch, 421 SW 19th Street, Blue Springs, MO

19 District Committee Meeting, 7:30 p.m., St. Mark’s CatholicChurch, 3736 Lee’s Summit Rd, Independence, MO

June2 Program Fair, 7:30 p.m. — Eagle Board of Review / Order of the

Arrow Chapter Meeting — Bingham 7th Grade Center, 1716 S.Speck Rd., Independence, MO

4 Day Camp Walking Leader Training, 9:00 a.m., George OwensNature Park, 1601 S. Speck, Independence, MO

9 Commissioner’s Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Beacon Heights Communityof Christ Church, 19402 E. Holke Rd. , Independence, MO

16 District Committee meeting, 7:30 p.m., St. Mark’s CatholicChurch, 3736 Lee’s Summit Rd, Independence, MO

This training is a MUSTfor the Webelos AdultLeader Recognition. Thisincludes an overnight stay.Please bring your owncamping gear. The costfor this training is 15.00dollars. If you would likeany more information ontrainings please contactJoe Myers @ (816) 569-4983 or email Joe at [email protected]: EVERY BOYDESERVES A TRAINED


Cub OlympicsCub Olympics is just

around the corner! Theevent takes place on May7th starting at 9:00 a.m..Sign up at the MayRoundtable for this funhalf-day event. Boys willbe able to participate inthe standing long jump,overhand softball throw,pushups, sit-ups, and the50-yard dash. The costafter April 30th is 5.00per boy. Registrationscan be taken the day of,but preferable before-hand. Cubs will compete

against other cubs in thesame age group. Forthose packs that haverecruited new scouts,this is a great opportu-nity to get them activeand involved in a funactivity right away. Don’tmiss the fun! For moreinformation please con-tact Joe Myers @ (816)569-4983 or email Joe [email protected].

Fall RecruitmentSummer may be in full

swing right now, butbefore we know it, fallrecruitment time will behere. The district staff isalready planning new andexciting ways to bringmore youth into theScouting program in BlueElk. Get ready to startplanning for your unit’sfall recruiting involve-ment. As schools startsback up, presentationsand school nights will betaking place in your com-munities. Watch for moredetails in the future publi-cations for specific dates.

2004 Quality District

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DISTRICT NEWSDISTRICT NEWSAdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting May 2005May 2005 • • 1515

North StarDistrict

Congratulations!Congratulations to Jeff

Cook of Troop 992 for beingnamed Scouter of the Monthat the March Roundtable

Thank you for all you dofor the Scouts of your unit,your North Star District, andyour Council!!

Upcoming TrainingMonthly training opportu-

nities at each month’s Round-table include Youth Protec-tion, New Leader Essentialsand Merit Badge CounselorTraining. Don’t forget, YouthProtection and Fast Starttraining can be done on-line.

Cub Scout Leader trainingis scheduled as follows:• May 6-7, Webelos Leader

Outdoor Training, 6:00p.m. check-in, Training6:30 p.m. Friday to 3:00p.m. Saturday. HeartlandPresbyterian Center, 16965NW 45 Highway, Parkville

• May 14, Cub Scout Leader

Friends of Scouting campaign.Please continue to make yourpledges and payments so wecan “Keep our Promise” todeliver that quality program.If you have any questions,please contact your FamilyFOS Chairman, Dr. RobertMorrison at 587-5170 (emailat [email protected]) oryour District Executive - JonGeiger, at 569-4932 (email [email protected]).

North Star Fishing Event

Congratulations to ChadShiner for a job well on theinaugural North Star Fishingevent. Thanks for all you doin the community and forScouting.

Good Turn forAmerica

Don’t forget our obligationto do a Good Turn Daily andplease report our hours ofservice on the Good Turn forAmerica website, a link towhich can be found on theNorth Star District Activitieswebsite: http://hoac-bsa.org/nsactivities.cfm.

All service hours should bereported, including Eagleprojects, unit service projectsfor the community (such asScouting for Food) or theirChartered Organizations.Each unit should report thesehours and you can find outmore on how to do so bychecking the Activities tableat Roundtable or by contact-ing John Burwell, DistrictActivities Chair at 891-6499

(email [email protected])or your District Executive JonGeiger, at 569-4932 ([email protected]). Thisinformation will be used forthe good publicity Scoutingneeds.

Cub Scout Day CampThere is still time to sign

up for the “Diamonds in theRough” Cub Scout Day CampJune 6-9. New Tigers (goinginto 1st Grade), Wolves, Bearsand Webelos are all welcometo participate in field sports(BB gun shooting, archeryand more), scouting skills(such as cooking, compasswork and more), crafts andgames. This will include acelebration of the 75thAnniversary of Cub Scoutingand will give the Cubs anopportunity to earn advance-ment and some special awardswhile they are having FUN!

Act quickly if you haveboys not yet signed up as the$45 rate is only in effect untilMay 11 – after that date, therate is $60. New Scouts andnew Tigers (going into FirstGrade who will be registeredas of June 1st) will only becharged the $45 rate.

Pack pictures, fun visitorsand a special family campfireare also being planned. Thecamp fee includes a camp T-shirt and all program supplies.More collectible items willalso be available at the DayCamp trading post.

More information is avail-able at the North Star DistrictDay Camp website:http://hoac-bsa.org/nsdc.cfm.

North Star Events

May5 District Roundtable, 7:30 p.m., Hillside Christian

Church, 900 NE Vivion Road. New Leader Essen-tials, Youth Protection and Merit Badge CounselorTraining are offered along with the OA ChapterMeeting.

6-7 Webelos Leader Outdoor Experience Training,Heartland Presbyterian Center, 16965 NW 45 High-way, Parkville

10 District Committee Meeting, 7:30 p.m., North CrossUnited Methodist Church, 1321 NE Vivion

12 Commissioner Staff Meeting, 7:30 p.m., St. LukePresbyterian Church, 4301 NE Vivion

14 Cub Scout Leader Position Specific Training, 8:30a.m. check-in, 9:00 a.m. to Noon training. GashlandPresbyterian, 8029 North Oak Trafficway

20-22 OA Induction Weekend #2, Naish Scout Reservation

June2 District Roundtable and Program Fair, 7:30 p.m.,

Hillside Christian Church, 900 NE Vivion. Regulartraining courses will resume in September.

6-9 District Cub Scout Day Camp – Platte County Fair-grounds, Tracy, MO

9 Commissioner Staff Meeting, 7:30 p.m., St. LukePresbyterian Church, 4301 NE Vivion

10 District Webelos Summer Seminar, Platte CountyFairgrounds

14 District Committee Meeting, 7:30 p.m., North CrossUnited Methodist Church, 1321 NE Vivion

2005 North Star District Committee

District Chairman Tom Lenz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-426-2408District Commissioner Terry Chapman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-453-0680Activities John Burwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-891-6499Advancement John McBurney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-781-6923Camping Hale Lentz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-628-6961FOS Michael Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-587-5170FOS Family Dr. Robert Morrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-741-5348Membership/Relationships Russ Downing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-587-2025NESA Bob Whitaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-455-0021Public Relations Jeff Tyler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-505-2015Special Needs Colleen Chapman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-453-0680Training Richard Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-781-9557Youth Protection Joni Glenn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-781-7666District Executive Jason Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-569-4969

[email protected] District Executive Matt Specht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-569-4966

[email protected] Executive Jonathan Geiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-569-4932

[email protected]

Your Day Camp Directoris Jeff Tyler (816-505-2015;[email protected]); ProgramDirector is Jill Cook (816-468-9232; [email protected])and your Staff Advisor isDistrict Executive JonGeiger (816-569-4932;[email protected]). Pleasecontact any of them if youhave questions or if youwould like to serve on staff.

Webelos SummerSeminar

A great opportunity forFirst and Second Year Webe-los is the Webelos SummerSeminar which will be heldFriday, June 10th at the PlatteCounty Fairgrounds. Bringyour Webelos Patrol Thursdaynight for overnight campingor just for the day on Friday.There are separate programsfor First and Second YearWebelos to get a leg up onearning Activity Pins and tosimply have FUN!

This program is an oppor-tunity in conjunction withCub Scout Day Camp andWebelos Camp – not a replace-ment for either. More infor-mation is available at Round-table and on the North StarActivities and Day Camp web-sites. Mark your calendarsnow! For more information,please contact Steve Math-ews, 455-3366; [email protected] or Jeff Tyler,505-2015; [email protected] your District Executive JonGeiger, at 569-4932([email protected]).

Position Specific Training,8:30 a.m. check-in, training9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon,Gashland PresbyterianChurch, 8029 North OakTrafficway

Contact Karen Hatcher at891-9429 about Cub ScoutLeader Training and SteveVaughn at 741-3847 aboutWebelos Leader OutdoorTraining.

Boy Scout Leader trainingand Venture Leader trainingwill resume next fall.

Safe Swim Defense andSafety Afloat training coursesare now available on-line.Check these out and all up-to-date information on availabletraining courses at yourNorth Star District Trainingpage: http://hoac-bsa.org/nstraining.cfm.

Friends of ScoutingAn integral part of making

the Scouting program avail-able to our youth is the

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track for this year’s TrailheadPinewood Derby. The entireday was filled with fun,excitement, and anticipation.We had 58 racers represent-ing 24 Packs. A specialthanks goes out to the 2005Pinewood Derby Staff andcongratulations to everyonewho participated. You are allwinners!

1st Place – Nathan Hanseu, 3010

2nd Place – Johathan Bunger, 3587

3rd Place – Kevin Graebner, 3097

Cub Scout Roundtable

Spring is in the air! Whata beautiful season to take atrip to a national or statepark. Come to Cub ScoutRoundtable on May 5th,2005, 7:00 p.m. at the Churchof the Resurrection, 135thand Roe to learn more aboutplanning events using thetheme: Destination: Parks.We will discuss fun ways tojazz up your den and packmeetings. Roundtable is agreat place to share our suc-cesses and ideas with otherleaders or parents. If youhave never attended a Round-table, you do not know whatyou are missing!

Boy Scout Roundtable

You say your lawn mowerneeds a tune-up. You say youneed to change the oil orreplace the brakes on your

Trailhead Events

May5 Roundtable; 7:00 p.m. @ Church of the Resurrec-

tion (137th & Roe)

5 Eagle Scout Project Review, Order of the ArrowChapter, Merit Badge Counselor Training; 7:00p.m. @ Church of the Resurrection (137th & Roe)

11 Day Camp fees and registration due

12 District Committee Meeting; 6:30 @ Rolling HillsPresbyterian (92nd & Nall)

12 Commissioner Meeting; 7:30 p.m. @ Rolling HillsPresbyterian (92nd & Nall)

19 Eagle Board of Review; 7:00 p.m. @ Latter-DaySaints Church (13025 Wornall)

19 Day Camp Staff Training Meeting; 7:00 p.m. @Church of the Resurrection (137th & Roe) Room217

June1 Day Camp Bus Registration due

1 Roundtable, Program Planning Fair; 7:00 p.m. @Church of the Resurrection (137th & Roe)

1 Eagle Scout Project Review, Order of the ArrowChapter; 7:00 p.m. @ Church of the Resurrection(137th & Roe)

9 District Committee Meeting; 6:30 @ Rolling HillsPresbyterian (92nd & Nall)

16 Eagle Board of Review; 7:00 p.m. @ Latter-DaySaints Church (13025 Wornall)

20-23 Day Camp @ Timber Ridge Adventure Center

2005 Trailhead District CommitteeDistrict Chair Gus Meyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 642-3209

District Commissioner Marc Elkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 897-2857

Activities Chair Dean Carlson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 681-2852

Membership Chair Randy Monson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 491-1390

Advancement Chair Rob Sisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 649-5519

Camping Chair Russ Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 649-2956

Training Chair Pat Harvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 642-4671

Eagle Chair John Heather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 558-2023

Boy Scout Roundtable Gene Bellner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 894-2288

Order of the Arrow Advisor Paul Whatley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 383-8368

Cub Scout Roundtable Karen Winney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 341-8557

Day Camp Director Suzanne Schartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 851-1804

Day Camp Program Director Carol Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (913) 642-8038

District Executive Rob Gilkerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (816) 569-4978

[email protected]

Council Website www. HOAC-BSA.org

Trailhead Website www.HOAC-BSA.org/Trailhead.cfm

2005 Friends ofScouting Campaign

Thank you to all who havesupported scouting with yourdollars in 2005. We wouldnot be able to deliver a qualityprogram with out you. Con-gratulations to the followingunits that reached their 2005Friends of Scouting goal: 683,780, 2786, 3117, 3261. Greatjob!

Webelos to ScoutTransition

Remember that it is theresponsibility of the Troop,Webelos Den leader and theparents to make sure that aWebelos has a fun andsmooth transition into atroop. The right troop for aboy and his family can makethe difference on if that boyattains eagle or leaves the pro-gram after a year. Manyscouts did not cross-over atthe pack ceremony, however aTroop still needs to contactthese families and make surethat they are not interested intransitioning.

Cub Day CampEach Pack should already

have designating a Day CampCoordinator and Staff mem-ber. The Staff meeting is May19th at Church of the Resur-rection. It is extremelyimportant that every packhave their staff person inattendance. You can alsoprint many of the forms at theTrailhead District Website:www.HOAC-BSA.org/Trail-head.cfm. When collectingmoney to pay camp fees donot forget about the Districtbuses. If you have, any ques-tions call Suzanne Schartz913-851-1804.

Program FairThe June Roundtable is

program fair. A completepacket will be available forevery unit as well you will getto meet the volunteers thatrun the program. This is anopportunity to kick off yourprogram for the next schoolyear. All the leaders from aUnit should attend. This canbe the singe most importantnight in planning you unitsprogram.

Pinewood DerbyWinners

Let us put our handstogether for this year’sPinewood Derby! MetcalfSouth Mall became the racing

Trailhead District Trainingdetails visit www.hoac-bsa.org/Trailhead.cfm.

Trails End PopcornIt is time to start thinking

about will be your unit’s Pop-corn Chair. This is a greatfundraiser that has no out ofpocket expense and no extrainventory after your done.For more information con-tact: Rob Gilkerson at 816-569-4978.

Good Turn forAmerica

It is a well-known fact thatall of our units are doingsome form of communityservice. However, we wouldlike to find out exactly howmuch your unit is contribut-ing. If your unit has notlogged in and started torecord your service projectson the goodturnforamerica.org website please do soimmediately. This is a won-derful way to recognize all thescouts that give back to thecommunity.

car. You say your son has abike in need of repair. Thenplan on attending May’s BoyScout Roundtable on Thurs-day, May 5, from 7:00 to 8:30p.m. at the Church of the Res-urrection, 137th and Nall, todiscuss how to turn thesetasks into a fun and learningexperience for your Scouts.Our guest presenter, with abackground in mechanics, isour own John Collins. So,bring your questions andcomments to the meeting tosee if we can put him in park.Remember all parents areinvited to attend the round-table meetings.

TrainingDoesn’t every boy deserve

a trained leader? As a part ofevery leader’s training YouthProtection is essential. It isthat time for all of those newleaders or individuals whowill be the future leaders tobe trained. Training will giveyou the skills to provide aquality program for the youthand give you ideas to mini-mize your workload. For

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hold our annual ProgramFair. This is the chance foryou get all the informationyou need to help puttogether your unit’s pro-gram for the coming year.Your unit will receive aplanning packet and a cal-endar for your use to helpyou in getting ready for thecoming year. Don’t missthis meeting, as it is a greatchance for you to get thelatest and greatestresources for helping yourboys enjoy Scouting!

WHO: Day Camp Director,Nicolette Bennett, 785-331-2475 / Program Direc-tor, Rod Zinn, 785-843-3129

June Program FairWHO: All Leaders areWelcome

WHEN: June 2, 2005 at7:00 p.m.

WHERE: First BaptistChurch, 1330 Kasold

During the Roundtabletime in June this year, we


Webelos to ScoutTransition

As Webelos prepare tograduate from their Pack,now is the time to makesure every Webelo isaccounted for. Webelosleaders and Cubmastersshould be workingtogether to track eachWebelo. Are they going tojoin a troop? If so, whichtroop are they joining?Assist the Webelo andtheir family with complet-ing the Boy Scout applica-tion and ensure that itmakes it to their newtroop. Is the Webelo unde-cided? Keep in contactwith these Scouts and findout what level of interestthere is in Scouting andhelp him to join a troopthat will meet those inter-ests. Do you have someWebelos who have decidednot to bridge over to BoyScouts? Find out why andpass those names on to theScoutmaster of yourbrother troop so they maycontinue to invite and fol-low-up with that Scoutover the next year.

Community Service Day

In April, Pelathe Scoutsused Community ServiceDay as an opportunity tocontinue offering our serv-ices to the areas foodkitchens and pantries by

making their Service Pro-ject Scouting for Food.

The Douglas Countycommunity depends onorganizations like the BoyScouts of America to sup-port the needs of thosewho are hungry, and notable to provide for them-selves. Please plan on mak-ing your unit a part of nextyear’s event.

Thank you goes out toJohn Scott for his effortorganizing this year’s dis-trict wide Community Ser-vice Day. We are all thank-ful to the efforts ofeveryone who volunteeredin this year’s event.

Day Camp 2005Diamonds in the Rough

In celebrating the 75thanniversary of Cub Scout-ing, this year’s Day Campwill prove to be the bestever. Make your reserva-tion now.

WHEN: June 6th – June10th, 2005Monday through Friday –8:15am to 2:15pmThursday Night – FamilyNight – 6:00pm to 8:00pm

WHERE: Douglas CountyFairgrounds

COST: The Day Camp costis $45 if registered by May11. After May 12, the costrises to $60. All newScouts who join this springwill be welcome to attendat the $45 cost.

WHAT TO EXPECT:Your child will experiencearts, and crafts, shootingsports (BB Guns, Archery,Sling shot), games, skits,teamwork, water sportsand good old-fashionedfun. Don’t miss out on thekey summer event for CubScouts and Webelos.

The Thursday NightFun Fest and Camping isopen to all registered DayCamp 2nd Year Webeloswho wish to party, dance,cook, play and have a goodtime. This years Fun Festwill be put on by EagleScouts and Day CampStaff.

FAMILY NIGHT–THURSDAY, JUNE 9,2005: Bring the family to anight of extreme excite-ment, for we will be having“KC’s Most Wanted” doingMotor Cycle Stunts for theyouth and giving a safetytalk on motorcycles. Comeand watch the show andalso see what your childhas been up to at camp, aswell as, consider a picnicsupper to enjoy with yourchild and den that eveningas you share your eveningwith “Diamonds in theRough”

Pelathe Events

2005 Pelathe District Committee Chairs

May5 District Commissioners Meeting, First Baptist Church,

1330 Kasold, 6:30 p.m.

5 Roundtable, First Baptist Church, 1330 Kasold, 7:00


6-7 Webelos Graduation Weekend, Camp Bromelsick

6-7 Spring Camporee, Camp Bromelsick

18 District Committee Meeting, Bishop Seabury Acad-

emy, 4120 Clinton Parkway, 7:00 PM. District Com-

mittee Chairpersons.

June2 District Commissioners Meeting, First Baptist Church,

1330 Kasold, 6:30 p.m.

2 Program Planning Fair, First Baptist Church, 1330

Kasold, 7:00 PM.

6-10 Cub Scout Day Camp, Douglas County Fairgrounds

16 District Committee Meeting, Bishop Seabury Acad-

emy, 4120 Clinton Parkway, 7:00 PM. Full District


District Chairman John Scarffe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 843-5175

Vice Chairman Tom Sheely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 842-9662

District Commissioner John Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 542-3510

Advancement Keith Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 841-7208

Activities Open

Training Pat Donahue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 842-5589

Camping Glen Sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 594-3006

Membership/Relationships Frank Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 842-3553

Communications Dave Berkowitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 841-7247

NESA Allen Wiechert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 842-5467

Boy Scout Roundtable Annelee Marsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 843-5521

Cub Scout Roundtable Clay Kappleman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 841-3603

Venturing Joe King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (785) 841-6018

District Executive Frank McClelland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (816) 569-4948

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Twin RiversDistrict

Diamonds in theRough

Cub Scout Day Camp isfast approaching! Are youready for a fun week filledwith adventure and explo-ration and crazy people andscreaming? But enoughabout the leaders! Our DayCamp Staff and Pack Leadershave been hard at work soyour boys can enjoy the bestpart of Cubbing, DAYCAMP!! We want to makesure that every boy whowants to go has that chance.Don’t hesitate to get thoseregistrations in as soon aspossible, especially for thosenew boys you just recruitedinto your pack! And for anynewly registered boys, theydo not have to pay the latefee! We are looking forwardto seeing all of you at NorthLake Park in Garnett fromJune 6-9th. We have had agreat time getting ready andknow that you are going tohave a blast at camp thissummer with your boys, soplan on being out at camp.You won’t be disappointed atall! If you have any ques-tions about Day Camp orhow to help out, contactyour unit leaders or Mary

Ann Hodgson at (785) 759-3238, Mike Shields at (913)636-1746, or LandonBehrens at 1-800-776-1110x4941.

Friends of ScoutingCongratulations to all of

you for your support of theFriends of Scouting Cam-paign this year. Thanks toyour commitments, TwinRivers District is closing inon its campaign goals.Because of your support, weare still raising money sothat your boys can continueto receive the very best char-acter education program inthis community andthroughout our country.Thanks go to all the unit pre-senters and communityworkers who have put tire-less hours of work into mak-ing our campaign so success-ful in 2005 and to our FamilyChair, Tom Randall, andOverall Chair, Dana Craw-ford, for their diligence inkeeping the campaign ontrack and focused in its suc-cess.

Spring RecruitingAs the warm spring and

summer months come uponus, we all look forward to

Twin Rivers Events

Twin Rivers 2005 District Committee Roster

District Chairman: Mike Prothe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913.294.2111

District Commissioner: John Berton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785.242.8294

Activities Chair: Buddy Burris . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785.867.3005

Advancement Chair: Curtis Gibson . . . . . . . . . . . . 913.898.4955

Camping Chair: Richard Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . 913.755.3941

Endowment Chair: Ken Weide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785.448.5560

Finance/Friends of Scouting Chair: Dana Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . 913.757.4451

Membership Chair: Wendy Richardson . . . . . . . . 913.294.6660

Roundtable Commissioner (Boy Scouts): Dave Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913.849.3574

Roundtable Commissioners (Cub Scouts): Kathy Kierl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913.557.5869

Pam Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . 913.294.2344

Special Needs Coordinator: Pam Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . 913.294.2344

Training Co-Chairs: Lawrence Dickinson . . . . . . . 913.256.6809

Pam Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . 913.294.2344

District Executive: Landon Behrens . . . . 800.776.1110 x 4941816.569.4941

[email protected]

HOAC and Twin Rivers District Information: www.hoac-bsa.org

getting outside to relax orgetting out of school. Beforeevery one goes their differentways on the summer, wewant to make sure we givemore young boys the oppor-tunity to get involved inScouting as part of theirsummer activities. We willonce again be conductingspring recruiting in an effortto give boys the chance to dosome camping and swim-ming and hiking as part ofour great Scouting program.More information will becoming in the next fewmonths so make sure youupdated at Roundtables. Youcan also contact LandonBehrens at 1-800-776-1110x4941 with any questions.Remember that flyers areavailable to all ages of Scout-ing and, if the schools thatyour pack covers allow visitsand Boy Talks, those can bescheduled for most any time!

Program FairDuring the Roundtable

time in June this year, wewill have our annual Pro-gram Planning Fair. This isthe chance for you get all theinformation you need to helpput together your unit’s pro-gram for the coming year.You will receive a planningpacket and a calendar foryour use to help you in get-ting ready for the comingyear. Please don’t miss thismeeting, as it is a greatchance for you to get the lat-est and greatest resources forhelping your boys enjoyScouting!

2004 Quality District

May5 District Commissioner’s Meeting, United Methodist

Church, Paola; 6:30 PM

5 Roundtable, United Methodist Church, Paola; 7:30PM

5 OA Chapter 4 Meeting, United Methodist Church,Paola; 7:30 PM

7 BALOO Training, Location TBA

12 District Committee Meeting, Beethoven’s, Paola,6:00 PM

District DinnerOn March 5, 2005,

Twin Rivers District heldits annual District Recog-nition Dinner. We recog-nized several leaders fortheir commitment to theScouting program andwere able to share thatwith several special guestsfor the evening includingpast Twin Rivers DistrictExecutive Cortland Bollesand our guest speaker,James J. Terry, Jr., Heart ofAmerica Council ChiefExecutive.

Those recognizedincluded Special ServiceAward recipients JenniferConnor, Les Garber, MilesHart, Mary Ann Hodgson,Bonnie Lile, Jo AnnNowatzke, Jo Ann Olson,Mike Schainost, DeanaScott, Stacy Thompson,Patty Trull, and RuthUrban,

We also recognized fiveleaders with the Distin-guished Service Awardincluding Brock Guernsey,Wayne Schwalm, Steve

Shirk, Jason Sjorlund, andCurtis Weaver. We alsohad two very excited recip-ients of the District Awardof Merit. Cheri Cardwellhas been an active andinvolved parent and leaderfor many years in her packin Louisburg. We look for-ward to her continuedservice in Scouting. Don-ald Lile has been involvedin Scouting for many yearsin Garnett. We look for-ward to the continuedefforts of our award win-ners at both the unit anddistrict levels. Congratula-tions to all of our awardrecipients this year! Besure to take a look at thepictures from this excitingevening and we will seeyou there next year.

Award of Merit Winnersare Cheri Cardwell and

Donald Lile.

Distinguished Service Award Winners are Brock Guernsey,Jason Sjorlund, and Wayne Schwalm. Not pictured: SteveShirk and Curtis Weaver.

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DISTRICT NEWSDISTRICT NEWSAdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting May 2005May 2005 • • 1919

Pioneer TrailsDistrict

Pioneer Trails Events

PIONEER TRAILS DISTRICT NUMBERSDistrict Chairman: Dennis Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-444-7989

District Vice-Chairman: Fred DeFeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-942-0675

District Vice-Chairman John Starr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-213-0066

District Commissioner: Jim Bernard Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 913-385-7088

Advancement Chairman: Pat Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-523-6382

Activities Chairman: Ed Mulik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-363-7846

Camping Chairman: Jay Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-228-4438

Membership Chairman: Julie Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-361-3385

Mic-O-Say Memorial: Don O’Neal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-924-6567

Public Relations Director: Carol Jean DeFeo . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-942-0675

Relationships Chairman: Jon Voss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 913-652-0280

Special Needs Chairman: Carole Gaither . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 816-523-5380

Training Chairman: Norman Kahn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (H) 913-341-4792

District Director: Matt Gettys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (W) 816-569-4971

Sr. District Executive: Brian Tobler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (W) 816-569-4985

District Executive: Jeff Terrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (W) 816-569-4947

Coach HolleyRallies Players

Coach Holley is rallyinghis players for the finalstretch. Tom Holley has beenworking diligently in get pre-sentations schedule anddone. Our presenters havebeen stepping up to make thebig play ready and willing togive a presentation at anytime. The Pioneer Trails dis-trict would like to give a bigTHANK YOU to those whohave given. If you haven’tgiven yet, don’t worry thereis still time to make a dona-

tion. Unit leaders may alsostill schedule FOS presenta-tions before May 11. Themoney will help to ensurebetter programs for the kids.A chance for free rankadvancement is also availablefor units that meet theirgoals. It’s crunch time. Thetime where champions shine,so lets have a strong finish.Thank you for your supportof the FOS campaign andmake plans to join us at ourvictory celebration on May11, 2005. Any questionsplease contact Tom Holleyat 816-942-1297

May5 District Commissioners Meeting – 6:30 p.m. – Cen-

tral United Methodist

5 Roundtable – 7:30 p.m. – Central United Methodist

11 FOS Victory Celebration – Overland Park Sheraton

16 District Committee Meeting – 7:30 p.m. – VFWNational Headquarters

31 District Committee/District Commissioner’s Picnic

June2 Program Plan fair – 7:30 p.p. – Central United


13-16 Pioneer Trails Day Camp – Knotts Elementary

Pioneer TrailsDay Camp

It’s almost that time yearagain. What time of the yearis it? Summertime and thatmeans its time for Cub ScoutDay Camp. The PioneerTrails District will be hold-ing Day Camp June 13 thruJune 16. That will be fourfull of fun and excitement. Ifyou haven’t been to DayCamp in while maybe itstime to come back and showyour boys what the havebeen missing. Registration is$45.00 per boy and is due byMay 11, 2005. Financialassistance is available forfamilies who qualify. Fund-ing is limited so register yourboys as soon as possible.Additional information willbe available at Roundtable orcall Beverly Becker at 816-880-0432.

Program PlanFair

HEY, you unit leaders outthere! The Program PlanFair will be held on June 2,2005 7:30 at the CentralUntied Methodist. This planfair is for leaders of all units:packs, troops and crews. Allare welcomed to come outenjoy the fair. The fair isoffered to give you informa-tion for the upcoming yearinto 2006. Leaders willreceive information aboutnext years coming eventsand learn new and excitingactivities. This can also betime where you meet otherleaders and find out whatthey are doing. Maybe youcould even plan a joint campout over the summer! Soleaders make plans to comeout and have some fun.

Year RoundTraining

With summer time andcamp sessions fast approach-ing, adult leadership trainingis essential. Dr. Kahn and hisstaff have several ways tomake sure that you receivethe full benefits of the train-ing curriculum. Youth protec-tion training is offered everyfirst Thursday of the monthat our Pioneer Trail round-table, located at 51st, and Oakat the Central UntiedMethodist Church. If you orleader of your unit hasn’tbeen trained within the pastfive years please contact Dr.Kahn. We have added newscouting methods that train-ing could introduce to yourunit. Leaders Call Dr. Kahnat 913-341-4792 and see whattraining can do for you.

2004 Quality District

The Pioneer Trials Dis-trict is proud to announcethat all of their excellenttraining team staff mem-bers are now “certifiedtrainers”. This is the firsttraining team in the Coun-cil to achieve such a won-derful accomplishment!

Pictured left to right areNorman Kahn, DistrictTraining Chairman, TimLeber, Cecil Gaither, Car-ole Gaither, Dave Penner,Bill Tabolsky, LarryBorgelt. Not Pictured:Vicki Saviano.

Certified Trainers

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DISTRICT NEWSDISTRICT NEWS2020 • May 2005• May 2005 AdventurAdventures in Scoutinges in Scouting

Trails WestDistrict

Trails West Events

Trails West 2005 District LeadershipDistrict Chairman Ed Hedges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913-768-1420

District Commissioner Geoff Mildenhall . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913-859-0506

District Membership Chair Keith Neuman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913 541-8362

District Advancement Chair Ellen McGurk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913-780-1577

District Training Chair Joe Ogilivie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913-492-3880

District Activities Chair Dave Elsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913-829-4594

District Camping Chair Bruce La Londe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913 438-6619

District Family Friends of Scouting Marlene Bean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913-782-3279

District Popcorn Chair David Colvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913 307-0745

Boy Scout Roundtable Doug Strieby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913 764-0547

Cub Scout Roundtable David Bryant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913 599-0514

District Director Alan J Sanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816 569-4958

May5 Roundtable, Center of Grace, 520 S Harrison, Olathe, 7PM

10 District Committee Meeting, Center of Grace, 520 S Harri-

son, Olathe, 7PM

17 District Commissioner Meeting, Center of Grace, 520 S

Harrison, Olathe, 7PM

19 Eagle Board of Review, Church of Jesus Christ LDS, 7845

Allman, Lenexa, 6:30PM (Please arrive 15 min. early)

June2 Roundtable / Program planning fair, Center of Grace, 520 S

Harrison, Olathe, 7PM

7 District Committee Meeting, Center of Grace, 520 S Harri-

son, Olathe, 7PM

16 Eagle Board of Review, Church of Jesus Christ LDS, 7845

Allman, Lenexa, 6:30PM (Please arrive 15 min. early)

17 District Commissioner Meeting, Center of Grace, 520 S

Harrison, Olathe, 7PM

Information onthe Web

The Trails West DistrictWebsite is now up and run-ning. Next time you areonline take a minute andlook at the District page,h t t p : / / h o a c - b s a . o r g /Trails_West. We are goingto try to keep putting moreinfo on the page that willhelp keep you up to date onwhat is going on in the dis-trict and in scouting. Thesite is also a great place tofind any forms you mightneed and information aboutupcoming council events.

Spring Round-UpIt is not too late to get

your unit involved in springround-up. Now is a greattime to get new boysinvolved in your unit if youare going to give the boy asummer time program. Theboys that are about to end.For more information con-tact Alan J Sanders at 816-569-4958 or [email protected].

Day CampIt is never too early to

start thinking about DayCamp! Cub Scout DayCamp is fun and an adven-ture with a purpose.Attending Day Camp helpsboys stay interested in CubScouting over the summerwhen many packs do nothold regular meetings andactivities. It also helps meetthe need for summer pro-grams that provide youthwith engaging activitieswithin a safe environment!Our programs are designedto focus on fun and outdoorlearning experiences! Par-ticipation keeps the boysactive in scouting and helpsstrengthen den and packprograms for better year-round operation. Our DayCamps are staffed withtrained, qualified leaderswho will ensure your CubScouts enjoy a wonderfulsummer-time experience.Day Camp Staff membersare available to come to your

Pack meeting, Blue & GoldDinner, or any other CubScout gathering to provide apresentation on Day Camp.Please contact Shawn Hud-son at (913) 254-9548 or e-mail [email protected] would appreciate at leastTWO WEEKS ADVANCENOTICE to allow us toschedule and assemble apromotional team for yourevent.

Day Camp Staff &Den Leader Position Available

If you are interested inserving on our 2004 DayCamp Staff, there are stillpositions open! If you areinterested in applying orknow someone who mightbe, please let Alan Sandersknow.

Good Turn forAmerica

Community Service anddoing a Good Turn daily isone of the most basic com-ponents of Scouting.

Good Turn for Americais a national call to servicefor Scouts, leaders, and thecommunity.The goals of Good Turnfor America are to:• Inspire Scouts and lead-

ers to higher levels ofservice and volunteerism.

• Provide experiences tohelp youth learn citizen-ship while gaining asense of belonging andbeing needed in theircommunity: and to tellthe story of what scout-ing is doing in our com-munity and the nation.

This initiative focuses onthree basic needs – food,shelter, and healthy living.

Scouting units in theHeart of America Councilreceived user ID codes torecord their service project.If you do not have a usercode, please [email protected] oryour district activities chair-man.

Units are encouraged as

part of their quality unitrequirements to complete aservice project and record itat www.goodturnforamer-ica.org. This would includeservice projects in your den,or used for rank advance-ment i.e. Eagle rank.

Units that record a serv-ice project will be recog-nized at your monthlyroundtable meeting. Youwould also be able to pur-chase the Good Turn patch,and year rocker from theKansas City Scout Shop.

The Heart of AmericaCouncil has conducted over300 service hours this yeartowards a goal of 500,000hours

For more informationvisit www.goodturnforamer-ica.org or contact your dis-trict activities chairman.

2004 Quality District

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Kaw Events

Kaw 2005 District CommitteeDistrict Chairman Doug Spangler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-441-3707

District Commissioner Susan Rodgers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-351-1470

Cub Scout Round Table Sharon Thebo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-287-2278

Boy Scout Round Table Shawn Mullen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913 651-4550

District Training Chair Greg Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .816-769-7975

Boy Scout Training Chair Rick Lockwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-785-3555

Youth Protection Training Nancy Henre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-369-2726

Activities Chair Dan Hammond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-651-4885

Kaw Sprit Team Bob Sixta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-895-5730

Camping Chair Mike Henre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-369-2726

Advancement Chair Sharlet Untereiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-651-3436

Relationships Chair Ray Thebo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .913-287-2278

District Director Charles Vonderheid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-569-4949

[email protected]

Sr. District Executive Dusty Boatright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-569-4967

[email protected]

District Executive Khary Floyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-569-4965

[email protected]

May5 Roundtable/OA Chapter Meeting 7:00 p.m. Rehm's

Park Southern Baptist: Pratt Ave & Garfield St Bon-ner Springs, KS 66012

5 Day Camp Staff and Walking Leader Training atRoundtable

11 District Committee/Commissioner Meeting 7:00p.m. BPU Human Resources, 300 N. 65th St.,Kansas City, KS

June2 Program Kick-off 6:30p.m. Edwardsville Community

Building, 696 S 3rd St, Edwardsville, KS

9 District Committee/Commissioner Meeting 7:00p.m. BPU Human Resources, 300 N. 65th St.,Kansas City, KS

27-7/1 Cub Scout Day Camp, Camp Theodore Naish ScoutCamp, Bonner Springs, KS

Thanks to GeneralMotors Fairfax Plant!

On Saturday, March 12,2005, the Kaw District con-ducted its 6th annualPinewood Derby Race atthe General Motors FairfaxPlant. This joint ventureallowed Cub Scouts fromWyandotte and Leaven-worth Counties to racetheir gravity- propelledpinewood cars that theydesigned and carved withthe assistance of their par-ents against one another.All Cub Scouts received apatch, ribbon and a bag fullof giveaways. The ownersof the three fastest CubScout cars all received tro-phies.

As an added attraction,several companies from theFairfax Industrial areasponsored a car in the 6thannual CorporatePinewood Derby Race. Thecorporate race was con-ducted after the Cub Scoutraces and featured speciallycrafted pinewood derbycars in which adults of thevarious departments fromGeneral Motors and otherarea businesses competedagainst one another.

As a result of the corpo-rate sponsorships and par-ticipation this year’s eventraised over $27,500!!! Thiswill help to ensure a qualitysummer camping experi-ence for young men who

adequate food and shelterand to develop good healthhabits in our nation.

Plan a community serv-ice activity for your unit, ifyou need some suggestionson a project contact us andwe can give you a few ideas.Carry it out and then thereis one more step.

Now is the time to reportinformation about the serv-ice project in which yourunit participated, go to theWeb site http://www.good-turnforamerica.org andenter your information.We will be having charts atthe May Roundtable totrack the districts progress.Thanks for helping instillthe life long habit of com-munity service in yourScouts.

Fall Round-UpsIt's hard to believe that

the start of school is just 90days away. Now is thetime to plan for yourPACKS Round-up. Pleaseselect a date betweenAugust 15th and Septem-ber15. History has shownthat boys will join a lot ofactivities during the firstfour weeks of school. Ifyou are not one of thechoices, that boy more thanlikely will not join later inthe year. Please contactDusty Boatright (816)569.4967 or Khary Floyd(816) 569.4949 to set upyour Boy Talks and Round-up night.

otherwise could not affordthis opportunity. Thankyou to all of those whoattended.

Youth ProtectionMonth in April

April is Youth ProtectionMonth and at the AprilRoundtable we had Youthprotection training andgreat tips on how your unitcould observe youth protec-tion month.

Program PlanningFair

The Program Kick-off iswhere your unit will getvital programming informa-tion for the coming pro-gram year. Every Unitneeds to have representa-tive at this meeting.Edwardsville CommunityBuilding, 696 S 3rd St,Edwardsville, KS, June 1st,2005

We will discuss the high-lights of the coming yearand the great Council andDistrict activities your unitwill be able to participatein. We will see you at 6:30p.m. Edwardsville Commu-nity Building, 696 S 3rd St,Edwardsville, KS

Good Turn forAmerica

Good Turn for Americais a national call to serviceby the Boy Scouts of Amer-ica that will help provide

Cub Scout DayCamp

It’s time for Day Camp.Day Camp is the SuperBowl of the Cub Scout year.Grey and Mary have puttogether a great team andare ready for a great sum-mer! Sign-up forms arelocated at http://hoac-bsa.org/RES_Camping_Info.cfm.

We look forward to see-ing you and your boys atDay Camp!

Cub Scout DayCamp Adult Training Camping

Day Camp Staff andWalking Leader Training

will be held at the MayRoundtable. The goal is toassist you and your pack inhaving the best day campexperience possible. Pleaseplan on attending even ifyou’re not sure you or yourPack is going to camp.

2005 Friends ofScouting Presentations

Now is the time to con-tact Rick Lockwood 913-6842980 or Dusty Boa-tright 816-569-4967 toreserve your FOS presenta-tion. Don’t miss out on agreat presentation and anopportunity to give back toScouting.

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Big MuddyDistrict

Big Muddy 2005 District CommitteeHOAC WEBSITE hoac-bsa.org

District Chairman Tom Hodson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-240-8472

District Commissioner Larry Maxwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-470-5660

Activities Chairman Kyle Kolkemeyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-838-2466

Advancement Chairman John Dickson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-470-2337

Camping Chairman Ed Gooseman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-682-2008

Membership Chairman Mac Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-470-4152

Cub Scout Training Mary Martens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-776-3082

Boy Scout Training Bob Brooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660-259-6278

Sr. District Executive Grant Dealy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-569-4956

New Big MuddyWeb Page

Next time you’re out surf-ing the net, make sure to taketime and check out the BigMuddy District web pagelocated on the council website. The district page will bea handy tool for you when itcomes to looking for upcom-ing events in the district suchas day camp, roundtables,trainings, camporees, andany other activities you mayhave an interest in. Alsoincluded on the page will belinks for every imaginableform you could ever needfrom health forms and campregistrations to merit badgecounselor applications andAward of Merit applications.As always, feel free to contactyour District Executive if you

require any assistance withyour scouting needs andmake sure to take advantageof the council website atwww.hoac-bsa.org.

Spring RecruitmentIt’s still not too late to host

spring recruitment for yourtroop or pack. With CubScout Day Camp and BoyScout Summer Camp justaround the corner, now is theideal time to bring in newscouts. With all of theunique opportunities avail-able, summer camp programsare the highlight of everyScouting career. What betterway to introduce a new childinto scouting than by startingthem off with such an excit-ing activity! Posters and fly-ers are available along withany assistance you may need

in your effort, please contactyour District Executive,Grant Dealy at 569-4956with any questions you mayhave.

Friends of ScoutingIn just a few short weeks,

the District Friends of Scout-ing campaign will come to aclose. Thanks to all of youwho have contributed thisyear and help make it a suc-cess. If are interested in mak-ing a contribution this yearor would like to learn moreabout Friends of Scouting,please contact the Big MuddyDistrict FOS Chair, Jim Win-ningham at 660-259-4725 orDistrict Executive GrantDealy at 569-4956.

District Chairman’sComments

I’m looking forward to vis-iting the many Cub Scoutsand leaders that will beattending Day Camp in June,as always, I know this will bea great time for all attending.

I’m also looking forward toseeing the many troops who

Big Muddy EventsMay

3 Roundtable; First United Methodist Church, Lexing-ton, MO 7:30 p.m.

5 District Committee Meeting; Dibbins Hall, Lexington,MO 7:30 p.m.

11 Commissioner’s Meeting; Martens Home, Richmond,MO 7:30 p.m.

June2 District Committee Meeting; Dibbins Hall, Lexington,

MO 7:30 p.m.

6-10 Cub Scout Day Camp; Richmond H.S. Athletic field

7 Roundtable; First United Methodist Church, Lexing-ton, MO 7:30 p.m.

8 Commissioner’s Meeting; Martens Home, Richmond,MO 7:30 p.m.

will be going to summercamp. I hope to get to visitwith all while they are atcamp. With spring, comesmany campouts and outingsfor the Packs and Troops inthe district. As leaders,remember, these are timesthe boys will keep with themin their memories for the restof their lives. Let’s do ourbest to make them good mem-ories. Thanks for everythingyou do in Scouting,Thomas L. HodsonBig Muddy District Chairman

District Commissioner’sThoughts

We are rapidly approach-ing all the fun activities ofsummer such as Cub ScoutDay Camp, Bear Camp,Webelos Camp, Boy ScoutCamp, and Venturing Camp.

What a wonderful time torecruit a new Scout and getthem started off with a funand exciting event such ascamp. No waiting around forsomething to happen whilenew leader figure out what todo, just go and participate. Inthe mean time the parents orguardians get to see thingshappening and probably canbe talked into helping a loteasier than when you just tellthem about what can happen.I suggest you start the newadults off with a specific taskthat would be easy for themto do. If you start off witheasy or simple tasks, it willpave the way for more com-plicated leadership later.This is a good time to bothget new Scouts, leaders, andhelpers to carry out a betterprogram. Larry MaxwellBig Muddy District Commissioner

ScoutingTimeless Values

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Learning for Life & Exploring

Contact Information

Your post or group isimportant to us. While wevisit with all advisors, leadteachers, and principals regu-larly, we are available toaddress your needs and con-cerns as they arise. Pleasecontact Lisa Hayes, Explor-ing & Learning for Life Direc-tor, at 816.569.4972 [email protected]; or AdamBerthot, Senior Exploring &Learning for Life Executive,at 816.569.4970, [email protected].

Start Off 2005with Learning forLife ResourcesHere is a friendly checklist! Doyou have these LFL resources inyour office? Are you usingthem to help your program besuccessful?Drug Abuse Prevention Edu-cation Lessons: Wonderful sup-plemental resources available tohelp K-6th grade classrooms dis-cover the challenges of substanceabuse.Exploring Youth and AdultLeader Guidebooks: Both maybe downloaded form the publicinternet site www.learningfor-life.org. Here you can chooseyour age appropriate LeaderGuidebook to assist your pro-gram.Super Safe and both editionsof the Life Choices games:Now a version can be played onthe public web site at www.learn-ingforlife.org. Kids can playthese games from home or theclassroom. Get the word out toyour parents and other teachers!Process Evaluations: (one foreach school-based program) theseprogram-specific surveys areused as mid-year evaluation tool.So the month of January is anexcellent time to use them! Ithelps to get feedback on the uti-lization of the Learning for Lifeschool-based programs.Scholarships: Visit www.learning-forlife.org to check out all the won-derful scholarships available. Theapplications can be downloadedfrom the internet side. We want to be there to assistyou in every way possible toensure your Learning for LifeProgram is a success. With somany resources just a clickaway, it’s a great way to

enhance your education cur-riculum.

Mark Your CalendarsK.C. @ Night 2005Please visit the council website todownload your registrationpacket, www.hoac-bsa.org andclick on the LFL page.

DATES: Friday, May 13ththrough Saturday, May14th.WHERE: TBA.COST: $45 per Explorer, $25 perAdult.PROGRAM: This event will befun-filled, and all night long. Wewill begin the night on Fridaywith a Royals game, and end theevent Saturday morning atCerner Corporation. Kansas City@ Night is open to all registeredExplorers and Venturers, ages14-20. Every Post is required tobe represented by at least 2 adultvolunteers. Remember to sign upas soon as possible, those busesfill up quickly. Look for the reg-istration packet to be online inMarch. It’s going to be awesome!For questions and more infor-mation contact Adam Berthot,Senior Exploring & Learningfor Life Executive, at816.569.4970, [email protected] or LisaHayes, Exploring & Learningfor Life Director, at816.569.4972 [email protected].

2005 NationalFire/Emergency Services Exploring Con-ferenceDATES: June 20-24, 2005.WHERE: Texas EngineeringExtension Service, Texas A&M

University, College Station,Texas.COST: $350 per person.REGISTRATION: The PostReservation/Security DepositForm is available online andthrough your Exploring Execu-tive. Posts should complete theform and obtain the local Learn-ing for Life office signature forapproval. Forward the form,along with a $100 post deposit, tothe national office. You must be aregistered participant of anExplorer post to attend.PROGRAM: The program isseveral days of exciting competi-tions and events:Team competitions. CPR andMovement, Spinal Immobiliza-tion and Move, Arson Investiga-tion, Bunker Gear and SCBARelay, Room Search, ParamedicBiking Competition, Make &Break, Ladder Raise. Individualevents. One-Person CPR, Candi-date Physical Ability (CPAT),Written Examination, InitialSize-Up and Incident Command,Wildfire Shelter Deployment,Bunker Gear and SCBA, DrillCompetition. Seminars.CAREER TRACT: Exploringcareer option in the fire service,EMS: New technologies reviewand operations of “Charlie,”TEXAS FOREST SERVICE:Space shuttle recovery, INDUS-TRIAL FIREFIGHTING: Whatare the differences: industrial vs.municipal? DANIELLE SMAL-LEY FOUNDATION: Pipelinesafety and awareness, USAR K-9RESCUE: Review of use ofcanine search and rescue, TER-RORISM AND WEAPONS OFMASS DESTRUCTION: Fireservice role in HomelandDefense; LPG EMERGENCIES:LPG awareness and operations,FIRE PREVENTION ANDINVESTIGATIONS: Overviewof fire prevention and arsoninvestigation, PROTECTIVECLOTHING: Types and use ofpersonal protective equipment,FIREFIGHTING TOOLS:Course review and application ofnew tools used in the fire service,TEXAS TASK FORCE ONE:NYC response and USAR train-ing.View the conference guidebookonline atwww.learningforlife.org/explor-ing/fire.


ADMINISTRATIONDATES: July 9 - July 16;WHERE: Quantico, VATHE U.S. MARSHALS SER-VICEDATES: July 16 - July 23;WHERE: Washington, DCTHE U.S. ARMY MILITARYPOLICEDATES: July 16 - July 23;WHERE: Fort Leonard Wood,MOCOST: The cost for the partici-pants will be transportation toand from Washington, D.C.(Ronald Reagan National Air-port) or to Ft. Leonard Wood,Missouri, and a $50.00 adminis-tration fee. (DO NOT SENDANY MONEY WITH APPLICA-TION.) Academy Explorers willbe expected to cover costs for allbreakfasts in Washington, D.C.,and some dinners. Housing, mostlunches and some dinners, pro-gram insurance, and fees for theacademy will be provided.Explorers arriving early or stay-ing late will be responsible forearly/late costs. Of course, spend-ing money and uniform costs arethe participant's responsibility.REGISTRATION: The com-pleted nomination form with theappropriate certifications mustbe RECEIVED, not postmarked,in the national office no laterthan February 11, 2005. Lateapplications will not be consid-ered. The information and appli-cation can be found on theLearning for Life Web site:www.learningforlife.org. Go toExploring then Law Enforce-ment Exploring and click onAcademies. You can also viewpreliminary schedules for each ofthe academies on the web site.

2005 National HealthCareers ExpositionDATES: August 3-7, 2005WHERE: The National Insti-tutes of Health and the Uni-formed Services University,Bethesda, Maryland.COST: $400 per person (bothyouth and adults), which coversthe cost of meals, housing accom-modations, and extracurricularactivities. The National HealthCareers Exploring Committeewill offer a limited number ofscholarships to help defrayexpenses for posts to attend theexposition. REGISTRATION: A promo-tional brochure with registrationform for the exposition will besent to all health post advisorsthis fall. PROGRAM: This 3-1/2 dayconference will have participantsspending two full days on thecampus of the Uniformed Ser-vices University and one full dayat the National Institutes ofHealth. Participants will attend

interactive workshops and semi-nars focusing on a variety ofhealth-care career options suchas medicine, dentistry, veteri-nary, allied health, pharmacy,osteopathic, chiropractic, nurs-ing, and podiatry. Participantswill also have time for extracur-ricular activities, including anopening banquet and dance withlive entertainment, a tour ofWashington, D.C., and muchmore.View the conference brochureonline at www.learningforlife.org/exploring/health.

Tell Us Your StoryWe would like to hear about

what you are doing with articlesand pictures. In the newsletterwe offer a abundance of informa-tion, but it is a lot of fun to seewhat the other posts and groupsare doing out there. If you have agreat story to tell of an adventure,activity, or exciting event, send itin or email your story with pic-tures and we’ll try to get it in tothe newsletter.


If your post needs fundraisingideas, to support post activities orprogram enhancements pleasevisit the Learning for Life web-site at www.learningforlife.org,click on “Exploring,” navigate to“New Resources” and click on“Resources for Exploring Lead-ers”, then navigate to “How toEarn Money.”

Parents: AnUntapped Resourcefor Posts

Parents are probably not uti-lized as much as they could be toensure the success of your post.Here are some tips for enhancingparental involvement in variousprograms. At the post's nextmeeting or firstnighter thisspring, invite the participants’parents to attend. Distribute theadult resource survey form toidentify the interests and abilitiesof the Explorers’ parents. Gettingparents involved with a post as aleader or committee member canhelp you efficiently execute yourrole as advisor. With the partici-pating organization’s approval,parents may serve as coordina-tors for fund-raising events, oractivity chaperones and coordi-nators, among others. Moreover,parental involvement is a greatyouth retention tool. The adultresource survey is availablethrough the Learning for Lifeoffice and also in your programguide curriculum.

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