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  • 8/6/2019 HEC PAKISTAMN


  • 8/6/2019 HEC PAKISTAMN


    Table of Contents

    Descirption Page No.

    Executive Summary 3

    Introduction 4

    ESMP Objectives 4

    Legal and Policy Overview 5

    Description of Construction Activities. 6Project Management and Constrcution Methodolgy 7

    Environmental, Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring 11

    Institutional and Reporting Arrangements 12

    EMP Cost 16

    Table A- 1 Environmental and Social Mitigation andMonitoring Plan


    Annex-A: Details of Ongoing Projects under HEC. 36

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    Executive Summary:

    The Tertiary/ Higher Education Development Program of the Government of Pakistaninclude a number of construction and infrastructure development projects in Universities

    and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) . These projects can potentially have some

    negative social and environmental impacts. An Environmental and Social Management

    Plan (ESMP) has been prepared, which identifies the appropriate mitigation measures,

    defines the environmental and social monitoring requirements, describes the

    documentation and capacity building protocols, and specifies the capacity building needs

    for effective implementation of ESMP. The ESMP describes the major objectives of the

    plan and its elements, nature of potential impacts, and proposed mitigation plan to cater

    with the various types of impacts likely to appear during different phases of the

    construction projects. The plan has also suggested the procedure and organizational &

    reporting system for its implementation.

    The effective implementation and monitoring of the ESMP will require capacity building

    of the project staff, involvement of the faculty members of the Environmental Science

    departments in the relevant Universities in the process and effective follow up by the

    Monitoring and Evaluation Cell of Higher Education Commission. Institutional

    arrangement to involve these major stakeholders in the monitoring process has been

    d i hi ESMP B id h i i i i Thi d P V lid i h l b

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    Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)

    1. Introduction

    The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan desires to undertake infrastructure

    development projects at Universities and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) . To

    avoid or mitigate any potential threat to the natural and social environment due to the

    construction activities under the infrastructure development projects, a rapid

    environmental assessment has been carried out of some of the completed and ongoing

    construction projects, and the present Environmental and Social Management Plan

    (ESMP) ha s been prepared, in accordance with the World Banks guidelines and

    safeguard policies.

    This ESMP defines the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders and presents a

    set of environmental mitigation measures, which focus at avoiding and or preventing the

    adverse environmental and social impacts of the projects. The ESMP also suggests

    institutional setup for ensuring smooth implementation, compliance, monitoring &

    reporting and capacity building of the stakeholders.

    2 ESMP Objectives

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    To suggest suitable measures for mitigation of such impacts at the planning, designing

    and implementation stages of these projects, so as to eliminate or reduce their adverse

    nature (if any).

    To propose Environmental Monitoring Program to ensure that the mitigation measures

    are implemented during the project execution and timely corrective actions are taken,

    where required. The information obtained during environmental monitoring will also

    assist in the planning and designing of new projects.

    To propose institutional arrangements, incorporating roles and responsibilities of

    stakeholders, required to implement and monitor the ESMP.

    3. Legal and Policy Overview

    The present ESMP has been developed after reviewing the relevant promulgated

    environmental legislation and guidelines of Government of Pakistan and that of the

    World Banks safeguard policies. These legislations and safeguard policies, and their

    relevance to the proposed project, are briefly discussed below.

    i. Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997.

    The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act (PEPA) is the apex environmental

    law in the country, and provides for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation

    d i f h i f h i d l f ll i

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    in Schedule-I require preparation of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)

    report, whereas those falling under categories listed in Schedule-II require

    preparation of at detailed study, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

    The construction activities at the Universities and HEIs dont fall under any of

    the Schedule-I or Schedule-II of the Regulations, which define the categories of

    projects requiring IEEs and EIAs to be carried out. Therefore these construction

    activities would not require preparation of IEE or EIA report.

    iii. WB OP 4.01 (Environmental Assessment):

    This Operational Policy (OP) requires EA to be conducted of projects proposed

    for Bank financing to help ensure that they are environmentally sound and

    sustainable with an objective to improve decision making process.

    The OP also categorizes the project in one of the four categories on the basis of

    the type, location, sensitivity, scale of the project, the nature and magnitude of its

    potential environmental impacts.

    The proposed construction activities have been classified as Category B , and are

    likely to have low to medium level of adverse effects to environment and humanpopulation. The present ESMP has been prepared in response to the OP 4.01.

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    construction and developmental projects will be undertaken. The scope of the

    developmental projects is briefly explained as follows:

    1. Construction of Academic and allied administrative , residential buildings for

    various departments of Universities and HEIs to cater their growing space

    requirements for the male and female students, faculty and staff etc.

    2. Renovation / rehabilitation of existing buildings.

    For further details see Annex-A .

    5. Project Management and Construction Methodology:The standard methodology for design, execution and maintenance of the construction

    projects will be followed, which will normally include the following phases:

    5.1 Land Procurement:

    Most of the developmental activities have been planned within the exiting Campuses of

    the Universities and HEIs, where land is available. However in case s, where the exiting

    space is not sufficient for the construction of new facilities, land would be acquired

    through acquisition of existing Government lands, where available. In such cases, the

    cost of land will be included in the project proposal at the approved Govt. rates. Free of

    cost Govt. land will be preferred, where available. In both the cases the title of the land

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    selection of the Architects and Consulting Engineering firms for the design work, the

    standard procedure and methodology of Pakistan Engineering Council will be followed

    and detailed Architectural Planning and Engineering Designing (AE&D) will be carried

    out for each and every project site. The design, prepared by AE&D must add value to the

    environmental and social surroundings.

    5.4 Execution and Construction phase.

    The construction activities will be carried out by the contractors, which will be selected

    as per guidelines given by Pakistan Engineering Council and Public Procurement

    Regulations Authorities (PPRA) Rules-2004. The following milestones are normally

    defined for construction and infrastructure development projects:

    5.4.1 Leveling dressing and site preparation:

    The site preparation and leveling & dressing is carried out as per given design based on

    the contour map and subsequent detailed design and working drawings developed by the

    A&ED firm. For excavation and leveling & dressing at site, manual labor and

    construction machinery like excavator and dozers will be deployed. The detailed design

    will be based on the principles of natural resource conservation, where the cut and fillquantities must balance to the potential extent. However in some sites, the specific

    topography may require disposal of surplus material or transportation of material from

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    toilet fixtures. Finally, painting and polishing of walls, ceilings, doors, windows and

    others is done.

    The monitoring and progress review of the projects is carried out by the relevant staff as

    per guidelines given by the Planning Commission of Pakistan and Monitoring and

    Evaluation Cell of the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Progress reports are

    submitted to Planning Commission, through HEC on the prescribed formats on monthly,

    quarterly and yearly basis. These reports are submitted by the project execution staff to

    ensure that the progress and quality of the projects peruses as per desired standards. The

    building monitoring committee constituted at the Campus may occasionally inspect the

    progress and quality of the projects.

    5.4.3 Project Completion:

    After completion of the project, it is properly terminated to ensure that the following

    aspects of the project have been fulfilled:

    i. All project deliverables have been procured as per approved scope, cost and

    quality of the project and no component of the project is incomplete andunfulfilled. In case of any variation, the requisite approval process for

    authentication has been followed

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    iii. All relevant documentation regarding the various phases/sub phases of the

    projects must be accomplished for future reference and Third Party Validation,

    where required. A document of Lessons Learned must be developed regarding

    project specific problems and solution etc to help in future planning of such


    iv. Wide publicity of the termination of the project is required amongst the various

    stakeholders of the project to avoid any likely future legal encumbrances.

    5.4.4 Project handing Over and Taking over ( Commissioning)

    When the project is completed, the execution agency/Project team will hand over

    the facility to the respective end users. The handing over/taking over documents

    are signed by the respective authorized persons, where the operational

    responsibilities of the project are transferred. The people responsible for the

    Operation and Maintenance of the facility are identified. Project Completion

    Report on the prescribed format is submitted to Panning Commission of Pakistan,

    through HEC.

    5.4.5 Operation and Maintenance ( O&M) of the facility:

    After completion handing taking over and commissioning of the project the

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    necessary, proper Standard Operating Procedures must be adopted and all such

    changes must be dully approved by the Competent Forum.

    6. Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and MonitoringThe Environmental and Social impacts associated with the construction activities vary in

    nature, intensity and frequency and depends on the size of project, its location and

    capacity of the major stakeholders to deal with these impacts. The major impacts likely tobe encountered during construction activities are given as follows:

    i. Loss of vegetation and trees:

    ii. Soil erosion and contamination.

    iii. Water pollution and contamination. iv. Air Quality deterioration

    v. Noise and vibration.

    vi. Health and safety hazards

    vii. Damage to infrastructure and public utilities.

    viii. Social and gender issues.

    ix. Damages to Sites of Historical, Cultural, Archeological or Religious


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    of the entire efforts to add value to the natural and social surroundings and is required to

    be holistically followed by the respective personnel. The Plan must be part of the bidding

    documents and subsequent contract agreement, so that its implementation is ensured at all


    7. Institutional and Reporting Arrangements.

    Effective implementation and follow up of the Environmental and Social Mitigation

    and Monitoring Plan requires clear institutional and reporting system at all

    Universities and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs ), where the infrastructure

    developmental projects are undertaken. The roles of various persons(s) and institutions

    must be clear to avoid any ambiguity and role overlaps. The proposed institutional

    arrangement will be given in the bidding documents. The following institutional and

    reporting arrangements will be followed during implementation of the projects.

    i. Universities and HEIs where in -house project implementation

    organization exists:

    Most of the Universities and HEIs have Directorate of Works and Services/Project

    Directorate responsible implementation of the infrastructure projects. These

    departments are headed by the Director (Works and Services) and Project Director.

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    The Project Director/Director of Works and Services will report onwards to the

    Works Monitoring Committee established at the Universities. The Works Monitoring

    Committee of the University will be renamed as Works and Environment

    Monitoring Committee (WEM Committee). The existing committee will be

    strengthened with the Chairman of Environmental Science/Engineering department of

    the concerned University. In case the department is not established at the particular

    university, services of the Chairman of Environment Faculty from other

    University/institutions will be engaged. Suitable honoraria will be paid to the

    person(s) engaged from outside the University. The WEM committee will monitor the

    mitigation measures, the ESMP implementation status, and the overall environmental

    and social performance of the Project at least once every two months.

    In universities, where the Works Monitoring Committees are not established, these

    will be established with the following minimum representation.

    - Registrar: Convener

    - Dean Faculty of Science: Member

    - Chairman Department of Environmental Sciences/Engineering:Member

    Representative of the Horticulture section/department

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    which will be submitted onwards to the Works and Environment Monitoring Committee

    as per procedure already described.

    Complete documentation will be maintained by the Site Engineer in both the cases at the

    sites for verification by the WEM Committee and Third Party Validation (TPV) as and

    when deemed necessary during currency of the project.

    iii. Monitoring of ESMP at HEC level.

    The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Cell of the Higher Education Commission

    will also monitor the ESMP at the macro level with the Monitoring and Evaluation

    activities of the developmental projects through the following HEC -Environmental

    Monitoring Committee (HEC-EMC).

    i. Adviser (M&E) HEC Convener

    ii. Engr. Dr. Attaullah Shah- Project Director AIOU- Member

    iii. Director General ( Services)-


    iv. Arch Afzal Ibrahim- COMSATS Member

    v. Representative from Engineering Section HEC Membervi. Deputy Director ( Environment)- Monitoring & Evaluation Cell: Member


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    Third Party Validation (TPV) will be required on annual basis to evaluate the quality of

    overall ESMP implementation, and to ensure that the mitigation measures are

    implemented as per Plan and in case of any deviation, corrective actions are taken where

    necessary. For TPV, Environmental Consultants having relevant expertise and previous

    experience will be engaged.

    v. ESMP Reporting Requirements

    The construction contractors will maintain record of the filled mitigation checklist (these

    checklists will be prepared on the basis of the Table A.1 ). The filled checklists will be

    provided to the Project Director/Director Works/Supervision Consultants, as applicable.

    The Project Directorate/Directorate of Works and Services of each University/HEI,

    where the projects are being executed, will generate monthly Environmental and Social

    Mitigation and Monitoring reports, on the basis of the filled checklists provided by the

    contractors and their own monitoring, on the prescribed format and will send them to

    HEC. The HEC will produce quarterly reports based upon these monthly reports. The

    annual report will also be generated by HEC, summarizing the quarterly reports and

    findings of the TPV. The deviations (if any) found by the HEC and TPV will becommunicated to the concerned University and HEIs for rec tification and compliance.

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    The bidding documents and contracts for the construction works will include appropriate

    clauses to ensure that the ESMMP (Table A.1) is effectively implemented during the

    project execution. Implementation of the ESMMP (Table A.1) will explicitly be made

    part of the contractor s scope of work, through inclusion in the Bill of Quantities (BOQs)

    8. ESMP Cost:The estimated cost of ESMP will include costs incurred on the training of staff, honoraria

    of the environment faculty engaged for the monitoring, payments to the resource persons

    and faculty engaged for the training and development of the staff, and Third Party

    Validation (TPV). Brief description of probable ESMP cost is given as follows:

    - Capacity building of Project Execution staff:

    With an estimated number of 50 Universities and HEIs, the training cost will be as


    No of

    Universities and


    No of

    trainees per


    Total No of



    of training

    per year

    Total No for

    3 years

    Cost per


    per head


    ( Million)

    50 02 100 02 600 5000 3.000

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    01 Capacity building of the stakeholders

    Training of staff. 3.000

    02 Honoraria of staff For providing support in monitoring 05.00003 Third Party Validation Hiring of Environmental consultants 09.00004 HEC staff salary Hiring of support staff 2.160

    Total ( PKR in Million) 18.320 Add 10% contingency 1.8Grand Total 20.152

    Say 20.000 M

    The ESMP cost will be met from the Technical Assistance Component of TertiaryEducation Support Project (TESP) of the World Bank.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Table A- 1 Environmental and Social Mitigation and Monitoring Plan

    Description Mitigation MonitoringAction Responsibility Action Responsibility

    Site Selection

    Title of the land.

    Title of the land will betransferred in the name ofUnivers ity/HEIs

    Local Administration / District Revenue Office / Relevant Land Revenueoffice.

    (Whichever is applicable)

    All relevant mutation andtransfer documents will beprocured/ensured beforecommencement of theproject.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services

    ( whoever is relevant)

    Possession of the land. The possession of the landwill be obtained beforecommencement of thephysical work at site.

    Local Administration / District Revenue Office / Relevant Land Revenueoffice

    (Whichever is applicable).

    Site possession will betaken over and theboundaries of the acquiredplot will be establishedbefore commencement ofthe project.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services

    ( whoever is relevant)

    Access problems to thestudents and visitors tolocate the new facility

    Ensure that the site isconveniently located andeasily accessible for thepeople and end users.

    Local Administration / District Revenue Office / Relevant Land Revenueoffice

    (Whichever is applicable).

    The site selection will bemade in consultation withfaculty , staff and StudentsAdvisory Cell.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services

    ( whoever is relevant)

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Displacement andResettlement relatedissues.

    The social issues relatingto displacement andresettlement of people willbe addressed as per

    relevant guidelines of theWorld Bank

    Local Administration / District Revenue Office / Relevant Land Revenueoffice.

    (Whichever is applicable).

    Project Director/ EstateOfficer /Director of Worksand Services

    ( whoever is relevant)

    Water scarcity for users. Reasonable source offreshwater will be availablefor sustainable watersupply for bothconstruction and operationphase of the project.

    Local Administration / District Revenue Office / Relevant Land Revenueoffice. Water & SanitationAgency and projectDirectorate.

    (Whichever is applicable).

    The availability of sufficientfreshwater will be ensuredin consultation with localwater supply authorities

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services

    ( whoever is relevant)

    Noise and Vibrations That the proposed site islocated sufficiently away

    from the source of noise to

    the users including railway

    tracks, bus stops and busy

    commercial centers .

    Local Administration / District Revenue Office / Relevant Land Revenueoffice.

    (Whichever is applicable).

    The site will be inspectedbefore final selection tocheck the noise level andvibrations etc.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services inconsultation with facultymember of theEnvironmental Sciencedepartment/EnvironmentDeptt/ nominatedcommittee member fromother university having

    environmental department.

    Obstruction to ventilationand sunlight

    That the Construction at

    site will not cause any

    obstruction to ventilation

    and sunlight to the

    neighborhood structures.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The detailed design will bechecked to comply with therelevant building bye-laws

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services

    ( whoever is relevant)

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Parking related issues The site will be selectedwhere sufficient parkingspaces are available forthe visitors to the new

    facilities in the Campus.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    Sufficient parking spaceswill be provided in thedesign

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

    Loss of natural vegetationin the project area

    Compensation to be paidto the owners for cutting oftrees.


    The payment and treeshas to be made from theproject

    FinanceManager/Treasurer ofUniversity

    Re-plantation with localspecies; prepare re-

    plantation plan.

    Horticulture section of theUniversity

    Monitor the implementationand effectiveness of the re-


    Project Director

    Architectural Planning and Engineering Designing.

    Compliance of Localbuilding bye-laws

    The architectural featureswill be in conformity to thegeneral landscape of thearea and building bye laws

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    Check all the conceptualand detailed drawings forcompliance.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Congestions of spaces - That the facility will be

    designed to accommodate

    all the staff and visiting

    persons in accordance with

    the guidelines provided by

    the Government and other

    relevant standards.

    - Ample seatingarrangements will be madeat visitors gallery alongwith adequate facilities likefans, air coolers, anddrinking water cooler etc.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    Check the drawings incompliance to the spacerequirements and relevantstandards.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

    Non Environment friendlymaterial

    That locally availableconstruction material willbe preferred, whereavailable.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    Use of local material duringplanning stage

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services

    Climatic impacts That the principles ofclimate responsive design

    will be followed and thefacility will be designed inconsonance with localclimatic and environmentalconditions.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The design will be checkedin accordance with local

    climate data.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services in

    consultation with localmetrological/climate Deptt.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    To harness the naturalheating from the Sun, solarheaters and solar geysersshall be included in the

    design in cold places.Increased Energy costduring life cycle of theproject.

    The principles of passive

    building design

    incorporating natural air for

    ventilation and sunlight for

    heating and lighting will be

    adopted in the planning,

    orientation and designing

    of the facility and energy

    cost reduction will be

    provided for comparison.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    Check the level of energycost reduction

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services inconsultationEconomics/MBA Deptt.

    Extreme weather impacts Proper insulation of the

    building components

    against extreme weather

    will be carried out with

    appropriate material. Localinsulation material and

    techniques shall be

    preferred, where


    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The provision of insulationand appropriate localmaterial will be checked.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Application of Accessibilitycode for handicapped.

    The design will be

    prepared according to the

    accessibility code and will

    be a barrier free for the

    disabled and special

    person, e.g., provision of

    wheelchair-ramps, side rail

    along stairs, toilets for

    disabled and studded

    floors for the visually

    impaired people in all

    larger buildings.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The provisions will bechecked to ensureapplication of accessibilitycode.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

    Gender issues Provision for separate toilet

    facilities for men and

    women will be made.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The provisions will bechecked to ensurecompliance.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

    Contamination of groundwater by sewerage.

    Appropriate sewage

    treatment mechanisms

    such as septic tanks of

    adequate sizes will be

    incorporated in the design

    for treating of sanitation

    water where municipal

    sewage system is not

    available or does not exist.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The provisions will bechecked to ensurecompliance.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Drinking water problems Arrangements for clean

    drinking water shall be

    provided for the people in



    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The provisions will bechecked to ensurecompliance.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

    Natural disasters Proper emergency exits /

    escape routes will be

    provided in the design.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The provisions will bechecked to ensurecompliance.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

    Fire extinguishing hydrants

    will be incorporated at

    appropriate locations in the


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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Suitable fire alarm and

    safety system will be

    provided in the design

    During construction and

    after building occupancy, a

    refuge area on site should

    be identified @ 5 Sft. per

    person for the number ofanticipated building

    occupants. This refuge

    area is to serve as an

    evacuation collection point

    and exit during emergency.

    Lack of public utilities Provision of space for the

    public utilities like

    photocopying, internet, andPCO in larger building

    complexes will be made.

    Proper washing

    arrangements will be made

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm

    The provisions will bechecked to ensure


    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Works

    and Services.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    outside public / visitors

    lavatories with ample


    Water losses and wastageProvision of channels and

    on site rain water retention

    basins for collection and

    diversion of storm water

    away from the building and

    streets and to replenish

    underground aquifers will

    be made.

    Architectural andEngineering Designing firm The provisions will bechecked to ensurecompliance.

    Project Director/EstateOfficer/Director of Worksand Services.

    Rainwater harvesting shall

    be practiced for collection

    of storm water from the

    roofs and pavements for

    possible irrigation uses

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Project Activities Impact ActionResponsibility Timing

    Mitigation Monitoring

    Construction CampOperation

    ( if applicable)

    Soil Erosion / Contamination;watercontamination

    i. Contractors will prepare a wastedisposal plan and submit to SiteEngineer for approval.

    ii. For the domestic sewage,appropriate treatment and disposalsystem will be constructed havingadequate capacity, in accordance withNEQS.

    iii. Waste oils will be collected in drumsand sold to the recycling contractors in

    nearby market.

    iv. The inert recyclable waste from thesite (such as card board, drums,broken/used parts, etc.) will be sold torecycling contractors in nearby market

    v. The hazardous waste will be keptseparate and handled according to the

    nature of the waste.

    Contractors Site Engineer BeforeConstruction.

    ( BC)

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Domestic solid waste from theconstruction camp will be disposed in amanner that does not cause soilcontamination.

    The camp sites will be completelyrestored after the completion of theconstruction works. All temporarystructures will be demolished, landleveled and re-contoured to the originalcondition or better. All debris and anyother material will be removed from thesite. The photographs if taken prior tothe camp establishment will be used to

    restore the area.

    DuringConstruction( DC)

    Air QualityDeterioration

    Generators and vehicles will be kept ingood working condition and properlytuned, in order to minimize the exhaustemissions.

    Fugitive dust emissions will beminimized by appropriate methods,such as spraying water on soil, where

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    required and appropriate. Waste waterfrom kitchen and washing area of theconstruction camp may be used forwater spraying.

    Loss ofVegetation

    i. The construction crew will beprovided with LPG as cooking (andheating, if required) fuel. Use of fuelwood will not be allowed.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

    Noise ii. Generators and vehicles will haveexhaust mufflers (silencers) to minimizenoise generation. Compliance withNEQS will be ensured.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

    Safety Hazards iii. Protective fencing to be installedaround the Camp to avoid anyaccidents.

    iv. Firefighting equipment will be madeavailable at the camps.

    v. The camp staff will be provided firefighting training.

    vi. All safety precautions will be takento transport, handle and storehazardous substances, such as fuel.

    vii. EHS Plan to be followed.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

    Public Health viii. The construction camps andsite offices will have first-aid k its.

    ix. The construction crew will beprovided awareness for thetransmissible diseases (such asHIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C).

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Social andGender Issues

    Employment to locals will bemaximized.

    No child labor will be employed.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

    3 Transportation ofEquipment andConstruction Materials

    Soil Erosion andContamination

    Vehicular traffic on unpaved roads willbe avoided as far as possible.

    Vehicles and equipment will not berepaired in the field. If unavoidable,impervious sheathing will be used toavoid soil and water contamination.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

    Air QualityDeterioration

    Vehicular traffic on unpaved roads willbe avoided as far as possible.Operation of vehicles and machineryclose to the water channels, water

    reservoir will be minimized.Vehicles will be kept in good workingcondition and properly tuned, in order tominimize the exhaust emissions.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

    Noise Vehicles will have exhaust mufflers(silencers) to minimize noisegeneration.

    Nighttime traffic will be avoided near thecommunities. Local population will be

    taken in confidence if such work isunavoidable.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

    Safety Hazards Road signage will be fixed atappropriate locations to reduce safetyhazard associated with project-relatedvehicular traffic.

    Project drivers will be trained on

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Significance departments will be notifiedimmediately, and their advice will besought before resumption of theconstruction activities at such sites.

    Soil Erosion After the completion of the constructionworks, campsites and otherconstruction sites will be completelyrestored. No debris, surplusconstruction material or any garbagewill be left behind.

    Photographic record if maintained forpre-project conditions will be used torestore the area.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC


    Vehicles and equipment will not berepaired in the field. If unavoidable,impervious sheathing will be used toavoid soil and water contamination.

    Waste oils will be collected in drumsand sold to the recycling contractors.

    The inert recyclable waste from the site(such as card board, drums,broken/used parts, etc.) will be sold torecycling contractors. The hazardouswaste will be kept separate andhandled according to the nature of thewaste.

    Leaked oil collection arrangement (suchas a channel and a drain pit below thetransformers) will be incorporated in the

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    design of the transformer foundations atthe powerhouse and switchyard.

    Air QualityDeterioration

    Construction machinery, generatorsand vehicles will be kept in good

    working condition and properly tuned, inorder to minimize the exhaustemissions.

    Fugitive dust emissions will beminimized by appropriate methods,such as spraying water on soil, whererequired and appropriate.

    Contractors Site Engineer DC

    Loss of natural

    vegetation / Aesthetic Value

    Tree plantation will be carried out at the


    Contractors Site Engineer DC

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Construction Phase Impacts:

    O&M Activities

    Project Activities Impact ActionResponsibility

    TimingExecution Monitoring

    1 Operation andmaintenance of ProjectFacilities

    1.1 Soil and watercontamination

    For the domestic sewage, appropriatetreatment and disposal system will beconstructed having adequate capacity, inaccordance with NEQS.

    Waste oils will be collected in drums andsold to the recycling contractors in nearbymarkets.

    The inert recyclable waste from the site(such as card board, drums, broken/usedparts, etc.) will be sold to recyclingcontractors in nearby markets. Thehazardous waste will be kept separateand handled according to the nature ofthe waste.

    Domestic solid waste from the sitefacilities will be disposed in a manner thatdoes not cause soil contamination.


    Site Engineer During O&M

    Vehicular traffic Traffic jams,congestions,noise.

    Parking lots will be developed andconstructed.

    Proper signage will be displayed.

    Contractor FacilityManager


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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION, ISLAMABADDetails of Ongoing Projects in Universities and Higher Education Institutions

    SN Name of Project Executing Agency Total Cost Civil Work Cost Description of Civil Work

    1Strengthening of Main and Mirpurcampuses of the AJK University,Muzaffarabad.

    AJK University,Muzaffarabad. 487.092 227.576

    Construction work includes One (1)Academic Block and (1) Hostel each at

    Mirpur and Muzaffarabad campus.

    2Strengthening of ExistingFacilities at Mirpur Campus,AJK University Muzaffarabad

    Mirpur Universityof Science andTechnology,


    299.943 189.553 Construction work includes two (2) AcademicBlocks and One (1) hostel.

    3Strengthening and Developmentof the University of Balochistan,Quetta.

    University ofBalochistan,

    Quetta.971.878 274.423 Construction of four academic blocks and facultyresidence.


    Development of BalochistanUniversity of Information

    Technology and ManagementSciences(BUITMS), Quetta

    BUITEMS, Quetta 468.313 159.572

    Civil work includes remodeling existinginfrastructure for Academic, Admin and other

    activates of new campus of BUITMES.Construction of Student Hostel for 200 students.


    Construction of Student Hostel& Residential Area atBalochistan University ofInformation Technology &Management Sciences, Quetta

    BUITEMS, Quetta 144.737 130.019 Construction of Student Hostel, VC Residence &External Development work.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    6Strengthening of BalochistanUniversity of Engg. & Tech;Khuzdar

    BalochistanUniversity of

    Engineering andTechnology,


    52.401 48.717 Construction of academic block

    7Immediate need to start fouryear BS programme in computersciences, zoology & chemistry atSBK, Quetta

    Sardar BahadurKhan Women

    University, Quetta.38.000 0.500 1. Repair/Renovation of Computer Lab


    Immediate Requirement forAcademic Activities at SardarBahadur Khan WomenUniversity, Quetta.

    Sardar BahadurKhan Women

    University, Quetta.37.922 33.242

    1. Construction of Academic Block Consisting of18 Class Rooms, 6 Faculty Offices, OneDepartmental Library, Two Common Rooms,Lecture Theater and Allied Facilities

    9Establishment of StudentServices Centre at SBK WomenUniversity, Quetta

    Sardar BahadurKhan Women

    University, Quetta.37.880 28.573

    1. Construction of Cafeteria, Multipurpose Hall,Health Service Center, Career Guidance Center, 2Books and Utility Shops, Public TelephoneFacility, Waiting Room, Two nos. of GuardRooms & Reception Room.


    Establishment of UndergraduateMarine Science Laboratory atLasbela University ofAgriculture, Water and MarineSciences, Uthal

    Lasbela Universityof Agriculture,

    Water and MarineSciences, Uthal

    477.840 168.282Construction of Academic Block, Student Service,facilities of coastal areas, Bachelor faculty Hostel& Student Hostel


    Establishment of Central Libraryat Lasbela University ofAgriculture, Water and MarineSciences, Uthal

    Lasbela Universityof Agriculture,

    Water and MarineSciences, Uthal

    37.921 36.800 Construction of Building for Central Library withoffices & stores


    Strengthening and Developmentof Khyber Pakhtun KhwaAgricultural University,Peshawar. (Revised)

    Khyber PakhtunKhwa Agriculture


    410.593 194.898Construction of Academic Block, AdmnBlock,Class Rooms /Exams Hall, Students Hostel& External Development work

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    Strengthening of WaterResources Management Deptt.Khyber Pakhtun KhwaAgriculture University,Peshawar

    Khyber PakhtunKhwa Agriculture


    36.387 16.675 Extension of Existing Academic Block


    Strengthening of Institute ofBiotechnology & GeneticEngineering Khyber PakhtunKhwa Agriculture UniversityPeshawar

    Khyber PakhtunKhwa Agriculture


    341.583 92.179

    Construction of new labs complex and supportfacilities, Expansion of existing IBGE building,hostel for students & Accommodation forResearch scientists, boundary wall aroundlabs,hostels and external development

    15 Improvement and Developmentof Gomal University D.I. KhanGomal University,

    D.I. Khan. 477.902 263.626

    Construction of Academic Block, clinical Research& health care centre building, guest house forfaculty visitors, VC house & Extension of admnBlock

    16Construction of Hostel for 100Students at Gomal University

    Gomal University,D.I. Khan. 37.375 35.087 Construction of students Hostel

    17Development of HazaraUniversity Dodhial, MansehraPhase-I (Revised)

    Hazara UniversityDodhial,

    Manserhra384.079 323.870 Construction of Academic & Admin Block, &Hostel

    18 Hazara University's Post-QuakeDevelopment Plan.

    Hazara UniversityDodhial,

    Manserhra340.337 76.861

    Construction of foreign faculty hostel, planningoffice, student service centre, multi purpose hall,boundary wall & external work


    Development of Infrastructurefor improved Educational

    facilities at Kohat University ofScience & Technology.

    Kohat Universityof Science &

    Technology, Kohat459.714 200.483 Construction of Academic Block, Auditorium,

    Health care centre & officer appartments

    20Strengthening of KohatUniversity of Science & Tech;Kohat

    Kohat Universityof Science &

    Technology, Kohat473.527 205.143 Construction of Academic, Admin Block &External development work

    21Construction of Hostels for Boysand Girl Students at KohatUniversity of Science & Tech;

    Kohat Universityof Science &

    Technology, Kohat37.157 30.000 Construction of Hostel buildings

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    22Construction of Boundary Wallaround the Kohat University ofScience & Tech; Kohat

    Kohat Universityof Science &

    Technology, Kohat38.146 38.046 Construction of Boundary wall

    23Strengthening and Enhancementof Academic Provisions in theUniversity of Peshawar.

    University ofPeshawar. 458.961 233.362 Construction of academic block 1


    Strengthening & Enhancementof Academic Provision in facultyof Life & EnvironmentalSciences, University ofPeshawar.

    University ofPeshawar. 464.695 260.858 Construction of academic block 11

    25Strengthening of Centre ofExcellence in Geology,University of Peshawar.

    Centre ofExcellence in

    Geology,University of


    652.138 197.068 Establishment of Academic & admin Blocks, Labs.Establishment of students & faculty residences.


    Strengthening of SatelliteCampuses of Khyber PakhtunKhwa University of Engineering& Technology, Peshawar atMardan, Bannu andAbottabad.(Revised)

    Khyber PakhtunKhwa Universityof Engg. & Tech.,


    487.669 233.215

    Construction of one academic blockConstruction of 5 hostelsConstruction of one libraryProvision of two water supply


    Establishment of Institute ofEarthquake Engineering andEngineering Seismology byUpgrading its existingearthquake Engineering Centreat University of Engg. & Tech.,Peshawar.

    Khyber PakhtunKhwa Universityof Engg. & Tech.,


    487.219 32.382 Construction of building for earthquakeengieering lab/center

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    28Establishment of New Campusof Jalozai Khyber PakhtunKhwa UET, Peshawar.

    Khyber PakhtunKhwa Universityof Engg. & Tech.,


    6565.272 2981.220

    Construction of academic blocksConstruction of Hostels/Guest HouseConstruction of Administration BlockConstruction of Student Service Center, SportsCenter, Mosque ,school and college.


    Development of ShaheedBenazir Bhutto Campus ofUniversity of Malakand,Sheringal, Dir (Upper)

    Shaheed BenazirBhutto Campus of

    University ofMalakand,

    Sheringal, Dir

    444.267 262.882 Construction of Academic Block, Admin Blockand faculty residences.

    30Construction of Hostel for 200Students at University ofMalakand, Campus-II Sheringal

    Shaheed BenazirBhutto Campus of

    University ofMalakand,

    Sheringal, Dir

    34.206 31.135 Construction of student hostel

    31 Development of MalakandUniversity, Chakdara.


    494.373 182.558 Construction of Academic Buildings, & studentsHostel.

    32Estab. of Botanical Garden andHerbarium, University ofMalakand Campus - I


    38.316 20.459 Establishment of Botanical Garden & Herbarium

    33Strengthening of Syed IftikharHussain Shah Central Library atUniversity of Malakand


    37.159 22.544 Construction of Library & External Developmentwork

    34 Development of Khyber MedicalUniversity, Peshawar

    Khyber MedicalUniversity,Peshawar

    477.800 242.4101. Construction of One Academic Block, OneAdministration Block and One Common ServiceCentre

    35 Strengthening/Up-gradation ofIslamia College PeshawarIslamia College

    Peshawar 476.496 135.960construction of academic bolocks

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    36Development of Institute ofManagement Sciences (IMS),Peshawar

    Institute ofManagement

    Sciences, Peshawar446.533 212.704

    Construction of academic/administration blockExternal Development i/c water supply, roads,external electrification, sewerage


    Establishment of FrontierWomen University in KhyberPakhtun Khwa at Peshawar.Phase-1

    Frontier WomenUniversity in

    Khyber PakhtunKhwa at Peshawar

    456.153 269.910

    1. Construction of 4 Academic Blocks, 3 StudentHostels, One Catering Block, One Library, OneAdministration Block, Faculty & Staff Residences,One Multipurpose Hall, One Student ServiceCentre and External Development

    38 Immediate needs of Universityof Science & Technology, Bannu.

    University ofScience &


    427.861 260.766Construction of 3 Academic blocks, Admn Block,Student service centre, Multi purpose Hall,students Hostels & External development work


    Infrastructure for HigherEducation Facillities (VisitingFaculty Hostel) at Uniserity ofScience and Technology, Bannu(Revised)

    University of

    Science &Technology,


    39.516 32.617 Construction of Faculty Hostel & ExternalDevelopment work


    Estab. of faculty of veterinaryand Animal sciences, Universityof Arid Agriculture,Rawalpindi.

    University of AridAgriculture,Rawalpindi.

    468.620 150.063 Construction of an academic block.


    Establishment of UniversityInstitute of Biochemistry andBiotechnology, University of

    Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi

    University of AridAgriculture,Rawalpindi.

    358.619 127.470 Construction of an academic block.


    Development of on FarmResearch Facilities at Universityof Arid Agriculture,Rawalpindi.

    University of AridAgriculture,Rawalpindi.

    343.224 204.042Construction of students hostels, admn Block,veterinary hospital, field laboratories, glass house,fish form, Residences & Transport Shed

    43 Establishment of R&D Facility inHydroponics at PMAS-UAAR.

    University of AridAgriculture,Rawalpindi.

    52.546 4.772 Remolding of the existing infrastructure

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    44Strengthening of Deptt. OfEntomology, University of AridAgriculture Rawalpindi

    University of AridAgriculture,Rawalpindi.

    34.783 8.309 Construction of Lab


    Establishment of Sub-Campus ofBahauddin Zakariya UniversityMultan at Sahiwal. (President'sDirective)


    ZakariyaUniversity, Multan

    478.873 227.849

    Construction of 2 academic blocksConstruction of adminsitration blockConstruction of 2 hostels/residencesConstrucion of student service cetet

    46Establishment of BahauddinZakariya University College ofTextile Engineering, Multan.


    University, Multan248.965 22.654 Constructio of buidling for textile engineering

    47Establishment of Gillani LawCollege, BZU Multan (PMDirective)


    University, Multan346.270 177.487

    Construction of academic/administration blockConstruction of 2 hostelsExternal Development

    48 Strengthening of BahauddinZakariya University, Multan


    University, Multan971.537 439.210 Construction of academic blocks


    Strengthening and up gradationeducational and researchfacilities, University ofAgriculture, Faisalabad.

    University ofAgriculture,Faisalabad.

    473.839 220.601

    Construction of Lecture Rooms, Laboratories withdemonstrations, faculty offices, students hostel,indoor sports complex, glass house, animal shed& external development work


    Construction of New Buildingfor Faculty of VeterinarySciences at PARS (Financial

    Assistance under PresidentDirective) , AgricultureUniversity Faisalabad.

    University ofAgriculture,Faisalabad.

    200.000 193.774

    Construction of Deans office/admn block,different departments, Lecture Room, Diagnostic

    Lab, students hostel & external developmentwork


    Establishment of Sub Campusof University of Agriculture,Faisalabad at Depalpur.(P.M.Directive)

    University ofAgriculture,Faisalabad.

    475.395 216.521

    Construction of Academic, admn Block,Residence for staff, students service Hostel,visiting scientists hostel, students hostel, FieldLab & External Development work

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    Strengthening of Institute ofFood Science and Technologyinto National Institute of FoodScience and Technology,University of Agriculture,


    University ofAgriculture,Faisalabad.

    169.856 57.890New construction of Academic / Adminbuildings, rehabilitation of the Labs & externaldevelopment work


    Establishment of Sub-Campus ofUniversity of Agriculture,Faisalabad at Toba Tek Singh.(President's Directive)

    University ofAgriculture,Faisalabad.

    38.170 31.203 Construction of Academic Block, Admin Block,Student Hostel, Faculty Residence, Animal sheds.

    54Development of Fatima JinnahWomen University, RawalpindiCampus II

    Fatima JinnahWomen


    428.411 222.851

    1. External Development consisting of site office,boundary wall, sewerage and water supply, roadsetc.2. Master Planning/Drawing & Design for NewCampus


    Feasibility Study and MasterPlanning of New Campus of GCUniversity, Kala Shah KakuLahore

    Govt. CollegeUniversity (GCU),

    Lahore.23.944 23.247 Feasibility Study


    Establishment of Sub-Campus ofIslamia University Bahawalpurat Bahawalnagar. (President'sDirective)

    Islamia University,Bahawalpur. 408.639 184.449

    Construction work includes One Academic Block,One Admin Block, One Library, One Boys andOne Girls Hostel, Student Service Center, CarParking and External Development.


    Estab. of Agriculture College,

    Islamia University,Bahawalpur.(PresidentDirective)

    Islamia University,Bahawalpur. 421.566 176.445Construction work includes One Academic Block,One Admin Block, College Library, One StudentHostel, Car Parking and External Development.


    Establishment of Sub-Campus ofIslamia University Bahawalpurat Rahim Yar Khan. (President'sDirective)

    Islamia University,Bahawalpur. 416.694 196.947

    Construction work includes One Academic Block,One Admin Block, One Library, One Boys andOne Girls Hostel, Student Service Center, CarParking and External Development.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    59Construction of seven facultyresidences at Islamia University,Bahawalpur

    Islamia University,Bahawalpur. 25.464 24.964

    Construction of Six (6) residences for facultymembers


    Strengthening of 4 year Degree

    programme through Expansionof Existing Facilities of LahoreCollege for Women University,Lahore.

    Lahore College forWomenUniversity, Lahore

    424.578 161.957

    1. Construction of Administration Block, Bio-

    Technology Department, Business AdministrationDepartment and Pharmacy Department2. Construction of Day Care Centre, Renovation ofAuditorium and External Development


    Strengthening, Up gradationand Extension of Departments,University of the Punjab,Lahore.

    University of thePunjab, Lahore. 474.630 123.320

    Construction of buildings for differnetdepartments


    Establishment of newlyEmerging Disciplines atUniversity of the Punjab,Lahore.

    University of thePunjab, Lahore. 475.890 140.970 Construction of academic blocks

    63Strengthening of School ofBiological Sciences, Universityof the Punjab, Lahore.

    University of thePunjab, Lahore. 377.328 118.500 Construction of academic block


    Establishment of IndustrialResearch laboratory for MaterialSynthesis and Characterization,University of the Punjab.

    University of thePunjab, Lahore. 52.982 6.547 construction/refurbishment of buidling

    65Strengthening of AcademicResearch and Clinical Services,Punjab University, Lahore.

    University of the

    Punjab, Lahore.37.290 27.000 Construction of academic block


    Expansion/Up gradation ofExisting Facilities at GIS Centre,University of the Punjab,Lahore.

    University of thePunjab, Lahore. 37.000 18.500 Construction of academic block

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    73Strengthening of University ofEngineering & Technology,Lahore.

    University ofEngg. & Tech

    Lahore.5929.000 2206.000

    Construction/addition of academic blocksConstruction of hostel/residencesConstruction of convocation hallExternal Development including roads,sewerage,water supply etc


    Provision of Infrastructure andEstablishment ofTelecommunication Departmentat University of Engineering &Technology, (UET) Taxila.

    University ofEngg. & Tech.

    Taxila.471.672 153.039

    Construction of 2 academic blocksConstruction ofstudent hostelConstruction of cafeteria andGPSExternal Development


    Establishment of RenewableEnergy Research andDevelopment Centre, University

    of Engg. & Tech; Taxila.

    University ofEngg. & Tech.

    Taxila.38.804 4.200 Construction of academic block


    Estab.of Poultry & DairyAnimals Trg. & ResearchCentres at New Campus atBhunnekey, University ofVeterinary and Animal Sciences,Lahore.

    University ofVeterinary and

    Animal Sciences,Lahore

    432.644 204.125 Construction of 1 Dairy plant building whichincludes Poultry and Dairy units


    Dairy Training andDevelopment Centre atUniversity of Veterinary andAnimal Sciences, Lahore.

    University ofVeterinary and

    Animal Sciences,Lahore

    109.815 19.191

    Construction of 1 additional building of Dairyplant comprising of processing hall, chill room etcalong with approach road from plant to farm and

    development of boundary wall around the blockwith total covered area of 5476 square feet.


    Establishment of Research andTraining Facilities for PetsBreading at Ravi CampusUVAS, Lahore.

    University ofVeterinary and

    Animal Sciences,Lahore

    29.971 11.920 costruction of academic/research block & cathouses

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    79 Development of University ofEducation, OkaraUniversity of

    Education Lahore 433.279 219.440Construction of 1 academic block, 1 admin block,1 central library, 1 studenst hostel & Faculty/Staff residences

    80Estab. of Medical College,Sargodha University.(PresidentDirective)

    University ofSargodha 802.158 456.251

    Construction work includes One Academic Block,One Admin Block, Two Hostels each for Boys andGirls, Student Service Center, Faculty / AdminHouses and Flats, One Hostel for House JobHostels.

    81Establishment of AgricultureCollege at Sargodha University,Sargodha.(President Directive).

    University ofSargodha 437.247 262.661

    Construction work includes One Academic Block,Two Hostels each for Boys and Girls, Mosque,Parking Sheds, Shops and Houses for the facultymembers.


    Establishment of a University atFaisalabad on Cost sharing basiswith Govt. of Punjab (GCU)President Directive. (HEC ShareRs. 398.550m + GoPunjab Share isRs. 80m)

    Govt. College

    University (GCU),Faisalabad. 398.550 248.410

    Construction of One Academic Block, One Admin

    Block, Two Hostels each for Boys and Girls andconstruction of boundry wall.


    Establishment of Residentialfacilities for Visiting andForeign Faculty at GCUFaisalabad.

    Govt. CollegeUniversity (GCU),

    Faisalabad.28.619 24.669 Constrcution work includes One Hostel forVisiting and Foreign Faculty members.


    Consultancy Services for Land

    Use Survey and MasterPlanning of New Campus ofUniversity of Health Sciences,Lahore at Kala Shah Kaku,Sheikhupura

    University ofHealth Sciences(UHS), Lahore

    7.434 7.080

    1. Feasibility Study for proposed new campus ofUHS at Kala Shah Kaku, Sheikhupura2. Master Planning, Topographic survey, Soilinvestigation Report4. Layouts of water supply, sewerage, gas andtelephone etc.5. Construction of Boundary Wall

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    Restoration of Main Block,Students Facilities and Provisionof Project Directorate, NationalCollege of Arts (NCA), Lahore.

    National College ofArts, Lahore 33.135 26.185

    1. Restoration of Old Main Building, Constructionof Cafeteria and Refurbishing of Toilets

    86Construction of Hostel at NCA,Lahore (Revised) (HEC Share45.8m + NCA Share 8m)

    National College ofArts, Lahore 45.800 33.787 1. Construction of Student Hostel for Girls

    87Establishment of WomenUniversity in Multan City.(Southern Punjab)

    Women Universityin Multan 1144.621 741.568

    1. Construction of Academic Block, CommonFacilities, Administrative Block, 2 StudentHostels, 7 Houses for Staff & Faculty, 15 FlatUnits for Staff and a Bachelor Hostel for Faculty

    88Capacity Enhancement of theFaculty of Pharmacy, Universityof Karachi.

    University of

    Karachi475.602 192.282

    Construction of academicblock for pharmacy

    Construction of administration blockConstruction of dean officeConstruction of university clinic


    Strengthening of Departmentsof Economics, Business Admn.Commerce and Economics,Institute of Applied Economics,University of Karachi.

    University ofKarachi 471.221 80.451 Construction of academic clocks

    90 Provision of Sports Facilities,University of Karachi, KarachiUniversity of

    Karachi 37.500 34.589 Construction of gymenasium


    Conversion of traditionalknowledge and Resources intoModern Sciences, Industries andEnvironmental Protection usingPakistan Indigenous (Plant)Genetic Resources, University ofKarachi

    University ofKarachi 31.992 14.449

    Construction of buildingConstruction of green house

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    92Strengthening of Teaching andResearch facilities at Deptt. ofGeology, University of Karachi.

    University ofKarachi 36.854 18.421

    Construction of buildingRehabilitation of existing buildings

    93Strengthening of HEJ ResearchInstitute of Chemistry (Phase-II)University of Karachi.

    HEJ-RIC 499.770 93.810Construction of One Laboratory Wing in theexisting building, construction of flats for facultymembers and external development


    Industrial Linkages -Technology Parks andTechnology Incubators, HEJResearch Institute of Chemistry,Karachi University, Karachi.

    HEJ-RIC 184.000 87.780

    Construction work includes One Acadmic Block,Approach roads, Sewerage System, Land scaping,Electrification, Sub-Station installment and GusSupply.


    Establishment of Bio-equivalence Centre at Dr.Punjwani Centre, University ofKarachi

    HEJ-RIC 249.130 74.380 Construction of One Academic Block along withthe external development work.


    Development of Infrastructurefor Latif Ebrahim JamalNational Science InformationCentre, International Centre forChemical and BiologicalSciences, University of Karachi(P.M. Directive)

    HEJ-RIC 30.000 17.189

    Construction includes Internal Roads,Underground and Overhead Water Tank, ParkingSheds, Land Scaping, External Development,External Electrification and Installation of Sub-station.


    University Strengthening andRehabilitation Program ofLiaquat University of Medical

    and Health Sciences (LUMHS), Jamshoro

    Liaquat Universityof Medical and

    Health Sciences, Jamshoro

    459.960 119.430

    1. Rehabilitation of existing infrastructureincluding 7 Departments and One Hostel2. Establishment of Water Testing andsurveillance Research Lab.


    Immediate Restoration of Rainaffected Old Campus LiaquatUniversity of Medical andHealth Sciences, Jamshoro.

    Liaquat Universityof Medical and

    Health Sciences, Jamshoro

    487.010 468.140 1. To restore rain damaged 20 buildings and otherinfrastructure of old buildings of university.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    Strengthening & DevelopmentProgramme of MehranUniversity of Engineering &Technology, Jamshoro.

    Mehran Universityof Eng. &

    Technology, Jamshoro

    471.278 211.162 Construction of academic blocks


    Strengthening of Department of

    Bio-medical Engineering,Environmental Engineering &Management and provision ofCommunal facilities at MehranUniversity of Eng. &Technology, Jamshoro

    Mehran Universityof Eng. &

    Technology, Jamshoro

    469.080 174.719Construction of academic blocksConstruction of HostelConstruction of shopping center


    Strengthening & Developmentof Mehran University ofEngineering & Technology(MUET), Jamshoro (Part II)

    Mehran Universityof Eng. &

    Technology, Jamshoro

    1486.148 402.635 Construction/rehabilitation of academic blocks

    102 Strengthening of NEDUniversity of Engg. & Tech;Karachi

    NED University ofEngineering &Technology,


    2193.000 386.241 Construction of 4 academic blockConstruction ofadministration blockConstruction ofhostel/apartments


    Construction of Academic Blockat LEJ Campus, NED Universityof Engineering and Technology,Karachi.

    NED University ofEngineering &Technology,


    37.050 25.800 Construction of academic blocks

    104Faculty Development and otherbasic requirements of QUEST,Nawabshah.

    Quaid-e-AwamUniversity ofEngineering

    Science & Tech;Nawabshah.

    440.176 69.331

    Construction of girls gymanisiumConstruction of post graduate center

    Construction of Multipurpose HallExternal Development

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    105Extension of Educational andAllied Facilities at Quaid-e-Awam University, Nawabshah.

    Quaid-e-AwamUniversity ofEngineering

    Science & Tech;Nawabshah.

    475.420 177.222

    Construction of two hostelsExtension of laboratoriesExternal development

    106Strengthening of Infrastructureof Shah Abdul Latif University,Khairpur

    Shah Abdul LatifUniversity,Khairpur.

    467.390 206.733Construction of Academic, Admin Block,student/staff accommodation & Externaldevelopment work


    Construction of Hostel for 100Teachers/Researchers at ShahAbdul Latif University,Khairpur.

    Shah Abdul LatifUniversity,Khairpur.

    33.855 31.029 Construction of 2 Hostels & ExternalDevelopment work

    108Estt. of Student Service Centre atShah Abdul Latif UniversityKhairpur

    Shah Abdul LatifUniversity,Khairpur.

    37.994 26.044 Construction of Student Service Centre & External

    Development work


    Development scheme ofUniversity of Sindh, Jamshoro(Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty ofNatural Sciences, Faculty ofSocial Sciences andAdministration)

    University ofSindh, Jamshoro 498.426 111.318

    Construction of academic blocksConstructin of administration block

    110Strengthening and Up gradationof Sindh AgricultureUniversity, Tandojam.

    Sindh AgricultureUniversity,Tandojam.

    461.440 119.350

    Construction of seed production & developmentcentre, plant & animal genetic centre, centre forbiosaline agriculture, electronic repair workshop

    & academic block

    111 Development of Dow Universityof Health Sciences, Karachi.

    Dow University ofHealth Sciences,

    Karachi486.403 297.080

    1. Construction of one Administration Block andone Academic Block including ResearchLaboratories2. Construction of Student Hostel3. External Development

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    Establishment of Faculty ofDentistry and MedicalTechnology at Dow Universityof Health Sciences Karachi(HEC Share 483.149 + Dow Share


    Dow University ofHealth Sciences,

    Karachi483.149 401.698

    1. Construction of Faculty of Dentistry andMedical Technology2. External Development


    Up gradation andmodernization of existinglaboratories and libraries atDOW University of HealthSciences, Karachi

    Dow University ofHealth Sciences,

    Karachi464.045 123.295

    1. Up gradation & Modernization of 10Laboratories (Renovation / Rehabilitation)2. Construction of Library Building3. External Development


    Establishment of Post GraduateMedical Sciences ResearchCentre at Dow UHS, OjahCampus, Karachi.

    Dow University ofHealth Sciences,

    Karachi479.740 178.342

    1. Construction of Hospital Building withnecessary Facilities2. External Development

    115 Development of Sukkur IBASukkur.

    Sukkur Institute ofBusiness


    469.138 173.850

    Construction of academic block, staff residences,central library, executive centre for excellence,entrepreneurship centre, students Hostels &external development work


    Construction of Girls Hostel for100 Girls Students at Centre ofExcellence in Arts & Design,Mehran University ofEngineering & Technology, Jamshoro

    Centre ofExcellence in Arts& Design, Mehran

    University ofEngg. & Tech.,


    38.621 34.009 Construction of hostel


    Strengthening of Area StudyCentre, Far East & South EastAsia, University of Sindh, Jamshoro.

    Area Study Centre,Far East & SouthEast Asia,

    University ofSindh, Jamshoro.

    28.069 2.724 Construction of area stud center

    118Institute of Avionics andAeronautical Engg. at AirUniversity, Islamabad. (Revised)

    Air University,Islamabad. 288.195 146.872

    Construction of 1 academic block and adminoffices

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    Establishment of ElectricalEngg. Department at BahriaUniversity, Islamabad andKarachi Campuses.

    Bahria University,Islamabad 162.974 18.414

    Construction of 1 academic block which includes4 labs, 8 class room, store, & offices etc

    120 Development of infrastructureof International IslamicUniversity, Islamabad (IIUI)

    InternationalIslamic University,Islamabad (IIUI)

    481.434 263.499

    1. Construction of Academic Block for WomenCampus2. External Development including Roads, Waterand Sewerage Supply System, Electrification etc.


    Infrastructure Development ofPermanent Campus ofCOMSATS Institute ofInformation Technology ChakShahzad, Islamabad.

    COMSATSInstitute ofInformationTechnology,Islamabad.

    2862.656 1442.131

    Construction of Two (2) Academic Blocks, OneAdministration Block, Auditorium, StudentService Center, Faculty and staff residences, Boysand Girls Hostel, Foreign Faculty Hostel, Greenhouse, Animal facility and Information office.

    122Establishment of PhysicalFacilities at COMSATS Instituteof Information Technology,Abbotabad

    COMSATSInstitute ofInformationTechnology,Islamabad.

    469.945 286.210Construction of Acadmic Block, Boys and GirlsHostel, One Faculty Hostel, Extension in LibraryBuilding and External Development.


    Establishment of PermanentCampus of COMSATS Instituteof Information Technology atSahiwal.

    COMSATSInstitute ofInformationTechnology,Islamabad.

    407.989 156.426Construction work includes One Acadmic Block,One Admin Block, Hostels for Boys and Girls,Workshop and External Development.

    124 Establishment of PermanentCampus of CIIT, Attock.

    COMSATSInstitute ofInformationTechnology,Islamabad.

    472.352 204.569

    Construction of Acadmic Block, Administrationbuilding, Boys and Girls Hostel, Land Scaping,Construction of Roads, Sewerage System,Installation of Sewergae System, Gas lines andexternal development.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    125 Estab. of Instt. of IT andManagement Sciences, NUST.

    NationalUniversity of

    Science &Technology,Rawalpindi.

    3722.089 2317.772 Construction of academic blocks

    126Establishment of HQ, NUST andHigh Tech. Postgraduate S&TInstitutes at Islamabad. .

    NationalUniversity of

    Science &Technology,Rawalpindi.

    2270.872 1417.344 Construction of academic bocksConstruction of hostels


    Establishment of Department ofRobotics and ArtificialIntelligence at College of EME,NUST

    NationalUniversity of

    Science &Technology,Rawalpindi.

    324.397 76.848 Construction of academic blocks


    Up-gradation of infrastructure,Pakistan Instt. of Engg. andApplied Sciences(PIEAS),Islamabad.

    Pakistan Instituteof Engg. & AppliedSciences (PIEAS),

    Islamabad444.232 117.195 Construction of 1 Academic Block & 2 Hostels

    129Up gradation and Strengtheningof Quaid-e-Azam University,Islamabad. Phase II


    485.457 314.873 Construction of hostelsconstruction of residences


    Development and Expansion ofthe National Institute ofPsychology, Centre ofExcellence, Quaid-e-AzamUniversity, Islamabad.

    Institute ofPsychology, Centre

    of Excellence,Quaid-e-Azam



    36.468 31.761 Construction of academic blockRehabilitation of existing building


    Strengthening of Departmentsof Computer Science, Physics,Business Admn. and Law atFederal Urdu Univ. of Arts,Science & Tech, Karachi.

    Federal UrduUniversity of Arts,

    Science & Tech;Karachi.

    426.022 169.428 Construction of academic blockConstruction of administration block

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan


    Up gradation of Department ofChemistry, Federal UrduUniversity of Arts, Science &Technology, Karachi

    Federal UrduUniversity of Arts,

    Science & Tech;Karachi.

    37.313 2.405 Refurbishment of existing labs

    133Strengthening of Institute ofSpace Technology, Islamabad

    Institute of Space

    Technology,Islamabad 458.567 232.666Construction of 1 Aerospace & 1 CSEEngineering department

    134 Construction of Hostel at Instt.Of Space Technology, Islamabad

    Institute of SpaceTechnology,Islamabad

    26.675 22.332 Construction of 1 residences for foreign/ visitingfaculty which comprising of 18 standard suits

    135Establishment of KarakuramInternational University, Gilgit(Revised)


    University, Gilgit.649.792 528.938

    1. Construction of Administration Block, FoodProcessing Technology Department, BusinessAdministration Department, Computer ScienceDepartment, Hostel for students, Shops andResidential Facility for Faculty and Staff Members


    Supporting facilities forKarakuram InternationalUniversity, Gilgit. (PresidentDirective)


    University, Gilgit.49.700 27.780

    1. Construction of Language Lab & ConferenceHall, Early Childhood Development Centre,Workshop Sheds and Common Room2. NaltarWater Supply Feasibility Study


    Development / Strengthening ofSelected Departments of SocialSciences & Humanities inGeneral Universities inPakistan(HEC), .

    HEC 37.862 5.460 Construction of 13 auditorium / Seminar halls.


    Rehabilitation & Furnishing ofexisting buildings andConstruction of Training Centreat Khanspur (HEC)

    HEC 38.929 37.129 Construction of training centre.

    Grand Total 33114.432 14,730.67

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Annex 10. Environmental and Social Aspects


    1. The Governments Higher Education Development Program includes construction of new campuses, building new class rooms

    and rehabilitation and renovation of some of the existing facilities in several universities across the country. These construction and

    rehabilitation activities can potentially cause negative environmental and/or social impacts, including among others changes in land

    use and land form caused by the land take for new buildings, soil erosion caused by site clearance and de-vegetation, soil and water

    contamination caused by improper waste disposal, and safety hazards for the workers as well as for the nearby population posed by the

    construction activities. None of these potential impacts are likely to be unprecedented, large-scale, or irreversible, and can be

    addressed with the help of appropriately designed and implemented mitigation measures. Therefore, the Project has been classified as

    Environment Category B, in accordance with the WB OP 4.01.

    2. To address the above-mentioned potentially negative environmental and/or social impacts and in pursuance of WB OP 4.01,

    the Project has prepared an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), which identifies the appropriate mitigation

    measures, defines the environmental and social monitoring requirements, describes the documentation and capacity building

    protocols, and specifies the capacity building needs for effective implementation of ESMP. The key aspects of ESMP are summarized


    3. ESMP Objectives . The ESMP objectives include:

    i. To identify likely social and environmental impacts of the infrastructure/ developmental projects and related activities at

    universities and HEIs;

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    ii. To suggest suitable measures for mitigation of such impacts at the planning, designing and implementation stages of these

    projects, to eliminate or reduce their adverse nature (if any);

    iii. To propose Environmental Monitoring Program to ensure that the mitigation measures are implemented during the project

    execution and timely corrective actions are taken, where required; and iv) to propose institutional arrangements, incorporating

    roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, required to implement and monitor the ESMP.

    4. ESMP Elements . The key ESMP elements includes Environmental and Social Impacts; Environmental and Social Mitigation

    Plan; Environmental and Social Monitoring and Reporting; Institutional Arrangements, Capacity Building; and ESMP Implementation

    Cost. These ESMP elements are briefly discussed here.

    5. Environmental and Social Aspects and Impacts . The ESMP identifies potentially negative environmental and socialimpacts and aspects associated with the construction and usage of the HEI facilities. These include the following:

    Environmental and social aspects associated with facilities architectural and structural design, such as conformity to

    the applicable bye-laws, safeguard against natural hazards, responsiveness to the local climatic conditions,

    maximization of the usage of local materials, conserving energy through utilizing natural light and ventilation as much

    as possible, promoting usage of renewable energy, making the facilities accessible to physically disables persons,

    availability of separate toilets for men and women and also for disabled persons, availability of safe drinking water,

    availability of sewage treatment and disposal arrangements, availability of emergency exists, availability of fire alarm

    and fire fighting arrangements, and inclusion of rain water harvesting.

    Aspects associated with facility site selection, such as change in land form and land use, proximity to sensitive

    receptors, proximity to sources of pollution and noise, and accessibility of the facility.

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Impacts associated with the construction activities, such as vehicular traffic, sourcing of supplies and materials, erosion

    and/or subsiding of soil, contamination of soil and water, deterioration of air quality, safety hazard for the construction

    workers and surrounding population, loss of natural vegetation and threat to wildlife, generation of noise and vibration,

    damage to public utilities and infrastructure, blocked access, encroachment of the privacy of surrounding population,

    and damage to the sites of archeological/cultural/religious/historical significance.

    Impacts associated with the operation and usage of the Higher Education Facilities, such as contamination of soil and

    water caused by improper sewage and solid waste disposal, increased vehicular traffic, parking of vehicles, noise

    generation, and disturbance to the surrounding population.

    6. Mitigation Plan . The ESMP identifies appropriate mitigation measures to address the above described potential impacts

    associated with the facilities design, construction, and usage. These miti gation measures are presented in the Mitigation Plan, whichlists various phases of the project, identifies potential environmental and social impacts associated with each project phase, proposes

    appropriate mitigation actions to address these negative impacts, assigns responsibility for taking these actions, and also identifies the

    monitoring responsibility for each mitigation action. The construction contractors will be responsible for implementing the Mitigation

    Plans, and appropriate clauses will be included in their contracts for this purpose.

    7. Environmental and Social Monitoring . The ESMP describes the mechanism to monitor the implementation of mitigation

    measures identified in the Mitigation Plan discussed above. The environmental and social monitoring will be carried out either by the

    Project Directorates responsible to supervise the construction activities, or where such Directorates do not exist, by the Supervision

    Consultants engaged to supervise the construction activities. The Environmental Science/Engineering faculty of the concerned

    university (or a sister institution if no such faculty exists in any university) will also provide top supervision of the ESMP

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    Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    implementation through reviewing the monitoring carried out by the Project Directorates/Supervision Consultants as well as through

    conducting random field visits.

    8. Documentation and Reporting . The contractor of each construction works will be responsible to maintain record of

    implementing of the Mitigation Plan with the help of checklists developed for this basis. They will produce monthly reports on the

    basis of these filled checklists and provide to the Project Directorates or Supervision Consultants. The Project

    Directorates/Supervision Consultants will carry out environmental and social monitoring, as described earlier, and will produce

    monthly reports for their respective facility, with the help of monitoring checklists developed for this purpose. These reports will be

    shared with the HEC and the relevant Environmental Sciences/Engineering Faculty. The Faculty will review these reports, and

    produce their own quarterly reports based upon these reviews and the random visits to their respective construction sites. HEC will

    review all the reports submitted to them and compile them to make an overall quarterly report for all the construction sites. These

    reports will be shared with all the stakeholders including the Bank.

    9. Institutional Arrangements . HEC has designated Director (Monitoring and Evaluation) as the Environment and Social Focal

    Point (ESFP) for the ESMP implementation, who will liaise with the Project Directorates and Supervision Consultants as well as with

    the relevant Environmental Sciences/Engineering faculties for this purpose. Similar focal points will need to be appointed/designated

    with the contractors, Project Directorates and Supervision Consultants.

    10. Capacity Building . The ESMP also identifies the capacity building needs for its effective implementation. For this purpose,

    HEC will arrange/coordinate environmental and social trainings for its ESFP and also for the relevant officers/staff of the Project

    Directorates and Supervision Consultants. The contractors will be responsible to conduct such training for their own staff.

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    11. Third Party Validation . HEC will also commission third party validation (TPV) of the ESMP implementation on an annual

    basis. The findings of these TPVs will inform HEC and its stakeholders about the effectiveness of the ESMP and its implementation

    mechanism to minimize the potentially negative environmental and social impacts associated with the facilities design, construction,

    and usage.

    12. ESMP Implementation Cost . The cost of ESMP implementation has been estimated to be Rs. 44.500 Million . These

    estimates cover the costs of capacity building, third party validation, honoraria for the Environmental Sciences/Engineering Faculties

    involved in environmental and social monitoring, and other related tasks as well core staff of HEC for the monitoring of the plan. The

    ESMP cost will be met from the Technical Assistance Component of Tertiary Education Support Project (TESP) of the World Bank.
