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HEC user manual

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  • 8/7/2019 HEC user manual


  • 8/7/2019 HEC user manual


    Process Manual Indigenous 5000 Scholarship Program


    1) If you are new to the portal than use second portion of the screen and click theApply button to create the user profile

    2) If you have already created your account and has received the email from HECadministrator kindly login using the respective id to update your profile


  • 8/7/2019 HEC user manual


    Select the respective scholarship Type and subtype

    Scholarships Type: Use the dropdown option to select the desired option.

    The respective radio button options selects the Local or foreign scholarship type. Select

    only the Local Scholarship Radio button as represented in the visual screen listed above.

    In the third field select the Scholarship Program by clicking the dropdown icon at the endof the field as listed in the screen above.

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    In the above screen you have the following option.

    User id:Here you have to write your user id by writing it with the help of keyboard.You can use up to 15 alphanumeric characters.Dont use any special characters as the system will not recognize those Characters.The field is case sensitive.

    New password:In this field you have to write the new password for your account.Use more than 5 characters and less than 20 characters.Use any alphanumeric and special characters.The field is case sensitive.

    Confirm Password:In this field you have to write the same password which you have used in theNew password field. Please verify that you are using the same password

    Otherwise you will not be allowed to move to the next screen.

    Title:In this field select the required option using the dropdown menu at the end of thefield.

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    First Name:In this field you have to write your First name using the keyboard.

    Last Name:In this field you have to write your Last name using the keyboard.

    Father Name :In this field you have to write your Fathers complete name. You can give Spaces also.

    Passport NumberIf you have a passport then enter otherwise leave this field blank.

    CNIC No:Here you have to give your new NADRA issued computerized CNIC number.

    Gender:Select your gender by using the dropdown menu icon at the end of the field.

    Date of Birth:It has three fields. Use Day, Month, Year format by using the dropdown menubutton at the end of each field.

    Nationality:In this field you have to select your Nationality with the help of dropdown menuicon.

    Domicile:In this filed select your Domicile with the help of dropdown menu icon.

    Marital Status:Select the right option by using the dropdown menu icon.

    Phone :In this field you have to enter your phone number. The format is already given inthe front of the field.


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    In this field you have to enter your mobile number. The format is already given inthe front of the field.

    Fax:In this field you have to enter your Fax number. Leave the field blank if you dont

    have any Fax.

    Email:This is an important and mandatory field. You will get the response of applicationsubmission and respective confirmations on this address.

    Note: So use most frequently use email account.


    In this Screen you have following fields.

    Permanent Address:

    Address:In this field you have to write your permanent address. Remember that in thefield you have to write only your House number, Street/Gali number, and

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    Sector/mohallah only, No need to enter City, Tehsil, District, Province, Country inthis field as the option for such information is provided in the respective fields.

    Postal Code:In this field write your postal code

    Country:Use the dropdown menu icon at the end of the field to select the PermanentResiding country to which you belong.

    Province:Use the dropdown menu button at the end of the field to select your permanentresiding province. Always select the country field first as it give option to theprovince field. Otherwise you are not be able to see the options.

    Permanent city:Use the dropdown menu button at the end of the field to select your permanentresiding city. Always select the country field and province field first as it giveoption to the permanent city field. Otherwise you are not be able to see theoptions.


    Use the dropdown menu button at the end of the field to select your permanentResiding District. Always select the Country field, Province and City field first as itgive option to the District field. Otherwise you are not be able to see the options.

    Add the current and postal address on the same format as for permanent address. If thecurrent address and postal address are same as permanent address then simply click sameas permanent address check box.

    QUESTIONNAIRAnswer the respective question as per your records using the Answer criterion (YES\ NO)

  • 8/7/2019 HEC user manual


  • 8/7/2019 HEC user manual


    School/College/Institute:In this field write down the name of your school/institute

    University/Other universities:For Bachelor onwards select/add your respective university

    City\Board:Select the city using dropdown menu.

    Start Date :In this field select the date of starting of degree. This field is optional

    Completion \ End Date:Enter the completion\End date of your degree. This is a mandatory field.

    Marks/CGPA:In this field give Marks or cumulative GPA which you obtained.

    Add Button:

    After giving all the above information press the add button to get to the nextscreen where you will add your further educational information. After pressing

    this button your information will be added to the below table. The information isadded row wise. It is very important to save the entered information by using thenext button so that the values are saved from your online application.

    Clear button:If you want to clear all the data which you entered you can use this button.

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    In this screen you simply have to enter the work experiences. Use the Add Button toenter more than one work experience. Fields are self explanatory and information issaved row wise

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    Note:Use the University filter by entering the first few characters of the university name asrepresented in the visual screen listed below

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    Test ScoreIn this Screen you have to enter your test scores related to GMAT, GRE, GAT.

    Name:Enter the name of the test.

    Rept. CodeEnter the specific information.

    Inst. CodeEnter the specific information.

    Verbal ScoreEnter the verbal score which you achieved.

    Verbal PercentageEnter the verbal percentage which you achieved.

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    Quantitative ScoreEnter the Quantitative score which you achieved

    Quantitative percentageEnter the Quantitative percentage which you achieved.

    Analytical scoreEnter the Analytical score which you achieved.

    Analytical percentageEnter the Analytical percentage which you achieved.

    Total scoreEnter the Total score which you achieved.

    Total percentageEnter the Total percentage which you achieved.


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    After filling all relevant information kindly verify the entered data. If it correct the checkthe I Accept button and Submit your application the pressing the submit button.After submitting you shall receive respective acknowledgements regarding yourapplication status. After submission the application is only available in display mode andno change can be made in the submitted application.

    The print out of the application can be taken form the main menu at the initial screenusing the user id and password forwarded through email which was created during theinitial profile.

    NOTE: The application submission is a 2-phase process. Once the application issubmitted the information entered by the applicant CANNOT be changed thereforereview the submitted application prior to accepting and then submitting your onlineapplication.


    The online application is in .PDF format and shall be printed using the default printerinstalled on your system and must be sent to HEC along with required documents aslisted. Otherwise no application would be considered.

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    Contact Details

    In case of any query regarding the above listed information or the Online applicationplease contact the personals listed below

    Baqir Husnain

    Project Manager(IS)

    Phone: 051-9080-8091

    [email protected]

    Jamshaid A. B. Soomro

    Technical Consultant SAP

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    If you have already used this for any other previousscholarship application, please use your existing user id andpassword, as shown in the above screen shot.

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    Now double click the Create Scholarship Application option as highlighted on the left handside menu of the above screen shot.

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    Now on the next screen select the Scholarship Type from the Scholarship Type drop downmenu and then select the Scholarship Program either Local or Foreign . It will automaticallyhighlight the scholarship program. As shown in the below screenshot.

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    Now in the next screen after pressing Apply button you will come into your profile page.Please note that your profile page will be already filled and just have to press Save and Nextbutton to carry on the filling of your scholarship application form. As shown in the below screenshot.
