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1 HEEDING BIBLE PROPHECY UNDERSTANDING SATAN'S PLAN To Counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ & the Restoration of All Things EDUCATION N.B. Each topic is titled with a familiar Bible term. The parenthesis ( ) which follows identifies either the actual or a counterfeit fulfillment of prophecy through the agency of the secret societies. Please see Introduction for protocols of this prophecy study. 3. NEW EDUCATION A. Knowledge Increased (Mystery Schools) B. Universal Enlightenment (World Core Curriculum) C. Memories Erased (Mind Control/Global Brain) 4. NEW TEACHINGS A. Sorceries (Hermetic Sciences) B. Image of the Beast (Art/Idolatry) C. Righteousness of God (Global Ethic) D. Fornication (Sex Education) E. Philosophy (Traditions of Men) 3. NEW EDUCATION 3-A. KNOWLEDGE INCREASED (Mystery Schools) PREMISE During the Millennium, the world will be taught the knowledge of Jesus Christ. During the Golden Age, the deep things of Satan will be taught to the world. God's Plan Pre-Flood Era Old Testament Church Age (Last Days) Tribulation Great Tribulation Millennium New Heavens & New Earth Satan's Counterfeit Pre-Flood Era Old Testament Church Age Tribulation Great Tribulation Golden Age New Heavens & New Earth PROGRAM OF GOD Tribulation Period : God will increase the understanding of Bible prophecy. The Millennium : The Lord will teach His people the knowledge of Himself. PROGRAM OF SATANIC DUPLICATION Pre-Flood Era : Satan taught his initiates mystical knowledge that would be passed on to mankind through mystery schools. Old Testament Period : Solomon's Temple served as a mystery school based on Sun worship; the elders of Israel practiced mental imagery in the Temple of Solomon. Church Age : The Church apostatized to occult doctrines taught by demons. Mystery schools were started as 'points of light' where demons taught occult knowledge.
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To Counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ & the Restoration of All Things


N.B. Each topic is titled with a familiar Bible term. The parenthesis ( ) which follows identifies either the

actual or a counterfeit fulfillment of prophecy through the agency of the secret societies. Please see

Introduction for protocols of this prophecy study.


A. Knowledge Increased (Mystery Schools)

B. Universal Enlightenment (World Core Curriculum)

C. Memories Erased (Mind Control/Global Brain)


A. Sorceries (Hermetic Sciences)

B. Image of the Beast (Art/Idolatry)

C. Righteousness of God (Global Ethic)

D. Fornication (Sex Education)

E. Philosophy (Traditions of Men)


3-A. KNOWLEDGE INCREASED (Mystery Schools)


During the Millennium, the world will be taught the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

During the Golden Age, the deep things of Satan will be taught to the world.

God's Plan Pre-Flood



Testament Church Age (Last Days) Tribulation


Tribulation Millennium

New Heavens & New





Era Old Testament


Age Tribulation


Tribulation Golden Age New Heavens & New Earth


Tribulation Period: God will increase the understanding of Bible prophecy.

The Millennium: The Lord will teach His people the knowledge of Himself.


Pre-Flood Era: Satan taught his initiates mystical knowledge that would be passed on to mankind through

mystery schools.

Old Testament Period: Solomon's Temple served as a mystery school based on Sun worship; the elders of

Israel practiced mental imagery in the Temple of Solomon.

Church Age: The Church apostatized to occult doctrines taught by demons. Mystery schools were started

as 'points of light' where demons taught occult knowledge.

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Tribulation Period: Mystery Schools will be revived and replace conventional educational knowledge and

systems with occult methods of revelation.

Man will gain "higher knowledge" through direct revelation from beings they perceive as God, Jesus

Christ, angels, their higher selves, or spirit guides. Teachers will ask children questions that are beyond

their knowledge to force them to rely upon the spirit being that is visualized for the answers.

Great Tribulation: The Antichrist will understand and teach mankind occult knowledge.




God will increase understanding of Bible prophecy.

"... knowledge shall be increased." - Dan. 12:4


The Lord will teach His people His ways.

"And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house

of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways..." - Is.2:3



Satan introduced the worship of himself as the Sun-god at the beginning of time.

"The age of the Mystery Schools can be traced...back to the dawn of time...when the temple of the Solar

Man was in the making. That was the first Temple of the King..." - 678:13

Before the Flood, the Hyperboreans were involved in Sun worship.

"The Thule Society took its name from the mythical hyperborean island which once existed in the north

Atlantic between Scandinavia and Greenland. It was believed by occultists that this island had once been

part of Atlantis and was the source of the occult wisdom of the Northern Mystery Tradition." - 25:125

"...Abaris [was] the Hyperborean Priest of the Sun..." - 1117:98


A direct offspring of pre-flood Atlantis was the Greek mystery school which taught Greek Eleusinian


"But above all, it must be remembered that the Greeks, an Aryan race, in their mythological traditions,

showed the closest relationship to Atlantis...and we are told that Poseidon, god and founder of Atlantis,

founded Athens. We find in the 'Eleusinian mysteries' an Atlantean institution; their influence during the

whole period of Greek history down to the coming of Christianity was extraordinary; and even then this

masonry of Pre-Christian days, which kings and emperors begged to be initiated, was, it is claimed,

continued to our own times in our own Freemasons, who trace their descent back to 'Dionysiac fraternity

which originated in Attika.' And just as we have seen the Saturnalian festivities of Italy descending from

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Atlantean harvest-feast, so these Eleusinian mysteries can be traced back to Plato's island... And as the

'Carnival' is a survival of the 'Saturnalia', so Masonry is a survival of the Eleusinian mysteries." - 635:463

Mystery schools taught pre-Flood occult knowledge.

"According to Hermetic tradition...Hermes Trismegestis...was the originator of alchemy. He taught that

the physical world could be transformed through mental imagery." - 14:140

"By the time Caesar first came to Britain there were at least fourteen Druidic centres of higher learning,

equivalent to universities, situated at the capitals of the forty tribes of Britain; the students...have been

estimated at about 60,000." 266:46

" ...spiritual awakening...is a central element in the mystery religions." - 141:188

The temple of Solomon served apostate Israel as a mystery school based on Sun worship.

And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the

LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the

temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. - Ezek.


"Every true Mason...realizes that the Temple of Solomon is really the Temple of the Solar Man—Sol-

Om-On—the King of the Universe..." - 678:63

o The elders of Israel practiced mental imagery (visualization) in Solomon's Temple.

Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel

do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The LORD seeth

us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth. - Ezek. 8:12


Mystery Schools are using three main channels for teaching occultism - the Church, occult organizations

and the educational system.

"...the three main channels through which the preparation for the new age is going on might be regarded

as the Church, the Masonic Fraternity and the educational field..." - 1

"...the task of the new education is to take the civilized masses and ... train them in the ways of the

Illuminati." - 13:59

"Into Freemasonry has been poured the irradiations of the mystical schools of antiquity. Particularly is

this so in the higher degrees of the Order, such as the Scottish Rite, for undeniable traces of Cabalism,

Neo-Platonism, Rosicrucianism, and other mystical cults are plainly discernible." - 62:8

"...at the end of this century, or soon after, the new Mystery Schools of the future will come into

existence." - 12:6

"May 22, 1991: The [PBS] 'MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour' shows President Bush visiting one of his 'New

World Order schools' in St. Paul, Minnesota. The next day, The Washington Post reports...this Saturn

School of Tomorrow, where the President says he wants 'to build revolutionary schools'..." - 15:119

See: The Bush Family Oligarchy*

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Mystery Schools rely on angels (aka, demonic spirit guides) as teachers.

"The communion with some saving deity...was the [goal] of all practice of the mysteries." - 284:81

"The Angevins [Rene d'Anjou was the Angevin monarch] were primarily advocates of the Regia, or

Royal Art, of hermeticism; a tradition which according to legend was passed down to man by a race of

fallen angels." - 306

"According to Barbara Hannah, a...teacher at the C. G. Jung Institute, imagery or visualization is ...

considered the most powerful tool in Jungian psychology for achieving contact with the unconscious and

attaining greater inner knowledge."- 14:135

"A typical seminar, 'The Power of Imagination' has been taught...by...Marquette and Loyola Marymount

Universities. Participants learn to contact a visible 'inner guide' that literally speaks to them, is never

wrong, and will be with them for life." - 11:277

"...You can actually encounter the living Christ in the event (of visualization). It can be more than an

exercise of the imagination, it can be a genuine confrontation. Jesus Christ will actually come to you." -


"...in the fifth year of the child's life the seeking intelligence ... will always be forced by the teacher into

the position of the inward search, not outer demand for a reply which can be memorised and which rests

upon the authority of the older person" - 13:25

"Will the Churches of today take up the mystic teaching, the Lesser Mysteries, and so prepare their

children for the re-establishment of the Greater Mysteries, again drawing down the Angels as Teachers,

and having as Hierophant the Divine Master, Jesus? On the answer to that question depends the future of

Christianity." - 455:81

"[Rosicrucian Grand Master John] Dee firmly believed that he had gained contact with good angels from

whom he learned advancement in knowledge. This sense of close contact with angels and spiritual beings

the hallmark of the Rosicrucian. It is this which infuses his technology, however practical and successful

and entirely rational in its new understanding of mathematical techniques, with an unearthly air, and

makes him suspect as possibly in contact, not with angels, but with devils." - 46:223

"John Dee, when he associated his angelic visions with his work as a scientist and mathematician, was

moving within an outlook which emphasized the teaching power of angels, and his angelic science was,

for Dee, merely the highest branch of his scientific studies in general. Dee only appears as a peculiar

crank when he is isolated from the Renaissance angelogical tradition. The Rosicrucian movement was

permeated with Hermetic-Cabalist Christian angelology. Andreae's Christianopolis with its tremendous

insistence on science, technology, philanthropy, in the ideal city, is founded on a ministry of angels as its

basic framework. Comenius in the Labyrinth makes explicit the teaching aspect of the ministry of angels."

- 46:169

"Jungian psychological psychologist, Hal Zina Bennett, assures us, 'I have never met a person who could

not contact an inner guide...within thirty minutes of coaching." - 11:276

"...a leading attorney in Florida...invited me to breakfast...[and] launched into an interesting story:

'Someone introduced me to Dr._____ (...a world renowned nuclear physicist).'... I asked him...'Where do

you get these brilliant ideas that made you so famous?' His reply... 'Most of them came from the school I

attended at night... Sometimes after falling asleep at night I find myself...out of my body...and usually in

the company of some other scientists where we're taught advanced concepts by extraterrestrials of some

sort...maybe spirit beings...'" - 149:40

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"Primary doctrines of modern UFO culture are that mankind was 'seeded' or created on earth by another

space-faring race; that the miraculous events in the Bible are 'primitive' interpretations of UFO

technology...; that Jesus Christ was an alien-human hybrid; and that aliens are making their presence

known on earth in this age as 'spirit guides' to assist mankind to achieve Utopia - a technological earthly

paradise where we all acknowledge our own divinity, under the banner of one-world brotherhood,

government, 'peace and safety.'" - 499

"When magi speak of 'the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel,' they refer to that

particular manifestation of spirit which is their own experience. The principle is the same, whether it is

the great Aumakua of the Hawaiian Hunas or the visitation of the Archangel Gabriel for someone in our

culture. The purpose of M/magic(k) is not worship, but transformation. And the purpose in evoking the

Holy Guardian Angel is to obtain information that is essential to the work of transformation." - 912

Mystery Schools teach the pre-flood mysteries of Atlantis to high level government policy makers.

“Dr. Houston is a world-famous personality, author, philosopher, educator and behavioral scientist.

Chaired the 1979 symposium for leading U.S. government policy-makers: “The Possible Society: An

Exploration of Practical Policy Alternatives for the Decade Ahead.”

“Dr. Jean Houston is a scholar and researcher in human capacities, and for the past 30 years has co-

directed, with her husband Dr. Robert Masters, the Foundation for Mind Research, first in New York City

and now in Pomona, New York. Their work has focused on the understanding of latent human abilities.

She is the founder of the Mystery School--a program of cross-cultural mythic and spiritual studies--

dedicated to teaching history, philosophy, the new physics, psychology, anthropology, myth, and the

many dimensions of our human potential.

“Dr. Houston was the protégé of the late anthropologist Margaret Mead, who instructed her in the

workings of organizations and power structures in many different cultures. With the late mythologist

Joseph Campbell, Jean Houston frequently co-led seminars and workshops aimed at understanding

interrelationships between ancient myths and modern societies.

“Mystery School is a way of honoring ancient schools across the world and across history where

women and men gathered to explore and decipher the great mysteries and their resonance and application,

in order to live more freely and more fully. The weekends are designed to provide rich experiences

embracing sacred psychology: a synthesis of history, music, theater, the world's cultures, societies and

peoples; philosophy, theology, comedy, humor and laughter; science (fact, fiction and fantasy);

metaphysics and general joy.” - 681

Mystery schools are the 'points of light' referred to by former president George Bush.

"...during his State of the Union Address [Former Pres. George H.W. Bush]...told the nation that our goal

must be 'the illumination of....mankind by a thousand points of light.'" - 41:69

"Earlier in this century, Alice Bailey introduced the idea of 'Points of Light' and 'Light Groups' to

channel the 'higher spiritual forces' necessary to build the New Age, and to form what is known in the

jargon as a 'group soul'. Today there are many such groups which are working in a highly organized way

towards the bringing in of the future Golden Age on earth...

"These Centres of Light, as they are now known, act as schools of psychic training to encourage the

widespread practice of channelling...

"The Centres of Light of today are acting very much in the mould of the ancient mystery schools,

providing nerve centres which channel-in transmissions from spirit-entities in other dimensions, and from

there radiating them out into the world. One can picture them as powerful satellite stations strategically

placed across the globe, through which the latest messages to the world from the 'Ascended Masters' and

other discarnates are 'beamed in' and then actively disseminated through further psychic communication,

literature, lectures, and 'workshops' on an international basis." 503:160, 157


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There will be a proliferation of mystery schools where demons will teach mankind occult knowledge.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to

seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. - I Tim. 4:1

Mystery Schools will teach occult enlightenment to the masses through the use of visualization, symbols

and mind control substances associated with Sun worship.

"...world servers...will develop new schools called mystery schools which will take the responsibility of

training the higher consciousness of humanity. They will teach the use of symbols because symbols hide

within themselves a divine idea of the Creator." - 222:5 [See 17-A]

"...the six-pointed star, which we visualize in meditation..." - 158


The Antichrist will teach mankind Saturnian gnosis.

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce

countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. - Dan. 8:23

The ultimate purpose of mystery schools is the evolution of man into superman via demonic possession

along with the seduction that he will become omniscient.

"The pioneer of the altered attitude to education was Maria Montessori...whose vision of a race of

Superchildren bordered on the apocalyptic. 'The outcome...is the New Child, a superior being, giving

promise of a New Humanity, with powers of mind and spirit hitherto unsuspected.'" - 33:403

"We need the cosmic education foreseen by the religions and by people like Maria Montessori." - 15:113

(quoting Robert Muller's address at "Seeking the True Meaning of Peace" Conference, June 1989)

"Sri Aurobindo ... predicts the evolution of the human mind ... in which it enjoys perpetual mystical

illumination ..." - 10:31

"This - the evolution of man into superman - was always the purpose of ancient mysteries... Man, who has

sprung from the earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature, to his present rational state,

has yet to complete his evolution by becoming a god-like being and unifying his conscience with the

omniscient." - 503:230


Satan's knowledge is limited; he is not omniscient, nor can he transform men into gods.

Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the

princes of this world, that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the

hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this

world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written,

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath

prepared for them that love him. - I Cor. 2:6-9

God forbids man to seek knowledge from Satan or his angels.

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And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But

of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof

thou shalt surely die.- Genesis 2:16, 17

But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither

shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth

know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing

good and evil. - Gen. 3:4-5

The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and

to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. - Deut. 29:29

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would

not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils:

ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. - I Cor. 10:20-21

God sent His angels to reveal prophetic knowledge to his prophets.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must

shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: - Rev. 1:1

Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the

beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. And he

informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and

understanding. At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to

shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision... But I

will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these

things, but Michael your prince. - Dan. 9:21-23; 10:21

The interpretation of Bible prophecy is given to believers in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. - Amos


Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of

himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. - John


3-B. UNIVERSAL ENLIGHTENMENT (World Core Curriculum)


During the Millennium, the Lord will enlighten the world with the knowledge of Himself.

During the Golden Age, the Antichrist and demons will claim to enlighten, but will in reality darken, the world

with forbidden knowledge.

God's Plan Pre-Flood



Testament Church Age (Last Days) Tribulation


Tribulation Millennium

New Heavens & New





Era Old Testament


Age Tribulation


Tribulation Golden Age New Heavens & New Earth


Old Testament: King Solomon taught wisdom to all nations.

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The Millennium: God will enlighten the world with the knowledge of Himself.


Pre-Flood Era: Occult knowledge was reported to have been taught by Adam, but probably was taught by


Old Testament Period: Occult knowledge was taught in mystery schools.

Church Age: Occult knowledge was prepared by secret societies for public and private school curricula.

Great Tribulation: Occult knowledge will be openly taught in all schools.




Solomon taught wisdom to all nations.

A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise

counsels: To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. -

Prov. 1:5

And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of

Egypt. For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the

sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about. - I Kings 4:30-31

And all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart. - I Kings 10:24


The world will be filled with the knowledge of God.

And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, know the Lord:

for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the great of them, saith the Lord... - Jer.31:34

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. -




The quest for universal occult enlightenment originated in the pre-flood civilization.

"Adam was lord on earth to rule and control it, teaching his subjects the first arts and sciences." - 93:24

"The legends of the Phonecians, preserved by Sanchoniathonth, tell us that Taautos, or Taut, was the

inventor of the alphabet and of the art of writing.

"Now, we find in the Egyptians legends a passage of Manetho, in which Thoth (or Hermes

Trismegestis), before the Deluge, inscribed on stellae, or tablets in hieroglyphics, or sacred characters the

principles of all knowledge. After the Deluge the second Thoth translated the contents of these stellae into

the vulgar tongue." - 635:125

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"Plato...mentions an Egyptian god or divine man named Theuth, to whom were attributed many

inventions--arithmetic, algebra, geometry, astronomy, draughts, dicing, but especially the alphabet in

writing..." - 284:626

"According to Hermetic tradition, the Egyptian god, Thoth, known to the Greeks as Hermes

Trismegestos...was the originator of alchemy. He taught that the physical world could be transformed

through mental imagery [visualization]." - 14:140

The World Core Curriculum will include subjects that were in the lost civilization of Atlantis.

"The recommendation of Dr. Robert Muller of the UN, father of the World Core curriculum of the

New Age, re the Montessori Method of education shows the occult content of this schooling! In his Costa

Rica address Muller claimed that the Montessori Method was one of educational programs which would

greatly benefit global children for the New Age. The actual deep darkness of the Montessori teachings is

quite horrifying in fact. A brief outline follows:

"1. A very subtle teaching which brings occult techniques and beliefs so cleverly that even experienced

Christians can sometimes be deceived. 2. Very heavy teachings are in the Montessori curriculum such as

Mother Goddess, earth and nature worship, the Nazi Aryan race teaching, Babylonian mythology, New

Age myths about Atlantis and Lemuria, The Cosmic Christ, the New Age “Plan” for the globe, the

Universal Oneness teachings, Unity for the world et al." - 677


In his old age, King Solomon taught the ancient pagan wisdom to Israel.

“For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and

his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father.” - I Kings 11:1-10

"...the Black Mass...was one of the most profound and poetic family rituals ever conceived, with an

hermetic and alchemical symbolism which delved deep into the Kabala and High Magic... The Black

Mass had its roots in the ancient alchemical lore of Solomon and was no more nor less than a momento of

teachings long past and an aide memoire for future generations, a mnemonic which was intended to

remind those to come from whence the power and the wisdom derives." - 342

Occult knowledge was taught in mystery schools.

"In the Ancient Mysteries the order of the steps was seven, five and three--the seven liberal arts and

sciences [first degree], the five senses [second degree] and emotions, and the three steps symbolic of the

Trinity of God and man [third degree]." - 678:40


Universal education was planned in the 17th century by high level occultists in the British Royal Society

and American Freemasonry.

"When all instances and rules have been collected, continues [Johann] Comenius, we may hope that 'an

Art of Arts, a Science of Sciences, a Wisdom of Wisdom, a Light of Light' shall at length be possessed.

The inventions of previous ages, navigation and printing, have opened the way for the spread of light. We

may expect that we stand on the threshold of yet greater advances. The „universal books‟ (the simplified

educational primers planned by Comenius) will make it possible for all to learn and to join in the advance.

The book of Pansophia will be completed. The schools of universal wisdom advocated by Bacon will be

founded. And the prophets of universal wisdom in all countries must be accessible to one another. For

though it is true that the world has not entirely lacked intercourse, yet such methods of intercourse as it

has enjoyed have lacked universality.

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"Therefore, it is desirable that the 'agents of general happiness and welfare' should be many. They

must be guided by some order 'so that each of them may know what he has to do, and for whom and when

and with what assistance, and may set about his business in a manner which will make for the public

benefit.' There should be a College, or a sacred society, devoted to the common welfare of mankind, and

held together by some laws and rules. A great need for the spread of light is that there should be a

universal language which all men can understand. The learned men of the new order will devote

themselves to this problem. So will the light of the Gospel, as well as the light of learning, be spread

throughout the world.

"The obvious inference here is Bacon and his schemes for colleges and organizations for the spread of

light, 'the merchants of light' of the New Atlantis." - 46:178-9

"This organization [American Philosophical Society] had been founded by [Benjamin] Franklin and other

leading Masons to promotes the arts and sciences in the colonies. It operated in the same tradition as the

Royal Society in England." - 25:84

"Let our pupil be taught that he does not belong to himself, but that he is public property ... He must be

taught to amass wealth, but it must be only to increase his power of contributing to the wants and

demands of the state... [Education] can be done effectually only by the interference and aid of the

Legislature. - Benjamin Rush, 1786 [Signer of the Declaration of Independence, "The Father of

Education", and Master Mason]" - 658

Universal education is presently under the auspices of the United Nations.

"Comenius ... advocated ... one universal body of educators, which he called the 'staff of light'." - 16:20

"In 1957 UNESCO hailed Comenius as its spiritual father... Comenius was...an agent for the secret

society of the Order of the Palm." - 16:20

August 1985 - UNESCO certification of Robert Muller School

"...in Arlington, Texas... [t]his institution, although commonly referred to as The Robert Muller School, is

officially a branch of The School of Ageless Wisdom, founded in 1974 by Gloria Crook, a[n Alice]

Bailey admirer and one of Muller's close friends. The fact that this school draws heavily from the

teachings of Alice Bailey is plainly revealed in the preface of the WCC Manual...: 'The World is indebted

to Dr. Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations,...for the formulation of

the World Core Curriculum in its skeleton form. It is upon that scaffold combined with the ageless

wisdom teachings that this present work has precipitated. The underlying philosophy upon which The

Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by

the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul (published by Lucis Publishing Co.).'.... The Robert Muller School has

served as a type of testing ground for The World Core Curriculum and the teachings of Alice

Bailey...[and] has been certified as the United Nations Associated School... As difficult as it may be to

believe, the U.N.'s global education of the future is being openly modeled after the teaching of a Luciferic

trance-channeler and her demonic spirit guide." - 233:175

See: Charter Schools: Rudolf Steiner's Waldorf Schools*

"Education for all remains ... a first priority on this planet. This is why UNESCO has rightly adopted a

World Literacy plan for the year 2000." - 18:9

"The World Core Curriculum comes from the United Nations and provides a structure within which the

child may find the truth of interdependence and the idea of synthesis to be...an integral part of our Cosmic

experience." - 17:5

The universal curriculum was created by occultists specifically to teach occult doctrines.

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"Enlightenment is the major goal of education...

"...The task of the new education is to take the civilized masses and lead them on to the point where

they are cultured; to take likewise the cultured people and train them in the ways of the Illuminati."


"Humanity is waiting for a synthesizing force to take effect in educational approaches. We know the

World Core Curriculum will be the key to this synthesis." - 17:1

"...the World Core Curriculum ... is combined with the Ageless Wisdom teachings ... set forth in the

books of Alice Bailey" 18:Preface

"Excerpts from 'How to Start a Robert Muller School' by Gloria Crook:... 'The World Core Curriculum

when implemented correctly will cause a student to have a picture of her/himself as one Cosmic

Unit...and contributing to the entire planetary scheme... Each student needs to grasp the wide diversity

while holding to the idea of the Unity of the Human Family. They will realize that every religion is

representative of the ways humanity has kept an inner approach to the Infinite Supreme Being,

Intelligence, Spirit, or that ONE, Who is called, by many of us, 'God'.'

"Crook continues her confusing explanation, stating that the school also embraces the spiritual

principles behind all the world's religions. This concept is referred to as 'interfaithism' and is widely

promoted by The Robert Muller School. In one of its pamphlets the school states, 'When some part of

Universal Truth has been truly grasped, the Source is recognized to be beyond any scriptural authority.'

"This underlying doctrine of interfaithism is a complete violation of God's Word. The Bible reveals that

it is impossible to accept the beliefs of other religions and simultaneously accept the teachings of Jesus

Christ. Why? Because other religions deny the fact that Jesus is the only way of salvation. In so doing,

they minimize the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, falsely teaching that there are other

paths to immortality, when in truth there are none...(Acts 4:12; John 14:6)... Clearly, The Robert Muller

School is not based on Christianity. It is pantheistic." - 233:180-83

The universal curriculum was created for public education as well as private schools.

"Nov. 27, 1985: ... Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development's director, Gordon Cawelti,

wants a World Core Curriculum modeled after the concept of Robert Muller['s] ...4 areas..." - 15:107

"...the World Core Curriculum process has expanded to include teaching manuals from birth through high

school ... including adult education." - 18:9

"Mar.11-14, 1989: The [Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development] holds its 44th Annual

Conference ... entitled 'Educating Global Citizens: Illuminating the Issues'. Addressing the attendees ... is

Robert Muller ... and ... Jean Houston," - 15:113

"On October 8, 1996...in Indianapolis...Gorbachev...stated that he was already working with

UNESCO...to introduce new education curricula in all countries." - 233:143

"A World Core Curriculum might seem utopian. By the end of the year 2000, it will be a down to earth,

daily reality in all the schools of the world." - 235:238

"World Core Curriculum has been translated into Spanish, Russian, Italian, Dutch and German. Groups

and individuals are using the curriculum in the United States, Argentina, Russia, Mexico, Guatemala,

Costa Rica, Brazil, Africa, Holland, United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines

and Ecuador." - 17:5

"Gold has long been called the metal of wisdom by the Illuminati...[who] are well aware of the alchemical

quest to create the correct type of gold which will bring enlightenment to the world... Somehow the

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Egyptian Pharaoh's had learned the secret of how to make white powdered gold which when seen up close

is transparent... It greatly enhances the pineal gland, and a similar substance of iridium greatly enhances

the pituitary gland. After ingesting white gold for over 9 months, a [mind control] subject will become

extremely psychic..." - 49:321


The world will be permeated with Eastern mysticism, i.e., the forbidden knowledge (gnosis) of Lucifer.

And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up,

that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come

out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false

prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and

of the whole world...- Rev. 16:12-14

UNESCO will use The Robert Muller School's World Core Curriculum as the basis for universal

enlightenment. The ultimate objective of the occult is universal enlightenment via man's return to ancient


"The German Rosicrucian writers hold similar views about the return to the wisdom of Adam..." - 46:120

"[Former Pres. George H.W. Bush]...told the nation that our goal must be 'the illumination of...mankind

by a thousand points of light.'" - 41:69


The mind can only be enlightened by the Word of God.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may

prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. - Rom. 12:2

For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. - I

Cor. 2:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for

instruction in righteousness: - II Tim. 3:16,17

3-C. MEMORIES ERASED (Mind Control/Global Brain)


God will erase the memories of believers in the eternal state.

Satan will presume to duplicate this feat in the Golden Age through mind control methods.

God's Plan Pre-Flood



Testament Church Age (Last Days) Tribulation


Tribulation Millennium

New Heavens & New





Era Old Testament


Age Tribulation


Tribulation Golden Age New Heavens & New Earth


New Heavens & New Earth: In the eternal state, God will erase all of His peoples' memories of life in


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Old Testament Period: King Solomon taught that the memories of men will be erased.

Church Age: Gnostics believe that men originated as pure minds without bodies; the global Brain Trust

was created by the occult societies.

Tribulation Period: The Brain Trust will attain global power and seek to control the collective conscience

of mankind.

Great Tribulation: The Brain Trust will control the minds of the unsaved and expunge their remembrance

of the Tribulation beheadings.

New Heavens & New Earth: The ultimate objective appears to be the storage of all human intelligence in

a computerized global brain without the inconvenience of human bodies.




When the saints enter the eternal state, God will erase all memory of their life in time.

For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come

into mind. - Is.65:17



King Solomon taught that the memories of men will be erased.

There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to

come with those that shall come after... - Eccles. 1:11

For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a

reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. - Eccles. 9:5


Gnostics such as Origen believe that men originated as pure minds without bodies and returned to that

state through union with God.

"In Origen's version of creation and the fall,...all created beings originated as minds, entities of pure

reason alone; this was the past of every human being born on earth. The superaddition of body and soul

was secondary and a result of certain rational entities' fall--over countless ages of time--away from God.

As each human being advanced in knowledge of God and eventually returned to pure rational communion

with God, the body provided a necessary training field, and its transformation reflected the self's gradual

renewal in God's image." - 597:149

The Global Brain Trust is a group of 100 mind control experts brought together by the Gorbachev

Foundation to guide humanity into the next stage of evolution.

"Gorbachev...has selected 100 elite 'innovative thinkers', called the 'Global Brain Trust', or the 'Council of

the Wise', who will meet annually at the Presidio in San Francisco, to guide global issues during the

transition into the next century." - 81:2

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"...in 1984, Robert Muller said, 'We are beginning to link together to form one-world, minds and souls.'"

(From the symposium "Toward a Global Brain, Our Next Evolutionary Step") - 19:172

One of the objectives of mind control is to inculcate belief in the divinity of man.

"Beverly Galyean, psychologist of confluent education ... taught that the chief goal of education was to

're-own our godhood.'" - 19:170

Mind control techniques include drugs, chemicals, demon possession and Hegelian dialectics (fear).

"Jean Houston, ...cofounder of the 'Foundation for Mind Research where LSD was first licensed by the

government to be used in researching ... the mind, uses ... visualization." - 14.31-2

"...the present breadth of drug use [1967] may be almost trivial when we compare it to the possible

numbers of chemical substances that will be available for the control of selective aspects of man's life in

the year 2000.... 'The American culture ... [is] moving toward a 'sensate society.'... A greater emphasis is

being placed on sensory experience and less upon rational or work-oriented philosophies. Such a

philosophical view, coupled with the means to separate sexual behavior from reproduction or disease, will

undoubtedly enhance sexual freedom.... 'It seems...obvious that the youth of today are no longer afraid of

either drugs or sex. Again, the philosophers and spokesmen for the avant-garde advocate the personal

sensory experience as the {raison d'etre} of the coming generation. Finally, we are moving into an age in

which meaningful work will be possible only for a minority: In such an age, chemical aphrodisiacs may

be accepted as a commonplace means to occupy one's time. It will be interesting to see if the public

morality of the next 30 years will change as much as it has in the last 30. 'If we accept the position that

human mood, motivation, and emotion are reflections of a neurochemical state of the brain, then drugs

can provide a simple, rapid, expedient means to produce any desired neurochemical state that we wish.

'The sooner that we cease to confuse scientific and moral statements about drug use, the sooner we can

rationally consider the types of neurochemical states that we wish to be able to provide for people.' This

is the historical thinking of the British strategists who want to destroy the U.S. presidency and the

American republic. And this is the criminal apparatus with which they have equipped themselves to do

it." - 315

"A 3-step process authored by Hegel and perfected by the Marxist/Leninists: Thesis, Antithesis,

Synthesis. The first step (thesis) is to create (or fabricate) a problem. The second step (antithesis) is to

generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic, hysteria). The third step (synthesis) is to offer the solution

to the problem in step 1 - change which would have been impossible to impose on the people without the

proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages 1 and 2." - 428:50

Mind control techniques are created and implemented by education, psychiatry, cults, intelligence

organizations (CIA/Tavistock), the U.N. and the media.

"...MK ULTRA, the CIA's search for ways of ... controlling human behavior, was given cover by HEW

and its subagency, the National Institute of Mental Health ... The mind control experiments would

continue for twenty years..." - 21:256

"Rockefeller ... in March 1955...approved the MK ULTRA's use of a floor of Georgetown University

Hospital's new research wing ... for experimental use." - 21:892n

"The U.S. pioneered the public relations industry. Its commitment was to 'control the public mind,' as

its leaders put it. They learned a lot from the successes of the Creel Commission [1916-1917] and the

success in creating the Red Scare and its aftermath. The public relations industry underwent a huge

expansion at that time. It succeeded for some time in creating almost total subordination of the public to

business rule through the 1920s.... Public relations is a huge industry. They're spending by now something

on the order of a billion dollars a year. All along its commitment was to controlling the public mind....

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"...The corporate executive and the guy who cleans the floor all have the same interests. We can all

work together and work for Americanism in harmony, liking each other. That was essentially the

message. A huge amount of effort was put into presenting it. This is, after all, the business community, so

they control the media and have massive resources... Mobilizing community opinion in favor of vapid,

empty concepts like Americanism. Who can be against that? Or, to bring it up to date, 'Support our

troops.' Who can be against that?... Of course, there was an issue. The issue was, Do you support our

policy? But you don't want people to think about the issue. That's the whole point of good propaganda.

You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for, because

nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything, but its crucial value is that it diverts your

attention..." - 427

"U.N. officials are the first bearers of world thoughts and feelings, the most advanced neurons of a

nascent world brain, world heart and world soul." - 437:81

Jean Houston...Past President of Association for Humanistic Psychology... "Houston...worked in 36

countries under ... UNESCO" - 23:43

"Keith Lamdin has been involved in consultancy among Christian churches and organisations for over

20 years and is the Director of Training in the Diocese of Oxford. He has been part of several of the

conferences about social dreaming and believes that it is a resource for the Churches as they grapple with

the major changes that are forced upon them.

"Christopher Rowland is the Dean Irelands professor at Oxford University in Biblical exegesis and

has specialised in the study of the apocalyptic literature of the Hebrews and the Christians, and the work

of base communities in Southern America. He sees a close association between the dreams and visions

recorded in scriptures and the work of contemporary social dreaming.

"Together they have invited David Armstrong from the Tavistock Clinic and Gordon Lawrence to

work with them in offering an opportunity to experience and study Social Dreaming as a resource for the

Churches." - 661

The purpose of mind control is total control of the final generation. Those who yield to the mind control

techniques will become citizens of Satan's Kingdom of God; those who resist will be put to death.

“...Paracelsus...said, '...The activity of the Universal Mind can only come to the consciousness of those

whose spheres of mind are capable of receiving its impressions..." - 336:182

"1918 - 'The Science of Power' by Benjamin Kidd...declares: 'Give us the Young and we will create a new

mind and a new earth in a single generation...' Kidd quotes Masonic Carbonari Giuseppe Mazzini...in this

regard: 'Your task is to form the universal family... Education, this is the great word which sums up our

whole doctrine.' (from Mazzini's 'On the Duties of Man')." - 15:57


"...this fitting of a man for citizenship in the Kingdom of God...should be the task of the higher education

... to train and RIGHTLY DIRECT his instincts." - 13:49-50

"... present mankind is ... battered and bruised psychically, and the mystical gardener's work will include

extensive psychotherapy for everyone, to bring the traumatized mind back to its pristine innocence. In this

project the Maslovian humanistic psychology ... will have a prominent part..." - 10:226


The occult Brain Trust has universal mind control objectives.

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"The members of [the New Group of World Servers]... constitute the Brain Trust of the planet. Through

them the Plan must work out, and ... they will eventually achieve much power." - 137:656-7

"[James] Hurtak...claims that something has gone wrong with humanity's 'programming' and that, over the

thirty-year period that will end in 2003, the intelligences that rule the universe are coming to repair it by

upgrading human intelligence." - 268:195

"The planet earth and man ... will make up a... world of mind ... exercis[ing] total control over every

aspect of life on earth." - 2:20-4 (19:172)

The Global Brain (or universal consciousness) will be achieved through psychotherapy and other means

of mind control. Mind control will be used to erase the memories connected with this present age.

See: New Media 18.A; New Music 18.B; New Health 9.B

The ultimate objective of the Global Brain Trust is to coerce mass suicide.

"Jim Jones hired by the CIA for brainwashing techniques - 'Jones founded [People's Temple] in the 1950s

... 911 followers ... committed suicide or are killed...Nov.18, 1978." - 20:470

"In 1974, while speaking before the U.S. Congress, [Dr. Jose M.R.] Delgado made the following

statement: 'We need a program for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the

mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated... Man does not have the

right to develop his own mind... Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electronic stimulation

of the brain.'" - 267:228-9

During the Tribulation mind control substances will be administered by the counterfeit 144,000 monastics.

"In his book The Global Brain, Peter Russell likened the human family on earth to the cells in the body. If

one-tenth of one-percent were astute, the whole body would be awakened, he said. Likewise, 144,000 was

chosen as the critical mass necessary to illuminate the entire body of beings on earth." - 35:216

"Peter Russell says that as world population approaches the critical number of 10 thousand million, we

could suddenly find ourselves functioning on a new level, as cells in a global brain, (there are ten

thousand million atoms in a neuron and ten thousand million neurons in the human cortex). He analyses

the acceleration of human knowledge, notices the coincidence between the end of the Mayan Great Cycle

and the end of the timewave of McKenna, and sees it as a likely consciousness shift-point." - 436

o Altered states of consciousness will be achieved through mass distribution of white

powdered gold.

"...But you also have to feed the spirit body, you have to feed the KA, so it can grow and become what

its meant to be. And most of you are not feeding your KA... The texts say you must feed the KA with the

semen of the father in heaven.

"And the KA grows and grows, becoming ever more enlightened, until you reach a point where the

light body exceeds the material body, you literally light up the room when you walk in. The gifts that go

with this are perfect telepathy, you can know good and evil when it is in the room with you, you can

project your thoughts into someone else's mind...

""What is the proper food? It is the food of the angels, the food of the gods, the manna, the what is it?"

- 657


...and for this cause God shall send them STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a lie. - II.Thes.2:9-11

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Some view the future state of man as a giant computerized global brain where all human intelligence would

be stored; physical bodies will become obsolete.

"Thus today, man's ultimate dream of eternal life, which past religions only promised after death in

mythical paradise, becomes a scientific reality. Raël, with exceptional vision, allows us an extraordinary

glimpse into an amazing future and explains how our nascent technology will revolutionize our world and

transform our lives. For example, he describes how nanotechnology will make agriculture and heavy

industry redundant, how super-artificial intelligence will quickly perform human intelligence, how eternal

life in a computer will be possible without the need for any biological body, and much, much more.

"And as Raël says, don't be mistaken in thinking that this is 22nd-century science fiction. All this will

happen within the next 20 years! This is a book written to prepare us for an unimaginably beautiful world,

turned into a paradise, where no one needs work anymore!" - 809


The Christian has the mind of Christ -- a sound mind, renewed and controlled by the Word of God.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may

prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. - Rev. 12:2

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - II Tim. 1:7

For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. - I

Cor. 2:16

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