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Helderberg gazette 19 aug 2014
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www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi Year 18 • Tuesday 19 August 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211 Helderberg Read in this week’s DistrictMail ) Electricity tariffs queried by small businesses ) Rugby gekanselleer na kabeldiefstal ) Club rugby reports and results Helderberg Baby Saver 2 Corruption at court 3 New Street School League 8 Sonskynkind sterf ná elektriese skok “Hy was ’n sonskyn- kind – sy pa se oogap- pel, en het elke dag ge- lééf.” Dis die mooi herinne- ringe wat raadslid Rho- da Bazier van Macassar van haar kleinseun Lu- cian Pichardy (9) het, wat verlede Dinsdag tragies gesterf het. Volgens kapt. Glau- dine van Rooyen van die Macassar-polisie, het Lucian weens ’n elektriese skok gesterf terwyl hy in die bad was. Die voorval het om- streeks 20:30 by sy grootouers se huis in Fir- grove gebeur. Volgens Van Rooyen is die seun geskok toe hy aan die handdoekreling vasgehou het om uit die bad te klim en vermoedelik aan ’n elektriese koord van ’n kookwaterkan wat in die vertrek was, geraak het. Volgens Van Rooyen was die warmwater- stelsel stukkend en is die kookwaterkan ge- bruik om die water te verhit. Volgens Lucian se ma, Miriam Pichardy, het hy en sy ouer broer, Lleyton (13), die af- gelope tyd gedurende die week by hul groot- ouers in Firgrove ge- woon omdat dit nader aan die Firgrove Pri- mêre Skool, waar hul- le leerders is, was. Vir vyf weke het die seuns net naweke by hul ouers en jonger sussie, Chloë, in Ma- cassar deurgebring. Lucian het ’n groot liefde vir rugby gehad en altyd drukkies aan almal uitgedeel, ver- tel Bazier, terwyl haar oë steeds blink van die trane. Sy ma Miriam ver- tel Lucian en sy pa, Ja- son, het ’n baie hegte verhouding gehad. “Waar Jason is, sou jy Lucian kry – hy was soos sy pa se skaduwee,” vertel sy. Jason, wat ’n lid van die Raithby Univer- sals se eerste rugbyspan is, sê Lucian, wat van eenjarige ouderdom elke wedstryd van hom bygewoon het, het in sy kort lewe in al- mal by die klub se harte gekruip. Benewens rugby het hy ook onlangs saam met sy oom Donovan Martinus begin gholf speel. Lucian het ook ’n goeie humorsin gehad en was ’n regte terggees. Sy tannie Lauren vertel hoe hy altyd probeer het om geld by die mansvriende wat by haar kuier te kry. Sy onthou ook hoe sy gelag het toe hy eendag tydens ’n skolerugbywedstryd met sy pa se groot rugby-skouerkussings op die veld uitgedraf het. “’n Mens kon nie lank vir hom kwaad bly nie,” onthou sy. Vir Miriam is Lucian se dood nog on- werklik. “Dit voel so onwerklik. Niks wat ek doen sal hom ooit weer terugbring nie. “Ek sal hom altyd onthou met sy glim- lag en rugbybal in die hand. Gedenkdienste word va- naand (Dinsdag) om 19:00 by die Raithby-sportklub gehou; Woensdag om 19:30 by die St. Joseph Anglikaanse-kerk asook Donderdag om 19:30 by sy grootouers, Archie en Es- merelda Pichardy se huis, Port Jacksonlaan 15 in Firgro- ve gehou. Lucian se begrafnisdiens word Saterdag om 08:00 by sy oumagrootjie, Lenie Marti- nus, se huis by Musicalaan 17, Macassar gehou. Dié diens word gevolg deur ’n kerkdiens om 09:00 by die plaaslike St Jo- seph Anglikaanse kerk. Lucian Pichardy (8) was ’n lewenslustige seun met ’n groot liefde vir rugby. Jason en Miriam Pichardy, die ouers van Lucian Pichardy, wat verlede Dinsdag gesterf het ná ’n tragiese on- geluk by sy grootouers se huis. Macassar-inwoner, raadslid Rhoda Bazier, se kleinseun Lucian Pichardy is verlede Dinsdag tragies oorlede. FOTO’S: DELIAH BRINKHUIS
Page 1: Helderberg gazette 19 aug 2014

www.bolandgazette.co.zabolandgazette.mobiYear 18 • Tuesday 19 August 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211


Read in this week’sDistrictMail

) Electricity tariffs queriedby small businesses

) Rugby gekanselleer nakabeldiefstal

) Club rugby reports and results Helderberg Baby Saver 2 Corruption at court 3 New Street School League 8

Sonskynkind sterf ná elektriese skok“Hy was ’n sonskyn-kind – sy pa se oogap-pel, enhetelkedagge-lééf.”

Dis die mooi herinne-ringe wat raadslid Rho-da Bazier van Macassarvan haar kleinseun Lu-cian Pichardy (9) het,wat verlede Dinsdagtragies gesterf het.

Volgens kapt. Glau-dine van Rooyen vandie Macassar-polisie,het Lucian weens ’nelektriese skok gesterfterwyl hy in die badwas.

Die voorval het om-streeks 20:30 by sy grootouers se huis in Fir-grove gebeur.

Volgens Van Rooyen is die seun geskoktoe hy aan die handdoekreling vasgehou hetom uit die bad te klim en vermoedelik aan’n elektriese koord van ’n kookwaterkanwat in die vertrek was, geraak het.

Volgens Van Rooyen was die warmwater-stelsel stukkend en is die kookwaterkan ge-bruik om die water te verhit.

Volgens Lucian se ma, Miriam Pichardy,het hy en sy ouer broer, Lleyton (13), die af-gelope tyd gedurende die week by hul groot-

ouers in Firgrove ge-woon omdat dit naderaan die Firgrove Pri-mêre Skool, waar hul-le leerders is, was.

Vir vyf weke het dieseuns net naweke byhul ouers en jongersussie, Chloë, in Ma-cassar deurgebring.

Lucian het ’n grootliefde vir rugby gehaden altyd drukkies aanalmal uitgedeel, ver-telBazier, terwylhaaroësteedsblinkvandietrane.

Sy ma Miriam ver-telLucianensypa,Ja-son, het ’n baie hegte

verhouding gehad.“WaarJasonis, soujyLuciankry –hywas

soos sy pa se skaduwee,” vertel sy.Jason, wat ’n lid van die Raithby Univer-

sals se eerste rugbyspan is, sê Lucian, watvan eenjarige ouderdom elke wedstryd vanhom bygewoon het, het in sy kort lewe in al-mal by die klub se harte gekruip.

Benewens rugby het hy ook onlangs saammet sy oom Donovan Martinus begin gholfspeel.

Lucian het ook ’n goeie humorsin gehaden was ’n regte terggees. Sy tannie Lauren

vertel hoe hy altyd probeer het om geldby die mansvriende wat by haar kuier tekry.

Sy onthou ook hoe sy gelag het toe hyeendag tydens ’n skolerugbywedstrydmet sy pa se groot rugby-skouerkussingsop die veld uitgedraf het.

“’n Mens kon nie lank vir hom kwaadbly nie,” onthou sy.

Vir Miriam is Lucian se dood nog on-werklik.

“Dit voel so onwerklik. Niks wat ekdoen sal hom ooit weer terugbring nie.

“Ek sal hom altyd onthou met sy glim-lag en rugbybal in die hand.

Gedenkdienste word va-naand (Dinsdag) om 19:00 bydie Raithby-sportklub gehou;Woensdag om 19:30 by die St.Joseph Anglikaanse-kerkasook Donderdag om 19:30 bysy grootouers, Archie en Es-merelda Pichardy se huis,Port Jacksonlaan 15 in Firgro-ve gehou.

Lucian se begrafnisdiensword Saterdag om 08:00 by syoumagrootjie, Lenie Marti-nus, se huis by Musicalaan 17,Macassar gehou. Dié dienswordgevolgdeur ’nkerkdiensom 09:00 by die plaaslike St Jo-seph Anglikaanse kerk.

Lucian Pichardy (8) was ’n lewenslustige seunmet ’n groot liefde vir rugby.

Jason en Miriam Pichardy, die ouersvan Lucian Pichardy, wat verledeDinsdag gesterf het ná ’n tragiese on-geluk by sy grootouers se huis.

Macassar-inwoner, raadslid RhodaBazier, se kleinseun Lucian Pichardyis verlede Dinsdag tragies oorlede.


Page 2: Helderberg gazette 19 aug 2014

Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 19 August 20142

Breast is best now on MXitLast week was InternationalBreastfeedingWeekand theWest-ern Cape Department of Health(WCDH) has launched its newBreast is Best campaign to coin-cide with this.The campaign aims to promote

the advantages of infant breast-feeding by providing informativeinformation on MXit.MXit, still the widest used cell-

phone application in Africa, ishighly accessible as it does not re-quire the user to have a smart-phone.The Breast is Best MXit portal

currentlyhas 17 000users and tar-

gets mainly young mothers.The information provided on

theportalwillalsobemadeavaila-ble at taxi ranks, local clinics andinformation centres. The WCDHrecommends breastfeeding for atleast the first sixmonths of the in-fant’s life as it lowers the rate ofchildhood obesity, incidents ofasthma and even promotes betterbrain development.Western Cape Minister of

Health,TheunsBothaencourageswomen to breastfeed. “The pro-motion of breastfeeding is impor-tant for healthy generation,” hesaid.

The Western Cape De-partment of Health haslaunched a MXit portalaimed at young mothers,which contains a varietyof resources about bre-astfeeding.

Baba Amber inspireerprojek wat lewens redDALEEN FOUCHÉ

’n Nuwe inisiatiefom babas se lewenste red is verledeweek in Somerset-Wes van stapel ge-stuur.

Die nuwe Baby Sa-ver by Choices inSchapenbergstraat,Somerset-Wes is ba-sies ’nkluiswat indiemuur ingebou is,waarinma’s hulle on-gewenste babas kanplaas.Wanneer die baba in die kluis geplaasword,

gaandaar ’nalarmafwatdieaangesteldemen-se in kennis stel om die baba te kom haal.Die projek is aan die rol gesit nadat twee

babas wat verlaat is, in Somerset-Wes gevindis.In die eerste geval is baba Amber naby die

Lourensrivier in Andries Pretoriusstraat ge-vind deur ’n hawelose man en sy hond op 8Februarie.JudithCross enhaarmanTonywas eenvan

die eerste mense op die toneel nadat die nuusoor die Somerset-Wes buurtwag-radio ge-breek het.Tydens die inwerkingstelling van die Baby

SaverhetJudithvertelhoesyvirbabaAmber,wat steeds in vrugwater bedek was, in haararms geneem en haar in ’n piekniekkomberstoegemaak het.Amber is vernoem na die ambulans wat

haar na die hospitaal geneem het. MarietjieBezuidenhout, sosialewerkerwatmetAmberse saak gewerk het, sê na haar herstel in diehospitaal, is sy in pleegsorg geplaas, maar isnou permanent by ’n familie geplaas.Bezuidenhout sê Amber is gesond en doen

goed. “Sy haal al haar groei-mylpale.”’nWeek nadat baba Amber gevind is, is nog

’n pasgebore baba gevind in ’n inkopietrollie

in Somerset-Wes sesentrale sakekern.Sandy Immelman,

een van die dryfkrag-te van die HeldebergBabySaver,sêsywou’n veilige plek skepwaar ongewenste ba-bas veilig gelos kanword.“Ek wou probeer

help om te voorkomdat babas weggegooiword en die enigstemanier waarvan ekweet is deur ’n baba-kluis.”“Ek en Judith het

met verskeie mense ontmoet en is oorweldigdeur die positiewe betrokkenheid van die ge-meenskap.”Immelman het ’n tweedehandse babakluis

opgespoor en dit skoongemaak. Daarna het sybegin soek vir die gepaste plek omdit te plaas.Die gepaste plekmoes toeganklik wees van-

af die taxi-geriewe, die Hoofweg, N2 en dietreinstasies.Choices is uiteindelik gekies as die gepaste

plek, omdat dit aan al die behoeftes voldoen.Choices is ’n krisissentrumvir swanger vroueen bied berading, advies en verblyf aan.Charmaine Etson, eenheidbestuurder by

Choices, is saam met Immelman, Cross enMandy Jones van PATCH Helderberg aange-stel om te reageer wanneer die alarm wat ge-koppel is aan die Baby Saver, afgaan.Securite het verniet die alarm installeer en

sal ook op die alarm reageer.Immelman sê die gemeenskap se ondersteu-

ningvirdieprojekwasongelooflikenelkedeelvandieprojek is geborgdeurplaaslikeorgani-sasies en individue.Cross sê die Helderberg Baby Saver is deel

vanbabaAmbersenalatenskap.“Ietsgoedhetuit die tragiese gebeurtenis gekom.”Kyk hoe dieHelderberg Baby Saverwerk op


Judith Cross en Sandy Immelman by die Baby Saver,wat by Choices in Somerset-Wes geïnstalleer is.FOTO:DALEEN FOUCHÉ

Local NGO Step Up and Stand Out (SUSO), a Christian organisation working towards establishing ayouth development centre in Macassar, visited Macassar Secondary School on Wednesday 28 July.Roger Hindley, SUSO chairperson, said 80 learners of the school converted to Christianity on the day.

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Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 19 August 2014 3

Druk tans te groot opHelderberg-hospitaalDELIAH BRINKHUIS

Die Helderberg-hospitaal se kapasiteit isnie genoegsaam om die aantal pasiëntewat die hospitaal besoek te bedien nie.

Dit is bevind met die Wes-Kaapse ministervan gesondheid, Theuns Botha, se besoek aandie staatshospitaal verlede Donderdag.Bothahet ’n ongeskeduleerdebesoek,waar-

heen diemedia ook genooi is, by die hospitaalafgelê.Volgens Botha het hy verskeie klagtes oor

diehospitaal ontvang, ondermeer dat diehos-pitaal oorvol is en daar nie genoeg beddensvirpasiënte isnie.Pasiëntemoetooklankwagom geholpe te raak.Die toer deur die hospitaal wat die ongeval-

le-afdeling en die sale ingesluit het, het van21:00 tot ná 23:00 geduur.Volgens suster Jessi-ca Sauls, die nagsuster, sienhulle daagliks so-wat 110 pasiënte in die ongevalle-afdeling.Benewens die Helderberg bedien die hospi-

taal ook pasiënte van sover as Khayelitsha enGrabouw.Tydensdiebesoekwasdaarsowat20pasiën-

te in die ongevalleafdeling. Heelwat het be-weer hulle wag reeds vir langer as vier uurom ’n dokter te sien.Volgens Sauls werk die hospitaal volgens

die Triage-stelsel wat die ernstigheidsgraadvan die pasiënt bepaal. Met dié stelsel word

’n kleurkode (rooi, oranje, groen en geel) aanpasiënte toegeken, met rooi wat aan ernstigegevalle toegeken word.AndrewSwanepoel (82)vanFirgrove, ’ndia-

beet enhoëbloeddruklyerwatbydiehospitaalmoes oornag, het in ’n rolstoel vir ’n bed ge-wag. Volgens sy dogter, Joan Jacobs, het haarpa ’n brandpyn oor sy bors gehad en teen 16:00bydie hospitaal aangekom. Jacobs sêhy is on-middellik op die hartmasjien gemonitor. Netvoor 21:00 is sy X-strale voltooi en teen 22:00is aangedui daar is ’n trolliebed beskikbaarvir hom in die ongevalleafdeling. Swanepoelis net ná 08:00 die volgende oggend (Vrydag)aan ’n hartaanval by die hospitaal oorlede.VolgensSaulshetdiehospitaal 162beddens.

Sy het gesê tien pasiënte het die aand ’n bedbenodig, maar daar was net drie beddens be-skikbaar.VolgensSauls isditbelangrikdatdaardeur-

entyd met pasiënte gekommunikeer word enhulle die versekering kry dat hulle wel gehol-pe sal raak.Sy het gesê sy hoop vir meer personeel en

ook ’n groter fasiliteit wat die huidige drukby die hospitaal sal verlig.Volgens Botha word ’n nuwe, groter hospi-

taal langsdieN2indieomgewingvanLwandleen Sir Lowry’s Pass, wat meer sentraal is enook gespesialiseerde dienste sal bied, beplan.Hyhetniegespesifiseerwanneerdiehospitaalgebou sal word nie.

Pasiënte wag in die ongevalle-afdeling van die Helderberg-hospitaal op Donderdagaand 7 Augustus tydens’n besoek van die Weskaapse minister van geseondheid, Theuns Botha.

Beware of land claim scamThe Department of RuralDevelopment and Land Re-form has warned WesternCape residents ofscammers who claim to becoordinators from the de-partment.The scammers allegedly

claim they can assist withland claims of applicantsand are asking a fee fromunsuspecting communitymembers.These complaints have

been received at the Officeof the Regional LandClaims Commission: West-ernCapesinceapplicationsfor land claims opened

about a month ago.The department empha-

sised that there is no finan-cial contribution to be paidto any person claiming toassist them in processingrestitution claims.People who are ap-

proached by the allegedscammers should report itto the police.Land claims in the West-

ern Cape can be lodged atthe Van der Sterr Building,Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray,phone: 021 658 4300 and 33Shamrock Place, 97 YorkStreet, George, phone:044 874 0021.

The Somerset West Police areseeking the public’s assistance infinding Joseph Steven Fortuin.Fortuin was wearing cream-col-oured pants, a blue t-shirt andwhite takkies when he was lastseen in Somerset West on 1 June2013. Anyone with informationcan contact WO Hein Van derWesthuizen on 021 850 1300.

Alleged corruption at courtA Registrar of the Court in SomersetWest was arrested on Wednesday 13August on charges of corruption.The 36-year-old man, a resident of

Kleinvlei, was arrested at 11:00 at theSomerset West Magistrate’s Court.It is alleged that over the past two

years he accepted payments for serv-ices to the public that should havebeen free of charge.Twolaptops,a flashdriveanddocu-

ments, whichwere found in his vehi-cle, were seized.Later that morning a computer

towerwasalso seizedathis residencein Kleinvlei.The man is to appear in the

Bellville Specialised CommercialCrimes court on 16 October.

Registrar of the Court in Somerset West was arrested onWednesday for alleged corruption.

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Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 19 August 20144

Gratis oogtoetse is aandie begin van Augustus bydie Sir Lowry’s Pass Pri-mêre Skool gedoen toeoogkundiges van Care Vi-sion van die Karl Bremer-hospitaal die skool be-soek het. Leerders van SirLowry’s Pass Primêr, so-wel as ’n paar leerders vanFirgrove Primêr, het dietoetseondergaan.ByHar-riet Killian,oogkundige,Care Vision (heel regs) isvan links Deswil van Nie-tingh, Mbali Folukwazi,Chenive Isaacs en MarisaJulies.


Child Welfare holds AGMChild Welfare Somerset Westwill have their annual generalmeeting on Tuesday 2 Septem-ber at 10:00 at the Somerset

West Library.Everyone is welcome.For more information phone

the office on 021 852 3126.

Take part in photocompetitionWhether you’re serious aboutphotography or just a happysnapper, your photographscouldmakeyouawinner in theLife in Full Focus competitionlaunched by Helderberg Hos-pice inconjunctionwithKodakSuperfoto.

There are three categories inwhich to enter and you may inter-pretthemaswidelyandcreativelyas you like. Action photographersmay enter the Making the Most ofthe Moment category, while par-ents as well as those who special-ise in macro photography couldfind their niche in It’s the LittleThings that Matter. Anyone whohas been stopped in their tracksby a spectacular view or sunset

will want to enter the Wow! cate-gory.

Photographs must be submittedfor development to Kodak Super-foto at Waterstone Village or Som-erset Mall by the last Monday ofAugust, September and Novem-ber. Monthly winners will be an-nounced in the local media the fol-lowing week and an overall win-ner of the competition will beannounced in November.

A R5 entry fee will go towardsHelderberg Hospice and an exhi-bition of winning photographswill be on display at the Hospiceduring November.

For enquiries contact PatriciaMcNaught Davis at 082 731 5736 orat [email protected].

Night Shelter AGMThe Somerset West Night Shel-ter holds its AGM on Thursday21 August.

The meeting starts at 19:00 inthe Somerset West LibraryHall.

All members, volunteers,

friends and those interested inthe shelter are welcome to at-tend. For more info call JoSwart, honorary chairpersonof the Somerset West NightShelter, on 021 851 4984 or021 855 2329.

Rimpelweek in H’bergDie Helderberg-gemeente in Fir-mountweg, Somerset-Wes, bied van18 tot 21 Augustus ’n Rimpelweekaan.

Diegeleentheidbeginom19:00elkeaand en bied ’n platform vir menseom kwessies te bespreek wat almalraak.

Besoekers kan uitsien na ’n kortinset deur ’n gasspreker en ’n lekkergesels-sessie oor ’n spesifieke onder-werp.

Maandagaand (18 Augustus) isdeur psigiater Christa Benade-Thomingelei gevolg deur ’n gesprek oor in-timiteit binne gevestigde verhou-dings.

Dinsdagaand gaan afgetrede inge-nieur Geoff Steenkamp en sy vrou,Eileen, wat die ouers is van ’n homo-seksuelekind,geselsoorGayenGelo-wig.

Woensdagaand gaan sielkundigeJuan van Wyk help met ’n kwessiewaarmee ons almal stoei: Konflik –innie kombuis en innie werk.

Donderdagaand gaan sielkundigeMarina Swart praat oor Huweliks-verryking.

Toegang is gratis, maar skenkingsis welkom.

Vir meer inligting bel vir JanBranders by 021 851 5582 of [email protected].

ACVV hou vergaderingACVVSomerset-Weshousyal-gemene jaarvergadering opDinsdag 26 Augustus.

Die vergadering vind om09:30 vir 10:00 by ACVV Huis

Marie Louw in Faganstraat,Somerset-Wes, plaas.

RSVP voor Woensdag 20 Au-gustus by 021 852 2103 [email protected].

Cotlands fund raiser ahigh tea at WebersburgTickets for the Cotlands High TeaParty at the Webersburg Wine Es-tate are R350 per person, and notper table as previously published.

The annual fund raiser will be

held on Saturday 30 August.Tables of 10 or 12 seats can be

booked. For bookings contact Lor-raine Hirst on 082 875 3521 or [email protected]

Helderberg Hospice AGMThe annual general meeting ofHelderberg Hospice will beheld on Wednesday 20 Augustat Helderberg Hospice, 21 OldStellenbosch Road in Somer-set West and starts at 12:00.

All members, volunteers,

friends and interested partieswelcome.

Nominations for directorsto [email protected].

Call Helderberg Hospice at021 852 4608.

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Helderberg GazetteAdvertisement - AdvertensieTuesday 19 August 2014 5

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Helderberg Gazette Classifieds Tuesday 19 August 20146




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Lesers se kommentaarLeerder by Lwandle-skool geskiet

Die feit dat die 9-jarige, Zwakaladeur ’n koeël getref is, wys dat ’nmis-daadvrye omgewing vir skoliere ge-skep moet word.Was die verdwaalde koeël van ’n ben-delid? Bendes en dwelms moet uitge-roei word. Wat is die DA se plan teenbendes? Tans ignoreer hulle die ben-des! Smit,Strand

SwakkliëntediensonaanvaarbaarEk wil aansluit by die vorige kom-

mentaar van X-kliënt. Ons as kliëntesoek nie swak diens by groot winkelssoos Edgars en Jet nie. Ek wil vertelwatter goeie diens ek by Woolworthsin Somerset Mall kry. Vriendelikekassiere baie behulpsame assistenteen bestuurders. Dis mos puik diens.Well done, Woollies. Happy Anoniem

Perlemoen poaching could’vePerlemoen poaching could’vebeen stopped months agobeen stopped months agoThe poaching of perlemoen couldhave been stopped months ago.

I witnessed two men (probably thesamemenmentioned in your article)coming out of thewaterwith snorkel-ling gear on a previous occasion, alsoaround 18:30.

They acted suspiciously and I justhad a gut feeling theywere poaching,so while they went into the bushes tochange,my friends and I nonchalant-ly went to check what they were upto, trying not to look too obvious.

And there the plastic bag was,weighed down with a rock, whichthey came to fetch after changing andwere then joined by a few other men.

I had tried phoning the police, butthe woman who answered the phonewasn’t helpful so I phonedbackagainand was not assisted.

I then phoned a cellphone numberof a policeman but theywere busy on

a call out and unable to assist.So I again called the station and in-

sisted on speaking to the station com-mander. She also didn’t help muchand said there was only one personin the office!

In themeantime (the poachers) gotaway, a very frustrating affair.

Surely there is more than one po-licevanandonepersonondutyinourtown which has grown and wherecrime is starting to burgeon?

SIMONE,GORDON’S BAYWO Nico Beukes, spokesperson for

the Gordon’s Bay Police comments:“The writer’s complaint was followedup. There is, however, no record thatthis incident was reported at the sta-tion. We depend on and appreciate thesupport of the community to combatcrime and we have joined forces withtheneighbourhoodwatchandsecurityagencies.”

Pleasant stay at HelderbergPleasant stay at HelderbergHospital despite conditionsHospital despite conditionsI always read in the newspapers andhear negative stories about Helder-berg Hospital. I had to go for sometests andwas admitted to hospital on4 August for a night. I stayed in thewomen’sBward. Ididnotknowwhatto expect but was surprised by theservice I received from the staff.

The day and night staff on dutywere very friendly and efficient.They tried their best to make every-one comfortable.

It was a pleasant stay although thehospital was full and did not haveenough beds and is in need of urgent

repairs inside and outside.People always complain about the

service and everything at the hospi-tal, but it is not that bad. I experi-enced myself. Stop complaining andput a smile on that peoples faces be-cause they have to do their job undervery difficult circumstances andhave to cope with sometimes veryrude patients.

Mywish is that all business peopleand those who have money get in-volve and try to restore our hospitalto its former glory.


Ao. Isak Kotze, sers. Chrisy Lewaks en konst. Charlton Cloete van die Macassar-polisie het onlangs ’n veiligheidsbewusmakingsveldtog in Sandvlei gehou waarhulle pamflette en wenke aan die inwoners uitgedeel het.


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Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusDinsdag 19 Augustus 2014 7

Essential informationfor victims of rapeConstable Mthokozisi Gama,spokesperson for the LwandlePolice, urges victims of rape todo the following:

) Immediately after the in-cident, get to a safe place andinformatrustworthypersonofwhat has happened. If the per-son is a stranger, ask for theirname and cellphone numberas they may be able to rendersome support in court.

) Victims should not show-er or dress in clean clothes. Bydoing this, the victim risks re-moving vital evidence thatcould help find the attacker (s)and aid in the arrest. Evidencecouldbe collected fromthevic-tim’smouth, so giving the per-son tea or even sugar water af-tertheincidentwilldestroyev-idence too.If the victim has showered,

pleaseensure thatall the itemsof clothingarewrappedupandkept in a plastic bag.Other evidence collected

could be hair, semen, spit,blood and anything else thatcan be linked to the attack-er (s). Also keep the any toiletpaper the victim may haveused for wiping.Gama says most people still

believe that “something likethis won’t happen to me”, andthat it only happens to others.Headdsthatmostrapistsare

people known to the victim.

“Help is available at hospi-tals and 24-hour geared rapecentressuchasPatchandRapeCrises, which has trained staffto render assistance. At theLwandle Police Station, wehave Victim Support Room.“When a victim arrives at

thesecentres,acall ismadeim-mediately to the police’s Fami-ly Violence Child ProtectionandSexualOffences(FCS)unitand to a doctor, so a medicalprofessional and an investiga-tion officer will actually cometoyou.Thepolicewilldoaveryshort first interview to estab-lish what happened (whereand when) and to see if thereis any chance of catching thesuspect,” explains Gama.Lwandle Police pro-actively

conducts community aware-ness campaigns in partner-ship with other stakeholders.Educational pamphlets con-

taining relevant informationabout rape and with emergen-cy numbers are often distrib-uted in the community.“We (police) encourage rape

victims to come forward andreport such incidents so thatthey can get professional as-sistance immediately. Breakthe silence.”For any assistance contact

the Lwandle Police on021 845 2060 or Crime Stop on08600 10111.

Macassar-vroue gehuldigDie Macassar Gemeenskapspolisië-ringsforum (GPF)het Sondag 10Augus-tus ’n Vrouedagfunksie, getiteld “Wo-men as Victors” gehou.

Heelwat vroue uit die gemeenskap sowelas Yolanda Faro, hoof vanMetropolisie virdie Stad Kaapstad en eerwaarde GlendaJordaan van die Anglikaanse-kerk het asgassprekers opgetree. Erkenning is aanverskeie vroue in die gemeenskap, inslui-tend die polisie, kindersorgsentrums, Me-tropolisie en die media gegee.Die plaaslike rieldansgroep, die Karoo-

trappers, het ook by die geleentheid opge-tree.

Die Macassar Gesond-heidsentrum se fasili-teitsbestuurder, susterClarina Alexander, isook vereer vir die rolwat sy in die gemeen-skap speel. By haar isvan haar personeelle-de Wilna Joseph (gere-gistreerde verpleeg-ster), suster Sarie Jon-kers, suster Clarina Alexander (fasiliteitsbestuurder), suster Evelyn Montjies, MagdaleneAdams (geregistreerde verpleegster).

Erkenning is aan lede van die Macassar-polisie gegee. Van links is kpt. Glaudine vanRooyen, konst. Nonzuzo Mnamata, Elizma Williams (administrasie), res.konst. LiezelAdonis, Connie Williams (administrasie) en ao. Theresa Nel.

Kassiem Anthony, voorsit-ter van die Macassar-ge-meenskapspolisiërings-forum oorhandig ’n toe-kenning aan ElizabethAdams van dieMaccassarOutreach-projek. ByAdams is Eshona Satyela(2). FOTO’S: CHARLTONCLOETE

Metropolisiehoof Yolanda Faro (gasspreker), sers.Karen Ferrus en Raquel Paulsen.

Foto links: SaulClaassen, KassiemAnthony, Alvia Ant-hony en Firdous Ja-cobs enhaar dogterFirdous was ook bydie funksie. Antho-ny en Jacobshet diespyseriening ge-doen.

Page 8: Helderberg gazette 19 aug 2014


Year 18 • Dinsdag 19 Augustus 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

New Street Schools Sport League to be launchedSports Against Crime South Africa(SACSA) in partnership with theSAPS Western Cape Social CrimePrevention Projects, will on Satur-day 23 August launch the StreetSchools Sport League at Rusthof Pri-mary School’s sports fields.

The sports included in the league are:soccer, five a side tag rugby and five aside netball.Schools from theHelderberg that will

be playing in the league are Dr Joubertand Rusthof Primary Schools in theStrand.SAPS in the Strand, together with

SACSA will coordinate and run theleague for children in the 11, 12 and 13-year-old age groups and parents of thechildren involved in the new StreetSchools Sport League are urged to cometo the field and support their children.League games will be played twice a

month at different fields on the schoolpremises until Saturday 8 November,when the finals will be played at the DrJoubert school fields.The winners of the different sporting

codes will all receive medals and there

will also be a floating trophy to be wonby the best school.The sports coordinators of the two

schools are: Rusthof Primary: Five aside Tag Rugby: Andy Cloete; Netball(11-year-olds) Ms Lyndall Gelant, whileMs Natasha Roos will coordinate the 12and 13-year-old netball girls.Five a side soccer:MalcolmCameron.Dr Joubert Primary: Netball (11,12

and 13-year-olds) Mrs Tauhira Fanieand Ms Brenda de Wet, Five a side tagrugby: Quenton Adams and JawaadFebruary.Fiveasidesoccer (13-year-olds)Dono-

van Jaftha.Vincent Daniels, the president of

SACSA, said it was decided to start thisnewStreetSchoolsSportLeagueto first-ly keep children off the streets and fromdrugs,gangs,alcoholandbadinfluencesandget theminvolved inplaying sports.Hesaidtheotherreasonwastodiscov-

er and nurture talented young boys andgirls at schools in the Helderberg.For further information about the

Street Schools Sport League or SportsAgainstCrimeSouthAfrica, phoneVin-cent Daniels on 082 8651 144.

The coordinators and organisers of the new Street School League are (back, from left): Const Anele Medu (Strand SAPS),Jawaad February (Dr Joubert), Quenton Adams (Dr Joubert), Malcolm Cameron (Rusthof Primary) and Donovan Jaftha (DrJoubert). In front are Vincent Daniels (president, Sports Against Crime South Africa), Ms Tauhira Fanie (Dr Joubert), MsNatasha Roos (Rusthof Primary) and Martin Leukes, principal Dr Joubert Primary.

Enter the CapeTown MarathonMarathonrunners in theHel-derberg are training hard forone of the world’s most irre-sistible marathons, the San-lam Cape Town City Mara-thon.The picturesque 42,2 km

route takes runners throughthe City of Cape Town intothe leafy Southern Suburbs,under the shadow of DevilsPeak and past landmarkssuch as the Liesbeek River,Rondebosch Common, New-landsCricket ground,GrooteSchuur and the University ofCape Town.Turning back towards the

City and under Table Moun-tain, athletes run into Dis-trict Six and the City Centre.Some of the iconic Cape

Town landmarks they willpass include: the Castle ofGood Hope, Cape Town CityHall, Houses of Parliament,Company Gardens, StGeorge’s Cathedral, Green

Market Square, MandelaRhodes Building, HuguenotChambers and the Neder-duitse Kerk.Runners will also pass the

famed Fanwalk, Sea Pointbeachfront and see sightssuch as the Twelve Apostles,the Atlantic Ocean and Rob-ben Island before turningback toward Mouille PointLighthouse and the V&AWa-terfront and finishing out-side the Cape Town Stadium.There are several ways to

enter the marathon.Visit www.capetownmara-

thon.com for more info, sendan email to [email protected] or call086 1846 464The Sanlam Cape Town

Marathon 42,2 km and theSanlam Cape Town Mara-thon Peace 10 km entriesclose on Friday 5 September.No late entries will be ac-


Macassar CricketClub starts practisingMacassaar Cricket Club (MCC)started official practices at theMacassar sports grounds, behindthepolicestation,onThursday14August.Cricket practices are now held

every Thursday at these fieldsfrom 18:00.MCC will have three teams

playing in the Western ProvinceCricket Association leagues inthe 2014 – ’15 season.

The first team will be playingin the in the First Division Dleague, the second teamin theRe-serve 3E league and the thirdteam in the Reserve 3D league.Cricketers who would like to

join the club and play this seasonare invited to attend practices.For more information about

the club and practices phonecoach Vernie Simpson on078 404 4413.
