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Helderberggazettehp 20140701
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www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi Year 18 • Tuesday 1 July 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211 Helderberg Read in this week’s DistrictMail ) A baby and four people die in an accident on R44 ) Armed robbery at BP Express in Broadway Road, Strand ) Spookhill road race action Knitting for Mandela Day 6 Vyfde inbraak by dagsorg 3 Young Bafana expand 8 Dié groepie kinders in Macassar het die Junie/Julie skoolvakansie Vrydag op ’n prettige noot afgeskop toe hulle danspassies in die strate uitgevoer het. Skole heropen op Maandag 21 Julie. Vakansie-programme sal by die onderskeie biblioteke in die Helderberg aangebied word. Sien bl. 7 vir die program by die Somerset-Wes-biblioteek. FOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN Winter vakansietyd ‘Beste’ behandeling vir H’berg-verslaafdes CASSY VAN EEDEN Verlede week Donderdag (26 Ju- nie) was dit Internasionale Dwelmbewustheidsdag. Vanjaar was die tema “ ’n boodskap van hoop: dwelmgebruikversteurings is voorkombaar en behandel- baar,” sê Motshabi Nkoane van die departement van sosiale ont- wikkeling. Dít is die filosofie van die plaaslike dwelmbehandelingsentrum, Helder- berg Cares: Gemeenskapsbewust- heid, Rehabilitasie en Opleidings- dienste. Sarah Fisher, die uitvoerende di- rekteur van Helderberg Cares, sê dwelmmisbruik neem steeds toe in die Helderberg. Volgens haar aanvaar mense dik- wels dat dwelmafhanklikheid iets is wat net in armer gemeenskappe voorkom. Omdat Somerset-Wes as ’n welgestelde gebied beskou word neem mense verkeerdelik aan dat dwelmmisbruik hier nie algemeen voorkom nie. In der waarheid is dwelmafhank- likheid egter “ten diepste demokra- ties”, sê sy. Die sentrum sien tussen 15 en 20 nuwe pasiënte per maand, sê tera- peut Tasha Merlo. Die mees algeme- ne dwelm wat hulle by die sentrum teëkom is metamfetamien, gevolg deur kokaïen en heroïen. Die behandelingsentrum is in 2010 gestig en bied ’n volledige gratis bui- tepasiënt-behandeling wat uniek is en op die mees onlangse navorsing geskoei is. Eerder as om die tradisio- nele metode van die 12-stapprogram te gebruik, word hier gebruik ge- maak van die sogenaamde matriks- model. Die matriksmodel fokus op die uit- werking wat stimulante soos metam- fetamien, kokaïen en heroïen op die brein het en behels “behandeling vanuit ’n mediese perspektief”, sê Fisher. Die program behels groepsessies soos terugvalvoorkoming, oplei- dingsgroepe en sosiale ondersteu- ningsgroepe. Die model maak voor- siening vir die unieke behandeling van elke individu, gegrond op hul as- sessering. Die behandeling duur 16 weke en ondersteun die verslaafdes in die herstelproses deur die baie stadia van herstel. Helderberg Cares gaan binnekort hervestig, wat die behan- deling wat hulle aanbied vir seker sal verbeter. Die sentrum verhuis na ’n nuwe perseel by die Somerset-Wes-kliniek “hopelik teen die einde van Julie”’ sê Fisher. “Hierdie is in baie opsigte goeie nuus, want eerstens maak dit voorsiening vir ’n meer soomlose be- handeling en tweedens is dit makli- ker toeganklik vir inwoners,” sê sy. Volgens Fisher word hierdie inno- verende vorm van behandeling, be- kend as gemeenskapsgesondheid – buite-pasiëntbehandeling, by ’n kli- niek as “beste praktyk” beskou en dat die res van die wêreld hierna kyk as ’n voorbeeld. Helderberg Cares benodig altyd donasies van alle soorte en finansiële ondersteuning. Lesers kan in verbin- ding tree met Sarah Fisher by 021 850 0972 of 083 32 73911. Indien jy of jou familie dwelmpro- bleme het kan jy ook Narcotics Ano- nymous bel by 083 900 6962.
Page 1: Helderberggazettehp 20140701

www.bolandgazette.co.zabolandgazette.mobiYear 18 • Tuesday 1 July 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211


Read in this week’sDistrictMail

) A baby and four people die in an

accident on R44

) Armed robbery at BP Express in

Broadway Road, Strand

) Spookhill road race actionKnitting for Mandela Day 6Vyfde inbraak by dagsorg 3 Young Bafana expand 8

Dié groepie kinders in Macassar het die Junie/Julie skoolvakansie Vrydagop ’n prettige noot afgeskop toe hulle danspassies in die strate uitgevoerhet. Skole heropen op Maandag 21 Julie. Vakansie-programme sal by dieonderskeie biblioteke in die Helderberg aangebied word. Sien bl. 7 vir dieprogram by die Somerset-Wes-biblioteek. FOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN

Winter vakansietyd ‘Beste’ behandelingvir H’berg­verslaafdesCASSY VAN EEDEN

Verlede week Donderdag (26 Ju-nie) was dit InternasionaleDwelmbewustheidsdag. Vanjaarwas die tema “’n boodskap vanhoop:dwelmgebruikversteuringsis voorkombaar en behandel-baar,” sê Motshabi Nkoane vandie departement van sosiale ont-wikkeling.

Dít is die filosofie van die plaaslikedwelmbehandelingsentrum, Helder-berg Cares: Gemeenskapsbewust-heid, Rehabilitasie en Opleidings-dienste.

Sarah Fisher, die uitvoerende di-rekteur van Helderberg Cares, sêdwelmmisbruik neem steeds toe indie Helderberg.

Volgens haar aanvaar mense dik-wels dat dwelmafhanklikheid iets iswat net in armer gemeenskappevoorkom. Omdat Somerset-Wes as ’nwelgestelde gebied beskou wordneem mense verkeerdelik aan datdwelmmisbruik hier nie algemeenvoorkom nie.

In der waarheid is dwelmafhank-

likheid egter “ten diepste demokra-ties”, sê sy.

Die sentrum sien tussen 15 en 20nuwe pasiënte per maand, sê tera-peut Tasha Merlo. Die mees algeme-ne dwelm wat hulle by die sentrumteëkom is metamfetamien, gevolgdeur kokaïen en heroïen.

Die behandelingsentrum is in 2010gestig en bied ’n volledige gratis bui-tepasiënt-behandeling wat uniek isen op die mees onlangse navorsinggeskoei is. Eerder as om die tradisio-nele metode van die 12-stapprogramte gebruik, word hier gebruik ge-maak van die sogenaamde matriks-model.

Die matriksmodel fokus op die uit-werking wat stimulante soos metam-fetamien, kokaïen en heroïen op diebrein het en behels “behandelingvanuit ’n mediese perspektief”, sêFisher.

Die program behels groepsessiessoos terugvalvoorkoming, oplei-dingsgroepe en sosiale ondersteu-ningsgroepe. Die model maak voor-siening vir die unieke behandelingvan elke individu, gegrond op hul as-sessering.

Die behandeling duur 16 weke enondersteun die verslaafdes in dieherstelproses deur die baie stadiavan herstel. Helderberg Cares gaanbinnekort hervestig, wat die behan-delingwathulleaanbiedvirsekersalverbeter.

Die sentrum verhuis na ’n nuweperseel by die Somerset-Wes-kliniek“hopelik teen die einde van Julie”’sê Fisher. “Hierdie is in baie opsigtegoeie nuus, want eerstens maak ditvoorsiening vir ’n meer soomlose be-handeling en tweedens is dit makli-ker toeganklik vir inwoners,” sê sy.

Volgens Fisher word hierdie inno-verende vorm van behandeling, be-kend as gemeenskapsgesondheid –buite-pasiëntbehandeling, by ’n kli-niek as “beste praktyk” beskou endat die res van die wêreld hierna kykas ’n voorbeeld.

Helderberg Cares benodig altyddonasiesvanallesoorteenfinansiëleondersteuning.Leserskaninverbin-ding tree met Sarah Fisher by021 850 0972 of 083 32 73911.

Indien jy of jou familie dwelmpro-bleme het kan jy ook Narcotics Ano-nymous bel by 083 900 6962.

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Helderberg Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 1 July 20142

Designer creates unique piecesJAMEY GORDON

“Jewellery is more than a state-ment piece that brings an outfit tolife. It’saportrayalofone’sperson-ality and character.”

This is the sentiment of SomersetWestresidentLouiseLackay(36),whoworks as a bookkeeper for Usiko Stel-lenbosch and has been designing andcreating her own costume jewellerypart time for the past two years.

Louise discovered her passion in2010. She recalls asking God to showherwhatherpurposeinlifewas,whenLouise Creations Jewellery Designcame to mind.

With stresses of work, almost twoyears had passed with no real focus onthe business. Then in the summer of2012shereceivedanothersign.Louisesaysafriendpostedanimageofaneck-lacedrapedaroundthescriptureJere-miah 29:11 (“For I know the plans Ihave for you,” declares the Lord,“plans to prosper you and not to harmyou, plans to give you hope and a fu-ture.”). In reaction to what she read,Louise says she simply dropped herhead and said “I know Lord.”

The avid jewellery designer drewinspiration from the unique, qualityjewellery displayed at Leonie’s CoffeeShop in Strand and arranged for a fewclasses with the creator.

Louise says the classes were simplyfor her to be taught the basics. Afteronly one two-hour class, Louise wasconfident enough to start her own col-lections.

Thus far, Louise has designed andcreated three collections: a Dress Up,Dress Down collection in winter 2012;the Mid Summer 2013 collection ofbold-coloured pieces; and a Day andNight collection in November 2013consistingofjewellerysuitablefordayand night.

She is currently working on her

fourth collection for Winter 2014.Each collection includes more or

less55setsofnecklaceswithmatchingearrings and 10 bracelets.

Louise promotes her collections onFacebook and sells most of her jewel-lery to friends and family.

Hermostprizedpiecesaretwoneck-laces that completely contrast eachother – one is bold and loud piece witha focus on orange and green, while theother is subtle and soft with pale bluesand whites.

She says that when she designs jew-

ellery, she always does so with some-oneinmindandwhenshepresentsthepersonwiththepiece,theyalwaysendup taking it.

“I get lost in the process. I’ll tell my-selfthatI’mgoingtodesignonesetandIendupwithsevenoreight,”saysLou-ise, who gets all giddy when talkingabout her passion.

Louise has no definite plans for thefuture, but hopes to spend more timeperfecting her craft so she can exhibitherjewelleryinboutiquesandeventu-ally open up her own jewellery store.

Louise Lackay with all the unique, quality jewellery she created. PHOTO: JAMEY GORDON

Macassar-inwonerssoek nóú antwoordeGemoedere het opgevlam by dieopenbare vergadering in Macas-sar verlede Donderdag wat deurdie Kaapstadse burgemeester, Pa-tricia de Lille, bygewoon is.

Die vergadering het gevolg nádrie dae van protesaksie vroegverlede week oor die insluitingvan die Lwandle-afgesettes in ’nbeplande behuisingsprojek op diedorp.

Honderde mense het die reën-weer trotseer om die vergaderingoor die behuisingskwessie in diegemeenskapsaal by te woon.

Aanvanklik is slegs ’n sekereaantalmense indiesaal toegelaat,maar nadat mense aangedringhet dat al die mense in die saal ge-akkommodeer word, is die resvan die mense ook in die saal toe-gelaat.

De Lille het verskoning gemaaken gesê dat sy die verkeerde inlig-ting van die departement vanmenslike nedersettings ontvanghet oor beskikbare grond in Ma-cassar waar die Lwandle-afgeset-tes geakkommodeer kon word.

Die skare mense het De Lilletoegesnou en wou antwoorde hêoor wanneer die behuisingspro-jek in Macassar sou begin, en aan-gedring dat Macassar-inwonersvoorkeur kry.

’n Opedag is gister (Maandag)vanaf 09:00 – 17:00 in die gemeen-skapsaal gehou waar inwonerskon nagaan of hulle name op diebehuisingswaglys is.

Amptenare van die stad Kaap-stad was ook aanwesig om vraevan die aanwesiges te beant-woord.

Search for Helderberg’stop entrepreneurs is onHelderberg Gazette will be runningan exciting Entrepreneur of the Yearcompetition until September.

The newspaper is looking for inno-vative, creative and enthusiasticHelderberg residents who havefounded and currently run their ownsuccessful business.

Each week the Helderberg Gazettewill profile a Helderberg entrepre-neur and readers will be given achance to vote for their favourite en-trepreneur each month.

The winner will be crowned Entre-preneur of the Month.

The finalists for each month willcompete against one another for theEntrepreneur of the Year 2014 title.

Therewillbemonthlyprizesup forgrabs for the Entrepreneur of theMonth as well as for the person whonominated them. There will be amassive grand prize, which will beannounced shortly, for the Entrepre-neur of the Year.

If you know an entrepreneur whoyou think should be profiled and en-tered into the competition, pleasecontact Jamey Gordon on021 853 0211.

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Helderberg GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 1 July 2014 3

Metrorail increasefares yet againCASSY VAN EEDEN

TheCongressofSouthAfricanTradeUnions (Cosatu)plannedastrike lastweek in response to the upcomingfare hike.Metrorail announced on 30 May

that ticket prices will be increasedwith effect from 1 July.The increase in single tickets will

be 50 – 80 cents. Weekly ticket in-creaseswill rangebetweenR3andR7whilemonthly tickets are planned torise between R7 and R30.Helderberg Gazette interviewed

commuters who regularly useMetrorail trains.LwandleresidentThandekaMbuli

said theplannedprice increase is“ri-diculous” and that “our salariesdon’t increase to cover the increaseof the ticket price.”Sindy-LeevanderMerwefromMa-

cassar said she did not know aboutthe increases and that it should be“better advertised so that we canplan for the changes.”“Howarepoorpeoplegoing tocope

with the increase, people use thistrain as their only transport,” shesaid.Tony Ehrenreich of Cosatu said

the aim of the strike is to draw atten-tion to the fact thatMetrorail, whichtransports thousands of commuters,seriously needs to maintain theirfleet.“The strike is designed to put pres-

sure onMetrorail to improve servic-es and not increase their fares untiltheimprovementsaredone,”hesaid.Regional spokesperson for Metro-

rail, Mthuthuzeli Swartz, said: “Weneed to sustain the ongoing opera-tional improvements to raise ourservice levels to customer expecta-tions.””The fare increasewill support the

region’s most immediate goal to ef-fect visible and short-term improve-ments to improve customers’ travelexperience.” ’Ehrenreich said the amount

Metrorail will gain from fare in-creases is R3 million for the monthof July only, “a small amount forMetrorail but huge for ordinaryworkers,” he said.Swartz responded by saying that

Metrorail is“acutelyawareof theim-pact of a transport increase on themajority of rail users and endorseda modest increase.”He explained that Helderberg resi-

dents should also consider the costof energyaswell asmaintenancema-terial has increased, which contrib-ute to the majority of Metrorail’s ex-penses in the Western Cape.“Metrorail has spent money on

non-core facilities like Wi-Fi andhuge salary increases for manage-ment,” said Ehrenreich.Metrorail has stated that the in-

crease in ticket prices will go to-wards completing fourteen stationimprovements, rail replacements,reducing copper theft, fencingprojects and free station Wi-Fi. Thestrike is no longer set to take placeas Cosatu failed to secure a certifi-cate to legally protect the march.Cosatu has now entered into talks

with Metrorail about the increases.

Vyfde inbraak by dagsorgCASSY VAN EEDEN

Onderwysers by die DiscoveryKids moes verlede Donderdag(26 Junie), vir pastoor DenverAbrahams van die BellglenChristelike Gemeenskapskerkin Macassar, laat weet dat diedagsorg weereens beroof is.

Dit is die vyfde inbraak oor dieafgelope jaar by Discovery Kids.Abrahams sê die polisie het hom

oor en oor teleurgestel omdat diepolisieseondersoeknadie inbrakenog geen resultate opgelewer hetnie.Inbrekers het die dagsorg ge-

plunder en ’n groot gemors gelaatvir die skool om op te ruim.Die skade was so ernstig dat nie

een van die 40 leerders die dag nadie inbraak geakkommodeer konword nie.Die skool se kombuiskraan is ty-

dens die inbraak gebreek wat diehele skool onder water gelaat het.Indieproses isdiemeubels enmat-te verwoes.Die inbrekers het ook dele van

die plafon oopgeruk en elektronie-se eenhede verwoes.

Abrahams sê dit is duidelik datdieinbrekersseteikendieelektrie-se kabels was, omdat al die kabelsagter die aanskakelaars, yskas enelektriese boks uitgeruk is. Die ge-bou is sonder krag gelaat.Al die kos enkombuistoerusting

is ook gesteel.Abrahams sê die kerk het soveel

planne vir die toekoms. Dit sluit ’nskuiling virmishandelde vroue, ’njeugprogram en die uitbreidingvan die dagsorg in.

Maar hy verduidelik dat elkekeer wanneer die kerk geld insa-mel, moet dit gebruik word vir dieherstel van die dagsorg na nog ’ninbraak in plaas daarvan om met’n nuwe projek te begin.Die DiscoveryKids dagsorg is in

groot nood en het hulp nodig metdie instandhouding, finansies ensekerheidsmaatreëls.Lesers wat wil help kan vir pas-

toor Denver Abrahams bel by079 088 0447.

Shack fire victim’s family soughtLwandle Police are investigatingthe death of KgotsoMashota (29) on21 May and need the assistance ofhis family to identify his body.It is alleged that Mashota, who

hails from Lesotho, was asleepwhen a fire started in his shack inRichmond Street, Nomzamo.The cause of the fire is still un-


Anyone with information on thewhereabouts of his family canphone the investigating officer Ser-geant Marius Erasmus on082 522 1208 or 021 845 2060.

Seun rig ‘vuurwapen’ opmotoris naby skool’n Veertienjarige seun van Strand is in dietoesig van sy ouma vrygelaat nadat hy nabewering verlede Donderdag ’n “vuurwa-pen” in die openbaar op ’n motoris gerighet.Volgens ’n vrou wat net voor 08:00 haar

kinders by die Strand Moslem Primêreskool afgelaai het, het die seun wat in ’ngrys broek en donkergroen kappie-top ge-klee was, in die straat geloop.Die ooggetuie vertel dat ’n aankomende

motoris sy motor se toeter vir die seun ge-blaas het om pad te gee. Hy het egter stilgaan staan en ’n vuurwapen uit sy broekse band getrek.Volgens die ooggetuie is die voorval on-

der die aandag van die skoolhoof gebringen is polisie ontbied. Die seun het in die

rigting vandieMorkel’s Cottage-informelenedersetting gehardloop.Volgens konst. Mbulelo Mafuna, woord-

voerder vir die Strand-polisie is die seunin dié gebied opgespoor.Hy sê die seun het na die “vuurwapen”

gegryp toe die polisie hom genader het. Hyhet egter gou die wapen neer gegooi.Mafuna sêdat daarmet ondersoekvasge-

stel is dat dit ’n speelgoed vuurwapen was.VolgensMafuna het die speelgoed vuurwa-pen net soos die ware Jakob gelyk.Hy sê die seun kon gewond gewees het

omdat hy die vuurwapen op die polisie ge-rig het, en hulle ook reageer het deur hullewapens te rig.Gelukkig het die seun betyds die speel-

goedvuurwapen neergegooi.

Pastoor Denver Abrahams by die beskadigde plafon. FOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN

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Helderberg Gazette Letters - Briewe Tuesday 1 July 20144

United in times of needCASSY VAN EEDEN

I have two things to discuss this week,which on the surfacemay seementirely un-related to one another, but they are in factrelated.Two weeks ago on Saturday 21 June, aSomerset West resident posted on the Som-erset Facebook page that she needed helpdesperately as she had been robbed of hercar keys on the Baden Powel off-ramp inCape Town.Withinminutes, people began to reply of-fering assistance.Some drove to the scene immediately sothat she was not on her own on the danger-ous road, others helped her with finding alocksmith to change the locks onher car be-fore the criminals cameback to steal the carafter they stole her keys.Although itwas a veryunfortunate situa-tion, a wonderful thing happened.Helderberg residents united to help thiswoman and keep her safe.It is a common notion that crime is outof control in the Helderberg at the momentand thatmany people are in despair as inci-dents increase.This incident proves just how powerfulwearewhenwerally together to face crime.The second topic that Iwould like to refer

to is flooding.I have only been a resident in the Helder-berg for a fewmonths, and as the notorious“rainy season” draws closer, I have beenasked several times if I have “prepared forthe floods”. People seem to be frantic aboutthe flooding which many predict will takeplace later this season.Have I prepared for the floods? What onearth do you mean?The reality is that there are plenty of vul-nerable areas in the Helderberg that floodalmost every time there are heavy rains.I have often seen posts on the same Face-book page with people asking for food andclothing donations for residents who havebeen affected by a flood.Again we see residents coming togetherto assist people in need.And so, as a new Heldeberg resident, Iwould like to applaud this community forthe great things that they have accom-plished when they all band together.

Lesers se kommentaarMacassar-protesBlackheath stood together! But will Macassar

stand together? What will happen to the backyarddwellers? The people of Macassar who live in over-crowdedhouses, divorcedmomsandsingleparentshave been on the housing list for years! Thousandsof them.Will they get free houses? Where will theybuildthesehouses?Theymuststopthecycle.Otherswill put up shacks at another open space - it makesgetting a house easy. Daphné

Wat nou nog meer? Die pragtige dorp gou inrep en roer dit nogal nadat onlangs gesing is “Onshet gewen, ons het gewen!” Wys jou maar net nespetrol dieselfde is, so is politieke partye dieselfde,net ander name. Duisende het reeds erfnommersontvang, net soveel op diewaglys, duisende sit son-derwerk ennou sêdie einste “Onshet gewen”-spandat vreemdemense op die grond inMacassar moetkom bly. Die minister sê ook daar moet vasgestelword waar die vreemde mense op die behuisings-waglys geplaas kanword. Die plaaslikemense is ’ngevestigde groep en het die reg om hulle stemmete laat hoor. Die ongerief wat ons as gemeenskapnou ervaar moet deur elke inwoner as die moeite

werd bekragtig word - dalk sing die gemeenskap asburgerssáám“ONSHETGEWEN”SammyMHELPWat gaan raadslid John Heuvel doen rondom

diebehuisingskwessie?Hy isnet stil hieroor enonsmense soek antwoorde!! Mense vanMacassar, San-ral het vir die plakkers toestemming gegee om byons ook neer te plak, gaan julle opstaan soos Black-heath semense of gaan julle dit toelaat, ons kan nietoelaatdatons,onshuiseendiewaardesenonsdorpverloor nie. Staan op vir julle self en die gemeen-skap, hou op net aanvaar, SKRIK WAKKER enSMELLTHECOFFEE!Mev. Beukes,’nbekommerdeinwoner van Macassar.Ek wil baie graag weet hoekom hier nog nie ’n

bruggie by Lourensia Park gebou is nie. Ek dinkdit is swak dat ons kinders so skool toe moet loopmet ’n sloot vol water. Almal in die area se kindersmaak gebruik van die pyp, wat gevaarlik is. Ek hetdit al in die verlede genoem. Raadslid VanMinnen,jy het belowe jy sal aandaghieraan gee - nog ’n jaar,nog ’n winter, maar nog geen bruggie nie. Buurt-wag, waar is julle vir sulke belangrike dinge?Mau-reen.

Gazette,dit isdriemaandenadieduiwe-skelms

my seun se duiwe gesteel het. Vanogend 03:30 hethule weer toegeslaan, maar ek was wakker toe diehond in die courtyard tekere gaan enhet uit die bedop gestaan, die buitelig aangesit. Die duiwehok sedeur was oop, maar gelukkig was ek te gou om dielig in die yard aan te sit en hulle het gevlug. Ek hetMacassar-polisie gebel, maar niemand het opgetelnie.Toebelek10111enbinne15minutewasdiepoli-sie hier. Hulle het op die N2 agter die hok gaan kykeniswegsonderom’n statement tevat. Julle skelmswat so in die nagtelike ure in Salvo Park loop enby ander mense se erwe in gaan om hulle goed testeel en verkoop - leer julle ouers julle nie om nietesteelnie?’nMaandgeledehethullemyskoonseunse lawnmover gesteel, ekhet dit gaan soek. Toekomiemand en sê hy weet wie dit het. My skoonseunhet dit teruggekry, maar die koord was af gesny endit kos R400. Laas week steel hulle weer vier solarligte uitmy skoonseun se yard. Diemensepraat nieoor hulle goed wat gesteel word nie.Die persoon wat nie glo die DA het die getalle

stemme omdieANC te stuitmoetweer kyk, dieDAgroei geweldig vinnig, dit is die enigste party watgroei!

Well done Gazette teamWell done Gazette teamThank you to the team at the Helderberg Gazette for thegreat articles that you publish about groups that needdonations.Iknowoflotsofpeopleandchurchesetcthatarealwayslooking to adopt a school or charity project to raise fundsfor and help.It is sometimes very difficult to decidewho to help out,but your journalists present a variety of donation oppor-tunities, which I think readers appreciate.I often read your articles about people needing helpandthenseeonaFacebookgroupthatsomeoneis lookingto donate something to an organisation that needs it. Ialways have the Helderberg Gazette in the back of mymind when I see these messages on the Internet and Itry to put people in touch that way.Keep up the good work!


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Helderberg GazetteAdvertisement - AdvertensieTuesday 1 July 2014 5

Page 6: Helderberggazettehp 20140701

Helderberg Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 1 July 20146

Spend 67 minutes knittingCASSY VAN EEDEN

The local outreach organisationMasikhule is challenging allHeldeberg Gazette and District-Mail readers to spend their 67minutesforMandelaDayknittingfor a good cause: Cast On 4 Kids.

Masikhule has partnered withBlankets of Hope in Somerset Westand are hoping to have a massive do-nation by 18 July.

“Knit a scarf, or a part of one, orsquares for blankets and hand it in,”said Masikhule’s spokespersonSandy Immelman.

The best part is, if you cannot knit,you can donate wool to either SilverOaks or Anhouven, who have manypeople willing to knit but simply donot have wool.

Teachersandcarers in thecommu-nities that Masikhule works withhave also offered to join in the knit-ting, but need wool and knitting nee-dles.

The organisation is asking that allscarves and blankets be given tothem by 18 July.

“Please challenge your friends and

family, clubs and colleagues to spendjust 67 minutes knitting for Cast On4 Kids,” said Immelman.

Contact Sandy Immelman at

Masikhule for more informationabout Cast On 4 Kids by [email protected] or visitwww.masikhule.org.

Helderberg grandfather and granddaughter, Len Walker (69) and Louise Hoepfl (10)have challenged one another to knit scarves for Masikhule’s Cast On 4 Kids projectfor Mandela Day.

Grade 4 to 7 learners from Vergezicht Private School made and donated morethan 300 hotdogs to underprivileged schools in the Helderberg. Each termthe learners get together to make something for less fortunate learners.

Learners fromUmnqophuso Pre-primary school in Lwandle enjoyed their hotdogsmade especially for them by the learners at Vergezicht Private School.





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Page 7: Helderberggazettehp 20140701

Helderberg GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 1 Julie 2014 7

Brigade benodig hulp viropvoedkundige kampDie Suid-Afrikaanse seunsbri-gade beplan ’n kamp geduren-de die September-skoolvakan-sie.

Hullebenodigegterdiegemeen-skap se hulp om geld vir die op-voedkundige kamp in te samel.Die brigade is oop vir kinders,

ouderdomme8-18 jaaroud,enhul-le hoofdoel is om Christenskap tebevorder en om kinders van diestrate,wegvanalkohol endwelm-misbruik en bende-bedrywighe-de, te hou.Die kamp word vanaf 1-5 Okto-

ber bydieHendonParkvakansie-oord beplan. Indien u die brigadefinansieel kan ondersteun belAbigail Sebastian van die Metho-diste-brigade by 074 444 8781; be-soek hul webtuiste by www.boys-brigade.org.za. vir inligting. Lede van die Macassar Methodiste-kerk se brigade tydens ’n mars op die dorp.

Flood readiness tipsAreas like SirLowry’s Pass Vil-lage, Lwandle,Nomzamo, BeachRoad in Strandandareas neartheLourensford Riv-er are often affect-edby floodingdur-ing the notoriousrainy season.Helderberg Ga-

zette has compileda listof tips forres-idents in these ar-eas to protect themselves theirhomes and possessions from be-ingdamagedinthepossible floodsthis year.

) Raise appliances such aswashing machines on woodenblocks or bricks to prevent themfrom becoming a shock hazardand being destroyed.

) Keep your gutters clean andfree of debris so that water can bedirected away from your house.

) TheCity ofCapeTownwarnsHelderberg residents that floodwater may not always be cleanand therefore residents should becareful about getting into thewater.

) Make sure children and peo-ple that areunable to swimare re-moved from flooded areas asquickly as posssible.

) The City also recommendsthat if thereare flood warnings,residents should remove anysharp objects from the floor oftheir home or yard as these couldbecome dangerous once the areais flooded.

) Sandbags, which can be pro-vided by fire stations, can beplaced at the bottom of doors orwindows that are not sealed sothat they absorb the water andprevent it fromrunning into yourhome.

) If you live in an informal set-tlement, try to raise your houseas much as possible.

) Place all precious belongingsand importantdocuments suchasbirth certificates and ID books incupboards or on shelves that arehigh above the ground.

) Move all mats and loose car-pets to a higher level and put cur-tains up over their rails.

) Keep informed. Watch or lis-ten to weather reports each dayto know when flooding is a possi-bility soyouhave time toprepare.

) If the flood becomes deeperthan one metre, it is essential toactually allow thewater intoyourhome, as this depth of water cancreate enough pressure from out-side that it could cause walls tocollapse.

The Bizweni area after severe flooding in November lastyear.

Join the holiday fun at libraryTuesday 1 JulyThere will be a puppet show by

Brenda, a former school teacher -10:00 - 11:00.Come and enjoy a mini concert

withMinkie theMonkey. Cost R10per childWednesday 2 July

Drum Joy by Lona from theMusic Development Programme.

Children learn how to listen andlook into the natural timing andrhythm of the group as a whole.They also play as individuals, let-ting their owncreative energyanduniqueness shine through.Two sessions (10:00 - 10:30) and

10:45 - 11:15 Booking is advisableas only 30 children can be accom-modated per session. Cost R15 per

child.Thursday 3 JulyMagicShowbyAndri.Comeand

have lots of fun and magic -10:00- 11:00. Costs R10 per child.Booking is advisable.Friday 4 JulyAn exciting dog show presented

by the Metropole Police Depart-ment- 10:00 - 11:00.

Page 8: Helderberggazettehp 20140701


Year 18 • Dinsdag 1 Julie 2014 | Tel. 021 853 0211

Young Bafana spread their wingsCASSY VAN EEDEN

The Young Bafana Soccer Academy,headed up by former professional foot-baller Bernd Steinhage, started a devel-opment team in 2013.

Their aim with this team was to give un-derprivileged youth in the Helderberg thechance to receive “quality training at nocost,” said Steinhage.

“I wanted to lift the level of soccer in theHelderberg,” he said.

Steinhage said that he had observed play-ers who had raw talent but had no access toproper training and as a result had a very

small chance to some day pursue a profes-sional football career.

The development team was lucky enoughtohave theCongolese soccer teamToutPuis-sant Mazembe (TP Mazembe) take them un-der their wing.

Steinhage explained that TP Mazembe has“first pick of our boys.” If the team spots aplayertheythinkcould jointhemonaprofes-sional basis, they are required to completeschool first. Following this they may havethe opportunity to compete professionally.

The team, currently made up of 26 players,was selected froma total of 500 learners fromNomzamo and Lwandle.

The team is a part of the Mitchell Plain’s

Premier League and has so far played eightmatches and won them all with their stellarperformances.

Steinhage said that the team trains everydayof theweekandplaysmatchesonaSatur-day.

He said that he has definitely “seen themimprove a lot,” thanks to the quality of train-ing that they receive.

Runningateamlike this iscostly, especial-ly because there are no fees expected fromthe players.

The team has a few local sponsors but asthe team grows, their expenses are increas-ing and Steinhage is currently coveringthese expenses out of his own pocket.

Steinhage said that the team desperatelyneeds assistance with nutritional neeeds.

He said the boys are fed before and aftereach practice, but currently only get fruitand theyneedproteinandsustainablenutri-tion,especially for the less fortunateplayers.

The team also requires tracksuits, boots,balls and equipment.

Young Bafana Soccer Academy is a non-profit organisation and is BEE certified.

Sponsors willing to help will receivebranding opportunities on kit and advertis-ing space on the N2.

Readers or businesses who would like toget involved can contact Bernd Steinhage on074 268 3628 or [email protected].

Some of the members of the Young Bafana Soccer Academy’s development team which is predominently made of underprivileged players from the Lwandle and Nomzamo areas. PHOTO: CASSY VAN EEDEN
