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Helena Karadimos

Date post: 28-Nov-2014
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Helena Karadimos is an up rising, young talented film maker from Melbourne Australia managing her own independent production house.
BIO HELENA KARADIMOS H.M.K. FILM PRODUCTIONS Helena Karadimos is an up rising, young talented film maker from Melbourne Australia managing her own independent production house . H.M.K. Film Productions. Where she is the Executive Producer, Writer, Producer, Director, Actor, Editor along with photography. H.M.K. is an independent production company. Involved in a wide range of production. Producing and creating elements in all aspects of film, from Features, Short Films, Reality Shows, Commercials and Music Video clips. Helena's last film “Broken Angels” has just won an International Film Award at the World Film Awards out in Jakarta. Where she flew out and made a personal appearance and spoke about her film. “Broken Angels” was Produced, Written, Directed along with playing the main Character. “Broken Angels” has also been screened into the Russian Film Awards Live Screening. When asked why she writes silent short films she explained. " I don't see the point in dialogue in a short film. I don't feel that you get the full attention from audience. The audience can easily be distracted and look away. As the dialogue spoken is still telling the audience the story. The audience still have the ability to know what is happening in the scene. But being that it is a silent film they don't have that option. The audience must be attentive at all times otherwise they will miss out on what is happening. I feel that you get a stronger connection with the audience as their watching the actors emotions. This also provides the actor the ability to have their moment to shine in their craft.To show off their talent, by telling a story with no words only emotion and body movement. I personally believe that a person emotions, right down to their facial expression speaks louder than words do. Its through a person emotion that the audience can also connect with. It builds a stronger and deeper connection between the two worlds. To this particular technique I like to use also helps the actor’s to delivery their performance more effectively then when speaking. It is also a lot harder to tell a story with out words, using only emotion and body movements. This helps an actor
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Helena Karadimos is an up rising, young talented film maker from Melbourne Australia managing her own independent production house .H.M.K. Film Productions. Where she is the Executive Producer, Writer, Producer, Director, Actor, Editor along with photography.

H.M.K. is an independent production company. Involved in a wide range of production. Producing and creating elements in all aspects of film, from Features, Short Films, Reality Shows, Commercials and Music Video clips.

Helena's last film “Broken Angels” has just won an International Film Award at the World Film Awards out in Jakarta. Where she flew out and made a personal appearance and spoke about her film. “Broken Angels” was Produced, Written, Directed along with playing the main Character. “Broken Angels” has also been screened into the Russian Film Awards Live Screening.

When asked why she writes silent short films she explained. " I don't see the point in dialogue in a short film. I don't feel that you get the full attention from audience. The audience can easily be distracted and look away. As the dialogue spoken is still telling the audience the story. The audience still have the ability to know what is happening in the scene. But being that it is a silent film they don't have that option. The audience must be attentive at all times otherwise they will miss out on what is happening. I feel that you get a stronger connection with the audience as their watching the actors emotions. This also provides the actor the ability to have their moment to shine in their craft.To show off their talent, by telling a story with no words only emotion and body movement. I personally believe that a person emotions, right down to their facial expression speaks louder than words do. Its through a person emotion that the audience can also connect with. It builds a stronger and deeper connection between the two worlds. To this particular technique I like to use also helps the actor’s to delivery their performance more effectively then when speaking. It is also a lot harder to tell a story with out words, using only emotion and body movements. This helps an actor

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showcase their talent in acting on a more deeper level. This is my little tactic to keep the audience interested and intrigued and to keep the actors challenged.I guess I also like the fact that I apply the rule that action speaks louder than words and what better way to apply that law than in my films. Everything I write or create has a deeper and symbolic meaning once people understand my art. "

Helena Karadimos started writing screenplays during her primary school years. From story telling at such a young age to then writing formatted scripts with dialogue. Instead of her parents telling her bed time stories she was telling them stories. She said "I told stories in such a way, with such detail that it almost seemed believable. My mum mentioned to me when I was older that she would be confused to how I came up with such descriptive and detailed story’s, to the environments placed in the story, to how the characters looked. The stories I told placed the listener into that world."

Helena then moved on to composing plays at friends birthdays. When asked how did this come about she explained." I was a child that got bored very quickly if it wasn't something of creativity or unique then id would lose interest. So most of the time birthday parties really bored me so I would convince all the kids it be fun to put on a play and then show the parents. The first time I composed a play. One of the kids parents asked who composed this play. Straight away I remember everyone pointed their fingers towards me. My heart dropped to the floor as I felt the color of my skin go completely white. I thought for sure I was going to get into trouble. But instead I was praised by what I had displayed in front of the parents."

Helena Karadimos has had the opportunity to travel back and forth to the states. Coming back and forth she has network with a variety of different clients. With her wide range of creativity she was able to create three reality shows for three different clients that are in the works in being picked up by networks. Along with collaborating with a independent designer which she has gone into partnership. Building the correct business plan along with marketing the line to help expand it world wide.

Helena has completed her first written feature film “THE SOUL IN THE BOX”. Which is a psychological thriller with her co writer Michael Edwards which is in the works to be funded. Helena is currently writing another two features one which is horror and the third being a comedy.

Helena has a wide range of material that will be coming out in the near future covering; Action, Drama/Romance, Horror. In the making is her animation Film 666 has fallen.. What Helena has in stored to be released by the end of this year, definitely shows there is nothing stopping her.

Helena’s creativity expands to a wide range of film genres. From Comedy to Drama, Romance and her favorite Psychological/Horror Films. Helena is differently a young talented film maker that is worth watching out for.

Helena’s idol is Alfred Hitchcock and is working towards being the first female Alfred Hitchcock. Helena has studied Alfred Hitchcock films; right down to camera techniques and how it built up anxiety, fear, empathy.

Most of Helena’s films are based on vision that she has, or building a creepy environment in her mind. To simply going out to abundant place/warehouse and closing her eyes to see what that

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location wants to tell her. A lot come from nightmares. Although she explained that when writing, it is almost like a puzzle. Whether the pieces come straight away or in little pieces. It can spark from day dreaming, to nightmares, to visualizing or personally going into that characters mind. Helena will then place the pieces as if it where a jig saw puzzle needing to be put together. Or sometimes she will create the environment first an then within the walls of her environment the story will come seeping through the cracks in the wall. From that particular moment her characters then come to manifest in what they will look like, right down to the lighting needed for those particular scene and the feel of the film. Once she begins writing a film it is then already playing in her mind as if it has already been filmed and is now playing from a projection.

Helena also explained writing dark films you really have to go to a dark place within yourself and become your surroundings or your character you almost have to really detach yourself from reality to get the best vision or creativity. She has been asked don't you get lost within that realm, her response is " No cause I always know where the light is, and my mind an spirit will tell me that I need to come back out of the dark and take a breather to reconnect. So when I have arrived at that particular stage, I know to step away for a little bit then come back to it. It does take a lot of energy and sometimes no sleep. The end result is always rewarding."

The best feeling is when you have projected on screen what you have visualized in your mind, for the world to see. To get the reaction or discomfort from your audience is the most rewarding feeling. Takes away all the heartache and strain put into a project. To witness that you work has captured the audience and to receive a reaction from them, whether it is fear or being entertained. Any reaction from an audience is a great feeling. It just makes all the hard work, sweat and tears worth it. Because you caught them, you where able to get to them in a way that shifted an emotion within them. Whether it be them covering their face, a jump or even a little scream. To get a reaction on any level that in itself is priceless. You have now connected with their spirit and shaken them. That puts a smile on my face.
