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Helena weekly herald (Helena, Mont.) 1876-11-09 [p 6] · Manufactured onlv bv STEELE & PRICE,...

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6 HELENA WEEKLY HERALD. NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. FOR FALL AND WINTER. Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Flannels, Cassimeres, Fulled Cloth, Jeans, Tweeds, Blankets, Bed Comforters, Woolen Yams, Zephyers, Prints, Muslins, Sheetings, Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Knit Goods, and a Thsasand other articles in endless variety. Our stock having been bought principally at the late Wholesale Auction Sales at New York and San Fran- cisco, we are prepared to sell our goods at From 25 to 40 Per Cent Less Than Last Year’s Prices. We call special attention to our stock of Black Alpacas, Jloliair and Briliianteens, which we can confidently recommend as superior in weight, lustre, color, and brilliancy, to any other brand manufac tured. We sell an Alpaca worth Gö cents for 50 cents, and all the higher grades in proportion. A handsome line of Plaid Wash Poplins at 12# and 15 cents. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtain Laces and fixtures at astonishing low prices. In this line our stock is more complete than ever. Flour Sacks, Sacking Muslin and Seamless Sacks a specialty, and offered on close margins. Parties desiring to purchase either Wholesale or Retail should not 1 ail to examine our stock, and profit the inducements we offer to the Trade, as well as by the extent and variety of our stock. SANDS BROS. UNPARALLELED BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS & CARPETS. In order to induce parties visiting Helena during the Fair, to buy their supplies of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, we have reduced the prices on our immense stock of Dry Goods. To prove which we will only quote a few articles : Bleached |Muslin (yard wide and soft finish, 10 cents per yard. Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannel, 12# cents per yard. White Wool Flannel, 25 certts per yard. Black Alpaca (worth 50 cents) 25 cents per yard. Worsted Plaids (worth 50 cents) 25 cents per yard. Alpaca Delaines, 15 cents. Waterproof (heavy and double width) 75 cents. Corsets (white and colored) 75 cents. Ladies’ White Cotton Hose, 51 59 per dozen. Y/.\dies' White Ribbed Wool Hose, f3 per dozen. Ta'dies’ Merino Vests and Drawers, per suit, $1. Ladies' White Pique Aprons, 50 cents. Best Quality Rag Carpet, 35 cent-1 . Good Quality Two-Ply Carpet, 60 cents. Aiid everything else in proportion. Having just opened our large and well selected stock of FALL AMD WINTER DRY GOOD«, our assortment to complete in every department, and ladW visiting this city will find it to tfceir advantage to examine our goo& before purchasing «Asewhere. D. BLOCK & C0., «ALLATIN STABLE RODNEY STREET. THE LARGEST AND BEST STABLE IN HELENA. Having leased the above stable, (the largest and best in Helena.) for one year, the undersigned desires to inform his friends and the public generally of the fact, and respectfully asks their patronage. Having had extensive experience in this business, I feel certain of giving satisfaction to all patrons. wt.f-oc26 H. R. BAKER* THE MOST PERFECT MADE. fAAHK 3E % w S P E C 1A " LIMON SUGAR. SIC. ' one third is saved in quantity by their perfect purity and great strength; the only kinds made by a practical Chemist and Physician, with scientific care to insure uniformity, healtli- fulness, delicacy and freedom iroin all in- jurious substances. They are far superior to the common adul terated kinds. Obtain the genuine. Observe our Trade Marks as above, “Cream” Baking Powder, “Hand and Cornucopia.” Buy the Baking-Pow- der only in cans securely labelled. Many have been deceived in loose or bulk Pow- der sold as Dr. Price’s. Manufactured onlv bv STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, St. Lou in and Cincinnati. DR. L. W. FRAffY, SURGEON DENTIST, Center jtlaia Stic«« land Broadway« Helena. witfaaptt BRO AD WAV ...................................... Helen «m ice—In the “ H erat«” Building. Twenty yean*’ experience, making a specialty of hi* Held of la) *r, give. Dr. Frary precedence over many other* in the practice of hia profession. The mort difficult cane* tu Surgical Dentistry mcceeefolly treat*«* [dAwiv-*p41 THE COURTS. Times of Holding? tue courts of the Ter- ritory for die Year, A. i>. 187b. 8UPBEME COURT. In Helena, first Monday in «January aim second Monday in August. FIRST DISTRICT—Henry N. Blake. Judge. In Madison county, at V irginia City, second Mon- day in March ; second Monday in September. In Gallatin county, at Bozeman, first Monday in May ; fouith Monday in October. In Jefferson county, at Radersburg, first Tuesday i#April ; fourth Tuesday in September. SECOND DISTRICT—Hiram Knowles, Judge. In Deer Lodge county, at Deer Lodge City, second Monday in April. First Monday in September, (for all causes that can be tried without a jury, except in cases where the parties consent that a special venire may issue to try the same.) First Monday in December. In Miecoula county, at M issoula , fourth Monday in , June; second Monday in November. I In Beaverhead county, at Banxack, first Monday in June; second Monday in October. THIRD DISTRICT—D. S. Wade. Judge. In Lewis and Clarke County, at Helena, first Mon- day in March; first Monday in November. in Meagher County, at D iamond C ity , fourth Mon- day in April ; third Monday in October. [Note.—United States Courts are held at Virginia City, Deer Lodge, and Helena, at the times the Terri- torial District Courts are held at those places.] Directory of Federal and Territorial Officers of Montana. delegate in congress . Hon. MARTIN MAGINN1S, Helena. Office. Governor. Secretary. Name. Residence. ..BENJ. F. POTTS................ Helena. . .JAMES E. CALLAWAY.. .Helena. Chief Justice .. . .D. S. WADE........................ Helena. » • . t I HENRY N. BLAKE, Virginia City Associate Justices I HIKAM KNOWLES, Deer Lodge. U. S. List. Atty .. ..51, C. PAGE........................Helena. 1. S. Marshal........ WM. F. WHEELER........... TERRITORIAL DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. First District, J. G. SPRATT................. Virginia City. Second District, J SEPII K. TOOLE...............Helena. Third District, ALEX. II. MAYHEW.......Deer Lodge. Clerk 1st Dist. Court, THEO. MUFfTLY.Virginia City. Clerk 2d Dist. Court, O. B. O’BAN NON. .Deer Lodge. Clerk 3d Dist. Couyt, ALEX. II. BEATTIE — Helena. Surveyor General.. ANDREW J. SMITH......... Helena. Register Land Office, «TAS. IL MOE................. Receiver Land Office, if. M. KEYSER............ Collector Internal Revenue, T. P. FULLER... Collector Customs, T. A CUMMINGS............ BOZEMAN LAND DISTRICT. Register, E. W. WILLETT.............................Bozeman. Receiver, -J. V. BOGERT..’ ............................. Bozeman. UNITED STATES ASSAY OFFICE. Superintendent of Construction United .States Assay Office, M. A. MEYEXDO 1 IFF, Helena; Disbursing A"ent. T. P. FULLER, Helena; Clerk, ROBERT 0. WALKER, Helena. UNITED STATES COMMISSIONERS. GEORGE CLENDENIN, Ju., Carroll. JAMES M. ARNOUX. Benton. ISAAC R. ALDEN, Helena. JOSEPH J. WILLIAMS, Helena. THEOPHILUS MUFFLY. Virginia Citv. WM. P. BURCH ER, Sun River. GEORGE F. COWAN, Radersburg. HARRY R. HOUR. Mammoth Hot Springs. JOHN POTTER, Hamilton. GEORGE W. IRVINE, 2d, Deer Lodge. ORVILLE B. O'BAN NON, Deer Lodge. FRANK H. WOODY, Missoula. M. C. TIIUM, Fort Peck. TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. Auditor. D. IL CUTHBERT............................... Helena. Treasurer. D. II. WESTON.................................Helena. Warden of Penitentiary, J. M. FISH .......... Deer Lodge Sup’t Public Schools, CORNELIUS HEDGES. .Helena Supreme Court Reporter, C. HEDGES... .... Helena. Clerk Supreme Court, ISAAC R. ALDEN........ Helena. UNITED 8TATE9 EXAMINING 8URGEON. THOMAS REECE............................................... Helena. REGISTER IN BANKRUPTCY. J. M. YOUNG, Third District .......................... Helena. THEOPHHiUS MUFFLY........................Virginia City. POST OFFICE MATTERS. Arrivait* and DepartureM of .Halit* At the Helena. Po«t Office. On and after this date mails will arrive and depait from this office as follows : Eastern, California, and Virginia arrive daily at 7 p. m. ; depart daily at 7 a m. Deer Lodge, Blackfoot, Pikes Peak, Pioneer,Missoula and Forest City arri -e daily (except Sundays) at 6. p. m. : and depart at 6 a. m. Diamond City and Camp Baker arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p. m. ; departs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a. m. Fort Shaw and Fort Benton, arrive Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 p. m. ; depart Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m. Unionville arrives daily at 10 a. m. ; departs daily at lain. Bozeman arrives daily (except Sundays) at 7 p. m., departs at 4 a. m. Trout Creek, (New York) Cave Gulch, and French Bar, arrive every Tuesdays at 5 p. m. ; depart every Mondav at 8 a. m. Siiver City, Georgetown and Lincoln, arrive Tues- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 7 p. m. ; depart Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7 a. m. Clarkston arrives Saturdays at 4 p. ra. ; departs Fri- days at 7 a. m. Brewer's Springs and Carroll, arrives Saturday at 7 p. m. : departs Monday at 7 a. m. The Deer Lodge, Missoula, tsozeman, and Fort Ben- ton mails will close the night previous to departure at 10 o’clock ; while all others close one half-hour before the time of departure. Delivery hours, 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. ; Sundays. 12 ra. to 1 p. m. ; Money Order and Registry Department, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; Saturdays Money Order Office closes at 2:30 p. m. ____ S. H CROUNSE, P. 3t. Helena, M. T.. May 24. 18715. LAND OFFICE NOTICES [No. 470.] APPLICATION FOR PATENT. U. S. Land O ffice, Helena, M. T.,) September 12th, 1S76. ( XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Stephen Bynum, iN Charles G. Bynum, Albert G. Clarke, Thomas Conrad, John C. Curtin, George V. Slokey, Martin P. McDaniel, Michael Kelly, T. H. Cleweil and Philip Constans, an association of persons, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Territory, have this day filed application for patent, under the mining laws of Congress, for Fifteen Hun- died linear feet of the Sallie Bell lode mining claim, designated as lot No. 69, situated in no organized min- ing district, Lewis and Clarke County. Montana Terri- tory, in township No. 8 north, range No. 5 west, which claim is recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county, in book 1) of lodes, page 94, and de- scribed as follows in the official plat and field notes on file in this office : Beginning at a spruce tree 8 inches diameter, iront which the initial point of locality hears S 2S deg 14 min W distant 3,993 feet or 69.49 chains, and running thence 8 8 deg W ±"0 feet; thence S S2 deg E 1.499 feet ; thence N S deg E 400 feet ; thence N S2 deg W 1 500 feet to the place of beginning, embracing an area of 13 77-100 acres, upon which a notice of said applica- tion was posted the 25th day of August, 1876. The adjoining claimants to these premises are the owrtprs of Sallie Beil Extension, VVanderer, Wanderer Extension, and Little Johnnie lodes. dS0d-sepl3 J. H. MOE, Register. Geo. B. F oote. U. S. Deputy Minerel Surveyor. [No. 474.] APPLICATION FOR PATENT. U. S. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,) September 22d. 1876. ( N OTICE IS HEHEBY PUBLISHED that George W. Cleveland, Jeremiah G. Smith and William D. Smith, for themselves, and Albert G. McKnight, by his attorney in fact—William D. Smith, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke Oounty, Montana Territory, have this day filed application for patent, ander the mining laws of Congress, for twenty- two hundred linear feet, with surface width of one hundred feet, of the “AtEase” lode, designated « lo t 50 A. and adjoining mill-site, designated as lot 50 B, situated in Colorado Mining District, in Jefferson County. Montana Territory, in section *1. township T north, range 4 west, w***ch claim is recorded in the office ot the County Recorder of said county, and de- scribed as follows: For lot “A 50" (At Ease Lode,) beginning at a quartzite stone 14x12x6 inches marked ‘‘50 A 1," from which the center point ot discovery claim of said “At Ease" lode bears N 5 deg 30 min VV50 feet distant, ami running thence S 84 deg 30 min W 1100 feet ; thence N 5 deg 30 min W 100 feet; thence N 84 deg 30 min E 2200 feet to northeast corner, from which the quarter section corner between sections 15 and 16 bears N 3 deg 30 min E 41.84 chains; thence 8 5 deg 30 min E 100 feet; thence S 84 deg 30 min W 1100 teet to the place of beginning, embracing 5.05 acres. And the said lot B (mill-site) beginning at a trap rock 14xl2xS inches marked “50 B 6" on south line of lot “A 50," and bears 8 84 deg 30 rain VV 5.30 chains distant from southeast comer of same; thence run- ning S 26 deg 45 min VV10.61 chains ; thence N 9 deg 15 min W 9.04 chains ; thence N 84 deg 30 min E along south line of lot “50 A" 6.32 chains to the place ot beginning, embracing 2.S3 acres, upon which a notice of said application is posted. The nearest adjoining claimants to these premises are Smith & Fisher, on the “Chimney" lode, south. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said' above described lode claim and millsite, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law with the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Helena, Montana Territory, within the sixty days period ot publication hereof, they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statue. d60d-sep23 J. II. MOE, Register. VV '. W. de L acy , U. S. Mineral Deputy Surveyor. [No. 47Ô*] APPLICATION FOR PATENT. U S. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,l September 25th, 1376. / JVJOTICE IS HEREBY PUBLISHED that Roberts. J l \ Hale, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke County, M. T., has this day tiled applica- tion for patent, under the mining laws of Congress, for one thousand and forty-five (1045) fee: on the east halt of the “Merrimac" gold bearing lode, designated as lot No. 75, situated in no organized mining district, in Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Territory, in s« 2c- tiou —. township No. 9 north, raDge 4 west which claim is recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Edgerton County, now Lewis and Clarke County, in block B of lodes, page 319. and described as follows in the official plat and field notes on li’e in this office: Beginning at a granite stone 12xlftx!0 inches, marked “M. 0. 75" “l," from which the southeast corner of lot 54 bears S 72 deg 10 min \V 500 feet distant, and run- ning thence N 76 deg 50 min E UM5 feet to a stone; thence N 13 deg 10 min VV100 feet to a stone: thence S 76 deg50 min VV 1045 feet to a stone: tiience S 13 deg 10 min E 100 feet to the place of beginning, em- bracing 2.39 acres, upon which a notice ot said appli- cation is posted. The nearest adjoining claimants to these premises are Win. J. Smith and Martin McDaniels, on the west half of the same lode. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion thereof above described, are hereby notified that un- less their adverse claims are duly died according to law, within the sixty days period of publication hereof, with the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Helena. Montana Territory, they will be barred by virtue c.f the provisions ot the statute. d60d-«ep26 J. H. MOE, Register. W. VV. i»: Lacy, U. S. Mineral Denuty Surveyor. [No. 470.] APPLICATION FOR PATENT. U. S. L and O ffice , H elena , M. T.,) September 25th. 1S76. j N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Robert S. llale, whose Dost office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke County, Montana, has this day filed his applica- tion for patent for thirty-three and iitty-one one hun- dredths (.33 51-ion) acres placer mining ground, situate, lying and being in Minnesota Mining District, couuty of Lewis and Clarke, and Territory of Montana, and known and designated by the field notes and official plat on tile m this office as lot No. seventy-six (76) in township nine (9) north, range four (4) west of the principal meridian of Montana, the exterior boundaries of said lot No. 76 being as follows, variation 29 degrees east. Commencing at a granite rock in place 8x7 feet 6 feet above ground, from which the southeast corner (No. 3) of lot 65 B, millsite of the Columbia Mining Company bears N 39.25 chains distant, and running thence S.56 deg 15 min E 3 chains ; thence S 6 deg 30 min W 12.54 chains : thence S 27 deg 30 min W 29 chs ; thence 8 33 deg E 12 65 chains ; thence 8 62 deg 15 min W 3.69 chains ; thence N 30 deg 30 min VV12.53 chains ; thence S 80 deg 15 min VV 13.61 chains; thence S 51 deg30 min VV ' 46 chains; thence N 56 deg 15 min W 3 chains ; thence N 51 deg 30 min E 46 chains ; thence N 79 deg 45 min E 16.35 chains ; thence N 27 deg 30 min E 29 chains : thence N 6 deg 30 min E 12.54 chains to place of beginning, containing 33 51-100 acres. This claim is bounded on the north by placer ground of W. A. Rumsey. Tne location of this mine is not of record. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion thereof above described, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law, within the sixty days period ot publication hereof, with the Register of the U. S. Land Office, at Helena, Montana Territory, they wilt be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. d60d-sep26 J. H. MOE, Register. G. F. Marsh, attorney. ; [No. 481.j APPLICATION FOR PATENT. U. S. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,) October 16th, 1876. f N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sam’l T. Hauser, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke County. Montana, and VV. H. Parkison, whose post office address is Jefferson, Jefferson County, Montana, have this day fileu application for a patent for twenty-seven and eleven one-hundredths (27 i 1-100) acres of placer mining ground, situate, lying and being in unorganized mining district, county of .Jefferson, and Territory of Montana, and known and designated by the field notes and official plat on file in this office as lot No. Forty-three (43,) in township seven (7) north, range five (5) west of the principal meridian of Montana. The exterior boundaries of said lot No. forty-three (43) being as follows. Variation 20 degrees east: Commencing at the southeast corner (No. 1) of the surface mining claim of the Silver Hill Mining Com- pany, lot No. 37. township 7 north, range 5 west, from which corner No. 1 on the Comet lode, lot 40, township 7 north, range 5 west, bears N 7# deg E 1.51 chains distant, and running thence N 76# deg W 24.28 chains : thence S 64# deg W 11 chains; thence S7#degW 6.39 chaius ; thence N 88# deg E 33.28 chains ; thence N 7# deg E 4.89 chains to the place of beginning, con- taining an area of 27 11-100 acres. This claim is bounded on the north by claim lot 37 of Silver Hill Mining Company, and on the east by placer claim lot 41 A, the Rumley lode, and the Comet lode lot No. 4ft. The location of this mine is duly re- corded in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County. Montana, in book D of records, page 402. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said placer mine or said mining ground as. herein- before described, are required to file their adverse claim with the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Helena, in the Territory of Montana, during the sixty- days publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statue. d60d-ocl7 J. II. MOE, Register. Geo. F. Marsh, attorney. [No. 482.] APPLICATION FOR PATENT. U. 8. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,) October 28th. 1876. f VOTICE IS HEREBY PUBLISHED that Deborah M. Hoyt, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Territory, has this day filed application for patent, under the mining laws ot Congress, to fifteen hundred (1500) linear feet, with surface width of one hundred and four (104) feet, of the Lady Washington Lode, situated in Ten Mile Min- ing District, Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Terri- tory, designated as lot No. 61, township S north, range 5 west principal meridian, which claim is recorded m the County Recorder’s office in said county, and de- scribed in the official plat and field notes on file in this office, as follows : Beginning at a cross (x) mark on a granite rock in place, 3x6x24 inches in sight, from which the south- west corner of the North Pacific lode designated as lot No. 39. bears N 55 deg E 271# feet distant, and run- ning thence N 85 deg 30 min E 1139 feet ; thence S 8 deg W 104 feet ; thence S 85 deg 30 min W 1143 feet ; thence N 82 deg W 358 feet ; thence N 8 deg E 104 feet ; thence S 82 deg E 361 feet to the place of beginning, embracing three and fitty-four hundredths (3 54-100) acres, upon which a notice of said application, to- gether with a plat of the premises claimed, was posted on the 20th day of October, 1876, according to law. The adjoining claimants to these premises arc claim- ants of the Little Nellie on the weet, and lot No. 39 on the north, lode claims. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of the above described lode claim, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed accord- ing to law with the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Helena, Montana Territory, within the sixty days period of publication hereof, they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. d«0d-oc30 J. H. MOE, Register. Bbnj. F. M arsh , U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor. [No. 483.] APPPICATION FOR PATENT. LT . S. Land Office. Helena, M. T.,) October 2>th. 1876. ( VOTICE IS HEREBY PUBLISHED that Roman 1 v Kuhn and Uezekiah Rondebush, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis ahd Clarke County, Montana Territory, have this day filed application lor patent under the mining laws of Congress, to thirty-nine and forty-seven hundredths acres of placer mining land, situated in Grizzly Gulch Mining District, Lewis amt (Harke County, Montana Territory, designated as lots Nos. 77 and 46, in townships y and 10 north, range 4 west principal meridian, which claim is not recorded, and described in the official plat and field notes on file in this office, as foliows : Beginning at a limestone 17x10x4 inches, marked 1 M. ('. 46. from which the quarter section corner on the south boundary of section ZSo. 35. in township In north, range 4 west, bears south 1.50 chs. distant, and running tiience S 70 deg 15 min VV ’ 22.50chains: thence S 55 deg 30 min W 46 chains ; tiience 8 32 deg 30 min VV26 chains; thence 8 6V deg VV3 chains» ; thence 8 45 deg 30 min VV ' 46.55 chains ; thence S 84 dog 30 min E 1.85 chains ; thence 8 SOdeg 3ü min E 5 chains ; tiience N 35 deg E 7.35 chains ; thence I n 40 deg 45 min E 29.34 chairs; thence N 5S deg 15 min E «5.29 chains: thence N 67 deg 30 min E 3.30 chains ; thence N 31 deg 30 min E 25 chains; thence N 49 deg E 9.50 chains; tiience N 56 deg 30 min E 35.91 chains ; thence N 79 deg 39 min E 22.41 chains; thence north 3.25 chains to the place of beginning, upon which a notice of said application for patent, together with a plat of the premises claimed, was posted on the 2Sth day of October, 1876, according to law. The adjoining claimants to these premises are the Memphis Mining Company, millsite,on the southwest, and A. P. Chase on the northeast, placer claim. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of the above described placer mining claim, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly tiled according to law with the Register of the U. S.‘ Land Office at Helena, Montana Territory, within the sixiv days period of publication hereof,* they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. d60d-oc30 J. H. MOE. Register. Ben. t . F. Marsh. U. 8. Deputy Mineral Surveyor. Wotice to Seiners. U. S. L and O ffice . H elena , M. T.,) November 6th, 1876. j «jîeortçe 1*. R on»« whose post office address is Radersburgli, Jefferson County, M. T., has this day filed his application to enteras agricultural land, under the final homestead laws, the southeast quarterot section No. 30, in township No. 5 north, range No. 2 east, which land is suspended from entry. Notice is hereby given that a hearing will he had at this office on the 9th day of December, A. I). 1876, at 19 o'clock a. m., to determine as to the mineral or non-mineral character of said land, and testimony to be used upon said hearing will be taken before J. R. Weston, Pro- bate-Judge of «Jefferson Comity, at Radersburg, M. T.. on the Sth day of December, A. D. 1-76, at 19 o’clock a. m. it is alleged there are no known miners, nor mining improvements upon said land. <130d-n6 «T . JL MOE. Legist« r. TEIS PAPER IS ON FILE WITH! ,N>V1 g a* Where Advertising Conti acta caa bo ida P. B. CLARK’S STAGE LINE. U. S. MAIL CARRIER On and after July 1st, 1874, coaches will leave Helena for Bozeman every day at 4 o'clock a. m. From Helena to Diamond City, three times a week. Leave Helena on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 o’clock a. ra. From Virginia City to Bozeman three rimes a week. Leave Virginia City on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 o’clock a. m. Leave Bozeman on alter- nate days at same hour. Passengers, freight, and packages carried at able rates. OFFICES : Davis A Wallace, Helena. Wilson & Rich, Bozeman* Raymond A Bros., Virginia City. rdtf-jyll L. P. FiSHER, ADVERTISING AGENT, Rooms 20 and 21 Merchants’ Exchange, CALIFORNIA STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. Solicits Advertisements and Subscription« for ri. Daily and Weekly Helena Herald, lo- ch ie- r*w tic and for papers published in California. Oregoi Nevada; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana, rado, Arizona, and adjacent Territories; San: Islands, the British Possessions, Mexican Ports, aragua, Panama, Valparasio, Japan and China; Zealand and the Australian Colonies, the At States and Europe. A D V e JTt I S I X G Has created many a new business ; Has enlarged many an old business; lias revived many a dud business : Has rescued many a lost business : Has saved many a faiiing business : Has preserved many a large business ; And insures success in any business. GIRARD’S SECRET.—Stephen Girard used to say in his old age: “I have always considered advertising liberally and long to be the great medium ot business, and the* prelude to wealth. And I have made it an invariable rule to advertise in the dullest times as wed as the busiest, long experience having taught me that money thus spent is well laid out, as by continuai!} keeping my business before the oublie it has secured many sales that 1 otherwise womd have lost. Advertiiiv your Buuiicm ». Keep jrour Name Before the Public. If Bulinen« u Bull, Advertise» If JBuvineee ia Brink Adr*?r' )*«• MT The man who didn’t believe in advertising has gone into partnership with the sheriff, and that offic does the advertising]
Page 1: Helena weekly herald (Helena, Mont.) 1876-11-09 [p 6] · Manufactured onlv bv STEELE & PRICE, Chicago, St. Lou in and Cincinnati. DR. L. W. FRAffY, ... The Deer Lodge, Missoula, tsozeman,





Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Flannels, Cassimeres, Fulled Cloth, Jeans, Tweeds, Blankets, Bed

Comforters, Woolen Yams, Zephyers, Prints, Muslins, Sheetings, Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Knit Goods, and a

Thsasand other articles in endless variety.

Our stock having been bought principally at the late Wholesale Auction Sales at New York and San Fran­

cisco, we are prepared to sell our goods at

F r o m 2 5 t o 4 0 P e r C e n t L e s s T h a n L a s t Y e a r ’ s P r ic e s .

We call special attention to our stock of Black Alpacas, Jloliair and Briliianteens, which

we can confidently recommend as superior in weight, lustre, color, and brilliancy, to any other brand manufac

tured. We sell an Alpaca worth Gö cents for 50 cents, and all the higher grades in proportion.

A handsome line of Plaid Wash Poplins at 12# and 15 cents.

Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Curtain Laces and fixtures at astonishing low prices. In this line our

stock is more complete than ever.

Flour Sacks, Sacking Muslin and Seamless Sacks a specialty, and offered on close margins.

Parties desiring to purchase either Wholesale or Retail should not 1 ail to examine our stock, and profit

the inducements we offer to the Trade, as well as by the extent and variety of our stock.






In order to induce parties visiting Helena during the

Fair, to buy their supplies of Fall and Winter Dry

Goods, we have reduced the prices on our immense

stock of Dry Goods. To prove which we will only

quote a few articles :

Bleached |Muslin (yard wide and soft finish, 10 cents per yard.

Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannel, 12# cents per yard.

White Wool Flannel, 25 certts per yard.

Black Alpaca (worth 50 cents) 25 cents per yard.

Worsted Plaids (worth 50 cents) 25 cents per yard.

Alpaca Delaines, 15 cents.

Waterproof (heavy and double width) 75 cents.

Corsets (white and colored) 75 cents.

Ladies’ White Cotton Hose, 51 59 per dozen.

Y/.\dies' White Ribbed Wool Hose, f3 per dozen.

Ta'dies’ Merino Vests and Drawers, per suit, $1.

Ladies' White Pique Aprons, 50 cents.

Best Quality Rag Carpet, 35 cent-1.

Good Quality Two-Ply Carpet, 60 cents.

Aiid everything else in proportion.

Having just opened our large and well selected stock of

F A L L AM D W I N T E R D R Y G O O D « ,

our assortment to complete in every department, and ladW visiting this city will find it to tfceir advantage to examine our goo& before purchasing «Asewhere.

D. BLOCK & C0.,

« A L L A T IN S T A B L E

R O D N E Y S T R E E T .


Having leased the above stable, (the largest and best in Helena.) for one year, the undersigned desires to inform his friends and the public generally of the fact, and respectfully asks their patronage.

Having had extensive experience in this business, I feel certain of giving satisfaction to all patrons.

wt.f-oc26 H. R. BAKER*



% wS P E C 1 A "

LIMON SUGAR. SIC.'one t h i r d i s s a v e d ! »

in quantity by their perfect purity and great strength; the only kinds made by a practical Chemist and Physician, with scientific care to insure uniformity, healtli- fulness, delicacy and freedom iroin all in­jurious substances. They are far superior to the common adul terated kinds. Obtain the genuine. Observe our Trade Marks as above, “Cream” Baking Powder, “Hand and Cornucopia.” Buy the Baking-Pow­der only in cans securely labelled. Many have been deceived in loose or bulk Pow­der sold as Dr. Price’s.

Manufactured onlv bvSTEELE & PR IC E,

Chicago, St. Lou in and Cincinnati.

DR. L. W. FRAffY ,

S U R G E O N D E N T I S T ,

C e n t e r j t l a i a S tic « « l a n d B r o a d w a y « H e l e n a . witfaaptt

B R O A D W A V ...................................... H e l e n

« m ic e —I n t h e “ H e r a t « ” B u i ld in g .

Twenty yean*’ experience, making a specialty of hi* Held of la) *r, give. Dr. Frary precedence over many other* in the practice of hia profession. The mort difficult cane* tu Surgical Dentistry mcceeefolly treat*«*


THE COURTS.Times of Holding? tue courts of the Ter­

ritory for die Year, A. i>. 187b.

8UPBEME COURT.In Helena, first Monday in «January aim second

Monday in August.

FIRST DISTRICT—Henry N. Blake. Judge.In Madison county, at Virginia City, second Mon­

day in March ; second Monday in September.In Gallatin county, at Bozeman, first Monday in

May ; fouith Monday in October.In Jefferson county, at Radersburg, first Tuesday

i#April ; fourth Tuesday in September.

SECOND DISTRICT—Hiram Knowles, Judge.In Deer Lodge county, at Deer Lodge City, second

Monday in April.First Monday in September, (for all causes that can

be tried without a jury, except in cases where the parties consent that a special venire may issue to try the same.)

First Monday in December.In Miecoula county, at M i s s o u l a , fourth Monday in

, June; second Monday in November.I In Beaverhead county, at Banxack, first Monday in

June; second Monday in October.

THIRD DISTRICT—D. S. Wade. Judge.In Lewis and Clarke County, at Helena, first Mon­

day in March; first Monday in November.i n Meagher County, at D ia m o n d C i t y , fourth Mon­

day in April ; third Monday in October.

[Note.—United States Courts are held at Virginia City, Deer Lodge, and Helena, at the times the Terri­torial District Courts are held at those places.]

Directory of Federal and Territorial Officers of Montana.

d e l e g a t e i n c o n g r e s s .Hon. MARTIN MAGINN1S, Helena.

Office. Governor. Secretary.

Name. Residence...BENJ. F. POTTS................Helena.. .JAMES E. CALLAWAY.. .Helena.

Chief Justice.. . .D. S. WADE........................Helena.» • . t I HENRY N. BLAKE, Virginia CityAssociate Justices I HIKAM KNOWLES, Deer Lodge.U. S. List. A tty.. ..51, C. PAGE........................Helena.1. S. Marshal........ WM. F. WHEELER...........

T E R R ITO R IA L D ISTR IC T ATTORNEYS.First District, J. G. SPRATT.................Virginia City.Second District, J SEPII K. TOOLE...............Helena.Third District, ALEX. II. MAYHEW.......Deer Lodge.Clerk 1st Dist. Court, THEO. MUFfTLY.Virginia City. Clerk 2d Dist. Court, O. B. O’BAN NON. .Deer Lodge. Clerk 3d Dist. Couyt, ALEX. II. BEATTIE — Helena.

Surveyor General.. ANDREW J. SMITH.........Helena.Register Land Office, «TAS. IL MOE................. “Receiver Land Office, if. M. KEYSER............ “Collector Internal Revenue, T. P. FULLER... “ Collector Customs, T. A CUMMINGS............ “

BOZEMAN LAND D ISTR IC T.Register, E. W. WILLETT.............................Bozeman.Receiver, -J. V. BOGERT..’.............................Bozeman.

U N ITED STATES ASSAY O FFIC E. Superintendent of Construction United .States Assay

Office, M. A. MEYEXDO 1 IFF, Helena; Disbursing A"ent. T. P. FULLER, Helena; Clerk, ROBERT 0. WALKER, Helena.


T E R R ITO R IA L O FFIC ER S.Auditor. D. IL CUTHBERT............................... Helena.Treasurer. D. II. WESTON.................................Helena.Warden of Penitentiary, J. M. FISH.......... Deer LodgeSup’t Public Schools, CORNELIUS HEDGES. .Helena

Supreme Court Reporter, C. HEDGES... ....Helena. Clerk Supreme Court, ISAAC R. ALDEN........Helena.

U N IT ED 8TA TE9 EXAM INING 8URGEON.THOMAS REECE...............................................Helena.

REG ISTER IN BA N K RU PTCY .J. M. YOUNG, Third District .......................... Helena.THEOPHHiUS MUFFLY........................Virginia City.

POST OFFICE MATTERS.Arrivait* and DepartureM of .Halit* At

the Helena. Po«t Office.On and after this date mails will arrive and depait

from this office as follows :Eastern, California, and Virginia arrive daily at 7 p.

m. ; depart daily at 7 a m.Deer Lodge, Blackfoot, Pikes Peak, Pioneer,Missoula

and Forest City arri -e daily (except Sundays) at 6. p. m. : and depart at 6 a. m.

Diamond City and Camp Baker arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 4 p. m. ; departs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a. m.

Fort Shaw and Fort Benton, arrive Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 p. m. ; depart Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m.

Unionville arrives daily at 10 a. m. ; departs daily at l a i n .

Bozeman arrives daily (except Sundays) at 7 p. m., departs at 4 a. m.

Trout Creek, (New York) Cave Gulch, and French Bar, arrive every Tuesdays at 5 p. m. ; depart every Mondav at 8 a. m.

Siiver City, Georgetown and Lincoln, arrive Tues­days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 7 p. m. ; depart Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7 a. m.

Clarkston arrives Saturdays at 4 p. ra. ; departs Fri­days at 7 a. m.

Brewer's Springs and Carroll, arrives Saturday at 7 p. m. : departs Monday at 7 a. m.

The Deer Lodge, Missoula, tsozeman, and Fort Ben­ton mails will close the night previous to departure at 10 o’clock ; while all others close one half-hour before the time of departure.

Delivery hours, 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. ; Sundays. 12 ra. to 1 p. m. ; Money Order and Registry Department, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; Saturdays Money Order Officecloses at 2:30 p. m. ____

S. H CROUNSE, P. 3t.Helena, M. T.. May 24. 18715.


[N o. 470 .]


U. S. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,) September 12 th, 1S76. (

XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Stephen Bynum, iN Charles G. Bynum, Albert G. Clarke, Thomas Conrad, John C. Curtin, George V. Slokey, Martin P. McDaniel, Michael Kelly, T. H. Cleweil and Philip Constans, an association of persons, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Territory, have this day filed application for patent, under the mining laws of Congress, for Fifteen Hun- died linear feet of the Sallie Bell lode mining claim, designated as lot No. 69, situated in no organized min­ing district, Lewis and Clarke County. Montana Terri­tory, in township No. 8 north, range No. 5 west, which claim is recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county, in book 1) of lodes, page 94, and de­scribed as follows in the official plat and field notes on file in this office :

Beginning at a spruce tree 8 inches diameter, iront which the initial point of locality hears S 2S deg 14 min W distant 3,993 feet or 69.49 chains, and running thence 8 8 deg W ±"0 feet; thence S S2 deg E 1.499 feet ; thence N S deg E 400 feet ; thence N S2 deg W 1 500 feet to the place of beginning, embracing an area of 13 77-100 acres, upon which a notice of said applica­tion was posted the 25th day of August, 1876.

The adjoining claimants to these premises are the owrtprs of Sallie Beil Extension, VVanderer, Wanderer Extension, and Little Johnnie lodes.

dS0d-sepl3 J. H. MOE, Register.Geo. B. Foote. U. S. Deputy Minerel Surveyor.

[N o. 474.]


U. S. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,) September 22d. 1876. (

NOTICE IS HEHEBY PUBLISHED that George W.Cleveland, Jeremiah G. Smith and William D.

Smith, for themselves, and Albert G. McKnight, by his attorney in fact—William D. Smith, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke Oounty, Montana Territory, have this day filed application for patent, ander the mining laws of Congress, for twenty- two hundred linear feet, with surface width of one hundred feet, of the “AtEase” lode, designated « l o t 50 A. and adjoining mill-site, designated as lot 50 B, situated in Colorado Mining District, in Jefferson County. Montana Territory, in section *1. township T north, range 4 west, w***ch claim is recorded in the

office ot the County Recorder of said county, and de­scribed as follows:

For lot “A 50" (At Ease Lode,) beginning at a quartzite stone 14x12x6 inches marked ‘‘50 A 1," from which the center point ot discovery claim of said “At Ease" lode bears N 5 deg 30 min VV 50 feet distant, ami running thence S 84 deg 30 min W 1100 feet ; thence N 5 deg 30 min W 100 feet; thence N 84 deg 30 min E 2200 feet to northeast corner, from which the quarter section corner between sections 15 and 16 bears N 3 deg 30 min E 41.84 chains; thence 8 5 deg 30 min E 100 feet; thence S 84 deg 30 min W 1100 teet to the place of beginning, embracing 5.05 acres.

And the said lot B (mill-site) beginning at a trap rock 14xl2xS inches marked “50 B 6" on south line of lot “A 50," and bears 8 84 deg 30 rain VV 5.30 chains distant from southeast comer of same; thence run­ning S 26 deg 45 min VV 10.61 chains ; thence N 9 deg 15 min W 9.04 chains ; thence N 84 deg 30 min E along south line of lot “50 A" 6.32 chains to the place ot beginning, embracing 2.S3 acres, upon which a notice of said application is posted.

The nearest adjoining claimants to these premises are Smith & Fisher, on the “Chimney" lode, south.

Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said' above described lode claim and millsite, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law with the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Helena, Montana Territory, within the sixty days period ot publication hereof, they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statue.

d60d-sep23 J. II. MOE, Register.VV'. W. d e L a c y , U. S. Mineral Deputy Surveyor.

[N o. 47Ô*]


U S. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,l September 25th, 1376. /

JVJOTICE IS HEREBY PUBLISHED that Roberts. Jl\ Hale, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and Clarke County, M. T., has this day tiled applica­tion for patent, under the mining laws of Congress, for one thousand and forty-five (1045) fee: on the east halt of the “Merrimac" gold bearing lode, designated as lot No. 75, situated in no organized mining district, in Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Territory, in s«2c- tiou —. township No. 9 north, raDge 4 west which claim is recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Edgerton County, now Lewis and Clarke County, in block B of lodes, page 319. and described as follows in the official plat and field notes on li’e in this office:

Beginning at a granite stone 12xlftx!0 inches, marked “M. 0. 75" “l," from which the southeast corner of lot 54 bears S 72 deg 10 min \V 500 feet distant, and run­ning thence N 76 deg 50 min E UM5 feet to a stone; thence N 13 deg 10 min VV 100 feet to a stone: thence S 76 deg50 min VV 1045 feet to a stone: tiience S 13 deg 10 min E 100 feet to the place of beginning, em­bracing 2.39 acres, upon which a notice ot said appli­cation is posted.

The nearest adjoining claimants to these premises are Win. J. Smith and Martin McDaniels, on the west half of the same lode.

Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion thereof above described, are hereby notified that un­less their adverse claims are duly died according to law, within the sixty days period of publication hereof, with the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Helena. Montana Territory, they will be barred by virtue c.f the provisions ot the statute.

d60d-«ep26 J. H. MOE, Register.W. VV. i»: Lacy, U. S. Mineral Denuty Surveyor.

[No. 470.]


U. S. L a n d O f f i c e , H e l e n a , M. T.,) September 25th. 1S76. j

N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Robert S. llale, whose D o s t office address is Helena, Lewis and

Clarke County, Montana, has this day filed his applica­tion for patent for thirty-three and iitty-one one hun­dredths (.33 51-ion) acres placer mining ground, situate, lying and being in Minnesota Mining District, couuty of Lewis and Clarke, and Territory of Montana, and known and designated by the field notes and official plat on tile m this office as lot No. seventy-six (76) in township nine (9) north, range four (4) west of the principal meridian of Montana, the exterior boundaries of said lot No. 76 being as follows, variation 29 degrees east.

Commencing at a granite rock in place 8x7 feet 6 feet above ground, from which the southeast corner (No. 3) of lot 65 B, millsite of the Columbia Mining Company bears N 39.25 chains distant, and running thence S.56 deg 15 min E 3 chains ; thence S 6 deg 30min W 12.54 chains : thence S 27 deg 30 min W 29 chs ;thence 8 33 deg E 12 65 chains ; thence 8 62 deg 15 min W 3.69 chains ; thence N 30 deg 30 min VV 12.53 chains ; thence S 80 deg 15 min VV 13.61 chains; thence S 51 deg30 min VV' 46 chains; thence N 56 deg 15 min W 3 chains ; thence N 51 deg 30 min E 46 chains ; thence N 79 deg 45 min E 16.35 chains ; thence N 27 deg 30 min E 29 chains : thence N 6 deg 30 min E 12.54 chains to place of beginning, containing 33 51-100 acres.

This claim is bounded on the north by placer ground of W. A. Rumsey. Tne location of this mine is not of record.

Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion thereof above described, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed according to law, within the sixty days period ot publication hereof, with the Register of the U. S. Land Office, at Helena, Montana Territory, they wilt be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute.

d60d-sep26 J. H. MOE, Register.G. F. Marsh, attorney. ;

[N o . 4 8 1 .j


U. S. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,) October 16th, 1876. f

N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sam’l T. Hauser, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis and

Clarke County. Montana, and VV. H. Parkison, whose post office address is Jefferson, Jefferson County, Montana, have this day fileu application for a patent for twenty-seven and eleven one-hundredths (27 i 1-100) acres of placer mining ground, situate, lying and being in unorganized mining district, county of .Jefferson, and Territory of Montana, and known and designated by the field notes and official plat on file in this office as lot No. Forty-three (43,) in township seven (7) north, range five (5) west of the principal meridian of Montana. The exterior boundaries of said lot No. forty-three (43) being as follows. Variation 20 degrees east:

Commencing at the southeast corner (No. 1) of the surface mining claim of the Silver Hill Mining Com­pany, lot No. 37. township 7 north, range 5 west, from which corner No. 1 on the Comet lode, lot 40, township 7 north, range 5 west, bears N 7# deg E 1.51 chains distant, and running thence N 76# deg W 24.28 chains : thence S 64# deg W 11 chains; thence S 7 # d eg W 6.39 chaius ; thence N 88# deg E 33.28 chains ; thence N 7# deg E 4.89 chains to the place of beginning, con­taining an area of 27 11-100 acres.

This claim is bounded on the north by claim lot 37 of Silver Hill Mining Company, and on the east by placer claim lot 41 A, the Rumley lode, and the Comet lode lot No. 4ft. The location of this mine is duly re­corded in the Recorder’s office of Jefferson County. Montana, in book D of records, page 402.

Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said placer mine or said mining ground as. herein­before described, are required to file their adverse claim with the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Helena, in the Territory of Montana, during the sixty- days publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statue.

d60d-ocl7 J. II. MOE, Register.Geo. F. Marsh, attorney.

[No. 482.]


U. 8. Land Office, Helena, M. T.,) October 28th. 1876. f

V O TIC E IS HEREBY PUBLISHED that Deborah M. Hoyt, whose post office address is Helena,

Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Territory, has this day filed application for patent, under the mining laws ot Congress, to fifteen hundred (1500) linear feet, with surface width of one hundred and four (104) feet, of the Lady Washington Lode, situated in Ten Mile Min­ing District, Lewis and Clarke County, Montana Terri­tory, designated as lot No. 61, township S north, range 5 west principal meridian, which claim is recorded m the County Recorder’s office in said county, and de­scribed in the official plat and field notes on file in this office, as follows :

Beginning at a cross (x) mark on a granite rock in place, 3x6x24 inches in sight, from which the south­west corner of the North Pacific lode designated as lot No. 39. bears N 55 deg E 271# feet distant, and run­ning thence N 85 deg 30 min E 1139 feet ; thence S 8 deg W 104 feet ; thence S 85 deg 30 min W 1143 feet ; thence N 82 deg W 358 feet ; thence N 8 deg E 104 feet ; thence S 82 deg E 361 feet to the place of beginning, embracing three and fitty-four hundredths (3 54-100) acres, upon which a notice of said application, to­gether with a plat of the premises claimed, was posted on the 20th day of October, 1876, according to law.

The adjoining claimants to these premises arc claim­ants of the Little Nellie on the weet, and lot No. 39 on the north, lode claims.

Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of the above described lode claim, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed accord­ing to law with the Register of the U. S. Land Office at Helena, Montana Territory, within the sixty days period of publication hereof, they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute.

d«0d-oc30 J . H. MOE, Register.Bbnj. F. Marsh, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor.

[No. 483.]


LT. S. Land Office. Helena, M. T.,) October 2>th. 1876. (

V O TICE IS HEREBY PUBLISHED that Roman 1 v Kuhn and Uezekiah Rondebush, whose post office address is Helena, Lewis ahd Clarke County, Montana Territory, have this day filed application lor patent under the mining laws of Congress, to thirty-nine and forty-seven hundredths acres of placer mining land, situated in Grizzly Gulch Mining District, Lewis amt (Harke County, Montana Territory, designated as lots Nos. 77 and 46, in townships y and 10 north, range 4 west principal meridian, which claim is not recorded, and described in the official plat and field notes on file in this office, as foliows :

Beginning at a limestone 17x10x4 inches, marked 1 M. ('. 46. from which the quarter section corner on the south boundary of section ZSo. 35. in township In north, range 4 west, bears south 1.50 chs. distant, and running tiience S 70 deg 15 min VV’ 22.50chains: thence S 55 deg 30 min W 46 chains ; tiience 8 32 deg 30 min VV 26 chains; thence 8 6V deg VV 3 chains» ; thence 8 4 5

deg 30 min VV' 46.55 chains ; thence S 84 dog 30 min E 1.85 chains ; thence 8 SO deg 3ü min E 5 chains ; tiience N 35 deg E 7.35 chains ; thence In 40 deg 45 min E 29.34 chairs; thence N 5S deg 15 min E «5.29 chains: thence N 67 deg 30 min E 3.30 chains ; thence N 31 deg 30 min E 25 chains; thence N 49 deg E 9.50 chains; tiience N 56 deg 30 min E 35.91 chains ; thence N 79 deg 39 min E 22.41 chains; thence north 3.25 chains to the place of beginning, upon which a notice of said application for patent, together with a plat of the premises claimed, was posted on the 2Sth day of October, 1876, according to law.

The adjoining claimants to these premises are the Memphis Mining Company, millsite,on the southwest, and A. P. Chase on the northeast, placer claim.

Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of the above described placer mining claim, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly tiled according to law with the Register of the U. S.‘ Land Office at Helena, Montana Territory, within the sixiv days period of publication hereof,* they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute.

d60d-oc30 J. H. MOE. Register.Ben.t. F. Marsh. U. 8. Deputy Mineral Surveyor.

W o tice to S einers .

U. S . L a n d O f f i c e . H e l e n a , M. T.,) November 6th, 1876. j

«jîeortçe 1*. R on»« whose post office address is Radersburgli, Jefferson County, M. T., has this day filed his application to enteras agricultural land, under the final homestead laws, the southeast quarterot section No. 30, in township No. 5 north, range No. 2 east, which land is suspended from entry. Notice is hereby given that a hearing will he had at this office on the 9th day of December, A. I). 1876, at 19 o'clock a. m., to determine as to the mineral or non-mineral character of said land, and testimony to be used upon said hearing will be taken before J. R. Weston, Pro­bate-Judge of «Jefferson Comity, at Radersburg, M. T.. on the Sth day of December, A. D. 1-76, at 19 o’clock a. m.

it is alleged there are no known miners, nor mining improvements upon said land.

<130d-n6 «T. JL MOE. Legist« r.


,N >V 1 ga *

W here A dvertising Conti acta ca a bo ida




On and after July 1st, 1874, coaches will leave Helena for Bozeman every day at 4 o'clock a. m.

From Helena to Diamond City, three times a week. Leave Helena on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 o’clock a. ra.

From Virginia City to Bozeman three rimes a week. Leave Virginia City on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 o’clock a. m. Leave Bozeman on alter­nate days at same hour.

Passengers, freight, and packages carried at able rates.


Davis A Wallace, Helena. Wilson & Rich, Bozeman* Raymond A Bros., Virginia City.


L. P. F iSHER,

A D V E R T I S I N GA G E N T ,

Rooms 20 and 21

Merchants’ Exchange,



Solicits Advertisements and Subscription« for ri.

Daily and Weekly Helena Herald,


and for papers published in California. Oregoi Nevada; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana, rado, Arizona, and adjacent Territories; San: Islands, the British Possessions, Mexican Ports, aragua, Panama, Valparasio, Japan and China; Zealand and the Australian Colonies, the At States and Europe.

A D V e JTt I S I X G

Has created many a new business ;Has enlarged many an old business; lias revived many a dud business :Has rescued many a lost business :Has saved many a faiiing business :Has preserved many a large business ;And insures success in any business.

GIRARD’S SECRET.—Stephen Girard used to say in his old age: “I have always considered advertising liberally and long to be the great medium ot business, and the* prelude to wealth. And I have made it an invariable rule to advertise in the dullest times as wed as the busiest, long experience having taught me that money thus spent is well laid out, as by continuai!} keeping my business before the oublie it has secured many sales that 1 otherwise womd have lost.

Advertiiiv your Buuiicm».

Keep jrour Name Before the Public.

If Bulinen« u Bull, Advertise»

If JBuvineee ia Brink Adr*?r' )*«•

MT The man who didn’t believe in advertising has gone into partnership with the sheriff, and that offic does the advertising]
