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HELLENIC GREECE - PC\|MACimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/.../Presentations/hellenicgreecenotesppt1… ·...

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HELLENIC GREECE 6-2.1: Describe the development of ancient Greek culture (the Hellenic period), including the concept of citizenship and the early forms of democracy in Athens.

HELLENIC GREECE6-2.1: Describe the development of ancient

Greek culture (the Hellenic period), including

the concept of citizenship and the early forms

of democracy in Athens.

I. Hellenic Greece

I. Hellenic Greece

A. Hellenic - an adjective that describes anything from

ancient Greece.

B. Ancient Greek culture, language, architecture,

religion, philosophy would all be described as Hellenic

II. Geography

II. Geography

A. Located on the continent of Europe on the Mediterranean


B. Land of mountains, rocky coastlines, and islands.

C. Farmland was located near the coast and in river valleys.

D. The geography kept the people separated, isolated, and

protected from invasion.

E. Living close to the coast, the Greeks were experienced

at fishing, trading, and sailing.

III. Greek Polis

A. Villages in Greece were isolated and independent of

one another due to the mountainous geography of Greece.

B. Villages started to band together to form strong

trading centers.

C. Villages that banded together were called a city-state


D. City-State (web-link)- A city with political and

economic control over the surrounding countryside.

III. Greek Polis Continued…

E. Polis - A city-state in ancient Greece.

1.Ancient Greeks referred to themselves as citizens

of their individual polis (Sparta - Spartans, Athens -


2. Each polis had its own personality, goals, laws and


3. Ancient Greeks were very loyal to their polis.

IV. Architecture

IV. Architecture

A. Acropolis (web-link)

1. A fortress that stood on a high hill; used for

protection for a polis

2. The polis around the acropolis was surrounded by

walls for added protection.

3. Farmers lived outside the wall, but in time of war

came inside the wall for protection.

IV. Architecture Continued

B. Greek Columns (Ionic, Doric, Corinthian) -

1. Greek columns were tall and measured carefully.

2. You can see Greek architecture, especially

columns, in today's world. An example is Thomas

Jefferson's Monticello.

C. Temples-

1. The Greeks built large temples for their gods.

2. Parthenon (web-link)- Built for the goddess Athena

V. Religion and Mythology

V. Religion and Mythology

A. Mythology (web-link)- Stories about gods and

heroes that try to explain how the world works.

B. Greeks believed that the gods caused things to

happen and their mythology explained why.

C. Greeks built temples to honor their gods

D. Examples of Greek Gods - polytheism

1. Zeus - King of the gods

2. Poseidon - god of the sea

3. Hades - god of the underworld

4. Athena - goddess of war, wisdom, and handicrafts

VI. Greek Literature and Theater

VI. Greek Literature and Theater

A. Epic Poems - Long poems that tell a story about a hero.

1. Homer wrote the Illiad and Odyssey tales of great adventure

B. Fables - Short stories that teach the reader lessons about life or give advice on how to live.

1. Aesop wrote fables using animals as humans.

2. The Ant and the Grasshopper teaches the lesson to think and plan ahead for the future.

3. Language - We still use Greek terms in our language today

VI. Greek Literature and Theater Continued

C. Greek Theater -

1. Tragedy - Plays that described the hardships

faced by Greek heroes.

2. Comedies - Plays that made fun of people and

ideas, especially politics.

VII. Greek Wars

VII. Greek Wars

A. Persian War (web-link)- Greek city-states created an

alliance to defeat the Persian empire.

1. Greek city states formed an alliance with each

other called the Delian League.

2. Delian League (web-link)- Each city-state agreed

to help defend each other.

B. Peloponnesian War (web-link)- War between Sparta

and Athens. Sparta defeated Athens.

VIII. - Role of Famous Greeks

VIII. - Role of Famous Greeks

A. Philosophers - People who believed in the power of

the human mind to think, explain, and understand life.

1. Socrates (web-link)- Believed people should

never stop learning.

a. Socratic Method - type of teaching where

the teacher asks questions. Example - What is courage?

2. Plato (web-link)- Wrote about his belief of the

ideal society.

a. His ideal society would be based on justice and

fairness to everyone.

VIII. - Role of Famous Greeks Continued

3. Aristotle - Believed that people should live lives of

moderation, or balance.

a. Give reason to your life - You should think about your

actions and how they will affect others

b. Also used logic - Using facts you know to figure out other


B. Math and Science -

1. Archimedes (engineer) - Invented the water screw. A device

that helps farmers bring water to their fields.

2. Pythagoras - Greek mathematician who studied geometry -

study of lines, angles, and shapes

VIII. - Role of Famous Greeks Continued

C. Medicine

1. Hippocrates - "Father of Medicine" - Greek doctor

who studied diseases so he better study them.

a. He also wrote how doctors should behave.
