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Hemorrhoids no more

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Learn how to get rid of hemorrhoids by applying given natural ways.
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[Hemorrhoids No More] A Complete Book to Deal with Hemorrhoids

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Table of Content

Chapters Page

Chapter 1: What is Hemorrhoids 4

Chapter 2: Types of Hemorrhoids 5

Chapter 3: FAQs for Hemorrhoids 7

Chapter 4: Stages of Hemorrhoids 9

Chapter 5: How it Happens? 11

Chapter 6: Symptoms of Hemorrhoids 12

Chapter 7: Preventions for Piles 13

Chapter 8: Natural Treatments for Piles 14

Chapter 9: Effective Cure for All Types of hemorrhoids 15

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Copyright © 2016 http://hemorrhoidsremedies.net

All rights reserved.

No part of this eBook may be copied or transmitted in any form or by any

resources, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by

any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from

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From: Tapy Disuza (Nutrition Expert & Professional Health


Dear Friend,

Hemorrhoids is very painful, itchy or sometimes it also start bleeding, if you are

suffering from this painful then you are at the right place. It is very embarrassing

for the sufferer to ask for help. You have probably attempt to treat hemorrhoids

yourself by following a perfect diet, spending money on different kinds of creams

and suppositories that only able to deal the symptoms and provide a momentary


In this eBook you will read about the all factors of hemorrhoids and their cure. So

go on and read the blow given chapters to get rid of this painful dieses effectively.

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Hemorrhoids (or hemroids) are also known as piles. Sometime it can be turn

into very disagreeable and painful for many

peoples; they can be easily treated and are

very avoidable. Hemorrhoids generally get

worse because of avoidance, so it is suggested

by the health care professionals that it should

be treated as soon as they appear.

Hemorrhoids are one of the common among

adults aged between 45 and 65, but it doesn’t

mean that young people and children don’t get them. This dieses is much more

common among men than women. A pregnant woman has more chances to get


Fast facts on hemorrhoids

Following are some key facts about hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids can be painful for many people, yet they

are simply cured and prevented.

Hemorrhoids are more common in men than women.

A female get affected with hemorrhoids while


The probability of getting hemorrhoids increases as a

person ages.

Hemorrhoids happen when the veins surrounding the

anus are inflamed.

Hemorrhoids can occur because of pregnancy, aging,

chronic diarrhea, constipation, straining, anal

intercourse, obesity and genetics.

Signs of hemorrhoids are bleeding in the anal area,

itching, discomfort, swelling and more.

In most cases patients can take easy events to alleviate

symptoms while the problem heals on its own.

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There are mainly two types of hemorrhoids

internal or external, Internal hemorrhoids

occur inside the rectum and it is invisible and

external hemorrhoids are outside the anus

and visible. Internal hemorrhoids can

prolapse, resulting in their presence outside

the body, and external hemorrhoids may

become thrombosed, meaning blood vessels

within them have broken and given them an

ugly blue or purple appearance.

Internal Hemorrhoids

This can only recognized by bleeding as it exists only

inside the rectum. They’re far enough inside that so you

can’t see them, and as there are no nerve endings that far

inside the rectum so you can’t feel them either. Rectal

bleeding due to hemorrhoids may not need much

treatment, as they be inclined to cure their own or with

hemorrhoids home remedies packed with witch hazel and

cayenne, among other natural elements.

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are occurs on the outside of anus and can be seen and felt. These types

of hemorrhoids most usually treated with pain medications, as they are tender and

uncomfortable. You can feel this type of hemorrhoids because the anus is ringed with

sensitive nerve endings, making external hemorrhoids a serious source of pain. Most over-the-

counter treatments seek to deal with the inflammation and pain of external hemorrhoids,

allowing you to feel some relief as they recede and go away on their own. However, an herbal

or natural remedy can provide some pain relief as it speeds up healing at the same time.



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I have a sore

in my rectum?

It is very common but not usual symptom, it shows an

acute hemorrhoids complication. It generally appears

around the anal crevices but it also can be an irritation or

thrombosis. It is necessary to examine where the pain

comes from, what is its character and intensity. It is also

important to face medical examination for avoiding any

other significant causes.

There is a

blood in my


The presence of blood in the stool is a

serious indicator for making a rectal test to

avoid any timorous disease. It is

dangerous so take it serious and

immediately visit your family doctor.

I have a

nodule in

the rectum

A rectal nodule or lump can appear very early

in life, it is not a hemorrhoid but draining

mucus called rugs. This soft sac-like flange

with different sizes is generally a cosmetic

and hygienic trouble. A patient doesn´t have

to have any other problems. These protrusions

can be found on one or more than one places.

The solution is very simple, visit doctor do an

exam and they will get rid of the inner part of

the nodule by non-surgical measure.

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There is a

rectal outflow

This issue can be caused by many reasons

and it is always important to make complete

examination. It generally depends on the

character of the outflow. It may be caused

by inflammations, rectal fistulas and more.

Main part of these causes can be solved as

an ambulatory checkup but some of the

cases require specialized surgical treatment.

Therefore an examination is always


What about

anal itching?

The anal itching may have a lot of causes.

The treatment is usually proceeded on

different levels. But it is always connected

with a mucus inflammation. The

examination is necessary and the treatment

can be individual.

Will the hemorrhoids

treatment affect my life?

The outpatient treatment has a minimum

affect on patients´daily life. An ordinary

move or sitting are possible with any

restrictions. However, we recommend to

reduce cycling, horse-riding or weight

lifting at least 5 days after the measure.

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Hemorrhoids – The 4 Stages and their Treatment

Hemorrhoids are divided into 4 levels as per the condition and severity.

Stage 1 – In the first stage the blood vessels are prominent, however it doesn’t get prolapsed.

Treatment – For the Stage 1 peoples, increase the intake of foods that are packed with fiber.

Also drink enough water and stay hydrated, don’t eat oily and fatty food and also specific anti-

inflammatory products like aspirin.

Stage 2 – When you put pressure while bowling moment, the hemorrhoids stretches but it

automatically get reduced ones the pressure is taken away.

Treatment – If you are suffering from stage 2 hemorrhoids then you can deal with it by changing

the simple lifestyles of yours. Wear comfortable cloths, change your underwear habitually and

make some changes in your eating habits. Doctors would probably propose you to perform a

treatment called rubber band ligation on the hemorrhoids.

Stage 3 – While putting pressure to bear down stretches occurs but the bad thing is, it doesn’t get

reduced automatically and so that manual reduction is needed.

Treatment – This stage is not much different than stage 2, even in this situation if you consult to

your doctor then they may again perform the same rubber band ligation, or they may refer for

process called sclerotherapy.

Stage 4 – This is the stage in which vein or tissue gets prolapsed and it doesn’t get reduced by

using both automatically or by manually.

Treatment – this stage can be treated by applying the above mentioned treatment in Stage 2 and

4. In case you are suffering from severe hemorrhoids pain then it is suggested to go for surgical


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Hemorrhoid swelling occurs when

pressure is increased in the small vessels

that make up the hemorrhoid causing

them to swell and engorge with blood.

Because of this increased in size leading

to symptoms. Increased pressure may

occur because of a variety of factors:

Taking low fiber foods can affect

the digestion system and hence

smaller caliber stool causes a

person to strain when having a

bowel movement. This can increase

the pressure within the blood


Generally pregnant women are gets affected with hemorrhoid swelling, as increased pressure

of the inflamed uterus on the rectum and anus. Hormonal changes with pregnancy may

weaken the muscles that support the rectum and anus.

Sitting on the toilet for more time may increase pressure within the hemorrhoid blood



Diarrhea, both acute and chronic

Colon cancer

Previous rectal surgery

Spinal cord injury and lack of erect posture


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What Are the Symptoms of


The symptoms of hemorrhoids


extreme itching around the anus

irritation and pain around the anus

an itchy or painful lump or

swelling near your anus

fecal leakage

a painful bowel movement

blood on your tissue after having a

bowel movement

Although hemorrhoids are painful, they aren’t life-threatening and often go away on their own

without treatment. If you have them often, you may develop symptoms of anemia such as weakness

and pale skin due to blood loss, though this is rare.

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Eat high-fiber foods: Add more fruits,

vegetables and whole grains into your daily

diet. Doing so softens the stool and increases its

bulk, which will help you avoid the straining

that can cause hemorrhoids or worsen

symptoms from existing hemorrhoids. Add

fiber to your diet slowly to avoid problems with


Drink plenty of water: Drink 6 to 8 glasses of

water per day, it will keep stools soft and you

don’t have to apply pressure while bowling


Consider fiber supplements: Most of the peoples are

unable to get enough of the recommended amount of

fiber (For Women - 25 grams per day and For Men -

38 grams per day) in their daily diet. So the solution is

fiber supplements, such as Metamucil and Citrucel,

enhance overall signs and bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Note: If you are taking fiber supplements then it is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water

or other fluids per day. If not, then these supplements can cause constipation or make constipation


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Other Tricks to Prevent hemorrhoids

Don't strain: Avoid straining and holding

your breath when trying to pass a stool

because it creates larger pressure in the veins

in the lower rectum.

Go as soon as you feel the urge:

When you feel pressure then don’t

wait as your stool could become

dry and be harder to pass after

some time.

Exercise: Physical activity will help

you to prevent constipation and to

reduce pressure on veins.



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Top 5 Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Apple Cider Vinegar – With the help of apple cider vinegar you can deal with hemorrhoids

naturally. Take a cotton ball and soak it with ACV, apply it to the affected area. Repeat this

method until the inflammation disappears and signs resolve. You must see progress


Rutin – it is a health-promoting compound generally found in many plants such as buckwheat,

grapefruit, oranges, lemon, cranberries, and asparagus. rutin is one of the known home remedy

often used for hemorrhoids. You can buy it in supplement form, take Rutin 500mg two times a

day, in the morning and one before going to bed. Within a week the inflammation must fixed


Coconut Oil – You can apply the coconut oil directly to the affected area, rinse and repeat. With

the help of this supplement you will see that the hemorrhoids should disappear over the course of

just a few days.

Witch Hazel – It is a biting and remedial tree, witch hazel is one of the oldest known natural

remedies for hemorrhoids. Simply, soak a pad or cotton ball with witch hazel and apply it to the

affected area.

Squat, Don’t Sit –Conventional toilets are extremely abnormal, and may be one cause

hemorrhoids are rarely seen in less developed countries, where squatting is done when going to

the bathroom. To pass a bowel movement with sitting down puts great strain on the rectum while

squatting straightens the rectum and relaxes the puborectalis muscle.

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Venapro is the natural, powerful, safe and effective way to cur hemorrhoids. It

is define as a strong homeopathic cure for this dreaded condition. This contains

the highly potent natural ingredients that have been combined in the right

proportions to remove the root cause as well as discontinue the signs of

hemorrhoids. With the help of two-level action, it ensures rapid and nearly

complete relief from all stages of hemorrhoids.

How Does

Venapro Work?

This natural hemorrhoid cure works through its powerful and organic

ingredients. The spray formulation contains the different ingredients,

spray ingredients are horse chestnut, witch hazel and arnica. All of

these have anti-inflammatory properties that able to reduce the

swelling, pruritus and pain associated with hemorrhoids.

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Others ingredients like fluoride of lime, stone root, St.

Mary’s thistle, and muriatic acid enhance the vascular

health of the blood vessels nearby the anal passage.

Some ingredients have antibacterial and analgesic

properties. Alcohol is used in the spray to maximize

amalgamation of the ingredients and to steady the

natural substances.

The supplement ingredients include vitamin E, zinc, oat straw, L-arginine, bilberry,

plantain, cascara sagrada, mullein, butcher’s broom, red sage, cayenne, horse chestnut and

arnica. These ingredients are packed with a variety of effects such as anti-oxidant

properties, strengthening the cardiovascular system, improving circulation, improving

digestion and relaxing muscles. Some of the ingredients also have anti-inflammatory


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Venapro Hemorrhoid Treatment Benefits

The most important benefit of Venapro

Hemorrhoids treatment is that it provides a safer

option to hemorrhoid medications and surgery.

Some other important benefits are:

With the help of this natural treatment

you can remove the root cause of

hemorrhoids and enhance symptoms.

This treatment limits the chances of

chronic or relapses.

Along with curing hemorrhoids,

Venapro also enhance the digestion and

colon health reducing the chances of

development of other diseases such as

colorectal cancer.

This medicine is cheaper than other

available alternatives. It works very

fast and the result becomes visible in

just 2-3 weeks of use.

To get rid of hemorrhoids, you should try

genuine Venapro and use it as recommended.

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