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Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure

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Scholarships and Financial Aid 411: information about scholarships and financial aid at hendrix college U.S.News U.S.News Best Colleges Best Colleges 2010 2010 America’s #1 America’s #1 UP & COMING COMING LIBERAL ARTS LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE COLLEGE
Page 1: Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure

ScholarshipsandFinancialAid411:information about scholarshipsand financial aid at hendrix college

U.S.NewsU.S.News Best Colleges

Best Colleges 20102010





college: Four-year,private,residential, coeducationalcollege of liberal arts foundedin 1876 and affiliatedwiththeUnitedMethodist Church;Phi BetaKappa chapter

location: Conway, AR,suburbancity of 57,500; 30minutes fromLittle Rock (metro.pop.: 650,000)

students: 1,463 from 42 statesand 13 countries; 14 percentminority enrollment

academic profile, class of ’14:52 percent in top 10th of high schoolclass,81 percent in top quarter;midrange scores: 1170-1360 SATand 27-32ACT,and 3.57-4.26 GPA

faculty: 102 full-time,95 percentwith Ph.D.or equivalent degree

student/faculty ratio: 13:1

average class size: 19

majors: 33 undergraduatemajors,32minors:M.A. in accounting

post graduate: Themajorityof our students enter graduateor professional school eitherimmediately after graduating orthe following year.Approximatelyone-third enroll in graduate schoolwithin the first year of graduation,while other graduates seekemployment and report findinga jobwithin sixmonths ofgraduation.

residence options: Co-edandsingle sex; six traditional residencehalls,five residencehouses,threethemehouses,and fiveapartmentcomplexes(morethan85percentofstudentsliveincollege-ownedhousing)

campus: 180 acres encompassingacademic, residential, andrecreational resources,plusarboretum,gazebo,and pecan court;also includes “NewUrbanism”community,TheVillage atHendrix

facilities: Art complex, life sciencescenter,physical sciences center,chapel,auditorium,theatre,wellnessandathletics center,andnewstudentlife and technologycenter

clubs & organizations: 70+

athletics:NCAADivision III,Southern Collegiate AthleticConference: Baseball (M),Basketball(M&W),Cross country (M&W),Fieldhockey(W),Golf (M&W),Lacrosse(M),Soccer (M&W),Softball (W),Swimming and diving (M&W),Tennis (M&W),Track and field(M&W),andVolleyball (W)

comprehensive fee, 2010-11:$41,126 (tuition, room,board,andmandatory fees)

financial aid: 100 percent ofstudents receive some formof achievement-based and/or need-based state, federal,or institutionalassistance; $24,430 average awardfor 2010-11

Majorsaccounting*allied healthamerican studies*art*biochemistry/molecular biologybiology*chemical physicschemistry*classics*computer science*economics*economics and businessenglish*

creative writingfilm studies*literary studies

environmental studiesfrench*german*history*interdisciplinary studiesinternational relations*mathematics*music*philosophy*philosophy and religious studiesphysics*politics*psychology*religious studies*sociology*/anthropology*

anthropology emphasissociology emphasis

spanish*theatre arts*

*MinorsMinors are offered in all asteriskedmajor programsaswell asAfricanaStudies,Art (History),AsianStudies,Dance,Education(Secondary emphasis),GenderStudies,and InternationalBusiness.

Pre-professionalProgramsdentistryengineeringlawmedicineministrypharmacypublic healthsecondary teacher educationsocial workveterinary medicine

office of admission

1600 washington avenue

conway, arkansas


phone: 501-450-1362 or 800-277-9017

fax: 501-450-3843

email: [email protected]

web: www.hendrix.edu


Page 2: Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure

ScholarshipDeadlinestoRemember> december 1 —AcademicScholarships(priority date)

> february 1 —HaysMemorialScholarshipApplication

> february 1 —ExtracurricularScholarshipsApplication forPerformingandFineArtsScholarship,HendrixCollegeLeadershipAward,UnitedMethodistYouthFellowshipLeadershipScholarship,andMillerCenterServiceScholarship

> february 1 — ArkansasGovernor’sScholarsProgram (via ArkansasUniversal Scholarship Application)

> february 15 —Robert andRubyPriddyScholarship (priority date)

> march 14 —PerformingandFineArtsScholarship auditionsmustbe completedby this date

> june 1 —ArkansasUniversalScholarshipApplication (Arkansas students only)

> OdysseyHonorsandDistinctionAwardconsiderationuponacceptancetoHendrix

> NationalMerit,NationalAchievement,andNationalHispanic FinalistsmusttakePSAT/NMSQTby the junior year

ForMoreInformationYoucancontact us directly to obtainmore information,or visit us onlineatwww.hendrix.edu/financialaid.

Hendrix CollegeOffice of Financial Aid1600WashingtonAvenueConway,Arkansas 72032-3080Phone: 501-450-1368or800-277-9017Fax: 501-450-3871Email: [email protected]

Hendrix adheres to theprinciple of equal educational andemployment opportunitywithout regard to age,race,gender,disability,sexual orientation,ornational origin.Further,theCollege is committed to themaintenance of anatmosphereof civility and respect for all students,faculty,and staff.

hendrix offers a full complement of achievement-based andneed-based scholarships,grants,and low-interest loans fromfederal,state,and institutional sources.Wealsohave avariety of payment

plans thatmakebudgeting easier for youandyour family.

achievement-based scholarship programs 2

extracurricular scholarships 4

information about the fafsa 5

need-based financial aid programs 6

payment plans 7

dates to remember 8


KeepthesefactsfirmlyinmindwhenconsideringHendrixCollege:> Formore than25years— including2010—Hendrixhasbeen recognizedas a “BestBuy” by theFiske Guide to Colleges.

> 100percent ofHendrix students receive some formof achievement-basedand/orneed-based financial assistance.The average2010-11 award is $24,430.

>Hendrix’s comprehensive fee for 2010-11 (including tuition,double occupancyresidencehall room,unlimitedboardplan,andmandatory fees) is $41,126.

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“[Hendrix] truly is a too-secret treasurethat is both a financial bargain … anda great opportunity for a bettereducational experience than you’dfind in the name-brand places.”

colleges that change lives

Page 4: Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure



Scores fromtheACTandSATwriting testsare notconsideredwhenevaluatingscholarship candidates.

academic scholarships$4,000peryearuptofullscholarship(tuition,double occupancy residencehall room,15-meal-per-weekboardplan,andmandatoryfees)foruptofouryearsoffull-timeenrollment.

Who isEligible?

Accepted applicants toHendrix.

>ApplicationProcess:Studentswhosubmit a completed application foradmission toHendrix areautomatically considered forAcademic Scholarships.TheScholarship Committee examineseach student’s academic recordand standardized test scores inaddition to leadership andextracurricular activities andletters of recommendation.Thereis not a separate application forAcademic Scholarships.

>Deadline:The first roundofscholarshipswill be awarded tothosewhoapply for admissionbyDecember 1.

>Notification:On a rolling basis.

hays memorialscholarshipsFull scholarship (tuition,doubleoccupancy residence hall room,15-meal-per-weekboardplan,andmandatoryfees)foruptofouryearsoffull-timeenrollment.

Who isEligible?

Accepted applicants toHendrixwithaminimumhigh school GPAof 3.6in college preparatory courses anda composite “super score” of 32 orhigher on theACT or a combined“super score” of 1410 or higher on theSAT.TheHays Selection Committeealso considers leadership andextracurricular activities,an on-campus competition,and lettersof recommendation. Interestedstudentsmust apply for admissionbyDecember 1.

>ApplicationProcess:Haysapplications aremade availableto qualified applicants inNovember.Hays candidates areinvited tocampusforacompetitionin February.

>Deadline:TheHays applicationmust be submitted by February 1.

>Notification:The fourwinnersof theHaysMemorial Scholarshipare announced in earlyMarch.

arkansas governor’sdistinguishedscholar awardsFullscholarship(tuition,doubleoccupancyresidencehallroom,15-meal-per-weekboardplan,andmandatoryfees)andisrenewableforuptothreeadditionalyearsifthestudentmaintainsacumulativegradepointaverageof3.25orbetterandselectshousingandmealplanoptionscoveredbytheaward.Limitednumberofawardsavailable.

Who isEligible?

Accepted freshman applicants toHendrixwho receive the $10,000ArkansasGovernor’s DistinguishedScholarship. (See p.6.)

>ApplicationProcess:Studentscomplete theArkansasDepartment ofHigher Education’sUniversal ScholarshipApplicationonline atwww.adhe.edu.

>Deadline:Submit the onlineUniversal ScholarshipApplicationby February 1.

>Notification:This scholarshipis awarded upon receipt of theArkansasGovernor’s DistinguishedScholarship.

Page 5: Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure


national merit, nationalachievement, and nationalhispanic finalistsAnadditional $1,000peryear forup tofouryearsof full-timeenrollment.

Who isEligible?

NationalMerit,NationalAchievement,andNationalHispanicFinalistswhonameHendrix as theirfirst college choice.

>ApplicationProcess:Test scoreson the PSAT/NMSQTdetermineselection of these awards throughTheNationalMerit ScholarshipProgram.

>Deadline:The testmust be takenby the junior year of high school.

>Notification:This award isautomatic uponnotificationfrom the CollegeBoard of thestudent’s selection to one ofthe above awards.

robert and ruby priddyscholarshipsAmountsvary.

Who isEligible?

Accepted applicants toHendrixfrommiddle-income familieswhodo not qualify for largermerit-basedscholarships or for federal grants butwho show exceptional promise forsuccess atHendrix and for leadershipand service.

>ApplicationProcess:Studentsfile the FreeApplication for FederalStudentAid (FAFSA).


>Notification:On a rolling basis.

odyssey honors anddistinction awards$1,000 to $6,000 per year for up tofour years of full-time enrollment(may be awarded in addition toother scholarships including theextracurricular scholarships).

YourHendrixOdyssey: Engaging inActive Learning is an excitingway toexperience a college education.Hendrix has redefined highereducation as a far-reaching,wide-ranging journey that extends beyondthemajor,GPA,and list of completedcourses.We celebrate all theaccomplishments and activitiesof a student’s college career thatcontribute to personal growth.TheOdysseyHonors andDistinctionAwards are designed to recognizethese accomplishments at thesecondary school level and encouragestudents to pursue similarexperiences atHendrix.The awardsare presented in six categories:Artistic Creativity; Global Awareness;Professional andLeadershipDevelopment; Service to theWorld;UndergraduateResearch; andSpecial Projects.

Who isEligible?

Accepted applicants toHendrix.

>ApplicationProcess:Studentswho submit a completedapplication for admission toHendrix are automaticallyconsidered for OdysseyHonorsandDistinctionAwards.TheScholarship Committee examineseach student’s out-of-classactivities and accomplishmentsin high school in determiningthe amount of the award.


>Notification:On a rolling basis.

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EachHendrix extracurricularscholarship awards $2,000peryearforup to fouryears of full-timeenrollment.Extracurricularscholarshipsmaybeawardedinaddition toother scholarshipsincluding theOdysseyHonorsandDistinctionAwards.

Students are encouragedto apply for all performingandfine arts, leadership,and servicescholarships forwhich theyare eligible.However,onlyonescholarship fromamongallsuch categoriesmaybeawardedto each student.

performing andfine arts scholarshipsWho isEligible?

Accepted applicants toHendrixwhodemonstrate talent in the areas ofart,dance,music,or theatre arts.An intendedmajor in the area is notrequired.

>ApplicationProcess:Applicationsaremade available to all studentsaccepted for admission toHendrix.This application and an on-campusauditionwith amember of thefaculty is required formusic andtheatre arts and dance awards.Those applying for art awardsmust submit this application anda CDof artworkwith awrittenexplanation of the art forconsideration. (Note: CDs andaccompanyingmaterialswillnot be returned.)

>Deadline:The scholarshipapplication andCD, if necessary,mustbesubmittedbyFebruary1.On-campus auditions, if necessary,

must be completed byMarch 14.>Notification:Awards areannounced in lateMarch.

hendrix collegeleadership awardsWho isEligible?

Accepted applicants toHendrixwhohave a demonstrated recordof leadership experience,activities,and honors.

>ApplicationProcess:Applicationsaremade available to all studentsaccepted for admission toHendrix.

>Deadline:The scholarshipapplicationmust be submittedby February 1.

>Notification:Awards areannounced in lateMarch.

united methodistyouth fellowshipleadership scholarshipsWho isEligible?

Accepted applicants toHendrixwithleadership experience in local andregional UnitedMethodist Youthministries.

>ApplicationProcess:Applicationsaremade available to all studentsaccepted for admission toHendrix.

>Deadline:The scholarshipapplicationmust be submittedby February 1.

>Notification:Awards areannounced in lateMarch.

miller center servicescholarshipsWho isEligible?

Accepted applicants toHendrixwhohave a record of effectiveand enthusiastic participationin volunteer service projects andwho demonstrate a resolve tomakeleadership through volunteerservice a part of their future.

>ApplicationProcess:Applicationsaremade available to all studentsaccepted for admission toHendrix.

>Deadline:The scholarshipapplicationmust be submittedby February 1.

>Notification:Awards areannounced in lateMarch.

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Whenyou enter theworld offinancial aid, itmay sometimesfeel as if you are floating in a seaof alphabet soup.But the fivemostimportant letters youneed to knowright away are FAFSA.

fafsa (free application forfederal student aid)This is the application for need-basedaid.Youmust complete and submitthis form in order to be consideredfor federal, state,and institutionalsources of need-based aid.The form isavailable online atwww.fafsa.ed.gov.You can also obtain copies fromyourhigh school guidance office or fromtheHendrixOffice of Financial Aid.Filing onlinewill generate resultsmuch faster than submitting thepaper formandwillmake reapplyingin future years easier.

>Your family, like the families of allcollege-bound students in the

country, should make it a priorityto complete the FAFSA. Somefamilies incorrectly assume thatthey do not qualify for need-basedassistance and skip this importantstep. The only way to make sure youare eligible to be considered forneed-based assistance at Hendrix isto submit a FAFSA.

efc (expected familycontribution)After you submit the FAFSA to theU.S.Department of Education,youwill receive a StudentAidReport(SAR) that includes yourExpectedFamily Contribution (EFC) figure.Calculated fromdata in yourFAFSA,the EFC is the figurethe government estimates you andyour family can contribute towardyour college educational expenses.TheEFC does not represent a setdollar amount. Instead, it servesas a leveler in determining the typesand amounts of aid forwhich youqualify. It doesn’tmatter if thecomprehensive fee of a school is$20,000,$30,000,or $40,000—yourEFC remains constant.

>If you file the FAFSA online, youwill receive the SAR with your EFCdetermination more than twice as fastas you would if you submit a paperform. The online FAFSA also has anerror-checking function that will helpyou complete the form as accuratelyas possible.

the basic financial aidequation: coa – efc = needThe “price” of aHendrix educationis our comprehensive fee (tuition,double occupancy residencehall room,unlimitedboardplan,andmandatoryfees).Recognizing there are otherexpenses involved in attending

college such as books,supplies,travel,health insurance, laundry,andpersonal expenses,we also calculatea yearly cost of attendance (COA)budget in order to account for theseareas.Your “demonstrated financialneed” is the difference between theHendrixCOAandyourEFC.

>Hendrix will conduct its own analysis ofthe information you provide in theFAFSA. Sometimes wemay requestadditional documentation, such as taxreturns. You can also ask us to considerfinancial circumstances not reflected byyour FAFSA data, such as unusualmedical expenses; loss of incomecaused by job loss, divorce, or death;or tuition for private secondaryschools. If you are asked to submit taxreturns or other documents to theOffice of Financial Aid, please do sopromptly. These are required for someapplicants according to federal, state,and institutional policies.

to file the fafsa online:www.fafsa.ed.govDon’t forget to get your PINnumbersat this site — one PIN for each studentand a different PIN for parents.

promptness pays – earn ahendrix grant by filing thefafsa earlyAny acceptedHendrix applicantwho files the FAFSAbyFebruary 15automatically receives an aid packagewith a $1,000 grant that is renewableif the FAFSA is filed each year byFebruary 15.

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federal aid


> pell grant:A federal program thatprovides grants of up to $5,550 peryear depending onneed.Application ismade through theFAFSA.

> federal supplemental educationalopportunity grant:Aprogram for studentswhodemonstrate exceptional financialneed.Recipientsmust also beeligible for a federal Pell Grant.


> subsidized federal stafford loan:This need-based loan program issubsidized by the federalgovernment,which pays theinterest on the loan untilrepayment begins sixmonthsafter graduation or after cessationof at least half-time enrollment.The interest rate is fixed at 4.5%.Themaximum loan is $3,500 forfirst-year students; $4,500 forsecond year; and $5,500 eachsubsequent year,up to $23,000over a five-year period.

> federal perkins loan:A long-term,need-based, low-interest (5% perannum) loan program. Interestdoes not begin to accrue until ninemonths after youhave graduatedor ceased to be enrolled at leasthalf-time.

OtherNeed-Based Federal Aid

> federal work-study (fws):This federally subsidized programprovides funding for employmentto studentswho demonstratefinancial need.Eligibility does notguarantee employment but doesgive students the opportunity toapply for available FWSpositions.

other federal aid(not need-based)

> federal direct plus (parent loan forundergraduate students):Credit-worthy parentsmay borrow anannual amount up to the cost ofattendance (minus other forms ofassistance).A fixed 7.9% interestrate applies for the duration ofthe loan,although there are noprepayment penalties. (See p.7.)

> unsubsidized federal stafford loan:This companion programdiffers from the regular StaffordLoan in that the government doesnot subsidize the interest.A fixed6.8% interest rate applies for theduration of the loan,althoughthere are no prepayment penalties.

state aid

> arkansas governor’s scholarship:Awards up to $4,000 annually tograduatingArkansas high schoolseniors based on academicachievement, test scores,andleadership.

> arkansas governor’s distinguishedscholarship (gds):Awards up to$10,000 annually to graduatingArkansashighschool seniorsbasedonacademicachievement andSAT/ACT test scores,or onNationalMerit/National AchievementScholar status. (See p.2.)

> arkansas academic challengescholarship: Awards up to $5,000annually to graduatingArkansashigh school seniorsbasedonacademicachievementandtestscores.

To be considered for the state’sfinancial aid programs,graduatingArkansas high school seniorsmustcomplete theArkansasDepartmentofHigher Education’s UniversalScholarshipApplication onlineatwww.adhe.edu.Studentswho areeligible for theArkansasGovernor’sScholars Programmust submitthis application by February 1.The application deadline for allother sources of aid, including theArkansasAcademic ChallengeScholarship, is June 1.

To check onArkansas aid,contact:ArkansasDepartment ofHigher Education

1-800-54-STUDYor 501-371-2000www.adhe.edu

hendrix aid


> hendrix aid grants:Grant amountsvary according to the student’sneed and the availability of funds.


Page 9: Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure



Theseplansofferalternatives tolumpsumtuitionpayments.

hendrix college planThrough the College Plan,you can payyour share of the comprehensive feein two equal installments.Paymentfor the fall semester is due in earlyAugust and spring bills are due inmid-December.

monthly payment planTuitionManagement Systems’(TMS)Monthly Payment Plan isan easy,affordableway to pay foran education.The TMSMonthlyPayment Plan is interest-free.Youpay a one-time enrollment fee ($72for 2010-11) to participate in theplan.Yourmonthly payments aredetermined by your out-of-pocketexpenses for each semester.Each semesterwill have five or sixmonthly payment cycles,dependingonwhether you signup in JuneorAugust.Toparticipate,callTuitionManagement Systemsat1-800-722-4867,or visit theirWeb site atwww.afford.com.

federal direct plus(parent loan forundergraduate students)TheFederalDirect PLUS loanprogramallows parents to help pay foreducation expenses by allowing themaccess to additional resources beyondthose that the student is eligible toreceive.Credit-worthy parentsmayannually borrowup to the student’scost of attendance,minus other formsof assistance (scholarships,grants,loans,work-study,etc.).A fixed 7.9%interest rate applies for the durationofthe loan,althoughtherearenoprepaymentpenalties.

Page 10: Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure


SeniorYearFinancialAidDatestoRememberfall/winterVisitHendrix—You can arrange anindividual visit or attend one of ourcampus visit days.

Formore information on planning a visittoHendrix College call 1-800-277-9017 orvisit www.hendrix.edu/campusvisit.

Apply toHendrix—Your admissionapplication also serves as the applicationforAcademic Scholarships.

> october 1—Hendrix review ofsubmitted applications begins

> december 1 —Date for submission ofapplications to be considered for firstround ofAcademic Scholarships

> december 17 —Admission decisionsaremailed out to thosewho submittedcompleted applications byDecember 1

winter/springVisitHendrix—Signup for one of ourspring visit days atwww.hendrix.edu/campusvisit.

Rememberdeadlines—Onlybycompletingall thenecessary formsandapplicationsontime can you be certain that youwill beconsidered for every type of need-basedand achievement-based aid forwhich youmight be eligible.

> january 1 — Earliest date that youcan submit your completed FAFSA

> february 1 —Date bywhichapplications for theHaysMemorialScholarship andExtracurricularScholarshipsmust be submitted

> february 15 — Priority date forsubmitting the FAFSA

> may 1 —Date for submitting yourenrollment deposit

> june 1 —Date bywhich theArkansasUniversal ScholarshipApplicationmust be submitted (Arkansasstudents only)

Page 11: Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure

ScholarshipDeadlinestoRemember> december 1 —AcademicScholarships(priority date)

> february 1 —HaysMemorialScholarshipApplication

> february 1 —ExtracurricularScholarshipsApplication forPerformingandFineArtsScholarship,HendrixCollegeLeadershipAward,UnitedMethodistYouthFellowshipLeadershipScholarship,andMillerCenterServiceScholarship

> february 1 — ArkansasGovernor’sScholarsProgram (via ArkansasUniversal Scholarship Application)

> february 15 —Robert andRubyPriddyScholarship (priority date)

> march 14 —PerformingandFineArtsScholarship auditionsmustbe completedby this date

> june 1 —ArkansasUniversalScholarshipApplication (Arkansas students only)

> OdysseyHonorsandDistinctionAwardconsiderationuponacceptancetoHendrix

> NationalMerit,NationalAchievement,andNationalHispanic FinalistsmusttakePSAT/NMSQTby the junior year

ForMoreInformationYoucancontact us directly to obtainmore information,or visit us onlineatwww.hendrix.edu/financialaid.

Hendrix CollegeOffice of Financial Aid1600WashingtonAvenueConway,Arkansas 72032-3080Phone: 501-450-1368or800-277-9017Fax: 501-450-3871Email: [email protected]

Hendrix adheres to theprinciple of equal educational andemployment opportunitywithout regard to age,race,gender,disability,sexual orientation,ornational origin.Further,theCollege is committed to themaintenance of anatmosphereof civility and respect for all students,faculty,and staff.

hendrix offers a full complement of achievement-based andneed-based scholarships,grants,and low-interest loans fromfederal,state,and institutional sources.Wealsohave avariety of payment

plans thatmakebudgeting easier for youandyour family.

achievement-based scholarship programs 2

extracurricular scholarships 4

information about the fafsa 5

need-based financial aid programs 6

payment plans 7

dates to remember 8


KeepthesefactsfirmlyinmindwhenconsideringHendrixCollege:> Formore than25years— including2010—Hendrixhasbeen recognizedas a “BestBuy” by theFiske Guide to Colleges.

> 100percent ofHendrix students receive some formof achievement-basedand/orneed-based financial assistance.The average2010-11 award is $24,430.

>Hendrix’s comprehensive fee for 2010-11 (including tuition,double occupancyresidencehall room,unlimitedboardplan,andmandatory fees) is $41,126.

Page 12: Hendrix College Financial Aid Brochure

ScholarshipsandFinancialAid411:information about scholarshipsand financial aid at hendrix college

U.S.NewsU.S.News Best Colleges

Best Colleges 20102010





college: Four-year,private,residential, coeducationalcollege of liberal arts foundedin 1876 and affiliatedwiththeUnitedMethodist Church;Phi BetaKappa chapter

location: Conway, AR,suburbancity of 57,500; 30minutes fromLittle Rock (metro.pop.: 650,000)

students: 1,463 from 42 statesand 13 countries; 14 percentminority enrollment

academic profile, class of ’14:52 percent in top 10th of high schoolclass,81 percent in top quarter;midrange scores: 1170-1360 SATand 27-32ACT,and 3.57-4.26 GPA

faculty: 102 full-time,95 percentwith Ph.D.or equivalent degree

student/faculty ratio: 13:1

average class size: 19

majors: 33 undergraduatemajors,32minors:M.A. in accounting

post graduate: Themajorityof our students enter graduateor professional school eitherimmediately after graduating orthe following year.Approximatelyone-third enroll in graduate schoolwithin the first year of graduation,while other graduates seekemployment and report findinga jobwithin sixmonths ofgraduation.

residence options: Co-edandsingle sex; six traditional residencehalls,five residencehouses,threethemehouses,and fiveapartmentcomplexes(morethan85percentofstudentsliveincollege-ownedhousing)

campus: 180 acres encompassingacademic, residential, andrecreational resources,plusarboretum,gazebo,and pecan court;also includes “NewUrbanism”community,TheVillage atHendrix

facilities: Art complex, life sciencescenter,physical sciences center,chapel,auditorium,theatre,wellnessandathletics center,andnewstudentlife and technologycenter

clubs & organizations: 70+

athletics:NCAADivision III,Southern Collegiate AthleticConference: Baseball (M),Basketball(M&W),Cross country (M&W),Fieldhockey(W),Golf (M&W),Lacrosse(M),Soccer (M&W),Softball (W),Swimming and diving (M&W),Tennis (M&W),Track and field(M&W),andVolleyball (W)

comprehensive fee, 2010-11:$41,126 (tuition, room,board,andmandatory fees)

financial aid: 100 percent ofstudents receive some formof achievement-based and/or need-based state, federal,or institutionalassistance; $24,430 average awardfor 2010-11

Majorsaccounting*allied healthamerican studies*art*biochemistry/molecular biologybiology*chemical physicschemistry*classics*computer science*economics*economics and businessenglish*

creative writingfilm studies*literary studies

environmental studiesfrench*german*history*interdisciplinary studiesinternational relations*mathematics*music*philosophy*philosophy and religious studiesphysics*politics*psychology*religious studies*sociology*/anthropology*

anthropology emphasissociology emphasis

spanish*theatre arts*

*MinorsMinors are offered in all asteriskedmajor programsaswell asAfricanaStudies,Art (History),AsianStudies,Dance,Education(Secondary emphasis),GenderStudies,and InternationalBusiness.

Pre-professionalProgramsdentistryengineeringlawmedicineministrypharmacypublic healthsecondary teacher educationsocial workveterinary medicine

office of admission

1600 washington avenue

conway, arkansas


phone: 501-450-1362 or 800-277-9017

fax: 501-450-3843

email: [email protected]

web: www.hendrix.edu

