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Henry IV: Part 1

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By: Tracy, Samson, Emily, Aileen
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Act 1

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ension was high in the floating mansion; the counsellors discussed with concern

and worrisome looks as Mr. Henry shushed them down. Appearing calm, he was

prepared to reassure them that everything will be alright—though he felt

uneasy and doubtful. He had reasons to be—things have been pretty rough lately. The rebels,

who have great technology at their finger-tips, were battling against Mr. Henry’s armies on

both the Scottish and Welsh borders. Recently receiving bad news from his most-trusted

counsellor Mr. West, Mr. Henry must now give the new information to the rest of his


“My fellow counsellors,” Mr. Henry began. “It is with deep sadness that I say that Mr.

Mortimer has lost his battle against Glyndwr; he has now been captured. The casualties are

quite high and the treatment of our men is quite disturbing. It seems like they have been

turned into digital dust,” The counsellors muttered among themselves and began typing

hectically on their hologramic laptops. The

volume in the room grew louder and louder,

echoing against the vast space.

“Ok ok, please quiet down. We mustn’t

be discouraged; I bear good news as well. Young

Henry Percy has just won his battle against the

Scottish rebels,” Mr. Henry waved his hand to a

large screen behind him. A young man, no more

than 30, appeared on the high-definition screen.

It was a pre-recorded video.

“Hello Mr. Henry, counsellors. All is well

on the Scottish side. We have defeated the Douglas and his large army and collected their

nuclear weapons. I will send you his son Mordake and keep the prisoners for now.”

Mr. Henry let out a big sigh. He is certainly comforted by the fact that Henry Percy, also

known as Hotspur, has won the battle. Hotspur, at such a young age, possessed honour that his

elders do not even have; his bravery was admired even by his mentors. Though he was guilty

for feeling this, Mr. Henry cannot deny the fact that he wished Hotspur was his son rather than

his own Harry. Mr. Henry shakes his head as he remembers seeing his son at the Chicken Feet

Pub with a bunch of commoners, completely drunk and talking rudely. He could barely stand up.

Mr. Henry thought. How did I raise a son like this, a powerless, dishonoured coward? He is

certainly not ready to become king until he attains the quality to lead the country.

A feeling of discomfort travelled through Mr. Henry’s body as he thought about his

dictatorship. In all honesty, he was truly tired of all the unrest and carrying the weight of the


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country, even though he knew that it was the honourable thing to do. He missed the days when

he wasn’t so important, when one wrong move wouldn't cost the deaths of thousands. The

responsibility was overwhelming; it was something he didn’t realize when he obtained his

power. Mr. Henry’s once bright, blond hair has turned almost as grey as the circle under his


Realizing that he had gone too long without speaking, Mr. Henry broke the silence

before he dismissed his counsellors. “Tomorrow I will bring Hotspur into the floating mansion.

Something smells a little fishy here.”

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ight fell in a quiet corner of London, where a lonesome building stood. The

wind whooshed violently, causing the trees to creak in haunting noises; a

flickering pink neon sign on the building reads Chicken Feet Pub, though most

of the letters were not illuminated. It seemed like the perfect crime scene, giving the creeps to

anyone who walked by.

Inside the pub, a completely different atmosphere was present; drunken men with red

faces were yelling their faces off at each other, people were eating chicken feet (duh), and

strange music was playing in the background: techno-robotic folk, they call it (some kind of new

trend). The loudest in the crowd, John Falstaff, was telling his friends another pointless “back-

in-the-day-saving-the-world” story.

“…so yes, my friends, that’s how I stole from the richest family in town with the gang. If

it wasn’t for me that night, two lads would’ve been killed.” The crowd laughed; His story was so

outrageous, it was entertaining. “Now I can put those skills to use agai—hey Hal, are you even

listening to me?”

A man, most likely the youngest of all in the pub, snapped out of his daydream. It was

not noticeable, but he seemed oddly out of place; it wasn’t his attire or his messy hair, but he

didn’t seem like his peers.

“Huh?” The young man replied lazily. He checked his phone quickly and put it back into

his pocket.

“Start listening to me and stop dreaming, Hal! Goodness, I can already tell that you’re

going to be a horrible king, if you live long enough to become one. Anyway, we were just talking

about another job Poins found out about,” Falstaff shouted as a man in plaid beside him

nodded. “You know, just some easy money. You taggin’ along?”

“You already know the answer to that question, Falstaff. I am no thief. Even if I were, I

would never participate in anything involving you. We all know how that would end.” Hal


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Falstaff, pretending to look insulted, smacked his

hands on the table and stood up. Hal could see a slight twitch in Falstaff’s mouth, like he was

about to burst out in laughter any second.

“It just means that you are a useless, drunk, old man with nothing better to do than to

steal other people’s stuff. Count me out.”


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“Well, not all of us have a fancy floating mansion to go back to. This is real life, not some

game. As a future dictator, you definitely don't have—what do you guys call it—right, honour.

What a coward.”

“I am a coward? Ha! Look who’s talking, the guy who saved two lads?” Hal teased.

“It was ten men! I don’t know where you got two from,” Falstaff said as he proceeded to

the door. “Well, I would advise you to reconsider my offer. You can't call yourself a man until

you get out of your comfort zone. C’mon, loosen up and enjoy life!” He stumbled a few times

until some men help steady him. He brushed them off and walked out.

The pub suddenly died down after Falstaff left; he was, indeed, the life of the party. The

waitress that Falstaff often made inappropriate comments about began to clean the tables. The

man with the plaid shirt, named Poins, sat down on the chair beside Hal.

“Hal, why wouldn’t you come with us tomorrow? It will be great fun,” Poins said.

Hal shook his head as he checked his phone. Again. “No, I don't think so. What’s all this about


“Some rich businessmen are passing by Gad’s hill tomorrow, and of course this is a great

opportunity in our eyes. We heard that they are taking some computer chips to sell at the

superstore. Ya’ know, the ones that cost a fortune.”

“Sounds fun Poins, but no thanks.” Hal replied sarcastically.

“Wait, I’m not finished,” Poins started whispering. “I have this great idea: why don’t we

pull a practical joke on Falstaff and all the men going tomorrow night? We’ll tell them that we’ll

meet them but won't show up. Then after they rob the businessmen we’ll attack them and steal

everything they have stolen. I have everything planned out—the car is ready and we’ll have

disguises. Admit it Hal, it’s a pretty genius idea. ”

Hal suddenly became interested. He was always amused at the wonderfully exaggerated

stories that Falstaff told. The things that Falstaff will invent after the event will be pretty

hilarious. After some thought, Hal decided that he would join in.

“Wonderful! I suppose I will see you tomorrow night.” Poins waved goodbye.

Hal waved. With the comfortable silence in the pub, Hal drank a few more beers and

found himself talking to the rubber chicken decoration on the wall.

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“Oh Mr. Chicken,” he began. “How stupid is my father, all the English people, and even

my friends? Can they not see that I’m deceiving them? They think I’m lazy and powerless, but

they’re wrong: I’m the most powerful of them all,” Hal chuckled.

“The power,” he continued. “To control how they perceive me. They may think I’m a

lazy, useless, dishonoured man and I’m setting myself up for failure. Little do they know, I’m

hanging around a bunch of nobodies and acting recklessly for a reason. Despite some stupid

qualities, Falstaff is easygoing and fun to be around; it’s something that I can’t obtain from

people of my level. My father rarely has time for me ever since he became dictator. That life is

not something I want. At least not now. But when I do, I need to keep people loyal, and they

would not appreciate me if I am a good man all along. My father may have power, but he does

not know how to maintain it. But with the people’s low expectations of me, I will be there when

they need me the most. I will surprise them with my transformation, when I reveal my


A few bystanders found Hal’s rambling to a rubber chicken especially amusing, and urged him

to continue. But Hal was already in deep dreams, thinking of eating more chicken feet.

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r. Henry waited anxiously at his mansion as Hotspur was about to arrive. He

has been troubled by the fact that Hotspur decided to keep the prisoners

that was rightfully supposed to be his. The more Mr. Henry thought about it,

the more upset he got. He didn’t know what the rebellious act meant and felt threatened.

By the time Hotspur walked in with his father, Mr. Northumberland, Mr. Henry was

already enraged. It also didn't help that Hotspur’s uncle, Mr. Worcester, was there as well. Mr.

Henry and Mr. Worcester have run into some conflicts recently; it seemed like Mr. Worcester

was unhappy with the way Mr. Henry has been treating his family. Before Mr. Worcester could

even speak, Mr. Henry sent him out of his room.

“I’ve been extremely tolerant on your

actions lately, Hotspur,” Mr. Henry began. “Yes,

you have won a battle, but keeping my prisoners

from me? Are you out of your mind?”

“Mr. Henry,” Hotspur said loudly. “Please

listen; I have an explanation for this.”

“I don't want to hear it; only cowards

make excuses. Just give me my prisoners back. ”

“Oh yeah?” Hotspur, suddenly angered by

this, turned as red as Mr. Henry. “Pay ransom for

my brother-in-law, Mr. Mortimer. Then you can

have your prisoners.”

“THAT TRAITOR! I haven’t given thought

to him in days. Don't you ever mention his name

in front of me. I have found out, Hotspur, that he

married the enemy’s daughter; perhaps he even lost his battle on purpose. Do not let your

uncle deceive you; Mortimer is a disgrace to the country.”

Hotspur, getting angrier and angrier, was about to blurt out something that would get

him in trouble. Thankfully, Mr. Northumberland put a stop to it before it happened.

“Mr. Henry, please consider our proposition as Mr. Mortimer is a close family member

of ours. I’m sure you would do the same for Harry.”

Hotspur almost laughed. He definitely wouldn’t, not for that loser.


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“This is not up for argument. You can leave now; if you don’t return my prisoners, you

will get it.”Mr. Henry turned around. The conversation was over.

Hotspur stomped out of the room with rage as Mr. Northumberland followed and shook

his head. That boy. His quick temper is going to cost him someday.


“…giving back his prisoners? Ha! What a joke. I will never do so.” Joining his family in the

elevator, Mr. Worcester can already hear Hotspur screaming his head off to his father.

“What happened?”Mr. Worcester asked curiously, though he probably already knew the


Mr. Northumberland explained the situation as Hotspur attempted to calm down.

“You do know, Mortimer was supposedly next to the throne if Henry hasn’t overthrown

Richard,” Mr. Worcester said after a little thought.

“What poor judgement we have then, to help Henry to his kingship.” Hotspur said. “He

keeps saying that he will repay us, but what has he done so far?”


“He should’ve of saw this coming—he should’ve known that he would make many

enemies with his new power. And now we are one of them. England is in bad hands. We need

to take back what we deserve. So what if I die from fighting? My death will be filled with

honour and glory. But victory will be ours; he is clearly threatened. I will do anything in my

power to take his power!”

“Please nephew, stop interrupting and listen to me. While you are wasting your time

with words, we have already figured out a plan. Go, release your prisoners and befriend the

Douglas. Give him the Ipad 85, as he is especially fond of it. Your father and I will find alliances

that Henry has wronged. Don't do anything stupid. Wait until I send you a hologram message. ”

“Revenge is sweet. I will do as you say, uncle.”

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Act 2

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arkness filled the air. Beyond in the distance only a dim glow from the city was present behind trees among the long, rolling fields. There was no sign of civilization except for the employees and visitors inside. In the room of the merchants, the alarm clock rings

and startles the men. They need to get to London so they can get their shipment to the superstore on time. The leader of the group, Percy, whispered, “Oh man, it’s almost 4 o'clock and we’re not even packed yet! Ron get up! Let’s go.”

He replied, “Ugh!!! Wait, this pillow is so soft!” After hustling around, the men were finally packed and ready to go. Percy brandished at the

glowing door that showed the day’s weather condition, foggy. It opened and they went on their way to the mess hall. The mess hall was quiet, small, and there was only one party throughout the whole room. The men grabbed a table far away from the other party, near the kitchen and went up to get their food. It was an average breakfast for a rundown place, cereal, an assortment of baked goods, and fruit.

“This muffin doesn’t taste like how it used to be,” Ron wailed. “It’s been like this since old man Jefferson passed away. He used to make all the food himself. I

bet now it’s all from the grocery store,” Percy replied. One of the men at the other party got up and came towards the businessmen. He looked quite

mediocre, a slim man wearing a long t-shirt and jeans. A smile decorated his face as he came towards the table. His name was Gadshill.

“Hello there. What brings you here to this run-down motel?” Gadshill said. “We’re on our way to super store in London,” Percy replied. “Oh! Great! It must be good to come back to the city.” “So what brings you in here?” Ron snapped. His faced seem tight, suspecting something odd

about Gadshill. “No, nothing, I was just wondering what two nicely dressed men could be doing so early in the

morning.” Ron gave Gadshill a look which made him step back. He looked at Percy and they both got up

and left. “Oh joy, angry customers.” Gadshill walked out into the lobby and noticed that the clerk had

overheard the conversation. He walked up to the clerk as if he was about to jump him. “Hey you! What’s the deal with the two merchants?” The clerk, fumbled into his computer. “They work for Leading Edge and they’ve got a bunch of

new products with them.” the clerk replied. With a forced smile he said, “You did quite a swell job introducing yourself to your victims.”

“Don’t tell me how to run my job. Now here’s fifty pounds. You heard and saw nothing.” “H-Have a nice day.”

The night was cool. The moon shone down onto the Earth with rays of streaking light. About a kilometer away, there lay Hal, hiding among the bushes in the forest waiting for Poins. The treetops lay tightly together, allowing little light to get through. The only sound heard was the breaths of Hal, who was dressed in black suit with a balaclava.

rustling sound came from behind Hal. He reached for the handle of his weapon and turned around. Slowly he pulled out the rubber covered black handle, preparing himself to release the weapon that was inside. The rustling came closer and closer and Hal could now see the bushes



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and branches moving. The figure came in sight and Hal was ready to give the person a knock on the head. “My gosh-” “Poins!” Hal said. “That motorcycle of Falstaff’s is one hunk of junk! I had to use the sound barrier to keep it from making any noise. Now it has to recharge.” The sound of footsteps were heard and someone was coming from the roadside of the forest. The silhouette was large and tall with one wild beard. He was coming towards Poins and Hal. In a flash, Poins jumped behind the bush and Hal started ruffling the other bushes to cover up the sound. Falstaff walked in saying, “Where is Poins? That devil of a man took my motorcycle and now I can’t find it! How am I supposed to rob these businessmen now? Do you expect me to even work if I can’t even move? God! If I come out alive from not being sentenced to death, I’ll never work as a criminal again!” Suddenly, the birds went flying out of the forest from the yelling. Soon after the noise died down, the others came back from the left side of the forest and Poins was with them. Hal was startled, “How did you-” “You guys are the worst friends ever! Now I ask you to give me my motorcycle and I’ll be leaving.” “You aren’t leaving here until this job is finished!” Hal replied sharply. “I wouldn’t be here because of you, so you’re going to listen to me. You go out on the road and tell me if you see anything!” Falstaff, looking like he was about to explode, slowly turned to the road and walked away from the group. His footsteps were heavy and full of rage. As he turned towards the hotel, a man jumped out and the group saw him fall down to the floor with a loud thump. Quickly, they rushed out to see if he was okay. Right beside him was Gadshill clutching his head on the ground moaning at the pain. The unhurt guys were on their knees seeing if any wounds had occurred. Suddenly, Gadshill opened his eyes and got up. “Oi! What are you doing! We’ve got some businessmen to rob!” Gadshill looked down at Falstaff and saw that he was in no more pain and gave him a nudge. “It’s only two men, but they know what they’re doing. They’ve got the new shipment of stuff going to the superstore. It’s probably millions worth of pounds in there.” “Okay, that means you four are going to get them in the front. Poins and I will get them in the back if they try to run,” Henry said.

“What if they got a teleporter? Won’t they just pass right through us?” replied Falstaff. “Falstaff, you’re such a noob. I can’t believe you try to teach ME what to do. You old fart, we’ve

already got this in the bag. A barrier has been set up so that no one can leave the vicinity unless it is deactivate it. Now all you’ve got to do is stop them, tie them up, and get the trucks. Notify us when you get it.”

“I put your bikes over there,” Poins said with a smile, pointing to the side. “Good luck boys, and a happy plundering,” Falstaff said gleefully. The men ran to their bikes which were not too far from the rendez-vous point, and began driving to the motel. They went over a hill and the motel was in sight. The small building grew larger as the seconds passed by. Soon they were almost there and Falstaff signalled the men to speed up. Out near the motel, the businessmen were leaving the building. They heard the sound of Falstaff’s motor but disregarded it, thinking that it was another old man with an old motor vehicle. Suddenly, the they were surrounded by dark figures in balaclavas. The circle of bikes slowed down until dark figures were visible. “Put your hands up. This is a thievery!” A hoarse and deep voice said. “Nobody leaves here alive!” The figure on the other side said. Frantically, the men tried to escape, but they were blocked by the barricade of motorcycles and men. They were too far away for their remotes

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to activate the truck, so they were helpless. The businessmen and the thieves struggled for a minute. Punches and kicks were thrown at faces, chests, and legs. Finally, the men were caught from behind and their limbs became useless. They struggled for a bit but it was useless. The thieves bound their feet and wrists, tied their arms and chest, and put a scarf in their mouths to suppress the sound they would make. When they got to the back of the truck, two big large fellows, about 6 foot 3, came from behind them and exclaimed, “THIS IS OUR TRUCK NOW!” The men pulled their sleeves up, revealing their muscular arms, and cracked their huge knuckles in intimidation. In a flurry, all the men ran to their motorcycles to escape except Falstaff, who decided to take two swings at the men who dodged it. Then one of them prepared for a punch. Before he could even swing, Falstaff had gotten on his bike and drove off. “Ha-ha, suckers!” the voice of Poins exclaimed. All at once, the image of the two large men disappeared and Poins and Hal were now in sight. “Holograms. Best thing ever,” Hal said. “The poor sacks, they gave up so easily. If this wasn’t a practical joke, I’d

pity them. It feels good to be the manipulator.” The night was cool. The moon shone down onto the Earth with rays of streaking light. About a kilometer away, there lay Hal, hiding among the bushes in the forest waiting for Poins. The treetops lay tightly together, allowing little light to get through. The only sound heard was the breaths of Hal, who was dressed in black suit with a balaclava.

A rustling sound came from behind Hal. He reached for the handle of his weapon and turned around. Slowly he pulled out the rubber covered black handle, preparing himself to release the weapon that was inside. The rustling came closer and closer and Hal could now see the bushes and branches moving. The figure came in sight and Hal was ready to give the person a knock on the head. “My gosh-” “Poins!” Hal said. “That motorcycle of Falstaff’s is one hunk of junk! I had to use the sound barrier to keep it from making any noise. Now it has to recharge.” The sound of footsteps were heard and someone was coming from the roadside of the forest. The silhouette was large and tall with one wild beard. He was coming towards Poins and Hal. In a flash, Poins jumped behind the bush and Hal started ruffling the other bushes to cover up the sound. Falstaff walked in saying, “Where is Poins? That devil of a man took my motorcycle and now I can’t find it! How am I supposed to rob these businessmen now? Do you expect me to even work if I can’t even move? God! If I come out alive from not being sentenced to death, I’ll never work as a criminal again!” Suddenly, the birds went flying out of the forest from the yelling. Soon after the noise died down, the others came back from the left side of the forest and Poins was with them. Hal was startled, “How did you-” “You guys are the worst friends ever! Now I ask you to give me my motorcycle and I’ll be leaving.”

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“You aren’t leaving here until this job is finished!” Hal replied sharply. “I wouldn’t be here because of you, so you’re going to listen to me. You go out on the road and tell me if you see anything!” Falstaff, looking like he was about to explode, slowly turned to the road and walked away from the group. His footsteps were heavy and full of rage. As he turned towards the hotel, a man jumped out and the group saw him fall down to the floor with a loud thump. Quickly, they rushed out to see if he was okay. Right beside him was Gadshill clutching his head on the ground moaning at the pain. The unhurt guys were on their knees seeing if any wounds had occurred. Suddenly, Gadshill opened his eyes and got up. “Oi! What are you doing! We’ve got some businessmen to rob!” Gadshill looked down at Falstaff and saw that he was in no more pain and gave him a nudge. “It’s only two men, but they know what they’re doing. They’ve got the new shipment of stuff going to the superstore. It’s probably millions worth of pounds in there.” “Okay, that means you four are going to get them in the front. Poins and I will get them in the back if they try to run,” Henry said.

“What if they got a teleporter? Won’t they just pass right through us?” replied Falstaff. “Falstaff, you’re such a noob. I can’t believe you try to teach ME what to do. You old fart, we’ve

already got this in the bag. A barrier has been set up so that no one can leave the vicinity unless it is deactivate it. Now all you’ve got to do is stop them, tie them up, and get the trucks. Notify us when you get it.”

“I put your bikes over there,” Poins said with a smile, pointing to the side. “Good luck boys, and a happy plundering,” Falstaff said gleefully. The men ran to their bikes which were not too far from the rendez-vous point, and began driving to the motel. They went over a hill and the motel was in sight. The small building grew larger as the seconds passed by. Soon they were almost there and Falstaff signalled the men to speed up. Out near the motel, the businessmen were leaving the building. They heard the sound of Falstaff’s motor but disregarded it, thinking that it was another old man with an old motor vehicle. Suddenly, the they were surrounded by dark figures in balaclavas. The circle of bikes slowed down until dark figures were visible. “Put your hands up. This is a thievery!” A hoarse and deep voice said. “Nobody leaves here alive!” The figure on the other side said. Frantically, the men tried to escape, but they were blocked by the barricade of motorcycles and men. They were too far away for their remotes to activate the truck, so they were helpless. The businessmen and the thieves struggled for a minute. Punches and kicks were thrown at faces, chests, and legs. Finally, the men were caught from behind and their limbs became useless. They struggled for a bit but it was useless. The thieves bound their feet and wrists, tied their arms and chest, and put a scarf in their mouths to suppress the sound they would make. When they got to the back of the truck, two big large fellows, about 6 foot 3, came from behind them and exclaimed, “THIS IS OUR TRUCK NOW!” The men pulled their sleeves up, revealing their muscular arms, and cracked their huge knuckles in intimidation. In a flurry, all the men ran to their motorcycles to escape except Falstaff, who decided to take two swings at the men who dodged it. Then one of them prepared for a punch. Before he could even swing, Falstaff had gotten on his bike and drove off. “Ha-ha, suckers!” the voice of Poins exclaimed. All at once, the image of the two large men disappeared and Poins and Hal were now in sight. “Holograms. Best thing ever,” Hal said. “The poor sacks, they gave up so easily. If this wasn’t a practical joke, I’d pity them. It feels good to be the manipulator.”

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n angry Hotspur was reading an e-mail on his laptop, “Are you kidding me? How can you deny such a plot?! You don’t think that I have the power to take down Dictator Henry?!” Hotspur got out of his chair and started circling his desk, “We’ve planned this

for months! We made sure that we had everything covered! Men, weapons, invisible cloaks; I’ve even got confirmed e-mails from my allies saying that they will join the fight. It would be a guaranteed win!” Hotspur slammed his desk in anger. His lamp, laptop, papers, telephone, and pencil case jumped up.

Hotspur, still in the position from slamming the table, stayed there for a while. He was thinking of what to do when something struck him. He had to stop Pete, whom he e-mailed, from telling Dictator Henry about the war plan or his plan for rebellion would be abolished. Hotspur buzzed his tech director to intercept the e-mail when his wife, Kate entered the room.

“Hotspur, my dear loving Hotspur, why do you leave me alone? Why am I going to bed at night? I’ve heard you in your sleep. You talk about killing, about sending planes, shooting lasers, and yelling out battle cries! You sweat when you sleep and you toss and turn so much that I’ve had to move out to the other bed!”

Hotspur’s butler, dressed in a fine blazer, fitted with a tie walked in. He was a black man, very sophisticated and august.

“Master, your car is ready for leave.” “Thank you, you may leave now.” The butler bowed and backed out of the door. “You’re leaving me? You didn’t even tell me!” “Yes, now go away. Enjoy yourself while I’m gone.” “Don’t you love me? Don’t you care for my feelings? I thought you married me because you

cared for me! Where’s do my opinions come in? You know what. I’m going to go file a divorce right now!” “No! Wait my dear Kate. Come with me. I will go out today, and send for you tomorrow. When

you arrive, I will love you as infinitely as the stars in the skies. We’ll drive around the city and everybody will look at you. They will envy you, for you are Henry Percy’s beautiful wife. Will this make you happy?”

“And will you promise to love me forever as my loving husband?” “As long as I live.”

oins and Hal entered the chicken feet pub. Their black suits still on from their prank earlier in the day. It was quiet, since it was still early in the morning. The usuals were lying around on their seats, being drunk and asleep as always. The ruffled appearances of the usuals were everywhere

except for the occasional waiters that moved around getting their job done. Poins looked at his digital wristwatch, “Well it doesn’t look Falstaff and the others are going to be here for a while so I’ll show you a trick or too. My friend, go to the other side of the room, and we’ll have fun with the waiter boy Francis.” Hal called over Francis and tried striking a conversation with Francis. The boy came up to Hal when Poins called out his name. ‘Wait,’ the boy said. Hal continued by asking him questions. Each time Francis was in mid-sentence, Poins would call out his name. Soon this became a very repetitive act where eventually, all Hal could hear was ‘wait.’ “You dimwit, go and answer the man’s call, you’d lose a million pounds if you said wait one more time! Go you sad soul.”

After that the boy moved on. By the time he reached the middle of the room, Hal changed his voiced and called out, “Francis.” Without certainty, the boy stood in the middle, not knowing which way to go.

“Damn it Francis. Pick one side and go!” yelled the doorman. “My prince, Falstaff and the others are outside. Should I let them in?”

“No leave them outside for a bit and then let them in. That will leave the story more entertaining.” Poins came back from the other side of bar, finished having fun with Francis.



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“Are you ready to hear the tales of our wild Falstaff?” Henry asked. “Oh please, I was born ready,” Poins answered. “I’m still lucky that Hotspur hasn’t brought me into his car light,” Hal sighed. “I bet every morning he beats up hired people before breakfast. Mrs. Percy would say, ‘How many did you send to the hospital today honey?’ He would probably reply with a big ugly smirk, ‘All of them.’” Henry turned around and shouted, “Let them in! Let’s get the party started!” Falstaff and the other, tired exhausted and sweating buckets, walked into the bar. As soon as Falstaff set his grey eyes on Poins and Hal, he was immediately enraged. Steam began to come out of his ears and nose.

His face turned red and exclaimed, “Curse you bastards! You cowards, the one who left us abandoned. Francis, give me a glowing martini.” Falstaff gulped down the whole drink, “Our bikes ran out of energy halfway back here! The pain I had to go through to walk back here! Francis another.” The boy poured him another one and Falstaff gulped the whole thing again. Catching his breath he said, “Gee Francis, it’s not dirty enough. You are such a rogue like Hal. Cheating a customer out of his treasure,” Falstaff pointed at Hal. “He’s got some nerve to leave a damn man behind. What pride do you hold? Some son of a dictator...”

“Why so serious?” “You called that backup? Well that sucked beavers! Yeah, leaving four men behind to take care

of the millions of pounds worth of stuff.” “The stuff Falstaff! Where’s the stuff? Did you get it?” Hal asked. “Long gone from now. Because you bastards left us, we were left one hundred to the four of us.” Poins tried to ask surprised, “What one hundred?” “Yeah man, sixteen people were on us, and then we bound them. As we were going through the

goods, six to seven men jumped us.” Hal asked acting surprised, “You fought with them all?” “Oh yeah man. All of them,” Falstaff replied. “I got two of them, they came at me. I swear to

God Hal, if I’m a liar, then you can call me a Honda.” “If you say so,” Hal replied. “Okay so where was I? Right, the story. Okay, so the four guys were on me with their light

weapons and then-” “Honda you just said two,” Hal cut in. “No no, it was four, it was. Honestly. Now back to the story. The four came at me in their

buckram suits. They’re 7 pointed swords came at me.” “What? You said four, now it’s seven? Damn it Honda!” Hal said. “Yeah man, four buckram suits!” Poins added. “Please my friends,” Falstaff said putting up his hand to halt their interruptions. “Let me finish

my daring story. Ahem. The nine men in buckram suits came at me. I broke their light weapons and so they

closed on me. It was about to turn into a hand to hand combat, but luckily I gave a good smacking to the seven of the 11 men. It wasn’t over just yet, suddenly, three men in Kendal green came at me. It was horrible! I couldn’t see a thing. Not even the hand! These Kendal greens came at me with metal weapons.”

“What? How did you know if they were in Kendal green if you couldn’t even see a thing? What’s the reason for your lies?” Hal asked.

“Lies? What? Even if you tied me up to the most horrific torture machine I still wouldn’t tell you a lie!”

“Yeah okay, that’s enough. I’m done with holding my sins in,” Hal said. “Poins and I saw you take the thieves four on two. We saw you tie them up and put them in the truck. We have the goods right

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here to prove that we got you guys. It was so funny watching you getting on your bike. We watched how it ran out of energy and you took off on your feet as fast as possible. Stumbling every four seconds or so.”

“Yeah Falstaff, how many more tricks do you have up your sleeves?” Poins snickered. “Of course I knew it was you. I didn’t want to hurt you so I ran away. And now you’ve got the goods, you can give it to all of us in the bar! More drinks for everybody!” A roar from the awoken crowd responded in cheer. Hal being slightly satisfied with the outcome of his plan went on with Falstaff’s plan.

Suddenly, the maid of the pub came in and whispered to Hal that one of his father’s men was looking for him. Falstaff, decided to go out and play with the man to send him away. When he came back, he told Hal that he had to go back and see his father for a rebellion consisting of Glendower, Douglas, and the Percys’ had started against the Dictatorship. Hal, knowing that he would have to face his father again asked Falstaff to help him by pretending to be his father. “My dear son Henry,” Falstaff said, trying to imitate the Dictator. “I love where you spend your time, but I’m speaking out of mixed words from your mother and I. The more of your time is spent with partying, the more your youthfulness will be wasted and you will take it to your future, making an irresponsible dictator. I speak out of passion for your own good! Listen to me. Now I know a great man in town whom you should follow as an example. His name is Sir John Falstaff. I see virtue in that man and he is worthy of staying the London.” “What you're not even speaking like my father! You be me and let’s try again,” Hal said. “My son, the things I hear about you are grievous. It troubles me to my soul!” “Whatever they said must be lies” “You ungracious boy! You have none of it! There’s a devil that haunts you. Why do you talk with that fat disgusting lard of a person? He doesn’t even have good taste! His worthiness is nothing. His craft is villainy! That white-bearded satan” “Oh no, no father. He’s a great man. His white hairs tell of the pities he needs and the age of wisdom he’s gained. If being old and happy was a sin, then oh man that Falstaff is one damned man. Dad, banish anybody, anybody but Falstaff! If he goes, the whole world goes with him!” “Oh don’t get me wrong son. He will be banished.” Suddenly, the maiden of the pub rushed up to the busy quarreling couple, “Dear Hal, there’s a police man outside!” Hal, dropping his offensive self, took charge and seemed to run the house again like he was the boss. “Everyone hide! I’ll handle the man.” Hal walked to the door and saw that it was an investigator. The man fashioned a police hat. He wore a black bullet proof vest that had many pockets for utilities and protection. He was a short man and Hal dominated him by a head. “My lord Hal, there’s been a fat man who was involved with a robbery this morning,” the policeman said. “My man, I assure you he’s not here. I’ve had him work for me before. I’ll go question him about it and if he has done such a thing I’ll personally make sure that he gets the torture and charges he must take.” The policeman gave Hal a nod and walked to his car. Hal turned around and returned to the group only to find Falstaff asleep in his hiding place. Hal bent down and reached into Falstaff’s pockets to see if he had anything. ‘Loans,’ Hal thought to himself. ‘I’ll just take care of it myself then.’ Hal gave a great sigh, said his salutations to the bar people and left to see his father at the floating mansion.

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Act 3

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fter a long day of preparing and planning for war, all the rebels returned home. Before the day ends, the rebel leaders gathered for a Skype chat to figure out their plans of splitting Mr. Henry’s floating mansion when they defeat him in

battle. There are exactly 4 bedrooms, but all the rooms vary in size. Glendower suggested that he and Worcester will each get one of the two master bedrooms, while Mortimer and Hotspur will each get one of the guestrooms.

“I’m afraid of Karma what if the town doesn’t take us back as leaders.” Glendower revealed to the rest of the rebels.

Mortimer, Worcester and Hotspur all burst out in laughter. They started making fun of Glendower. “Why do you believe in such a thing, don’t worry we will be their leaders so they must follow our commands. Don’t be foolish. Karma is stupid.” As they all continue to make jokes, Glendower is not impressed with how the others are handling his superstitions and decides to leave the Skype chat.

When Hotspur, Mortimer and Worcester have realized that Glendower had left the meeting, they all felt remorse for what they had said. They all agreed that apologizing to

Glendower was the right thing to do, because they needed him in the battle to defeat King Henry.

Meanwhile at Mr. Henry’s floating mansion,

located in mid-town London, a partially drunk Hal arrived home. As Hal made his way into the mansion, he was escorted to Mr. Henry’s office.

“So Hal, what brings you home so late?” Henry questioned as Hal steps into the room.

“Just another late night hanging out at the pub,” Hal replied. Angrily, Mr. Henry said, “Look at you, you’re a mess! How am I supposed to trust you to continue my legacy? Hal you have to grow up, stop spending

most of your time at Chicken Feet Pub. When will you show the responsibilities that is worthy of becoming King? Speaking of King will you fight by my side this coming battle against the rebels? One of Mr. Henry’s soldiers entered to inform him about news on the rebels; they have been going around the country making allies to join them in defeating Mr. Henry. Hal overheard the conversation between the soldier and his father. With everything that is going on with the rebels and battle, Hal thought it is the best way to show his father he is worthy of becoming a leader when he defeats Hotspur in a battle.

Hal replied to Henry, “Since no one thinks I’m capable of becoming responsible enough to be a leader, with the battle that’s coming up I will defeat all the rebels that want to overthrow you and prove to everyone how mature and good of a leader I can be.”


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Back in the ghost town, Falstaff was at the Chicken Feet Pub drinking and being an immature adult as usual. Falstaff realized he has been pickpocketed but the waitress at the pub demands for money and for Falstaff to pay his bill.

“Do you see this tear in my jacket? All my money is gone. Someone must have taken my wallet.”

The waitress still doesn’t care, but as the two keep arguing Hal steps into the pub looking for Falstaff to inform him about going to war with the rebels. Hal saw the argument going on between Falstaff and the waitress and decided to bail him out by paying for his bill. Hal rushed Falstaff to start preparing for war, but instead of paying attention to Hal. Falstaff waved for the waitresses’ attention and ordered breakfast.

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Act 4

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t the Shrewsbury rebel refuge, Hotspur, the Douglas, and Mr. Worcester discussed their attack strategy. A messenger gingerly darted to the trio’s side, passing a video to Hotspur. Taking a skim at the title, Hotspur frowned.

“It said ‘Northumberland has fallen ill and cannot participate in the attack’,” Hotspur recited to the other two. Mr. Worcester gasped and took a seat nearby, clearly taken aback from what he was just told. “What terrible news, what terrible news,” Mr. Worcester repeated to himself, shaking his head grievingly, “Northumberland’s absence will be a grave wound to our manpower.” Hotspur exhaled deeply and stretched. “I think... I think we could be alright without ‘em. I mean if you think about it, sure we have one or two absent. But if we win without them, then they’ll be so much more honor for us, don’t you think?” He was beaming with optimism. A moment later, another messenger flew over to the trio. This messenger was Vernon, one of the Percys’ relatives.

“What brings Sir Richard Vernon to us?” Hotspur asked. “I have come to inform you that Henry’s troops are now commanded by the Earl of

Westmoreland and Prince John, and they are coming to Shrewsbury with seven thousand men with them”, Vernon replied, bowing. “Oh, I see. Well, no matter,” Hotspur smirked, “I have been wanting to engage in a death duel anyway with Harry -- you know, the Prince of Wales.” “However, that is not all I bring you,” Vernon continued. “Glyndwr has updated us from Wales that he will be unable to gather the required number of troops within fourteen days. Hotspur sighed, then shrugged his shoulders. “That won’t change my personal decision. If I must die, I want to die being happy.” “Yes, we will manage to get through this! We have Hotspur on our side after all,” Douglas jumped in the conversation, done with moping about the unfortunate news. “Alright, let’s revise our attack plans!” Hotspur said, smiling at Douglas. Meanwhile, Sir Walter Blunt arrives at the portal, offering a peace treaty for Henry to scan his signature. “Before I scan my signature on this low-quality excuse for a hologram, I will say this: If Hotspur and his gang just told me why they dislike me so much and cancel their plan to attack us, then I will ensure whatever they want will be given to them, as well as completely excusing the rebel’s offenses against us.” Hotspur was fuming up. He went up closer to Henry until they were centimeters away from each other. Hotspur made a groan of exasperation. “You want to know why me and my family hate you? You were some random, extra greedy person that threw the rightful heir that was supposed to be the one that got that airchair of yours off the flying castle. You took away Richard II’s power, and you used us to no end without a single thanks! There is nothing positive to say about you even if I tried!” With a huff, Hotspur turned on his heel and tramped out of the portal.


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Act 5

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orning broke as the hot scorching sun’s rays were climbing over the horizon. A holographic meeting was arranged from Mr. Henry to Mr. Worcester. Thinking of the guilt that remained from his past actions, Mr. Henry still wanted to avoid conflict at all

costs. The face of an angry Mr. Worcester appeared on Mr. Henry’s screen. "What Henry, too afraid to see me in person?" Mr. Worcester teased viciously. He knew that holographic meetings were only used for safety, so the two parties don’t have to meet in person.

"Look, Worcester, I don't have time for this, nor do I want to do it. I'm only going to propose this once: you don't want to lose men and I don't either. I love my people and it would pain me deeply to see them sacrifice themselves for a war that does not need to happen. Let us have peace; this could still be prevented." Mr. Worcester laughed. "Wow, straight to the point, huh? It's too late, old friend. The Percy family can never forgive your ungratefulness. You were once the underdog, Henry; you wouldn't be here without us. And how do you repay our family? By not retrieving Mortimer? By not acknowledging all that we've done for you? You're a joke, Henry. See you on the battlefield." Hal barged into the room, "Wait a minute!" Hal said. "Worcester, let me battle Hotspur; He’s a young daring man, worthy as my rival. He and his great position are worth the fight to save many lives." Without replying to Hal, the holographic screen turned into static. Mr. Henry sighed. "It's very unlikely that the rebels would agree to that---their armies are extremely strong," Mr. Henry explained. "It is unfortunate, really--what people will do for power, especially for such small reasons. Their excuses are not justifiable, and what they’re trying to do is corrupt. I know they are trying to overthrow me, I suppose it’s just part of the job. " Hal can't help to think that his father is describing his own past actions with Richard. He shook the feeling and got ready for combat; it seemed like the bloodshed was unavoidable.

As Hal came out of the room, Falstaff came up to him and inquired about the conference, “How did it go?” “Well, it doesn’t seem like they’re going to accept our one to one combat offering. I suppose that even if we lose, we die for the honour in our hearts.” “Wow. Honour. What can it do for us? It can’t give me a leg, or an arm. It won’t help me forget the horrible memories that I brought back from a war. It’s can’t help heal my wounds. What is honour then? Why’s it so important? You can’t feel it, nor hear it, nor can it even give me my freaking IPad 85! Only honour is given to the dead, they feel it. We can’t use it while we’re alive! Therefore I don’t need it. I’ll need no honour for this fight.” ---- Walking out of the hologram room where he talked with Mr. Henry, Mr. Worcester wore a grim look on his face. He knew that if he took the peace offering from Mr. Henry, he would risk his life being hostile forever. If they were to lose, Hotspur would be forgiven, and Mr. Worcester was not willing to live his life being a suspect for treason. He was going to die trying. “How did it go uncle?” asked a curious Hotspur. He was dressed in his battle armor waiting for the signal. It consisted of his machine gun, beam resistant armor, and many straps that held other devices. Whatever he said now determined the fate of many lives in the same clothes. “The answer was clear that Mr. Henry wants to battle,” Mr. Worcester replied. Hotspur hologrammed the Douglas. “Go and prepare the men for battle.”


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“Yes sir,” replied the Douglas. It was now set in stone, the war was about to begin. “Although,” added Worcester. “Hal offered a one on one to save the lives of many. He was very modest about it. He considered you a higher rank than himself, which, of course, you are.” “Well then. Never have I heard such a wild person be a sophisticated person. I will embrace him as my equal and we will fight in the battlefield.” A beeping sound suddenly appeared and it was coming from Hotspur’s watch. It was an e-mail. It seemed urgent but Hotspur ignored it because battle was about to begin. He marked it as important and turned off the hologram. “I will make sure that I will destroy everyone in our way, so that we can be heard and Mr. Henry will hear us.” Eagerly, Hotspur grabbed the phone hanging on the wall and yelled on the P.A. system, “Let’s spill some blood!” ---

“Mr. Henry is right there sir,” a soldier said. The Douglas looked up and saw a man looking down from his floating platform. He ran and flew up using his jetpack and landed on the platform and drew his spear. Mr. Henry and the Douglas struggled for a bit. Stabs, dodges, flying, punches, kicks, and slashes went around. Finally, the Douglas was able to get a stab through the abdomen of Mr. Henry. He was dead. Hotspur flew up on his jetpack and looked at the man.

“Douglas... That’s not the dictator! That was an imposter! Mr. Henry has a whip!” Hotspur said.

Down below, Hal ran into an abandoned building in the forest and saw that Falstaff was all alone.

“Falstaff, lend me your mace, my sword ran out of energy!” Hal said as his sword beeped with a low battery sign.

“No I can’t, If Hotspur’s still alive, I will need something to defend myself with!” Hal saw that his bag was on the ground and grabbed it. He stuffed his hand and pulled out something that felt like a handle. It was a beer bottle.

“Are you kidding me? Now’s the time to get drunk?” “Better alive than dead decoy of your father.”

--- Hal stumbled upon his father and Mr. West during battle near the forest entrance. Hal gained a scar across his cheek and the blood has gone down all the way to his neck. Hal looked quite intimidating as if though he wore a mask. “Mr. West, take the boy to our medical centre and get his scar patched up,” Mr. Henry said. “You do not need to take me there. I can go myself, and some scar like this won’t hold me back. Either way, I brought a teleporter with me.” Hal, seeing that he had wasted enough time, went back out to fight more soldiers. A rustling came sounded behind a bush; it was the Douglas. A wide grin appeared on his face, satisfied that he finally found the real Mr. Henry. “Yes! Another dictator, oh how many I’ve slayed today!” “So far you’ve only found imitators of the one true ruler of England. My two sons are searching for both the Percys and for you.” “It seems as though you’re the real one, but I’m not sure.” The Douglas took a slash at Mr. Henry, but he intercepted with his whip. Many slashes and dodges were traded when finally Mr. Henry pulled out a second whip for his other hand. Both men were exhausted and breathing heavily, but that didn’t stop them from trading more blows with each other. Lots of sound was produced from the clashing of their weapons.

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Inadvertently, when the Douglas took a swing at a motionless exhausted Mr. Henry, Hal came back and blocked the attack. Rage filled Hal’s eyes and he started swinging wildly at the Douglas. The attacks were so strong that the Douglas fled. “My son,” Henry paused for a breath. “You have saved me! I did not know you had so much courage and honour in you. All my opinions about you were wrong!” “Father, look clearly. This is the real me. Now go, you are needed somewhere else!” Mr. Henry left to see his allies. As Hal turned around, he could see Hotspur coming towards him; he pointed his gun and took some playing shots. Hal, being the smart kid, did not move for he knew Hotspur would not kill him just like that. The lasers whizzed past Hal very closely. One of them so close, it made his ear ring for a bit. Before Hotspur reached the spot, he killed a soldier and took his sword. “If I’m not mistaken, you are the spitting image of Mr. Henry,” said Hotspur. “Then you must be the infamous Henry Percy. A perfect name for a rebellion,” Hal complemented. “Two stars cannot coexist in one sphere. Only one of us will survive. Only one of us can be the true Henry of England!” The two clash out their differences. Only one could survive in this battle. The glory could only fit one person. The clashing of their swords was as even as each other. No one was overpowering; none could take each other by strength. The swords flew high, low, stabs, and dodges. At the side, Falstaff entered and cheered on for Hal. Half a minute later, the Douglas appeared behind him and challenged him. Falstaff took three blows at the Douglas. Falstaff, being too slow with his mace, was struck by a slash from the Douglas’s spear. It was only a surface cut. Falstaff fell down and pretended to be dead. Finally, after a few minutes of meaningless brandishes, Hal was able to slash Hotspur in the abdomen. Hotspur fell down and Hal quickly went to his side and turned him on his back. The smell of Hotspur’s Guts filled the air. In his final breaths Hotspur spoke, “I haven’t even had children yet and I’m about to die! The honour you have given me through this fight is bothering me more than my actual wound! I am now no more than a cold corpse and dust, and food for the...” Hotspur took his last breath and died with Hal at his side. “For the Worms Hotspur. Goodbye warrior. Your ambition has turned yourself into a shrivel body. When a spirit lingered in it, his position was too small for him. He wanted more, and that’s what cost him his death.” Hal then turned around and put his attention to his fallen friend not so far from him. “Poor old sack. That much skin couldn’t hold that tiny life of yours. I wish you wouldn’t have died. I must go, so for now, you lay with the rival.” After Hal had left, Falstaff got up. He looked at the corpse of Hotspur, “Poor soul. His corpse is a fake of the life he once had. It no longer lives, but if a man like me were to fake death, then that shows the trueness of life. The better part of valour is choice, and I used it to save my life.” Falstaff, still staring at the corpse, creeped out and scared that Hotspur might come back to life, stabbed with a dagger on him, to ensure his death. Henry and His brother John came back with floating beds to retrieve the corpses that lay in the private battlefield. Both tired and exhausted, came to see that Falstaff was up and moving. “Oh my God,” Hal said. “It’s either he’s alive or we’re hallucinating real bad. Wait a minute, if we can’t hear him, then we’d know he’s not dead.” “Actually, I’m quite alive,” Falstaff said. “And here I am! Here’s the dead Hotspur! Now if you don’t mind, I’m expecting to be in thehHigher position for such achievements. Hahaha!” Evidently, Falstaff was still drunk.

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“No way! I killed him and watched him die!” “Did you really? I tell you, we were out and exhausted when we met. But we mustered the courage to fight because our lives were at risk. And if he were to wake up and deny this story, then I’d make sure I’d kill him. This wound right there at the thigh, it was my doing,” Falstaff said proudly. “That’s one strange man,” John said. The Sirens of retreat blasted out loud. Everybody within a ten kilometer radius could have heard it. --- Resembling the scenes of morning, the deep, red sun sets; the battle has ended. Though both sides have uncountable casualties, Mr. Henry has won. Victory was his. Mr. Henry, his counsellors, and Hal were about to celebrate their victory when Mr. Worcester entered. He was handcuffed and suffered many injuries; he did not look like himself. The atmosphere suddenly changed drastically; they weren’t in the mood to celebrate anymore. “Well Worcester, you should’ve seen this coming. You could’ve one-hundred percent made the choice to have peace. Yet, you chose to lie to those who put their faith in you; your selfishness has cost them, not to mention thousands of innocent lives gone, just like that. I would have forgiven you, Worcester. ” Mr. Henry shook his head. Mr. Worcester spat on the ground. “What a load of garbage. Peace would have done nothing for me; your dictatorship is too important to you. You would’ve done anything in your power to eliminate me. Remember Henry, this isn’t over. The rebels will continue to fight you until we get what we deserve. I have no words for you, except all this had to be done.”

Mr. Henry proceeded to the door. “You should probably revaluate your hostility before it’s too late,” Then he turned around.” Oh wait, it already is. Worcester, you will be executed immediately.”

“Sassy,” one of the counsellors whispered. ----

In the darkness, a bonfire has been lit; Mr. Henry and Hal sat by it and conversed. “Hal, your performance today baffled me. I saw a new side of you that I have never seen before; your qualities are destined for a leader. What happened, exactly?” “After I killed Hotspur, the Douglas ran away, though he has seriously injured himself. He has been captured now, but please, father, allow me to free him; his bravery should be valued.” “Of course, Hal, do as you may. We are not quite finished yet: tomorrow we must face Worcester’s allies, Mortimer and Glendower. But I’m confident, Hal. We will get through all this, and a new chapter will begin. Have a good night rest, and we will battle when the sun rises.”

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