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Her in the Room Upstairs

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8/9/2019 Her in the Room Upstairs http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/her-in-the-room-upstairs 1/48  HER IN THE ROOM UPSTAIRS. A PLAY BY T. J. COLLETT  Email: [email protected] 1
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Email: [email protected]


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LOCATION: House in London.

TIME: 1956.

All furniture is symbolic in each room. The table and three chairs represent the

dinning room. A sofa represents the lounge and a bed represents a bedroom.


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Act One. Scene One.

A table and three chairs lower centre stage. A white tablecloth. A teapot, two cups and

saucers, sugar bowl, milk jug, plates, knives and forks on top. Upper stage left a door 

to passageway. Upper stage right a door to kitchen. Lower stage right a window with

 black curtains drawn back. The room is dim except around the table where Sydneysits at the table reading a newspaper. He is about thirty with short dark hair and

wearing old trousers and white opened necked shirt. He holds out the paper as he

turns a page. Opposite him is his wife, Violet. She is slim with long brown hair tied in

 bunches. She is wearing a grey dress with short sleeves.

Violet: I was always told it was bad manners to read at the table. (Pours

some tea into her cup. She looks at her husband. Pours some milk from the jug into

her cup and then puts it down on the table.)My father never did it. He never 

read at the table. (Spoons sugar into her cup and stirs.)He was a gentleman. He

knew his manners. (Stares at the newspaper.)My mother wouldn’t have

married him if hadn’t have been a gentleman. (Sips her tea holding her little

finger out as she sips.)There’s a time and place for everything my mother 

said. (Sydney folds the paper and continues reading.)A time and a place. (Sips her 

tea again.)Each thing has its place, she said.

Sydney: There’s been a murder round the corner.

Violet: What? (Looks at the newspaper.)Murder?

Sydney: That’s what it says here. (Turns the newspaper around to showViolet.)This bit here. (Points it out.)Some bloke had his head bashed in.

Violet: Does it say he had his head bashed in?

Sydney: Not in so many words, but that’s what it means. (Looks at Violet as

she reads the page across the table.)

Violet: Says here head injuries. How did you get head bashed in from

that? (Pushes the paper away from her and sips her tea.)

Sydney: You have to interpret these things for yourself. It’s only words

anyway. Words are words.

Violet: Wonder do did it? (Looks at Sydney.)Might be someone local.

Sydney: Might be someone from elsewhere. (Turns over the page.)You can’t

tell. Might be from anywhere.

Violet: Anyone we know?


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Sydney: What do you mean anyone we know? What the murderer or the

 poor bugger done in?

Violet: The person murdered. Is it anyone we know?

Sydney: No one I know. I don’t know who you know. (Holds the paper out

as he turns the page.)How do I know who you know? You know more

 people than I do, because you talk to more people than I do. You’re

always talking to people. You can’t walk down the street without talking

to some bugger. (Pause.)I bet you were like that when you were born. I bet

you chatted up the blooming doctor and midwife on your way out.

Violet: Why do you have to be so crude? You’re always crude you are.

Can’t open your mouth without being crude. Anyway it’s whom I know,not who. Whom I know. (Pause. Sips her tea.)Your tea’s getting cold. (Looks

at the newspaper.)I might know him by sight.

Sydney: Who? (Lowers the newspaper.)Who you talking about, now?

Violet: The man murdered. I might know him by sight.

Sydney: So what? What’s it matter if you know him or not? Unless you

done him in, of course. (Looks at his wife with a small grin.)Did you?

Violet: Did I what?

Sydney: Murder the bloke round the corner?

Violet: Of course I didn’t. What you take me for? I just said I might know

him by sight. (Sips her tea.)One sees people everyday. I might have seen

him. You never know whom you pass in the street. Could have seen him.

Sydney :( Puts down the newspaper on the table and sips his tea.)What’s it matter if you knew him or not? The blighter’s dead now. (Pause. Looks at

Violet.)How long has that advert been in the corner shop?

Violet: What advert?

Sydney: The one about the spare room.

Violet: Only a day or so.

Sydney: Thought we’d have heard by now.


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Violet: It’s hardly Buckingham Palace is it. People round here know these

 places. Have to wait a week or two. Don’t cost much to leave it in his

window for a few more weeks. (Pause. Sydney looks at the newspaper on the

table.)Might be a gentleman that wants it.

Sydney: Or some woman looking for digs. (Lifts the newspaper again.)

Violet: What would a woman want with a room on her own? Unless she’s

up to no good. Or her husband’s thrown her out.

Sydney: Might be a young girl just left home.

Violet: I’m not happy about another female being here.

Sydney: What? Don’t you trust me to behave me self?

Violet: Men can be tempted. A pretty woman in the house stirs passions.

Sydney: Can’t say I remember any of that.

Violet: Not sure if it’s a good idea, that’s all I’m saying. (Pause. Sips her 


Sydney: Woman or bloke, the money’ll come in handy.

Violet: Well. It makes sense. A room empty. Might as well let it out for 

money as sit there empty. Can’t see the point in that.

Sydney :( Finishes his tea and picks up the newspaper.)Right. I’m off. Don’t

forget to get those screws I asked for. That blooming shelf won’t stay up

there much longer without more screws.

Violet: I won’t forget. (Looks at Sydney.)What about the room?

Sydney: What about it?

Violet: What if a man comes? Do I let him have it?

Sydney: Have what?

Violet: The room, of course. What did you think I meant?

Sydney: Never mind. Tell whoever comes to come back this evening


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when I’m home. Best see him or her together so we can make up our 

minds together.

Violet: All right, if you say so. What don’t you trust me or something?

Sydney: I trust you; it’s them I don’t trust. (Pause. Knock at the outer door.)

Someone at the door.

Violet: Who can that be this time of the morning?

Sydney: Well go, look, and find out.

Violet: Don’t shift your bloody legs will you? Leave it to me as usual.(Goes upstage to the door and goes out. Sydney puts the newspaper under his arm and

 picks up his jacket from the other chair. Voices are heard offstage. He walks to the

window and looks out. He puts on his jacket.)

Sydney: Yak yak, that’s all she does from dawn to dusk. (Pause.)Her 

mother’s the same. Talk, talk, talk. Enough to give you the pip. No

wonder her old man was away for months on end. (Door opens upstage and

Violet enters followed by a young woman with short blonde hair wearing a brown

coat and black dress. They walk downstage towards the table.)

Violet: This young woman is interested in renting our room, Sydney.

Sydney: Oh, right. (Looks at the young woman. The young woman looks shyly

around the room.)Well, what do you think, Vi?

Violet: Up to you, Sydney. I don’t mind. (Looks at the woman.)Would you

like to see the room, Miss?

Sally: Sally Magfish is the name.

Violet: I’m Violet Tuckbrush and this is my husband, Sydney Tuckbrush.

Sydney: How do you do, Sally.

Sally: I’d like to see the room, if I may.

Violet: Of course. (Looks at Sydney.)I’ll show Miss Magfish her room then

Sydney, if you want to get off to work.

Sydney: Right, yes. Well, nice to have met you. Hope you like the room.

Violet: All right if Miss Magfish has the room then, if she likes it?


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Sydney: Yes, of course she can, if she wants it.

Sally: I’ll have a look, then. (Looks at Sydney shyly.)And maybe see you

later, Sydney.

Sydney: Yes, that’ll be nice. See you later then, maybe, if you like the

room, Sally. (He watches as Sally and Violet go upstage and leave the

room.)Wow. Nice looker. Not a bad figure either. Bit shy, but that don’t

matter none. (Pause.)Wonder where she’s from? (Pause.)Bet she won’t like

it here once she hears about that murder round the corner. Shame.

(Pause.)Brighten the house up a bit she will. (Pause. Looks around the

room.)Hope she likes the place. Nice to have a bit of company. (Smiles to

himself.)Can’t have too much of a good thing. Looking can’t harm anyone.A welcome sight she is. (Moves upstage and goes out by the door. The room is

silent for a minute or so. The door opens and the two women enter.)

Violet: He’s gone.

Sally: The room’s fine. I’ll take it if I may.

Violet: You sure?

Sally: Yes, it’s just what I was looking for.

Violet: Well, you can move in when you want.

Sally: I’ll bring my stuff this evening, if that’s all right?

Violet: Yes, that’ll be fine. Do you have much to bring?

Sally: No, not very much. (Pause.)Tonight, then.

Violet: Right. (They both look around the room for few moments then they move

 back upstage and stand by the door.)I do dinner about half six.

Sally: I’ll be here before that. See you then. (They go out the door. The room

is silent.) 

End of Scene One.

Act One. Scene Two.


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Later in the day. The room is dull, lit only over a large brown sofa lower centre

stage. Lower stage left window with blue curtains tied back. Upstage right, a door in

to passageway. Violet is standing by the window peering out. She is holding a book 

 behind her back. She looks for a few minutes, then walks downstage to the edge of the

stage and looks out over the auditorium.

Violet: I’m a bit nervous about letting the room upstairs, but we need theextra money. Mrs Ganstrong said at the butchers this morning that the

man who was murdered around the corner was a clerk in the City.

 Nothing big, just an ordinary clerk. “Kept himself to himself,” she said.

“Not seen him about much.” If she doesn’t know much about him, he

must have been a loner or a blooming hermit. (Pause.)Sydney doesn’t have

much to do with the people round here. He said they’re a common lot.

Always wanting to know your business. But they’re more his type than

mine. I was born and lived in West London, until the War, then I was sent

out to an aunt in Kent for six years. (Pause.) I couldn’t believe what hadhappened to London while I’d been away. The bombsites. The places I’d

known gone. The people spread about or dead. I met Sydney at a dance in

1946 and we got married the same year much to my parent’s annoyance.

(Pause.)Marry in haste, relent in leisure, they say. Seems to be true to me

at times. Sydney and I aren’t so close now. He has his interests and I have

mine. He wanted children, I didn’t. He wanted to live in Bermondsey

where his family live, I didn’t. Therefore, we live here and neither of us is

happy about it. (Pause. A knock off stage. Violet walks to the window and peers

out.)It’s her, I think. I hope she settles in. Seems strange having another woman about the place. (Walks upstage to the door and goes out. Voices in the

hall. After a few moments, Violet enters followed by Sally. They walk downstage to

the sofa and stand looking at each other.)

Violet: You found your way back here all right, then?

Sally: Yes. I’ve got my stuff. Not much of it.

Violet: I see there isn’t. Do you have some stored somewhere or is that all

you have?

Sally: All I’ve got now. I lost some of my stuff last year.

Violet: Oh, I see. (Pause.)Do you come from this area?

Sally: No. (Pause.)Can I unpack my stuff?

Violet: Yes, of course. (Pause.)Would you like a cup of tea?

Sally: Later, perhaps. (Looks around the room.)Can I come in heresometimes?


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Violet: Yes, I’m sure Sydney wouldn’t mind. We don’t have a television.

We listen to the radio in the evenings. Sydney likes the radio. Says it

leaves more to the imagination.

Sally: I won’t be a nuisance. I just thought it’d be relaxing to sit in here

now and again. If you don’t mind. I don’t want to be pushy.

Violet: No, it should be all right. I’ll see what Sydney says.

Sally: Have you been married long?

Violet: Ten years, this September.

Sally: No children?

Violet: No. (Pause.)We didn’t…

Sally: Sorry, it’s me being bloody nosey. I can’t get out of the habit of 

 being nosey. I know it’s rude. Sorry. My Mum says I shouldn’t be so


Violet: No, it’s all right. We didn’t want children, well not just yet.

Sally: Not everyone’s choice. I was one of six. Crowded out the house we

did. Couldn’t wait to get out and find my own space.

Violet: Sydney should be home soon. I usually get dinner once he’s


Sally: I’ll go to my room, let you get on.

Violet: I hope the room will suit you.

Sally: It looked all right. (Pause. Looks at Violet.)Do you work?

Violet: No. Sydney doesn’t think I should go out to work. Says he should

support me. He don’t believe in wives working.

Sally: Ought to find myself a husband like that.

Violet: Do you work? I didn’t ask you this morning.


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Sally: Yes. (Pause.)Right, I’ll get unpacked. Will you call me when

dinner’s ready?

Violet: Yes, if that’s all right? I wasn’t sure if you wanted to eat with us

or if you preferred…

Sally: That’s all right. I don’t mind if you and Sydney don’t mind. I mean

I could eat out if you wanted me to.

Violet: No, of course not. A room with meals was what we advertised.

Can’t have you forking out for meals as well can we?

Sally: What time does Sydney get home?

Violet: Soon. Well he should be soon. Sometimes he’s late. Depends on

the buses.

Sally :( Looks about the room and then suddenly walks to the window and stares

out.)Someone said there was a murder near here.

Violet: Yes. There was. Around the corner. No one we knew. Some clerk 

in the City so I heard.

Sally: Near to home though isn’t it. Anyone see anything?

Violet: Don’t know. Police will catch whoever did it I expect.

Sally: Yes, I expect they will. (Peers intently.)They do eventually.

Violet: I shouldn’t let it worry you; we don’t get many murders around


Sally :( Moves away from the window and stares at Violet.)One’s too many I’dhave thought. (Sighs.)I best get unpacked. (Moves upstage and leaves Violet by

the sofa.)You don’t know how glad I am to be here.

Violet: Nice to have you. (Stands uneasy by the sofa.)I’ll call you when

dinner’s ready. (Sally moves towards the door and opens it. She stops and looks

 back.)And I’m sure Sydney won’t mind you coming in here. (Sally says

nothing, but goes out closing the door behind her. Violet stares at the door.)

  End of Scene Two.

  Act One. Scene Three.


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Later that evening. Sidney and Sally are sitting opposite at the table. There are knives,

forks and spoons on the table with three glasses and a jug of water. There is salt,

 pepper and mustard in the centre.

Sidney: Do you like the room?

Sally: Yes, it’s nice. Quite cosy.

Sidney: Been empty for years. Never used much. Only for the occasional

visit from relatives. Which are rare, thank God.

Sally: Heard anything about that murder?

Sidney :( Pours himself some water from the jug, then offers the jug to


Sally: Thank you. Must be bit scary being so close to a murder?

Sidney: Haven’t heard anything. These things happen. Murders have to

happen somewhere, I suppose.

Sally: Your wife says he was a clerk in the City.

Sidney: She knows more than I do then, don’t she. (Puts the jug down.)She

makes it her business to know these things.

Sally: Wonder who did it?

Sidney: God knows. Some jealous husband, maybe. Perhaps he was

carrying on with some bloke’s misses.

Sally: Or perhaps his girlfriend done him in for some reason. (Sips her 

water and look at Sydney shyly.)Your wife says you’ve been married for ten


Sidney: Yes, seems like a lifetime. Even master criminals get the chance

of parole.

Sally: She said you wanted children, but she didn’t.

Sidney :( Looks upstage at the kitchen door.)What else she been saying? Told

you my hobbies or my shirt size?

Sally: I’m just a bit nosey. My mum says I’m too nosey for my own



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Sidney: You mum live around here?

Sally: No. (Pause.)What are your hobbies, then?

Sidney: Well, seeing as you’re asking, I like collecting stamps.

Sally: Stamps? You collect stamps?

Sidney :( Looks at Sally with a small grin.)Yes, it’s called philately and I’m a


Sally: Does it hurt? (Giggles.)What a funny name for stamp collecting.

Sidney: I’ve got quite a large collection.

Sally: I’d like to see them sometime. If you wanted me to see them.

Sidney: Yes, I’ll get them out sometime and show you.

Sally: That’ll be nice. (Pause. Looks at the glass.)What other hobbies do you

have, then?

Sidney: I like listening to the radio in the evenings. I like to listen to

classical music. Opera and that sort of thing.

Sally: Quite la-di-dah, aren’t you, in your hobbies.

Sidney: Well, it’s just what I happen to like. (Pause.)What you like, then?

What are your hobbies?

Sally: Haven’t got any really. (Pause. Sips her water.)I used to dance.

Sidney: Dance? You were a dancer?

Sally: Yes, for a while. (Pause.)What about your wife? Does she have any


Sidney: Gossiping is hers. Talk the beak off a parrot she would.

Sally :( Giggles. Looks at Sidney.)That’s a woman’s privilege that is. Got to

know these things. (Puts her glass down.)If you don’t ask, you don’t know,my mum always said. Got to find out what’s going on about you haven’t


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you? Can’t sit in ignorance while life passes you by.

Sidney: You’re a bright one, you are. (Pause.)Violet likes to read and listen

to the radio too. We both like classical music. She likes Elgar and the

British lot. I prefer the Germans. Beethoven and Brahms.

Sally: I used to dance on the stage for a while.

Sidney: Where was this, then?

Sally: All about the country. We used to tour. Do the theatres and all that.

Sidney: Don’t you do it anymore?

Sally: No. (Pause. Sips from her glass.)Is it all right, if I come in here in the


Sidney: Course it is. Don’t mind if you don’t mind a bit of Beethoven or 

that sort of thing.

Sally: I don’t want to intrude.

Sidney: No, it’ll be nice to have different company.

Sally: Your wife won’t mind?

Sidney: Why should she? Only keeping us company. Not as if there’d be

any trouble to it.

Sally: I’d like to listen to the radio. Might like what I hear.

Sidney: You never know until you listen. Life’s like that. Give things a

go. Try something new.

Sally :( Pause. She looks upstage to the kitchen door, then looks around the

room.)The walls are a bit bare. Don’t you like paintings?

Sidney: Not got around to it.

Sally: I like paintings. A friend of mine was a painter.

Sidney: Violet doesn’t like the walls cluttered up.

Sally: Bit bare though aren’t they? (Looks at Sidney.)


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Sidney: You tell her, not me. Maybe she’ll listen to you.

Sally: I like walls with pictures on. Something to look at.

Sidney: Well, Violet thinks it clutters up the place. She hates things


Sally: My mum was like that. Despite the fact there were so many of us

about the place. Walked about with a duster in her hand. (Giggles.)Think 

she must have gone to bed with a duster in her hand.

Sidney: I thought a mirror over the fireplace would be all right, but she

thinks it looks out of place.

Sally: We had this dark brown paint on our doors when we were young

and mum hated it. Said it made it look dingy. (Pause.)Your wife won’t

mind me having dinner here will she?

Sidney: No, of course not. We advertised meals as well as room. Easier 

that way.

Sally: Don’t want to put people out.

Sidney: It won’t put us out. (Pause.)Has Violet said anything?

Sally: No. (Pause.)Where’d you work?

Sidney: Underground trains. I work at the ticket office. Charing Cross.

Sally: Oh, I see. (Pause. Picks up her glass and stares at Sidney through it.)Have

you always been faithful to your wife?

Sidney: Yes. (Looks at Sally feels uneasy.)Why’d you ask?

Sally: Just wondered. (Sips from the glass.)Some men aren’t.

Sidney: Well, I am. (Looks upstage at the kitchen door.)Always have been

always will. (Pause. Looks at Sally.)You’re a bit nosey aren’t you? You ask 

so many questions.

Sally: Sorry, Sidney. I don’t mean any harm. Just bloody nosey, my mum

says. Says I’ll have a nose like a parrot if I’m not careful.


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Sidney: Some people might find it disturbing.

Sally: Do you, Sidney? (Looks at him and smiles.) Does it disturb you?

Sidney: You’re very forward. I thought you were shy when I saw you thismorning. But you’re quite pushy, aren’t you?

Sally: Don’t you think I’m pretty, Sidney? (Looks at him with a childlike

expression.)My dad says I could knock a bloke over at fifty feet.

Sidney :( Put his finger to his lips.) Not so loud. Violet might hear you.

Sally: I like Violet. I don’t mean anything.

Sidney: I know you don’t it’s just that Violet might think otherwise.

(Pause. Looks around the room, then at Sally.)Some men might get the wrong

idea. You ought to be careful what you say to men. They can get the

wrong impression. (Sighs. Stares at Sally.)I think you’re pretty, yes, you are,

 but that don’t mean that…

Sally: My sister got herself pregnant when she was sixteen. My dad went

for her something rotten.

Sidney: What happened?

Sally: Didn’t your parents tell you anything? Went with a bloke from

Chelsea and that was it. (Smiles.)Blokes are all the same, I told her. Keep

your legs crossed and your fingers uncrossed.

Sidney :( Looks upstage at the kitchen door.)Violet should be out soon with the

dinner. She’s a good cook. Likes to do it all herself.

Sally :( Looks at Sidney.)Good on her. Maybe she’ll show me how to cook.

Sidney: I don’t know about that, she’s very… (Stares at Sally.)

Sally: I was joking, Sidney, joking. (Pause. Both look upstage in silence.)

  End of Scene Three.

Act One. Scene Four.

Late evening. Violet sits on the sofa extreme left, Sidney is in the centre and Sally is


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on the right. Violet has book in her lap. Sidney has one of his stamp albums open on

his lap and Sally sits looking at the floor. The sound of some classical music is heard

softly from an unseen radio. The room is dim except over the sofa.

Sidney: And this is one of my favourites. It’s a Penny Red. I like its


Violet: Don’t go and bore the poor girl or she’ll not come down here


Sally: No, it’s all right. I asked Sidney if I could see some of his stamps.

Sidney: I don’t see how anyone could not like stamps. They’re beautiful.

A form of art.

Violet: I like chocolate, but I wouldn’t want it down my throat every


Sally: My friend’s brother collected stamps. Had lots of stamp albums he

did. He’d pore over them for hours pointing out those he liked best.

Violet: Don’t encourage him, Sally, he’d spend even more hours over 

them than he does now.

Sidney: Would you I rather I was down the pub drinking?

Violet: I didn’t say that did I. I just said that you spend enough time and

money on stamps without being encouraged even more with the damned

things. (Pause.)There are things you could be doing in the garden.

Sally: Stamps do have a certain attraction though.

Sidney: Thank you, Sally. I’m glad someone appreciates them apart from


Sally: Not that I’d collect them, but they do have a certain beauty.

Violet: Beauty? I don’t see any beauty in a lot of old stamps. All right for 

kids, but a man should have other interests.

Sidney: Some men do. Stamps are mine. I like my stamps.

Violet :( Picks up her book and scans through a page or so.) It’s not as if they’re

worth anything. I could understand it, then. It’d make sense to collect


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stamps if they were worth a few pounds, but what you’ve got aren’t worth

much at all.

Sally: Is there any news about that murder?

Sidney: Haven’t heard anything. There were still police there this

morning when I went by.

Violet: Makes you think doesn’t it when a murder’s committed close by?

Usually you read about it, but when it’s on your doorstep it makes you


Sidney: Not actually on our doorstep is it. It’s round the corner up the

road a bit.

Violet: You know what I mean. It’s not far away. Could be someone we

know that committed the murder.

Sidney: Just as likely to be someone from outside. Police know what

they’re up to. They’ll be knocking at doors soon.

Sally: Will they? (Looks at Sidney.)What come here?

Sidney: They do if they want any eyewitnesses and such things. Not that

we’d have seen or heard anything, but none the less I expect they’ll be

round sometime or other.

Violet: Looking for a man I expect.

Sidney: Not necessarily. Could have been a woman with an axe to grind.

Sally: Could have been a domestic. Was he married? (Looks at

Violet.)Sometimes married couples get on each other’s nerves. On theother hand, he may have cheated on someone.

Violet: I don’t like it. Makes me feel uneasy knowing there’s a murderer 

about somewhere.

Sidney: There’s always a murderer about somewhere in the world. Just

happens to be here this time that he or she’s turned up.

Violet: You’re a great comfort you are.


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Sally: Long gone now, I expect. Won’t hang around waiting for the police

to pick them up will they?

Sidney: That’s right. Long gone. Fled the country maybe.

Violet: None the less, I’ll be happy when they’re caught. (Pause. Looks at

Sidney.)Best make sure all the doors and windows are shut tight. Don’t

want any murderer in here after us.

Sidney: They won’t come here. What’d they come here for? What have

we done to warrant a visit from some murderer? Nothing. You talk a load

of nonsense at times. Enough to make young Sally here get the jitters.

Violet: You can’t be too careful.

Sidney :( Looks at Sally.)Don’t take any notice of her; she’ll have you

running for cover at the first sign of a knock at the door.

Sally: I best go up to bed. Been a long day for me. (Rises from the sofa and

stands looking around the room.)I do appreciate you letting me have the room.

Violet: Nice to have you here. Shame we had this murder near by. It isn’t

usually like it around here.

Sidney: Yes, nice to have you here. Hope you sleep all right. (They both

watch as Sally walks upstage to the door and goes out.)You and your big mouth.

Going on like that about blooming murderers.

Violet: Just saying how scaring it was. I have to say things that frighten

me. Can’t just bottle it up. (Pause.)Anyway. She’ll be all right. She looks

quite confident about things.

Sidney: No thanks to you. (Pause.)And going on about my stamps and me.I don’t moan about you and your hobbies.

Violet: I don’t have any hobbies. I don’t have time for hobbies. (Pause.

Opens her book and stares at the page.)Just saying, that’s all. Nothing meant by

it. Just saying. (Pause.)And don’t get all over her.

Sidney: What you mean all over her? I was only talking to her.

Violet: Mustn’t frighten poor Sally. You and she seemed quite friendly.


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Sidney: Talking that’s all. Just being friendly. After all, she is our lodger.

Can’t ignore her can I? Can’t not speak to her.

Violet: There’s speaking and speaking.

Sidney: What you on about, now?

Violet: Just saying, don’t get all over her. (Pause.)The girl needs her space.

 Needs her peace and quiet. Time to herself. Doesn’t need you sniffing

round her like some blooming dog.

Sidney: You said she could have the room. You said she could come

down and share our lounge. I just went with what you wanted; now I’m

getting the blame because she talks to me.(Pause.)

I knew this wouldhappen. Get a woman near me and you’re like a cat on hot tiles. Can’t

 believe I’m just being friendly, no. It has to be something more.

(Pause.)Well, you’re wrong. She is just a girl whose happens to be our 

lodger nothing more, nothing less.

Violet: Better just be that. I don’t want any nonsense while I’m out


Sidney: Your trust in me is so comforting. You’d have thought I was a

 bloody Casanova instead of a station worker.

Violet: Just saying that’s all. Can’t be too careful. Have to be on your toes

with these young girls. Might make a pass at you.

Sidney: You’ve seen her. She’s not made a pass at me once.

Violet: Just be careful. (Pause. Closes her book with a thud.)

Sidney: I’ll keep my hands in my pockets and my eyes averted shall I?Put my hands over my mouth when she speaks to me?

Violet: You’re just being silly, now. Can’t talk to you nowadays. (Gets up

hurriedly and walks upstage with her book under her arm and out the door. Sidney

shakes his head and sighs. Opens his stamp album at stares at the page. Lights fade.)

  End of Scene Four.

Act One. Scene Five.Midnight. A bed lower centre stage. Upstage right a door. Lower stage left a window

with curtains drawn. Room is dim apart from bed and window area. Sally is wearing a


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white nightdress standing on the edge of the stage staring into the auditorium.

Sally: Not a bad room. I’ve seen worse. They’re an odd couple though,

 but I quite like them, each in their own way. (Pause.)This’ll do me for a

while. I can stay here without much fuss. Don’t want any fuss. Had

enough of that recently. I hope the police don’t come sticking their nosein round here. They’re always sticking their noses in where I am.(Pause.)Things mustn’t get out of hand. Don’t want that. Don’t want that

at all. (Smiles.)Him and his stamps. Never met anyone as fond of stamps as

him. They don’t get on very well. She’s all right. He’s a little bit staid.

Little bit mediocre. But I reckon I can wake him up if I try hard enough.(Pause. Looks back at the bed.)The bed looks comfortable, but the wallpaper’s

a bit plain. Could do with a few pictures. Bring colour in to the room.(Pause. Looks out over the auditorium.)They know nothing of me yet. They

think I’m just a young girl without much knowledge of things, but they’ll

know different soon. Oh, yes, they’ll know different soon. (A gentle knock 

at the door. Sally walks upstage to the door and opens it. Violet stands there and Sally

 beckons her in.)I wondered who it was.

Violet: Just thought I’d ask how you were settling in.

Sally: It looks fine. (Looks at Violet intensely.)You all right? You look a bit


Violet: I’m all right. (Looks around the room.)You should be comfortable inhere. It’s not been used much. I aired the bed last week. (Looks at

Sally.)Don’t take any notice of Sidney and me. We have our arguments

occasionally. He’s all right most of the time. (Looks away from Sally.)Yes,

you should be all right in here. (Sighs.)I hope you stay.

Sally: I’m sure I will. (Places her hand on Violet’s arm.)And don’t worry

about me. I’m sure we can get to know each other better. (Violet looks at

Sally’s hand.)Early days yet. (Moves her hand by her side.)Best get to bed, it’s

 been a long day.

Violet :( Looks unsure of herself as Sally’s hand moves away.)Yes, of course you

must. I hope you do stay. (Looks at Sally.)I really do.

Sally: Me too.

Violet: Well, I’ll be off. Have a good night. (Goes out the door and closes it

softly behind her.)

Sally :( Walks downstage towards the bed.)See what I mean? Nice woman. She

and I will have to get to know each other better. More intimately. (Pause.


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Sits on the edge of the bed facing the auditorium.)Yet, Sidney mustn’t be left

out. Can’t have him left out in the cold. Not just yet. I need to worm my

way in here very carefully. Need to weigh up the balance between them.

 Need to get right into them. Make them feel that they can’t do without

me. (Pause. Smiles.)But I have to be careful. I don’t want a mistake to upsetthe whole thing before I start. I’ve made that mistake before and had to

sort it out in a way that ended up very messy. (Pause. Gentle knock at the

door. Sally walks upstage to the door and opens it. Sidney is standing there. They look 

at each other for a few moments and then Sally nods for him to enter the room and she

shuts the door behind him. Sidney looks around the room and then at Sally.)

Sidney: Just wondered how you were settling in.

Sally: Just getting ready for bed.

Sidney: Oh, right. Sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude…

Sally: That’s all right, Sidney. Nice of you to come and see how I was.

(Smiles.)The bed looks very comfortable. I should sleep like a baby.

Sidney: I should go. (Turns to leave, but Sally touches his arm.)Violet might

wonder where I’ve got to.

Sally: Do you think, Sidney, I could… (Looks around the room.)Put up some

 pictures on the walls?

Sidney: Walls? Pictures? Oh, yes I don’t see why not.

Sally: Violet won’t mind?

Sidney: No, I shouldn’t think so. (Stands staring at Sally.)It ought to be fine.

Pictures are fine. Nice. Might brighten the place up a bit. Make you

feel… (Looks upstage.)Feel at home.

Sally :( Moves her hand away from Sidney’s arm.)That’s what I thought,

Sidney. Make it more homelike.

Sidney: Yes, homelike. (Looks at the walls and then at Sally.)

Sally: And Violet won’t mind?

Sidney: No, it’ll be fine. Nice pictures will make it look warmer.

Sally: Yes, warmer. Does it cold in here during the winter?


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Sidney: Well, I don’t think it gets that cold. Just a bit chilly that’s all.

You can always have a hot water bottle. We do in winter. Gets a bit chilly

in our room in the winter.

Sally: Does it?

Sidney: Yes. (Pause.) Need a hot water bottle, then.

Sally: Yes, I suppose you do.

Sidney: Look, I best go. Hope you sleep all right, Sally.

Sally: Oh, I expect I will. Sidney. Snuggle down in between the sheets.

Sidney: And breakfast is about seven o’clock. Violet’s quite punctual.

Sally: Yes, I expect she is.

Sidney: Likes to have a sense of order. (Pause. Smiles weakly.)A place and a

time she says.

Sally: Yes, a time and a place. (Smiles.)For everything.

Sidney: Yes, that’s what she says. Right, see you in the morning. (Opens

the door and looks at Sally. He hesitates a moment or two and then goes out closing

the door behind him. Sally walks downstage to the bed and sits on it staring at the


Sally: See? I think I’m going to be all right here. Think I’ll be able to

worm myself right into their very souls. (Giggles.)Oh, the time and place

thing. I could almost feel his eyes wanting me just now. Could almost

sense his fingers wanting to feel me all over. (Pause.)However, I have to

 play it right. Have to take it slowly. One step at a time. Ease myself in

 between them. (Laughs softly.)They’re almost like children. Like little kids

fighting over who’s going to have the top of the milk first. (Laughs softly

again.)I’ll have them eating out of my hands by the time I’ve finished.

Have them wanting to have me each to themselves not knowing the other 

has me as well. What a game. (Giggles.) What a bloody game this will be.(Pause. Gets off the bed, climbs in the bed pulling the sheets, and covers over her.

Light fades.

End of Act One and Scene Five.

Act Two. Scene One.Early morning three days later. Table set out for breakfast as before. Curtains drawn


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 back. Sidney standing wearing his underground uniform on the edge of the stage

staring at the auditorium.

Sidney: You’ve got to be honest about these things. At least honest with

yourself or you’ll go mad and end up in some lunatic asylum. (Pause.

Looks behind him and then back at the auditorium.)She’s given me the

impression that she’d like to get me in her bed, but is holding out for the

right opportunity. Can’t swear to it of course, but these things seem quite

obvious when you think about it. I mean she hasn’t actually said so as

such, but, well, it stands to reason, she must want me or why the hell give

the impression you do, if you don’t?(Pause.)I mean she not a whore or 

anything so you’ve got to take it easy, but the way she looks at me and

talks to me, it’s obvious to me at least that that’s what she wants deep

down.(Pause. Breathes in deeply.)But I can’t be too bloody open about it not

with Violet about so much. She’s got her blooming ears to the ground

most of the time like a bloody Sioux Indian. Or she’s sniffing around melike a bloodhound wanting to see if I’ve any of Sally’s perfume on me.

As if, I’d be so stupid to actually go about reeking of her scent. Women.

They’re like a load of Sherlock Holmes at times. Always asking

questions. Always looking for a reason behind the obvious. Fair makes

me want to spit. And I do sometimes. Get this urge to spit at her. Like I

did her mother if I saw her. (Pauses suddenly as the door opens upstage and Sally

enters. She is wearing a green dress and stands looking at Sidney for a few moments.

Then she walks downstage and sits at the table. Sidney walks upstage to the table and

sits opposite her. They stare at each other. Sidney pours her a cup of tea from theteapot and then adds a little milk. Sally spoons in sugar. Sidney pours himself a cup of 

tea and adds milk and sugar. They both stir their teas.)

Sally: Where’s Violet?

Sidney: In the kitchen.

Sally: Is she all right?

Sidney: Why shouldn’t she be?

Sally: She seemed a little quiet last night. She didn’t say much while we

were in the lounge.

Sidney: She's like that sometimes. One moment she can talk the tail off a

vixen the next she’s as quiet as fish in water.

Sally: You don’t think she’s fed up with me being around do you? I mean

I can always leave if she’s not happy me being here.

Sidney: No, no, she’s fine about you being here.


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Sally: As she said as much?

Sidney: Well, not in so many words, but I know she likes you being here.

Sally :( Sips her tea.)Are you sure?

Sidney: Course, I am. I’d soon know if she were unhappy about your 

 presence here. She’s not mentioned it to me at all. Quite happy about it

I’m certain. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that she’s very pleased you’re

here. (Pause. Looks upstage to the kitchen door.)Why should she mind?

Sally: Well wives get jealous sometimes of another woman in their 

house. It’s part of a woman's make up. Mothers get jealous of their 

daughters and daughters of their mothers or sisters. It’s quite normal.

Sidney: No, I’m sure she’s not jealous. What would she have to be

 jealous of? I mean nothing is going on between us. We’re just…

Sally: Good friends.

Sidney: Yes, that’s it. Good friends. We’re good friends.

Sally: But women can still get jealous of friends.

Sidney: They can?

Sally: Sure, they can. Women don’t trust other women. It’s in their blood.

Sidney: Really? I never thought of it that way. I never realized.

Sally: Well women know women. It’s part of their way of surviving the

difficulties of life.

Sidney: It that right? I would never have known. (Pause. Sips his tea. Violet

wearing a blue dress enters from the kitchen carrying a tray with three plates on it.

She places the tray on the table and puts the plates in the three spaces in front of each

chair. Then she puts the tray on the floor by the window, returns to the chair, and sits

down. They all look at each other then at their plates. A fried breakfast is on each

 plate. They pick up the knives and forks and begin to eat.)

Violet: The police came this morning.

Sally: The police? What did they want?

Sidney: Was it about that murder?


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Violet: Yes and no.

Sidney: Yes and no? What do you mean yes and no? They must have

 been here about that or not. They can’t have been here about it and not

 been here about it.

Violet: Well, yes it was partly about the other murder, but also about

another murder.

Sidney: Another murder? Where the hell was this murder and when?

Violet: Last night. In Cropsure Street.

Sidney: Cropsure Street? That’s two streets away.

Sally: What did they want to know?

Violet: Did we hear anything or know anything?

Sidney: Two murders in a week? That’s awful. Who was murdered?

Sally: Did they ask you anything in particular?

Violet: Well, who lived here and if we had seen any strangers in the

streets in recent days.

Sidney: What did you say?

Violet: I said I’d not seen anyone around.

Sidney: What about me? Did they want to know about me?

Violet: Why should they want to know about you?

Sidney: Well, you told them I lived here didn’t you?

Violet: Yes, but they didn’t ask about you.

Sally: Did you tell them I was here?

Violet: No. No, I didn’t. (Pause. They eat for a few moments in silence.)

Sidney: Did they ask about lodgers? (Violet doesn’t respond straight away butcontinues eating.)You didn’t mention Sally being here?


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Sally: She said she didn’t. She must have had her reasons.

Sidney: Maybe she did, but I’d like to know why she didn’t at least

mention you being here.

Violet :( Sips her tea for a few moments.) No point in mentioning it when she

only arrived a few days ago. What would Sally know about it?

Sally: I only arrived the other day. I didn’t know anything about any

murder. (Pause. Eats a little of her breakfast.)

Violet: Of course she didn’t. Why bring the police here if there’s no point

in doing so.

Sidney: I’m not saying she knew anything, but it would have made things


Violet: Clearer? What are you talking about, Sid? Sally’s no murderer.

Sidney: I never said she was it’s just that it makes it less…

Sally: Less what? Secret? You think my being here is a secret? That I’m

here on some murder mission?

Sidney: of course I don’t. I just think Violet should have been honest with

the police.

Violet: They didn’t ask. I didn’t tell them. If they’d asked I would have

said told them she was here, but they didn’t so I didn’t. (Pause. All eat in

silence for a few moments.)The murdered person this time was a woman.

Sidney: Woman? It doesn’t make sense. Man last time, woman this time.Where’s the logic in that?

Sally: Is there logic to murder, Sidney?

Sidney: Do the police think it’s by the same murderer?

Violet: They didn’t say.

Sally: It’s a bit unnerving being in a house close to two murders.


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Sidney: It must be linked. The same murderer did for them both. It stands

to reason. Some bloody link somewhere there. Someone had it in for 

them. Some reason we don’t know about.

Violet: The police didn’t say much about it. Just that a woman had beenmurdered.

Sally: Makes you feel uneasy.

Sidney: You’re be safe here, Sally.

Violet: How can we say that when there’s been two murders so near and

so close together? I don’t feel a bit safe. I feel as if someone’s out there

going around murdering people for no apparent reason. It could be one of us next.

Sidney: Don’t be bloody daft. Who’d we know should want to murder 

us? We don’t know any one who’d be a murderer. Talk sense woman.

Violet: They don’t go around with badges on their coats saying murderer.

You don’t know who could be a murderer. Could be anyone. That Doctor 

Crippen was outwardly a doctor but he murdered his wife. And what

about that Christie? He murdered his wife and lodger.

Sidney: Well, it isn’t me. I didn’t murder anyone. (Pause. They eat for a few

moments in silence.)If I was going to murder anyone I would hardly stay

around here would I? I’d have vanished somewhere far from here, not sat

around waiting for the police to knock at my door. (Pause.)Could be

anyone, but it isn’t me.

Violet: I didn’t say it was you. You don’t think I’d sit around here eating

 breakfast if I thought you were the murderer do you?

Sally: Of course it isn’t you, Sidney. (Pause. Sips her tea.)You’re too kind to

 be a murderer.

Violet: Kind or not, I’d not sit here if it was you Sidney, so stop being so

silly. I never aid it was you. Never mentioned you being a bloody

murderer. The words never left my lips. (Pause. Looks at Sidney for a few

moments then looks at Sally who smiles.)Anyway, you’d best get a move on or 

who’ll be late for work, Sidney. (Pause. Rises up and walks to the kitchen.)

Sally: She didn’t say anything about you being the murderer.


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Sidney: It was the way she said about that Christie bloke. Murdered his

wife and lodger she said.

Sally: She was just saying. :( Puts her hand over Sidney’s hand for a few

moments.)You’re too sensitive. Take things to heart too much. That’s whatI like about you. You’re kind and considerate.

Sidney :( Looks at Sally’s hand on his.)I don’t see how she can talk about

 bloody murder at the breakfast table. (Pause. Sally removes her hand.)Haven’t

seen my newspaper have you?

Sally: No, no haven’t seen it today. (Pause.)I have to go out soon.

Sidney: How’s that job of yours?

Sally: It’s all right. Nothing much to write home about. (Pause. Rises up

from the table, goes, gets the tray from the floor by the window, and begins to stack 

the items from the table onto it.)You’re going to be late if you don’t get a

move on, Sidney. Then you’ll have your wife after you.

Sidney: God! Two women nagging me now. What’s my life come to

when I’ve got two of them on at me? (He rises from the table and stands

looking at Sally.) You be careful. You don’t know who’s about these days.

(Pause. Walks upstage to the door and goes out.)

Sally :( Once she has gathered all the items on the tray, she leaves the tray on the

table for a few moments.)Two of them. Murdered. Makes you think doesn’t

it? Makes you wonder whom you can trust these days. (Smiles. Picks up the

tray and walks slowly to the kitchen. She stops and looks downstage.)You have to

 be careful. Have to be very careful whom you let into your house these

days. You never know who it might be. Could be anyone. Could be the

murderer. (Smiles. Looks in at the kitchen.)I’ve brought you the tray, Violet.(Disappears in to the kitchen. Voices in whispers. Silence.)

  End of Scene One.

Act Two. Scene Two.A few hours later. The large brown sofa is centre stage. Sally is standing on the edge


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of the stage peering at the auditorium. She wears a short green dress and bare footed.

Sally: Oh, the way things are I’d be forgiven in thinking I was in heaven.

That Sidney is such a dear, that I’d give my back teeth just to see his face

if he ended up in bed with me. (Giggles.)The thing is I mustn’t spoil things

 by rushing it. Must keep him in his place until it’s the right time. Holdhim back until he’s fit to burst with lust and able to make worthless

 promises. (Giggles.)Oh, my God, where have I landed? Is this some

 paradise or what? (Pause. Looks about the room.) What a bare Spartan room.

It’s like being in some puritan church. Nothing to look at. Nothing to

view. What a place. (Pause,) Now, she’s the one I want really. Sidney’s

only a form of bait. A mere interlude between two great acts. (Laughs.)Oh,

what a fool he is. But aren’t all men? Are they not just that little bit off 

key with madness and folly? (Pause. Stares at the auditorium.)Yet, it’s her that

I’ve got my mind set on. She’s the one I want to be close to at the end of 

all this. It’s Violet that I want and no one else. (Stops suddenly as the door 

upstage opens and Violet enters. She looks downstage at Sally and walks slowly

downstage to the sofa where she sits and stares at Sally.)

Violet: What are you doing in here? We don’t usually come in here until

the evening.

Sally:(Stands facing Violet.) I wanted to relax.

Violet: I thought you were working this morning?

Sally: I didn’t feel well, so I took the day off.

Violet: Why here? Why not go to bed and rest?

Sally: I was going to but I thought I’d sit in here for an hour or so.

Violet: Sidney doesn’t like it if we sit in here during the day. Says it not


Sally: He won’t mind me being in here. Things move on. Matters come to

a head. Things get done. (Pause.)

Violet: Sidney’s too soft with the way things are. He’d give a miser his

last pound. The fool. (Pause. Sally walks to the sofa and stands looking down at

Violet.)You don’t want to be taken in by his so-called charm. He’s always

had it. That way of making a girl feel she’s the only one he’s ever met.

Sally: You’re quite stunning in that dress.

Violet: It’s an old one. I wear it for doing the housework.


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Sally :( Sits down on the sofa next to Violet.)I wonder who did those murders?

Violet: I don’t want to think about it. It makes my skin crawl.

Sally :( Moves closer to Violet.)Do you and Sidney make love often?

Violet :( Embarrassed.)I don’t see what it has to do with you.

Sally: Oh, sorry, Violet, I wasn’t thinking. I just come out with these

things sometimes. Makes me embarrassed to think about it.

Violet :( Pause. Moves to the edge of the sofa.)Sidney does his best. He’s no

Casanova. But at least he’s honest and has a weird sense of what is rightand wrong. Even if it’s only his idea of right and wrong

Sally :( Moves closer to Violet.)And you? What are you really like?

Violet: I don’t know. I’ve never given myself much thought.

Sally: Sidney and I are like a couple of friends who have come together to

see the world and make sense of the universe.

Violet: My husband said it was all a mistake.

Sally: What was a mistake?

Violet: Our marriage. He said it’s finished. Dead. We say little and when

we do, we argue. Until you came, we’d had no reason to speak.

Sally :( Puts her hand on Violet’s shoulder. They look at each other.)We can speak 

openly to each other can’t we? Tell each other our darkest woes and


Violet: Yes. Yes, I suppose we can. (Pause. Looks at the floor and sighs.)

Sally: I feel really at home here. I’ve not felt like this for years. Even as a

child, I never felt this much at home in a place before. (Pause.)I was

always just one of a crowd, then. But here I feel as if I’ve finally found a

home I can be happy in. A place where I think I can settle down.

Violet: I wasn’t happy at first about renting out the room. I thought it’d

 be difficult and problematic. I thought that if it was another womenSidney might get tempted to wander or…


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Sally: What Sidney? (Laughs.)Oh, Violet. Your Sidney would never 

wander in a thousand years. He’s too rooted in this place with you and

what you both have together.

Violet: He’s a man isn’t he? Don’t they all wander eventually?

Sally: No, not all of them. (Pause.) Not Sidney any way. He’s not the sort.

Too stuck in his ways. Too rooted in his little world and stamps (Laughs.

Violet smiles.)But you’re not happy, are you? You’re not rooted here.

You’re not settled here anymore because you’re not fulfilled.

Violet: I like it here. (Pause. Looks at Sally.)Most of the time. Of course I get

days when I think I ought to be doing something more or somethingdifferent, but who doesn’t feel like that at sometime or other?

Sally: It’s a matter of fulfilment, Violet. Unless we’re fulfilled, we can

never be really happy. And fulfilment is a matter of our desires being


Violet: Desires? What desires?

Sally: Whatever desires arise in us.

Violet: What? You mean sexual desires?

Sally: No, not just sexual desires. Whatever desires you feel deep down. I

mean, some people desire peace and quiet and if they have that desire

fulfilled then, they’re happy. Simple as that.

Violet: So it can be any sort of desire?

Sally: Yes, any kind of desire. Like collecting butterflies or stamps.(Giggles mildly.) No. To be serious, it can be any desire. Not necessarily

sexual. It can be something like painting the best picture ever or meeting

the Queen or climbing Mount Everest. It doesn’t matter what it is. It’s the

fulfilment of that desire that matters. That’s where real happiness lies.

(Pause. Both women look at the floor for a few moments. Then Sally sighs.)Well

that’s the theory anyway. But what do we know about desires? We’re just

women. We’re not supposed to have desires.

Violet: What are your desires? What would make you happy?

Sally: I’m not sure. (Pause.)I’d have to think about it.


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Violet: I thought once upon a time that being with Sidney was all that I

wanted. That, getting a nice home together, and the things for the home.

We didn’t want children. We just wanted each other. But now, I’m not

sure what it is we’re after anymore. Sidney and I seem to have driftedapart. (Sighs.)It’s not his fault. I think I just wanted more and more things

that we couldn’t afford and then…

Sally: But you still love him, surely? (Put her hand on Violet’s knee for a few

moments. Violet doesn’t react to this but looks at the auditorium.)I mean, he is

your husband. And I can tell by what you’ve said that you’re concerned

that he might wander and if you’re concerned he might wander you must

care about him to worry about it. Mustn’t you?

Violet: Must I? (Sighs. Looks at Sally’s hand on her knee.)Or perhaps I just

don’t want to be betrayed by him. That would be a real dagger blow.

(Looks at Sally.) No one wants to be betrayed. Even if the person betraying

them isn’t the person they love anymore. It’s the principle of it that hurts.

The fact of them being betrayed. (Looks at Sally’s hand again. Sally removes

her hand from Violet’s knee.)I loved Sidney once. He loved me. We seemed

to be just right together. Now, we just exist together. Side by side like a

 pair of old shoes.

Sally: How poetic. Old shoes. (Pause.)There must be something that you

still desire, surely?

Violet: Perhaps there is, but I don’t know what it is yet. I think I’ve

 become wary about desires and wants. Wary that they might never be

able to be fulfilled and I’ll end up being even more unhappy. (Pause. Gets

up from the sofa suddenly as if invisible hands have ejected her forcefully. Sally sits

up and stares.)But there you are. What we can’t have we can’t have. We

have to be satisfied with what we have. Put up with it. Make the most of 

things, as my mother would say. She used to say that quite a lot. It was away to make her feel she was some sort of martyr when she couldn’t have

certain things she wanted. (Walks to the edge of the stage and stares out at the

auditorium.)Perhaps I’ll be like her. Grow old unfulfilled. Old before my

time. Full of bitterness and resentment.

Sally: It needn’t be that way. You just might find out what it is you want

and be able to have it fulfilled and be happy. If you’re brave enough.

Violet: Brave enough? What do you mean, brave enough?

Sally: Well, sometimes we know what we want but haven’t the nerve to


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reach out and grab it. We’re too frightened that we’ll reach beyond

ourselves, fall, and get hurt. It takes a steady nerve to be happy. (Rises up

from the sofa and walks to where Violet is standing.)Do you have the nerve to be

happy, Violet?

Violet: I don’t know. At the moment, I’m too tired to want anything. I

 just want to get on with my life with as little problems as possible and…

Sally: Be happy?

Violet: Yes. Yes, that’s probably it. Happiness in my mediocre life.

Content with my second-rate state of being. My ordinary boring way of 

doing things. (Both women turn and stare at each other.)When we’re young, we

have so many dreams we think we’re going to fulfil and yet we don’t. Weseem content to grab the first chance of settling down and then before we

know it we’re stuck in the rut of boredom and we believe it’s what we


Sally: It’s what people call maturity. Settling down to a quiet life with a

husband and kids and a home which is middling and making out they’re

happy when all the time deep down they’re not, but too damned

frightened to admit it to themselves.(Pause. Reaches out her hand to touch

Violet’s, but Violet puts her hands behind her back.)God, Violet, there must be

something you want? Something or someone that you feel you want or 

 better still, desire?

Violet :( Moves away from Sally.)I don’t know what I want or desire. I just

want to get through each day with as little trouble as possible and go to

 bed and sleep. That’s all I can say at the moment. Nothing else makes

sense other than that at the present time. Now I must be getting on with

things. Sidney likes things to be tidy when he gets home. Likes

everything in its place and his dinner ready. (Moves slowly upstage.)It’s

what we do. Make ourselves a home.

Sally: Yes. Yes of course you do. It’s what people do. (Pause.)But think 

about what we’ve been saying. You will won’t you?

Violet: I’ll try. (Pause.)You’d better go to your room. Keep it tidy in here.(Sally nods. Violet goes upstage and leaves the room. Sally stares as the light fades.)

End of Scene Two.

Act Two. Scene Three.

Late afternoon a few days later. Sidney and Sally are sitting at the table. Sidney is


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looking upstage at the kitchen door.)

Sidney: Violet went out?

Sally: Yes, she said she had to see someone.

Sidney: That’s not like her. She’s usually here when I get home. Who did

she have to see?

Sally: She didn’t say. Just said she’d be back later.

Sidney: Why now? Couldn’t she have gone after dinner?

Sally: I don’t know, Sidney, she never told me who she was seeing or 

why it had to be then and not later. You’ll have to ask her when she

comes home. (Pause.)Had a busy day at work?

Sidney: Yes, very busy. I always am. It’s the nature of the job. Ticket

offices are generally busy places. (Pause.) She never mentioned about

going out this morning. I wonder who she's gone to see?

Sally: What’s the matter, Sidney, frightened she might have found

another man?

Sidney: Don’t be daft. Violet’s not like that. She’d not go off withanother man in a month of Sundays. (Pause. Looks at Sally.)Unless you

know different, do you?

Sally: How would I know who she was seeing? She wouldn’t confide in

me, would she? (Pause. They look at each other intensely for a few

moments.)What’s she going to say to me? “Oh, Sally, by the way, I’m out

to see this bloke who’s promised me a good time and won’t be home until

midnight”? Do you think she’d tell me?

Sidney: I don’t know what she’d tell you do I? You and she seem to talk 

quite a lot.

Sally: You and I talk a lot but you don’t tell me bugger all about your 

work or who you see there. So why should Violet? (Pause. Sidney looks

upstage again.)I thought you trusted her? I thought she could do no wrong

in your eyes?

Sidney: I didn’t say she was doing wrong. I just think It’s unusual for her 

not be here when I get home that’s all. I didn’t say she was seeing another man. (Pause. Looks at Sally.)Has she said anything about another bloke?


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Sally: Of course, she hasn’t. Do you think she’d tell me, Sidney? (Laughs

softly.) No, she wouldn’t. Not even if there was something to tell, she’d not

tell me.

Sidney: Well, I expect it’s all innocent anyway. Bound to be something

straight forward that turned up. Things happen like that sometimes. (Pause.

Stand up from the table and walks to the edge of the stage and peers out at the

auditorium.)I though you and Violet got on all right. Has something gone

on between you two?

Sally: What do you mean, gone on? (Looks at Sidney.)What like a row you


Sidney: Well, something that has caused unease between you both. Have

you two had a row?

Sally: No. Why should we have had a row? What’s there to row over?

Sidney: How do I know. You and she could have had a row about

anything for all I know. Women do. They always row between each


Sally: That’s rubbish. You know that’s not true. Women don’t rowanymore than men do. Look who causes all the wars in the world and

most of the blooming crimes. Men. Men that’s who. Don’t talk to me

about women having more rows. (Pause. Rises up from the table and walks to

the edge of the stage.)

Sidney: Well that’s the way it seems to me with the women I’ve

encountered. They seem to row over the silliest things. Things that men

wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow over. (Pause. Sighs.)Sorry if I’m a bit

grumpy. I like things to be orderly. Like things to run according to plan. Idon’t like it when things get out of order. I don’t like it. Makes me feel

uneasy. Makes me feel insecure.

Sally: Life’s like that, Sidney. Life is only orderly when people try to

make it orderly, but on its own life is very disorderly. Chaos is the natural

way of things. I read about it somewhere in some book or magazine.

Order is man’s attempt to control the world and make sense of it.

Sidney: Oh, yes? Then what about the laws of nature? That’s a form of 

order isn’t it? The way the planets rotate round each other and the seasonsof the year? That’s a form of order isn’t it? Chaos is anarchy. Chaos is


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Sally: Things happen the way that do because that’s how they happen.

 Nothing to do with laws or anything. We see things happening in a

certain way and all of a sudden mankind thinks it’s discovered laws of nature or seasons. There are no laws. Just events that happen a certain

way. I read it somewhere.

Sidney: Nonetheless, I like order in my life. I need things to be orderly.

Violet and I live our lives in an orderly fashion. We always have.

Sally: Perhaps Violet’s got fed up with the orderliness. Perhaps she’s

gone to seek out a bit of disorderliness and chaos. (Smiles.) Maybe she has

gone to find another bloke. Maybe she needs more than you can give her,Sidney. Perhaps she’s off in some room somewhere enjoying herself.

Sidney: Don’t be bloody daft. You’re just getting me wound up now.

Sally :( Moves close to Sidney and looks at him.)I wouldn’t wind you up,

Sidney. I like you too much. I like you very much indeed.

Sidney :( Looks at Sally.)Do you?

Sally: of course I do. I thought you realized that. I thought you knew how

I felt about you.

Sidney: I haven’t given it much thought.

Sally: Liar, Sidney Tuckbrush. You men are such liars. You couldn’t tell

the truth if it came up and sat on your forehead playing the bagpipes.

Sidney: No, honestly. I haven’t thought about it.

Sally: Well you know now. (Pause. Takes hold of Sidney’s right hand and

squeezes it.)You’ve no excuse now have you.

Sidney: Excuse for what?

Sally: You are slow, Sidney. What do you want me to do, draw you a


Sidney :( Looks at Sally’s hand.)I think what you’re saying isn’t right. I’m a

married man. I like you, but I couldn’t do anything that would upsetViolet.


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Sally: There you go again, lying to me once more. Why lie to me,

Sidney? I know men and I know you. You’re not concerned about hurting

Violet; you’re concerned about getting caught doing something.

Sidney: No, I’m not. I don’t want to hurt Violet.

Sally: Don’t lie, Sidney, it’s so bloody frustrating when people don’t

admit to the feelings they have. Of course, you want me. You’ve done

nothing but look at me and lust after me since I came.

Sidney: No I haven’t, I haven’t lusted after you at all. I’m a faithful

husband. I’ve never been with another woman.

Sally: Always a first time, Sidney. (Leans forward quickly and kisses Sidney on

the cheek.)There, that wasn’t painful was it? (Sidney looks upstage towards the

kitchen door.)Don’t worry, Violet’s not here yet. She might not be home for 

hours. Plenty of time for you and me.

Sidney: Go away. Leave me. (Becomes nervous and confused.)I think it best

you leave.

Sally: Leave? Sidney it’s not possible for me to leave. If I left now, I’d

have to tell Violet you made a pas at me and tried it on.

Sidney: That’s a lie. I haven’t made a pass at you or tried anything on.

Sally: But who will Violet believe? You or me?

Sidney: Me of course.

Sally: Are you sure? I think she already suspects you and me. Me leaving

would just confirm her suspicions. (Pause.)I don’t mean any harm, Sidney.I just think you and I could be happy together. And Violet needn’t know.

At least not yet. Not until we’re sure about each other.

Sidney: I don’t want to have anything to do with you. I want…

Sally: Liar! You damned liar, Sidney Tuckbrush, you know that you want

me. Go on admit it! Don’t be such a mouse!

Sidney :( Moves away from Sally.)Keep your voice down. She may be home

at any moment.


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Sally: No, she won’t.

Sidney: How do you know?

Sally: Because she told me.

Sidney: Told you what?

Sally: Her mother died this morning and she’s gone to sort things out.

Won’t be home for a day or so. She left you a letter. It’s in your bedroom.

Sidney: You’re lying.

Sally: Look at the letter then. It’s in your bedroom.

Sidney: So, the old biddy’s dead, then?

Sally: Yes. Violet was bit upset about it. Natural really.

Sidney: So, we’re here alone. What about my dinner?

Sally: We could go out and have dinner.

Sidney: Go out?

Sally: Why not? I can’t cook and nor can you.

Sidney: I suppose we’ll have to. Just like her mother to be inconsiderate.

Where’s this letter?

Sally: In your bedroom. Perhaps we could find it together.

Sidney: Yes, I suppose we could. It would save time.

Sally: Yes, save time. (Pause.)Time saved is time not wasted. (Sidney and

Sally walk upstage hand in hand and leave the room. Light fades.)

  End of Scene Three.

Act Two. Scene Four.

Middle of the morning two days later. Sally is standing by the window in her bedroom


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lower stage left. A bed is centre lower stage.

Sally: She should be here soon. She said she’d be back today in her letter 

to Sidney. (Pause.)She’ll wonder where he’s gone. I’ll have to spin her 

some yarn about him being away a few days on a training course

somewhere or other. (Peers out of the window.)I wonder how she’ll feel nowthat her mother’s dead. Maybe she’ll need me more than she did before. I

don’t think she’ll miss Sidney too much. Leave more room for me to get

closer. (Looks around the room.)What a place this is. What a sepulchre.

White and empty. (Pause.)The police are still about. I saw them this

morning going around the streets. They knocked here, but I didn’t

answer. I let them think the house was empty. I didn’t want them sniffing

around here. I had enough of that before. Interfering swine. (Pause. Stands

 back.)She’s back. She’s in the house. (Pause. Goes and sits on the bed.)Must

keep her here. I don’t want her wandering off in search of Sidney. (Pause.)

If I’m persuasive enough she’ll believe what I say. I can’t have her 

getting too nosey and spoiling things. (Voice from offstage. Sally goes to the

 bedroom door and opens it.)I’m up in my bedroom. Violet. (Stands by the door 

looking out.)Up here in my bedroom! (Pause.)

Violet :( Offstage.)Where’s Sidney?

Sally: He’s gone away for few days on a training course.

Violet :( Entering the bedroom. Sally walks back into the room and sits on her 

 bed.)Training course? When did this happen? Sidney never mentioned it.

Sally: He came home yesterday and said about it.

Violet: I bet he didn’t like that. He hates being away from home.

Sally: He said it was a new idea from management. He wasn’t very happy

about it. He wanted to wait until you came home, but he had to go this


Violet :( Stands by the window.)I hope he wasn’t lying.

Sally: Why would he lie?

Violet: Maybe he was seeing another woman.

Sally: No, he seemed genuine. He showed me a letter.

Violet: What did the letter say?


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Sally: It was about him going off for a few days on a training course.

Violet: He’s never been on a training course before. Why now? It doesn’t

make sense.

Sally: He said you’d not be happy about it. But he had no choice.

Violet :( Moves to the bed and sits next to Sally.)How’s he been while I’ve

 been away?

Sally: He’s been fine.

Violet: I bet he didn’t cook. He’s not one for cooking. Did you eat out or did he bring food home form the fish shop?

Sally: He said we should eat out.

Violet: I bet he did. (Pause.)Did he behave himself? He didn’t try anything

on did he?

Sally: No, he was fine. He was the perfect gentleman.

Violet: Good. I did wonder if he’d start on you once I was out of the way.

He has this thing about women sometimes. Not that he’s ever done

anything, but I wouldn’t put it passed him to try.

Sally: No. We sat in here last evening listening to the radio and he

showed me his stamps again.

Violet: Him and those bloody stamps. I’d burn the blooming things if it

were up to me.

Sally: How did it go at your mother’s house?

Violet: Bad. My father was in a bad mood and nothing had been sorted

out in any sensible way. Anyway, I’ve managed to get things moving.

The funeral is next week.

Sally: Will Sidney go?

Violet: I doubt it. He and my mother got on.

Sally: He’ll be back in a day or so. He might go with you.


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Violet: I wish he were here. I wanted to go through a number of things

with him. Now, I’ll have to do it on my own.

Sally: Is there anything I can do to help?

Violet: I don’t know. (Pause. Looks around the room.)Did Sidney say

anything about me while I was away?

Sally: No. (Pause.)Shall I help you get dinner?

Violet: Maybe later. (Pause. Looks at Sally.)Didn’t he even leave me a


Sally: No. (Pause. Looks at Violet.)Should he have done?

Violet: It would have been nice to have a few words from him about his

training course. But there you are; that’s Sidney for you. Not a thought

about me. Just his usual thoughtlessness.

Sally: You look tired. You should rest for a while. Why not rest here for a

little while. (Both women look at the bed.) I can get you a cup of tea.

Violet: Why are men so thoughtless, Sally? Why are they so thoughtless

and selfish?

Sally: Men are men. Do you actually expect them to be other than they


Violet: I expect a little thought and concern. What did he say when you

told him about my mother dying?

Sally: He said he was sorry to hear about it.

Violet: Then he’s a damned liar. He never liked her. He was probably

 jumping about the room with joy knowing him.

Sally: No. He was quite saddened by it. Said he would arrange for some

flowers to be sent when he gets back from his course.

Violet: Saddened by it? Oh, what a hypocrite! Flowers of joy no doubt.

Sally: Look, rest here for a few minutes and I’ll get you some tea.


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Violet: Why do I bother with him, Sally? Why do I even bother to stay

with him anymore?

Sally: Because you still love him?

Violet: Love him? No, no, that’s long gone. It’s all a shell now. Full of 

emptiness and sham.

Sally :( Puts her hand on Violet’s knee.)Don’t let all this upset you more than

you already are. I hate it when you’re upset like this.

Violet: I can’t help how I feel. My mother’s dead, my father’s in a foul

mood and Sidney’s gone off on some bizarre course without so much as a


Why can’t he be more like you? Why can’t he beconsiderate and kind like you? (Sally’s hand moves up Violet’s leg. Violet puts

her hand over Sally’s.)I’m not sure what to do? I’m confused.

Sally: Poor you. (Leans forward and kisses Violet’s cheek.)All this sadness and

trouble. You need rest and comforting.

Violet :( Looks at Sally.)Why am I so lonely?

Sally: I’m here if you need me.

Violet: I want to feel wanted. Is that such a crime?

Sally: Not to me it isn’t. (Moves her hand away from Violet’s leg.)I am always

here if you need me.

Violet: He will be back won’t he? Sidney will come home won’t he?

Sally: Of course, he will. (Looks around the room.)He said he’d be back.

Violet :( Lays her head on Sally’s shoulder.)Help me. I feel so lost.

Sally: I’m here, Violet. (Softly.) No need to feel lost anymore. (Violet looks

up at Sally. They kiss as the light fades. Silence.)

  End of Scene Four.

Act Two. Scene Five.

Three days later. Mid morning. Sally is sitting at the table. The table is laid up for 


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 breakfast. Sally pours herself a cup of tea. She pours in some milk and then spoons in

some sugar. Violet sits opposite her looking at her cup.

Violet: Why isn’t Sidney here yet? I thought he was going to away two

days. This is the third day. Are you sure, he said two days?

Sally :( Looks at Violet.)Two days, three days what does it matter?

Violet: What do you mean what does it matter? He’s my husband. I need

to know when he’ll be home.

Sally: Why? Why do you need to worry?

Violet: Wouldn’t you worry where your husband was if you were


Sally :( Sips her tea. Looks at her cup and then sips again.) Not if he cheated on

me, I wouldn’t.

Violet: What do mean if he cheated on you? Sidney hasn’t cheated on me.

He wouldn’t cheat on me.

Sally: Are you sure? :( Sips her tea.)

Violet: Of course, I’m sure. We have a history. He’s never cheated on meor ever would. He’s just one of those men who look at other women but

he’d never do anything.

Sally: You’re wrong, Violet. He would and he has.

Violet: How do you know? Did he tell you this?

Sally: No. He never told me. He was cheating on you from the moment I

came here.

Violet: What are you talking about?

Sally: He lusted after me from the moment he saw me.

Violet: That’s not being unfaithful, that’s just being a man. All men lust

after women in their minds and hearts, but he wouldn’t do more than


Sally: But he has. (Looks at her hands.)With me.


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Violet: You’re lying. You’re just saying that. (Pause.)When was this?(Pause.)You’re lying. You’re just saying it to see what my response would


Sally :( Looks at Violet.)Did you enjoy making love to me?

Violet :( Pause. Looks at the table.)I never realised I could feel so alive.

Sally: But did you enjoy it?

Violet :( Looks at Sally.)Yes. (Pause.)But where is Sidney?

Sally: Why worry about him when you have me?

Violet: Because he’s my husband. I need to tell him things.

Sally: What things?

Violet: I need to tell him that our marriage is over.

Sally: He knew that. That’s why he made love to me.

Violet :( Looks puzzled.)Made love to you? (Pause.)You’re lying again.(Pause.)When was this? If it happened at all, when was it?

Sally: After you went, he came home early and we went to bed and made


Violet: You’re lying. You wouldn’t sit there so calm if it had actually

happened. You’re just trying to get me angry and say things.

Sally: He was a lousy lover. Was he a lousy lover with you, too?

Violet :( Picks up her cup and throws it at Sally.)Liar! You’re a damned liar!

(Pushes back her chair, gets up, and stands staring at Sally.)Where is he now?

Where is he now?

Sally: It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter anymore he’s betrayed you.

Violet: You betrayed me! (Goes to slap Sally but Sally grabs her hand and pulls

her down towards her face.)Let me go.

Sally :( She releases Violet, stands up, goes around the table, and walks down to theedge of the stage.)Don’t you understand? He betrayed you. I knew he would


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the moment I saw him the first time and he was lusting after me that first

moment. And I knew he would. I could feel his damned eyes burning into

my flesh. And I said to myself she shouldn’t have to put up with this and

I thought I’d see just how far he’d go when you weren’t here and he did

as I thought he would and he was lousy at it. Bloody lousy.

Violet: Shut up! (Runs upstage and then stops. Turns at glares at Sally.)How

could you? How could you do this to me?

Sally: He did it to you. He betrayed you. He was always going to betray

you someday. (Pause.)But what’s it matter now? You and I can get on well

without him.

Violet: You and I? What do you mean you and me? There is no you andI.

Sally: Why deny it? You know how you feel about me.

Violet :( Walks downstage towards Sally.)What does that matter? I need to see

Sidney. I need to tell him about our marriage. Until I’ve done that there is

no you and me. Even if there is a you and me at all. (Both women stand

facing each other.)When is he coming back?

Sally: He’s not coming back.

Violet: Not coming back? Did he say that?

Sally: No. (Pause. Smiles weakly.)He never said goodbye even. Just went.

Violet: Where is he now? Why isn’t he coming back?

Sally: He’s dead. (Pause. Violet looks shocked.)He’s in the shed. The wooden

shed in the back garden.

Violet :( Runs over to the window and peers out.)You killed him? And put him

in the shed?

Sally: For the moment. I had to think quickly, it was dark, and I didn’t

want the neighbours peering at me so I put him in the shed.

Violet :( Turns around and walks back to Sally.)What did you kill him for?

What had he done to you that you should kill him? (Stands shaking.)How?What did you do to my husband?


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Sally: I suffocated him with a pillow, as he lay asleep. He struggled a bit

 but I was too strong for him and he finally gave up and died.(Pause)Therefore, no blood was shed. No mess to clear up.

Violet: Suffocated him? How? He struggled? (Pause. She puts her hands over 

her face for a few moments.)Why? Why did you kill him?

Sally: Because he betrayed you.

Violet: You killed him because he betrayed me? But you betrayed me

too. You killed my husband.

Sally: Yes.(Pause.)

What shall we do with him, now?

Violet: Do? What do you mean do? I don’t want anything to do with this


Sally: I killed him for you.

Violet: For me? Why did you do it for me? Why?

Sally: Because you deserve better. He was dragging you down. He was

no good for you. You’re better off without him. Just us now. You and me.

Violet: No, no, no. It’s murder. I don’t want you anywhere near me.

Leave me! (Pause. Both women walk to the end of the edge of the stage.)You’ll

hang for this. You’ll swing for what you’ve done.

Sally: Done? Me? We’ve done, Violet. Both of us wanted him dead. You

and I are free of him now. No need to worry.

Violet: Both of us? You not me.

Sally: Who’s to know about it anyway? He’s gone. Soon he’ll be just a


Violet: I’ll tell the police. They’re just around the other street. They’ll be

interested I know they will.

Sally: No, that wouldn’t be wise, Violet. Who’d you think they‘d believe?

Me a complete stranger who barely knows your husband or you his wifewho used to row with him and probably the neighbours heard rowing and


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wouldn’t be surprised if you killed him as he betrayed you?

Violet: You are a liar. You killed him. Not me. I didn’t know.

Sally: No one knows I’m here. I’ve not been out since I came here.

Violet: You can’t put the blame on me. You’re the murderer.

Sally: We Violet, dear, we are. And it’s a deed well done and finished

with. So calm down and think what we’re to do with his body.

Violet: Do? Me? Us? (Pause. Look sat her hands. Looks at Sally. Sally walks

along the edge of the stage towards her.)What if the police find out?

Sally: They won’t. They’re too busy with the other murders.

Violet: Other murders? You?

Sally: She was a fool. She wasn’t wise like you. She was going to tell the

 police even if it meant she’d be charged with murder too. I had to stop her 

didn’t I? She was so silly. I quite liked her. But you. I love you. And

you’re wise. You’re not a fool. Why hang for a worm of a husband?

Violet: We could…Bury him. (Pause. Looks at Sally.)Under the shed. Then

we could concrete the floor afterwards and no one need ever know. Yes,

yes, that’s it, that’s it. Bury him. (Pause. Laughs hysterically.)Bury him like a

 bag of bones.

Sally: Is there any more tea in the pot? (Pause.) A nice cup of tea help you

think. (Smiles.)Will you be mother or shall I? (Violet picks up the teapot and

 pours them both another cup of tea and ads milk and sugar. She does this a in a daze.)

Violet: I’ll be mother. I want to be the mother. (Laughs again but softer andthen Sally joins her and the light fades. Silence.)


End of Act two and Scene Five.



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