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Herbal Med Pharma

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8/14/2019 Herbal Med Pharma http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/herbal-med-pharma 1/67 BY: PRINCESS AMEERAH M. ABBAS MEDICINE 2B
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• DRUG-old Dutch worddrogge meaning ‘to dry’.

• 25% of all prescription drugsstill derived from trees,shrubs, or herbs.

• Some from plant

extracts;others aresynthesized to mimic anatural plant compund

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• ‘ The WHO notes that 119 plant-derived pharmaceutical medicines,about 74% are used in modernmedicine in ways that correlateddirectly w/ their traditional uses as

plant medicines by native cultures. ’

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• ‘The scope of herbalmedicine ranges from mild–acting plant medicines

such as chamomile &peppermint to very potentones such as foxglove

(from w/c digitalis derived).

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• HERB- as used in herbal medicine(aka as botanical medicine, or inEurope, as phytotherapy orphytomedicine), means a plant orplant part that is used to make

medicine, food flavors (spices), oraromatic oils for soaps & fragrances.

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Herb can be:

• Leaf 

• Flower

• Stem

• Seed

• Root

• Fruit

• Bark

• Or any other plantpart used for its

medicinal, foodflavoring or fragrantproperty.

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• ‘ There are an estimated250,000 to 500,000 plantson earth today (the number

varies depending onwhether subspecies areincluded). Only about 5,000

of these have beenextensively studied for theirmedicinal applications’

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• ‘Considering that 121 prescriptiondrugs come from onlt 90 species of plants, & that 74% of these werediscovered ff. up native folkloreclaims ’-Dr. Farnsworth

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HOW HERBALMEDICINE WORKS?• Herbs contain large # of naturally

occurring chemicals that havebiological activity.

• For past 150 years, chemists &pharmacists have been isolating &purifying the ‘active’ compundsfrom plants to produce reliable

pharmaceutical drugs.

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• Digoxin-foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

•Reserpine-indian snakeroot(Rauwolfia serpentina)

• Colchicine- autumn crocus(Colchicum autumnale)

• Morphine- opium poppy (Papaver somniafera)

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Accdg to Dr. AndrewWeil• …because herbs & plants use an

indirect route to the bloodstream &target organs, their effects areusually slower in onset & less

dramatic than those of purified drugsadministered by more drug routes.‘Drs & pts accustomed to the rapid,intense effects of synthetic meds

may become impatient w/ botanicalsfor this reason’.

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• Adverse effects can occur if aninadequate dose, a low- quality herb,or the wrong herb is prescribed forthe patient.

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 THE ACTION OFHERBS• Pharmaceutical research find

out how & why the activeingredients of herbs work; this

effect is reffered as herb’saction.

Th li i f h b / k

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 The qualities of herbs w/c makethem beneficial in treating thehuman body, include:

• Adaptogenic: inc. Resistance & resilience tostress, enabling the body to adapt around the problem

& avoid reaching collapse. Also work by supporting theadrenal glands.

• Alternative: restore proper funtioning of the body,increasing health & vitality.

• Antihelmintic: destroy or expel intestinal worms

• Anti-inflammatory: soothe inflammations or reduce theinflammatory response of the tissue directly.

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• Antimicrobial- destroy or resistpathogens.

• Antispasmodic- ease cramps in smooth &skeletal muscles. Alleviate muscular

tension & can ease psychological tensionas well.

• Astringent- have binding action on mucousmembranes, skin & other tissue. Theyreduce irritation & inflammation & creating

a barrier against infection that is helpful towounds & burns.

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• Bitter: have a special role inpreventive med. The taste triggers a

sensory response in the CNS leading toa range of responses, including:stimulating appetite & the flow of 

digestive juices; aiding the liver’sdetoxification work; increasing bileflow; & motivating gut self- repairmechanisms.

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• Diuretic: inc. Production & elimination of urine. Helpeliminate waste & support the whole process of innercleansing.

• Emmenagogue: stimulate menstrual flow & activity.Remedy that affects the female reproductive system.

• Expectorant: stimulate removal of mucous from thelungs.

 – Stimulating expectorants ‘irritate ’ the bronchioles causingexpulsion of material.

 – Relaxing expectorants- soothes bronchial spasm & loosenmucuous secretions, helping in dry, irritating coughs.

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• Hepatic: aid the liver. They tone theliver & in some cases increase the flowof bile.

• Hypotensive: lower elevated BP.

• Laxative: promote bowel movements.

• Nervine: helps the nervous system &subdivided into 3 grps:

 – Nervine tonics: strengthen & restore thenervous system.

 – Nervine relaxants: ease anxiety & tension bysoothing both body & mind.

 – Nervine stimulants- directly stimulate nerveactivity.

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• Stimulating: quicken & invigorate thephysiological & metabolic activity of the


•  Tonic: nurture & enliven. They are usedfrequently in Traditional Chinese

Medicine & Ayurvedic Medicine, oftenas a preventative measure. Tonic herbslike ginseng build vital energy, or qi.

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Herbs in Many Forms

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• Whole herbs: plants or plant parts thatare dried & then either cut or

powdered. They can be used as teas orfor a variety of products at home.

•  Teas: come in either loose or teabag

form.teas are consumed for 3 reasons:

1. as alternatives to caffeinated teaor coffee

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2. as a component to meal strictly for theflavor ( peppermint, spearmint, rosehips,lemon grass, anise)

3. For their mild medicinal effects

( peppermint & chamomile for upsetstomach or to improve digestion,chamomile or hops as a night time sleepaid or insomnia remedy, cinnamon tea as ahome remedy for diarrhea)

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Extracts & Tinctures: offeradvantage of high concentrationin low weight & space. They arealso quickly assimilated comparedto tablets, w/c take more time todisintegrate & ingest.

- almost always contain alcohol.

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• Alcohol is used for 2 reasons:

1. Solvent to extract the various non-water-

soluble compounds from an herb2. As a preservative to maintain shelf life

 Tinctures usually contain more alcohol

tahn extracts (sometimes up to 70%alcohol, depending on the particularherb & manufacturer).

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Essential Oils: usually distilled fromvarious parts of medicinal & aromaticplants.

Salves, Balms, & Ointments: made w/

vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. These products often contain the ff.herbs: aloe, marigold, chamomile, St. John’s Wort, comfrey & gotu kola.

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Different Systems of 


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 Traditional ChineseMedicine

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The Herbal Medicine Chest

Each of the ff. 25

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Each of the ff. 25herbal meds has a

long history of 


• Widely used ingredient in

cosmetics (hand lotions, shaving

creams, etc)

• Aloe gel is used externally on theskin primarily for its emollient

(skin softening) property.

• Aloe latex (leaf)-recognized as a

safe & effective laxativeingredient by the FDA (Food &

Drug Administration) as well as a

# of European countries.

• Antrquinone- containing-need tobe used for the short- term only &

during pregnancy or lactation.

Aloe Vera( Aloevera)

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Aloe Vera( Aloe vera)

• Long term use or misuse may also cause

an electrolyte imbalance, resulting in

depletion of potassium salts & thus may

adverely effect heart function.• *keep in mind that these warnings are for aloe latex used as

laxative, not the aloe gel or juice commonly consumed by health

enthusiasts for “inner cleansing”


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• Most useful of the systemic


• It stimulates blood flow,

strengthening the heartbeat&metabolic rate.

• It is helpful specifically for the

circulatory & digestive systems.

• Maybe used in flatulentdyspepsia( imperfect or painful

digestion) & colic.

• Also used if there is insufficient

peripheral circulation, leading tocold hands & feet & possibly

chilblains (a form of cold injury

char. by redness & blistering)

Red pepper 

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• Used in many cultures for its

pleasant-tasting tea, consumed

after dinner beverage to help

digestion• In Europe, it is noted as a

digestive aid,mild sedative & for 

its anti-inflammatory property,

esp. in over the cpunter preparations for oral hygiene &

skin creams.

• In Germany, it is licensed as an

over the counter drug for internal

use against GI spasms &

inflammatory dses of the GIT

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Chamomile (Matricaria recutica)

• Externally, the extract is approved for skin

dses of the mouth & gums, for 

inflammation of the mucous membranes of 

the throat & airways & as an external bath& rinse for inflamed conditions of anal &

genital regions.

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C (

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Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-

castus)• Also treats fibroid cyst that occur in

smooth muscle tissue or body cavities.

• May also be of value in treating


• Can also help control acne in teenagers,

both among young men & women.


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• For external wound healing &


• Seeds-immunostimulating

properties, relieving the commoncold & flus

• Oral dosage- recurrent infections

of the respiratory & urinary tracts,

tuberculosis, leukosis, connectivetissue dse, multiple sclerosis

• Liquid preparation-have immune

stimulating activity when

administered both orally &parenterally; increase # of WBC

& splenocytes

Purple Coneflower 


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• Also enhance the activity

of granulocytes &

phagocytesPurple Coneflower 

Ephedra/ Ma-

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Ephedra/ Ma-

huang (Ephedra


• Used for asthma & hay fever-like

conditions in China

• Stem- contain 2 primary

alkaloids: ephedrine&pseudoephedrine w/c are now

approved for use in over the

counter decongestant & bronchial

drugs• Ephedrine has marked peripheral

vasoconstricting action

• Pseudoephedrine is a

bronchodilator, approved for usein asthma & certain allergy


Ephedra/ Ma-

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Ephedra/ Ma-

huang (Ephedra


• Its extract increase

energy & reduce appetite

• Both ephedrine &pseudoephedrine have

CNS stimulating

properties, ephedrinemore active.

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Garlic ( Allium


• Most well recognized medicinal herb

• Antibiotic & antiviral

• Use in helping clear congested lungs;

for coughs & bronchitis; preventivemeasure for the common cold & flus

• For intestinal worms;dysentery, sinus

congestion, certain ulcers, gout &


• Has even chemopreventive properties-helping prevent certain cancers

• Slightly lowers BP, aiding in thinning the

blood & reducing platelet aggregation

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( Zingiber 


• Fresh ginger juice has

been applied topically in

Traditional ChineseMedicine as a burn


Old li i h

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Ginkgo (Ginkgo


• Oldest living trees on earth

• For the tx of cerebral dysfunction

• As a supportive tx for hearing

loss due to cervical syndrome &for peripheral arterial circulatory

disturbances such as intermittent


• Leaf & extracts used for heart &eye dses & accidents involving

brain trauma

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Goldenseal T i d th t ti l t th

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• Tonic remedy that stimulates the

immune response, & is directly

antimicrobial itself 

• Because of its bitter taste in can help in

digestive problems from peptic ulcers tocolitis; helps in loss of appetite & the

alkaloids stimulate production &

secretion of digestive juices

• Berberine-alkaloid responsible for 

antimicrobial property

• Goldenseal also been usednduring labor 

to help contractions.

• Helpful in eczema, ringworm, itching,

earache & conjunctivitis

HawthornEff t th di l

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• Effects on the cardiovascular 


• One of the primary heart

tonics in traditional med

• Fruit & leafknown for their 

cardiotonic, sedative &

hypotensive activities• Dec. BP w/ exertion; inc.

contractility & blood flow to

coronary muscle; dec heart

rate & O2 use of 


Li d f i

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Hops (Humulus


• Licensed for use in

states of unrest & anxiety

as well as sleepdisorders due to its

calming & sleep inducing


• Aid in nervous tension,

excitability, restlessness

& sleep disturbances &

stimulate appetite

LicoriceH ff t th d i

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• Have effects on the endocrine

system, liver & other organs

• Constituents called triterpenes-

metabolized in the body intomolecules that have a similar 

structure to the adrenal cortex

hormones w/c is the basis for its

anti-inflammatory action.• Used in the tx of hepatitis&


• Inhibits growth of several DNA&

RNA viruses, inactivating herpessimplex virus particles irreversibly

LicoriceU d t f ti l &

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• Used as tx for peptic ulcer &

gastritis & relief of abdominal


• Used for bronchitis & cough• Affects electrolyte balance w/

extended use of large doses

• Can cause Na retention thus

raising BP• Has constituents that counter this

but it is best to avoid licorice in

cases of HPN or kidney dse or 

during pregnancy

Milk ThistleU d i E li

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• Used in Europe as a liver 

tonic & current phytotherapy

indicates its use in a whole

range of liver & gallbladder conditions including hepatitis

& cirrhosis

• “is undoubtedly the bestdocumented pharmaceutical

agent for the tx of liver dses”

• Used as spring tonic & detoxifying

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Nettle (Urtica


• Used as spring tonic & detoxifying


• If used regularly over the long term

can be successful in cases of rheumatism & arthritis

• Lectin(plant protein)- found in

nettles leaf stimulates the

proliferation of human lymphocytes

• Use as tx of allergic rhinitis


• Indicated for the cases of 

childhood eczema

• Has been used as a safe diuretic

Passion Flower • Use for its mild sedati e

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• Use for its mild sedative


• Use in state of “nervous


• Together w/ hawthorn often

used as antispasmodics for 

digestive spasms in gastritis& colitis

• Pharmacological studies

indicate antispasmodic,

sedative, anxiolytic &hypotensive activity of 

passion flower extracts

Peppermint • Remedy for digestive disorders

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• Remedy for digestive disorders

• Peppermint oil approved as drug

for upper GIT cramps & spastic

conditions of bile ducts, catarrh(inflammation mucous membrane)

of upper respiratory area &

inflammation of oral mucosa

• Also approved for irritable bowelsyndrome

• Also has antimicrobial property

• Peppermint oil is approved by

ESCOP for gallbladder inflammation& gallstones & skin

conds such as pruritus & urticaria

St. John’s Wort • Used as anti-inflammatory wound

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Used as anti-inflammatory, wound

healing nervine, valued for its mild

sedative & pain reducing properties

• Been used to treat neuralgia, anxiety,

tension & similar problems

• Will also ease fibrositis, sciatica, &

rheumatic pain

• Use in aid menopausal changes

triggering irritability & anxiety

• Tx for depression

• Tx for virus infection from influenza to


• As a lotion it will speed the healing of 

wouds & bruises, varicose veins& mildburns

• Oil useful for healing sunburn

Saw Palmetto• Acts to tone & strengthen

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• Acts to tone & strengthen

the male reproductive

system• Most effective in benign

prostatic hypertrophy

• Help in cases of prostatitis if combined w/

echinacea & bearberry

• It is a laxative

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Senna (Cassia


• It is a laxative

• Long term use or misuse

can result in dependency& electrolyte loss

• *not be used during pregnancy or 

lactation unless professionally


• One of the best adaptogen

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• One of the best adaptogen

• Used for chronic gastritis, diabetis

& atherosclerosis

• Speeds postoperative recovery• Used as tx of cancer, easing the

stress response that aggravate


• Reduces the cytotoxicity of antineoplastic drugs & narcotic

effects of sedatives

Siberian Ginseng

or Eleuthero(Eleutherococcus


Valerian• Used for state of

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• Used for state of 

“excitation” & “difficulty in

falling asleep owing tonervousness”

• Other uses include

nervous heart conds,children’s anorexia

caused by excitement,

trembling & stomach


Witch Hazel • Use as astringent

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Use as astringent

• May also be used wherever there

is bleeding, both internally &

externally• Useful in easing hemorrhoids

• Use as tx of bruises & inflammed

swellings & varicose veins

• Stops diarrhea & aid in the tx of dysentery

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