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HERCULANEUM, ITALY · When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding...

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Plan of Herculaneum HERCULANEUM, ITALY The archaeological site of Herculaneum is located on the Bay of Naples, in the shadow of the volcano Vesuvius which caused its destruction in the eruption of AD 79. Herculaneum in the first century AD was a thriving city which enjoyed the social and trade network that flourished in the Campanian region at that time, with links to the entire Roman world. Although Herculaneum was not the largest or most important town in the region it did enjoy the presence of Roman citizens of high rank, a secure port, good fishing, and intensive cultivation of vines and oil. When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by lapilli (light volcanic stones), Herculaneum was destroyed when a cloud of hot gas hit the city at a speed of 70 km per hour and at a temperature of circa 400’C. The city was then alternately hit by pyroclastic surges and flows (hot gases with rock fragments), was ultimately buried under 9-21 m of volcanic material. Herculaneum was rediscovered in 1709 and subsequent escavations, explored the site by tunnel, largely with the aim of obtaining marble, statues and frescoes. It was in 1780 that the excavations were abandoned in favour of the easier working conditions at Pompeii. Open-air excavations dId not really get underway until 1927-1958 under Amedeo Maiuri, who was responsible for excavating most of the site that can be seen today. The extraordinary nature of Herculaneum"s volcanic burial allowed the preservation of the Roman buildings and their contents including metals, wood, human remains, foodstuffs arid other organic materials. ABITAZIONI 1 CASA DI ARITIDE 2 CASA D’ARGO 3 CASA DELL’ALBERGO 4 CASA DEL GENIO 5 CASA DELLO SCHELETRO 6 CASA DELL’ERMA DI BRONZO 7 CASA A GRATICCIO 8 CASA DEL TRAMEZZO DI LEGNO 9 CASA DI GALBA 10 CASA DEL COLONNATO TUSCANICO 11 CASA DEI DUE ATRI 12 CASA DEL SALONE NERO 13 CASA DELL’ATRIO A MOSAICO 14 CASA DEI CERVI 15 CASA DELL’ALCOVA 16 CASA DELLA STOFFA 17 CASA SANNITICA 18 CASA DEL GRAN PORTALE 19 CASA DEL TELAIO 20 CASA DEL MOBILIO CARBONIZZATO 21 CASA DEL SACELLO 22 CASA DI NETTUNO E ANFITRITE 23 CASA DELL’ATRIO CORINZIO 24 CASA DEL BICENTENARIO 25 CASA DELLA GEMMA 26 CASA DEL RILIEVO DI TELEFO EDIFICI PUBBLICI A TERME URBANE B SACELLO DEGLI AUGUSTALI C PALESTRA D VESTIBOLO DELLA PALESTRA E AULA SUPERIORE G TERME SUBURBANE H SACELLI I AREA SACRA L ARA DI M. NONIO BALBO
Page 1: HERCULANEUM, ITALY · When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by

Plan of Herculaneum

HERCULANEUM, ITALYThe archaeological site of Herculaneum is located on the Bay of Naples, in the shadow of the volcano Vesuvius which caused its

destruction in the eruption of AD 79.Herculaneum in the first century AD was a thriving city which enjoyed the social and trade network that flourished in the Campanian

region at that time, with links to the entire Roman world. Although Herculaneum was not the largest or most important town in the region it did enjoy the presence of Roman citizens of high rank, a secure port, good fishing, and intensive cultivation of vines and oil. When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by lapilli (light volcanic stones), Herculaneum was destroyed when a cloud of hot gas hit the city at a speed of 70 km per hour and at a temperature of circa 400’C. The city was then alternately hit by pyroclastic surges and flows (hot gases with rock fragments), was ultimately buried under 9-21 m of volcanic material.

Herculaneum was rediscovered in 1709 and subsequent escavations, explored the site by tunnel, largely with the aim of obtaining marble, statues and frescoes. It was in 1780 that the excavations were abandoned in favour of the easier working conditions at Pompeii. Open-air excavations dId not really get underway until 1927-1958 under Amedeo Maiuri, who was responsible for excavating most of the site that can be seen today. The extraordinary nature of Herculaneum"s volcanic burial allowed the preservation of the Roman buildings and their contents including metals, wood, human remains, foodstuffs arid other organic materials.




Page 2: HERCULANEUM, ITALY · When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by


All’ingresso della città l’attenzione del visitatore viene

rapita da una meravigliosa vista: la città antica parzialmente ancora seppellita dalla città moderna. In alto, sopra le due città, i due picchi vulcanici del Monte Vesuvio sulla destra e del Monte Somma a sinistra.

At the entrance of the archaeological site our attention is caught by a wonderful view: the ancient city which lies buried under the modern city. Above them both we can see the two volcanic peaks: Mt.

Vesuvius on the right and Mt. Somma on the left.

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Terrazza di M. Nonio BalboTerrace of M. Nonius Balbus

Risalendo la rampa addossata alle mura si può accedere a un’ampia piazza rettangolare antistante al complesso delle terme suburbane.

Qui si erge l’ara funeraria, rivestita di marmo, che per decreto del senato locale fu dedicata al senatore M. Nonius Balbus, pretore e proconsole della provincia di Creta e di Cirene, tribuno della plebe nel 32 a.C. e partigiano di Ottaviano, il futuro imperatore “Augusto” (27 a.C.-14 d.C.). M. Nonio Balbo si rese benemerito verso la città di Ercolano per aver restaurato e costruito molti edifici pubblici: in suo onore furono erette almeno 10 statue e alla sua morte gli furono tributati grandi onori, ricordati nella lunga iscrizione incisa sulla faccia dell’ara funeraria rivolta verso il mare. Sulla base marmorea a lato dell’ara funeraria era collocata la statua loricata (con corazza) dello stesso M. Nonio Balbo, anch’essa in marmo: la testa fu trovata già durante gli scavi di A. Maiuri, mentre l’ampio frammento del busto è stato recuperato nel 1981.

Climbing the ramp against the walls brings you into a large rectangular piazza, in front of the complex of the Suburban Baths. Here stands the funeral altar, covered with marble, which by decree of the local senate was dedicated to the senator M. Nonius Balbus, praetor and proconsul of the provinces of Crete and Cyrene, tribune of the plebes in 32 BC and partisan of

Octavian, the future Emperor “Augustus” (27 BC.-14 AD). M. Nonius Balbus did good service towards the city of Herculaneum by restoring and building many public buildings: at least 10 statues were erected in his honor, and great honors bestowed upon his death, recalled in the long inscription engraved on the side of the funeral altar facing the sea. On the marble base next to the funeral altar was the armored statue of M. Nonius Balbus himself, also made of marble: the head was already found during the excavations led by A. Maiuri, while the large fragment of the bust was recovered in 1981.

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IMPIANTO URBANO Della CittàUrban layout of the city

Ercolano, al momento dell’eruzione, contava verisimilmente 4.000 abitanti ed era estesa per circa 20 ettari entro la cinta muraria, di cui è

visibile solo un tratto prospiciente la spiaggia.Visitabili sono solo 4,5 ettari, mentre alcuni importanti edifici pubblici o residenziali, scavati per cunicoli nel corso del 1700, sono oggi inaccessibili (la Basilica Noniana e la cosiddetta Basilica) o si trovano all’esterno del parco archeologico, come il Teatro e la “Villa dei Papiri”.L'impianto urbano è articolato su tre decumani, cioè le strade con andamento NordOvest/SudEst, di cui due soli scavati “a cielo aperto”, intersecati da cinque cardini perpendicolari ad essi e alla linea di costa. Sono visibili, il terzo, il quarto e il quinto. Le strade, pavimentate con blocchi di lava e fiancheggiate da marciapiedi, non presentano i solchi segnati dal passaggio dei carri come a Pompei, evidentemente perché, almeno nel settore scavato, il trasporto delle merci era affidato a facchini o mulattieri.

At the time of the eruption Herculaneum had a population of 4,000 inhabitants. It extended over an area of 20 hectares contained within the city wall of which only a trace is visible facing the beach.4.5 hectares are open to the public, while some important public or residential buildings, excavated along underground

passageways during the 17 hundreds are inaccessible today. These latter are found outside the archaeological park, like, for example, the Theatre and the Villa of the Papyri.The urban plan consists of 3 “decumani”, i.e. roads going Northwest/Southeast, of which only two were excavated under “an open sky”. These roads were intersected by 5 main roads at right angles to them and to the coastline. The third, fourth and fifth are visible today.These roads, paved with blocks of lava and flanked by pavements, have no signs of grooves caused by the passing of carriages as in Pompeii. The reason is, evidently, because, at least in the excavated sector, transport of goods was entrusted to porters or mule drivers.

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Page 8: HERCULANEUM, ITALY · When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by

Il TERMOPOLIUMThe Thermopolium

I thermopolia erano luoghi di ristoro in cui si servivano bevande e cibi caldi (donde il nome alla greca): era usuale

pranzare (prandium=pasto di mezzogiorno) fuori casa. La struttura tipica è semplice: un locale aperto sulla strada, con bancone in muratura, decorato di lastre marmoree o in terracotta, in cui sono incassati i dolia (giare) per contenere la merce; talora in ambienti retrostanti ci si poteva sedere e consumare il pasto. Nel retrobottega di questo thermopolium sono state ritrovate molte anfore, una delle quali recava l’iscrizione dipinta di un produttore di Ercolano: M. Livi Alcimi Herclani.

The thermopolium was a type of take-away shop. Food was kept in large vases called dolia whlch were built into the counter. Simple foods were sold that could be eaten quickly while standing up: focaccia, vegetable soup, dried fruits wlth honey, etc. Dining happened in triclinia, rooms furnished with three couches, on each of which three people could lie. The Romans ate

lying on their sides, with a table at the centre of the room on which the food was placed.

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Page 10: HERCULANEUM, ITALY · When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by

La PalestraThe Palestra

Il gigantesco complesso edilizio, destinato prevalentemente alle

attività sportive, fu realizzato in età augustea (27 a.C.-14 d.C.).Articolato su due terrazze, l’edificio è stato scavato a cielo aperto soltanto in parte. L'ingresso avviene dal cardo V attraverso il vestibolo monumentale, evidenziato da due colonne.La terrazza inferiore è costituita da una grande area con portici su tre lati e un criptoportico sul lato Nord che sorregge la terrazza sovrastante.

Al di sotto della scarpata est del sito si trova una bellissima vasca cruciforme con la fontana bronzea raffigurante l’Idra di Lerna, mitico serpente mostruoso, dalle molte teste contro il quale combattè Ercole in una delle sue 12 fatiche.Lungo il lato Ovest del portico si apre una serie di ambienti tra cui spicca la vasta aula rettangolare absidata, alta quasi 10 m, con nicchia sul fondo e mensa marmorea, destinata alle cerimonie cultual

This gigantic building complex, used primarily for sporting activities, was built in the Augustan period (27 B.C.-14 A.D.). Developed on two terraces, the building has been only partially uncovered. The

main entrance is from the Cardo V through the monumental vestibule, marked by two columns. The lower terrace is made up of a large area with porticos on three sides and a cryptoporticus on the north side to support the terrace above. Under the eastern escarpment of the site is a beautiful cruciform pool only accessible by tunnel. At the centre of the pool was a bronze statue of the Hydra Lerna the mythical, monstrous, many-headed snake against which Hercules fought during one of his 12 labours.A series of rooms open along the western side of the portico, including the vast, rectangular apsidal hall, nearly 10 m high, with a niche at the back and marble table to be used in religious ceremonies.

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Statua in bronzodell’idra di lerna

Bronze Staute of the Hydra of Lerna

Nella Palestra, al centro della

vasca cruciforme si trova la staua in bronzo raffigurante l'Idra di Lerna, mitico serpente mostruoso, dalle molte teste contro il quale combattè Ercole in una delle sue 12 fatiche.

In the Palaestra, at the centre of the pool was a bronze statue of the Hydra Lerna the

mythical, monstrous, many-headed snake against which Hercules fought during one of his 12 labours.

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La casa di Nettuno e AnfitriteHouse of Neptune and Amphitrite

Questa abitazione si impone all’attenzione per la ricca decorazione del triclinio estivo, che già si scorge

attraverso la finestra del tablino, posto in asse con l’ingresso. Il nome della dimora deriva dal mosaico parietale in pasta vitrea raffigurante Nettuno e Anfitrite, che decora la parete orientale dell’ambiente, mentre il lato Nord è occupato da un ninfeo, anch’esso rivestito da un mosaico in pasta vitrea con conchiglie e schiuma di lava e sormontato da maschere teatrali in marmo. Sopra la zona delle nicchie è sistemato il serbatoio, che alimentava la fontana.

This dwelling draws one's attention due to the rich decoration of the summer triclinium, glimpsed even through the window of the tablinum aligned with the entrance. The name of the house derives from the glass paste wall mosaic depicting Neptune and Amphitrite, which adorns the east wall of the room, while the north side is occupied by a nymphaeum, also covered with

a glass paste mosaic, with shells and lava foam and topped with marble theatrical masks. Above the niche area is the tank that fed the fountain. In the lararium (aedicula) of the atrium were discovered two shattered marble slabs painted with red lines, one of which bearing the artist's signature in Greek: Alexander of Athens painted.

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Particolare del mosaico dellacasa di nettuno e anfitrite


Page 15: HERCULANEUM, ITALY · When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by

Mosaico Apodyterium terme FemminiliMosaic in the Apodyterium

of the female section of the central bath

Gli Ercolanesi non possedevano tutti l’acqua in casa e quindi usufruire dei bagni termali era una vera e propria

necessità. Ma allo stesso tempo era un autentico fenomeno di costume, espressione di una particolare concezione del tempo libero.Si andava alle terme non solo per fare il bagno, ma anche per passeggiare, mangiare, bere, incontrare amici, conversare, fare conoscenze, cercare appoggi politici. Le terme diventarono quindi un’occasione di vita sociale in un ambiente, che per sua stessa natura facilitava gli incontri.Gli stabilimenti offrivano infatti bagni caldi, piscine, saune, locali per il massaggio e la toeletta, palestre e spazi porticati.All’ingresso si pagava una modesta tassa, anche se vi erano casi di entrate gratuite, ad esempio per i ragazzi, e poi vi erano diversi prezzi per i vari servizi: custodia dei vestiti, massaggi, fornitura di oli profumati. In genere uomini e donne avevano sezioni separate.Dal cardo IV si accede alla sezione femminile delle Terme Centrali. Oltrepassata una sala d'attesa con sedili in muratura disposti lungo le pareti, si entra nell’apodyterium (spogliatoio) con volta a botte strigilata e ove si trova la “bella copia” del mosaico con Tritone presente nel reparto maschile. Seguono il tepidarium (sala tiepida), con mensole per deporre gli abiti e pavimento con mosaico a meandri, e il caldarium (sala calda), con copertura a volta e due sontuosi sedili, uno in marmo bianco, l’altro in rosso antico. Alle spalle di questi ambienti sono la fornace per il riscaldamento e il pozzo, che attingeva acqua a m 8,25 di profondità. A Sud il complesso termale è collegato alla palestra, un cortile scoperto circondato da portici, con colonne in laterizio rivestite di stucco.

Not all the inhabitants of Herculaneum had water at home and so they used public bath complexes. People went to the baths not only to have wash, but also to take a walk, eat, meet friends, make conversation, make acquaintances and seek political

support: the baths offered a social occasion.The following were offered: hot bathing, swimming pool, sauna, massages, toilets, gymnasium and porticoed spaces.At the entrance customers paid a modest fee; also free entrance was given to young people and there were different prices for various services like: cloakroom, massage, provision of perfumed oils.Generally men and women had separate sections. The women's section of the Central Baths is entered from Cardo IV. Passing a waiting room with masonry seats along the walls, one enters the apodyterium (changing room) with a strigilate barrel vault, and where we find the “final version” of the mosaic with Triton present in the men’s section. This is followed by the tepidarium (warm room), with shelves for storing garments and its meandering mosaic floor, and the calidarium (hot room), with vaulted ceiling and two sumptuous seats, one of white marble, the other dark red. Behind these rooms are the heating furnace and the well, which drew water from 8.25 m deep. To the south the bath complex is connected to the palaestra, an outdoor courtyard surrounded by porticos, with brick Ionic columns covered with stuccoes.

Page 16: HERCULANEUM, ITALY · When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by

Decumano MassimoDecumanus Maximus

Vista lungo il Decumano Massimo, l’arteria principale della città di Herculaneum. Il Decumano era il

centro nevralgico della città, sul quale si affacciavano negozi, edifici pubblici e bellissime dimore come la Casa del Bicentenario, la casa del Salone Nero, ecc.All’estremità occidentale del decumano è l’Arco Quadrifronte, un grande arco le cui facciate erano decorate con lastre di marmo, mentre i lati erano rivestiti di intonaco bianco; la volta interna era decorata da rilievi in stucco di IV stile.

A view down the Decumanus Maximus, Herculaneum’s main street. The Decumanus was the heart of the town and was lined with shops, public buildings and grand houses such as the House of the Bicentenary, the House of the Black Salon, etc.At the western end of the Decumanus is a monumental arch, decorated with marble and white plaster work on the sides; the

internal vaults are decorated instead with stuccoes in the IV style.

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Page 18: HERCULANEUM, ITALY · When Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, it destroyed the city and the surrounding area including Pompeii, Stabiae and Oplontis. Unlike Pompeii, which was covered by

Fontana Decumano MassimoFountain on the Decumanus Maximus

Nel periodo preromano l’approvviggionamento idrico avveniva attraverso pozzi e cisterne, ove i primi

captavano l’acqua dalla falda acquifera e le seconde raccoglievano nelle abitazioni le acque piovane convogliate dal sistema compluvio-impluvio. Nell’età augustea la città venne collegata all’acquedotto del Serino. In molti punti della città (marciapiede Cardo IV e V) sono visibili le tubazioni in piombo attraverso le quali l’acqua arrivava nelle case, negli edifici pubblici, alimentando anche le fontane pubbliche della città. Le fontane sono a forma rettangolare realizzate in pietra calcarea. Tra il Cardo V e il decumano massimo vi è questa fontana decorata con una testa di Ercole.

In pre-Roman times the city’s water was supplied by wells, which drew groundwater, and cisterns, which collected rain water from the impluvium. In the Augustan period the city was connected to the Serino aqueduct. In many places within the city (e.g. the pavements of the Cardo IV and V), lead pipes can be seen which took water into the houses, public buildings and

fountains. The fountain basins are rectangular and made from limestone. Between the Cardo V and the Decumanus Maximus there is a fountain decorated with the head of Hercules.

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La Casa a GraticcioThe House of the Opus Craticium

È una casa d'affitto con piano superiore destinato a uso

plurifamiliare, costruita quasi interamente in opus craticium, tecnica a basso costo ritenuta poco solida e facile preda delle fiamme, che a Pompei non è mai usata per i muri portanti, mentre viene sperimentata ad Ercolano, più “avanzata” e aperta alle innovazioni provenienti dalla vicina Neapolis.Il balcone sulla strada, retto da colonne in laterizio, accoglie in parte una stanza dell’appartamento al primo piano, indipendente, con ingresso dal civico n. 13. Dai nn. 14 e 15 si accede invece alla casa al piano terra e alla bottega annessa. Da questa dimora provengono i cospicui resti in legno carbonizzato di letti, armadi e di un ritratto.

This is a boarding house, with the upper floor intended for use by several families, built almost entirely of opus craticium, a low-cost building technique considered not to be very solid and easily subject to fire, which in Pompeii is never used for supporting walls,

while it is experimentally tested in Herculaneum, a more “advanced” town, open to innovations from nearby Neapolis. The balcony over the street, supported by brick Ionic columns, partly holds a room of the separate first floor apartment, with its own entrance at n. 13. Numbers 14 and 15 lead instead into the house on the ground floor and the adjacent shop. This residence is the source of conspicuous carbonized remains of wooden beds, wardrobes and a portrait.
