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Hereford Times New Reg Guide

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With competitive equipmentlevels and relaxed drivingposition, Mitsubishi ASXoffers more than sufficientresponsiveness androadholding for a familyvehicle

MITSUBISHI’S visibility isphenomenal. For a manufac-turer with a limited presence

in the UK, its vehicles havehuge presence on the road.T h e di st i n ct i ve t r a i t o f ahuge, aggressive grille meansMitsubishi's passenger carscan be recognised from somedistance.

T h e ASX –  i t st a n ds f o rActive Sports Crossover – 

uses the Jet Fighter grille,sloping bonnet profile andangular front light units togreat effect. The flared archesand sweeping line along theprofile to the rear lights alsohelp give it a more insistentpresence.

Two and four-wheel driveplus three trim levels offers areasonable degree of choice,bu t t h e o pt i o n o f a si n g l e

diesel and single petrol unitseems a little restrictive atfirst.

Fortunately this isn’t thecase. With a stop-start systema c r oss t h e r a n ge a sma l lengine line-up can deliverboth the economy and perfor-mance required.

The 1.8-litre turbochargeddiesel unit offers ar e sp e ct a bl e 1 4 8b h p a n d221lb/ft of torque, with CO2

emissions pegged at 145g/kmfor the two-wheel drive plat-f or m t ha t t he c om pa nyex pec t s t o be va st l y mo r epopular than the four-wheeldrive variant, with 150g/kmemissions.

Performance from the 1.6-litre, 115bhp petrol is lessbr i sk, bu t emi ssi o n s a r e


a better perfor-mance against its equivalentcompetitors than the diesel.

On the road, the diesel does-n't lag behind its rivals.

The model rides very com-fortably and competently,while offering more than suf-ficient responsiveness androadholding for a family vehi-cle.

There's more body roll thanin some of the ASX’s direct

r i val s, bu tdetract fromrience and ting is direcThere’s somt h e d i es e lhushed withsome turbo w

Equipmenpetitive, wit

full length gtop spec monav and a rMost noticeever, is the s

The wide easy accessportioned bo For the ld ea ls , v iMitsubishi Road, Herecall 01432 27

Sporty stand

el- like econom ypetrol refinementerformance com-o make this com-model incrediblewith prices start-£11,150.

AN has released thefor its new highly-ced, Micra DIG-S.

senting the latest in

mission engine tech-y, it offers the per-

a nc e o f a bi gg erengine but with theonomy of a diesel.

ultra low emissionre, three cylinderch ar g ed petr olemits only 95g/km

e Visia version andm for the better-ped Acenta and

a models. Officialc on sumpti on i s

pg or 65.7mpg on thened cycle, beating

similarly sized models. Unlikeeconomy modelsh, the DIG-S also

performance boost,

power rising fromo 98PS.ost of this ground-ng technology? The costs just £1,000

han the equivalent,upercharged ver-

much less than thepremiums chargedny rivals for equiv-

diesel versions.rs will also see sav-t the pumps, with

diesel currently averag-ing 4.1p per litre morethanpetrol.

The engine achieves theimprovements in powerand economy through aseries of measures toimprove efficiency. Directinjection, valve timingcontrol with eco mode,improved exhaust gasrecirculation, speciallyshaped pistons and ahigher compression ratioensure the most power isextracted from every

drop of fuel.To reduce inefficient

power loss within theengine operating systemthe Miller Cycle is incor-porated. By allowing theinlet valve to stay openlonger, along with a high-er compression ratio, thec ompressi on st ro k ebecomes more efficient.

More energy is saved byusing an intelligent alter-

nator which rechargesthe battery when theengine power is not indemand, such as underbraking. A stop / startfunction also helps toreduce emissions and fuelconsumption by automat-ically turning off theengine whilst stationaryand restarts again whenyou are ready tomoveoff.The amount of CO2 savedduring stop / start is dis-played on the dashboard.

The engine is available

as a 5-speed manual orwith an optionaladvanced CVT automaticgearbox for an additional£1,000.

Competitive insurancegroup ratings for the DIG-S has been set at 8E forthe Visia and 9E for theAcenta and Tekna grades,based on the Associationof British Insurers (ABI)50 group rating system.

Clean and nippy

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Two-year free servicing planavailable on Approved UsedSaab vehicles

HEREFORD Saab is offering anexclusive free of charge two-year

service plan on Approved UsedSaabs.The free servicing plan, worth up

to £700, is available on all used carsup to five years old or up to 60,000m il es , g iv in g c us to me rs i nHereford the chance to drive awaya fantastic vehicle without theannual cost associated with the ser-vice.

What’s more, all Approved Usedvehicles purchased from HerefordSaab come with an industry-lead-ing guarantee for a minimum of 12months or 15,000 miles on vehiclesup to 10 years or 100,000 miles, plusa co m pre hensi ve m ul ti -p oi ntmechanical check and 12 monthsSaab AA Assistance.

Phil Bowkett, franchise managera t He refo rd S a a b, co mm e nts:“When it comes to purchasing aused Saab vehicle, superior serviceand quality are a top priority.“All customers can be confident

that our highly skilled team of technicians have the experienceand expertise to service their carsand keep them in the best conditionpossible, using genuine Saab partsthat are covered by a two-yearmanufacturer’s warranty.”

Available until September 30, thet wo y e a r fre e se rv i ci ng o ffe r

includes parts, laboTo find Approved

cl e s a v a i l ab l e, gtry Saab’s Used Csaabapproved.co.uk

For further infovehicles in the SaHereford Saab at RCallow, Hereford H

Alternatively, callgo online to herefor

Sorted for servome va-va-voom with

1 plate change thankslow Marsh and popstar Rihanna

AU LT d ea l er C al l owh is gearing up for a hot

mer showcase of its carsantastic savings and a bigf Va Va Voom in the run-o S ep te mb er ’s p la tee.ember 1st sees the very1 plate cars heading out

the region’s roads andult has extra Va Va Voom

s to a number of fabuloustitions.

e’s the chance to win VIPs to one of nine concerts

hanna’s Loud Tour pow-by Renault Va Va Vooming fans (over 18) to get

est seats in the house.l motorists could also wins and merchandise signed

hanna by test driving anyenault car from Callow

h whe re t he y’ l l ge t achcard. Each one has ae code which could win aprize when entered intodsfromrenault.co.ukf t ha t wa sn’ t e no ugh,S e p t em b er 1 fo r t wo

s, there’s a Va Va Voomhe r t ha t ca n b e d o wn-d from vavavoom.co.uk

gives an additional £200he p ri ce o f a C li o o rne (excluding Pzaz).eed to worry if you’re not

a Rihanna fan as Renault’splate change has something tosuit everyone, starting withfantastic customer savings ont he Twi ngo P za z 1 . 2 1 6 V 7 5which comes with 4x20W RDSCD MP3 audio system and elec-tric windows, all for £6,795 –  amassive £1,000 saving. There’salso the option of three years’servicing up front for just £199.

The limited edition Pzaz rangealso extends to the Clio andMégane ranges, with the ClioP z az t h re e- d oo r b o as t in g4x20W CD MP3 player with fin-gertip control and AUX inputand front electric windows,available for just £7,995 –  againa saving of £1,000.

The Mégane Hatch Pzaz 1.6100 comes with 15ins‘Sequence’ wheel trims, 4x 15Wradio CD MP3 player with AUX

input, ESC (Electronic StabilityControl) and is now availablewith a massive saving of £1,600,making it just £9,995.

Pop superstar Rihanna hasbeen heading the latest craze,following Thierry Henry and

Nicole and Papa, by appearingin Renault’s latest Clio adver-tising campaign, this time forthe Renaultsport 200.

The Renaultsport range has ahuge and loyal fanbase in theHereford area, and its support-ers recently had something tocelebrate when the limited edi-tion Mégane Renaultsport 265demolished the current trackrecord for a front-wheel-drivepr odu ct ion c ar at t heNürburgring’s Nordschleifecircuit in Germany.

For those who want the per-formance of a Renaultsport buton a lower budget, there aren e w G or d in i v er s io n s o f  T wi ng o, C li o a nd Wi ndRoadster. The famous Gordiniblue and white stripes reflect

Renault’s proud racing her-itage and are now availablefrom just £11,600.

David Harry, sales manager atCallow Marsh Renault, said:“We know that there are lots of Rihanna fans in Hereford whocould win some great prizeswith us over the plate change!Local motorists really haveplenty of choice when it comesto choosing a new car or vanfrom us.”

summer sizzler at Renault

 Above: Rihanna stars in Renault’s

 Va Va Voom advert.

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ew BMW 1 Series:nd generation of theering premiumact range

unique rear-wheellayout offers even blend of sporty dri-

characteristics andrt.igh quality interior

ncreased passenger a n d t h e 9 9 g / km

116dentDynamics make itrst production BMWak the 100g/km emis-mark.

ew TwinPower tur-rged petrol engines

evised diesel engineswith new ECO PROaving mode to max-

imise efficiencyThe all-new, second gener-

ation BMW 1 Series occu-pi e s a di sti n c ti ve n i c hewithin its segment, offeringa unique and rewardingcombination of agile, pre-cise handling, improvedaesthetics and innovativetechnology.

It remains the only rear-wheel drive car in its class

a nd , w it h a r an ge o f  a d va n ce d T w in P ow erpetrol and diesel engines,offers a sporty but fuel-effi-cient proposition boostedby BMW’sEfficientDynamics tech-nologies fitted as standard.

The previous generationB MW 1 S e ri e s h a s h a denormous success selling

more than 2.2 million unitsglobally, as well as beingthe first car in the premi-um compact segment.

The elegant and dynamicstyling of the new BMW 1Series clothes a car that’s83mm longer, 14mm widera n d 30m m l o n g e r i n t h ewheelbase than its prede-cessor. These dimensionscreate a car with increased

c a bin di m en si on s a n d,thus, greater interior com-fort.

The new BMW 1 Seriesgoes on sale in the UK onSeptember 17, with a choiceo f t h r e e di e se l a n d t w opetrol engines.

Prices start at £19,375 onthe road for a BMW 116iES.

BMW’s next generation

New 2011 Subaru WRX STIbreaks cover

WITH A major handling

upgrade, based around new‘spec. C’ suspension, a newfo u r- do or sa l oo n m o del

  joined the five-door hatch-back this year.

Capable of 0-62mph in 5.2 seconds and atop speed of 158mph (four-door), it bene-fits from mproved-quality materials forthe interior and it’s evocative boxer-engine ‘burble’ is enhanced.

Prices start at £32,995 (OTR).Ever since its introduction in 2001, the

Subaru Impreza WRX STI has been abyword for exceptional real-world dri-ving performance. The new 2011 model,incorporates a wide range of develop-ments which maintain the continual evo-lution of this iconic vehicle.

So synonymous are the six letters WRXSTI with automotive exhilaration, thatfo r t h i s l a t est 2011 g e n e r a ti o n , t h e

Impreza moniker has been dropped andthe new car will be known simply as theSubaru WRX STI.

In r e spon se t o si g n ifi c an t m a r ke tdemand the four-door saloon version isonce again available, after an absence of three years. The hatchback variant willsit alongside the saloon, and this willconsequently mark the first time thatfour- and five-door versions of the carhave been sold together in the UK.

In order to further refine its all-roundperformance, the 2011 WRX STI has been

extensively tested undeof weather, traffic and rranging from slow, conving and rapid B-road spr‘hot laps’ around famous including the notoriousthe Nürburgring in Germ

The new WRX STI benee n ed bo dysh e l l a n d areworked suspension supon the marque’s wideC’ set-up. Lower ride htyres also contribute to accurate control of the feedback for the driver.

The more rigid bodysheit possible to increase subenefiting road-holdingrefinement.

Exterior styling is extewith new bumpers, enlater panels and lower ridt h e c a r a m o r e m u sc uInside, the quality of thehas been upgraded, andpassenger are assured comfortable seating posthe introduction of allbucket seats.


new star

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ee Garage goes from strengthength with two iconic four-l drive brands on one great site

FORD Land Rover has celebrated itsnnivesary at Much Cowarne, but is to have been associated with thebrand for even longer than that.

business traces its roots back to 1954Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire,

, still in the same family ownership,

it trades as Five Acres garage.It was 29 years ago, in 1982, that the asso-

ciation with Land Rover began.The owners, the Jenkins family, bought a

Land Rover dealership in Ross-on-Wye butit soon outgrew the site.

The decision was taken to leave the Roverpart of the business in Ross and move LandRover sales to what was then the Fir TreeGarage in Much Cowarne. It opened forbusiness on June 4, 1986.

A decade later the present premises werebuilt and the dealership changed its name

to Hereford Land Rover.This was done to take account of the ever-

increasing sales of Land Rover vehicles. Byt he n t he i co ni c b r a nd i nclud ed t hesuccessful Discovery and it was soonfollowed by the hugely popular Freelander.

N e xt y e ar m a nagi ng d i r ect o r N i ckJenkins will be celebrating an anniversaryof his own. He will have been selling LandRovers in Herefordshire for 30 years.

Pa ul Gr e e nfie l d , s a l e s m a na ge r a tHereford Land Rover said: “The brandgoes from strength to strength and we are

delighted that we have sent Land Rover in Hethis time.”

And in its most recenT r ee i s p ro u d t o a dWorcester’s Chrysler Jits site.

Paul said: “We are all continuing our successboth Land Rover and Ch For more details, caRover on 01531 640746Worcester Chrysler Jeep

ir Tree – one site, two great bra

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