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Herkes İçin Mimarlık | Architecture for All

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A brief introduction to what Herkes İçin Mimarlık is
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provides design solutions to social problemswhich are faced in Turkey and beyond.

* transl. Architecture for All


What is HiM?

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Revitalizing Abandoned Rural Schools ProjectÇaka Elementary School | Ordu | 2012

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What is HiM?

We believe that collaboration between all involved parties would be the most beneficiary when it comes to taking initiatives in social problems. This way, we think of the idea of architecture first, since it is the medium that the organization is founded on, and we aspire after an architecture that is practiced altogether, rather than a phe-nomenon that is dictated by only third parties.

How do we work?We aim to establish a common ground between the sponsors, administration and users, so that all can work on their shared interest.




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Çaka Atölyesi 2012

We talk to all that is involved and pick their brains on the problem, to come up with a collaborative process. “Uncle Osman told us that everyone living in the village had a nut field, somewhat small or big, but everyone lived on these fields. When I asked if they had particular problem in the village, he pointed out water shortage they were experiencing.”

Interviews with the community Çaka | 2012

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What is HiM?

We aim to produce ideas at the intersection of architecture and social issues, through the workshops we organize with different age and social groups. +HUNHV� ¼�LQ� 0LPDUO½N� DLPV� WR� EH� D� ORQJ� WHUP� DUFKLWHFWXUH-researcher, practitioner, school and student; and believes that this is only possible through establishing a social architecture that all parties of the society can benefit from.

SceneIstanbul Municipal Theatre Children Festival | G.O.P | 2012


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Çaka Atölyesi 2012


A Workshop Participant

National Network of HiM volunteers

We want to raise awareness towards social issues by integrating our agenda in architectural education and involving the students in our activities.“Sometimes I think that the architecture we learn at school does not really find its place in the real world and is understood and appreciated by a specific group of people, despite architecture, actually is a very social discipline. And I think this is mostly because of the gaps in the practice and disconnection from the social aspects. For the first time we will propose a program that is tailored to fit the existing needs and it ZLOO�EH�EXLOW�ZLWK�xO�HN������6FDOH�������$QG�WKURXJKRXW�WKLV�SURFHVV�ZH�will be in close interaction with the community here. That is why I want to be a part of this project.”

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1RRGOH�ZRUNVKRS�LV�D�SDUW�RI�WKH�VHFRQG��%HFRPLQJ�$UFKLWHFW��HYHQW��ZKLFK�ZDV�UHDOL]HG�ZLWK����KLJK�VFKRRO�VWXGHQWV�� ,Q�WKLV�ZRUNVKRS��KLJK�VFKRRO�VWXGHQWV�PHW�DUFKLWHFWXUH�E\�designing an installation into SALT GALATA building with 200 sea noodles being the only materials to use. During the workshop students tried to understand the material and its capabilities with brainstorming sessions and discussed about what to do. Students completed the workshopp by producing a psychical object and probably though about some concepts for the first time such as the space analysis, design process, abstraction etc.


.RQHN�ZDV�D�ZRUNVKRS�ZKHUH���FKLOGUHQ�DJHG�EHWZHHQ������GLVFRYHUHG�what are they able to do with materials and experienced basic structural principles. Several kinds of connection details were produced. While VLPXOWDQHRXVO\� EXLOGLQJ� WKH�PRGHO� RI� WKH� KRVW� EXLOGLQJ�ZKLFK� FRQWDLQV�WZR� WRZHUV� DQG� D� EDVH��� WKH� FKDOODQJH� ZDV� WR� GHVLJQ� D� FRQQHFWLRQ�EHWZHHQ� WZR� WRZHUV�� ZKLFK� PXVW� FDUU\� LWVHOI�� %\� WKH� HQG� RI� WKH� GD\�participants succesfully placed their design and the model was located to

a more visible place to be exhibited.


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WorkshopsWe aim to produce ideas at the intersection of architecture and social issues, through the workshops we organize with different age and social groups. +HUNHV� ¼�LQ� 0LPDUO½N� DLPV� WR� EH� D� ORQJ� WHUP� DUFKLWHFWXUH-researcher, practitioner, school and student; and believes that this is only possible through establishing a social architecture that all parties of the society can benefit from.

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Scene was a one-day workshop in which the participants were HOHPHQWDU\�VFKRRO�VWXGHQWV��:LWK�DSSUR[LPDWHO\�����SDFNDJHV�LQ�different sizes, children asked animate a television scene. In small JURXSV�RI����WKH\��WKRXJKW�DERXW�D�VFHQH�ZKLFK�WKH\�DOO�NQRZ�DQG�WKHQ�tried to build it with the boxes.


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Parkur workshop which will be held at SALT Galata, aims to build a forum to engage high school students in creative learning and critical thinking. It focuses on the structure-material-design relationships; interaction of architecture and social culture; stage design and spatial perception in architecture.


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In the June of 2011, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and Mayor of Istanbul, Kadir Topbas announced the Taksim Square Pedestrian-ization Project to public with a big enthusiasm, in a press confer-ence right before the elections. According to the project, Taksim Square will be entirely pedestrianized by taking off the vehicle WUDIILF�XQGHUJURXQG�WKURXJK�WXQQHOV�FRQQHFWLQJ�WR���QRGHV��RI�which Gumussuyu, Siraselviler, Mete, Tarlabasi and Cumhuriyet Streets can be named. Only available source of information about the project is the video that was distributed to the press, which causes many speculations about the specifics. . In the aforemen-tioned video, it is seen that there will be even smaller pedestrian ZDONZD\V�LQ�WKH�WXQQHO�HQWUDQFHV��DQG�7RS�X�.LVODVL��$UWLOOHU\�%DU-UDFNV��ZLOO�ULVH�DJDLQ�LQ�WKH�DUHD�ZKHUH�*H]L�3DUN½�OD\V�WRGD\��According to the proposal, all of the trees, benches and children’s playground will be removed.

This huge intervention made on Taksim Square, which is virtually the heart of the city, alarmed many NGOs and platforms since at any moment of this process, none of the citizens were consulted.

+HUNHV�¼�LQ�0LPDUO½N�WKLQNV�ĄHYHU\RQHą��KHUNHV��QHHGV�WR�KDYH�D�voice. The Taksim Square Project claims that The Square has no particular qualities of an urban space and Gezi Park is not being used by anyone. These allegations were put under the scope in +HUNHV�¼�LQ�7DNVLP��7DNVLP�IRU�$OO��ZRUNVKRSV��RUJDQL]HG�E\�WKH�initiative, and the discussions in these workshops gave birth to the series of a new festival, Traditional Gezi Park Festivals.


+HUNHV�¼�LQ�0LPDUO½N�EURXJKW�DWWHQWLRQ�WR�WKH�project through the festivals, by using the space as a lively, urban, “common” place.

Gezi Park Festivals

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Throughout 10 festivals up to today, several artists displayed per-formances, workshop for children and adults were organized, park users were asked their opinions about the forthcoming project, and games were played altogether.


Open Source Graphic Content#taksimdenelerolacaktransl.whatisgoinghappenintaksim

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Gezi Park Festivals

Guerilla Knitting in the 3rd Festival7DNVLP�¼VWDQEXO�_�����

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A quote from the invitation

“For eating, drinking, chatting, dancing,singing, flying a kite, For Taksim,You are all invited to Gezi Park Festivals!”

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We try to develop projects about social problems throughout Turkey and design participatory processes with all the actors.


What do we do?

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Scale 1/1



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The subject of the project was determined according to impressions gained by the site trip and the talks made with local inhabitants and DXWKRULWLHV� LQ� VSULQJ� ������ :KLOH� WKH� GHVLJQ� RI� WKH� SURMHFW� ZDV�developed by students, Arc.Han Tumertekin supported them as consultant.

$IWHU� DOPRVW� �� ZHHNV� WKH� SURMHFW� ZDV� FRPSOHWHG� DQG� VXEPLWHG� WR�teachers at the beginning of the academic year.

Apart from students from Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture, participants from other universities and departments DOVR�FRQWULEXWHG�WR�WKH�SURMHFW��%HVLGHV��WKH�SURMHFW�WHDP�PDGH�FORVH�contacts with villagers and got support from them during the process.

After the design process, the rooms which were formerly used by teachers, were converted to computer laboratories. With the approaches of the project team, the internal walls were painted and the desks were renewed. Additionally, the project team donated a considerable number of books to the school library.

+HUNHV�¼�LQ�0LPDUO½N�YROXQWHHUV�UHDOL]HG�LWV�ILUVW�SURMHFW�LQ�+DFLLEUDKLPXVDJL�9LOODJH�RI�.DKUDPDQPDUDV�LQ�WKH�VXPPHU�RI��������Within the project, a housing building for teachers was constructed on a land next to the village school.

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Scale 1/1



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7KH�3URMHFW�VLWH��*�OEXUQX�%D\��ZKLFK��ZDV�XVHG�DV�D�SRUW�LQ�DQFLHQW�times, is a historically important bay. Former name of the bay was Ă=HIUHă�%RWK�EHLQJ�KLVWRULFDOO\�LPSRUWDQW�DQG�LWV�QDWXUDO�EHDXW\��LW�ZDV�decided to build a bridge to cross the bay, instead of filling the bay ZLWK� VRLO�� IRU� WKH� %ODFN� 6HD� &RDVWDO� +LJKZD\�� 7KH� YLOODJHUV� PDGH�demonstrations against filling the bay with soil, and succeeded in realization of the bridge Project.

For the project 13 of the shelters were demolished. Municipality of Espiye provided vehicles and construction materials whereas technical support was mainly provided from the companies,that were constructing the bridge.

The construction was realized with the contributions of local craftsman and students from different universities and IDFXOWLHV�%HVLGHV�SURYLGLQJ�FHUWDLQ�QHHGV� OLNH�RIILFH�DUHD�DQG� IRRG��the villagers and fishermen also worked in the construction.

The construction process,which included innovative design solutions with unused materials of bridge construction, was extended due to delays in obtaining construction materials and climatic conditions. In spite of this fact, students continued working on the construction area during their school year, and completed 13 shelters, which are now being used by the fishermen..

After the completion of first project, HiM volunteers decided to renovate the ILVKHUPDQ�VKHOWHUV�LQ�*�OEXUQX�9LOODJH�RI�Giresun.

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+HUNHV�¼�LQ�0LPDUO½N��LQWHQGV�WR�FUHDWH�D�SRWHQWLDO�gain out of abandoned rural schools which presents itself as a nation wide problem..

Revitalizing Abandoned Rural Schools Project

It is one of our biggest goals to guarantee the highest participation from locals starting from the early decision stages of the project, carrying on to construction and operation. Another source of the participation is university students. Working mainly with architec-ture students provides them with the opportunity of practicing the theory they were taught at school. While the project is open for anyone other than architecture students, it is intended as a tool for students to improve their professional knowledge and expertise as well as their social and cultural relations.

What do we do?

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Çaka Atölyesi 2012

Çaka Elementary School2012

When?.DUJ½� 3ULPDU\� 6FKRRO� LV� SODQQHG� WR� EH� UHIXUELVKHG� LQ� $XJXVW-September 2012 so that it can be in use for 2012-2013 academic year. As for Çaka Primary School, the design phase in planned to be finalized during summer and construction will be completed in the Summer of 2013.

How?:H��DV�+HUNHV�¼�LQ�0LPDUO½N��WKLQN�WKDW�WKH�PRVW�LPSRUWDQW�DJHQW�WKDW�defines our actions’ validity in the villages; is to respond to the need of the locals. Therefore we are planning a process that involves the university students actively throughout the design, planning and con-struction stages, while the participating university professors work as consultants.

Who?The projects will be conducted by the university students from differ-ent disciplines, under the leadership of various student groups from +HUNHV�¼�LQ�0LPDUO½NăV�QHWZRUN��

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Where?It is known that after establishing education through transportation �HGXFDWLRQ�JLYHQ�LQ�D�FHQWUH�YLOODJH�or town, by transporting the VWXGHQWV� IURP� VPDOO� FHQWHUV���some thousands of schools were abandoned all over Turkey. Revi-talizing Abandoned Rural Schools Project chose the city of Ordu as pilot scheme to establish a bench-mark for a larger scale project that +HUNHV�¼�LQ�0LPDUO½N�LV�SODQQLQJ�WR�pursue in the following years.

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Çaka Atölyesi 2012







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Revitalizing Abandoned Rural Schools Project


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The second phase of the project, .DUJ½� )HUKDW� $NEXODW� 3ULPDU\�School, consists of two building blocks resting on the shoulders of a mountain. When the old school building was claimed insufficient for the increasing student population, the villagers started constructing a new school building for they did not want the students to scatter around to nearby villages. Although the second building’s construction could not be completed due to economic insufficiencies, it was still put in use DQG� .DUJ½� 3ULPDU\� 6FKRRO� ZDV�saved from being shut down. The school building, still incomplete for WKH�SDVW���\HDUV�� LV�KRVWLQJ�LWV�����students under unhealthy and dangerous conditions.


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Çaka Atölyesi 2012

The Governorship Of Ordu Architecture for All Ministry of Education

:H� IRXQG� RXW� DERXW� .DUJ½� )HUKDW� $NEXODW� 3ULPDU\� 6FKRROăV� FRQGLWLRQ�through Deputy Governor Abdullah Demir, Ordu Provincial Director for National Education Nevzat Türkkan and Chief of Education Supervisors .HULP�<½OPD]���ZKHQ�ZH�FRQVXOWHG�2UGX�*RYHUQRUVKLS�LQ�$SULO�WR�ILQG�RXW�a suitable project. The organization decided to complete the incomplete construction work, and convert the old building to dining hall and library.

+HUNHV�¼�LQ�0LPDUO½N�JRW�LQ�WRXFK�ZLWK�governmental organizations and companies from private sector to fund the project.

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Together with 10 selected volunteers, the project coordinators +D\UHWWLQ�*�Q���(PUH�*�QGR³GX�DQG�(UGL�x]HQVHV�ZHUH�KRVWHG�E\�ORFDOV�EHWZHHQ�$XJXVW����DQG�6HSWHPEHU����'XULQJ�WKH����GD\�ZRUN-VKRS��WKH�XQILQLVKHG�FRQVWUXFWLRQ�ZRUNV�RI�WKH�VFKRRO��VXFK�DV�KHDW-LQJ� V\VWHP�� LQVXODWLRQ�� ERLOHU� URRP�� SDLQWLQJ�� HWF��� ZHUH� ILQDOL]HG��While the participants worked with the construction workers during the day, they mixed with the villagers through local festivities and organizations such as screening in the school building, watching football games in the village coffeehouse. During the workshop Ordu 3URYLQFLDO�'LUHFWRU� IRU�1DWLRQDO� (GXFDWLRQ�1HY]DW�7�UNNDQ��$NNX×�'LVWULFW�'LUHFWRU�RI�(GXFDWLRQ�1HY]DW�$NPDQ��$NNX×�'LVWULFW�'LUHF-tory of Education Commissioner Seyfettin Gül and former District Directory of Education Commissioner Sedayi Altun paid a visit to .DUJ½�DQG�REVHUYHG�WKH�SURJUHVV�ILUVW�KDQG��

����SHRSOH�IURP�GLIIHUHQW�GLVFLSOLQHV�replied to the open call for participation that we made from our website.

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Çaka Atölyesi 2012



Erdi ÖzensesCivil Engineer



%H\]D�%R\DF½R³OXDigital Artist

7XQFHU�kD³U½�kDNPXUArchitecture Student

Merve Dünya GüzelArchitecture Student

ÖH\PD�6DU½EHNLUR³OXArchitecture Student

6½UPD�*�O�0½V½UArchitecture Student

8³XU�/DWLI�kHOHELArchitecture Student

Okan ÖzelmazArchitecture Student

6DOLKD�.½O½�Public Administration Student

Seyithan ÖzerArchitecture Student

replied to the open call for participation

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I really liked my school. After I stepped in the door I asked myself “Is this really my school?”. The old one was pretty bad. One time in the past, a piece of concrete fell on top of us.

I love you all!My dear sisters and brothers

Thank you very much!



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Çaka Workshop

The school which was uncompleted for years due to scarcity is now com-pleted with the support of the organization. Project coordinators are still working on the project and hoping to find more funds for a playground. Some participants already organized a book donation campaign and GHOLYHUHG�DURXQG������ERRNV�WR�.DUJ½�

$IWHU�WKH����GD\�ZRUNVKRS��.DUJ½�)HUKDWAkbulat Elementary School was ready forthe school year of 2012-2013.

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Revitalizing Abandoned Rural Schools Project

Çaka Workshop June 2012 | ongoing

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7KH� ZRUNVKRS�� ZKLFK� EURXJKW� WRJHWKHU� ���participants studying and newly graduated from different courses such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, civil engineering and sociology, was held on the VKRUH�RI�kDND�9LOODJH��,Q�WKH�ZRUNVKRS��WKH�participants got familiar with the area and worked towards a solution for refurbishing and bringing the two existing school build-ings, which had been abandoned for the last ���\HDUV��EDFN�LQWR�XVH��

The first phase of Revitalizing Abandoned Rural Schools Pro-ject, ‘Çaka Design Workshop’ took place in Ordu, on June ����������

Çaka Workshop

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Çaka Workshop

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The three day workshop helped to collect necessary information and to produce more than enough ideas that will soon turn into a concrete project in the near future. First day of the workshop focused on surveying the existing buildings, documenting them digitally and observing their current physical condi-tions. After a night of evaluating these first set of information collected during the day, the team consulted the locals in order to gain more in depth knowledge about the buildings and the village itself. During the conversations the villagers were asked what they thought of the build-ings’ future use. All of the conversations and analyses were brought together after a long meeting held until 3 AM in the morning. And finally, the participants were asked their opinions about the possible functions for the buildings, a last visit was paid to Çaka village, and the workshop was officially over after observing how the shore was being used on a Sunday.

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Çaka Workshop

The presentation was a significant event in order to have a platform to discuss a one year long process and enrich our initiative with new participants. The second of these meetings, Çaka – One Day Workshop was held in SALT Galata on 6HSWHPEHU�����7KH�RYHUDOO� SURMHFW� LV�SODQQHG� WR�EH� ILQDOL]HG� LQ�summer 2013, after finishing the design between September and November 2012, together with the existing and possible new participants. If the funding can be guaranteed, the construction will take place the following summer, again with the volunteers. +HUNHV� ¼�LQ� 0LPDUO½N� LV� KRSLQJ� WR� UHDFK� RXW� DQG� LQWURGXFH�architecture to bigger masses with its dynamic projects where the locals and volunteer architects come together.

The ideas and possible physical interven-tions that came out of Çaka Workshop ZHUH�VKDUHG�ZLWK�SXEOLF�RQ�$XJXVW�����ZLWK�a presentation that was held in YEM.

“What’s going on in Çaka?”<(0�¼VWDQEXO�_�����

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Local fisherman reading the newspaper prepared by project team

Çaka,Ordul | 2012

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Çaka Workshop - Intervention Possibilities

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In the Press

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Revitalizing Abandoned Rural Schools Project



15.06.2012 17.06.2012 16.08.2012

ÇAKA - ONE DAY29.09.2012

To support usyou can...

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PRODUCTION PROCESS 6($5&+,1*�)25�)81'6���25*$1,=$7,21���23(1�&$//�)25�92/817((56



gather information about the contact information of the government personnel in the project area

help us get in touch with parties that can support our projects

provide us with legal advice regarding our volunteers’ working proto-cols

help us with the logistics by arranging a nearby place for our volun-teers’ accommodation and transportation for them to commute to the project area

supply the necessary tools during the workshop/project/construction

establish a small medical aid team on site in the case of an accident during our work

help us get the word out by printing our project booklets, distributing them to public and delivering our press releases to various press chan-nels

donate the necessary equipments for educational buildings after we complete our projects

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HiM nedir?


Elif TanUrban Planner

Hakan GözlüklüArchitect

Ali ÖnalpArchitect





Erdem TüzünArchitect

Yelta KömArchitect



Ceren SözerArchitect

Sarper TakkeciArchitect

Samim MagrisoArchitect

Mihriban DumanArchitect




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We are a group of young people with different backgrounds, trying to create a social platform where people can come up with creative solutions to problematic social issues that we face in Turkey.


Erdem ÜngürArchitect


Erdi ÖzensesCivil Engineer

*LUD\�k½YDNCivil Engineer

Yasemin AltunbulakSociolog

Who We Are

...Ege ÖzgirinArchitect

Serkan KurtArchitect

$OLFDQ�¼QDOUrban Planner



Cenk DereliArchitect


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Do youwant tosupport [email protected]

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