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HerosofKandaar-work in progress.pdf

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  • 7/28/2019 HerosofKandaar-work in progress.pdf


    Heroes of Kandaar, the tile based dungeon crawl.

    Event Cards[make backing same grid as board]


    Dazed: Figure cannot attack on its next turn.

    Slowed: Figure is -2 SPD on its next turn.

    Immobilized: Figure -2 AC. Figure is considered 0 SPD on its next turn.

    Cursed: Figure is -1 on all rolls on its next turn.

    Feared: Figure must move up to its SPD, until it is is not adjacent to enemy figure. This figure cannot attack

    adjacent enemy figures.

    Poisoned: On Heros action phase hero must test CON TN14: Take 2 damage. Hero loses Poisoned.

    OH: Off Hand. Weapon can be used forTwo Weapon Fighting.

    Token: Is a representation of a monster, NPC or any other object on the board.If you have a figure that you wo

    want to use as the token, note that to all players and use that as a token.

    Note: Monster Tokens are a special type of token that represent an unknown enemy. It can move (by ti

    not squares) but not attack or be attacked. If a Hero comes within 1 open tile of a monster token, revea

    the monster token. To reveal the monster token, look underneath the token, the number represents the

    number of monsters that were lurking just out of sight. Once revealed, the monsters act normally on the

    Monster Start Turn. discard the monster token.

    Open Tile: Is a tile that is visible, at least in part to the Heroes. If the heroes can move from their tile to the tile

    question without moving to another tile, it is an open tile. Note: Diagonal tiles are open tiles if there is no wall o

    either edge of the current tile.

    Open Square: a square that is not occupied by a figure, token or marker.

    LOS: Line of Sight. Line of sight is blocked by enemy figures, walls, and some spells. You cannot target a figu

    that is being blocked by line of sight. Exception: when an event or ability states targets all (monsters, heroes,

    figures), Figures do not block LOS but walls still do.

    Figure:A Monster or Hero representation on the board. a Monster Token is not a figure.

    DR N / X: Damage Resistance. N is a number that is subtracted from damage applied to target. X is damage t

    that ignores this targets DR. Ex: DR 3/Fire. The target subtracts 3 damage from all sources of damage that is


    Regen X: At the start of the figures turn, if that figure is damaged, heal X damage.


    Pick a Scenario to play.

    Lay out the board per scenario: (Page 3)

    Find Boss Fight! special event card along with two random event cards from the event deck.

    Shuffle them and place them face down on the stars shown per the scenario.

    Then draw event cards and place the event cards down on each remaining tiles.

    Lay monster tokens face down in each tile. (Page 4)

    Separate Monster cards into three decks of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level Monsters.

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    Separate items card from the rest of the treasure cards. Shuffle the item card deck and place the numb

    of players into the treasure deck.

    Each player picks a Hero class that they will play in the game. (page 2)

    Each player picks abilities and equipment the hero will use in the game. (Page 2)

    Each player picks one item and shuffle that item into the Treasure Deck.

    Choose the order that the heroes will take the Hero Turn. All heros start on the Start Tile.

    Game Play:

    At the start of the game all heroes start on the Start Tile. Heroes, starting with the first hero in the orde

    agreed upon before the game started. The active hero has two actions that he or she can do, in any ord

    Move: The Hero move spaces up to your his or her value. A Hero may spend another action to

    move again. Once done moving, the heros movement is over.

    Attack: If the active hero is within his or her weapons RANGE (Weapons that do not have a ra

    value is considered 1 RANGE) to a monster, the hero spends an action to Attack. Roll d20 and the heros ATK value. If the result is equal or greater than the target monsters AC, the hero has

    the monster. Subtract the weapons damage value from the HP of the target monster. If the

    monsters HP reach 0, the monster is vanquished lay the monster on its side as a marker. This

    ends the heros Attack action. A hero may not spend another action to attack again.

    Playing Attack Actions:

    When a hero moves into a new tile:

    expose all monsters in all adjacent, open tiles. Draw a number of monster cards equal to the number

    shown on monster Token and place the corresponding figures on that tile. placing the first monster on

    skull mound and subsequent monsters next to the skull mound. Do the same for any other dungeon

    where monsters were exposed.

    Play the event card from the tile Hero entered and resolve its effects.

    Continue with the heros turn.

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    Investigate tavern cellar (find rogue hiding from Ogre)Solo (level 1-3)

    Monster Deck contents:

    Hero 1st level : All green colored 5 yellow 1 red

    Hero 2nd level : All green colored 8 yellow 5 red

    Hero 2nd level : All green colored all yellow 10 red

    Boss Fight!:

    Flavor:You walk into the chamber and witness an Ogrepounding on splintering, once solid oak table with his

    huge mace. An elf trapped underneath is screaming to his gods, begging them to teleport him somewhere,

    anywhere other than here. The Ogre notices the party and bellows Fresh Meat!.


    If the Time Tracker 7:

    Place Big Boss on a tile adjacent the active Heros tile. The Big Boss has +2 AC until Monsters Turn.

    Remove all other remaining Event Cards.

    At the start of the Monsters Turn, Move all monster token one tile closer to the heroes.If any monster

    tokens are placed adjacent to Heros tile, reveal the token as normal.

    Stop the ritual

    Retrieve kings sword.

    escape the cave in

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    Character stats:


    Warrior Mage Rogue Cleric

    STR: 6 2 4 4

    INT: 1 6 3 2

    Wis 3 4 1 6

    Dex: 3 3 6 3

    CON: 6 2 2 3

    Chr 1 4 4 6

    AC +1 +1 +3 +1

    ATK 5 0 2 2

    Speed 5 5 6 5

    HP 28 12 16 20

    Warrior Mage Rogue Cleric

    Body 3 2 3 2

    Mind 2 3 2 2

    Soul 2 2 2 3

    ATK 1 0 2 2

    Speed 5 5 6 5

    HP 28 12 16 20


    Weapon damage Type Usable by Special

    Dagger 2 Pierce war,rogue,mage can be thrown range4 OH

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    Mace 3 Blunt war, clr

    Bow 3 Pierce War Rogue only Range (6),TwoHand

    LongSword 4 Slash War

    GreatSword 5 Slash War Range 2TwoHand

    Staff 2 Blunt Clr, Mage +1 AC, TwoHand

    Short Sword 3 Slash War, Rogue OH

    Hand Axe 3 Slash War Range 4


    Armor AC Usable by Note

    Plate 6 War

    Chain 4 War, Clr

    Leather 2 Rogue

    Shield +1 War Clr Cannot be equipt if TwoHand equipped.

    NPC (Non-Player Characters)

    Certain Event Cards will start side quests involving quest givers. Quest givers are non-combatants that

    ask PCs to do something for them. When the quest is accepted the quest givers become a non-player

    token to be used on the board. All NPCs share the following attributes:

    Non-combatant: NPCs never attack. They have 10 AC, 2 HP and move of 5.

    Follower: NPCs will always try to follow the designated PC. They will move after the designated

    moves. NPCs will never move through a heros square and will never move adjacent to a mons

    square. If the NPC cannot reach the designated hero (because of distance, moster blocking) the

    NPC will move panic and move his speed to the start tile. If the NPC moves past 10 spaces from

    the nearest hero, they are lost and the heroes fail the quest. NPCs can be subjected to involunt


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    Targets: NPCs are treated as heroes for monster targeting.

    When the heroes fulfill the quest, the quest give will give them a reward, take the item (if there is one) a

    set for the exit. Remove the figure from the board.


    In the course of the dungeon delving, the Heroes might have a setback or need to refresh their abilities. If theyneed a little respite from the dungeon, they can Make Camp. To make camp they have to have at least one

    Ration per hero that wishes to partake in making camp. If there are not enough rations for the all heros, or a h

    chooses not to make camp are On Watch. After the players designate who is resting and who is on watch,

    discard the number of rations equal to the number of heroes resting. Roll a d6 and subtract the result from the

    number of heroes + 3. Draw the number of monsters equal to the result and place the monsters at the edge o

    the tile where the heroes are making camp. The heroes that are on watch roll INT or WIS test with the TN of:

    16 if one monster shows

    13 if two monsters show

    10 if three or more monsters show.

    If the Heroes succeed the INT or WIS test, all heroes on watch, start combat with Start Hero's Turn. Otherwiscombat starts with Start Monsters Turn. On the start of heros turn, any hero that is resting can switch to be on

    watch. When the heroes kill the active monsters or no wandering monsters show, the Heroes that are not on

    watch are Rested. Rested heroes refresh all their abilities, heal 6 x level in hp and regain lost Expertise marke

    Heroes that started resting but switched to on watch do not benefit of being Rested.

    Search:Any Hero may Search a fallen monster by expending two move during a move action. Ex: a 5 SPD h

    starts next to a fallen monster and decides to search. He searches the fallen monster so he spends two move a

    now he can move three spaces as part of his move.

    Treasure Cards

    5 - 100 gp


    100 GP

    1 xp

    5 - 300 gp

    Gold300 GP


    5 - Ration


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    5 - Nothing


    3- Sword (50gp)

    Damage 4

    3- Dagger(30gp)

    Range 4

    2 Damage

    5- Potion of Healing (60gp)

    Spend 2 move to heal 5 HP

    Discard Potion of Healing

    1- Great Claw (LongSword +1)

    ATK +1Damage 5

    1- Lights Star (Mace +1)

    ATK +1

    Damage 4

    1- Little Claw (Dagger +1)

    ATK +1

    Damage 3

    1- Orc Bane (Longbow +1)

    ATK +1

    Damage 4

    1- Stabmaster (ShortSword +1)

    ATK +1

    Damage 4

    1- ICE (GreatSword +1)

    ATK +1

    Damage 6

    1- Gloves of Expertise

    If this Hero has Expertise markers, gain an extra one.

    If Gloves of Expertise are lost, lose extra Expertise marker.

    1- DwarvenBorn (Handaxe +1)

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    ATK +1

    Damage 4

    Range 8

    1- Theives Skin (Leather Armor +1)

    AC 3Dex +1

    1- Bracer of Defense

    AC +6

    1- Boots of Running

    SPD +1

    1- Spellbook

    Pick two spells, use as normal spells.If Spellbook is lost, lose spells gained.

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    Monster stats

    Skeleton Shield Bearer (5) - LEVEL 1 UNDEAD

    HP: 4

    AC: 14

    Attack 15

    speed: 5


    If adjacent to hero, attack hero with lowest HP. Rusty Sword: Damage 4.

    If nearest hero within SPD range, move to nearest hero, attack. Shield: Damage 2 + Daze.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: Half damage from Slashing and piercing weapons..

    Flaming Skull (3) - LEVEL 2 UNDEAD

    HP: 7

    AC: 14

    Attack 16

    speed: 5

    If adjacent to hero, attack nearest hero with Immolation burst: -2 to hit, 6 damage (fire)

    If nearest hero within 8 Range, attack nearest hero with highest AC. Pyro-ball target test DEX TN 14 (6 damage.)

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: Half damage from Slashing and piercing weapons. Half damage from fire.

    Zombie, Hobgoblin (4) LEVEL 2 UNDEAD

    HP: 12

    AC: 12

    Attack 15

    speed: 4

    If adjacent to hero, attack x2 nearest hero with lowest HP. Fists, Damage 4.

    If not adjacent to hero, move SPD to nearest hero attack nearest hero with lowest HP. Fists, Damage 4.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

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    Special: Take Half damage from blunt and piercing weapons. Half damage from Frost.

    Ghast (2) Level 3 UNDEAD

    HP: 12

    AC: 16

    ATK 15

    SPD: 7

    If adjacent to hero, attack x2 nearest hero with lowest HP. Claw, Damage 3 + immobilized. and Bite +1 to hit, Damage 4

    If not adjacent to hero, move SPD to nearest hero attack nearest hero with lowest HP. claw, Damage 3 + Immobilized.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Hulking Zombie (2) Level 3 UNDEAD

    HP: 15

    AC: 10

    ATK 16

    SPD: 3

    If adjacent to hero, attack x2 nearest hero with lowest HP. Claw, Damage 3. and Bite +1 to hit, Damage 2 + slowed.

    If not adjacent to hero, move SPD to nearest hero attack nearest hero with lowest HP. claw, Damage 3.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: When Hulking Zombie takes weapon damage, every adjacent hero tests DEX TN 14 or take 1 damage from Putrid

    Blood. When Hulking Zombie is taking damage, roll a d4 and subtract the result from the damage taken.

    Wraith (3) Level 2 UNDEAD

    HP: 8

    AC: 10

    ATK 14

    SPD: 5

    If adjacent to hero, attack nearest hero. Ghost Claw, Damage 4 + Hero test WIS 16 or Hero is Feared.

    If range 5 from hero, attack nearest hero. Phantom Cry, Damage 3. Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: Half Damage from Frost.

    Zombie (3) LEVEL 2 UNDEAD

    HP: 8

    AC: 13

    Attack 14

    speed: 4

    If adjacent to hero, attack x2 nearest hero with lowest HP. Fists, Damage 3.

    If not adjacent to hero, move SPD to nearest hero attack nearest hero with lowest HP. Fists, Damage 4.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: Take Half damage from blunt and piercing weapons. Half damage from Frost.

    Ghoul (3) Level 2 UNDEAD

    HP: 10


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    AC: 14

    ATK 14

    SPD: 7

    If adjacent to hero, attack x2 nearest hero with lowest HP. Claw, Damage 1 + immobilized. and Bite +1 to hit, Damage 3

    If not adjacent to hero, move SPD to nearest hero attack nearest hero with lowest HP. claw, Damage 2 + Immobilized.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Dwarf Skeleton (6) - LEVEL 1 UNDEAD

    HP: 6

    AC: 13

    Attack 15

    speed: 4

    If adjacent to hero, attack hero with lowest HP. Rusty Axe: Damage 4.

    If nearest hero within 6 range, attack. Thrown Axe: Damage 3.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: Half damage from Slashing and piercing weapons..

    Kobold Skirmisher (5) - LEVEL 1 HUMANOID

    HP: 3

    AC: 12

    Attack 13

    SPD: 5

    If adjacent to hero, attack nearest hero. Spear, Damage 3.

    If not adjacent to hero move SPD, attack nearest hero with Spear Charge: Damage 4

    Else, move SPD x2 to nearest hero.

    Special: Kobold Skirmisher +1 to hit when target adjacent to another monster. .

    Goblin Soothsayer(4) LEVEL 1 HUMANOID

    HP: 4AC: 12

    Attack 13

    speed: 5

    If adjacent to hero, attack hero with lowest HP. Spear: Damage 3

    If not adjacent to heros and nearest hero within 5 Range, cast Decay Curse on target Hero: test WIS 16, Damage 1, + Hero

    is cursed.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: All Monsters +1 to hit when within 3 range of Goblin Soothsayer.

    Kobold Sniper(3) LEVEL 1 HUMANOIDHP: 3

    AC: 14

    Attack 13

    speed: 5

    If adjacent to hero, move away up to SPD until no adjacent heroes. If not adjacent to heroes, attack nearest hero with lowest

    HP. crossbow: Damage 3 Range 10

    If not adjacent to heros and nearest hero within 5 Range, attack twice at nearest hero with lowest HP. Crossbow: Damage 3,


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    Range 10

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: Kobold Sniper +2 to hit when it did not move. .

    Kobold Sorcerer(2) LEVEL 2 HUMANOID

    HP: 5

    AC: 14

    ATK 10

    SPD: 5

    If adjacent to hero, cast Ice Shards at two hero targets. Test TN DEX 16, Damage 2 + Slowed.

    If not adjacent to heroes and nearest Hero within 10 Range, cast FLAME BLAST at target. Test TN DEX 14 - target and all

    heros adjacent to target. Damage 4 to Heros.

    Else, move SPD to nearest Hero.

    Ogre Bruiser(2) LEVEL 3 HUMANOID

    HP: 15

    AC: 13

    ATK 18

    SPD: 5

    If adjacent or one square away to hero, attack with Huge Mace, Damage 8 + Dazed + move hero 1 square away from Ogre

    Bruser (place open square).

    If nearest hero within 5 Range, move SPD to hero and attack with Huge Mace Lunge, +2 to Hit, Damage 8 + test DEX 14.

    fail: hero is Dazed.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Spider (4) LEVEL 2 ANIMAL

    HP: 8

    AC: 13

    ATK 14SPD: 7

    If adjacent to hero, attack with Envenomed Fang, Damage 4 + hero is Poisoned..

    If nearest hero within 5 Range and who is not affected by Immobilize. Attack with Sticky Strands +2 to Hit, test STR 14.

    fail: hero is Immobilized.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Wolf (7) LEVEL 1 ANIMAL

    HP: 4

    AC: 13

    ATK 12

    SPD: 7

    If adjacent to hero, attack with Long Fang, Damage 3 + test STR TN 12 hero is Slowed.

    If nearest hero within 7 Range, move to nearest hero attack with Pounce + 2 to Hit, Damage: 4

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: Wolf is +2 to hit when within 5 squares of HUMANOID or WOLF.

    Orc Bruiser (3)LEVEL 2 HUMANOID


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    HP: 10

    AC: 14

    ATK 15

    SPD: 5

    If adjacent to hero, attack with Large Club, Damage 5.

    If nearest hero within SPD Range, move SPD to hero and attack with Large Club Lunge, Damage 4 + test DEX 12: hero is


    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: +2 to hit if another Orc within 3 squares.

    Orc Savage (4)LEVEL 2 HUMANOID

    HP: 12

    AC: 11

    ATK 16

    SPD: 6

    If adjacent to hero, attack (x2) with Stone Axe, Damage 4.

    If nearest hero within SPD Range, move SPD to hero and attack with Stone Axe Charge, -2 to Hit, Damage 6.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: +2 to hit if another Orc within 3 squares.

    Bullywug (3)LEVEL 2 HUMANOID

    HP: 8

    AC: 15

    ATK 16

    SPD: 5

    If adjacent to hero, attack with Spear, Damage 3.

    If nearest hero within SPD Range, move SPD to hero and attack with Spear, Damage 6.

    Else, move SPD to nearest hero.

    Special: Half damage from Blunt weapons..


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    Event Cards

    Boss Fight!Read Boss Fight! instructions per scenario.

    Silence permiates the air...Nothing happens

    You hear clanging from behind you...Take a monster token from the monster pool and place on an explored tile adjacent to the furthest hero from

    active hero. Reveal the monster token.

    You hear the sound of metal wheels grinding against stone...TRAP

    If Rogue revealed this event, Test DEX TN 16. If successful discard event with no effect.

    Assign three different hero targets. Every target test STR TN 14. If failed, target takes 6 damage.

    You hear the sound of stone grinding against stone...TRAP

    If Rogue revealed this event, Test DEX TN 16. If successful discard event with no effect.

    Assign three different hero targets. Every target test DEX TN 14. If failed, target takes 6 damage.

    SHRIEKERAs you step, you hear a shrieking wale coming from a huge mushroom (place token on skull mound)

    AC 10, 15 hp.

    At the start of Monster Round:

    Move Monster token spawned by Shrieker, one tile towards nearest hero.

    Draw a monster token and place it on the start tile. Move it up to three tiles toward the nearest hero.

    If the monster token is placed on a tile containing a hero, reveal the monster token.

    All monster tokens spawned by Shrieker do not move when Shrieker is removed from play.



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    You find a chest in the middle of the chamber. Do you open it?

    Discard this event when hero succeeds.

    Any hero in revealed tile may spend an action to:

    Test INT TN 16 (Rogues receive +3 INT for this test) If fail, hero rolling gets poisoned.

    When succeed: Draw two treasure cards, discard one of them.

    You hear orders being barked out in the distance...Next monster drawn from monster deck is a Leader: +2 AC, +1 Hit, +2 Damage, +12 HP, +2 xp.

    AMBUSH!Move all monster tokens in adjacent, accessible tiles one tile closer to active hero. Reveal monster tokens if

    the same tile as hero, heros turn end.

    Steel BlossomsYou find an armored skeleton. Its pitted armor and skull are covered in small needle-like spines. Around you t

    area is covered in small gray flowers Steel Blossoms!

    Place D4 Steel Blossom tokens around the skull mound. Any hero moving into squares with

    Steel blossoms take 5 points of damage.

    Foul MiasmaThe air here is dense with foul vapors. Any hero in this tile sufferers -2 to die rolls.

    Intruders!Draw monster cards until you draw a humanoid monster. Place the corresponding figure next to the active hero

    and then move the monster 3 spaces to the closest accessible tile edge where it activates monster Tokens as

    was a hero.

    FuryOn the monsters next turn, the highest level monster, after it takes its turn, takes another turn.

    Sound of Drums in the distanceRoll D4. Draw number of monster tokens rolled. Place on any tiles that already contains monster tokens, one p



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    1st level Mage

    Frost Storm

    Pick target square 8 squares away.

    10 - pick 1 square adjacent to target square monsters in affected squares take 3 damag

    13 - pick 3 squares adjacent to target square monsters in affected squares take 3 dama

    18 - pick 8 squares adjacent to target square monsters in affected squares take 3 dama



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    Pick target within 4 squares. Roll INT

    10 - target takes 3 damage

    13 - target takes 5 damage

    18 - target takes 6 damage

    Fire BlastPick target within 10 range. Roll INT


    10 - target takes 3 damage

    13 - target takes 4 damage

    18 - target takes 4, 3 damage to all squares adjacent to target

    Ice Shards

    Pick two targets adjacent with each other, within 8 range, roll INT


    10 - one target takes 2 damage 13 - both targets take 3 damage

    18 - both targets take 4 damage, both targets are Slowed.

    Sticky Strands

    Pick 3 adjacent squares within 8 range, Roll INT

    10 - Any figure moving through squares affected by Stick Strands are Slowed.

    13 - Any figure moving through squares affected by Stick Strands are Immobilized.

    18 - Any figure moving through squares affected by Stick Strands are Immobilized.

    Place tokens on board.

    Glimmering ArmorThree globes of magic surround and swirl around you, Roll INT

    10- Mage has +1 AC.for each globe

    13- Mage has +1 AC for each globe remove globe to negate 4 damage.

    18- Mage has +1 AC for each globe remove globe to negate 6 damage.

    Lose 1 globe at the start of heroes Start Turn.

    1st Level Cleric

    Shielding Light

    Pick two targets adjacent to you, Put Shielding Light markers on them, Roll WIS

    10 - Two targets receive +1 AC

    13 - Two targets receive +1 AC. Targets may lose Shielding Light marker to negate 3


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    18 - Two targets receive +1 AC. Targets may lose Shielding Light marker to negate 4


    Lose Shielding Light marker at the start of Heroes Start Turn.

    Rebuking LightTarget all Undead within range of 3. Roll WIS

    10 - All targets take 3 damage.

    16 - All targets take 3 damage. All targeted Level (Cleric level) Undead will move up to th

    SPD away from Cleric.

    20 - All Targets take 4 damage. All targeted Level (Cleric level) Undead are Dazed.

    Lights Caress

    Target all heroes adjacent to Cleric, roll WIS

    10 - One target heals 3 damage

    16 - two targets heal 3 damage 20 - all targets heal 3 damage.

    Silent Prayer

    Roll Wis

    10 - Heal target range 1, 3 damage

    16 - Heal target range 5, 4 damage

    20 - Heal target range 10, 4 damage

    Desperate plea

    Roll Wis

    10 - Heal adjacent target 4 damage 16 - Heal adjacent target 5 damage

    20 - Heal adjacent target 7 damage

    Bless Weapon

    Pick Target with in 3 space

    10 - Targets weapon does +2 damage

    16 - Targets weapon does +3 damage

    20 - Targets weapon does +3 damage, Target receives +2 bonus to hit

    Bless weapon fades at the start of Monsters turn

    Sacred Ground

    Place Sacred Ground marker on Clerics square, Test WIS

    10 - Any undead moving within 2 squares of marker takes 2 damage.

    16 - Any undead moving within 3 squares of marker takes 3 damage.

    20 - Any undead moving within 3 squares of marker takes 4 damage. Any non-undead

    monster moving within 3 squares of marker takes 1 damage.

    discard marker at the start of Heroes Start Turn.


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    Warrior Maneuvers

    Riposte Stance

    Action: Go into Repost Stance.

    Trigger when the first monster enters a square adjacent to War

    Interrupt: Lose Riposte Stance to Attack monster at +2.

    Continue with monsters turn

    Shield Wall

    If equipped with SHIELD

    Action: Go into Shield Wall Stance

    Trigger when a monster enters a square adjacent to War

    Interrupt: Attack monster Damage 1 Monster is Slowed

    Continue with monsters turn

    Bash n Slash

    If equipped with SHIELD

    Action: Attack monster with SHIELD 1 damage: if Hit then attack with weapon at +2 to hit, +1 Damage


    Action: Move up to 3 squares and attack. +2 to hit, +2 weapon damage.

    -2 AC until Heroes Start Turn.

    CleaveAction: Weapon attack +2 If this attack kills monster, make another attack at new target within range.

    Power Attack

    Action: Weapon attack -2 to hit, +4 damage.

    Rapid Fire

    REQ: Bow weapon

    Action (2): Make two Attacks +2 hit +1 damage against same or different targets.

    Rogue Exploits


    Action: Weapon Attack +2 to hit. if Monster is hit, move up to 3 squares. If monster level = hero level,


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    monster is Immobilized, else monster is Slowed.


    If target adjacent monster has another hero adjacent to it.

    Action: Weapon Attack +4 to hit, +4 to damage.

    Cloak of Shadows

    If not adjacent to monster.

    Action: Go into Cloak of Shadows Stance

    You are not considered nearest target for monster targeting. If a monster enters or

    leaves an adjacent square, you may:

    Interrupt: lose Cloak of Shadows Stance to Weapon Attack +2 to hit.

    Continue with monsters move.

    Lose Cloak of Shadows at the start of Heros turn.

    Fan of KnivesTarget all monsters up to 2 range away. Attack +2, 2 damage to all monsters hit.


    War: 3 Maneuver to start + 1 feat.

    Extra Training - Pick two more maneuvers to use.

    Maneuver Expertise: Take two expertise markers. Lose an expertise marker to refresh a maneuver at t

    end of combat.

    Two weapon fighting: If War is not using shield or Two handed weapons, equip OH weapon. When war

    is making an attack, make a second attack at -2 to hit, -1 to damage. This attack cannot be made to

    maneuver attacks.

    Taunt - If Warrior is equal distance as another hero, the monster treats the warrior as nearest target.

    Vigilant Protector: When Warrior is ON WATCH, warrior receives +2 WIS

    Rogue: 3 exploites +1 Feat

    Poison master - all weapon damage +1 vs non-undead

    Weapon Training - can use any non-two handed weapon.

    Two weapon fighting: Equip another OH weapon. When Rogue is making an attack, make a second at

    at -2 to hit, -1 to damage. This attack cannot be made to exploit attacks. Extra Training - pick two more exploits to use.

    Exploit Expertise: Take two expertise markers. Lose an expertise marker to refresh an exploit at the en


    Cleric: 3 Spells +1 Feat

    Radiant- all weapon damage +1 vs undead


  • 7/28/2019 HerosofKandaar-work in progress.pdf


    Spell Training - Pick 1 extra spell.

    Spell Expertise - take 2 expertise markers. Lose an expertise marker to refresh a spell at the end of


    Weapon Training - can equip any weapon.

    Radiant Sentry - When resting, the party receives +2 to WIS.

    Mage: 3 Spell +1 Feat

    Spell Training - Pick 1 extra spell.

    Spell Expertise - take two expertise markers. Lose an expertise marker to refresh a spell at the end of


    Arcane Watcher: Place Arcane Watcher token next to the mage at the start of the game. When Mage

    finishes moving, place token adjacent to mage (open square) . Watcher token is considered a hero for

    targeting AC 14, 1 HP. If Watcher is hit, remove token from the board. Discard token when Making Ca

    Create new token after resting (Make camp or on watch).

    Elemental Specialization. Pick an element, all damage for that element at +1.

    Arcane Ceding : At any time, Mage can discard a spell to refresh a spell.

    Race Bonuses


    Pick another Feat.


    +2 to DEX

    +1 INT Longbow is a class weapon

    +1 to AC


    +2 CON

    +8 HP

    +1 WIS

    Handaxe is a class weapon.

    Halfling +2 DEX

    +2 AC

    Short Stature:

    Cannot use Bow, T.H. weapons.

    Dagger only secondary weapon for two weapon fighting.

    Longsword, Hand Axe and Mace considered Twohand weapons.

